Tag Archives: сонирхогчдын боксын

Collegiate Fight NightWest Point vs. New England This Saturday night in Winchester, Магистр

WINCHESTER, Масс. (Арваннэгдүгээр 6, 2017) – Veterans Day will be celebrated in a unique way this Saturday night (7 p.m. БОЛОН) when the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA), in association with USA Boxing, presents an evening of amateur boxing, “Collegiate Fight Night”,
Нь 10 amateur matches being held at Maurer Auditorium in Winchester Town Hall (on Mt. Vernon St.).
The Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point are matched against a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (New London, СТ), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut and Trinity College.
(all 3 X 2 Удаа)
160 кг
Luca Botis LoConte (18-7), Army West Point / Winchester, Магистр
Joseph Orosco (10-8), Trinity College / Pomona CA
Jack Ward (0-0), Army West Point / North Hampton, NH
Jesus Fequiere (0-0), UConn / Windsor, СТ
200 кг.
Jordan Elliott (4-5), Army West Point / Camden, МОНГОЛ
Marshall Rayburn (4-5), Coast Guard / New London, СТ
185 кг
Emmanuel Ahou (0-0), Army West Point / Newark, NJ
Luke Psoimas (0-1), Coast Guard / New London, СТ
175 кг.
Kalen Khan (0-0), Army West Point / Bonne Terre, MO
Josh Bennett (1-1), UConn / Bridgeport, СТ
158 кг
Alex Lawrence (0-0), Army West Point / Carrollton, TX
Jacob Cohen (0-0), UMass / Northborough, Магистр
158 кг
Moses Sun (5-3), Army West Point / Granite Falls, WA
Colin Johnson (4-3), Coast Guard / New London, СТ
156 кг
Kyle Taylor (1-0), Army West Point / Oro Valley, МОНГОЛ
Aaron Schneider (1-2), Trinity College / Needham, Магистр
156 кг.
Chandon Hutchinson (0-0), Army West Point / Оранж, Зэрэг
Dante Gilbert (0-0), UConn / Stamford, СТ
125 кг.
Isiah Ortiz (4-2), Army West Point / Stockton, Зэрэг
Christian Moura (2-4), UMass / Hollis, NH
(all matches & boxers subject to change)
Former professional world champions “Ирландын” Micky Ward (Lowell) болон Jose Antonio “Gallo” Ривера (Worcester) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone (1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) үнэтэй байна $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (cash bar), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, Гэсэн хэдий ч, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /NCBA, /USABoxing
ABOUT NATIONAL COLLEGIATE BOXING ASSOCIATION (NCBA): The NCBA is the senior college boxing governing body in the United States. The NCBA provides student athletes an opportunity to box at the recreational, intramural, and competitive levels. Its philosophy and rules provide a safe and level playing field for both new and experienced athletes.
АНУ-ын БОКСЫН ТУХАЙ: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, зан чанарыг хөгжүүлэх, боксын спортыг дэмжих, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, bit also oversee and every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

USA Boxing Alumni Association Open for Registration

Шуурхай мэдээ
Колорадо Спрингс, Тойргийн. (Арваннэгдүгээр 2, 2017). – The newly created USA Boxing Alumni Association registration is officially open for those interested in becoming members.
The Alumni Association, which was created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, including boxers, албан тушаалтнууд, дасгалжуулагчид, боксын хорхойтнууд, will help connect generations of champions, as well as help inspire and give back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions inside and outside the ring.
The Alumni Association will bring together former boxers, coaches and officials that have reached all levels of success in amateur boxing, as well as people who have a love for Olympic-style boxing,” тайлбар Mike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director. “This association will help expand our grassroots and help create the future champions of USA Boxing and alumni members.
Open to anyone possessing a love for the sport and looking to stay connected with amateur boxing, the Alumni Association members are granted access to a variety of special events that will be hosted by the Alumni Association, including the first annual USA boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.
The reception, which will honor and celebrate the five inaugural members of the Alumni Association Hall of Fame, will be held on Арванхоёрдугаар сар 8 in Salt Lake City in conjunction with the 2017 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships & Junior and Prep Open. The five inductees include:
  • Мухаммед Али
  • Tom Coulter
  • Buddy Davis
  • Evander Холифилд
  • Roosevelt Sanders
World-renowned CBS and Showtime announcer Аль Bernstein will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the event.
USA Boxing makes a positive difference in the lives of thousands and thousands of young people on a daily basis, and I am so honored to serve as emcee for the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception. This new arm of USA Boxing will be a terrific addition to an already great organization,” Bernstein байна. “I look forward to a great week.
In addition to Bernstein’s role as emcee, many esteemed members of the USA Boxing alumni community are scheduled to attend the inaugural event, оролцуулах: Michael Carbajal, BJ Флорес, Larry Fullmer, Virgil Хилл, Рауль Маркес, Steve Smoger,Jesse Valdez, Micky Ward болон Eddie Weichers.
When joining, which cost $40/year, new members will be given a t-shirt, түлхүүрийн оосор ба цахим түрийвч. For more information on the USA Boxing Alumni Association, холбоо барина уу alumni@usaboxing.org эсвэл айлчлал USABoxing.org
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing
Inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association

Hall of Fame Reception to be held Нийтэлсэн. 8 in Salt Lake City

АНУ-ын БОКСЫН ТУХАЙ: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, зан чанарыг хөгжүүлэх, боксын спортыг дэмжих, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Collegiate Fight NightHomecoming for two West Point Cadet Boxers Luca LoConte Botis & Jack Ward

Бямба гариг, Эцсийн. 11 in Winchester, Магистр
(L-R) – Luca LoConte Botis, head coach Ray Barone, and Jack Ward
WINCHESTER, Масс. (Аравдугаар сар 29, 2017) – “Collegiate Fight Night”, presented by the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA) in association with USA Boxing, Бямба гарагт Шөнийн (7 p.m. БОЛОН эхлэх), Арваннэгдүгээр 11, will be a homecoming for a pair of West Point Cadets boxers with close ties to the town of Winchester (Магистр), Luca LoConte Botis болон Jack Ward.
Ten amateur bouts are on tap at Maurer Auditorium in Winchester Town Hall (on Mt. Vernon St.) as the Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point are matched against a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (New London, СТ), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut, Trinity College and Harvard University.
West Point requires all its Cadets, male and female, to take 19 lessons of boxing and that, combined with the program’s tremendous success in competition over the years, results in its relatively high number of boxers (40) on a college boxing team. West Point voluntary head boxing coach Ray Barone is a military retiree who taught at West Point.
Luca and Jack work hard in the gym and are leaders amongst their peers,” Coach Barone said. “They are top-of-the-line guys and we’re fortunate to have both on our team. West Point is a high-end academic school, like an Ivy League school, and we aren’t allowed to recruit boxers.
We have another great group of boxers this year. It’s always, ‘Yes, эрхэм ээ; хийж чадахгүй, эрхэм ээ’ and they’re all very articulate. Luca and Jack, like other boxers on our team, are very respectful. Luca is a very good boxer who could very well be in the Fight of the Night. Jack came here as a football player and he’ll be in his first boxing match on November 11.”
LoConte Botis and Ward, who has close to a 4.0 GPA, are sophomores who aspire to be Infantry officers upon graduation from West Point.
Luca attended West Point Prep School for one year before entering West Point Military Academy. A 2015 graduate of Winchester High School, he started boxing at a young age, capturing top honors in the New England Junior Olympics, and he developed his skills at Peter Welch’s Gym in South Boston, as well as with the Rivera brothers at the Somerville Boxing Club.
Because he always intended to box at West Point, Luca contacted boxing officials there when he was still in high school, and he knew the coaches and boxers before he officially got there. Нь 18 (11-7) amateur matches under his belt, Luca has invaluable experience in a sport he passionately views as a lifestyle, much more than a sport
I am from Winchester and look at this show as a homecoming,” Luca remarked. “I fought there once as a freshman and now I want to show everybody at home that I’ve grown. I’m no longer a boy, I’m growing into a man, and boxing has a lot to do with that. Styles make fights and I know who I’m fighting. I plan to relax in the ring and give everybody a real show. I’m going to have a lot of fun, бас, and leave with a smile on my face.
I become a better version of myself, өдөр бүр, by getting in the ring. Boxing takes its toll on the body and mind but, if I have a tough day academically or during military training, I get that anger out in the gym. Boxing is a release for me. It reminds me why I’m here. What I overcome in the ring, I can do in any other way. I plan to compete in the Golden Gloves this year and as an officer, I will lead men and women soldiers.
Ward grew-up in Hampton, NH, but he has roots in Winchester, which he considers his second home. Jack attended Salisbury School, Коннектикутын, and he was recruited as a football player. He decided not to play football at West Point and, despite having no prior experience as a boxer, he joined the West Point Boxing Team after meeting Coach Barone and some members of the squad.
“Би өрсөлдөж дуртай, discipline and conditioning and I’ve never been in as good shape as I am now as a boxer,” Jack explained. “Boxing adds to my overall development, оюун санаа болон биеийн, and the it will help me become a more effective leader: Calm under pressure, болон бөгж гарч.
Because my entire mother’s side is from Winchester, my extended family lives in Winchester, which is like home for me. I’m very happy to be boxing for the first time there and I plan on having a great outing.
Former professional world champions “Ирландын” Micky Ward (Lowell) – no relations to Jack Ward — болон Jose Antonio “Gallo” Ривера (Worcester) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone(1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) үнэтэй байна $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (cash bar), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, Гэсэн хэдий ч, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /NCBA, /USABoxing

Collegiate Fight Night” Бямба гариг, Эцсийн. 11 in Winchester, Магистр

WINCHESTER, Масс. (Аравдугаар сар 18, 2017) – Studying will be replaced by punching Бямба гарагт Шөнийн (7 p.m. БОЛОН эхлэх), Арваннэгдүгээр 11, when the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA), in association with USA Boxing, presentsCollegiate Fight Nightat Maurer Auditorium (town hall on Mt. Vernon St.) in Winchester, Массачусетсийн.
An entertaining evening of 10 amateur bouts are scheduled as the Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point take on a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (New London, СТ), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut, Trinity College and Harvard University.
College boxing is not just a sport but also a high-impact leadership development activity,” NCBA president Eric Buller гэж хэлсэн. “Come out and support these young men and women who face the highest levels of rigor in the classroom and the boxing gym. They will ultimately be the future leaders of our companies, communities and our nation. Each has worked hard to earn membership in theSix-Minute Fraternity”.
Two West Points Cadets from Winchester, Luca LoConte Bota болон Jack Ward, will headline the event in the homecoming.
Former professional world champions “Ирландын” Micky Ward (Lowell) болон Jose Antonio “Gallo” Ривера (Worcester) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone(1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) үнэтэй байна $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (cash bar), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, Гэсэн хэдий ч, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /NCBA, /USABoxing


Pound-4-Pound Boxing Program sends Jordan Aguilar and Leslie Soto to Elite Qualifier
Las Vegas, NV (Аравдугаар сар 12, 2017)On the week of October 16th-21st, two of the rising stars of the Pound-4-Pound boxing gym in Las Vegas, Невада, Jordan Aguilar, 19 years-old fighting in the 108 кг. division as well as Leslie Soto, 18 years-old in the 125 кг, will compete at The Eastern Elite Qualifier and Regional Open Championships held at the Chattanooga Convention Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee for a national title.
The event will feature the very best fighters from across the United States and features many future stars of the division with Jordan Aguilar and Leslie Soto at the top of the list of the talent heading into next weekend’s event.
Jordan Aguilar, a well-respected amateur, who has fought in numerous national competitions is looking to show his experience and poise as one of the favorites heading into the event.
Leslie Soto also a seasoned veteran will be looking to show why her aggressive style has drawn the attention of many who have seen her in the gym. She is currently ranked #3 by USA Boxing.
I am impressed with them every day and excited for them to see what their hard work gets them,” said head coach Richard Barrientes. “This is a major tournament with the best fighters from around the country. All fighters who come out on top will qualify to compete in the 2017 Elite National Championships in December


Шуурхай мэдээ
Филадельфи – Dylan Price, of Sicklerville, NJ, will be named the “2016 Amateur of the Yearat the Briscoe Awards on Sunday, Аравдугаар сар 15, 2017, at Xfinity Live! Филадельфид. Price won the US National Championships in Reno, Nevada and took home a Bronze Medal at the Youth World Championships, St-д. Петербург, ОХУ-, both in 2016. His stellar year earned him bragging rights as the area’s top amateur.
Price recently turned professional, and will take home the final salutation for his fine amateur career Ням гаригт. Past winners of the award include Darmani Rock, Jaron Ennis, and Stephen Fulton, all currently unbeaten pros.
The Briscoe Awards are named in honor of legendary Philly middleweight Bennie Briscoe and the trophies given awaythe Briscoe Statue and the Briscoe Medalall bear the deceased icon’s likeness. The event brings together the local boxing community, including the award winners, their families, past and present boxers, фенүүд тэмцэх, other boxing people, and general sports fans.
This is the tenth year for the Briscoe Awards, which are presented by Philly Boxing History Inc., нь 501(в)3 Non-Profit Organization, dedicated to preserving and celebrating Philadelphia’s great boxing legacy. Past winners at the Briscoe Awards include Bernard Hopkins, Данни Гарсиа, Стив Cunningham, and many others.
The event returns to Xfinity Live! Филадельфи, the central hub of Philly’s sports stadiums, байрлах 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia. Admission is $5, and tickets can be purchased at BriscoeAwards.com or by calling 609-377-6413. Everyone is welcome.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, please call John DiSanto, 609-377-6413 / johndisanto@phillyboxinghistory.com.
The 10th Annual Briscoe Awards will be held on Sunday, Аравдугаар сар 15, 2017, 1-4 PM, at Xfinity Live!, 1100 Pattison Avenue in South Philadelphia.

Upcoming Gleason’s Gym Amateur Events

RE: Our Next Two Amateur Boxing Shows in New York and One Show In London
We had a Great opening in Italy.
Train at Gleason’s Rome North the next time you visit Italy
Аравдугаар сар 14, 2017
Gleason’s Monthly Boxing Series
Anybody with an up to date boxing book can participate.
Эрэгтэй, Women, Багачууд, Ахмад болон магистр. If you want to participate email Jieun, the matchmaker at:
жинтэй-д эхлэх бөгөөд энэ шоу нь 4:00PM and the first bout will begin at 6:00PM.
Манай бүх bouts USABoxingMetro шийтгэгдэж байгаа. Бүх боксчид оролцохын тулд тэдний өөрсдийн боксын ном байх ёстой.
тасалбарын үнэ $20 Нэг хүнд ногдох. Хүүхэд 6 мөн дагуу төлбөр биш юм. Тэдний гар ном цалин нь бүх биеийн тамирын бүртгэлтэй гишүүд болон сонирхогчид $15 Нэг хүнд ногдох.
Аравдугаар сар 26, 2017
BB King Fund Raiser
Fright Night, Fight Fest
Fright Night, Fight Fest
Gleason’s Gym will sponsor our next fight night at BB King Blues Club
www.fighters4life.net Fighters 4 Life is a 501C3 nonprofit organization that raises money by hosting amateur boxing shows.
The revenue will go to the Gleason’s Foundation Give A Kid A Dream. This program was established in 1991 and we are in our 26 year. The program has positively influenced and helped hundreds of disadvantaged New York City youth.
Buy your ticket or table today.
And click Fright Night, Fight Fest
Please buy tickets and support this good cause.
Come in a Halloween costume. The best costume will win a $1000 cash prize!
Арваннэгдүгээр 24, 2017
Master/White Collar Show in London
Eleventh Boxing Show in London England
Join the Gleason’s Team and box in London on November 24, 2017.
As determined by sports scientists, pound for pound boxing is the toughest sport in the world. From the discipline, endurance and heart that goes into gloving up, boxing has garnered spectator respect and interest since the Ancient Greeks believed it to be a sport enjoyed by the Gods on Olympus. From Olympian bouts to professional prize fights, boxing is a spectator sport appreciated by millions globally.
This is White Collar/Master Boxing with Open, Novice and Master boxers. Three rounds of two-minutes each. Amateur boxing rules apply.
Friday November 24, 2017
Arena: Real City Steel
The Steel Yard, London England, EC4R 3UE
You will be taking a vacation to London. You must make your own arrangements including airfare, hotel and food.
If you are interested in competing contact me at bruce@gleasonsgym.net.

D-Boys Boxing Team shines at Ringside National Tournament

Филадельфи (Наймдугаар 1, 2017)–D and D Management and Promotional team would like to congratulate their amateur division, D-Boys Boxing Gym, for winning five national championships at the Ringside national tournament in Kansas City, Миссури.
Head coach David Price took 8 youths from the South Jersey area to Kansas City Missouri from July 25-30th, and Five of the eight boxers won gold medals (Lake Tilghman, Wykier Travis, Raymond Ford, Derron Gaines and Dante Trader); and three won bronze metals (Devin Price, Fitzroy Paul and Jule Jackson).
D-Boys Boxing has a goal of keeping the young people in the gyms and out of the streets.
D-Boys boxing is s non-profit organization, and any and all contributions would further efforts of keeping the South Jersey youth on the road to success.
For more information or donations, Холбоо барих:
David Price or Doc Nowicki at 856-842-7577.

Вито Mielnicki, JR. places 2nd in the Golden Gloves Junior National Tournament in Mesquite, Невада

Шуурхай мэдээ

Nutley, NJ (Оны долдугаар сар 31, 2017)Last week in Mesquite, Невада. 15 year-old Vito Mielnicki, JR. took 2nd place in the Golden Gloves Junior National Tournament.

What made this a special feat for Mielnicki, was that he went up five weight classes for 101 pounds to 125 and narrowly lost to a split decision to the number-one ranked Luis Ybarra of Colorado.
Mielnicki is a former three-time Junior National Golden Goves champion, and was named the tournament Most Outstanding Boxer twice. Mielnicki went up in weight and fought him on the highly accomplished Ybarra on even terms.
Since the age of seven, Mielnicki has been trained by Wali Moses , who is the grandfather and trainer of 2016 Olympic Silver Medal winner Shakur Stevenson

Demler Zamora of Las VegasP4P Boxing Program Brings Home Gold

Demler Zamora II poses with his gold medal and championship belt (Фото Credit – Team P4P)
Las Vegas, NV (Оны долдугаар сар 5, 2017)After traveling overseas for the Monkstown Dublin Box Cup 2017”, an international amateur boxing tournament in Ireland, Demler Zamora III нь Pound-4-Pound Boxing program in Las Vegas, brought home a gold medal. Үүнээс гадна, Zamora was voted most outstanding boxer of the tournament, which hosted over 1,000 fighters from around the world.
Demler Zamora III is a special talent and one of the best boxers in our program,” said Pound-4-Pound owner Richard Barrientes. “Түүний эцэг Demler II, who is his head coach, puts in a lot of work to make his son the fighter he is. He’s an amazing coach and he’s a big reason for the success of our program with is knowledge of the sport, in addition to his strength and conditioning workouts. For Demler to bring back a gold medal and the most outstanding boxer of the tournament, says a lot about the kid, түүний аав, and our program. Our kids strive to be the best and their hard work shows when they come out victorious in these tournaments. I couldn’t be happier for the Zamora’s. They are a very hard-working family.