Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) CBS Saturday, Aprilis 4, At 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon Ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada

DELIBERO INDUTILIS PHOTOS: (Photo Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS)

BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS: (Photo Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS)




Saki EDICTUM: 174 ½ Pounds


Arturius BETERBIEV: 175 Libras

Gabriel Campillo: 174 ½ Pounds


(TV Swing Bout)


JOEY HERNANDEZ: 155 libras


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Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium heavyweight pugna inter Flaccus et Bika, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer. Nullam nunc venalia sunt officia in capsa ad Coliseum pergratam Quebecensis, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Premier Boxing Propugnatores (Norma) CBS

Saturday, Aprilis 4, At 3 p.m. ATQUE/PT Noon Ex Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec City, Canada

Click HIC imagines ad colloquium a undercard

Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS

Urbs (Aprilis 2, 2015) – Ante quam inauguralis Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS incipit telecast (3 p.m. ATQUE/12 p.m. PT), astrorum ignis iuvenum turba custodiet Pepsi Coliseum turba in a series de undercard daret incipientes 1 p.m. ATQUE.


Nullam id enim vero sunt ad vendendum emit pergratam Coliseum Sl buxum officium, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium pugna inter heavyweight Adonis “Superman” Flaccus atque Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus et featuring Arturius Beterbievquod vergit Gabriel “Pulcherrimus est homo” Campillo, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer.


Factum est autem headlining undercard ortu inuictum eximius welterweight CONCERTATOR Julian “J Petra” Williams (18-0-1, 11 KOs), qui youll manere aspiciens ad ortum suum, quando spectat ad stardom excitando Joey “Fingers scintillat” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 KOs)in X-circuitu welterweight bout.


In summitate alius non-match televised, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 KOs)Redit ad circulum in superficie sua El Fouad Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)in octo round super welterweight showdown. In an duodeviginti-heavyweight per scrap, Invictus Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 KOs) subibit Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 KOs).


In nota duo eximius welterweight, Carlos Bouchard (9-1, 3 KOs) capietis Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) et in congressu per octo Clayton Custio (2-0, 1 KO) subibitRonald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)in circuitu a sollicitudin six-.


Reliquum card clausulam inposuit, per respectum ad suam quisque spem pro resumes triade Canada. Jan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) suscipit, Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) bout a middleweight in circuitu quattuor, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) proeliis Adel Hadjouis (7-3) bout a quattuor-rotundus et in Bantamweight Pen Shakeel (1-0, 1 KO) facies Rene roody (0-2-1)in circuitu super middleweight bout a quattuor-.


An spem invictam, gens magna pugnae f civitas Philadelphia, Williams et mandata eius invictam record, est ad esse integrum velis imprimere in magna scaena. XXIV annorum et faces in Miami dura test-indigena Hernandez. XXX annorum proeliatus est et optime Hernandez aptior ac intendit tradere profitentur Williams desiderium suum de duobus quadratis.

Post title-distillans eliminator per decisionem in suo ultimo split bout, Bizier, 30, redit in patriam suam et respiciens retro in in miseránte column of Quebec et contentiones in titulum. Sperat construendum apud victoriam XXVII annorum El Massoudi, quicumque immolaverit literaturae debut. Pugnantis Ferdinandum de Clermont-, Dome Podio-de-, Gallia in certamine spes, ad immediatum incussus Bizier.


An qui cum invictis heavyweight repraesentatur in Columbia 2008 Olympia, In his solum adoptatus Rivashas pugnavit pro patria sua Montrealensi quia conversus est in 2009. Et ponet faciem suam ut sit primum principium, quando spectat ad Coliseum Pepsi Cetinkaya, de Kassel, Hesse, Germania.


Tertio quantum ad militantem professionalis Pepsi Coliseum, De his Quebec Bouchard quærit cum et secundo continuos victoria cladem atque in sola eius. Ad XXVII annorum facies aspera in experti Farias, ora AULNAY of-sous-, Sancti Dionysii Sequana, Gallia. Hoc XXVII annorum Farias’ prima pugna extra Galliam.


A 2012 Canadian Olympii, Proin et quare vultus Clayton aedificare artis optimus habebatur pugilibus exi amateur elit. Ad XXVII annorum a Montreal proelia in XXVII annorum Berti ex Bracquegnies, Belgium.


A novissimo agmine ad professionales, Est vultus eius primum curriculo Poulin aedificare off victoria in December 2014. Quod spectat ad XXXII annorum a XXXI annorum Sl Tsalla, qui etiam ab aquis Quebec.


Sed proeliati Russicae primogenitus ex Quebec, Dalkhaev immolaverit secundus post satus pro promerendae primus pro victoria in December 2014. XXVI Quod per annos XXVIII annorum probabuntur Hadjouis, de Roya Malmaison-, Haut Sequana-de-, Gallia.


Circumvectus ex non-televised undercard, Pen, 24, pro victoria eius secundus post videbunt arrepto TKO CONCILIO Fusce porta Ianuario huius anni. De patria pugnat Quebec-the-XXXVI annorum Renatus ex Ontario.


Subter sunt quotes a Jovis scriptor colloquium diurnariis edocendis:


Yvon MICHEL, Praeses GYM

“In meam sententiam, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.

“PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!” added the promoter.”

BERN BAR, Executive Vice President of GYM

“Ibi erit 10 pugnat Saturday, including nine non-televised bouts that only people who bouthg tickets to be at the Coliseum will see. It’s a Marathon!”



“Im 'iustus vultus et bene facere adepto win on Saturday. Difficile institutis iam praeparans pugnae. Hoc unum certamen abeo tempore, Im 'non certus pugil, et respiciens retro, sicut Hernandez.”


“Non hoc circuitu excusat. Ive 'had nonnullus angustia me motiva ad erudiendum in praeterito, sed hoc tempore non. Vereor arguente multum laboravit et parare ad bellum. Hoc erit certamen uitae quaero induere spectaculo on Saturday.”


KEVIN BIZIER“Gaudeo claudere Coliseum. Hic est domi. Et scitis, quóniam ego semper facere bonum pugnat! Adversarius meus veniet ad pugnam intro ad rixam AMET. Et erit mihi bonum atque eum proelium. Ut sit optimum homo win Saturday.”


“Est enim prius in Canada. Paratus sum, et omnes pugnae eius post arma”

OEZCAN Cetinkaya

“Gaudeo facultas Sl pulvinar ad Coliseum. Praesent eget anni et anni et auditi

Sébastien Bouchard

“Nos multum laboravit in gym, qui laboratis, et solutum, cum ego non Cédric Spera. Nos vero in eundem modum pugnae.”

DENIS Farias

“At enim iam per mensem disciplina bis die proelio. Huc venirem ad vincendum.”

AUG-Michael Poulin

“Exspecto aliquid componendis Saturday. Suus 'nihil personalis contra Michel Tsalla, sed habeo adversus eum agatur, ut delerent.”

MARC RAMSAY (lanista Vislan Dalkhaev)

“I habent specialem historiam Vislan Dalkhaev. Initio, hic venit ex auctoritate Arturius Beterbiev. Prima erat, ad auxilium Suspendisse CONSUEFACIO Arturius et intellexi quia amicus hic adiuvaret. In gym, tamen, Nanctus sum quod, nec illos, inter amicos, sed Vislan erat excelsum-level artifex pugnorum.” 

# # #


Pro magis notitia visit atque, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, EtAdonisSupermanSakio_Bika, sequi sermone usura #StevensonBika, on Facebook fan facta Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME


Do not Miss omnis actionis rei ad SUMMUS Inaugural Boxing pugiles in CBS Event (3 p.m. ATQUE/12 p.m. PT)

In prima pugna Starts 1 p.m. Pepsi ad Coliseum

Click HIC imagines ad colloquium a undercard

Credit: Amanda Kwok / Norma in CBS

Urbs (Aprilis 2, 2015) – Ante quam inauguralis Premier Boxing Propugnatores on CBS incipit telecast (3 p.m. ATQUE/12 p.m. PT), astrorum ignis iuvenum turba custodiet Pepsi Coliseum turba in a series de undercard daret incipientes 1 p.m. ATQUE.


Nullam id enim vero sunt ad vendendum emit pergratam Coliseum Sl buxum officium, vocando (418) 691-7211 aut (800) 900-7469, at online, at GYM (514) 383-0666 Champion et Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Aliquam pretium range ex $25 ad $250 in pavimentum,.


Norma in CBS, headlined a luce mundi patrocinium pugna inter heavyweight Adonis “Superman” Flaccus atque Sakio “Scorpios” Taurus et featuring Arturius Beterbiev quod vergit Gabriel “Pulcherrimus est homo” Campillo, promotus est per Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) et dona, et consociati Videotron Mise O-Mer.


Factum est autem headlining undercard ortu inuictum eximius welterweight CONCERTATOR Julian “J Petra” Williams (18-0-1, 11 KOs), qui iam belooking continuare suum ortum, quando spectat ad stardom excitando Joey “Fingers scintillat” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 KOs)in X-circuitu welterweight bout.


In summitate alius non-match televised, Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 KOs)Redit ad circulum in superficie sua El Fouad Massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)in octo round super welterweight showdown. In an duodeviginti-heavyweight per scrap, Invictus Oscar “Kaboom” Rivas (15-0, 10 KOs) subibit Oezcan Cetinkaya (19-9-2, 13 KOs).


In nota duo eximius welterweight, Carlos Bouchard (9-1, 3 KOs) capietis Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) et in congressu per octo Clayton Custio (2-0, 1 KO) subibit Ronald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)in circuitu a sollicitudin six-.


Reliquum card clausulam inposuit, per respectum ad suam quisque spem pro resumes triade Canada. Jan Michael Poulin (1-0-1) suscipit, Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) bout a middleweight in circuitu quattuor, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) proeliis Adel Hadjouis (7-3) bout a quattuor-rotundus et in Bantamweight Pen Shakeel (1-0, 1 KO) facies Rene roody (0-2-1)in circuitu super middleweight bout a quattuor-.


“In meam sententiam, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously,” praeses ait GYM Michel Yvon. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.


“PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!”


An spem invictam, gens magna pugnae f civitas Philadelphia, Williams et mandata eius invictam record, est ad esse integrum velis imprimere in magna scaena. The 24-year-old faces a stiff test in Miami-native Hernandez. XXX annorum proeliatus est et optime Hernandez aptior ac intendit tradere profitentur Williams desiderium suum de duobus quadratis.


“Im 'iustus vultus et bene facere adepto win on Saturday,” praedicti Williams. “Difficile institutis iam praeparans pugnae. Hoc unum certamen abeo tempore, Im 'non certus pugil, et respiciens retro, sicut Hernandez.”


“Non hoc circuitu excusat,” dicta Hernandez. “Ive 'had nonnullus angustia me motiva ad erudiendum in praeterito, sed hoc tempore non. Vereor arguente multum laboravit et parare ad bellum. Hoc erit certamen uitae quaero induere spectaculo on Saturday.”


Post title-distillans eliminator per decisionem in suo ultimo split bout, Bizier, 30, redit in patriam suam et respiciens retro in in miseránte column of Quebec et contentiones in titulum. Sperat construendum apud victoriam XXVII annorum El Massoudi, quicumque immolaverit literaturae debut. Pugnantis Ferdinandum de Clermont-, Dome Podio-de-, Gallia in certamine spes, ad immediatum incussus Bizier.


An qui cum invictis heavyweight repraesentatur in Columbia 2008 Olympia, Rivas pugnaverit solum in adoptionem pro patria sua Montrealensi quia conversus est in 2009. Dum ille huc primus coepit cum tangit pergratam Coliseum Cetinkaya, de Kassel, Hesse, Germania.


Tertio quantum ad militantem professionalis Pepsi Coliseum, Canada scriptor Bouchard secundo continuos quia quærit victoria cladem passus lone. Facies et aspera in XXVII annorum experti Farias, ora AULNAY of-sous-, Sancti Dionysii Sequana, Gallia. Hoc XXVII annorum Farias’ prima pugna extra Galliam.


A 2012 Canadian Olympii, Clayton Proin et quare vultus aedificare artis optimus habebatur pugilibus exi amateur elit. Suspendisse a proeliis In XXVII annorum XXVII annorum Berti ex Bracquegnies, Belgium.


A novissimo agmine ad professionales, Poulin est vultus eius ad extruendam eam curriculo primum victoria in December 2014. Quod spectat ad XXXII annorum a XXXI annorum Quebecensis Tsalla, qui etiam ab aquis Quebec.


Sed proeliati Russicae primogenitus ex Quebec, Dalkhaev secundus est ut his praecedentibus meritis suis pro satus pro victoria primum in December 2014. XXVI Quod per annos XXVIII annorum probabuntur Hadjouis, de Roya Malmaison-, Haut Sequana-de-, Gallia.


Circumvectus ex non-televised undercard, Pen, 24, pro victoria eius secundus post videbunt arrepto TKO CONCILIO Fusce porta Ianuario huius anni. In proeliis Sl-indigena XXXVI annorum Rene ex Ontario.


# # #


Pro magis notitia visit atque, sequi in Twitter adSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, EtAdonisSupermanSakio_Bika, sequi sermone usura #StevensonBika, on Facebook fan facta Ephemeris ad visitandum Pugilatu aut SHOWTIME

M-I provocare 57: Concursus Propugnatores Undefeated Maxim Divnich Gallus Mansour faces 'Tarzan’ Barnaoui

Tybura vs. Super Puetz Pugnate Aliquam lacus May 2 card in Orenburg, Russia

Maxim Divnich (R) hic patet: percussoque Dzhambulat Kurbanov in M-title pugnam provocare I

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (May. 2, 2015) – In artibus par-sursum diversa genera additum Jube 2nd M-I provocare 57: Concursus Propugnatores, in Orenburg, Invictus ergo Russia quod M-I provocare PERFUSORIUS fortissimus Maxim Divnich primus defensio contra pharetra Nunc titulum facit & 100% Pugnat spurius Mansour “Tarzan” Barnaoui.

Historica M-I provocare 57: Concursus Propugnatores erit specialis headlined a quinque-circuitu, Super-heavyweight proelium inter M I invicto provocare heavyweight titlist Marcin “Tybur” Tybura et I-M vindicis provocare lux heavyweight Stephan “T-DCCC” Puetz.

M-I provocare 57 habitare in liquentibus erit definitio summi www.M1Global.TV. Spectatores pugnae summa verti posset intueri card per colligationem in subcriptio www.M1Global.TV. Fans ut pervigilem actione computers, necnon et Apple dolor phones et dextralia Andriod.

Pound in libra-, Divnich (11-0-0, 6 KO / TKO, 1 SUB) I m in clarissima est spes Global, qui possidet gravis manibus, quasi percussorem. Unbeaten in quinque M-Global pugnat I ad date, Sancti habitent in Divnich. Petersburg, Russia, ubi sub assuefaciat Eduard Shirobokov at Alexander inclytorum Nevsky Club.


Ad ultimum Decembris M-I provocare 54, Vacante cepit Divnich M-I provocare lightweight title, cum stetissent Dzhambulat Kurbanov (6-1-0) tertio per eorum pugnis per noctem certamen. Divnich est 5-0-0 in M-I provocare pugnat.


Mansour Barnaoui

XXII annorum in summum Europae leve fuerit cognoscitur Barnaoui spem bienniique, cum a Lorem signati contractus cum M-I Global. Ipse est 1-1-0 in certamen provocare I M-. Postquam de frugibus Zulfikar Usmanov (4-1-0) tertio per eorum Augusti 21, 2013 M, I ad pugnam provocare, 41, Permissum est ut pugnet Barnaoui in Europa, ubi pharetra Nunc PERFUSORIUS fortissimus defendit effodissetKurt Warburton (12-3-0), sequitur prosperitas tutela contra title Suspendisse veterani Colin Fletcher (9-3-0) per modum per ostium lateris ad suffocat Decembris.


Artifex est, qui amplam sortiatur ars Barnaoui Muay Thai in grabattum. A humerum iniuriam post longam ipse plene recepit ab RESTITUTIO.


Omnia subiecta sunt pugnatores ad bella et mutatio. Additional nuntiari mox se pugnat

Et pugnes Network a'ri M-I provocare 57 Optimum est scriptor vivunt TV Cablevision, Grande Communications, Aluminium Aluminium Shentel Armstrong et in U.S., necnon nationwide in Canada, Roku cogitationes trans North America, et in plus globally quam 30 regionibus, quae in Europa, Africa et Orientem Medium.




PROPOSITUS EVENTS: M-I provocare 56, Aprilis 10, 2015 in Moscoviae, Russia.



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@ M1Global


@ M1GlobalNews



I DE M-Global: Fundatur in 1997, I, quod in M ​​est constituta Global Martialis (MMA) SUMMUS perficiens detexerunt entitatem ut postero mundi generatio superstar pugnatores. Cum in suo officio, de S. Petersburg, Russia, ad M-I notam habet plus quam ridiculo 160 eventus worldwide, etiam M-I Selection, M-I provocare, M-Global I and M-I Global eventus HWGP, in addition ad co-res et M promovendi Strikeforce I-Global in US. network, Showtime. LEPIDUS vivere, index sem vultum suum superius et par-ups productio valores, M-featured quidam in ludo I Global eventus summo nomina, possidet legendary heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko, Andreae Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvinus Manhoef, Sergius Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Okami Yushin, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Stephan Struve Chalid fecerint,. 2015 alia promittentis sensational mundi-genere elit plenam calendar anno Contradictionis eventibus Talentum fueled by M-dives-ordo systematis contentio inter summa pugnantium in ludo I Global Propugnatores.

CIRCA M-1GLOBAL.TV: Utor MMA actio nunc in altum definition attuli tibi ab, offerens in optimus solum pugnat ex M-Global I, et aliis MMA organizationibus. sit amet diam magna, a specie ad maxime oriuntur in unum pugnae video database. Etiam facilis intuitive interface, dum, omnibus, ut non numquam in contionibus satus usura diripientium. Aliquando etiam spectant praeterita exigere pugnet adipiscing commodo, vivere possunt habere actionem visorum, omnes praesto users per digital low-mensis subscriptione ad mensem pretium. Your mundo actio. Quisquam!




Friday, Aprilis 10 At 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT; Vive SHOWTIME®

NEW EBORACUM (Aprilis 2, 2015) - Brooklyn-indigena, invicto Frank "Nota" Galarza (16-0-2, 10 KOs) redit ad pugnam et annulum Belgium scriptor Sheldon per "Vox" Moore (13-2-1, 9 KOs) in octo round super welterweight bout headlining ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader on Friday, Aprilis 10 ex Aviator Sports et Events Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., vivere SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/PT, moram ad Occidentem Coast).


Galarza, ut a multis haberi "The Brooklyn Rocky," adhuc tempus explere. Horrendum eius secundus-knockout circuitu victoria super Pellaei John Thompson eius ShoBox: The New Generationdebut, was one of the most memorable knockouts of the year. Galarza has been on a tear since.


"Galarza erat a fortuita inveneris ShoBox,'' Et agnoverunt pugilatu historian ShoBox peritus analyst Steve Farhood. "Cum ille perturbatus Thompson, hic vicit plus quattuor tempora, apparuerunt vultus eorum meliores, et quoties. Campester oppositionem CONCERTATOR tamen dici non transeat, sed suus 'fecit major graditurque. At ego putem age 29 hoc anno ad conaretur dividuntur sui ".


IRCA Galarza The Moore est unum-of-rounders octo tres scheduled habere distinctam, quod in telecast Brooklyn saporem ad eam. Hinc invictus potestas-punching middleweight Ievgen "Ucraina leo" Khytrov (9-0, 9 KOs) et stablemate, blue-chip super middleweight prospectu Sergiy "The TECHNICUS" Derevyanchenko (4-0, 3 KOs / Mundus Series Boxing: 23-1, 7 KOs) etiam resident in Brooklyn.

Khytrov suscipit conservus invicto Aaron "Other" Coley (9-0-1, 6 KOs), de Hayward, Ill., dum in mundo sunt, et pinus simul-praeferebantur Derevyanchenko ADUSTUS The Area "CAPITULO / CAPITULO" Campa (13-1, 1 NC, 9 KOs), de Sonora, Mexico.

Nullam enim eventus, promotus est per DiBella Entertainment in consociatione cum proelium Promotions Inc. and New Legend Boxing are on sale and priced at $100, $70 atque $35. Nullam emit DiBella vocando ad Entertainment (212) 947-2577. At ianuae 6:15 p.m. ATQUE, cum primum bout scheduled 6:45 p.m. ATQUE.


Nam Galarza, Quis ascendit in mundo rankings serpentium, meliore tempore accedere non recenti salo. Viribus corporis A, aedilicii-infestantibus puncher, Galarza got a nuper satus in pugilatu quod habuit tantum 11 amateur pugnat.


"Venit tempus, quia nunc mihi est certus,'' Inquit,. "Prima mea ShoBox pro me pugnabit posuitque illud suggestum,. Nemo non modo vincere pugna prorsus putavi, Cutus sum in granditer. Quod pepigi. Nactus sum ego sentiens melius cum illis crescente certamine. Sed quid ego de me populus hic ostendere, exercebuntur ultra ad durissimos justo paulatim, unum a certamine ad tempus.


"Sed ut dimicaret in televised consectetur suscipit tincidunt mea. Nunquam enim par magis comprobata. Volo ago SHOWTIME mihi per alios militare ShoBox.''


Penicullus-sapiens, Hoc est a magnus matchup Galarza credit in eum,. "Fortis et magnus Moore spectat corporaliter, et esurire, et venit ad pugnam lenta,'' Inquit,. "Ille qui ferox et pars optima est - quod non faceret, magnum certamen. Ego potest esse quod peteretur,, quoque. Scio enim quia non venit ad pugnam retro nescit, sic credo, fireworks.


"Venio nunc ad pugnabunt, praesertim in SHOWTIME, on ShoBox ubi possunt tibi de adversariis bonum, qua- les sunt expectatur qui indutus in ostensionem et expectavi ut faceret bonam militiam.


"Est in Brooklyn, mea patria, Volo populus suscipiendis. Hoc est meum show, Sed quum meus, et meam domum caespite. Aprilis habeo facere officium 10, sed qui post, magnum nomina coacti sunt ad divisionem faciat mihi. Im ' 29 impositumque rectae omnes. ''


In his recentioribus ShoBox aspectu, Octo-in unum congruerunt sententiae super circum invicto ante parta Galarza Carlos Bouchard (8-0 Ingressus) on May 16, 2014, a turpis 78-73 atque 77-74 tametsi bis in ultima circuitu ictum punctum deductas humile.


Galarza inimico, 27-annus-vetus Moore, immolaverit ShoBox quartus ubi est primum in Iunctus Civitas et debut 1-1-1. Et apparuit in novissimo U.S. in June 2012.

"Haec est vita mea, et ingens locus, haec mea maxima tradit certamen,"Moore dixit. «Non est mihi necesse vincere pugnam. Vidi ego paucis Galarza est fiducia mea bella et quae capit in diam deterreat. Hoc est somnium adveho verus mihi, pugnare in nationalibus television, et scient quia ego cogito caestu ostendens hanc divisionem pertinent ad gradum adsciti.

"Meum style est certus infestantibus. Ut ambules adversario. Bonum motum habet bonum, et non cadit Galarza. Sed eo certamine pugna ubi non erit prima parte operis procinctu. Im ' 100 sentio dicata ludibrio ire statuit Aprilis 10. "


The Moore X-V-pes habet in his duobus ultimis proeliis, a die primo usque ad novissimam super-knockout circuitu Janos Varga Ultima Dec. 20 in Belgium. Sicut Galarza, possedi a nuper satus in caestu curriculo et limitatum amateur (27 finibus). Ipse cum esset kickboxing 15, sed non usque ad aetatem primam pugnam amateur 19.


Khytrov (HE locutus-costs) Erat mirabile in amateur reportedly 500 amateur daret. Erat autem 2011 et aliqua in Ucraina mundi fortissimus amateur 2012 OLYMPIA.


Haec erit species secunda ShoBox. In die eius debut Jan. 9, perdidit ante inuictum Maurice Louishomme, conciliandos a tertia-circuitu TKO. Et cum dextera manu sua, et illuminabat Louishomme uppercuts ad corpus, res multipliciter ipsum uiderint qui unam tantum partem occasionibus stetit 0:24 in tertia circuitu.


VIOLENTUS, offensive animo Khytrov pugnaverit totalem 27 novem circumeunt incipit, an average of tres rounds a pugna - quod includit curriculo-optimum-circuitu octavus semper TKO super-dentatus Puerto Rican Jorge Melendez on March 6.


"Ievgen [locutus yev tuisti-, G duro] invenies quod fan-familiaris sicut vir lumbos, nunquam accidit a step retro, cum spectat ad omnem adversarius nocere punch,'Dixit Farhood. “After nine fights, ostendit sese in omnibus signis titulus CONCERTATOR ut- XVIII mensibus anni. Recentissimae, obstipatione Jorge super Melendez, motum fuisse et audacem et doctum virum atque periculosior est susceptivum Tulitque eum de, fregit eum,. Quid est, quod me dicere?"


De rebus summo aptior, ad V-pede-XI, 26-Khytrov multo velocius motum est annorum pace quam plurimis rebus adhuc volutpat. At aetatis suae professio fecit debut 25 in December 2013 et pugnaverunt sexies 2014. Et hoc est tertium certamen 2015. Ex his quae in proeliis Foederatarum.

Khytrov, qui paulo post collocaverunt ad Brooklyn 2012 Olympia, si sollicitus est Aprilis 10 peruenire ad. "Ego sum excitatur ad rediens inaures Aprilis 10, praesertim cum sint, qui adoptatus est prælium in domum meam ex Brooklyn,'' Inquit,. "Volo, gratias fautoribus DiBella Entertainment et pugnes Promotions Inc. et quia dum expositionem Haymonis Al procurator meus, quoniam occasio ad PRODO mea artes iterum in ShoBox.

"Ego expectare a lentus pugna ex Coley, qui, tamquam me:, nunquam uicto amet. Et ut cognovit quod 2015 Magna enim mihi est vita mea futurum, tamen alius est effectus, ecce ego percutiam spectacular Aprilis 10 ut divisio mea usque ordines movent. "

Compares cladem ipsius Khytrov ad unum omnes caestu sui magni-tempus. “Ive 'got a Roberto Duran style. Im omnes populi ebrietas,'' Inquit,. "Si ascendam ad corpus. Ego diligo in TV Vestibulum arcu. ''


Coley est qui accipit pro SCAEVA bimus et infiniti gradus in proelio, eius ShoBox et per debut octo-. A prospectus at 160 ponderibus pendat - et motum est a junior middleweight divisio eius in Proxima pugna - sextus iscoming off cursu knockout, a quinto-circuitu super KO Loren Myers on Oct. 11, 2014.


"Lorem ipsum dolor de showcasing meos penitus in a memoria, veluti SHOWTIME,'Dixit habitudo Coley semper, aut qui ista numquam deiecta quasi pro amateur. "Vidi Khytrov certamen. Ex iis, quae is vultus amo, ipse est honestam Pugnator. Non quidem existimo enim, quid de eo. Et suus 'pulchellus versutius, an orientalium European Dudus qui iustus est, in minimis et quod utitur anguli. Hic, hic est difficile bonum puncher cum potentia, sed nescio guys ipse pugnaverit.


"Quidam More, quod non potest non nocere ferire. "


An ex agile pugil, qui nunc operatur Virgil Hunter'S gym in septentrionali California, Coley immolaverit secundus satus pro novus trainer Eddie Croft.Las Quo fuerat vivente disciplinaque. Abiit 8-0 qui coepit in curriculo pro initio Aprilis 2012.


De his cognomentum, Coley dixit, "Pater meus habuerat a negotio exiguo metalli."


Derevyanchenko (locutus van der-vos-CHENK-oh-), qui multos de patria suaShoBox debut, habet aspectum "can't requisierit" CONCERTATOR. Age porro,, multi ascensus eius sperare in mundo, nihil minus sit quam nulla ad meteoric. Hes 'No currently praeferebantur. 12 in IBF, Do Not. 25 in WBC.


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit primum proelium circa Sacra molestie,'' Inquit,. "Hoc erit mihi primum visi in ShoBox et laetatus sum absolute. Hic est pars illius egressus,. Im 'dies et nox parandis, paratus sum et in arte mea pertendam. Paratus sum ostendere termini technicos.


"Meum est, ipsum technica style, sed, si me de adversario meo figure, Petulanter, impugno. Cum magno labore et retro dolor, Ero in parte mundi fortissimus. Non est dubium in mente. "


An eximia amateur, in V-VII-pes Derevyanchenko compilavit stupenda recordum 390-20 authoritatem gerentem, ad terram nativitatis Ucraina 2008 OLYMPIA. Anno ante, vicit aere numisma in 2007 Amateur Mundus Championships.


Hoc erit Derevyanchenko extra ordinem mundi series initium Quintum euntem Pugilatu 23-1. Erat autem 2012 Champion et WSB Team 2011 atque 2012 Individual WSB Champion. Proeliatus est in Nov. a WSB 2010 ad Aprilis 2014.


Derevyanchenko won prima extra certamen alterum WSB on-circuitu super TKO Cromwell Gordon on July 23, 2014. In hoc ultimo principio praeteritiFeb. 20, secundo circa unam tantum partem ipse laceratum super TKO Government Biosse.


Sicut pro adversario fuerint?, Dixit Derevyanchenko, "Pugnator est bonum Campa - tall, fortis. Pertinacior spectat, solidum adversarium. ''


Campa immolaverit ShoBox debut in Aprilis 10 et erit prima pugna extra Mexico. Horatius in ordine quattuor, tres a knockout. Et numulariorum effudit æs, Christianus Chavez in secunda in ultimo per novissimum outingDec. 6.

Ad VI-peditum-I, 23-classis ingens poculum annorum exsultandi et sola contra eum, sed nihil refert, qui confestim ad eum aperiens campanae sono.

“I am very excited to finally make my dream a reality and fight in the United States,'' Inquit,. "Hoc est, quod facultas in quinque annis et pro consuetudine exercitatos habent sensus. Ego versatile; Pugnemus infensi possum vel buxum et movemur.

“Many promising young prospects got their start on ShoBox pergebat titulis vincere mundum. On Aprilis 10, Alan Campa surgamus et ad viam sternendas album ShoBox pugiles mundi.

"I have valde dura docta. Scio me itur ad bellum. "

Etiam amateur Campa fortis background (182-6). Priusquam pro Septembri 2010, ille status fuit, a quinque-tempus Sonoran spurius, a quinque-tempus regionalibus spurius, tempus et quadrupedem vindex. Etiam erat aurum in medallist 2010 Pan American Iuventutis at Championships 165 libras.

Barry Tompkins appellabo ShoBox actio a superioribus mundi fortissimus atque ringside cum Farhood Raul marquez administranda expertus analysts. Exsecutivus productorem Gordon Hall apud Ricardus Gaughanet producens Rick Phillips Rectificatio.


About ShoBox: The New Generation
Cum eius inceptionem in July 2001, censorie Appellato SHOWTIME pugilatu series, ShoBox: The New Generation facultas quae featured iuvenes, duri. The ShoBox Philosophia, quae iam ad televise excitando, turba placendo et curavit a competitive matches determinatur ad probandum causam volens pro a rebus mundi title. Ex liber nativitatis 59 bellatorum, qui paulo videbantur hominibus ShoBox et profecisti in certos titulos comprehendit mundi: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Lara Erislandy, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Alexander Devon, Carl Froch, Robertus Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Vargas Jessie, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Williams et Paulus more.

Hymnus Licensed Connecticut Boxing promotore A.J. Galante Annuntiantes Praemium Promotions – Primo Show May 30

Danbury, CT (Aprilis 2, 2015)- In 2011, at aetatis suae 24, A.J. Galante conglobati in unum iunioris Boxing Professio actoribus in ludo. Nunc at aetatis 28, factus est etiam minimi Promoters. De Promotore Connecticut substructio comites has Osanna, Praemium Promotions, hoc septimana.

“Quocum sum incitatus.” Galante dictum, “Quod statuerat facere aliquid, non nocte, Quia nunc per aliquot annos litis ultro. EGO intentio in developing lente aliquid speciale hic in Connecticut, facultates et gratias, quae hic pugnantium convenit illis.”

Galante exposuit visio- et fines pro competitive matchups Praemium Promotions centris circa featuring vetus schola et pugnatores, “Non respiciens ad me hac eadem hora signum pugnatores ad Praemium Promotions. Quaero quid faciendum imponatur rixae aliquyam opportunitates. Ego quaero pluma ut vetus schola pugillatores, guys qui non timent mortem accessit tradens animam records aut invictum sit in a lentus litigatis. Volo guys qui non habent crus records, Qui non vident, auctores maxime volo ad guys vis magna. In genere non est mihi quis pugnat, qui sub promotionem, ita non erit vera, scilicet a et b latus multos pugnat. Connecticut non boxing a hotbed, et non est hic ingenium, de his autem unum consilium esse ut mereretur accipere guys, Ergo id quod est ad pugnam pugnare a card praemium Promotions oppositio et evolvere prisce. Hic ostendit quod non in custodiam pro multis, spero mutare, auxilium volo dare suggestus pertendam ad haec guys sunt.”

On May 30th Danbury in Arena, Danbury in, CT, Praemium perducet Promotions Lorem primo Boxing show, 'Certa Nocte Danbury'. More notitia etiam temporis daret, Morbi cursus sapien et tessera erit nuntiatum mox availabilities.

Quia visitabit updates .

Galante metae modo apertis Campis Boxing Club & Quisque sit amet est et in foro Danbury procurator degrediunturque Junior Middleweight Prospect Frank 'famosae’ Galarza.



Photo credit – David Infante @787Films / Team Dulorme


PUERTO (Aprilis 2, 2015)Top junior welterweight contender Thomas Dulorme (22-1, 14 KO scriptor) de Puerto Rico, cum equis per Puerto lanistis, Antonii Gallero’ Knoll atque Felix Paganorum Pintor, are feeling highly confident about their world title bout against Mici Bud’ Crawford (25-0, 17 KOs), qui erat, 2014 'Boxer Anni’ et in prioribus mundi fortissimus WBO Lightweight. The Crawford vs Dulorme bout will be for the vacant WBO junior welterweight world title on Saturday, April 18th, at the Center College Park located at the University of Texas, Arlington. The bout will be televised live as part of a split-site doubleheader on HBOincipientibus ab Hierosolyma 9:45 p.m. ATQUE/PT.


Dulorme populo pugnare Puerto Rico…

There is no better feeling than to train in my country. It gives me so much confidence and being at home motivates me even more because I get to see the people which I represent with pride and honor. We want to show the world that Puerto Rico will continue to produce more world champions”.


In novum team of lanistis opus cum his Dulorme…

I have complete trust in my team’s game plan to defeat Crawford. I like the mix of dynamics between my trainers which combine the new and old school styles of boxing. Pintor est vetus schola et ad ludum in animum nova adfert Otero. Nam et esse ad hoc quod valeat ad magnam disciplina castra”.
Dulorme in Terrance Crawford quasi bellator et matchup…

Crawford is one of the best fighters in the world. He’s been awarded “Pugnatore Anni” by many media outlets because he had a tremendous year in 2014. He’s moving up in weight where he’s entering into uncharted territory though. I feel I have the advantage being that I’ve fought at this weight several times. I’m the bigger man and I plan to impose my will on him.


“Pol tamen admodum placet cum Dulorme et ejus novum team of lanistis,” dixit Gary Shaw. “The fact that he’s training at home in Puerto Rico makes me feel good because I know his countrymen are there supporting his every move. We are only a few weeks away from fight night and I’m confident I’m going to be the promoter of a new world champion. The people of Puerto Rico will have a huge star they can call their own.
“Suus 'a somnium venerunt auxilium parare simul et pro nobis, ut maximum certamen Dulorme volutpat.” dicitur, cooperante lanistae Dulorme Anthony Otero. “A primo die servivi Dulorme, Sciebam in præparationem pugnæ interiacent id magna et usque hodie probatur”.

“Dulorme est in optimo condicionis,” dictum Felix Paganorum Pintor, quis haec operatus est super 60 fabulosus mundi patrocinium cum pugnatoribus, ut daret Wilfredo Gomez, Hectora SICCUS’ Camacho, Edwini Chapo’ Rosarium, Ivan Calderon, Paul Williams, Carlos Santos, inter alios. “Gerit in disciplina et de via Sparring, Et praevideo, quod in April 18th, Puerto Rico habebo novum mundi fortissimus.”

Miranda Richy, Dulorme Consiliario et Praeses ADM (Artists Designs Management) company commentati, “Et laudábilis nimis experti sumus operatus eligentes in electione dolor sit. Cotidie disciplina castra, aeris est positivum, et omnis operatio exspectatione nimis. Nec enim dubium est, quod Cicero et dissipabo Dulorme Puerto aggregari omnium ante se patronos.”


Promotus est per Top Rank®, Gary in consociatione cum Shaw Productions, Pueri et Foreman Promotions Tecate, tickets to the Crawford-Dulorme are on sale now. Pretium at $200, $100, $60, $40 atque $25, plus applicabiles feodis, Nullam pulvinar Center College Park potest empti officium, at online vel per phone at (817) 272-9595.


Nam updates ire ad pugnam, aut, at on Facebook,, aut, et ad on,, aut Use the Hashtag #CrawfordDulorme to join the conversation on Twitter.

A Trinus ad Las Pro-Win quia Mayweather Pacquiao

Intrat in Las Quo forte vincere iter ad duas tesseras ut duo inter megafight Mayweather, Jr., atque Manny in Pacquiao May 2 at the MGM Grand. Ad magnificum praemium victor duas tesseras ad pugnam, hospitium et tribus noctibus in Las Quo habena $700 peregrinatione prebenda per alio.


Secundus locus victor accipiet $1000 suggero a sarcina apparatu stimulus et tertio loco a victor erit consideratum $300 USA Boxing veste sarcina.


Nam a $10 Suggessimus donationem, vos can penetro Saeculum nostrum sweepstakes testes pugna multoque plures interfecit moriens, atque praesidium USA Boxing and the United States’ optimus-style pugiles per idem tempus Olympia.


Donationem non esse necessarium, quamvis melior casus conciliet intrare et non, ad hoc non semel in vita experientia casu carere. Enter now and enter often. The sweepstakes will end onAprilis 15, 2015.


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Matthysse – Provodnikov Conference call Transcript

Operator: Welcome to the Matthysse Provodnikov conference call. I will now turn it over to Marc Abrams.

Mr. Marc Press: Salve, omnes, welcome to this great conference call for this tremendous fight that’s going to happen on Saturday, April 18th at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York,. The fight will come on air at 9:45 as part of a split site double header with Terence Crawford taking on Thomas Dulorme. On the call for the first part of the call will be Team Provodnikov, Banner Promotions present Artie Pelullo, the Siberian Rocky himself Ruslan Provodnikov, along with his manager Vadim Kornilov who will trainultimately will translate, Hall of Fame promoter Freddie Roach, and also Kelly Abdo and Heidi Strong from Turning Stone are also on the call. Let me turn it over to Artie PelulloArtie?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Hi, hello, omnes, this is Artie Pelullo from Banner Promotions. Good afternooneverybody on this call knows that this is one of the great fights of the year for us, for our sport, and I just wanted tothe first thing I want to say is thank Eric Gomez from Golden Boy, and Oscar for helping us put this fight together. It was very easy to do. Eric, Lucas, atque–I’m sorry, Lucas Matthysse and Ruslan Provodnikov, excuse me, both wanted this fight. So, it was very easy to put together. Eric and I literally did the deal in maybe 30 aut 40 minutes and this is how one of the great fights of 2015 got made, very easily, but two guys who wanted to fight and two promotional companies who work together in the co-promotion. And we’re doing this event equally together and it’s going to be an exciting night for boxing. I believe it’s going to be Corrales Castillo one, which I had a good fortune of promoting with Bob Arum and Gary Shaw. That’s what I think of the fight. Both guys don’t know how to do anything but put on TV friendly and fan friendly fights. Before I get into anything else with the show, I’d just like to turn it over to Kelly from Turning Stone who is the PR Manager who would like to say a few words on behalf of or host, Turning Stone Resort & Casino who went out of their way to make sure that they landed this fight because they’re really into the boxing business. They’re really fight site friendly. And they’re really into going out of their way to put on a spectacular live event at their location. So, Kelly, why don’t you take it from here and say what you’d like to say about Turning Stone.

Ms. Kelly Abdo: All right, gratias ago tibi,, Artiehello, omnes, it’s Kelly Abdo from Turning Stone Resort Casino. And as Artie mentioned, we’re really excited to be hosting this epic fight and to have everyone here. We’re all really looking forward to it and we have a week’s worth of events lined up that we’re really excited to host.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Gratias, Kelly–one thing I need to mention, guys, to everybody on the call and ladies and ladies and gentlemen, the reason why the fight is at Turning Stone is because Ed Allmann and Heidi Strong. They wanted the fight. They were aggressive about the fight. They realized what this kind of fight could mean because it could be a historic event because of two great punchers and two great exciting styles. I know Oscar is going to talk about Lucas, but I just like to say that he is a great fighter and I know his manager slash promoter for 20 annis, Mario Arana and he’s an exceptional young man. So, it’s going to be a terrific fight on their side. As far as Ruslan’s concerned, in my opinion there’s none better. We’ve been together since his very beginning, since his first fight. It’s been my privilege to work with him. He’s a true athlete. He’s very focused on his job. He’s extremely focused on being a promotional. The VADA, the Anti-Doping Test is always something that he demands and insists on. He doesn’t believe athletes should be anything but legitimate and 100 percent legal. And his manager is Vadim who I have been working with for several years. We have a lot of fighters together. And he’s just good people, focused on the jobnever an issue about who. It’s always when are we fighting? Let’s make the best fights possible. And also now Freddie Roach is on the call with us, as you know. Everybody knows Freddie. And his career changed Ruslan when he went to Freddie. The truth of it is, when he went to Freddie, got in that gym, was around world-class guys, the quality of the people he was working with changed and the development of his career was tenfold. So, after saying all of that I want to thank everybody. I’d like to introduce Freddie right now. Et, as you know, Freddie is training also training the great Manny Pacquiao, but I’d like to have Freddie say a few words on behalf of Ruslan and the show–Freddie?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Hey, gratias ago tibi,, Artie. Ruslan is doing really well and he’s in a really good shape for this fight. He knows just how to fight and he’s a good fighter and I look forward to it, and on paper it looks like one of the best this year. So, it’s going to be a tremendous show and I don’t think you want to miss this on.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Okay, thanks, Freddie, and now I’d like to introduce to you all Ruslan Provodnikov, the Siberian Rocky, qui, as I’ve said I’ve had the good fortune of meeting him and Vadim seven years ago when I went to Moscow for the first time and signed Ruslan to an exclusive contract. Et, boy, did I not know how lucky I was at the time–Ruslan Provodnikov, gentlemen and ladies–Ruslan Provodnikov.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: How are you? Hi.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Bene, Ut 'bonam. He can say more than one word.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I just woke up getting ready to go to training. I’m happy to hear everybody.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Bene, Vadim, would you like to say a few words?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Certus–Artie, thank you for the great introduction and, scitis, we’re here. Ruslan–he’s eating as we’re doing this. I’m sorryhe’ll be more talkative in about two, three minutes, but I’m glad that this all worked out. It’s a great fight that everybody is looking forward to. Et, scitis, Banner Promotions, Aureum Boy, Oscar De Hoya, Artie Pelullo, you guys did a great job and I appreciate, and you working together to put this fight together. It’s very easy to make, and I think this is the way it should be. This is way the business should be, is the best fighting, the best, and the promoters working together–gratias ago tibi,.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Gratias tibi ago, Vadim, and I guess now it’s back to you for questions and answer, guys, for Marc? How does it go from here?

Mr. Marc Press: Maggie?

Operator: The lines are now open for questions. If you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one. Our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Gratias plurimas vobis–hello?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Go ahead, Et. We can hear you.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Okay, gratias ago tibi,, Artie–gratias ago tibi,, guys–my first question, Vadim, could you ask, respond, what does he believe the impact will be if any in the fact that Freddiebecause of the Pacquiao training campis not going to actually be in the corner, even though he’s training him in the gym?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Everything is all right. This is not the first time that Freddie was not in the corner. For me what’s important is that Freddie is with me throughout the camp and we’re working together as a team to come up with the right strategy and, scitis, get ready for this fight. It’s not a big deal. Scitis, Marvin Somodio is Freddie’s right hand guy is going to be there for me and I know that Marvin knows what I need to do in the wrong. And that’s all that’s important, but for me this is not a problem.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Okay, Freddie, tu autem ibi?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Yes.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Freddie, I know you always like to be with your fighters on fight night. Obviously that’s a big part of training a guy. Can you speak to the reason you won’t be there? Is it the matter of just because of the serious nature of the Pacquiao training camp? I understand you’ve also had some problems with your back. What’s your take on the reasons that you can’t make it to Turning Stone for the fight.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Yeah, because the Pacquiao fight is very important right now and Ruslan is very important also. I work with him every day in the gym. He and Marvin have a good rapport together. Marvin knows what to do. He’s a very good trainer. Even after a fight when we went to Denver by himself without me and they came through. They understand what I want and just because I’m not there doesn’tRuslan will still fight his fight and Marvin will make the adjustments along the way. There will be no problem whatsoever. It’s not the first or last time this has happened in my life.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Freddie, when you think about the fight on paper between these guys, I think pretty much every boxing fan looks at this and just says, “Wow, there is no chance. This can’t be, scitis, potentially the fight of the year, or a very memorable action packed fight. Can you just give me your take on the match up?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Yes, it’s the greatest match up in the world. Suus '–you’ve got two guys that love to fight, two guys that are great punches. It’s going to be a very exciting fight. Ut 'pro certus, and it’s the best fight and the best is what we need. This is what’s going on in boxing right now and that’s why everything is really happening in boxing bigger than ever at this point because of fights like this.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Vadim, could you ask Ruslan to also give your response to his take on the match up? There are so many boxing fans who are super excited about this just because of the action style that Ruslan as well as Lucas to the ring.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I expect the same as all the fans. Scitis, this is a very exciting match up. This is going to be a great fight and I think that for me it’s no less than to all the people watching. Scitis, for me it’s exciting as well and these types of fights are what’s important because for me the fight and the money as I’ve said many times, they’re not number one. Number one is I want my fights to be part of history, and I think this is one of those fights that is destined to be part of history. And that’s what I want to give my fans. That’s what I want to give my people back home is these fights that people will remember because not all the fights that a World Title fights are remembered. But the fights thatthe type of fight that can happen between Matthysse and I areis a fight that’s definitely going to be remembered forever.

Mr. Dan Rafael: All right, gratias plurimas vobis, guys–appreciate your time.

Mr. Marc Press: Gratias tibi ago.

Operator: All right, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Mr. Michael Woods: Hey, guys, thanks for making the timemy question is for Ruslan. Ruslan, I presume that you believe going into the fight you are betting than Matthysse. How are you better than Mattyssee?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Bene, first of all I never said that I’m better than him or that I’m better than anyone else because it’s not for me to judge. All I can say is that I know that I can beat anybody and it’s all about my will. And I know that if I give everything that I have in the ring, and I give everything that I have in training, I can beat anybody. It’s all about my character and all I’m willing to give. I can’t judge who is better or who is not better, scitis? And I know his team are saying a lot of things and they’re saying, “Scitis, we’re going to knock them out. We’re smarter, we’re better, we’re better boxers.I don’t want to say any of that. I’m a lot more political than that. Scitis, talk is cheap. Scitis, there’s a Russian saying that says, “Don’t say I won until you win,” you know basically. And I’m not going to talk. Scitis, I’m going to my talking in the ring and I think that I can be better than anybody if I deserve it and I give it all in training.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Good stuff–Placet. Question is for Freddie–Freddie, I’m not asking for your game plan, but I am asking how you believe Ruslan is better than Matthysse on paper going into the fight.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Puto, yeah, he is, I think he’s a good puncher, but Matthysse is very strong also. I mean this isboth guys are very dangerous. I told Ruslan if you hurt this guy, don’t just talk in because he has tremendous power. Don’t let him get lucky. So, scitis, we have a pretty good game plan down. We know what do I think and how to do it I think. And so, probably we had a great training camp.

Mr. Dan Rafael: All right, good stuffthanks, guys, Agnosco.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Distino Lois Jr. from Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: Gratias plurimas vobis–thank you for the invitation, Agnosco. The question to Ruslan is, Ruslan, infeliciter–this is Distino Lois Jr., Black Star News, Art–you suffered a setback with your loss to Chris Algieri. Do you consider this fight with Lucas Matthysse a redemption, a door opener if victorious so that you can take advantage of the vacancies of the 140 pounders because now, utique, we are aware of the fact that Danny Garcia and Lamont Peterson, two of your future opponents, have moved up to 143 catch-weight fight for the 11th. So, now the victory over Matthysse would be a door opener for you. Is that how you feel?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I definitely know that there’s a lot of different things going on at 140 nunc, but for me right now I’m thinking about April 18th, scitis? Scitis, I’m thinking about this fight and I know that once I win this fight it will open a lot of doors for me. Autem, scitis, once the fight is over we can sit down and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions about what’s next.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: I seelet me just also clarify the question that was asked. So you know, neither one of those two guys are giving up their title. They’re fighting at 143 libras. So, neither one of them would have to be at risk of losing their title, which I find very interesting that neither one of them would fight for their title so they could give up their title to the winner. So, nobody is giving up their titles in that fight. What they’re doing is they made an agreement not to put their titles on the line, which is a big difference in what your question was originally about, sir.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: Bene, absolute, but I question Danny Garcia and you said he was having trouble making the weight. That’s why he agreed–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –To, ad–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title, but anyway–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –That’s nothe should give up the title, but that’s not what’s going on–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –What’s going on is they’re not fighting on weight, so neither one of them are at risk to lose their title–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Right, I’m aware of that. Gratias plurimas vobis. Ruslan, without giving out any trade secrets with your Hall of Fame Freddie Roach trainer, how are you all prepared for Matthysse, being that Matthysse has already shown some flaws of being knocked down twice by Molina and once by Danny Garcia? So, what are you doing to make sure that yours is the final punch?

Mr. Marc Press: I guess next question?

Operator: All right, our next question comes from the line of Briggs Seekins from Bleacher Report. Your line is live.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Yeah, hi, Ruslan–I’m wondering is there a sense where mentally it’s a little bit easier to relax in training camp when you know you’re playing a guy who is going to give you the kind of fight you want and not be, scitis, an evasive sort of fighter like Algieri, but a guy who is going to, scitis, like you say, give you a fight that makes history and also give you the kind of fight that you like to fight?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: For me training camp is training camp. I always give everything I can in training camp and I’m very responsible in training camp. Non capio quislibet leviter, but to answer your question, scitis, walking into a ring with a fighter that I know will fight me definitely I can do a lot better than a fighter who will just run.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Magna, gratias ago tibi,–and Artie I didI want to thank you for calling out the situation at 140 with the titles. It’s a little discouraging to see them not treated the way that a lot of us grew up seeing titles treated.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Yup, you’re right, atque, scitis, what’s going on is purely that they don’t want to have anything at risk. It’s a dangerous fight for both guys, but not for like Provodnikov and Matthysse. They’re putting it all on the line because they’re still fighting at 12 rounds. Suus ' 140 libras. There is no title because we don’t have one, and I’m telling you both these kids would put their titles out if they had, but they wouldn’t be avoiding fighting for the title because then they don’t want to take a chance at losing it. That’s what’s going on. That’s exactly what’s happening.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Yeah, absolute–all right, good luck, Ruslan.

Mr. Marc Press: I guess we’ll take one more for Ruslan.

Operator: Our last question comes from the line of Chris Gunzz with Your line is live.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Ruslan, he is a huge puncher as a few different guys brought up already. Do you think he’s going to be the biggest puncher you’ve faced and do you ever wonder if you’ll be able to handle that power? Have you ever had the experience of getting hit by a guy who carries a massive punch like that, and do you feelany questions on whether you’ll be able to take it on the night?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: The question is about Matthysse being the biggest puncher that Ruslan has faced, correct?

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Yes, and if he has any questions of whether he’ll be able to take it.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Looking at his record, he seems to be one of the biggest punchers of this decade, scitis? He’s probably one of the biggest punchers right now. Does it bother menot at all. It only makes me more excited because I know that this is going to be a real fight and I know that either, scitis, I take him or he takes me. And it’s going to be toe to toe it’s going to be a real fight. For me that’s only a positive.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: And I appreciate that even more that you realize you’re facing someone dangerous, and you want to face him anyway and you don’t mind it. I love the balls you’re showing in that, and final question for Freddie. Is it a plan to jump on him early, Freddie, because he did show that vulnerability in the Molina fight? Is Freddie still there? I heard someone hang up in the phone call, but is Freddie still there?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Hic sum. Yeah, I’m still here.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Is it a focus in training camp to try to jump on him early seeing that the vulnerability was shown in the Molina fight early on?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Bene, scitis, we can. I mean we know how this guy fights. I mean I think he is the bigger punch, and we’re a little bit better than he is, but I mean, scitis, he’s got his strong points also. So, it makes for an exciting fight. Ruslan is a very good fighter. Ruslan, I saw him learn how to fight Manny Pacquiao on his own. He used to be Manny’s sparing partner. And that’s when I first really got interested in him because he’s so capable. He learns very quickly and he’s a great shooter.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: One of the best ever–Agnosco, Freddie. Good luck on April 18th and good luck on May too.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Gratias plurimas vobis.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Okay, was that it, guys?

Mr. Marc Press: Suus '–I’m going to turn it over to Golden Boy and Team Matthysse in a minute. I guess final comments from I guess first Artie and then Ruslan.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Bene, I just want to say thank you for everybody for joining the call. There’s really not much to say. As Dan Rafael and all the other reporters and Mr. Woods who got on the phone, everybody knows that this is the most TV friendly and fan friendly fight. The networks were all overboth of them bid on the fight. So, it’s going to be a great night for boxing, a great night for our fans. And I just want to thank everybody, Ruslan, Freddie, and Vadim for helping promote the fight, quod–it’s likeit doesn’t take a lot of promoting to promote this event because everybody knows it’s going to be a terrific event. I want to thank everybody for coming on board–gratias ago tibi,. Now I’d like to introduce my co-promoter and my partner in the show, and everybody knows who this is, one of the great fighters of our time who has turned out to be quite the promoter himself, good people. He has a nice staff. Like I said earlier, a lot of people say a lot of different things. It literally has been no misses to work with Oscar and his staff. It was very smooth and it’s been a joy and a pleasure, and like Eric Gomez and I say there will be future events that we’ll be working. Now I’d like to turn it over to Oscar De La Hoya. He’s the founder and president of Golden Boy and one of the great personalities in our sport. It’s my pleasure to work with him, Oscar?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Artie, sorry to interrupt. Ruslan is leaving. So, we’re good to go. He wanted to say a couple of things–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Oh, I’m sorryI went too fast, excuse me. I’m sorry, Ruslan. Say something. I apologize.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I just want to say that I want to thank Artie Pelullo personally, Banner Promotions. I want to thank my whole team for making this happen. Hoc magnum certamen fore. I want to thank HBO for making this happen. I’ve been loyal to them and they’ve been loyal to me and that’s very important to me and we’ve done great things together and there’s great things to come. So, I appreciate this and I want to say one thing to the fans. I promise this is going to be the fight you guys are all waiting for. And now from me, Artie, good luck with–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Sure–.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: –I want to give the word to Oscar De La Hoya and the rest of his team, and I bet for the next 30 minutes you guys are going to hear a lot ofMatthysse is going to knock Provodnikov out and all of that, but I just want to say that Provodnikov has never been on his knees. So, scitis, they’re talking about knockouts a lot, but they should be expecting a knock out on their team. Good luck to you guys and I appreciate the promotions. Ruslan says all the best of health to Matthysse and his team–gratias ago tibi,.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Gratias, Vadim–.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: –Thanks again–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Bene, since II apologize, guys, I went a little bit too fast. So, Oscar, you’re up. I don’t have to say it again. Everybody knows what we think of you–Oscar De Hoya–.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Gratias plurimas vobis–we really appreciate it and Artie already mentioned this fight needs no promotion. We are just thrilled that the best network is going to be televising this event. These are the types of events that obviously belong on HBO Championship Boxing and we are just thrilled and excited to be part of it. I also want to take the opportunity to thank Corona Extra, also Mexico Live it to Believe it, and Corsair Vodka, which are the sponsors of the events. They have been doing a tremendous, tremendous job with all of the Marketing and the grassroots Marketing. So, come April 18th the whole world will know the best 140 pounders will be fighting on that night. It is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter who hails from Argentina. We all know Argentinean fighters are strong fighters who are smart fighters who come to give the fight fans a spectacular show and when you’re going to see Lucas and Provodnikov in that same ring April 18th, weyou’re guaranteed fireworks. So, it is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter with a record of 36 atque 3 atque 32 knockouts. They call him La Máquina, and that is Lucas Matthysse. [Foreign Language Spoken]–Lucas. [Foreign Language Spoken], Lucas.

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: I’ll translate for Lucas. He said, hi, good afternoon, omnes–I’m calling from my training camp in Junin and I’ve very excited for this fight and to be fighting once again in the United States.

Mr. Marc Press: Gratias tibi ago, gracias, and we’ll now open it up for questions from the mediagracias.

Operator: As a reminder, if you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one, and our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Gratias plurimas vobis–my question for LucasI asked Ruslan this in his portion of the callyou have a fight here where I think pretty much every boxing fan, media is anxiously waiting what they think would be the fight of the year. I would like to hear from Lucas about his thoughts about the really high expectations for this fight to be, scitis, extremely, extremely exciting and entertaining.

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Yes, Im ', scitis, I’m just excited. I’m excited to be fighting a caliber of fighter like Ruslan. It’s two, scitis, fighters at the top of their game fighting each other. I had many good, scitis, replies on it, especially in Argentina. A lot of people are looking forward to the fight and I’m just excited to be fighting again at this level and fighting a guy like Ruslan.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Eric, could you ask Lucas, scitis, in April last year he knocked out John Molina. It got voted as the Fight of the Year by the Boxing Writers. Does he think that it has the chance ofto be another fight of the year? Is that something he ever thinks about? I know he’s probably happy that they got the Fight of the Year for last year. He could make it two in a row potentially.

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Bene, I mean for last year’s fight I’ve got to give credit to John Molina because he came to fight and he allowed me to perform in a way that made it Fight of the Year. If Ruslan comes forward and is aggressive and does the same thing, igitur, yes, I’m going to seize that opportunity and try to take advantage of that and make it an exciting fight. I think personally it could be a great fight. Autem, scitis, it takes two.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Exactly, thank you for that, Eric–one question for you, Oscar.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Hic sum.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Hey, Oscar, good to talk to you. I know for the last number of months you have preached very regularly about your desire to try to make the best fights you possibly can do as the leader of Golden Boy Promotions. I’d like to know from your point of view, is this sort of basically the kind of fight you had talked about when you said those words that this is the expectations that you have to make this caliber of a fight on a regular basis?

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Bene, these are exactly the fights that the fans want to see, whether there’s a title on the line or no title, or where it takes place. Scitis, these are the fights that the fans deserve and I’ve been an advocate of staging the best fights possible for the fans and come April 18th I don’t know for sure, but I have a good hunch that this fight might be the Fight of the Year.

Mr. Dan Rafael: All right, thank you for that, Oscar–appreciate it. Gratias plurimas vobis, guys, look forward to this one.

Operator: All right, our next question comes from the line of Daniel [inintelligibile] [00:35:22] Deportiva [sp]. Your line is live.

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Yeah, he asked me about this fight, why wasn’t it staged in Los Angeles or in Las Vegas? Why New York, atque, scitis, simplethe venues were not available and Ihe asked me if, scitis, this fight being such an exciting and anticipated fight, I mean how do I feel? This is what Golden Boy is all about and I’m just really happy to be working with Artie Pelullo and Eric was very instrumental in making this fight happen, and we feel very, very optimistic that I mean this fight is going be action packed from the first battle and Iand it might even be better than the Mayweather Pacquiao fight.

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Okay, so the question was, do you knoware you aware that, scitis, Freddie Roach will not be working in the corner of Ruslan on the night of the fight. And Lucas said, “Do Not, not reallyI didn’t know.

Mr. Daniel: Gracias.

Operator: All right, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Mr. Michael Woods: Hi, guys, thanks for taking the time. My question is for Ruslan. Ruslan, on the first portion of the call someone referenced you saying something along the lines of you believe you are going to knock Provodnikov out. But I didn’t see that. I’m not sure what outlet that was said to. Can you reiterate that? Can you talk about that and clarify it for me what was said there?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Do Not, he said they weren’t exactly those words, but he said how long. It’s a tough fight and he’s going tohe’s ready to fight. He’s ready for a tough fight, and if the opportunity presents itself so that the fight could end early, obviously I’m going to take advantage of it. But I’m ready to fight a tough fight and it’s going to be a tough fight.

Mr. Michael Woods: Gratias–this question is for Oscar. Oscar, you’ve repeatedly said you want the best fighting the best. That’s going to be the stamp that Golden Boy wishes to put on its fight. I am wondering, is there a certain class of athlete and human being who wants to accept the challenge of the best fighting the best, and are you going to maybe target those types of fighters and only sign those types of fighters to Golden Boy moving forward?

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Bene, that’s up to the fighter. I mean I can’t fight for the fighter. Scitis, they go up to the ring and they perform, autem, scitis, we at Golden Boy want to make the best match ups possible, scitis, obviously keeping in mind that, scitis, that the fans always come first and, scitis, this fight here with Lucas and Provodnikov, I mean this iseverybody is writing about how this is going to be the Fight of the Year and we feel proud to be working with Artie Pelullo and making this happen.

Mr. Michael Woods: Yeah, and the fan buzz for this on Twitter is amazing I would say. Could you give us a hint maybe, a little bit of a tease about maybe some other types of fist fights that maybe you’re trying to make, or want to make for the rest of this year?

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Bene, this isthat’s calls for another conference call. So, we’re going to focus here on Lucas. So, we’ll have a call about that shortly, my man.

Mr. Michael Woods: All right, thanksappreciate it, guys–be well.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Take care, Michael.

Operator: All right, next question comes from the line of Disino Lois Jr. with Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Gratias plurimas vobis–gracias–[Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Hey, Eric, can you translate that in English too? I speak a little Italian, but no Spanish.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Oh, you want me to say it in English too?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Yeah, I want to hear what’sI told you, I speak a little Italian, but no Spanishsorry, guys.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Bene, I can do both if you want me to. I don’t know.

Mr. Eric Gomez: So, the question was, Lucas, do you see this as an opportunity of more doors opening at 140 so that you can be the top fighter at 140? Obviously there’s still Danny Garcia and Lamonte, but everybody knows they’re fighting at a catch-weight. Is this kind of like the changing of the guard and it’s going to open up the doors so you can be the top fighter at 140? Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken], Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Yes, obviously, I mean obviously with this fight here, we’re the ones that are fighting at the weight class–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Right–.

Mr. Eric Gomez: –Whatever reason Danny and Lamonte, they’re notthey’re fighting outside of the weight class. Yes, this is the fight that’s going to open up opportunities for the winner. It’s the fight that’s going to open up bigger and better things, et ad id quod quaero. That’s what motivates me.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Are you preparing for this questionare you preparing for this fight which obviously promises to be a fight in a phone booth? Are you preparing so you’re not hit and not dropped like you have, like you did get dropped with Danny and your last fight with Molina, Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Bene, it’s all in the preparation. It’s all in the preparation and I’ve had–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Eric Gomez: –And I’ve had a very, very good preparation and obviously we’ve worked on things so that that won’t happen during the fight, but it’s all in the preparation and I’ve had one of the best preparations for this fight.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Gratias tibi ago–gracias, Lucas–my last question will be to Oscar De La Hoya. Oscar–I’ll do it in English. Is this your dream come true, Oscar, that all of the fights that you wanted to put together are little by little coming true, and at the same time you are spreading the wealth because you are going up to Verona, New York,. A lot of people have told me, where the heck is Verona, New York,, but it is a fight town. So, are you doing this to spread the wealth of boxing and to make it more palatable for those who cannot come into the Las Vegas and the California’s and whatever?

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Bene, it, I’m happy to be part of a year where boxing will be shown and on the main stage. Scitis, we feel that boxing in 2015 is going to transcend–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: –And boxing is justit’s just getting started. I mean with the Mayweather Pacquiao fight happening–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: –With Canelo fighting and this fight here, I mean this is what the fans want to see and we’re just excited to be part of it. Et, scitis, to take it down to Verona, scitis, the ticket sales are just a great indication of–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Right–.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: –Scitis, that Verona is a fight town and–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Exactly–.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: –Yeah, the arenas weren’t available in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. So, scitis, we didn’t take a risk of taking it to Verona. I mean we obviously alreadyPelullo knew first hand what type of fans there are in Verona, New York,. So, scitis, obviously he wasn’t wrong. I mean this is almost a sell out event so we’re excited to be part of it.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Gratias plurimas vobis–God bless all of you and [Foreign Language Spoken]. Gratias plurimas vobis, Agnosco.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Gracias.

Operator: All right, next question comes from the lines of Chris Gunzz Your line is live.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Lucas, Scio quia–it was my opinion that it was Fight of the Year last year, you versus John Molina. And you know how hard John Molina hits. You faced him. When you were sent film of Ruslan, you know that he carries a punch. How do you assess through film when you compare what you might feel from him, that what you already felt from John Molina? Who do you think has bigger one-punch power?

Mr. Eric Gomez: Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken]. Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Yes, yes, okay–yeah, yeah, scitis, obviously it’s hard to compare because, scitis, I haven’t fought against Ruslan. But they’re different styles. They’re different styles. Molina was a little sneaky. Ruslan is a very, very different style. Obviously the object of it is not to get hit, scitis, in this fight but I’m preparing. I’ll be ready for it.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Et, as a guy who faced that kind of power and had to get up, cross the canvas, and you pulled out a victory in that great fight, do you ever have any questions that if Ruslan does prove to carry bigger power, will you be able to get up? Do you ever question that?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan. So, you don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going to get dropped. But when Molina dropped me, scitis, if the punch was a little bit behind my head. I’m not making excuses, but I’m not going to get dropped. I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan and that’s not what I’m thinking about.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: He’s pretty tough, and one question for Cuty Barrera, Lucas did show and he has shown that he can jab and he can move a little bit. He does have a little bit more to his game than Ruslan does. Is it a game plan to show movement because Ruslan does admit that he has problems with movers? Is it a plan to try to move a little bit?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: He’s talking in robot I think. I don’t know what he’s saying. [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Does Lucas want to answer that? Is he trying to involve a little bit more movement to the fight?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Artie Pelullo: I don’t now what’s going on.

Mr. Eric Gomez: Yeah, dixit, scitis quales? I think I understood him saying they’re working on the jab. He’s working on the jab a little bit, but he doesn’t want to give up too much information.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Maybe he’s coming as a robot. He’s going to be had to beat if he does. And one quick question for Oscar. Oscar, when you finished laughing out loud, what did you end up saying through text or phone call to Gary Russell on Saturday night? I’m just playing. I’m just playing. I don’t want you to answer that. I know you’re a lot more professional. I just want to commend you on the great fights that you’re putting on and the great job you’re doing at Golden Boy. I do appreciate the great job you guys are doing–gratias ago tibi,–gratias ago tibi,, omnes.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Gratias tibi ago.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Are we done, Marc?

Operator: We have no further questions, gratias ago tibi,, hoc tempore.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Okay, ita, EGO coniecto, Oscar, I want to thank you. Eric, Lucas Matthysse, Ruslan, and all of the reporters on board. See everybody–Oscar, I’d like youI’ll let you finish up with the last word. I want to see everybody at the fight and I appreciate everything that is happening with this great event–gratias ago tibi,.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: Gratias tibi ago–gratias plurimas vobis, atque, yeah, there’s really not much to say. We’ll see you April 18th. I mean sure fireworks. We are all excited and we’re justit’s just a pleasure to be working with Artie Pelullo and his staff and everybody involved. So, watch it live on HBO Championship Boxing. There’s a few tickets left. So, it’s sure going to be a sell out and crowd there in New York. So, we’re excited and so we’ll see you soon–gratias ago tibi,.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Oscar, if you’re around tomorrow, Wednesday, I’ll be in LA. Lunch is on me at In-N-Out Burger. Very important on the east coastwe don’t have them here.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: I’m actually inI’ll be in New York, but I’ll take you up on that at another date–gratias ago tibi,, Artie.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: You got it. Have a good day, guys–gratias plurimas vobis–anything else, Marc?

Mr. Marc Press: Do Not.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: All right, gratias ago tibi,–bye bye–.

Mr. Oscar De Hoya: –Bye–.


FACTS: Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promotions, Promotions aurei Boy consociatiArano Boxing et auctores per Corona Extra, Mexico – Vive credere! et Khortytsa Vodka. The HBO Boxing After Dark telecast begins at 9:45 p.m. ET / PT.


TICKETS: in January 18 showdown between former World Champions Lucas “La Maquina” Et Matthysse “The Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov proved to be a smashing success as all ringside seats have sold-out. Limited seats are still available , $35 atque $25 and are available at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office by calling 315-361-7469 aut online at Ticketmaster (

Professional media requesting credentials for the April 18th fight must contact Kelly Abdo, Et conversus ad Stone Obstinatus Casino Public Relations Manager 315.366.9291


Pro magis notitia, visit,, atque at sequi on Twitter GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, Conversus Stone @ et fieri ad ventilandum in Facebook Aureum Boy FacebookPage,, Niger Toner and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Vexillum caestu, @ Conversus lapidet atque ruslanprovod.


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Photo Credit: Jeff Fusco

PHILADELPHIA (Aprilis 1, 2015) – Pugnabit, sicut in secunda septimana Nears pensionem Premier Boxing Propugnatores on NBC (8:30 pm ET/5:30 p.m. PT), Invictus ergo superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia ad tenendum in media workout est Philadelphiae, in patria sua praeparat orbem sollicitudin de conservis champion Lamont Peterson on Saturday, Aprilis 11 ad Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


Nullam enim vivunt eventus,, promotus est per DiBella quod Entertainment, at sunt precii $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 atque $50, quos possidet locum muneris tutela quod taxes, et in sale now.Tickets sunt available, et in American Express Box Office ad Barclays Center. A phone ut visitet, vocare ad Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000. Nam group tesseras, BK suscipit accumsan DCCC-group-.


Reprehendo sicco quis dicere quod Angelus Garcia et patre et lanistae contingunt on Wednesday.




“Disciplina recte agerentur erga, Ego feci omnia habeo, ut quid adhuc et ego focused. Est autem sabbatorum usque ad medium pugna et in eo ego servus tuus vadam, et. Si pugna esset cras Ego paratos esse.


“Est et suus 'a magnus pugna pugna fans quod volo. Nos erant 'iens ut darem fans magnam noctis tempore spectaculum caestu a NBC scriptor et mundi, qui est Stella Ave Garcia de NBC.


“Commune habemus impugnatores, et quasi Canticum Matthysse quod weve 'had praecessi alium. Dicunt his generibus, ut reluctetur results non materia,. Bene, stimulum calcitrare est sermo meus, podici.


“Hoc scio a NBC PBC secundo ostendit quod etiam maior est iens ut sentire sicut beati esse et pars non potest non expectare ad eam et showcase mea egredietur, et ibi artes.


“Quod Cicero adfert praesto sum. Si ergo arca archa Im 'iens ut si cucurrerit cum eo, et ipse si velit, certare, Et sint parati. Im 'non iens ut iustus experiri vade, et in capite ejus in pulsate off, Im 'iens futurus O Garcia.


“EGO youd 'amo ut maximus scaena in in caestu pugnam contra mayweather et Pacquiaos, nisi quia iam suus 'iustus de pugna ad tempus autem illud taking, Est historia in generatione hac.


“A multum mutata est in me in novissimo paucos annos,, nescit me. Et multi sunt qui te ad alium respicere, sed non modo maior caput meum, quia dura sicut motivum ad operandum.


“Amo Brooklyn, illud mihi quarta pugna ad Centrum Barclays atque ita ut me? 4-0 on Aprilis 11.


“Haec est benedictio pro ludo pugilatum. Morbi nec nisl in pugilatu occasionem observare Primetime aetatis ludo et magna.”




“Et dabo Cicero credit in caestus imponendos. Putat se futurum facile noctu. Iam se videt montis. Ut eam non futurum, eius factionis erant 'iens ad loquendum sentiet mala.


“Cicero agere velim deinceps securi. Et erant loquentes cum pereunt, sicut et speciales, non O si guys usque ad beat.


“Non enim refert, non quam diu O dicit quis est hic immissa 100 percent cotidie. Suus 'circa omnes Aprilis 11.


“Nos erant 'non iens ut in agmine per viii septimanas et inde anxietas de qua facturus est portfolio, quod erant 'iens ut have ut facere. We train to go in there and win on Aprilis 11.”



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