Las Vegas, NV – LFA has signed an international distribution deal with FIGHT GLOBE to distribute its content to the international public as announced by the industry leader for independent distribution of MMA and kickboxing content. FIGHT GLOBE will distribute LFA’s content outside of the United States and Canada, allowing an international audience to experience MMA in its purest form.

I am excited to announce the partnership between LFA and FIGHT GLOBE,” stated Ed Soares, CEO of LFA. “LFA is the world’s #1 premier developmental organization in MMA and FIGHT GLOBE is one of the world’s largest independent distributors of MMA content. This will help grow the LFA brand on a global scale, while giving our fighters worldwide visibility.

FIGHT GLOBE is a worldwide leader for the distribution of MMA and kickboxing content with offices located in The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia. It owns, manages, and distributes television media rights with a sterling reputation among sports federations, támogatók, and rights holders from around the world. FIGHT GLOBE represents some of the most influential combat sports events from all over the globe.

We are very excited for this new partnership with LFA,” stated Sabine Kesseler, CEO of FIGHT GLOBE. “LFA is one of the Top MMA promoters in the United States with a great roster of professional fighters. Több, their event production is always on point and we are very proud to work with them.

-ban 2017, RFA and Legacy FC merged to form LFA, the premier developmental organization in Mixed Martial Arts. The combined forces of LFA launched the careers of over 170 sportolók, hogy elérte a csúcsát az MMA által versenyez az UFC.  Májusban 2018, the promotion joined the London Trust Media Holdings group of companies. Novemberben 2019 the promotion announced a broadcast partnership with UFC FIGHT PASS®.
Kérjük, látogasson elLFA.com for bout updates and information. LFA is on Facebook atLegacy harci szövetség. Az LFA az Instagram-on is található@LFAfighting és a Twitter a@LFAfighting.

About LFA:LFA is a professional Mixed Martial Arts promotion that gives rising stars and top contenders the opportunity to prove their talent to fans and leaders in the industry. LFA was formed by the powerhouse merger between RFA and Legacy FC. LFA presents live Mixed Martial Arts events on a monthly basis around the United States to markets including Atlanta, Minneapolis, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Székhelyű Las Vegas, NV,  LFA is one of the most active and respected MMA organizations in the fastest growing sport in the world.About FIGHT GLOBE:FIGHT GLOBE (FightGlobe.com), an Athletic Sports Group company, is the number one independent distributor of MMA and kickboxing content worldwide. It owns, manages and distributes television media rights and has established an exemplary track record in distributing TV and media rights for sports federations, promoters and rights holders. FIGHT GLOBE represents some of the most popular and influential combat sports events from all over the globe. Annually FIGHT GLOBE distributes over 300 live combat sports programming, ancillary fight sports content and hundreds of hours of archived content to broadcasters, in more than 150 countries across the world reaching 1 billion-plus households.About LONDON TRUST MEDIA:London Trust Media is a diversified business focused on the Internet and media industriesbringing the Internet back to its original state and bringing power back to the people. London Trust Media runs the leading no-log VPN service provider in the world Private Internet Access (PIA) as well as Kore Asian Media, Linux Journal, freenode, Snoonet, JOG, BlockExplorer, and Provocateur. Please visit their website atlondontrustmedia.com További információk.

Egyszerűen a legjobb! Mark Breland

Osztálya 2019 szertartás dec. 13 a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó a Charles Lake-ben, Louisiana

Colorado Springsben, Öl. (December 3, 2019) - Minden idők vitathatatlanul legnagyobb amerikai amatőr ökölvívója, Mark Breland péntek este felveszik az USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame-be, December 13, alatt egy különleges osztály 2019 ünnepség a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó a Charles Lake-ben, Louisiana.

A HOF fogadását a 2020 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olimpiai csapatpróbák a bokszért és a 2019 Országos bajnokság, December. 7-15, a Lake Charles Polgári Központban. Az olimpiai próbák döntőjét vasárnap rendezik, December. 15, a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó. Hall of Fame műsorszolgáltatóAl Bernstein a Showtime Sports-tól a rendezvény zsinórjaként immár harmadik éve fog szerepelni.

Az USA Boxing Alumni Association harmadik HOF osztályába két másik olimpiai aranyérmes is beletartozik, „Nagy” George Foremanés „Smokin” Joe Frazier, valamint legendás edzőkAl Mitchell ésRay Rodgers

Az. John McCain posztumusz külön életműdíjat adnak át az ökölvívók védelmében és a sport emelésében végzett fáradhatatlan munkájáért..

„Nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy bekerültem az USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame-be,- mondta Breland. „Ez valóban sokat jelent, különösen ebben az évben megy Foreman és Frazier. Gondolom, ez azt bizonyítja, hogy sokat tettem a bokszban. Örülök, hogy bemegyek. Nagyon jól szórakoztam az USA Boxingban. Ugyanazba a Hírességek Csarnokába menniEvander (Holyfield) (MuhammadVannak, Művezető, Őrültebb ... ilyen bajnokok, nekem valami velük lenni. "

Breland, ironikusan, először nyolc évesen került bokszba, annak köszönhetően, hogy elhozták az első bokszmérkőzésére, Frazier-Ali I, a Madison Square Gardennél. „Fent voltunk a legfelső üléseken,”A brooklyni születésű és nevelt Breland úgy emlékezett, mint tegnap. "A tömeg, a légkör ... csak az jutott eszembe, Azta!  Addig nem jöttem rá, hogy idősebb lettem, hogy olyan sok csillag nézte ott Alit és Frazier-t, mert valamennyien ringben voltak.

„Másnap elmentem egy tornaterembe. Nagyon sovány voltam, kicsi, de másnap visszajöttem. Élveztem a tornázást, és beleszerettem az ökölvívásba. Nagy tornákon akartam bokszolni. Ezt akartam csinálni, de elrejtettem a bokszot szüleim elől. Tudták, hogy futballoztam, de ez rendben volt velük, mert ellentétben az ökölvívással, volt sisakunk. Nyertem a junior olimpián, és ez szerepelt a papírokban. Láttam, és azt hittem, anyám meg fog ölni. Anyám megkérdezte, miért nem mondtam el neki, ezért meghívtam, hogy nézze meg, hogyan harcolok az Arany kesztyűben. Az egyik első sorban volt, de utána, amikor megkérdeztem tőle, hogy mit gondol, amikor kiütöttem az ellenfelemet, azt mondta, hogy nem látta, mert lehunyta a szemét.

Breland ötszörös New York-i aranykesztyű bajnok lett a 21-0 rekord, beleértve 19 kiütéssel, 14 a nyitó fordulóban érkezik. Ban ben 1982, Breland aranyérmet szerzett a rangos müncheni világbajnokságon, Németország, ami után a No-nak nevezték el. 1 könnyűsúly a világon az AIBA. Őt választották az év bokszolójának is (1982) USAABF.

Annál a 1984 Olimpiai Játékok, tartott Los Angelesben, Breland aranyéremig küzdött,

nyolc amerikai csapattársával együtt: Paul GonzalezSteve McCroryMeldrick TaylorPernell WhitakerJerry Page,Frank TateHenry Tillman ésTyrell Biggs.

Breland, aki elképesztő módon fejezte be amatőr karrierjét 110-1 (73 KO) rekord, hűvösebbnek tűnt, mint a párna másik oldala, párás éjszaka. Nincs igazi ünnepség, miután aranyat nyert, ellenkezőleg, Mark érzelemmentes volt, ugyanaz, mint ma is a bajnokok edzőjeként.

„Mindig nagyon nyugodtan voltam," elmagyarázta. - Csak arra emlékszem, hogy felemeltem a kezem. Olimpiai sajtótájékoztatón, Megkérdezték tőlem, hogy boldog vagyok-e, és csak azt mondtam, hogy örülök, hogy vége. Azt hiszem, nem tűnt izgatottnak. Boldog voltam, de nyugodt. Most is ugyanúgy (mint edző); csak én vagyok. Örülök a győzelemnek, és örülök, hogy azt csinálom, amit csinálok. ”

„Mark dominanciája az USA bokszkarrierje során tapasztalt versenye felett legendaként ragadja meg,”KommentáltaChris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association ügyvezető igazgató. - Gyűrűs intelligenciája, elkötelezettsége mestersége iránt, és az a képesség, hogy bármilyen ütemben harcolhasson bármilyen stílus ellen, óriási példát jelent a mai amatőr bajnok csoport számára. Hosszú idő telt el, de az Öregdiákok Egyesülete alig várja, hogy elmélkedhessenek teljesítményén és megtiszteljék Markot Louisianában. ”

A megerősített különleges vendégek közé tartozik 1988 Olimpiai aranyérmesAndrew Maynard, az év háromszoros AAU nemzeti edzője (1972-76-77) Joe Clough, 1984 Olimpiai aranyérmes Frank Tateés testvéreTamás, 1972 OlimposziTim Dement, 2002 Nemzeti Golden Gloves bajnokJaidon Codringtion, 1980 Olimpiai selejtezőJackie Beard, 1981 Junior OlimpiaGlen Modicue, négyszeres országos bajnokEric Kelly, 1988 Keleti olimpiai selejtező bajnokJohn ScullyObie szakállMark Lanton és aStephenstestvérek -DonaldAnthony ésCsárda.

Hogyan válhat az USA tagjává az Öregdiák-egyesület

Az egész életen át tartó bajnok, kölcsönösen előnyös kapcsolatok az USA Boxing és öregdiákjai között, –bokszolók, tisztviselők, edzők és ökölvívók — Az Alumni Association egyesíti a bajnokok generációit, inspirálja és visszaadja az USA Boxing jövőbeli bajnokai számára, ki-és a gyűrű.

Az Egyesült Államok Ökölvívó Öregdiák Szövetsége mindenki számára nyitott, aki szereti az ökölvívást, és kapcsolatban maradna az amatőr ökölvívással. A tagok számára az Öregdiákok Egyesülete számos különféle eseményt biztosít, beleértve az USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame fogadását.

Csatlakozni az Alumni Egyesülethez, egyszerűen regisztráljon a (z)alumni@usaboxing.org egy a $40.00 évi tagsági díj. Az új tagok pólót kapnak, kulcstartó és e-pénztárca.

Breland novemberben debütált a várva várt profin 15, 1984, a híres Madison Square Gardenben, hatfordulós egyhangú döntéssel legyőzte Dwight Williamst. Híres profi karrierje alatt (1984-1997), Breland összeállított egy sterlinget 35-3-1 (35 KO) rekord és kétszeres könnyűsúlyú világbajnok volt.

Az 56 éves Breland, aki egyszer kiképezte a későket, nagy 1992 Amerikai olimpikonVernon Forrest, jelenleg egy másik nagyszerű USA Boxing öregdiákot és 2008 Olimpiai bronzérmes, Deontay Wilder, az Ökölvívó Világtanács uralkodó nehézsúlyú bajnoka.

- Miután elkezdtem bokszolni az amatőröknél,- vonta le a következtetést Breland, „Elkezdtem haladni. Sokat tanultam más amatőröktől, például a különböző stílusoktól. A New York-i / New Jersey-i bokszolók stílusa más volt, mint a Georgia / Florida-i bokszolóké, és a kubaiakkal való harc teljesen más volt. Megvertem egy kubai vadászgépet, de valahányszor megütöttem, valahogy, elvettek tőlem egy pontot. Rögtön tudtam, hogy ki kell ütnöm őt a győzelemhez, és végül abbahagyták a harcot.

CLASS A 2017: A charter osztály élén álltMuhammad Ali ésEvander Holyfield, a veterán edzők mellettRoosevelt Sanders ésTom Coulter.

CLASS A 2018: Egyesült Államokon kívül. Az olimpiai csapat érmesei és a világ (szakmai) bajnokokRoy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward ésClaressa Shields, valamint az USA Boxing volt edzője nemzeti igazgatójaEmanuel Steward és az USA Boxing veterán tisztviselőjeTom Cleary.



Twitter: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


First Event Streams Live and Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®

 Szombat, December 7 at 11 a.m. ÉS / 8 a.m. PT

LAS VEGAS (November 27, 2019) —  History will be made on Saturday, December 7, when RJJ Boxing Russia presents its first professional boxing event streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, a világ vezető digitális előfizetői szolgáltatást küzdősportok,kezdődően 11 a.m. ÉS / 8 a.m. PT from RCC Martial Arts Academy in Ekaterinburg, Oroszország.

Living legend and RJJ Boxing Promotions co-founderRoy Jones, Jr., is wildly popular in Russia, and RJJ Boxing Russia will officially launch Dec. 7 with the inauguralRJJ Boxing Russia on UFC FIGHT PASS.

“Roy is in Russia half the year promoting what we are doing there,” CEO and co-founder Keith Veltre mondott. “Roy has been in Russia for a while promoting our December 7th előadás. As a USA promoter, conducting business there is extremely rare and a privilege. We will be working with our partners to bring Russian fighters to American soil, so that they can compete at the highest level. We plan to promote multiple shows in Russia throughout the year on UFC FIGHT PASS, which will also be televised in Russia on UFC TV Russia.”

Undefeated Russian cruiserweight prospectAlexey Egorov (9-0, 7 KO) will be showcased in the 10-round main event against his Ukrainian opponentSergey Radchenko (7-4, 2 KO). Egorov, the European and Russian National amateur champion, stopped two-time, two-division world title challengerLateef Kayode (21-3) last year in his most notable clash.

In the 8-round, co-featured event, undefeated Ukraine-nativeMukhamad Shekhov (6-0, 3 KO) takes on Panamanian veteranJuan Aaron Suarez (15-6-3, 4 KO), a former World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedecentro titlist, for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Intercontinental Cruiserweight Championship.

In a rematch that ended in a majority draw last February, Russian super featherweightsRuslan Kamilov (7-0-1, 3 KO) ésEvgeniy Shirnov (13-0-3, 3 KO) throwdown in a 10-round bout.

Russian light heavyweightsAli Izmaylov (2-0, 1 KOP) ésMark Chemidov (5-6-2, 2 KO) open the UFC FIGHJT PASS stream in a 6-rounder.


Weboldalak:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufc.tv/page/fightpass 

Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

ROY JONES JR, BOKSZ AKCIÓK: Társalapító 2013 tízszeres világbajnok Roy Jones, Jr. és Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) A Boxing Promotions úton van a boksz újrafeltalálásához.  RJJ néhány év alatt már hatalmas hatást gyakorolt ​​a bokszközösségre.  Creating exhilarating content for CBS Sports, Showtime, Az ESPN és a beIN Sports az ország legkiválóbb helyszínein, RJJ bebizonyította, hogy meghódítja a sport édes tudományát.

A világ harci fővárosában található, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boksz promóciók gyors ütemben mászik a csúcsra, fiatal tehetség hozzáadása növekvő istállójához: former world champion bantamweight Joseph Agbekoworld junior bantamweight title challenger Aston Palicte, junior middleweights John Vera and Daniel Rosario Cruz, junior lightweight Randy Moreno, bantamweights Max Ornelas and Tony Lopez, cruiserweight Adrian Taylor and middleweight Shady Gamhour, featherweight Edward Vazquez, junior welterweight Kendo Castaneda and heavyweight Alexander Flores.

AZ UFC FIGHT PASS-ról®UFC KÜZDELEM PASS® a világ vezető digitális előfizetési szolgáltatása a harci sportok számára. Indulás óta 2013, HARC PASS már elérhető több mint 200 országok és területek. A FIGHT PASS korlátlan hozzáférést biztosít tagjainak az élő UFC FIGHT PASS előfutamokhoz; élőben kevert harcművészetek és küzdősportok a világ minden tájáról; eredeti sorozat és történelmi programozás; Különleges képességek; mögötti jelenetek tartalom; mélyinterjúk; és up-to-the perces jelentéseket a világ küzdősportok. KÜZDELEM PASS előfizetők is 24/7 hozzáférést a világ legnagyobb küzdelem könyvtár, amely több mint 17,000 tucatnyi küzdő sportszervezet küzdelme, valamint minden küzdelem az UFC történelem. Fight rajongók elérheti HARC PASS a személyi számítógépek, iOS és Android mobil eszközök, Apple TV, Xbox egy, Xbox 360, Amazon Tűz TV, Chromecaston, Év, Samsung Okostévék, LG Okostévék, és a Sony TV-k Android TV. További információk, Kérjük, látogasson elwww.ufcfightpass.com.


Tony Harrison Holds Grocery Giveaway Ahead of Holiday & Rematch Against Former Champion Jermell Charlo Saturday, December 21 in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event & on FOX Deportes from Toyota Arena in Ontario, Kalifornia

Kattintson ITT for Photos from Team Harrison

DETROIT (November 27, 2019) – WBC Super Welterweight Champion and Detroit-native Tony “Superbad” Harrison spent time giving back to his hometown last week, holding a grocery giveaway at his gym ahead of tomorrow’s Thanksgiving holiday.

I know where I come from and the neighborhood that we’re giving back to,” Said Harrison. “They need a little help, and we’re just trying to give these people the opportunity to fight another day. It’s a 12-round battle every day in this community, so whatever we can do to help them fight one more day is what I’ll do.

Harrison hosted the event at his Superbad Boxing Gym as he prepares for his rematch against former world champion Jermell Charlo taking place Saturday, December 21 in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes live from Toyota Arena in Ontario, Kalifornia.

Jegyek a rendezvény, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Toyota Arena box office and Ticketmaster.com.

Harrison, who will be riding in his own float at tomorrow’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit, gave away 50,000 pounds of food as he continues his longstanding goals to give back to his hometown and before he represents his city in the ring live in primetime on December 21.

Tell Charlo to be ready,” Said Harrison, “We’re almost there. I’m locked in and I’ll see him real soon.

# # #

Harrison vs. Charlo II will see the highly anticipated rematch between WBC Super Welterweight Champion TonySuperbadHarrison and former world champion Jermell Charlo headlining the FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, December 21 from Toyota Arena in Ontario, Kalifornia.

Televíziós lefedettség kezdődik 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features former world champions Guillermo Rigondeaux and Liborio Solis fighting for the vacant WBA Bantamweight World title and rising heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba taking on Iago Kiladze in a 10-round opening attraction.

Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. Ezenkívül, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 műholdas rádiókban és a SiriusXM alkalmazásban.

További információk: látogatás www.premierboxingchampions.com, ht
és www.foxdeportes.com, Követés TwitterenPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Unified 154-Pound World Champion Julian Williams Makes Philadelphia Homecoming Title Defense Against Hard-Hitting Jeison Rosario Saturday, Január 18 in FOX PBC Fight Night Main Event & on FOX Deportes from Temple University’s Liacouras Center

Undefeated Rising Star Chris Colbert Takes on Former Champion Jezreel Corrales for Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title in Co-Main Event of Broadcast Beginning at

8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale Friday, November 29 at 12 p.m. ÉS!

PHILADELPHIA(November 27, 2019) – Unified 154-pound world championJulian “J-Rock” Williamswill defend his WBA and IBF titles in a Philadelphia homecoming against the hard-hittingJeison Rosarioszombat, Január 18 in the FOX PBC Fight Night main event and on FOX Deportes live in primetime from Temple University’s Liacouras Center.

The action will also feature undefeated rising star Chris “Prime Time” Colbert taking on former champion Jezreel Corrales for the Interim WBA Super Featherweight Title as the co-main event of the broadcast that begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Jegyek az élő esemény, amelyek segítik elő TGB Promotions, are on sale Friday, November 29 at 12 p.m. ET and can be purchased athttp://www.liacourascenter.com/events (direct linkITT) vagy hívja 800-298-4200.

Julian Williams earned one of 2019’s most thrilling victories in May against Jarrett Hurd, and there’s no better way for him to follow that up than by defending his WBA and IBF titles in front of his hometown fans in Philadelphia,” said Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions. “The great fight fans in Philadelphia are in for fireworks because Jeison Rosario hits hard and he comes to pull off the spectacular upset, and he only needs one punch to do so. Combined with the addition of one of boxing’s best young stars in Chris Colbert in his toughest test to date against Jezreel Corrales, FOX PBC Fight Night will be must watch from start to finish on January 18 at Liacouras Center.

Philadelphia’s Williams (27-1-1, 16 KO) captured his world titles in a FOX main event in May when he upset Jarrett Hurd’s homecoming defense in a fight that is a frontrunner for 2019 Fight of the Year. Williams took full advantage of his second title opportunity with a spirited performance and an impressive game plan that negated the hard-charging and physically bigger Hurd.

The 29-year-old will now headline in his hometown, marking the first time he’s fought in Philadelphia since a 2011 victory over Eberto Mendoza. Williams earned his title opportunity by winning four-straight fights after a defeat to Jermall Charlo in 2016, including wins over former champion Ishe Smith and Nathaniel Gallimore.

This is going to be great having a homecoming fight back in Philadelphia,” Said Williams. “I’m excited for the crowd that’ll be at the Liacouras Center and to be back fighting on FOX. I haven’t fought in Philadelphia since 2011, so I can’t wait to get back in the ring in front of all my people. Rosario is a good fighter and I’m very familiar with him. I know he packs a solid punch and that he’s been on a tear ever since his lone loss to Nathaniel Gallimore. So he’ll be a stiff test for me, but I’m prepared to win. Most of all, I’m just excited to defend my titles and as a unified champion in front of my hometown crowd.

Born in the Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Rózsafüzér (19-1-1, 13 KO) will take an eight-fight unbeaten streak into his first world title fight on January 18. The 24-year-old has taken down a slew of contenders and rising prospects including Jamontay Clark, Justin DeLoach and Mark Anthony Hernandez, all of whom were either stopped or knocked down against Rosario. Legutóbb, Rosario won a decision over veteran contender Jorge Cota in April.

I’m very thankful and excited for this opportunity,” said Rosario. “I’m going to take advantage of it. I plan to bring these titles back to the Dominican Republic by knockout, but if I have to go 12 forduló, Készen állok,. I learned a lot from my first defeat, and it will never happen again. I also want to thank PBC, my promoter Sampson Boxing and my manager Caesar Mercedes for putting in this position. I can’t wait to make the most of it.

One of boxing’s top rising prospects, Colbert (13-0, 5 KO) showed off his emerging power with asensational one punch knockout of Miguel Beltran Jr. in the first round of his most recent fight in September on FS1. The 23-year-old from Brooklyn, New York had an impressive amateur career and has already taken down three unbeaten fighters in his short pro career. He will look to kick off a big 2020 Január 18 after earning four wins in 2019.

This is the stage that I’ve been waiting for,” said Colbert. “My last fight was the co-main event on FS1 and now we’re moving up to FOX. It’s time to show out! I’m going to show the world what the hype behind me is all about and prove that I’m a soon-to-be champion of the world. All I know about Corrales is that he’s a former champion who’s going to bring his A-game, but I’m looking to get him out of there. I’m excited to be back in Philly and I’m definitely going to have my crew and fans coming down from New York to show support.

The 28-year-old Corrales (23-3, 9 KO) will look to rebound after a narrow split-decision defeat to Ladarius Miller in July. Fighting out of San Miguelito, Panama, Corrales won a super featherweight title in 2016 when he went to Japan and knocked out Takashi Uchiyama before winning a decision in their rematch. He also owns victories over current 130-pound champion Rene Alvarado and Robinson Castellanos.

Colbert is a good fighter but he’s not ready for what I can do in the ring,” - mondta Corrales. “I’m going to show that I’m still one of the best in the division. This is a great opportunity to prove that. I’ve been training hard to be the best Jezreel Corrales. Thank you to my whole team for helping me get this fight. You’re not going to want to miss my performance on January 18.

#          #          #

Viewers can live stream the PBC shows on the FOX Sports and FOX NOW apps or at FOXSports.com. Ezenkívül, all programs are available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 műholdas rádiókban és a SiriusXM alkalmazásban.

For more information: látogatáswww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage éswww.foxdeportes.com, follow on Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Men’s Field for 2020 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing Set

Colorado Springsben, Öl. (November 26, 2019) – Sixty-four of the nation’s top male amateur boxers will compete at the upcoming 2020 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles, Louisiana, December 9-16.

A total of 479 boxers competed in the four qualifying tournaments with hopes of advancing to Lake Charles. The top two boxers in each weight division will advance to the next stage of the selection procedures this January in Colorado Springs and compete for a chance to represent Team USA at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Here is a closer look at the boxers stepping into the ring in the eight men’s weight divisions.

Flyweight/114 lbs./52 kg

The flyweight division will feature multiple exciting matchups, as all eight boxers will be looking to represent Team USA next year and follow in 2016 Olympic bronze medalists Nico Hernandez’ footsteps. 2019 World Championships team member and 2018 Elite National ChampionMichael Angeletti (Tavasz, Texas) has hopes of using his great deal of international experience he gained this year to lead the pack, while two-time flyweight national champion (’16 and ’17Fernando Martinez (Phoenix, Ariz.) will want to return to the top of the podium. 2018 Elite National Championships runner-upAbraham Perez (Albuquerque, N.M) has hopes of redemption to take the title. YoungsterRay Ray Robinson(Cincinnati, Ohio) punched his ticket to Lake Charles by winning the Eastern Elite Qualifier in his home state and his elite debut, ésJose Nieves (Avenel, N.J.) grabbed the title at the Last Chance Qualifier in Oxnard over an impressive field.Roscoe Hill is the second boxer from Spring, Texas to qualify in this division following his silver medal-effort at the Western Elite Qualifier in Reno. Los Angeles duoAnthony Herrera ésAnthony Olascuaga round out the field. Herrera was victorious in Reno and Olascuaga finished second in Oxnard.

Bantamweight/125 lbs./57 kg

After falling short on his Olympic-qualification run in 2016,Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio) has been one of Team USA’s most successful boxers leading into the tournament, winning multiple international medals including a silver at the 2017 Elite World Championships and 2019 Pan American Games. Viszont, a mix of youth and veterans will make this division one to watch.David Navarro (Los Angeles, Kalifornia.) finished third at the 2018 Elite National Championships, but punched his ticket following Raymond Ford’s move to the professional ranks.Japhethlee Llamido(Norwalk, Kalifornia.) ésRashiem Jefferson (Philadelphia, Pa.) had impressive runs at the Western and Eastern Qualifiers to earn the championship at those events, mígJonathan Mansour (La Mesa, Kalifornia.) defeated an impressive field in Oxnard, Kalifornia. to head to Lake Charles with momentum on his side.Bruce Carrington (Brooklyn, Y.), a competitor in the 2016 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, ésKevin Montano(Concord, Kalifornia.), have a great deal of experience on the national and international stage to make things interesting, mígXavian Ramirez (Olvasás, Pa.) qualified for the trials after just recently moving up to the elite division.

Lightweight/138 lbs./63 kg

Arguably the deepest male division at the trials, the competition for the top two spots will be one of the toughest and most exciting of the week. 2019 Pan American Games and World Championships silver medalistKeyshawn Davis(Norfolk, Va.) has dominated on the national stage the previous two years, and will hope to continue his run, but will have stiff competition from the other seven boxers in this bracket. 2018 USA Boxing Elite National Championships silver medalistsDalis Kaleiopu(Waianae, Hawaii) will be looking for redemption after his close bout in the finals last year against Davis. 2015 Junior World Championships silver medalistsHarley Mederos (New York, Y.) hopes to repeat his impressive performance from the 2019 Eastern Elite Qualifier, míg 2019 Western Elite Qualifier ChampionCharlie Sheehy (Brisbane, Kalifornia.) looks to return to the USA Boxing High Performance squad after being a member in 2018. 2019 Last Chance Qualifier ChampionErnesto Mercado (Pomona, Kalifornia.) made the transition to the elite division easily after dominating throughout this year on the youth stage, including an international gold medal in March.Israel Rodriguez (Humble, Texas) surprised many when he took the second spot at the 2019 Eastern Qualifier, which will be a huge confidence booster in Lake Charles, ésMarcell Davidson (Shawnee, Május.) has the goods to reach the finals. Another boxer making the transition to elite this yearDaniel Garcia(Westminster, Colo.), secured the final spot after a strong performance in Oxnard, including a close matchup against Mercado in the finals.

Welterweight/152 lbs./69 kg

2017 Világbajnoki bronzérmesFreudis Rojas Jr. (Las Vegas, Nev.)  és 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistDelante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) headline a strong welterweight division.Marques Valle (Wesley Chapel, Fla.) surprised many at last year’s Elite National Championships, defeating some of Team USA’s top competitors, to secure his spot.Kelvin Davis(Norfolk, Va.), the older brother of Keyshawn Davis, will be looking to pick up where he left off in Ohio, mígVictor Aranda (Lépés, Texas) enters as the Western Elite Qualifier Champion. Lavars Carter (Cincinnati, Ohio) earned the final spot, and could see a potential third matchup against Johnson, as they met in Salt Lake last year and the finals of the Last Chance Qualifier, with Carter winning in Salt Lake and Johnson in Oxnard.Wayne Bourdreaux (Marrero, A.) will be looking for a strong performance, as he is one of the few Louisiana natives in the field, ésMorris Young (Chesaning, Mich.) will be hoping to improve on his silver medal performance in Reno.

Middleweight/165 lbs./75 kg

Expected to be another weight division with exciting matchups, the middleweight division has the potential to see a fourth finals matchup between 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistTroy Isley (Alexandra, Va.) és 2018 Elite National ChampionJavier Martinez(Milwaukee, Wisc.). Isley took the national title in 2016 és 2017 over Martinez, while Martinez was victorious in 2018. Viszont, both boxers will have to get through six talented boxers that will be hungry to end their finals runs.Kahshad Elliot(Plainfield, N.J.), Joseph Hicks (Grand Rapids, Mich.) ésAntonio Garcia (Anaheim, Kalifornia.) were crowned champions at the three qualifiers, and will look to continue their winning ways in Louisiana.Alexis Chaparro (New York, Y.), Francis Hogan (Weymouth, Mass.) ésAlex Chisholm (Hialeah Gardens, Fla.) showed why they should not be underestimated with their qualifying performances and will be tough to get through in this bracket.

Light Heavyweight/178 lbs./81 kg

2018 Elite National ChampionRahim Gonzales (Las Vegas, Nev.) has the heart and determination to succeed in Lake Charles after falling short at the 2016 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, míg Atif Oberlton (Philadelphia, Pa.) has been on the rise following his silver medal performance at last year’s National Championships. Following the shuffling around of boxers who qualified in multiple divisionsFrancis Oran (Allentown, Pa.) is the lone regional qualifier champion, taking the title in Oxnard at the Last Chance Qualifier.Orville Crooks (Brooklyn, Y.), Amir Ghaffari Nikou (Charlotte, N.C.) ésNasheed Smith(Washington, DC) qualified to these trials after finishing second at the Eastern, Last Chance and Western Qualifiers, respectively.Chavon Davis (Mansfield, Ohio) ésRobert Magee(Byrnes Mill, Mo.) were added to the field following Javier Martinez and Adrian Tillman, the Eastern and Western Qualifier Champions in this division selected to compete in the other weight class they are qualified in.

                                                       Heavyweight/201 lbs./91 kg

After qualifying in two different weight classesAdrian Tillman (Colorado Springs, Colo.) chose to compete in the heavyweight division with hopes of being one of the two boxers in this division, viszont, a 2018 Elite National Championships heavyweight silver medalists will have to fend off a tough bracket to advance.Najee Lopez (Ellenwood, Ga.), Brandon Moore(Lakeland, Fla.) ésDevon Young(Aiken, S.C.) were crowned champions in the three regional qualifying tournaments and all three will be looking to continue their winning ways in a few weeks, mígJoshua Edwards (Houston, Texas), Darius Fulghum (Rosharon, Texas) ésJamar Talley (Camden, N.J.) finished second in the regional qualifiers but could make it an interesting week in Louisiana. 2016 Elite National Champion and 2018 bronze medalistsCymone Kearney (Beaumont, Texas) was a late addition to the field after Jared Anderson moved to the professional ranks and could surprise many.

Super Heavyweight/201+ lbs./ 91+ kg

With the medical exemption of two-time USA Boxing Elite National Champion and 2019 Pan American Games bronze medalistRichard Torrez Jr.(Tulare, Kalifornia.)** being accepted by USA Boxing, the super heavyweight division is wide open for the eight boxers competing in Lake Charles. 2019 Eastern and Western Qualifier ChampionsJeremiah Milton (Tulsa, Okla.) ésAntonio Mireles (Des Moines, Iowa) will look to be victorious once more after they stood atop the podium at their respective events to qualify, mígDominic Okopie (Houston, Texas) grabbed the Last Chance Qualifier title to secure his spot in the tournament.Luis Alvarado (Keonsha, Wisc.) made an impressive international debut earlier this year and will look to use that valuable experience over the other boxers in this division.Dacarree Scott(Decatur, Ga.), Pryce Taylor (Brooklyn, Y.) ésKenyon Walker (San Antonio, Texas) punched their tickets to Louisiana by placing second at their respective qualifying event, while Deandre Savage (Las Vegas, Nev.) will return to the national stage after qualifying to last year’s Elite National Championships.

Boxing will begin on Monday, December. 9 a Lake Charles Polgári Központban, with the finals taking place Sunday, December. 15 a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó.

**Boxers who receive medical exemption from the 2020 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing will compete on Jan. 4, 2020 in a box-off against the runner-up of their weight division in Colorado Springs, Öl. for the opportunity to advance to the next stage of the athlete selection procedures**

About USA Boxing

The mission of USA Boxing is to promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, Az USA Boxing arra törekszik, hogy minden résztvevőt megtanítsa a karakterre, magabiztosságra és összpontosításra van szükségük ahhoz, hogy ellenálló és változatos bajnokokká váljanak, both in and out of the ring. USA Boxing is one team, egy nemzet, aranyért jár!

Split-T Management’s Raquel Miller wins WBA Interim Super Welterweight Championship

NEW YORK (November 26, 2019)–Saturday night in Quebec City, Split-T Management’s Raquel Miller captured the WBA Interim Super Welterweight world championship with a 10-round unanimous decision over Alma Ibarra.

Miller of San Francisco controlled the action and kept the previously undefeated Ibarra at bay and won by scores of 99-91 és 98-92 kétszer.

A győzelem, the fighter known asPretty Beastraises her perfect mark to 10-0.

Miller could now look towards bouts with WBA World champion Hanna Gabriels as well as Hannah Rankin and former super middleweight champion Maricela Cornejo.

“Ez volt a jó harcot. Alma was tough, and it was a good fight. I fought well, now I will look at the fight, and see what I could have done better. I was dominant as I won most of the rounds. I took this fight at the last minute, so I am happy with the fight and the result,” - mondta Miller.

I want to thank everyone who has and does support me. There is more to come. I just want to tell everyone that they can push for their dreams and don’t take no as an answer.

Miller is promoted by DiBella Entertainment.

Closing cuts & controlling blood flow leads 83-year-old Ray Rodgers into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame

Osztálya 2019 szertartás dec. 13 a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó a Charles Lake-ben, Louisiana

Colorado Springsben, Öl. (November 25, 2019) – Arkansas boxing icon Ray Rodgershas successfully dealt with more cuts than most surgeons, all the way into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame, in which he’ll be inducted on Friday night, December 13, alatt egy különleges osztály 2019 ceremony, a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó a Charles Lake-ben, Louisiana.

A HOF fogadását a 2020 Egyesült Államokon kívül. Olimpiai csapatpróbák a bokszért és a 2019 Országos bajnokság, December. 7-15, a Lake Charles Polgári Központban. Az olimpiai próbák döntőjét vasárnap rendezik, December. 15, a Golden Nugget Hotelben & Kaszinó. Hall of Fame műsorszolgáltató Al Bernstein a Showtime Sports-tól a rendezvény zsinórjaként immár harmadik éve fog szerepelni.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association’s third HOF class also includes three Olympic gold-medalists, “Nagy” George Foreman, Smokin'” Joe Frazier és Mark Breland, as well as legendary coach Al Mitchell.

Az. John McCain posztumusz külön életműdíjat adnak át az ökölvívók védelmében és a sport emelésében végzett fáradhatatlan munkájáért..

There isn’t much in boxing, if anything, that Rodgers hasn’t done: bokszoló, official, edző, administrator and, természetesen, vágott férfi. “I’m a boxing guy,” Rodgers said in his Southern twang. “I’ve been around the block, several times. But I don’t say I’m a cut man, I’m a laceration management specialist.

Rodgers first got into boxing when he was in the fifth grade, back in Oklahoma, where he was born. A memo was sent around that there would be a tryout for boxing held the next day at the local high school gym. His parents gave their permission to let him tryout, the first chapter of his incredible boxing career.

From the first moment,” the charming boxing character remembered, “Én hajlott. I still have the letter I received in boxing. That was in 1947 and I’m still in boxing. I’m very proud of that.

Rodgers has worked 39 world championship fights in professional boxing, as a cut man (he only trains amateur boxers) for the likes of world champions Jermaine Taylor, Wayne McCollough és Tommy Morrison.

It’s been beyond belief for a regular old boxing guy like me,” Rodgers said about his life in boxing. “I’ve traveled all over the world, many times, as a cut man.

He was the first national official of both the Golden Gloves and Silver Gloves. Több, he’s already been inducted in three Hall of Fames: Silver Gloves, Golden Gloves and Arkansas Sports HOF.

Ray’s sacrifice to countless youth as a coach, tanácsadó, vágott férfi, and leader throughout the amateur boxing community is inspirational,” kommentálta Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association ügyvezető igazgató. “His years of service and the knowledge he has passed on to other generations is what makes him a Hall of Famer, and we look forward to honoring him in December.

Rodgers hasn’t slowed down, despite recently celebrating his 83rd születésnap. He still owns and operates Ray Rodgers Boxing Club in West Little Rock, Arkansas, in addition to serving as director of the Arkansas Golden Gloves and Mid-South Tournament, which includes Louisiana, Mississippi, Western Tennessee and Arkansas. And he’s also the vice-president of the National Golden Gloves and chairman of the National Silver Gloves.

At my age, I’m happy to have any birthday,” Rodgers joked. “I’m hoping to live another 10-12 év, Lord willing. It’s all in the Lord’s hands; controlling the flow of blood, bár, is in my hands.

A megerősített különleges vendégek közé tartozik 1988 Olimpiai aranyérmes Andrew Maynard, az év háromszoros AAU nemzeti edzője (1972-76-77) Joe Clough, 1984 Olimpiai aranyérmes Frank Tate és testvére Tamás, 1972 Olimposzi Tim Dement, 2002 Nemzeti Golden Gloves bajnok Jaidon Codringtion, 1980 Olimpiai selejtező Jackie Beard, 1981 Junior Olimpia Glen Modicue, négyszeres országos bajnok Eric Kelly, 1988 Keleti olimpiai selejtező bajnok John Scully, Obie szakáll, Mark Lanton és aStephens brothersDonald, Anthony és Csárda.

Hogyan válhat az USA tagjává az Öregdiák-egyesület

Az egész életen át tartó bajnok, kölcsönösen előnyös kapcsolatok az USA Boxing és öregdiákjai között, –bokszolók, tisztviselők, edzők és ökölvívók — Az Alumni Association egyesíti a bajnokok generációit, inspirálja és visszaadja az USA Boxing jövőbeli bajnokai számára, ki-és a gyűrű.

Az USA Boxing Alumni Association mindenki számára nyitva áll, aki szereti a bokszot, és szeretne kapcsolatban maradni az amatőr bokszolással.. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, beleértve az USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame fogadását.

Csatlakozni az Alumni Egyesülethez, egyszerűen regisztráljon a (z) alumni@usaboxing.org egy a $40.00 évi tagsági díj. Az új tagok pólót kapnak, kulcstartó és e-pénztárca.

CLASS A 2017: A charter osztály élén állt Muhammad Ali és Evander Holyfield, a veterán edzők mellett Roosevelt Sanders és Tom Coulter.

CLASS A 2018: Egyesült Államokon kívül. Az olimpiai csapat érmesei és a világ (szakmai) bajnokok Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward és Claressa Shields, valamint az USA Boxing volt edzője nemzeti igazgatója Emanuel Steward és az USA Boxing veterán tisztviselője Tom Cleary.


Leo Santa Cruz Wins WBA Super Featherweight Title & Becomes Four-Division Champion with Unanimous Decision over Miguel Flores & Brandon Figueroa Retains Super Bantamweight Title with Split Draw Against Julio Ceja; Eduardo Ramirez Stops Previously Unbeaten Leduan Barthelemy in Round Four

Vito Mielnicki Jr., Omar Juarez, Dustin Long & Viktor Slavinskyi Victorious in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims on FS2 & FOX Sports

Kattintson ITT for Main Event Photos & ITT for Additional Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports – Jelszó: fox-ppv119

Kattintson ITT for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions

Kattintson ITT A fotók Stephanie Trapp / TGB Promotions

Kattintson ITT a Sean Michael Ham / Mayweather Promotions fotóihoz

LAS VEGAS (November 24, 2019) – WBC nehézsúlyú világbajnok Deontay “A Bronze Bomber” Wilder continued his title reign with a one-punch knockout victory over Luis “King Kong” Ortiz in the seventh round of their rematch Saturday night that headlined a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Wilder made his 10th consecutive successful title defense, tying him with Joe Louis, Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Larry Holmes, Tommy Burns and Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko as the only heavyweight champions to achieve that feat.

A visszavágót az epikus 2018 fight that saw Wilder rally back from nearly being stopped to knock out Ortiz in round 10, the fight again saw both men hold the momentum of the fight at different times.

Ortiz controlled much of the action of the fight as he sought to become the first Cuban heavyweight champion in history. Wilder was not very active in the early rounds, while Ortiz was able to effectively jab, move and throw overhand lefts to rack up rounds on the scorecard.

With Ortiz, you can see why no other heavyweight wants to fight him,” Said Wilder. “He’s very crafty, he moves strategically and his intellect is very high. I had to measure him in certain places.

Much of Wilder’s attack throughout the first six rounds was centered on his jab and a sweeping left hook that didn’t seem to land cleanly until early in round seven. With the seventh round waning, Wilder used a feint and a straight right cross to put Ortiz down, the first time he had been hurt at all in the fight.

I had to go in and out and finally I found my measurement,” Said Wilder. “I saw the shot and I took it. My intellect is very high in the ring and no one gives me credit for me. I think I buzzed him with a left hook earlier in the round and I took it from there.

While Ortiz was able to get to his feet, referee Kenny Bayless waived off the bout at 2:51 a hetedik fordulóban. Ortiz led on all three scorecards, by margins of 58-56 és 59-55 kétszer. Szerint Compubox, Ortiz out landed Wilder 35 hogy 34, egy 28 hogy 17 advantage in power punches.

This is boxing,” Said Ortiz. “I said that one of us was going to get knocked out and it wasn’t going to go 12 forduló. I was clear headed when I hit the canvas. When I heard the referee say seven I was trying to get up, but I guess the count went a little quicker than I thought.

This was a great fight and I thought I was clearly winning,” continued Ortiz. “I got caught with a big shot and I have to give Deontay Wilder a lot of credit. I knew my movement was giving him problems. I landed some big shots and I thought I had him hurt. I thought I was up by the count and could have continued.

In the ring following the fight, Ortiz asserted that he will continue his quest for a heavyweight championship.

Deontay showed great will and I’m not ashamed with my performance,” Said Ortiz. “I know I can beat anyone in the heavyweight division. My career is not over. I’m going to work my way back into a big fight.

A meccs után, Wilder told FOX SportsHeidi Androl that his goal is to unify the heavyweight division and become undisputed champion.

“Következő, we have Tyson Fury in the rematch,” said Wilder.It’s scheduled for February, so we’ll see. Majd, I want unification. I want one champion, one face and one heavyweight champion – Deontay Wilder. The heavyweight division is too small, there should be one champion and it’s Deontay Wilder.

A co-main event, Oroszlán “Földrengés” Santa Cruz (37-1-1, 19 KO) became a four-division world champion by capturing the WBA Super Featherweight with a unanimous decision over Miguel Flores (24-3, 12 KO).

Winning this title means the world to me,” mondta Santa Cruz. “This is all for the fans who support me. I didn’t feel myself today and didn’t perform the way I wanted to. I’m going to get back in the gym and get a big fight in 2020.

The action began to heat up in round three, as Santa Cruz began to find a home for his straight right hand that would help him control much of the remainder of the fight. Flores adjusted and used more movement to try to counteract Santa Cruz’s aggression and also focused on countering those right hands with body shots.

“Örülök, hogy megszereztem a győzelmet,” mondta Santa Cruz. “Miguel is a good fighter, he gave me a tough fight and he proved he’s not a pushover. We put on a great battle.

It was a good fight and I showed I belong at this level,” said Flores. “I just went 12 rounds with Leo Santa Cruz. It’s not an accomplishment in itself but I slowed down his pace. Like I said before, it’s not only about throwing punches, but it’s about ring IQ and I showed I have it.

Despite Florestactics, Santa Cruz was able to stay in control and frustrate his opponent. Flores was deducted a point by referee Tony Weeks in round eight due to excessive holding during the many exchanges.

Santa Cruz held the edge in punches landed at 253 hogy 222, while Flores threw more punches than Santa Cruz by a tally of 1024 hogy 907.

It was a close fight and I didn’t think he was landing too much,” said Flores. “He was busy but he wasn’t landing too many shots. I landed cleaner harder shots but he was just busier.

Flores continued to try to rough up Santa Cruz and accidentally hit him with a headbutt in the ninth round that opened up a cut over Santa Cruz’s left eye. The four-division champion was able to weather that cut and finished strong on his way to a unanimous decision by scores of 115-112 és 117-110 kétszer. Watch highlights ITT.

I want to stay at 130,” mondta Santa Cruz. “We want the big fights in 2020. I want Gervonta Davis or Gary Russell Jr. I want to show the world I’m not scared of anybody.

The pay-per-view also featured WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon “The Heartbreaker” Figueroa (20-0-1, 15 KO) retaining his title with a split draw against former champion Július Ceja (32-4-1, 28 KO) után 12 rounds of action.

I think I did win the fight,” Said Figueroa. “He put on a lot of pressure, but I fought better in the early rounds and I finished strong.

Figueroa started the fight in control, closing down the distance early and using his activity and combinations to take early control of the action. Ceja’s strategy early was to counter his charging opponent, but he soon picked up the aggression to not allow Figueroa’s offensive momentum to grow.

In the middle rounds, Ceja began taking control, landing the more powerful punches while Figueroa continued to come forward, but was not able to land anything that slowed Ceja’s offense. Watch highlights ITT.

Figueroa was able to weather the storms in the middle rounds and make it to the late rounds where he again picked up the activity and body attack. He was able to bust Ceja’s lip throughout the action, causing it to swell and bleed.

The punch output was impressive from both fighters, with their 784 combined punches landed good for the fourth most in super bantamweight history, while their 2,811 punches thrown were the second highest, according to CompuBox. Figueroa earned a narrow 411 hogy 373 előny az ütésekben landolt.

Után 12 forduló, A bírák’ összesen voltak 115-113 for Figueroa, 116-112 for Ceja and 114-114, which resulted in the split draw decision.

This fight is for all of you fans who came here to see me,” said Ceja. “He was a man about it and he gave me the fight. I think I won, but I respect the judges’ döntés. I’ll definitely run it back in a rematch.

Ceja was not able to win the title after failing to make the 122-pound limit at Friday’s weigh-in.

I basically fought a person in a weight class above mine tonight,” Said Figueroa. “I’m pretty sure if he weighed 122, it wouldn’t even be a close fight. We have to run the rematch back but he better make the weight.

The pay-per-view opener saw Mexico’s Eduardo Ramirez (23-2-3, 10 KO) deliver an impressive fourth-round TKO victory over previously unbeaten Leduan Barthelemy (15-1-1, 7 KO) in their featherweight rematch. Watch the highlightITT

I said before the fight, I wasn’t going to let it go to the judges,” said Ramirez. “The first fight wasn’t a draw. I worked very hard for this and it turned out how I wanted today. I felt his punching power. Ő egy jó harcos. I came here to fight. Viva Mexico.

The fight began tactically, with Barthelemy looking to use his reach advantage to work off of his jab, while Ramirez sought to work inside and deliver power punches. A kerek három, Ramirez began to break through Barthelemy’s defense with a series of hooks late in the round.

Ramirez continued to come forward in round four, pressing Barthelemy and finding additional cracks in his defense. Késő fordulóban, Ramirez broke through with a glancing right hook that he followed up with a perfect straight left that put Barthelemy down.

While Barthelemy was able to get to his feet, referee Russell Mora waived off the bout at 2:59 of the fourth round. Ramirez held a 73 hogy 52 előny az ütésekben landolt, beleértve 27 in round three and 31 in round four.

I’ve got no excuses,” Said Barthelemy. “The better man won tonight. I had a great camp and I was feeling good. But when I got out there I wasn’t really feeling my best. I turned around to try to walk around and get my feet under me after the knockdown. I wasn’t trying to stop the fight or anything and I thought I could continue. Now I just have to live with it and come back.

FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Prelims on FS2 and FOX Deportes saw sensational 17-year-old prospect Vito Mielnicki Jr. (3-0, 3 KO) deliver a stoppage of Marklin Bailey (6-6, 4 KO) 2:31 into the second round of their welterweight affair. Több, rising super lightweight prospect Omar Juarez (6-0, 4 KO) csökkent Kevin Shacks (3-5-3, 3 KO) three times on his way to a TKO victory 1:59 into round six.

Additional prelims fights featured Tennessee’s Dustin Long (3-1-2, 3 KO) scoring a knockout of Marsellos Wilder (5-2, 2 KO) with a left hook that ended the fight 1:51 into the fourth round. Watch the highlight ITT. The opening bout of prelims saw Ukraine’s Viktor Slavinskyi (11-0-1, 6 KO) earn a unanimous decision over Mexico’s Rigoberto Hermosillo (11-2-1, 8 KO) after six rounds of super featherweight action by scores of 60-54, 59-55 és 58-56.

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További információk: látogatás www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, Követés TwitterenPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo és @Swanson_Comm vagy rajongónk a Facebook-on www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. The event was promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB promóciók és Mayweather Promotions.

Tíz résztvevő a múlt hónapban nyílt PRÓBA- Honolulu adunk Bellator back-to-back ESEMÉNYEK Hawaii december. 20 & 21

FRISSÍTVE Bellator 235 & Bellator 236 FIGHT alábbi kártyák

LOS ANGELES - Megelőzve Bellator visszatérése Hawaii december 20 és 21 Neal S. Blaisdell Arena Honolulu, A világ vezető MMA promóciós széthúzzuk tryouts Honolulu annak érdekében, hogy további Bellator továbbra is elkötelezett a helyi MMA jelenet Hawaii.

Miután elsöprő részvétel, 10 sportolók a próba lettek kiválasztva, hogy versenyezni belül Bellator ketrec jövő hónapban -, és ha a győztes, lesz még egy esélyt, hogy keresni egy exkluzív multi-harc Bellator szerződés. A harcosok kiválasztott közé Braydon Akeo (3-0), Tiffany Cheyden (7-1), Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC), Jamie Thorton (6-5), Hunter Ewald (A debütáló), Keoni Diggs (7-0), Scotty Hao (4-2), Swayne Lunasco (7-0), Kayla Gorospe (A debütáló) és Ben Wilhelm (3-0).

At Bellator és a USO Present: Salute a csapatok pénteken, December. 20, levél, Hawaii Braydon Akeo (3-0) keres egy helyet a fő kártya 145-font ellen Tywan Claxton (5-1), aki tesz az első megjelenése óta versenyez a Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix. Ez viadal csatlakozik a korábban bejelentett nehézsúlyú fő esemény között Josh Barnett (35-8) és Ronny Markes (19-7), Egy Harmatsúly törmelék felvázoló újonnan aláírt Erik Perez (19-6) ellen Hawaii Toby Misech (11-7) és egy Flyweight verseny ragya korábbi cím provokátorok egymás ellen, mint Alejandra Lara (8-3) terek beszámítják Véta Artega (5-3).

A pénteki prelims, Kauai Hunter Ewald, aki szintén kiválasztott tryouts, teszi a szakmai ellen debütált munkatárs Hawaiian Jonathan Pico (1-1) 170-font. Is, a közelmúltban aláírt egy exkluzív ajánlat a saját, Észak-Kaliforniában Cass Bell (4-0) szembe kell néznie Max Holloway edzőpartner Pierre Daguzan (5-3) A harmatsúlyú és 82. légideszant hadsereg veteránja Jamie Thorton (6-5) felveszi Tiani völgy (3-2) Maui a nagylégsúlyú.

Bellator és a USO Present: Salute a csapatok kerül adásba Paramount Network pénteken, December 20 at 10 p.m. ÉS / 9 p.m. CT. Az egész esemény is stream DAZN, míg az előzetes roham lesz stream Bellator.com, DAZN és világszerte a Bellator mobilalkalmazás.

Szombat, December. 21'S Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson között lesz egy próba résztvevő érdemes egy fő kártya mérkőzés, mint Tiffany Cheyden (7-1) találkozik egy másik top kilátás az Nebraska Raufeon Stots (12-1) A harmatsúlyú. Ez a harc csatlakozik a kártya tetején veretlen Bellator női pehelysúlyú bajnok Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) megvédeni a címét ellen Kate Jackson (11-3-1), A.J. McKee (15-0) figyelembe a Derek Fields (20-9) egy negyeddöntős matchup a Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix, Neiman Gracie (9-1) visszatérve kereset óta először a váltósúlyú címét lövés egy váltósúlyú mérkőzés ellen Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC) és a női pehelysúlyú cím reménységek Julianna Velasquez (9-0) és Ellen barna (5-2) megy csatába.

A Bellator 236 Előzetes kártya, veretlen kipróbálás lehetősége Ben Wilhelm (3-0) lesz a két alkalommal Bellator veterán Kona Oliveira (1-2) egy váltósúlyú versenyen, míg Wahiawa született Keoni Diggs (7-0) és Hilo féle Scotty Hao (4-2) is kiválasztott és harcolni egymással 155 font. Végül, Hawaii Swayne Lunasco, ki ment 7-0 mint egy amatőr, és Kayla Gorospe, akiket mind közül a válogatás, lehetővé teszi majd a pro debütál egymás ellen Harmatsúly.

Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson - egyik csillag meghajtású, év végi csúcspontja küzdelem szezon DAZN - áramlanak szombat, December 21 élőben kizárólag a DAZN at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, míg az előzetes fellépés streamBellator.com, DAZN és világszerte a Bellator mobilalkalmazás.

Jegyek már kaphatók, és megvásárolhatók a Bellator.com, valamint Ticketmaster.com vagy a Neal S. Blaisdell Arena box office.

Korszerűsített Bellator és a USO Present: Salute a csapatok Fő Card:

Paramount Network & DAZN

10 p.m. ÉS / 9 p.m. CT / 5 p.m. HST

Heavyweight Main Event: Josh Barnett (35-8) vs. Ronny Markes (19-7)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Toby Misech (11-7) vs. Erik Perez (19-6)

Az optimalizált Main Card Bout: Alejandra Lara (8-3) vs. Véta Artega (5-3)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Tywan Claxton (5-1) vs. Braydon Akeo (3-0)

Frissítve Előzetes Card:

DAZN, Bellator.com & A Bellator mobilalkalmazás

8:45 p.m. ÉS / 7:45 p.m. CT / 3:45 p.m. HST

Bantamweight Előzetes Bout: Cass Bell (4-0) vs. Pierre Daguzan (5-3, 1 NC)

Váltósúlyú Előzetes Bout: Hunter Ewald (Pro Debut) vs. Jonathan Pico (1-1)

Flyweight Előzetes Bout: Tiani völgy (3-2) vs. Jamie Thorton (6-5)

Korszerűsített Bellator Hawaii: Macfarlane vs. Jackson Fő Card:


10 p.m. ÉS / 9 p.m. CT / 5 p.m. HST

Az optimalizált Világ cím Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (10-0) vs. Kate Jackson (11-3-1)

Featherweight World Grand Prix negyeddöntő Bout: A.J. McKee (15-0) vs. Derek Fields (20-9)

Váltósúlyú Main Card Bout: Neiman Gracie (9-1) vs. Kiichi Kunimoto (20-8-2, 1 NC)

Az optimalizált Main Card Bout: Julianna Velasquez (9-0) vs. Ellen barna (5-2)

Bantamweight Main Card Bout: Raufeon Stots (12-1) vs. Tiffany Cheyden (7-1)

Frissítve Előzetes Card:

DAZN, Bellator.com & A Bellator mobilalkalmazás

8:30 p.m. ÉS / 7:30 p.m. CT / 3:30 p.m. HST

Bantamweight Előzetes Bout: Swayne Lunasco (Pro Debut) vs. Kayla Gorospe (Pro Debut)

Könnyű Előzetes Bout: Keoni Diggs (7-0) vs. Scotty Hao (4-2)

Flyweight Előzetes Bout: Nate Yoshimura (Pro Debut) vs. Chas Dunhour (0-1)

Featherweight Előzetes Bout: Kai Kamaka III (5-2) vs. Spencer Higa (7-10)

Váltósúlyú Előzetes Bout: Kona Oliveira (1-2) vs. Ben Wilhelm (3-0)

Könnyű Előzetes Bout: Dustin Barca (3-0) vs. Brandon Pieper (11-13)

Könnyű Előzetes Bout: von Dung (3-0) vs. Zach Zane (13-9)

*Lapjai változhatnak.

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