“Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” preliminary lineup featuring California’s top fighting prospects, whakaoti ki te matchups hou e waru


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Santa MONICA, Calif. (January 29, 2015) – Ki te he matchup taumahawaenga fakafiefia i waenganui i toi knockout Melvin “No te aroha” Manhoef (29-12-1) me te Sharing Bellator MMA mua Alexander “Storm” Shlemenko (50-9) i roto i te tūranga headlining, “Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” inaianei ngā te lineup tonu i te 12 whakataetae, utaina ki etahi runga taranata pakanga a California o.

Āpiha Bellator kauwhautia tenei ra i te tua o te waru ngā whakataetae tuatahi, e amui atu i mua ua faaite matchups o Manhoef vs. Shlemenko, Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8), Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Talita Nogueira (6-0) a Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0).

Ko te pāngia hou kauwhautia ngā featherweights Art “King Arthur” Arciniega (14-4) vs. Charley Huston (6-2), middleweights tūturu Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0), flyweightsPaora Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2), welterweights “Terrible” Tom Cook (1-1) vs. Mason “Ko te Ngaro” Fowler (1-0), lightweights Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis ai Jáuregui (2-1), heavyweights te marama John Paora Iraia (2-0) vs. Cody tama (0-1), lightweights Honatana “J.T.” Contrestano(4-0) vs. Ryan TOBAR (3-1) me bantamweights Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Arama Piccolot (4-0).

“Bellator: Manhoef vs. Shlemenko” e e wahi Feb. 13 i Tiaki Center Mart i Fresno, Calif. Tags ora me te utu i runga i te Koi TV i 9 p.m. AND. Tikiti mo te takahanga, e tīmata i tika $28, E tēnei wā i runga i te hoko i Bellator.com me Ticketmaster.com.

Arciniega vs. Huston, Watkins vs. Zuniga, Sperling vs. Ruiz a Cook vs. Fowler ora awa katoa i runga i Spike.com te timatanga i 8 p.m. AND (5 p.m. Wā rohe PT) a mua e wha-whawhai Koi kāri matua o te ahiahi, TV-teata.

Na, Bustamante vs. Ai Jáuregui, Iraia vs. Tama, Contrestano vs. TOBAR a Cevera vs. Ora awa Picolotti i te Spike.com i muri i te mutunga o te kāri teata.

Art “King Arthur” Arciniega, o Dos Palos, Calif., hopoi mai i te pūkenga toa e whitu-whawhai ki te whare herehere, he whakamatau whakamutunga hinga i roto i 2009. Ia inaianei kanohi Charley Huston, o Orangeville, Calif., nana nei i roaa e rima o tona mahi e ono toa i te mutu tuatahi-a tawhio.

Blake Watkins, o Fresno, Calif., Kua whakatuwheratia tona mahi i roto i te ahua mīharo, whai katoa o tona mahi e wha toa i te mutu tuatahi-a tawhio, tae atu e toru o tika 67 hēkona iti ranei. Ia inaianei tutaki hoa toa tūturu George Zuniga, ko wai te mea hoki kahore ke ki te whakauru ia tere, ka roaa i te 34-rua riro tenei Mahuru mua i roto i tona tuatahi Bellator MMA.

Paora Ruiz, o Firebaugh, Calif., Ko te rua-wā Bellator MMA hōia, nana nei i hanga i tona tuatahi ngaio whawhai mo te whakatairanga i roto i 2011. Ia inaianei tutaki Nicolas Sperling, wai i mea ona oma ngaio ki te parekura piritahi, engari kua mai poipoia hoki ki te whiwhi toru-tika matamua-a tawhio toa mutu.

“Terrible” Tom Cook, o Placerville, Calif., Kua roaa hua whakauru i roto i ona pāngia tuatahi e rua ngaio, engari mutu e rua i roto i te anga tuwhera. Ia inaianei tutaki Mason Fowler, o Fresno, Calif., nei i roto i te Oketopa hiahiatia tika 28 hēkona ki te tangohia ake tetahi win tāpaetanga i roto i tona tuatahi ngaio.

Nick Bustamante, o Fresno, Calif., hanga i tona tuatahi Bellator MMA i runga i te kaha o te whakauru mutu e rua ki te tīmata i tana mahi. Ia inaianei wero Luis ai Jáuregui, o Wood, Calif., i hinga poto i roto i tona 2010 tuatahi ngaio, engari ka tangohia ana tata e wha tau atu i mua i hoki mai ki te toa Tuhinga karapīpiti.

John Paora Iraia, o Wood, Calif., nona e rua o ana ona toa i te Tuhinga, tae atu kotahi knockout, e kotahi tāpaetanga. Ia inaianei anga Cody tama, o Bakersfield, Calif., nei i tukua e te mate TKO matekiri i roto i tona tuatahi ngaio, engari inaianei titiro ki te fakaakeake mo tona win mahi tuatahi.

Honatana “J.T.” Contrestano, o Visalia, Calif., hoki ki te mahi e whai ake nei i te ana.page 18-marama ki te whakatau hoa amanaki Ryan TOBAR, o Oakdale, Calif., nei whakatuwhera i tona mahi ki te toru-tika whakaora matamua-a tawhio noa, engari tukua he mate whakatau i roto i te Oketopa, a inaianei titiro ki te fakaakeake i te setback tuatahi o tona mahi.

Ray Cervera, o Bakersfield, Calif., hopoi mai i te pūkenga toa e toru-whawhai ki te whare herehere, a kua roaa e whitu o tona mahi e waru toa i te Tuhinga. Ngā ano kahore i mutu ia, rite kua tae mai e rua o ana mate ngaio i te whakatau. Ia inaianei anga 'amanaki tūturu Arama Piccolotti, o Fresno, Calif., nei timata tana mahi ngaio i roto i 2013 a ka kua mai roaa te whakauru ia e wha-tika, tae atu e rua knockouts, e kotahi tāpaetanga.

Bellator 133: Rāmere, Feb. 13, Tiaki Center Mart, Fresno, Calif.

Kāri Main i runga i te Koi TV (9 p.m. AND)

Bellator Takahanga Main whitu: Melvin Manhoef (29-12-1) vs. Alexander Shlemenko (50-9)

Bellator mā whitu Āhuatanga Fight: Pat Curran (20-6) vs. Daniel Weichel (34-8)

Bellator Women o mā whitu Whawhai Āhuahira: Julia Budd (6-2) vs. Talita Nogueira (6-0)

Bellator Welterweight Āhuatanga Fight: Chris Honeycutt (5-0) vs. Clayton MacFarlane (4-0)

Kāri tuatahi i runga i Spike.com (8 p.m. AND)

Bellator mā whitu Prelim Whawhai: Art Arciniega (14-4) vs. Charley Huston (6-2)

Bellator whitu Prelim Whawhai: Blake Watkins (4-0) vs. George Zuniga (3-0)

Bellator mā Prelim Whawhai: Paora Ruiz (5-2) vs. Nicolas Sperling (3-2)

Bellator Welterweight Prelim Whawhai: Tom Cook (1-1) vs. Mason Fowler (1-0)

Kāri tuatahi i runga i Spike.com (I muri Manhoef vs. Shlemenko)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Nick Bustamante (2-0) vs. Luis ai Jáuregui (2-1)

Bellator Light Heavyweight Prelim Whawhai: John Paora Iraia (2-0) vs. Cody tama (0-1)

Bellator Kōmāmā Prelim Whawhai: Honatana Contrestano (4-0) vs. Ryan TOBAR (3-1)

Bellator whā Prelim Whawhai: Ray Cervera (8-2) vs. Arama Piccolot (4-0)


Lewiston, Maine (January 29, 2015) - Kotahi te wiki i tenei Rāhoroi, New Ingarangi whawhai (Nef), Tau-kotahi whakatairanga whawhai rohe Amerika o, he hakari ma ono ona toi hōia whakauru (MMA) takahanga, "XVI nef,"I roto i te Lewiston, Maine. The event is scheduled to originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. The show will mark the three-year anniversary of the company’s inception. NEF executives announced today that they were expecting one of the largest crowds ever for the wildly-popular fight promotion’s event.


“Tonu i to tatou mau ohipa-tanguru kua to tatou tino nui,” said NEF co-owner and promoter Nick DiSalvo. “Honoa ki te meka i utaina tenei kāri i te UFC, Bellator, Veterans NFL, taitara e rua whawhai, me te hokinga mai o Ray Wood (5-0), te mea kahore he ohorere e kua hoko tīkiti haere i te huarahi kua haere ratou.”


Ko e mo'oni, ticket sales have been at an all-time high for this event. It is not unusual for the fight promotion to sell out their floor seats for any given show. The sell-out, Heoi, has always come on fight night. The floor seats for “Nef XVI” i hokona i roto i te ki tonu i 17 days prior to the event. NEF executives give partial credit for the quick sales to the addition of complimentary waitress drink service for all cage-side ticketholders. They did not confirm whether or not the promotion was considering adding more floor seats for the event.


I DiSalvo tohua, E titau pā mo te hokinga mai o Ray “Pakihi katoa” Wood ko wai ka tiakina e te Title nef MMA mā whitu ki Bellator me World Extreme Cagefighting (WEC) hōiaAnthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (16-9). This will be Wood’s first homecoming after moving from Maine to South Carolina in late-2014.


“E oaoa vau no te tenei whawhai e ahau,” said Wood when reached for comment. “E kahore tino ki te ngaro ahau. Anthony Morrison has fought some of the best fighters in the world and I have an opportunity to make a statement with this fight. I improve my skills each time I step in the cage and I know that this showing will be no exception. I have respect for Anthony and where he’s been in this sport and I am honored to have the opportunity to fight him.


Hoa tākaro a Wood i MMA o Young, Fred Lear (2-0), Ka ngā i runga i te wahi amateur o te kāri i roto i te a'ee catchweight ki Bryant Orrick (3-5) from Ruthless MMA and Boxing. The fight will be contested at 140-pounds.


“Ēnei iwi pana ki ahau kia he toa pai, ākonga, me te tangata,” Na ka mea a Lear o ana hoa tākaro, me ngā kaiako i MMA o Young i roto i te Bangor, Maine. “Mauruuru nei au no to ratou aroaro i roto i toku ora ahau, Ko reira te tahi mea, ka faaherehere e ahau a ake ake. Kua whakahonoretia ahau ki te whawhai mo MMA o Young.”

E kore titiro ki tua atu i tona whawhai ake, Tohu Lear i toru matchups whakaongaonga ana hoa tākaro Josh Harvey (2-1), Mike Pietersen (1-0) a Arona Lacey (4-1) Ka whakataetae ki te mau melo o te Institute o Portland Choi, Maine.


“Ārahi i runga ki te 'XVI nef,’ E kore e taea e ahau te tauturu engari whakanui i to tatou matchups ki Choi o,” Tonu Lear. “Nick Spencer [Hoariri o Lacey (7-4)] He mōrearea te mau vahi atoa, Henry Clark [Hoariri o Pietersen (1-0)] Kei te haere mai atu o te tuatahi faahiahia, a kua mohio ahau Karepe[Hall – Hoariri o Harvey (5-1)] mai te kura nui, me te kahore he raruraru mo te taha ki tona toheroa me te taranata. Ko te huru i te Colisee ka haharu rite ono whawhai tiketike-ërä titiro ki te waiho i to ratou tohu.”


E whakatakotoria Hall me Harvey ki te whakatuwhera i te whakaaturanga i roto i te a'ee mā whitu i 7:00 pm sharp. Hall has competed on six previous NEF MMA events, a ka kua tino ite e ia he nui fiefia i pā ārahi ki “Nef XVI.”


“Ko te anaanatae i te wa e katoa tiketike no o nga ngā katoa kēmu pai i runga i te kāri,” noted Hall. “I February 7, Au e tatari ahau ki a reira hei te po whakaongaonga rawa ano.”


Ka whawhai mo te whakatairanga iti i roto i te mua, Harvey is clear that the size of the crowd does not matter to him. He will bring his A-game to the cage whether the fight be under the big lights in a world-famous arena like the Androscoggin Bank Colisee or held in a tiny, ruarua-tahuna ruma ki te torutoru tūru whakaturia ake a tawhio noa te whare herehere.


Personally it doesn’t matter who or how many people are watching,” stated Harvey. “Kei te haere ahau ki te hoatu ki runga ki te whakaatu ranei i reira e 20 people or 20,000. I love to entertain. After Caleb hooks on to me he’ll know he’s been in a fight.


Jason Lachance (0-1) i MMA Athletix i Patehepa, Whakaritea Maine ki te whakatau ia Steven Bang (3-2) o Central Maine Jiu-Jitsu i Auburn, Maine i “Nef XVI.” Lachance credits the level of talent on the NEF roster with bringing in large crowds like the crowd expected on February 7.


“Nef he rota o te taranata i runga i tenei po o whawhai, rite te mahi tonu ratou i,” Na ka mea a Lachance. “Ahau e mahara kahore iti iho i te po whakaongaonga mo nga pā. The support from our fans means everything, a ka haere mai rite ki te maka ki raro, ka tonoa katoa home ki atu ara te anaanatae mo te hui i muri mai toku hoa whawhai, me te ahau. God has blessed us with another opportunity to do what we love to do in front of so many.


Billy “Bigfoot” Leahy (1-1) Ka kite hoki mahi i “Nef XVI” ka sitepu ia ki te whare herehere, ki te kanohi debuting toa motuhakeBrandon Lessard (0-0) i roto i te a'ee taumahamaha. Leahy got the first win of his MMA career this past September at “Nef XIV” before some 2,000-plus fans at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee. Ka rite ki taua, Ko te mōhio ki te mana'o e tae mai i te raveraa i hoki i te nui ia, kai mano whawhai.


“Kei te e tatari ahau i te po nui o whawhai,” ka mea Leahy. “Kua whakahonoretia ahau ki te kia i runga i te taua kāri nui. The NEF fans are like no other, a e kore e taea e ahau te tatari ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu nui i roto i te mua o toku utuafare, hoa, me te pā.”

Hui muri MMA o nef, “Nef XVI,” e wahi i runga i February 7, 2015me te raarangi katoa o nga pakanga kua whakaritea. Ray “Pakihi katoa” Wood (5-0) hoki i taua po ki te paruru i te Title nef MMA mā whitu ki Bellator me te hōia WEC Anthony “Cheesesteak” Morrison (16-9). NFL a UFC Ko te Ultimate Fighterhōia Tyler King (7-2) e te Ingoa nef MMA Heavyweight i runga i te raina ki Terry “Ko te Polar Bear” Blackburn (5-2). I te waahanga o te ahiahi, UFC, Bellator a Strikeforce hōiaNah-Makeronia Burrell (10-5) hanga i tona tuatahi nef MMA ki Ryan Hodge (6-9). Ka tiimata nga tiikiti i te wa tika $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei iwww.TheColisee.com ranei na roto i te te karanga te tari pouaka Colisee i207.783.2009 x 525. For more information on the event and fight card updates, please visit the promotion’s website at www.NewEnglandFights.com. I tua atu, you can watch NEF videos at www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, te whai ia ratou i runga i Twitternefights, me te uru atu ki te rōpū Facebook whaimana "New Ingarangi whawhai."


Mō New Ingarangi whawhai


New Ingarangi whawhai ("Nef") Ko te whawhai whakatairanga ngā kaupapa kamupene. Misioni a nef ko ki te waihanga i te mau ohipa kounga teitei mō ngā whawhai, me pā o Maine rite tahi. Whānui wheako i roto i te whakahaere hākinakina whawhai he kapa whakahaere o nef, production ngā kaupapa, whanaungatanga pāpāho, marketing, ture me te pānuitanga.

Guillermo Rigondeaux ākina e te kōrero Oscar de la Hoya e pā ana ki Leo Santa Cruz whakakotahitanga whawhai

Miami (Jan. 28, 2015) – World mekemeke Association (WBA) Super, Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) a Ko te Ring Magazine toa whā super Bill “Ko te tarakona” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Koó) Kei te ākina e te pūrongo e te Kaunihera Mekemeke World (WBC) taitara-ma'u Leo Santa Cruz‘ kaiwhakatairanga, Oscar de la Hoya, whakapono he whawhai whakakotahitanga Rigondeaux-Santa Cruz kua ki te tupu.


-Tau 34-tau te Rigondeaux, he rua-wā mētara koura Olympic, Kua whāiti ki Ahia mo tona rua whawhai whakamutunga, muri i roto i te ōritenga iti-kōtaha, e tika ana ki te kore o te hiahia i tetahi-ao o te piha haapiiraa whā super ki te wero i te whetu Cuban.


Mutu Rigondeaux WBO No. 6 kaiwero tauanga Hisashi Amagasa (28-4-2, 19 Koó) i muri i 11 rauna i roto i te Osaka, Japan tenei Eva New Year o mua. Last Hōngongoi, “Raina” patototanga a roto i Kohuatia Kokietgym (62-2-1) i roto i te taka noa whatitoka o ratou whawhai i roto i te Macao, China.


“E mea pai ki te mohio e Santa Cruz’ Kua kī kaiwhakatairanga e to tatou whawhai whakakotahitanga kua ki te tupu,” Na ka mea te Rigondeaux miharo. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te tāpiri i tona (WBC) whitiki matomato ki toku kohinga aito WBA me WBO. Kua hiahia ahau i tenei whawhai mo etahi wa. Kia tumanako te kore he korero tika mangere tenei. Kia a rave i te reira!”


Rigondeaux vs. Santa Cruz (29-0-1, 17 Koó) e riro i te pupūtanga matarohia i waenganui i mekemeke iwi kikorangi-tāwhai, aua, Whawhai Cuban me te Mexican e noho ana inaianei i roto i Miami me te tonga California.


“Kua whakapā atu ahau Whakatairanga Boy Golden maha nga wa ki te ui e pā ana ki te hanga i te whawhai i waenganui i 'Rigo’ a Santa Cruz,” Rigondeaux’ kaiwhakahaere Gary Hyde tāpiri. “Na ka whakahoki tonu ratou na roto i te mea i ratou hiahia i roto i te hanga tenei whawhai, engari e kore e i taua wa. Inanahi, i muri i te ako ka mea a Oscar tenei whawhai kua ki te tupu, Tae ahau ki te Golden Boy, a taea te whakaū kua timata ngā whiriwhiringa. Ahau a Caribe Whakatairanga, 'Rigo o’ kaiwhakatairanga, Ka tutava ki te meinga e tenei whawhai kia rite ki hohoro tupu rite taea.


“Kia 'Rigo’ te patu Santa Cruz mo tona whitiki taitara toru o te ao – wha, ki te tatau ki a koutou Ko te Ring Magazine – he whawhai ki International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) toa Carl Frampton (19-0, 13 Koó) e whai ki te hoko i roto i te tikanga ki te whakatau i te motuhake toa whā super o te ao.”


Arumia Rigondeaux a Hyde i te Twitter i @ RigoElChacal305 me @ NoWhere2Hyde, hoa ratou i www.facebook.com/GuillermoRigondeaux awww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = TS.





AT 8:30 P.M. ME / 5:30 P.M. PT

Tūturu Welterweight Star Keith “Kotahi te Time” Ka kawea Thurman I te mua wha-Division World Champion

Robert “Ko te Varua” Guerrero I roto i te Action Welterweight

Ko te Evenings Tuatahi Main Event Rua mua toru-Division World Champion Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner

Ki Hard-Patu Super Kōmāmā

John Ko te Gladiator Molina Jr.

Las Vegas (January 28, 2015) – The return of prizefighting to primetime network television has finally arrived as the recently announced Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) series is set to debut on Saturday, March 7 with an action-packed double main event on NBC, live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.


The inaugural PBC on NBC fight night will feature two spectacular bouts worthy of this historic occasion. In the second main event of the evening, undefeated welterweight knockout artist Keith “Kotahi te Time” Thurman (24-0, 21 Koó) will take on former four-division world champion Robert “Ko te Varua” Warrior (32-2-1, 18 Koó) in a showdown where both men look to prove they are amongst the best fighters in the world on the biggest stage in recent boxing history.


Ko te hui matua tuatahi o te ahiahi, ka ngā tetahi o nui, me te tino mālohi whetu o te mekemeke, former three-division world champion Adrien “Ko te Problem” Broner (29-1, 22 Koó) facing off against the always exciting John “Ko te Gladiator” Molina Jr. (27-5, 22 Koó) in a super lightweight bout that will put the winner at the top of the division.


Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets www.mgmgrand.com ranei www.ticketmaster.com.


Kaua e ngaro i te meneti o te PBC i te NBC mahi rite ki te whawhai teata tuatahi i runga i NBC haamata i 8:30 p.m. ME / 5:30 p.m. PT SHARP!


“Ko te kapa me te ahau he tino hihiri, ā, e katoa titiro whakamua matou ki tenei faingamālie ki te whawhai i runga i NBC. He rota o te mea i toku rōpū e pupuri ana e mea ko e kei te haere tenei ki te huri i te hākinakina. Fakamanatu mai kiate au e whakamahia toku kaiwhakangungu te mutunga o Ben Getty ki te korero ki ahau, ko nga mea katoa e hiahiatia ana e ahau ki te mahi i whiwhi i runga i te atamira nui,” Said Thurman. “Au pono ahau titiro atu ki headlining i te whakaatu tuatahi. Au fiefia ki kia hoki i MGM Grand me te titiro atu ki te knockout nui. Ko te tīmatanga o te hanga i te ingoa whare tenei.”


“Ko te tino fakaivifo'ou ki te mohio, e te mea e kawe NBC mekemeke hoki ki te pouaka whakaata primetime,” Said Guerrero. “Ko te he honore ki te hei wahi o te whakaaturanga tuatahi, especially against an undefeated champion like Keith Thurman. Everyone knows I always come to fight. Let’s hope Thurman has the same mindset. He claims that he’s going to knock me out, but I see a totally different outcome. When this fight is over, everyone tuning in will know why boxing is one of the most exciting sports to watch, e taea e ahau te kī.”


“Ko te utunga nui tuatahi o 'AB i te NBC tenei.’ Kahore te tetahi mea e kore e taea e ahau,” Said Broner. “Ko te he whawhai nui e kore anake mo te whawhai, engari mo nga pā. Nga tangata katoa e matau ana i haere mai tonu ahau ki te whawhai me te mohio ahau ki John Molina Jr. Kei te haere mai ki te whawhai. Titiro atu ahau ki tu Molina i te NBC. Aroha ahau te tautoko me te tetahi e tautoko ana ahau; Kei te haere ahau ki te whawhai mo a ratou. He tika te tīmatanga o te 'Whakaatu AB tenei’ i roto i te 2015.”


“Ko ahau tino oaoa ki te waiho i te wahi o te whakaaturanga tuatahi i runga i NBC, ki te hei i runga i tenei turanga. E kore e taea e ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, ka mahi i te mea e ahau pai mahi i roto i te mua o mirioni o te iwi tatari,” Na ka mea a Molina Jr. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai i te pai me te Broner ko tetahi o te pai. Ko te whawhai i ui tatou no te i runga i te tau i mua tenei a te pae hopea ka matou i te reira. Ko ahau na fiefia. Au e kore e tailiili i te katoa. Ki te mea i ahau io, E kore e waiho e ahau i roto i tenei ahumahi. Ko te momo o te mea e whawhai tūturu moemoea e pā ana ki tenei. Au tatau e ahau ki raro, i nga ra.”


Ko te hokinga mai o te mekemeke ki te primetime i runga i NBC he tata 30 tau i roto i te hanga, ki taua te wahi whakamutunga po tango whawhai May 20, 1985. That fight saw Larry Holmes win a 15-round decision and defend his IBF Heavyweight World Championship against Carl Williams in Reno, Nev.


Primetime te pouaka whakaata motu he home-roa mo etahi o nga ingoa tino mōhiotia i roto i te aamu o te hākinakina, with fighters such as Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, George Foreman and Mike Tyson making a name for themselves in front of a national audience.


The PBC on NBC series will feature a cast of familiar names and voices who will lend their immense talents to the broadcasts. Seven-time Emmy Award winner Al Michaels will host the series while Academy Award winning composer Hans Zimmer will compose the music that brings the series to life. I tua atu, legendary boxer Sugar Ray Leonard will serve as lead analyst.


“Ahau na oaoa e pā ana ki PBC i runga i NBC. Ko ahau ohovale i ahau ka te piiraa, engari tika atu i mohio ahau hinaaro e ahau ki te waiho i te wahi o tenei,” Said Leonard. “Ko te aha te hiahia mekemeke tenei, me tenei, ko te mea e hiahia ana nga pā mekemeke.”


Ka whakatairanga Los Angeles-hāngai Whakatairanga Goossen tenei PBC tuatahi i runga i hui NBC.


It’s an honor to be a part of this extraordinary and highly anticipated event

i runga i Maehe 7, te tuatahi o te 'Pirimia mekemeke Champions’ series on NBC,” said Tom Brown of Goossen Promotions. “These are two outstanding fights featuring four world class boxers and fans are in for a terrific night of action.


Thurman has long proven his power by knocking out 18 o tona tuatahi 19 hoariri, engari ka riro ia ia te Ingoa wā WBA Welterweight World ki te 10th round knockout over Diego Chaves in July of 2013, maka e ia ki a ia i roto i te tūranga ki te whawhai i te pai rawa i roto i te hākinakina. -Tau 26-tau te Clearwater, Florida Maori kua mai hanga toru angitu parepare taitara ki te knockouts mo Ihu Soto Karass me Julio Diaz, i mua i tūtahi Leonard bundu i runga i tona ara ki te whakatau loto i roto i te Hakihea 2014. Na, Titiro Thurman ki te noho tūturu tonu, ka anga ia i tona whakamātautau uaua ki te rā i roto i te Guerrero.


He hōia whakamatauria te whawhai-, Warrior, o Gilroy, Calif., Kua i roto i nga whawhai whiriwhiri i roto i te mekemeke mo tau. He southpaw kaimekemeke-puncher, Kua riro Guerrero taitara ao i roto i te akomanga taimaha e wha i 130 ki 147 pauna, te patu i te momo o Andre Berto, Joel Casamayor, Michael Katsidis a Selcuk Aydin haere te ara. Tona toa puta noa i enei akomanga taimaha roaa ia he whawhai ki te kingi pauna-no te-pauna Floyd Mayweather i roto i 2013, i ngaro ia i te whakatau loto. “Ko te Varua” poipoia hoki kiri i roto i te Pipiri o 2014 ki te pakeke-whawhai wikitoria whakatau loto mo Yoshihiro Kamegai.


Ko e taha o whetu rawa te pai-mohiotia te mekemeke, Broner, te phenom 25-tau tawhito, kua nei i kohia taitara ao i 130, 135 a 147 pauna, Kei te whakanoho i ona mātanga i runga i te puncher kino John Molina Jr. i runga i Maehe 7. Ka kaha Broner kua runga i nga momo o Paulie Malignaggi, Daniel Ponce de Leon me Antonio Demarco i runga i te ara ki te hoko i te toa e toru-te wehenga. Ahakoa te mamae tona mate tuatahi ki Marcos Maidana i Hakihea 2013, i turapa te Cincinnati-Māori ki te hoki-ki-hoki whakaora mo Carlos Molina me Emmanuel Taylor.


Molina Jr. from Covina, Calif., Kua i angitu nui i roto i nga rarangi ngaio tae atu i te wikitoria knockout faahiahia i runga i te toa o nāianei te ao Mickey Bey i whakamatauria e kore koutou e taea te tatau i te puncher kaha i roto i te whawhai. Ngaro te 32-tau-tawhito te Whawhai scintillating o te kaitono Tau ki Lucas Matthysse i roto i 2014 a ka te titiro ki te tīmata atu 2015 ki te wini nui ki a Broner.


Kia ka kauwhautia tata te ki tonu te po i te pāngia undercard whakaongaonga.


PBC i te NBC, will take place Saturday, March 7 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and is promoted by Goossen Promotions. Ka rangi te hui ora i runga i NBC (8:30 p.m. ME / 5:30 p.m. PT).


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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing a www.goossenpromotions.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, NBCSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Boxing manager Adrian Clark releases mini documentary Adrian Clark: I mua i te Bell i te Youtube

Dallas, TX (January 28, 2015)–Whakatika me te haere mai te kaiwhakahaere mekemeke Adrian Clark Kua tukua he pakipūmeka paku e lēkooti he uike i roto i te ora o tona mahi rite arata'i ia ki runga ki te ui i te Pakipūmeka fight.The te Adrian Clark: Before The Bell

Clark o Dallas, Texas kua hohoro riro tetahi o te kānapanapa taitamariki feruriraa i roto i te ahumahi mekemeke me kei te haere mai atu i te oranga 2014 arahina ia ki te wahi whawhai pērā i James De La Rosa ki ahua i runga i te Floyd Mayweather – Marcos Maidana II undercard i reira patua e ia toa mua ao Alfredo Angulo me te he Hakihea whawhai i runga i HBO mekemeke I muri Pōuri.
Tētahi atu kiritaki, Whawhai Jerry Belmontes WBC toa Kōmāmā Omar Figueroa i te Showtime Championship mekemeke i roto i te a'ee i reira whakaaro te nuinga o te iwi nei tirohanga i te whawhai i riro Belmontes i te whakatau ki te hopu i te whitiki, engari ngaro mā te whakatau wahia.
“Ko he mea whakamiharo te mahi i te pakipūmeka paku. Ahakoa ko te pūwāhi ngahunga ahau, nga whawhai mahi ahau mo te whiwhi i te pai te rongo hoki. He tino faufaa Ingoa me te uara mata, ka e ngana ana ki te kaitäkaro mākete kia ka kite koe i ahau, kite koe i toku tāne. A, no te kite koe i toku tāne, kite koe i ahau, ara ki te kore e tatou i reira i roto i te puka tinana, tohu tatou katoa ia te tahi. Mātakitaki i te pakipūmeka takoha ahau ki te mutu, ka faahiahia aha kua mea ai ahau me he aha e mahi i enei kaitäkaro,” Said Clark
“In five years & i 28 years old now, Te hinaaro nei au i te whakapono kua mahi ahau i te mahi tino pai, tautautefito ki te mahi i ahau ki kore tautoko. Peke ahau De la Rosa free i Don King, Na ka ka ia 2 whawhai nui i runga i Showtime PPV me HBO. I hanga ano e ia te moni atu i roto i 2 whawhai atu tona mahi katoa ngā. I negotiated a world title shot fight for Belmontes, kowhetetia ia te moni te nuinga i roto i tona mahi. Mahi ahau ki te tiki Ray Ximenez i roto i te kirimana whakatairanga kino, me te kaha ano, i runga i tona ara ki te nui whawhai. Haina ahau he 'amanaki fakaofo i roto i Oscar Mojica ko wai te mea he Sharing heke mai i 118 lbs. a ka Räkau he whetu he kaha'ú i 140 i roto i te Steve Belmontes. 2014 Ko te tau mīharo mō te Whakahaere AC Sports, LLC. Te titiro ki te hopu i roto i te tau 2015.”
“He he rota o nga mea whakamiharo e haere i runga i roto i te mekemeke matau i teie nei. Au taitamariki ahau, ki runga, me te haere mai, me te ngana ana ki te mau tonu i te ingoa faaturahia. Titiro ahau ki te mahi me te hanga whanaungatanga i hauora ki Whakatairanga Kara, Roc Nation, Kapa Top me kaiwhakatairanga rohe. I ahau i te hononga whakaharahara ki a Golden Boy, me te Main Events; Te ti'aturi nei e ahau ki te mau tonu aua here kaha, me te hanga i nga whawhai pai e ngā toku ko eé.”
“Ko matua i roto i te mahi mekemeke Patience. Ko tetahi, ki te māramatanga e taimi ko e nga mea katoa, me te kore e mahi i akina atu te ara. AJ Galante {ko wai te mea pea i te tahi atu kaiwhakahaere anake i roto i ona o 20} a ka matau ahau e tatou nga o te toto taitamariki i roto i te hākinakina. I roto i te 5 ranei 10 tau e riro mai tatou i te Al Haymon o, Frank Espinoza o me Cameron Dunkin o… Ka titiro eé ingoa Big me whatunga ki te mahi i roto i a tatou. Ua ite tatou e, e tamau noa tatou i te faaineine, e strategizing ki te kawe i runga i te faufaa ai'a mīharo o te mekemeke i roto i te tūmanako o te mahue ha tukufakaholo o to tatou iho. Ko tōna tino raumati.” 

Pāwhiritia te whakapakoko ki te mataara motuhenga

Adrian Clark: I mua i te Bell
Adrian Clark: I mua i te Bell

Martin whai ki 'Pū' Down Boylan tenei Rāhoroi

St Neots, Martin te Camb Tommy 'Da Pū' nei te whawhai nui o tona mahi taitamariki tenei Rāhoroi e haere mai, ka wero ia ia a Carshalton Ricky Boylan mo te wātea English Super Kōmāmā taitara, i runga i te Eddie Hearn, Matchroom Sport Tuhinga mua whakatairangatia ana whakaatu mega, i te O2 Arena i Greenwich, London.

Tommy, nei tau e rua tekau noa o te tau te, Kua pae kē he record mahi o te tekau pāngia, ka haere mai tekau toa, e toru o aua whakaora i te ara o te mutu mutu.

Hoki i te April whakamutunga tau, Tommy noaa tona win tuatahi Championship, te British Masters parahi, ki te wikitoria shutout ngā mo Michael Maloney.

Ahakoa taitamariki i te mea noa ana whakanui tona angitu Tommy, ko ia tino i möhio i hokona ki a ia i tenei wikitoria ki te aro o ngā kaiwhakatairanga runga rua o te UK Eddie Hearn me Frank Warren.

I muri te whakaminenga ki e rua, Tommy faaoti e ki te tupono noa te whawhai i runga i te whakaaturanga Matchroom Sport nui, nei ngā kaupapa e päpäho ora i runga i Sky Sports, Ko tona kōwhiringa pai.

I kite taua i tona whawhai i muri haere ia ki a Liverpool ki te kanohi Ainsley Seivwright i runga i te undercard o te Matchroom Sport ka whakanuia Tony Bellew Julio Hiha Dos Santos WBO International taitara whawhai versus.

Ki te tetahi atu wikitoria totoka i raro i tona whitiki, Faaoti Eddie Hearn ki tino whakamātau i tona hainatanga hou, na roto i te he fehangahangai ia o Southampton Matty Tew i roto i te rounder tekau, takekore ki te mea ka haere mai Tommy i roto i ki te tae rere, tu i te tino mātanga Tew i roto i te whitu o tawhio, i roto i te raveraa i te reira kowhetetia i te tika ki te hanga i tana wero tuatahi mo te taitara motu nui.

I muri mai i tetahi o ona wā whakangungu whakamutunga, he mārama korero Tommy poto e pā ana ki te pupūtanga ka ū mai ki a Ricky Boylan te huhi.

"Au'Io ki runga ki te marama, tino i runga i te marama ki a reira.

Kua kua ahau te whakangungu pakeke tino mo tenei mo te tekau ma tahi, kotahi tekau ma rua wiki ranei kia, Ahau mooni i he uike atu i muri i toku whawhai whakamutunga, me te rite i ahau i rongo i te rongo e pā ana ki te whiwhi i te pere i te taitara Ingarihi eke tonu hoki ki te omaoma kau.

Ahau tango i tēnei whai wāhitanga e ahau ki e rua ringa, te reira te mea e ahau e hiahia ana, E hiahia ana ahau ki te kia whawhai mō taitara, e te au aha ahau mekemeke e hiahia ana ahau ki te waiho i te Champion, e kore noa toa tetahi, E hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i tenei i te ara pupuku tawhito, English, British, Pākehā, me te ka haere mo te nui kotahi - World.

Te tangata kei te mea he rite tūturu he rima tekau-rima tekau whawhai rite mai ratou i tenei, e kore e tika i te whawhai, engari te hunga ano hoki matakite i te hua. He rota o te iwi e mea Boylan me rite tahi te maha o te iwi e mea Martin, Kei te haere te katoa ki toku ngakau reira ki te haere mai ki raro, ki ai Ricky Boylan ranei e tahuri ake Tommy Martin i runga i te po.

Ahau tika whakapono ka pai atu mahere tona A toku mahere A me he pai atu tana mahere B toku mahere B.

E kore e taea e kite ahau i-mekemeke ki waho ia ia ki ahau, a e kore e taea te kite ia ia e ahau i roto i mahi ahau, Whakaaro ahau ka hohoro ano ahau rawa me te koi rawa hoki ia.

Toa i te Masters Ingarangi hoki ahau, ko ha sitepu nui, Ahau tino aroha te taime, Ko reira takahi i te kohatu pai mō taitara rite tenei tetahi i haere mai ahau ki runga. I hoatu te reira ahau toku wheako tuatahi o Championship mekemeke, e e ahau i runga i te waewae mua i runga i te Rāhoroi rite i whawhai kua ahau i te whawhai taitara.

Hinaaro nei e ahau ki te mea i te whakawhetai nui ki a koe kati ki te rima rau pā e haere mai ki raro, ki te tautoko i ahau i runga i te po, Rāhoroi, Tino mauruuru ahau ki a koutou whiwhi i muri i ahau te tikanga o te reira mea katoa ki ahau, me te tūmanako ka hoatu e ahau ki a koe i te whakaaturanga tino pai, me te ki te haere te katoa ki te whakamahere ka whai ahau te whitiki Ingarihi a tawhio noa toku hope i te mutunga o te po.

Fafau atu nei au e kore e haere e ahau au ki te hanga i te reira faingofua mo ia, te tūmanako ka hoatu e ahau ki a ia fifi mau i runga i te po "

Kaiwhakahaere o Tommy, Na ka korero a Johnny Eames e pā ana ki tona tiaki taitamariki te supremo kiia Champions TKO me tona pupūtanga mai ki a ex TKO toa Ricky Boylan.

"Ko te nui whawhai a Tame ki te rā tēnei, he aha te ake te reira ki te toa ex-TKO, Ricky Boylan.

Ko te he pono 50/50 whawhai, Ka taea e koe maka i te moni ki te kite i te tangata e haere ana ki te riro i tēnei tetahi, te reira tino ko e tata.

Oia mau whakawhirinaki ahau ki Tommy, ranei e kore ahau i tangohia i te whawhai i runga i, otiia e kore e te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te pana ki runga.

Mai Ricky ki te whawhai, faaineine ia ia pai, a ngā whakangungua ia e toku mate tawhito Jamie Moore, ki te mau tamaroa Manchester, kia matau ana tatou kei te haere ia kia pai ki te rite.

Au tino titiro atu ahau ki te whawhai, ka waiho hei whawhai nui. "


June White hono te FNU aro Sports Whakaatu TONIGHT!

By: Rich Bergeron

Tatou i te āheinga motuhake tenei wiki i runga i te aro FNU Sports Show ko June White. Ko te wā tino mai riro noa ahau i tenei kupu i runga i Twitter atu i te ra:

“E āraia e koe i te whai me te mātakitaki 'S Tweets.”

June White (JuneWhiteMMA) Ka uru atu Tom, Tony a Rich i runga i te FNU aro Sports Whakaatu TONIGHT to discuss her unauthorized biography on the UFC President known for his brash language and a ruthless approach to building and expanding the UFC brand. Her book is an unflattering, titiro faitotonu ki te ora o te orometua boxercise mua nga mano inaianei i runga i te UFC he ringa rino me te mangai nui ki. Tirohia tenei korero YouTube Promo mō "Dana White, Kingi o MMA:"

"Kauwaka" Tom Padgett, "Marea Rousin '" Rich Bergeron me Tony "Ko e Āwhā" Penecale i hoki te ton o te whawhai ngā kaupapa hākinakina me te korero ki te matapaki i tēnei wiki.

Pāwhiri ki Here ki te whakarongo ki to tatou haapurororaa Live i 8-10PM EST pô,. Whakamahia te hononga taua ki te uru i te tuhi o te whakaaturanga. Tīmata te uiuitanga June White i 9:15 PM EST.

Team whawhai ki a Walk haamata Pushups mō te pāpāngia!

New York, NY (January 27, 2015) -Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson me Team whawhai ki te haere i tīmata te Pushups mō te pāpāngia e wero. Hanga Melson te wero ki te āwhina i te kohi pūtea tautooraa tamataraa haumanu tuatahi o forAmerica ki te tauturu i te whakaora tauraa whara ua.


Inanahi, Melson, nei takoha 100% o ona whitiki ki te tamataraa, whakairi i te ataata i reira oti ia tekau pushups. I muri i oti i nga pushups, Ka karanga Melson i roto i te tahi atu mau melo o Team whawhai ki te haere i tae atu Danny Jacobs, Marcus Browne, Riddick Bowe, Anthony Mason, Christan Zaccagnino, Paora Williams me Eric LeGrand ki te whakaoti i te wero.


Ka rite ki te Challenge ALS Ice Pākete, Pushups mō te whāinga ka pāpāngia 'ko te ki te whakaara e rua moni, me te mōhiotanga i roto i pāpāho pāpori. Wero ia kaiuru ki te mahi 10 pushups, karanga i ētahi atu ki te whai wāhi ka koha $10 ki teamfighttowalk.com. Ki te kore e taea e ki te whakaoti tekau ratou, E ui i te mau piahi ki te koha i te atu $1 hoki ia pushup oti. Hei tauira, mai te mea e oti ono anake pushups, e riro i te takoha $14. Ko te whāinga, ko te ki te whakaara $5,000,000 kia taea e te tamataraa tango i te wahi i roto i 2015 e whai ake nei takaroa e tika ana ki ngā take pūtea.


"Kite te ao pēhea te kaha ko te ALS Ice Pākete Challenge, a whai wāhi matou katoa" ka mea a Melson. "Neke atu i te $100 miriona i whakaarahia mo ALS me te katoa i korero e pā ana ki te reira. Au wero ahau katoa i roto i reira ki te whakaoti 10 pushups ka foaki $10 ki Teamfighttowalk.com to help cure paralysis. Na roto i te mau tautooraa whānui, Kahore ahau e feaa e taea te tutaki i to tatou whāinga. I te pae hopea, Ka whai hua America i te kitenga o rau o nga mano o te iwi herea ki te wīra i whara ua haere ana ano i muri i te mau tamataraa. "


Mō ētahi atu pārongo i runga i teamfighttowalk, haere ki te teamfighttowalk.com. Kua ui kaiuru katoa ki te whakamahi i te #pushupsforparalysis hashtag.


Ka taea te kite i te ataata o te Pushups a Melson mō te pāpāngia i http://teamfighttowalk.com/push-ups-for-paralysis/

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