標記檔案: 巴爾的摩拳擊

巴爾的摩拳擊的“路到世界”七月設置 16!


巴爾的摩, MD (六月 21, 2015) - 傑克·史密斯的巴爾的摩拳擊提出“路到世界”星期四, 七月 16 在邁克爾的第八大道格倫伯尼, MD.


With the Ringside World Championships scheduled 八月 5-8 在密蘇里州, “路到世界”將募捐,以幫助當地的拳擊手付參加比賽的各項費用.


在開始提前購票 $25, 儲備表 10 為 $350 和VIP的表 10 為 $500 可通過去Baltimoreboxing.com或致電 410-375-9175. 門開處 6:30 和動作開始於 8.


原定競爭的戰鬥機包括重量級淘汰賽藝術家薩姆交叉, 2009 馬戲團世界冠軍喬伊Veazey, 唐納德·華萊士, 厄尼·霍爾, 里克福克斯韋爾和肖恩Veazey. 與許多有才華的拳手定於革掉的 16, 門票持有者將有機會觀看他們的路向錦標賽這些冉冉升起的新星.


“堆積的國內和國際比賽總是令人興奮,“史密斯說, 誰在他的巴爾的摩拳擊健身房訓練很多拳手. “有這麼多的戰士贏得重大賽事,從這個區域,它幾乎一個期望有人帶回家一個總冠軍,我們派代表每次. 不幸, 飛行成本, 住宿, 運輸, 食物和其他費用可以壓倒. 我與此事件的目標是籌集足夠的資金,以幫助每發送戰鬥機資格密蘇里上。“




欲了解更多信息, 去Baltimoreboxing.com

Baltimore Boxing to honor Police during “Blood, 流汗 & Tears” Card May 29!

巴爾的摩, MD (五月 18, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions will honor the Baltimore Police Department during a special Olympic style card Friday, 五月 29 在邁克爾的第八大道格倫伯尼, MD.


Tickets for “Blood, 流汗 & Tears” can be purchased by calling 410-375-9175 或去Baltimoreboxing.com. 個人門票開始 $25 和VIP的表 10 可用於 $500. 所有的VIP門票持有者可以享受免費的開胃oeurves 7-8 下午, the best seats in the house and a special meet and greet with five time world champion Vinny Paz.


During the recent Baltimore Riots, a number of officers were hit with rocks, bricks and others items while attempting to stop violent protests. 總體, 多於 100 officers were injured trying to prevent further damage to the city. During the evening, Baltimore Boxing will have a special ceremony honoring the department for their courageous efforts to stop violent protesters.


“Baltimore was a very scary place last month,“史密斯說. “I had to shut my gym down and know a lot of people had their businesses destroyed. If it weren’t for the brave men and women in law enforcement, things would’ve been even worse. I commend them for the job they did and honoring them during the card is the least that I can do.”


Fast rising heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed returns to the ring less than three weeks after his most recent bout when he defends his East Coast Heavyweight crown in the main event. Crossed, who is turning professional after this fight, has shown tremendous improvement and always gives fans their monies worth. 他的對手將在短期內公佈.


Welterweight Allen Burris looks to continue his hot streak against an opponent TBD in the co-featured bout of the evening and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In addition to honoring the policemen and women, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with Unified Efforts. Since their founding in 2012 by formerBaltimore detective Debbie Ramsey, Unified Efforts is a full-service bullying prevention organization that has helped raise awareness throughout the Charm City. To assist with the program, Baltimore Boxing will donate tickets and proceeds from a 50/50 raffle on fight night.


“This is going to be our second time working with Unified Efforts,“史密斯說. “Debbie has a great heart and it was an excellent experience having her at our card last November. We are very glad to have Debbie and Unified Efforts promoting a great message in association with the fight card. Michael’s Eighth Avenue has been our most popular venue and was sold out for the last card so I advise everybody to purchase their tickets early because this will be a special event for the community.


For more information on Baltimore Boxing Promotions, 參觀Baltimoreboxing.com



巴爾的摩, MD (四月 28, 2015) – 當暴亂者在巴爾的摩街頭撕毀時, MD, 拳擊發起人和健身房老闆傑克“蛇”史密斯仍然非常關心他的朋友, 家庭和社區. 像許多其他當地人一樣, 史密斯不僅把巴爾的摩地區稱為他的家,而且是他謀生的地方.


在巴爾的摩及其周邊度過了他的一生, 史密斯的兩個孩子就讀於附近的學校,他的巴爾的摩拳擊館位於 S. 百老匯. 為了參加者的安全, Smith closed his gym yesterday and is keeping the doors shut today as well. Due the violent protests of Freddie Gray’s death, Smith isn’t positive when he will be able to continue training his boxers, many of whom use the Baltimore Boxing Gym as a resource to escape the preexisting dangers of the streets.


“In my forty-plus years in Baltimore, this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen,“史密斯說, whose promotional efforts have helped many local organizations through raffles and donations. “We are all aware that there are issues with police brutality throughout the country and while I am extremely disappointed with the lack of prosecution following specific incidents, rioting only makes everything worse. I truly understand that emotions are at all-time highs in Baltimore and people want their voices to be heard but this is not the way to do it. Having worked with people from all walks of life, I wholeheartedly respect everybody’s point of view but I am pleading with the community as a whole to schedule peaceful and civilized meetings with city officials. This is the only way for everybody to get their thoughts and opinions out while hearing what the other side has to say. Riots are only going to tear apart and create further distance between police and citizens in this great city. I pray that everything calms down quickly and a resolution is met.”


Baltimore Boxing to invade Ocean City Convention Center May 9!

巴爾的摩, MD (四月 10, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions returns to Ocean City, MD for “Beatdown at the Beach” 星期六, 五月 9 at the Ocean City Convention Center.


Tickets for “Beatdown at the Beach” from $25 are available on Ticketmaster.com and at the Convention Center Box Office.


“Ocean City is a great market and one I’ve enjoyed coming to every year,“史密斯說. “There are a lot of great events taking place from May until August there and I’m glad that Baltimore Boxing is a part of it. We had a great turnout for our last few shows and am excited to see everybody on the 9.”


在晚上的重頭戲, popular heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed defends his East Coast Heavyweight title against an opponent to be named. The world record holder for fastest knockout, Crossed has shown steady improvement and looks to have a bright future.


Rising star Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey will put his East Coast Junior Middleweight crown on the line when he squares off against an opponent TBA. With great fan support and a plethora of skills, Veazey’s won numerous tournaments while achieving national and international rankings from various organizations.


Welterweight Allen Burris is scheduled to risk his East Coast belt against an opponent to be announced and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In association with the fight card, Baltimore Boxing will assist the Worcester County Humane Society with their efforts in helping shelter animals find new homes. During the evening, there will be a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going to the society and Baltimore Boxing is also donating tickets.


“There are so many great organizations out there that need help,“史密斯說, who has provided funding through raffles and auctions for various charities in association with Baltimore Boxing’s fight cards. “Animal shelters receive little or no funding even though they literally save lives of animals and connect them with loving families. It’s my pleasure to be assisting them and hopefully the money raised can go a long way.”


For more information on the Worcester County Humane Society, 請訪問 HTTP://worcestercountyhumanesociety.org. 要獲得巴爾的摩拳擊促銷信息, 去Baltimoreboxing.com

名人堂成員馬克·約翰遜大廳, 後起之秀塵埃哈里森和前世界冠軍文森特Pettway參加“快, 裂紋和POP“!

巴爾的摩, MD (三月 18, 2015) - 拳擊傳奇人物馬克“太尖銳”約翰遜, 不敗塵埃哈里森和前中量級冠軍文森特Pettway將參加巴爾的摩拳擊的“四合, 裂紋和POP“ 星期六, 三月 27.


該卡發生在邁克爾的第八大道格倫伯尼的門在開啟 6:30 下午 並定於第一鐘 8. 門票現已公開發售致電 410-375-9175 或去Baltimoreboxing.com. 個人門票開始 $25 和VIP的表 10 可用於 $500. 所有的VIP門票持有者可以享受免費的開胃oeurves 7-8 下午 而在家裡最好的座位.


一個拳擊史上最偉大的小男人, 約翰遜奪取了IBF輕量級冠軍 1996 通過淘汰舊金山Trejedor在第一輪. 華盛頓, DC本土繼續向上移動,並贏得了IBF超輕量級冠前七次捍衛他的冠軍. After a pair of setbacks to future hall of famer Rafael Marquez, 約翰遜成為第一個在戰勝未來的明星費爾南多·蒙鐵爾 2003 退役三年後,憑藉著優秀的前 44-5 記錄. 一個帶有傳奇色彩的職業生涯的書籍, 約翰遜入選名人堂的國際拳擊名人堂的 2012.


一個眾所周知的後起之秀, 哈里森的熟齡轉為職業選手 16. 已在風頭,從第一天開始,哈里森在環成功支持了炒作和他繼續提高他每次進入平方圈時間. 在他最近的回合, 該DC基於哈里森提高到 25-0 通過擊敗托米Rainone十輪在麥迪遜廣場花園拍攝的WBC美洲大陸重量級冠.


戰鬥了巴爾的摩, Pettway成為世界冠軍 1994, stopping underrated Gianfranco Rossi to win the IBF super welterweight belt. In his next match, Pettway拳擊史上進球最難忘擊倒之一, 惡狠狠地收拾西蒙·布朗在第六輪,保留他的冠軍稱號. 之後布朗打在畫布, 他硬是在空中扔拳. 重播已被證明了無數次,是拳擊迷的最愛.


Pettway退役 2001 以創紀錄 43-7-1 同 32 勝淘汰賽. 去年八月, 他獲得獎項的默里·史密斯“硬敲學校”,他畢生致力於巴爾的摩市.


“任何時候,你可以有兩個拳擊巨星,並在同一時間最優秀的年輕戰士在一處很特別,“巴爾的摩拳擊促銷傑克·史密斯說:. “文森特一直巴爾的摩拳擊的一個偉大的朋友和支持者的是馬克. 我知道塵土飛揚,因為他是個孩子,我毫不懷疑他會成為世界冠軍在不遠的將來。“


約翰遜, 哈里森, 和Pettway將提供給聊天VIP門票持有者, 簽名留念,拍照. 五個冠軍溫尼拉巴斯也出席,並會討論他即將上映的電影, 葡萄酒公司和花費時間與VIP門票持有者.


拳擊這個激動人心的夜晚將有四個冠軍戰,包括超次中量級喬伊“火箭筒喬”Veazey和重量級山姆“香草大猩猩”在交叉比賽為他們的分裂的東海岸冠. 在undercard將展出艾倫“漢普頓錘”伯里斯, 考特尼Hartlove, 2015 金手套冠軍湯米·科JR. 和前大學籃球明星Stefon麥克雷在單獨的較量.


在打架這種固體日晚協會, 巴爾的摩拳擊將舉辦一個特殊的 50/50 抽獎活動的布魯克和Nathan Fenush獎學基金. 該基金的設立是為了幫助巴爾的摩縣消防局上尉保羅Fenush, 他的妻子剛剛去世.


欲了解更多信息, 去Baltimoreboxing.com