Tag Archives: Bellator



Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov Glavni Card:

Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7) je preklical Hawaii State boks komisije štele Barnett morejo tekmovati zvečer zaradi hude bolezni

Toby Misech (12-7) poraženi Erik Perez (19-7) preko KO (luknjači) pri 0:54 of round one

Alejandra Lara (9-3) poraženi Veta Artega (5-3) po soglasnem sklepu (30-26, 30-26, 30-26)

Tywan Claxton (6-1) poraženi Braydon Akeo (3-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Joey Davis (7-0) poraženi Chris Cisneros (19-11) prek TKO (luknjači) pri 3:55 of round one

Predhodni Card:

Hunter Ewald (1-0) poraženi Brysen Bolohao (0-2)po predložitvi (zadnja naked choke) pri 1:42 of round one

Joseph créer (7-1-1) poraženi si Gwerder (4-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 29-26)

Cass Bell (5-0) poraženi Pierre Daguzan (5-4, 1 NC) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 29-28, 30-27)

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.


JOSH BARNETT Ronny Markeš HEADLINE Bellator & Obveznosti zagotavljanja univerzalne storitve SEDANJE: SALUTE vojakov V PETEK, December. 20

Bellator 236 V soboto, December. 21 Vidi ILIMA-LEI MacFarlane zagovarjati njen svet NASLOV PROTI Kate Jackson

LOS ANGELES - Celotno skrilavca Deluje za vrnitev Bellator k Neal S. Blaisdell Arena v Honoluluju, Hawaii ta petek, December. 20 in soboto, December. 21 je uradno z naloženimi doubleheader ki vsebuje nekaj za vsak mešanih borilnih veščin ventilatorjem.

Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov bo zrak na Paramount omrežju v petek, December 20 pri 10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT. Celoten dogodek bo tudi tok na DAZN, medtem ko bo predhodna napadi tok na Bellator.com, DAZN in po svetu na Bellator Mobile App.

Bellator 236: Macfarlane vs. Jackson - ena zvezda pogon, ob koncu leta vrhuncev boj sezone na DAZN - bo tok sobota, December 21 živijo izključno na DAZN pri 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, medtem ko bodo predhodno dejanje tok na Bellator.com, DAZN in po svetu na Bellator Mobile App.

Osrednji dogodek kartice petek na Paramount omrežju bodo videli težji Zvezda, featuring Bellator prvi nastop nekdanjega svetovnega prvaka Josh Barnett (35-8) in Ronny Markes (19-7). Zaokroževanje iz regalne glavno kartico videli še Bellator prvenec, kot Erik Perez (19-6) vstopi v kletko za izpolnitev Hawaii lastne Toby Misech (11-7), Nekdanji optimizacijo učinkovitosti ni. 1 kandidata Alejandra Lara (8-3) in Veta Arteaga (5-3) vrnitev k dejanjem in Bellator Velterska kategorija World Grand Prix udeleženca Tywan Claxton (5-1) prevzame undefeated pričakovanje izven Maili, Hawaii, Braydon Akeo (3-0). Prav tako, neporažen moštveni kolega iz A.J. McKee Joey Davis (6-0) vrne na Bellator kletko, ko se sooča "Big Island je" 29-boj MMA veteran, Chris Cisneros (19-10).

V predtekmovanja za Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov bo funkcija izgled undefeated Bay Area-borec borec Cass Bell (4-0), kakor tudi undefeated Hawaiian možnosti si Gwerder (4-0).

Zgolj 24 urah, Bellator 236 bo potekal izključno na DAZN in bo headlined z optimizacijo učinkovitosti svetovni naslov dvoboj med Honolulu je Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) in Anglija Kate Jackson (11-3-1). Dogodek so-glavni je četrtfinalni matchup v Bellator lahka stvar World Grand Prix z A.J. McKee (15-0) prevzema Derek Fields (20-9.).

Poleg tega, pred kratkim podpisala Bellator welterweight Jason Jackson (10-4) Hollywood, Fla. vrne na Bellator kletki na kratek rok, da bi na Kiichi Kunimoto Osaka, Japonska. Juliana Velasquez (9-0) izgleda, da še naprej nepremagan s Bellator, ko spozna Ellen rjava (10-6) ob Optimizacija učinkovitosti, medtem ko lokalne Hawaiian standouts Tiffany Cheyden(7-1) in von Dung (3-0) iti v boj proti Raufeon Stott (12-1) in Zach Zane (13-9), zaporedju, za dokončanje glavno kartico.

Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov Glavni Card:

Paramount omrežje & DAZN

10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT / 5 p.m. HST

Težji Main Event: Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7)

Bantamweight Glavna kartica Bout: Toby Misech (11-7) vs. Erik Perez (19-6)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Glavna kartica Bout: Alejandra Lara (8-3) vs. Veta Artega (5-3)

Peresno Glavna kartica Bout: Tywan Claxton (5-1) vs. Braydon Akeo (3-0)

Welterweight Glavna kartica Bout: Joey Davis (6-0) vs. Chris Cisneros (19-10)

Predhodni Card:

DAZN, Bellator.com & Bellator Mobile App

8:45 p.m. IN / 7:45 p.m. CT / 3:45 p.m. HST

Bantamweight Predhodni Bout: Cass Bell (4-0) vs. Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC)

Srednji Predhodni Bout: si Gwerder (4-0) vs. Joseph créer (6-1-1)

180-Funt naročilu Teža Predhodni Bout: Hunter Ewald (Pro Debut) vs. Brysen Bolohao (0-1)

Bellator 236: Macfarlane vs. Jackson Glavni Card:


10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT / 5 p.m. HST

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Svetovna Naslov Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) vs. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Peresno World Grand Prix četrtfinalna Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) vs. Derek Fields (20-9)

Welterweight Glavna kartica Bout: Jason Jackson (10-4) vs. Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Glavna kartica Bout: Julianna Velasquez (9-0) vs. Ellen rjava (5-2)

Bantamweight Glavna kartica Bout: Raufeon Stott (12-1) vs. Tiffany Cheyden (7-1)

Lahka Glavna kartica Bout: von Dung (3-0) vs. Zach Zane (13-9)

Predhodni Card:

DAZN, Bellator.com & Bellator Mobile App

8:30 p.m. IN / 7:30 p.m. CT / 3:30 p.m. HST

Lahka Predhodni Bout: Keoni Diggs (7-0) vs. Scotty Hao (4-2)

Peresno Predhodni Bout: Kai Kamaka III (5-2) vs. Spencer Higa (7-10)

Lahka Predhodni Bout: Dustin Barca (3-0) vs. Brandon Pieper (11-13)

Welterweight Predhodni Bout: Ben Wilhelm (3-0) vs. Jason Armstrong (2-2)

Bantamweight Predhodni Bout: Swayne Makana Lunasco (Pro Debut) vs. Kayla Gorospe (Pro Debut)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Predhodni Bout: Nate Yoshimura (Pro Debut) vs. Chas Dunhour (0-1)

*Kartica velja za spremembe

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.

Desetimi udeleženci s prejšnjim mesecem OPEN preizkušnjo v HONOLULU dodan Bellator'S back-to-back DOGODKI na Havajih O DEC. 20 & 21

POSODOBLJENO Bellator 235 & Bellator 236 Boj CARDS POD

LOS ANGELES - Pred vrnitvi Bellator je na Havaje decembra 20 in 21 pri Neal S. Blaisdell Arena v Honoluluju, vodilni svetovni globalni mešani promocija borilnih veščin je potekala odprta tryouts v Honoluluju v prizadevanju za nadaljnje Bellator stalnih obveznosti do lokalnega MMA scene na Havajih.

Po velika udeležba, 10 športniki iz Vaja je bila izbrana, da se potegujejo znotraj Bellator kletko naslednji mesec - in če zmagovita, bo imel priložnost, da zaslužijo ekskluzivno več boj Bellator pogodbo. Izbrane borci vključujejo Braydon Akeo (3-0), Tiffany Cheyden (7-1), Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC), Jamie Thorton Mehka (6-5), Hunter Ewald (za prvenec), Keoni Diggs (7-0), Scotty Hao (4-2), Swayne Lunasco (7-0), Kayla Gorospe (za prvenec) in Ben Wilhelm (3-0).

Na Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov v petek, December. 20, mail, Havaji je Braydon Akeo (3-0) zasluži mesto na glavnem kartico na 145-funtov proti Tywan Claxton (5-1), ki bo svoj prvi nastop, saj tekmujejo v Bellator peresno World Grand Prix. Ta dvoboj pridruži prej napovedano težji osrednji dogodek med Josh Barnett (35-8) in Ronny Markes (19-7), voščilo bantamweight featuring novo podpisana Erik Perez (19-6) proti Hawaii je Toby Misech (11-7) in optimizacijo učinkovitosti tekmovanje luknjičaste nekdanji Naslov izzivalcev pred seboj, kot Alejandra Lara (8-3) kvadratov odpisana Veta Artega (5-3).

Na petkovih prelims, Kauai je Hunter Ewald, ki je bil prav tako izbran izmed tryouts, bo svojo poklicno prvenec pred kolegi Hawaiian Jonathan Pico (1-1) na 170 funtov. Prav tako, je pred kratkim podpisal pogodbo z ekskluzivno mero sam, Severna Kalifornija je Cass Bell (4-0) se bo soočila trening partnerja Max Holloway je Pierre Daguzan (5-3) na bantamweight in 82. Airborne armade veteranov Jamie Thorton Mehka (6-5) prevzame tiani dolina (3-2) Maui na optimizacijo učinkovitosti.

Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov bo zrak na Paramount omrežju v petek, December 20 pri 10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT. Celoten dogodek bo tudi tok na DAZN, medtem ko bo predhodna napadi tok na Bellator.com, DAZN in po svetu na Bellator Mobile App.

Sobota, December. 21S Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson bo funkcija drug udeleženec Vaja zasluži glavno kartico bout, kot Tiffany Cheyden (7-1) izpolnjuje še top možnosti v Nebraska je Raufeon Stott (12-1) na bantamweight. Ta boj se pridruži kartico nepremagan Bellator žensk Optimizacija učinkovitosti šampion odstranjenimi Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) brani svoj naslov proti Kate Jackson (11-3-1), A.J. McKee (15-0) prevzema Derek Fields (20-9) v četrtfinalu matchup na Bellator peresno World Grand Prix, Neiman Gracie (9-1) vračajo k dejanjem prvič od svojega welterweight naslov strel v welterweight borbe proti Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC) in ženskih naslov za optimizacijo učinkovitosti hopefuls Julianna Velasquez (9-0) in Ellen rjava (5-2) bo bitko.

Na Bellator 236 Predhodna kartice, neporažen Vaja možnost Ben Wilhelm (3-0) bo na dveh časovnih Bellator veteran Kona Oliveira (1-2) v welterweight tekmovanju, medtem ko Wahiawa rojeni Keoni Diggs (7-0) in Hilo je Scotty Hao (4-2) so bili tudi izbrani in se bodo borili med seboj v 155 funtov. Nazadnje, Havaji je Swayne Lunasco, ki so šli 7-0 kot amater, in Kayla Gorospe, ki so bili tako izbrani izmed tryouts, bo svoje pro prvi nastop pred seboj na bantamweight.

Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson - ena zvezda pogon, ob koncu leta vrhuncev boj sezone na DAZN - bo tok sobota, December 21 živijo izključno na DAZN pri 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, medtem ko bodo predhodno dejanje tok naBellator.com, DAZN in po svetu na Bellator Mobile App.

Vstopnice so v prodaji sedaj in jih je mogoče kupiti prek Bellator.com, kot tudi Ticketmaster.com ali Neal S. Blaisdell Arena box office.

Posodobljeno Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov Glavni Card:

Paramount omrežje & DAZN

10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT / 5 p.m. HST

Težji Main Event: Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7)

Bantamweight Glavna kartica Bout: Toby Misech (11-7) vs. Erik Perez (19-6)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Glavna kartica Bout: Alejandra Lara (8-3) vs. Veta Artega (5-3)

Peresno Glavna kartica Bout: Tywan Claxton (5-1) vs. Braydon Akeo (3-0)

Posodobljeno Predhodna kartice:

DAZN, Bellator.com & Bellator Mobile App

8:45 p.m. IN / 7:45 p.m. CT / 3:45 p.m. HST

Bantamweight Predhodni Bout: Cass Bell (4-0) vs. Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC)

Welterweight Predhodni Bout: Hunter Ewald (Pro Debut) vs. Jonathan Pico (1-1)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Predhodni Bout: tiani dolina (3-2) vs. Jamie Thorton Mehka (6-5)

Posodobljeno Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson Glavni Card:


10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT / 5 p.m. HST

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Svetovna Naslov Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) vs. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Peresno World Grand Prix četrtfinalna Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) vs. Derek Fields (20-9)

Welterweight Glavna kartica Bout: Neiman Gracie (9-1) vs. Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Glavna kartica Bout: Julianna Velasquez (9-0) vs. Ellen rjava (5-2)

Bantamweight Glavna kartica Bout: Raufeon Stott (12-1) vs. Tiffany Cheyden (7-1)

Posodobljeno Predhodna kartice:

DAZN, Bellator.com & Bellator Mobile App

8:30 p.m. IN / 7:30 p.m. CT / 3:30 p.m. HST

Bantamweight Predhodni Bout: Swayne Lunasco (Pro Debut) vs. Kayla Gorospe (Pro Debut)

Lahka Predhodni Bout: Keoni Diggs (7-0) vs. Scotty Hao (4-2)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Predhodni Bout: Nate Yoshimura (Pro Debut) vs. Chas Dunhour (0-1)

Peresno Predhodni Bout: Kai Kamaka III (5-2) vs. Spencer Higa (7-10)

Welterweight Predhodni Bout: Kona Oliveira (1-2) vs. Ben Wilhelm (3-0)

Lahka Predhodni Bout: Dustin Barca (3-0) vs. Brandon Pieper (11-13)

Lahka Predhodni Bout: von Dung (3-0) vs. Zach Zane (13-9)

*Kartice predmet sprememb.

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.

FULL REZULTATI & SLIKE ZA Bellator 234: Kharitonov VS. VASSELL

Polna Boj Fotografije Tu

Bellator 234: Kharitonov vs. Vassell Glavni Card

Težji Bout: Linton Vassell (19-8, 1 NC) poraženi Sergej Kharitonov (30-8, 2 NC) prek TKO (stavke) pri 3:15 okroglih 2

Lahka Bout: Sidney Outlaw (14-3) poraženi Roger Huerta (24-12-1, 1 NC) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Lahka Bout: Aviv Gozali (4-0) poraženi V letih od llazade (14-9) predložitev (anaconda zaduši) pri 0:56 okroglih 1

Welterweight Bout: Haim Widodo (12-6) poraženi Artur Pronin (16-4) po predložitvi (heel hook) pri 4:12 okroglih 1

Srednji Bout: Austin Vanderford (9-0) poraženi Grachik Bozinyan (10-4) po soglasnem sklepu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Predhodni Card

Peresno Bout: Sinead Kavanagh (6-4) poraženi Olga Rubin (6-2) prek TKO (stavke) pri 4:37 okroglih 2

Welterweight Bout: Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0) poraženi Ameer Bashir (0-2) po predložitvi (trikotnik čok) pri 4:39 okroglih 1

Težji Bout: Iščete lahko Adam (4-0) poraženi Vladimir Fedin (15-6, 1 NC) prek TKO (stavke) pri 3:29 okroglih 1

Welterweight Bout: Shimon Smotritsky (6-0) poraženi Illia Hladkii (3-1) prek TKO (stavke) pri 2:10 okroglih 1

Lahka Bout: Vugar Keramov (14-3) poraženi Gustavo Wurlitzer (22-24, 1 NC) preko KO (stavke) pri 1:29 okroglih 1

157-lb. Naročilo Teža Bout: Kirill Medvedovsky (12-7) poraženi Akhmed Fararzha (6-2) po predložitvi (giljotina) pri 0:46 okroglih 2

Bantamweight Bout: enkrat Bring (5-2) poraženi minister Daniliuk (2-2, 1 NC) po soglasnem sklepu (30-26, 30-27, 29-28)

Lahka Bout: Mikail Carpenter (4-1) poraženi Ofir Leibel (0-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Bantamweight Bout: Ron Becker (4-2) poraženi Artem Kazartsev (0-2) prek TKO (stavke) pri 2:57 okroglih 1

Bantamweight Bout: Ben Cohen (1-0) poraženi Maksym Tkachuk (0-1) po predložitvi (zadnja naked choke) pri 3:19 okroglih 1

Svetloba Heavyweight Bout: Eli Aronov (4-0) poraženi Sari Hleihil (2-4) po soglasnem sklepu (30-26, 30-26, 28-27)

Optimizacija učinkovitosti Bout: Itay Lipszyc (1-0) poraženi Itzik Yakobov (0-1) po predložitvi (naravnost zaklepanje gleženj) pri 2:51 okroglih 1

220-lb. Naročilo Teža Bout: Noam Voldman (1-5) poraženi Nisim Rozalis (0-2) preko split odločbe (30-27, 28-29, 29-28)

Peresno Bout: oče Tratner (1-0-1) vs. Elias Mamadov (1-1-1, 1 NC) konci v delih žrebanje (28-27, 28-29, 28-28)

Welterweight Bout: Tomer Maslis (1-0) poraženi David Malka (0-1) prek TKO (stavke) pri 1:32 okroglih 3

*Prosimo, upoštevajte, da predhodna welterweight dvoboj med Nika Ben Tuashy (2-0) in Rafael Aronov (1-3) je bila preklicana zaradi škode.


Polna Fight Night Fotografije Tu

Glavni Card:

John Salter (17-4) poraženi Costello Steenis (12-2) po soglasnem sklepu (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Andrew Kapel (15-6) poraženi "King Mo" Lawal (21-10) preko KO (punch) pri 1:22 of round one

Arlene Blencowe (13-7) poraženi Leslie Smith (11-8-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Tyrell Fortune (8-0) poraženi povezave zu (15-6) prek TKO (luknjači) pri 1:56 kroga dveh

Predhodni Card:

Aaron McKenzie (7-1-1) poraženi Sean Clements (3-2) po predložitvi (zadnja naked choke) pri 4:31 of round one

Lucas Brennan (2-0) poraženi Jacob Landin (0-3) po predložitvi (zadnja naked choke) pri 3:38 of round one

Tyree Fortune (5-0) poraženi Chuck Campbell (2-1) preko split odločbe (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Logan Storley (11-0) poraženi E.J. Brooks (13-6) prek TKO (Poškodba) pri 5:00 of round one

Julius Anglickas (8-1) poraženi Jordan Young (11-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Amanda Bell (7-6) poraženi Janay Harding (5-4) prek TKO (luknjači) pri 4:44 kroga treh

Kyle Crutchmer (5-0) poraženi robert Gidron (4-4) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Romero Cotton (4-0) poraženi Jason Perrotta (3-4) preko verbalnega oddajo (Poškodba) pri 2:16 of round one

Christian Edwards (2-0) poraženi Cesar Bennett (0-1) preko Knockout (glava strel) pri 0:16 of round one

Grant Neal (2-0) poraženi Jimmy Lugo (1-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-26, 30-26, 29-28)

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.




LOS ANGELES – To honor the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, Bellator MMA has once again partnered with the USO to present a special live event free for the troops, along with their friends and families, v petek, December 20. Emanating from Neal S. Blaisdell Arena v Honoluluju, Hawaii, this unique show will be headlined by a heavyweight bout featuring the Bellator debuts of “The Warmaster” Josh Barnett (35-8) in Ronny Markes (19-7).

For a second year, the USO and Bellator team up to honor the men and women who fight for our freedom and to bring entertainment and a piece of home to service members based in Hawaii during the holiday season. To Pozdravljajo vojakov event will bring Bellator athletes and personalities to the military community and provide a live free event as a thank you for their sacrifices and dedication to our country, especially for those who are separated from family and home during the holidays. Much like last year, Bellator and the USO will also partner for a week of special events in Hawaii leading up to the big weekend of exciting fights on December 20 in 21.

As the leading military support organization, the USO strengthens America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation. This holiday season, hundreds of thousands of service members will remain on duty, away from home. The USO, through its programs, services and entertainment tours, is committed to bringing a piece of home to our nation’s service men and women. MMA fans and military supporters can help keep troops strong and connected to home by visiting www.USO.org/Holidays and by using the hashtag #USOHolidays when sharing how they have helped the USO’s critical mission to make the holidays special for our military heroes.

Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov bo zrak na Paramount omrežju v petek, December 20 pri 10 p.m. IN / 9 p.m. CT. Celoten dogodek bo tudi tok na DAZN, medtem ko bo predhodna napadi tok na Bellator.com in po svetu na Bellator Mobile App. Details for exclusive ticket distribution will be announced in the coming days.

This unforgettable night will be part of an historic weekend culminating with the previously announced Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson v soboto, December 21. This highly-anticipated fight card includes undefeated Bellator women’s flyweight champ Ilima-Lei Macfarlane brani svoj naslov proti Kate Jackson, in A.J. McKee prevzema Derek Fields v četrtfinalu matchup na Bellator peresno World Grand Prix.

After signing with Bellator in April, former UFC heavyweight champion Josh Barnett will make his return to MMA competition for the first time since 2016. A second-degree Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt, Barnett has remained prevalent in the combat sports realm, competing in jiu-jitsu events, promoting and performing at his own professional wrestling shows and working as a color commentator for New Japan Pro Wrestling. Barnett is no stranger to the devoted MMA fanbase in Hawaii, fighting for regional Hawaiian promotion Superbrawl in 1999 in 2000, a stint that included three fights in one night to win the Superbrawl 13 heavyweight tournament. One of the top heavyweights of all-time, the Strikeforce, Pride, UFC, K-1, NJPW, Pancrase, and Affliction mainstay owns victories over legendary stars, including Dan Severn (2x), Semmy Schilt (2x), Randy Couture, Mark Hunt, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Pedro Rizzo, Sergej Kharitonov, Frank Mir, Roy Nelson and Andrei Arlovski.

Boj profesionalno, saj 2007, Ronny Markes will join the Bellator ranks following 26-fights all over the globe including three wins in UFC. Competing for a majority of his nearly 13-year career at middleweight, the 31-year-old will now lace up the gloves as a Bellator heavyweight. Prihaja iz Natal, Brazilija, Markes is coming off a TKO victory in June, and will add another big-name fighter to his list of opposition, a list that includes fights against Yoel Romero, Thiago Santos, Aaron Simpson and Paulo Filho.

Posodobljeno Bellator in USO Present: Pozdravljajo vojakov Fight Card:

Težji Main Event: Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7)

*Kartica velja za spremembe

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com in USO.org Več informacij.



Dokončano Bellator 231 Fight Card:

Frank Mir (19-13) poraženi Roy Nelson (23-18) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Phil Davis (21-5, 1 NC) poraženi Karl Albrektsson (9-3) via TKO at 3:06 kroga treh

In Ruth (8-1) poraženi Jason Jackson (10-4) preko split odločbe (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Joanne Ilara (9-4) poraženi Bec Rawlings (7-9) po predložitvi (kneebar) pri 3:35 kroga dveh

Jake Hager (2-0) & Anthony Garrett (4-2) ends in a no-contest due to an accidental low blow at 1:56 of round one

Predhodni Card:

Phumi Nkuta (1-0) poraženi Adrian Haley (1-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Connor Dixon (2-0) poraženi Orkhan Ismatzade (0-2) po predložitvi (Kimura) pri 0:42 of round one

Killys Mota (11-2) poraženi Mandel Nallo (7-1) prek TKO (leg injury) pri 1:16 kroga treh

Jessica Miele (9-3) poraženi Talita Nogueira (7-2) preko split odločbe (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Steve Mowry (7-0) poraženi Gokhan Saricam (4-1) po predložitvi (Kimura) pri 0:56 kroga dveh

Dalton Rosta (2-0) poraženi Claude Wilcox (1-1) prek TKO (stavke) pri 4:23 kroga dveh

Tim Caron (10-2, 1 NC) poraženi Lucas Pimenta Borges (8-3) po soglasnem sklepu (29-28 x3)

Jon Manley (13-6) poraženi Thiago Oliveira (16-5) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Elise Reed (1-0) poraženi Rebecca Bryggman (0-1) prek TKO (luknjači) pri 4:48 of round one

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.


O Bellator:

Bellator je vodilni svetovnih mešanih borilnih veščin in Kickboxing promocija vključuje številne izmed najboljših športnikov na svetu. Pod vodstvom veterana boj promotorja Scott Coker, Bellator dogodki potekajo v večjih mestih po vsem svetu in jih je mogoče videti na televiziji v več 160 države na razpoložljivo občinstvo več kot milijarda ljudi. V Združenih državah Amerike, Bellator je mogoče videti na obeh Paramount omrežij in DAZN, na svetu prvi resnično posvečena šport ŽIVO pretakanje storitev. Bellator je sestavljena iz izvajalske ekipe, ki vključuje vrhunske industrija strokovnjaki v televizijske produkcije, dogodek v živo orkestracija, razvoj fighter / odnosi, prizorišče naročila, Oblikovanje sponzorstvo / razvoj, licenciranje, marketing, oglaševanje, javnosti in provizije odnosi. Bellator ima sedež v Hollywoodu, Kalifornija. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, dom svetovnih premier zabavne blagovnih znamk, ki se povezujejo z občinstvom skozi privlačne vsebine preko televizije, motion picture, spletne in mobilne platforme.

About Paramount Network:

Paramount Network is a premium entertainment destination that pushes the limits of story-telling with bold original scripted and non-scripted series. Inspired by over a century of cinema, Paramount Network is where today’s brightest stars bring the experience of the big screen to every screen with stories that are immersive, inclusive, and deeply personal.

About DAZN:

DAZN is the largest global sports streaming platform in the world. Since launching in 2016, DAZN has expanded across four continents with the app currently available for download in the United States, Canada, Nemčija, Austria, Švica, Italija, Španija, Japan and Brazil. In the U.S., DAZN has made its mark as an attractive alternative to pay-per-view within the combat sports industry. The platform features big fights from Matchroom Boxing, Golden Boy Promotions, GGG Promotions, Bellator MMA, the World Boxing Super Series and Combate Americas, all for one affordable price, on any deviceincluding smart TVs, pametne telefone, Tablete, games consoles and PCs. DAZN also features live MLB action each day of the season with its new daily show, ChangeUp. The much-anticipated daily program The Pat McAfee Show launched in September.


Complete Fight Night Photos Here

Bellator 230: Carvalho vs. Nemkov Fight Card:

Vadim Nemkov (11-2) poraženi Rafael Carvalho (16-4) po predložitvi (zadnja naked choke) pri 3:56 kroga dveh

Dragos Zubco (3-1) poraženi Hesdy Gerges (0-2) po soglasnem sklepu (29-28 x3)

Kirill Sidelnikov (12-6) poraženi Domingos Barros (6-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Walter Pugliesi (5-2) poraženi Andrea Fusi (8-5) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27 x3)

Nicolo Solli (3-0) poraženi Dan Cassell (4-4-1) po predložitvi (trikotnik čok) pri 3:15 of round one

Bellator Milan: Manhoef vs. Bahati Fight Card:

Melvin Manhoef (32-14-1, 2 NC) poraženi Yannick Bahati (9-5, 1 NC) preko KO (stavke) pri 2:29 of round one

Alessio Sakara (24-13, 2 NC) poraženi Canaan Grigsby (8-8) prek TKO (stavke) pri 0:23 of round one

Stefano Paterno (13-3-1) poraženi Ashley Reece (8-2) vis unanimous decision (30-27, 29-27, 29-27)

Rafael Macedo (10-4, 1 NC) poraženi Kane Mousah (12-3) preko split odločbe (30-27, 29-28, 28-29)

Bellator Kickboxing 12: Varga vs. Faustino Fight Card:

Gabriel Varga (18-6) poraženi Cristian Faustino (31-12-2) po soglasnem sklepu (50-45 x3) to retain Bellator Kickboxing featherweight title

Chingiz Allazov (60-3, 1 NC) poraženi Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (287-53-4) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27 x3)

Luca Cecchetti (24-5) poraženi Alex Avogadro (46-6-3) prek TKO (Zdravnik zaustavitvi) pri 2:09 of round one

Shan Cangelosi (35-10-1) poraženi Kevin Ross (33-12) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Yuri Bessmertny (45-20-2) poraženi Giuseppe De Domenico (51-10) po soglasnem sklepu (29-28 x3)

Jade Jorand (1-0) poraženi Silvia La Notte (66-18-4) preko KO (strel) pri 0:12 kroga dveh

Endy Bonat (32-10-1) vs. Kebrom Neguse (33-2-2) ruled a majority draw (28-28, 28-28, 29-28)

Taras Hnatchuk (12-0-1) poraženi Giacomo Licheri (7-1) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27 x3)

Luca Mameli (9-2) poraženi Pawel Szymanski (15-14-2) po soglasnem sklepu (30-27 x3)

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.





LOS ANGELES – For the first time in the organization’s history, Bellator travels to Japan and the iconic Saitama Super Arena for an historic event, kot Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) in Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13) square off in a long-awaited heavyweight showdown. Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. Rampage, powered by RIZIN, takes place Sunday, December 29 and will air LIVE on Paramount Network.

Vstopnice za Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. Rampage go on sale November 3. Additional bouts are expected to be announced in the coming days.

“For Bellator’s debut in Japan, we wanted to bring a massive event and fighters that the Japanese fans really connect with,"Je dejal Bellator predsednik Scott Coker. “Given the vast history of martial arts and MMA in Japan, and especially at Saitama Super Arena, this will be a very special show that no one will want to miss.This will, unquestionably, be a monumental event for Bellator and I am looking forward to the moment that Fedor and ‘Rampage’ walk out to a crowd that has known them since their careers began. I would also like to thank RIZIN for their help in making this event a possibility and we look forward to working together in the near future to showcase the best talent each organization has to offer.”

Fighting out of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Oblast, Rusija, Fedor Emelianenko returns to Japan following a successful run in the Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix earlier this year, where he earned consecutive first-round knockouts over Chael Sonnen in Frank Mir. A former PRIDE FC Heavyweight Champion and PRIDE 2004 Heavyweight World Grand Prix Champion, “The Last Emperor” returns to where his career started. Often referred to as “The GOAT” by fans around the world, his career resume stands as one of the most impressive in the history of the sport with victories over Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira, Mirko Cro Cop, Mark Hunt, Mark Coleman and Andrei Arlovski, da naštejemo. S 29 career victories ending via finish, the punching power and world-class Sambo of the stoic Russian could result in yet another defining moment in his illustrious career.

An eight-fight veteran of Bellator, “Rampage” Jackson’s legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Dan Henderson, "King Mo" Lawal, Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his four-fight series with Wanderlei Silva. The Memphis, Tennessee-native has long been seen as an icon to MMA fans around the globe and has openly voiced a desire to face Fedor in front of a Japanese crowd before his career comes to an end. Zdaj, the two legends will finally meet inside the Bellator cage on December 29 at the famed Saitama Super Arena.

Posodobljeno Bellator Japan: Fedor vs. Rampage Fight Card:

Težji Main Event: Fedor Emelianenko (38-6, 1 NC) vs. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (38-13)

*Kartica velja za spremembe.

Prosimo, obiščite Bellator.com Več informacij.


Kubanski Olympian & UFC Veteran Looks to Conquer
BKFC Light Heavyweight Division

PHILADELPHIA (Oktober 8, 2019) – Former Olympian and UFC standoutHector Lombard has become the latest fighter to sign with Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) as he looks to make his mark in the biggest and best bare knuckle fights that the sport has to offer.

Lombard is the first-ever Olympian to sign with BKFC, having represented Cuba in judo in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Avstralija.

I’ve wanted to fight for this amazing organization for a while and I’m excited that it’s all come together,” said Lombard, who will compete in the 185-pound light heavyweight division. “Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship is the next level of fighting and I am glad to be part of it.

Hector Lombard is one of the most devastating punchers in MMA history and we are looking for Hector to make a huge splash with BKFC,” said BKFC founder and president David Feldman. “Kot fan, I cannot wait to see how Hector does in the squared circle. He’s exciting and explosive. This is an incredible signing.

Lombard also holds the distinction of being the first Bellator champion to sign with BKFC. He was the inaugural Bellator middleweight champion, winning the title in 2009. Lombard went 8 – 0 in Bellator with seven finishes, including a six-second knockout of UFC veteran Jay Silva in May of 2010.

Lombard relinquished the Bellator middleweight championship in 2012, when he moved to the UFC. In the UFC, Lombard fought a total of 12 krat, recording notable knockout wins against Rousimar Palhares and Nate Marquardt.

In his professional MMA career, Lombard tallied 34 zmaga, 22 of which have come by knockout or TKO. He is regarded as one of the hardest punching middleweights and welterweights in MMA history.

Lombard is from Cuba and moved to Australia after the 2000 Poletne olimpijske igre. He now lives in Florida.

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