Khan te tere i - TKO Win Neke atu i te Miko Taki Ki Pere May 2nd Taitara I London

I te Rāmere piro te ahiahi Bradford a Tasif Khan tetahi autaia win mutu a tawhio tuatahi, tenei wa i runga i Czech Republic o Ladislav Miko, i runga i te Stephen Vaughan hui RED Kohu ka whakanuia i te Grand Central Hall i Liverpool.


Mai i te pere te whakatuwhera i reira Miko ko te tukituki atu, tango i te whawhai ki a Khan, Heoi i roto i te raveraa i te reira te whakatangihanga a te toa Czech tonu ki o te Bradford tangata ringa.


I tūmanakohia Khan Miko ki te tīmata nohopuku me te rite taua ka whakatata atu a te toa Czech tere, Khan kanikani noa ki te taha, me te kia ripiripia ki te pere ki te tinana.


Te reo te tinana o Miko hanga reira mārama tino e kua kino ia ia, na kahore he ohorere e, no te haere mai ano ia i roto i te pakeke me te nohopuku i whakamahi te matika Khan he rauhanga rite, tenei wa paheke ki te matau, me te tuku i rip ki tetahi pere tinana, aru ake i te scintillatingly nohopuku rua salvo ringa ki te tinana e rua, me te upoko.


I a tawhio noa te tohu tuarua e wha tekau ma rima, Miko, nei e kore e mārama i ako ki te waiho i te iti tūpato, hanga ano tetahi atu whawhai puai, tenei wa ahakoa maka i Khan te werohanga totoka, aru e te uppercut me ka tika whakatokia ona waewae, ka maka te mana tonu ki te uira matau nohopuku mahue, ki te tonoa te tamaiti Czech ki te koaka.


Te whakahaere i Miko ki te hanga i te tatau, engari i muri haere tonu hēkona ki tetahi maui nui ki te tinana. Tenei wa Miko uaua tino ki te hanga i te tatau, whakahaere noa ki te rave i te reira, engari ko te tino tere i runga i ona waewae, mahue kaitautoko Jimmy Byrne kahore kōwhiringa, engari ki te poipoia te a'ee atu i runga i te meneti kotahi me te tohu tuarua tekau ma rima o te rauna tuatahi.


I muri tonu te fariiraa i Tarona o te toa i ngā Khan e tona kapa e whiwhi ia ki te wero mo tona accolade tuatahi Championship, te taitara International Masters whā, i runga i tona faaoaoaraa i muri whakamaheretia, e e ki runga ki te whakanekehia ake Billy James-Elliott me Mark Lyons Ihowa O TE hui nga mowhiti i York Hall i London i te 2nd.


I muri i te fariiraa i korero Khan poto e pā ana ki te whawhai kia rite ki te pai kia rite ki tona whawhai taitara ū mai tenei rongo.


"'Io Anaana, Ko reira anaana noa.


E kore e taea e ahau amuamu e kore i muri ia he a tawhio, E kua e ahau meinga i haere ki runga ki te bit roa, Te tikanga e ahau i te reira i te rounder ono me ahau, kua tino e pai ki te tiki i te tahi rauna i raro i toku whitiki, engari ka rite ki kua ahau i mea i mua i a koutou e kore e kia roanga utua i roto i tenei kēmu.


Ua ite tatou e, e tīmata ia nohopuku, me te rere i roto i, me te mahere ko te ki te mahi atu toku werohanga ki te pōturi ia ki raro, fele ki te tamata me te tiki i te rauna e ono ki raro i toku whitiki.


Kihai i tino tupu te reira e ara rite tino haere mai ia ki ahau, nui ake i tere tūmanakohia, hei utu mo urutau ahau, ka mau ia ia ki te pere pai, Kite ahau i ona waewae Buckle te bit, engari i noho ia i runga i ona waewae.


Ko ia te toa kēmu, e kua te nuinga o te iwi tāruatia atu ki te hoatu ia ratou te taime no te ora, e kore ia e ia i hoki ka haere mai ano ki ahau pakeke, i homai e ahau i te whai wāhi ki te pouaka a ia he iti bit atu, ka hopu ia ia rite hoki ka haere mai ia i roto i.


Mau ahau pai ia ki te uppercut, me ka te pere tinana, i haere ki raro, e ia ki.


Na ka meatia e ahau nui atu iti iho ranei te taua i muri i te tīmata, ahakoa kihai i whakaaro i hopukia ia e ahau tino e tae noa'tu i te wā tuatahi, engari ka whakatika ia i runga kore ahau e whakaaro hinaaro ia ki te mohio muri, ara, ki te i tuku i te tohutoro kawe i te reira i runga i.


Tūmanako ahu atu, he maha teie nei, Kua kua ahau e korero ana ki a toku kapa, me i korerotia kua ka tatou i te whawhai taitara whakaritea hoki Haratua 2nd i roto i te York Hall, taua po rite Mayweather-Pacquaio whawhai, na te tūmanako ka kohia e ahau ake toku taitara tuatahi, nga Masters International, a ka kawea hoki ki a Bradford.


I a koutou e taea e kite tahuri toku pā i roto i te ope, me te hanga i te rota o te ngangau, kei ratou ringside katoa, aroha ratou ratou mekemeke, te reira i te Bradford te pa mekemeke, Me tika ratou ki te tiki whakaaturanga atu i reira.


He nui taku pā, haere ratou ki te whanga ki ahau, wā whakamutunga i reira London, tenei wa Liverpool, a feruri e te reira hoki ki a London ano i te 2nd.


I te taime e kore i hokona e ahau te whai wāhi ki te tiki te wahi te whawhai ahau, te tūmanako, ki te riro ahau i te taitara pea ka taea e tatou e te kaiwhakatairanga ki te hoatu i runga i te whakaatu i roto i te Bradford kia ara ake o toku pā, ka whiwhi i te whai wāhi ki te whanga ki ahau ano.


Te mauruuru nei au no toku rōpū, haere i te whakangungu tino pai, Ite ahau kaha, Ite e ahau pai, me te pā e haere mai i roto i roto i te taua ki te tautoko i te ki ahau, tāpiri ki taua.


Toku kaitautoko, Kingsland Whakaora Pakihi i Bradford, Rōia Broadway i Oldham, Kesser rei i roto i te Bradford me Vyomax āpitihanga i Manchester, kua tino nui.


Kua takatu enei tautoko ake i ahau, e tango atu i te rota o te pēhanga kia taea e ahau te aro i runga i toku mekemeke.


Ano kua ka e ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku pā, ratou tino e te pai, kua aru ratou i ahau, ki raro, ki Rānana me te o te akoranga i konei i roto i te Liverpool, ara, ahakoa i kino waka i hanga e ratou katoa te reira i konei te po nei a tino ka muri i ahau, te kawenga o te ngangau, i te mea he bit rite pā whutupōro he i te tekau ma rua tangata i runga i te whutupōro te ware, te reira tino faauru koe, e faateitei te reira i rongo koutou ki nga pā katoa oaoa koutou i runga i, anaana, anaana noa. "


Phillip Jackson Benson takes on perennial spoiler Darnell Boone on Saturday, April 18 i Faa Aroraa Casino Resort

Plus tūturu Jamal James, Milton Santiago Jr., Ko Emanuera Aleem, Rawiri e roaa'i ia, Jarrett Hurd, Ivan Golub a Dauren Yeleussinov
No te Tonu Tuku

Faa Aroraa, PA (March 23, 2015)–I te Rāhoroi po, April 18, i te Faa Aroraa Casino Resort, Ka tapae Whakatairanga Kingi o te po tino o te mekemeke kia e ka headlined e te 8-a tawhio whitu super a'ee tūmomo i waenganui i Phillip Jackson Benson a Darnell Boone.
Benson o Brooklyn, New York e ha lekooti o 15-1 ki 14 Kua riro knockouts, e tekau ma rua whawhai tika ki tahi o te hunga e haere mai mā te ara mutu.
Te 30 tau-tau tahuri ngaio i roto i 2008 a ka he ia te whakauru ia mo Julio Sanchez (3-0) & Alexander Santana (6-0). He won the WBC FECARBOX Super Middleweight title with seventh round stoppage over Maxell Taylor (18-4-1). He added the WBC US NBC Super Middleweight title with sixth round stoppage over Scott Sigmon (23-4).
Benson kei te haere mai atu i te mutu a tawhio whitu mo Michael Gbenga i te Oketopa 8, 2014 i roto i te Biloxi, Mississippi.
Boone o Atlanta, Mohiotia Georgia te rite ki tetahi o te”uaua omanga” i roto i te hākinakina me te kia whai record tino teka i roto i te mekemeke e tai'o 20-21-4 ki te iwa knockouts.
He whakauru mo Chris Archer Boone (4-0), Ronald Johnson (6-0), Willie Lee (14-3), James teina (8-0), Rasheem Brown (17-2), James Johnson (7-0), Louis Turner (12-2), Calvin Green (20-3-1), toa i mua nei Light Heavyweight a Tamutu Stevenson (13-0) a Future kaiwero taitara ao Willie Monroe Jr. (10-0).
Tana e wha e kumea e ki Walid Smichit (8-1-1), Lajuan Simon (13-0-1), Lennox Allen (12-0) a Morgan Fitch (11-0). Boone is also known as the man who dropped super middleweight champion Andre Ward for the only time in his career.
Boone kei te haere mai atu i te mutu a tawhio toru mo Dionisio Miranda (22-9-2) i runga i Oketopa 11, 2014 i roto i te St. Petersburg, Florida.
I roto i te tekau-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, Welterweight tūturu Jamal James (15-0, 8 KO o) o Minneapolis, Minnesota e kite i mahi ki te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa.
Tahuri ngaio James i roto i 2010 a ka he te tahi mau toa te kounga i runga i tona pukapuka kaute pērā i te whakatau loto e ono-a tawhio noa ki runga Patrick Boozer (5-1). He won the Minnesota State Welterweight title with an eight round unanimous decision over Mohammed Kayongo (17-2). James hoki mutu te whakauru ia mo colby Courter (4-1) a Wayne Martell (25-4-1). James is coming off an eighth round stoppage over Cameron Kreal on November 1, 2014 i roto i te Chicago.
I roto i te pāngia e waru-a tawhio:
Ko Emanuera Aleem (11-0, 7 KO;s) o Richmond, VA. Ka tangohia i runga i te hoariri ki te huaina i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.
Rawiri Grayton (10-0, 8 KO o) o Washington, D.C. Ka whawhai Grayson Blake (6-3, 2 Ahau o) o State College, PA. i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.
Jarrett Hurd (14-0, 8 KO o) o Accokeek, MD. Ka whawhai hōia uaua Eric Mitchell(23-11-2, 11 KO o) o Philadelphia i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga.
I roto i te pāngia e ono-a tawhio:
Milton Santiago (9-0, 3 Ahau o) o Philadelphia e tangohia i runga i Ray Vélez (3-6-1, 1 KO) o Brooklyn, NY. i roto i te JR. Welterweight a'ee.
Ivan Golub (6-0, 4 KO o) o Brooklyn, Ka pouaka NY Brad Austin (10-16, 7 KO o) o Johnson City, TN. i roto i te a'ee midddleweight.
Dauren Yeleussinov (1-0, 1 KO) o Brooklyn, NY. Ka whawhai te hoariri ki te huaina i roto i te a'ee taumahawaenga super.
I roto i te pāngia e wha-a tawhio:
Sammy Berman (1-0, 1 KO) o Collegeville, PA. Ka TANGLE ki Courtney Knox (1-4) o Te Tai Tokerau Carolina i roto i te a'ee Welterweight.
Kevin Garcia (0-1) o Philadelphia e tangohia i runga i Curtis Morton (2-4-2) O Harlem, NY. i roto i te JR. Welterweight a'ee.
Tikiti mo tenei po nui o te mekemeke e $100 no te VIP (Kei 2 inu me te kai), $75 no te ringside me te $50 no te Urunga General, me te kia hokona mā te pā or calling King’s Promotions at 610-587-5950

Sampson mekemeke, WBC, CUBAP ki te mau faufaa South American Mekemeke Tournament

Ko te Amateur Komiti Mekemeke WBC, CUBAP and Sampson Boxing are proud to announce MERCOSUR “Rerenga ki Mexico”, he whakataetae mekemeke whiriwhiri ngā whakataetae i te American South “Mercosur” te kimi o whenua, Argentina, Brazil, me te whenua ope, Uruguay.

Ka tangohia te hui te whakatuwhera o te Tournament wahi Rāmere, April 10, i Stadium 8 de Haratua i Paisanatū, Uruguay, a ka haere tonu i reira ki te whakaaturanga ia marama i ngā wāhi rerekē i roto i te Uruguay.

Ahakoa ka tū tēnei whakataetae ki nga tūmanako o te iteraa taranata mekemeke South American hou, no te mea kei te puritia te reira i raro i te maru o te Amateur Komiti WBC me i te CUBAP, te haumaru me te toa oranga ka runga i ngā kaupapa matua.

MERCOSUR “Rerenga ki Mexico” Ka haapurorohia ora mā VTV me Notifight.

“Ko te wā tuatahi i roto i te aamu e te tū te whakataetae whiriwhiri i raro i te maru o te WBC i roto i toku whenua home o Uruguay tenei,” Na ka mea a Sampson Lewkowicz o Sampson Boxing. “E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaora ia ki toku whenua i te toa ao Uruguayan tuatahi, me te he, he tīmatanga nui tenei. Ahau e hiahia ana ki te fakatāutaha whakawhetai WBC te peresideni Mauricio Sulaiman mo tona tauturu katoa i roto i te maka ana tenei tahi.”


I muri i te oma tino angitu ano he matchmaker me te kaitohutohu, Whakawhiti i runga Sampson Lewkowicz ki te taha whakatairanga o te mekemeke ngaio i roto i te Hānuere 2008.

Kua tupu Sampson Mekemeke ki tetahi o umanga whakatairanga tino whaimana o te ao, māngai maha pai whawhai a te ao, me te tino whaihua kuao contenders o.

He Sampson mekemeke hoa whakatairanga katoa i runga i Te Tai Tokerau me te South America, Africa, Asia, Aotearoa, Ahitereiria, Kua ngā huihuinga Europa me Central America, me Sampson Mekemeke teata i te taua whatunga tuatahitia rite HBO, Showtime, ESPN, VU. a rave rahi whatunga ao.

Bellator MMA signs wrestling star Bobby Lashley to a long-term contract extension

Follow us on Twitter Tweet Easy: BellatorMMA signs a long-term contract extension with wrestling superstarFightBobby! #BellatorMMA

Photo Credit Bellator MMA / Eric Coleman

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (March 20, 2015)Bellator MMA announced today that superstar heavyweight Bobby Lashley (12-2) Kua hainatia he toronga kirimana wā roa-ki te whakatairanga i. Lashley is a perfect 2-0 i raro i te kara Bellator, a 10 o tona 12 kua tae mai whakaora i te ara o te Tuhinga.


Tīmata whakangungu te tu'e 6'3 pakanga i roto i te hākinakina, i te tau 12, a e haere i runga i ki te riro e rave rahi taitara tae atu e toru Toa National i Missouri Valley College, he NAIA National Championship, he e ti◊aturi World Championship Silver Medal me te rua-wā Armed Forces Wrestling Championship i te mahi ki ia i roto i te United States Army.
Ki te tona tuatapaparaa mamau mīharo, “Ko te Dominator” haina i te kirimana whanaketanga ki te WWE i roto i 2004 a hanga ana tuatahi ngaio mō te whakahaere i roto i 2005. Lashley would go on to fight for ECW and TNA as well, engari hiahia ki te whakamatautau ia ia i roto i te ao o MMA.
I roto i te 2008, Timata Lashley whakangungu i roto i te MMA wa tonu ki Team Top te American (TO) omaoma i roto i te Coconut Creek Florida. He would later open his own ATT gym in Denver, CO, me tereina i waenganui i nga whakaurunga e rua ki te maha o ngä kaitäkaro i whakaaro tae atu Josh Barnett, Anthony “Big Foot Silva”, a Todd Duffee.
“Kua ahau i rua whawhai ki a Bellator, a au fiefia ki te te karanga i te whakatairanga toku fare,” said Lashley. “Kua tino reignited Scott Coker me te kamupene toku hiahia ki te whawhai me te E rapu ana ahau i mua ki te tau nui ki te tahi mau te whakauru ia ngoi.”
WEEK NEXT: Kia mataara “Ko te Baddest te tangata i runga i te Planet” Joe Warren paruru i tona taitara whā ki Marcos Galvão muri Rāmere, March 27 i te 9 / 8c Live me te Free, anake i runga i Koi. Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi

Mō Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA Ko te Mixed whakahaere Arts ārahi ngā tokomaha nga whawhai pai o roto i te ao nei. I raro i te aronga o te kaiwhakatairanga whawhai hōia Scott Coker, Ko te wātea Bellator ki meimei 400 miriona mau fare te ao i roto i runga i 120 whenua. I roto i te United States, Ka taea te kite i Bellator i runga i te Koi TV, te rangatira pouaka MMA. Uru Bellator MMA te o te rōpū whakahaere e ngā runga ngaio ahumahi i roto i te hanga pouaka, rōpū takahanga ora, whanaketanga whawhai / whanaunga, ähua wāhi, i hanga e tautoko / whanaketanga, raihana ao, marketing, pānuitanga, publicity me te kōmihana whanaunga. Hāngai Bellator i roto i Santa Monica, California, ka puritia e te whakangahau Rapa Viacom, home ki rama pirimia whakangahau o te ao e hono ki te hunga i roto i te ihirangi mālohi puta noa i te pouaka whakaata, nekehanga pikitia, ipurangi me te pūkoro tüäpapa.


Mō Spike TV:

Koi TV Kei te wātea i roto i te 98.7 miriona mau fare, e ko te wehenga o Viacom Networks Media. He waeine o Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Networks Media he tetahi o kaihanga ārahi o te ao o te hōtaka, me te ihirangi puta noa i tüäpapa päpähomaha katoa. Wāhitau Internet Spike TV a ko a hoki ake-ki-te-miniti me te mōhiohio press pūranga me ngā whakaahua, 'a'ahi ki press pae Koi TV o i A pee i tatou i runga i Twitter spiketvpr mo te hou i roto i whawhati whakahōunga rongo, muri-te-scenes mōhiohio me ngā whakaahua.

Boxcino 2014 Toa Kōmāmā Petr Petrov Te pakanga a toa mua ao Kamariere Diaz i runga i te Paraire, April 3 i te Omeka Products Outdoor Arena i kurahauao, California, a ora i runga i whawhai ESPN Friday Night

2012 Olympic parahi Medal toa Taras Shelestyuk ki a Juan Rodriguez Jr whawhai. in televised co-feature
No te Tonu Tuku

Karauna, Pērā i (March 20, 2015)–I te po te Paraire, April 3, Boxcino 2014 Toa Kōmāmā Petr Petrov Ka tango i te toa mua ao Ko Kamariera te Diaz i roto i te whawhai 10-a tawhio noa e ka kupu matua kāri he Fight o ESPN Rāmere Night i te Omeka Products Outdoor Arena i kurahauao, California.
Whakatairangatia ana te whakaaturanga e Whakatairanga Thompson Mekemeke me Kara, me te te telecast ka timata i 9 PM ET. i runga i ESPN 2
Ko e kāri Ko te omuaraa ki Boxcino te wiki o te e whai ake nei 2015 taumahamaha me te JR. whiringa whaiti whitu e ka teata ora i runga i whawhai Rāmere Night o ESPN i te April 10 i 9 PM ET. i runga i ESPN 2
I roto i te 8-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga, 2012 Olympic parahi mētara toa Taras Shelestyuk ka meinga tona tuatahi pouaka motu ki Juan Rodriguez Jr.
Petrov o Madrid, Spain e ha lekooti o 35-4-2 ki 17 knockouts. He is the Boxcino 2014 Toa Kōmāmā rite riro ia ia whawhai mo Fedor Papzov (14-0), Chris Rudd (13-1) me te taitara toa mutu a tawhio 8 mo Fernando Carcamo i roto i nga whiringa toa i tangohia e wahi i te 23, 2014 i te tahuri Stone Resort Casino.

Diaz o Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico e ha lekooti o 38-11-3 ki 17 knockouts a ko te toa formwe WBC Super mā whitu te ao.

Diaz riro te taitara WBC Super mā whitu te ao ki te whakatau kotahi tekau ma rua a tawhio loto mo Takahiro Ao i runga i Oketopa 27, 2012 i roto i te o Ao whenua te kāinga o Japan.

Mau e ia te whakauru ia i runga i te toa e toru-divison te ao Robert Guerrero, toa te ao i mua nei Elio Rojas & toa o mua te ao Hiha Soto.

Diaz kei te haere mai atu i te Unuunu hangarau e toru a taka noa ki a Anthony Crolla i runga i Mahuru 13, 2014 i roto i te Manchester, Ingarangi. The bout was stopped due to an accidental headbutt that caused a bad cut over Diaz’ kanohi maui.

Shelestyuk o Sumy, Ukraine ko he 2012 Olympic parahi Medal toa. The twenty-nine year old has a record of 11-0 ki e waru knockouts, me he wini nui ki runga tūturu mua Travis Hanshaw i te Pipiri 28, 2013 i roto i te Jacksonville, Florida.

Neke Shelestyuk ki Los Angeles, e whakaako ana i te Card Faleva'inga Wild me te whakangungua e Hall o Rongonui kaiwhakangungu, Freddie Roach.

Mutu Shelestyuk Kua ana hoariri whakamutunga e rua,e tino tata ngā mutu tuatoru-a tawhio noa ki runga Francisco Reza i te Hui-tanguru 20 i roto i te Ontario, California.

Lotilikuesí o Uniana City, New Jersey e ha lekooti o 12-1 ki te rima knockouts.

Riro te rua tekau ma waru tau tawhito i tona tekau ma tahi whawhai tuatahi, me te haere mai atu i te whakatau hangarau e wha-a tawhio noa ki runga tūturu mua Greg Jackson i te Oketopa 25, 2014 i roto i te Te Tai Tokerau Bergen, New Jersey.

“Te ti'aturi nei tatou mahi nui i rua Petr Petrov me Taras Shelestyuk,” Na ka mea a Alex Camponovo, matchmaker me te kaiwhakahaere whānui mō te Thompson Boxing. “Kua huihui ratou ahuareka ngā momo e hanga mo te whakaongaonga whawhai, e te pā i roto i te haereraa i te me te hunga e whanga i runga i ESPN e aroha tino. Ētahi atu, Ko roto i te pai rawa i roto i te mekemeke te horopaki o waho i Omega Products Arena.”


Ka mea Whakatairanga Banner te peresideni Artie Pelullo, “Titiro whakamua matou ki te po nui o te mekemeke. We expect Petr to come through with a great performance against a former world champion in Gamaliel Diaz which will catapult himself to a world title opportunity. We are also pleased to give Taras his national television debut and we know based on his style and personality that he will quickly become a fan favorite and major player in the 147 wehenga pauna.”


Ano i runga i te kāri, tūturu amanaki Welterweight Sukhrab Shidaev(12-0, 7 Koó) o Hollywood, Calif. Ka whawhai te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa i muri (6-rauna).

Mua KOROMO Häkinakina me te tūturu Kōmāmā Hiha Villarraga (6-0, 4 Koó) Ka titiro ki te noho hinga kore ki tau kia kiia he hoariri i muri (6-rauna).

Te hanga i tona tuatahi ngaio he teina Kōmāmā Michael Norato e anga ana hoa tauhou Sopuan ano (1-1-1) o Pomona, Calif. i roto i te whawhai whakaritea mō te 4-rauna.

Humberto Rubalcava Ka taahiraa ano i roto i te porohita porowhā mo te wa tuatahi i rite ki te ngaio. Rubalcava, he whā super i Riverside, Calif., Ka fehangahangai he hoariri ki te kia te ingoa i muri (4-rauna).

Te whakatuwhera i te hui he welterweights teina Emanuel Robles (12-0-1, 3 Koó) o San Diego, me Wilberth Lopez (5-4, 1 KO) o Tucson, Ariz. (6-rauna).

Utu Tickets e i $40, $60, & $100 a taea te hokona e te karanga (714) 935-0900, ranei online i


Ko te a'ee 1 i 5:15 PT, Doors i 4:30 PT me te 1 a'ee TV i 6 PM PT.


Kelly Swanson

Mihi, katoa, for joining us today for this great call to officially announce a very exciting match up. And without further ado, ki te kōrero i te iti bit e pā ana ki taua kēmu ake, Kei te haere ahau ki te whakamōhio Chris DeBlasio, Vice Peresideni o Sports Communications mo SHOWTIME.

Chris DeBlasio

Mihi, Kelly. I’m going to keep this brief. I know we want to talk to the fighters on this card. But I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t represent for Stephen Espinoza, who couldn’t be on the call today, me pehea rawa oaoa e tatou mo te tuatahi o Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. i runga i to tatou whatunga i runga i Rāhoroi, April 18, no to tatou doubleheader SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Te haere ki te waiho i te nui po. On the call with us and in the ring across from Julio Chavez Jr. i runga i taua po, ko te Andrzej Fonfara, a man that we know that really comes to fight. He brought it on his first fight on SHOWTIME last year when he fought Adonis Stevenson. And that was a thrilling affair. And we’re looking forward to a real test and a great challenge for Chavez Jr. And we’re excited to have him on behalf of all of us at SHOWTIME. We welcome both of you guys and, o te akoranga, thanks to all the press for being on the call. Mauruuru koe, Kelly.

K. Swanson

Mauruuru koe, katoa. Te pai. We’re going to go ahead and introduce the fighters and their trainers for you. First we have Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., toa taumahawaenga mua te ao, Andrzej Fonfara, te mua kaiwero taitara ao, Julio Hiha Chavez Sr. — e matau ana tatou katoa ko wai te mea ia, a tino i roto i te faatura ki te kōrero nui i te mea ia, farii poupou ia tatou ki te karanga — Joe Goossen, ko wai te kaiwhakangungu o Julio, a Sam Colonna, ko wai te kaiwhakangungu o Fonfara.


Na, i tenei wa, te aha hiahia ahau ki te mahi i he ui Julio Hiha Chavez Jr. ki te hanga kupu whakapuaki e pā ana ki tenei whawhai, me te iti moka e pā ana ki te mea kei te mahi i ia inaianei i roto i te puni whakangungu, me te tika te pehea ite ia e pā ana ki te whawhai.


Julio Hiha Chavez Jr.

I’m training very well. I’m training (i te teitei) level than the best. I’m doing more physical training (a au te kimi ahau ofi ki te) taimaha o 172 pauna. And I think I’m in great shape, e mohio ana koe? I have a lot of time and don’t stay in this kind of shape.

K. Swanson

Te pai. Now let’s hear from Andrzej Fonfara. Andrzej, taea e kōrero koe i te iti moka, ka korero ki a matou eaha to outou mana'o no ni'ai te whawhai Jr.?

Andrzej Fonfara

I’m feeling great. I think Chavez Jr. Ko te toa nui, toa te ao. Na e matau ana koutou, it’s good fight for me. I trained hard for the fight. We got very good camp. Na, we start a sparring session. E mohio ana koe, he pai toku taimaha. My training’sall trainings are good. I spent two weeks in Houston. I’m trained there, rawa. Then I’m back to Chicago. We finished camp here. And I’m–e mohio ana koe, Ahau rite mo te tika Chavez i roto i te whakakai April 18ka whakaatu ia ia ahau pai kaimekemeke.

K. Swanson

Te pai. Excellent. Mauruuru e koe kia nui. Next we’ll have the trainers say something very brief before we turn it over to the media for call. Na, Joe Goossen, he is Julio Cesar Chavez’s trainer at this point. Joe, e hiahia ana koe ki te hanga i tētahi tokorua kōrero?

Joe Goossen

Mauruuru koe. Tau kotahi, I want to thank SHOWTIME because we’re very excited about performing for SHOWTIME on Julio’s debut fight with SHOWTIME. And that being said, e mohio ana koe, Ko te tino Julio, very serious about this fight. Like Fonfara, he trained for a few weeks in Los Angeles. Na inaianei, kei tatou ake i roto i te Lake tahoe, up in the high altitude in the mountains here. It’s very secluded. It’s very concentrated work. Julio is — Ka taea e korerotia e tika ahau ki a koutou i tenei — Ko te tino whakatapua ki tenei whawhai, hinengaro, te pae tino, and spiritually. He’s shown me that he’s willing to work very hard for this fight, which always works out well when a fighter cooperates in training. And he’s doing that 110 ōrau. And I can’t tell you how happy I am, tau kotahi, ki te mahi ki a Julio Jr. It’s been something that I’ve always wanted to do. A, no te akoranga, I know his father very well. And I’m very honored to be a part of the team. And I can’t wait ’til April 18 to display all of Julio’s talents and to go there. And we’ve got one objective. And that’s to win the fight. With the way Julio’s training, I’m very confident in what we’re doing right now. Na, I’m very happy with that. And I’m sure Andrzej’s doing the same thing, training very hard. Ki te taua te mea, whakawhetai ki a koe.

K. Swanson

Mauruuru koe. Na, Sam Colonna, ki te taea e homai e koe ki a matou he kōrero, a ka ka whakatuwhera tatou i te reira ki runga hoki ngā pātai.

Sam Colonna

Well, tuatahi, I’d like to thank everybody for getting this together. It’s an honor to be part of it. Ko, e mohio ana koe, i mua i tangohia e ratou a Julio Hiha Chavez ki te whawhai, they were throwing names at us. And I would say no. And another name came. I would say no. As soon as they said, 'He aha e pā ana ki Julio Hiha Chavez,’ Na ka mea ahau, ‘That’s the fight we want.The style is perfect for us. He comes right at us. And it’s going to be a great fight for Andrzej to show what the power and the dedication he has towards it. He knows that this fight here is going to bring him to the top. And it’s an honor to fight Julio Cesar Chavez. It’s somebody I wanted him to fight for years. But the weight was never the same. Andrzej moved up. And then now, it’s perfect. Na, te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai nui. I think we’re going to bring a lot of action to this fight. And it’s going to be a jammed action fight. I’m glad that this fight happened. And I can’t wait for April 18.

K. Swanson

Te pai. Mauruuru koe. Na inaianei, muri, engari e kore e iti, Te hinaaro nei au ki te tiki i te kōrero tokorua i Julio Hiha Chavez Sr. about his son fighting Fonfara and what he anticipates that will be like. Hōngongoi?

Julio Hiha Chavez Sr.

I didn’t want this fight. E mohio ana ahau e, hoki taku tama, I know it’s a hard fight. It’s a difficult fight. And I didn’t want it. Fonfara is very strong. But my son wanted this fight. He wanted fighters that have a high category. He wanted a hard fight. And he believed that winning this fight will give him more credibility. And that’s why he chose Fonfara.


This is for Chavez Jr. Hōngongoi, me pehea koe e ite haere mai atu i te te tau?

J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

Ite e ahau pai. E mohio ana ahau ki te reira fifi, ka koe atu koe. E mea fifi ki te toe i to outou taime. Ko kua ahau whakangungu, working at my skills. And I think, e mohio ana koe, Ahau rawa māia no te mea kua pau ahau i toku ora katoa i roto i te mekemeke. Ahau i roto i te 13 tau o toku ngāue ngaio. Heoi e kore e ahau whakaaro ko te raruraru tenei no te mea ko tenei whawhai i 172 pauna. I don’t need to have a problem with weight. And at 172, I feel good in sparring. I feel good in training. And I think I’m ready for this fight and ready to win another world title.


Korero o taua taitara ao, me pehea e ongo'i koe e pā ana ki takatu rite a Tamutu Stevenson me Sergey Kovalev?

J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

Aue, these guys very strong. But I think, i muri i tenei whawhai, Haere ki raro, i ahau ki 168 a ka noho i roto i tenei piha haapiiraa taimaha. Kotahi te rua ranei tau ki muri ka neke ahau ki 175 engari ko e nui rawa hoki toku tinana. Na, Ahau 168. Ko, mo te tau kotahi atu, Ko tenei whawhai i 172.


Andrzej, me pehea e ongo'i koe tinana e haere mai atu i te whawhai a Tamutu Stevenson?


A. Fonfara

Whakaaro ahau whakakitea e ahau againstStevenson ko ahau he toa. Te pae tino, Ite e ahau pai inaianei. Mai taua whawhai, I’ve been training much harder. Whakaaro ahau, no te mea o taua whawhai, Ahau i te kaimekemeke pai no te, e mohio ana koe, I learn a lot in fights. I’m ready for Chavez, Kua whakangungua ahau pakeke hoki tenei whawhai, rite, e mohio ana koe, Chavez says. He’s trained hard for this fight. But I always train hard. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chavez or whoever else, Au tonu te whakangungu ahau pakeke.



Ko te kupu tenei hoki Julio Jr e rua. and Sr. For Jr., mārama, i reira te he painga, me te pea te drawback, rawa, to having such a famous name. Benefit is that everybody knows your father and what he accomplished. And that brings you attention early in your career as it has. The possible drawback is that you’re always going to be compared to him, Ko e e mea etahi tata te taea, impossibly high standard to try to live up to. From your perspective and also from your father’s, te aha e pā ana ki taua, te pikaunga, me te painga o te he taua ingoa rongonui?


J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

I think I’m well respected because I’m world champion. Ko, e mohio ana koe, Whakaaro ahau he painga tenei. Otira e kore e te tauturu i ahau i roto i te whakakai. Ahau kï ahau i roto i te whakakai. I beat the champions. I beat the number one, tau e rua, tau e toru me te tau e wha, i 168 pauna. A kua whakakitea ahau katoa, te iwi, e taea te whawhai ahau, rawa. Ko ahau i te toa pai, me te (Whakanohoia e ahau i runga i te pai whawhai). Na ka kite i te iwi, ano he i oku whawhai. My style is a good style for the people. And I think this fight, rawa, te kāhua o Fonfara kei te haere mai ki te whawhai, he’s a fighter with a great heart and great chin. And both of us will make a great fight.


J. Hiha Chavez Sr..


The name has helped. Oia mau, ngā Ua tauturu te reira whiwhi aro, but we are very different. E ia — my son fights at a higher weight than I fought. And so, there’s a lot of difference. Te pae tino, he’s a lot bigger than I was. Na, i reira te pai, me te kino, and we understand that. Ko, te ia tona toa ake noa rite i ahau.



Ahau, you mentioned earlier that you had a lot of names mentioned for Andrzej before you finally settled on Chavez. Are you willing to reveal some of those names?


S. Tīwae

E mohio ana koe ki te aha? I really don’t have them right in front of me. Ko, i reira i te iti rawa e toru, four different guys they were throwing at us. And as soon as they said Chavez, Haere ahau, 'Ko te te taata e hiahia ana matou,’ no te mea, rite mea ahau mua, the style is perfect for us. And we don’t have to look for him too much, e mohio ana koe? He’s going to be right there for us. Na, Ko te tino i te kāhua, pai tino whakauru.



Andrzej, kua whawhai koe i te whitu, whitu super, taumahamaha te marama. How does it feel fighting at 172? And do you see yourself moving possibly down in weight in the near future, ranei e ite koe i te taumahamaha marama pono koe?


A. Fonfara

Ahau i te toa taumahamaha o te marama. That’s because I’m fighting with Chavez. That’s why we have a catch-weight. And that’s why I go down. Te tikanga whawhai e ahau i 175, at least for maybe two years. And this my weight. It’s not impossible for me to go, rite, e rua, e toru pauna iho no te mea, e mohio ana koe, ka whawhai ahau Stevenson whakamutunga tau i roto i te Mei, Ko ahau 173 ka. And I felt good then. Two pounds down is not problem for me. Should be good, e mohio ana koe? Just more diet, more work in the last week. And I should be good.



Hōngongoi Jr., te nui o te awhina he mea hoki ki te whawhai te mutunga koe i muri i te tau? I know it’s been trying for you with the whole lawsuit and everything. Na, me pehea e ite i te reira no te ki a koe e mohio te mutunga koutou ki te whawhai ki runga mua?


J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

Ite e ahau pai. Ite ahau nui, e mohio ana koe, because this problem offended me a lot mentally more than physically. But I’m really happy that this problem is better now. I have a fight in front of me. Na e matau ana koutou, I’m not remembering anything about that. I’m just focusing on the fight April 18 hoki Fonfara. Ite e ahau pai, Ite ahau nui. You know I can’t tell you with words how I feel because I’m better to the ring. (Ko ahau rawa oaoa ki te kia hoki mai) ki te mowhiti.



Joe Goossen, nei o nga pūkenga o Julio Hiha e te iritiraa i te pai mo te wehenga taumahamaha marama?

J. Goossen

Well, te tuatahi atu, Julio is a well-rounded fighter. Te tikanga e ahau, we’ve seen him box before. And we’ve seen him pressure before. I don’t want to tip my hand on what we’re going to do but we have studied the films. We’ve talked about the films of Andrzej. A, no te akoranga, we’re developing a game plan. I think the weight — fele, 172 is very close to 68. It’s a weight he’s fought at before. So I don’t think the weight is going to be a problem at all. The way he’s working right now and the weight he’s at right now, Whakaaro ahau e haere tatou ki te kia taea ki te patu i te 172 mark quite easily. Ko, ano, as far as what skills he has that we’re going to bring to the table is something that I think is private to us. But Julio Jr. is a multi-talented fighter. Just watching him spar yesterday, ka hiahiatia e matou he pouaka, he did it beautifully. And when we needed pressure in a few rounds, he pulled it off exactly how I like it. So I’m very confident that whatever style we bring and game plan we bring, e haere tatou i ki te kia angitu ki a reira.


E taea ranei e koe te hanga i te taimaha?

J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

Ae. Sure. I’ll make 172 no te mea te utu ahau $100,000 per te pauna (ki te kahore ahau e rave). E kore e taea e ahau te utu i taua huru o te moni. E kore kua ahau paunatia hau atu i te 172 i roto i te whawhai. Ko te whawhai anake hanga e ahau 172 kei a Brian Vera, the first fight. But in all the rest of my career of boxing, i roto i toku pāngia katoa taitara (E kore ahau e kore i hanga taimaha). E kore ahau e mohio ki te aha koe ui ki ahau e. Te pai. Maybe, Ahau i te toa nui, e mohio ana koe? I know I am a bigger fighter. Ko, E kore ahau e whai raruraru. Na (ki te mahi ia) e kore e meinga e te taimaha, pea ka riro ahau $100,000 atu.


Na, Hōngongoi, e tumanako koe mo $100,000 i Andrzej Fonfara, engari e mea ana koutou kia kaua tumanako ia mo $100,000 i a koutou?


J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

Kaua e, mahi e kore e. I think that the fight’s in the right way. And he’s not going to take advantage of anybody, e mohio ana koe, no te mea (Haere mai ahau i roto i te mama). E mohio ana koe, Kei te tino pai ana ki ta ahau te mea pauna, mo whawhai e rua.



Ka taea e kōrero koe e pā ana ki to koutou whakatau ki te whai Joe Goossen i roto i to koutou kokonga, ite koe, rite ki te hua o te whawhai Vera, e hia hoki ia koe nga pā i te mahi?


J. Hiha Chavez Jr.

Well, I’ve known Joe Goossen for a long time. He’s a great trainer. He’s a great person. He’s somebody that motivates fighters. And we have a true connection. We’ve connected again. And I like him a lot. I like that he’s a hard worker, just like me. And I think, tahi, we’re going to do really well. With regards to the performance, Ka taea e ahau te korero ki a koutou, e, this show is for the people. Te haere ki te waiho i te whawhai nui. It’s going to be a better fight. Na inaianei, ki toku kamupene whakatairanga hou, me te ki i mohio nei te haere i toku hoa tauwhainga ki te kia i roto i te mua, Whakaaro ahau te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te nui po.


K. Swanson

That was our last question. Na, ano, we really appreciate the fighters taking time to join us. We look forward to this fantastic matchup between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. a Andrzej Fonfara i runga i Rāhoroi, April 18, i Center StubHub i Carson, Calif., ora i runga i SHOWTIME i 10:00 p.m. AND, 7:00 p.m. PT. Thank you so much for joining us.


* * *


Tikiti mo te takahanga, e te tahi whakatairangatia ana-e Goossen Whakatairanga me Chavez Whakatairanga, E utu i $200, $150, $100, $50 a $25, me takoha e hāngai ana, utu me utu ratonga, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei, a, he wātea mo te hoko ipurangi i


Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara, Ko te a'ee 12-a tawhio noa e e wahi i Center StubHub i Carson, Calif. a ka AIR ki runga ki SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/7 p.m. PT). Ka hoki te telecast SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING wātea i roto i te reo Pāniora mā hōtaka audio Tuarua (SAP).


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, te whai i runga i Twitter iSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter ASwanson_Comm, te whai i te whakahaere mā te whakamahi i #ChavezFonfara, riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i 'a'ahi ki te Blog SHOWTIME mekemeke i ranei

Campillo Next for Beterbiev

Te Kuititanga (March 19, 2015) – I muri tūtahi i te rarangi runaruna i roto i te rua huringa Olympic katoa, Rite hoki whiriwhiri a te mekemeke pro amanaki Russian Artur Beterbiev he inaianei, ahakoa anake kua ia e whitu nga wa whawhai ano he ngaio. Ko te Groupe Yvon Michel (Te omaoma) Ka tonu taonga tona haere April 4 i roto i te Quebec City, whakakitea ora i runga i CBS me TVA Sports, ki te toa mua te ao Gabriel Campillo, o Spain.

“E kore e te kairīpoata kia hari mai e kore ahau i KO tangata i teie mahana,” kata Beterbiev i muri i te wātū whakangungu tūmatanui i teie mahana i roto i te Quebec City, Faaite e ia ana pūkenga ki ona hoa mākutu, Ingarihi Bob Ajisafe me Ahitereiria Blake Caparello.

“Whakaaro tino ahau e waiho he po poto mo Campillo,” Na ka mea a Caparello i muri i mākutu Beterbiev. “Tēnei taata nei i te tahi ope hopukanga maere. I taea e ara whai ia, ka te hopu iho he kaha Sergey Kovalev i roto i te whakakai,”

Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Na reira) Ka fehangahangai mua WBA marama taumahamaha toa te ao Campillo (25-6-1, 11 Na reira), he 6'2 patipati” southpaw nei kua whawhai 211 rauna rite te ngaio, i roto i te a'ee tuatahi i te aroaro o te WBC meKo te Ring marama taumahamaha whawhai taitara ao i waenganui i te parururaa i toa a Tamutu “Superman” Stevenson me Sakio Bika.

Beterbiev-Campillo he hoki te rua o nga ao IBF te ana'iraa i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama.

“Ko te whawhai pai ki te hoariri pai; he ātete, taata mātanga,” Beterbiev kaiwhakangungu Marc Ramsay aro wetewetehia. “Campillo will bring a lot of ring experience to Artur. Tonu toku kaimekemeke ki te whakapai ake i tenei ra, engari, i roto i te meka, Ko rite hoki te pai kua ia.”

“Ka hoatu e ahau ki runga ki te whakaatu pai, me te whawhai April 4th,” Tonu Beterbiev. “A, no te manga e ahau i roto i te whakakai, E kore ahau e whai i te hoa. Hiahia ana ahau ki te haere tonu ki te tiki pai tae noa ki fehangahangai ahau Sergey Kovalev ano. A ka whiua ano e ahau ki a ia!”

Kevin Bizier vs. Stanislav Salmon

Welterweight Canadian Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Koó) Ka whai tana whai wāhi ki te tuhituhi hītori roto i te tawhito Québec Coliseum, mai ka whawhai ia te a'ee mekemeke whakamutunga ake hua i roto i te ao Nordiques mua. April 4th, Ka fehangahangai ia mua toa te Welterweight French me WBC Mediterranean Stanislav Salmon (24-3-2, 10 Koó).

In order to realize that dream, i te Quebec City te whakapehapeha, ki te paopao ki te tuku ki te puta i roto i te a'ee āhua-whakamutunga o te whawhai Julio Hiha Chavez Jr me Andrzej Fonfara, April 18th i roto i te Carson, California.

“Kevin e kua riro te putea nui atu i te kotahi i ia mo tona whawhai whakamutunga ki Jo Jo Rana, engari hinaaro ia ki te noho i runga i te kāri Quebec,” tāpiri kaiwhakatairanga Yvon Michel. “I ka whawhai he mahi nui i roto i te whawhai tino tata ki a Rana, a Rana ia i roto i te whawhai Welterweight te ao IBF, March 28 i roto i te Ingarangi. Ko nga mea katoa ano taea hoki Kevin me whakapono tatou i roto ia ia.”

“Ki te kotahi e ka kati i te Colisée he tino tahi mea,” Bizier kōrero. “Ko te hoki te reira i te whawhai faaineineraa pai, me te me ahau mahi nui. E kua e ahau pai ki te whawhai i roto i te California, engari ka tetahi faingamālie i roto i te Pipiri i ahau. A, no te akoranga, E kua e ahau i aroha ki te kia i roto i te hu Jo Jo Rana a ki te whawhai i roto i te taitara te ao…engari te ra kotahi, ka waiho toku tahuri.”

Sébastien Bouchard vs. Denis Farias

Ano i runga i te kāri, Fovorie Canadian Sébastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Koó) Ka taahiraa ake ki te kanohi French taata uaua Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 Koó).

“Hanga Sébastien whakakake ia tatou i roto i tona whawhai whakamutunga ka mutu ia te kaimekemeke whakamutunga ki te hinga icon Stéphane Ouellet, Beletita Cedric Spera,” Omaoma tumuaki tuarua-peresideni Bernard pae whakahuatia. “Ka e anga e ia he toa roa, ko wai kua ngaro noa tetahi wa e K.O.”
He Tickets runga i te hoko i te pouaka tari Pepsi Coliseum i Quebec, na roto i te te karanga (418) 691-7211 ranei 1 (800) 900-7469, online i, i te omaoma (514) 383-0666 a Champion mekemeke Club (514) 376-0980. Utu tīkiti ngā i $25 ki $250 i runga i te papa.

50-YEAR ka nguha “BRONCO” A'ORAA Billy WRIGHT ki tona knockout rauna tuatahi RECENT

Heavyweight Contender Bronco Billy Wright Discusses His Future In Boxing

Las Vegas (March 19, 2015) – WBC # 16 Nguha taumahamaha, Bronco Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Koó) te mau a'oraa e pā ana ki tata tona knockout a tawhio tuatahi i runga i Gilberto Domingos. He’s just three first round knockouts away (29) from breaking the record which stands at 31 held by Shannon Briggs. He’s currently riding a 14-fight knockout streak which includes a winning streak of 18.

MEDZHID “B-52” Runga BEKTEMIROV WBA #10 Roto i te marama taumahamaha WEHEWEHE


HOUSTON, Texas (March 19, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions a Whakatairanga Savarese’ rererangi Light-Heavyweight tūturu, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Koó), kua runga i teie nei #10 i te WBA.
He toa te tangata i te mana i roto i nga ringa ki, B-52 is eager to continue his climb up the WBA rankings with more explosive performances. His mission is to knock everyone out.


“Au rawa whakawhetai ki toku kaiwhakatairanga Gary Shaw me Lou Savarese mō te pae tauanga ahau i roto i te WBA,” Said Bektemirov. “I’ve worked very hard to get to this position and I don’t plan on slowing down. I want to be known as the man who likes to drop bombs on my opponents. For these reasons I’m known as B-52. I’m ready wreck the Light-Heavyweight division and knock everyone out.


Gilberto Mendoza Sr. a Jr. and the rest of the WBA ratings committee are to be applauded for recognizing the talent of B-52,” mea Gary Shaw. “Kei a ia te taranata katoa, work ethic and desire to become the next great Russian champion. Lou and I are working diligently on his next fight and were hoping he’ll be back in the ring very soon.


“Kua mea e ahau ki te aroaro o, a ahau e ano te reira mea, Fakamanatu B-52 i ahau o Mike Tyson,” Lou Savarese kī. “Haere mai i te taata nei i whawhai Tyson, E mohio ana ahau ki te mana raw, ina kite ahau i te reira, and Bektemirov can punch with both hands. His knockouts are brutal and everyone who’s seen him fight, knows he’s special. This is the begging of a great run and I couldn’t be happier that he’s ranked with the WBA.

Whawhai horo'a Whatunga Hard patoto Fighting 42 Pô, LIVE i 11 p.m. AND


Toronto | NEW YORK (Moana. 19, 2015) — Whatunga Fight, pirimia o te ao 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai, he hakari i te haapurororaa ora o Patoto Hard Fighting 42 i Calgary, Alberta, A Canada Century Casino te po i 11 p.m. AND.


Whawhai fakamafola ora o Whatunga e rangi ki runga ki TV arotau o Cablevision, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable me Armstrong Cable i roto i te Amerika, motu i roto i te Canada, Pūrere Roku puta noa i Amerika Te Tai Tokerau, a ao i roto i runga i 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.


Ko te hui matua ngā āhuatanga he taupatupatunga mo te Hard patoto taitara Kōmāmā, rite Ontario Māori Ryan Dickson(10-2) tangles ki te hōia Bellator whanau Michigan- Jason Fischer (7-3).


I roto i te tahi atu pāngia e whakaatu nei, tūturu Māori Saskatchewan Miles Anstead (5-0) battles Alberta’s own Markhaile Wedderburn (11-13) i roto i te mahi whitu, Calgary Māori Josh Griffin (3-3) e i te British Columbia Māori Micah Brakefield (4-5) i roto i te tahi atu whakataetae whitu, Alberta o Chris karaone (4-1) tutaki Washington o Arama Smith (8-3) i roto i te Tūkorehu Welterweight, Montreal-e hāngai ana Wīwī Karaiti Franck (5-5) taia ki raro, ki a Ontario o Joel Powell (7-5) i roto i te honga Welterweight, me te toa Māori Calgary Anton Tokarchuk (3-0-1) titiro ki te pupuri i ana record ritenga tonu kohakore whanau-Trinidad tino tauā, Toronto-e hāngai ana amanaki Todd Stoute (5-3) i 205 pauna.


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