ESPN Rāpare Night e whawhai Hoki roto i South Florida ki

Kaha Kāri whawhai teata

Kingi IBF Super-mā whitu Champ
Rances Barthelemy I tumanakohia ki te puta

Ka hoki i roto i te whāiti o te ao i te kia ESPN o Hialeah Park Rāpare Whawhai Night hoki ki tenei wāhi rongonui ki te ahiahi mahi-Kikī o te mekemeke ngaio taitara i runga i March 26 tīmata i 6 PM ET.

Ko te kāri whawhai whetu-hokowhitu, Ka e te haapurorohia ora i roto i te United States me i roto i te mākete Latin matua i runga i ESPN2 me ESPN Deportes, Ko te whakaaro ki te whakauru i te tuatahi Kōmāmā o kingi Rances aito IBF Super-mā whitu “Hau Kid” Barthelemy, ko wai te mea 21-0 ki 12 knockouts.

Leon Margules o Warriors Boxing, tahi-kaiwhakatairanga o te kaupapa ki a Hialeah Park, haapapu e, e ngā te kāri he Welterweight take tekau-a tawhio waenganui i Breidis “Ko te Khanqueror” Prescott (27-6, 20 Koó) o Colombia a Fredrick “General Okunka” Lawson (23-0, 20 Koó) o Ghana.

“Tenei ka riro he whawhai matua mō te Prescott,” Margules ana. “Te ia 31, i teie nei. E riro ia toru whawhai, engari maturuturu iho e rua mai i te tīmatanga o te 2012, na te ia tino nui i roto i te āhuatanga pau-win ki te pai ia ki te noho hāngai i roto i tona wehenga.”

Prescott, whawhai inaianei i roto i o Miami, riro te tuatahi 21 whawhai o tona mahi ngaio i mua i ngaro haerenga hoki-ki-hoki i roto i te mutunga o 2009.

Ko e ono nga tau teina i Lawson 25. E riro ia toru rerekē wātea pāngia taitara rohe mai i Hakihea o 2012, tino tata te wātea IBF International Welterweight taitara i roto i te Hōngongoi o 2013.

“Kihai i Lawson whawhai i roto i te United States anō-kei tae noa ia ki a Chicago whakamutunga tau,” Margules tuhia. “Ko ia te pro totoka e kore e me te taiao hoa ki te riro. E riro ia i roto i Minnesota me California mai haere mai ki Amerika.”

Rua tūturu whawhai taumahamaha Cuban ka whawhai i runga i te kāri. Yasmany “Ko te Tiburon” Consuegra e ha lekooti o 16-0 ki 14 knockouts, te nuinga i roto i te tīmatanga o te wāhanga. E kore kua Consuegra i ki te tatari mo nga scorecards ki te tatauhia mai toa i te a'ee wha-a tawhio 5 matahiti i ma'iri a'e i roto i te toru o tona whawhai ora anake. Robert Alfonso Ko 4-0 i roto i tona mahi taitamariki.

Tikiti mō te ESPN o Rāpare Whawhai Night, kī hoki rite “Whawhai Night,” kei runga i te hoko i roto i Force Tikite i teie nei (,, a, i te whare herehere Hialeah Park Casino.

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Mō Warriors mekemeke

I whakarewatia i roto i te 2003, Whakahaere Warriors mekemeke i raro i te kuware kaupapa-kawea te kaimekemeke pai i roto i te ao ki te whawhai pā, ōrite ratou i roto i te pāngia whakataetae, a i roto i te raveraa i te reira i te tauturu anō-whakapumautia te hākinakina o te mekemeke mo te whakatupuranga hou.


Ki te te raupapa o whakaaturanga Utua-Per-Tiro angitu, me nga whare Kikī ki tona nama, Kei te mahi i te tauira pakihi Warriors whakamiharo i roto i te hākinakina e he nui roto i te hiahia o te auahatanga me te pūngao e hopoi mai i te kamupene ki te tepu.


A, no te haere mai ki raro ki reira ahakoa, Ko anake rite pai rite ki nga whawhai he kamupene whakatairanga, me te whawhai whakatairanga i te reira. Warriors Kua tukua Mekemeke i runga i akina katoa, ki te pāngia tino pērā i Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Aperahama-Miranda ahau me II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana me Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Warriors Mekemeke, visit their website at

Boxcino 2014 Toa taumahawaenga Willie Monroe Jr. kōrero i runga i whai wāhi taitara ki Gennady Golovkin

Philadelphia, PA (March 16, 2015)–Tenei mua Rāmere na'e fanongonongo ai e Boxcino 2014 Toa taumahawaenga Willie Monroe Jr. Kua whakaae te wero me te WBA / IBO me WBC toa taumahawaenga Interim ka whawhai Gennady Golovkin i runga i Kia 16 i te Forum i Inglewood,California.
Ka teata te hui Live i runga i HBO World Championship Boxing® te timatanga i10:00 p.m. AND/PT.
Monroe o Rochester, New York roaa te rave'a i runga i te kaha o tona toa e toru i roto i te 2014 Boxcino whitu whakataetae me te tekau-a tawhio noa te wikitoria i runga Bryan Vera whakatau loto i runga i January 16.
“I Kia 16, Ka paorooro ahau i te ao,” said Monroe.
“Whakaaro ahau he whawhai wehingia tenei. E tatou e rua ngā momo rerekē me e ka meinga mo etahi ngingiha noa. Ka kite tatou i e kāhua mai i runga i runga i runga i Kia 16.”
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai reva Whakatairanga mō te tu i ahau. Hiahia hoki ahau ki te whakawhetai GGG mō te fariiraa i te whawhai. Ko te whawhai meá mo ia tenei no te mea kahore i te iwi i homai ki ahau te nama mo te nei ahau.” tonu Monroe. “Hiahia ki te whakawhetai ano hoki ahau ki a Brian Kweder me John Campagna o ESPN mo te tūāpapa o te whakataetae Boxcino. E mohio ana ahau ko aua whawhai e toru e tino spingboarded ahau ki tenei tūranga.”
Mea Kara Whakatairanga Palesiteni Artie Pelullo, “E tatou tino hari mo Willie. Kua mahi ia rawa pakeke, a whakatika ana ia i tenei e faingamālie te ara tawhito-pupuku. Roaa ia te reira. Ki te riro i te 2014 E whakaatu ana Boxcino whakataetae e tangohia i te whawhai te tūpono i roto i to ratou mahi, a ka he ratou pai ki te whawhai whawhai kounga, nui nga mea haere mai i reira. No te taua e ahau ki te hoatu tino te rota o te nama ki a Brian Kweder me John Campagna o ESPN mō te tauturu te whakahaere i tenei oma nui kua e kua Willie i runga i me i arahina ki tenei e faingamālie.”
“A, no te hainatia i runga i ESPN ki reva Whakatairanga ki te whakahoki mai i te Boxcino Championship whakamutunga tau, I korero Artie Pelullo e whakaputa i te whakataetae, he papatu, ao noa rite i te reira i whakahokia i roto i nga o te 1990,” mea Brian Kweder, ESPN senior director of programming and acquisitions. “Au fiefia kia kite Willie Monroe, JR. te tiki i te matā tuatahi i tuku i runga i taua kupu whakaari. Tēnei whawhai i runga i May 16 is exactly the reason fight fans should tune in to this year’s crop of talent appearing in the Boxcino semifinals on April 10 i runga i te Paraire Whawhai te Po.”
A pee i Banner Whakatairanga i runga i pāpāho pāpori mō te Banner ngā whakahōu hōu katoa
BannerBoxing #TeamBanner ;;

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV makaka BOMBS ON JOHNSON whakapiki i TO 15-0 WITH 1 ROUND knockout

HOUSTON, Texas (March 16, 2015) – Tenei mua Rāmere po i te “Battle i runga i te tuawhenua” card which took place at the Charles Doyle Convention Center in Texas City, TX, Rererangi Light-Heavyweight, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Koó) kaha James Johnson (28-45-4, 17 Koó), tu i te tautōhito i roto i te taka noa 1 o ratou whakaritea a'ee 6-a tawhio. A plethora of powerful body blows by B-52 led to a big straight right hand that landed flush on the head of Johnson, i arahina ki te mutu i te a'ee.


Co whakatairangatia ana-e Gary Shaw Productions a Whakatairanga Savarese, B-52 is on a mission to take over the Light Heavyweight division. With tremendous power in both hands and great footwork, Whakapono Bektemirov i roto i tona kaha ki te riro i te toa te ao kotahi te ra.


“Ki te ia whawhai au te kimi ahau pai,” ka mea B-52, “I’m blessed to have power in both of my hands so I can knock you out with either one. Ronnie Shields, ko wai te tetahi o nga kaiwhakangungu pai i roto i te mekemeke, Kua mahi ahau i runga i te neke i toku matenga, me te korero. Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese have promised to keep me busy so I’m going to get back in the gym as soon as possible to start perfecting my craft. I can’t wait to get back in the ring and start dropping bombs, Kāhua B-52.”


“Lou me ahau he tino hiamo B-52 me tona kaha ki te knockout hoariri ki rānei ringa,” Gary Shaw mea. “E hiahia ana matou ki te tiki ia ia hoki i roto i te whakakai rite wawe tonu. Whakapono ana ahau to tatou i te muri Sergey Kovalev me ki atu he torutoru te whakauru, Ka Bektemirov kia patuki i runga i te kuwaha o te katoa i roto i te runga tekau o nga whakahaere hoki, katoa.


“E korero ahau katoa e taea e tenei koati haere.” kī Lou Savarese. “B-52 possesses that raw power that you look for in a fighter. He’s knocking people out with right hooks, matau maui, uppercuts, you name it he’s doing it. Ronnie Shields is working on his defense so he’ll become the full package. Bektemirov will be back in the ring soon.



Las Vegas (March 14, 2015) – Last po 50-tau WBC tau #16 nguha taumahamaha, “Bronco” Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Koó), moti Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-3, 20 Koó), tu i te Beresiria ki te patu tinana kino i te1:15 mark of round one. The10-round main event took place on the Whakatairanga RJJ mekemeke at the We Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona.


Ki te te wikitoria, “Bronco” Mau tonu Billy tana WBC Latin AMERICAN aFECARBOX titles while extending his winning streak to 18, 14 o i puta mai i te ara o te knockout i roto i pāngia karapīpiti .



“'Oku Rawa mauruuru nei au no te rave'a no te paruru i WBC toku whitiki konei i roto i te United States rite reira kua ki te wa roa ngā mai ahau whawhai konei ahau.” Na ka mea a Bronco Billy Wright. “Kua Mauricio Sulaiman kua he tangata o tona kupu, moving me up the rankings as I continue to win fights. Right now I’m a #16, titiro ki te anganga te runga 15 with this victory. Against Domingos, I wanted to make a statement and end the fight early with a knockout. The plan was to go in and land as many powerful body shots as possible. It worked and I came out on top. I’m going to keep marching up the WBC rankings with the goal getting a big fight against any of top contenders. The problem is, tetahi o enei eé e hiahia ana ki a ahau te whawhai. I’m ready to take on all comers ahead of me.


I tua atu, Tuhia Bronco Billy te 29 o tona knockout a tawhio tuatahi. One of his goal is to break the heavyweight record for 1st round knockouts held by Shannon Briggs which stands at 35.

News i te Gleason Faleva'inga Amateur Boxing-Golden karapu-Hall o Rongonui




Rāhoroi March 14 i 6:00 pm

Hono tatou tenei Rāhoroi ahiahi te 14 o Maehe, ka oaoa i te oaoa o te mekemeke amateur i te taumata pakiaka tarutaru.


Ko te whakaaturanga painga mekemeke i roto i te tautoko o Gleason o Homai te Kid A Dream Foundation tenei.

Ko te paunatia i roto i te no te tenei whakaaturanga e timata i 4:00PM a ka timata te a'ee tuatahi i 6:00PM.


Kua whakatakotoria tatou pāngia katoa e USABoxingMetro. Me whai i to ratou pukapuka mekemeke ki a ratou kaimekemeke katoa i roto i te tikanga ki te whai wāhi.


Ko te utu tīkiti ko $25 ia tangata. Tamariki 6 a kahore e ki raro i whakatupato. Mau melo o te omaoma katoa me amateurs rēhita ki o ratou pukapuka i roto i te utu ringa $20 ia tangata.



P.S. Ki te kore e taea e hanga e koe taua mea, engari e hiahia ana tonu ki te kite i te whawhai, ka rere ki ratou i

Paetukutuku o Gleason Faleva'inga:




Wednesday a Rāpare April 1, me te 2.



April 1 a 2, 2015

NY Daily News 88 Annual Golden karapu

Finals Tickets are now available.



Te tīkiti pai e wātea ana mō te po e rua o nga whiringa toa o te Gleason Faleva'inga, Wednesday a Rāpare.



To matou Wednesday, April 1:

$75 no te tīkiti (Wāhanga F1)

$65 no te tīkiti (Wāhanga 8)

$42 no te tīkiti (Wāhanga 121)




To matou Rāpare, April 2nd:

$75 no te tīkiti (Wāhanga F1)

$65 no te tīkiti (Wāhanga 8)

$42 no te tīkiti (Wāhanga 121)


Karangatia i te omaoma i 718 797 2872 īmēra tatou ranei i



April 13 Videos Short Whakatika Whakatairanga Puka.


Josh TEICHER He Editor Film rave, e kua he mema o te Gleason Faleva'inga mo nga tau e toru o mua.


Kei te whakaako ia i te wiki te roa, ringa akoranga i runga i te ako i ngā āhuatanga katoa e whai wāhi i roto i te whakatika i te pa¯nui mo te whakaatu, raupapa, pakipūmeka, ahakoa online TV ranei.


Tenei ko te hononga ki tona whārangi mahi facebook:ā hui / 925677540810367 /


Tirohia te i te tāpiritanga mō Videos Short Whakatika Whakatairanga Puka.


April 26th New York State Mekemeke Hall o te Rongonui.

Bruce Silverglade Ka kia kotahi o nga inductees ki te Hall o Rongonui.


Ka te 4 ā-tina Whakangungu me te Tohu Rātapu April 26th i te Russo On te Bay i roto i te Howard Beach. Ko te hui rere i12:30pm ki 5:30pm.


Tickets e $125. Ko te whakanui i ngā moko, cocktail haora, ki tonu hakari akoranga, me te tuwhera pae.


Ki te hoko tikiti karanga Bob Duffy i 516 313 2304 īmēra ia ranei


Tenei hui ka he sellout. Hoko hohoro koutou tīkiti.








Douglas, Barroso, Odom & López KNOCKOUTS kaute i SHOBOX QUADRUPLEHEADER FROM ave, N.Y..


Kia mataara, te Replay I SHOWTIME EXTEME® Rāhina, March 16 I 10 p.m. AND/PT

Pāwhiritia HERE Hei Tikiake Photos

Credit Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME®


'Ave, N.Y.. (March. 14, 2015) - Pūkenga whitu hinga kore Antoine Douglas hanga he faahiahia 2015 tuatahi tino outboxing mua hinga kore Thomas LaManna i mua i te mutunga o ia e TKO i 2:44 o te ono-a tawhio i roto i te hui matua o te po o te knockouts i runga i ShoBox: Ko te Generation New Rāmere i te Space i ave 'ave, N.Y..


Douglas (17-0-1, 10 Koó), o Washington, D.C., te mana i te a'ee i te pere te whakatuwhera, a ko te toa ake kaha, me te tika, tuatuku 127 nifó katoa ki te LaManna o 73. LaManna (16-1, 7 Koó), o Millville, N.J., Ko uaua ka tamata ki te haukoti i, otiia kihai i ite nui ki te whenua tetahi e whai hua ana ki mohio te Washingtonian. Mahi Douglas te whakaeke kanorau, me te nanakia o uppercuts, matau me ārai te patuki LaManna iho rua i mua i te kaute i te knockout i roto i te wikitoria whakaongaonga.


"Hoatu e ahau i te mahi i roto i i te omaoma, me i hanga ngāwari te reira. Ka mau te reira i ahau e roa atu i whakaaro ahau pai te reira, ko ahau Ua mahi i te mahi,"Ka mea a Douglas. "Ahau i whakaaro kino ia e ahau ki a ia i roto i te tīmatanga o te whawhai i teie nei, a ka. Ahau hinaaro tika ki te pupuri i te pōro okeoke i konei. "


"Ko ia te toa pai, nohopuku me te kaha. Ngā whakaaro ahau e ia nga mea katoa e waiho e ia. Ko ha a'usia ako hoki ahau,"Ka mea a LaManna. "Mau ahau e ia ki te pere pai. Kihai Ko te knockdown tuatahi he knockdown. Ko te tetahi whakamutunga, Ko atu ahau toenga, engari ka mau ahau e ia ki te pere pai. Ko ia te tangata pai tenei po. "


"Whawhai i runga i te wa whakamutunga Douglas ShoBox, ko reira he whawhai tino unsatisfying no te mea i tū ia ki te Unuunu, a mangu ia te mutunga. Tenei wā, ka mau ia ki te whakahaere i te tuatahi 30 hēkona o te rauna tuatahi, i riro katoa a tawhio noa, a ka, tika i whakaaro koutou e anake te mea i hiahiatia e ia ki te mahi i hoatu i te periota i runga i te mahi, e te ia i mea ai i piro e toru knockdowns i roto i te ono,"Ka mea a mekemeke Aamu me SHOWTIME Kaitätari Steve Farhood. "Ka tangohia iho Douglas he toa kahore i e i raro i mua i. Ko te mahi tino mīharo i toe fokotu'u ia ano he 'amanaki American 160-pauna runga tenei. "


I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga o te quadrupleheader fakafiefia, southpaw hinga kore Ihimaera "El Tigre" Barroso (17-0-2, 16 Koó), o El Tigre, Venezuela, piro ana 13th whakatangetange wikitoria kowhetetia te Nepo Kōmāmā Ingoa ki te TKO mo fakapapau'i Issouf "Volcano" kinda (17-3, 7 Koó), o Bronx, N.Y.. Tupu te Tuhinga tika e toru hēkona hohonu i roto i te ono i muri puta kinda ki te whai raruraru ki tona kite.


Wā Barroso i te tīmatanga o te rauna ahakoa te tapahia tohe i runga i tona kanohi matau i roto i te toru me tetahi i raro i tona kanohi maui i roto i te wha, i heabutts kōpeka i kinda e rua.


"Te whawhai pai ahau, ina au hohaa ahau. I ahau ki te kia māharahara e ngaro ahau na i mohio ahau i ahau ki te whawhai ki toku pai,"Ka mea a Barroso. "E hēmanawa te motu ahau e he iti, engari i ahau i te mahi ki te mahi. E whakawhetai ana ahau pai haere nga mea katoa e te Atua kamata kotahi e ahau ki te whawhai i te ara te whawhai ahau. "


Kinda i te omanga ki te hōhipera ki te whati orbital taea. Ko te wa tuarua i ite ia ngā raruraru kitenga i roto i tona whakamutunga e toru whawhai tenei.


Pükenga "Te Tama te a te Kingi" Jerry Odom (13-1, 1 NC, 12 Koó), o Washington D.C., e rapu utu ana mate ana'e ki te TKO tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki te toa i mua Andrew "Hurricane" Hernandez (8-1-1, 1 Nd, 1 KO) o Phoenix, Ariz., i roto i te rematch taumahawaenga super.


Odom tukua tona knockout 12 i roto i 13 whawhai i 2:47 o te tuatahi na roto i te whiua e ārai mārō, me te kaha pupuhi mana tūhono. Hernandez ngana ki te counterpunch, engari i ia hohoro oti e te pūmanawa Odom.


"Korerotia e ahau ki a koutou kihai i taea e ia i whiua ki ahau. Mau ahau e ia i te taime kino i roto i te whawhai tuatahi,"Ka mea a Odom. "I au i te reira rite i toku whakapakoko Roy Jones reira. I muri patua e ahau ki a ia, Ka kite ahau i ataata ia ia, a ka mohio a ahau i mamae e ahau ki a ia. I ahau ki a ia i tenei wa he aha i ahau i runga i te ara ki te mahi i roto i te whawhai tuatahi. "


Ahakoa te mea e mārama e tukino i Hernandez i, wero ia te karanga kaitautoko.


"E kore ahau e mohio ki te pehea te kaitautoko e moe i te po. I hanga ano e ia he hape nui,"Said Hernandez. "Ko ahau tūtahi. Ka rite u ia he tokua, mutu ratou te whawhai. Te hinaaro nei au i te whawhai tuatoru. Kite te ao, a ka ui te kēmu rapa. "


I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te telecast, San Antonio o Adamu "pata" Lopez (10-0, 5 Koó) i pupuri i tona record kohakore na roto i te tuku i te TKO tuarua-a tawhio i 1:42 ki te matau i runga i hoa teina kaha maui Paora "Ko e Zankudo Lethal" Cruz (11-1, 3 Koó) i roto i te pakanga o bantamweights super Lone Star State.

"Kino ia e ahau toku ringa maui i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, heoi patototanga ia e ahau i roto i ki te tokua taua i muri i te a tawhio. E rapu ana whakamua ahau ki te whawhai ano i runga i SHOWTIME,"Ka mea a Lopez.


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I whakatairangatia ana te kaupapa i GH3 Whakatairanga a Greg Cohen Whakatairanga i roto i te whai wāhi ki teWinner Rawiri Schuster o Tangohia Productions katoa a tautoko e Foxwoods Resort Casino & Ave Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge a Rame Dealership & Maxim Group.

Andre BERTO mutu JOSESITO Lopez I tuatahi PREMIER BOXING Champions ON titi TV SHOW I mua o te mano e kaha ana AT FONUÁ PAKIHI BANK ARENA IN Ontario, Calif.

Shawn Porter whiwhi TE Tuhinga AGAINST AN wheua Erick faahiahia

Taumahamaha o CHIRS ARREOLA WINS i te faaotiraa hoź ki te uaua Curtis HARPER

Ontario, Calif. (March 13, 2015) – Ko te mekemeke Pirimia tuatahi Champions (PBC) card on Spike TV delivered on it’s promise to bring fight fans a great night of boxing match-ups. The night’s main event featured Ētahi atu “Te kararehe” Berto (30-3, 23 Koó), nei tuhia i te mutu faahiahia o Josesito “Riverside Rocky” Lopez (33-7, 19 Koó) i roto i te mua o te mano tino ora i Citizens Pakihi Bank Arena.


Ko te kite a'ee whakatuwheratanga teata Shawn “Showtime” Mau (25-1-1, 16 Koó) mutu i te spirited Erick Bone (16-2, 8 Koó), i ripa ki te whakaki i roto i rite ki te whakakapinga whakamutunga minuti no te Roberto “Ko te Threat” Garcia.


I roto i te a'ee tārere, sensation taumahamaha Chris “Ko te moepapa” Arreola (36-4, 31 Koó) te whakahaere ki te riro i te whawhai whawhai pakeke ki Curtis Harper (12-4, 8 Koó). Puta te reira i faataahia te a'ee mō te mutu wawe i muri i te KO e tata ana i Arreola i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. Heoi, I taea e ki te tito ia ia a ka hopukia atu te whawhai ki te haere i te tawhiti Harper.


Kei raro nei ētahi kōrero nui i te whawhai teata e pā ana ki to ratou mahi i te po nei:




“Whakaaro ahau i ahau i teie pô OK. I ahau whiwhi i roto i toku haehae aua rauna hono tuatahi, a ka kite ahau i kihai i taea e ia i tukino i ahau. Na ka tukua e ahau haere i oku ringa.


“Puritia atu ia ia te werohanga. I whakamahi i ahau ki a whiua ia ki runga, ka whiwhi ki tona mata. I hopu ia e ahau ki te werohanga katoa te po. Ua ite au kaha i muri i te wā tuatahi patoto e ahau ki a ia ki raro.


“Josesito Ko te toa uaua. Ka mau ia ki toku ārai katoa, me te ake.


“Ko ha faingamālie mīharo tenei. E kore e taea e ahau tatari mo nga tau. Ka whakaatu ratou e PBC mo te mau.


“E kore ahau e mohio ki te mea te muri noa ano. Kei te haere ahau ki te akaanga ki toku utuafare, me te ka kōrero ki a Al Haymon, ka kite i te aha ia i roto i te taonga ki ahau.”




“Kihai i ahau 100% te po nei. I pakaru e ahau toku ringa maui i roto i te toru o tawhio. E kore ahau i te noa i toku pai. I ngā whai wāhitanga e ahau. Ahau e kore e tika i taea te tiki ki a ia.


“E kore ahau i te mahi nui te pai mo te aravihi e to e ahau. Ahau e kore e tika i taea e hopu atu i nga nifó i hiahia ahau ki te. Ko ia i reira ki te kia patua, otiia kihai i taea e ahau kia mahia e te reira.


“Ko te knockdown tuatahi mau ia ki ahau, a whakataka atu e ahau i toku waewae i te iti, engari ko ahau pai. Tenei Tuhinga ko 10 wa kino atu i te mutu Maidana. Kihai i ahau iu ranei tukino i te po nei, a taea e kua puritia e ahau haere.


“Ko te uaua noa Berto. Kihai i kite i ahau i tetahi mea e kore e taea e ahau whiua ahakoa. Ki te kahore i reira mo te mutu ka whakaaro ahau i taea e ahau whiua ia. Ko manahau ia, otiia kihai i nui ona ārai.


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te pupuri i whawhai i te pai. Ngotea ngaro a kihai ahau i rite hoki reira i te po nei. Kawea mai e ahau toku pai i roto i, ina te whawhai ahau i te pai.”


Shawn Porter


“Whakaaro ahau hoatu e ahau he mahi nui i te po nei, engari i mahi i taea e ahau te mahi pai o te whakarongo ki te mea i tono i toku kokonga o ahau. Taea e ahau kua he pooni he rota koi.


“Ko te kaihapai mahi hoki ki ahau. Hiahia matou ki te uru i te reira ki runga, ka whakaturia e ia ki runga ki te werohanga. Kia ahau ka ki tona tinana, ko reira ki runga. I tango toku hape matā ki te hoatu matā.


“Te rahi i runga i te rīpene Bone, otiia kihai i ahau i tino mohio he aha ki te'amanaki te pō nei. Ko ia kaha, me te tere ahakoa. Haere mai ia ki te whawhai.


“E kore ahau e mohio ki te mea i tupu ki Garcia. Whakaaro ahau te reira kāhore taimaha e kore e hanga. Toku whakaaro me pure haere atu ki tona hapu, ahakoa no te mea e matau ana ahau ki i titiro atu ratou ki te po nei.


“I matou i te reira i to tatou ara te po nei. Te ti'aturi nei au i ahau taea e pai te pā. I te mutunga o te ra e haere tatou i ki te ako i te mea i tupu i konei i te po nei.


“E kore au e mōhio he aha te muri, engari au e ahau hauora, me te rite ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te whakakai rite wawe tonu. Ka tango tatou tonutia katoa.”


Erick wheua


“Pai a ka mea katoa i haere i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa i hoatu e toku turi i roto i a pā reira toku mahi i te toenga o te whawhai. E kore ahau e hiahia ana ki te hanga i tetahi ngatahi ahakoa. Tamata e ahau ki te homai i te reira taku katoa.


“Te whawhai te tikanga ahau i 140. Heoi ano e kore ahau e hiahia ki te whakakahore ngatahi, ko toku hoa tauwhainga i te rota o te huanga i tenei po.


“Pô, ua haapii e ahau ki te piri ki toku piha haapiiraa taimaha i 140. Ko te tino uaua ki te peke i te pō o te piha haapiiraa taimaha, heoi i ahau te mea e taea e ahau.


“Ko te he honore ki te kia whakaaturia rite tenei. Hea mai ahau i enei mea e kore e tupu rawa pinepine me whakaaro e ahau tenei he haamaitairaa.


“E haere tatou ki te pupuri i whawhai i 140. E hiahia ana te tangata ratou ki te hoatu i roto i mua o te ahau i 140 Ka manako ki ahau te whawhai.”




“Hoatu e ahau ki ahau i te “D” i teie pô whānui. Kihai i ahau noa i whiua e hiato nui.


“E taimi pē maka ana e ahau nifó i mahi i te reira hoki ahau. Ahau noa i ki te noho atu kaha i roto i te whakakai.


“Harper Ko te tangata uaua. Mau ahau ia ki te rota o te nifó pai, a whakairihia ia i roto i reira tino pai.


“PBC he turanga hou nui mo nga tini kia kite i te mahi ahau te aha e rave ahau. E mea nui ki te whai i te hākinakina o te mekemeke hoki i roto i te primetime!


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te mowhiti i te wawe te pai. Ua ineine ki te tiki i hoki i roto i te omaoma, me te mahi wawe tonu ahau.”




“Haere mai ahau i roto i te puhoi. Kua hokona e ahau ki te mahi pai. Te mahi katoa i roto i te taka noa tuatahi i te tauturu ki te tiki i nga raru i roto i te ara, ahakoa.


“I ahau te mahi pai te whakatū i te werohanga, engari me ahau ki te neke i toku matenga ake. Ko ahau manawanui rawa whānui. Kua hokona e ahau ki te kia atu, riri.


“Ko te uaua Chris, koati kaha. Whakaaro te wahi Kua me te tangata e ngā whawhai ia ia whakaaro ahau pai i ahau i te po nei.


“Au maitai e te oaoa ki te hei i konei i runga i tenei atamira ahau. Hiahia aroha ahau ki te pupuri i whawhai i runga i ngā kāri PBC.


“Ngā mihi ki te PBC me nga pā katoa. Ko tetahi atu ra i, me tetahi atu tāra tenei, engari au rite hoki atu ahau.”


# # #


I whakatairangatia ana te kāri whawhai e Goossen Whakatairanga. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing meSpikeTV, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i a


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Stephanie Trapp / Whakatairanga Mayweather

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos Mai Chris Farina / Kapa Top

Ko te Live Stream Replay te ka Kitea HERE & HERE

Los Angeles – (March 13, 2015) – Tika i te āhua inä o tenei-whawhai mega, he a'ee tūmanakohia e ki te koloa'ia i roto i te aamu mekemeke, Floyd Mayweather a Manny Pacquiao i hoatu te maimoatanga kingi Wednesday i te amuiraa taurima press i Nokia Theatre i LA Live.


A glitzy, Hollywoodkāhua whāriki-rite whero ki taua o te tohu nui o Hollywood whakaatu-i hurihia i roto i ki te pōwhiri i te whawhai, me te utu whai wāhi ki te hau atu i te 700 credentialed media members from around the world. Among the formidable press core were dozens of television and radio crews and literally hundreds of newspaper columnists, kaituhi mekemeke, me te rongo, entertainment and sports reporters. Even the Goodyear Blimp flew above to mark the occasion as the top-two fighters of this generation, Mayweather a Pacquiao, haere mata-ki-kanohi mo te wa tuatahi i mua ki o ratou Welterweight hautoa taitara ao whakakotahitanga a'ee Rāhoroi, Kia 2, i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas.


Whakatairangatia ana e Mayweather Whakatairanga me Top Kapa Inc., the pay-per-view telecast will be co-produced and co-distributed by SHOWTIME PPV® a HBO Totongi-Per-Tiro® timata i 9:00 p.m. AND/ 6:00 p.m. PT.


Tenei e te aha kaiuru i Wednesday o press te amuiraa i ki te mea:


Floyd Mayweather

“Taea e tenei whawhai kua tupu te wa roa i mua, engari te reira i te wa e tika i teie nei. Ko te he matchup maere, e mohio ana ahau e kore e taea e te pā tatari mo tenei. Ko tika te wā, me te wā ko te inaianei.


“Te mutunga tatou i hanga tupu te reira. Nga mea katoa ko te pā ana ki te wā.


“Kahore he inoino ki (kaiwhakatairanga o mua) Bob Harumu, Ko ahau fiefia noa ki te hei toku rangatira ake i muri i nga tau o te mahi pakeke a fakatapui ahau ki te mekemeke me te ako hoki i te taha pakihi o te reira. Ki te wā, Ahau faifai i ki hei toku rangatira ake. Kāore he mau mana'o pakeke ki Bob Harumu i te katoa.


“Ko te tonu pai ki te kite i te whawhai pai te pai, e te aha te na tūmomo e pā ana ki tenei matchup.

“Whakaaro ahau e te whakaminenga tatou i muri i te poitūkohu game Miami Heat, te whakaminenga tetahi-i runga i-tetahi, Ite au e, e ko te take he aha tenei whawhai.


“Te reira i tino haere mai ki raro ki toku rōpū, me tona rōpū e noho ana ki raro, me te whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, fele whiwhi i runga i te whārangi kotahi.


“Kahore he tikanga o te awhina i hanga e te i te whawhai. Taku arotahi ko ora toku ora o ia rā, me te arotahi ki runga ki te mea i ahau ki te mahi i tika i runga i. E kore ahau e taea e ora toku ora mo te tetahi atu.


“Kua fehangahangai matou nga takatu runga katoa i roto i tenei hākinakina me kua mea patu nga takatu runga katoa. I muri i tenei whawhai, e whakapono ana ahau, ka riro ahau te wikitoria, reira ka neke matou ki runga ki ki tetahi atu taata.


Kia 2 to tatou i te mahi uaua i mua i ahau. Manny Pacquaio Ko te toa pai, engari te wā whakamutunga i takina e ahau fehangahangai ahau waru southpaws, ka riro e waru nga wa, na e kore e ahau pe'ape'a.


“Koe pai whakapono e ka e ahau i roto i te runga hanga, me te kia i te pai Floyd Mayweather pea e taea e ahau.


“Ko te tonu nui ki te tiki hoki ki te pa nui o Las Vegas. Maama, kāmera, mahi. Ko te MGM Grand ko te hotera pai i runga i te whenua. Ko reira tonu toku whāinga ki te whawhai i reira. Ko te wā tuatahi i haere ahau ki reira mo te whawhai i i ahau 17, I kite ahau i James Toney me Roy Jones.


“Kua i ahau he mahi maere. Tīmata te reira katoa ki toku papa. Ki te kahore i reira hoki ia ia e kore e waiho e ahau te wahi e ahau i tenei ra. A, no te hoatu e koe nga mongamonga katoa ki te panga tahi, Ite noa ahau kia rite ki au e ahau i te wahi pokapū. I nga ra katoa i te whakaaro ahau e pā ana ki toku mahi e kore ahau e tatarahapa i tetahi mea. Ka haere matou ki raro i roto i te aamu rite etahi ki nga whawhai pai o, nga Mayweathers whawhai.


“Te ti'aturi nei au tutuki te whawhai te hype. Katoa e nehenehe ta tatou e rave rite whawhai, ko haere atu ki reira, ka te mahi, ka mahi i pai ta tatou e rave.


“E kahore ki te whakamatau ki runga ki ahau Kia 2. E mohio ana ahau e pā ana ki toku pūkenga, E mohio ana ahau ki te aha ahau e nehenehe e rave e matau ana ahau ki te mea kawe mai e ahau ki te takaro o te mekemeke. Kua manaakitia pono ahau ki te mea kua pakaru i nga lekooti katoa i roto i te mekemeke. Matau inaianei e kore e ahau e kite i tetahi toa ngā whawhati tetahi o taku pūkete.


“Whakaaro ahau e kāhua hanga whawhai, a ka whakaaro ahau e to tatou momo e rua rerekē hanga mo te whawhai whakaongaonga.


“He mōrearea Tetahi toa. A, no te fehangahangai ahau hoariri rerekē, Ka taea e feruri e ahau i te taata i roto i tonu. E mohio ana ahau ki te mea ia he pai te mahi a te mea e kore ia e mahi pai. Taku mahi, ko te ki te kitea i roto i te mea ia e mahi pai.


“Ki te ngaro te toa i mua i, Ko ngaro i roto i te hoki o tona ngakau. Hoki ahau, katoa kua mahia e ahau i roto i toku mahi ko te win, na toa he tonu i roto i toku ngakau.


“Kia pehea te nui te moni ahau hanga e ahau tino e kore ko toku arotahi. E kore e ahau au e ahau te wahi i tenei ra, ki te kahore i reira mo nga kaituhi katoa me putanga pāpāho. Te mauruuru nei au no te taata tata'itahi, ahakoa ko te reira i te aamu pai ranei, kōrero kino. Hoki 19 tau, i pupuri kimoutolu ahau e hāngai ana. Pera i te matara o te persona moni, Kua heria tino te reira iho. Ko ahau 'ātaahua Boy Floyd’ a ka haere mai ahau hoki rite Money Floyd '’ Mayweather. E mea katoa e pā ana ki reinventing koe. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hanga haumi atamai kia he OK toku mootua tonu.


” Tonu i ahau te rongoa ki te mahi i te mea i ahau ki te mahi i ki te haere mai i roto i runga i te runga.


“Au tino mohio toku papa he mahere kēmu nui i roto i reira kia haere tatou, ka rave i pai ta tatou e rave. Ko tatou mahere kēmu ki te kia atamai, kia mua, tango i to tatou wa, me te kia mahi i te mahi.


“Whakaaro ahau e Manny Pacquaio ko te toa rawa ngā. Ki te hoki a ia tiki ki te wahi, ko ia inaianei, te mahino i kua e ia ki te mahi i te tahi mea matau.


“Kia Kahore he tangata e tatari kua tae noa riro ahau 47-0 ki te bet ki runga ki ahau, kia Ua ratou i petipeti ki runga ki ahau i te timatanga.”


Manny Pacquiao:

“Ko ahau oaoa na i tenei whawhai kua hanga, a ka mohio ahau ki e pā mekemeke ite i te ara ano.


“I roto i te Miami korero matou e pā ana ki te whawhai, a ka mohio ahau e ko ahau te taha B, a ko ia te te taha.


“Whakapono ahau kua e tenei whawhai pai utu i te whanga. E mōhio ana ki a ia tatou rite whawhai atu te iwi, ara te iwi kahore e nei pā o te mekemeke e mohio e pā ana ki tenei whawhai.


“Te iwi Philipino katoa e haere ana ki te whanga ki tenei whawhai.


“Puni Training te pai haere. He tatou tino hari. Ahau e whakahōu ahau toku whakangungu ia ra i runga i toku Instagram.


“He pai ahau he i te underdog haere ki te whawhai. Ua riro te reira i te ia mai kua kua e ahau tetahi. Tenei wa a tawhio noa homai ki ahau, nui atu hihiri me ahau kia whakamatau e taea e ahau te riro.


“Ko te tino nui ki ahau, me te i roto i te hītori mekemeke tenei whawhai. E kore matou e hiahia ana ki te waiho i te tohu pātai i roto i te ngakau o te pā mekemeke. Vēkeveke kua pā Mekemeke kua ki te kite i tenei whawhai mo te rima tau. Kua tono ratou i te uiraa i taua, me te ki ahau, i te mutunga i tupu i te reira.


“E whawhai ahau no te mea mekemeke ko toku weriweri, Aroha ana ahau ki mekemeke. Kua taea e no te tauturu i to'u utuafare na roto i te mekemeke ahau.


“He tino oaoa mō tenei whawhai te iwi Philipino, e kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te kawe mai i te wikitoria ki te whenua.

“E kore ahau e hiahia ki te whakawa, engari ko ahau rawa māia e pā ana ki tenei whawhai. Ko ahau atu hohaa e pā ana ki toku whawhai ki [Oscar] De La Hoya, [Anthony] Margarito me [Miguel] Maoa, i te ahau ki te whawhai Floyd Mayweather.


“E manakohia ana i te pā, ko te mea tino nui ki ahau; E hiahia ana ahau ki te kia te oaoa ratou. Whiwhi ahau i te tahi taime i roto i te aronganui whakakai no te mea e hiahia ana noa ahau ki te kia te oaoa ratou.


“E kore ahau kia pehia ana e muri ki te mate i roto i te mekemeke. Ko te wāhanga o te kēmu, a kua tangohia e ahau i te parekura, a kua hanga e ahau he toa pai. Ko e pā ana te hanga koe ki runga, me te tahuri koe ki te toa pai.


“Ka riro ahau Kia 2.”


Leonard Ellerbe, CEO o Mayweather Whakatairanga:

“E ua oaoa roa matou ki te hītori i tenei ra i mana kauwhau i te whawhai nui i roto i te hītori o te mekemeke me tetahi o nga mau ohipa nui i roto i te hītori o hākinakina.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te mohio ki te tūranga i Floyd, a Manny i roto i te hanga i tēnei whawhai. Ko te hui i ia ratou i roto i te Miami he taumata nui, me te pai fakafo'ituitui rite ahau ki te whakawhetai Floyd mō te hanga tupu te reira.


“Hanga Neke atu i te nga tau Floyd kua te MGM Grand tona fare, a kua haere ratou i runga, i tua atu ki te whakarite i te kounga o te rawa mo nga takahanga Floyd. Tenei ka Floyd o 11th whawhai karapīpiti i te MGM Grand me te 14th te wa e kua e ia whawhai ki reira i roto i tona mahi.


“Mayweather vs. Pacquiao Ko te whawhai nui i waenganui i te rua toa nui, e rua nga tangata nui. Kia 2 ka hei matakitakinga pērā tetahi mea e Las Vegas kua kite i te aroaro o.”


Bob Harumu, Kaiwhakatū me te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o te Kapa Top:

“Tīmata te reira i te Les Moonves [heamana o CBS] ka tae ki toku whare. Tirotirohia iho ahau e ia i runga i o taime ki te korero ki ahau, i te tokorua i hinaaro ia ki te hanga i tēnei whawhai tupu. Ua hinaaro ia ki te haere ki Manny ahau [Pacquiao] a aparau i ki a ia i te putea e pai kia manakohia.


“I matou kōrero auau. Ua ite au māia i haere i te reira ki te pa, no te Moonves e meatia nga mea katoa e taea e ia ki te kia tupu tenei.


“Ehara i te mea tae noa ki te kēmu poitūkohu i Miami te wahi i whakaaro e hiahia Floyd te whawhai Manny.


“Ko reira pea te whawhai uaua rawa ki te hanga e ua ahau i te wahi o te. Ka mau te reira e rima nga tau ki te hanga.


“Kotahi te mea he mārama; te reira i te whawhai nui o tenei rau tau.


“Kahore ahau e inoino ki Floyd Mayweather. Kua noho tonu Floyd he hoa pai; E kahore ki te mea e pā ana ki Floyd rite te tangata katoa e kino ahau.


“Aroha ana ahau ki Manny Pacquiao me Freddie Roach. A, no te Manny toa i runga i Kia 2, e au mohio e ia, Ka whai i ahau he nui o te utu mo te rua o ratou. Kua mahi e ratou i te mahi ki te hanga i tupu i te reira.


“Ko te tino pai te āhua o Floyd ki te whawhai i te toa ringa-matau. Ko te southpaws e kua whawhai ia i hoatu e ia ngā raruraru, me kua ara i runga ia, otiia e kore e nga southpaws whawhai ia i roto i te mua Manny Pacquiao.


“Tenei whawhai kei te haere ki te kawe hua rahi ki te katoa o Las Vegas. E Ua ahau kua hoatu i roto i te tūranga e wehingia ki te kua ahau e tamata ki te nuku i tēnei whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, rite ahau he noho. He pono, no te whawhai i roto i te Las Vegas. Mano me nga mano o ka ringihia ki Las Vegas iwi tika ki te waiho i te wahi o te scene. Tenei ka te hui nui i roto i te aamu o Las Vegas.”


Freddie Roach, A Pacquiao Trainer:

“Whakaaro ahau e Floyd he faingamālie pai o te patu Manny Pacquiao rima tau ki muri i te mahi ia i teie nei. Waewae o Floyd e inaianei atu pere me kua pakanga iho e ia i te moka rawa. Whakaaro ahau tatou e nehenehe te tango painga o taua.


“Floyd ta e te hinaaro nei ia ki te whakawhiti ki te whawhai ki te hanga i te reira i te whawhai whakaongaonga ake ake inaianei, otiia whakaaro ahau e kore e he pono e. E kore ia e tiaki e pā ana ki te pā i te katoa, me te anake te take ia ki te taui ko te ake no te mea e kore e tangohia e ia e ona waewae i roto i te whawhai.


“Ki te Floyd ki te whakawhiti ki a Manny Pacquiao whakaaro ahau e te pai mo tatou, me e te ahau whakaaro he aha e haere tatou ki te riro i tēnei whawhai.


“Whakaaro ahau e huri i tenei whawhai i te kēmu o te mekemeke.


“Ka karanga Manny ahau ake, ka korero ki ahau, e kore ia e taea e te whakangungu i roto i te Philippines no te mea te reira haurangi rawa ki nga pā katoa i reira, e kore e taea e ia te arotahi.


“I ahau i te tikanga i roto i te puni whakangungu i tenei wa, ki te kahore koutou e te hua i roto i te omaoma mo te whakangungu, ka kore e taea e koutou a tawhio noa. Ko te tino nui, me te rerekē i whawhai mua te rautaki o tenei whawhai. E kore e taea e tetahi tutei i roto i te omaoma tatou; Kei te mahi tika tatou i runga i te mahere kēmu, me te arotahi ki runga ki te mea kei te mahi i Floyd. E matau ana ahau ki te pehea Floyd whakatakoto ake iwi, me te hanga haere ratou ki matā.


“Ko te tino hihiri hoki tenei whawhai Manny. E koe ki te tango i Floyd i roto i o tona rohe te ti'aturiraa. E matau ana Manny nahea ia whiua ia. Ka hanga e matou te tere e tika ana i mua i tatou te patu ia.


“Hinaaro e ahau ki te whai i etahi kuao, whawhai ka ū mai hei hoa mākutu hoki Manny. He whawhai taitamariki i Chicago, Massachusetts a Finland e haere mai i roto i ki te tira ki a Manny. He mö tino mō te Manny ratou kāhua. Kia kia te patototanga ratou i roto i, ka tonoa e te kāinga, engari ka kite tatou i. Kua oti ake e ahau nga hoa katoa mākutu.

“Tatou mahere kēmu ko te ki te riro nga tawhio. Ki te whiwhi tatou i te knockout, ka e te he bonus tika. Ka tou ai Floyd ki te mana o Manny. Ko te te hape e ka meinga te tangata ki te southpaw. I ki te riro i te rauna tuatahi, me te tango Floyd i roto o tona rohe whakamarie matou.”


Richard Sturm, Te peresideni Entertainment & Sports MGM Resorts International:

“E oaoa roa matou mai e kua tenei whawhai ki te whaihua, me te e ka pupuri i te reira i MGM Grand. The resort is home to the biggest names in sports and entertainment and on Kia 2 we will host one of the greatest fights the sport will have ever seen.


“Neke atu i te nga tau, Kua tukinotia e rua Floyd, a Manny pā i roto i te MGM Grand Garden Arena me te hunga e whanga i runga i PPV ki te wheako whawhai oaoa. Ahakoa kua ratou whawhai o mua, kua tino whakaongaonga, we believe there is nothing that can compare to the spectacle these two champions will deliver on Kia 2.”


Ken Hershman, Te peresideni HBO Sports:

“Neke atu i te nga marama i muri mai, nga pā, Ka wahia iho āhuatanga katoa o tenei whawhai pundits me kaituhi.


“E hiahia ana ahau ki te titiro hoki a mauruuru e founga tatou ka i konei. Ko te 2001 ka hanga he kuao koati i roto i te Philippines ingoa Manny Pacquaio tona tuatahi HBO. Opuahia, te headliner o te whawhai, ko Floyd Mayweather. Hanga Floyd tona tuatahi HBO i roto i 1997 a mai i reira, kua whawhai ia ki runga ki HBO HBO PPV ranei 26 wa.


“Ahakoa kore i enei e rua faaite i te kāri ano i te aroaro o Kia 2, ratou kua ia haere i runga i ki te whai Hall o mahi Rongonui me kua riro nga whawhai nui e rua o ratou whakatupuranga. Kua headlined Floyd e iwa ngā hui PPV HBO me Manny 17 Ngā kaupapa HBO PPV. Te hunga 26 Kua whakaemi i runga i ngā kaupapa 21 miriona PPV hokona, me te piriona i runga i te tāra i roto i te moni.


“I Kia 2, Ka whai wāhi enei superstars e rua i roto i te mea e matau ana tatou katoa e te hui kotahi nui mekemeke o te wā katoa.


“Kei te hanga ano tatou i whakakake ki tetahi kia hītori ki runga ki Kia 2 ki Mayweather me Pacquiao.”


Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice te peresideni & Kaiwhakahaere General, SHOWTIME Sports:

“A, no te hainatia Floyd Mayweather tona mahi hītori ki SHOWTIME rua tau ki muri, i korero e rua nga mea e ia tatou: kotahi, e te whawhai ia atu pinepine me; e rua, ia o nga whawhai e ono i raro i tona mahi e riro i te nui taea mau ohipa ki te pai taea hoariri. Whakamua tere rua tau, Kua puritia a Floyd nga kupu o tana mau fafauraa.


“Na, mo te wa tuarua i roto i te rima tika whawhai ki a SHOWTIME, Kei te whawhai Floyd he hoariri e whakaaro he maha nga iwi e kore hiahia whawhai ia. Whakaturia SHOWTIME PPV me Floyd he record PPV ki te hui tuatahi i roto i te Mahuru 2013 a ka titiro tatou i mua ki tetahi atu mahi record-whawhati i runga i Kia 2.


“Kua whai wāhi SHOWTIME kua i roto i te tahi mau o nga mau ohipa PPV nui i roto i te hītori, tae atu Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson i roto i 2002 a Mayweather vs. Canelo [Alvarez] i roto i te 2013. Ko e kore o aua ngā kaupapa kua hangaia te momo o te whakaongaonga me te anaanatae i roto i te aro pāpāho e ōrite ana te tangi, kua e kua waihangatia tenei whawhai.


“Ko tenei te take i o tatou katoa i SHOWTIME me CBS kia whakakake e ki te kia mau mai i tahi tenei whawhai. Fiefia, whakakake, oaoa, te hunga Ko etahi o nga kupu pūtake rave rahi ki te whakaahua i to tatou mau mana'o no ni'ai tenei kaupapa, engari maereKo te kore e tetahi o ratou. Ka rite katia tatou i to tatou mahi ki a Floyd i roto i 2013, te whawhai Pacquiao ko te matua runga mo raua Floyd, a mo tatou.


“Mau taime atoa i te reira i te taime no te aparau i te hoariri Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao i nga wa katoa i runga i te rārangi nui o Floyd.


“Ka rite ki te Kaiwhakahaere Matua o CBS me te tahi maoro mekemeke, Leslie Moonves ko te kaikōkiri i tenei mahi, me te take tuatahi he aha i hanga tenei whawhai i.


“Ua ite tatou e Floyd ko te whakaaro tau kotahi toa i roto i te hākinakina, tatou ka matau ai Floyd ko te tino korero e pā ana ki kaipara i roto i te katoa o hākinakina, me te tahi ki Floyd Mayweather, Riro SHOWTIME kua te distributer PPV tau kotahi i roto i te pouaka whakaata. Titiro whakamua matou ki te whawhati atu lekooti, ​​me te hanga atu hītori runga Kia 2.”



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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,,, a and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, MannyPacquiaomayweatherpromo, TRBoxing, SHOSports, HBOboxing ASwanson_Comm, a ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook, / TopRankMannyPacquiao,,

UFC 185: It’s Showtime!

Credit Photo: Joe Camporeale/USA Today Sports

Despite the turmoil experienced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship so far this year, from the failed drug tests of stars like Jon Jones, Anderson Silva and Nick Diaz, to the reshuffling of UFC 184 because of an injury to middleweight champion Chris Weidman, the company has delivered in the Octagon so far this year. Despite Weidman’s injury, UFC 184 was still a smashing success thanks to another dominant performance by women’s bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey.

Now UFC 185 is here, with another stacked card that should entertain once again. This card is anchored by TWO title fights, taking fans back to a time when the UFC would routinely offer stacked fight cards before rapid expansion under their deal with FOX apparently created an oversaturated product.

Here’s who I think emerges victorious on this talent-filled card.

Chris “Kamikaze” Cariaso (17-6) vs. Henry “The Messenger” Cejudo (7-0) (Flyweight – 125 lbs.)

Cariaso is coming off a submission loss to flyweight champion Demetrious Johnson last summer. But to be fair, everyone is losing to Johnson these days, and he’s close to cleaning out the flyweight division. Cejudo has yet to experience defeat and enjoyed a unanimous decision victory in his UFC debut late last year.

Cariaso has been a UFC and World Extreme Cagefighting (WEC) veteran for the last five years and rode a 3-fight win streak prior to his loss to Johnson. Cejudo is a young pup trying to make a name for himself in the UFC, but Cariaso will use his veteran savvy to catch the overeager fighter for a finish.

Winner: Cariaso by second-round TKO

Roy “Big Country” Nelson (21-10) vs. Alistair “The Reem” Overeem (38-14-1) (Heavyweight – 225 lbs.)

I’ll admit up front that I’m not a big Roy Nelson fan. He’s a talented fighter who delivers exciting fights and is an entertaining personality. But ever since he debuted in the UFC and won season 10 of “The Ultimate Fighter,” he feasted on lower-ranked heavyweights like Stefan Struve, Brendan Schaub and Matt Mitrione. But when matched up with elite heavyweights like Fabricio Werdum, Junior Dos Santos and Daniel Cormier (before he dropped to light heavyweight), Nelson was routinely outclassed and battered.

Overeem has also failed to live up to the hype that came with his jump to the UFC. After he demolished Brock Lesnar in 2011, a title shot was in the works against then-champion Junior Dos Santos. But the fight never materialized due to injuries and Overeem suffered back-to-back knockout losses to Antonio Silva and Travis Browne.

Overeem has alternated wins and losses since then but is coming off a first-round knockout of Struve. Nelson was knocked out in his last fight against Mark Hunt, which despite Nelson’s usually iron chin, does not come as a shock, given Hunt’s incredible punching power.
Overeem may not have Hunt’s power, but I think he will batter Nelson for a rather lopsided decision victory. At this stage in his career, Nelson is a gatekeeper. But “The Reem” doesn’t need to prove himself against a brawler like Nelson.

Winner: Overeem by unanimous decision

Johny “Bigg Rigg” Hendricks (16-3) vs. Matt “The Immortal” Brown (21-12) (Welterweight – 170 lbs.)

Speaking of brawling and battering, this fight has all the makings of a Fight of the Year candidate. Hendricks dropped the welterweight title to Robbie Lawler last year and should he win this fight, a rematch with Lawler is all but assured – assuming Lawler gets past Rory McDonald later this year.

Brown also lost to Lawler in his last fight and was also on the receiving end of a brutal beating. Hendricks and Brown tend to just slug it out and ask questions later, which should result in an entertaining fight for the fans. Hendricks seems to have renewed his commitment to MMA following his loss to Lawler and he seems driven to get his belt back. Brown is as game as they come, but Hendricks will prove to be too much.

Winner: Hendricks by second-round TKO

Carla “Cookie Monster” Esparza (11-2) vs. Joanna Jedrzejczyk (8-0) (Women’s Strawweight Title – 115 lbs.)

Esparza made her UFC debut with a bang by winning the first season of “The Ultimate Fighter” to feature all female fighters, and in the process become the UFC’s first women’s strawweight champion. She effectively derailed the Rose Namajunas hype train to win the belt, when some were dubbing Namajunas the next Ronda Rousey in the strawweight division.

Jedrzejczyk derailed a favorite in her own right, defeating highly regarded Claudia Gadelha last year by a close decision when many thought Gadelha would be Esparza’s first title defense. Jedrzejczyk is a grinder who thrives in an ugly fight in close quarters. Esparza used her wrestling to neutralize Namajunas’ quick-striking offense, so getting into an ugly fight with Jedrzejczyk shouldn’t faze Esparza one bit. Esparza will take Jedrzejczyk down early and often and ride her wrestling to a decision victory.

Winner: Esparza by unanimous decision

Anthony “Showtime” Pettis (18-2) vs. Rafael Dos Anjos (23-7) (Lightweight Title – 155 lbs.)

Pettis has been absolutely dominant as of late, not only winning the lightweight title from Benson Henderson in quick and exciting fashion with a first-round armbar but routinely displaying his amazing athleticism and using it to quickly shoot himself up the best pound-for-pound fighter list.

But Dos Anjos is not to be taken lightly. He too finished Henderson in the first round and earned his title shot by absolutely dismantling Nate Diaz late last year. Dos Anjos is tough and will know that Pettis is looking for a quick finish. He won’t get it, but Pettis’ freakish athleticism will make its presence felt eventually and overcome Dos Anjos and solidify Pettis’ case as one of the best lightweight fighters of all time.

Winner: Pettis by second-round submission

Chris Huntemann writes about mixed martial arts in the state of Maryland. He also shares his thoughts on the UFC, Bellator, and World Series of Fighting. Check out his blog, or follow him on Twitter: @mmamaryland.

ShoBox Fighters Tūtaki pô, o

Quadrupleheader te pō nei te noho i SHOWTIME® I 10 p.m. AND/PT
Mai i te Space i ave 'ave, N.Y..
'Ave, NY (March 13, 2015)–Kei raro nei uiuiraa ataata ki te whawhai e ka whakataetae i roto i te ShoBox o te po: Ko te kāri New Generation e ka ngā i wha nui whawhai timata 10 PM ET/PT. (Note–Andrew Hernandez i wātea mō te uiuiraa).
I roto i te hui matua 10-a tawhio, o te whitu tūturu Antoine Douglas (16-0-1, 10 KO o) whawhai Thomas LaManna (16-0, 7 KO o); The NABA & Ka Nepo taitara Kōmāmā i runga i te raina, ka Saron Barroso (16-0-2, 15 KO o) e i runga i Kinda issouf (17-2, 7 KO o) i roto i te a'ee whakaritea mō te kotahi tekau rauna.
I roto i te pāngia e waru-a tawhio, whitu super Jerry Odom (12-1, 11 KO o) titiro ki te ngaki i tona mate anake, ina Te pakanga a ia Andrew Hernandez (8-0-1, 1 KO) me te whakaawhiwhi i te kāri, ka tūturu bantamweights super Arama Lopez (9-0, 4 KO o) tango i runga i Pablo Cruz (11-0, 3 KO o)
Antoine Douglas 031215
Antoine Douglas 031215
Thomas LaManna 031215
Thomas LaManna 031215
Ihimaera Barroso 031215
Ihimaera Barroso 031215
Kinda issouf 031215
Kinda issouf 031215
Jerry Odom 031215
Jerry Odom 031215
Arama Lopez 031215
Arama Lopez 031215
Pablo Cruz 031215
Pablo Cruz 031215
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Tautoko te hui e Foxwoods Resort Casino & Ave Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge a Rame Dealership & Maxim Group.

GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Jr. Whitu John Thompson, Rima tekau mā whitu Jorge Diaz, tūturu Super whā Qa'id Muhammad, Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell me te Welterweight tūturu Jerrell Harris.

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