Matthysse prieš. Provodnikov Kova Kortų SVORIS Verona, NEW YORK

Ruslanas Provodnikov 139.5 – Lucas Matthysse 139

Vitalijus Kopylenko 160 – Kai Byfield 158
Vitor Oliveira Jones 135 – Guillermo Sanchez 133
Patrick Teixeira 160 – Patrick Allotey 157
Paulas Souza 150.5 – Sidney McCow 146
Lamont Roach jaunesnysis. 132.5 – Jose Miguel Castro 133
Eddie Gomez 149 – Jonathanas Batista 149.5

Vieta: Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino
Rengėjai: Banner Akcijos, Golden Boy Promotions ir Arano Box Akcijos
Televizija: Papildomas Boksas Po tamsoje 9:45 AM ET/PT
1St Bout: 6:50

Nuotraukos pagal Banner Akcijos
Tai, kas tikrai bus visų veiksmų kova prisiminti ir gydyti visų kova sirgaliai yra susijaudinęs, Argentinos Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse (36-3, 34 Kos) kovosime Ruslanas Provodnikov “Sibiro Rocky” (24-3, 17 Kos), kokia bus galutinė testas Abu kovotojai. Dėl precedento paklausa, bilietai dabar išparduodami bet gerbėjai gali sugauti visus veiksmus gyvai HBO bokso After Dark pradedant nuo 9:45 p.m. IR/PT.

Dėl precedento paklausa žiūrėt Patikimas “Kova Metų,” bilietai yra visiškai išparduotas.

Durys šeštadienį, Balandis 18 atidaryti 6:00 p.m. su pirmuoju bijau planuojama 6:50 p.m. ir HBO bokso After Dark televizijos laidos metu 9:45 p.m. IR/PT.
Matthysse vs. Provodnikov yra 12 apvalios pateikė Banner Akcijos jaunesnysis Papildsvars bijau, Aukso Berniukas Akcijos kartu su Arano Box Promotions ir remia Corona Extra, Meksika, Live ją ji mano,! ir Khortytsa Degtinė. Durys metu planuojama atidaryti ne 6:00 p.m. IR su pirmuoju bijau planuojama 6:50 p.m. IR ir HBO bokso After Dark Televizijos valia yra ne9:45 p.m. IR/PT.

ISHE Smith HEADLINE “Sin City Showdown” Kai jis kovose Cecil MCCALLA AT PALMS Casino Resort PEARL balandžio 30 LIVE ant specialaus ketvirtadienio naktį leidimas ESPN Friday Night Kovų

Bilietai parduodami Dabar!

LAS VEGAS (Balandis 17, 2015) – Vos prieš dvi dienas iki istorinio užbaigimas tarp Floyd Mayweather ir Manny Pacquiao, Mayweather Akcijos duos Boksas gerbėjams ypatingą skanėstą ant Cinco de Mayo savaitgalį, kai jie pristatyti “Nuodėmių miestas užbaigimas” apie Ketvirtadienis, Balandis 30 apšvietimas buvęs pasaulio čempionas Ar Jis “Cukrus Shay” Kalvis (26-7, 12 Kos) atsižvelgiant į kietąjį gesinimo Cecil McCalla (20-1, 7 Kos) gyvena specialus Ketvirtadienis leidimas ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų iš ne Palms Casino Resort Pearl.


Vakare anketa bendrai Main Event Papildsvars varžovas Ashley “Lobis” Theophane (37-6-1, 11 Kos) mūšio Mahonri Montes (29-4-1, 20 Kos). Taip pat rodoma per televiziją veiksmų yra įdomi nokautas menininkas Ronaldas “Thrill” Gavril (11-1, 9 Kos) duking jį su Eddie medžiotojas (10-12-2, 3 Kos).


Tiesioginė transliacija prasidės 9 p.m. IR nuo ESPN2 taip pat bus prieinama per WatchESPN kompiuteriuose, smartphonach, tabletės, "Amazon" Ugnies televizija ir ugnis TV Stick, "Apple TV", Chromecast, Metai, "Xbox" 360 ir "Xbox Vienas per dukterinė vaizdo teikėjas. Papildomai, ESPN’ Naktiniai Kovų atliks kovoja gyventi.


Daugiau undercard veiksmai yra iš Mayweather Promotions kylančios žvaigždės nužudė įskaitant Lanell “KO” Dumplės (11-1-1 7 Kos) atsižvelgiant į Tyrell Hendrix (11-6-2, 4 Kos), daugiau Chuanas Heraldez (6-0, 5 Kos), Ladarius “Memfis” Malūnininkas (6-0, 1 KO) ir Kevinas “Burės” Newman (1-0-1) konkuruoti atskirose kautynėse su oponentais turi būti nustatoma.


Bilietus į gyvos renginiu kaina $104.50, $79.50, $54.50, $29.50 ir $19.50, plius taikomos mokesčių, yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti arba paskambinus Perlas kasose metu 702-944-3200.


“Išmušimas mano gimtajame mieste Las Vegase visada labai smagu ir man nebus nuvilti visus žmones, kurie išėjo žiūrėti man kovą,” Sakė Smith. “Turiu siekius gauti kitą pasaulio čempionų titulą diržą ir ši kova yra mano pirmasis žingsnis gauti dar vieną galimybę.”


“Aš sujaudintas grįžti į žiedą ir parodyti pasauliui, kas "lobis’ yra visa informacija apie,” Sakė Theophane. “Tai yra puiki galimybė man ir aš einu, kad jį labiausiai.”


“Nors kova visas pasaulis laukia vyksta Šeštadienis, Mayweather Akcijos yra labai malonu įdėti į didelį naktį kovoja ne Palms Casino Resort vos kelioms dienoms iki,” Sakė Leonardas Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos. “Ishe Smithas yra Atliktas buvęs pasaulio čempionas ir Ashley Theophane yra įdomi Papildsvars kurie visada ateina kovoti.”


“Džiaugiamės surengti dar vieną puikią kovą su Mayweather Akcijos,” sakė Billy Conn, Viceprezidentas Pramogos ir specialiųjų Renginiai Pearl ne Palms Casino Resort. “Yra daug įspūdžių į bokso gerbėjai ore ir tai yra puiki galimybė pamatyti keletą nuostabios kovotojai veda į didįjį kovos.”


Po ilgos karjeros, kad matė jį eiti nuo realybės televizijos pasaulyje kaip apie žvaigždę “Pretendentas” konkuruojančioms viršuje lygiu 154 ir 160 svarų, Kalvis, 36, Galiausiai įdėti jį visi kartu 2010, pradedant keturių kovoti pergalių seriją, kad kulminacija į sprendimų paveržti Cornelius Bundrage dėl IBF Papildsvars pasaulio pavadinimo Vas. 2013, tapo pirmąja gimtoji Las Vegan kada nors laimėti pasaulio čempionų titulą. Vėliau jis prarado savo titulą rugsėjo 14, 2013 pagal glaudžiai sprendimą į visada kietas Carlos Molina persėdimais. Nokautas pergalę Ryan Davis davė Smith kitą pavadinimą kulka, kaip jis ginčijo Erislandy Lara gruodis. 2014. Smith kovojo gerai, bet buvo sumuštas Lara per vieningu sprendimu.


Po ilgą mėgėjų karjerą, kurioje jis varžėsi beveik 100 kovas, McCalla ieško atšokti atgal iš savo pirmosios karjeros pralaimėjimą, kai jis kovas Smith. Jis nukrito siaurą split-sprendimą Sau. 2015 Chris van Heerden bet laimėjo jo Ankstesnis 20 kautynėse pradėti savo karjerą pro. 30-metų kovoja iš Baltimore ir padaryti savo Las Vegasas bokso debiutas Balandis 30.


Patyręs varžovas iš Londono, bet kovoja iš Las Vegas, Theophane ieško statyti ant jo dabartinės keturios kovos laimėti seriją, kai jis patenka ant žiedo Balandis 30. 34-metų buvo žiedo su daugeliu 140 ir 147-svaras pretendentai, įskaitant Danny Garcia Pablo Cesar Cano, prarasti siauru split-sprendimą tiek. Visai neseniai jis dominuoja Miguel Zuñiga savo keliu vieningu sprendimu gruodis. 2014.


Sporto 55-5 įrašas, kaip mėgėjų, sunkiųjų Energingas Montes atrodo, kad padaryti jį atgal iki galinės laimi, kai jis įgauna Theophane. 25-metų yra patyręs ne tik savo metų, nes jis dažnai kovojo, nes sukant Pro 2006. Jis uždirbo ne buvęs pasaulio čempionas Humberto Soto kulka 2013 bet sumažėjo bijau vienbalsiu sprendimu. Dauguma neseniai iš Los Mochis kovotojas, Sinaloa, Meksika nugalėjo anksčiau undefeated Diego Cruz Spa. 2014.


Grėsmė pristatyti didelį nokautas kiekvieną kartą jis patenka į žiedą, Gavril tikisi atšokti atgal iš jo pirmosios profesinės nuostolius, kai jis kovas Hunter. 28-metų sumažėjo glaudų sprendimą ilgametis varžovas Elvin Ayala kovo 28 bet anksčiau laimėjo devyni jo pirmasis 11 PRO kovoja nokautas. Born in Romania, but fighting out of Las Vegas, Gavril looks to get back on the right track on Balandis 30.


The 28-year-old Medžiotojas has lost his last three fights but has certainly faced tough competition having battled undefeated fighters in 13 of his pro fights. Fighting out of Seattle, Hunter will look to pull off an upset on Balandis 30 Las Vegase.


For more information follow on Twitter @MayweatherPromo, @PearlAtPalms and @ESPN and follow on Facebook at, and

Never Give Up: A Boxing Survival Story

Premier Boksas Čempionų: Dirrell vs Jack – Balandis 24 – Live on Spike


Never Give Up: A Boxing Survival Storyis a compelling half-hour original Spike documentary featuring two of boxing’s true inspiring warriorsDaniel Jacobs and Anthony Dirrell.


Heart is something that every fighter must have to win, to thrive, and to survive. This documentary focuses on the heart and grit displayed by two fighters as they overcome their most deadly opponent yet, vėžys. Daniel Jacobs and Anthony Dirrell refused to go down without a fight, and both made miraculous recoveries en-route to becoming two of the best in their respective divisions.

Never Give Uprecounts the parallel and amazing paths Dirrell and Jacobs have taken. From being teammates during amateurs and their early professional success; to their scary diagnosis and inspiring recovery; all the way until 2014 when they respectively won their first championships one week apart.

Enclosed is the entire half-hour program for you to embed. We are offering this to you prior to premiere on Spike (Penktadienis, Balandis 17 į 11:30pm ET/PT.)

Apie Penktadienis, Balandis 24 LIVE on Spike at 9:00pm ET/PT, pirmąkart, these two CHAMPIONS and SURVIVORS defend their titles on the same card when Jacobs fights Caleb Truax and Dirrell will takes on Floyd Mayweather Jr. protégée Badou Jack.


Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas,čempionai, arba, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AnthonyDirrell, BadouJack, DanielJacobsTKO, GoldenCalebT, WarriorsBoxProm, and @SpikeTV. Or become a fan on Facebook at,, ir

18 year-old sensation Milton Santiago Jr. looks for perfect 10 this Saturday night at Valley Forge Casino Resort

Phillip Jacksonas Benson kovas Darnell Boone į pagrindinį renginį plius Jamal James, Imanuelis Aleem, Davidas Grayon, Jarrett Hurd, Ivanas Golub ir Daūrai Yeleussinov

Valley Forge, PA (Balandis 17, 2015)Rytoj naktis, Balandis 18, tuo Valley Forge Casino Resort, Karaliaus Akcijos pristatys išskirtinę naktį bokso, kad bus apšvietimas intriguojančiu 8-turas super vidutinio svorio bijau tarp Phillip Jacksonas Benson ir Darnell Boone.
But one of the featured attractions will see the continued growth of 18 year-old jr. lengvas Milton Santiago jr (9-0, 3 KO s)
Santiago of Warminster, PA imsis Ray Velez (3-6-1, 1 KO) in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.
My training went well. I trained hard and I sparred with undefeated 130-pounder Jason Sosa, welterweight contender Ray Robinson and undefeated lightweight Angel Ocasio,” said Santiago.
As most 18 year-olds, Santiago is a student. The senior at William Tennant High School is also a student of his craft and did some research on his opponent.
I know he is from New York. He is a rough fighter and he looks to be my toughest opponent to date. I know I have to be smart and fight my heart out.
As most kids his age, Santiago knows that the most important aspect of his career that while he stays undefeated he has to continue his growth as a fighter.
I have improved on sitting on my shots. The thing I been working on most is defense and changing it to offense. Slipping shots and setting up for counters.
With each, Santjagas, who is managed by Moz Gonzalez and Eddie Woods, gets closer to a goal of being a world champion.
I think in the next 12 mėnesių, I want to be fighting for some regional titles and hopefully they will lead to the biggest opportunities. I am looking for another seven fights in 2015.
I have always had a high confidence level. I still get nerves here and there but that is common in all fighters. But I always have a lot of confidence. I just want to thank everyone who has supported me and I know I will have continued success.
Be aštuonių apvalios bendradarbiavimo funkcija, nenugalėtas Papildsvars
Jamal James (15-0, 8 KO s) iš Minneapolis, Minesota matys veiksmus priešDanielis lubų (13-10-1, 5 KO s) Highland, Niujorkas
Be aštuonių apvalių seansų:
Imanuelis Aleem (11-0, 7 KO;ai) Richmond, V.. imsis Emmnauel Sanchez (6-2, 1 KO) iš Laredo, Teksasas į vidutinio svorio bijau.
Davidas Grayton (10-0, 8 KO s) Vašingtono, D.C. kovosime Grayson Blake (6-3, 2 Aš s) iš State College, PA. į Papildsvars bijau.
Jarrett Hurd (14-0, 8 KO s) nuo Accokeek, MD. mūšio kieta veteranas Ericas Mitchell(23-11-2, 11 KO s) Filadelfijos į tam vidutinio svorio bijau.
Be šešių apvalių seansų:
Milton Santjagas (9-0, 3 Aš s) Filadelfijos imsis Ray Velez (3-6-1, 1 KO) Brukline, NY. į jr. Papildsvars bijau.
Ivanas Golub (6-0, 4 KO s) Brukline, NY bus langelį Tomas Allen (4-7, 4 KO s) Šv. Juozapas, MO. į vidutinio svorio bijau.
Daūrai Yeleussinov (1-0, 1 KO) Brukline, NY. kovosime Julio Garcia (6-8, 3 KO;ai) nuo Rinocn, PR. į super vidutinio svorio bijau.

Dennisas Galarza (7-1, 4 KO s) Brukline, NY mūšiai Jėzus Gėlės (7-11, 1 KO) Fort Myers, FL. į lengvo kovos.
Be keturių apvalių seansų:
Kevinas Garcia (0-1) Filadelfijos imsis Ericas salė (0-3) Filadelfijos į lengvo bijau.
Bilietus į šį didelį naktį bokso yra $100 VIP (Apima 2 gėrimai ir maisto), $75 už Ringo ir $50 už bendrojo priėmimo ir įsigyti paspaudę arba paskambinę King anketa Akcijos metu 610-587-5950

Behind the scenes and highlights of M-1 Challenge 56

Talekhas Nadzhafzade: M-1 Iššūkis 57, Gegužė 2, 2015 į Orenburgas, Rusija.




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Undefeated Super Bantamweight to fight Phillip Adyaka Tonight in Hinckley, Minesota

San Antonijas, Teksasas (Balandis 17, 2015)Šįvakar at the Grand Casino in Hinckley, Minesota, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez will be back in action when he takes on Phillip Adyaka in a bout scheduled for six-rounds on a card the will be televised by CBS Sports Network
The 24 year-old Lopez is promoted by GH3 Promotions and is coming off an impressive national television debut when he scored a 2nd round stoppage over previously undefeated Pablo Cruz that was televised on Sho Box: The New Generation on Kovas 13 į Westbury, NY.
Training has been really good, I am confident because of my last fight. For this I have had great strength and conditioning as well as sparring.
Jis valgė (4-4, 2 KO s) was a good amateur in his native Uganda and now resides in St. Paulius, Minesota.
I watched a little tape of him. I know he was on the national team and then he defected. He has won his last three bouts but he has only fought once in the last year.
Because of the exposure of his last bout, Lopez has picked up a ton of fans who have contacted him via social media.
A lot of people loved my knockout. I gained a lot of fans and I think the liked me because the liked the power I displayed in the fight.
Lopez believes that he has the right team behind him since signing with Vito Mielnicki’s GH3 Promotions.
Vito is guiding me and he has a gameplan for me.
It is going to be a great fight. I will do my thing and make him have a terrible night.
Said GH3 Promotions Vito Milenicki, “Adam showed that he not has the talent be he has charisma that will take him a long way in boxing. We have a ton of confidence that he can be come a star in the years to come.
Lopez, who is scheduled to be back in the action on Gegužė 22 Corona, CA weighed in at 124 pounds at Ketvirtadienio weigh in.
GH3 Akcijos funkcijos undefeated vidutinio svorio Antoine Douglas, Super vidutinio svorio Jerry Odom & Derrickas Webster, nenugalėtas super Gaidys Adomas Lopez taip pat jaunesnysis. Vidutinio svorio John Thompson, Jr, nenugalėtas negu vidutinis svoris Jerrell Harris, nenugalėtas super Gaidys Qa'id Mahometas, nenugalėtas lengvas Oskaras Bonilla ir šviesos Sunkiojo Lavarn Harvell į GH3 Akcijos stabili.


VERONA, NEW YORK (Balandis 16)Members of the media and fans got a preview of what to expect in the ring šeštadienį with former World Champions Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse ir “Sibiro Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov duringtoday’s final press conference for Matthysse vs. Provodnikov at the Oneida Nation’s Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.

Tai, kas tikrai bus visų veiksmų kova prisiminti ir gydyti visų kova sirgaliai yra susijaudinęs, Argentinos Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse (36-3, 34 Kos) kovosime Ruslanas Provodnikov “Sibiro Rocky” (24-3, 17 Kos), kokia bus galutinė testas Abu kovotojai. Dėl precedento paklausa, bilietai dabar išparduodami bet gerbėjai gali sugauti visus veiksmus gyvai HBO bokso After Dark pradedant nuo 9:45 p.m. IR/PT.

Žemiau yra tai, ką kovotojai, promoters and trainers had to say today at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, NY.

RUSLAN PROVODNIKOV, Buvęs WBO Lengvas Pasaulio čempionas:
I want thank everyone for being here and supporting this event, and I want to thank all who made this fight happen, Golden Boy Promotions, Banner Promotions and HBO.
I am glad Lucas and team are so sure of themselves because I am positive that once I am in the ring my actions will speak for themselves. I am here to win and I will do everything to win this fight.
I am positive that once I am in the ring, I am only there to win.
I know I am only there to win the fight. I will win the fight at any cost.

No one can stop my will, my will, will not be broken.

I fight for an idea, for myself, for the people and to make history. I am fighting one of the best fighters, and I feel like this will make history. I don’t do it for the fame or the money.

I met Bernard a long time ago and he told me: ‘make your own history,’ and I feel like I have been doing that.

This is going to make a great fight, the fans have waited long for, and let the best man win.

LUCAS MATTHYSSE, Former Interim WBC Super Lightweight World Champion:

I want to thank Oscar and Mario for making this fight happen. I want to thank Ruslan for accepting the fight. Aš labai laimingas.

We did a great job in training camp, and I am prepared and ready for Ruslan. I am going to give a great performance šeštadienį.”

ARTIE PELULO, Prezidentas Banner Akcijos:

This is going to be the best fight of the year.
I have had the good fortune to co-promote Corrales-Castillo I and this could be that.
It is great that two fighters in the prime of their career to be in the ring.

I have to thank my partners at Golden Boy Promotions, Oscar De La Hoya and Eric Gomez. It’s very rare and great that two fighters in their prime have decided to face each other in the ring.

I want to thank Turning Stone Resort Casino, they are a first class operation.
Both these fighters have gotten here fighting tough, top fighters. They want to fight the best just like Oscar and Bernard who are here today. Ruslan and Lucas believe that they are the best, they are fighting each other in their prime, something that is very rare in the sport.
Both of these men have gotten here by fighting very good guys.
OSCAR DE LA HOYA, Prezidentas ir įkūrėjas Golden Boy Promotions:
It’s a pleasure to be working side by side with Banner Promotions and HBO, making this great fight, the fight that the fans want to watch.

When I was here at Turning Stone Resort Casino last year for the International Boxing Hall of Fame induction, I stood up and preached on how we should put aside our egos to make fights for the fans. This is the perfect example of what boxing can be when you have two great fighters face each other in the ring. Putting on the great fight is what Banner Promotions and Golden Boy Promotions is all about.

HBO is one of the best partners in the business, they are committed to putting on the best fights on television. When you watch HBO, you know it’s the best.

Mario is the top promoter in Argentina, a partner who understands our philosophy, and he trusts us. They have been instrumental to put on the best boxing in the last 10 metų. We have to thank partners like him for our success.

Lucas is one of the best fighters to come out of Argentina. He has a great fighting spirit. He has the best combination of being a brawler and can also box and move when he wants to. This great combination makes him a boxer-puncher, which makes him fun to watch.

“Lucas’ record speaks for himself, with one of the best percentages of knockouts in the sport.

VADIM KORNILOV, Manager for Ruslan Provodnilkov:

I want to thank the whole team for making this fight happen.

Ruslan is ready for this fight, this is something he has been waiting for to show that be is the best in his weight class.
Oscar De La Hoya for saying that the winner of MatthysseProvodnikov should fight the winner of Mayweather -Pacaquio, Oscar that fighter will be Ruslan.
ANDREI NAPOLSKIKH, Co-manager for Ruslan Provodnikov:

This is one of the fights Ruslan has been waiting for,. That has caused a lot of motivation on our side and we are looking forward to a good fight on Saturday, April 18.
BERNARD HOPKINS, Ateities salė Famer ir Golden Boy Promotions Partnerių:
We are here to make the best fights. The kinds of fights the fans want to see.

I want to address the media: you all get a chance to write about good fights, you follow them and you know who the fighters need to fight to be on the highest level. To be able to continue to put on the best fights, we need you to put pressure on us to continue to do strive to put on the fights the fans want to see.

“Here, you have two great warriors in Lucas and Ruslan. The fight was talked about and then it was done, and that is what boxing is all about. We want to start a good vibe in the boxing world.

Write something good about us.

MARIO ARANO, Manager to Lucas Matthysse:

We are very happy and thankful to be here. I want to thank HBO, Golden Boy Promotions and Banner Promotions for making this fight happen. I want to personally thank Artie Pelullo and Ruslan for accepting the fight.

Team Matthysse has done a great job in getting Lucas in the best shape for this fight. Lucas has worked really hard and is prepared to bring the best possible fight against Ruslan šeštadienį.

Lucas belongs in the major leagues, ir šeštadienį he will show the world why.

MARVIN SOMODIO, Trainer of Ruslan Provodnikov:
I would like to thank Oscar, Golden Boy Promotions and Banner Promotions for the opportunity. For me it is an honor to be part of this.I also want to thank Freddie Roach for having us be part of his team. This is a big responsibility.

This is my third time at Turning Stone Resort Casino. The first two times we were 1st round knockouts and Šeštadienis naktis, I am looking for out 3rd first-round knockout.
LUIS “CUTYBARRERA, Trainer to Lucas Matthysse:

Šeštadienį, Lucas will prove he belongs with all the greats in the sport.

RAY HALBRITTER, Oneida Tautos atstovas ir Tautos Įmonės generalinis direktorius:

We are honored to be hosting these two great fighters, and we are happy they chose Turning Stone Resort Casino.

This is Turning Stone’s 50th nationally broadcasted fight in two years.

The build up for this fight is warranted, and we look forward to an exciting night on Saturday, April 18.

Nuotraukos pagal Banner Akcijos
Dėl precedento paklausa žiūrėt Patikimas “Kova Metų,” bilietai yra visiškai išparduotas.

Durys šeštadienį, Balandis 18 atidaryti 7:00 p.m. su pirmuoju bijau planuojama 8:00 p.m. ir HBO bokso After Dark televizijos laidos metu 9:45 p.m. IR/PT.
Matthysse vs. Provodnikov yra 12 apvalios pateikė Banner Akcijos jaunesnysis Papildsvars bijau, Aukso Berniukas Akcijos kartu su Arano Box Promotions ir remia Corona Extra, Meksika, Live ją ji mano,! ir Khortytsa Degtinė. Durys metu planuojama atidaryti ne 6:00 p.m. IR su pirmuoju bijau planuojama 6:50 p.m. IR ir HBO bokso After Dark Televizijos valia yra ne9:45 p.m. IR/PT.

Weights from Grand Casino Hinckley in Hinckley, Minesota


Dennisas Hogan 153.5 vs. Tironas Brunson 153

Ismael JM Barroso 135 vs. Ira Kilpiniai 130.5

Robas Brant 161.5 vs. Dionisio Miranda 165

Jarrell Milleris 283.5 vs. Raymondas Ochiengas 244

Adomas Lopez 124 vs. Philip Adyaka 119.5

Joey Abelis 239.5 vs. Travis Fulton NA

Iš Goodmano 299.5 vs. Brett Murphy 316.5


Rengėjai: Greg Cohen Promotions in association with Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Promotions and produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions


Vieta: Grand Casino Hinckley in Hinckley, Minesota


Televizija: CBS Sports Network (10 pm EST

Bilietai “Čempionatas Boksas CBS Sports Network” prasideda $35 ir gali būti perkamos Grand Casino Hinklis kasoje nuo 8 esu su 10 pm (1-800-GRAND21) arba visais Ticketmaster realizavimo, arba internete



Apie Gregas Cohen Akcijos

Vienas Boksas premjeras reklaminių komplektus, Gregas Cohen Akcijos (GKP) yra gerai gerbiamas pavadinimas sustojimo pasaulinio lygio profesionalių bokso renginius ir skatinti elito profesionalius kovotojus visame pasaulyje.


Įkūrėjas ir generalinis direktorius Greg Cohenas buvo susiję su profesinės bokso įvairių gebėjimų, nes 1980-ųjų pabaigoje, galandimo savo amatą ir įsisteigti kaip apsukrūs tarptautinės bokso verslininkas.


Išsiskiria savo gebėjimą atpažinti ir plėtoti žaliavinio talentą, Cohen padarė antraštes savo ekspertų rekomendacijas, tarp daugelio kitų, Buvęs WBA vidutinio svorio čempionas Ostinas “Be abejonės” Upėtakis, kas Cohenas padėjo vadovas iš nežinomo Naujoji Meksika perspektyva elito pay-per-view lygio superžvaigždė.


Be to, Trout, Gregas Cohen Akcijos dirbo su nustatytais pavadinimais, pvz buvusi vieninga ir dviejų laiko sunkiasvoris čempionas Hasim “Gibraltaras” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); ir visų laikų-puikus kelių svorio klasės pasaulio čempionas Jamesas “Lights Out” Tonis (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Dabartiniai pasaulio reitingo pretendentai į GKP sąrašą įtraukti Arash Usmanee, visuotinai pripažįstamas kaip aukščiausios 10 super lengvas; Buvęs WBA vidutinio svorio čempionas Tarptautinės ir pasaulio reitingo vidutinio svorio varžovas Jarrod Fletcher; aukščiausios klasės puslengvis Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Kanados lengvas ir televizija veiksmų herojus Tonis Luis, ir WBA ir penkių laikas Airijos nacionalinė mėgėjų čempionas, Dennisas Hogan; ir prisikėlimo negu vidutinis svoris sensacija Cecil McCalla.


Gregas Cohen Akcijos surengė pasaulinio lygio bokso įvykius geriausių vietų visoje JAV ir visame pasaulyje ir taip pat išdidžiai jei talentą ir / ar turinio keletą televizijos tinklais, įskaitant HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, MSG ir FOX Sportas Grynoji.


I know that this is a new weight class for me. I realize that Fonfara is very tough and bigger than me, but I am up for the challenge.

– Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

I want to show the whole world how good I am when I win this fight šeštadienį.” — Andrzej Fonfara

Spauskite ČIA Dėl nuotraukas iš Esther Lin / Showtime

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® Tai Šeštadienis, Balandis 18,

Gyvena Showtime® (10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT)

Nuo StubHub centro Carson, Kalifas.

Showtime bokso DĖL SHO EXTREME airs Live at 8 p.m. IR/PT

VIDUJE Mayweather vs. PACQUIAO Premieres Immediately

Bilietai Šeštadienio StubHub Fights Are On Sale!

LOS ANGELES (Balandis 16, 2015) – Popular Mexican superstar and former middleweight champion Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and dangerous brawler Andrzej Fonfara participated in the final the final press conference Ketvirtadienis at Crowne Plaza Hotel LAX, just two days before Šeštadienio Showtime ČEMPIONATAS Boksas doubleheader.


H.Chavezas (48-1-1, 32 Kos) iš Culiacaną, Meksika, and Fonfara (26-3, 15 Kos) Čikagos būdu Radonas, Lenkija, will meet in the 12-round light heavyweight main event live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING (10 p.m. IR/ 7 p.m. PT) nuo StubHub centras Carson, Kalifas. Chavez will make his eagerly awaited return to the ring and first start for new trainer Joe Goossen.


Also participating in today’s press conference was undefeated top 10-ranked super lightweight Amir aš (16-0, 14 Kos), iš Davie, Fla., būdu Albany, N.Y.. who will put his unblemished record on the line against fellow power-puncher Walteris Castillo (25-2, 18 Kos) (25-2, 18 Kos), Managva, Nikaragva, in the 10-round co-feature on SHOWTIME.

Dėl Showtime EXTREME® (8 p.m. IR/PT) šį šeštadienį, WBA Interim Super Bantamweight World Champion Oskaras Escandon (24-1, 16 Kos), Tolima, Kolumbija, bus pirmą kartą ginti jo 122-svaras pavadinimą, kai jis susiduria su nenugalėtas Moises “Chucky” Gėlės (22-0, 1 NC, 16 Kos), Gvadalacharos, Meksika.


Į Showtime EXTREME bendradarbiavimo funkcija, Omaras “Verslininkas” H.Chavezas (32-3-1, 22 Kos), iš Culiacaną, jaunesnysis brolis Chavez, Jaunesnysis. ir sūnus legendinis Julio Cesar Sr., susidurs Richardas Gutierrez (28-15-1, 17 Kos), iš Arjona, Kolumbija, in an eight-round middleweight fight. Also featured on the telecast, leis laikas, will be a six-round match between unbeaten Argentine welterweight Fabianietis “TNT” Maidana, Santa Fe, Argentina, Buvusio pasaulio čempionas brolis Marcos Maidana, kam priešinsis Cory vom Baur (2-2, 0 Kos), Vankuveris, Skalbimas.


Bilietus į renginį bendradarbiavimo skatinamas Goossen Akcijos ir Chavez Akcijos yra kaina $200, $150, $100, $50 ir $25, plius taikomi mokesčiai, mokesčiai ir paslaugų mokesčiai, ir yra parduoti internete

What the fighters, trainers and executives said Ketvirtadienis:


Julio César CHAVEZ JR., Buvęs pasaulio čempionas

I had a great training camp. I feel better than ever. I am ready for the fight.


I know that this is a new weight class for me. I realize that Fonfara is very tough and bigger than me, but I am up for the challenge.


I have worked on my boxing during my one year off, and I am very excited and motivated to get back in the ring.


I have worked so hard for this fight because I am fighting in a new weight class. I must punch harder, so I have focused on getting stronger during this training camp.


I have a great chin, I know how to take punches and my conditioning is great. A lot of fighters can take a punch, but I can take multiple punches and not be hurt.


I think that Andrzej Fonfara is one of the best fighters in the light heavyweight division. Inside of boxing, everyone knows who Fonfara is. He knocked down one of the best boxers in the world in Adonis Stevenson.


Fonfara is disciplined in the ring, but he doesn’t vary his punches.


I understand that my dad didn’t want me to take this fight. I had bigger names I could’ve fought, but I think that Fonfara is a great challenge for me and I like the challenge.


I would like to thank SHOWTIME for making this fight happen.


Robertas Fonfara, World Title Challenger

I’m prepared very well and I’m ready for this fight. It’s been a great camp like always. I train hard for each fight. I’m a tough boxer who is feeling great. The weight is good and everything is perfect.


I must put everything into Šeštadienis night and I will win the fight.


I must look even better than I did against Stevenson. Everyone said I looked good, but I lost the fight. I didn’t want congratulations because I did not win the fight. But this time I will win the fight. I’m ready for a decision or for a knockout.


I’m ready with a couple of plans. I don’t want to run around the ring, I want to fight tough. I’m going to use my jab and my right hand, which is my best punch.


I’m not worried about what his father said about not fighting me. Chavezas jaunesnysis. wants to fight and I will show him that his father was right.


It doesn’t matter how I win, I want to win this fight and get my rematch with Adonis Stevenson.


“Chavezas jaunesnysis. yra puikus kovotojas. He uses a lot of combinations and has a powerful punch that I must be ready for. I want to show the whole world how good I am when I win this fight šeštadienį.


If I get the chance, Aš ruošiuosi trankyti jį. It’s boxing so you never know what will happen. I want to box round-by-round and win this fight.


I lost the fight with Stevenson but I showed that I was a good boxer. I’m a much smarter fighter now because of that experience. That was a fight at the top championship level.


It doesn’t matter what Chavez Jr. says at a press conference, we’ll be in the ring Šeštadienisand everything will happen there.


Fan’s can expect heavy punches, knockdowns and a great fight.


AMIR MEILĖ, Undefeated Super Lengvas varžovas

I’m confident going into this fight because of how I train. I have put my heart and soul into this sport since I moved to Florida three years ago. I left everything behind to better myself.


I’m going to stay smart and composed in there and do everything I can to get the win.


I don’t feel like I need the knockout to come away with a successful fight. Bet, you better believe that if there is an opportunity to knock him out, then I will take advantage of it.


“Į 2015, Noriu tapti pasaulio čempionu. This is my breakout year. A lot of people have been buzzing about me. I want to become the WBC world champion, that’s what I’m heading for.


“Aš žinau, kad jis [Pilis] a good opponent, he’s got a great resume, and he’s coming to fight. He has a great record, so that alone shows what he’s capable of. Pavyzdžiui Šeštadienis night may the better man win.


I’ve boxed styles like [jo] plenty of times, but you never know, he could come out different Šeštadienisnaktis.


I’m ready to put on a great show for the SHOWTIME audience.


CASTILLO WALTER, Super Lengvas varžovas

I’m coming here to fight. I can tell you one thing, Amir Imam made a big mistake by taking this fight.


I’ve fought a lot of tough fighters; my two losses were by decisions where I feel I was robbed. I’ve fought better fighters than Amir has.


“Pavyzdžiui Šeštadienis, I’m going to announce to the whole world that Walter Castillo is here to stay and he’s going to be a world champion.

SR Julio César CHAVEZ.

Being in Los Angeles is like being in Mexico for me; I have had many great memories. I became the world champion for this first time here and my son also became the world champion for the first time here, taip pat.


Julio definitely has a very difficult fight ahead of him.


If I was Julio’s manager, I wouldn’t have taken this fight. Fonfara is a difficult and tough fighter.


My son wants to fight fighters of quality and wants credibility in boxing.


Julio has worked and trained very hard for this fight .He has the capability to win and we expect that it will go very well.


JOE GOOSSEN, H.Chavezas’ Treneris

Julio has a window here the next five, šeši, seven years that he can capitalize on.


I think he’s left the childish stuff behind, and we’re all guilty of being childish.


I think that Julio has surprised his father with his determination heading into this fight.

He’s got a left hook to the liver that just sends a shock through your body.


He’s not soft. He’s a real fighter. I have been around enough fighters to know that he’s a real fighter. Numeris vienas, he has the never-say- die attitude in there.


We’re up against a very well-schooled, blue collar, workmanlike fighter in Fonfara.


He is an athletic, improvisational fighter, in that you don’t know where everything’s coming from.


I’ve watched a lot of Fonfara tape, and he pretty much repeats what he does, but he repeats it well.


This is going to be a battle. You’ve got two contrasting styles and personalities.


Julio has 51 fights under his belt. He’s no rookie and he comes from a great bloodline. (In the short time I’ve been with him, it has been) more of an association than a dictatorial effort between the two of us.


Based on former camps, he’s never really extracted himself from comfortable surroundings and put himself in a position where he is completely isolated like he was in Lake Tahoe.


SAM COLONNA, Fonfara’s Trainer

Fonfara could turn it up whenever. He could be down on the scorecards and one punch he throws could change someone’s world. He’s proven in the past that he has power in both hands.


The styles in this fight are perfect for each other. When people ask about the fight I say it could go either way, it depends on who catches the other first.


I’m looking for Fonfara to dominate, but Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. is a warrior, he comes to fight, he knows how to go to the body like his father used to, so we’ve been working on all of these strategies.


A knockout win would be a dream come true to me. That’s what I’ve been looking for all these years. Winning this huge fight would change everything for Fonfara and myself.


This camp that Andrzej had was the best we’ve ever had. He worked hard, he had time to train and there’s no excuses.


We’re coming to fight a war. Don’t forget that wars are won by strategy.


People say to listen to your father. His father told him not to take this fight, but he took it anyway and that was a mistake.


I see this fight not going past 10 raundai, with us getting the knockout.


STACY MCKINLEY, Imam anketa treneris

Amir has always trained very hard, but I did see a change in him in this training camp after the last fight. He has stepped up his training by two levels.


He learned a lot about his fight against [Fidel Maldonado] under the bright SHOWTIME lights at the MGM Grand.


Amir is always confident going into each fight, but he made a mistake in the Maldonado fight. He rolled his right hand and forgot about the left hand and was knocked down. He had to pay for his mistakes but it’s all a learning experience, he still has only 16 professional fights under his belt.


Castillo has a great jab and good combinations. A guy like that throws a lot of punches, but there is a technique to breaking down a fighter like that.


We can’t spend a lot of time on the ropes, and we must go after his body because his body is weak. Castillo is going to get knocked out šeštadienį.


I think that Amir is going to open up a lot of eyes šeštadienį.”


# # #


Chavezas jaunesnysis. vs. Fonfara” yra 12 apvalios bijau, kad vyksta StubHub centro Carson, Kalifas. ir transliuos nuo Showtime (10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT). Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas laidos taip pat bus galima ispanų per antrinę garso programavimą (SAP).


Daugiau informacijos rasite, sekti Twitter neSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter IrSwanson_Comm, sekti pokalbį naudodami #ChavezFonfara, tapti "Facebook" arba apsilankykite Showtime Boksas tinklaraštį


Uncasville, Conn. (Balandis 16, 2015)The official weight-in was held today for rytoj night’s ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų Triple-Header, presented by DiBella Entertainment, in Mohegan Sun Arena.

Tiesioginė transliacija iš rytojaus ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų tripleheader from Mohegan Sun Arena begins at 10 p.m. IR nuo ESPN2 taip pat bus prieinama per WatchESPN kompiuteriuose, smartphonach, tabletės, "Amazon" Ugnies televizija ir ugnis TV Stick, "Apple TV", Chromecast, Metai, "Xbox" 360 ir "Xbox Vienas per dukterinė vaizdo teikėjas. ESPN’ Noche de Combates will also carry the three fights live on broadband Spanish-language ESPN Deportes+.

The telecast opens with Tevin “American Idol "” Farmer taking on Angel “Katė” Luna in a scheduled 8-round contest in the junior lightweight division.

Farmer vs. Luna will be followed by an 8-round featherweight showdown matching undefeated Ryan “Lenkijos princas” Kielczweski against Danny Aquino.

The main event pits undefeated junior middleweight prospect Tony Harrison against PabloSupurltureroMunguia in a 10-round title bout.

Below find fighter weights and pictures by Ed Diller / DiBella Pramogos.

(L-R) Tonis Harrison & Pablo Munguia


Main Event – Junior Middleweights (10) – ESPN2

TONY HARRISON (20-0, 17 Kos), Detroitas, MANO 154 ½ LBS.

PABLOSupurltureroMUNGUIA (20-6, 11 Kos), Distrito Federal, Meksika 153 LBS.


(L-R) Ryan Kielczewski & Danny Aquino


Bendras bruožas – Plunksniniai svareliai (8) – ESPN2

RYAN “Lenkijos princas” KIELCZWESKI (22-0, 6 Kos), Quincy, MA 123 ½ LBS.

Danny Aquino (16-2, 10 Kos), Meridenas, KT 123 ½ LBS.

(L-R) Tevin Ūkininkas & Angelas Luna


Junior Lightweights (8) – ESPN2

TEVIN “American Idol "” FARMER (18-4-1, 4 Kos), Filadelfija, PA 130 LBS.

ANGEL “Katė” LUNA (10-0-1, 6 Kos), Brooklyn, NY 128 ¼ LBS.


Light Heavyweights (8)

LENNOX “2 Šarpo” ALLEN (18-0-1, 11 Kos), Niujorkas, NY 169 LBS.

PAUL GONSALVES (7-6-1, 3 Kos). Harwich, MA 170 LBS.

Middleweights (8)

ALANTEZ “Slyaz į” FOX (14-0-1, 4 Kos) Forestville, MD 158 ¼ LBS.

FRANKLIN GONZALEZ (16-13, 10 Kos), Santo Domingas, Dominikos Respublika 161 ¼ LBS.


Welterweights (6)

REGIS PROGRAIS (13-0, 11 Kos), Hiustonas, TX 143 ½ LBS.

ABRAHAMThe SwiftALVAREZ (19-7-1, 9 Kos), Rožančius, Sinaloa, Meksika 142 LBS.


Lightweights (6)

AMOS “2 Sklandus” COWART (10-0-1, 8 Kos), Groveland, FL 134 ½ LBS.

ANTHONY BURGIN (8-1, 1 KO), Filadelfija, PA 134 LBS.


Sunkiasvoriai (4)

CASSIUS CHANEY (už debiutą), Filadelfija, PA 245 ¼ LBS.

PERRY FILKINS (0-1), HOOKSETT, NH (weigh in rytoj)

KADA: Penktadienis, Balandis 17, 2015

KUR: Mohegan Sun "arena


KOORDINATORIUS: DiBella Entertainment in association with New Legend Boxing


TELEVISION: ESPN2 starting at 10:00 p.m. IR

BILIETAI: $100.00, $70.00 ir $30.00 (subject to additional fees) on sale and available to purchase at the Mohegan Sun Box Office, by visiting, or calling Ticketmaster at1-800-745-3000



DOORS OPEN: 6:30 p.m. IR, FIRST BOUT: 7:30 p.m. IR

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