Etikedaj Arkivoj: Atlantika Urbo

Loka boksistoj John Lennox, Quian Davis kaj Alshamar Johnson reliefigi Rising Boxing Promotions subkarto tiu sabato ĉe la Claridge en Atlantic City

Thoms “Cornflake” LaManna faras Veltero debuton tiu sabato kontraŭ Ariel Vasquez en ĉefokazaĵo
Atlantika Urbo, NJ (Decembro 4, 2015)–ĈI SABATO NOKTO, Decembro 5a, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna alpreni Ariel Vasquez in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotelo en Atlantika Urbo.
La karto estas promociita de Rising Boxing Promotions en unuiĝo kun Vincent M. Ponte la Golfa Marfluo Promotions.

Antaŭ la ĉefokazaĵo, solida subkarto formas kun supro batalantoj de Nov-Ĵerzejo kaj la bordo spaco estos prezentita sur la subkarto.
En 6-ronda vico
John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO’s) de Carteret, NJ prenos sur Willis Lockett de Takoma Park, MD.
Lennox sercxos reiri en la venko kolumnon post delasante unuaniman decidon Dan Pasciolla sur Aŭgusto 15. The former college football standout has a win over Patrick Farrell (8-1-1).
Lockett estas 14 jaro veterano, kiuj alfrontis supro konkurado kiel Brian Minto, Ksavero Maŭra, Tommy Karpency, iama mondĉampiono Keith Holmes, Jerson Ravelo, Aaron Pryor Jr, Tarvis Simms kaj Michael Fokoj.
Li havas kvaliton venkoj super Tyrone Tate, Glenn Turner, Willie Williams & iama mondo titolon kontestanto Larry Marks.
Ankaŭ aperanta estos nevenkita Cruiserweight knokaŭta artisto Alvin Varmall (7-0-1, 7 KO’s) de Lago Loko, LA Battling Philly malmola tipo Brian Donahue En 4-ronda vico.
Loka Heavyweight Quian Davis De Vineland, NJ batalos Santario Holdbrooksde Kannapolis, NC en 4-ronda vico de batalantoj kiuj estos serĉas lian unuan venkon.
Alshamar Johnson (1-1) De Vineland, NJ, kiu envenas ekstere impresa halto super antaŭe nevenkita Nick Valliere (5-0) Prenos sur Vellosidades Bela (3-1, 1 KO) De #Re?o, NY en Super Welterweight bout.
Ludoviko Perozo de Nov-Jorko faros sian profesian debuton kontraŭ Davonte Steele de Norda Karolino en Malpeza atako.
Biletoj estas $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Budoj de 5 disponebla por $500) and are available at

La porda turniro ĉe 6 PM kun 1st sonorilon ĉe 7 PM.

The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: risingpromo

Rising Promotions kreis kun la intenco de igi domon teno nomo kun la ŝlosilo objektiva de Rising Promotions povante kunordigi tabelo de diversigita specialaj okazaĵoj ene de la sportoj kaj distra industrio, La CEO kaj partneroj ĉe Rising Promotions sentas ke la ŝancoj por kresko estas senfinaj. Ni ŝatus doni ŝancojn al supre kaj venanta profesia tiel kiel amatora boksistoj ke aliaj iniciatintoj ne volonte doni ŝancon. La okazaĵoj kiuj Rising planoj kunordigi provizos tre devita pagebla, familio-amika sportoj entretenimiento.

Nun ĉe Welterweight, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna vidas brilan estontecon

LaManna faras Veltero debut #?I tiu sabato kontraŭ Ariel Vasquez ĉe la Claridge en Atlantic City

Por Tuja Elkarcerigo
Atlantika Urbo, NJ (Decembro 1, 2015)–Sur Sabato Nokto, Decembro 5a, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna alpreni Ariel Vasquez in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotelo en Atlantika Urbo.
La karto estas promociita de Rising Boxing Promotions en unuiĝo kun Vincent M. Ponte la Golfa Marfluo Promotions.

La lukto karto ankaŭ estos kunlabore kun Ray McCline de la Atlantika Urbo Boksado-Halo de Famo.

LaManna (18-1, 7 KO’s) de proksima Millville, #Nov-?erzejo & Vasquez (12-11-2, 8 KO’s) De Managua, Nikaragvo partoprenos en 8-ronda veltero bout.

Vasquez venas suferintojn plimulto decidon malvenko al nevenkita Tomaso Mattice novembro 25a en Erie, PA.

Tio estos la unua vojaĝo en la 147-funta dividado por la 6'2″ LaManna. He spent his career at Middleweight and Jr. Middleweight.

Mi ne scias multe pri Vasquez aliaj ol li estas maldekstramana. Mi estas en granda formo kaj estos preta por la tasko ĉe mano,” Dirita LaManna.

“Mi sentas bone ĉe la pezon. Mi ne havis problemon subteni decan pezo do ĝi ne estis tiel malfacila por fari ĝin. La veltero dividado estas larĝe malfermita kaj mi vidas ŝancojn venon proksima estonteco.”

Rising Promotions and Vincent Ponte’s Gulf Stream Promotions is looking to have a huge breakout 2016 kaj alporti boksado reen al Atlantic City, sed unue ni devas preteriri Ariel Vasquez.”
LaManna la trejnisto, Raul “Ĉino” Rivas has had success moving fighter’s to their proper weight class and he feels LaManna will benefit greatly fighting at Welterweight.
“Tiu estos lia unua batalo ĉe 147 Funtoj”, Said Rivas. “Tendaro estis bonega kaj li estas en pinta. I believe he has been fighting out of his weight class. He is not a 154 dispremila, lasu sole 160 funto batalanto. He is a Welterweight and people will see his knockout ratio improve.
“Thomas estos akra por tiu lukto. He is still a young fighter and by next year, vi vidos lian forton matura en sia Veltero kadro,” finita Rivas.
Diris, Debbie LaManna de Rising Promotions, “Jen nia unua spektaklo kaj ni estas ekscitita esti farante tion en Atlantic City, kiu havas nekredeblan boksado historio. I want to thank the Claridge as well as it has been a great pleasure to work with New Jersey Athletic Commission. Larry Hazzard and Rhonda Utley are great to work with.
Said Vinny LaManna, Patro / Direktisto de Thomas LaManna, “Inter liaj lastaj du bataloj, Tomaso rigardis rimarkinde bona. This a great move for him to go to Welterweight and I feel he will come into his own.
Diris, Vincent M. Ponte de Gulfstream Promotions, “Ni estas plaĉita kun la disvolviĝo de Thomas kaj ni atendas grandajn aferojn li en 2016.
LaManna estos partoprenanta en sia 3a lukto 4 Monatoj.
“Mi ankaŭ ŝatus danki mian sponsoroj MHP, RPM Aŭto Vendoj kaj HARD Trinkaĵoj.”

Vasquez, 28 jaroj fariĝis profesia en 2005 kaj batalis sian unuan 11 luktojn en sia denaska Nikaragvo. He twice fought Juan Antonio Rodriguez for the WBC Youth Featherweight title and held undefeated Eliezer Landas (10-0) al remizo en atako por la WBA Super Bantamweight titolo Fedecentro.
Li alfrontis kvin nevenkitaj batalantoj inkluzive de sia lasta tri.
En la 6-ronda ko-trajto, Veltero Anthony “Suko” Juna (11-1, 5 KO’s) de Atlantic City prenos sur Cherry Hill Anthony Prescott (5-7-2, 2 KO’s) en batalo por Nov-Ĵerzejo fanfaronadoj rajtoj.
La 27 jaraĝa hejmanto de Atlantic City havas rekordon de 11-1 kun kvin knockouts, estos faranta lian 5a apero en sia hejmurbo. He is coming off a 6-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on Aŭgusto 15 En Atlantika Urbo.

Prescott havas venkoj super nevenkita Anthony Miller (1-0) kaj Anthony Abbruzzese (3-0). He is coming off a 6-round unanimous decision defeat to Kareem Martin onAŭgusto 28a En #Va?ingtono, D.C.

En 6-ronda vico
John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO’s) de Carteret, NJ prenos sur Willis Lockett de Takoma Park, MD.
En 4-ronda Bouts:
Alvin Vermall (6-0-1, 6 KO’s) de Lago Loko, LA batalos Brian Donahue de Filadelfio en Cruiserweight bout
Quian Davis (0-0-1) De Vineland, NJ batalos Santario Holdbrooks (0-2) de Kannapolis, NC en Heavyweight bout.

Edgar Parlamento (2-1) De Vineland, NJ vidos agon en Bantamweight bout.

Ludoviko Perozo de Nov-Jorko faros sian profesian debuton kontraŭ Darius Jackson (0-2) de Anderson, SC en Malpeza atako.

Biletoj estas $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Budoj de 5 disponebla por $500) and are available at
The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: risingpromo

Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna to headline on Saturday, Decembro 5a ĉe la Claridge en Atlantic City

Plus Anthony “Suko” Young in the co-feature as well as undefeated Angel Cencepcion

Por Tuja Elkarcerigo
Atlantika Urbo, NJ (Oktobro 26, 2015)–Sur sabato nokte, Decembro 5a,Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna will be featured in the main event of a card that will take place at the Claridge Hotelo en Atlantika Urbo.
The card is promoted by Rising Star Promotions in association with Vincent M Ponte’s Gulf Stream Promotions.

La lukto karto ankaŭ estos kunlabore kun Ray McCline de la Atlantika Urbo Boksado-Halo de Famo.

LaManna (18-1, 7 KO’s) de proksima Millville, New Jersey will take part in a 8-round Welterweight bout against an opponent to be named.

La 23 jaraĝa LaManna fariĝis profesia en 2011 kaj gajnis sian unuan dek ses atakojn kiuj elstarigis per venkoj super Ashandi Gibbs & Jamaal Davis.

Ekde suferas lia nura perdo, LaManna has won two straight which includes a 6-round unanimous decision over rugged Ayi Bruce on September 26th in Beach Haven, #Nov-?erzejo.
Tiu perdo, which was a nationally televised fight with Antoine Douglas, donis LaManna la ekkompreno ke li devus movi malsupren en pezo kaj la iama Middleweight defianto nun kampanji kiel Veltero.
LaManna, who has taken more control of his career with his formation of Rising Star Promotions, has been very active as this will be his 3rd fight in 4 Monatoj.
Also seeing action in a six round bout will be Welterweight Anthony “Suko” Juna.
La 27 jaraĝa hejmanto de Atlantic City havas rekordon de 11-1 kun kvin knockouts, estos faranta lian 5a apero en sia hejmurbo. He is coming off a 6-round unanimous decision over Jonathan Garcia on Aŭgusto 15 En Atlantika Urbo.
Also in action will be Heavyweight John Lennox (13-3, 5 KO’s) de Carteret, #Nov-?erzejo, Super Bantamweight, Anthony Carramano (2-1) of Staten Island in a 4-round bout, Luma Superpezulo Angel Concepcion (7-0) de Newark, New Jersey in a 4-round bout; Pro debuting Cruiserweight Alvin Varmall of Catskills, New York and Pro debuting Heavyweight Julio Arceo De Philadelphia

Pli atakojn kaj oponantoj estos anoncitaj baldaŭ.

Biletoj estas $50 GA, $75 Ringside, $75 Stage & $125 VIP (Budoj de 5 disponebla por $500) and are available at
The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: @risingstarboxing
Pepi: @risingstarbox

Travis Kauffman takes on Epifanio Mendoza on Friday, Septembro 18 Ĉe la Claridge en Atlantika Urbo

Plus the return of former Heavyweight title challenger Eddie Chambers as well as undefeated Dauren Yeleussinov, Keith Tapia, John Magda, Earl Newman and Carlos Gongora
Por Tuja Elkarcerigo

Legado, PA (#A?gusto 26, 2015)– Vendrede Nokto, Septembro 18, boxing returns to the Claridge Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City as Kings Promotions returns for a big night of action.
En la #?efa evento, Travis Kauffman will take on former world title challenger Epifanio Mendoza.
Kauffman of Reading, PA havas rekordon de 29-1 Kun 21 knockouts and is riding an 11-fight win streak that has spanned 5 and a half years.
Kauffman has defeated the likes of Malachy Farrell (16-1), William Shahan (7-1), Chris Koval (24-6), Vincent Thompson (13-1) and in his last bout he took out Richard Carmack in one-round on August 14 in Newark, #Nov-?erzejo.
Mendoza is a grizzled veteran has fought everybody from Jr. Middleweight to Heavyweight. He has prodigious knockout power as his record stands at 41-21-1 Kun 35 #Knoka?to.
The native of Baranquilla, Colombia has wins over Tukunbo Olajide (17-0), Rubin Williams (19-0), Alejandro Garcia (7-1), Carlos Negron (13-0) & Ray Recio (6-0). He is coming off a 3rd round stoppage over Tomas Orozco Rodriguez on Julio 25 in Barinquilla, Kolombio.
The co-feature will be an 8-round Heavyweight bout that will feature the American return of former world title challenger “rapida” Eddie Chambers (41-4, 22 KO’s) Prenanta sur Galen Bruna (41-31-1, 25 KO’s) De St. Joseph, Misuro.
Also appearing in an 8-round bout will be Heavyweight Keith Tapia (15-0, 10 KO’s) of Santurce, Puerto Rico taking on Roberto Santos (12-2, 5 KO’s) of Nuevo Laredo, Meksiko.

Ivan Golub (8-0, 6 KO’s) De Brooklyn, NY batalos Javier Castro (27-8, 22 KO’s) of Chihuahua, Mexico in a Super Welterweight bout.

John Magda (11-0, 7 KO’s) De Rutherford, NJ batalos Francisco Reza (14-14, 11 KO;s) of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico in a Super Middleweight bout.
En 6-rondaj vicoj:
Dauren Yuleussinov (3-0, 2 KO’s) De Brooklyn, NY fighting Miguel Munguia (31-33-1, 25 KO’s) in a Super Middleweight fight.
Earl Newman (6-0, 5 KO’s) De Brooklyn, NY batalos Ricardo Campillo (9-8-1, 7 KO’s) de Sonora, Mexico in a Cruiserweight bout.
Danny Kelly (8-1-1, 7 KO’s) De #Va?ingtono, DC will battle Jimmy Suarez (3-6, 3 KO’s) De Aguada, PR in a Heavyweight bout.
Eksa Olympian, Carlos Gongora (2-0, 2 KO’s) Prenos sur Juan Carlos Rojas (10-12-1, 8 KO’s) of Saltillo, Mexico in a Super Middleweight bout.
Biletoj povas esti aĉetita por $100, $75 Kaj $50 De klakantawww.claridgeboxing.eventbrite.Com or by calling call 610 587 5950 #A? 609 868 4243
Photo by Joe Tarlecky

Post kiam 31 second knockout, Dawejko looks forward to ShoBox date with Visinia on August 28

Philadelphia, PA (#A?gusto 18, 2015)– On August 7 at Ballys in Atlantic City, Joey Dawejko made quick work of Robert Dunton to the tune of 31 second-1 punch stoppage and now the Philadelphia Heavyweight looks to an #A?gusto 28 showdown with good friend Natu Visinia in a bout scheduled for 8-rounds at The D Las Vegas. The bout will be televised live on ShoBox: La Nova Generacio.
Just days after the win over Dunton, Dawejko boarded a plane with trainer Buddy McGirt and assistant trainer Greg Hackett and went right back to work to begin preparations for the fight with Visinia.
We took that fight just to get Joey back in a winning frame of mind. After the fight with Amir Mansour, Buddy began correcting went wrong in that fight. The Mansour fight was the first fight with Buddy and by the time August 28 comes around, Joey and Buddy will basically been working for 10 straight weeks. I believe that the familiarity will produce the results that we are looking for,” said Dawejko’s manager Mark Cipparone of Club 1957 Management.
This is a very important fight for Joey. He knows that this is the next opportunity to prove that he is a top Heavyweight contender on national television. It is also important because he is a promotional free agent and we have a couple of nice deals already presented to us and a good win over a tough opponent in Natu is another way to showcase himself to all those who are interested.
Joey Dawejko
Joey Dawejko



Atlantika Urbo, NJ (#A?gusto 12, 2015)–John Lennox made a call in February to his long time manager and good friend Rich Masini. The call was relatively long.

The contents of the call were passionate on both sides because the two guys who have had the same goal and same mission for years, Win a title! The manager and the fighter each laid out their case, but the crux of this call was between two great friends who have a great respect for each other and they both agreed to do their part in the quest of the goal.

That quest begins this Saturday night when Lennox (13-2, 5 KO’s takes on Dan Pasciolla (3-1) in a 6-round Heavyweight bout at The Playground in Atlantic City.

Abrupte poste, John walked into the gym and met with his longtime trainer Charles Thomas and Masini.

John was weighing 249 pounds and a long way from his ideal fighting weight.

I took time off. I got married and had a child plus I work in Manhattan as a Lost Prevention Manager at Barneys. Things are going well now.

What transpired over the next six months was the epitome of hard work and dedication with one vision of which will come to fruition on Saturday night night in Atlantic City.

Lennox will enter the ring after a 22 month layoff, when he takes on the formidable Pacsiolla.

I knew what my problems were and now it’s time to get back to boxing. I want something out of boxing.

Lennox is an accomplished professional and is ready to go after the long layoff.

Masini has gone on record stating that John is in great shape and we have had great southpaw sparring. On August 15 En Atlantika Urbo, it will be John’s night to prove he is back.

I know Pasciolla is a tall southpaw but that should not be a problem I am working to put on a good show.

I love this kid and when he is in the ring, I am with him,” said Masini. “I have the utmost respect for John and we expect a great night against a solid opponent. We expect John to have a large support group to be in the crowd rooting him on.

John has had great trainers over the years, including long time and first time trainer Charles Thomas. John has also trained under Buddy McGirt. Because of other obligations, Buddy will not be able to be here with us on fight night but he is expected to be in John’s corner in upcoming fights.

Masini gushes over Thomas great work with Lennox. Thomas and Lennox have a long bond which gives Lennox a great comfort level .

I want to thank my manager and trainer for still believing in me. I do this for them as much as I do this for me. I am taking this very serious as I am planning to drop down to

In the 10-round Heavyweight main event, Chazz Witherspoon (33-3, 25 KO’s) takes on Nicholas Guivas (11-2-2, 9 KO’s)

En 6-rondaj vicoj:

Keenan Smith (7-0, 2 KO’s) De Philadelphia, PA will fight Lavelle Hadley (2-0, 2 KO’s) of Youngstown, OH.

Anthony Young (10-1, 5 KO’s) De Atlantika Urbo, NJ will take Jonathan Garcia (4-14, 1 KO) En Welterweight vico.

Wang Zhimin (3-0, 1 KO) of China will fight Rashad Bogar (4-5-1, 2 KO’s) de Newark, NJ in a Jr. Welterweight vico.

Zhang Zhilei (4-0, 2 KO’s) De Las Vegas, NV will battle Dennis Benson (2-6-1, 1 KO) of Norfolk, VA in a Heavyweight bout.

En 4-rondaj vicoj:

Scott Kelleher of Philadelphia will make his pro debut against Xzavier Ford (0-1) De Concord, NC in a Jr. Welterweight vico.

#?eromo Konkero (2-1) of Philadelphia will battle pro debuting David Perez of Pittsburgh, PA Lightweight bout.

Parris Chisholm (2-0, 1 KO) De #Va?ingtono, DC will fight Ronnie Jordan (1-5-1) of Cincinatti, Ohio in a Welterweight fight.

Dustin Fleischer (3-0, 3 KO’s) of Monmouth County, NJ will see action in a Welterweight bout against David Ratliff (0-1) of North Carolina.

Kashif Mohamed (0-1) of New York, NY will box Samuel Ellsworth (2-0, 2 KO’s) of Farmersville, LA in a Middleweight bout.

Eric Kitt (5-1, 2 KO’s) De Pensacola, FL will take on Gilbert Alex Sanchez (5-6-1, 2 KO’s) De Camden, NJ in a Middleweight bout.

The playground is a brand-new, state of the art entertainment complex where the shops at the Pier used to be. The facility is 500,000 square feet. The Playground is located at One Atlantic Ocean, Atlantika Urbo, NJ 08401

Tickets for this great night of boxing will range from $75, $100 Kaj $150 and can be purchased at

Porda turniro #?e 6:30 PM with 1st bell at 8 PM

GH3 Antaŭenigoj subskribas undefeated Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith

Nutley, NJ (#A?gusto 7, 2015) – GH3 Antaŭenigoj estas fiera anonci la subskribon de undefeated Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith Al eksklusiva varba kontrakto.
Smith de Philadelphia havas rekordon de 7-0 Kun 2 #Knoka?to.
Smith turnis profesian en 2009 Kaj estas rigardita kiel tre kvalifikita profesiulo.
“Ĝi estas plezuro subskribi kun GH3 Antaŭenigoj. Mi ŝatas la vojon ili movas iliajn batalantojn kaj ilin estas komencanta fari grandajn aferojn kaj mi sentas min konvenas je kun tio,” Diris Smith.
“Mi ŝatas la vojon Vito Mielnicki funkcias. Ili estis akiranta multajn televidajn datojn kaj mi rigardas antaŭen al showcasing miaj kapabloj dum la lando.”
Smith estis 72-4 Kiel amatora kaj estis Naciaj Oraj Gantoj senegala tiel kiel Jr. Olimpika Olimpika ĉampiono.
Kiam demandita pri liaj mallongaj kaj longatempaj celoj, La 24 Jaro-malnova Forĝisto diris, “Mi estas serĉanta ok batalojn en la sekvanta jaro kaj baldaŭ post kiam kiu mi devus esti en pozicio kraki la pintan-15.”
Smith devus esti ekstere al bona komenco al atinganta tiujn celojn kiel li havas du batalojn enhorarigita en la sekvanta ses semajnoj.
“Mi estas rigardanta batali #A?gusto 15 En Atlantika Urbo kaj tiam mi estas penciled en bataliSeptembro 18 En Las Vegas kaj tiam denove en novembro sur televido. KE kiam mi kredas homojn komencos preni avizon ke mi estas venanta kaj establi min mem kiel laŭleĝa konkuranto sur mia al monda titolo.”
Said Vito Mielnicki de GH3 Antaŭenigoj, “Ni estas tre feliĉaj subskribi Keenan. Li glitis sub la radaro kaj li havas tunon de talento. Ni planas teni lin ekstreme okupata kaj ni sentas povis trovi veran gemon en Keenan. Li havis kelkajn problemojn kiu li metis malantaŭ li sed mi havis plurajn konversaciojn kun li kaj mi amas la infanon kaj lia personalty. Li estas juna viro kiu lernis de liaj eraroj. Li venkis Amir Imam 2 Tempoj en la amatoroj. Li estas vera superkvalita infano ni estas tre feliĉaj havi lin. Dave Price kaj Doc Nowicki donis min la pafo labori kun ili kiel partneroj kun Keenan kaj ĝia iro esti amuza kaj ekscita. La infano povis plate ekstere batalon”.
Keenan estas administrita de Doc Nowicki kaj Dave Price de D kaj D Administrado.
GH3 #Anta?enigo prezentas undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Ekstra Middleweight’s Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, nevenkitan Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez krom Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Undefeated Ekstra Bantamweight Qa’#identiga?o Mahometo, Malpeza Oscar Bonilla, Superpezula Natu Visinia, Lumo Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell , Jr. Malpeza O'Shanique Foster & Undefeated Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith al la GH3 Antaŭeniga stalo.

Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna looks to get back in win column this Friday night in rematch against Josh Robertson

Fight to be part of off-tv undercard of ShoBox fight card at Ballys Atlantic City

Por Tuja Elkarcerigo
Atlantika Urbo, NJ (#A?gusto 4, 2015)#?I tiu vendredo Nokto #?e Ballys Atlantic City, Middleweight Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna (16-1, 7 KO’s) will be back in action and looking to get back in the win column against a familiar foe when he takes on Josh Robertson En vico enhorarigita por 8-rondoj.
The bout will be part of the off-tv portion of a ShoBox televised tripleheader that will feature Middleweight Ievgen Khytrov taking on Nick Brinson.
LaManna of nearby Millville, New Jersey is coming off his first professional setback which ironically was televised on ShoBox on March 13 when he was stopped by 6 rounds to undefeated Antoine Douglas.
LaManna, who won a 6-round unanimous decision over Robertson in the same Ballys ring on September 28, 2013 knows that a big effort will get him back in a big fight.
“Trejnanta estis granda. By the time I get in the ring on Friday, I would have completed a 10 week training camp. I started camp in New York and I was supposed to fight on July 25. That show got postponed and I was fortunate enough to land on this show,” Dirita LaManna.
When asked about what he remembers about the first encounter with Robertson, LaManna recalls, “Mi venkis ĉiun ronda. That was a six rounder and this is an eight round fight. I want to stop him and make a statement.
If LaManna is able to get that emphatic win, he is hoping to look impressive in front of his hometown fans.
It’s good to be back on an undercard of a ShoBox event. It’s a high profile show in my home area. I will have a lot of support and I am looking forward to putting on a good performance.
During the camp, LaManna is working on the things that he needed to tighten up after the loss to Douglas.
I have been working on keeping my composure and sticking to my gameplan. I feel like I am getting stronger. I am still just 23 years-old and despite my last fight, my best boxing is still ahead of me.
I want to thank Lou DiBella for putting me on the card. As well I would to thank Vincent Ponte of Gulfstream Promotions as well as Rising Star Promotions.
Biletoj por la evento, promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Fight Promotions Inc., are currently on sale and are priced at $120 Kaj $60. Tickets can be purchased by calling Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 aŭ

Porda turniro #?e 6:30 P.M. ET, with the first bout scheduled to start at 7:00 P.M. ET.

About Rising Star Promotions:
Rising Star Promotions was created with the intent of becoming a house hold name with the key objective of Rising Star Promotions being able to coordinate an array of diversified special events within the sports and entertainment industry, The CEO and partners at Rising Star Promotions feel that the opportunities for growth are endless. Ni ŝatus doni ŝancojn al supre kaj venanta profesia tiel kiel amatora boksistoj ke aliaj iniciatintoj ne volonte doni ŝancon. The events that Rising Star plans to coordinate will provide much needed affordable, familio-amika sportoj entretenimiento.

Welterweight Bryant Perella looks to remain perfect this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Juan Dominguez headlines against Mario Antonio Macias
Atlantika Urbo, NJ (Majo 20,2015)–#?I tiu vendredo Nokto,Majo 22, boxing returns to the Claridge in Atlantic City with a full 9-bout card promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DeeLee Promotions.
Welterweight Bryant Perella will take part in his first eight-round bout when he takes on tough German Perez.
En la #?efa evento, Undefeated ekstra bantamweight Juan “Bebo Tito” Dominguez Prenos sur Mario Antonio Macias En vico enhorarigita por 8-rondoj.
Perella, 26 years-old of Lehigh Acres, Florido havas rekordon de 8-0 with seven knockouts and has stopped five straight.
He already has quality victories over Benito Tovar (3-0-1), which was a first-round stoppage and his last bout when he stopped Justin Johnson in four rounds onFebruaro 20.
“Ĉio estas bona. I am going to make weight and take care of business,”said Perella when contacted marde.
I know Perez is tough. Li estas 11-1 and from Mexico. I have not seen video on him but I am preparing for a rough fight. I know a lot of guys Tijuana come forward and are aggressive.
Perella came from a quality amateur career where he went 70-9 and placed in quite a few national tournaments.
I consider myself a smart boxer with speed and explosive power.
Perella, who has already scored a stoppage win in Las Vegas, is excited to see action in the traditional east coast hotbed of boxing in Atlantic City.
My first fight in Atlantic City is a dream come true. Next to Las Vegas it is the best place to fight and it motivated me throughout camp.
In Perez, the fight is a step up as the Tijuana native is unbeaten in his last seven bouts and is already competed in an eight-round bout.
For me to have my first eight round fight is a step up. This step up will really help me. I am going to relax and box then I will be able to break him down and get him out of there.
Perella is dedicating the fight to 18-year old Devin Raynaer who recently passed away in a car accident.
He was a friend of mine and I am dedicating this bout to him. I just want to thank my fans for supporting me and I am ready for an exciting fight.
Je 8 Rondaj vicoj:

John Magda (9-0, 6 KO’s) De Rutherford, NJ batalos Miguel Anĝelo Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO’s) En Ekstra Middleweight vico.

Gervonta Davis (10-0, 9 KO’s) De Baltimore, MD will take on Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 KO) of Mexico City in Featherweight bout.
En 6-rondaj vicoj:

Ekstra Middleweight Antuwyan Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) of Atlantic City will fight Edgar Perez (6-13, 3 KO’s) De Chicago, IOL
Jamontay Clark (5-0, 3 KO’s) De Cincinnati, OH batalos Jonathan Garcia (4-13, 1 KO) De Aguada, PR en Welterweight vico.
Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith (6-0, 2 KO’s el Philadelphia) Prenos Luis Rodriguez (3-3, 2 KO’s) De Carolina, PR.
En 4-rondaj vicoj:

Kareem Martin (4-0-1, 3 KO’s) De #Va?ingtono, D.C. Batalos Donald Sanchez (2-1, 1 KO) De Albuquerque, NM. En Welterweight vico.

Pro debuting Light Heavyweight Carlos Gongora De Brooklyn, NY will battle Efigenio Perez (0-4) of Puerto Rico.

Biletoj povas esti aĉetita por $100, $75 Kaj $50 De or by calling call 610 587 5950 #A? 609 868 4243

La 1a vico komencos #?e 7 PM Kun la pordoj malfermanta #?e 6 PM.

Atlantic City’s undefeated Super Middleweight Antuwyan Aikens set to return this Friday at the Claridge in Atlantic City Juan Dominguez headlines against Mario Antonio Macias

Atlantika Urbo, NJ (Majo 19,2015)–#?I tiu vendredo Nokto,Majo 22, Boksanta revenojn al la Claridge en Atlantika Urbo kun plena 10-vica karto antaŭenigita de King’s Antaŭenigoj en asocio kun DeeLee Antaŭenigoj.
In one of the featured undercard bouts, undefeated super middleweight, AntuwyanAikens makes his return after a 13-month layoff when he takes on tough Edgar Perez in a bout scheduled for 6-rounds.
En la #?efa evento, Undefeated ekstra bantamweight Juan “Bebo Tito” DominguezPrenos sur Mario Antonio Macias En vico enhorarigita por 8-rondoj.
Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) of Atlantic City will be making his 7th appearance in his hometown and is ready to get his career on track after going throughThe Business Side of Boxing.
“Mi havis bonan tendaron. We weren’t getting the right deals so we took the time off. We re-evaluated our career and wanted to see what direction we wanted to go in. We hope that this fight with King’s Promotions will bring us better fights, “Diris la 26 jaraĝa Aikens.
In Perez, he is fighting a guy who not only has been with top competition as he has fought 10 undefeated fighters but also holds a win over previously undefeated Atlantic City based Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell.
I know that Perez is a brawler. I know he beat Harvell. So for that I know it is a challenge and I look forward to that but I plan on giving him a boxing lesson.
Harvell, has been busy working at the Tri-Care Medical transport Company but knows that he needs to look good in front of his hometown fans.
It means a lot to mean to fight here at home. I am glad to be back and make the most of it. I am looking forward to a good fight and please the fans.
8 Rondaj vicoj:

Bryant Perella (11-0, 7 KO’s) De Lehigh Akreoj, FL batalos German Perez (11-1-3, 3 KO’s) De Tijuana, MX en Welterweight vico.

John Magda (9-0, 6 KO’s) De Rutherford, NJ batalos Miguel Anĝelo Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO’s) En Ekstra Middleweight vico.

Gervonta Davis (10-0, 9 KO’s) De Baltimore, MD will take on Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 KO) of Mexico City in Featherweight bout.
En 6-rondaj vicoj:

Middleweight Caleb Hunter Fabrikejo (6-0, 5 KO’s) De Ashland Urbo, TN will fight an opponent to be named.
Jamontay Clark (5-0, 3 KO’s) De Cincinnati, OH batalos Jonathan Garcia (4-13, 1 KO) De Aguada, PR en Welterweight vico.
Jr. Welterweight Keenan Smith (6-0, 2 KO’s el Philadelphia) Prenos Luis Rodriguez (3-3, 2 KO’s) De Carolina, PR.
En 4-rondaj vicoj:

Kareem Martin (4-0-1, 3 KO’s) De #Va?ingtono, D.C. Batalos Marques Jackson (3-15, 2 KO’s) De Atlanta, GA in a Welterweight bout.

Pro debuting Light Heavyweight Carlos Gongora De Brooklyn, NY will battle Efigenio Perez (0-4) of Puerto Rico.

Biletoj povas esti aĉetita por $100, $75 Kaj $50 De or by calling call 610 587 5950 #A? 609 868 4243

La 1a vico komencos #?e 7 PM Kun la pordoj malfermanta #?e 6 PM.