Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) Ao amin'ny CBS Asabotsy, Aprily 4, Amin'ny 3 p.m. SY/Noon PT Avy Pepsi Quebec City amin'ny Coliseum, Kanada

Mandanja-IN PHOTOS: (Photo Sary: Amanda Kwok / PBC amin'ny CBS)

BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS: (Photo Sary: Amanda Kwok / PBC amin'ny CBS)



ADONIS Stevenson: 174 ½ Pounds

Saki Bull: 174 ½ Pounds


Artur BETERBIEV: 175 Kilao

Gabriel Campillo: 174 ½ Pounds


(TV Swing Bout)

Julian WILLIAMS: 154 ½ Pounds

Joey Hernandez: 155 kilao


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PBC amin'ny CBS, headlined noho izao tontolo izao ny mazava tompon-daka sokajy mavesatra ady eo Stevenson sy Bika, dia manandratra Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) ary nanolotra ny Videotron sy miaraka amin'ny Mise-O-Jeu. Tapakila dia ao amin'ny hamidy ankehitriny amin'ny Pepsi boaty Coliseum biraon'ny tany Québec, amin'ny fiantsoana (418) 691-7211 na (800) 900-7469, internet ao amin'ny, amin'ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena (514) 383-0666 ary Tompon-daka Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Vidin'ny tapakila miainga amin'ny $25 ny $250 amin'ny tany.


Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) Ao amin'ny CBS

Asabotsy, Aprily 4, Amin'ny 3 p.m. SY/Noon PT Avy Pepsi Quebec City amin'ny Coliseum, Kanada

Click ETO ny sary avy amin'ny undercard mpanao gazety

Voninahitra: Amanda Kwok / PBC amin'ny CBS

Québec (Aprily 2, 2015) – Talohan'ny nitokanana Premier Boxing Champions amin'ny CBS telecast Manomboka (3 p.m. SY/12 p.m. PT), ny kintana bevy ny tanora dia hijery ny handrehitra ny Pepsi Coliseum vahoaka ao amin'ny andian-undercard toaka manomboka amin'ny 1 p.m. SY.


Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika ny velona dia eo amin'ny fivarotana sy azo vidiana ao amin'ny Pepsi boaty Coliseum biraon'ny tany Québec, amin'ny fiantsoana (418) 691-7211 na (800) 900-7469, internet ao amin'ny, amin'ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena (514) 383-0666 ary Tompon-daka Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Vidin'ny tapakila miainga amin'ny $25 ny $250 amin'ny tany.


PBC amin'ny CBS, headlined noho izao tontolo izao ny mazava tompon-daka sokajy mavesatra ady eo Adonis “Superman” Stevenson ary Sakio “The Maingoka” Taurus ary mampiseho Artur Beterbievrehefa miatrika Gabriel “Ny tsara tarehy Man” Campillo, dia manandratra Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) ary nanolotra ny Videotron sy miaraka amin'ny Mise-O-Jeu.


Headlining ny undercard hetsika dia mamontsina undefeated faran'izay welterweight contender Julian “J Rock” Williams (18-0-1, 11 Kos), iza no handray ho mitady hanohy ny fiakaran'ny ho stardom rehefa miatrika mampientam-po Joey “Twinkle Ny rantsa-tanana” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 Kos)ao amin'ny 10-manodidina welterweight bout.


Ao amin'ny iray hafa tsy fahitalavitra ambony lalao, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos)miverina amin 'ny peratra any amin'ny toerana niaviany ny tarehiny Fouad El Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)tao amin'ny valo-manodidina faran'izay welterweight showdown. Ao amin'ny valo-manodidina lanja mavesatra amin'ireo korontam-, undefeated Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 Kos) dia hiatrika Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 Kos).


Ao amin'ny roa ny faran'izay welterweight toaka, Sebastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) dia handray Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) tao amin'ny valo-manodidina fifandonana sy ny Custio Clayton (2-0, 1 KO) hiatrikaRonald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)amin'ny enina-manodidina showdown.


Ny sisa amin'ny karatra dia Namarana amin'ny alalan'ny Trio ny Kanadiana fanantenana mitady hanorina ny mpanohana resumes. Jan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) maka amin'ny Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) amin'ny boribory efatra middleweight bout, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) ady Adel Hadjouis (7-3) ao ny efa-manodidina bantamweight bout sy Shakeel Pen (1-0, 1 KO) tarehy Rene roody (0-2-1)ao ny efa-manodidina faran'izay middleweight bout.


Ny fanantenana undefeated hailing avy ampy ady lehibe tanànan'i Philadelphia, Williams Mitady ny hitandrina ny undefeated rakitsoratra simba sy hampiaiky volana eo amin'ny sehatra lehibe. Ny 24 taona miatrika fitsapana henjana any Miami-teratany Hernandez. Ny 30 taona Hernandez dia niady tamin'ny sasany ny tsara indrindra amin'ny ady totohondry ary ny kasainy mba hanolotra Williams matihanina voalohany fatiantoka, rehefa eny amin'ny tora-droa roa.

Rehefa avy nandatsaka ny anaram-boninahitra-eliminator Nizara roa ny fanapahan-kevitra avy tao amin'ny bout farany, Bizier, 30, miverina ho amin'ny taniny ny Quebec mitady ny hiverina any amin'ny faritra sy ny fandresena ho lohateny ny fifandirana. Manantena izy mba hanorina ny raharaha amin'ny fandresena ny 27 taona El Massoudi, izay no mahatonga ny North American fanjanahan'i. Ny mpiady avy any Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme, Frantsa manantena ny ho fiantraikany avy hatrany ny ady Bizier.


An undefeated lanja mavesatra izay nisolo tena Columbia tao amin'ny 2008 Lalao Olaimpika, Rivashas niady ihany tao amin'ny tanàna nahaterahany ao Montreal natsangana hatramin'ny fihodinana mpomba amin'ny 2009. Aleo izy ho manao ny voalohany ao amin'ny Pepsi nanomboka Coliseum rehefa miatrika Cetinkaya, ny Kassel, Hesse, Alemaina.


Ady fanintelony ho toy ny matihanina amin'ny Pepsi Coliseum, Ny Bouchard Quebec dia mitady ny faharoa fandresena misesy hatramin'ny fijaliana ny irery faharesena. Ny 27 taona miatrika fitsapana sarotra eo amin'ny traikefa Farias, ny Aulnay-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, Frantsa. Izany no 27 taona Farias’ ady voalohany ivelan'i Frantsa.


A 2012 Canadian Olympian, Clayton mijery ny hanorina ny matihanina Resume sy mampiseho ny antony Noheverina ho iray amin'ireo tsara indrindra ho avy mpankafy mpanao ady totohondry, avy any Kanada. Ny 27 taona avy any Montreal Ady any amin'ny 27 taona avy any Bracquegnies Berti, Belzika.


Ny latecomer ny matihanina amin'ny laharana, Poulin Mitady hanorina eny ny asa voalohany fandresena tamin'ny volana Desambra 2014. Ny 32 taona avy any Quebec miatrika ny 31 taona Tsalla, izay ihany koa ny teratany avy any Quebec.


Rosiana teraka, fa miady amin'ny Quebec, Dalkhaev no manao ny mpomba faharoa nanomboka rehefa nahazo ny voalohany tamin'ny volana Desambra mpomba ny fandresena 2014. Ny 26 taona no hitsapana ny 28 taona Hadjouis, Rueil-Malmaison ny, Haut-de-Seine, Frantsa.


Rounding ny tsy fahitalavitra undercard, Pen, 24, dia nitady ny faharoa mpomba fandresena rehefa avy maka ny TKO fandreseny ny Eddie Gates tamin'ny Janoary tamin'ity taona ity. Ny Quebec-teratany ady ny 36 taona Rene avy Ontario.


Ireto ambany ireto ny nalaina avy amin'ny alakamisy ny mpanao gazety:


Yvon MICHEL, Filoha ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena

“Raha ny hevitro, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.

PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!” added the promoter.”

Bernard Bar, Executive Vice President of GYM

“Hisy 10 ady Asabotsy, including nine non-televised bouts that only people who bouthg tickets to be at the Coliseum will see. It’s a Marathon!”



“Mijery fotsiny aho mba hanatanteraka tsara sy hahazo ny fandresena amin'ny sabotsy. Niomana aho ary tena mafy mampiofana ho amin'izany ady. Maka azy aho ady iray amin'ny fotoana, ary aho antoka fa tsy mitady ny mpiady lasa toy ny Hernandez.”

Joey Hernandez

“Tsy misy fialan-tsiny amin'ity indray mitoraka ity. Efa nisy olana sasany mandrisika ny tenako noho ny fiofanana tamin'ny lasa, fa tsy fotoana izao. Manaja ny mpanohitra ary niasa mafy mba hiomana ho amin'izany ady. Izao no ho ny ady eo amin'ny fiainako sy ny nijery aho mba hitafy fampisehoana lehibe amin'ny sabotsy.”


Kevin BIZIER“Faly aho hanidy ny Coliseum. Dia ny an-trano eto. Ary ianao mahalala hanao ny tsara foana aho ady! Ny mpifanandrina dia ho avy hiady ary tia nandeha tao amin'ny brawl. Ho ady tsara aho, ary izy. Enga anie ny olona handresy ny tsara indrindra Asabotsy.”


“Izany dia fotoana voalohany ho ahy any Kanada. Vonona aho ho an'ny ady io ary ny fitaovam-piadiana rehetra mba hahomby”

OEZCAN Cetinkaya

“Faly aho mba hanana fahafahana hanao ady totohondry ny Quebec Coliseum. Dia ny taona vaovao ary manantena aho mba hanao fanambarana amin'ity taona ity

Sébastien Bouchard

“Niasa mafy izahay ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena sy ny vokany izay miasa fatratra rehefa nijanona Cédric Spera. Dia toy izany koa Nanohy fihadiana ady izany.”

DENIS Farias

“Efa ho iray volana mahery no mampiofana aho indroa isan'andro ho an'ny ady ity. Tonga eto aho mba handresy.”


“Tsy andriko ny fandaminana zavatra Asabotsy. Izany na inona na inona tamin'i Michel manokana Tsalla, fa Izaho dia manana antsapaka mba hamafa azy.”

MARC Ramsay (mpanazatra ny Vislan Dalkhaev)

“Manana tantara manokana amin'ny Vislan Dalkhaev. Voalohany, dia tonga teto ny tolo-kevitr'i Artur Beterbiev. Ny tanjona voalohany dia ny hanampy Artur mba acclimate any Montreal ary fantatro fa ny fananana namana eto dia hanampy. Amin'ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena, na izany aza, Fantatro fa, Tsy izy ireo ihany no namana ao amin'ny tsirairay, fa i Vislan ambony mpanao ady totohondry.” 

# # #


Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny fitsidihana ary, manaraka ao amin'ny Twitter amin'nySHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman SySakio_Bika, manaraka ny resaka fampiasana #StevensonBika, ho tonga mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin' na mitsidika ny SHOWTIME Boxing Blog amin'nySokajy://

Rising STAR Julian WILLIAMS Ady any Joey Hernández PLUS, Ny eny amin'ny Canadian fanantenana & CONTENDERS hoe hasongadina ao ADONIS Stevenson VS. SAKIO Bika UNDERCARD

Tandremo sao tsy mahita Izay mety ho Of The Action Izay mitondra an'i Up To The nitokanana Premier Boxing Champions amin'ny CBS Event (3 p.m. SY/12 p.m. PT)

Ady First Manomboka eo amin'ny 1 p.m. amin'ny Pepsi Coliseum

Click ETO ny sary avy amin'ny undercard mpanao gazety

Voninahitra: Amanda Kwok / PBC amin'ny CBS

Québec (Aprily 2, 2015) – Talohan'ny nitokanana Premier Boxing Champions amin'ny CBS telecast Manomboka (3 p.m. SY/12 p.m. PT), ny kintana bevy ny tanora dia hijery ny handrehitra ny Pepsi Coliseum vahoaka ao amin'ny andian-undercard toaka manomboka amin'ny 1 p.m. SY.


Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika ny velona dia eo amin'ny fivarotana sy azo vidiana ao amin'ny Pepsi boaty Coliseum biraon'ny tany Québec, amin'ny fiantsoana (418) 691-7211 na (800) 900-7469, internet ao amin'ny, amin'ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena (514) 383-0666 ary Tompon-daka Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Vidin'ny tapakila miainga amin'ny $25 ny $250 amin'ny tany.


PBC amin'ny CBS, headlined noho izao tontolo izao ny mazava tompon-daka sokajy mavesatra ady eo Adonis “Superman” Stevenson ary Sakio “The Maingoka” Taurus ary mampiseho Artur Beterbiev rehefa miatrika Gabriel “Ny tsara tarehy Man” Campillo, dia manandratra Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) ary nanolotra ny Videotron sy miaraka amin'ny Mise-O-Jeu.


Headlining ny undercard hetsika dia mamontsina undefeated faran'izay welterweight contender Julian “J Rock” Williams (18-0-1, 11 Kos), iza no handray belooking hanohy ny fiakaran'ny ho stardom rehefa miatrika mampientam-po Joey “Twinkle Ny rantsa-tanana” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 Kos)ao amin'ny 10-manodidina welterweight bout.


Ao amin'ny iray hafa tsy fahitalavitra ambony lalao, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos)miverina amin 'ny peratra any amin'ny toerana niaviany ny tarehiny Fouad El Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)tao amin'ny valo-manodidina faran'izay welterweight showdown. Ao amin'ny valo-manodidina lanja mavesatra amin'ireo korontam-, undefeated Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 Kos) dia hiatrika Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 Kos).


Ao amin'ny roa ny faran'izay welterweight toaka, Sebastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) dia handray Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) tao amin'ny valo-manodidina fifandonana sy ny Custio Clayton (2-0, 1 KO) hiatrika Ronald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)amin'ny enina-manodidina showdown.


Ny sisa amin'ny karatra dia Namarana amin'ny alalan'ny Trio ny Kanadiana fanantenana mitady hanorina ny mpanohana resumes. Jan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) maka amin'ny Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) amin'ny boribory efatra middleweight bout, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) ady Adel Hadjouis (7-3) ao ny efa-manodidina bantamweight bout sy Shakeel Pen (1-0, 1 KO) tarehy Rene roody (0-2-1)ao ny efa-manodidina faran'izay middleweight bout.


“Raha ny hevitro, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously,” hoy ny filohan'ny fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena Yvon Michel. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.


PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!”


Ny fanantenana undefeated hailing avy ampy ady lehibe tanànan'i Philadelphia, Williams Mitady ny hitandrina ny undefeated rakitsoratra simba sy hampiaiky volana eo amin'ny sehatra lehibe. The 24-year-old faces a stiff test in Miami-native Hernandez. Ny 30 taona Hernandez dia niady tamin'ny sasany ny tsara indrindra amin'ny ady totohondry ary ny kasainy mba hanolotra Williams matihanina voalohany fatiantoka, rehefa eny amin'ny tora-droa roa.


“Mijery fotsiny aho mba hanatanteraka tsara sy hahazo ny fandresena amin'ny sabotsy,” Hoy Williams. “Niomana aho ary tena mafy mampiofana ho amin'izany ady. Maka azy aho ady iray amin'ny fotoana, ary aho antoka fa tsy mitady ny mpiady lasa toy ny Hernandez.”


“Tsy misy fialan-tsiny amin'ity indray mitoraka ity,” Hoy Hernandez. “Efa nisy olana sasany mandrisika ny tenako noho ny fiofanana tamin'ny lasa, fa tsy fotoana izao. Manaja ny mpanohitra ary niasa mafy mba hiomana ho amin'izany ady. Izao no ho ny ady eo amin'ny fiainako sy ny nijery aho mba hitafy fampisehoana lehibe amin'ny sabotsy.”


Rehefa avy nandatsaka ny anaram-boninahitra-eliminator Nizara roa ny fanapahan-kevitra avy tao amin'ny bout farany, Bizier, 30, miverina ho amin'ny taniny ny Quebec mitady ny hiverina any amin'ny faritra sy ny fandresena ho lohateny ny fifandirana. Manantena izy mba hanorina ny raharaha amin'ny fandresena ny 27 taona El Massoudi, izay no mahatonga ny North American fanjanahan'i. Ny mpiady avy any Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dôme, Frantsa manantena ny ho fiantraikany avy hatrany ny ady Bizier.


An undefeated lanja mavesatra izay nisolo tena Columbia tao amin'ny 2008 Lalao Olaimpika, Rivas dia niady ihany tao amin'ny tanàna nahaterahany ao Montreal natsangana hatramin'ny fihodinana mpomba amin'ny 2009. Aleo izy ho manao ny voalohany ao amin'ny Pepsi nanomboka Coliseum rehefa miatrika Cetinkaya, ny Kassel, Hesse, Alemaina.


Ady fanintelony ho toy ny matihanina amin'ny Pepsi Coliseum, Quebec ny Bouchard ny faharoa dia mitady fandresena hatramin'ny fijaliana mifanesy ny irery faharesena. Ny 27 taona miatrika fitsapana sarotra ao amin'ny za-draharaha Farias, ny Aulnay-sous-Bois, Seine-Saint-Denis, Frantsa. Izany no 27 taona Farias’ ady voalohany ivelan'i Frantsa.


A 2012 Canadian Olympian, Clayton Mitady ny hanao ny matihanina Resume sy mampiseho ny antony Noheverina ho iray amin'ireo tsara indrindra ho avy mpankafy mpanao ady totohondry, avy any Kanada. Ny 27 taona avy any Montreal Ady any amin'ny 27 taona Berti avy Bracquegnies, Belzika.


Ny latecomer ny matihanina amin'ny laharana, Poulin Mitady hanorina eny ny asa voalohany fandresena tamin'ny volana Desambra 2014. Ny 32 taona avy any Quebec miatrika ny 31 taona Tsalla, izay ihany koa ny teratany avy any Quebec.


Rosiana teraka, fa miady amin'ny Quebec, Dalkhaev dia manao ny mpomba faharoa nanomboka rehefa nahazo ny voalohany tamin'ny volana Desambra mpomba ny fandresena 2014. Ny 26 taona no hitsapana ny 28 taona Hadjouis, Rueil-Malmaison ny, Haut-de-Seine, Frantsa.


Rounding ny tsy fahitalavitra undercard, Pen, 24, dia nitady ny faharoa mpomba fandresena rehefa avy maka ny TKO fandreseny ny Eddie Gates tamin'ny Janoary tamin'ity taona ity. Ny Quebec-teratany ady ny 36 taona Rene avy Ontario.


# # #


Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny fitsidihana ary, manaraka ao amin'ny Twitter amin'nySHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman SySakio_Bika, manaraka ny resaka fampiasana #StevensonBika, ho tonga mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin' na mitsidika ny SHOWTIME Boxing Blog amin'nySokajy://

M-1 Challenge 57: Fifandonana ny Champions Undefeated Maxim Divnich miatrika Frantsay Mansour 'Tarzan’ Barnaoui

Tybura vs. Puetz Super miady lohatenim-baovao Mey 2 karatra ao Orenburg, Rosia

Maxim Divnich (R) no hita eto mamely Dzhambulat Kurbanov ao amin'ny M-1 Challenge lohateny ady

ST. Petersburg, Rosia (Apr. 2, 2015) – An-up lalao mahaliana ny fomba mifanohitra dia nanampy tamin'ny May 2daty M-1 Challenge 57: Fifandonana amin'ny Champions, ao Orenburg, Rosia ho undefeated M-1 Challenge maivana tompon-daka Maxim Divnich mahatonga ny anaram-boninahitra voalohany fiarovana BAMMA & 100% Ady tompon-daka Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui.

Ny manan-tantara M-1 Challenge 57: Fifandonana amin'ny Champions ho headlined amin'ny dimy manokana manodidina, Ady Super lanja mavesatra eo unbeaten M-1 Challenge lanja mavesatra titlist Marcin “Tybur” Tybura sy ny M-1 Challenge mazava lanja mavesatra tompon-daka Stephan “T-800” Puetz.

M-1 Challenge 57 dia ho velona mirohotra eny amin'ny famaritana ao amin'ny www.M1Global.TV. Mpijery dia ho afaka ny hijery ny savaranonando ady sy ny karatra lehibe amin'ny alalan'ny miditra ao amin 'hisoratra anarana amin'ny www.M1Global.TV. Mpankafy mety mijery ny zavatra rehetra eo amin'ny ordinatera, ary koa ao amin'ny Apple Andriod sy marani-tsaina finday sy ny takela-bato.

Pound-fa-kilao, Divnich (11-0-0, 6 KO / TKO, 1 Zana) dia iray amin'ireo fanantenana mamirapiratra ao amin'ny M-1 Global, iray manimba be mpikapoka izay manana tanana. Unbeaten tamin'ny dimy M-1 Global miady ny daty, Divnich mipetraka ao St. Petersburg, Rosia, izay manofana eo ambany Eduard Shirobokov amin'ny malaza Alexander Nevsky Club.


Last Desambra amin'ny M-1 Challenge 54, Divnich nahafaka ny banga M-1 Challenge maivana anaram-boninahitra, mijanona Dzhambulat Kurbanov (6-1-0) amin'ny fomba punches amin'ny fihodinana fahatelo ny Ady amin'ny alina. Divnich dia 5-0-0 ao amin'ny M-1 Challenge ady.


Mansour Barnaoui

Ny 22 taona Barnaoui dia nekena ho iray amin'ireo maivana Eoropa ambony fanantenana nandritra ny roa taona, rehefa nanao sonia ny fifanarahana tamin'ny fampahafantarana M-1 Global. Izy no 1-1-0 ao amin'ny M-1 Challenge fifaninanana. Rehefa avy choking avy Zulfikar Usmanov (4-1-0) ao amin'ny fihodinana fahatelo ny volana Aogositra 21, 2013 miady ao amin'ny M-1 Challenge 41, Barnaoui nahazo alalana mba hiady any Eoropa, izay mandondona avy miaro BAMMA maivana tompon-dakaKurt Warburton (12-3-0), arahin'ny iray anaram-boninahitra mahomby fiarovana an'i UFC za-draharaha Colin Fletcher (9-3-0) amin'ny fomba iray mangeja mafy amin'ny fanokafana manodidina ny volana Desambra lasa.


Barnaoui dia Muay Thai pahaizana manokana izay mampiseho lehibe teknika eo amin'ny tsihy. Dia sitrana tanteraka avy amin'ny tsorony ratra rehefa lava fanarenana.


Ady sy ny mpiady rehetra, dia mety miova. Fanampiny ady mba tsy ho ela dia nanambara

Miady Network dia iasàny M-1 Challenge 57 velona ny Optimum Cablevision TV, Grande Communications, Shentel Cable sy Armstrong Cable ao amin'ny U.S., ary koa ny firenena any Kanada, Roku fitaovana manerana an'i Amerika Avaratra, ary maneran-tany any amin'ny tany maherin'ny 30 firenena manerana an'i Eoropa, Afrika sy Moyen-Orient.




Hitranga amin'ny hoavy: M-1 Challenge 56, Aprily 10, 2015 ao Moscow, Rosia.



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@ M1Global


@ M1GlobalNews



MOMBA NY M-1 maneran-tany: Naorina tamin'ny 1997, M-1 Global dia nanangana ny tenany tamin'ny mifangaro Martial Arts (MMA) as the premier entity for discovering and developing the world’s next-generation of superstar fighters. Sy ny anjara fanompoana ao amin'ny St Petersburg, Rosia, ny M-1 marika efa niomana kokoa noho ny 160 zava-mitranga maneran-tany, anisan'izany ny M-1 Selection, M-1 Challenge, M-1 Global and M-1 Global HWGP events, ankoatry ny fiaraha-mampiroborobo ny zava-nitranga sy ny M Strikeforce-1 Global eo amin'ny US. tambajotra, Fotoana Fampisehoana. Nahasarika velona, fahitalavitra sy ny Broadband mpijery sy ny soatoavina ambony famokarana sy ny lalao-dehibe, M-1 Global zava-nitranga dia nanasongadina ny sasany ny amin'ny fanatanjahan-tena ny ambony anarana, anisan'izany malaza Fedor lanja mavesatra Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid incurred sy Stephan Struve. 2015 Mampanantena ny ho taona iray hafa mampitolagaga izao tontolo izao-pianarana fifaninanana amin'ny tetiandro feno ny zava-nitranga Challenge atosiky ny talenta izany-ny manan-karena iray ny fifandirana rafitra ambony M-1 Global Champions eo amin'ny lehibe indrindra eo amin'ny fanatanjahan-tena mpiady.

MOMBA NY M-1GLOBAL.TV: Ankafizo ny hetsika MMA famaritana izao ao amin'ny avo entina ho anareo amin'ny, ny tsara indrindra ihany no fanatitra ady avy any M-1 Global sy ny fikambanana MMA hafa. dia lasa sehatra lehibe manokana mba hitondra miaraka ny ady feno nataonay indrindra Video Database. Izany koa dia manome mora sy intuitive interface tsara, manampy ny rehetra mba hanomboka ny fampiasana ny sehatra tsy fotoana raha ny fisorohana izay mpandrava. Afa-mijery ny lasa ady amin'ny tinady amin'ny fotoana rehetra mety ho ny mpanjifa, mpijery dia afaka nankafy ny hetsika LIVE, rehetra azon'ny mpampiasa alalan'ny ambany-priced volana ny volana nomerika famandrihana. Ny tontolon'ny asa. Amin'ny fotoana rehetra!




Zoma, Aprily 10 Amin'ny 10 p.m. SY/PT; Velona SHOWTIME®

NEW YORK (Aprily 2, 2015) - Brooklyn-teratany, unbeaten Frank "fanta-daza" Galarza (16-0-2, 10 Kos) miverina any amin'ny peratra hiady Belzika ny Sheldon "Ny Akaiky Kokoa" Moore (13-2-1, 9 Kos) tao amin'ny valo-manodidina faran'izay welterweight bout headlining ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader on Zoma, Aprily 10 avy amin'ny Aviator Sports sy ny Events Center any Brooklyn, N.Y., velona FOTOANA FAMPISEHOANA (10 p.m. SY/PT, tara ny West Coast).


Galarza, heverin'ny maro ho toy ny "The Brooklyn Rocky," mbola manao fotoana ho very. Ny manafintohina fihodinana faharoa-knockout fandresena ny tarehy John Thompson ny ShoBox: The New Generationfanjanahan'i, was one of the most memorable knockouts of the year. Galarza has been on a tear since.


"Galarza dia fortuitous mahita amin'ny ShoBox,'' Niaiky ady totohondry mpahay tantara sy ny ShoBox manam-pahaizana mpandalina Steve Farhood. "Koa satria tezitra izy Thompson, izy no nahazo efa-in-, ary nijery tsara kokoa isaky ny. Ny haavon'ny ny mpanohitra dia tsy hamela azy hatao hoe mbola contender, fa ny nanao dingana lehibe. Mieritreritra aho teo amin'ny faha- 29 dia miezaka hanao izany ny fandrosoana taona ho azy. "


Ny Galarza-Moore bout dia iray amin'ireo telo voalahatra valo-rounders amin'ny telecast izay manana tsirony miavaka ho azy Brooklyn. Undefeated hery-punching middleweight Ievgen "The Okrainiana Liona," Khytrov (9-0, 9 Kos) ary stablemate, manga-Chip fanantenana faran'izay middleweight Sergiy "Ny teknisiana" Derevyanchenko (4-0, 3 Kos / World Series ady totohondry: 23-1, 7 Kos) koa dia hitoetra ao Brooklyn.

Khytrov maka amin'ny namany unbeaten Arona "Heavy Metal" Coley (9-0-1, 6 Kos), ny Hayward, Kalifornia., raha izao tontolo izao-laharana dia totohondry indray mandeha Derevyanchenko-nokapohina Ny Vondrom-paritra "Fandrahonana / fandrahonana" Campa (13-1, 1 NC, 9 Kos), ny Sonora, Meksika.

Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika, Nampirisika ny DiBella Entertainment miaraka amin'ny Ady Promotions Inc. and New Legend Boxing are on sale and priced at $100, $70 ary $35. Azonao atao ny mividy tapakila amin'ny alalan'ny fiantsoana DiBella Entertainment amin'ny (212) 947-2577. Varavarana misokatra ao amin'ny 6:15 p.m. SY, amin'ny bout voalohany nokasaina hotontosaina ny 6:45 p.m. SY.


Fa Galarza, iza no mandady ao amin'izao tontolo izao filaharana, nampitombo haingana be ny vao haingana fa tsy nahazo nihaona fotoana tsara kokoa. A natanjaka ara-batana, tia ady mpanao ady totohondry-puncher, Galarza nahazo tara nanomboka tamin'ny ady totohondry, ary tsy nanana afa- 11 mpankafy ady.


"Ny fotoana ny fitiavany ahy dia tena izao,'' Hoy izy. "My voalohany ShoBox miady nametraka ny sehatra ho ahy. Tsy handresy ny ady fotsiny fa tsy nisy olona tena afaka nieritreritra aho, I nahazo izany amin'ny fomba lehibe. Dia nanao fanambarana. Foana aho mba hitombo sy hahatsiaro aho fa nahazo tsara kokoa satria ady. Fa eto aho mba hampiseho ny olona ny zavatra rehetra aho mikasika, foana ny manofana tena mafy ary maka azy fotsiny tsikelikely, ady iray amin'ny fotoana.


"Tena mampientam-po ny hiady amin'ny fahitalavitra hetsika lehibe ao amin'ny tokotany. Aho noho ny antony tsy mbola nisy ny lalao. Tiako ny hisaotra SHOWTIME noho ny nanome ahy fahafahana iray hafa hiady amin'ny ShoBox.''


Style-hendry, Galarza mino izany matchup lehibe ho azy. "Moore dia mijery sy matanjaka ara-batana lehibe, mafy loha sy noana, ary tonga hiady,'' Hoy izy. "Izy no tia ady, ary izany no anisan'ny tsara indrindra momba izany - dia tokony ho ny ady lehibe. Aho, dia mety ho mahery vaika, koa. Fantatro fa ho avy hiady sy ny olona rehetra tsy mahalala aho nampihetsi-po mianotra, ka manantena aho fa afomanga.


"Izaho avy mba hiady foana, indrindra fa amin'ny SHOWTIME, amin'ny ShoBox izay hanome anao mpanohitra ny hamafin'ny tsara izay antenaina mba hitafy ny fampisehoana, ary antenaina mba hanao ny ady tsara.


"Tsy any Brooklyn, tanàna niaviako, ary Tiako ny voly ny olona. Ity no seho, ny hanatonana ny tarika lafiny, ary hiaro ny trano turf. Izaho dia manana asa hatao amin'ny Aprily 10, fa rehefa afaka izany,, ny anaran'ny lehibe ny fizarana handeha ho voatery hiatrika ahy. Aho 29 ary nametraka izany teo amin'ny andalana rehetra. ''


Vao haingana indrindra tao amin'ny ShoBox fisehoan'ny, Galarza nahazo Niray hevitra valo-kevitra manodidina ny teo aloha unbeaten Sebastien Bouchard (8-0 mandeha amin'ny) tamin'ny May 16, 2014, ny maro ny 78-73 ary 77-74 in-droa ny hevitra na dia eo aza rehefa nakòn ho ambany kapoka ao amin'ny fihodinana farany.


Galarza ny mpanohitra, 27-taona monja Moore, no mahatonga ny ShoBox fanjanahan'i ary nanomboka fahefatra ao amin'ny United States izay no 1-1-1. Farany dia niseho tao amin'ny U.S. tamin'ny volana Jona 2012.

"Izao no fotoana goavana ho ahy sy ny asa, tanana midina izany no ady lehibe indrindra teo amin'ny fiainako,"Hoy Moore. "Izy io dia tsy maintsy ady-fandresena ho ahy. Efa hitako ny Galarza vitsivitsy ny ady, ary matoky tanteraka aho fa manana ny zavatra ilaintsika mba hampahatezitra azy ao amin'ny tokotany. Izany no nofy tanteraka ho ahy, miady amin'ny fahitalavi-pirenena, ary drafitra mampiseho ny ady totohondry teo izao tontolo izao izay an'ny sehatra sangany amin'ny fizarana ity.

"Ny fomba dia tena tia ady. Tiako ny mandeha any ny mpanohitra. Galarza manana hetsika tsara ary ny tsara ho takatry. Fa ady izao no ho ady voalohany izay tsy maintsy miasa eo amin'ny lafiny nandritra ny fanomanana. Aho 100 isan-jato natokana ho an'ny fanatanjahan-tena, ary nametraka ny handeha tamin'ny Aprily 10. "


Ny 5-tongotra-10 Moore no nahazo ny ady roa farany, ny farany indrindra amin'ny fihodinana voalohany knockout ny János Varga farany Dec. 20 any Belzika. Tahaka Galarza, dia nahazo tara nanomboka tamin'ny ady totohondry, ary nanana asa mpankafy voafetra (27 vazan). Izy no kickboxing fony izy 15, nefa tsy nanana ny tsy matihanina voalohany ady mandra-pahatongan'ny taona 19.


Khytrov (tononina HE-vola) dia tsy matihanina amin'ny voalaza fa mahatalanjona 500 mpankafy toaka. Izy no 2011 mpankafy tompon-daka izao tontolo izao sy ny solontena ho an'ny Ukraine tao amin'ny 2012 Lalao Olaimpika.


Izany no ho ny tarehiny faharoa amin'ny ShoBox. Tao amin'ny fanjanahan'i amin'ny Jan. 9, fa nandringana ny teo aloha undefeated Maurice Louishomme, nahazo ny fahatelo-manodidina TKO. Dia nandrehitra Louishomme amin'ny tanana ankavanana sy uppercuts ho amin'ny vatana, Mahagaga azy amin'ny toe-javatra maro ao amin'ny iray manenjika raharaha izay nijanona tao 0:24 ao amin'ny fihodinana fahatelo.


Tia ady, manafintohina-tsaina Khytrov dia niady ny fitambarany 27 fihodinana tamin'ny sivy manomboka, eo ho eo amin'ny telo fihodinana ady - ka anisan'izany ny asa-tsara indrindra fahavalo-manodidina TKO-mafy foana ny Puerto Rico Jorge Melendez tamin'ny Martsa 6.


"Ievgen [tononina yev-tonta, amin'ny G mafy] dia toy ny mpankafy-namana ny mpiady araka ny ho hitanao, nihemotra na oviana na oviana maka dingana, Mitady hanimba ny mpanohitra tamin'ny totohondriny rehetra,'' Hoy Farhood. “After nine fights, dia mampiseho ny famantarana rehetra izay tiany hahatongavana ny anaram-boninahitra contender isan-taona-ny-18 volana. Ny vao haingana indrindra, ny stoppage ny Jorge Melendez, hetsika feno fahasahiana dia mba handray za-draharaha mampidi-doza sady mpanohitra, dia nalainy azy, namaky azy. Inona no lazao amiko?"


Ny iray amin'ireo hoaviny ambony amin'ny ady totohondry, ny 5-tongotra-11, 26-taona dia nifindra Khytrov amin'ny haingana haingana be noho ny ankamaroan'ny hafa amin'izao dingana fanantenana ny asany. Ary nanao ny matihanina fanjanahan'i taona 25 tamin'ny volana Desambra 2013 ary niady inenina ao 2014. Izany no ady fahatelo ny 2015. Ny ady rehetra efa ao amin'ny United States.

Khytrov, izay nafindra any Brooklyn ny fotoana fohy taorian'ny 2012 Lalao Olaimpika, dia maniry ny Aprily 10 ho tonga. "Tena faly aho mba hiverina ho amin'ny peratra Aprily 10, indrindra fa satria fa ny ady ao an-trano aho ny Brooklyn natsangana,'' Hoy izy. "Tiako ny hisaotra ny mpanohana DiBella Entertainment sy miady Promotions Inc. ary ny mpitantana Al Haymon fa izany fahafahana indray mandeha indray ny talentako fisehosehoana amin'ny ShoBox.

"Manantena aho ny mafy ady avy amin'ny Coley, izay, tahaka ahy, dia tsy mbola resy ho matihanina. Fantatray fa 2015 handeha ho taona lehibe ho an'ny tenako sy ny asa, Mampanantena aho ary mbola mahatalanjona iray hafa amin'ny fampisehoana Aprily 10 rehefa manohy ny hifindra ny nanatevin-daharana ny antokony. "

Khytrov mampitaha ny fomba ho iray amin'ireo ady totohondry ny fotoana rehetra greats. “Efa nahazo ny Roberto fomba Duran. Ny rehetra aho, avy brawler,'' Hoy izy. "I no nampijaly ny vatana. Tiako ny TV Spotlight. ''


Coley dia ankavia-hander sy mpanohana ny roa-taona iza no naka ny dingana lehibe ao amin'ity ady, ny ShoBox ary valo-manodidina fanjanahan'i. A fanantenana amin'ny 160 kilao - dia nifindra niakatra avy tamin'ny zandriny middleweight fisarahana eo ny ady farany - dia iscoming eny knockout fahenina ny asa, ny fahadimy-manodidina KO ny Loren Myers amin'ny Oct. 11, 2014.


"Tena faly aho ny showcasing ny talentako eo amin'ny sehatra toy ny SHOWTIME,'' Hoy ilay tsara foana miankina Coley, izay tsy mbola nandondòna nidina toy ny mpanohana na ny mpankafy. "Hitako Khytrov ady. Araka ny zavatra toa izany, izy no mendrika mpiady. Tena tsy mieritreritra misy zavatra manokana momba azy. Tsara tarehy izy mivantana, Eoropa Atsinanana dude iray izay vao tonga any, ary mampiasa lafiny kely. Izy iray mafy tsara puncher amin'ny hery, fa tsy fantatro ny bandy efa nalehany niady.


"Ny sasany More, tsy afaka manimba izay tsy voa. "


An agile mpanao ady totohondry, izay ankehitriny dia avy amin'ny Virgil Hunter'S fanaovana fanatanjahan-tena any amin'ny faritra avaratr'i California, Coley no mahatonga ny faharoa ho an'ny vaovao nanomboka mpanazatra Eddie Croft.Izy io dia velona sy ny fanofanana any Las Vegas. Dia nandeha 8-0 teo am-piandohan'ity mpanohana asa izay nanomboka tamin'ny Aprily 2012.


Momba ny anaram-bositra, Hoy Coley, "Ny raiko iza tompon 'ny korontam-by raharaha."


Derevyanchenko (tononina der-ianao-sur-CHENK-oh), izay no mahatonga nyShoBox fanjanahan'i, manana ny endriky ny "can't-Miss" contender. Dingana iray fanampiny, manantena ny fiakarana maro eto amin'izao tontolo izao na inona na inona filaharana mba ho latsaky ny meteoric. Amin'izao fotoana izao dia ny laharana No. 12 ao amin'ny IBF, Aza. 25 ao amin'ny kapila bitika.


"Tena faly aho momba ny ady voalohany amin'ny American fahitalavitra,'' Hoy izy. "Izao no ho voalohany niseho tao amin'ny ShoBox ary tena faly aho. Izany no nivoaka avy amin'ny antoko. Manomana aho andro aman'alina, ary vonona aho ny fisehosehoana ny fahaiza-manao ho an'izao tontolo izao. Vonona ny mampiseho azy ireo 'ny teknisiana.'


"Ny fomba tena ara-teknika, fa indray mandeha aho, izay manjo ny mpanohitra avy, I nanafika-kalozana. Ny filofosana mafy sy ny ekipa lehibe tao aoriako, Dia lasa tompon-daka izao tontolo izao ao amin'ny fizarana. Tsy misy isalasalana fa tao an-tsaiko. "


An miavaka mpankafy, ny 5-tongotra-7 Derevyanchenko natambatra mahagaga firaketana ny 390-20 raha misolo tena ny tompon-tany Ukraine tao amin'ny 2008 Lalao Olaimpika. Iray taona talohan'ny, dia nahazo ny medaly alimo tamin'ny 2007 Mpankafy World Championships.


Izany no ho ny fahadimy Derevyanchenko fiandohana misesy ivelan'ny World Series ady totohondry izay nandeha 23-1. Izy no 2012 WSB Team Champion sy ny 2011 ary 2012 WSB tsirairay Tompon-daka. Dia niady tao amin'ny WSB avy Novambra 2010 ho Aprily 2014.


Derevyanchenko nahazo ny voalohany ady ivelan'ny WSB amin'ny fihodinana faharoa-TKO ny Cromwell Gordon tamin'ny Jolay 23, 2014. Tao amin'ny farany lasa nanomboka ityFeb. 20, dia nahafaty ny iray manenjika fihodinana faharoa-TKO ny Government Biosse.


Raha ny ny mpanohitra, Hoy Derevyanchenko, "Campa dia tsara mpiady - lava, mahery. Dia toa mateza, mpanohitra mafy orina. ''


Campa no mahatonga ny ShoBox Début amin'ny Aprily 10 ary izany dia ho ny ady voalohany ivelan'i Meksika. Izy no nahazo ny laharana efatra amin'ny, telo amin'ny knockout. Mandondona avy Christian Chavez ao amin'ny fihodinana faharoa amin'ny farany ankalamanjana faranyDec. 6.

Ny 6-tongotra-1, 23-taona dia mandray dingana goavana ao am-pianarana sy ny mifanohitra dia azy, fa tsy misy zava-dehibe ho azy izany ny fanokafana indray mandeha lakolosy feo.

“I am very excited to finally make my dream a reality and fight in the United States,'' Hoy izy. "Izao no afaka fotsiny izay efa fiofanana sy niady ho an'ny dimy taona farany. Afaka manao zavatra maro aho; Izaho manohitra mahery vaika na totohondry sy hetsika.

“Many promising young prospects got their start on ShoBox ary nanohy ny handresy izao tontolo izao anaram-boninahitra. Amin'ny Aprily 10, Alan Campa hanomboka paving-dalana hiditra ny lisitry ny ShoBox izao tontolo izao tompon-daka.

"Efa tena mafy fiofanana. Fantatro fa afaka mandresy izany ady. "

Campa koa mpankafy mafy fototra (182-6). Dieny mbola tsy mijery mpomba tamin'ny Septambra 2010, izy dia dimy andro panjakana Sonoran tompon-daka, ny dimy andro tompon-daka amin'ny faritra, ary ny efatra andro tompon-daka nasionaly. Izy ihany koa no medaly volamena teo amin'ny 2010 Pan American Youth Championships amin'ny 165 kilao.

Barry Tompkins Miantso ny ShoBox hetsika avy amin'ny ringside amin'ny Farhood izao tontolo izao sy ny tompon-daka teo aloha Raul Marquez manompo toy ny manam-pahaizana mpandalina. Mpamokatra ny mpanatanteraka dia Gordon Hall amin'ny Richard Gaughanfamokarana sy ny Rick Phillips mitarika.


About ShoBox: The New Generation
Hatramin'ny nitsanganany tamin'ny volana Jolay 2001, ny manakiana ady totohondry ambara SHOWTIME andian, ShoBox: The New Generation dia nasongadina mafy tanora talenta mifanentana. The ShoBox ny filozofia dia ny televise mampientam-po, vahoaka-ankasitrahana sy fifaninanana lalao raha manome ny manaporofo tany ho vonona tapa-kevitra ny hiady fanantenana ho an'izao tontolo izao lohateny. Ny sasany amin'ireo lisitra tsy mitsaha-mitombo ny 59 mpiady izay niseho tamin'ny ShoBox ary efa be ny tsompitra izao tontolo izao dia ahitana ny anaram-boninahitra: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Madagascar Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams sy kokoa.

Fahazoan-dàlana vaovao mampiroborobo Connecticut Boxing A.J. Galante manambara loka Promotions – Voalohany Show May 30

Danbury, CT (Aprily 2, 2015)- Amin'ny 2011, teo amin'ny faha- 24, A.J. Galante lasa Professional Boxing tanora indrindra eo amin'ny fanatanjahan-tena mpitantana. Ary isaky ny taona 28, izy no lasa iray amin'ireo mpanohana tanora indrindra koa. Miorina mampiroborobo ny Connecticut no nampidirina tamin'ny fomba ofisialy ny orinasa, Loka Promotions, ity herinandro ity.

“Tena faly aho noho ny zava-tsarotra izany.” Hoy Galante, “Tsy zavatra izany dia nanapa-kevitra ny hanao alina, Raha ny marina aho no mieritreritra izany nandritra ny taona vitsivitsy izao. Mikasa niadana aho fampandrosoana zavatra manokana eto amin'ny Connecticut, ary manome fahafahana ny mpiady eto izay tsy mety ho azy ireo tsy tapaka.”

Galante Nanazava ny fahitany sy ny tanjona ho an'ny foibe Promotions loka manodidina fifaninanana matchups sy mampiseho sekoly antitra mpiady, “Eto aho dia tsy mijery ny sonia mpitolona ho loka Promotions amin'izao fotoana izao. Izay no tadiaviko hanao dia hitafy ady mahafinaritra ary manome fahafahana. No tadiaviko ny mpanao ady totohondry, sekoly manasongadina taloha, ry zalahy, izay tsy matahotra ny Nanao vivery undefeated firaketana na ho amin'ny ady mafy. Tiako ry zalahy izay tsy manana rakitsoratra mamirapiratra, Tiako ny mpanohana indrindra ry zalahy izay tsy mahita manana sarobidy. Tsy manana tahiry amin'ny olona izay miady eo ambanin'ny fisondrotana, ka tsy hisy marina maro sy B A lafiny ady. Connecticut Tsy ady totohondry hotbed, ary misy talenta eto, fa ny hany fomba izany ry zalahy mba mahazo ny fanajana dia ny haka azy, koa mba hiady amin'ny karatra Promotions Loka hiady tena dia midika hoe fanoherana ary ny mianatra ireo fomba lany andro taloha. Tsy maro ny mpanohana mampiseho eto amin'ny Connecticut, fa manantena aho ny hiova fa, ary te-hanampy manome sehatra ry zalahy ireo ny fisehosehoana hoe iza izy ireo.”

Amin'ny May 30 amin'ny Danbury Arena, ao Danbury, CT, Promotions loka no hitarika ny seho voalohany Professional Boxing, 'Danbury miady Night'. Fanazavana fanampiny ao anatin'izany ny toaka, tapakila Pricing ary nanambara availabilities ho ela.

Ny vaovao farany mitsidika .

Vao tsy ela akory Champs Galante nanokatra Boxing Club & Fitness tao afovoan-tanànan'i Danbury, ary amin'izao fotoana izao ny mpitantana ny World laharana faha-Junior Middleweight Prospect Frank 'fanta-daza’ Galarza.



Sary – David Infante @787Films / Team Dulorme


PORTO RICO (Aprily 2, 2015)Top junior welterweight contender Thomas Dulorme (22-1, 14 KO ny) Puerto Rico avy, niaraka tamin'ny ekipa notarihin'ny Puerto Rican mpampiofana, Antony 'Gallero’ Knoll ary Felix Mpanompo Sampy Pintor, are feeling highly confident about their world title bout against Terence 'Bud’ Crawford (25-0, 17 Kos), izay ny 2014 'Boxer ao amin'ny Taona’ ary teo aloha tompon-daka eran-maivana WBO. The Crawford vs Dulorme bout will be for the vacant WBO junior welterweight world title on Asabotsy, Faha-18 Aprily, amin'ny College Park Center located at the University of Texas, Arlington. The bout will be televised live as part of a split-site doubleheader on HBOmanomboka amin'ny 9:45 p.m. SY/PT.


Dulorme amin'ny ady ho an'ny olona ao Puerto Rico…

There is no better feeling than to train in my country. It gives me so much confidence and being at home motivates me even more because I get to see the people which I represent with pride and honor. We want to show the world that Puerto Rico will continue to produce more world champions”.


Dulorme amin'ny niara-niasa tamin'ny ekipa vaovao ny mpampiofana…

I have complete trust in my team’s game plan to defeat Crawford. I like the mix of dynamics between my trainers which combine the new and old school styles of boxing. Pintor antitra am-pianarana ary mitondra vaovao Otero saina ao amin'ny lalao. Dia samy mandray anjara amin'ny izay efa nivadika ho toby fampiofanana lehibe”.
Dulorme amin'ny Terrance Crawford toy ny mpiady sy ny matchup…

Crawford is one of the best fighters in the world. He’s been awarded “Fighter ao amin'ny Taona” by many media outlets because he had a tremendous year in 2014. He’s moving up in weight where he’s entering into uncharted territory though. I feel I have the advantage being that I’ve fought at this weight several times. I’m the bigger man and I plan to impose my will on him.


“Tena faly aho tamin'ny Dulorme sy ny ekipany ny mpampiofana vaovao,” nanao hoe: Gary Shaw. “The fact that he’s training at home in Puerto Rico makes me feel good because I know his countrymen are there supporting his every move. We are only a few weeks away from fight night and I’m confident I’m going to be the promoter of a new world champion. The people of Puerto Rico will have a huge star they can call their own.
“Nofy izany tanteraka antsika ho tonga miaraka ary hanomana Dulorme ho an'ny ady lehibe indrindra ny asa.” Nilaza ny mpiara-Dulorme mpanazatra Anthony Otero. “Hatramin'ny andro voalohany dia niara-niasa tamin'ny Dulorme, Fantatro fa ny fiomanana ho amin'ny ady efa voatendry ho lehibe ho eo amin'ny lalana, ary efa voaporofo ho toy izany mandraka androany”.

“Dulorme dia amin'ny toe-javatra tsara,” nilaza Felix Mpanompo Sampy Pintor, izay nanao ny 60 tompon-daka eran-toaka amin'ny mpiady malaza toy ny Wilfredo Gomez, Hector 'Macho’ Camacho, Edwin 'Chapo’ Sapile, Ivan Calderon, Paul Williams, Carlos Santos, ankoatry ny zavatra hafa. “Avy amin'ny fomba nataony eo amin'ny fampiofanana sy ny Samy te, I mialoha fa amin'ny Faha-18 Aprily, Puerto Rico ho tompon-daka tontolo vaovao.”

Richy Miranda, Dulorme ny mpanolotsaina sy filohan'ny ADM (Artists Designs Management) orinasa hevitra, “Izahay mifidy amin'ny fifidianana tena za-draharaha ary tena nanao ekipa kalitao. Isan'andro nandritra ny toby fampiofanana, ny rivo-piainana no tena tsara sy ny asa atao dia indrindra andrasan'ny rehetra. Tsy misy isalasalana fa handresy Dulorme dia Crawford sy hiditra ho anisan'ireo Puerto Rico rehetra tompon-daka eo anatrehany.”


Nampiely By Top Rank®, miaraka amin'ny Gary Shaw Productions, Foreman Boys Promotions sy Tecate, tickets to the Crawford-Dulorme are on sale now. Priced amin'ny $200, $100, $60, $40 ary $25, miampy mihatra sarany, Azonao atao ny mividy tapakila ao amin'ny College Park Center boaty biraon'ny, internet ao amin'ny na an-telefaonina ao amin'ny (817) 272-9595.


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Matthysse – Provodnikov Conference call Transcript

Operator: Welcome to the Matthysse Provodnikov conference call. I will now turn it over to Marc Abrams.

Mr. Marc Abrams: Salama, rehetra, welcome to this great conference call for this tremendous fight that’s going to happen on Saturday, April 18th at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York. The fight will come on air at 9:45 as part of a split site double header with Terence Crawford taking on Thomas Dulorme. On the call for the first part of the call will be Team Provodnikov, Banner Promotions present Artie Pelullo, the Siberian Rocky himself Ruslan Provodnikov, along with his manager Vadim Kornilov who will trainultimately will translate, Hall of Fame promoter Freddie Roach, and also Kelly Abdo and Heidi Strong from Turning Stone are also on the call. Let me turn it over to Artie PelulloArtie?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Hi, hello, rehetra, this is Artie Pelullo from Banner Promotions. Good afternooneverybody on this call knows that this is one of the great fights of the year for us, for our sport, and I just wanted tothe first thing I want to say is thank Eric Gomez from Golden Boy, and Oscar for helping us put this fight together. It was very easy to do. Eric, Lucas, ary–I’m sorry, Lucas Matthysse and Ruslan Provodnikov, excuse me, both wanted this fight. Izany, it was very easy to put together. Eric and I literally did the deal in maybe 30 na 40 minutes and this is how one of the great fights of 2015 got made, very easily, but two guys who wanted to fight and two promotional companies who work together in the co-promotion. And we’re doing this event equally together and it’s going to be an exciting night for boxing. I believe it’s going to be Corrales Castillo one, which I had a good fortune of promoting with Bob Arum and Gary Shaw. That’s what I think of the fight. Both guys don’t know how to do anything but put on TV friendly and fan friendly fights. Before I get into anything else with the show, I’d just like to turn it over to Kelly from Turning Stone who is the PR Manager who would like to say a few words on behalf of or host, Turning Stone Resort & Casino who went out of their way to make sure that they landed this fight because they’re really into the boxing business. They’re really fight site friendly. And they’re really into going out of their way to put on a spectacular live event at their location. Izany, Kelly, why don’t you take it from here and say what you’d like to say about Turning Stone.

Ms. Kelly Abdo: Tsara izany, misaotra anao, Artiehello, rehetra, it’s Kelly Abdo from Turning Stone Resort Casino. And as Artie mentioned, we’re really excited to be hosting this epic fight and to have everyone here. We’re all really looking forward to it and we have a week’s worth of events lined up that we’re really excited to host.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Misaotra, Kelly–one thing I need to mention, ry zalahy, to everybody on the call and ladies and ladies and gentlemen, the reason why the fight is at Turning Stone is because Ed Allmann and Heidi Strong. They wanted the fight. They were aggressive about the fight. They realized what this kind of fight could mean because it could be a historic event because of two great punchers and two great exciting styles. I know Oscar is going to talk about Lucas, but I just like to say that he is a great fighter and I know his manager slash promoter for 20 taona, Mario Arana and he’s an exceptional young man. Izany, it’s going to be a terrific fight on their side. As far as Ruslan’s concerned, in my opinion there’s none better. We’ve been together since his very beginning, since his first fight. It’s been my privilege to work with him. He’s a true athlete. He’s very focused on his job. He’s extremely focused on being a promotional. The VADA, the Anti-Doping Test is always something that he demands and insists on. He doesn’t believe athletes should be anything but legitimate and 100 percent legal. And his manager is Vadim who I have been working with for several years. We have a lot of fighters together. And he’s just good people, focused on the jobnever an issue about who. It’s always when are we fighting? Let’s make the best fights possible. And also now Freddie Roach is on the call with us, as you know. Everybody knows Freddie. And his career changed Ruslan when he went to Freddie. The truth of it is, when he went to Freddie, got in that gym, was around world-class guys, the quality of the people he was working with changed and the development of his career was tenfold. Izany, after saying all of that I want to thank everybody. I’d like to introduce Freddie right now. Ary, as you know, Freddie is training also training the great Manny Pacquiao, but I’d like to have Freddie say a few words on behalf of Ruslan and the show–Freddie?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Hey, misaotra anao, Artie. Ruslan is doing really well and he’s in a really good shape for this fight. He knows just how to fight and he’s a good fighter and I look forward to it, and on paper it looks like one of the best this year. Izany, it’s going to be a tremendous show and I don’t think you want to miss this on.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Okay, thanks, Freddie, and now I’d like to introduce to you all Ruslan Provodnikov, the Siberian Rocky, izay, as I’ve said I’ve had the good fortune of meeting him and Vadim seven years ago when I went to Moscow for the first time and signed Ruslan to an exclusive contract. Ary, boy, did I not know how lucky I was at the time–Ruslan Provodnikov, gentlemen and ladies–Ruslan Provodnikov.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: How are you? Hi.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Tsara, that’s good. He can say more than one word.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I just woke up getting ready to go to training. I’m happy to hear everybody.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Tsara, Vadim, would you like to say a few words?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Tena–Artie, thank you for the great introduction and, fantatrao, we’re here. Ruslan–he’s eating as we’re doing this. I’m sorryhe’ll be more talkative in about two, three minutes, but I’m glad that this all worked out. It’s a great fight that everybody is looking forward to. Ary, fantatrao, Banner Promotions, Golden Boy, Oscar De La Hoya, Artie Pelullo, you guys did a great job and I appreciate, and you working together to put this fight together. It’s very easy to make, and I think this is the way it should be. This is way the business should be, is the best fighting, the best, and the promoters working together–misaotra anao.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Misaotra anao, Vadim, and I guess now it’s back to you for questions and answer, ry zalahy, for Marc? How does it go from here?

Mr. Marc Abrams: Maggie?

Operator: The lines are now open for questions. If you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one. Our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Misaotra indrindra anao–hello?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Go ahead, Ary. We can hear you.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Okay, misaotra anao, Artie–misaotra anao, ry zalahy–my first question, Vadim, could you ask, respond, what does he believe the impact will be if any in the fact that Freddiebecause of the Pacquiao training campis not going to actually be in the corner, even though he’s training him in the gym?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Everything is all right. This is not the first time that Freddie was not in the corner. For me what’s important is that Freddie is with me throughout the camp and we’re working together as a team to come up with the right strategy and, fantatrao, get ready for this fight. It’s not a big deal. Fantatrao, Marvin Somodio is Freddie’s right hand guy is going to be there for me and I know that Marvin knows what I need to do in the wrong. And that’s all that’s important, but for me this is not a problem.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Okay, Freddie, ao ve ianao?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Eny.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Freddie, I know you always like to be with your fighters on fight night. Obviously that’s a big part of training a guy. Can you speak to the reason you won’t be there? Is it the matter of just because of the serious nature of the Pacquiao training camp? I understand you’ve also had some problems with your back. What’s your take on the reasons that you can’t make it to Turning Stone for the fight.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Eny, because the Pacquiao fight is very important right now and Ruslan is very important also. I work with him every day in the gym. He and Marvin have a good rapport together. Marvin knows what to do. He’s a very good trainer. Even after a fight when we went to Denver by himself without me and they came through. They understand what I want and just because I’m not there doesn’tRuslan will still fight his fight and Marvin will make the adjustments along the way. There will be no problem whatsoever. It’s not the first or last time this has happened in my life.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Freddie, when you think about the fight on paper between these guys, I think pretty much every boxing fan looks at this and just says, “Wow, there is no chance. This can’t be, fantatrao, potentially the fight of the year, or a very memorable action packed fight. Can you just give me your take on the match up?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Eny, it’s the greatest match up in the world. Izany–you’ve got two guys that love to fight, two guys that are great punches. It’s going to be a very exciting fight. Izay no azo antoka, and it’s the best fight and the best is what we need. This is what’s going on in boxing right now and that’s why everything is really happening in boxing bigger than ever at this point because of fights like this.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Vadim, could you ask Ruslan to also give your response to his take on the match up? There are so many boxing fans who are super excited about this just because of the action style that Ruslan as well as Lucas to the ring.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I expect the same as all the fans. Fantatrao, this is a very exciting match up. This is going to be a great fight and I think that for me it’s no less than to all the people watching. Fantatrao, for me it’s exciting as well and these types of fights are what’s important because for me the fight and the money as I’ve said many times, they’re not number one. Number one is I want my fights to be part of history, and I think this is one of those fights that is destined to be part of history. And that’s what I want to give my fans. That’s what I want to give my people back home is these fights that people will remember because not all the fights that a World Title fights are remembered. But the fights thatthe type of fight that can happen between Matthysse and I areis a fight that’s definitely going to be remembered forever.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Tsara izany, Misaotra indrindra anao, ry zalahy–appreciate your time.

Mr. Marc Abrams: Misaotra anao.

Operator: Tsara izany, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Mr. Michael Woods: Hey, ry zalahy, thanks for making the timemy question is for Ruslan. Ruslan, I presume that you believe going into the fight you are betting than Matthysse. How are you better than Mattyssee?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Tsara, first of all I never said that I’m better than him or that I’m better than anyone else because it’s not for me to judge. All I can say is that I know that I can beat anybody and it’s all about my will. And I know that if I give everything that I have in the ring, and I give everything that I have in training, I can beat anybody. It’s all about my character and all I’m willing to give. I can’t judge who is better or who is not better, fantatrao? And I know his team are saying a lot of things and they’re saying, “Fantatrao, we’re going to knock them out. We’re smarter, we’re better, we’re better boxers.I don’t want to say any of that. I’m a lot more political than that. Fantatrao, talk is cheap. Fantatrao, there’s a Russian saying that says, “Don’t say I won until you win,” you know basically. And I’m not going to talk. Fantatrao, I’m going to my talking in the ring and I think that I can be better than anybody if I deserve it and I give it all in training.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Good stuff–Tiako izany. Question is for Freddie–Freddie, I’m not asking for your game plan, but I am asking how you believe Ruslan is better than Matthysse on paper going into the fight.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Heveriko fa, Eny, he is, I think he’s a good puncher, but Matthysse is very strong also. I mean this isboth guys are very dangerous. I told Ruslan if you hurt this guy, don’t just talk in because he has tremendous power. Don’t let him get lucky. Izany, fantatrao, we have a pretty good game plan down. We know what do I think and how to do it I think. And so, probably we had a great training camp.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Tsara izany, good stuffthanks, ry zalahy, Mankasitra aho.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Distino Lois Jr. from Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: Misaotra indrindra anao–thank you for the invitation, Mankasitra aho. The question to Ruslan is, Ruslan, indrisy–this is Distino Lois Jr., Black Star News, Manhattan–you suffered a setback with your loss to Chris Algieri. Do you consider this fight with Lucas Matthysse a redemption, a door opener if victorious so that you can take advantage of the vacancies of the 140 pounders because now, mazava ho azy, we are aware of the fact that Danny Garcia and Lamont Peterson, two of your future opponents, have moved up to 143 catch-weight fight for the 11th. Izany, now the victory over Matthysse would be a door opener for you. Is that how you feel?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I definitely know that there’s a lot of different things going on at 140 izao dia izao, but for me right now I’m thinking about April 18th, fantatrao? Fantatrao, I’m thinking about this fight and I know that once I win this fight it will open a lot of doors for me. Fa, fantatrao, once the fight is over we can sit down and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions about what’s next.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: I seelet me just also clarify the question that was asked. So you know, neither one of those two guys are giving up their title. They’re fighting at 143 kilao. Izany, neither one of them would have to be at risk of losing their title, which I find very interesting that neither one of them would fight for their title so they could give up their title to the winner. Izany, nobody is giving up their titles in that fight. What they’re doing is they made an agreement not to put their titles on the line, which is a big difference in what your question was originally about, tompoko.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: Tsara, tanteraka, but I question Danny Garcia and you said he was having trouble making the weight. That’s why he agreed–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –To, ny–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title, but anyway–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –That’s nothe should give up the title, but that’s not what’s going on–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –What’s going on is they’re not fighting on weight, so neither one of them are at risk to lose their title–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Right, I’m aware of that. Misaotra indrindra anao. Ruslan, without giving out any trade secrets with your Hall of Fame Freddie Roach trainer, how are you all prepared for Matthysse, being that Matthysse has already shown some flaws of being knocked down twice by Molina and once by Danny Garcia? Izany, what are you doing to make sure that yours is the final punch?

Mr. Marc Abrams: I guess next question?

Operator: Tsara izany, our next question comes from the line of Briggs Seekins from Bleacher Report. Your line is live.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Eny, hi, Ruslan–I’m wondering is there a sense where mentally it’s a little bit easier to relax in training camp when you know you’re playing a guy who is going to give you the kind of fight you want and not be, fantatrao, an evasive sort of fighter like Algieri, but a guy who is going to, fantatrao, like you say, give you a fight that makes history and also give you the kind of fight that you like to fight?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: For me training camp is training camp. I always give everything I can in training camp and I’m very responsible in training camp. Tsy handray na iza na iza afa-, but to answer your question, fantatrao, walking into a ring with a fighter that I know will fight me definitely I can do a lot better than a fighter who will just run.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Great, misaotra anao–and Artie I didI want to thank you for calling out the situation at 140 with the titles. It’s a little discouraging to see them not treated the way that a lot of us grew up seeing titles treated.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Yup, you’re right, ary, fantatrao, what’s going on is purely that they don’t want to have anything at risk. It’s a dangerous fight for both guys, but not for like Provodnikov and Matthysse. They’re putting it all on the line because they’re still fighting at 12 fihodinana. Izany 140 kilao. There is no title because we don’t have one, and I’m telling you both these kids would put their titles out if they had, but they wouldn’t be avoiding fighting for the title because then they don’t want to take a chance at losing it. That’s what’s going on. That’s exactly what’s happening.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Eny, tanteraka–all right, good luck, Ruslan.

Mr. Marc Abrams: I guess we’ll take one more for Ruslan.

Operator: Our last question comes from the line of Chris Gunzz with Your line is live.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Ruslan, he is a huge puncher as a few different guys brought up already. Do you think he’s going to be the biggest puncher you’ve faced and do you ever wonder if you’ll be able to handle that power? Have you ever had the experience of getting hit by a guy who carries a massive punch like that, and do you feelany questions on whether you’ll be able to take it on the night?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: The question is about Matthysse being the biggest puncher that Ruslan has faced, correct?

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Eny, and if he has any questions of whether he’ll be able to take it.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Looking at his record, he seems to be one of the biggest punchers of this decade, fantatrao? He’s probably one of the biggest punchers right now. Does it bother menot at all. It only makes me more excited because I know that this is going to be a real fight and I know that either, fantatrao, I take him or he takes me. And it’s going to be toe to toe it’s going to be a real fight. For me that’s only a positive.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: And I appreciate that even more that you realize you’re facing someone dangerous, and you want to face him anyway and you don’t mind it. I love the balls you’re showing in that, and final question for Freddie. Is it a plan to jump on him early, Freddie, because he did show that vulnerability in the Molina fight? Is Freddie still there? I heard someone hang up in the phone call, but is Freddie still there?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Inty aho. Eny, I’m still here.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Is it a focus in training camp to try to jump on him early seeing that the vulnerability was shown in the Molina fight early on?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Tsara, fantatrao, we can. I mean we know how this guy fights. I mean I think he is the bigger punch, and we’re a little bit better than he is, but I mean, fantatrao, he’s got his strong points also. Izany, it makes for an exciting fight. Ruslan is a very good fighter. Ruslan, I saw him learn how to fight Manny Pacquiao on his own. He used to be Manny’s sparing partner. And that’s when I first really got interested in him because he’s so capable. He learns very quickly and he’s a great shooter.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: One of the best ever–Mankasitra aho, Freddie. Good luck on April 18th and good luck on May too.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Misaotra indrindra anao.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Okay, was that it, ry zalahy?

Mr. Marc Abrams: Izany–I’m going to turn it over to Golden Boy and Team Matthysse in a minute. I guess final comments from I guess first Artie and then Ruslan.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Tsara, I just want to say thank you for everybody for joining the call. There’s really not much to say. As Dan Rafael and all the other reporters and Mr. Woods who got on the phone, everybody knows that this is the most TV friendly and fan friendly fight. The networks were all overboth of them bid on the fight. Izany, it’s going to be a great night for boxing, a great night for our fans. And I just want to thank everybody, Ruslan, Freddie, and Vadim for helping promote the fight, izay–it’s likeit doesn’t take a lot of promoting to promote this event because everybody knows it’s going to be a terrific event. I want to thank everybody for coming on board–misaotra anao. Now I’d like to introduce my co-promoter and my partner in the show, and everybody knows who this is, one of the great fighters of our time who has turned out to be quite the promoter himself, good people. He has a nice staff. Like I said earlier, a lot of people say a lot of different things. It literally has been no misses to work with Oscar and his staff. It was very smooth and it’s been a joy and a pleasure, and like Eric Gomez and I say there will be future events that we’ll be working. Now I’d like to turn it over to Oscar De La Hoya. He’s the founder and president of Golden Boy and one of the great personalities in our sport. It’s my pleasure to work with him, Oscar?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Artie, sorry to interrupt. Ruslan is leaving. Izany, we’re good to go. He wanted to say a couple of things–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Oh, I’m sorryI went too fast, excuse me. I’m sorry, Ruslan. Say something. I apologize.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I just want to say that I want to thank Artie Pelullo personally, Banner Promotions. I want to thank my whole team for making this happen. Izany dia nitranga ho naharetanareo ny ady mafy. I want to thank HBO for making this happen. I’ve been loyal to them and they’ve been loyal to me and that’s very important to me and we’ve done great things together and there’s great things to come. Izany, I appreciate this and I want to say one thing to the fans. I promise this is going to be the fight you guys are all waiting for. And now from me, Artie, good luck with–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Sure–.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: –I want to give the word to Oscar De La Hoya and the rest of his team, and I bet for the next 30 minutes you guys are going to hear a lot ofMatthysse is going to knock Provodnikov out and all of that, but I just want to say that Provodnikov has never been on his knees. Izany, fantatrao, they’re talking about knockouts a lot, but they should be expecting a knock out on their team. Good luck to you guys and I appreciate the promotions. Ruslan says all the best of health to Matthysse and his team–misaotra anao.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Misaotra, Vadim–.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: –Thanks again–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Tsara, since II apologize, ry zalahy, I went a little bit too fast. Izany, Oscar, you’re up. I don’t have to say it again. Everybody knows what we think of you–Oscar De La Hoya–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Misaotra indrindra anao–we really appreciate it and Artie already mentioned this fight needs no promotion. We are just thrilled that the best network is going to be televising this event. These are the types of events that obviously belong on HBO Championship Boxing and we are just thrilled and excited to be part of it. I also want to take the opportunity to thank Corona Extra, also Mexico Live it to Believe it, and Corsair Vodka, which are the sponsors of the events. They have been doing a tremendous, tremendous job with all of the Marketing and the grassroots Marketing. Izany, come April 18th the whole world will know the best 140 pounders will be fighting on that night. It is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter who hails from Argentina. We all know Argentinean fighters are strong fighters who are smart fighters who come to give the fight fans a spectacular show and when you’re going to see Lucas and Provodnikov in that same ring April 18th, weyou’re guaranteed fireworks. Izany, it is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter with a record of 36 ary 3 ary 32 knockouts. They call him La Máquina, and that is Lucas Matthysse. [Foreign Language Spoken]–Lucas. [Foreign Language Spoken], Lucas.

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: I’ll translate for Lucas. He said, hi, good afternoon, rehetra–I’m calling from my training camp in Junin and I’ve very excited for this fight and to be fighting once again in the United States.

Mr. Marc Abrams: Misaotra anao, gracias, and we’ll now open it up for questions from the mediagracias.

Operator: As a reminder, if you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one, and our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Misaotra indrindra anao–my question for LucasI asked Ruslan this in his portion of the callyou have a fight here where I think pretty much every boxing fan, media is anxiously waiting what they think would be the fight of the year. I would like to hear from Lucas about his thoughts about the really high expectations for this fight to be, fantatrao, extremely, extremely exciting and entertaining.

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Eny, Aho, fantatrao, I’m just excited. I’m excited to be fighting a caliber of fighter like Ruslan. It’s two, fantatrao, fighters at the top of their game fighting each other. I had many good, fantatrao, replies on it, especially in Argentina. A lot of people are looking forward to the fight and I’m just excited to be fighting again at this level and fighting a guy like Ruslan.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Eric, could you ask Lucas, fantatrao, in April last year he knocked out John Molina. It got voted as the Fight of the Year by the Boxing Writers. Does he think that it has the chance ofto be another fight of the year? Is that something he ever thinks about? I know he’s probably happy that they got the Fight of the Year for last year. He could make it two in a row potentially.

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Tsara, I mean for last year’s fight I’ve got to give credit to John Molina because he came to fight and he allowed me to perform in a way that made it Fight of the Year. If Ruslan comes forward and is aggressive and does the same thing, avy eo, Eny, I’m going to seize that opportunity and try to take advantage of that and make it an exciting fight. I think personally it could be a great fight. Fa, fantatrao, it takes two.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Exactly, thank you for that, Eric–one question for you, Oscar.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Inty aho.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Hey, Oscar, good to talk to you. I know for the last number of months you have preached very regularly about your desire to try to make the best fights you possibly can do as the leader of Golden Boy Promotions. I’d like to know from your point of view, is this sort of basically the kind of fight you had talked about when you said those words that this is the expectations that you have to make this caliber of a fight on a regular basis?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Tsara, these are exactly the fights that the fans want to see, whether there’s a title on the line or no title, or where it takes place. Fantatrao, these are the fights that the fans deserve and I’ve been an advocate of staging the best fights possible for the fans and come April 18th I don’t know for sure, but I have a good hunch that this fight might be the Fight of the Year.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Tsara izany, thank you for that, Oscar–appreciate it. Misaotra indrindra anao, ry zalahy, look forward to this one.

Operator: Tsara izany, our next question comes from the line of Daniel [unintelligible] [00:35:22] Deportiva [sp]. Your line is live.

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Eny, he asked me about this fight, why wasn’t it staged in Los Angeles or in Las Vegas? Why New York, ary, fantatrao, simplethe venues were not available and Ihe asked me if, fantatrao, this fight being such an exciting and anticipated fight, I mean how do I feel? This is what Golden Boy is all about and I’m just really happy to be working with Artie Pelullo and Eric was very instrumental in making this fight happen, and we feel very, very optimistic that I mean this fight is going be action packed from the first battle and Iand it might even be better than the Mayweather Pacquiao fight.

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Okay, so the question was, do you knoware you aware that, fantatrao, Freddie Roach will not be working in the corner of Ruslan on the night of the fight. And Lucas said, “Aza, not reallyI didn’t know.

Mr. Daniel: Gracias.

Operator: Tsara izany, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Mr. Michael Woods: Hi, ry zalahy, thanks for taking the time. My question is for Ruslan. Ruslan, on the first portion of the call someone referenced you saying something along the lines of you believe you are going to knock Provodnikov out. But I didn’t see that. I’m not sure what outlet that was said to. Can you reiterate that? Can you talk about that and clarify it for me what was said there?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Aza, he said they weren’t exactly those words, but he said how long. It’s a tough fight and he’s going tohe’s ready to fight. He’s ready for a tough fight, and if the opportunity presents itself so that the fight could end early, obviously I’m going to take advantage of it. But I’m ready to fight a tough fight and it’s going to be a tough fight.

Mr. Michael Woods: Misaotra–this question is for Oscar. Oscar, you’ve repeatedly said you want the best fighting the best. That’s going to be the stamp that Golden Boy wishes to put on its fight. I am wondering, is there a certain class of athlete and human being who wants to accept the challenge of the best fighting the best, and are you going to maybe target those types of fighters and only sign those types of fighters to Golden Boy moving forward?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Tsara, that’s up to the fighter. I mean I can’t fight for the fighter. Fantatrao, they go up to the ring and they perform, fa, fantatrao, we at Golden Boy want to make the best match ups possible, fantatrao, obviously keeping in mind that, fantatrao, that the fans always come first and, fantatrao, this fight here with Lucas and Provodnikov, I mean this iseverybody is writing about how this is going to be the Fight of the Year and we feel proud to be working with Artie Pelullo and making this happen.

Mr. Michael Woods: Eny, and the fan buzz for this on Twitter is amazing I would say. Could you give us a hint maybe, a little bit of a tease about maybe some other types of fist fights that maybe you’re trying to make, or want to make for the rest of this year?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Tsara, this isthat’s calls for another conference call. Izany, we’re going to focus here on Lucas. Izany, we’ll have a call about that shortly, my man.

Mr. Michael Woods: Tsara izany, thanksappreciate it, ry zalahy–be well.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Take care, Michael.

Operator: Tsara izany, next question comes from the line of Disino Lois Jr. with Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Misaotra indrindra anao–gracias–[Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Hey, Eric, can you translate that in English too? I speak a little Italian, but no Spanish.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Oh, you want me to say it in English too?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Eny, I want to hear what’sI told you, I speak a little Italian, but no Spanishsorry, ry zalahy.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Tsara, I can do both if you want me to. I don’t know.

Mr. Eric Gomez: Izany, the question was, Lucas, do you see this as an opportunity of more doors opening at 140 so that you can be the top fighter at 140? Obviously there’s still Danny Garcia and Lamonte, but everybody knows they’re fighting at a catch-weight. Is this kind of like the changing of the guard and it’s going to open up the doors so you can be the top fighter at 140? Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken], Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Eny, mazava ho azy fa, I mean obviously with this fight here, we’re the ones that are fighting at the weight class–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Right–.

Mr. Eric Gomez: –Whatever reason Danny and Lamonte, they’re notthey’re fighting outside of the weight class. Eny, this is the fight that’s going to open up opportunities for the winner. It’s the fight that’s going to open up bigger and better things, and that’s what I’m looking forward to. That’s what motivates me.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Are you preparing for this questionare you preparing for this fight which obviously promises to be a fight in a phone booth? Are you preparing so you’re not hit and not dropped like you have, like you did get dropped with Danny and your last fight with Molina, Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Tsara, it’s all in the preparation. It’s all in the preparation and I’ve had–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Eric Gomez: –And I’ve had a very, very good preparation and obviously we’ve worked on things so that that won’t happen during the fight, but it’s all in the preparation and I’ve had one of the best preparations for this fight.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Misaotra anao–gracias, Lucas–my last question will be to Oscar De La Hoya. Oscar–I’ll do it in English. Is this your dream come true, Oscar, that all of the fights that you wanted to put together are little by little coming true, and at the same time you are spreading the wealth because you are going up to Verona, New York. A lot of people have told me, where the heck is Verona, New York, but it is a fight town. Izany, are you doing this to spread the wealth of boxing and to make it more palatable for those who cannot come into the Las Vegas and the California’s and whatever?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Tsara, it, I’m happy to be part of a year where boxing will be shown and on the main stage. Fantatrao, we feel that boxing in 2015 is going to transcend–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –And boxing is justit’s just getting started. I mean with the Mayweather Pacquiao fight happening–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –With Canelo fighting and this fight here, I mean this is what the fans want to see and we’re just excited to be part of it. Ary, fantatrao, to take it down to Verona, fantatrao, the ticket sales are just a great indication of–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –Fantatrao, that Verona is a fight town and–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Exactly–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –Eny, the arenas weren’t available in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. Izany, fantatrao, we didn’t take a risk of taking it to Verona. I mean we obviously alreadyPelullo knew first hand what type of fans there are in Verona, New York. Izany, fantatrao, obviously he wasn’t wrong. I mean this is almost a sell out event so we’re excited to be part of it.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Misaotra indrindra anao–God bless all of you and [Foreign Language Spoken]. Misaotra indrindra anao, Mankasitra aho.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Gracias.

Operator: Tsara izany, next question comes from the lines of Chris Gunzz Your line is live.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Lucas, Fantatro izany–it was my opinion that it was Fight of the Year last year, you versus John Molina. And you know how hard John Molina hits. You faced him. When you were sent film of Ruslan, you know that he carries a punch. How do you assess through film when you compare what you might feel from him, that what you already felt from John Molina? Who do you think has bigger one-punch power?

Mr. Eric Gomez: Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken]. Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Eny, Eny, okay–Eny, Eny, fantatrao, obviously it’s hard to compare because, fantatrao, I haven’t fought against Ruslan. But they’re different styles. They’re different styles. Molina was a little sneaky. Ruslan is a very, very different style. Obviously the object of it is not to get hit, fantatrao, in this fight but I’m preparing. I’ll be ready for it.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Ary, as a guy who faced that kind of power and had to get up, cross the canvas, and you pulled out a victory in that great fight, do you ever have any questions that if Ruslan does prove to carry bigger power, will you be able to get up? Do you ever question that?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan. Izany, you don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going to get dropped. But when Molina dropped me, fantatrao, if the punch was a little bit behind my head. I’m not making excuses, but I’m not going to get dropped. I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan and that’s not what I’m thinking about.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: He’s pretty tough, and one question for Cuty Barrera, Lucas did show and he has shown that he can jab and he can move a little bit. He does have a little bit more to his game than Ruslan does. Is it a game plan to show movement because Ruslan does admit that he has problems with movers? Is it a plan to try to move a little bit?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: He’s talking in robot I think. I don’t know what he’s saying. [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Does Lucas want to answer that? Is he trying to involve a little bit more movement to the fight?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Artie Pelullo: I don’t now what’s going on.

Mr. Eric Gomez: Eny, hoy izy:, hainao ve fa? I think I understood him saying they’re working on the jab. He’s working on the jab a little bit, but he doesn’t want to give up too much information.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Maybe he’s coming as a robot. He’s going to be had to beat if he does. And one quick question for Oscar. Oscar, when you finished laughing out loud, what did you end up saying through text or phone call to Gary Russell on Saturday night? I’m just playing. I’m just playing. I don’t want you to answer that. I know you’re a lot more professional. I just want to commend you on the great fights that you’re putting on and the great job you’re doing at Golden Boy. I do appreciate the great job you guys are doing–misaotra anao–misaotra anao, rehetra.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Misaotra anao.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Are we done, Marc?

Operator: We have no further questions, misaotra anao, amin'izao fotoana izao.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Okay, toy izany, Angamba, Oscar, I want to thank you. Eric, Lucas Matthysse, Ruslan, and all of the reporters on board. See everybody–Oscar, I’d like youI’ll let you finish up with the last word. I want to see everybody at the fight and I appreciate everything that is happening with this great event–misaotra anao.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Misaotra anao–Misaotra indrindra anao, ary, Eny, there’s really not much to say. We’ll see you April 18th. I mean sure fireworks. We are all excited and we’re justit’s just a pleasure to be working with Artie Pelullo and his staff and everybody involved. Izany, watch it live on HBO Championship Boxing. There’s a few tickets left. Izany, it’s sure going to be a sell out and crowd there in New York. Izany, we’re excited and so we’ll see you soon–misaotra anao.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Oscar, if you’re around tomorrow, Alarobia, I’ll be in LA. Lunch is on me at In-N-Out Burger. Very important on the east coastwe don’t have them here.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: I’m actually inI’ll be in New York, but I’ll take you up on that at another date–misaotra anao, Artie.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: You got it. Have a good day, ry zalahy–Misaotra indrindra anao–anything else, Marc?

Mr. Marc Abrams: Aza.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Tsara izany, misaotra anao–bye bye–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –Bye–.


FACTS: Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Golden Boy Promotions miaraka amin'nyArano Boxing ary notohanan'ny Corona Extra, Meksika – Miaina izany To Minoa Izany! ary Khortytsa Vodka. The HBO Boxing After Dark telecast begins at 9:45 p.m. ET / PT.


TICKETS: The Aprily 18 showdown between former World Champions Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse sy “The Siberia Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov proved to be a smashing success as all ringside seats have sold-out. Limited seats are still available , $35 ary $25 and are available at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office by calling 315-361-7469 na amin'ny internet ao amin'ny Ticketmaster (

Professional media requesting credentials for the April 18th fight must contact Kelly Abdo, Fialana Stone Resort Casino Public Manager Fifandraisana amin'ny 315.366.9291


Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny, fitsidihana,, ary manaraka ao amin'ny Twitter amin'ny GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Fialana Stone ary ho tonga mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin'ny Golden Boy FacebookPage,, Toner Black and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Banner ady totohondry, @ Fialana vato ary ruslanprovod.


Click ETO Fa Photos

Photo Sary: Jeff Fusco

Philadelphia (Aprily 1, 2015) – As fight week nears for the second installment of Premier Boxing Champions amin'ny NBC (8:30 am ET/5:30 p.m. PT), undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia held a media workout in his hometown of Philadelphia in preparation for his showdown with fellow world champion Lamont Peterson amin'ny Asabotsy, Aprily 11 amin'ny Barclays Center any Brooklyn.


Tapakila ho an'ny velona hetsika, izay nampiely ny DiBella Entertainment, dia priced amin'ny $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 ary $50, tsy ao anatin'izany ny asa fanompoana azo ampiharina fiampangana sy ny hetra, ary dia eo amidy now.Tickets dia hita ao amin'ny, ary ao amin'ny American Express Box Office amin'ny Barclays Center. Handidy an-telefaonina, miantso Ticketmaster amin'ny (800) 745-3000. Ny vondrona tapakila, mba hantsoina 800-GROUP-BK.


Check out what Garcia and his father and trainer Angel had to say amin'ny alarobia.


Danny Garcia


“Training mandeha tsara, I’ve done everything I have to do and I’m still focused. It’s a week and a half until the fight and I’m ready to go. If the fight were rahampitso I’d be ready.


It’s a big fight and it’s the fight that the fans wanted. We’re going to give the fans a great night of boxing on NBC and it’s time the show the world that Danny Garcia is the star of NBC.


We have common opponents like Khan and Matthysse and we’ve had different results. They say styles make fights so those results don’t matter. Tsara, my style is to kick his butt.


I know that this second PBC on NBC show is going to be even bigger and I just feel blessed to be a part of it and I can’t wait to go out there and showcase my skills.


I’m ready for whatever Peterson brings. If he tries to box then I’m going to go with that and if he wants to fight, I’ll be ready. I’m not going to go in and just try to knock his head off, I’m going to be Danny Garcia.


I’d love to be fighting on the biggest stage in boxing against the Mayweather and Pacquiaos, but for now it’s just about taking it one fight at a time, this is history in the making.


A lot of things have changed for me in the last few years, everybody knows me now. A lot of people look at you different now but it doesn’t make my head bigger, it just motivates me to work hard.


I love Brooklyn, it’s my fourth fight at Barclays Center and I’m looking to make it 4-0 amin'ny Aprily 11.


This is a blessing for the sport of boxing. Millions of fans haven’t had the opportunity to watch boxing on primetime in years and this is great for the sport.




I’ll give Peterson credit for putting the gloves on. He thinks it’s going to be an easy night for him. He sees himself already on top of the mountain. It’s not going to happen like that, we’re going to ruin his party.


I want Peterson to act confident and come forward. They’re talking like Danny isn’t special but he lost to the guys we beat.


It doesn’t matter what anyone says as long as Danny is in here putting in 100 percent every day. It’s all about Aprily 11.


We’re not going to train for eight weeks to go in there and worry about what Peterson is going to do, we’re going to do what we have to do. We train to go in there and win on Aprily 11.”



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Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny fitsidihana, ary, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at, ary Araho ny resaka fampiasana #PremierBoxingChampions sy #BKBoxing.

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