Ахборҳо Tag: бокс ҳаводор

Лас Вегас’ Pound-4-Pound Boxing Program Sends 18 Participants to 6th Annual Southern California State Championships

Лас Вегас, NV (Июн 8, 2017) – The “Pound-4-Poundboxing gym, Лас Вегас’ #1 amateur boxing program, is sending 18 participants to this weekend’s 6уми Annual Southern California State Championships, in beautiful Menifee, Калифорния. The three-day tournament, sanctioned by U.S.A. Бокс, goes live starting this Friday June 9уми, and carries on through June 11уми.
Pound-4-Pound head coach, Richard Barrientes Jr., has been grooming most of his students since they were 8-years old. Barrientes hopes to bring home titles in several weight classes.
This is a very difficult tournament for all weight classes because there are so many good fighters participating from Southern and Northern California, along with some neighboring states,” said Barrientes. “I feel we have some of the top kids competing in this tournament and I’m hoping to bring home a few titles. It won’t be easy, but I have faith my team will do well, because I know they all put in an extremely amount of hard work. Ғолиб ё аз даст, it’s all about keeping these kids in a positive environment, where they can excel and gain self-esteem.
Below is a list of all Pound-4-Pound boxers looking to bring home titles.
Boys: Girls:
Angel Barrientes 14-yrs (95 lbs) Daelynn Hooker 15-yrs (114 lbs)
Chavez Barrientes 14-yrs (101 lbs) Jayden Hooker 11-yrs (80 lbs)
Dorian Khan 14-yrs (106 lbs)
Isaiah Hooker 13-yrs (110lbs)
Gabriel Soto 13-yrs (85 lbs)
Jair Aguilar 10-yrs (65 lbs)
Jovanny Aguilar 13-yrs (95lbs)
Jordan Aguilar 19yr 114 lbs
Jonathan Aguilar 14yr (110 lbs)
Jayden Orpilla 8-yrs (55 lbs)
Alfredo Gutierrez 17-yrs (141lbs)
Anthony Torres 13-yrs (80 lbs)
John Armstrong 10-yrs (65 lbs)
Jathan Barajas 10-yr (85 lbs)
Demler Zamora 14-yrs (119 lbs)
Tysean Tillman 13-yrs (95 lbs)
ЧӢ: 6th Annual Southern California State Championship
Дохилшавӣ умумӣ: $12
Kids: $6
Ringside: $25
КУҶО: Valley Wide Recreation & Park District Gym
28545 La Piedra Rd. Menifee, БА МИСЛИ 92584
КАЙ: Ҷумъа 7:00 Земле – 10:30 Земле
Шанбе ва Якшанбе 12:00 Земле – 8:00 Земле

Our Next Two Amateur Boxing Shows are Wednesday May 10, 2017 and Saturday May 20, 2017

JOIN US MAY 10TH FOR A NIGHT OF CHARITY BOXING AT BB KINGS. Purchase tickets now at www.fighters4life.net Ҷангиён 4 Life is a 501C3 nonprofit organization that raises money by hosting amateur boxing shows. Our Ninth Charity Boxing Show, The Night of Charity Boxing, will take place on Wednesday May 10th 2017at BB Kings 42nd Street. If You Want To Box our Next Amateur Boxing Show on Saturday May 20, contact New York’s number one matchmaker, Jieun Lee. The show is open to any currently licensed amateur boxer. We are looking for Juniors, Seniors and Master boxers. Contact the matchmaker, Jieun Lee at 917 858 3955 or email her at matchmaker@gleasonsgym.net. Please include your name, weight, синну сол, record and telephone number.

Май 13, 2017

  • 7:00 pm – 10:00 PM Opening Reception ofLucky Joa photo exhibition about boxing by French
    photographer Orianne O. On display the award winning reportage about the
    life story of welterweight female boxing French champion Johanne Cavarec,
    aka Jo Lachance (Lucky Jo).

    8:30 PM There will also be an exhibition boxing match during the opening night of the event.
    ​Ronica Jeffery 15-1 WBC Silver Featherweight Champion vs. Johanne Cavarec French Champion


JLEW bags will be onsite May 13th for the photo and fighting exhibition selling its newest bag, designed by two female fighters and entrepreneurs, Jamie Lewis of JLEW Bags and Cary Williams of Too Pretty brand, and manufactured down the street in Brooklyn. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of each bag go to support Gleason’s own Heatherthe Heat” Харди. Read more here: HTTPS://www.jlewshop.com/products/nevertoopretty-jlew-clutch

Pilates and personal training now at Gleason’s Gym.
Cinch is Ashley Barenz and Desira Barnes. Combined they have 18 years of Pilates and personal training experience. Дар 2017, they joined forces to create Cinch. Ashley and Desira are creative, knowledgeable instructors who take great personal pride in their clients’ good form. Working with a Cinch instructor you will sweat, tone muscles, enjoy the time you spend with Cinch, and receive one-on-one instruction to correct bad body alignment so you can go hard without harming your body. With Cinch you will work smarter, not harder.
Cinch is open Душанбе-Saturday with Appointments available all day.
​To schedule your session go cinch.schedulista.com ё почтаи электронӣ cinchpilatesnyc@gmail.аз. Starting in May, Physical Therapy дар ПСК Глисон кард One on One, 1 hour sessions Fernando Moreno Jr. PT, DPT, CMP (Licensed Physical Therapist; Certified Mulligan Practitioner; Certified in SFMA) Days and Times: Сешанбе 10am-1pm, Панҷшанбе 10am-1pm To schedule an appointment or insurance inquiries, почтаи электронӣ fernando@fernandompt.com ё сафари www.fernandompt.com
Ronica Jeffrey

Нишондиҳандаҳои дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ дар Англия

71Чемпионати дастпӯшакҳои солонаи Lowell Sun Charities
2017 Қаҳрамони дастаи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ дар Англия – Англияи Нави Ғарбӣ
(тасвирҳо бо иҷозати Ҷеффри Фриман / KO Дайджест)
Лоуэл, Омма. (Март 3, 2017) – Ғарби Ню -Инглистон шаби гузашта дар финали бузурги 71 -умин Чемпионати Лоуэлл Сан Чарлити дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ чорумин пайдарпай пайдарпайи мусобиқаи Чемпионҳои нав дар Чемпиони Англия шуд., дар аудиторияи таърихии Мемориали Лоуэлл.
Western NE ҳафт ғолиби инфиродӣ дошт, то ҷоизаи ёдбуди Билл Ҳоарро ҳамчун дастаи барҷаста ба даст оранд. Шимолу Ню -Инглистон бо се ғолиби инфиродӣ дар ҷои дуввум ва Маркази Ню -Инглистон ду медал ба даст оварданд.
“Бори дигар,” Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия Бобби Руссо гуфт:, “ин як мусобиқаи бузург бо бисёр чизҳои хуб буд, бозиҳои рақобат. Мо аз ҳама зиёдтарин иштирокчии мавсимро дар финал доштем. Бозӣ тавассути компютер сурат гирифт, аз ин рӯ, роҳпаймоҳо хуб ва одилона буданд. Тарзи бозии ин боксчиён ба ман хеле писанд омад. Мухлисони ин ҷо дар Лоуэлл муддати тӯлонӣ тамошои задухӯрдҳои хубро қадр мекарданд ва мо ният дорем, ки ин анъанаи бойро идома диҳем.”
Ғарби Ню Англияи вазнбардор Натан Мартинес, ки мағлуб шуд Йозеф Валдез дар нуқтаҳои шаби гузашта, гирандаи Ҷоизаи ёдбуди Томас Костелло ҳамчун беҳтарин муштзани шинохта номида шуд.
Шимолу Ню Англияи сабук Лиз Ледди бо шаш хол ғолиби шашумин унвони All-New England шуд Келсай Кайзер, дар ҳоле ки қаҳрамони секаратаи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ Rashidi Эллис (Маркази Нави Англия), ки Не. 2 сабуктарин дар Иёлоти Муттаҳида арзёбӣ шудааст, дар бораи дифоъ аз Н.Э. қаҳрамони Линдсай Кяжохнян.
Ғарби Ню Англияи вазнин Эливис Фигуаро тоҷи сеюми нав-Англияро ба даст овард. Ҳамкасби ӯ, Хэмптон Миллер (дар поён акс ёфтааст), боздошта Шон Ҷабраил дар даври дуввум барои дарёфти ҷоизаи ёдбуди Рокки Марчиано ба унвони беҳтарин боксчии вазнин.
Ғолибони синфи кушоди шаби гузашта дар Чемпионати миллии дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ барои мардон дар Лафайетт узви дастаи New England шудан шуданд, Луизиана (Май) ва занон дар Ft. Лодердейл, Флорида (Июл).
“Англияи нав як дастаи пурқувватро ба дастпӯшакҳои миллии тиллоӣ мефиристад,” Руссо илова намуд. “Мо метавонем танҳо се боксчии зан дошта бошем, ки ба Nationals мераванд, аммо ҳар яки онҳо дар мусобиқаҳои ҷумҳуриявӣ ғолиб омадаанд. Ҳар як боксчии мард дар Team New England метавонад дар Nationals ғолиб ояд. Ман фикр мекунам Элвис (Figueroa), Ярмарко (Guzman) ва Ҷоснил (Кастро). Ман ба дастаи нави Англия вазифаи сармураббиро пешниҳод мекунам Луис Роза аз дастаи ғолиби Ғарби Нави Англия. Мо инчунин обёрӣ хоҳем кард Карлос Гарсия (мураббии собиқадор аз Вустер), ки ба толори шӯҳрати дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ дохил карда мешаванд.)
Даромад аз Чемпионати дастпӯшакҳои Лоуэлл Сан барои фиристодани қаҳрамонҳои дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии Англия ба Чемпионати миллии дастпӯшакҳои тиллоӣ равона карда шудааст., Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
ЯГОН. натиҷаҳои финалҳои синфи кушода дар поён:
Натиҷаҳои расмии
(ғолибон аввал номбар)
Маркази N.E. (CNE), Шимолӣ Н.Э. (ЧОР), Ҷанубӣ Н.Е. (СНЕ), Ғарби Шимолӣ (WNE)
Шӯъбаи кушод
Вазнҳои вазн (114 lbs.)
Тугмаи Феликс (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Хосе Феррер, Jr. (Бедфорд нав, MA / СНЕ)
Натан Мартинес (Бритониёи нав, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Ҷозеф Валдес (Амхерст, NH / CNE)
Дайшон Смит (Вест Ҳейвен, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Брэндон Хиггинс (Шимолӣ Челмсфорд, MA / CNE)
Эфраин Нивес (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
WRSC1 (0:40)
Исо Аблан (Бобсон Парк, MA / ЧОР)
Ҷоснелл Кастро (Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Ксаве Vega (Лоуренс, MA / CNE)
Ярмарко Гусман (Метуен, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Саша Ламур (Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
HEAVYWEIGHTS-Light (178 lbs.)
Элвис Figueroa (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Тейлор Мирс (Бостон, MA / CNE)
Хэмптон Миллер (Убербери, ME / WNE)
WRSC2 (1:14)
Шон Ҷабраил (Мидборбо, MA / СНЕ)
Вазнҳои вазнин (201+ lbs.)
Фернели Феликс (Danbury, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Тим Хатфилд (Муҳайёст, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Вазнҳои вазн (112 lbs.)
Ҷен Амато (Кини, NH / ЧОР)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Алисса Диас (Бостон, MA / CNE)
Лиз Ледди (Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Келсай Кайзер (Уотерфорд, Ч. / WNE)
Рашида Эллис (Линн, MA / CNE)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Линдсай Кяжохнян (Горхам, ME / ЧОР)
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

Iceman John Scully’s 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

Шанбе, Март 18, 2017
12:00 Нимрӯз (until around 3 PM)
@ Monique’s Lounge (маъруф ба 108 Lounge)
181 East 108th Street
East Harlem, Нью-Йорк
I am proud to officially announce my 6th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion that will take place on March 18 at Monique’s Lounge in Harlem, Нью-Йорк. I am expecting by far the largest turn out of any of the previous 5 reunions which were held twice at Rival Boxing in Las Vegas, once at Jimmy’s Corner in Manhattan and once each at Connecticut’s Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Casinos.
Of the over 100 boxers attending this far, among them I expect the likes of 1988 Медали олимпӣ Силвер Riddick Big Daddy Bowe, NYC Golden Gloves Champ Poison” Джуниор Jones, 1984 Olympic champ Mark Breland, 1974 National Junior Olympic champ Марлон Starling, 1996 USA Olympic team captain Лоуренс лойи Bey ва 1988 National Golden Gloves Champion Mark “Хеле Sharp” Ҷонсон.
At my past reunions, including the most recent one held at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas on Ноябр 18, we’ve had the likes of Roy Jones Jr., Alex “Дар интиҳорӣ Bronx” Рамос, 1992 Olympian Montell Griffin, former three time world champions Mike McCallum and Iran Barkley, ва “The Fighterand Irish Micky Ward in attendance.
Among the most special of moments at my reunions, we had Mike McCallum and Alex Ramos, who met each other in the semi-finals of the 1980 NYC Golden Gloves, reconnect in Las Vegas in late 2014, we had Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey, who were brought together in 2015 at Foxwoods after not only not seeing each other in 38 YEARS but after not even knowing they fought against each other in 1977 until just a few days before they reunited and in NYC over the summer of 2015 we had 1984 New York City Golden Gloves 156 pound champion and runner up DennisThe MagicianMilton and Jesse Lanton connect once again.
Any media who wish to attend the event in Harlem, New York on March 18 are more than welcome to be a part of the festivities.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=htZpAj5JPHE&feature=youtu.be ...former champion Michael Second To Nunn calling in to my Amateur Boxers Reunion in Las Vegas last year to speak to former (1986) opponent Alex “Дар интиҳорӣ Bronx” Рамос.

Open Class Semifinals results from Lowell

БАРОИ фавран озод
71Чемпионати дастпӯшакҳои солонаи Lowell Sun Charities
Лоуэл, Омма. (Март 2, 2017) – An appreciative crowd enjoyed 11 action-packed matches last night in the open class semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, дар аудиторияи таърихии Мемориали Лоуэлл.
The finals of the New England Tournament of Champions will be held имшаб(Панҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium to crown the 2017 ЯГОН. champions, who will represent Team New England at the National Golden Gloves Championships for men in Lafayette, Луизиана (Май) ва занон дар Ft. Лодердейл, Флорида (Июл).
Team Central edged Team West for the most wins last night, 4-3, followed by Team North and Team South with two victories apiece.
To purchase individual tickets, сар карда дар $16.00 ($7.00 for students), call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.аз.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
ЯГОН. semifinals results below:
Натиҷаҳои расмии
(ғолибон аввал номбар)
Маркази N.E. (CNE), Шимолӣ Н.Э. (ЧОР), Ҷанубӣ Н.Е. (СНЕ), Ғарби Шимолӣ (WNE)
Шӯъбаи кушод
Вазнҳои вазн (114 lbs.)
Хосе Феррер, Jr. (Бедфорд нав, MA / СНЕ)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Shin Merinda (Haverhill, MA / CNE)
Йозеф Валдез (West Roxbury, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Ҷабраил “Тито” Моралес (Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
Натан Мартинес (Бритониёи нав, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS (4-1)
Christian Figueroa (Central Falls, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Дайшон Смит (Вест Ҳейвен, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Michael Valentin (Муҳайёст, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Эфраин Нивес (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Marcelino DeBarros (Pawtucket, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Ҷоснелл Кастро (Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Michael Ohan (Holbrook, MA / СНЕ)
Ксаве Vega (Лоуренс, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Jeffrey Gonzalez (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
Ярмарко Гусман (Метуен, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Trevor Lattimore (Bridgeport, Ч. / WNE)
HEAVYWEIGHTS (201+ lbs.)
Тим Хатфилд (Муҳайёст, Р.И. / СНЕ)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Zack Calmus (Gloucester, MA / CNE)
Вазнҳои вазн (112 lbs.)
Jennifer Amato (Кини, NH / ЧОР)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Marisa Belenchi (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
Рашида Эллис (Линн, MA / CNE)
WPTS4 (3-2)
Elizabeth Humphries (Agawam, MA / WNE)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэл ёдбуд толор – 6:30 Земле. дарҳои кушод, 7:30 Земле. Бут аввал)
New England Tournament of Champions
Open Class Championship Finals – Панҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves
ABOUT LOWELL SUN CHARITIES: Таъсис дода, дар 1947, Lowell Sun Charities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enrich the quality of life for children, families, and the community, offering programs that promote respect and dignity. Rooted in a tradition of care and compassion, Lowell Sun Charities was originally founded to respond to the ever-increasing challenges of the community. 2017 marks the 71уми year the Golden Gloves have been held in the great city of Lowell, Массачусетс.
Lowell Sun Charities is a community program that not only makes champions in the ring but also makes champions in life. Every year these young athletes devote themselves to a sport which teaches discipline, respect, and clean lifestyle for a chance to win a prestigious Golden Gloves Championship.

NEW ENGLAND TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule Note

Open class semifinals & finals this Wed. & Thu. дар Лоуэл
Лоуэл, Омма. (Феврал 28, 2017) – The top male and female amateur boxers in New England will compete in the New England Tournament of Champions open class semifinal and finals, Фардо шаб (Wed., Баҳр. 1) ва Панҷшанбе шом (Баҳр. 2), to highlight the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
Much is stake for these boxers as the 2016 ЯГОН. champions will qualify to represent Team New England at the National Golden Gloves Championships for men in Lafayette, Луизиана (Мумкин аст,) ва занон дар Ft. Лодердейл, Флорида (Июл).
The competing boxers will represent four teams at the New England Tournament of Champions: Маркази Нави Англия, Англияи Нави Ғарбӣ, Northern New England and Southern New England.
To purchase individual tickets, сар карда дар $16.00 ($7.00 for students), call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.аз.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэл ёдбуд толор – 6:30 Земле. дарҳои кушод, 7:30 Земле. Бут аввал)
New England Tournament of Champions
Open Class SemifinalsЧоршанбе, Баҳр. 1
Open Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves
ABOUT LOWELL SUN CHARITIES: Таъсис дода, дар 1947, Lowell Sun Charities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enrich the quality of life for children, families, and the community, offering programs that promote respect and dignity. Rooted in a tradition of care and compassion, Lowell Sun Charities was originally founded to respond to the ever-increasing challenges of the community. 2017 marks the 71уми year the Golden Gloves have been held in the great city of Lowell, Массачусетс.
Lowell Sun Charities is a community program that not only makes champions in the ring but also makes champions in life. Every year these young athletes devote themselves to a sport which teaches discipline, respect, and clean lifestyle for a chance to win a prestigious Golden Gloves Championship.

Novice finals results from Lowell (New England Golden Gloves)

71Чемпионати дастпӯшакҳои солонаи Lowell Sun Charities


Лоуэл, Омма. (Феврал 24, 2017) – Twelve novice division champions were crowned last night in the men and women’s finals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, дар аудиторияи таърихии Мемориали Лоуэлл.
Central New England edged Western New England, 6-4, to win the team title and receive the George McGuane Award. Northern New England had the other two individual winners.
The much-anticipated showdown in the light welterweight bout lived up to its billing as Alejandro Paulino, of New London (Ч.), defeated Tyngsboro’s (MA) Nathan Balakin, 4-1. Paulino was presented the Louie Ayala Memorial Award as the Outstanding Boxer. Jose Ayala, Louie’s brother, made the presentation.
We had another big, enthusiastic crowd that enjoyed watching some great matches,” гуфт: Бобби Руссо, Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия. “The novice division finals had so many good matchups. Paulino versus Balakin was a very good fight. Ҳозир, we move on to next week’s open division semifinals and finals of the New England Tournament of Champions.
To purchase individual tickets, сар карда дар $16.00 ($7.00 for students), call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.аз.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
The top N.E. open class boxers will compete in next Wednesday ва Панҷшанбе night semifinals and finals, мутаносибан, of the New England Tournament of Champions. Open-class winners will advance to the National Golden Gloves Championships for men in Lafayette, Луизиана (Мумкин аст,) ва занон дар Ft. Лодердейл, Флорида (Июл).
Novice finals results and the remainder of the NE Tournament rounds are listed below:
Натиҷаҳои расмии
(ғолибон аввал номбар)
Маркази N.E. (CNE), Шимолӣ Н.Э. (ЧОР), Ҷанубӣ Н.Е. (СНЕ), Ғарби Шимолӣ (WNE)
Novice Division
Вазнҳои вазн (114 lbs.)
Luis Aybar (New London, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Shin Merinda (Haverhill, MA / CNE)
Brian Zayes (Meriden, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Miles Bloodworth (Manville, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Alejandro Paulino (New London, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Nathan Balakin (Tyngsboro, MA / CNE)
(Paulino namedOutstanding Boxer”)
Peter Maher (Arlington, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Stelvio Neto (Бедфорд нав, MA / СНЕ)
Jose Colon (Хартфорд, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Furcy Ferreras (Peabody, MA / CNE)
HEAVYWEIGHTS-Light (178 lbs.)
Cody Zombeck (Рочестер, NH / ЧОР)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Ray Polanco (Roxbury, MA / CNE)
Luke Yetten (Waltham, MA CNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Isaac Reyes (Holyoke, MA / WNE)
Danielle Millian (Waltham, Ma / CNE
WPTS3 (5-0)
Victoria Brohu (Boscawen, NH / ЧОР)
Katherine Zehr (S. Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Kendra Prather (Hanscom AFB, MA / CNE)
Jessica Lampron (Dorchester, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Jacqueline Boyle (Stamford, Ч. / WNE)
Arika Skoog (Бостон, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Elizabeth Humphries (Agawam, MA / WNE)
Kyla McCartney (East Boston, MA / CNE)
WTKO1 (1:46)
Sara Bell (Danbury, Ч. / WNE)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэл ёдбуд толор – 6:30 Земле. дарҳои кушод, 7:30 Земле. Бут аввал)
New England Tournament of Champions
Open Class SemifinalsЧоршанбе, Баҳр. 1
Open Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

71 st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship NOVICE SEMIFINALS RESULTS

New England Tournament of Champions

Лоуэл, Омма. (Феврал 17, 2017) – Many of the best novice boxers in New England competed last night in the semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, дар аудиторияи таърихии Мемориали Лоуэлл.
To the delight of an always enthusiastic crowd, hometown-favorite Team Central had the most individual winners with seven, followed by Team Western (4), Team Southern (3) and Team Northern (1).
Nate Balakin dominated his bout and next Thursday night’s finals match with the other light welterweight winner last night. Alejandro Paolino, is one everybody is looking forward to seeing,”
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо гуфт:. “Peter Maher looked very sharp as well in his impressive welterweight win.
To purchase tickets call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.аз. Individual event tickets are also available to purchase, сар карда дар $16.00, танҳо $7.00 for students.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
The finals of novice division in the New England Tournament of Champions will be held Панҷшанбе, Feb. 23 at Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
Novice semifinals results and the remainder of the NE Tournament rounds are listed below:
Натиҷаҳои расмии
(ғолибон аввал номбар)
Маркази N.E. (CNE), Шимолӣ Н.Э. (ЧОР), Ҷанубӣ Н.Е. (СНЕ), Ғарби Шимолӣ (WNE)
Novice Division
Вазнҳои вазн (114 lbs.)
Shin Merinda (Haverhill, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Orlando Vasquez (Johnston, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Anderson Moreiro (Brockton, MA / СНЕ)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Tashwan Ward (New London, Ч. / WNE)
Miles Bloodworth (Manville, Р.И. / СНЕ)
WPTS (5-0)
Danny Pang (Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
Brian Zayes (Meriden, Ч. / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Troy Anderson (Dorchester, MA / CNE)
Nathan Balakin (Tyngsboro, MA / CNE)
WTKO3 (1:59)
Joe Hoopaugh (Richmond, VT / ЧОР)
Alejandro Paulino (New London, Ч. / WNE)
WTKO3 (0:53)
Reuben Rouke (The. Wareham, MA / СНЕ)
Peter Maher (Arlington, MA / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Luis Garcia Rivera (Ҳавони нав, Ч. / WNE)
Furcy Ferreras (Peabody, MA / CNE)
WPTS 3 (5-0)
Josh Sealy (Fall River, MA / СНЕ)
HEAVYWEIGHTS-Light (178 lbs.)
Ray Polanco (Roxbury, MA / CNE)
WPTS 3 (4-1)
Louie Hicks (Накунед. Smithfield, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Luke Yetten (Waltham, MA CNE)
WPTS (5-0)
Jamie O’Connor (Муҳайёст, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Вазнҳои вазнин (201+ lbs.)
Stephan Moss (Holyoke, MA / WNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Timothy Hatfield, Jr. (Муҳайёст, Р.И. / СНЕ)
Victor Lobov (Malden, MA / CNE)
WPTS (5-0)
Justin Rolfe (Fairfield, ME / ЧОР)
Katherine Zehr (S. Портланд, ME / ЧОР)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Rianna Travaglini (Ва. Хартфорд, Ч. / WNE)
Elizabeth Humphries (Agawam, MA / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Hannah Farda (Burlington, VT / ЧОР)
Kimberly Peltier (Woonsocket, Р.И. / СНЕ)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Maya Rittmanic (Бостон, MA / CNE)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэл ёдбуд толор – 6:30 Земле. дарҳои кушод, 7:30 Земле. Бут аввал)
New England Tournament of Champions
Novice Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Feb. 23
Open Class SemifinalsЧоршанбе, Баҳр. 1
Open Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

New England Tournament of Champions 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship NOVICE SEMIFINALS THIS THURSDAY NIGHT IN LOWELL

Лоуэл, Омма. (Феврал 14, 2017) – The best novice boxers in New England will compete in ин Панҷшанбе night’s semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
A New England Championship ticket (GA) package is available this week only, $40.00 for all four remaining events, including open and novice semifinals and finals of the New England Tournament of Champions. To purchase call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.аз. Individual event tickets are also available to purchase, сар карда дар $16.00, танҳо $7.00 for students.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
Below is a bout sheet for this Thursday’s гӯгирд (вобаста ба тағйир):
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэл ёдбуд толор – 6:30 Земле. дарҳои кушод, 7:30 Земле. Бут аввал)
New England Tournament of Champions
Novice Class SemifinalsПанҷшанбе, Feb. 16
Novice Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Feb. 23
Open Class SemifinalsЧоршанбе, Баҳр. 1
Open Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves

71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Central N.E. novice & open finals results

Лоуэл, Омма. (Феврал 11, 2017) – Маркази Нави Англия (Greater Lowell) division champions in the open and novice divisions were crowned last night in the final round of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Fans braved the frigid cold weather to support the amateur boxers.
Winners will advance to the semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, also held at Lowell Auditorium, сар next Thursday night with novice division. See the remaining 2017 schedule of events below as well as last night’s complete results.
Бобсон Парк (MA) light welterweight Исо Аблан (Nonantum Boxing) and Tyngsboro (MA) light welterweight Nathan Balakin (Lowell West End), мутаносибан, were named Outstanding Boxer of the open and novice divisions.
A New England Championship ticket (GA) package is available this week only, $40.00 for all four remaining events, including open and novice semifinals and finals of the New England Tournament of Champions. To purchase call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.аз. Individual event tickets are also available to purchase, сар карда дар $16.00, танҳо $7.00 for students.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), Илова ба дастгирии варзишгарони маҳаллӣ ва толорҳои минтақавӣ, писарон & Клуби духтарон, ошхонаҳои шӯрбо, паноҳгоҳҳои бехонумон, фондҳои саратон, стипендия ва бисёр дигар сабабҳои хайрияи бузург.
Натиҷаҳои расмии
(ғолибон аввал номбар)
Шӯъбаи кушод
Jesus Alban (Бобсон Парк / Nonantum Boxing)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Jeremiah Perez (Лоуэл, MA / Lowell West End)
Ксаве Vega (Метуен, MA / Canal Street Gym)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Mike Fontanez (Nashua, NH / Nashua PAL)
Ярмарко Гусман (Метуен, MA / Canal Street Gym)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Брайан Лоуренс (Dorchester, MA / Толори Петрус Welch кард)
HEAVYWEIGHTS (201+ lbs.)
Zack Culmas (Gloucester, MA / Private Jewels)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Alex Falcon (Линн, MA / Private Jewels)
Novice Division
Вазнҳои вазн (114 lbs.)
Shin Merinda (Haverhill, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Christian Moura (Hollis, NH / Nashua PAL)
Danielle Millian (Waltham, MA / Sorabella Training Center)
WPTS 3 (4-1)
Karen Dahl (Allston, MA / Boston Boxing)
Ҷозеф Валдес (West Roxbury, MA / Nashua PAL)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Joel Morales (Everett, MA / Somerville Boxing Club)
Kendra Prather (Hanscom AFB, MA / Union Street Boxing)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Noelle Boran (East Walpole, MA / Boston Boxing)
Jessica Lampron (Dorchester, MA / Boston Boxing)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Willow Crawford (Манчестер, NH / Lowell West End)
Nathan Balakin (Tyngsboro, MA / Lowell West End
WPTS3 (4-1)
Ricardo Reid (Бостон, MA / Everybody Fights)
Peter Maher (Arlington, MA / Somerville Boxing)
WPTS 3 (5-0)
Michael Rovera (Nashua, NH – The Ринг)
Furcy Ferreras (Peabody, MA / Private Jewels)
WPTS3 5-0)
Adrien Gedney (Gloucester, MA / Gloucester Boxing Club)
HEAVYWEIGHTS-Light (178 lbs.)
Rey Polanco (Roxbury, MA / South Boston Boxing)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Andrew Perez (Метуен, MA / Lawtown Boxing)
HEAVYWEIGHTS (201+ lbs.)
Viktor Lobov (Malden, MA / Nonantum Boxing)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Луис Ривера (Бостон, MA – Somerville Boxing Club)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэл ёдбуд толор – 6:30 Земле. дарҳои кушод, 7:30 Земле. Бут аввал)
New England Tournament of Champions
Novice Class SemifinalsПанҷшанбе, Feb. 16
Novice Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Feb. 23
Open Class SemifinalsЧоршанбе, Баҳр. 1
Open Class Championship FinalsПанҷшанбе, Баҳр. 2
Директори иҷроияи дастпӯшакҳои тиллоии нави Англия: Бобби Руссо
Директори озмун: Арт Рамалхо
Сардори мансабдорон: Лори Пурсел
Нозири занг: Ҷон Вена
Бурунмарзї: Лоуэл ёдбуд толор, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэл, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves