Tag Archives: Baltimore Boxing

Baltimore Boxa de "Road to the Worlds" fixats per al juliol 16!


Baltimore, Maryland (Juny 21, 2015) - Jake Smith Baltimore Boxa presenta "Camí als mons"Dijous, Juliol 16 en la Vuitena Avinguda de Michael a Glen Burnie, Maryland.


With the Ringside World Championships scheduled Agost 5-8 a Missouri, "Road to the Worlds" serà un esdeveniment per recaptar fons per ajudar els boxejadors locals paguen per les diverses despeses d'assistència al torneig.


Les entrades anticipades a partir de $25, taules de reserva de 10 per $350 i taules VIP de 10 per $500 estan disponibles per anar a Baltimoreboxing.com o trucant 410-375-9175. Les portes obren a 6:30 i l'acció comença en 8.


Els combatents programats per competir inclouen artista del nocaut de pes pesat Sam creuats, 2009 Campió Mundial Ringside Joey Veazey, Donald Wallace, Ernie Saló, Rick Foxwell i Sean Veazey. Amb un nombre de boxejadors talentosos programat per intercanviar cuir a la 16º, amb butlletes tindran l'oportunitat de veure a aquestes estrelles en ascens en el seu camí cap al campionat.


"La preparació per als tornejos nacionals i internacionals és sempre emocionant,"Va dir Smith, qui entrena a molts dels boxejadors en la seva Baltimore Boxing Gym. "Hi ha tants lluitadors que van guanyar els tornejos més importants d'aquesta zona que és gairebé una expectativa que algú porta a casa un campionat cada vegada que enviem un representant. Desafortunadament, el cost dels vols, allotjament, transport, menjar i altres despeses poden ser aclaparadores. El meu objectiu amb aquest esdeveniment és recaptar prou diners per ajudar a enviar tots els lluitadors elegibles en Missouri ".


Baltimore Boxa amablement demana a tots a donar per anar ahttp://www.gofundme.com/x4cyjqc.


Per obtenir més informació, anar a Baltimoreboxing.com

Baltimore Boxing to honor Police during “Blood, Sweat & Tears” Card May 29!

Baltimore, Maryland (Maig 18, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions will honor the Baltimore Police Department during a special Olympic style card Friday, Maig 29 en la Vuitena Avinguda de Michael a Glen Burnie, Maryland.


Tickets for “Blood, Sweat & Tears” can be purchased by calling 410-375-9175 o anar a Baltimoreboxing.com. Les entrades individuals comencen a $25 i taules VIP de 10 estan disponibles per $500. Tots els compradors del tiquet VIP poden gaudir gratis hors d'oeurves de 7-8 pm, the best seats in the house and a special meet and greet with five time world champion Vinny Paz.


During the recent Baltimore Riots, a number of officers were hit with rocks, bricks and others items while attempting to stop violent protests. Total, més que 100 officers were injured trying to prevent further damage to the city. During the evening, Baltimore Boxing will have a special ceremony honoring the department for their courageous efforts to stop violent protesters.


“Baltimore was a very scary place last month,"Va dir Smith. “I had to shut my gym down and know a lot of people had their businesses destroyed. If it weren’t for the brave men and women in law enforcement, things would’ve been even worse. I commend them for the job they did and honoring them during the card is the least that I can do.”


Fast rising heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed returns to the ring less than three weeks after his most recent bout when he defends his East Coast Heavyweight crown in the main event. Crossed, who is turning professional after this fight, has shown tremendous improvement and always gives fans their monies worth. El seu oponent serà anunciat en breu.


Welterweight Allen Burris looks to continue his hot streak against an opponent TBD in the co-featured bout of the evening and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In addition to honoring the policemen and women, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with Unified Efforts. Since their founding in 2012 by formerBaltimore detective Debbie Ramsey, Unified Efforts is a full-service bullying prevention organization that has helped raise awareness throughout the Charm City. To assist with the program, Baltimore Boxing will donate tickets and proceeds from a 50/50 raffle on fight night.


“This is going to be our second time working with Unified Efforts,"Va dir Smith. “Debbie has a great heart and it was an excellent experience having her at our card last November. We are very glad to have Debbie and Unified Efforts promoting a great message in association with the fight card. Michael’s Eighth Avenue has been our most popular venue and was sold out for the last card so I advise everybody to purchase their tickets early because this will be a special event for the community.


For more information on Baltimore Boxing Promotions, visiti Baltimoreboxing.com

Baltimore Boxing issues Statement on Baltimore Riots


Baltimore, Maryland (Abril 28, 2015) – As the rioters tear through the streets of Baltimore, Maryland, boxing promoter and gym owner Jake “The Snake” Smith remains extremely concerned for his friends, family and community. Like many other locals, Smith not only calls the Baltimore area his home but a place where he makes a living.


Having spent his entire life in and around Baltimore, Smith’s two children attend nearby schools and his Baltimore Boxing Gym is located on S. Broadway. For the safety of those that attend, Smith closed his gym yesterday and is keeping the doors shut today as well. Due the violent protests of Freddie Gray’s death, Smith isn’t positive when he will be able to continue training his boxers, many of whom use the Baltimore Boxing Gym as a resource to escape the preexisting dangers of the streets.


“In my forty-plus years in Baltimore, this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen,"Va dir Smith, whose promotional efforts have helped many local organizations through raffles and donations. “We are all aware that there are issues with police brutality throughout the country and while I am extremely disappointed with the lack of prosecution following specific incidents, rioting only makes everything worse. I truly understand that emotions are at all-time highs in Baltimore and people want their voices to be heard but this is not the way to do it. Having worked with people from all walks of life, I wholeheartedly respect everybody’s point of view but I am pleading with the community as a whole to schedule peaceful and civilized meetings with city officials. This is the only way for everybody to get their thoughts and opinions out while hearing what the other side has to say. Riots are only going to tear apart and create further distance between police and citizens in this great city. I pray that everything calms down quickly and a resolution is met.”


Baltimore Boxing to invade Ocean City Convention Center May 9!

Baltimore, Maryland (Abril 10, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions returns to Ocean City, MD for “Beatdown at the Beach” Dissabte, Maig 9 at the Ocean City Convention Center.


Tickets for “Beatdown at the Beach” from $25 are available on Ticketmaster.com and at the Convention Center Box Office.


“Ocean City is a great market and one I’ve enjoyed coming to every year,"Va dir Smith. “There are a lot of great events taking place from May until August there and I’m glad that Baltimore Boxing is a part of it. We had a great turnout for our last few shows and am excited to see everybody on the 9º."


En l'esdeveniment principal de la nit, popular heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed defends his East Coast Heavyweight title against an opponent to be named. The world record holder for fastest knockout, Crossed has shown steady improvement and looks to have a bright future.


Rising star Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey will put his East Coast Junior Middleweight crown on the line when he squares off against an opponent TBA. With great fan support and a plethora of skills, Veazey’s won numerous tournaments while achieving national and international rankings from various organizations.


Welterweight Allen Burris is scheduled to risk his East Coast belt against an opponent to be announced and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In association with the fight card, Baltimore Boxing will assist the Worcester County Humane Society with their efforts in helping shelter animals find new homes. During the evening, there will be a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going to the society and Baltimore Boxing is also donating tickets.


“There are so many great organizations out there that need help,"Va dir Smith, who has provided funding through raffles and auctions for various charities in association with Baltimore Boxing’s fight cards. “Animal shelters receive little or no funding even though they literally save lives of animals and connect them with loving families. It’s my pleasure to be assisting them and hopefully the money raised can go a long way.”


For more information on the Worcester County Humane Society, si us plau visiti http://worcestercountyhumanesociety.org. Per obtenir més informació sobre Promocions Baltimore Boxa, anar a Baltimoreboxing.com

Saló de la Fama Mark Johnson, l'estrella en ascens Dusty Harrison i l'ex campió Vicente Pettway assisteixin "Snap, Crackle i Pop "!

Baltimore, Maryland (Març 18, 2015) - La llegenda de la boxa de Mark "Too Sharp" Johnson, invicte Dusty Harrison i l'ex campió de pes welter Vicente Pettway assistiran "Snap de Baltimore Boxa, Crackle i Pop " Dissabte, Març 27.


La targeta té lloc a la Vuitena Avinguda de Michael a Glen Burnie amb portes d'obertura en 6:30 pm i la primera campana programada per 8. Les butlletes estan a la venda trucant 410-375-9175 o anar a Baltimoreboxing.com. Les entrades individuals comencen a $25 i taules VIP de 10 estan disponibles per $500. Tots els compradors del tiquet VIP poden gaudir gratis hors d'oeurves de 7-8 pm i els millors seients a la casa.


Un dels més grans homes petits en la història de la boxa, Johnson va capturar el títol de pes mosca de la FIB en 1996 a noquejar Francisco Trejedor en la primera ronda. El Washington, Nadiu DC va passar a defensar el seu campionat set vegades abans de pujar i guanyar la corona de pes mosca de la FIB súper. After a pair of setbacks to future hall of famer Rafael Marquez, Johnson es va convertir en el primer home a batre futura estrella Fernando Montiel en 2003 abans de retirar-tres anys més tard amb un excel·lent 44-5 registre. Amb una carrera llegendària en els llibres, Johnson va ser exaltat al Saló de la Fama de la Boxa Internacional a 2012.


Una estrella en ascens coneguda, Harrison es va convertir en professional a l'edat madura de 16. Després d'haver estat al centre d'atenció des del primer dia,Èxit en el ring de Harrison ha donat suport al bombo i ell segueix millorant cada vegada que entra en el cercle al quadrat. En el seu combat més recent, el Harrison basat DC va millorar a 25-0 i va capturar la corona del CMB Continental de les Amèriques pes welter en superar a Tommy Rainone més de deu rondes al Madison Square Garden.


Lluitant fora de la Baltimore, Pettway es va convertir en un campió del món en 1994, stopping underrated Gianfranco Rossi to win the IBF super welterweight belt. In his next match, Pettway anotar un dels nocauts més memorables en la història de la boxa, viciosament guardant Simon Brown en el sisè assalt per retenir el seu títol. Després de Brown va colpejar el llenç, que literalment es va llançar cops a l'aire. La repetició s'ha demostrat en innombrables ocasions i és un favorit dels fanàtics de la boxa.


Pettway retirar en 2001 amb un registre de 43-7-1 amb 32 triomfs per nocaut. A l'agost passat, rebre el Smith "Escola de cops" premi Murray pel seu compromís de per vida a la ciutat de Baltimore.


"En qualsevol moment vostè pot tenir dos grans de la boxa i un dels millors boxejadors joves en un sol lloc alhora és una cosa especial,"Va dir Jake Smith de Promocions Baltimore Boxa. "Vicente ha estat un gran amic i partidari de Baltimore Boxa com és Marcos. He conegut a Dusty ja que ell és un nen i no tinc cap dubte que serà un campió del món en un futur pròxim ".


Johnson, Harrison, i Pettway estarà disponible per xatejar amb persones amb butlletes VIP, signar autògrafs i prendre fotos. Cinc vegades campió Vinny Pau també assisteix i discutirà la seva pròxima pel·lícula, empresa de vins i passar temps amb persones amb butlletes VIP.


Aquest emocionant vetllada de boxa tindrà quatre baralles pel títol de pes mitjà junior entre ells Joey "Bazooka Joe" Veazey i el pes pesat Sam "Vainilla Goril·la" Creuada en partits per la corona de la Costa Est de la seva divisió. La cartellera comptarà amb Allen "El Hampton Hammer" Burris, Courtney Hartlove, 2015 Guants d'Or campió Tommy Coe Jr. i ex estrella de bàsquet de la universitat Stefon McCray en baralles separades.


En associació amb aquest sòlid tarda de baralles, Baltimore Boxa tindrà lloc un especial 50/50 rifa per al Fons de Beques Brooke i Nathan Fenush. El fons va ser creat per ajudar a Baltimore County Departament de Bombers tinent Paul Fenush, la dona va morir recentment.


Per obtenir més informació, anar a Baltimoreboxing.com