Tag Archives: Warrior




Brent Primus-ek izenburu arina defendatzen du Michael Chandler-en aurka Itxarondako Gertaera Nagusiaren errebantxa honetan Honolulu Doubleheader-i hasiera emateko


AINGERUAK - AEBetako gizon eta emakume ausartak omentzeko. Indar Armatuak, Bellator MMA USOrekin lankidetzan aritu da tropei zuzeneko gertaera berezi bat aurkezteko, haien lagunekin eta senideekin batera, Abendua on 14.



"Armadako Borrokalarien Programarekin lan egin ondoren borrokarako prestasuna ebaluatu eta eguneratzeko, Aspalditik errespetatu ditut militarrak eta haien ausardia,”Esan zuen Royce Graciek, MMA Legend eta Bellator enbaxadorea. “Aurkitu nuenean gertaera bat egiten ari ginela Hawaiin, hango biztanleria militar handia ezagutuz, Banekien MMAren bidez gure laguntza eta estimua erakutsi behar genituela ".




Bellator presidentea, Scott Coker, harro dago USOrekin izandako harreman berri horrekin eta bere laguntza erakutsi nahi die gizon eta emakumeei zerbitzu ausartei..




“USO laguntza militarreko erakunde historikoa da – entretenimenduan ez ezik, maite dituzten eta borrokatzen dituzten gauzetara konektatzeko ere,"Esan Coker. «Zentzuzkoa zen Bellatorrek USOrekin harremana ezartzea eta Hawaiiko biztanleria militarrari aukera paregabea ematea. Nazioari emandako zerbitzua eskertzen dugu, eta espero dugu elkarrekin lan egiteko aukera askoren lehena izatea ".




Neal S-tik emanez. Blaisdell Arena Honolulun, ikuskizun berezi hau egungo txapeldun arinaren izenburuko borrokak izango du buru Brett Primus (8-0) bi aldiz lehen tituluaren aurka Michael Chandler (18-4), pisu astuneko ikonoa Frank Mir (18-12) cumple Javy Ayala (10-7) pisu handiko talka batean.

Bellator eta USO Present: Agurtu Tropak ostiralean emitituko da Paramount Networken, Abendua 14 at 10 p.m. ETA / 21:00. CT eta CMT bidezko emisioa egingo da. Ekitaldia LAZEAN ere igorriko da DAZNen, aurretiazko borrokak, berriz, aurrera jarraituko dute Bellator.com eta mundu mailan Bellator Mugikorretarako aplikazioa. bouts osagarria izango da datozen asteetan jakinaraziko da.




Brent Primus egungo txapeldunak bere titulua eta garaitu gabeko marra jarri ditu lerroan Bellator arinaren titulua lortzeko oso espero den errebantxa batean. Iaz Chandler asaldatu ondoren, Eugene, Ore.-native kaiolara itzultzea atzeratu duten zaurien aurka borrokatu da. Orain, kritikak isilarazi eta 155 kiloko txapeldun egokia eta merezimendua dela frogatu nahi du. Bellatorren historiako borrokalari apainduenetako bat, Michael Chandlerrek txapelketa berreskuratzeko eta hiru aldiz titular izateko asmoa du. "Burdinak" dibisio bat irabazi du dibisioaren elite artean, Barne Benson

Henderson, Patricky Pitbull (x2), Goiti Yamauchi eta Eddie Alvarez. Missouriko Unibertsitateko borrokalari ohia, orain Nashville etxera deitzen duena, No-ra itzultzeko bidea irabazi du. 1-konkurrentziaren egoera Hawaii-rekin gerrikoarekin irtetearekin.




Frank Mir UFC pisu handiko txapeldun ohia Bellator-eko kaiolara itzultzen da, aurrera eta atzera egin duen borroka zirraragarriaren ostean Fedor Emelianenko joan den udaberrian. Karrerak irabazita Roy Nelson, Antonio "Big Nog" Nogueira (x2), Brock Lesnar eta Mirko Cro Cop, jiu-jitsu brasildar gerriko beltzak beste garaipen ikusgarria bilatzen du bere ibilbide ospetsuari gehitzeko. Mundua KO’d denean harritu ondoren Sergei Kharitonov, Javy Ayala gaueko sentsazio bihurtu zen MMA zaleentzat. Zaleek “Eye Candy,”Pisu astunak Eric Prindle eta Raphael Butler bikain irabazi ditu. Portervilleko borrokan, Kalifornia., Ayala itzultzen da berriro mundua harritu eta MMAren historiako pisu handienetako bat garaitzeko asmoz.




Gau ahaztezina aurrez iragarritakoarekin amaitutako asteburu historiko baten parte izango da Bellator Hawaii larunbatean, Abendua 15, DAZN-en esklusiboki emititzen. Itxaropen handiko borroka txartel honek Bellator emakumezkoen euli pisuko txapelduna biltzen du ILIMA-Lei Macfarlane bere titulua defendatuz Valegiten dabarre egin Letourneau, Lyoto Machida Bellatorrek txapeldun ohiaren aurka debuta egitea Rafael Carvalho, Neiman Gracie hartzea Eta Ruth Bellator Welterweight Munduko Sari Nagusian hasierako partida batean eta askoz gehiago.



Bellator-ek eta USO-k ere abenduko borrokaldi zirraragarrien asteburu handirako Hawaii-ko gertaera berezien astebeteko lankidetza izango dute 14 eta 15. Laster datozen xehetasun gehiago.


Eguneratua Bellator eta USO Present: Agurtu Tropak Borroka Txartela:

Munduko Titulu Arinaren Ekitaldi Nagusia: Brent Primus (8-0) vs. Michael Chandler (18-4)

Pisu astuneko txartel nagusia: Frank Mir (18-12) vs. Javy Ayala (10-7)


*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke




Please visit Bellator.com eta USO.org informazio gehiagorako.




Complete Fight Night Photos

Warrior 206: Mousasi vs. MacDonald Txartel nagusia Emaitzak:

Gegard Mousasi (44-6-2) garaitu Rory MacDonald (20-5) TKO bidez (punches) at 3:23 Kopako bi of

Quinton "Ilusioz" Jackson (38-13) garaitu Wanderlei Silva (35-14) TKO bidez (punches) at 4:32 Kopako bi of

Douglas Lima (30-7) garaitu Andrey Koreshkov (21-3) via technical submission (atzerako biluzik choke) at 3:04 Kopako bost

Aaron Pico (4-1) garaitu Leandro Higo (18-5) KO bidez (punches) at 3:19 Bat txandan

Keri Taylor-Melendez (3-0) garaitu Dakota Zimmerman (0-1) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Gaston Bolanos (4-1) garaitu Ysidro Gutierrez (4-3) knockout bidez (punches) at 1:37 Kopako bi of


Aurrematrikula Txartela Emaitzak:

Adam Piccolot (11-2) garaitu James Terry (20-10) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Jeremiah Labiano (12-6) garaitu Justin Smitley (10-8-1) TKO bidez (punches) at 3:28 Bat txandan

Arlene Blencowe (11-7) garaitu Amber Leibrock (3-2) TKO bidez (slam, punches) at 1:23 txandan hiru

Josh San Diego (8-4) garaitu Joe Neal (6-4) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 27-30, 29-28)

Chuck Campbell (1-0) garaitu Joseph Ramirez (1-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27 x3)

Anthony Figueroa Jr. (1-0) garaitu Samuel Romero (0-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-27, 28-26, 29-26)

Cass Bell (2-0) garaitu Ty Costa (3-4) via verbal submission (armbar) 3:06 Kopako bi of

Isaiah Gonzalez (2-0) vs. Khai Wu (2-1)

Jacob Ycaro (1-0) vs. Ignacio Ortiz (1-0)

Laird Anderson (0-0) vs. Ahmed Abdelaziz (0-0)







Osatua Warrior 206 Ponderatu emaitzak:

Middleweight World Title Main Event: Gegard Mousasi (184.4) vs. Rory MacDonald (184.9)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Quinton "Ilusioz" Jackson (254.4) vs. Wanderlei Silva (226.9)

Welterweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout: Douglas Lima (170) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (169.3)

Luma pisuko karta nagusia: Aaron Pico (145.7) vs. Leandro Higo (145.1)

Women’s Strawweight Main Card Bout: Keri Taylor-Melendez (116) vs. Dakota Zimmerman (115.6)

Luma pisuko karta nagusia: Gaston Bolanos (145.2) vs. Ysidro Gutierrez (145.3)


Aurrematrikula Txartela:

160-Pound Catchweight Aurretiazko Borroka: Adam Piccolot (159.1) vs. James Terry (160)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Jeremiah Labiano (144.9) vs. Justin Smitley (144.2)

Emakumeen Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Amber Leibrock (145.4) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.3)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Josh San Diego (139.2) vs. Joe Neal (139.9)

Pisu galantak aurrez aurre: Cass Bell (136) vs. Ty Costa (136)

Pisu galantak aurrez aurre: Isaiah Gonzalez (135.8) vs. Khai Wu (136)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Jacob Ycaro (145.3) vs. Ignacio Ortiz (144.9)

Luma Pisuko Aurretiazko Borroka: Laird Anderson (145.8) vs. Ahmed Abdelaziz (147.3)*

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Chuck Campbell (205.6) vs. Joseph Ramirez (202.4)

Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Anthony Figueroa Jr. (156) vs. Samuel Romero (156)


*Galdutako pisua




‘50 Cent’ and Le Chemin du Roi Champagne to Give the Winner of the Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix One Million Dollars


LOS ANGELES – Warrior MMA, a global combat sports leader owned by Viacom, has joined forces with entertainment superstar and business mogul Curtis “50 CentJackson on an extensive partnership and licensing deal featuring a new apparel line based upon Jackson’s popularGet The Straptrademark and integrating Jackson’s elite champagne brand, Le Chemin du Roi in future Bellator events.




A passionate and knowledgeable MMA fan, Jackson has already agreed to re-invest a portion of his deal by offering one million dollars in cash to the winner of the upcoming Bellator Welterweight World Grand Prix that will air exclusively on DAZN.




“We are thrilled to partner with such a legendary icon who has been a friend to the Bellator family for quite some time. The “Get The Strap” apparel line is just the beginning of many joint ventures we will explore together,"Esan zuen Scott Coker, Bellator MMA lehendakaria.




“I am excited to partner with the Bellator Viacom franchise. Mixed martial arts yields some of the most action-packed events in the world. I’m excited for people to see how I plan to shake up MMA with the integration of my ‘Get The Straptrademark as well as my luxury champagne Le Chemin du Roi.” said Jackson.




Leveraging his viral “Get The Strap” moniker, Bellator and Jackson will launch a global apparel line that will be fashionable and edgy, with distinctive attitude.




Era, Jackson’s popular new champagne, Le Chemin du Roi, will become fully integrated into Bellator events from in-arena signage to mat placements and more.




“Bellator has a roster filled with some of the most charismatic athletes in the world,” adds Jackson. “As my relationship with Bellator deepens, you will see me moving into fighter management opportunities that will allow me to integrate top stars into both scripted and unscripted projects across the Viacom networks, as well as the other outlets I have access to.”


About Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson

50 Cent, born Curtis James Jackson III, is an award-winning rapper, entrepreneur, actor and producer from Queens, New York. Recognized as one of the most talented and prolific music artists of his time, the Grammy Award winner rose to fame with his record-shattering debut album, Get Rich or Die Tryinand has since sold more than 30 million albums worldwide and been awarded numerous prestigious accolades. Jackson has leveraged his star power to cross over with unparalleled success as an entrepreneur, actor and producer. From Get Rich or Die Tryinbeing one of the fastest selling albums in history to creating one of the most influential deals in hip-hop with the sale of Vitaminwater, Jackson continues to break records. He currently has the critically-acclaimed #1 show on Starz, “Power,” in which he not only co-stars but also serves as executive producer and director leading into season six.




Jackson has carved out a thriving television and film career. In 2005, he founded G-Unit Film & Telebista, Inc. which has produced a wide variety of content across numerous platforms and sold a myriad of shows to various networks. Among these is “Power,” which premiered in June 2014. Starz and Lionsgate extended Jackson & G-Unit Film & Telebista, Inc’s overall deal to develop new projects for the network, including “Tomorrow, Gaur,” based on a screenplay penned by Jackson and the “BMF” project. Additional credits include the variety show “50 Central” on BET and two dramas for Sony Crackle “The Oath,” the networks most-watched new original series andRPM,” which is currently in development. Jackson’s successful film career has included roles in several blockbusters: most recently “Den of Thieves” co-starring opposite Gerard Butler, which Jackson has signed on to produce the sequel along with Butler, Antoine Fuqua’s boxing drama “Southpaw,” alongside Jake Gyllenhaal and “Spy” with Melissa McCarthy. Jackson will also reprise his role in “Escape Plan 2.”




The exceptional businessman serves as CEO of G-Unit Records, which he founded in 2003 and has since signed a host of multi-platinum artists. Jackson continues to dominate the charts with hits like the recently released “Still Think I’m Nothing,” and he is continuously recording new music.




Jackson continues to extend his brand, which encompasses a broad spectrum of businesses including: footwear and apparel, fragrance, video games, publishing, headphones, Le Chemin du Roi champagne, vodka, health drinks, Casper mattresses and supplements.




Jackson was represented on this deal by Stephen J. Savva and Eric Feig.





Warrior 205 Txartela emaitza nagusiak:


A.J. McKee (12-0) def. John Macapa (21-4-2) KO bidez (zulatu) at 1:09 Bat txandan


Photos Here


Rafael Lovato Jr.. (9-0) def. John Salter (15-4) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 4:27 txandan hiru


Photos Here


Veta Arteaga (5-2) def. Denise Kielholtz (2-2) aurkezteko bidez (gillotina choke) at 4:24 Kopako bi of


Photos Here

Patricky Pitbull (20-8) def. Roger Huerta (24-11-1, 1 NC) KO bidez (punches) at 0:43 Kopako bi of


Photos Here


Aurrematrikula Txartela emaitzak:

Adam Borics (8-0) def. Josenaldo Silva (25-7) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 1:46 txandan hiru

Steve Mowry (5-0) def. Ben Moa (4-1) aurkezteko bidez (Americana) at 2:40 Bat txandan

Jarod Trice (4-0) def. Sean Powers (9-7) split erabaki bidez (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Emilio Trevino (3-0) def. Sua Tuani (2-1) TKO bidez (punches) at 1:55 Kopako bi of

Vince Morales (8-2) def. Justin Hugo (3-5) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-25, 30-26, 29-27)

Johnny Nunez (7-1) def. Josh Wick (9-4) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-26)

Andrew Cruz (4-3) def. Nathan Stolen (8-4) aurkezteko bidez (arm bar) at 3:41 Bat txandan

Kyle Frost (3-0) def. David Rangel (0-2) via technical submission (atzerako biluzik choke) at 3:29 Bat txandan

Bryce Edminister (2-1) def. Leon Taylor (0-1) aurkezteko bidez (atzerako biluzik choke) at 1:34 Kopako bi of

Stephen Stirewalt (2-0) def. Joe Aguirre (2-1) via submission at 2:13 biribila






Salgai ostiral Sarrerak

AINGERUAK - Bellator heads back to WinStar World Casino and Resort on Friday, Azaroa 30 with a battle of heavy-handed middleweights, as combat sports-veteran Melvin Manhoef (30-14-1, 2 NC) takes on the dynamic Chidi Njokuani (18-5, 1 NC) ekitaldi nagusian Warrior 210.




Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Friday, September 21 and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino and Resort box office, as well as through Bellator.com eta Ticketmaster.com.

Warrior 210: Manhoef vs. Njokuani will be broadcast on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT and will stream LIVE on DAZN, aurretiazko borrokak, berriz, aurrera jarraituko dute Bellator.com eta mundu mailan Bellator Mugikorretarako aplikazioa. bouts osagarria izango da datozen asteetan jakinaraziko da.




A former world title challenger, Manhoef returns to the Bellator cage looking to stake his claim in a suddenly crowded middleweight division. The famed Dutch kickboxer and mixed martial artist is known for his highlight-reel KO’s throughout his impressive combat sports career that spans two and a half decades, including successful runs in DREAM, Cage Rage and Bellator. With career wins over Mark Hunt, Kazushi Sakurabaren, “Cyborg” Santos, and most recently for Bellator, Hisaki Kato, “No Mercy” has plans for adding another name to his lengthy resume.




Njokuani made his Bellator debut in the welterweight division with a decisive victory over Ricky Rainey in 2015. Ordutik, “Chidi Bang Bang” has notched impressive wins over Melvin Guillard and Andre Fialho. The Las Vegas fighter later announced himself to the 185-pound weight class in emphatic fashion with a victory over Hisaki Kato at Warrior 189. With 10 knockouts to his credit, the always-dangerous Njokuani looks to add another “W” to his record in November.


Eguneratua Warrior 210: Manhoef vs. Njokuani Borroka Txartela:

Middleweight Main Event Bout: Melvin Manhoef (30-14-1, 2 NC) vs. Chidi Njokuani (18-5, 1 NC)



*Txartela aldatu egin daiteke




Please visit Bellator.com for more information.





LOS ANGELES – Bellator announced today the organization will reward the winner of World Fighting League’s upcoming “Final 8” Grand Prix, as well as the MMA Lightweight Tournament Finale, with a Bellator contract. The events take place over two days on Saturday, Zazpi. 22 through Sunday, Zazpi. 23 from Topsportcentrum in Almere, Netherlands and are set to air on Spike Netherlands.




Owned by famed Dutch kickboxer Melvin Manhoef, the Netherlands-based promotion is currently home to many of the best Dutch kickboxers and mixed martial artists. Following an impressive combat sports career that spans two and a half decades, including successful runs in DREAM, Cage Rage and Bellator, Manhoef began promoting fights under his WFL banner in 2015. Azkenaldian, Manhoef defeated Remy Bonjasky in the final bout of his kickboxing career at WFL 16.




Similar to renowned K-1 events, the kickboxing tournament on Sept. 22 commences with eight competitors who will need to claim victory three times in one evening to become champion. The “Final 8” Grand Prix kicks off with several explosive first-round heavyweight matchups, Barne Murat Aygun vs. Fabio Kwasi, Sam Tevette vs. Clyde Brunswijk, Andrei Stoica vs. “Boy Boy” Martin eta Fred Sikking vs. Nordine Mahieddine. Sikking vs. Nordine replaces the previously announced contest between Ibrahim El Bouni and Levi Rigters.




In the MMA Lightweight Tournament Finale on Sept. 23, Pieter Buist (13-4) cumple Soli Abdeselam Mohamed (4-3), better known to fans as “Sully Bull,” in a battle to determine the victor at 155 kilo. Buist, nicknamed “The Archangel,” is currently riding a four-fight win streak, including two WFL victories, while Bull has also won his previous two bouts inside the WFL cage.




In addition to the “Super 8” Grand Prix on Sept. 22, the card will also feature Bellator Kickboxing’s Jorina Baars (44-0-3) in a highly anticipated superfight with two-time WFL World Champion Anissa Haddaoui (42-3-1). Fighting out of Den Helder, Herbehereak, the 29-year-old Baars remains one of the most dangerous kickboxers and Muay Thai fighters on the planet, famously defeating Cris Cyborg in 2014. Having earned gold in both professional kickboxing and Muay Thai, the Dutch-born Haddaoui looks to make a name for herself against a fellow veteran in Baars. Fans can expect fireworks between these two exciting and elite fighters.




Informazio gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu WorldFightingLeague.com eta WFLTickets.com.






LOS ANGELES – Bellator returns to Tel Aviv, Israel for the third-consecutive year on Thursday, Aza. 15 with a featherweight world title clash pitting Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (27-4) aurka Emmanuel Sanchez (17-3) set to anchor Warrior 209 inside Menora Mivtachim Arena. Horrez gain, Haim Gozali (8-5) looks to get revenge against Ryan Couture (11-6) in co-main event welterweight action, bitartean Phil Davis (19-4, 1 NC) hartuko on Vadim Nemkov (9-2) argi heavyweight at. Gainera, a women’s featherweight contest between undefeated Israeli Olga Rubin (4-0) eta beterano Cindy Dandois (12-3) will be featured on the card.




Tickets are on sale now and are available at Eventim.co, baita Bellator.com gisa. The event will air Friday, Aza. 16 at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network and can also be streamed on DAZN.




Bellator has partnered with Ananey Communications, an Israeli television conglomerate boasting 14 channels, including the EGO and EGO TOTAL channels, which have broadcast Bellator in Israel since 2012.




Hailing from Natal, Brasilen, two-time featherweight champ Patricio “Pitbull” will enter the Bellator cage for a promotional record 20th time on Nov. 15. With 15 wins under the Bellator umbrella, “Pitbull” will be making his second title defense since reclaiming the world title at Warrior 178 aurka Daniel Straus iaz. Azkenaldian, “Pitbull” defeated Daniel Weichel, edging out his opponent via split decision at Warrior 203 in Rome. Having earned a finish in 20 bere 27 profesional gisa irabazi du, the reigning champion has become synonymous with excitement and fans can certainly expect more fireworks when he enters the cage onNov. 15.




Sanchez has officially emerged from prospect to title contender when he challenges for the featherweight title in Tel Aviv. Unlike his opponent, Sanchez will find himself in unfamiliar territory on Nov. 15, as the 28-year-old Milwaukee, Wis.-fighter will make his first professional appearance outside of the United States. “El Matador” will be seeking his 10th promotional win and his fifth consecutive victory, a streak that began in January of last year. With his last defeat coming over two years ago and with recent victories over former Bellator champions Daniel Straus and Marcos Galvao, baita Sam Sicilia, there may not be another athlete on Bellator’s roster more deserving of a title fight than the Roufusport Academy-product.




A member of Team Renzo Gracie, Gozali returns to the Bellator cage for the fifth time in his 20-year career. The Israeli fighter will once again fight Ryan Couture on Nov. 15, following a three-round thriller at Warrior 180 azken uda. Fighting out of Bat Yam, Israel, “Batman” favors events on home turf, notching two opening round submission wins in each of his las two bouts inside Menora Mivtachim Arena. Orain, with seven of his eight career victories coming by way of submission, the former Israeli army soldier hopes to keep his rematch with Couture out of the judges’ hands.




Couture looks to duplicate the success he had in his first matchup with Gozali, when he picked up a unanimous decision win inside Madison Square Garden last June. A veteran of UFC and STRIKEFORCE, Couture has appeared six times in the Bellator cage and will make the jump back up to welterweight in hopes of collecting the 12th win of his career. A member of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, the Seattle native will look to play the role of spoiler to Gozali when the two rematch in Tel Aviv.




Hailing from Harrisburg, Penn. Davis has earned impressive victories over elite competition during his illustrious 10-year career, including wins over the likes of Lyoto Machida, "King Mo" Lawal, Liam McGeary eta oraindik orain Linton Vassellat Warrior 200 lehenago aurten. Fighting out of San Diego, Kalifornia. the former four-time NCAA Division-1 All-American wrestler out of Penn State University holds a near flawless mark of 6-1 in Bellator. "Mr. Wonderful” trains alongside current Bellator bantamweight champ Darrion Caldwell, Dominick Cruz and A.J. Matthews amongst others at Alliance MMA.




Fighting out of Stary Oskol, Errusiak, 26-year-old knockout artist Vadim Nemkov will make his third appearance with Bellator when he meets Davis. A protege of Bellator heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, Nemkov will be looking to build on his pair of knockout wins, which includes a win over former light heavyweight champion Liam McGeary at Warrior 194. With eight of his nine career victories coming by way of first round stoppage, the former Sambo world champion does not waste much time inside the cage. His ability for finishing fights will be tested when he meets Davis, an athlete who has yet to be finished in his career.




Israeli women’s featherweight Olga Rubin steps back inside the Bellator cage for the third time to put her undefeated streak on the line in her home country. With her previous promotional victories at Warrior 164 eta Warrior 188 coming via TKO, “Big Bad” has developed a reputation as one of the more dangerous prospects in the division. She is now set to take on UFC and Invicta FC veteran Cindy Dandois, who owns career wins over Marloes Coenen, Jorina Baars and Megan Anderson. Training out of Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, “Battlecat” is currently riding a four-fight win streak, which includes a victorious appearance in RIZIN.


Eguneratua Warrior 209: ‘Pitbull’ vs. Sanchez Borroka Txartela:

Featherweight World Title Bout: Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (27-4) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (17-3)

Welterweight Co-Main Event: Haim Gozali (8-5) vs. Ryan Couture (11-6)

Light Heavyweight Feature Event: Phil Davis (19-4, 1 NC) vs. Vadim Nemkov (9-2)

Women’s Featherweight Bout: Olga Rubin (4-0) vs. Cindy Dandois (12-3)




Complete Photos // Kreditu: Warrior / Lucas Noonan


Osatua Warrior 204 Txartel nagusia:


Featherweight Main Event: Darrion Caldwell (13-1) def. Noad Lahat (12-4) TKO bidez (punches) at 2:46 Kopako bi of

*Caldwell’s bantamweight title was not on the line


Welterweight Co-Main Event: Logan Storley (9-0) def. A.J. Matthews (9-8) TKO bidez (punches) at 3:56 Kopako bi of



Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Ricky Bandejas (11-1) def. James Gallagher (7-1) KO bidez (grebak) at 2:49 Bat txandan



Luma pisuko karta nagusia: Tywan Claxton (3-0) def. Cris Lencioni (3-2) aho batez erabaki bidez (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


Aurrematrikula Txartela:


Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Omar Morales (7-0) def. Troy Nawrocki (3-1) KO bidez (grebak) at 0:58 Bat txandan



Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Demarques Jackson (9-2) def. Bryce Logan (9-3) split erabaki bidez (28-29, 29-28, 30-27)



Pisu oneko pisua: Jason Jackson (8-3) def. Jordon Larson (9-5) TKO bidez (punches) at 3:52 Bat txandan



Pisu oneko pisua: David Michaud (13-4) def. Corey Davis (3-1) KO bidez (punches) at 1:42 Bat txandan



Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Romero Cotton (3-0) def. Willie Whitehead (2-3) TKO bidez (grebak) at 4:12 Bat txandan



Pisu oneko pisua: Tyler Ray (3-1) def. Seth Bass (4-3) KO bidez (grebak) at 3:30 Kopako 1



Aurrez aurreko borroka arina: Keith Phathaem (1-1) vs. Micah Peatrowsky (2-1) aho batez erabaki bidez (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)



Euli pisuaren aurrez aurrekoa: Lloyd McKinney (8-5) def. Robiel Tesfaldet (2-2) aurkezteko bidez (arm triangle choke) at 4:17 txandan hiru



Pisu ertaineko aurrez aurrekoa: Jeff Nielsen (2-0) def. Wyatt Meyer (1-1) TKO bidez (punches) at 2:53 Bat txandan

Fight Talk Unlimited DOUBLE Episode

Tonight, Tom, Tony and Rich recapped the last two weeks of action in combat sports. Listen to the whole broadcast to catch up on all the major news and events that you missed and what’s coming up this weekend, gehiegi.