Tag Archives: Alfredo Angulo

TOP MEDIA DEPUTĀTI, Cīnītāji un trenažieri pie izredzes OVER kurš uzvar LEO Santakrusas VS. Abners MARES PREMIER boksa CHAMPIONS ESPN kāršu atklāšana

Dzīvot no Staples Center Sestdiena, Augusts 29
10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT
LOS ANGELES (Augusts 24, 2015) – Ar cīņa nedēļā oficiāli sākusies, top mediju locekļi, cīnītāji un treneri piedāvāja savus Fight Night prognozes par ļoti gaidīts viegls spēles-up starp Lauva “Zemestrīce” Santa Cruz un Abners Mares Headlining Premier Boksa Champions (PBC) par ESPN Sestdiena, Augusts 29 no Staples Center Losandželosā.
Ilgi gaidītā cīņa tiek uzskatīts par vienu no visvairāk vienmērīgi atbilstības cīņas sportu un fani var cerēt uz labāko, ka bokss ir piedāvāt par pamata kabeli, kā Premier Boksa Champions atgriežas ESPN par trešo daļu no tīkla.
Uzstādīšana ar valdošo priekšstatu, ka šis cīkstēšanās ir patiess 50-50 cīņa, tad prognosticators bija gandrīz vienmērīgi sadalīta uz to Fight Night prognozes, ar Santa Cruz nedaudz apmales out Mares, saskaitot tikai 19 līdz 18 ar diviem neizšķirts.
Šīs prognozes bija žiletes plānas katrā ziņā kā pašreizējie un bijušie kaujinieki privileģēts Mares ko skaits septiņi līdz pieciem, bet treneri privileģēts Santa Cruz par starpību no pieciem līdz diviem ar žurnālistiem aptuveni vienādu kam deviņi izvēlētos katru vīrieti.
Kopumā vairāki eksperti uzskatīja, Santa Cruz varētu uzvarēt ar nokauts ar piecu līdz trīs priekšrocības, bet Mares bija palielinājies vairākas reizes, lai uzvarētu ar lēmumu ar šauru 15 līdz 14 mala.
Lūk skaidrojums no katras ekspertiem par to, kā viņi redz prasība spēlē out Augusts 29:
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., Meksikas Legend: Abner Mares W 12 – Tā ir laba cīņa, kas beigsies ļoti tuvu lēmumu. Ja Abners Mares ir pareizu stratēģiju, tad viņš var darīt to. Bet Mares ir jābūt labā stāvoklī, fiziski, un, garīgi. Ja viņš nav, tad Leo Santa Cruz var uzvarēt.
Juan Manuel Marquez, Meksikas liels un četru nodaļa čempions: Abner Mares UD 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Es domāju, ka Abners Mares uzvarēs, jo viņš ir vairāk tehniska cīnītājs un vairāk pieredzējis.

Leo Santa Cruz ir tikumu throwing labas kombinācijas, bet ir defekts reizēm, jo ​​viņš ir ļoti mehāniska. Abners ir tikums ir ļoti tehnisks, un viņš arī met labas kombinācijas. Viņa defekts viņš nevar stāvēt daudz perforatori.

Teddy Atlas, ESPN: Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares – Tas stāv būt visbūtiskāko cīņu ka Leo Santa Cruz ir bijusi. Viņš bija drausmīgs karjeru līdz šim, but this is the most significant step up in class of competition he will have faced.

Tur nav šaubu, manā prātā, ka Abners Mares ir cīnījās daudz labāk konkurenci visā viņa karjeras laikā, un viņš ir labāks kovbojs un nedaudz lielāks puisis. Bet es esmu gatavojas teikt, ka Santa Cruz uzvar lēmumu.

Veids ka Mares Beats Santa Cruz ir jābūt, lai viņam nodarīt pāri, kas ir iespējams. Bet es arī kvalificēties to, sakot, ka ir noticis pirmajās piecās vai sešās kārtās, lēni viņam uz leju un ņemt viņu no šī ritma pirms Santa Cruz ir pulcējās, lai daudz impulsu un nodot kārtās ar savu jostu.

Santa Cruz nāk uz priekšu, un dominē jums truckloads perforatori un beidzot nēsā jūs uz leju, turot jūs tik aizņemts aizsardzībai, ka viņš ir virsroku. Beigās dienas, Man ir pakārt savu cepuri uz Santa Cruz uzvarēt lēmumu. Santa Cruz saprot, ka šis ir lielākais cīņa par savu karjeru, un viņš nav iemācījušies, kā zaudēt, vēl.

Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press: Abner Mares W 12 Leo Santa Cruz: Es meklēju Abners Mares parādīt mirgo diženuma atkal cīņa, kas tiešām ir krustceles bout gan vīriešiem.

Tas būtu apmēram tikpat interesants kā tas izpaužas starp maz puiši, un būs tuvu konkurētspējīga cīņa. I like Mares by decision in a tough scrap, padošanas Leo Santa Cruz viņa pirmais zaudējums.

Peter Quillin, bijušais pasaules čempions, Cīņa Michael Zerafa Septiņi. 12 par NBC: Leo Santa Cruz SD 12 Abners Mares – Es godīgi patīk tos abus. Man patīk Leo Santa Cruz, jo viņš ir nežēlīgs ar spiedienu un daudz štancēšanas. Mares ir ļoti spēcīgs un labs bokseris. Es domāju, Santa Cruz uzvar ar split-lēmumu tiešām labu cīņu
Pauls Malignaggi, bijušais divu laikā čempions: Abner Mares UD 12 Leo Santa Cruz- Ar labu cīņu, I’m picking Abner Mares. Viņš šķiet mazliet vairāk universāls, nekā Leo Santa Cruz, un ir bijis ar labāku opozīcijā. Šī pieredze var palīdzēt daudz, kad jūsu pretinieks nav tas.
Ronnie Shields, treneris Erislandy Lara: Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares – Tā ir laba cīņa, bet man patīk Leo Santa Cruz, jo viņš ir vairāk bokseris. Abners Mares ir lielāks kovbojs, bet Santa Cruz, mazulis tikai cīnās līdz līmenim viņa konkurence. Man tiešām patīk, Santa Cruz, un es domāju, ka viņš gatavojas uzvarēt labu cīņu, cieši, vienprātīgs lēmums.
Virgil Hunter, treneris Andre Berto, Amir Khan: Abner Mares SD 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Ja Abners Mares kastes un izmanto savas kājas, viņš var iesniegt dažas problēmas Santa Cruz, kurš upurē savu augstumu a lot. Būt tikpat garš kā viņš ir, Viņš bieži kvadrātu līdz un cīnās pārāk tuvu.

Ka var spēlēt uz Abners rokās, jo viņam nav jāuztraucas par nepieejamā. Es teikšu, tas ir pick-em cīņa, kur tas ir grūti dot vienu cīnītājs malas. Abner var uzvarēt, bet viņš nāksies box. Leo var uzvarēt ar viņa tilpuma caurumošanas. Tas ir tikai grūti izvēlēties pārliecināts uzvarētāju, bet varbūt Abners, cieši split-lēmumā.

Nigel Collins, ESPN: Abner Mares W 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Abners Mares nekad izskatījās gluži tas pats, jo viņš tika pārdota, ko Jhonny Gonzalez, but I think he still has superior skills compared to Leo Santa Cruz.

Bet tas nebūs viegli. Santa Cruz ir tilpums kovbojs un tiks winging kadru Mares visu nakti straujajā, fan draudzīga cīņa. Tomēr, Es domāju, ka Santa Cruz agresija dos Mares iespēja noķert viņu ar letes un kaste savu ceļu uz šauras lēmumu uzvaru.

Brian Campbell, ESPN: Abner Mares TKO 9 Leo Santa Cruz – Šajā ilgi gaidītais cīņa starp Meksikas dzimušo rīcības zvaigznēm, negaida ne cilvēks spert soli atpakaļ. Abners Mares, īsāks vēl dabiski lielāks cilvēks, būs nepieciešams, lai izsauktu atpakaļ uz savu brīvgaita un robežgadījumu neapdomāti stila vecs, lai būtu visefektīvākā.

Mares būs priekšrocības, jo jauda, ​​un tas ir daudz pierādīts cīnītājs šajā svara kategorijā nekā Leo Santa Cruz. Žūrija ir vēl kas par to, cik labi Santa Cruz patiešām ir. Bet, ja viņš nonāks Ieslodzījuma firefight no sākuma līdz beigām, meklēt Mares būt Last Man Standing.

Deontay Wilder, smagsvara pasaules čempions, cīnās Johann Duhaupas Septiņi. 26 par NBC: Leo Santa Cruz TKO 11 Abners Mares – Es esmu, kas ar manu zarnu sajūta un pacelt Leo Santa Cruz pār Abner Mares. Es redzu 11. kārtas apturēšanu uz Santa Cruz. Es esmu tikai gatavojas ar zarnu sajūta par šo vienu.
Keith Thurman, papildsvars pasaules čempions: No pick – Lai būtu godīgi, Man nav pick. Es esmu tikai paredzot labu cīņu un lielisku sniegumu starp diviem lielajiem cīnītājiem.

Esmu redzējis gan cīnītāji cīnīties, bet es nevaru īsti pauze, ka viens uz leju. Man patīk būt tik precīza kā es varu būt, un es nejūtos ērti picking vienu pār otru. Tā ir lieliska matchup šogad, kad boksa s dara tā lieta.

Claudia Trejos, ESPN: Abner Mares MD 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Vai nu viens ir reālas KO vara. Bet cīņa ir 126 mārciņas, kur Abners Mares ir visērtāk. Tas ir lēkt uz Leo Santa Cruz.

Mātēm’ pieredze pret augstākā līmeņa pretiniekiem ir svarīgs elements, kā arī. Ja mēs paši Mares kas atnāca versus Anselmo Moreno, tas būtu jauna teritorija Santa Cruz, jo viņa nav pietiekamas pieredzes pret augstākās kvalitātes cīnītājiem.

Tomēr, Es cienu lielo apjomu, augsta oktāna cīnītājs mēs atrast Santa Cruz. Tā vienmēr ir pūļa-patīkami stils, kas var mocīt acis tiesnešu.

Bob Velin, USA Today Sports / Bokss junkie: Abner Mares UD 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Leo Santa Cruz, ir viens no labākajiem tīra bokseri sportā šodien. Bet Santa Cruz nav saskārusies ir konkurences Abner Mares kvalitāte ir saskārusies.

Kopš viņa apdullināšanu pirmās kārtas KO zaudējumu Jhonny Gonzalez pirms diviem gadiem, Mares ir veikusi savu spēli citā līmenī. Viņš ir labāks bokseris un tagad saka Santa Cruz, bijušais sarunu partneris, is not at his level. I wouldn’t go that far, bet es uzskatu, ka Mares’ kombinācija boksa iemaņas un atzīmēšanās varas būs mala pret Santa Cruz.

Steve Farhood, Boksa Vēsturnieks par Showtime & Premier Boksa Champions: Abner Mares W 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Es domāju, ka tas būs liels cīņa, bet man ir nedaudz mala uz Abner Mares. Viņš, protams, jo lielāks puisis.

Leo Santa Cruz būs liekot uz spiedienu, bet Mares perforatori mazliet grūtāk un Santa Cruz var trāpīt, un es tikai domāju, ka šīs pilnvaras mala varētu dot nelielu priekšrocību Mares ilgu ļoti aizraujošā cīņā.

Mitch Ebremsons, New York Daily News: Leo Santa Cruz KO 10 Abners Mares – Es ņemšu Leo Santa Cruz ar 10. kārtas nokauts pār Abner Mares. Es domāju, ka viņš būs iegūt stiprāka kā cīņa turpinās un beidzot pārspēt Mares. Es domāju, ka viņa spēks veiks augšup 126 mārciņu nodaļa.
Joe Santoliquito, BWAA prezidents, RingTV.com: Abner Mares KO 9 Leo Santa Cruz- Es esmu gatavojas ar Abner Mares pār Leo Santa Cruz. Es tikai domāju, ka Abners joprojām ir bada par viņu, kas padara viņu par īpaša cīnītājs. Es iešu ar Abneram ko nokauts devītajā kārtas.
Omar Figueroa Jr., bijušais junioru papildsvars čempions, cīnās Antonio DeMarco Septiņi. 26 par NBC: Abner Mares MD 12 Leo Santa Cruz- Es domāju, ka, ja vien Leo Santa Cruz ir patiešām, tiešām smart, tad viņš gatavojas zaudēt. Es domāju, ka Abners Mares ir spēcīgāka, un, protams, protams, lielāks cīnītājs, un tas ir atkarīgs no Santa Cruz, un vai viņš ir spējīgs saglabāt distanci.

Santa Cruz nāksies saglabāt Mares ārpus, jo, ja Mares izdodas iekļūt iekšā un viņš varētu izmantot savu spēku, tad Santa Cruz būs nepatikšanas. Es domāju, ka tas būs Mares pēc lēmuma.

Fernando Guerrero, middleweight virsraksts sāncensis, cīnās Caleb Truax Septiņi. 18 par Bounce TV: Leo Santa Cruz SD 12 Abners Mares – Leo Santa Cruz ir lieliska stāvoklī ar savu impulsu, un es esmu redzējis Abners Mares cīņa, un viņš ir ļoti labs cīnītājs arī.

Bet es domāju, ka, ja man ir izvēlēties, Es gribētu iet ar Leo, jo viņa impulss ir tikko bijusi laba, un viņš nezina, kas ir sakāve. Viņi divus spēcīgus cīnītājus, pat ja Mares ir, ka sajukums zaudējumus Jhonny Gonzalez.

Tātad viņi abi patiešām labi cīnītāji, kas ir Meksikas un, ja jums ir, ka, jūs vienmēr nāksies karu. Es neredzu nokauts, bet es redzu Santa Cruz uzvarot ar split-lēmumā.

Jake Donovan, BoxingScene.com: Abner Mares W 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Leo Santa Cruz reiz bija viens no karstākie zvaigznēm uz pieaugumu, Bet es uzskatu, garām savu iespēju kļūt par kaut ko īpašu nedarot, lai palielinātu savus talantus 122 mārciņu nodaļa.

Abners Mares nedrīkst būt tāds pats cīnītājs viņš reiz bija, kad viņš bija viens no labākajiem pasaulē, kā neuzvarēts čempions trīs svara kategorijām, bet es uzskatu, ka iemiesošanās veidu notiks.

Boksa maču agri kļūst slugfest vēlu (neraugoties uz uzskatu, ka Mares ir vairāk aizsargātas šajās dienās), ar Mares apmales to cīņa, kas var iet vai nu veidā.

Ryan Songalia, RingTV.com: Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares – Man patīk šī cīņa daudz. Tas ir visu darbību cīņa starp diviem džekiem, kuri nebūs jāmeklē otru. Es domāju, ka Abners Mares ir mazliet vairāk universāls, un ir vairāk iespējas.

Bet Leo Santa Cruz nāksies iet un darīt to, ko viņš dara un saglabāt perforators skaļuma. Es nedomāju, ka Mares ir liels pietiekami kovbojs, tāpēc, ja vien viņš varētu pārspēt Santa Cruz, Es domāju, ka Santa Cruz uzvar vienprātīgu lēmumu, var būt 8-4 kārtās.

Bernard Fernandez, Philly.com: Abner Mares TKO 8 Leo Santa Cruz- Es pieņemu, ka šis ir viens no cīņas, kas nav iet uz rādītāju kartes. Es esmu sēžot uz žoga mazliet, bet es ņemšu tip viens veids, kā Abners Mares nekā Leo Santa Cruz astotajā kārtā ar tehnisko nokauts.
Shawn Porter, bijušais papildsvars pasaules čempions: Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares – Es dodu, ka cīņa pret Leo Santa Cruz. Esmu zināms Leo ļoti ilgu laiku. Mēs cīnījās amatieri kopā un veica dažas valsts braucienus kopā, tā acīmredzot tas ir, ja mana sirds meli.

Bet es domāju, ka kopumā, viņš dabūja darbu produkciju un visi nemateriālie aktīvi, kas iet ar to pārspēt Abner Mares. Es domāju, ka, visticamāk, mala ar caurumošanas jaudu, visticamāk, iet ar Mares. Bet Mares šķiet soli atpakaļ un apbrīnot savu darbu, kur Leo vienkārši turpina strādāt.

Mares ir ļoti asa cīnītājs, bet es domāju, ka kopumā boksa spējas, ka es varētu iet ar Leo. Leo ir ļoti augsta boksa tempu, un es domāju, ka viņš ir ļoti gudrs ar gredzenu un redz to, ko viņš vēlas redzēt un met to, ko viņš grib mest, atbilstoši.

Gary Russell Jr., 126-mārciņa pasaules čempions: No pick – Starp Abners Mares un Leo Santa Cruz, Es godīgi vienkārši nevar izvēlēties uzvarētāju. Es uzskatu, ka Abners nes vairāk uz galda, un, ka viņš ir vairāk labi noapaļota cīnītājs nekā Leo ir, bet es nezinu, kā Abners notiek, lai risinātu ar Leo pārliecinošu spiedienu.

Tas būs tiešām interesanti redzēt, kā Abners mēģina kompensēt, ka. Jo galu galā, tas būs ļoti aizraujoša cīņa, bet tas ir monētu lozēšana mani.

Es labprāt vēlētos, lai Abner uzvarēt, jo viņš dabūja lielāku fanu bāzi un es mīlu, lai cīnītos ar viņu. Nu tā, Man patiktu, lai iegūtu uzvarētāju Dieva mieru mēs saņemam caur mūsu nākamo cīņu.

Ja man būtu jāizvēlas starp to, kas es labprātāk cīņa starp Leo un Abneram, tas būtu Abner pamatojoties uz viņa fanu bāzi. Bet tas ir pārāk grūti izvēlēties uzvarētāju.

Thomas Gerbasi, Vecākais redaktors BoxingScene.com, Redakcionālā direktors Zuffa (UFC / Strikeforce):Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares – Lai gan es mīlu šo sen matchup, Abners Mares nešķiet, ka to pašu cīnītājs, viņš bija pirms Jhonny Gonzalez cīņā.

Varbūt šī ir cīņa par viņu, lai saņemtu savu Mojo atpakaļ, bet Leo Santa Cruz tilpums uzbrukums būtu ļaut viņam pārņemt vidū un vēlu kārtās un nopelnīt viņam lēmumu.

Matt Richardson, Fightnews.com: Leo Santa Cruz W 12 Abners Mares- Es domāju, ka tas ir tiešām liels cīņa un grūti cīnīties, lai izvēlētos, bet es droši vien liesās pret Leo Santa Cruz. Es domāju, ka Abners Mares ir zaudējis mazliet uzticību viņa spējām pēc brutāli pieklauvējām Jhonny Gonzalez.

Tad, lai redzētu Gonzalez saņemt pieklauvējām, kā viņš darīja Gary Russell, kas ir ietekmēt Mares kaut kādā veidā, garīgi. Tas ir pick-em cīņa un rīcības cīņa ka Santa Cruz uzvar, cieši lēmumu.

Ruben Guerrero, treneris & tēvs Roberts Guerrero: Leo Santa Cruz KO Abner MaresI’m going with Leo Santa Cruz. He’s a bad-ass fighter. Abner Mares is good too, bet Leo ir lielāks cilvēks un ir ilgāks sasniegt.

I think Leo will be too strong and powerful for Mares. I’m picking Leo to win by knockout in the later rounds.

Kenny Porter, treneris & tēvs Shawn Porter: Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares- Labais tagad es esmu gatavojas teikt Leo Santa Cruz. Es ar nepacietību gaidu šo cīņu. Leo gatavojas pārspēt Abners Mares ar vienprātīgu lēmumu. Es domāju, ka viņš būs ārpus strādās viņu un ārā grūstīšanās viņu un out-Box viņam.

Leo ir kombinācija puisis, un viņš ir boksa un viņš štancēšanas un viņš dabūja spiedienu un viņš dabūja skaļumu un viņš ir nepārtraukts ar savu enerģiju. Viņš ir enerģisks cilvēks, kurš ir pastāvīgi pārvietojas un darba.

Norm Frauenheim, Ring žurnāls /www.15rounds.com: Leo Santa Cruz SD 12 Abners Mares: Atkārtots mačs tiks, iespējams, ir labākais pick. Abners Mares un Santa Cruz ir paredzēti šim kāršu atklāšana. Viņi zina viens otru, kā veciem draugiem un atturīga sāncenšiem.

Jo šeit un tagad, tomēr, it’s what they won’t know until opening bell. Has soft opposition softened Santa Cruz? Vai Mares joprojām pagaidu cīnītājs, viņš ir bijis kopš kļūst KO'd ar Jhonny Gonzalez?

Atbildes var noteikt uzvarētāju. Bet minējums ir, ka abi ies tālāk, kādi jautājumi ieteikt, nozīmē grūts, nervozs Santa Cruz un Mares pie viņa agresīvs, gudrs labākais.

Tas noved pie vēlāk kārtās, kad Santa Cruz gūs ar priekšrocību, kas nav jautājums. Neskatoties uz iet uz augšu svara, Santa Cruz ir garāks. Viņa trīs collu priekšrocība REACH nepatikšanas Mares, piespiežot viņu atpakaļ pedāli uz šauru Scorecard zaudējumiem, kas izveido rezultāts.

Gary “Digitālais” Williams, Fightnews.com: Leo Santa Cruz UD 12 Abners Mares: I am leaning towards Leo Santa Cruz by unanimous decision. Santa Cruz was very accurate and dominant in his last outing and I just think he will be too fast and accurate for Abner Mares. It should be a great fight.
Jermall Charlo, undefeated virsraksts sāncensis, cīnās Cornelius Bundrage Septiņi. 12 par NBC: Abner Mares UD 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Es esmu, kas ar Abner Mares. Viņš ir motivēts cīnītājs, kurš vēlas, lai aizvietotu savu vienu zudumu. Es domāju, ka viņš būs uzvarēt lēmumu par 12 kārtas.

Mares centīsies slodze uz augšu, Bet tas ir tikai būs push Leo Santa Cruz atpakaļ.
Santa Cruz gatavojas, lai mēģinātu noteikt tempu, bet Mares būs vairāk kontrolēja cīnītājs beigās.

Jhonny Gonzalez, bijušais čempions: Leo Santa Cruz KO 8 Abners Mares – I believe that Leo Santa Cruz will win by a knockout in the later rounds. Abners Mares nav tas pats, jo es pieklauvēju viņam. Santa Cruz būs atkritumu himand tad klauvēt viņam out astotajā kārtā.
Jack Obermayer, Cīņa Fakss Inc.: Leo Santa Cruz W 12 Abners Mares- Es veikšu Leo Santa Cruz ar lēmumu, pamatojoties uz viņa darba likmi. Es domāju, ka Abners Mares ir mazliet virs otrā pusē no kalna un ka Santa Cruz būs pārspēt viņu.
John J. Raspanti, Maxboxing.com/Doghouseboxing.com / Ringside Bokss Show: Abners Mares SD12 Leo Santa Cruz- Leo Santa Cruz versus Abner Mares ir klasisks 50-50 cīņa. Santa Cruz ir pašreizējais junioru bantamweight čempions.

Mares ir bijušais divu nodaļa čempions. Santa Cruz, 27, ir jaunāks cilvēks par diviem gadiem.

Mares ir cīnījies spēcīgāka konkurence–tam cīnījās patīk bijušajiem pasaules čempioniem Vic Darchinyan, Joseph Agbeko, Anselmo Moreno, un Jhonny Gonzalez.

Man ir sajūta, ka vairāk pieredzējuši Mares uzvarēs cīņā ar žiletes plānas 12 apaļu split lēmums.

Robert Guerrero, bijušais papildsvars pasaules čempions: Abner Mares SD 12 Leo Santa Cruz – Tas ir ļoti grūts cīņa uzņemt, jo abiem puišiem, kad tie ir uz augšu savu spēli, var pārspēt nevienam to sadalījums.

Ar šo tiek teica, I’m leaning toward Abner Mares because I believe he’s got the better boxing skills. Leo Santa Cruz brings a lot of pressure and that could be troublesome for Abner. I’m picking Mares to win a close split decision.

Chris Algieri, bijušais junioru papildsvars čempions: Abner Mares SD 12 Leo Santa Cruz- Es esmu, kas ar Abners Mares ar split-lēmumu, pamatojoties uz pieredzi un labāku konkurenci.

Tas ir liels cīņa gan vīriešiem. Leo Santa Cruz gatavojas cīnīties zobu un nagu, lai saglabātu, ka “0,” un Mares vienmēr nes to un lūžņu līdz finišam. Būtu jautri cīņa skatīties.

Mikey Garcia, bijušais čempions: Leo Santa Cruz SD 12 Abners Mares – Es tiešām domāju, ka šī cīņa ir lozēšana-up. Tas viss ir atkarīgs no kuras cīnītājs var padarīt cīņa iet savu ceļu. Ko es domāju ar šo ir Abners Mares ir iespējams vairāk tehniska cīnītājs un ir vairāk prasmju. Viņš var kaste, un viņš var perforators, un viņš var kautiņš, ja ir.

Bet šajā cīņā, Mares ir izmantot savas prasmes un palikt ārpusē, izmantot savu durt un viņa labo roku. Tādā veidā, viņš var pull lēmumu. No otras puses,, Leo Santa Cruz ir jānāk priekšu tilpums kovbojs. Ja viņš var iegūt, ka spēles plānu iet un glabāt Mares uz virves un stūros, viņš būs vērtēšanas punkti un iegūt uzvaru, ka veidā.

Es domāju, ka es esmu nāksies uz otru mazliet vairāk ar Santa Cruz, jo es domāju, ka viņa spiediens ir ļoti grūti cīnītājs. Es domāju, ka Santa Cruz, ar nelielu mala, varētu pull it off. Es domāju, ka tas būs Santa Cruz ar split-lēmumā.

Gary Russell Sr., tēvs un treneris čempionu Gary Russell Jr.: Leo Santa Cruz SD 12 Abners Mares – Leo Santa Cruz gatavojas nākt taisni uz priekšu un nepārtraukti izdarot spiedienu. Abners Mares gatavojas, lai mēģinātu box, bet es domāju, ka viņš būs jāņem ārā no savas komforta zonas, jo Leo spiediens. Es domāju, ka tas nāks uz leju, lai split-lēmumu win par Leo Santa Cruz.
Miguel Diaz, treneris, cut cilvēks: Leo Santa Cruz KO 8 Abners Mares – Es strādāju aptuveni sešas vai septiņas cīņas, jo griezuma cilvēks stūrī Abner Mares, un es strādāju stūrī pretiniekam pret Leo Santa Cruz. Pamatojoties uz to, Es gribētu iet par labu Santa Cruz, 60-40, vai, 55-45.

Es domāju, ka Santa Cruz ir izrādījusi lielu zodu un to, kas jums ir nepieciešams būt čempions, un otrs puisis, Mares tika pārdota, ko Jhonny Gonzalez, kas ir labs kovbojs. Es domāju, ka tas būs nokauts septītajā vai astotajā kārtā.

Bob Santos, palīgs treneris, Robert Guerrero: Abner Mares W 12 Leo Santa Cruz- Wow this is a tough one. Abner Mares is the better boxer and Leo Santa Cruz is the better puncher. Santa Cruz has never tasted defeat and that will be a very difficult task to overcome for Abner. I always go with the better boxer in these situations so I’m picking Mares to win by decision, bet tas nebūs viegli.
Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.staplescenter.com unwww.TGBPromotions.com. Sekojiet par čivinātPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions UnSwanson_Comm un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter un www.facebook.com/ESPN. Sekojiet saruna izmantojot #PBConESPN.

HUGO RUIZ Cīņas Julio Cesar CEJA IN SUPER bantamweight pasaules titulu cīnīties PREMIER boksa čempioni ESPN sestdiena, Augusts. 29 NO Staples Center Losandželosā 10 P.M. ET / 7 P.M. PT

Full Night Of undercard rīcības Features meksikāņu Star Alfredo Angulo & Vietējie Favorīti Alejandro Luna, Jessie Roman & Paul Mendez
LOS ANGELES (Augusts 20, 2015) – Meksikas spēka kompostrētāji Hugo Ruiz (35-2, 30 Kos) un Julio Cesar CEJA (28-1, 26 Kos) kvadrātveida off super bantamweight pasaules titulu maču kā televīzijā nazis Premier Boksa Champions (PBC) par ESPN un ESPN par Sestdiena, Augusts 29 no Staples Center Losandželosā sākas 10 p.m. UN/7 p.m. PT.
Vakara galvenais notikums iezīmes ļoti gaidīts viegls kāršu atklāšana starp undefeated divu divīzijas pasaules čempions Lauva “Zemestrīce” Santa Cruz (30-0-1, 17 Kos) un bijušais trīs nodaļa pasaules čempions Abners Mares (29-1-1, 15 Kos).
Arī Featured kā daļu no šī lielā nakts boksa būs populārs Meksikas zvaigzne Alfred “Suns” Angulo (23-5, 19 Kos), kurš sacentīsies ar middleweight cīkstēšanās pret Hector Munoz (23-15-1, 14 Kos).
Papildus, apgriezties top perspektīvas būs redzamas tostarp vietējās favorītiem Alejandro Luna (18-0, 13 Kos) kurš cīņas Yakubu Amidu (19-7-2, 17 Kos) ar a 10-apaļu viegla attraction, Jessie Roman (19-2, 9 Kos) kas uzņemas Hector Serrano (17-4, 5 Kos) astoņu apaļu papildsvars kaujas un Paul Mendez (19-2-2, 9 Kos) kas kvadrātu off pret Saralegui Andrik (19-2, 15 Kos) 10-kārtās super middleweight darbības.
Turpmākā rīcība redzēs 25 gadus vecais Argentīnas Brian Castano (12-0, 9 Kos) in middleweight rīcību pret Domincan Republikas Jonathan Batista (14-6, 7 Kos), plus viņa brālis, 22-gadus vecs Alan Castano (8-0, 5 Kos) ņemot par 23 gadus vecā Mičiganas dzimtā Thomas Howard (8-4, 4 Kos) ar sešu kārtu middleweight bout. Noapaļošana darbību būs cīņas featuring 25 gadus vecs Anthony Flores (8-0, 5 Kos) no Los Angeles, ņemot par 32 gadus veco New Yorker Curtis Morton (3-4-3) kādā papildsvars kaujas, un pro debija Leo Santakrusas brālēns Antonio Santa Cruz kas uzņemas Isaiah Najera(0-1)ar četru apaļo bantamweight bout.
28 gadus vecais kaujas no Sinaloa Meksikā, Ruiz ievada šo cīņu par četru cīņa win švīka un kā uzvarētājs 26 no viņa pēdējā 27 cīņas. Viņam pieder uzvaras pār patīk Jean Sampson, Yonfrez Parejo un Francisco Arce visā pro karjeru, kas sākās 2006. Viņš pavisam nesen izsisti Carlos Medellin novembrī 2014 un būs padarīt viņa neatrodas ASV. debija uz Augusts 29.
22 gadus vecais CEJA ieguva piecu cīņas pēc kārtas, un meklē, lai lielākā daļa no šīs pasaules nosaukuma iespēju. Cīnītājs no Atizapan de Zaragoza, Meksika būs viņa neatrodas ASV. debija Augusts 29 un nāk nost no uzvaru pār Oscar BLANQUET martā šī gada. Viņš ir veikti uz leju Jēzu Acosta, Juan Jose Montes un Henry Maldonado kā pro.
Smagi cīnās Meksikas karavīrs dzimis Mexicali, Baja California, Meksika bet cīnās no Coachella, Calif., Angulois meklē citu lielu uzvaru priekšā viņa Dienvidu Kalifornijas faniem. Vienmēr gatavs apstrīdēt labākajiem sportā, 33 gadus vecais ir pagājis toe-to-toe ar dažiem no labākajiem cīnītājiem pasaulē un tur nokauts uzvaras pār Gabriel Rosado, Joachim Alcine un Joel Julio bet pavisam nesen nopelnot nokauts uzvaru pār Delray Raines jūnijā. Viņš uzņemas ķildnieks Munoz no Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Tajā tikai 23 gadus vecs, Lunahas jau salikti kopā iespaidīgs 18 profesionālie uzvar kopš pagrieziena Pro 2010. Cīņa no BELLFLOWER, Kalifornija, viņš pavisam nesen uzvarēta bijušais pasaules čempions Cristobal Cruz astoņu kārtās jūnijā. Pirms tam viņš bija salikti kopā uzvaras pār pieredzējušiem cīnītājiem Daniel Attah un Sergio Rivera, bet klauvē out seši viņa pēdējo deviņu pretinieki. Viņš uzņemas pieredzējis 30 gadus veco Amidu kurš cīnās no Los Angeles veidā viņa dzimtajā Gana.
Garš viegla 5″10″, 24 gadus vecais Romāns meklē savu trešo taisni uzvaru parAugusts 29. Cīņa no tuvējā Santa Ana, Kalifornija, Roman jau šogad uzvarēja divreiz Southern California, nopelnīt pāris astoņu apaļas lēmumiem pār Donald Ward un Evincii Dixon. Viņš uzņemas uz 30 gadus vecā Serrano no Huntingon Beach, California, kuri ienāk šo cīņu par piecu cīņa win švīka.
Vēl viens vietējais izredzes, cīnās no Delano, Kalifornija, 26 gadus vecais Mendez meklē savu sesto uzvaru taisni, kad viņš saņem ar gredzenu uz Augusts 29. Viņš nonāk šajā cīņā pie uzvaras pār David Alonso Lopez, Santiago Perez, Raul Casarez un Ernesto Berrospe divreiz. Viņš uzņemsies Saralegui no Los Mochis, Meksika.
Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.staplescenter.comun www.TGBPromotions.com. Sekojiet par čivinātPremierBoxing, @ LeoSantaCruz2AbnerMares, ESPNBoxing, STAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions UnSwanson_Comm un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter unwww.facebook.com/ESPN. Sekojiet saruna izmantojot #PBConESPN.



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Foto Credit: Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boksa Champions


Carson, Calif. (Jūnijs 6) – Southern California boxing fans were treated to an afternoon of hard punches and quick action as Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC took to the ring at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif. The Saturday afternoon fight card, part of a jam-packed day of sports action on NBC, showcased a heavyweight brawl between Dominic Breazeale and Yasmany Consuegra and a fast and furious welterweight bout between Robert Guerrero and Aron Martinez.


In the PBC on NBC main event, Guerrero and Martinez let their fists fly from the opening bell to the closing bell in a showdown that saw over 1,000 punches thrown between the two welterweights over 10 kārtas. It was clear from the beginning of the fight that Martinez was not intimidated by Guerrero’s skills or resume as he dominated the first several rounds, even dropping Guerrero in the fourth. But Guerrero was able to turn the table in his favor as the fight progressed and dominate the second half of the 10 round brawl. Tiesneši ieguva cīkstēšanās 97-95 un 95-94 for Guerrero and 95-94 for Martinez in a split decision victory that brought the crowd to its feet.


BREAZEALE, a 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olympian and Southern California-native, needed less than three rounds to defeat previously unbeaten heavyweight Conguegra. The referee called off the fight at 1:49 of the third round after Consuegra hit the canvas three times as Breazeale extended his professional record to 15-0 ar 14 Kos.


The featured fight on NBC SportsNet saw a featherweight battle between the once-beaten Argentinean Jesus Cuellar and former world champion Vic Darchinyan that came to a half when Cuellar knocked out Darchinyan at 1:04 of the seventh round.


NBCSN also featured the return of Alfredo Angulo, who scored a fifth-round knockout victory over Delray Raines in a middleweight contest that saw “Suns” raise his hand in victory for the first time since 2012.


Here is what the fighters had to say about Saturday afternoon’s fights:




Aron Martinez came to fight and the fans got to see two warriors go at it.

I can’t explain why I go to war so much. I just love to get in there and mix it up.

When I got up off the canvas, I told myselfget up and win this fight.

Once I started boxing I felt I started dominating the fight.

We got the victory and now it’s time to move on to some big fights and give the fans the warrior type fights they deserve. I’m an action fighter and I’ll continue to be so.


There is something about this arena that makes you want to stand there and trade.


I just suffered the loss of my cousin. She passed away last week and this fight was for her.





“Es esmu ļoti apmierināts ar savu sniegumu. I thought I won the fight.


I thought the third scorecard was way out of line.


It was a great experience fighting on NBC. I wanted to put on a great fight for the fans and me and Robert did that.


I look forward to being more active and fighting again as soon as possible.




Its always a little different to fight in the afternoon. The fans came out to support me. I put on a big show and got the win.


He was putting his hand on his right side and I was hitting him with the upper cut.


“Es nevarēju lūgt kaut ko labāku.


I’d love to be back in the ring as soon as possible. Everybody did a great job putting this together. This was only three rounds right here and lets do it again in a couple months.


JESUS ​​Cuellar


I wasn’t hurt. It was more of a slip. Darchinyan is a very tough warrior and I’m glad I came out on top.


I want to fight again as soon as possible. I saw Abner Mares sitting in the first row and I want to fight him next.




I have so many fans and I want to thank them. They are here cheering for mecheering for the dog. I always say it’s for the fans and I want to thank them for the support.


This is my first fight coming back to my old trainer [Clemente Medina] and it was great.


A lot of people say ‘the dog is dead,’ but if you ask the people that saw my performance, they will all tell you the dog is alive and well.


PREMIER boksa CHAMPIONS par NBC MEDIA treniņa & NOSLĒGUMA Preses konference citāti & FOTOGRĀFIJAS

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par Fotogrāfijas no Suzanne Teresa / Premier Boxing Champions

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT Par treniņu Fotogrāfijas no Tom Hogan / TGB Promotions



LOS ANGELES (Jūnijs 4, 2015) – Cīņa nedēļā turpinājās šodien Premier Boksa Champions par NBC Pasākums notiek Sestdiena, Jūnijs 6 at StubHub Center kā cīnītāji rīkoja noslēguma preses konferenci medijiem un faniem pie vēsturiskā Olvera ielā Los Angeles.


Vakar, cīņa nedēļā aktivitātes sākās ar mediju treniņiem at Wild Card West Boksa ērtībām Santa Monica.


The Sestdiena Pēcpusdienā raidījums sākas 3 p.m. UN/12 p.m. PT par NBC featuring smagiem kāršu atklāšana starp Dominic “Nepatikšanas” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 Kos) unConsuegra Yasmany (17-0, 14 Kos). Pēc šī cīkstēšanās ir Headlining notikums, ka bedrēs bijušais četru rajons pasaules čempionu Robert “Ghost” Kareivis (32-3-1, 18 Kos) pret Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 4 Kos).


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina TGB Promotions, cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, ir pārdošanā tagad, un ir pieejams iegādei tiešsaistē AXS.com.


Lūk, ko cīnītājiem bija teikt vakar un šodien:




“Es esmu satraukti, lai saņemtu atpakaļ ringā. Es esmu apmācīts ļoti grūti, un mana uzmanība ir pilnībā par šo cīņu.Sestdiena pēcpusdienā jūs gatavojas redzēt lielisku cīņu.


“Tas ir unikāls notikums sākas tik agri. Es piecelties, ēst un iet cīņu, bet es esmu gatavs par to.


“Es gribu, lai cīnītos bieži, pasivitāte ir vissliktākā lieta cīnītājs. Es gribu, lai cīnītos 3-4 reizes gadā, katru gadu.


“Es nekad veikt vēl cīnītājs viegli. Tas ir milzīgs iespēja Aron Martinez, un es esmu pārliecināts, ka viņš būs gatavs īstai cīņai.


“Cīņa par NBC nostāda visas acis uz mani. Es zinu, cik liels ir platforma, tas ir.


“StubHub centrs ir drausmīgs vieta, fani ir tiesības uz augšu no jums. Es mīlu cīnās tur, un es neesmu gatavojas atstāt fani vīlušies.”




“Šāda kā Sestdiena, sagaida lieliska cīņa. Tas būs karš. Es gribu iet tur un parādīt visiem, kas es esmu.


“Es zinu, cik grūts ir cīnītājs Robert ir, viņš cīnījās augšējā līmenī ilgu laiku.


“Es esmu ķildnieks, un es esmu gatavs, lai pārbaudītu kāds iemaņas viņam ir. Man vajag, lai aizvērtu attālumu, palikt virsū viņam un saņemt viņam agri. Mans spēks būs pārsteigums viņam.


“Es mīlu StubHub centrs. Esmu bijis tur vairākas reizes skatīties cīņas un nevar gaidīt, lai cīnītos tur sevi.


“Šī ir liela iespēja man, cīnās par šādu lielu kartes. Mēs zinām, Roberts ir bijušais pasaules čempions, bet es esmu mērķtiecīgi un gatavs. Es esmu apmācīts papildus grūti šajā cīņā.”




“Viss sākas off grūdiens, Man vajag izdarīt spiedienu uz viņu agri. Esmu redzējis pāris YouTube klipus no viņa cīnās, bet galvenais ir koncentrēties uz to, ko es daru vislabāk.


“Tas ir milzīgs iespēja man, lai cīnītos par NBC pie StubHub centrā, un es plānoju pilnībā izmantot tā.


“Šī nometne ir liels, visa mana komanda ir paveicis fenomenālu darbu kļūst mani gatavs šo cīņu.


“Man ir pateikties manu pretinieku, lai nāk ārā un liekot savu ierakstu uz līnijas. Kad es esmu darīts ar viņu, viņš būs 17-1. Es meklēju agrīnā kārtā nokauts, un es gribu, lai saglabātu faniem uz malas savu vietu.”


YASMANY Consuegra


“Es esmu ļoti gatavs šai cīņai. Es esmu pateicīgs Dominikam par izmantoju šo cīņu, un es nevar gaidīt, lai likts uz šovu Šo sestdien pēcpusdiena.


“Es jūtos spēcīgs un gatavs šim izaicinājumam. Mana komanda ir darījusi visu nepieciešamo, lai palīdzētu man iznākt uzvarošs.


“Man bija daļa no nacionālajā izlasē Kubā, kas ir ļoti grūti izdarīt. Es neesmu noraizējies par jebkuru hype ved šajā cīņā.”


JESUS ​​Cuellar


“Pirmais Darchinyan, Tad Leo Santa Cruz vai Abner Mares, tie ir cīnītāji

Es esmu mērķtiecīgi.


“Viņš var runāt tik daudz, cik viņš grib, bet mēs ejam, lai cīnītos un noskaidrot, kas ir labāks sestdien.


“Es esmu ļoti gatavs un gatavi pārstāvēt Argentīna. Es apmācīts grūti, un es esmu gatavs saņemt ringā. Esmu īstenot smago darbu, un es esmu gatavojas soli iekšpusē gredzenu un parādīt savu talantu visu Argentīnā.”




“Es nojaukt šo mazulis sestdien, Man ir daudz vairāk pieredzes.


“Viņam nav ne jausmas, kas notiek varētu notikt.


“Es biju čempions daudzus gadus un vēlas uzvarēt vēl vienu titulu. Es jums parādīs visiem, ka es esmu joprojām spēj sestdien.


“Mēs ejam, lai redzētu, lielas cīņas un lielisku darbību sestdien. Es esmu gatavs iet, un es ceru, ka visi bauda cīņas.”




“Es esmu tik laimīgs būt šeit Losandželosā un cīnās tik tuvu mājām. 'Suns’ nāk atpakaļ, un jūs redzēsiet, ka sestdien.


“Es esmu ļoti satraukti, lai būtu atpakaļ ringā. Tas ir bijis mazliet layoff, bet es gribu būt tik aktīvs un aizņemts, cik iespējams.


“Es esmu atpakaļ, tagad ar Clemente Medina. Man vislabāk ar viņu, un es esmu laimīgs būt atpakaļ mācību Losandželosā atkal.


“Es nesen apprecējos. Es esmu daudz pastāvīgo un daudz vairāk vērsta uz manu karjeru. Es ar nepacietību gaidu, lai kļūtu par čempionu atkal.”




“Mana kreisā pleca ir pilnīgi sadzijusi, atveseļošanās bija, bet kas bija nomākta, bet tagad visas sistēmas ir iet.


“Esmu sagatavojis arī par šo cīņu, un es esmu satraukti, lai iet un veikt. Tas ir gods man ir par pašu karti kā visiem šiem lieliskajiem cīnītājiem. Es esmu gatavojas sniegt lielisku šovu sestdien.


“Es nezinu daudz par manu pretinieku, bet es esmu bijis ļoti aizņemts ar sporta mācību ikdienas un es ar nepacietību gaidu, nosakot tempu un cīnās savu cīņu sestdien.


“Es esmu gatavojas cīņām pie StubHub centra gadus, un tas ir lieliski, ka cīnās tur pirmo reizi.”


# # #


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com unwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, unwww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


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Lisa Milner

Paldies, visi, for joining us today. We have a very exciting call. All four of the fighters participating on the televised portion of Šo sestdien s Premier Boxing Champions on NBC telecast will be with us. We are going to start with the heavyweights, and before we head to those fighters, I’m going to turn it over to Tom Brown, head of TGB Promotions to tell you a little more about the event and introduce our first set of fighters.


Tom Brown

Labi, thank you and thank you very much to the media for joining us on this call. TGB Promotions is very happy working again with PBC on this excellent card to be telecast on NBC Šo sestdien afternoon from the famed StubHub Center in Carson. The doors opensestdien pie 11:00 a.m. ar pirmo bell at 11:15 a.m. We go on live TV starting at12:00 p.m. PT. It’s a huge sports day for NBC. They’re also telecasting the French Open, the Belmont Stakes, and game two of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.


The main event is former world champion, Robert Guerrero (32-3-1 18 Kos) out of Gilroy, Kalifornija. Robert’s no stranger to the southern California boxing fans, having posted two huge wins in recent years: the sensational 12-round decision over Andre Berto in November 2012 down in Ontario, and his epic fight-of-the-year win over Yoshihiro Kamegai on June 21, 2014 at the StubHub Center.


Aaron Martinez, West Covina, California ir ieraksts (19-3-1, 4 Kos). He made his bones on the southern California boxing circuit, and knows how valuable this opportunity to face Guerrero is on such a big platform. Martinez never takes a backward step, never tires, and that’s his primary weapon: incredible stamina. With the styles of Guerrero-Martinez, this main event has all the makings of another action-packed StubHub Center war to add to the venue’s history.


In the televised co-main, the opening fight, we’ve got two outstanding, undefeated young heavyweight prospects: Neatrodas ASV. Olympian Dominic Breazeale (14-0, 13 Kos). He competed in the 2012 London games, and Yasmany Consuegra (17-0, 14 Kos) outstanding Cuban amateur with a perfect pro record.


Atkal, durvis atvērsies 11:00 a.m. Biļetes sākas $25 and we’re looking forward to seeing the great boxing fans of southern California attend this great event.


L. Milner

We’re going to do the heavyweights now. Dominic, could you make an opening statement before we turn it over to the media?

Dominic Breazeale

This is Dominic Breazeale. Good afternoon, dāmas un kungi. I’m excited to be part of this fantastic card this Saturday, Jūnijs 6th. Can’t wait to get in the ring and show off my skills.


L. Milner

Liels. Paldies. And Luis DeCubas Jr. is on the line to translate for Yasmany. Luis, could you ask him to make just a quick opening statement and then translate that for us?


Consuegra Yasmany

I want to thank everybody on the call. I want to thank NBC, the PBC, Al Haymon for this opportunity and all the people involved. I look forward to a great fight. Sestdien, I want to show everyone who I am.


Hey, Dominic, it seems to me it’s safe to say that this is going to be your toughest opponent to date. Would you agree with that, and if so, how excited are you to get this opportunity to move up in competition and show what you’ve been able to learn?



Definitely toughest competition to date thus far. Noteikti, Yasmany is 17-0, 14 Kos. One of those guys that steps in the ring with a ton of confidence. We’re both undefeated fighters and I was extremely excited when I got the call. Thanks to Al and the team. Thanks to NBC, we’ll be able to perform in front of the whole world, nationwide, and I couldn’t ask for more. It’s a great setting, a great way to have a stepping-stone to the next level. I want to be considered the top heavyweight and I guess you’ve got to fight top guys to get there.



What do you know about Consuegra?



I know he’s got a great amateur record. I know he did real well in Cuba, the Cuba National team. He had some great fights here in the States. He fought a lot in Florida.I know he’s got a boxing style. I know he’s going to come out tough. Cuban fighters always do.



Dominic, you’ve had a lot of knockouts in your early career in the pros, but this is going to be your biggest fight yet with another undefeated fighter. Can you talk about your transition from the amateur style, which obviously you had to do in the Olympics, to the professional style?



Like you said, it’s going to be a big fight with a guy that’s undefeated. I’m sure he’s coming in looking to knock me out. I’m coming in to knock him out, noteikti. Bet, amateur transition into the pros, I would say was a little bit easier for myself than it was for most amateurs. The amateurs, a lot of my wins came by way of knockouts, so I’ve been knocking guys out since day one.


It’s one of those things that I transitioned from putting punches in bunches to putting punches in bunches with power. I’m throwing a lot more punches now. I’m putting a lot more punches together with power. Every punch I throw has got devastating power. I not only punch with the right hand, but I can punch with the left. So long as I make contact, somebody’s going down for sure.



Can you talk about the experience factor? You both fought a number of guys who have a lot of fights under their belt. Viņa pēdējā cīņa, he defeated Taurus Sykes, who’s been around for a long time, a guy with a winning record. Tell us where you think you’re at. Because eventually, everybody wants to become a world champion, but what level do you think you’re at and how does that compare to Yasmany?


I think I’m right up there, ja ne, definitely above him. I’ve fought some very experienced guys and guys that have been former Olympians, arī. Guys like Matt Galer, who have been in heavyweight ranks and considered top contenders at one point. Me and Matt put on a great fight.


My last fight with Victor Bisbal, that was March 7th Šī gada. He’s a Puerto Rican Olympian. He came out with a great amateur background, very good professional background. When I finally beat him he had fought some experienced guys as well, so I definitely have the experience there. Not only as an amateur, but definitely as a pro, pārāk.


And a similar question for Yasmany. Man, it looks like this is going to be your biggest fight as a pro. Where do you think you are as a professional at this point? Where do you think you rank overall in the professional ranks?


Y. Consuegra

It’s definitely my toughest fight. Breazeale’s a real good fighter out of the pros, but I’ve also had a great amateur background. I fought the best of the best, acīmredzot. The Cuban heavyweight program is much more difficult than the American heavyweight program, and he was an Olympian, but I won a lot of world amateur tournaments. I look forward to just getting in the ring with Breazeale and showing what I’ve got, because I think I could beat Breazeale, and I think I’m ready for Breazeale. The top guys in the division, I’m going to show them.



Yasmany, how influenced are you by some of the great Cuban fighters and heavyweights of the past year: Teofilo Stevenson, Felix Savon, and many others? How much of a role have they played in influencing your style?


Y. Consuegra

Acīmredzot, Cuba has a great history of Cuban amateur heavyweights. I like to put my style more toward Savon, who is a power puncher, as looking for the knockout at all times. And Stevenson’s a great fighter, but he’s more of a boxer, so was Roberto Balado, but that’s definitely a great point.


How does it feel to be fighting on NBC in front of such a big network audience, especially on a day when you’re going to be right in between French Open final and Stanley Cup game. Dominic, could you answer that first?



I am definitely excited. I’ve got to thank NBC for giving me the opportunity to fight on this card. It’s a wonderful date. Can’t ask for anything better: southern California, pusdienlaiks. Sun’s going to be out. The weather is going to be great. Great venue at the StubHub Center there. It’s definitely exciting. Whenever I get a chance to perform in front of a hometown crowd, family and friends, and things like that, it brings out the best in me, so I’m definitely looking forward to it and, like I said, I’ve got to thank NBC, Al HAYMON, Goossen Promotions for putting this all together. My team, all of you guys, I definitely, truly appreciate it.



And Louis, could you ask Yasmany the same question?


Y. Consuegra

Yeah, it’s definitely the biggest fight of my life, the biggest fight of my career. At this moment, I’d also like to thank Dominic Breazeale for taking this type of risk. Not too many guys are willing to take these risks to fight an undefeated heavyweight and fight the best. Tik, it’s a big day for both of us, and come Sestdiena, I’m going to show everybody that I’m one of the top guys in the division.


L. Milner

Labi, liels. Paldies, abi, so much. We will see you this week for a great event. We have the main event on the line now, so I’m going to turn it back over to Tom Brown to introduce Robert Guerrero and Aaron Martinez. Tom, ņemt to prom.
T. Brūns

Labi, liels. Paldies. Pirmais, I’d like to introduce former world champion, Robert “Ghost” Kareivis, atkal, ar ierakstu 32-3-1 un 18 Kos, making a quick return to the PBC on NBC.


Robert Guerrero

I just want to thank everybody for being on and I’m ready to go.


T. Brūns

Labi, we’ve got Aron Martinez here also, ar ierakstu 19-3-1, and he understands how valuable this opportunity is to face Guerrero on such a big platform.

Aron Martinez

Yeah, protams, Es esmu šeit. Tā ir lieliska iespēja man; I’m ready for battle. We’re at weight and everything went pretty good at this camp, and what can I say, viens? Just excited to fight Sestdiena.


Robert, you’re a guy that has fought a lot of big name fighters over a really nice career, an illustrious career. Does it become a little more difficult to get up for a fighter like Aron Martinez who is, kind of unknown, at least as compared to the other guys that you’ve fought?


R. Kareivis

Do Not, not at all. Coming off the last fight with a loss at the short end of the stick, it drives you to be hungry. Tik, that’s why I wanted to get right back into the ring, stay active. That’s one of the biggest problems with being inactive and not having enough action throughout the year. The year layoffs, a nine-, eight-month layoff, it really kills you, especially at that championship elite level. It’s hard to come back and be 100 percent sharp, so the plan is to just stay sharp all year and get back on it.



Ko jūs zināt par viņu? Do you watch any tapes of your opponents or anything like that?


R. Kareivis

Yeah, I’ve watched some tape on him. I watched a few of his fights that I found on YouTube and he’s a crafty little guy. He’s in there and he can fight on the inside. He’s got some good counter shots and he mixes it up. Tik, you’ve just got to be ready for everything all around, because you never know what’s going to come your way, especially when this is such a big opportunity for him, fighting on NBC. You know he’s going to come 100 percent ready and that seems to happen all the time when I fight somebody. They come 10 percent better than they were in their last couple of fights, so it’s about being prepared and being ready for whatever comes.



Is there any concern about coming back to the ring so soon after a brutal fight like you just had three months ago?


R. Kareivis

Ak, nav, not at all. Man, the fight wasn’t even that brutal. It may have been brutal for Thurman, but I was just getting started toward the end. It actually feels good to get right back in. I got right back into the gym three weeks after that and stayed on it. Tik, after I left that ring, I still felt good. My body felt good. I just had that cut, got that taken care of, but other than that, Es jūtos lieliski. That’s why I’m jumping right back in the ring so quick.



I know you’re a well-known fighter throughout your career, but was there any difference after fighting on that show. That was the most viewed fight in quite a long time, being that it was on free TV on a primetime Sestdiena nakts. Tik, I just want to know if anything changed on your end, like more notoriety.


R. Kareivis

Noteikti. When you have a 96-year-old woman come up to you in the parking lot and say, “Vīrietis, what a great fight; that reminds me of the olden days of boxing,” it’s nice to see that. And you see all the fans coming around and just the average person that’s at the grocery store recognizing you, it’s huge. It’s not just huge for my career, but it’s huge for boxing.



Did that factor into your wanting to come back so soon? I know you said you want to stay sharp, bet, acīmredzot, staying in the public eye helps as well.


Robert Guerrero: Ak, noteikti. Out of sight, out of mind. So you want to stay active, you want to stay busy; you want to stay sharp. You want to stay in the public eye to make that big run before time passes.



Aron, I just have one question for you. You’ve been out of the ring for over a year since your fight with Josesito. Was there any reason for that delay? Could you just not get fights or did you just want to take the time off to clear your head?
A. Martinez

It was just with my promoter, little here and there, they were not giving me the right fights. Anybody that knows me, I stayed in the gym, because that’s what makes it easy for me, making weight. I never have trouble making weight and that goes to show that I stay active. I stay active in the gym and that’s what it is.



My question is for Robert Guerrero. I was a little disappointed to see that it took you quite a while to get into the fight with Keith Thurman. Do you feel like that’s going to be something you’re going to change for this fight with Aron, is taking off right off the bat, pirmā kārta?


R. Kareivis

Yeah, it goes back to being active in the ring. Everybody says, labi, Es jūtos lieliski, there’s no ring rust, and this and that, but you truly don’t know until you get into that ring. Tad, those long layoffs really kill me. You develop bad habits. You lay back a little bit too much, and you end up getting started a little bit late like I did in the Thurman fight. But when I did get started, there was no stopping me.


Tik, that’s why I want to stay active and stay in the ring. Like I said before, it’s being inactive, not being in the ring fighting. You develop habits where you do start off slowly and I felt like after the fight, when I looked back on it, it felt like I was starting off like I was sparring and just working into it, warming up, and then getting started. Glad to get that fight out of the way and shake off that ring rust, and it’s time to make that push.



First question for Robert. Can you talk about getting up for this fight, because you fought such top level opponents and championship fights, Thurman and Mayweather and higher profile fights, and I think in this fight, you’re going to come in as a favorite. Can you talk about making sure that you don’t overlook Aron Martinez and staying sharp and getting up mentally.


R. Kareivis

You never want to overlook anybody. Man vienalga, kas tas ir. You’ve got two hands, you can throw a punch. Jebkas var notikt ar gredzenu. Tik, you never want to overlook anybody. I found that out earlier in my career with a loss against Gamaliel Diaz. I was overlooking him, thought I was going to take him out and he ended up out-boxing me. He beat me by one point.


Tik, it’s one of those things where you live and learn. You learn your lesson throughout the years and at this level of boxing and competition, you’ve got to just be able to get up and do your job and be prepared for everything. Tik, it’s not a problem. It’s like second nature to me. I wake up every day. I run. I do my gym work. If I don’t do it, it feels like I’m cheating, because I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. Tik, it’s just being well-prepared and I’m always well-prepared for every fight, as you’ve seen through my previous fights. I come to fight no matter what.



What do you think your advantages are over him coming into this fight?
R. Kareivis

Maybe the arm reach, the hand speed, the height. It’s a matter of not just having the advantages, but putting them to work and using them, and sticking to your game plan and being well prepared and being able to execute. Tik, it’s time to react when you get in that ring and what you’re going to do with everything to make it happen.



Aron, I think Robert’s going to be the one coming in as the favorite in this fight, but I just noticed on a lot of the PBC cards, there have been a lot of upsets and unexpected outcomes coming in. Tell us why you’re going in expecting to win and what the effect is being on the PBC card on NBC. Does that add something special to this?
A. Martinez

Yes of course. It’s on national TV at StubHub Center, this is where I grew up. It’s my home base. I’ve got 23 cīņas. Out of these 23 cīņas, I’ve never been the favorite; I’ve always been the underdog. I’m not even supposed to be at this stage. That’s what I’m looking forward to. I’ve never been the favorite in any of my fights, so I come out for every fight. I know Rob, he’s an excellent champion; he’s been in with the best. He knows I train hard for this fight because I really want it and it and I’m going to lay it all on the line. This is what I’m talking about. I’m on to show everybody.



You’re coming off a little over a year layoff as you explained earlier, and he’s coming off just a three-month layoff after a 12-round fight. Do you think that’s going to factor into this fight, especially if it goes the distance?


A. Martinez

Do Not. It’s like what Robert said. You don’t really know until you get in the ring. We could say a bunch of things now, but you never know until you get in the ring and you actually feel it, because once you’re in the ring, it’s a whole different story, how it’s going to be. We train really, really hard for this fight, un mēs esam gatavi. It’s whatever I’ve got to do, I’ve got to do. We fight inside we box, whatever. We’re ready for whatever comes our way.

Aron obviously, I know you’re up for this fight, and Robert’s already expressed that he’s trained for this fight and he’s expecting the very best from you, it’s been asked twice on this call if Robert is overlooking you. Do you find that disrespectful that nobody is giving you a shot in this fight? Or do you just use it as extra motivation?


A. Martinez

Do Not. I don’t find it that way. It’s what it is. Robert has been up there with the best. And I don’t find it disrespectful; it’s just what it is, and it makes me train harder and just to make a point that who I am and they’re going to see Aron Martinez in there sestdien and they’re going to see who I am.


L. Milner

Labi, that was our last question. Robert, do you want to make a closing comment?


R. Kareivis

Jā. I just want to thank everybody. Thank Al Haymon and thank my team and thank everybody who’s been putting in the work to get this together, and I’m coming to fightSestdiena nakts. Es esmu gatavs iet. I’m excited and going on right before the Belmont Stakes and it’s a big event leading into another big event. Tik, I’m excited and I just can’t wait to fight.


The thing is staying active all year and doing my job and giving the fans what they love to see and giving them a great fight. Tik, thank all the fans and thank everybody that’s on the conference call. I really appreciate it and God bless everybody.


L. Milner

Labi, thanks. Aaron, do you want to make a closing comment?


A. Martinez

Jā, I want to thank NBC, PBC and all. Goossen for giving me this chance to show what I’ve got sestdien, and I thank Robert, and just give a good show to everybody sestdien, and I’m ready to push off and I’m ready to go. Paldies, visi.
Lisa Milner: Paldies. Fight week events start rīt pie 11:00 a.m. at the Wild Card West Boxing Gym with a media workout and I hope to see everybody there. Liels tev paldies. Thanks to the fighters. Paldies, Tom Brown, and thanks to the media.

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com unwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, unwww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Augstiene, Kalifornija (Jūnijs 3, 2015) – Top neatrodas ASV. smagiem izredzes Dominic “Nepatikšanas” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 KO s) makes his return to the ring Šo sestdien pēcpusdiena, June 6th at the StubHub Center in Carson, Kalifornija. BREAZEALE, takes another step up in competition and faces Cuban heavyweight Yasmany Consuegra (17-0, 14 KO s) in a battle of undefeated heavyweights. The televised bout will support the Robert Guerrero-Arron Martinez main-event and will open up the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) live telecast on NBC.


Photo c/o TimoteusFOE” Hernandez

The 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olympian is coming off of a solid win against heavyweight veteran Victor Bisbal this past March during the inaugural PBC on NBC series. Breazeale showed true heart and resilience after experiencing the first knockdown of his career early in the first round of the bout. Breazeale recovered quickly and dominated Bisbal until the bout was stopped in the fourth round, resulting in Breazeale’s 14th win and 13th by knockout.

Immediately following the bout with Bisbal, Breazeale asked his advisor Al Haymon for another tough-quality opponent and Breazeale was granted his request.

My last bout with Bisbal was by far the toughest opponent I have ever shared the ring with. He caught me with a good shot and I recovered quickly. I shook it off and ended up stopping him a couple of rounds later. Pēc cīkstēšanās, I wasn’t happy that I was knocked down although many people told me that I showed resilience and that is what champions are made of. Vēl, I wanted another tough opponent and Al Haymon gave me the opportunity,” said Breazeale.

In addition to the quality opponent, Breazeale now has the chance to make an impression on many avid and casual boxing fans who will be watching the bout live on NBC Sestdiena pēcpusdiena, an opportunity Breazeale welcomes and is thankful for.

“Tas ir sapņa piepildījums par mani. Some of my previous bouts have been televised in the past, but not on a prime-time network where millions of people will be tuning in and see an American heavyweight like me. The heavyweight division is the most popular division in boxing because of its excitement and this is a bout between two undefeated heavyweights.” 

If this bout turns out as well as Breazeale has worked so hard for, he is looking to transition from a top prospect to a contender. Since turning professional two and a half years ago, Breazeale has been on the fast track to the world heavyweight title and has been learning from every training camp and fight thereafter under the tutelage of trainer John Bray.

I know I still have some room to

Photo c / o Komandas Breazeale

grow. I’ve been learning in the gym everyday and with every bout that I have had. In just 14 professional bouts so far, I feel that I have fought tougher opposition at this particular point of my career than the current American world heavyweight champion did in his first fourteen bouts. With the platform I have been provided Šo sestdien, I intend to make the best of it and will definitely give the fans watching at home an entertaining fight and hope to make a name for myself in the heavyweight division.” 

Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina TGB Promotions, cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, ir pārdošanā tagad, un ir pieejams iegādei tiešsaistē AXS.com.

“Here Comes Trouble!




Klikšķiniet ŠEIT For More Photos From Team Guerrero

AROMAS, PIEMĒRAM,(Maijs 28, 2015)- Four-Division world champion, “Robert “Ghost” Kareivis (32-3-1, 18 Kos) hosted a media workout yesterday at the CrossFit Ranch to shed light on his upcoming fight with Aron Martinez. The 10-round main-event bout will take place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Jūnijs 6, 2015 and will air live on NBC starting at 3:00 p.m. UN/12:00 p.m. PT.


Kareivis, who won the hearts of America with his gut wrenching performance against Keith Thurman in his last fight, is looking forward to another main-event attraction where he can showcase his entertaining fighting style to the fans.


All the hard training is done and now it’s time to zone in,” teica Roberts Guerrero. “Everyone should be watching the PBC on NBC June 6thbecause I believe this is going to be a crowd-pleasing fight. Aron Martinez is not coming to lay down. He’s had plenty of time to prepare for this fight and I’m expecting him to come out guns blazing. Viena lieta ir pārliecināts, I’m going to be throwing some hard shots right from the opening bell. My goal is to bring an entertaining fight to the fans and let my hands go. Fight night can’t come soon enough.


Headlining his second PBC on NBC, Guerrero wants continue fighting on a regular basis. Known for being an all-out action fighter, Guerrero feels he can close out the rest of 2015 ar blīkšķi.


I can’t emphasize how important it is for me to be fighting back to back in just a couple of months,” Guerrero continued. “Staying active is crucial to any fighter. The more you fight the better you perform and I can feel the improvement in my whole fighting style. If possible, I want to fight two more times before the year ends, but first I must get past Martinez.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com unwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, unwww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Televised Coverage Begins on Sestdiena, Jūnijs 6 Pie 3 p.m. UN/12 p.m. PT

Card Also Features Exciting Featherweight Showdown Between
Jēzus Cuellar & Vic Darchinyan

Vairāk! Hard-Hitting Alfredo Angulo Battles Delray Raines & A Full Slate Of Top Prospects & Local Favorites In Undercard Action

CARSON, Calif (Maijs 28, 2015) – 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olimpietis Dominic “Nepatikšanas” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 Kos) cīņas Consuegra Yasmany (17-0, 14 Kos) in an explosive matchup between two undefeated heavyweights that will kick off the Premier Boksa Champions par NBC raidījums Sestdiena, Jūnijs 6 no StubHub centra Carson, Calif. ar televīzijas pārklājums sākas 3 p.m. UN/12 p.m. PT.


This eight round heavyweight attraction will support the afternoon’s main event, which pits former four-division world champion Robert “Ghost” Kareivis (32-3-1, 18 Kos) pret Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 14 Kos). Also featured on the card is the 12-round featherweight showdown between Jēzus Cuellar (26-1, 20 Kos) un Vic Darchinyan(40-7-1, 29 Kos).


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina TGB Promotions, cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, ir pārdošanā tagad, un ir pieejams iegādei tiešsaistē AXS.com.


Also featured is Mexican warrior and former world champion Alfred “Suns” Angulo(22-5, 18 Kos) who returns to the ring to battle Delray Raines (20-10-1, 14 Kos) ar 10 kārtu middleweight bout. Another former world champion returns to action as Marvin Sonsona (19-1-1, 15 Kos) uzņemas Jonathan Arellano (15-5-2, 3 Kos) ar 10 kārtu viegls cīkstēšanās.


Further undercard bouts pit 2012 Meksikas olimpietis Oscar Molina (12-0, 10 Kos) pret Todd Manuel (10-5-1, 1 KO) in eight rounds of super lightweight action while undefeated prospect Alejandro Luna (17-0, 13 Kos) uzņemas bijušais pasaules čempionsCristobal Cruz (40-15-3, 24 Kos) in an eight round super lightweight bout.


Rounding out the undercard action is Carlos Morales (7-1-3, 2 Kos) saskaras Juan Ruiz(24-17, 7 Kos) astoņu apaļā viegla cīkstēšanās, zaudējusi izredzes Fabian Maidana(6-0, 5 Kos) going up against Julius Dyes (3-1, 2 Kos) in six rounds of welterweight action and undefeated prospect Anthony Flores (7-0, 5 Kos)ņemot par kolēģiem neuzvarētsErick Bossler (3-0, 2 Kos) in a six round welterweight attraction.


A 2012 Neatrodas ASV. Olimpietis, BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 Kos) ir gandrīz ideāls, ierakstot knockouts kā pro, tam tikai aizgāja attālumu vienā cīņā. 29 gadus vecais izskatās, lai saglabātu savu undefeated ierakstu neskartām Jūnijs 6 kad viņš saskaras toughest izaicinājumu savā karjerā. Most recently the Glendale, California native survived an early knockdown against Victor Brisbal on his way to eventually recording a fourth round stoppage.


Undefeated kopš pagrieziena Pro 2010, 31 gadus vecs Consuegra is looking to make a big splash when he faces fellow unbeaten BREAZEALE par Jūnijs 6. Fighting out of Miami by way of Cienfuegos, Kuba, Consuegra got off to a good start in 2015 with an eight round unanimous decision over Tauraus Sykes in March. Before that decision, he had knocked out 13 straight opponents as he built up his perfect record.


Fast-uzlecošā zvaigzne no Buenos Aires, Argentīna, Cuellar izskatās, lai padarītu to 10 victories in a row when he battles Darchinyan on Jūnijs 6. His power in both hands has led him to six knockouts of his last nine victories including a second round destruction of Puerto Rican icon Juan Manuel Lopez in Sept. 2014. The 28-year-old will make his first career start in California when he enters the ring at StubHub Center.


Looking to put himself back into the discussion of top featherweights, the 39-year-oldDarchinyan comes in with the kind of experience to topple the explosive Cuellar. A former world champion, the fighter from Armenia who fights out of Glendale, California is coming off of a ninth-round TKO over Juan Jimenez in February of this year. Having fought against top contenders such as Abner Mares, Nonito Donaire and Nicholas


Smagi cīnās Meksikas karavīrs dzimis Mexicali, Baja California, Meksika bet cīnās no Coachella, Calif., Angulo is looking for a big victory in front of his adopted hometown fans. Vienmēr gatavs apstrīdēt labākajiem sportā, the 32-year-old has gone toe-to-toe with some of the best fighters in the world and holds knockout victories over Gabriel Rosado, Joachim Alcine and Joel Julio. Par Jūnijs 6 he faces the 29-year-old Raines out of Oklahoma City.


A former world champion at super flyweight, the 24-year-old Sonsona most recently defeatedWilfredo Vazquez by unanimous decision in June 2014 viņa neatrodas ASV. debija. Fighting out of General Santos City, Filipīnas, he will take on the 27-year-old Arellano out of Commerce, Kalifornija.


A 2012 Meksikas olimpietis, Molina now fights out of Norwalk, Kalifornija. The 25-year-old is still undefeated as a professional and most recently defeated Jorge Pimentel in April. He returns to the ring to take on the 22-year-old Manuel out of Crowley, Louisiana.


At just 23-year-old, Luna has already put together an impressive 17 profesionālie uzvar kopš pagrieziena Pro 2010. Cīņa no BELLFLOWER, Kalifornija, he takes on the former world champion Cross. The 38-year-old fighting out of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico is coming off of a draw against Emanuel Lopez in June 2014.


Riding a seven-fight win streak into his Jūnijs 6 beigas, 25 gadus vecais Morales hopes to keep his winning ways going. The fighter out of Tuloncingo, Mexico will do battle with the 36-year-old Ruiz out of Panorama City, Kalifornija.


Nine years younger than his brother Marcos, the 22-year-old Maidana is currently riding a five fight knockout streak. Pārstāvot Santa Fe, Argentīna, he will take on Dyes out of Memphis.


A hot welterweight prospect, the 24-year-old Ziedi will look to represent his hometown of Los Angeles when he takes on the fellow undefeated Bossler out of Chicago.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com unwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, unwww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Coverage on NBC Starts At 3 p.m. UN/12 p.m. PT

Klikšķiniet ŠEIT For Photos From Team Guerrero


GILROY, PIEMĒRAM, (Maijs 26, 2015) – While entering the final days of training camp, four-division world champion, Robert “Ghost” Kareivis (32-3-1, 18 Kos), gives his thoughts on his upcoming PBC on NBC main-event attraction against Aron Martinez. The 10-round bout will take place at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Jūnijs 6, 2015 and will air live on NBC starting at 3:00 p.m. UN/12:00 p.m. PT.


On fighting in the PBC on NBC main-event:

First I really want to thank Al Haymon for bringing boxing back to the fans. This is another wonderful opportunity where fans from all walks of life can see me fight on NBC for free. PBC on NBC has taken boxing back to its glory days and I’m honored to be headlining my second show. Everyone knows I come to fight and you can expect the same when I step in the ring with Martinez.


On staying active

When a fighter is constantly staying busy, it makes a world of difference. My timing is down, my body is used to the rigorous training. When I’m on the grind, I perform at a much higher level. This will be the first time I’ve had back to back fights in a very long time. Everyone watching this fight will see the difference in my fighting style.


On fighting at the StubHub Center

The StubHub Center is probably my favorite venue to fight in. The fans are incredible. Everyone has a great seat and you can feel the energy from the crowd while you’re fighting. It’s like there right on top of you. For some reason the StubHub Center brings out the warrior spirit in everyone. It’s a great place to fight!”


On training camp

“Mācību nometne turpinās jau liels. Like I mentioned before, when you stay active, everything flows a lot smoother. I’ve taken my sparring sessions to a new level. I’m quicker on my feet and my timing is spot on. My dad Ruben who trains me, is really happy with my progress. Everything has come together really nice. It’s time to go to war!”

Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com un www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, unwww.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Vairāk! Chris Arreola & Alfredo Angulo

To Compete In Separate Bouts

And a Featherweight Showdown Between Jesus Cuellar & Vic Darchinyan

CARSON, Calif (Maijs 11, 2015) –Robert “Ghost” Kareivis (32-3-1, 18 Kos) returns to the ring as he squares off against Aron Martinez (19-3-1, 4 Kos) sestdien pēcpusdiena, Jūnijs 6 as Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC comes to StubHub Center in Carson, Calif. Raidījums sākas 3 p.m. UN/pusdienlaiks PT.


Also featured on the card are perennial stars Chris “Nightmare” Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) un Alfred “Suns” Angulo (22-5, 18 Kos) who will compete in separate bouts. Rounding out action is a sure to be action packed featherweight showdown as Jēzus Cuellar (26-1, 20 Kos) cīņas Vic Darchinyan (40-7-1, 29 Kos).


Biļetes uz tiešraides pasākumā, kas veicina TGB Promotions, cena ir $200, $150, $100, $50 un $25, plus piemērojamie nodokļi, nodevas un maksu par pakalpojumiem, ir pārdošanā tagad, un ir pieejams iegādei tiešsaistē AXS.com.


I’m very happy to be making a quick return to the ring, especially on NBC.” Said Guerrero. “It’s an honor to be fighting at StubHub Center once again as the main event. I’m going to bring it like always and give the fans an exciting fight. I can’t wait for the bell to ring!”


I’m very thankful for the opportunity to fight Robert Guerrero on network television,” Teica Martinez. “Since my last fight, I’ve been in the gym working extremely hard. I want to shock the world and beat ‘The Ghost.Make no mistake about it, I’m coming to win.


I am so happy to be getting back in the ring so soon after my last fight [Gājiens 13],” Said Arreola. “The opportunity to stay busy and fight at StubHub Center is great and I plan on showcasing my skills.


I am grateful for the chance to fight on such a great card in Southern California where I have fought several times before,” said Angulo. “I see this as an important fight for me and I know that the fans won’t be disappointed.


We’re very excited to return to StubHub Center and work with the

NBC team on an action-packed card” sacīja Toms Brauns no TGB Promotions. “Robert Guerrero and Aron Martinez will provide fireworks from the opening bell in

the main event and we’ll be adding a full card of terrific undercard fights

for a complete afternoon of entertainment for Southern California fight fans.


The 32-year-old Kareivis out of Gilroy, California owns victories over Andre Berto, Selcuk Aydin and Michael Katsidis. He most recently electrified fans with an exciting performance against Keith Thurman on the inaugural PBC card on Gājiens 7 Šī gada. A former world champion in four weight classes, Guerrero looks to put on another outstanding performance on Jūnijs 6 at StubHub Center.


Born in Uruapan, Michoacan de Ocampo, Meksika, but fighting out of East Los Angeles, Martinez makes his StubHub Center debut on June 6. The 33-year-old turned pro in 2005 and won his first seven starts before a technical draw in 2007 against Vito Gaspayran. A tough fighter Martinez strung together 10 taisni uzvaras starp 2009 un 2012..


The 34-year-old Arreola defeated Curtis Harper in a thrilling heavyweight showdown on March 13 Ontario, Calif. Dzimis Escondido, Calif. bet cīnās no Los Angeles, Arreola jau sen ir viena no visvairāk baidījās kompostrētāji ar smagiem sadalīšanu. Ņemot apstrīdēja labākajiem sadalīšanas, Arreola knows what it takes to succeed at this level and looks to entertain his hometown fans on June 6.


Smagi cīnās Meksikas karavīrs dzimis Mexicali, Baja California, Meksika bet cīnās no Coachella, Calif.,Angulo is looking for a big victory in front of his adopted hometown fans. Vienmēr gatavs apstrīdēt labākajiem sportā, the 32-year-old has gone toe-to-toe with some of the best fighters in the world and holds knockout victories over Gabriel Rosado, Joachim Alcine and Joel Julio.


Fast-uzlecošā zvaigzne no Buenos Aires, Argentīna, Cuellar izskatās, lai padarītu to 10 victories in a row when he battles Darchinyan on June 6. His power in both hands has led him to six knockouts of his last nine victories including a second round destruction of Puerto Rican icon Juan Manuel Lopez in Sept. 2014. The 28-year-old will make his first career start in California when he enters the ring at StubHub Center.


Looking to put himself back into the discussion of top featherweights, the 39-year-old Darchinyan comes in with the kind of experience to topple the explosive Cuellar. A former world champion, the fighter from Armenia who fights out of Glendale, California is coming off of a ninth-round TKO over Juan Jimenez in February of this year. Having fought against top contenders such as Abner Mares, Nonito Donaire and Nicholas Walters, Darchinyan also owns victories over Yonnhy Perez, Jorge Arce and Cristian Mijares.


Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet www.premierboxingchampions.com un www.nbcsports.com/boxing, sekot TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, GHOSTBOXING, @NightmareBoxing, @ ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & VicDarchinyan Un kļūt par ventilatoru par Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, un www.facebook.com/NBCSports.