WBC超羽量级冠军伊娃·瓦尔斯特伦保留所有权, 打架罗尼卡·杰弗里分裂平局




LAS VEGAS (八月 3, 2019) - 世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 女性世界超羽量级冠军 伊娃·瓦尔斯特伦 保留她的头衔用战斗到10轮分裂的绘制昨晚与挑战者 Ronica“皇后”杰弗里 在托马斯马克中心在拉斯维加斯.

瓦尔斯特伦VS. 杰弗里 是在UFC FIGHT PASS系列安装在另一个RJJ拳击的主要事件, 这是现场直播UFC上FIGHTPASS®, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务

RJJ拳击促销提供免费入场,以奖励其忠实拉斯维加斯的球迷和 5,400 到场观看的动作.

瓦尔斯特伦 (22-1-2), 战斗了芬兰, 在度过了一个损失决定不败的爱尔兰明星凯蒂·泰勒 今年2月在著名的麦迪逊广场花园在纽约市. 本领域技术芬兰一直是WBC锦标自 2015 这是她第五次成功卫冕.

杰弗里 (17-1-1, 1 KO), 从布鲁克林前IWBF世界冠军, 骑了四打连胜进入昨晚对阵瓦尔斯特伦斗争.

瓦尔斯特伦和杰弗里都是战术, 纯粹的拳击手谁昨晚打这样, 来回没有任何的伤害。这是一个连打那可能已经与法官无论哪种方式蒂姆·奇塔姆 它的得分平局 (95-95), 理查德·奥卡西奥 稍微青睐Walstrom (96-94), 和丽莎Giampa inexplicitly有杰弗里赢得所有 10 发 (100-90).

在共功能的事件, 前顶 10 额定超次中量级约翰“飞鸿”维拉(19-1, 11 科斯) 上升到中量级, 法国失去了第一次作为一个亲去年3月后米歇尔·索罗 通过12轮的决定的方式。维拉, 的战斗沃斯堡, 得克萨斯州, 战胜了他的对手乌兹别克六轮的决定, Ravshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 科斯), 前WBA FEDALATIN次中量级冠军.

拉斯维加斯的超轻量级杰米“奇迹”米切尔 (5-0-2, 3 科斯) 与弗吉尼亚英国哈特 (3-3-2, 2 科斯) 作战的六轮多数平局.

本地喜爱特雷弗科文顿 赢得了他的专业首演, 同时在对洛杉矶夜的战斗四回合的一致决定角度超轻量级Ming Freeman (1-4-1), 谁曾点扣除低的打击.



伊娃·瓦尔斯特伦 (22-1-2, 3 科斯), 冠军, 赫尔辛基, 芬兰

SD10 (96-94, 95-95, 90-100)

罗恩·杰弗里 (17-1-1, 1 KO), 挑战者, 布鲁克林, 纽约


共同特征 - middleweights的

约翰“飞鸿”维拉 (19-1, 11 科斯), 沃思堡, TX

WDEC 6 (58-56, 58-56, 58-56)

Ravshan Hudaynazarov (17-2, 13 科斯), 拉斯维加斯, NV乌兹别克斯坦方式


杰米·米切尔 (5-0-2, 3 科斯), 拉斯维加斯, NV

MD6 (589-56, 57-57, 57-57

英国哈特 (3-3-2, 2 科斯), 罗阿诺克, VA


特雷弗科文顿 (1-0), 亨德森, NV

WDEC4 (37-36, 37-36, 37-36)

明自由 (1-4-1), 洛杉矶, 例如


Websites:   HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpass,www.thomasandmack.com

叽叽喳喳: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasAndMack, @wahlstrom_eva

Instagram的: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @ThomasandMack, @eva_wahlstrom

Facebook的: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass, /托马斯&MackCenter, /EvaWahlstrom,


由: 丰富的伯​​杰龙


别 让名字糊弄你。, 它不只是让你的荷尔蒙肆虐了性 活动. 虽然这是淫羊藿的记录,并号称史上, 它也是血液循环和整体能级有益. 禅 土黄还包括玛卡根, 参, 东革阿里, 锯棕榈, 和 L-精氨酸.

一世 肯定觉得更多的精力和采取一定的接受身体的好处 这个产品. 它也不会来找你可能会遇到的心脏心悸 与睾丸激素药丸或能量饮料. 在这种混合的成分 还可以帮助维持健康的胆固醇水平,并有助于消化酶.

这些都是天然的药丸绝对的零负面影响,我可以检测. 他们也非GMO, 无糖, 无激素和抗生素免费. 一切由提供 禅土黄 通过GMP认证的实验室在美国生产. 他们被称为产品的最纯净的可能成分.

它的 不是一个错误,该产品被称为“人力。”你会真切地感受到 在卧室的好处比其他地方更. 你知道这是好东西,当 你的女朋友都关注. 我已经采取了一些其他的效力助推器在 过去, 但没有像这样只要惊人的,即时增强 你的耐力水平. 当然,血流刺激成分也使 对于更难的勃起.

总体, 我肯定会放弃这个产品我代言. 这往往是很难找到的所有自然和安全使用的兴奋剂这样的. 是否 你得到它为您的工作生活, 你的爱情生活, 或者两者, 它会 绝对满足您的所有精力和性欲,提高需求.

您也可以在禅土黄每月免费赠品进入自己 (连赢三个月的产品与每月特色不同的产品) 通过点击这个特殊的链接: https://www.facebook.com/zennaturally/videos/376094093155470/

摹Wb的(^ h

BELLATOR亮相米兰, 意大利上周六, 华侨城. 12 具有堆叠的事件具有双-MMA卡片和BELLATOR跆拳道的RETURN



更多, 加布里埃尔·巴尔加辩护,他Bellator跆拳道羽量级冠军反对克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺在 Bellator跆拳道12和罗马的亚历西奥·萨卡拉看起来招待意大利人群


LOS ANGELES  - Bellator返回意大利第七次在星期六, 十月. 12 与值得的三个独立的账单上独一无二的事件. 该MMA和跆拳道动作将全部由安联云发出 (防爆Palalido) 在米兰的心脏的格斗运动之一不可思议的夜晚.


派拉蒙网络 (和DAZN联播) 该卡的部分将由前中量级拳王头条新闻拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (16-3) 现蕾与瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2) 在轻重量级事作为部分Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov广播。Bellator 230将空气在U.S磁带延迟. 在9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT.


另外, 在Bellator欧洲系列的第五批, Bellator米兰: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂, 将展出之间的炸药205磅重的对决梅尔文Manhoef (31-14-1, 2 NC) 和雅尼克财富 (9-4, 1 NC) 将串流直播的Bellator移动应用在中美在5 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. CTBellator米兰将现场直播在 10 P.M. BST在海峡 5 在英国. 也对卡, 意大利MMA传奇和Bellator大使阿莱西奥Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) 发生在轻重量级迦南格雷斯比(8-7) 在一个特殊的特征回合.


开幕当晚的行动将是Bellator Kickboxing 12: 瓦尔加VS. 福斯蒂诺, 通过当前Bellator自由搏击轻量级冠军固定卡加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (17-6) 卫冕他对阵巴勒莫称号, 意大利的克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺 (48-18), 而合作的主要也会看到清Allazov (55-3, 1 NC) 在158磅catchweight回合一争高下Sudsakorn(289-54-4). Bellator Kickboxing 12 将现场揭开序幕,行动上Bellator移动应用在11 A.M. ET / 10时. CT. 另外的较量将在未来几周内公布.


行动的整个夜场门票现已公开发售,并可以在Bellator.com 和Bellator.it.


从里约热内卢海陵, 巴西, 这位33岁的卡瓦略将让他在今年的第二次亮相, 下面通过一个印象深刻的胜利赤帝Njokuani 就在上个月. 由于与Bellator签约 2014, 美国强队战斗机已经收集了7场胜利, 他量级冠军完胜布兰登·哈尔西突出, 这为他后来跟着三个成功卫冕. 巴西的淘汰赛艺术家站在对面将是老乡国际巨头瓦迪姆Nemkov, 作为27岁的俄罗斯看起来添加到他目前五战连胜. 由于使他的专业首演 2013, 前者三宝世界冠军费多尔艾米连科-门生已串成 10 十几个回合的胜利, 八次击倒和八个第一轮结束突出他的简历.


使他的第八外观Bellator, 梅尔文·曼霍夫已建成自己的名字了,已经看到他完成一个24年的职业生涯中 28 他 31 通过淘汰赛受害者, 含 25 在行动的开幕分钟内的第一轮和八. 战斗在外面阿姆斯特丹, 多才多艺的43岁的也有 38 职业跆拳道胜在他的皮带, 这使他在商业最有经验的和动态的战斗机之一. 随着三胜自从加盟Bellator一对令人印象深刻的击倒, “没有慈悲”希望能找到他的方式回到冠军争夺以一次胜利在最近签署的巴哈蒂. “黑曼巴”进入Bellator笼他职业生涯的第二次, 希望当他在首轮的成品阿米尔Dadovic复制他在五月曾成功Bellator伯明翰. 这位29岁的中量级将使得在重量等级的跳起来挑战是什么,无疑是他8年的职业生涯中Manhoef最艰难的任务.


加布里埃尔·巴尔加是断食一个有力的胜利在他的混合武术登场, 打架,他完成了一个跳跃膝和拳在Bellator 224. 现在, 多伦多本地返回到那里他做了他的名字,并成为首届Bellator跆拳道145磅冠军的运动. 这位34岁的加拿大有超过四拼运行相符3胜淘汰赛, 其中包括总冠军的胜利了Kevin Ross 和山Cangelosi. 从巴勒莫海陵, 意大利, 福斯蒂诺将与支持他的国家的身后进入跆拳道环. 这位29岁的意大利人竞争了专业的战斗森佩尔阿凡提博洛尼亚,几乎持有 60 战斗以他的名字。现在, 他在Bellator跆拳道金牌射击,当他在10月12日竞争.


战斗在外面明斯克, 白俄罗斯, Chingiz Allazov将Bellator跆拳道的指导下,只是在他8年的职业生涯中第二次被竞争, 其中,26岁的Phenom赢得 55 过一个59回合拉伸胜利. 意大利在已经击败Klinmee去年刚, 前K-1超中量级冠军将尝试复制胜利令人兴奋的复赛. 从芭堤雅海陵, 泰国, 32岁的萨兹空·索·克林米 将他10月Bellator跆拳道登场. 12. The reigning Thailand and World Kickboxing Network Muay Thai welterweight world champion also hopes to add to his extensive professional resume, 包括 289 胜 74 击倒.


Born in Rome, Sakara will return to his home country for the sixth time since signing with Bellator in 2016. When fighting in Italy under the promotion, “Legionarius” has amassed three victories, all of which ended in a knockout. The 37-year-old former world title contender has earned 20 事业胜利, 含 16 finishes and 14 击倒, making him one of the most dangerous 205-pound athletes on the roster. Tasked with the opportunity to spoil Sakara’s homecoming is 39-year-old Oklahoman Canaan Grigsby, who is also known for his ability to put his adversaries away early in the fight. With seven of his eight career victories coming by way of knockout, 包括四个第一轮,结束, “超兽”会找他7年的职业生涯中最大的胜利,当他在Bellator笼子里面步骤的第一次.


更新Bellator 230: 卡瓦略VS. Nemkov战卡:

轻重量级的主要事件: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (16-3) 与瓦迪姆Nemkov (10-2)


更新Bellator米兰: Manhoef VS. 巴哈蒂战卡:

轻重量级的主要事件: 梅尔文Manhoef(31-14-1, 2 NC) 与雅尼克财富 (9-4, 1 NC)

轻重量级功能事件: 阿莱西奥Sakara (20-13, 2 NC) 与迦南格雷斯比(8-7)

重量级初步回合: 安德烈隆福寺 (8-4) 与沃尔特Pugliesi(4-2)


更新Bellator Kickboxing 12: 瓦尔加VS. 福斯蒂诺战卡:

跆拳道羽量级世界冠军的主要事件: 加布里埃尔瓦尔加(17-6) 与克里斯蒂安·福斯蒂诺(48-18)

158-英镑Catchweight合作的主要事件: 清Allazov (55-3, 1 NC) 与Sudsakorn线Klinmee(289-54-4)

羽量级布特: Enderson Bonat (21-9) Kebrom Neguse(33-2-2) 




请访问Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

Oshae琼斯在历史 2019 泛美运动会

利马, 秘鲁 (八月 2, 2019) — Oshae琼斯 (托莱多, 俄亥俄) 创造了历史上总决赛的第一个晚上在 2019 泛美运动会在利马, 秘鲁,成为有史以来第一位女性的次中量级的泛美运动会金牌得主. 这标志着第一次在泛美运动会历史上的妇女将有五个体重级别, 相比具有三个体重级别前两次奥运会.

琼斯击败了加拿大和Myriam DaSilva一致决定, 赢得所有三轮, 10-9, 从两名法官, 两三轮, 10-9, 从一名法官。

这标志着第二次琼斯和DaSilva去头对头, 琼斯击败她 5-0 在泛美运动会预选赛在今年早些时候.

琼斯此前击败巴拿马Atheyna Bylon在四分之一决赛和M. 在多米尼加共和国在半决赛的Moronta Herand使这些锦标赛的决赛。

美国队看起来收出他们最成功的泛美运动会,因为 1983, 明天晚上有四个拳手力争金牌, Keyshawn戴维斯 (诺福克, 弗吉尼亚州。), 弗吉尼亚福克斯 (休斯顿, 得克萨斯州), 娜奥米·格雷厄姆 (科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州。) 和 拉根公爵 (辛辛那提, 俄亥俄). 他们的四个奖牌将被添加到琼斯的金牌和五枚铜牌由本星期早些时候赢得 Rashida埃利斯 (林恩, 质量。), 特洛伊艾斯利 (亚历山大, 弗吉尼亚州。), Delante约翰逊 (克利夫兰, 俄亥俄), Yarisel拉米雷斯 (拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。) 和 理查德Torrez JR. (莱里, 加利福尼亚州。).

按照美国人的拳击最后一天点击这里: https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Boxing/2019-Pan-American-Games


69 公斤: Oshae琼斯, 托莱多, 俄亥俄州/ USA, 十二月. 在和Myriam DaSilva / CAN, 5-0

ADAM VS Kownacka. CHRIS ARREOLA最后的新闻发布会QUOTES & 照片 – 不败的波兰之星 & 布鲁克林人亚当Kownacki & 前冠军挑战者克里斯Arreola变脸FOX PBC不打不相识福克斯之夜的主要事件 & FOX Deportes进行这个星期六从巴克莱中心在布鲁克林

ADAM VS Kownacka. CHRIS ARREOLA最后的新闻发布会QUOTES & 照片

不败的波兰之星 & 布鲁克林人亚当Kownacki & 前冠军挑战者克里斯Arreola变脸FOX PBC不打不相识福克斯之夜的主要事件 & FOX Deportes进行这个星期六从巴克莱中心在布鲁克林

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ TGB促销图片

布鲁克林 (八月 1, 2019) – 不败的波兰明星 亚当Kownacki 和前冠军挑战者 克里斯 “梦魇” Arreola的 去面对面在周四的最后的记者招待会, 他们在一个重量级对决领衔FOX PBC搏击之夜满足前两天这个星期六住在巴克莱中心FOX和FOX Deportes进行, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

在新闻发布会上还设有战士在行动,在竞争开始 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT为不败WBA临时轻重量级冠军 “先生” 马库斯·布朗和前世界冠军 让·帕斯卡尔, 加上布鲁克林 柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯 甘文维OMOTOSO, 所有领先各自的对决面临断周六晚.

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在Ticketmaster.com购买. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心.

战斗机是由前直系重量级冠军参加在舞台上 迈克尔·斯平克斯. 这里是战士有什么星期四从布鲁克林万豪说:

ADAM Kownacka

“这是我的一个梦想成真. 由于业余爱好者,我想在巴克莱中心,并在星期六晚上打我的主要事件. 我不能更兴奋

“我在训练营已经拼尽全力,我迫不及待地想告诉大家我的所有作品星期六. 关键将是在猛刺和串扔我的拳像我总是做.

“这对我来说是顶篷的全新体验, 但在环没关系. 这只是两个人互相争斗. 我们都爱打架. 我迫不及待地想把它过来,冲他的脸.

“克里斯Arreola是战士. 你总是知道,当克里斯战斗, 这是一个很好的战斗. 但我要测试他多少气罐中左. 克里斯一直在那里有三个冠军,当我打理生意上周六, 我会一步步接近成为世界冠军.

“这确实是一个伟大的感觉,在这里有从我的球迷都该支持. 这些球迷都信任我把标题回到布鲁克林和波兰.

“巴克莱中心一直是我的拳击家. 我已经等不及在环获得. 这是一场艰苦的战斗,我必须确保我送球迷之家幸福.

“这无疑已经扑灭写了这一切年度. 我们都不害怕,让我们的手去,不管发生什么事, 球迷都将是上周六赢家。”


“据我所知,亚当是最喜欢的,因为他的不败和战斗在他的家乡. 在一天结束时, 没有任何与我有关. 我要去给我的一切这场斗争.

“我现在正悠哉. 我没有任何压力. 如果我输了, 我没事行走方式. 但我不是在这里做. 我在这里取胜.

“我知道我有一个强硬的对手在我面前. 我有我的工作等着我. But ‘The Nightmareis going to keep going.

I went to Joe Goossen as my trainer because I knew it was time to make a change. I have to make this last run count. This is the best team I could imagine. Joe makes you work on your mistakes. I believe the winner of this fight is whoever takes advantage of the first mistake.

I respect everybody outside of the ring, but once we’re in the ring, I’m not friends with anyone. We’ll shake hands after the final bell, but I’m here to put on a show. It’s lights, 相机, action and time to shine.

He’s a volume puncher. He just keeps coming and he’s smiling at you the whole time. 在一天结束时, I’m going to put a frown on his face Saturday.

My prediction is that the fans are going to get their money’s worth. You better record this one, because you’re going to watch it again and again. I’m going to come out with my hand raised.


Being in training in Colorado really lets me get attuned to my game plan. It’s just waking up every day and working with that same mentality where I’m focused on nothing but the fight. It’s all about going in there and getting that win.

I’m going to punish Pascal on Saturday. If the knockout is how he wants to go, 我会准备好. I promise I’m going to beat him for 12 发.

It feels great to be here defending my belt. I’ll be in a better position after this fight. I’m going to make a statement in this fight and put Pascal in his place.

Pascal is a guy who doesn’t come to lay down, he comes to beat you. That’s what the sport is about. You have to fight guys of that stature if you’re not fighting champions.

A win on Saturday puts me in contention to fight for a world title next. That’s my focus, 但在此之前, it’s about Jean Pascal and taking care of him the right way.

This is a great card for New York with me, Adam and Curtis all representing our home city. It’s great for us to be in this position together.


Marcus has been saying that he’s going to go in there and try to knock me out, but I’m no amateur. I know what his game plan is going to be. He’s going to run around the ring and try to hold. We all know he’s the best at running like a chicken.

When I was Marcus’ 年龄, 我已经是一个世界冠军. 他看着我上电视的时候,他在奥运会上.

“他打算怎么敲我? 我想如果没有那八斗杰克在他们的战斗晋级, 他会敲出来马库斯.

“我准备好了. 我是一个坚实的战斗机. 我争取最好的, 所以我不认为马库斯就能敲我.

“我太良好的全方位的马库斯 - . 这是我的机会,证明我还是有在坦克留下了大量的气体. 我还不够好,在运动的最顶级对抗。”


“这是我第一次在巴克莱中心战, 我要去给球迷,他们一直缺少什么味道.

“我决定,我会去到154磅,因为我的阵营有很多顶160磅战斗机,所以我们都在彼此的方式获得. 有我很多的机会,在这个重量级别以及.

“不管发生了什么事在我的职业生涯, 我一直回来. 我精神上随时反弹. 我在我的职业生涯有裁员, 但我知道我会得到我需要为.

“没有人打电话给我,因为他们知道我可以冲. 我的顶级战士太冒险,因为他们知道有他们得到淘汰的机会.

“这是令人难以置信有这样的机会在巴克莱中心争取在第一时间. 这将是我和一个很好的时间所有的球迷。”


“我并不担心史蒂文斯处于一个新的权重. 我不认为这会影响到他那么多. 周六, 我们既要尽最大努力,争取获得胜利.

“他是一个大的穿孔谁争吵. 但我是一个大的穿孔太. 他一直在那里和大家战斗, 但我要的世界我可以做什么表现.

“我认为这将是一个脚趾到脚趾战斗. 可能有一些感觉了, 但随着战斗的继续,我们进入中间两轮, 它会在环中被打.

“我已经为这场战斗训练很好,曾与许多不同的战士对打. 我已经看到了整个营地的不同风格会有我要什么史蒂文斯显示我上周六晚的准备。”

# # #

Kownacki VS. Arreola的坑不败的波兰明星和布鲁克林本地亚当Kownacki对老将前冠军挑战者克里斯 “梦魇” Arreola的为头条FOX PBC搏击之夜福克斯和福克斯Deportes进行周六的重量级对决, 八月 3 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

广播开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT和功能不败临时WBA轻重量级冠军 “先生” 马库斯·布朗在12轮的回合作战的前世界冠军让·帕斯卡尔, 加上布鲁克林的柯蒂斯·史蒂文斯,使他对甘文维OMOTOSO 154磅登场在10轮的战斗.

观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX体育和FOX NOW应用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX体育的SiriusXM频道 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, HT
www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.



爱尔兰GARY“SPIKE’ 奥沙利文

亚伯拉罕NOVA保卫NABA超羽量级冠军对米格尔BELTRAN JR.

UNDERCARD以特色WHO'S WHO方面的发展前景的包括卡洛斯·贡戈拉, JAMES佩雷拉 & KHIARY TODD



波士顿, 嘛. (八月 1, 2019):

上个月,看到售罄亮相活动结束后 2,300 人包安可波士顿港的毕加索宴会厅, 墨菲拳击 很荣幸地宣布立即返回新开 2.6 数十亿美元的度假胜地 星期五, 8月23日.

堆叠卡将采用墨菲拳击最流行的战斗机之一的美国本土的回归, 顶 20 名列世界超次中量级的竞争者, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文(30-3, 21 科斯) 和Top 10 世界排名, 亚伯拉罕新星 (15-0, 11 科斯) 谁将捍卫他 NABA超羽量级冠军.

奥沙利文将采取硬打阿根廷老将, 迭戈Marocchi (18-4-1, 14 科斯) 在 8 轮对决两个战士之间承诺的烟花不知道如何退一步.

'穗', 从科克车把偲战斗机, 爱尔兰, 已经在波士顿大规模遵循具有争食 10 在新英格兰地区倍, 包括他的最后一战,在过去的圣. 帕特里克节时,他停下Khiary灰色的血腥激烈殴斗.

在共顶篷, 在超轻量级分裂最热的战斗机之一, 墨菲拳击的自己, 亚伯拉罕新星 将在著名的墨西哥老将, 米格尔·贝尔特兰JR.(33-7, 22 科斯) 为Nova的NABA超羽量级冠军 在 10 轮的较量.

新星, 他漂白的金发大胡子和精心制作的环入口称为华而不实的年轻战士目前排名 #7 在世界上的 WBA 并且正在接近一个射击世界冠军在红热师,具有流行的冠军像 Gervonta戴维斯, Tevin农民安德鲁Cancio.

在合作的主要事件将看到墨菲拳击自己厄瓜多尔奥海, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉(16-0, 12 科斯) 他在最艰难的考验 10 反对“墨西哥风车”轮中量级回合, 艾伦·萨瓦拉 (15-4, 13 科斯) 将看到胜者进军真正的前景地位.


林恩, 马萨诸塞州’ Khiary托德 (8-1, 6 科斯) 谁将会面临总部位于佛罗里达州的巴西,亚历桑德罗·杜阿尔特 (14-7-1, 11 科斯) 在 6 轮超次中量级回合.

曼斯菲尔德, 马萨诸塞州’ 詹姆斯·佩雷拉 (4-0, 3 科斯), 谁上亮相喝采波士顿港事件,本月战斗. 在业余突出将在返回 4 针对对手的轮次中量级回合被命名,这将是年轻的战斗机的第五回合在短短的五个月作为一个专业.

该卡将杀进 6 当地的战士谁将会对对方的时候斯托纳姆可以使他们的亲亮相, 马萨诸塞州本土, 詹姆斯·珀金斯 发生在波士顿 亚伦Trecell史密斯 在 4 轮重量级回合, 水城, 马萨诸塞州’ 格雷格·波诺发生在惠特曼, 马萨诸塞州’ 布赖恩Urday 在 4 回合超次中量级回合和波士顿 乔纳森Depina 需要对对手在一个被命名为 4 轮轻量级回合.

“人们还在纷纷议论我们的喝采波士顿港的最后一场比赛。”, 说 肯·凯西, 墨菲拳击的创始人和推动者.

“它是如此令人兴奋的是未来右后卫的Encore和UFC搏击与我们的大枪一样尖脉冲通过, 新星和贡戈拉所有同一张卡上,而兴奋仍然在空气中。”

“我们高兴地看到这样的成功与我们的首届拳击的Murphys事件,”说罗伯特DeSalvio, 安可波士顿港的总统.

“我们很高兴将这些拉斯维加斯风格的活动带到波士顿地区,我们很高兴看到社区的反应如此出色. 我们计划继续提供这些不可错过的夜晚。”

墨菲拳击呈现奥沙利文vs. Bonelli和Nova对Beltran进行周五NABA轻量级冠军, 8月23日,在波士顿港口安可酒店(Encore Boston Harbor) (1 百老汇, 埃弗里特, 嘛。, 02149). 门晚上7点开. Tickets start at 50 美元,现在在销售 www.murphysboxing.com


墨菲拳击被踢反弹球墨菲成立’ 主唱, 肯·凯西 2014. 在短短 5 短短两年, 墨菲拳击已成为新英格兰地区最大的拳击启动和炙手可热的年轻促销活动之一在全国. 2018 是为墨菲拳击突破的一年,因为他们采取了他们的第一战斗机,以一个世界冠军. 随着推广的第一个冠军, 几个墨菲拳击战士安全的世界冠军头衔的机会和全国电视转播的战斗中 2018. 墨菲拳击关闭了其标志性的一年通过合作促进德米特里安德拉德和沃尔特Kautondokwa之间的WBO中量级冠军回合在超过前面 10,000 球迷在TD花园, 传说中主场波士顿凯尔特人队的, 这是在国际上DAZN播出. 墨菲拳击的现有阵容的特点位居世界竞争者像马克·德卢卡, 查尔斯·福斯特, 亚伯拉罕新星, 格雷格代蒂, 加里“狼牙’ 奥沙利文和不败的前景像尼尔·肯尼迪, 卡洛斯·贡戈拉, 威廉·福斯特III多.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.murphysboxing.com


波士顿港安可酒店是 $2.6 十亿五星级全球目的地博彩度假胜地 671 享有波士顿天际线和波士顿港一览无余的酒店客房, 超高级水疗中心, 专业零售, 15 餐饮和休闲场所以及最先进的宴会厅和会议空间. 这是最大的私人, 单相发展,在英联邦历史.

坐落在沿着神秘河海滨和连接波士顿港, 安可波士顿港将在一个多世纪开拓埃弗里特海岸线向公众首次. 该度假胜地创造沿水这将具有人行道和自行车道,为海滨提供访问六英亩的公园, 一个事件草坪, 野餐和公众观赏区. 华丽的花卉展览, 公共艺术, 零售和餐饮体验会忽视喝采的Harborwalk.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.encorebostonharbor.com


UFC FIGHTPASS®是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, FIGHT PASS现已在超过可用 200 国家和地区. FIGHT PASS为其成员提供无限制地访问过UFC FIGHT PASS [引文; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能; 幕后的内容; 深入访谈; 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 17,000 从几十回合对抗的体育组织, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 扑灭球迷可以访问个人电脑FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 的Xbox 360, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视.

欲了解更多信息,请访问: www.ufc.tv/page/fightpass

门票现已发售KINEKTIC的提交拼杀事件八月 16 在阿纳海姆, 例如


LAS VEGAS (八月 1, 2019) - 门票现已发售就职Kinektic提交拼杀事件, 专门在UFC FIGHTPASS®流, 世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务, 从阿纳海姆商务博览中心上周五住, 八月 16, 在 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT.

所有的团队格式化Kinektic事件将具有四个参赛队, 每一个由五个世界级grapplers, 在比赛由半决赛和决赛冠军. 另外, 所有事件将采用拼杀超级扑灭, 这将有另外的参与者在比赛中没有竞争.

门票售价 $65.00 (要人), $50.00 保留的) 和 $30.00 (普通门票), 并且可用于通过网络将要购买: HTTP://tickets.ticketforce.com/eventperformances.asp?任何= 1656.

四星级供电队的队长是UFC老将和MMA媒体人查尔·索内; 世界级的抓手克雷格·琼斯; UFC轻重量级的安东尼·史密斯; 和前UFC次中量级克里斯·莱特尔.

由名人堂成员乌利亚法贝尔的UFC®厅共同创立, 拉斯维加斯企业家基思Veltre, 和屡获殊荣的格斗体育解说员肖恩·惠洛克, Kinektic是一个独特的, 比赛式的推广,将有来自各种格斗运动学科的运动员, 包括混合武术, 擒拿, 柔术, 摔角, 和更多。

麦嘉华, 谁也作为业务发展的Kinektic副总裁, 将垫子端和后台采访. 麦嘉华加盟将UFC女子轻量级佩奇·万萨特, 谁是带头颜色评论员, 和玩游戏宣布者肖恩·惠洛克.

第一晚的比赛由回合的八分钟时间限制. 半决赛比赛的失败者被淘汰; 结果绘制在消除双方运动员; 和一线队与淘汰五名成员将退出竞争。幸存的球队将被宣布为获胜者. 独特的格斗Kinektic一个特点是,在其中运动员竞争秩序不预定. 有每个回合,每队队长之间相差三秒钟,系统会负责战略性决定哪些队员接下来将参加. 每个团队的所有成员都必须通过竞争至少一次. 队长也将有他们的队抗衡的选项。


有关事件的详细信息, 请访问:

叽叽喳喳: @ Kinektic1, @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @Keith_Veltre的Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @Sean_Wheelock, @KeithVeltre的Facebook: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @KeithVeltre

关于UFC FIGHTPASS® UFC FIGHTPASS®是世界领先的格斗运动的数字订阅服务. 由于发动 2013, FIGHT PASS现已在超过可用 200 国家和地区. FIGHT PASS为其成员提供无限制地访问独占, 直播UFC FIGHT PASS [引文; 住来自世界各地的混合武术和格斗运动; 原创系列和历史编程; 特殊功能, 深入访谈, 幕后的内容, 和先进的的作战体育世界最新报告. FIGHT PASS用户也有 24/7 访问世界上最大的图书馆打, 设有超过 17,000 从数十种战斗体育组织的较量, 以及在UFC历史上每场战斗. 扑灭球迷可以访问个人电脑FIGHT PASS, iOS和Android移动设备, 苹果电视, Xbox One上, 的Xbox 360, 亚马逊消防电视, 的Chromecast, 年, 三星智能电视, LG智能电视, 和索尼电视与Android电视. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问HTTPS://www.ufcfightpass.com.

帕奎奥直边基思·瑟曼分裂的决定捕捉到次中量级世界冠军拳击PREMIER CHAMPIONS福克斯体育PAY-PER-VIEW主赛事周六晚上的米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯

约尔德尼斯·格斯上衣奥马尔·菲格罗亚一致决定; 谢尔盖Lipinets停止Jayar Inson两轮 & 路易斯·纳里击倒胡安·卡洛斯·帕亚诺在第九轮的收费按次UNDERCARD



点击 这里 从斯图尔特厨师/ FOX体育图片
密码: f0xb0x

点击 这里 帕奎奥VS. 瑟曼 & 这里 植物VS. 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片利

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ TGB促销图片

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔火腿图片/梅威瑟促销

LAS VEGAS (七月 21, 2019) – 拳击的只有八处世界冠军, 参议员曼尼 “吃豆” 帕奎奥 下降 基思 “一度” 瑟曼 在第一轮比赛,并赢得了密切的分裂决定以赚取次中量级世界冠军的福克斯体育按次付费查看事件星期六晚上在米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯总理拳击冠军的主要事件.

“好玩,” 帕奎奥说. “我的对手是一个很好的战斗机和拳击手. 他强. 我不是那种拳击手的谁谈了很多; 我们只是推广的斗争. 我想,他做了他最好的, 我尽我所能. 我认为,我们所做的球迷高兴今晚,因为它是一个很好的战斗。”

的出卖人群 14,356 得到了处理,伟大的行动从一开始就, 作为一个激动人心的第一轮就被帕奎奥全面下降瑟曼首次在他的职业生涯与右手直后期加盖.

I knew it was too close,” 瑟曼说. “He got the knockdown so he had momentum in round one.

Thurman made it into the second round but continued to have trouble with Pacquiao’s right hand, as the future Hall of Famer threw it successfully as a jab and a power punch throughout the fight. Thurman adjusted in the middle rounds and began to try to smother Pacquiao and walk him down, having success when he was able to get his combinations off before his opponent.

Despite blood pouring from his nose from round four on, Thurman was able to land powerful combinations on Pacquiao for much of the second half of the fight, but was never able to hurt Pacquiao or score a knockdown of his own.

I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe,” 瑟曼说. “I felt like he was getting a little bit tired, but he did have experience in the ring. My conditioning and my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao’s. I would love the rematch.

在第二轮 10, Pacquiao’s landed a strong left hook to the body that clearly hurt Thurman and forced him to spend much of the remainder of the round backpedaling. The CompuBox scores were indicative of the close nature of the fight, with Thurman out landing Pacquiao 210 到 195, while Pacquiao was busier throwing 686 拳 571 from Thurman.

I really love the fans,” 帕奎奥说. “Thank you so much for coming here and witnessing the fight. I’m sure they were happy tonight because they saw a good fight. Even though Thurman lost, he did his best. He’s not an easy opponent. He’s a good boxer and he’s strong. I was just blessed tonight.

Watch the round 10 突出 这里

Pacquiao had a large advantage in jabs landed, 连接上 82 to Thurman’s 18. 该 192 power punches landed by Thurman was the most in 43 Pacquiao fights that CompuBox has tracked. Round-by-round, the two fighters were only separated by more than five landed punches in rounds two, seven and nine.

后 12 发, the judges reached a split decision, 一名裁判打分 114-113 为瑟曼, overruled by two judges scoring it 115-112 for Pacquiao, who captured the WBA Welterweight World Championship at 40-years-old.

You get blessings and lessons,” 瑟曼说. “Tonight was a blessing and a lesson. Thank you everybody, and thank you Manny Pacquiao.

“我认为 (I will fight) next year,” 帕奎奥说. “I will go back to the Philippines and work and then make a decision. I do hope to be at the (埃罗尔) 斯彭斯VS. (肖恩) Porter fight on September 28.

The co-main event of the pay-per-view saw top contender Yordenis Ugas (24-4, 11 科斯) 下降此前保持不败 奥马尔·菲格罗亚 (28-1-1, 19 科斯) 他的方式在他们的WBC次中量级冠军消除了一致的决定.

乌加斯取得了一个良好的开端, 连接上发送菲格罗亚将绳索右手直, 他扶住,所以他并没有打在画布上, 但足以裁判罗素莫拉排除其击倒.

“在斗争中发挥出我怎么想的那样,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “我出来了强大而菲格罗亚是艰难的,以及. 这是类似的斗争大家预期. 我技高一筹。”

观看击倒的亮点 这里

菲格罗亚恢复,并能够使其向两回合, 在那里,他继续他挺身而出的策略,试图伤害乌加斯在里面. 乌加斯能够控制在里面的行动, 登陆众多勾拳击昏菲格罗亚. 然而, the inside fighting led to Ugas being deducted a point by the referee in round five for holding.

Ugas fought a smart fight,” 赛义德·菲格罗亚. “He was smothering me on the inside and holding. I thought the scores were too wide. I was following him and working the whole time. I felt like he only worked the last 30 seconds of the round, but I guess that was all it took.

I didn’t have any problems with his size. I thought I was able to do my thing, but when he was holding me I couldn’t get my offense going.

Despite that, and being warned later in the fight for delivering low blows, Ugas dominated the fight according to CompuBox, out landing Figueroa 229 到 131 and connecting with 28% of his punches, to Figueroa’s 22%.

I knew Figueroa was a tough guy, so I didn’t want to waste my energy trying to take him out early,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “I was ready to go 12 轮。”

后 12 发, all three judges scored the fight the same, 119-107 in favor of Ugas, who became the mandatory for the winner of the Errol Spence Jr. VS. Shawn Porter welterweight title unification.

I’m extremely happy to be in this position to fight for the WBC title again,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “I will be ready for the winner of Errol Spence Jr. VS. Shawn Porter.

附加动作锯前世界冠军 谢尔盖Lipinets (16-1, 12 科斯) score a highlight-reel knockout against Jayar Inson (18-3, 12 科斯) in the second round of their welterweight matchup.

Lipinets was originally scheduled to fight John Molina Jr., before Molina pulled out of the fight Friday morning due to a back injury. Inson, who was scheduled to fight on the non-televised undercard, stepped up to the challenge.

When I first heard the news about Molina, I knew that I wanted to still fight on a show of this magnitude,” 利皮内茨说. “As far as fighting a southpaw, I’ve had so many amateur fights in my kickboxing career that I had no problem adjusting. 它是只是一个时间问题. I also have sparred with great southpaws like Victor Ortiz throughout my career, so I was comfortable with the change in fighter.

In an exchange early in the second round, Lipinets landed a clean left hook to Inson’s head, which sent the Filipino-fighter to the canvas. Although Inson got to his feet, referee Jay Nady waved off the bout 57 秒到圆.

I got hit and I slipped, that made it look worse,” said Inson. “When I stood up I thought I was fine and tried to raise my hands and show the referee.

Joe Goossen is an exceptional trainer and he just told me to work from a different direction facing a southpaw,” 利皮内茨说. “I just made sure to block his punches with my elbows. That was the only adjustment I had to make and it ended up working just fine.

Watch the Lipinets KO highlight 这里

The opening pay-per-view bout saw undefeated former champion 路易斯·纳里 (30-0, 24 科斯) deliver a ninth-round knockout of former bantamweight champion 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano (21-3, 9 科斯).

I wasn’t really paying attention to how long the fight was going, I was just getting into a rhythm as it went on,” 说了Nery. “I had to work hard to get to him because he’s a good boxer. The longer it went, the better I felt. I put my punches together well once I got going.

In a fast-paced duel of former champions, Payano had success early boxing the aggressive Nery, moving back to avoid his attack and landing his own offense against the knockout artist. Payano out landed or was even in punches landed for each of the first six rounds of the bout.

I’m a warrior and I wanted to keep going and fight back every time he came forward,” 帕亚诺说. “My coach wanted me to stay behind my jab a little more.

As the fight grew into the middle rounds, Nery began to increase the offense and was able to land power shots that slowed Payano’s ability to box from the outside. Nery hurt Payano early in round seven, eventually dominating the round, out landing his opponent 22 到 7.

He was a very complicated fighter at the beginning, he’s a veteran, so I had to try to adapt to his style to see how I could get in,” 说了Nery. “In the fifth or sixth round I started gaining control of the fight and then that left hook came to the body which was devastating.

During the exchanges it was Nery’s second shot that was getting in,” 帕亚诺说. “We corrected the issue but then that body shot came in from nowhere and hit me in a rib that I had broken years ago against Raushee Warren.

Round eight saw Nery continue to break Payano down, most notably landing a big left hand midway through the round that caused blood to pour from Payano’s nose. During an exchange in the ninth-round, Payano landed a devastating left hook to the ribs that put Payano down. He was unable to recover and referee Vic Drakulich halted the bout 1:43 进出线.

I wanted to get him out early,” 说了Nery. “But this showed that I do have the experience to go into the later rounds and still take out my opponent. I showed that I have good defense and can make adjustments.

Watch Nery’s knockout 这里

The FOX PBC Fight Night main event on FOX and FOX Deportes saw IBF Super Middleweight World Champion 迦勒 “Sweethands” 厂 (19-0, 11 科斯) retain his title with a dominant third-round knockout over previously unbeaten 迈克·李 (21-1, 11 科斯).

It went exactly how I planned it would go,” 该植物. “绝对. I’ve been telling you all week it wasn’t going to go 12 rounds and I stuck to my word and I tried to do that. I hope you guys had a good time.

Plant got off to a fast-start, dropping Lee with a left hook late in the first round. The unbeaten challenger was able to recover and survive the round, but was hard-pressed to make up for the hand speed advantage of Plant.

You can watch Plant’s first knockdown 这里

I think I have a high boxing IQ and I do this at a really high level,” 该植物. “So it was just about making adjustments. 他是一个大, strong guy and he just came in here to give it his all.

Lee looked to charge in hard against Plant and use his size and power to land a big shot and change the momentum of the fight. Plant was sharp and avoided the looping right hands that Lee was attacking with.

The speed was the difference, he’s fast and very accurate,” Lee说. “I had some success with my right hands but wasn’t able to be consistent with it.

在第三轮, Plant landed a vicious right hook early in the round that put Lee down for the second time. After a left hook appeared to connect and send Lee down a second time, referee Robert Byrd ruled it had come from a push and continued the fight once Lee got to his feet.

Plant had his opponent hurt and continued to press forward, eventually landing another left hook that put Lee down, this time forcing the referee to wave off the bout 1:29 进出线.

Watch the highlight of Plant’s TKO 这里

I had no issue with the stoppage, that’s the referee’s job and I respect it,” Lee说.

战斗结束后, Benavidez was asked about a possible unification fight against the winner of the just announced Anthony Dirrell vs. David Benavidez WBC Super Middleweight Championship fight.

“哦耶, we can definitely unify,” 该植物. “I ain’t hard to get a hold of. I ain’t hard to make a fight with. Come see me. You know my advisor.

The opening bout on FOX and FOX Deportes saw 卡通Ajagba (11-0, 9 科斯) 一致决定 Ali Eren Demirezen (11-1, 10 科斯) in a 10-round battle of undefeated heavyweights. It was the first time that two unbeaten fighters from the 2016 Olympics faced off as pros.

You can find full fight highlights 这里

Ajagba used his jab and height effectively throughout the fight, 着陆 10 的 45 jabs per round, doubling the heavyweight average. 然而, an elbow injury and the accurate punching of Demirezen forced Ajagba to go the distance for the first time as a pro.

This was the first fighter to take me the distance,” 说Ajagba. “He was strong and could take my punches. My trainer just told me to keep using my jab and stay in the middle of the ring.

I hurt my elbow early on, so I couldn’t shoot my right hand like I wanted. But I won’t use that as an excuse. As a tall man I had to use the jab and if it went the distance, that was my best way to win.

Demirezen thought the scorecards should have been closer and believed that his performance should have garnered him more than the decision loss. Demirezen was actually the more accurate puncher, 着陆 26% of his punches to 22% from Ajagba.

I don’t agree with the scores, especially 99-91said Demirezen. “It was much closer. I feel that at minimum, it was a draw. I knew I had to knock him out and that a knockout might be easier than winning by points. I thought it was a good performance but I can do better. I’d like to fight in the U.S. 再次。”

Ajagba’s activity from start to finish was impressive, as he threw 877 总拳, 着陆 191. While Demirezen was not far behind with 149 punches landed, he only out landed Ajagba in three rounds.

后 10 rounds of action all three judges scored the fight in favor of Ajagba, 通过分数 99-91 两次, 97-93.

IBF Champion Errol Spence Jr. Battles WBC Champion Shawn Porter In Highly-Anticipated 147-Pound Title Unification Match that Headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event Saturday, 九月 28 从斯台普斯中心在洛杉矶

The Welterweight World Title Takeover Continues!

更多! Two-Time Champion Anthony Dirrell will Defend His WBC Super Middleweight Title Against Undefeated Former Champion David Benavidez in the Co-Feature

门票销售, 星期一, 七月 22 在 12 P.M. PT!

LOS ANGELES (七月 20, 2019) – Welterweight world champions collide when IBF Champion 埃罗尔 “真相” 斯彭斯JR. clashes with WBC Champion“开演时间” 肖恩·波特 in a massive 147-pound title unification match headlining a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View on Saturday, 九月 28 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心.

The co-feature of the evening will pit WBC Super Middleweight Champion 安东尼 “狗” Dirrell的 against unbeaten former champion 大卫· “红旗” Benavidez in an explosive 168-pound showdown.

Tickets for the event go on sale Monday, 七月 22 在 12 P.M. PT and can be purchased at AXS.com.

“埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. versus Shawn Porter in a welterweight unification match brings to mind some of the great 147-pound clashes of the past – 糖罗宾森VS. 儿童加维兰, 伦纳德 VS. Hearns or Whitaker vs. 查韦斯,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “Both men are in their primes and both like to apply pressure. With that clash of styles, something has to give. 在共同特征, Anthony Dirrell doesn’t want to give up the title and David Benavidez wants it back. Played out before an electric crowd at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and headlining a PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View, this show has instant classic written all over it.

斯彭斯VS. Porter represents a major step forward in the quest to find the best 147-pound boxer on the planet. Spence has declared that anyone who wants to make that claim will have to come through him. Porter has already faced the some of the biggest names in the division, including Keith Thurman and Danny Garcia, and will make Spence back up his boast.

The unbeaten Spence (25-0, 21 科斯) 是一个年轻的, powerful welterweight who vaulted to the top of the welterweight scene with a punishing 11 round knockout victory over Kell Brook for the IBF championship in front of Brook’s hometown fans in Sheffield, England in 2017. Fighting out of Desoto, 得克萨斯州, Spence has successfully defended the title three times. Most recently he scored a unanimous decision victory over three-division world champion Mikey Garcia in a PBC on FOX Pay-Per-View show before a hometown crowd at AT&阿灵顿T球场, Texas on March 16.

It’s going to be a very exciting fight,” 斯彭斯说:. “Shawn is never in a boring fight and I always entertain. It will be a ‘Fight of the Yeartype fight because our styles mesh. Shawn Porter is a guy who tries to rough you up. That’s what he’s always done. With Yordenis Ugas he tried to box and he said he didn’t like that style. He said he is going back to his original style. If he brings that style to me, it’s going to be a great fight because I’m going to bring it right back to him.

The 31-year-old Porter (30-2-1, 17 科斯) is a two-time welterweight champion whose high-pressure style has served him well in his rise in the 147-pound division. Born in Akron, Ohio and now living in Las Vegas, Porter won the IBF welterweight title with a unanimous decision victory over Devon Alexander in 2013. He lost the title, which Spence now has, to Kell Brook by a majority decision in 2014. Porter moved back into the championship ranks with a unanimous decision victory over Danny Garcia for the vacant WBC title in 2018. He successfully defended the title with a split decision victory over Yordenis Ugas in March on FOX.

There haven’t been too many fights as a professional that I’ve been this excited about,” 波特说. “I was really excited about the Danny Garcia fight and I’m really excited about this one. Ever since Spence got a belt, I really circled this fight on my calendar. Preparation is the key. I think I have everything it takes to beat Errol Spence. I’m very confident and my team is confident in what I have to do on September 28. We’ll be ready.

迪雷尔 VS. Benavidez promises to be a hotly contested battle for the WBC Super Middleweight title. Dirrell is a two-time WBC 168-pound world champion and will bring experience, while Benavidez will bring his high-octane style.

The 34-year-old Dirrell (33-1-1, 24 科斯) won the WBC title for the first time with a unanimous decision over Sakio Bika in 2014. The native of Flint, Michigan lost the title the next year to Badou Jack by majority decision. He put together six straight victories after that loss to get back into position to fight for the championship again. He won the title with a technical decision victory over Avni Yildirim in February on FS1. Dirrell is the younger brother of Andre Dirrell, who won a bronze medal as a member of the U.S. Olympic boxing team in 2004.

I’m going to work my butt off, putting in extra hours in the gym, because this is one of the toughest opponents I’ve ever fought,” Dirrell said. “He’s young and he’s tough. But I’m more than ready for anything that he can bring. I bring an exciting fight. He knows that. The world knows that. 他可以谈, but nothing matters but what happens in the ring. I wanted this fight to be out west because I will fight anybody anywhere. It’s only two people in the ring and we’re going to give a good entertaining fight for the fans.

Benavidez (21-0, 18 科斯) won the WBC title with a split decision victory over Ronald Gavril in 2017. 奋战凤凰, 亚利桑那, Benavidez successfully defended the title with a more convincing unanimous decision over Gavril in the rematch four months later. The 22-year-old returned to the ring to score an impressive knockout victory over veteran J’Leon Love in March on the Spence vs. Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View.

I’m looking forward to reclaiming my WBC belt in my next fight against Anthony Dirrell,” 说Benavidez. “This fight is overdue and I guarantee I will be ready for whatever he brings to the ring. The fans are really going to enjoy this one.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports &www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


即时发布: 奥罗诺, 缅因 (七月 19, 2019) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) will debut in Orono on September 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts with the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” 今天早些时候,, NEF宣布在该卡中增加业余轻量级比赛. 理查德·扎克 (3-2-1) 见面会 Brandon Sewall (0-1) 在战斗重量 155 英镑.

Zac Richard has competed twice previously in the lightweight division, winning both fights in 2018. That same year, Richard was voted “年度最佳新秀” by NEF fans. He has yet to taste victory in 2019 with all three of his fights this year thus far taking place in the 145-pound featherweight division. Richard went to a five-round draw with Fred Lear for the amateur featherweight championship last February in what has been a leading contender for “年度扑灭” in 2019. On September 7, Richard will look to bounce back from back-to-back losses in his two most recent fights this spring. AtNEF 38,Richard dropped a five-round unanimous decision to Tom Pagliarulo (3-1) prior to losing via first-round submission to Miguel Cuevas (6-1) 六月.

“I’m very excited to get back in there after coming off two losses a month apart,” said Richard.  “I’m extremely unhappy with my fight against Tom—I definitely can’t have another off-day on fight day again. I’ve made a lot of changes to make myself happier with my life. The grind is different now.”

“Having watched Zac compete since he was a child during his youth wrestling days, I’ve seen how he navigates challenges,” 著名 NEF 共同所有人兼媒人马特·彼得森 (Matt Peterson).  “He doesn’t look for the easy way out—he’s a born competitor and he always seeks out the toughest opponents. Whether it was in wrestling or now in MMA, 他来打. I have no doubt that he will be on the warpath on September 7th, looking to get back to his winning ways.”

Zac Richard has drawn a big one for his return to the lightweight division. Brandon Sewall stands 6’1,towering over most others in the weight class. The resident of Bath, Maine will look for his first win in the NEF cage after losing his debut to Jimmy Jackson (4-3) 上个月在 “NEF 39.

“It is going to be simplelocate him, get at him, and strike him as hard as I can,” said Sewall when reached for comment.

“Brandon embodies the martial spirit,” stated Peterson. “When I suggested Zac to him as an opponent, he didn’t hesitate at all. He’s eager to prove the validity of his training and disciplined diet in the NEF cage in front of a big audience. Brandon will be the much bigger man in the bout. Whatever the outcome, I know that both guys will be looking to set a furious pace and finish the fight quickly.”

新英格兰战斗’ 未来混合武术事件, “NEF 40: SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS,” 将于星期六, 九月 7, 2019 at the Collins Center for the Arts at the University of Maine as the promotion debuts in Orono, 缅因. 门票现已公开发售,在 www.collinscenterforthearts.com.


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