Subota, Juli 20 in the Main Event of FOX PBC Fight Night & on FOX Deportes from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas
(7 poslije podne. ET / 4 sati. PT)

FOX PBC Fight Night Precedes PBC on FOX Sports
Pay-Per-View Event Headlined by Manny Pacquiao vs. Keith Thurman Welterweight World Title Matchup

Karte u prodaju Now!

LAS VEGAS (Maj 21, 2019) – Undefeated IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb “Sweethands” Biljka will make the first defense of his title against unbeaten contender Mike Lee in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Juli 20 MGM Grand Garden iz Areni u Las Vegasu.

Televiziji pokrivenost počinje u 7 poslije podne. ET / 4 sati. PT and will precede the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View event that also takes place at MGM Grand and is headlined by eight-division champion Manny Pacquiao facing WBA Welterweight World Champion Keith Thurman.

Caleb Plant put the boxing world on notice with his exciting title-winning performance in January and will look to build on that showing against an unbeaten contender in Mike Lee on July 20,” rekao je Tom Brown, Predsjednik TGB Promocije. “His first defense of the title will put Plant in primetime on FOX and FOX Deportes in Las Vegas and building up to the Pacquiao vs. Thurman pay-per-view event. With two undefeated fighters going toe-to-toe in this first main event of the evening, fans are in for a memorable night of action.

Ulaznice za događaj, which is presented by TGB Promotions and Sweethands Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased online through AXS.com, puniti na telefon 866-740-7711 or in person at any MGM Resorts International box office.

Plant vs. Lee will see two hungry unbeaten fighters square off, as Plant looks to defend his title and cement himself as the class of the 168-pound ranks, while Lee will look to join the super middleweight elite as a world champion for the first time.

To win the title, Biljka (18-0, 10 KOs) turned the tables on the hard-hitting Venezuelan slugger Jose Uzcategui in their IBF championship fight in January on FS1. Going into the match the consensus was that Uzcategui was the harder puncher and that Plant would have to withstand his power to walk away with the belt. It was the 26-year-old Plant, međutim, who stunned Uzcategui by dropping him to the canvas twice on the way to a convincing unanimous decision. It was an emotional night for Plant, who is from Ashland City, Tenn. and now lives in Las Vegas. He had dedicated his career-best victory to the memory of his late daughter Alia, who suffered from a rare disorder that caused seizures.

I’m more than ready to return to the ring on July 20 as the main event on FOX at MGM Grand in Las Vegas,” Said Plant. “I’ll be defending my IBF world title in tremendous fashion and this is one fight you guys will not want to miss. I’m taking this fight just as seriously as my last opponent.

This guy is undefeated and looking to stay that way, but unfortunately for him, he took on the wrong challenge against the wrong guy. Come July 20, he’ll realize he’s in deeper water than he’s ever been in. My last fight was for Alia, but this fight I’m dedicating to my beautiful mother Beth Ann. May you Rest in Peace, Love you Momma.

The 31-year-old Lee (21-0, 11 KOs) graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a degree in business, but decided to pursue his boxing dreams rather than take a job on Wall Street. A native of Wheaton, Illinois who now lives in Chicago, Lee has made a steady climb up the ladder and has been campaigning at light heavyweight. He will be moving down to super middleweight to challenge for his first world championship. Lee is coming off an impressive unanimous decision victory over Jose Hernandez on last June 8.

I’ve have dreamt of the opportunity to fight for a world title for years,” Said Lee. “All the years of hard work, pain and sacrifice have led me to this moment. Jula 20 I will be victorious and prove everyone wrong that didn’t believe I was good enough to even get here.

When I spent almost two years in and out of hospitals battling an autoimmune disease there were moments I never thought I could get back to this level and there were doctors who told me my fighting days were done. But I have won every fight since and I plan to prove that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. I could not have done this without my Dad, my advisor Mike Borao and my trainers Jamal Abdullah and Julian Chua.

Kliknite OVDJE for fighter bios

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BKFC se vraća u subotu, Jun 22 Naslov: Malignaggi vs. Lobov Grudge Match uživo na Pay-Per-View iz Zabavne dvorane Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment u Tampi, Fla.

Također, sa UFC veteranom Chrisom Lebenom protiv Bellator Standout Brennan Ward!

Kliknite OVDJE za fotografije iz BKFC -a

NEW YORK (Maj 20, 2019) – Bivši svetski šampion u boksu Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi i UFC veteran Artem “Ruske Hammer” Lobov išli su u ponedjeljak licem u lice na vrućoj konferenciji za novinare u New Yorku kako bi službeno najavili obračun Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipa sa naslovnim akcijama u subotu, Jun 22 uživo na pay-per-view iz Zabavne dvorane Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall u Tampi, Fla.

Također se spremaju u ponedjeljak prije borbe na BKFC -u 6 su bili veterani UFC -a Krisov život i dugogodišnji Bellator istaknuti Brennan Ward. Prenos na televiziji u junu 22 će početi u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. i takođe funkcija Reggie Barnett protiv Johnny Bedford u obračunu za BKFC prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji.

Događaj će se emitirati širom Sjedinjenih Država i Kanade, isključivo na plaćanje po prikazu putem MultiVision Media, Inc., na svim većim televizijskim distribucijama za $39.99. Također će biti dostupan širom svijeta putem streama svim uređajima povezanim kod kuće i izvan kuće na FITE-TV-u i www.bareknuckle.tv.

Ulaznice za “BKFC 6” dostupni su sutra u 10 sati. ET isključivo nawww.bareknuckle.tv. Florida će postati posljednja država koja će ugostiti BKFC događaj nakon što su prethodna takmičenja održana u Wyomingu i Mississippiju, plus događaj koji se održao u Cancunu, Meksiko.

Evo šta su učesnici konferencije za novinare imali da kažu u ponedeljak:


“Oduvijek sam bio poznat kao jedan od najtežih ljudi u boksu. Lobov je poznat kao vreća za udaranje sa glasnim ustima.

“Da je po mom, Nokautirao bih ga u posljednjoj rundi. Želim ga udariti od početka do kraja. Izaći će pokušavajući, a onda će postati stidljiv. Oklijevat će čak i učiniti korak.

“Uvijek tražim svoj sljedeći izazov. Nisam ovo planirao, ali mi je prodan, i to mi se dopalo. Artem je vreća za udaranje i obično to pogodim besplatno.

“Ja nikad ne lažem, jer ne moram nikoga da se plašim. Lažete samo zato što se bojite. Zašto Lobov i njegov tim lažu? Znaš zašto. Nije me briga šta misle. Izbaciću ovog momka sledećeg meseca.

“Dok treniram, Shvaćam da su mi ruke poput žileta. Dobro pogledajte Lobovo lice, jer ću sljedećeg mjeseca učiniti da izgleda kao mapa puta sa linijama po cijelom.”


“Osećam da ja imam prednost u ovoj borbi. Sa godinama, lakše je nokautirati. On nikada nije povrijedio nikoga u ringu, pa će mu to biti loša utakmica.

“Vidim da ga zaustavljam. On to više ne želi. Da bi bio borac i zaista se takmičio, morate imati vatru. Njegova vatra je odavno nestala.

“Moja strategija je da uđem tamo i gurnem mu šaku u grlo. Sada je lično s načinom na koji je govorio i ponašao se. Skloniću ga.

“Paulie se voli skrivati ​​iza uboda i finta. Nikad ne pušta ruke. On se samo krije i pokušava doći do kraja borbe.

“U junu ću sve pustiti u ring 22. Ja ću biti „Ruski čekić“’ od starta do cilja. Želim ga sresti u ringu i skloniti kao pravi ratnici.

“Nikada ne obavijam ruke. Ne kad sparingujem, ne kad udarim u torbu ili tako nešto. To ih je dodatno otežalo. Možda ne izgledaju lijepo, ali nanose veliku štetu.

“Za Paulija je igra gotova. Čuo sam da je poznat kao "Čarobni čovjek", ali samo se nadam da neće nestati prije borbe.”


“Goli zglob definitivno je uzbudljiv sport. Sve su to dobre stvari. Dva momka idu od pete do pete. To je ono što najbolje radim i dovodi me u opasnu poziciju da povrijedim svoje protivnike. Kad sam prvi put vidio BKFC, osjećao sam se kao da je ovaj sport stvoren za mene.

“Ne možete se zaista pokriti bez rukavice kao štita u golom zglobu, pa mijenja način na koji se branite. Ali također mijenja način na koji pogađate i gdje se nalazi vaš domet.

“Mislim da je ovaj sport stvoren za mene i pokazaće se u borbi. Oboje smo teški napadači. Brennan će biti moj najteži protivnik BKFC -a do sada i ne shvaćam ga olako. Ja vozim oživljavanje i to neće prestati.

“Povlačim sva stajanja i činim sve što mogu da se pripremim. Jer u junu 22, Nokautiram ga.”


“Kamp trening traje velika. Zaista sam uzbuđen jer sam neko vrijeme čekao da se borim golim zglobovima. Odmah sam znao da je to za mene.

“Mislim da imam odličnu vještinu za gole zglobove. Brzo i brzo stajem na noge. Jaka sam i imam teške ruke. Mogu se svađati ili boksati.

“To je u osnovi normalan trening kamp za mene, ali sa više boksa nego ikad. Ionako sam uvijek puno boksao, tako da je to nešto što mi je postalo prirodno.

“Ja sam drugačiji borac od onog s kojim se Leben borio u BKFC -u. Ovaj sport mi je jako pogodan. Samo se želim svađati. Nisam se bavio drugim disciplinama u VMA, pa kad se pojavio BKFC, Bio sam spreman za prijavu.

“Mislim da ću biti sila na koju se treba računati u BKFC -u. Naći ću lijep dom i raditi u ringu.”

DAVID FELDMAN, Osnivač BKFC -a & Predsjednik

“Ovaj događaj dobija izvještavanje za koje zaista jamči. Ovo će biti naslagani događaj plaćanja po prikazu odozgo prema dolje.

“Glavni događaj ovdje je dugo očekivana bitka. Ovo je najveća gola tučnjava u povijesti.

“Zaista smo zadovoljni s onim što smo uspjeli izgraditi. Ako ste vidjeli neki od naših događaja, znate da je to neprestana akcija od početka. Ponosni smo na ono što smo pružili borbenim navijačima.

“Ljudi su izvorno govorili da Artem nema šanse protiv Paulieja, ali jednom su vidjeli Artema u njegovoj prvoj borbi s BKFC -om, fanovi mogu vidjeti da bi ovo moglo biti teže nego što se očekivalo. Ovo se razlikuje od boksa i od MMA -a. Dobiti udarac s tim golim zglobom različito je od svega što ste do sada iskusili.

“Tako sam uzbuđen što ću ovu borbu prenijeti na Floridu i donijeti ovu borbu njihovim obožavateljima. Jun 22 uživo uz plaćanje po prikazu, ovo sigurno ne želite propustiti.”

BRIAN RICH, Izvršni producent & Distributer

“Veoma smo uzbuđeni što ćemo biti na šestom BKFC showu za manje od godinu dana. Sve je bilo neverovatno. Očekujemo veliku borbu između dva velika borca ​​i radujemo se što ćemo ovaj događaj donijeti navijačima širom svijeta.”

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O Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipu
Juna 2, 2018, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship sa sjedištem u Philadelphiji (BKFC) ušao je u istoriju borbenih sportova kada je promovisao prve legalne, sankcioniran i reguliran događaj golih zglobova u Sjedinjenim Državama od tada 1889. “BKFC 1: Početak” održano u Cheyenne -u, Wyoming i istaknuto mjesto 10 profesionalni borbama, sve pod pokroviteljstvom i kontrolom Komisije za borbene sportove u Wyomingu. BKFC koristi samo etablirane borce koji su se prethodno profesionalno takmičili u boksu, MMA, kickboxing i/ili muay tajlandski. Svi mečevi BKFC -a sankcionirani su i regulirani od strane atletskih komisija članica ABC -a. Za više informacija posjetite www.bareknuckle.tv ili pratite na Twitteru na @BareKnuckleFC, na Instagramu u www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc i na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.



Karte u prodaju SADA

LOS ANGELES – May 20, 2019 – Combate Americas today announced the completion of a 10-bout fight card, including a new main event, for its much-anticipated debut in South America with the largest-scale Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event in Peru history, at Coliseo Manuel Bonilla in the capital city of Lima, u petak, Maj 31.

‘Combate Peru’ airs live on television in Spanish in the U.S. on both Univision (12 sati. ET / PT) and UDN (12 sati. ET/9 p.m.PT), and in English in the U.S. and Canada on DAZN (10 poslije podne. ET / 7 sati. PT).

The flagship show will mark Combate Americas’ entry into a third country and second continent with its aggressively expanding live television event series.

Po cijeni od 88 soles, tickets for ‘Combate Peru’ are on sale atCombateAmericas.com/Peru.

In the new lightweight (155 funti) Main Event, previously announced, neporažen Daniel “Golden Boy” Zellhuber (6-0) will collide with fellow unbeaten, zvijezda u usponu Gian Franco Cortez (4-0).

The 19-year-old Zellhuber of Mexico City, Mexico was originally slated to faceRolando Bedoya (11-1), but Bedoya has since withdrawn from the commitment.

Fighting out of Lima, the 22-year-old Cortez is coming off a spectacular, Prva runda (1:35) WHO (punches) od Steven Muñoz marta 23.

Cortez made his professional debut on October 7, 2017, scoring a knockout onBenji Ayala upravo 15 seconds into the first round of action.

Also announced today was a new bantamweight (135 funti) matchup between undefeated David “The Black Spartan” Martinez (3-0) of Mexico City andWilliam Sanchez (0-0) of Lima.

Sanchez will make his professional debut after a nearly untarnished, 5-1 run as an amateur.

Martinez was originally slated to face 2017 “COPA COMBATE” tournament competitor Kevin “El Frio” Moreyra (4-2) of Lima before Moreyra’s camp determined he would no longer be able to make the contracted weight of the bout.

Moreyra will move up to the next weight class, perolaka kategorija (145 funti), and will square off with Bruno “Jacunda” Pereira (10-6-1) of Lima via Macapa, Amapa, Brazil in a ‘Combate Peru’ preliminary card bout.

In other preliminary card action announced today, fellow Lima competitors Yuri Valenzuela (12-6-1) i Vicente Vargas (10-4) will face off at bantamweight, while unbeaten upstarts Jose Alberto Ochoa (2-0) of Lima and Omar Torres (2-0) of Arequipa, Peru will battle each other in a flyweight (125 funti) afera.

The previously announced co-main event between Marlon “Deriko Siete” Gonzales (14-4-2) Lima and Pablo Villaseca (14-5) of Santiago, Chile will be contested at a catchweight of 150 funti.


Daniel Zellhuber vs. Gian Franco Cortez

CATCHWEIGHT (150 LBS.) CO-Main Event:
Marlon Gonzales vs. Pablo Villaseca

Alitzel Mariscal vs. Maria Paola Buzaglo

Bantam: Rodrigo Vera vs. Eduardo Torres
Bantam: Renzo Mendez vs. Andres Ayala
Pero: Kevin Moreyra vs. Bruno Pereira
Bantam: Yuri Valenzuela vs. Vicente Vargas
Catchweight (120 funti): Jennifer Gonzalez vs. Dana Zighelboim Grau
Bantam: David Martinez vs. William Sanchez
Muva: Jose Alberto Ochoa vs. Omar Torres

Lagani Keyshawn Davis priprema se za kopanje zlata sljedeće godine u Japanu 2020 Olimpijske igre

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krilo. (Maj 20, 2019) – Tim SAD lagan Keyshawn Davis čitav svoj mladi život pripremao se za predstavljanje svoje zemlje na Olimpijskim igrama. Ako sve bude išlo po planu i bude išlo po rasporedu, Norfolk, Rodom iz Virginije boksat će zlato sljedeće godine u Japanu.

Dvadesetogodišnji Davis, ko se bavi sportom 110-15 amaterski zapis, gomila medalje tako zastrašujućim tempom da mu je očajnički potrebno da proširi svoju vitrinu. Dvostruki je Elite National (2017-18) i dvostruki nacionalni PAL (2013-14) prvak, kao i osvajač zlatne medalje na 2017 Eastern Elite Qualifier, 2017 Youth Open i 2017 National Golden Gloves.

Međunarodno, napravio je ozbiljnu štetu, suviše. Vrhunac njegove amaterske karijere, izlaziti s, osvaja zlato na prošlogodišnjem turniru Strandja u Bugarskoj. Davis je nedavno uhvatio srebro na 2019 Pan-American Games Qualifier u Nikaragvi, pored 2018 Kup hemije u Njemačkoj.

“Osvojio sam svoju prvu međunarodnu zlatnu medalju u Bugarskoj,” Davis se složio da je to vrhunac njegove amaterske karijere. “Takođe sam izabran za Najizvrsnijeg boksera.”

Njegova pobjeda na 2018 Državljani SAD-a kvalificirali su ga za 2020 Olimpijska ispitivanja za boks, dok ga je njegovo srebro na kvalifikacijama za Pan American Games kvalificiralo za Pan American Games (27. jula - avgusta 2) Lima, Peru. Ove godine će se natjecati i na elitnom Svjetskom prvenstvu za muškarce (Sedam. 7-21) u Jekaterinburgu, Rusija.

“Kvalificiranje za olimpijsko suđenje za mene zaista nije bilo puno postignuće jer se očekivalo,” Primijetio je Davis. “Za mene je to bio ulazak u tim SAD-a, opet i ovo mi je druga godina u timu.

“Ne postoji pravo takmičenje za mene da bih se plasirao u američki olimpijski bokserski tim. Moja posljednja borba u The Nationalsu bila je mali izazov (vs. Dalis Kaleiopu), jer sam se okliznuo i ustao.”

Na Panameričkim igrama, Davis bi se vrlo dobro mogao suočiti s kubanskim bokserom koji ga je pobijedio rezultatom 3-2 na Pan American Games Qualifieru, Andy Cruz, postavljanje mogućeg meča gume između dva elitna boksera sljedeće godine na Olimpijskim igrama.

“Postoji vrlo dobra šansa da se ponovo borimo na Pan-Am igrama, najvjerovatnije u Japanu, kao,” Dodao je Davis. “Moramo pobijediti u dva kola da bismo se plasirali u finale, a ja da se osvetim. Cruz ima puno više međunarodnog iskustva od mene. On je 26 godine i svjetski prvak u našoj težinskoj klasi.”

Davis je počeo boksati kad je imao devet godina kada, umoran od Keyshawna i njegova dva brata koji se međusobno bore i u školi, majka ga je pitala žele li u teretanu da nauče boksati. Jesu i danas, njegov stariji (Kelvin) i mlađi (Keon) braća su takođe bokseri amateri.

Nedugo nakon toga upoznao se Troy Isley, koji je kolega član tima USA, a danas su bliski kao braća.

“Troya sam sreo natrag, nakon što sam prvi put počeo boksati,” Davis se sjetio. “Našli bismo se na nacionalnim i drugim turnirima i družili se s mojom braćom. Moj trener je otišao u penziju, pa sam otišao u Troyovu teretanu (Aleksandrija, VA) i počeo raditi s Coachom Kej (Koroma, Američki pomoćni nacionalni trener boksa). Približavamo se svom snu (predstavljanje SAD-a na Olimpijskim igrama) koja je započela toliko davno, čini se nestvarnim približavati se. Možete očekivati ​​da se dva boksera iz Virginije vrate iz Japana sa zlatnim medaljama. Mi smo poput braće.”

“Trener Kay me prvi put stjerao u kut kad sam bio 13. Odličan je trener koji želi da uspijemo u životu, ne samo u ringu. Želi najbolje za nas. Imamo jednu od najboljih američkih. bokserske ekipe dugo vremena i to će se prikazati u Japanu. Uvijek si pomažemo i ovo je trenutno vrlo uzbudljivo vrijeme za nas.”

Još jedan bliski Keyshawn-ov prijatelj je, 2018 Srebrne olimpijske medalje Shakur Stevenson, koji je prošao kroz ono što se Keyshawn približava, i sada je na nivou profesionalne perspektive do koje Davis teži doseći.

“Shakur me uvijek podržavao,” Davis je nastavio. “Mnogo razgovaramo. Pošteno, teško mi je ne razmišljati o tome da se profesionalno okrenem, jer će moja amaterska karijera biti gotova nakon Olimpijskih igara. Oduvijek su me učili da imam plan, pa sam se pripremao, poslovno, istražujući moje mogućnosti (menadžer i promotor), i ostati na dobrom putu od amatera do profesionalaca.”

Da nije bokser, Davis misli da bi bio realtor, ali temeljito uživa u životu boksača.

“Ovo je bilo sjajno iskustvo,” Davis je govorio o svojoj amaterskoj boksačkoj karijeri, “posebno ove godine pripremajući se za Pan AM-ove. Imao sam prilike putovati i upoznavati ljude, ali najbolji dio je biti dio ovakvog tima. Boks je individualni sport, ali, izvan ringa, uvijek navaljujemo jedni na druge.

“Zahvaljujem Bogu svaki dan kad ustanem što me je stavio u ovu poziciju. Sve što želim je osigurati sebe i svoju porodicu. U mojim godinama, Ja sam ispred utakmice.”

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Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship vraća se u subotu, Jun 22 Voditelj: Paulie Malignaggi vs. Artem Lobov Grudge utakmica uživo na Pay-Per-Viewu iz Zabavne dvorane na državnom sajmu Floride u Tampi, Fla.

Naslagano veče BKFC -a 6 Akcijske karakteristike UFC -ov veteran Chris Leben protiv Bellator -a Istaknuti Brennan Ward, Više! Obračun BKFC prvenstva u lakoj kategoriji između Reggieja Barnetta & Johnny Bedford

Ulaznice u prodaji u petak!

PHILADELPHIA (Maj 20, 2019) – Dugo očekivani meč protiv bivšeg svjetskog prvaka u boksu Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi i UFC veteran Artem “Ruske Hammer” Lobov volja naslov Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) akcija u subotu, Jun 22 uživo na pay-per-view iz Zabavne dvorane Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall u Tampi, Fla.

Televizijski dio borbe koja se ne smije propustiti počet će u 9:00 poslije podne. I / 6:00 poslije podne. PT i također će vidjeti bivšeg UFC veterana Krisov život u svojoj drugoj atrakciji BKFC -a, dok preuzima dugogodišnje izdanje Bellatora Brennan Ward. Više, finale BKFC turnira u lakoj kategoriji će se boriti Reggie Barnett protiv Johnny Bedford u obračunu za BKFC prvenstvo u lakoj kategoriji.

“Započinjemo našu epsku bitku u aprilu 6 između Artema Lobova i Jasona Najta, zamah je nevjerovatan koji dolazi u BKFC 6,” rekao je osnivač BKFC -a i predsjednik David Feldman. “Sa svađom koju su Paulie i Artem već imali, ovo obećava da će biti super uzbudljivo. Ovo je goli zglob i sve se promijeni kad se bore s golim zglobom. Tako, kakvi god planovi imate, mogu brzo izaći kroz prozor. To je ono što ovo čini tako uzbudljivim i zašto sam toliko uzbuđen zbog ove borbe. Mislim da ćemo imati mnogo pažnje na ovom događaju i vrlo smo sretni što ćemo ga ugostiti u Tampi, jedno od najboljih borilačkih tržišta u zemlji. Zaista jedva čekam 22. jun.”

Događaj će se emitirati širom Sjedinjenih Država i Kanade, isključivo na plaćanje po prikazu putem MultiVision Media, Inc., na svim većim televizijskim distribucijama za $39.99. Također će biti dostupan širom svijeta putem streama svim uređajima povezanim kod kuće i izvan kuće na FITE-TV-u i www.bareknuckle.tv.

Ulaznice za “BKFC 6” biće dostupna od četvrtka, Maj 16 isključivo nawww.bareknuckle.tv. Florida će postati posljednja država koja će ugostiti BKFC događaj nakon što su prethodna takmičenja održana u Wyomingu i Mississippiju, plus događaj koji se održao u Cancunu, Meksiko.

Malignaggi vs. Lobov će vidjeti kako se raspravljalo o rivalstvu između Malignaggija i MMA zvijezde Conora McGregora kada Malignaggi uđe u sukob s jednim od McGregorovih saigrača i prijatelja u Lobovu. Prije Lobovovog debija u BKFC -u u kojem je u travnju pobijedio Jasona Najta, Malignaggi i Lobov razmijenili su riječi i zamalo došli do udara na medijskom danu u New Yorku. Sa junom 22 datum borbe je određen i zujanje nastavlja rasti, uskoro će rešiti sukob u ringu.

“Veoma sam uzbuđen što ću debitirati za BKFC i što će se ova borba odigrati na Floridi. Dovođenje BKFC -a u drugo stanje samo će pomoći ovom sportu da brže raste i privući će više pažnje na golu borbu s zglobovima prstiju,” Said Malignaggi. “Nije tajna, Artem i ja imamo lošu krv među nama. Ne sviđa mi se i radujem se što ću mu zariti šake u lice. Jun 22 ne mogu doći dovoljno brzo. Obožavatelji će zaista uživati ​​u ovoj kao najvećoj BKFC kartici do sada, i to će postaviti pozornicu za još veće i bolje događaje jer će više boraca shvatiti da mogu dobro zaraditi i imati sjajnu karijeru u ovoj disciplini borbenih sportova.”

“Zaista se radujem ovoj borbi,” rekao je Lobov. “Paulie je mnogo pričao. Nije uspeo da drži jezik za zubima, ali u junu 22 Ućutaću ga. On je stari bokser koji silazi s kauča. On to radi samo zato što nije bolje raspolagao svojim novcem, pa se sada mora boriti protiv mene, „Ruski čekić.’ Očekujem da ću gnjaviti Paulieja unutra. Ne zna šta radi. Upoznat ću ga s nekim stvarima koje nikada prije nije vidio, a ovo će biti prava borba.”

Dva puta, prvak u boksu u dvije divizije, Malignaggi se pridružio BKFC -u ranije ove godine i planira pokazati vještine zbog kojih je postao svjetski prvak 147 i 140 kilograma. Predstavljajući svoj rodni grad Brooklyn, Njujork, Malignaggi se suočio s vrhunskom konkurencijom i velikim zvijezdama poput Miguela Cotta, Zab Judah, Ricky Hatton, Shawn Porter, Danny Garcia , Amir Khan i drugi u karijeri koja je trajala šesnaest godina. Odigrao je naslovne predstave protiv Lovemore Ndoua i Vjačeslava Senčenka, dok je također pobijedio Judu, Juan Diaz i Pablo Cesar Cano među njegovim značajnim pobjedama. Od tada se nije borio 2017, ali ostaje glavni dio svijeta borbenih sportova kroz svoje poznato djelo kao komentator u boji i analitičar.

32-godišnji borac iz Rusije, Lobov je jednoglasnom odlukom pobijedio Jasona Knighta u uzbudljivoj tučnjavi kako bi njegov debi u BKFC -u bio uspješan u aprilu. Lobov se proslavio u sezoni 22 od The Ultimate Fighter kao dio tima McGregor, gdje je prošao put do finala turnira prije nego je izgubio od Ryan Halla. Sada se bori iz Irske, gdje nastavlja trenirati s McGregorom, izazvao je Cub Swansona na UFC -ovom glavnom događaju u 2016, nakon pobjede nad Chrisom Avili i Alex Whiteom. Dok je odlukom izgubio posljednja tri UFC -a, on posjeduje 13 profesionalni MMA pobjeđuje.

Kliknite OVDJE za biografe lovaca Malignaggi i Lobov

Porijeklom iz Portlanda, Oregon i sada trenira iz Chula Viste, Kalifornija, Leben je prvi put izašao na scenu u inauguralnoj sezoni The Ultimate Fighter prije nego što će postati WEC prvak u srednjoj kategoriji. Veteran sa više godina 20 UFC događaja, njegova karijera uključuje niz od pet borbi koji su doveli do izazova Andersona Silve. Lebenu će se suprotstaviti Novi London, Ward of Connecticut, 30-godišnji veteran iz 15 Bellator događaji, uključujući pobjedu na Bellatorovoj sezoni devete sezone u srednjoj kategoriji.

Profesionalni bokser sa 6-2 rekord, 32-godišnji Barnett zaslužio je svoje mjesto u finalu turnira u lakoj kategoriji pobjedom nad Rusty Crowderom u aprilu. Borba protiv Chesapeakea, Virdžinija, Barnett će se suočiti sa Forth Worth -om, Rodni stanovnik Teksasa Bedford osvojio je prvu BKFC titulu u lakoj kategoriji. Bedford je svoju kartu za finale udario trijumfom u aprilu nad Abdielom Velazquezom.

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O Bare Knuckle Fighting Championshipu
Juna 2, 2018, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship sa sjedištem u Philadelphiji (BKFC) ušao je u istoriju borbenih sportova kada je promovisao prve legalne, sankcioniran i reguliran događaj golih zglobova u Sjedinjenim Državama od tada 1889. “BKFC 1: Početak” održano u Cheyenne -u, Wyoming i istaknuto mjesto 10 profesionalni borbama, sve pod pokroviteljstvom i kontrolom Komisije za borbene sportove u Wyomingu. BKFC koristi samo etablirane borce koji su se prethodno profesionalno takmičili u boksu, MMA, kickboxing i/ili muay tajlandski. Svi mečevi BKFC -a sankcionirani su i regulirani od strane atletskih komisija članica ABC -a. Za više informacija posjetite www.bareknuckle.tv ili pratite na Twitteru na @BareKnuckleFC, na Instagramu u www.instagram.com/bareknucklefc i na Facebook-u www.facebook.com/bareknucklefc.

Split-T Management’s Holmes, Miller and Dixon Get Big Wins on Saturday Night

NEW YORK (Maj 20, 2019) –Three cites, three wins for Split-T Management fighters this past Saturday night as Ardreal Holmes i Raquel Miller remained undefeated while Carlos Dixon scored a big knockout in his hometown.

Holmes went to 9-0 with a six-round unanimous decision over veteran Lanardo Tyner in Dearborn, Mičigen.

The 24 year-old Holmes of Flint, Michigan was systematic in winning by shutout tallies on two cards at 60-54 i 58-56 to raise the former amateur star’s record to 9-0.

Miller moved a step closer to winning a world championship as she captured the NABF Middleweight title with a 7th round stoppage over Erin Toughill inHawaiian Gardens, Kalifornija.

Miller of San Francisco knocked Toughill down in the 1st round with a body shot, and then she dropped Toughill with a vicious combination that was punctuated by a nasty left hook in the 7th round that sent Toughill to the canvas. Toughill got up, but was in no condition to continue, i meč je bio zaustavljen na 1:01.


Sa win, the fighter dubbedPretty Beast” je sada 9-0 s četiri nokauta.

Also on Saturday night in Louisville, Kentucky, 22 year-old super bantamweight, Carlos Dixon stopped Jeno Tonte in the 2nd round of their scheduled six-round bout.

With the win over the 17 fight veteran, Dixon of Louisville, je sada 8-1 sa šest nokauta.

Holmes and Miller are promoted by DiBella Entertainment.

Roy Jones, Jr. protégé Ikram Kerwat 1st female boxer to headline on UFC FIGHT PASS

AT 10 Poslije podne. E.T. / 7 Poslije podne. P.T.

TUCSON, Arizona (Maj 22, 2019) – Tunisia native and mother of two, Ikram Kerwat, headlines this Thursday evening for her first time in the initial female main event streamed on RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®, sa početkom u 10 poslije podne. I / 7 poslije podne. PT, live from Casino Del Sol’s outdoor AVA Amphitheater in Tucson, Arizona.
Kerwat (9-1, 5 KOs), fighting out of Frankfurt, Njemačka, throws-down with 9-time world title challengerSimone DaSilva (15-12, 6 KOs), Brazila, in the 10-round main event for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) female super featherweight championship.
Kerwat vs. DaSilva is presented by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions and Kerwat is trained by living legend and 10-time world championRoy Jones, Jr.
Ikram is an exciting fighter with awesome power and good hand speed,” Jones evaluated his protege. “She’s always looking to improve, and I look forward to her next voyage towards a world title.
The 35-year-old Kerwat is a former WBC International female lightweight champion, who will be fighting in the United States for the fourth time as a pro boxer. “Fighting in the U.S. was always one of my biggest dreams,” she commented. “It’s amazing. I already have a fanbase and they are really awesome. I like the enthusiasm and positive energy of U.S. ljudi.
This is my first main event and I can’t wait to step into the ring. To be live streamed on UFC FIGHT PASS is very important to me, my fans and, naravno, moja porodica. My last fight was also live streamed on FIGHT PASS and it was amazing. I’m happy and thankful for that.
I want to give a big shout out to my family and my coach and promoter, Roy Jones, Jr., his wonderful wifeNatlyn Jones, i, naravno, the RJJ Promotions team for this opportunity and their kindness.

(L-R) Ikram Kerwat & Roy Jones, Jr.
A pro od 2015, Kerwat first met Jones at the WBC Convention three years ago in Miami. “It’s an honor for me to lean from a legendary boxer like Roy,” she added. “He’s a boxing guru! Before I met Roy, I was a brawler, more of an aggressive fighter. Sada, I’d say I learned to skillfully box. I’ve made a lot of improvements and I developed more, boxing-wise. I grew mentally, which is the most important part in boxing and life.
Da Silva may have fought in nine world titles fights, but Ikram doesn’t feel that she’s at a disadvantage because of her opponent’s edge in quality experience. “My opponent is experienced, but this means nothing to me,” she remarked. “I fear nobody, but I respect all boxers who step in the ring. I do not underestimate anyone, nothing more, and nothing less. I don’t look at her, I look at myself. This is only thing I have control over. I do my job, live my dream, and I have fun doing it. I enjoy every single minute of it. This next step is very important for us. Every single fight brings me a step closer to my goal, which means that every single fight is significant for my career. Fights like this even more so.
Although she had only three amateur matches, including a gold medal performance in the Berlin Championships and taking bronze in the German Championships, Ikram is positioning herself for a world title fight in the not too distant future, assuming she gets past Da Silva.
I trained myself (kao amater) and that wasn’t easy for me, because I really wasn’t a trainer, but I wanted it so bad and now even more,” Kerwat concluded. “I have two kids and I used to say boxing is my third child. And it’s the oldest. I protest and love it, making sure that I progress and develop, getting better and better.
U ko-featured događaj, unbeaten bantamweightMaxThe Baby Face AssassinOrnelas (12-0-1, 4 KOs), No rangirana. 11 in the world by the World Boxing Organization (WBO), as well as the reigning NABA USA bantamweight champion, clashes withAlexXhinoRangel (17-9, 4 KOs), Meksika, in an eight-round bout.
Tucson’sAlfonso Olvera (11-5-2, 4 KOs) ispunjavaCarlos “SilkVilla (14-3-1, 6 KOs), San Antonio, in the six-round Special Welterweight Attraction, and undefeated middleweight prospects, Tucson’sNicholas Rhoads (5-0, 2 KOs) poprimaEduardo Ayala (4-0, 1 KO), Phoenix, square off in a four-round match.
Bivši UFC boracJoe “DieselRiggs(47-18-1, 1 NC), fighting out of Phoenix, makes his professional boxing debut in the FIGHT PASS opener versus pro-debutingDaviante Jones, also of Phoenix, in a four-round bout.
Undefeated Kazakhstan fighterMadiyar Asjkeyev (11-0, 6 KOs) licaCecil McCalla (21-3, 8 KOs) to open the non-FIGHT PASS segment of the show in a 10-round bout for the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF) super welterweight title.
A pair of Tucson middleweightsArturo Resendiz (2-0, 2 KOs) iJose “Raging Bull” Pero (2-1, 1 KO), are matched in the four-round swing bout.
Cards are subject to change.
Cijene ulaznica kreću se od $105.00 (VIP) u $17.00 (pavilion) and are available for purchase online atwww.casinodelsol.com.
Vrata se otvaraju u 6 poslije podne. PT, prvi nastup na 6:15 poslije podne. PT.
For more information about the event, posjetite:
Websites:  http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.casinodelsol.com,www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass 
Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @CDSResort
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @casinodelsolresort
Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass, /CasinoDelSol


Gary Russell Jr. Retains Featherweight Title with TKO Over Kiko Martinez

Juan Heraldez and Argenis Mendez Fight to Majority Draw In Telecast Opener
Live from Brooklyn

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10 Poslije podne. ET/PT On

Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
& OVDJE for Photos from Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
(Photos added shortly)

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions
Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

BROOKLYN (Maj 19, 2019) – WBC u teškoj kategoriji World Champion Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder delivered the 40th knockout of his career in devastating fashion Saturday night, sending mandatory challenger Dominic “Nevolja” BREAZEALEflat on his back with a trademark right hand in front of a raucous crowd at Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN BOKS ™, in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. Successfully defending his belt for the ninth time, Wilder joins illustrious company alongside Hall of Famers Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson and more and becomes the 10th fighter in history to make nine or more consecutive successful heavyweight title defenses. Watch HERE: https://s.sho.com/2Hp0AEh

In the buildup to tonight’s world championship bout, Wilder (41-0-1, 40 KOs) repeatedly promised that the fight would not last long. The towering Tuscaloosa, Ala. native kept his word, scoring the 20th first round knockout of his career and his 15th knockdown as heavyweight world champion. BREAZEALE (20-2, 18 KOs) was able to withstand Wilder’s first early onslaught, but could not beat referee Harvey Dock’s 10-count when Wilder connected flush with the most dangerous right hand in boxing later in the opening round.

Everything just came out of me tonight”, Said Wilder. “I know it’s been a big buildup, there’s been a lot of animosity and a lot of words that were said and it just came out of me tonight. That’s what makes boxing so great.

I just told Breazeale I love him and of course I want to see him go home to his family. I know we say some things, but when you can fight a man and then you can hug him and kiss him, I wish the world was like that. We shake hands and we live to see another day and that’s what it’s all about.

As the attention of the heavyweight division turns to what’s next, Wilder insists that a fight with Tyson Fury, the only man he has faced and not defeated, or Anthony Joshua remains on the table and in the works.

I understand what Fury did,” Said Wilder. “When you get dropped on the canvas like that I understand you have to get yourself back together. But the rematch will happen, like all these other fights will happen. The great thing is all these fights rare in discussion. The big fights will happen. I just want you to have patience.

BREAZEALE, whose only two defeats have now come against both Wilder and Joshua, was disappointed he wasn’t allowed to continue the fight.

I think the ref stopped it a little early because I could hear him saying seven and eight, but that’s boxing,” Said Breazeale. “He did his job and kept us safe for our next fight.

I got on my feet and had my legs under me. It’s the heavyweight division so there’s going to big shots from guys with power. This was a situation where he landed the big right hand before I did. I thought I was going to come on in the later rounds. I’ll be back and go for the heavyweight title again.

U co-funkcija, WBC Featherweight svjetski prvak Gary Russell Jr. (30-1, 18 KOs) put on yet another professional display to defend his belt for the fourth time against a valiant Kiko Martinez (39-9-2, 28 KOs). Due to a gash that opened up over Martinez’s left eye, referee Ricky Gonzalez stopped the fight in the fifth round upon the advice of the ringside physician, resulting in a technical knockout.

Russell, who was fighting for the first time in a year, showed no signs of ring rust and displayed his full skillset including his trademark lightning quick hands. The 30-year-old Capitol Heights, Md. native was dominant from the opening bell and landed on a remarkable 40% njegove moći udaraca. In an all-action fight with little downtime, Martinez did more than enough to play his part. The Spaniard constantly came forward but Russell continued to target the cut that opened up over his eye after a right hook in the second round. The ringside official called for the stoppage of the fight at 2:52 of round number five.

I did pretty good,” rekao je 2008 U.S. Olympian Russell to SHOWTIME ringside reporter Jim Gray. “We stayed behind the jab and he couldn’t get past it. We knew that intellect over athleticism would get it done.

We want [WBA Featherweight Champion] Leo Santa Cruz,” Russell continued while wearing a shirt that read ‘Leo Next’. “We want to make this fight happen. The fire is all the way hot on this side of the field. You will get burned. I would love for that fight to happen this year. Let’s make it happen.

It was a good stoppage for a very tough fight,” said the former world champion Martinez. “I’m definitely a visual fighter so the cut made it tough. Gary was in great physical condition and it was a very hard fight.

I’m going to rest a little bit now, but I’ll be back. I thought I had some good moments and had a good division. I think I’ll drop back down to 122-pounds to win a world title there.

In the telecast opener, neporažena prospect Juan Heraldez (16-0-1, 10 KOs) i bivši prvak svijeta Argenis Mendez (25-5-2, 12 KOs) fought to a highly competitive majority draw. Two judges scored the fight 95-95, while a third had Mendez winning 97-93.

Fighting in front of his mentor Floyd Mayweather, Las Vegas’ Heraldez controlled many of the early rounds by setting the pace and establishing his jab. Heraldez outlanded Mendez 126-108 in total punches and 70-30 in jabs throughout the 10 kruga. Falling behind early, Mendez, a seasoned veteran and 2004 Dominican Republic Olympian, used his experience to grow back into the fight. The tempo picked up in the fifth round, as both fighters landed several heavy blows but the momentum shifted towards Mendez. The 32-year-old Mendez, who has fought seven current or former champions, closed out the fight exceptionally strong, winning the final round on all three judges’ scorecards. Without doing so, Mendez would have lost the fight.

“Mislio sam da sam dobio borbu,” said a disappointed Mendez. “He didn’t do anything to me. How did he win the fight? If I have to prove I beat him in a rematch, Ja ću biti spreman. I won’t leave it up to the judges.

My speed and my power made it difficult for him. I thought my counterpunching was really good. He tired toward the later rounds and that let me get a little closer to him to get my offense going.

Slično, Heraldez thought he did enough to win the fight which he viewed as a potential coming out party.

I thought I won a close decision,” Heraldez said. “I didn’t think it was a draw. He didn’t do anything that hurt me at any point.

He wasn’t really engaging with me. He was just trying to move around and pick his shots, but it wasn’t anything I wasn’t ready for. I’ll either take the rematch with Mendez or move forward toward my goal of a world title.

Preceding the telecast, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN featured three undercard attractions streamed live on the SHOWTIME Sports social platforms. A battle between heavyweights Robert Alfonso (18-0-1, 8 KOs) i Iago Kiladze (26-4-1, 18 KOs) ended in a split-draw after eight rounds of action. While one judge scored the fight 77-75 for Alfonso, another had it 77-75 za Kiladze, with the third judge scoring it 76-76, resulting in the draw.

Also entering the ring was 2016 U.S. Olimpijski Gary Antuanne Russell (9-0, 9 KOs), the younger brother of the featherweight champion Gary Russell Jr., koji je paoMarcos Mojica (16-4-2, 12 KOs) twice to earn a stoppage 2:13 u trećem kolu. Rounding out the action was Brooklyn-native and 2016 Haitian Olympian Richardson Hitchins (9-0, 5 KOs), who scored a TKO of Alejandro Munera (4-2-3, 4 KOs) after Munera was knocked down in round three and unable to continue despite making it to the final bell of the round.

# # #

Wilder vs. Breazeale was a BombZquad event headlined by Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder defending his WBC title against top contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Maj 18 živi na SHOWTIME iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN BOKS ™, i predstavio Premier Boks prvaka.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® began at 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 sati. PT and featured WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. brani titulu bivši svetski šampion Kiko Martínez, plus unbeaten super lightweight contender Juan Heráldez squaring-off against former world champion Argenis Méndez in a 10-round attraction. The Heraldez vs. Mendez fight was co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

Za više informacija posjetite www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,
pratite na Twitteru @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing i www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


ZA immediate release: Lewiston, Mejn (Maj 17, 2019) - New England Borbe (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday, Jun 22 with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.” Ranije danas, the fight promotion announced the addition of a women’s amateur title fight to the card. Glory Watson (4-0) Planirano je da se suoči Caree Hill (4-1) for the vacant NEF Women’s Amateur Flyweight Title. The bout will be presented by NEF in conjunction with Queen MMA Media.

Undefeated Glory Watson will look to continue her winning ways in the NEF cage and, u tome, make history as the promotion’s first women’s 125-pound titleholder. In 2018, she was the runner up for “Rookie of the Year” as voted by NEF fans. Earlier this year, Watson submitted a very tough Rachael Lippert (4-3) u “NEF 37.”  She followed up that performance with a unanimous decision victory this spring on a fight card in Massachusetts. Watson represents Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Mejn.

I am looking forward to stepping up and attempting to earn the 125 naslov,” said Watson. “Caree Hill is a good opponent, and will present a new set of challenges for me as a fighter. Ova borba, pobijediti ili izgubiti, will test my skill and my heart. My time in the amateur ranks may be limited, so I plan to work my way to the top.

Caree Hill will make the 3,000 mile journey across country from Portland, Oregon to face Watson for the strap. After winning her first three amateur fights, Hill took some time off from the cage following her first loss in 2017. She returned late in 2018 with a unanimous decision victory in her most recent bout. Hill holds a win in the cage of national promotion Legacy FC. She represents Team Quest which was founded by MMA pioneers and UFC legends Randy Couture (19-11) and Dan Henderson (32-15).  Hill is in good company with Team Quest. The West Coast-based team has produced many of the top names in the sport over the years, including Chael Sonnen (30-16), Nate Quarry (12-4), and the late Evan Tanner (32-8) just to name a few.

I’m honored for the opportunity to fight for the flyweight championship for New England Fights,” remarked Hill when reached for comment.  “I relish the challenge of fighting an undefeated fighter in her own backyard. I never back down from a challenge. This is guaranteed to be an exciting fight.

The title fight between Watson and Hill joins two other championship contests already announced for theNEF 39card. JoshHook OnHarvey (6-0-1) is scheduled to defend the professional featherweight title against Jordan Downey (5-4), while Nate Boucher (4-3) will square off with Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant amateur men’s flyweight belt. Also announced for the card, Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-7) faces Lewis Corapi (8-5) in a professional lightweight bout.

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” will take place on Saturday, Jun 22, 2019 na Androscoggin banke Colisee u Lewiston, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Tickets are on sale now atwww.TheColisee.com.


The closest Breazeale is going to get to this belt, is in his dreams,” Wilder

I’m going to beat Deontay so bad that he’s not going to ever want to lace up the gloves again,” BREAZEALE

Wilder vs. Breazeale Heavyweight World Championship Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Tripleheader This Saturday Live on SHOWTIME® from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Kliknite OVDJE za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Kliknite OVDJE for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Mayweather Promotions

BROOKLYN (Maj 16, 2019) – WBC u teškoj kategoriji World Champion Deontay “The Bronze Bomber” Wilder and mandatory challenger Dominic “Nevolja” BREAZEALE continued their war of words and further escalated their longstanding feud at the final press conference Thursday ahead of their showdown this Saturday live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN BOKS ™, i predstavio Premier Boks prvaka.

Also featured at the final press conference were WBC Featherweight World ChampionGary Russell Jr. i bivši prvak svijeta Kiko Martinez, who meet in a 12-round bout for Russell’s world title, i bez poraza Juan Heraldez i bivši prvak svijeta Argenis Mendez, who compete in a 10-round super lightweight fight. Those two bouts will be part of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage beginning at 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 sati. PT na SHOWTIME, while three undercard fights will stream live on SHOWTIME Sports social platforms beginning at 6:30 poslije podne. I / 3:30 poslije podne. PT on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN.

Tickets for this BombZquad event can be purchased at ticketmaster.comibarclayscenter.com. Tickets also can be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Popusti grupe su dostupni pozivom na 844-BKLYN-GP. The Heraldez vs. Mendez fight is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Barclays Center:


These fighters always get into great shape and think they have the game plan to beat me. They think they’re going to catch me. It’s not going to work. Nothing this guy has prepared for is going to work.

I hope he brings the best he can bring. This is more than just a boxing match. I’m passionate about what I do. This has been a long time coming for me and Dominic. He asked for this, and he shall receive.

It’s going to be an amazing night for me, and a sad night for him. Being heavyweight champion is a big responsibility. Not everyone is made to be a champion. It’s more than being glamorous or carrying around this prestigious belt.

I’ve trained harder than I’ve ever trained. He’s got me inspired like I was against Bermane Stiverne. I want to hurt Breazeale so bad. I’m going to keep my composure until that time comes Saturday night.

I don’t believe Breazeale when he speaks. I’ve been in this game for a very long time. Someone like him is not going to beat me. The closest he’s going to get to this belt is in his dreams.

My whole team has been with me since day one. We started together and we’re going to go all the way together. It’s been an amazing run for me. I started my career at the very bottom and worked all the way to this point.

We never rushed anything. Even in the Olympics, I was still learning on the job. We trained to be a long term champion, not a short term champion, and we accomplished that. I’m appreciative for how far I’ve come and for everything that’s come with it. Hard work pays off.

My actions are going to speak louder than my words. I am the best. I am the chosen one. On može reći šta želi. It’s going to be a great fight for as long as it lasts. I’m going to bring the pain. Subota noć, everyone is in for a treat.


“Ja sam super uzbuđen za ovu borbu. Virgil Hunter and myself had a great camp. It was truly one of the best of my life. I’m mentally focused and physically right.

I’m excited to be back and get another knockout win. Getting that WBC belt is everything to me. This is my Super Bowl.

Victory for me on Saturday is everything. Wilder doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. He’s in for a fight. He better be confident in his abilities, because Saturday night, he’s going to be in the toughest fight of his life.

I’m going to beat Deontay so bad that he’s not going to ever want to lace up the gloves again. Sports are 80% mental. When I’m done with him, the mental aspect is going to be beat out of him.

I’m going to put on another explosive performance. I’ve been dreaming for the last year about hearing ‘and the new.It’s a beautiful thing and I can’t wait to make it come true and have my hand raised.

Wilder hasn’t developed at all during his career. He looks the same as he did in the amateurs. He needs to talk himself up to make himself feel confident.

I’m too mentally in-tune to be focused on what someone says. When I go into a fight I don’t worry about what my opponent can do, but about what I want to do and how I can execute.

None of Deontay’s words affect me at all. He’s going to keep barking and I’m just going to keep waiting. I’m going to quiet him down on Saturday night.


I’m hungry and ready. Anyone that I step in the ring with is standing in the way of my goals. Anyone trying to stop me, is in a dangerous position.

We’re going to try to control the pace of the fight with my jab. I don’t think he’s going to get past the jab. He’s going to try to get rough and physical. My plan is to make the adjustments that I need to get this win.

It’s always a family affair with the Russells. We move as a unit and we excel as a unit. My family is where I pull all my energy from. It’s never a distraction. They give me the fuel I need.

In boxing you need to have full trust and belief in your coach. I couldn’t imagine a better fit than having my dad. Even if he gives instructions that might not be 100% right in my eyes, I know that it’s going to be the best thing for me.

No one in this division wants to step in the ring with me. They know the speed and power and abilities that I bring every time I step into the ring.

Deontay and I were on the same Olympic team, plus Dominic and my little brother Gary Antuanne Russell were also U.S. Olimpijci. It makes for an amazing card on Saturday night.


I come to fight and get that title. I had a very smooth training camp and feel 100 percent physically.

I think my experience is superior. He thinks I’m only a pressure fighter, but he hasn’t seen me box the way I’m going to box him on Saturday.

This is the biggest opportunity of my life. To be on this platform and be able to fight for the championship is very special. I’m going to make the most of it.

I hope that Russell doesn’t take me lightly because I still have a lot of abilities left. It’s going to be a great fight for as long as it lasts.


Camp went great and I can’t wait to put on a show. I’m going to let everyone in this division know that I’m coming for them. I’m going to seize the moment and take full advantage of it.

I feel strong and I’m ready to fight. I’m just counting down the minutes until I can step into the ring. It’s a lot of excitement and I’m going to let it all out Saturday.

I plan to win in spectacular fashion on Saturday. I’m going to show everyone that I’m a player at 140-pounds and I’m ready for anyone they can put in front of me.

I’m not planning to get hit. I’m going to out box him and stick and move. He’s not going to be able to touch me. If the opportunity for a knockout comes, I’ll take it.

Argenis Mendez

“Ja sam vrlo uzbuđen za ovu priliku. I had a great training camp and on Saturday night you’re going to see a show at Barclays Center.

I love boxing and I love this opportunity that I have on Saturday night. I’m going to show my passion for the sport during this fight. I feel great physically and just cannot wait to get into the ring.

A win on Saturday night opens the door for me. People are going to start seeing me as one of the best fighters from the Dominican Republic.

“To će biti dobra borba. I have the speed and skills to out box him. We’re both very smart fighters. I believe I’m the better fighter and it will show on Saturday night.

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, President Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.

The heavyweight division is exciting again and a lot of that has to do with Deontay Wilder. It’s also been helped by SHOWTIME and our commitment to the division. No other network has been more committed or invested more in the heavyweights than SHOWTIME has and we’re proud of that.

We’re also proud that several of the fighters on this card have fought frequently on SHOWTIME. Deontay will make his 12th appearance and Gary will make his 11th. Wilder, Russell and Dominic all launched their careers on ShoBox, like so many other great fighters.

When you get two guys together for a long-awaited grudge match, there’s not a lot that needs to be said. Deontay is the longest-reigning heavyweight champion in the sport. This would be the ninth defense for him, which is something that only nine other heavyweights have done in boxing history.

Deonay had two of the most exciting heavyweight fights in recent history last year. As for Dominic, he’s a big strong experienced guy who’s been on the world stage before. He has fought for a world title and he’s coming off of three consecutive wins. He has plenty of power and we saw that in his last fight against Carlos Negron that he can change the fight in one punch.


The heavyweight division has been the talk of the sports world for months, and it’s fitting that the world champion will defend his title right here in Brooklyn in one of the biggest fights in the sport this year.

“Deontay, I’ve said for a long time that this is your home away from home and we can’t wait to have you back. You have a big opponent this week in Dominic Breazeale. Dominic you’ve already made two appearances in our ring and we know the fans are looking forward to another great show.

# # #

Wilder vs. Breazeale is headlined by Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder defending his WBC title against top contender Dominic Breazeale Saturday, Maj 18 živi na SHOWTIME iz Barclays Center, dom BROOKLYN BOKS ™, i predstavio Premier Boks prvaka.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® počinje u 9 poslije podne. ET / 6 sati. PT and features WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Russell Jr. brani titulu bivši svetski šampion Kiko Martínez, plus unbeaten super lightweight contender Juan Heráldez squaring-off against former world champion Argenis Méndez in a 10-round attraction. The Heraldez vs. Mendez fight is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

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