標記檔案: 鋁海蒙

埃爾南德斯FACE LUGO AT搏擊俱樂部OC本週四在合作的主要事件

FRESNO, 例如 (八月 24, 2015) – 不敗的超中量級前景, 馬科斯 “狂人” 埃爾南德斯 (6-0, 2 科斯) 使得在機庫科斯塔梅薩他搏擊俱樂部OC環回報, 加州的這一 星期四, 八月 27, 2015 針對 路易斯·阿爾弗雷多·盧戈 (14-22-1, 5 科斯). The 8-round bout will be the third fight of the year for the 6’2 Fresno, CA native and serve as the co-main event of the night. 通過管理 鋁海蒙, 埃爾南德斯是希望給球迷一個偉大的表現,因為他看起來保持不敗.
“我喜歡在衣架上的戰鬥搏擊俱樂部OC顯卡,” 馬科斯說埃爾南德斯. “這將是我第五次戰鬥有. The fans really appreciate a good fight and that’s what I plan to do once again. I want to thank Al Haymon for keeping me busy and I’m very grateful to my team for their support. I’m learning more about myself with each fight and I can see the improvement. This will be another great opportunity to sharpen my skills. Lugo has been in the ring with a lot of good fighters and I know he’s is coming to fight. I’m looking forward to the challenge and my goal is to keep my undefeated record intact.
門票 8月27日 搏擊俱樂部OC節目都賣完了! Standing room only tickets will be sold for $30 該節目通過調用夜 (949) 760-3131. 門開處 5:00 下午. 第一回合開始於5:30 下午.
搏擊俱樂部OC – 臨拳擊 & 臨MMA
日期: 星期四, 八月 27, 2015
時間: 5:30 PM
OC博覽會和活動中心 – 機庫建設
88 展驅動器
進 – 閘閥 8 關閉阿林頓博士.
科斯塔梅薩, 例如 92626
圖 & 方向
打電話: (949) 760-3131

網站: HTTP://www.fightcluboc.com


MONTREAL, 魁北克 (八月 17, 2015) – 剛剛過去的這個 星期六 在貝爾中心在蒙特利爾, 魁北克, 超中量級前景, 迦勒 “甜手” 廠 (9-0, 8 科斯), 保持不敗與第一輪淘汰賽在後期分, 佐爾坦色拉寺 (20-6, 12 科斯). The bout served as the swing bout for the PBC on NBC broadcast, 通過標題 盧西恩弼 (32-2, 23 科斯) VS. 安德烈迪路易莎 (17-3, 13 科斯).
工廠用左鉤拳回合結束的下顎在之前發送色拉寺到畫布上兩次 2:19 mark of the opening round. Plant set everything up with a nice jab that helped him time all his power punches. Once Plant saw that Sera was hurt, 他走到淘汰賽.
“我想作一個發言令人印象深刻的勝利,我很幸運地降落幾個艱苦拍攝在圓一個傷害我的對手早段,” 說迦勒廠. “After seeing him on wobbly legs I went for the kill. I want to thank 鋁海蒙 for this tremendous opportunity to showcase my skills on NBC. I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring. I’m ready to move forward and continue marching up the rankings.

迦勒 “SWEET HANDS” 植物公司宣布對手克里斯HERRMANN

迦勒廠 (對) 土地上手的權利,他的對手的臉.
迦勒廠 (對) 土地上手的權利,他的對手的臉.
納什維爾, TN (八月 13, 2015) – 不敗的超中量級前景, 迦勒 “甜手” 廠 (8-0, 7 科斯), 有一個對手為他即將到來的這個回合 週六八月 15, 2015, 在貝爾中心在蒙特利爾, 魁北克. Plant will face 克里斯·赫爾曼 (16-6, 8 科斯) 在八圓, 這將作為搖擺回合在NBC播出中國人民銀行, 通過標題 盧西恩弼 (31-2, 24 科斯) VS. 安德烈迪路易莎 (17-2, 13 科斯).
“我很高興的鬥爭是,” 該植物, 我要爭取聰明,接我的窗戶,我可以讓我的手去與硬拳. 如果我看到他受傷, you can bet on it that I’ll be gunning for the knockout. My goal is to make a statement with an impressive performance, 最好是淘汰賽。”
戰鬥了納什維爾, 田納西, 迦勒工廠正在成為一個家喻戶曉的名字和第一量級冠軍走出來的音樂城.

迦勒 “SWEET HANDS” 植物返回到環AUG星期六 15 在魁北克




納什維爾, TN (八月 4, 2015) – 不敗的超中量級前景, 迦勒 “甜手” 廠 (8-0, 7 科斯), 將他的方式回到環 下週六 八月, 15, 2015關於NBC事件中國人民銀行, 通過標題 盧西恩弼 (31-2, 24 科斯) VS. 安德烈迪路易莎 (17-2, 13 科斯). The fight takes place at the Bell Centre in Montreal, 魁北克. 廠, 誰是安排在6輪的回合戰鬥, 將面臨對手待定.


通過管理 鋁海蒙, 工廠認為他的職業生涯起飛. Plant’s fight will serve as the swing bout for the PBC broadcast. Fighting in Canada for the first time, 工廠希望做一個聲音發言.


“我很滿意,一切都發生在我的職業生涯,” 說迦勒廠, 田納西州納什維爾的後起之秀. “This will be my fourth bout of the year and I’m very happy to be staying busy. Fighting for Al Haymon and the PBC is a dream come true for my team and me. This will be my first time fighting in Canada so I want to give the fans a great night of action while making a statement.


稱為有重手, 迦勒廠正在對他的6-戰鬥淘汰賽連勝延長, 其中四個來了第一輪KO.


“我從來沒有進入戰鬥尋找淘汰賽,但我一直在傷害我的對手前幾輪,” 繼續植物迦勒. “如果我看到我的對手是傷, then I go for the knockout. I love to pound the body in those situations. I know with a lot of hard work I can become a world champion. I’m going to take it one fight at a time and give the fans exciting fights. 上 8月15日, 我將讓我的手飛!”


Photos By Lucas Noonan – PBC

STEP, TX (七月 19, 2015) – 在他的前8輪的較量, 不敗超羽量級的感覺, 馬里奧·巴里奧斯 (10-0, 5 科斯), 戰罷反對聲音勝利 阿圖羅·埃斯基韋爾 (9-3, 2 科斯), to record his tenth win. The impressive conquest took place this past 星期六 在頓河哈斯金斯中心在埃爾帕索, 德州中國人民銀行在CBS事件上, 通過標題 卡爾·弗蘭普頓 VS. 亞歷杭德羅·岡薩雷斯JR.


用他巨大的高度,達到優勢, Barrios controlled the action with a long jab and precise combinations. Esquivel, 誰是自然大男人, 無法降落任何清潔拳巴里奧斯上, who won every round. Scorecards read 80-72 全線.


“去八輪的第一次是一個很好的學習經歷對我來說。” 馬里奧說巴里奧斯, 誰是管理 鋁海蒙. “I was able to pace myself throughout the entire fight and never got tired. I could have gone four more rounds if this was a twelve round fight. Esquivel is a very tough fighter and I’m glad we both came out healthy. I’ll be ready to get back in the ring as soon as Haymon has another date for me. I’m very thankful for all the opportunities Haymon Boxing has given me.

兩屆世界冠軍史蒂夫 “USS” 坎寧安跡象與Al海蒙

費城 (四月 21, 2015)–前兩屆世界重量級冠軍​​和當前的重量級競爭者, 史蒂夫 “USS” 坎寧安 已經與阿爾顧問簽署海蒙.
“我期待著與鋁合作, 他是個天才,在他做什麼. 我一直在看他好幾年了,看到這一切,他完成了他的戰士,但一直在外面看,由於合同義務. 它終於排著隊在這裡我們可以一起工作,這將極大. 我相信我的最好的戰鬥還沒有看到,”坎寧安說
坎寧安的紀錄 28-7 同 13 擊倒. 他贏得了IBF重量級冠軍​​,當他前往波蘭和克日什托夫擊敗上沃達爾奇克五月 26, 2007. 他經由第12輪在停工停Bielfield馬可·哈克捍衛冠軍, 德國十二月 29, 2007. 坎寧安成為兩屆冠軍六月 5, 2010 當他停止特洛伊羅斯在五輪.
坎寧安是度過了一個有爭議的分裂決定慘敗給維亞切斯拉夫·Glazkov上 三月 14 在蒙特利爾.
史蒂夫和他的妻子/經理Livvy將榮幸 這個星期五 晚上,在90年BWAA頒獎晚宴,因為他們將獲得比爾·克勞福德勇氣獎為他們的毅力,而他們9歲的女兒肯尼迪通過生命去挽救心臟移植去年十二月.

Boxing’s most avoided world champion Guillermo Rigondeaux heading to UK next month To publically confront Scott Quigg

軟木, 愛爾蘭 (四月 12, 2015) – Unified super bantamweight world champion 法案 “胡狼” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 科斯), arguably the most avoided reigning world title holder in modern boxing history, will travel to London next month in order to publicly confront his mandatory challenger, 斯科特·奎格 (30-0-2, 22 科斯), the World Boxing Association (WBA) “定期” 122-磅級別錦標.


A month ago in an unusual move, Rigondeaux’ 經理 加里·海德 formally petitioned the WBA to enforce a mandatory title fight between his WBA Super champion and Quigg. Hyde is awaiting the WBA’s decision. Rigondeaux is also the World Boxing Organization (WBO) 和 午夜凶鈴 雜誌的超最輕量級冠軍.


A reigning world champion hasn’t been avoided by other world champions and top contenders like Rigondeux has for the past two years since, 也許, 超次中量級 塞爾吉奧·馬丁內斯, or possibly all the way back to middleweight 邁克·麥卡勒姆.


The top three super bantamweights in the world outside of RigondeauxInternational Boxing Federation (IBF) 和世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 冠軍, 卡爾·弗蘭普頓 獅子座聖克魯斯, 分別, plus Quigghave avoided the Cuban great like the plaque. Once Santa Cruzpromoter at the time, 霍亞, announced that a Rigondeaux-Santa Cruz had to happen, 聖克魯斯’ powerful adviser, 鋁海蒙, exercised a contract option and bought him out to avoid a fight with ‘Rigo.Frampton’s promoter, 巴里·麥奎根, has proclaimed his fighter, not Rigondeaux, 作為無. 1 世界超輕量級. McGuigan, 雖然, is interested in Frampton fighting Quigg in a U.K. 攤牌, rather than a world mega-fight for three of the four major sanctioning world titles. As the “定期” WBA champion, Quigg is Rigondeaux’ 強制性的挑戰者, 但, he apparently wants no part of the two-time Olympic gold medalist because his promoter, Barry Hearn, not only hasn’t pushed the issue, he’s in negotiations with McGuigan for Frampton to fight Quigg.


Former world super bantamweight champions Nonito Doniare, after he lost a unification fight to Rigondeaux two years ago, 和 押尼珥Mares chose to move up one division to fight as featherweights. And now Donaire reports that his manager was contacted by a Quigg representative to discuss a Donaire-Quigg fight in England.


Another two-time Olympic gold medalist, WBO 126-pound champion Vasyl Lomachenko, continually insists that “線” has to move up in weight for a fight to happen despite him having no problems making 126.


“QUIGG, Santa Cruz and Frampton have showed no desire to challenge Rigondeaux,” 海德說:. “These three fighters are trying to fool the public into believing that fight 否. 1 guy in the world is not important. While they are lining their pockets with ridiculous amounts of cash for fighting below par opponents, Rigondeaux is forced to wait around until some Asian opponent steps up. This is a sport in which we are accustomed to seeing the best fighting the best but, in the super bantamweight division, it’s the best versus the rest.


Rigondeaux will travel to Manchester to fight Quigg, Belfast to fight Frampton, or Las Vegas to fight Santa Cruz. None of these so-called world champions, 雖然, will consider fighting the acknowledged world super bantamweight champion. They’re all much more content to hold onto their belts than beating The Man in their weight class.


Next month, Hyde reports, Rigondeaux will travel to the United Kingdom in a bold attempt to embarrass Quigg into fighting him. “I don’t like traveling overseas unless I have a fight lined up,” Rigondeaux explained, “but I will travel to England in May to publicly call out Scott Quigg. If he turns down the chance to fight our WBA mandatory, he will be remembered for that instead of being known as a great fighter. While I’m in the UK, I will also go to Belfast to checkout Carl Frampton to ask if he wants to prove himself against the best in his division.


Understanding that the top super bantamweight action is currently in Europe, noting a record purse ($2.2 million USD) offered for a Frampton vs. Quigg fight, Rigondeaux is considering a major change in the not too distant future, moving his base from Miami to the UK, if that’s what it takes for him to get in on the action.


Hyde also manages former WBO middleweight champion and current International Boxing Federation (IBF) 別. 1 強制性的競爭者 哈桑N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 科斯), former WBA Interim cruiserweight champion 尤里 “托洛” 卡倫加 (21-2, 14 科斯) and Georgian super lightweight 萊文 “The Wolf” Ghvamichava (14-1-1, 11 科斯) , as well as top prospects such as Cuban super bantamweight 馬克·福里斯特 (2-0, 2 科斯), Irish heavyweight 與希恩 and Bulgarian light heavyweight Blagoy Naydenov.



按照海德在Twitter @ NoWhere2Hyde和他的朋友在www.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?FREF = TS.

ESPN Reaches Multi-Year Agreement to Televise Premier Boxing Champions Series

中國人民銀行ESPN to Air 12 Two-hour Live Shows Annually on ESPN and ABC

三月 18, 2015ESPN will televise 總理拳擊冠軍, 電視通過海蒙拳擊創造​​了一系列, 許多拳擊大腕之間具有頂級的戰鬥. The multi-year agreement was announced today. The first of 12 two-hour annual live 在ESPN英超冠軍拳擊 (中國人民銀行ESPN) telecasts is scheduled for 星期六, 七月 11, 在 9 P.M. AND on ESPN and ESPN Deportes.


ESPN轉播將在黃金時段播出直播. ABC broadcasts will air 週六 下午, 進一步的細節,以在日後公佈. ESPN, ESPN的西班牙語網絡, will also televise all 中國人民銀行ESPN fights as part of its 夜戰鬥 系列.


現場直播也將可通過WatchESPN計算機上, 智能手機, 平板電腦, 亞馬遜消防電視和消防電視棒, 蘋果電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 的Xbox 360 並通過下屬的視頻提供商之一的Xbox. 該協議還包括通過ESPN International中國權利.


Card details of the first 中國人民銀行ESPN telecast and subsequent shows will be announced at a later date. ESPN’s long-standing 星期五 夜戰鬥 will celebrate its last show 星期五, 五月 22 with the finals of the Boxcino 2015 比賽.
ESPN has a long history of carrying world-class boxing events and the new 總理拳擊冠軍系列延續了我們與總理級的黃金時段打架運動的承諾以前只能在收費有線網絡,” 約翰說,船長, ESPN總裁.


中國人民銀行ESPN telecasts will be produced by ESPN. Blow-by-blow commentator 喬Tessitore 與分析師 泰迪地圖集, 久負盛名的山姆托布卓越獎廣播新聞受援國由美國拳擊作家協會提交 (BWAA), will call the fights ringside on ESPN and ABC.Additional on-air commentators will be announced at a later date.

ESPN3, ESPN’s live multi-screen sports network,will present non-televised undercard bouts and 中國人民銀行ESPN weigh-ins live leading up to the fights. Stories about the fighters and the fights will also be featured on ESPN.com and on 體育中心.


拳擊一直是ESPN的節目的主食幾乎 35 歲月. ESPN began televising boxing on April 10, 1980 – 網絡對空氣的第一年 – when weekly boxing returned to television for the first time since 1964. For the past 17 歲月, ESPN 星期五 夜戰鬥 hasshowcased一些最好的較量在拳擊產業和引進球迷未來的明星和冠軍.


海蒙拳擊管理總部設在拉斯維加斯, 內華達, 和管理,並建議多 200 專業的戰士.


For more information on 總理拳擊冠軍, 訪問:


premierboxingchampions.com, cebook.com/premierboxingchampions, 或 HTTPS://twitter.com/premierboxing


紐約州. 拳擊選手撐下去 24 小時通知

紐約 (三月 16, 2015)–拳擊是一個滑稽的生意. 有時, 甚至當你失去, 你贏.

所以這是 在週五 夜晚, 當26歲的厄瓜多爾初中量級 埃里克骨 向世界表明了他是一個世界級的人才,願意戰士.

骨, 誰住在皇后區, 紐約, 並且由Eli麥凱管理, 停在五輪由前世界冠軍肖恩·波特釘電視在安大略, 加利福尼亞。. 觀眾看到了一種對波特的一些成功的骨. 這一成功可能已經suprising為骨,並於24小時通知戰鬥.

在第二輪, 骨, 誰是簽約顧問鋁海蒙, 扭傷右膝. 他打了三個回合就單膝. “我不會讓任何藉口. 但我想讓人們知道我會回來的, 電視, 我將準備一個夏天的戰鬥,” 說骨 (16-2).

麥凱說,他很自豪他的拳擊手加大了一個重量級別上如此短的時間. “他打一條腿,” 麥凱驚嘆. “一位醫生說,這是很好的戰鬥結束了,因為埃里克的膝蓋可能受到嚴重傷害. 但它只是扭傷. 底線, 埃里克是一個真正的人才,並會在初中量級的噪音!”
“隨著鬥爭的進展, 埃里克已開始弄清楚波特. 這本來是真正有趣的,看看它會打出過預定12輪他沒有受傷,他的膝蓋。”


高地, 加利福尼亞州 (二月 12, 2015) -中美頂尖. 重量級的前景多米尼克 “麻煩” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO的) 返回到環下月在今年最值得期待的拳擊賽事之一. 該 “總理拳擊冠軍” 系列揭開序幕的首屆系列 3月7日 在拉斯維加斯, 內華達州的黃金時段NBC, 和Breazeale計劃要在瑟曼的下卡VS功能上. 格雷羅和Broner VS. 莫利納JR. 主事件.

顯卡的C /ö布魯斯·霍爾斯特德

最後一次Breazeale被展示在NBC的時候,他參加了 2012 倫敦奧運會代表美利堅合眾國在超級重量級. BREAZEALE, 誰是斷食他的對手在去年12月的第一輪淘汰賽, 準備返回環和感謝成為歷史的拳擊回到黃金時段的電視運動的一部分.


以從訓練營休息了十字路口拳擊俱樂部在安大略, 加利福尼亞州, Breazeale聲明如下; “This is a great opportunity for me and I’m truly thankful for it. I know that I am on the fast track to the Heavyweight world title and I’m always preparing myself in the gym physically and mentally for my next bout. I have been in camp full-time for about 3 幾個星期,我感覺好極了。”


“當有人告訴我,我的導師鋁海蒙是創造英超冠軍拳擊系列,這將在黃金時段播放的電視播出, 我當時真的很興奮. 為了能夠展示我的才華那種平台是一個很好的機會,我希望我能捕捉到尊重拳擊迷就像拳王阿里那樣”, Breazeale說.


門票拳擊這個驚人的晚上可以在購買 www.mgmgrand.com 並且售價 $400, $300, $100 和 $50.
