Ən yaxşı təbii testosteron gücləndiricisi: TestRX Testdən keçdi

Ilə: Rich Bergeron

Bu yaxınlarda fantastik təbii testosteron gücləndiricisinin arxasında olan bəzi insanlarla əlaqə qurmaq nəsib oldu. TestRX. Bu yaxınlarda özümü sınadım, və mən ağac kəsmə heyətimdəki bir neçə işçi ilə bəzilərini paylaşdım. Hamımız fərqi hiss etdik, və bu, şübhəsiz ki, sınaqdan keçirdiyim ən yaxşı təbii testosteron gücləndiricisi idi. Sadə bir həb şəklində olan bir şeyin belə dramatik müsbət təsirlərə sahib ola biləcəyinə inanmaq çətindir. O qədər güclü idi ki, gündə iki dəfə təklif olunan iki həb əvəzinə hər dəfə yalnız bir həb qəbul etdim..

Gördüyüm bir çatışmazlıq, iki həblik tam doza qəbul edərkən bir az ürək döyüntüləri keçirəcəyim idi., lakin ciddi testosteron çatışmazlığından əziyyət çəkməyən biri üçün səhər və gecə bir həb mütləq kifayətdir..

Döyüş idmanlarında steroidlərlə daim müzakirə olunan bütün məsələlərlə tanış olan biri kimi, TestRX-in adətən idarə etmək üçün bir iynə tələb etdiyi kimi eyni faydaları təmin etdiyini iddia edən məhsulların çoxunu bilirəm.. Belə bir “şirə” kursu həm də ciddi yan təsirlərə səbəb olacaq və təhlükəli riskləri qəbul etməyə səbəb olacaqdır. Bu məhsulda belə deyil, Mən hətta onun təhlükəsiz və qanuni olduğuna əmin olmaq üçün peşəkar ağırlıqqaldıran tərəfindən baxmışam. O, məni əmin etdi ki, məhsulda yaxşılıq üçün bütün lazımi maddələr var, tamamilə təbii pulsuz testosteron gücləndirici.

Yaşlı işçilərimdən biri nəinki səhərlər işdən əvvəl məndən həb almaq üçün yalvarırdı, o da Mən ona bir neçə gün əvəzinə Hydroxycut verdiyim zaman fərq etdim. İkisinin hər biri Bunu sınayan işçilər inanılmaz nəticələr gördülər. Ağac kəsmə və odun emal yorucu və zəhmət tələb edən işdir, belə ki, hər cür kənara sahibdir çətin iş gününə girmək istehsal üçün əladır.

Əlbəttə, hər hansı və bütün testosteron gücləndiriciləri kimi, ən xoş təəccübləndirici nəticələrdən bəziləri çarşafların altında baş verir. Səhər bir həb qəbul etmək işin öhdəsindən gəlməyə kömək etdi, və gecələrdən biri mənə “əyləncəli” işin öhdəsindən gəlməyə kömək etdi. Mən ən heyrətamiz qaya kimi sərt ereksiyalara sahib idim, və yataq otağında həm dözüm, həm də enerji səviyyəm kəskin şəkildə artdı. Bu gücləndiricilər, korluq kimi çılğın yan təsirlərin heç biri olmadan reçeteli ED dərmanının bütün effektivliyinə malikdir.. Rəfiqəm və mən bu təbii sevgi iksiri sayəsində çoxlu marafon gecələrindən həzz aldıq.

Mən mütləq tövsiyə edərdim TestRX kiməsə. İstər addımınızda bir az daha həvəs axtarırsınız, istərsə də qocalmış yaşda optimal səviyyədə işləmək üçün təkan ehtiyacı olan adamsınız., bu məhsul sizə kömək edə bilər. Bu, həqiqətən mənim üçün işləyən bir şeydir, və bu, mənə çoxlu müsbət faydalar verdiyi üçün yenidən cəhd edəcəyim bir şeydir.

istifadə edin bu link və ya cəhd etmək üçün aşağıdakı foto linki TestRX hazırda:


Canlı və xüsusi olaraq UFC FIGHT PASS®-da yayımlanır

LAS VEGAS (Avqust xx, 2019) - Kinektic, Raufeon “Supa” Stots və Anthony “El Toro” Birçak arasında dünya səviyyəli bir Super Döyüşü Cümə günü keçiriləcək Kinektic təqdimat uğrunda mübarizə turnirinə böyük dəstək verəcəyini elan etdi., Avqust 16, Anaheim, California.

Bütün hərəkətlər yalnız UFC FIGHT PASS®-da yayımlanacaq, döyüş idman dünyanın aparıcı digital abunə xidmət, Anaheim Business Expo Mərkəzindən canlı olaraq.

Bütün Kinektic komandası formatlı tədbirlərdə dörd rəqib heyət iştirak edəcəkdir, hər biri beş dünya səviyyəli grapplersdən ibarətdir, yarımfinal və çempionat finalından ibarət bir turnirdə. Bir mübarizə Super mübarizə, artıq turnirdə iştirak etməyən əlavə iştirakçıların iştirakı, will be held between the final semifinals match and championship final

On Aug. 16ci Anaheim, the Stots vs. Birchak SuperFight will be contested at 155-pounds, showcasing a pair of grapplers currently competing in Legacy Fighting Alliance.

Houston-based Stots was a two-time NCAA, Division II All-American wrestler at the University of Nebraska in Kearney. The 30-year-old Stots has a 12-1 professional mixed-martial-arts record.

Birchak, Tucsondan döyüş, Arizona, also was a Div. 2 collegiate wrestler at Pima Community College and Grand Canyon University. He has competed in the UFC, Bellator and Rizen FF, tərtib bir 15-6 MMA record.

Co-founded by UFC® Hall of Famer Urijah Faber, Las Vegas entrepreneur Keith Veltre, and award-winning combat sports announcer Sean Wheelock, Kinektic is a unique, Müxtəlif döyüş idmanı fənlərindən olan idmançıların iştirak edəcəyi turnir tərzində təqdimat, qarışıq Döyüş, o cümlədən, grappling, ciu-citsu, güləş, və daha çox.

“Avqust 16ci həyəcan verici bir nəticə verəcəyini vəd edir, hərəkət dolu gecə,”Dedi Veltre. "İdmandakı ən böyük adlardan bəzilərini təqdim etmək, şübhəsiz ki, pərəstişkarlarında təəssürat yaradacaq."

Dörd ulduz gücünə sahib komandanın kapitanları UFC qazisi və MMA media şəxsiyyəti Chael Sonnen (Team SUG); dünya səviyyəli grappler Craig Jones (Komanda BJJ Fanatics); UFC yüngül ağır çəki Anthony Smith (Team Lionheart); və keçmiş UFC orta yüngül Chris Lytle (Komanda şəhər fəaliyyətlərini işıqlandırır). Komanda kapitanları komandaları üçün yarışmaq seçiminə sahib idilər, Jones və Lytle öz komandaları üçün yarışırlar.

Jones-a BJJ Fantatics komandasına qoşulmaq UFC atleti və Strikeforce-un orta çəkidə dünya çempionu Jake Shields, ADCC Trials bürünc mükafatçısı Nicky Rodriguez, IBJJF Dünya Çempionu Edwin Najmi, və ADCC Asiya və Okeaniya qızıl medalçısı Lachlan Giles.

Veteran UFC idmançısı və keçmiş WEC orta çəki çempionu Joe Riggs, keçmiş UFC Çəki çempionu Rico Rodriguez, Polaris orta çəkidə çempionu Mansher Khera, və Grapplers Görev Çempionu və BJJ qara kəməri Will Weed, Urban Achievers Out Team Lights-da Lytle-ə qoşulacaq.

Team SUG-də veteran UFC idmançısı və ADCC qızıl medalçısı Vinny Magalhaes var, keçmiş WSOF yüngül çəki çempionu Alexandre Almeida, keçmiş UFC qazi idmançısı və PFL yüngül ağır çəkili Ronny Markes, IBJJF Dünya Çempionatının bürünc mükafatçısı Rafael Domingos, və LFA qazisi və BJJ qara kəməri Gabriel Checco.

Keçmiş Bellator Featherweight və Bantamweight çəkisi, və Yunan-Roma Güləşi üzrə Dünya Çempionu, Joe Warren, Panamerika qızıl medalçısı Scott Morton, ADCC US Trials qızıl medalçısı Enrico Cocco, IBJJF No-gi World Champion James Brasco, and Fight 2 Win Champion Brian Sparrow comprise Team Lionheart.

Faber, who also serves as Kinektic’s Vice President of Business Development, will be the mat-side and backstage interviewer. Joining Faber will be UFC women’s flyweight Paige VanZant, who is the lead color commentator, and play-by-play announcer Wheelock.

BJJ Fanatics vs. Lights Out Urban Achievers and Team SUG vs. Team Lionheart are the semifinals matchups with the winners meeting on the same night in the championship final.

The one-night tournament consists of bouts with eight-minute time limits. Losers of the semifinal matches are eliminated; draws result in the elimination of both athletes; və beş üzvün kənarlaşdırıldığı ilk komanda yarışdan kənarda qalacaq. Sağ qalan komanda qalib elan ediləcək. Kinektic'e xas bir xüsusiyyət

Grappling idmançıların yarışma sırasının əvvəlcədən təyin edilməməsidir. Hər qarşılaşma arasında otuz saniyə var və hər komanda kapitanı növbəti dəfə hansı komanda üzvünün iştirak edəcəyinə strateji olaraq cavabdeh olacaqdır. Hər komandanın bütün üzvləri ən azı bir dəfə yarışmalıdır.

Biletlər qiymətləndirilir $65.00 (VIP), $50.00 Qorunur) və $30.00 (General Qəbulu), və onlayn olaraq satın almaq mümkündür: http://biletlər.ticketforce.com/eventperformances.asp?evt = 1656.

Tədbir haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, müraciət edin:

Cuqquldamaq: @Kinektic1, @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @Keith_Veltre, @ChaelSonnen, @LionheartASmith, @Crslytle

Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @Sean_Wheelock, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: @UFCFightPass, @UrijahFaber, @PaigeVanZant, @SeanWheelock, @KeithVeltre

UFC FIGHT PASS® haqqında UFC MÜBARİZƏ Pass ® döyüş idman dünyanın aparıcı digital abunə xidmət edir. ildə başlanması ildən 2013, MÜBARİZƏ PASS daha artıq mövcuddur 200 ölkələr və ərazilər. MÜBARİZƏ PASS, üzvlərinə eksklüziv istifadəyə sınırsız erişim təmin edir, canlı UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; Dünyanın canlı qarışıq Döyüş və döyüş idman; orijinal seriyası və tarixi proqramlaşdırma; xüsusi, dərin müsahibələr, arxasında-the-səhnələri content, və up-to-döyüş idman dünya dəqiqə hesabat. MÜBARİZƏ PASS abunəçiləri də var 24/7 Dünyanın ən böyük mübarizə kitabxana giriş, daha çox featuring 17,000 onlarla döyüş idman təşkilatlarının döyüşləri, həmçinin UFC tarixində hər mübarizə kimi. Mübarizə azarkeşləri şəxsi kompüter MÜBARİZƏ PASS əldə edə bilərsiniz, iOS və Android mobil cihazlar, Apple TV, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Il, Samsung Smart TV, LG Smart TV, Android TV və Sony TV. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, müraciət edinhttps://www.ufcfightpass.com.

Məğlubiyyətsiz M-1 Challenge Yüngül Çempionu Roman Bogatov M-1 Challenge-in başlığına çıxdı 104

Avqust 30 Orenburq, Rusiya

SANKT-PETERBURQ, Rusiya (Avqust 7, 2019) - Məğlubiyyətsiz M-1 Challenge yüngül çempionuRoman Bogatov qarşı titulunu müdafiə edirMickael “Ragnar” Lebout, headliningM-1 Challenge 104: Qitəsinin Ürək Battle, gündə, Avqust 30, Orenburqdakı Sports Arena Orenburgzhye-də, Rusiya.

WKG & M-1 Challenge 104 yüksək definition Rusiya canlı axın edəcək www.M1Global.TV. Tamaşaçı qeydiyyatdan üçün giriş ilkin döyüşlərdə və əsas kart izləmək mümkün olacaq www.M1Global.TV. Fans bütün fəaliyyət onların kompüter izləmək bilər, eləcə də Android və Apple Ağıllı telefonlar və tablet kimi. M-1 Challenge 104 da mövcud olacaq www.FITE.TV.

Boqatov (8-0, M-1: 7-0), Rusiya həyata mübarizə, son dörd qurbanından üçünü sözün əsl mənasında yatdıran mübarizə aparan ustadır. Boqatov, üstün quru hücumuna sahib olan, coveted M-1 Challenge başlığını keçən sentyabrda ələ keçirdiM-1 Challenge 97, beş turlu bir qərarı qazandığı zamanRubenilton Pereira.  Keçən yanvar ayında ilk titul müdafiəsində, Bogatov başqa bir Braziliyalı rəqibini təqdim etmək üçün qol üçbucağında boğucu istifadə etdi, Michael Silva.

Tıxac (19-9-2, M-1: 3-1) Fransadan təhlükəli bir rəqibdir, bu günə qədər dörd M-1 Global döyüşündən üçünü qazanan. Hərtərəfli döyüşçü, Lebout rəqibinə uyğunlaşa bilər, təəccüblü istifadə etməsinə ehtiyac var, qazanmaq üçün mübarizə və taktiki bacarıqları.

Keçmiş M-1 Challenge titul rəqibiAndrey “Dəmir” Lejnev (18-8, M-1: 6-4) əvəzsiz təcrübəsini məşhurlarla qarşılaşmaq üçün The Rage-ə gətirirBusurmankul Abdibait Uulu (11-2-1, 3-0-1) birgə tədbirdə.

Lezhnev, Ukrayna, son səkkizini qazandı 10 döyüşlərdə, yüngül çəkidə M-1 Challenge çempionunu yıxdıNate Landwehr, itirmək səyində olsa da, ən son hərəkətində. Abdibait Uulu, Qırğızıstanın qüruru, Ardıcıl üç çətin rəqibini məğlub edərək Lejnevdəki ən böyük sınağına zəmin yaratdı.

Braziliya flyweightFlavio “Madruga” - Silva Santos (9-3, M-1: 0-0) M-1 Global-a qarşı debüt edirArman Ashimov (10-3-1), Qazaxıstan. Santos, M-1 Global-da ev tapan Braziliya döyüşçüləri dalğasının sonuncusudur.

Braziliya Milli çempionu və BJJ qara kəmər, Jean “Panqueka” Petrick (10-3-1, M-1: 2-0) ilə atırBoris “Bora” Polejay (18-6-1, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukrayna. Bu qarşılaşmanın qalibi, çox güman ki, özünü titul vuruşu üçün təyin edəcək.

Əsas kartı açmaq arada iki kilolu bir hesablaşmadırVazha Tsiptauri, Gürcüstan Milli MMA və kikboksinq çempionu, və rus prospekt Selem Evloev.

American bantamweight"Muhteşem" George Garcia (9-3, M-1: 1-0) qısa müddətdə ilk döyüşünü M-1 Global-da etdi, yenə də mübarizə aparmaq bacarığını məğlub etmək üçün istifadə etdiYuriy Chobuka, arxa çılpaq boğaz yolu ilə, Keçən Martdakı mübarizəsinin açılış raunduna yalnız 20 saniyəM-1 Challenge 101.  California grapler, altı döyüşlü qələbə seriyasını sürən, bədnam finişə qarşı alt karta qayıdırBair ev, Rusiya.

Həm də Undercard-da mübarizə Fransız yüngül çəkisidirAnthony “La Masse” Dizy (12-3, M-1: 1-0) vs. RusZalimbek Ömərov (10-3-1, M-1: 7-2-1), Rusiya Welter SikletMixail “Buldozer” Doroşenko (3-0, M-1: 0-0) vs. AzərbaycanBayram Mamedov (0-1 (M-1: 0-0), və rus səliqəsizləri arasında döyüşZarina Gumerova (1-1-1, M-1: 0-0) vs.Asiya Klyutova (1-1, M-1: 1-0) nadir bir qadın M-1 Global döyüşündə.

Bütün döyüşlərdə və döyüşçüləri dəyişiklik obyektidir.




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@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global



Gələcək M-1 Challenge Hadisələr:

Aug. 30, 2019 - M-1 Challenge 104: vs Roman Bogatov. Orenburq ildə Mickael Lebout, Rusiya.

CES MMA Orta çəkidə Dünya çempionu Vinicius “Braziliyalı Bad Boy” De Jesus CES-də ilk titul müdafiəsini etdi 58 Yeddi. 7 Hartforddakı CT Konqres Mərkəzində



 N. PROVIDENCE, RI (Avqust 7, 2019) – CES MMA will return to Hartford, CT on Saturday, Sentyabr 7ci iləCES 58. The event will stream live from the Connecticut Convention Center exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, döyüş idman dünyanın aparıcı digital abunə xidmət, başlayan 8 PM E.T. / 5 PM P.T.

Headlining this stacked card will beDe Jesus vs. Lozano. Watch as CES MMA welterweight championVinicius “The Brazilian Bad Boy” De Jesus makes his first title defense in the main event against challengerChris "Cleveland Assassin" Lozano.

Brazilian-born De Jesus, fighting out of Stamford, CT, captured the coveted CES MMA welterweight crown in his last fight (Dəniz. 29, 2019), when he earned a hard fought five-round unanimous decision overJeremiah Wells. De Jesus has won three of four Bellator fights and he is riding a three-fight win streak.

“CES MMA is extremely excited to return to Hartford, Connecticut, with a special Saturday Night Event live on UFC Fight Pass,” proudly announcesJimmy Burchfield Jr., of CES MMA. “The main event is going to be a war when ‘The Brazilian Bad Boy’ Vinicious De Jesusdefends his welterweight title against Chris ‘The Cleveland Assassin’ Lozano. This blockbuster card is guaranteed action you don’t want to miss!"

The co-feature is a heavyweight battle between Hartford’sParker Porter and veteran Brazilian opponentDirlei “Mao de Pedra” Broenstrup.In his toughest test to date, Waterbury, CT lightweightJesse James Kosakowski takes on veteranReggie Merriweather

An intriguing match-up is Springfield, MA middleweight prospectPat Casey problemlərAndre “Rumble” Hall.  Casey has won two in a row since he suffered his only pro loss, while Hall is coming off a sensational first-round submission ofPat McCrohan at the recent CES 57.

Also being showcased is fan favorite and Norwich nativePete "Heat" Rogers, Jr., whosquares off against veteran"Relentless" Robbie Leroux, Meriden, CT flyweightJustin Valentine vs. TBA, Massachusetts bantamweightHarris Bonfiglio vs.Jornell Lugo, and Waterbury, yüngülNick Giuletti vs.Cody “Lightning” Schieve,

Bütün döyüşlərdə və döyüşçüləri dəyişiklik obyektidir. This is an all ages event.

Tickets for “CES MMA 57” start at $35 və online mövcuddurcesmma.com or by calling the CES box office at 401-724-2254.

Twin River Event Center doors open at 6:30 dək. ET with the first fight scheduled to start at 7 dək. VƏ.

The main card will stream live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS. To start your 7-day free trial, müraciət edinwww.ufcfightpass.com


Veb səhifə:  www.cesmma.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpasswww.ctconventions.com

Cuqquldamaq: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass, @ctconventionCT,  

Instagram: @CESMMA, @UFCFightPass

Facebook: /CESMMA, /UFCFightPass, /CTConventions


Avqust 6, 2019 – Devin Haney can take a giant leap towards World title glory when he faces fellow unbeaten star Zaur Abdullaev in a final eliminator for the WBC World Lightweight title on Friday September 13 at the Hulu Theater in Madison Square Garden, New York, live on DAZN in the US and on Sky Sports in the UK.

Haney (22-0 14 Kos) made an electrifying debut with Matchroom Boxing USA and DAZN in May, destroying Antonio Moran with a KO of the year contender in the seventh round of their clash in Maryland. Müəyyən artikl 20 year old fights in the Big Apple for the first time in his career and the Las Vegas native, inteqrasiya #2 with the WBC, hits Manhattan for his biggest fight yet in association with DHP Promotions and Titov Boxing.

Abdullaev (11-0 7 Kos) is ranked #3 with the WBC having landed the Silver Lightweight strap in just his ninth pro outing in April 2018, and the highly rated and dangerous Russian registered his 11ci pro win and seventh inside the distance in February, stopping Humberto Martinez in Ekaterinburg, and now fights outside his homeland for the first time in his career.

The WBC crown will be in the hands of either Vasiliy Lomachenko or Luke Campbell MBE when the clash at The O2 in London on August 31, with Haney and Abdullaev keenly observing that clash from their training camps become locking horns on September 13.

It always feels good when I get the official date,” said Haney. “I stay in the gym because I’m a dog and I love to fight. I want the world to see me rise to my competition. The better they are the better I am. I’m fighting an undefeated fighter at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

“Nyu-York pərəstişkarları idmanda ən sadiq azarkeşlərdəndir və mən həqiqətən də onlar üçün şou göstərməyi səbirsizliklə gözləyirəm. Abdullayev təzyiq göstərməyi xoşlayır və mən sentyabrda heç nə gözləmirəm 13. Mən onun döyüşdüyünü görmüşəm və o, ac döyüşçüdür, şübhəsiz ki, o, mənim indiyədək ən çətin rəqibimdir. Bu döyüş Dünya titulları uğrunda mübarizəyə bir addım qalmışdır, ona görə də ikimiz də çox şey gözləyirik.

“Abdullayevin böyük adı yoxdur, lakin o, sıralanır #3 bir səbəbdən, və mən onu və ya mənim yoluma mane olan hər kəsi örtmürəm. DAZN və Eddie Hearn-dən böyük dəstəyə sahib olduğum üçün xoşbəxtəm. Bu əməkdaşlıqla mənim dünyanın ən yaxşıları ilə mübarizə aparmaq imkanım var. I encourage everyone in NYC to buy their tickets or get the DAZN App and watch my growth into the next superstar in boxing. This fight is going to be lit!”

I’m delighted that the fight is happening,” said Abdullaev. “I was panicking when I saw some posts from Haney on social media that nobody wants to fight him at 135lbs, and he might have to move up in weight. I kept biting my nails and really wanted to get engaged but been told to stay patient. Allah the gracious has delivered this fight and now its reality.

I am a bit disappointed that the fight won’t be at Haney’s Las Vegas back yard as it would have been great to dethrone him in front of his home crowed, but New York is a great boxing city. I’m not silly and I do understand that I’m coming as an underdog but on September 13, I’m coming to crash the hype against all odds.

WBA and IBF World Super-Bantamweight champion Daniel Roman leads a stacked undercard in a mouth-watering chief-support bout as he takes on lethal WBA mandatory challenger Murodjon Akhmadaliev. Roman (27-2-1 10 Kos) unified his WBA crown with the IBF strap of Irishman TJ Doheny in a fight of the year contender at home in Los Angeles in April, a fifth World title win on the bounce a fourth inside 14 months for the 29 Köhnə il.

Roman’s fifth defense of his WBA crown pits him against dangerous Uzbek talent Akhmadaliev (6-0 5 Kos) – the highly decorated amateur has looked fearsome in ending five of his six pro outings to date inside the distance, ilə 25 year old’s last win coming on the same LA bill as Roman’s dust-up with Doheny. Roman vs. Akhmadaliev is brought to you in association with Thompson Boxing and World of Boxing.

Anyone that knows me understands that I’m a real fighter,” said Roman. “I’ll fight anyone they put in front of me. Akhmadaliev is hungry, lakin belə Mən kiməm. It wasn’t that long ago [2017] when I challenged for the WBA title so we’re not going to give it up. I’m here to fight and defend the WBA belt once more. I have two belts [WBA və IBF], but I want more. My goal is to get all of them so by no means am I overlooking Akhmadaliev. He has that amateur pedigree, can punch with power and likes to come forward. The second you underestimate someone, that’s when bad things happen. I’ll be ready for whatever he brings.

As a unified champion, I understand that I have a target on my back. That’s why I’ve been in the gym, staying sharp like I always do. There’s no time to relax and look back at what I’ve done because my work isn’t finished.

Danny is among the most committed and disciplined World champions out there,” said Ken Thompson, president of Thompson Boxing Promotions. “He relishes challenges and at this point in his career, he only wants the toughest and biggest fights. Akhmadaliev is a young and dangerous opponent, but Danny has all the tools to continue his reign as the best talent in the division. We’re confident that he’ll deliver another excellent performance and retain his WBA title for the fifth time.

I am very glad that Daniel Roman took this fight,” said Akhmadaliev. “I know that we are both warriors and this will be a real war! Bu mübarizə qaçırmayın!”

We have been waiting for this fight for some time,” said Vadim Kornilov from World of Boxing. “I believe with the will, character, and power of both of these guys, this fight will be a fight of the year candidate.

There’s more World title action on the bill as record-breaking seven-weight World champion Amanda Serrano challenges WBO World Featherweight champion Heather Hardy in an all-Brooklyn affair, brought to you by DiBella Entertainment in association with Matchroom Boxing USA.

Serrano (36-1-1 27 Kos) conquered her seventh weight class at the Hulu Theater in title in January when the Puerto Rican destroyed Eva Voraberger inside the opening round to claim the vacant WBO Super-Flyweight title.

Serrano held the WBO Featherweight strap in 2016 before vacating it then her sister Cindy picked it up later that year. Hardy (22-0 4 Kos) was next in line to win the vacant title in October in a rematch against Shelley Vincent in the Hulu Theater. Hardy put boxing on hold to return to MMA in June with an outing at Bellator 222 at Madison Square Garden but returns to boxing to go head-to-head with her fellow Brooklynite.

We found out in February that as a super-champion Amanda could call out any champion in any weight division and she would be the next defenseand she chose me. I didn’t get this far in the boxing game to not know how it works, they’re hyping up a big fight between her and Katie Taylor and this is the second of Amanda’s three-fight deal.

It will be my first time competing as an underdog even as the current world champion but I’m excited as hell. Everyone knows I have the balls for it. I grew up with a tough mamma, trust menobody scares me.

I’m very excited to be back in the ring and excited to be fighting Heather Hardy,” deyən Serrano. “Heather is 22-0 bir səbəbdən, she always finds a way to win. We’ve sparred in the past and I’ve never had an easy day with her.

So many of the other champions vacated their belts to avoid fighting me but Heather is a true world champion who will not give up her belt.

We know each other well and I’m honored to fight her for her World title. It’s nothing personal, just business for two girls from Brooklyn in the ring.

“Cümə günü, Sentyabr 13, seven-division world champion Amanda ‘The Real DealSerrano will attempt to wrest the WBO Featherweight title from undefeated champion Heather ‘The HeatHardy in what promises to be an explosive matchup,” Lou DiBella bildirib, DiBella Əyləncə Prezidenti. “Neither Hardy nor Serrano have ever been in a bad fight, both Brooklynites have passionate fan bases and are tremendous ambassadors for women’s boxing. This is a must-win fight for both boxers and will steal the show.

The Heavyweight landscape remains a hot one and there’s a great 50-50 clash on the card as Michael Hunter challenges Sergey Kuzmin for the WBA Intercontinental title. Ovçu (17-1 12 Kos) holds the International strap with the WBA having KO’d Alexander Ustinov in Monte Carlo in November and defended that with a second round KO of Fabio Maldonado in Maryland in May. Müəyyən artikl 31 year old is rapidly rising in the rankings and can take a huge leap towards World title action with a win but faces a crunch challenge in the form of Kuzmin (15-0 11 Kos).

The unbeaten Russian puts the strap he won at Wembley Stadium in London in September against David Price and first saw off LaRon Mitchell and then Joey Dawejko in successful Stateside defenses. With Kuzmin ranked #5 and Hunter #8 with the WBA, the victor in New York will be knocking on the door for a title shot, raising the stakes in this pick’em match-up, in association with World of Boxing.

I’m excited to be fighting Sergey,” said Hunter. “I know that this is not going to be an easy fight, but I am definitely up for the challenge and I want to show people that I am the best in the division.

I have worked very hard for this opportunity,” said Kuzmin. “I am here to win this fight and go after the World title. It doesn’t matter to me whether this fight is in the USA or in Russia, I am very confident in my victory. I know my opponent very well, he’s a good boxer, but only one of us is going to be victorious.

This is a fight between two top ten prospects, both hold regional titles,” said Vadim Kornilov of World of Boxing. “This fight will hopefully be an eliminator for the World championship mandatory.

This is a brilliant show and a big chance for Devin to take NYC by storm,” said promoter Eddie Hearn. “Abdullaev is a dangerous undefeated fighter but Devin is ready for all comers and wants to win this fight and then go straight into the Lomachenko vs. Campbell winner. It’s crazy to believe he is just 20 yaş – I think it’s fair to say he is the most exciting young fighter in the world right now.

Roman vs. Akhmadaliev is an absolute war, Danny refused to vacate the belt and like a true champion will face a young fearless, hard hitting mandatory challenger who is taking a giant leap after just six fights.

The Heavyweight division is red hot and Hunter v Kuzmin maybe one of the match ups of the yeardo not blink on this one! We probably could have filled this venue with Serrano vs. Hardy alone, it’s an amazing fight for NYC with the winner set for a defining Katie Taylor fight next. Do not miss this show!”

We are excited to kick off our busy fall line-up with the return of blue-chip prospect Devin Haney on DAZN,” said Joseph Markowski, DAZN EVP, North America. “Matchroom has put together a stacked card for New York fight fans and those watching around the world on DAZN. We are preparing to close out our first year in boxing with a bang and it all starts September 13 at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden.

An announcement on ticket prices and on-sale dates will be made later this week.

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About Devin Haney Promotions:
Based in California, Devin Haney Promosyonları (DHP) is a first-class promotional company headed by boxing phenom, Devin “The DreamHaney. The company was founded in September of 2018. Devin Haney at 19-yrs old became the youngest active fighter/promoter in boxing history. DHP has a commitment to bring fans the most exciting shows with some of the best fighters in the world. Globally, DHP is respected as a premier promoter in boxing.


Shields Fights To Become Three-Division World Champion
In Hometown Debut From Dort Federal
Event Center In Flint, mən.

At Live 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT

Tickets on Sale TODAY at 2 dək. VƏ!

NEW YORK – Avqust 6, 2019 – Undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields’ attempt at history has been rescheduled for Saturday, Oktyabr 5 Showtime yaşayır. Shields will aim to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, kişi və ya qadın, to become a three-division world champion when she takes on former world championIvana Habazin for the vacant WBO Junior Middleweight Title onSHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION (9 dək. VƏ / 6 dək. PT) from Dort Federal Event Center in Flint, mən.

The vacant WBC Women’s Diamond Super Welterweight Championship will also be on the line in Shieldsfirst professional fight in her hometown.
The homecoming fight was initially scheduled for August 17 and postponed in June after Shields suffered a minor injury to her right knee while doing roadwork.
Shields vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions. Tickets for the live event go on sale today/Tuesday, Avqust 6 at 2 dək. ET and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com and at the Dort Center box office.
The 24-year-old Shields (9-0, 2 Kos) is a two-division titlist who became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. Bunu edərkən, she joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernard Hopkins, Oleksandr Usyk and Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class (Katie Taylor has since joined the prestigious list).
Indi, the Flint star seeks to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. With a win over Habazin, Shields would become a three-division champion in just 10 bitir, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko, who accomplished the feat in 12 döyüşlərdə.
I’m more excited than ever. Mən 100 percent recovered, and I can’t wait to get back in the ring and fight in front of my hometown fans in Flint as undisputed champion of the world,” Shields bildirib. “Having the opportunity to become world champion in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in boxing history will make October 5 a night I will cherish forever. It’s another big step in history, and giant step forward in lifting women’s boxing on the road to equality.
Habazin (20-3, 7 Kos), of Zagreb, Xorvatiya, is ranked No. 1 by the WBO at 154 manat. 29 yaşlı, who will be making her U.S. debüt, won the IBF Welterweight Title over Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. In her next fight, Habazin dropped a unanimous decision to Braekhus in a historic unification bout where Braekhus picked up all four major world title belts. Ən son, Habazin avenged one of only three losses in her career to Eva Bajic in Zagreb.
It’s an honor and a dream to fight in the U.S. on national television,” Habazin said. “A lot of fighters never get this opportunity in their careers so I know I need to make the most of it. I’ve been training for this fight since June and the postponement has only given me more time to get ready. I intend to put my best effort forward to impress the fans and show that I am for real.
I am not just coming to fight for a world title, I am fighting for my life and my career. I believe I am the best and now I got the chance to prove that, and there is no better opponent for that than Claressa Shields.
Shields was the first American boxer in history – kişi və ya qadın – to win consecutive Olympic gold medals. She turned professional following the 2016 Olympics and headlined the first women’s boxing main event in premium television history in just her second professional fight in 2017. Shields became unified women’s super middleweight world champion in just her fourth professional fight, and a two-division champion in her sixth professional contest. She was crowned the undisputed 160-pound champion in her ninth fight, less than three years after turning professional following the 2016 Olimpiya.
From Christy Martin and Laila Ali to Cris Cyborg and Ronda Rousey, and now Claressa Shields, SHOWTIME has long been the pioneer in women’s combat sports,” said Gordon Hall, Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION.  “Without question, Claressa Shields is the face of women’s boxing and we’re excited to present yet another historic milestone in her career as she looks to capture a third division championship in record time. This is Claressa’s sixth appearance on SHOWTIME and yet another test as she continues her personal quest to become the greatest of all time.
With the new date, this fight is going to be even more significant,” Dmitriy Salita bildirib, President of Salita Promotions. “Claressa has had time to get 100 percent healthy and in the best shape of her life as she goes down in weight to fight for another historic accomplishment. Digər tərəfdən, Ivana has used this extra time to prepare for Claressa both mentally and physically. She has remained in camp throughout the summer as she prepares to come to America to upset Claressa and fulfill what she feels is her destiny. It’s going to be two fighters at the top of their games.
“Oktyabr 5 will be a magnificent event for Claressa Shields, for women’s boxing, and for Claressa’s hometown city of Flint,” said Mark Taffet, manager of Claressa Shields. “Claressa continues to shine a beacon of light on the sport, making history in each and every fight and reaching levels previously unimaginable. She is a once in a lifetime athlete and young woman, and if she is victorious on October 5 she will become the fastest man or woman in boxing history to win a world title in a third weight division.
Barry Tompkins will call the SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. icraçı prodüseri Richard Gaughan istehsal və Rick Phillips yönəldilməsi ilə Gordon Hall.
The undercard for the telecast will be announced in the coming weeks.


Photos by Robert Elizando

SAN ANTONIO, TX (Avqust 5, 2019)This past Saturday at the Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, TX, Female lightweight contender, Selina “Aztec Queen” Məhəllə yaxşılaşmışdır (6-1, 3 Kos) after knocking out Nina Gallegos with a vicious body shot just 42 saniyə yuvarlaq birinə. Supreme Boxing Promotions was the promoter.

It was beautiful to see the fans of San Antoinio come out and support our boxing event last night. I wanted to make a statement with a knockout performance, and I was blessed to deliver it. The boxing community and fans in San Antonio are incredible. I’m hoping we can continue to bring more boxing shows to our great city.

Məhəllə, the NABF Lightweight champion is looking to get back on world title run.

My focus now is landing a big fight with any top fighter in the super featherweight or lightweight division,” Barrios davam. “My manager is working on a few things and my next fight will be announced sometime soon, hopefully against a big name.

We have plans for Selina to be in a big fight sometime in 2020,” bildirib Kerry Dangle, Məhəllə’ co-manager. “I think she will be best suited if we can keep her busy, maybe one more tune up fight before we step her up again.

Selina is ready to go on a nice run.” bildirib Colin Campbell, Məhəllə’ co-manager. “She really stepped up her game during training camp and it paid off. She’ll be in a big fight very soon.


Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship Returns Saturday, Avqust 10 Live from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi

Headlined by Leonard Garcia vs. Jim Alers Showdown, plus BKFC Heavyweight Champion Arnold Adams Defending Against Chase Sherman & daha!

PHILADELPHIA (Avqust 5, 2019) – Qarşıdakı Bare Knuckle Döyüş Championship (BKFC) hadisə, taking place Saturday, Avqust 10 from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Miss. will stream live and for free worldwide through FITE and on the BKFC YouTube page (subscribe for free access to the card) başlayan 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT.

We are thrilled to be able to showcase all of the action from the BKFC event slated for Saturday, Avqust 10 FITE-də,” Maykl Veber dedi, FITE COO. “FITE has had the pleasure to work with BKFC since they first launched and we’re excited to be able to participate in the growth of their brand and organization.

The event is headlined by an exciting main event that pits Leonard Garcia qarşıJim Alers in a 155-pound attraction. The fight card will also feature BKFC heavyweight champion and Chicago native Arnold Adams defending his title against Biloxi’s own Chase Sherman and also includes a women’s featherweight tournament semifinal that will see Las Vegas native Christine Ferea battling the Dominican Republic’s Helen Peralta, while former UFC star Melvin Guillard makes his BKFC debut versus former UFC and BKFC vet Isaac Vallie--ın bayrağı.

Tickets for BKFC 7 are available now at www.bareknuckle.tv. The event is being distributed and executive produced by MultiVision Media, Inc.

BKFC will be making their fourth appearance at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum, having delivered three action-packed events, most recently the April 6 show headlined by the memorable Artem Lobov vs. Jason Knight Fight of The Year namizəd.

Canadian Chris Kelades new M-1 Challenge Interim flyweight champion

Decisions Alexander Pletenko in China

WKG & M-1 Challenge 103


SHENZHEN, Çini (Avqust 4, 2019) – Canadian mixed-martial arts fighter Chris Kelades became the M-1 Challenge Interim flyweight champion by taking a decision from Alexander Pletenko last night at WKG and M-1 Challenge 103 in Shenzhen, Çini.

M-1 Challenge “regular” flyweight championAlexander Doskalchuk was supposed to defend his title atM-1 Challenge 103 against Kelades, lakin, the champ suffered an injury that forced Doskalchuk to withdraw.

Pletenko versus Kelades was a rematch of a fight back in June, 2018, in which Pletenko won a decision atM-1 Challenge 93.  Pletenko, lakin, came in overweight and he was ineligible to win the title.

This true International MMA event included 20 professional fighters from 10 müxtəlif ölkələrdə: Rusiya, Çini, Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, Braziliya, Ukrayna, Kanada, Azərbaycan, İsveç, Georgia and Germany.

The judges were busy all night as eight of the 10 fights went the complete distance.

Əsas halda, Kelades (14-4) and Pletenko (14-5) battled tooth and nail with the Canadian avenging his earlier loss with a five-round unanimous decision to his Ukrainian opponent.

Chinese fighters had won only one of four fights going into the final match of the evening, in which fan favoriteHuoyixibai Chuhayifo (12-3) sent everybody home happy, knocking out Georgian bantamweightBeno Adamia (5-5) with a punch in the opening round.

Rusiya Welter SikletMaksim Grabovich (10-4) won a unanimous decision over veteran Brazilian fighterJonas “Bonus” Boeno (38-12), Braziliya ağırRoggers “The Tiger” Souza (9-2) bir split qərar aldıZaur Gadzhibayev (7-3-1), and United State welterweightHayden “Hulk” Hassan (9-4) won his M-1 Global debut with a unanimous decision versusMovsar Bokov (5-2), Rusiya.

Undercard, Chinese featherweightFeng “The Winged Tiger” Peng Zhao (6-2) məğlub AmerikaEdward Massey (5-4) on points, but Zhao’s countrymenMaheshate vəWang Zhen lost unanimous decision, müvafiq olaraq, to Russian lightweightNikolay Goncharov (3-1-1) and Brazilian flyweightKayck “Chuck” Alencar (10-1).

Swedish welterweightAndreas “Real Steel” Stahl (12-4) won a split decision over Germany’sChristian Jungwirth (6-2), while American lightweightDaniel “Agent Orange” Swain (20-9-1) locked in a guillotine choke onXialong Wu, Çin, at the 28-second mark of round one for a victory.

Below find the official weights and more pictures:



Chris Kelades (14-4, M-1: 3-1), Kanada


Alexander Pletenko (14-5, M-1: 1-1), Ukrayna

 (Kelades wins M-1 Challenge Interim flyweight title)


Huoyixibai Chuhayifu (12-3, M-1: 3-1), Çini

WKO1 (punches – 4:41)

Beno Adamia, (5-5, M-1: 0-2), Gürcüstan


Maksim Grabovich (10-4, M-1: 7-3), Rusiya


Jonas Boeno (38-12, M-1: 0-1), Braziliya

Ağır toplarının

Roggers Souza (9-2, M-1: 1-0), Braziliya


Zaur Gadzhibayev (7-3-1, M-1: 5-2), Azərbaycan


Hayden Hassan (9-4, M-1: 1-0), Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları


Movsar Bokov (5-2, M-1: 4-2), Rusiya



Andreas Stahl (12-4, M-1: 1-0), İsveç


Christian Jungwirth (6-2, M-1: 0-1), Almaniya


Daniel Swain (20-9-1, M-1: 3-1-1), Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları

WSUB1 (guillotine choke – 0:28)

Xiaolong Wu (16-9-1, M-1: 0-2), Çini

Nikolay Goncharov (3-1-1, M-1: 1-1), Rusiya


Maheshate (2-1, M-1: 0-1), Çini


Feng Peng Zhao (6-2, M-1: 1-0), Çini


Edward Massey (5-4, M-1: 1-2), Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları


Kayck Alencar (10-1, M-1: 2-1), Braziliya


Wang Zhen (5-1, M-1: (0-1), Çini




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Former Champion Jean Pascal Edges Marcus Browne By Technical Decision After Accidental Headbutt Ends Fight in Round Eight & Wale Omotoso Stops Curtis Stevens in Third Round of 154-Pound Duel

Basın HERE for Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions

Basın HERE for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/TGB Promotions

BROOKLYN (Avqust 4, 2019) – Unbeaten Polish star and Brooklyn native Adam Kownacki (20-0, 15 Kos) earned a unanimous decision over Chris “Nightmare” Arreola (38-6-1, 33 Kos) in an all-action brawl in front of his hometown fans that headlined FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes Saturday night from Barclays Center, BROOKLYN BOKS ™ ev.

Kownacki and Arreola set the CompuBox heavyweight record for combined punches landed and thrown in a heavyweight fight. They landed a combined 667 punches, besting the previous record of 650, while throwing 2,172 punches, far surpassing the previous mark of 1,730.

Highlights from the fight can be found HERE, HEREHERE.

Chris is an Aztec warrior,” Kownacki bildirib. “O, böyük bir döyüş var. I knew it would be a tough fight and I prepared for it. The CompuBox numbers prove it was a great fight.

Adam is relentless,” deyən Arreola. “He just keeps coming. I know I got him with some good punches and he got me with some good ones. I was more than ready to go all 12, but Adam came in and won the fight.

The action began right from the first bell, as Kownacki charged at Arreola and immediately began exchanging as both men threw power punches in bunches. Kownacki worked off of his jab to initiate his offense, while Arreola was effectively able to counter his hard-charging opponent and respond every time he was hit with a combination.

I thought it was a good close fight but I knew I pulled it out,” Kownacki bildirib. “I landed a lot of shots and that was enough to win. That’s all that matters.

Kownacki stunned Arreola in the early moments of round two but Arreola quickly responded to slow Kownacki’s momentum. Arreola found more and more success with his overhand right as the fight went, landing the punch numerous times in the fourth and fifth round especially.

Round six was a back and forth affair that featured a big offensive surge from Kownacki early in the round, before an exciting exchange at the end of the round saw both men take heavy punches.

I tried to follow up when I had him hurt but I was throwing two punches instead of three or four,” Kownacki bildirib. “Props to Arreola because he proved he could still hang. I’m sure the fans would want to see him again.

The middle rounds saw Arreola pick up a hand injury, but it didn’t appear to slow him down much as his punch output continued to be strong for the second half of the fight. For Kownacki, it was his first time going past 10 rounds as a pro.

After the punches continued to fly through the last bell, the two heavyweights embraced in the ring prior to hearing the judges’ puanları. Sonra 12 el, all three judges saw the fight in favor of Kownacki, puanları ilə 117-11 iki dəfə və 118-110.

Retirement is something I need to talk to my family and team about,” deyən Arreola. “I gave it my all this fight. I let it all hang out. After breaking my hand, I kept fighting because I believed I could win.

I just have to keep training hard, getting better and sharpening my skills,” Kownacki bildirib. “We’ll see what the future holds. Hopefully next year I’ll get the title shot.

The co-main event saw former world champion Jean Pascal (34-6-1, 20 Kos) earn a narrow technical decision over previously unbeaten Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 Kos) to capture the WBA interim light heavyweight title after an accidental headbutt ended the fight in round eight.

Boxing is boxing,” said Pascal. “We clashed heads, but at the end of the day, I was winning the round. I dropped him three times. Bu yaxın döyüş çıxdı, but I believe I was winning.

Browne appeared to be in control early, using his jab effectively and finishing his combos with power punches. Throughout the fight, Browne would land 52% of his power punches according to CompuBox.

Dəyirmi dörd, Pascal broke through landing a perfect right hand that connected with Browne as he threw his own right hook. Browne hit the canvas for the third time in his career, but was able to make it through the round.

Watch Pascal score the knockdown HERE

Browne looked to have regained control of the fight until late in round seven when Pascal again connected on a powerful right hook that caught Browne during an exchange. Pascal jumped on Browne after he got to his feet and knocked him down a third time right before the bell ended round seven.

Montreal’s Pascal was looking to finish Browne in round eight, while Browne looked to effectively navigate the ring while recovering from the previous round. It was midway through the round that Pascal hit Browne with an accidental headbutt on the ropes that opened a cut over Browne’s left eye.

Watch the headbutt HERE

Referee Gary Rosato halted the bout 1:49 mərhələyə, on the advice of the ringside physician, meaning the fight went to the scorecards. By winning the shortened eighth round on all three judges’ kartları, Pascal won the fight by the score of 75-74 üç dəfə.

I could hear my daughter ringside and that was motivation for me,” said Pascal. “She was yelling my name all night long. I’m going to go home and talk to my team to see what is next. Canada has Drake, the NBA Champions and now I’m bringing the belt home.

Browne was unavailable for post fight comments as he was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center due to the cut.

The opening bout on FOX saw Wale Omotoso (28-4, 22 Kos) drop Curtis Stevens(30-7, 22 Kos) three times on his way to a third round stoppage victory in their super welterweight clash.

For Stevens it was his first fight at 154-pounds, and he was tested at the new weight from the outset. Omotoso began moving and jabbing around the ring as Stevens stalked him and tried to throw power punches to slow his movement. Late in the first round, Omotoso broke through with a right hand to the side of Stevenshead that dropped him in the middle of the ring.

My coach told me to keep my hands up, be patient, box him and jab,” said Omotoso. “He told me I shouldn’t push it and that when the opening was there, I’d take it. That’s exactly what happened.

He hit me with an overhand right in the first round that knocked my equilibrium,” said Stevens. “But that didn’t really affect me too much. I wasn’t stepping enough into my punches, I was reaching. I got caught when I was reaching.

In round two Omotoso landed a perfect jab on Stevens, as his opponent was throwing a left hook, that sent him down for the second time in the fight. Stevens again made it through the round, and began the next frame trapping Omotoso in the corner and connecting on power punches.

I was just letting my hands go,” said Omotoso. “On the second knockdown my confidence grew. I was glad to get the victory by knockout.

While Stevens was able to own the early moments of the third round, Omotoso hit him with a three punch combo that featured left hook, left uppercut and then straight right hand that put Stevens down for the third time. Stevens got to his feet but referee Johnny Callas halted the bout at 1:28 Üçüncü turun.

I was okay but the referee has to do his job,” said Stevens. “I was down three times so I know he was looking out for my best interests.

I didn’t expect it to go exactly like that,” said Omotoso. “I was just listening to my coach. The second knockdown was actually with my jab. I have to talk to my team about what’s next. I’m thankful for this opportunity. I’m so happy to have this win. Give me anybody next, Mən hazıram.”

Watch Omotoso’s TKO over Curtis Stevens HERE

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