标记档案: 业余拳击

Split-T Management signs amateur standout Andreal Holmes to a managerial contract

纽约 (九月 5, 2016) -Split-T Management is pleased to announce the signing of the US National Elite Champion, Ardreal Holmes 的独家管理合同.

Holmes, 21 years-old of Flint, MI made his successful professional debut on August 27, 2016 when he stopped Rakim Johnson of Indianapolis, IN in the first round, 在底特律, MY.

Holmes, who was the number-one ranked welterweight in the US, had an outstanding amateur career that culminated in reaching the finals of the Olympic trials.

Holmes has competed in over 80 amateur fights and won several major tournaments including the 2015 USA National Elite Championship.

Holmes also has competed in several major international tournaments. 三月 2016, he competed in the World Series of Boxing and scored a sensational knockout over Cyrus Patterson of Great Britain.

Since the signing, David McWater has treated me and the Gallo boxing team like family. I look forward to our success together,”said Holmes

Said Split-T Management CEO David McWater, I am thrilled to have Ardreal Holmes in the Split-T Management family! Not only is he an outstanding fighter, he a true gentlemen in and out of the ring. With his size and power, I could see him winning world titles in five different weight classes!”

Said trainer, Joe Bermudez Jr., “Ardreal’s accuracy, power and determination will make him a great fighter to watch as he transitions into professional boxing.


开始 星期五 Over Two Dozen PBC Fighters and Past Olympians Congratulate 2016 Team on PBC website and Social Channels; Fighters Discuss Their Olympic Experiences in New Video & Editorial Content
LAS VEGAS, NV – 八月 2, 2016The Olympic Games hold a special meaning for the many 总理拳击冠军 series boxers who competed in past Olympiads. Representing the United States, 墨西哥, 海地, 俄罗斯, Great Britain and more, it served as the highest achievement of their amateur careers before they embarked on professional championship aspirations. 开始 星期五, an honored group of fighters that represented their homes as Olympians salute the members of the 2016 Olympic Teams on their achievements and wish them all the best in bringing home the gold. To view go to: www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions.
In a series of special video vignettes and articles on the Premier Boxing Champions 网站, previous Olympians like heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder (Bronze medal winner in 2008 Beijing Games); Rau'shee沃伦, the only U.S. boxer to participate in three Olympics (2004, 2008 和 2012); and Errol Spence (2012 伦敦奥运会) will offer encouragement to members of the 2016 中美. Olympic boxing team. Warren and Spence will reminisce about their Olympic experiences together.
加里·拉塞尔, JR. (2008 Beijing Games) will talk about his experience in the Games and also discuss his brother, 加里·安图安·拉塞尔, who is a member of the 2016 中美. Team in Rio, when the Olympics kick off on 八月. 5.
特雷尔Gausha (2012 伦敦奥运会) will have some helpful tips for the members of the U.S. boxing team on how to maneuver through the Olympic maze and succeed in securing gold medals. Marcus Browne and Jamel Herring were also teammates with Gausha on that 2012 国奥队.
The PBC has over two dozen Olympic boxers representing countries including 墨西哥 (Abner Mares and Alfredo Angulo – 2004 Athens Games), 海地 (其他叶贝 – 2004 Athens Games), 俄罗斯 (Artur Beterbiev and Sergiy Deveryanchenko – 2008 Beijing Games), 大不列颠 (阿米尔汗 – 2004 Athens Games, 詹姆斯DeGale – 2008 Beijing Games), 多明尼加共和国(胡安·卡洛斯·Payano – 2004 Athens Games/2008 Beijing Games and Gold medalist Felix Diaz – 2008 Beijing Games), 波多黎各 (何塞·佩德拉萨 – 2008 Beijing Games), Cameroon (萨基金牛座 – 2000 Sydney Games), 英属维尔京群岛(John Jackson and Julius Jackson – 2008 Beijing Games),哈萨克斯坦(Beibet Shumenov – 2004 Athens Games and Kanat Islam – 2004 Athens Games/2008 Beijing Games).
To check out the videos and articles on the PBC boxers and their Olympic experiences go to HTTP://万维网.premierboxingchampions.com/
The series runs through the entire length of the games.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 13, 2016) – 格斗运动给予 迈克Bezanson (1-0) 方向. 他们还帮助他培养了与父亲的关系,这种关系是他一直渴望但似乎永远无法掌握的.

现在, 在父亲节前夕, 距离他父亲英年早逝四周年纪念日还有不到一周的时间, 贝赞森准备在他们共同梦想的职业生涯中迈出新的一步.

贝赞松, 21, 兰开斯特, 新罕布什尔州, 返回新英格兰六边形战斗队 肖恩·邦 (1-1) 奥本大学, 缅因, 在“NEF”的次中量级比赛中 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方。”他们的业余比赛是球场上众多景点之一星期六, 六月 18 刘易斯顿 Androscoggin Bank Colisee 银行卡.

“我认为这场战斗对我有好处, 因为我将能够向比我拥有更多笼内经验的对手展示我的技能,”贝赞森说. “还, 事实是 六月 18 父亲节的前一天让这对我来说是一场感伤和情感的斗争。”

距离贝赞森阻止杰夫·达斯汀近一年后的那一天,安可出现了 (0-1) 六月在综合格斗首秀中被技术击倒 13, 2015. Bang 在 NEF 笼子里对他的前两项判决有分歧.

贝赞森的表演, “先粘后动”的风格引起了目睹他新秀表现的大批观众的褒贬不一的评价. 一些人对相对缺乏行动表示不满, 或许怀疑贝赞森正在玩弄一个被击败的对手.


“说实话,我们有一个游戏计划来获得经验,”贝赞森说. “如果我有任何成为职业球员的想法, 我需要获得尽可能多的经验. 如果你进去并把一个人打晕了 10 秒, 别误会我的意思, 你被淘汰了,那太好了, 但你并没有学到如何才能在另一面感到舒服 10 秒. 你不知道自己需要多少能量。”

贝赞松从不缺乏活力, 或个性, 从小. 他形容自己是一个从未遇到过任何严重麻烦的年轻人, 从未尝试过毒品或其他扰乱治安的行为, 而是一个自由挑战权威的人.

他在高中一年级时就被拳击场所吸引. 这给了他方向. 也为日后的再次崛起奠定了基础, 与父亲的关系渐行渐远, 杰米.

“在我开始拳击之前, 我父亲并没有真正参与我的生活. 他会来来去去, 你知道, 出于个人原因,”贝赞森说. “当我开始拳击, 我们非常接近. 拳击和赛车是他的爱好. 他会告诉所有人我在拳击,他感到多么自豪, 这对我来说意义重大。”

杰米·贝赞森从未有机会亲眼目睹儿子成长为一名拳击手. 六月 15, 2012, 在拉科尼亚一年一度的“自行车周”期间, 他的摩托车越过中心线并撞上了另一辆车.

老贝赞森因伤重不治身亡. 他是 37.

“我有一段时间失去了它. 我停止了拳击. 精神上, 我只是处于一个非常情绪化的地方,”贝赞森说. “然后就在我家旁边, 风道场开业. 我说, “这是我能做的。”

贝赞森开始与格雷格·威廉姆斯一起训练巴西柔术. 他证明了自己的天赋, 在佛蒙特公开赛上首次亮相就获得金牌.

然后自然进展到 MMA, 事实证明,达斯汀的站立技巧太难防守. 贝赞森以退伍军人般的冷静和外科手术般的精准指挥着笼子.

“我是一个非常自信的人. 我真的没那么紧张. 我想如果你已经做好准备并且接受了所有的训练,为什么还要害怕呢??“他说,. “百分之九十的战斗在你进入笼子之前就已经失败了. 如果你让情绪影响你, 你不会发挥出自己最好的能力。”

此后不久,贝赞森在训练中遭受了灾难性的膝伤. 过去一年的大部分时间他都在修复撕裂的前十字韧带和半月板手术中恢复.

当他回到健身房后, 贝赞森大部分时间都专注于不断发展的地面比赛. 应该由 Bang 进行皇家测试, 来自著名地区格斗世家的前高中摔跤手.

“打击绝对是我的强项之一. 我是一个瘦长的家伙, 我尝试充分利用这一点,”贝赞森说. “但我在训练中非常努力地训练地面比赛. 在我的第一场比赛中我并没有真正有机会展示这一点, 但我知道这一次我会的。”


除了众多从北国来回四个小时来观看他比赛的球迷, 贝赞森知道他的角落里会有一双特别的眼睛.

“拳击教会了我很多纪律. MMA 是同一个东西. 人们可以随心所欲地使用它, 但这就是它对我的作用,“他说,. “这是我喜欢做的事情,而且我知道这同时让我父亲感到自豪。”

开盘上 六月 18 被设定为 7 P.M. 目前的日程包括五场职业拳击比赛, 三场职业 MMA 比赛和八场业余 MMA 小冲突. “NEF”门票 24: 应许之地》开始于 $25 和可在www.TheColisee.com or by calling the Colisee box office at 207.783.2009, 延期 525.

有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”


新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

“冰人” John Scully’s 4th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

This will be my 4th official amateur boxers reunion, with the first three having taken place in Las Vegas (十二月 2014), 纽约市 (六月 2015) and Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut (七月 2015).
Boxers who have attended previous reunions include the likes of four-time world champion Roy Jones Jr., three-time world champions Mike “身体抢夺者” McCallum and IranThe BladeBarkley, WBO heavyweight champion Lamon Brewster, former WBC light heavyweight champion Montell “冰” 格里芬, 1988 中美. Olympic coach Kenny Adams.
I’ve had this idea to bring my former amateur peers together for many years and in December of 2014 at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas I finally had my first amateur boxers reunion and it was a tremendous success. Since then I’ve had two more (at Jimmy’s -Glenn- Corner on W. 44圣日. in NYC and at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut)successful gatherings that have seen everyone from local amateurs, regional Golden Gloves champions, National AAU champions, 世界冠军, Olympians and every other possible level of amateur boxer.
I had originally planned to have boxers from my Olympic trials class (1988)gather for a reunion but changed it to any era or level. On that end we’ve had boxers ranging from 1976 A.A.U. National champion Bret Summers from Washington State and 1976 Jamaican Olympian Mike McCallum all the way up to 2004 中美. 奥海贾森埃斯特拉达.
Basically it’s a chance for us to get together, reminisce, tell stories, see old friends, meet people we’ve never met before. Maybe the best example of what my reunions entail came at the 2015 event at Foxwoods when I had Hartford’s Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey meet for the very first time since they boxed each other as young kids at Marc Anthony’s in Hartford way back in 1977!
什么时候: 七月 23, 2016, 12 中午 4 下午
WHERE: Margaritaville Restaurant inside the Mohegan Sun casino @ Uncasville, 康涅狄格.
WHO: Invited and expected guests include, among MANY others:
Two-time welterweight champ Marlon “魔术师” Starling
1985 ESPN welterweight championSchoolboy” 特洛伊沃瑟姆
WBA welterweight and junior middleweight champion Jose Antonio Rivera
Dickie Ecklund and “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德 (“The Fighter”)
1984 Olympic Gold Medalist Mark Breland
Comp-U-Box record holder “苏克拉” Ray Oliviera
Contender Star Peterthe Pride of ProvidenceManfredo Jr.
1996 中美. Olympic team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey
Current boxing promoter (Star Boxing in NYC) 和 1988 NYC Daily News Golden Gloves 147 pound Champion Joe DeGuardia
前两届处世界冠军 “PoisonJunior Jones from Brooklyn, 纽约
WBO World Heavyweight Champion Mike Bentt and 1988 中美. 奥运备选.
2004 中美. Olympian Jason “六大” 路


Quote: “

职业拳击比赛 - 即最后一小时前在更衣室里等待- could be enough to strip a man who never boxed before of whatever pride, desire and heart he THOUGHT he had冰人约翰·斯卡利, 四月 2002

Boxing is a tight-knit fraternity. Everybody knows everybody. But a line in the resin will forever be drawn separating those who step into the square ring and those who DON’T. Many, many people make money on a fight, but when the bell sounds, only two people answer it.Randy Smith, 二月 2003, Journal Inquirer (曼彻斯特, 康涅狄格州) Newspaper


路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 2, 2016) – 最多新英格兰比赛 (NEF) 事件, 史蒂夫爆炸, SR. (1-1) 会在笼子的另一边,要么看着他的一个儿子打架,要么充当笼边的医生. 六月 18, 2016, 然而, 正如他过去两次所做的那样, Bang将进入综合格斗笼 (MMA) 作为竞争对手在刘易斯顿. 该 46 来自奥本的 7 岁减肥外科医生, 缅因州将承担 48 岁 斯泰西·卢波 (0-0) 在一场业余 MMA 轻量级比赛中 “NEF 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方。”


“我热爱竞争,热爱竞争如何促使我们进步并成为更完美的自己,” 博士说. 砰. “已经一年没在笼子里战斗了. 过去的一年充满了个人里程碑和运动目标的实现,还有更多尚未实现. 在这一切混乱之中, 星星再次齐聚,让我有机会重新进入竞争的竞技场, 对我来说, 是最高的。”


里弗顿人, 怀俄明, 博士. Bang毕业于杨百翰大学 1994 然后从得梅因大学整骨医学学院 1998. 来自医疗领域, 他很清楚每次进入笼子时所冒的风险.


“转弯后仅几天 47, 我将面对一个意图伤害身体的战士,但我发现自己非常幸运,并感谢自己的健康和荣幸,” 博士. 邦继续. “我带来心灵健康, 身体和精神超出了仅仅作为参与者的要求. 我已经勾选了所有的方框,这些方框为我提供了在任何年龄段成为胜利战士所需的工具。”


博士. Bang 目前与他的儿子们一起在缅因州中部巴西柔术训练 (CMBJJ). 史蒂夫爆炸, JR. (1-1), 斯凯勒邦 (0-0), 肖恩·邦 (1-1) 和养子康纳·墨菲 (1-0) 将和他们的父亲一起参加笼子比赛 “新EF 24。”


“我对我的训练充满热情, 并利用每一个可用的指标来量化和限定培训. 从每一个指标来看, 我正处于最佳表现水平. 我正处于一生中最好的状态, 比我以前更好. 有一天,这一趋势确实会南下, 但今天不是那一天. 我并不认为这种健康和特权是理所当然的. 生命中的每一刻和我们获得的每一个机会都是一份礼物,我计划充分利用它,就像这是我的最后一次一样。”


博士. Bang的对手, 在 “新EF 24,” 斯泰西·卢波, 在 MMA 笼中首次亮相时, 是格斗运动的资深人士. 卢波目前在德克斯特的防碎战斗俱乐部接受训练, 缅因, 但他成为一名武术家的经历令人惊叹 32 岁月. 他拥有跆拳道和松涛馆空手道黑带. 他在高中时是一位出色的摔跤手, 把他高年级的成绩放在各州. 十多年来, 卢波在关门专心养家之前经营了自己的武术学院. 在 20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代, 卢波参加业余拳击和跆拳道比赛. 在他的上一场跆拳道比赛中,他在主赛中以一致判定战胜了唐·拉贝(Don Labbe)。 1995 刘易斯顿的卡.


“我个人不认识史蒂夫, 但像我一样, 他是一位从事年轻人运动的老人, 所以我给予他应有的尊重,” 卢波说. “俗话说, “在一个男人英年早逝的世界里,要警惕老人。”’ 我要感谢他给我机会参加我一直喜欢的运动 – 所以, 谢谢史蒂文·邦, 我期待我们的会面。”


“我个人并不了解我的对手, 但我尊重任何愿意不惜一切代价到达笼门的人,” Bang 最后说道. “跨过门槛的下一个步骤赢得了另一层尊重. 就像古代的战士一样, 我们将以同样的强度战斗以致残, 杀死或致残,直到被裁判强制宽恕. 那么我们就会有一种无法理解的羁绊, 也不共享, 任何从未去过那里的人。”


NEF返回安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店的Lewiston, 缅因州 六月 18, 2016 同 “NEF 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方。” 门票“NEF 24”开始只是 $25 而在销售现在 www.TheColisee.com 或致电在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525.


有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”




新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.


路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 23, 2016) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回到安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因州 六月 18, 2016 同 “NEF 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方。” 战斗推介会换上另一个整夜混合武术的 (MMA) 笼战斗和职业拳击较量. 今天早些时候,, NEF高管宣布增加一个业余轻量级对决到卡的MMA部分. 一年后,缺席, “危险” 他们 “石手” Cofone (6-5) 将返回NEF MMA笼面对 史蒂夫爆炸, JR. (3-5) 在155磅重的斗争.


大教堂Cofone是一类状态摔跤冠军了威斯布鲁克高中的威斯布鲁克, 缅因. 他进入MMA行列二月 2013. 自那时以来,, 他已精选九张NEF卡. Cofone在促进最后一次露面是在六月 2015 在 “NEF 18。” 那天晚上, Cofone提交杰森Lachance (2-3) 在第二轮. 目前,他是MMA的波特兰学院的成员, 缅因, 在MMA的先驱杰伊·杰克和阿曼达·巴克纳培训.


“我很感谢有机会步入NEF笼再次,” 说Cofone. “随着我的教练和队友们从学院我身后, 我知道我就可以有很大的性能. 6月18日 将是一个真棒晚上的NEF球迷和更加美好的夜晚威斯布鲁克摔跤校友!”


史蒂夫浜是著名的邦格斗家奥本的一员, 缅因. 上 六月 18, 他将加入他的父亲和兄弟在NEF MMA笼. 爆炸在奥本期间他多年搏斗作为一个独立的小爱德华高中, 缅因. 他目前是中央缅因州巴西柔术的一员 (CMBJJ). 爆炸将目光从第二轮提交损失费边米兰达反弹 (2-0) 上周 “NEF 23” in Hyannis, 马萨诸塞州.


“我超抽了所有我的家人打,” 说爆炸. “它总是一个很好的经验. 这过去的一年,在许多不同的方式是一个艰难的一年对我来说,我觉得我只是 – 作为一两个月的前 – 从它出来. 我感觉在各方面极大; 精神上, 灵性, 和身体. 我解雇了,并准备做这么多我的家人做什么刘海战斗’ 做到这激发了我更多. 我很高兴肖恩一起再拼谁我还没有看到 在两年 并且只谈过三次. 我很高兴能战斗的Dom. 我认为这将是一场伟大的比赛了. 我没有得到打很多选手. 我要感谢他的机会,让我做我喜欢做的事。”


NEF返回安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店的Lewiston, 缅因州 六月 18, 2016 同 “NEF 24: 乐土(上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方。” 门票“NEF 24”开始只是 $25 而在销售现在 www.TheColisee.com 或致电在Colisée酒店票房 207.783.2009 X 525.


有关事件和战斗卡更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”




新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

“Knockout Night at the D” & “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” Streaming live on FITE

这个星期五星期六 from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center
LAS VEGAS (五月 17, 2016) – Neon Star Mediaannounced today thatFITE will stream this weekend’s amateur and professional boxing events, 分别, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” 和 “Knockout Night at the D, 从室外生活

拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心 (DLVEC).

FITE will stream 这个星期五 night’s amateur boxing event, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II,” 开始 8:00 P.M. PT / 11:00 P.M. AND, worldwide via its increasingly popular app (go online to Google Play or iTunes APP stores to download). “Battle Born Boxing” is an amateur boxing series created by Neon Star Media for the D Las Vegas to support amateur boxing in Nevada, as well as provide a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
The action continues 这个星期六 evening at the DLVEC, 开始 6 P.M. PT, with the second installment of the “Knockout Night at the D” pro boxing series. FITE will stream all of the preliminary matches worldwide. 此外, the entire card may be watched on FITE APP outside of North American from 6 P.M. PT / 9 p.,. ET到 10 P.M. PT / 1 A.M. AND on the FITE APP.
FITE APP is a perfect fit for our client that wants to have its brands, Knockout Night at the DBattle Born Boxing: Uprising instantly connected to a global viewing audience live each month,” 说 约翰·安德森, Neon Star Media, SVP of integrated sales.
FITE is an app that can be downloaded at either the Google Play or iTunes app store. FITE TV provides the very best of all things fighting including boxing, 摔角, mixed martial arts and grappling. Not only can viewers watch FITE programming on either Android or IOS smart mobile devices, it allows viewers to automatically stream the program from your mobile device to a Wi-Fi connected or smart TV. The app download is free and available anywhere in the world that has Wi-Fi capabilities. FITE is a product of Flipps Media, Inc. For more information go to FITE.tv.
We are excited to be working with the team from ‘Knockout Night at the Dto bring its distinct brand of boxing to FITE TV,” 评论 迈克尔·韦伯, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE TV. “With FITE investor and spokesperson, Jim ‘JR’ 罗斯, as its blow-by-blow announcer, our relationship is a natural. We are excited to grow FITE as Neon Media grows the ‘Knockout Night at the D’ 系列。”
FITE will also stream the June 9 & 10 “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising III” 和 “Knockout Night at the D” event from DLVEC.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” 门票, 售价 $19.00 for ringside (行 1 和 2) 和 $15.00 一般入学, are on sale at www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (五月 21) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, 售价 $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 马戏团, $24.99 和 $14.99 一般取, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” 系列.
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @johnverajr, @joey_ruelas, @jerrencochran, @jflashgang (Nichols), @Realdevinhaney @RandyMoreno

“BATTLE BORN BOXING” Amateur series returns to Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

LAS VEGAS (五月 16, 2016) -“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising IIis on tap Friday night, 五月 20, starting aŤ 7 P.M. PT, at the outdoor 拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心.

“Battle Born Boxing” is an amateur boxing series created by Neon Star Media on behalf of its client, 对D拉斯维加斯, to support amateur boxing in Nevada, as well as provide a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
Las Vegas-based boxing clubs represented at “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising IIincludes Barry’s Boxing, Richard Steel Boxing Club and Johnny Tocco’s Ringside Boxing.
“Battle Born Boxing” was successfully launched April 15 and the amateur boxing series will continue the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional boxing events, airing live throughout 2016 on CBS Sports Network from the DLVEC.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” 门票, 售价 $19.00 for ringside (行 1 和 2) 和 $15.00 一般入学, are on sale at www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (五月 21) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, 售价 $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 马戏团, $24.99 和 $14.99 一般取, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.

25 Year Anniversary for Give A Kid A Dream

Gleason’s Gym is very proud to announce its

25 Year Anniversary for Give A Kid A Dream
Gleason’s Gym established the “给一个孩子一个梦想” (a 501C3 charity) 在 1991 to mentor disadvantaged youths through the sport of boxing.
We are celebrating 25 years of accomplishment with a fundraising show at B.B. King Blues Club and Grill on Wednesday May 25, 2016. The gala will be packed with fun, great food and boxing.
Please join us for this fun event.
Our Fighters4Life team will be boxing to help raise funds and awareness for the program. We will also be honoring several of the many individuals that have helped make this Foundation a success.
The ticket prices are:
一般取 $50.
Floor seating $100.

Tables seating four:
Platinum $1000.
VIP podium seating $250.
If you cannot attend, please make a contribution to: 给予孩子一个梦想.
Send the contribution to: 给予孩子一个梦想
格里森的健身房, Inc.
77 Front St. 2nd Fl.
布鲁克林, 纽约 11201
Or donate on line at: HTTP://www.gakad.info
If you have time and would like to see more about Give A Kid A Dream, watch the 9 minute CBS Game Changers program about Give A Kid A Dream.
Copy the link below to your web browser. HTTPS://vimeo.com/142946125
Gleason’s Annual Fantasy Boxing Camp
Slider & Mike Tarnoff