中国人民银行秒杀媒体电话会议阿米尔汗成绩单, CHRIS ALGIERI, 保利Malignaggi & 丹尼·奥康纳



非常感谢, 大家, 对于调用. We have a great call today. This is a great show. I’m going to turn it over to our moderator now, 娄DiBella, president of DiBella Entertainment. Also joining us on the call are Brett Yormark and Jon Slusser.


It’s a great card that’s going to be on Spike at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT on Friday night, the 29th of May, 在巴克莱中心. The first bout will be Paulie Malignaggi after a year layoff. Very few guys in boxing can claim to be more Brooklyn and he has his hands full in a bout with Danny O’Connor. Danny is a tough kid who is hungry for this fight. This is a matchup between an Italian-American and an Irish-American, a kid from New York and a kid from Boston.

We’re going to get to Danny first. Danny is going to say a few words, then we’ll open it up to a few questions for him, then turn it over to Paulie.


I want to thank everyone for being here. I’m very excited about this opportunity to fight Paul and to come down to New York and showcase my skills at Barclays Center. I’ve worked my whole career for this. I put a lot of effort and sacrifice in my life to get here. I’m very excited and I’m ready for the task at hand.


丹尼, in a situation where you’re fighting a guy who in his last fight was TKO’d, does that make you think of coming in a different way than you ordinarily might, target him and be more aggressive than usual?

ð. 奥康纳

别, I don’t. Anything can happen on any given night in boxing. That’s what we do. 正因为如此,, I’m not looking at anything differently.

Paul had some time off to recover and recoup. I’m expecting Paul at his best. I want him at his best. The better he is, the better challenge that lies in front of me. The more excited that makes me.

My game plan is going to be my game plan regardless of his last fight.


What was your reaction when your name was picked? You’re fighting Paulie Malignaggi, 前世界冠军. Did you think it was a joke or did you see it as you’re getting a fight at an elite fighter that will springboard you?

ð. 奥康纳

I was excited right off the rip. That’s what I’ve been working my whole career for, is that shot at something big. To be able to match my skills up against someone like Paul, with his résumé, that’s what excites me. I get up for that type of challenge.

I didn’t want to get my hopes up in case something fell through. 拳击, 任何事情都有可能发生. As it got more and more real it was excitement. It’s all about excitement.

I’ve been working a very long time to get to this spot. I put in a lot of work and I deserve to be here. I’m excited to take this chance and to showcase my skills against Paul.


You have a tremendous amateur record, 110 胜, 只要 11 损失. Is that part of the training ground that you’ve had to put you into this position now?

ð. 奥康纳

是啊. I think with anything in life, experience is going to get you places. The more experience you have, the more comfortable you’re going to be, the more savvy you’re going to be. The type of person I am, 我的工作热情, how hard I’ve worked, it’s got me far so far.


A victory over Paulie will put you on top of the radar charts for the other 47-pounders. Is that what you’re looking for?

ð. 奥康纳

It’s not even in my mind, 一. I don’t look at all past Paul. 他是一位坚韧的战士. I’m focused at the task at hand, and that’s Paul. That’s all I’m looking at.


Paulie is fast. How do you intend to deal with his speed?

ð. 奥康纳

Hopefully I’ll be able to neutralize that speed by having my own speed. I’m not too slow myself. I think it’s going to be a battle of the minds.


I’m going to introduce a man I know very well, and who probably didn’t think I’d be making this announcement, but Paulie, 你还想说几句话?


我很高兴来到这里. I’m excited about fighting at Barclays Center again. I’ve gotten the desire to fight again over the past year little by little. It started growing more and more. Once you sign up for a fight, you see the event in front of you, you start seeing things like the teleconference and all that we’re doing now, it starts to resonate in your mind that it’s coming up, it’s close, so the excitement kind of builds. I’m happy to be a part of this event, part of this show, and everybody involved with it.


保利, you’ve gotten off to a great start in your broadcasting career. Does this take anything away from what you’re achieving in broadcasting or slow your development that way, or do you feel like you can manage both things side by side?

P. Malignaggi的

This has been a training camp where I’m kind of getting it all down together. It’s basically a training camp where I haven’t had as much work to do as I have this time around in the past.

The reason I still have the passion for this is I still make time to train every day, find the time to prepare adequately every day.

It’s not always easy with the broadcasting. 你要争取, shut everything down and focus on the fight. It’s not like that anymore. That kind of comes with age, you kind of get into new things in your life and whatnot.

If it was a couple years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it. I’m at a place in my life where I can handle it more and compartmentalize things more. The passion shows in and of itself. If I didn’t really want to do this, 相信我, I would do the broadcasting, I would half-ass it on my training. Last week was challenging, but every day I was able to get in my training somehow, some way. One workout a day, sometimes two workouts a day.

When you don’t want to train, but you still go out and do it, you have that victory in your mind, you want to persevere and excel. I’m the type of person that wants to do that.

到底, 这场战斗后, I plan on winning the fight and looking good. I’ve been feeling good in the training camp. 战斗结束后, 我只是把它一次一个打. I’m not looking past Danny. It’s a little bit different in my career right now, but at the same time I’m still enjoying the ride.


At some point when you were doing the broadcasting, was there something about being on the sidelines that kind of inspired the feelings that you’d like to be back on the other side of the ropes again? Was it a particular fight or moment?

P. Malignaggi的

I wouldn’t say it was anything in particular. I don’t say that was part of the reason, 我猜.

At first it was part of the reason why I didn’t want to fight again. I would see these fights from close range, see the violence, some crazy exchanges. “男人, better these guys than me. I’m done.

Then little by little, as I started feeling better, I would start seeing the same kind of stuff, and I would focus on the crowd reaction, the adrenaline these fighters are feeling. I was starting to slowly change my thinking pattern. It was starting to slowly become more like, I got to feel this again, I got to feel that rush again. It’s something missing in my life.

The transition kind of came slowly. I don’t think it was one particular moment or situation, it just kind of came slowly and developed. Before you know it, you start to hit a couple bags. As with any boxer in general, you start to hit the bag, you start to loosen, 你知道它之前,, you start to feel it.

I suppose when you retire from boxing you should stay away from the boxing gym, because otherwise you’re going to want to fight.


保利, how much of a factor was the result of your previous fight in motivating you to kind of come back and have a chance to go out with a win if, 事实上, that’s what ultimately occurs here?

P. Malignaggi的

That had no bearing on any of this. The only bearing in my life that fight had on me was the decision not to fight anymore. When I went into the fight, I didn’t decide it was going to be my last fight. I wasn’t thinking of any of that stuff at all.

When the result happened, I was more so thinking, Maybe this is it. It wasn’t really that particular result as far as me not being able to accept it. It was more so, before the Porter fight, I hadn’t looked bad. I had a dominant victory, but I had one bad night. If I really want to chalk up my entire career to that one bad night and be done, or do I give myself another shot?

I don’t want to go out on a loss, I have more left. The Porter fight doesn’t take away from what I did in the past two or three years. You have a fight like that, take a year off, people expect that’s where you are and that’s it.

I think people are going to draw their own conclusions. The Porter fight had no bearing on what I wanted to do. I felt like, I’m alive and I want to live. For me living is feeling that adrenaline rush, the rush of being in the ring. I’m a competitive person. That’s more what was the motivator. I’m not dead, so I don’t need to live like I’m dead. Some people choose to live like they’re dead. I don’t need to do that. I can feel life. Nothing makes me feel more alive than having the adrenaline of being in a boxing ring in front of a packed crowd.


保利, depending on how you look at this fight, if you perform to your highest capabilities, if you win handily, what’s next for you? Do you go challenge for a title, fight one of the better fighters in the division again?

P. Malignaggi的:

老老实实, it hasn’t even crossed my mind. I want to see not only how I look and feel in the fight. I may look good and say, you know what, I’m good to go again. I may look good and say, you know what, this is taking away too much time from other things I want to enjoy in my life. I may need to feel this adrenaline rush again. 我不知道.

I haven’t given it that much thought yet. I’m only focused on Danny O’Connor right now. I feel like those are possible things that would be crossing my mind, but in reality I haven’t given it enough thought to really have made that kind of decision.

I don’t know yet. I’m focused only on the fight right now. So anything post May 29th I’ll decide post May 29th.


You said you started training, you were feeling good, had no problem training. How much fun are you having again with boxing? Do you feel rejuvenated?

P. Malignaggi的

I enjoy a good challenge in life, a challenge that I enjoy. If you put me in a chemistry class, it will be a challenge, but I don’t think I’ll enjoy it too much. Know what I’m saying?

Boxing is a challenge to me, but it’s a challenge I enjoy. I enjoy pushing my body and mind to the limits and seeing if I can succeed. 当然, I’ve been enjoying it.

Sometimes people look at me and tell you, why would you want to fight again? You’re set. You have good money coming in.

这不是钱的问题. 很好, obviously it’s always about the money. That’s not the main motivator. The motivator is to feel alive. I can be dead when I’m six feet under. Right now I don’t want to feel like that. I want to feel that rush of adrenaline again, feel alive. While I can still do it, I will do it.


保利, what made this particular fight the right opportunity to get back into the ring? What does the New York/Boston rivalry add to this fight?

P. Malignaggi的

The opportunity to be back in the ring could have came against anyone.

The New York/Boston rivalry, I’ve thought of it a couple times. It’s not Boston/New York, Italian/Irish. It’s like 50 years too late. If it’s 1955, you’re going to have this in a huge stadium, everybody would be into it. It could be a real cool event. Not that it’s not going to be a cool event anyway.

What I’m saying is the perception of the event is different now than it would have been back in the day when the Italian and Irish rivalry, New York and Boston rivalry might have been more. It gives it a fall-back feel to me and that’s good for me.


What do you know about Danny O’Connor? He hasn’t fought a lot of the top-level opponents that you have. What do you see as your strengths and his weaknesses in this fight?

P. Malignaggi的

I’ve known Danny for quite some time. Obviously he hasn’t fought at the level that I have. The experience is in my favor.

I knew he had a good amateur career. He’s a solid competitor. He has a Golden Gloves title. When you have that kind of amateur career, you expect yourself to break through in the pros.

I had a good amateur career, I was a national championship as well. I had the expectation I would have a successful pro career as well. At that point you’re used to winning and winning at a high level.

I feel like Danny has that expectancy of himself. Maybe it’s come a little slower. I feel this is an opportunity for him because he has a chance to finally show all the things he had to show in the amateurs.

I can’t take him lightly, and I don’t take him lightly because I know what he’s feeling. I know what it’s like to have that successful amateur career, go into your first professional fight and have those goosebumps. I kind of know what he’s feeling, what’s going through his mind, both the good and the bad.

In that way I guess I have the advantage because I’m prepared for that thing because I’ve already been through it.


Are you able to focus on him as an opponent in this fight rather than all these broader questions about your career arc and all that type of thing?

P. Malignaggi的

是的, 当然. I’m preparing for a slick boxer named Danny O’Connor. He’s a southpaw, can sit back on the back foot sometimes. He might bring the kind of fight I intend to bring, my game plan. Every day I’m in the gym working on that.

Although the distractions are nice to talk about, in the end I’m working on the exact plan in the gym every day.

L. 迪贝拉

谢谢, 保利.

Now I’d like to introduce the CEO of Barclays Center, 布雷特Yormark.


谢谢, 娄. Glad to be here with everyone. Looking forward to hosting Paulie and Danny on the 29th, as well as Amir and Chris.

From a building perspective, obviously we’re committed to boxing. We’re thrilled to be hosting our second PBC fight. Our first event was a resounding success. It was our biggest gate since we opened Barclays Center as it relates to boxing. It was the most highly attended event.

The atmosphere and the environment was electrifying. We think we’ll be able to duplicate and replicate that experience for our fans on the 29th.

I’m thrilled that Spike will be our partner. They have an edgy broadcast, how they do their business. That’s a perfect fit for Brooklyn. Obviously we are excited that Paulie is on the card. It was always about bringing fights that meant something nationally, but it was also about nurturing and fostering the careers of Brooklyn fighters.

There’s no bigger fighter in Brooklyn than Paulie Malignaggi. He’s a friend and has fought many times at the Barclays Center. Welcoming him back after a year away from the sport is terrific for us.

We’re also thrilled to have Danny fight in our building for the first time. I’m also excited to be working with Amir Khan. I always hoped that Amir would call Barclays Center home. He’s been in our building for Nets games and other events.

Then Chris Algieri, he and Provodnikov last June probably had one of the biggest and electrifying fights ever at Barclays Center. For him to come back and fight with us is great for us. He brings a big Long Island fan base, which we hope to tap into again.

This should be a really big night for Brooklyn boxing, boxing in general, and the PBC. We look forward to the 29th and are thrilled to be a partner.

L. 迪贝拉

谢谢, 布雷特.

Now to what will be our other event of the evening on May 29th, the first participant is the pride of Huntington, 长岛. His career best victory took place at the Barclays Center when he established himself as a force in boxing.

Chris Algieri with a record of 20-1, I know is looking forward to this great opportunity versus Amir Khan.

克里斯, can you say a few words.


您好, 每个人. I’d like to thank Lou DiBella Entertainment. It’s a pleasure to be back at Barclays Center. We fought a year ago last June, had a great fight, won my first world title. I’m also excited to be fighting on Spike. Thank you for hosting the event. It’s a whole new network to fight on. I’m very excited about it all.

L. 迪贝拉

谢谢, 克里斯.

This next gentleman, I use that word seriously, is one of the most talented fighters in the game. He’s from England. Former world champion with a record of 30-3. 阿米尔汗.


您好, 大家. I want to say hi to all the press and media. Brett Yormark is a friend of mine from Barclays Center. I’m very excited to fight at the Barclays Center. I’ve been there a few times. I always said that I want to come over here and give New York a huge fight, bring boxing there. I have a big fan base from New York. I’m sure Chris Algieri also has a big fan base. But we’re going to come and make some noise.

The fight is going to be on Spike, which I’m also excited for. I’m looking forward to the whole event on the 29th of May, 在周五. I hope you’re all going to be there cheering us on. 谢谢.


克里斯, you’ve had time to work with John David Jackson now. Do you see him changing you in any significant way?


是啊, 绝对. It’s been a great training camp. We’ve been learning quite a bit. John has been bringing out a lot of aspects of my style, things I can do in the ring that I haven’t had an opportunity to show just yet.

We’re both very excited about this fight, excited about what we’re going to be able to do on fight night the 29th. Learning new aspects in a sport I love has been an eye-opening experience and enjoyable one as well.


Taking someone on like Amir Khan, someone with his experience, the people he’s fought, I know you’ve kind of made the step up in these last two fights to a higher level, but this could have been an opportunity for you to take a little bit easier fight. Why did you keep it this tough right here?


你知道, I’ve never been that guy, to take an easy route or an easy fight. I’ve come up very fast in both of the sports I’ve come up in. Even at a young age when I was kickboxing, I took on big fights. In my young boxing career, it’s been a constant step-up my entire career.

I have not been one of those guys who has moved along gingerly. I’ve been excited to tackle big opponents and big fights on big stages. This is par for the course for my career.


阿米尔, you had a possibility of fighting Mayweather until he made the fight with Pacquiao. They’ve already mentioned your name as a next possible opponent. How critical is winning this fight toward preserving that dream of fighting Mayweather? Do you see it as part of the big picture?

一. 汗

无疑, winning this fight is everything to me. I’m not looking past this Chris Algieri fight. I know it’s a very dangerous fight for me. Stylistically he’s very dangerous and I’m not going to be looking past it. If I do, I’ll have made a mistake.

I have to be focused. I have to be disciplined in training camp, not looking past this Chris Algieri fight. I know there are big fights out there like Mayweather. I just have to stay focused and win this fight and go from there really.


You call Chrisdangerous”. He’s not known as a big puncher. It could be a good boxing match. What do you see as the danger that Chris poses to you?

一. 汗

Technically I think overall he’s a very good boxer, moves well. He makes a lot of fighters fall short. He’s very skillful. You have to be on your “一” game to beat him.

I’ve been watching a lot of videos. Even the Pacquiao fight, there’s some good things he did there. It could be dangerous for me coming into this fight if I’m not on my “一” 游戏. I have to be one step ahead and make sure I don’t make any mistakes. Chris Algieri is a guy that if you make a mistake, he’s going to make you pay for it.


阿米尔, you were criticized heavily for taking this fight. What can you do in this fight to put your name up there to get the bigger fights again? Are you going to have to knock out Chris to make a real impression?


看, there’s people putting this fight down, and I don’t know why. 在一天结束时, Chris has won a world title. He’s fought Pacquiao. He’s a very good boxer, moves well, boxes well. I definitely have to be on my “一” 游戏.

All this stuff what people are saying, they’re probably thinking Amir thinks it’s going to be a walk in the park, but he’ll make a mistake and lose this fight.

I take every fight seriously. I’ve made that mistake in the past. I’ve fought some fights that I thought are going to be a walk in the park; I got hurt, 我输掉了战斗. I’m not thinking any fight is going to be easy. Every fight I walk into, every person in front of me is going to be in there to win the fight.

Listening to Chris Algieri, he seems he wants to win this fight. That motivates me and makes me train harder. He wants to win this fight.

I’m not really listening to what people are saying about future fights or where this fight can take me.


There still is pressure on you to deliver because you have to send a message that you’re still a big name.

一. 汗

Definitely there is. There’s a lot of pressure on me in every fight because they want to see me perform. Obviously there’s always the bigger picture of the other side.

At the end of the day I’m still fighting the top guys and I believe Chris is one of the top guys in boxing.


You were quoted on the weekend that saying Leonard Ellerbe has mentioned Mayweather to you. What would be your plan there? Would it be hoping he puts it back to November or could you fight late in September?

一. 汗

说实话, 我不看过去的这场战斗. I’ll tell you everything after the fight. At the moment what’s on my mind is the Chris Algieri fight. I don’t have anything else on my mind.


阿米尔, you left Golden Boy after your contract ran out. You’re with PBC now. What was your thinking behind making that move?

一. 汗

PBC I think is brilliant because it’s going to give more fans the chance to tune in to get to see you. I think it’s going to be good for the boxers. To be on Spike, the viewers are going to be great.

At the end of the day it’s not like I’m making less money or anything. I’m still doing well financially. Obviously I’m getting more people to watch me fight hopefully on Spike and on PBC.


Obviously your name has been linked with Mayweather not just the last three weeks but with the last three years. You’re both with Haymon. Has he ever said what you need to do to get in the ring with Mayweather?

一. 汗

To get that fight, you have to look good. You have to shine really. It’s all about working hard, training hard, putting in good performances in the ring. To turn in the best performances in the ring, I can’t take it easy in camp. I have to be very focused.

There’s been the word there for the last couple years that that fight was going to happen. But I’m going to be taking every fight one step at a time, hopefully put on great performances. If that fight comes, obviously it’s something I’ve always wanted.


Is that what he’s saying to you?

一. 汗

是的, 我的教练, everyone has said. “you have a fight in front of you and Chris Algieri is no joke.I can’t go into this fight thinking it’s going to be easy. 在拳击中, there are always guys who are skillful and can beat you. I have to be that one step ahead. I can’t really take this fight lightly and think it’s going to be easy, lose my fight, then all my dreams are shattered to fight all the big names in boxing.

Losing this fight, it would ruin my dreams to fight the big names in boxing. I have to be focused on this fight. I know what it’s like to fight someone in their own backyard. When I fought Lamont Peterson, you have to try harder to win that fight.

I have to be very focused, definitely keep the game plan strong, just win your rounds and win the fight.


克里斯, you were in the ring with Pacquiao before. Obviously there’s a shoulder injury he says he’s had for quite some time. Was there anything you felt when you were in there, maybe you saw a difference in him, different from when he fought you?


I didn’t really see anything physically. I saw a little more mental. He seemed more focused from my fight, to tell you the truth. Even at the weigh-in, he was bubbly and smiley. He wasn’t that way with myself when we were in China. That’s neither here nor there. You don’t know whether that could be anything.

That’s kind of a hard question to answer for someone else.


What does this fight mean for you going forward? A win against a top name in boxing would do wonders for your career. Tell us what a win would mean for your career moving forward.


是啊, I don’t want to speak for Amir or any other fighter out there, but we’re all competitors. We’re all out there to win. There’s a reason we do this at the elite level. You have to have a burning desire to be a winner.

Amir is a champion, a former champion. I’m a former champion, a champion myself. That will and desire to always want to win is there. There’s a lot of questions that are being asked. You have to win this fight. 当然, you have to win this fight. You have to win to get the big fights.

That’s one of the great things about this sport: when you keep winning, good things happen. 当然, we’re all very hungry to get this victory and move on with our careers. I’m in exactly the same place. 这是一场巨大的战斗, a huge opportunity. As with any other fight, 我要赢.


阿米尔, did you see anything in Mayweather that you would have taken advantage of, something you saw that other people didn’t see? Did he look a step slower? Something you saw that you could take advantage of?

一. 汗

是啊, 我的意思是, I was there as a boxing fan. I’m only an hour away from Vegas. I went there to watch the fight. I enjoyed the atmosphere and everything.

Mayweather looked great. He did what he had to do to win the fight. His accuracy was nothing but the best. He was catching Pacquiao with some good, clean shots, whereas Pacquiao was falling short.

That’s the way he fights. He’s a very skillful fighter who is very patient and makes his opponent make mistakes. That’s what I liked about him.

His world grade is dropping tremendously because of his age. But there are things I saw there which I have not seen before; when he takes a good shot, he doesn’t panic. The only way to catch him is with speed. Pacquiao didn’t use as much speed and explosiveness in the fight.

I enjoyed it. I’m sure there were all those people who said he was never going to beat Pacquiao, 很好, he’s been there and done that.


A lot of people want you to fight Kelly Brook, can you talk about the decision to take a different opponent who is not ranked as high?

一. 汗

I could have fought Kell Brook in the UK. I don’t want to fight because of Ramadan coming up. 无论哪种方式, I’d be taking Ramadan off. I don’t want to be going into Ramadan tired after a fight, going straight into Ramadan, fasting.

I’ve done that before. I’ve had a fight and I’ve gone straight into Ramadan back-to-back. It’s too much for a body to take. Obviously I need to look after my body.

是啊, 凯尔布鲁克, the guy is a world champion, he should be fighting the likes of Bradley and the big names in boxing, 像我这样的. I’m fighting Chris Algieri, who just came out of the ring in his last fight against Pacquiao. 凯尔布鲁克, never heard of the guy he fought. Now he’s fighting another no-name fighter without a ranking.

That name doesn’t bother me anymore because he’s not doing anything. The only reason his name gets pushed to me because he holds the title. If he didn’t have the title, I don’t think it would mean anything to me or boxing.


Tell us your thoughts on Algieri as a fighter and give us some of your scouting report on him.

一. 汗

Chris Algieri just came off a win. I saw it the other day. 这是一场非常精彩的战斗. He boxed very smart against a guy who is a good pressure fighter and a big puncher. 然后, against Pacquiao, one of the quickest fighters in the world.

I think if you look at the names of Chris Algieri’s opponents, Kell Brook’s last few opponents, the names will speak for themselves.


克里斯, in this fight there’s been a lot of discussion what Amir is going to do in his next fight, all this. You’re in some ways being overlooked in this. Tell us what you think your advantages are over Amir and why you think you’re going to be able to win this fight.


All the talk is none of my concern, to tell you the truth. I’m focused on training, preparing the best that I can for this fight. 我一直在努力, working on a lot of new things with John David Jackson. Great sparring so far.

I’m just a very hungry fighter at this point. I’m coming off my first loss as a professional, and watching Pacquiao and Mayweather fight this weekend has spurred me on this much more, made me that much more of a hungry fighter.

It’s one of those things, you have a guy in great shape that is really hungry for the win. I think that’s a big advantage in any fight.


阿米尔, focusing on this fight, what do you think your advantages are over Chris?

一. 汗

是啊, 速度, the movement, 动力. Experience is something that I have on my side. I remember a couple years ago when I was fighting the guys who were a lot more experienced than me, I was going and beating them guys. Now I’m in a position where I’m one of the guys with most experience, fighting guys with less experience.

You can’t take that lightly really because obviously I was once in Chris Algieri’s position where I had one loss and I was going up against the top guys in boxing, and I beat those guys.

I can’t go into this fight thinking it’s going to be an easy fight or I’m going to win this fight because I was once in Chris Algieri’s position, where I was getting people telling me, you’re not going to make it, you’re not going to win this fight. 事实证明我错了大家.


阿米尔, you fought in New York before. Chris is going to be the hometown guy in this fight. You’re well-known in New York, 太. What do you think the effect is going to be having the fight in Brooklyn?

一. 汗

I always wanted to fight in Brooklyn. I fought at Madison Square Garden in 2009 against Paulie. I always wanted to come back to New York. The fan base is huge.

It’s like a second home for me. My wife lives in Staten Island. I spend a lot of time in New York. We live in England, but spend a lot of time in New York and America itself.

对我来说, every time I’m walking the streets of New York, I have everybody asking me, when are you going to be fighting again? We want to see you fight again in New York.

Also when I’m at Barclays Center, I’ve been there for a couple of the Nets games, people have always asked me, We need you back in New York. We need you to fight at Barclays Center.

I think it’s time now. I promised them I would come back. I’m coming back fighting one of their home fighters. I know by fighting that home fighter you have to work a bit harder because he’s going to have a little bit more fans than me.

但, 我的意思是, time will tell. We’ll see how it all goes. I’m going to be focused on everything. I’m going to stay calm and hopefully come fight night I’m going to be ready for everything that Chris Algieri brings to the table. I’m going to be ready, 耶.


阿米尔, in Vegas over the weekend you were getting mobbed everywhere you went by fans. What are they saying to you at this point? They’ve been asking you about Floyd. Has that subsided or is that still the message?

一. 汗

Everybody was talking about that one big fight. “You should fight Floyd. You should fight Floyd.

I was telling them all, I’m fighting Chris Algieri next. That for me is a very tough fight. I need to win this fight if I need to go near any of the big names in fighting.

They were very supportive. I was getting a lot of respect in Vegas. 但, 就像我说的, this is time to fight Chris Algieri. I’m not going to be fighting Floyd Mayweather yet till I win this fight.

I was listening, being respectful back. Just meeting fans and greeting fans really.


How inspiring was that to be part of the weekend? It was something quite special, wasn’t it?

一. 汗

It was massive having two big names. I’ve been to both big fights. Normally you have a Pacquiao fight with big names. When you go to a fight with two big names, it was huge. Manny had the bigger crowd, it seemed to me. Floyd just did what he had to do. It was full of a high-profile team, celebrities and stuff. I sat amongst them. It’s something I want to be doing one day, being in the ring, having millions of people in the world watching you and having people watch you ring side.


You had Adrien Broner in your ear. What was that all about?

一. 汗

I think he just wants to jump on the bandwagon and get a little hype. I told my advisor to get me the fight with him before we even got the fight with Chris. Adrien to me seemed to not want the fight. In front of the cameras, he seems to want the fight. When it comes down to signing the contract, he doesn’t want the fight.

Adrien didn’t want it, so obviously I had to go on to someone else.


Is it true that you’ve ruled out fighting in September if a Mayweather fight does come to pass? Will you not fight in September?

一. 汗

别, 别, I’ve not ruled out. It’s possible I could fight in September, 耶. Ramadan is going to be a little bit earlier this year, so obviously it helps, gives me enough time to get the training done and everything. It can happen in September.

L. 迪贝拉

谢谢, Amir and Chris. 谢谢, 每个人, 参加我们.


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根纳季 “GGG” 戈洛夫金 – WILLIE MONROE JR. 国际媒体会议电话抄本

星期二, 五月 5, 2015
伯尼Bahrmasel: 您好, 并欢迎国际媒体电话会议为世界的中量级冠军的拳击巨星根纳季 “GGG” 戈洛夫金捍卫他的WBA, IBO和反对第二排挑战者威利临时WBC冠军 “猫鼬” 小梦露, 为下周六晚上设置, 5月16日在该 “极好” 在洛杉矶论坛, 和转播住在美国HBO的世界拳击锦标赛在 10 P.M. 东.

我们看到在这个事件感兴趣的压倒性量, 还设有快速后起之秀罗马的HBO登场 “Chocolatito” 冈萨雷斯卫冕他的WBC初中轻量级冠军对排名第二的挑战者, 埃德加·索萨.

本星期, 我们将分发的洛杉矶地区活动的广泛斗争一周媒体时间表. 对于媒体, 如果你还没有这样做, 请申请证书时

从他在大熊湖的训练营中第一次调用加入我们, 加州将根纳季, 他的世界著名教练, 阿贝尔·桑切斯, 和K2促销的董事总经理, 汤姆吕弗勒. 后来在通话, 我们将通过威利小梦露被连接, 从他在冬天避风港训练营, 佛罗里达, 和他的子, 横幅促销的头, 阿蒂Pelullo连同他的教练托尼·摩根.

这是我现在高兴把呼叫转移到K2的促销汤姆吕弗勒, 谁将会引入根纳季·戈洛夫金与亚伯·桑切斯对他们开放的意见. 前进, 汤姆.

汤姆吕弗勒: 谢谢, 伯尼. 我们在把根纳季回洛杉矶地区兴奋. 我们已经得到了来自球迷的门票销售了极大的反响. 根纳季有19战斗淘汰赛连胜打算现在, 并提供了许多令人激动的戒指,也有过很多电话给他找回了成环. 我们看到的斗争上周六晚,人们似乎向往有些兴奋, 这就是根纳季确保环, 我们有一个伟大的共同特征与 “Chocolatito” 对埃德加·索萨·冈萨雷斯. Chocolatito的做他的HBO的首演, 还有, 我知道有很多球迷在L.A. 面积也高兴地看到Chocolatito环.

和威利梦露是第二级的竞争者,并提出了一个非常规的风格与环他的左撇子立场和他的运动, 所以我觉得这会是一个很大的对比风格.

与, 我想从他的峰会训练营在大熊湖引进桑切斯亚伯.

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 你好. 早上好, 男人. 我们期待着,又是什么从现在起十日内现在11天, 戴上一个很棒的节目. 我们很幸运,有一个年轻的男子在威利梦露谁知道会来与激动人心的战斗,我们还没有打,并为我们提供. 很好, 实际上,上周不是一样令人兴奋,这一次将是, 所以希望威利的身材很好. 我知道托尼的让他准备, 因此,我们期待着这个星期六晚上.

汤姆吕弗勒: 然后我也想介绍的WBA, WBC的临时冠军, 国际文凭组织中量级冠军, 32-0 同 29 击倒, 根纳季 “GGG” 戈洛夫金.

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 早上好. 几个星期前的斗争,我准备好了, 我感觉很好. 希望, 威利将准备战斗,因为我们将有球迷强烈的斗争,并有不错的表现. 我答应一个大剧秀. 我希望他也准备就绪. 谢谢我的团队, 球迷和媒体们的支持和HBO.

Q. 你好, 男人. 感谢您抽出宝贵的时间做了呼叫. 我的问题是根纳季. 你5月16日战斗在谈到一个有趣的时刻, 正确的梅威瑟/帕奎奥的高跟鞋, 其中很多人我敢说大多数人说,他们没有足够的特色为行动自己喜欢打架. 您是否观看战斗? 和, 那你认为梅威瑟/帕奎奥?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 是的. 每个人都想在过去五年的斗争. 我认为弗洛伊德的太聪明. 这是弗洛伊德的风格; 他并不需要太多的出手. 弗洛伊德的太聪明, 他是一个伟大的拳击手, 他是世界排名第一.

Q. 又是怎么回事帕奎奥? 你觉得他的表现是什么?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 帕奎奥, 我认为他失去了战斗的控制. 他不能这样做对弗洛伊德什么. 帕奎奥是非常好的, 但它是一个非常聪明的战斗弗洛伊德.

Q. 听, 我不是在寻找过去威利梦露, 那会不会是明智的. 我希望你太有才了他, 虽然. 所以, 那么下一场比赛, 你对梅威瑟在 154 英镑? 我相信你, 有可能, 是下一个合乎逻辑的对手来测试梅威瑟.

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 当然, 这是我的梦想而奋斗. 明显, 弗洛伊德, 他是一个伟大的冠军, 一点点不同的风格. 弗洛伊德, 他是一个聪明的家伙. 他做了很多的感动. 对于我的风格, 有点不同, 我喜欢戏剧表演, 我想真正的战斗, 像厮杀. 我想展示, 大秀; 大剧秀!

Q. 你会带来那么大剧节目,如果你要获得与梅威瑟的斗争?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 绝对.

Q. 优秀. 大答案. 我很感激. 祝好运.

Q. 问题是阿贝尔. 阿贝尔, 你怎么处理所有这些问题有关谁是下一个? 我们只是有一个谁是下了根纳季的时候,他是在打五月 16, 谁可能是你曾经战斗过的速度最快的球员之一的家伙. 你如何处理这个? 和, 你如何保持GGG集中在手头的任务? 不要谈论CANELO, 而不是谈弗洛伊德和其他一切, 5月16日是第一个.

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 很好, 幸运的是我们有根纳季·Golovkin的一个真正的专业在健身房, 所以有关的任何其他问题不仅是这些类型的呼叫. 在健身房, 他只专注于威利梦露. 威利·梦露的将是一个严峻的挑战, 而且我们不要忽略他的任何手段,因为如果我们把一个趔这里, 所有其他名称是静音.

所以, 戈洛夫金被集中威利梦露, 当然,除非他们提出这样的问题在接受媒体电话, 但在我心中的疑问,我们会做好准备, 精神上和肉体上, 对于5月16日.

Q. 还有一个问题, 如果可以的话. 最后五个对手的总记录​​根纳季是 165 胜, 只要 15 损失. 你会在哪里把威利梦露之间的战斗机? 您如何评价他在过去五年根纳季中战斗?

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 我就觉得作为技能并尽可能在环能力, 他必须是在前三名, 也许前两名. 经验, 也许并不像经历过的其他人, 但威利已被证明在更大的战斗, 在Boxcino锦标赛比如, 他可以处理自己在环, 所以他在那里, 就像我说的, 一, 两, 三年. 一个非常, 很, 非常好的战斗机.

Q: 早上好, 绅士. 我只是有两个简单的问题. 根纳季, 我们知道你的名声,你的简历和你的战斗欲望, 但是你继续得到批评,没有采取正确的战斗没有人真正把责任归咎于人谁同意你打. 如何让你觉得,当人们说你?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 我感觉好极了. 我现在感觉很好. 这场战斗是我的职业生涯非常重要, 并为大家, 为我的人民, 我的团队. 非常感谢您对我的人. 这对我来说非常重要, 威利这场战斗, 现在我的重点是威利梦露,因为他是一个伟大的冠军, 他是一个伟大的挑战者,我和他可能是下一个冠军. 每场战斗是对我很重要.

Q. 随着对威利梦露战斗, 他是一个左撇子, 我们已经看到了很多说你要面对的对手类型的, 谁是左撇子. 你有什么希望,这样的表现将展示给人家看你对你的风格, 你的战斗方式?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 我想是因为我想告诉大家,我可以击败任何风格打左撇子, 不要紧. 任何人, 壮小伙, 高个子, 短的家伙, 普通的人. 我很着急. 这是一个很大的考验,我. 我记得很多战士, 像CANELO, 熟, 和很多伟大的冠军已经有问题,左撇子. 那么,为什么不自己进行测试.

Q. 阿贝尔, 样的根纳季·回答了这个问题我要问, 但我从教练的角度来看猜, 你怎么看威利梦露带来给根纳季还没有看到他的方式表?

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 大量的运动和湿润感和根纳季,如果在战斗今后一个左撇子们的风格更好的准备.

威利是一个成熟的和良好的战斗机, 就像我在比赛Boxcino说, 所以它不是像我们正在争取一个家伙,是上是从来没有在这样的情况下. 所不同的是他会去反对戈洛夫金及戈洛夫金,似乎把这些家伙下来的水平,他们是没有多少对他, 但如果威利带来了他的一个游戏, 我认为,我们正在寻找在五,六轮艰难, 然后拉伸将是谁拥有更多的坦克.

Q. 根纳季, 我知道你不能强迫其他middleweights的,以获得在环与你; 所有你能做的也只是自娱自乐. 那种你觉得有义务虽然进行中量级划分,现在? 如, 你的家伙,每个人都会看作为一个量级,将每个人都打.

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 是的. 我要争取统一标题. 对我来说, 这是非常重要的谁是头号; 谁是世界上最好的中量级划分.

Q. 是的. 这是汤姆的问题. 你在你的介绍,你以为球迷们渴望有些兴奋后,发生了什么事周六表示. 作为启动子, 是否有任何恐惧的业务反弹? 而我想将作为后续的根纳季有望成为拳击也许接下来面对, 也许他可以捕捉一些交叉球迷. 那将是现在更难做?

汤姆吕弗勒: 我不认为会有个反弹. 我认为它会令球迷欣赏根纳季的风格更多的时候,他们看到了什么,他居然使成环与他. 他总是试图对亚伯训练他的风格,提供的兴奋, 提供价值为歌迷, 我认为球迷们将欣赏,而不必去购买按次付费观点这场战斗, 他们将能看到它在HBO, 他们会看到一个有趣的表演与Chocolatito的共同特征, 与根纳季, 和威利梦露JR. 在主要事件. 我认为这是风格大对决, 我认为这将是一个挑战,看看是否保持根纳季他的淘汰赛连胜活着,这就是球迷们真正体会到.

他们知道每次他们来见根纳季打活的时间, 每次他转战时间, 无论是丹尼·Geale, 还是它的马尔科·安东尼奥·鲁比奥在StubHub的中心去年. 我的意思是, 他们已经看到了一个激动人心的战斗, 我想你会看到相同类型的战斗, 而有趣的对决未来这个星期六在5月16日在论坛.

Q. 好吧. 阿贝尔, 同样的问题?

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 我认为,我们应该为球迷提供娱乐. 我从我想要根纳季是你期待离家/工作在周六晚上早早地能够观看所有的预东西的斗争中看到更多关于根纳季·什么样的人一开始说的. 我希望他成为的那种个人的环内, 与其说环外, 但我认为,我们正在向这一点现在.

威利呈现下一个测试. 希望, 威利后, 如果一切顺利的话16号, 和威利合作, 我们可以有一个更大的名字, 但现在它的威利在我们面前, 我们打​​算把上节目, 根纳季或公司打算把在该节目以确保球迷离开对他们的脸上露出了笑容,并希望能找到他的时候再打架.

Q. 李兆对儿童巧克力变成了平局. 你有米格尔·库托, 谁的只是种在那里寻找那个大打. 你想留在中量级,因为你说过,你会下拉, 显然,我认为,如果我们都可以捕捉我们的手指,并使其发生大的战斗是你和梅威瑟? 你会下降一点点,在渔获重量或移动我们会看到你动起来, 也许, 去的超中量级冠军?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 是的. 现在, 我的重点是 160. 我的目标是容纳所有的安全带. 绝对, 我希望与米格尔大干一场,因为他的WBC冠军, 我有WBC临时带, 当然,我希望与李兆一个统一的斗争. 我认为他已经准备好与, 当然, 我的梦想是打对弗洛伊德.

Q. 早晨在西海岸好, 每个人. 汤姆, 这个问题是给你的, 这是一个有点在梅威瑟之后VS后续对启动子的工作. 帕奎奥. 搭配休闲的球迷, 也许, 抱怨缺乏行动, 你认为这是一个净赢或净加总拳击与上拼极大关注这项运动? 和, 这是否改变你的方法在这巨大的冲击媒体的关注和拳击之后2周?

汤姆吕弗勒: 我觉得置身于拳击是净赢吧. 我想球迷可能已经失望的是付出了很多钱,其实看直播, 或者在按次观点; 这就是你真的看到了球迷们的失望. 但, 我认为, 再次, 当你看到别人的真实接触到拳击运动,然后他们跟踪了两个星期后,甚至一个星期后. 你有CANELO即将在本周末, 同时在HBO, 然后两个星期后你有根纳季回来的戒指, 它只是为了在环中具有一个激动人心的战斗造成了更多的那些球迷暴露在运动的升值.

Q. 而在后续, 你怎么利用, 由于缺乏一个更好的词, 注意力,并确保他们仍然围绕两个星期后,看看有什么我们就调用都知道将是一个非常不同的,娱乐性很强的比赛?

汤姆吕弗勒: 很好, 我们只是尝试穿上最好的节目. 当根纳季转战去年在StubHub的, 我们有nonito Donaire主场, 和Nicholas沃尔特斯作为共同特征, 与这场斗争中,我们有 “Chocolatito” 对埃德加·索萨·冈萨雷斯, 也可作为共同特征, 所以我们只是尽力为球迷们提供价值. 他们已经通过购买门票的反应和Gennady有最大的卖点有史以来打在StubHub的中心, 也有过谁以前有战斗许多冠军, 和他的收视率继续反映.

所以它只是包装价值为歌迷, 它只是更多的人认为欣赏拳击运动,接触到它,然后他们都有一个更好的感觉,当你有一个令人兴奋的战斗机,进入环, 在某些时候,他们会选择他们是否买票或调整到不同风格.

我认为,根纳季的证明,他提供兴奋和每次有人曲调或买一张票,他的斗争, 他们总是一起离开了兴奋感, 他带来了很多球迷的运动, 从未真正到过拳击比赛之前来到StubHub的新粉丝, 或者当他转战在纽约麦迪逊广场花园. 他们来具体看根纳季,这就是新鲜空气的拳击迷气息.

Q. 好. 为您简单的问题, 阿贝尔, 第一. 根纳季有在拳击比赛中最好的淘汰赛百分比率现在. 我对你的问题是,有时他没有得到信用为他出色的脚法. 还有什么事吗, 特别是, 你已经找到, 或者你已经有种以前这些过去的几个星期与威利梦露的斗争激化的战斗阵营与他?

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 很好, 每一个训练营,我们进入我们抛开一对夫妇的事情,我们将专注于为我们即将到来的战斗特别. 威利, 我们有我们正在努力打击一些有两件事情他, 不仅运动, 而且他的方式试图滑头.

所以, 希望其中的原因是希望在十年, 12战斗, 我们讨论将涉及很多需要的领域,以提高自己的比赛. 根纳季是比赛的一个学生. 根纳季·爱学习新事物, 根纳季的始终关注, 所以很容易给他的东西,问他做什么,他重复了. 马克斯和我, 他的弟弟马克斯和我说说它是什么,我们希望他做的,然后根纳季执行它,我们想要的方式.

幸好, 对于这个阵营我们在朱利叶斯·杰克逊和雷蒙德Gatica两个非常好的陪练伙伴所提供我们,画布根纳季练一些,我们正在努力改善对这场斗争的事情.

Q. 是什么,不同的战斗,现在,你觉得你有一种以增强或更多一点的工作左撇子?

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 哦, 绝对. 威利梦露并不是一个标准的左撇子. 他非常光滑. 他有很好的车轮, 所以这将是试图打断他和实践,在健身房能够打断了他,并做出反应的情况下,一个进程, 所以他做了非常出色. 他适应得非常好什么,我们想为这个特殊的战斗, 此外,我们正在做过去的事情. 因此,我们期待着一个伟大的夜晚.

Q. 好. 我想问你的是, 这是一个有点令人沮丧的你有时, 我知道你打一年四次, 或多或少, 给予或采取, 尝试保持活跃. 它是令人沮丧的你有时,当你开始看到一些这些家伙像米格尔·库托的, 他能,你想尝试去争取一些真正的好人, 有时它是很难为你? 你如何集中精力知道你想打一些真正伟大的冠军, 这是一个有点为难你?

我知道,你有时会说你到墨西哥战士, 所以我假设你想模仿他们的伟大.

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 那种我刚才看到我的情况,现在像刚才我已经准备好了. 你知道你是对的, 绝对, 这不是我的重点. 我关注的是谁在中量级划分头号. 不要紧,每年有多少战斗, 五, 六, 我记得, 像老查韦斯, 很多伟大的冠军, 每两个月他大吵了一架. 对我来说, 现在我准备大干一场, 我准备好了. 我知道我有只是也许几年, 也许3年, 也许4年, 我已经准备好了,每年6打架. 我已经准备好对任何人.

Q. 查韦斯是你最喜欢的墨西哥战斗机?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 是的. 查韦斯, SR. 是. 我喜欢从墨西哥伟大的冠军. 我喜欢老查韦斯的风格, 如移动, 和策略, 我喜欢这个. 我喜欢的风格,因为他会打任何人,随时随地. 它可能只有五, 六, 每年七次. 我也是, 我准备好了.

Q. 所以, 这就是为什么你尝试像你一样经常吵架?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 绝对, 是的.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 我们将包根纳季·Golovkin的身边. 汤姆, 如果你想做出一些评论关闭, 并告诉媒体,他们的读者可以买到票?

汤姆吕弗勒: 绝对. 同样,我们都很兴奋,根纳季回来到南加州​​5月16日对威利梦露JR. 这将是在该 “极好” 座谈会. 这是一个伟大的建筑,是事件更好,因为它是装修. 它已被关押传奇的战斗这样一个伟大的历史上,现在这个战斗卡来洛杉矶. 区域, 我认为我们将看到一个伟大的投票率. 我们的价位门票的歌迷开始在 $30 和它们可在, 以及在 在洛杉矶根纳季的最后一战售罄, 所以,我们奉劝球迷早买他们的票,这样他们就不会遇到同样的问题时,有没有可用的门票最后一次.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 阿贝尔, 你想给一些媒体收评之前,我们回到训练?

阿贝尔·桑切斯: 绝对. 我要感谢他们的支持和他们的电话和他们的问题. 请确保您收听和看到根纳季途中另一个伟大的斗争成为超级巨星.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 非常感谢, 阿贝尔. 根纳季, 任何更多的评论之前,你回去今天训练?

根纳季·戈洛夫金: 非常感谢, 每个人. 非常感谢您的支持. 非常感谢您的注意事项. 这是我的球队真的很重要, 我的职业生涯, 我保证伟大的演出, 大事件, 只是欢迎到我的大剧展. 谢谢.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 非常感谢, 根纳季. 非常感谢, 阿贝尔. 此时的媒体, 我很高兴从横幅促销引进阿蒂Pelullo, 谁将会引入团队梦露. 前进, 阿蒂.

阿蒂Pelullo: 你好, 男人. 您好. 早上好给大家. 我猜的开幕词,我想提出的是我要感谢根纳季·Golovkin的汤姆洛弗勒给威利梦露这个机会. 大家都知道, 威利是世界排名第二, 为什么我们在这里的原因,是因为他有多好做的 2014 通过赢取四战成一排, 包括比赛的ESPN有能力和远见穿上叫Boxcino. 然后威利回来,然后赢得比赛对布莱恩维拉后,赢得了一致的决定, 现在已经把他的地位在世界上挑战最好的中量级, 而这将是一个非常有趣的战斗.

这是一个斗争,我们相信我们能赢. 大多数人并不认为威利能赢得胜利, 但是我们做; 这就是为什么我们把它. 而且这将是一个了不起的战斗, 我认为根纳季将是在一个非常艰难的战斗与一个非常好的战斗机谁可以做的事情,是谁在打根纳季之前没有人做过.

所以, 我只想说声谢谢根纳季,因为它是一个自愿性的战斗, 他说他想打一个硬汉谁是左撇子,这是最好的左撇子在那里. 和汤姆洛弗勒是一个很好的家伙, 我们和我的一个朋友, 不是我们的, 矿, 并且已经能够使这种交易相当快.

我要感谢HBO的也把斗争,因为彼得·尼尔森谁买了HBO的斗争意识到这将是一个非常引人注目的比赛, 而当时我的开幕词. 我要感谢大家. 伯尼, 你做一个好工作, 然后现在是什么伯尼. 我猜, 哪来的这个,是威利上线?

威利·梦露JR.: 是的, 我在这里.

阿蒂Pellulo: 前进, 威利.

威利·梦露小: 我只是感激. 我很感谢有机会. 感谢横幅促销的把我的位置,在这个时候对世界上最伟大的中量级中量级世界冠军战斗, 而我很幸运. 所以, 感谢横幅促销, 和ESPN Boxcino和HBO. 谢谢.

阿蒂Pellulo: 托尼, 你还想说几句话?

托尼摩根: 是的. 你怎么做都? 我只想说,我们很高兴能有机会. 感谢汤姆吕弗勒, 横幅促销, HBO给我们这个机会做我们做什么. 谢谢.

Q. 你好, 威利. 在您的开场白, 你提到的根纳季·戈洛夫金, 说你会很感激反对被称为当时最伟大的中量级战斗机中量级冠军战斗. 我只是想知道,如果你认为今天的根纳季是最好的中量级那里.

威利·梦露小: 我的意思是, 他所做的是他证明自己. 而且他广为人知的最佳量级那里, 所以你不能用它争辩, 明明, 我在那里大约两或3号, 所以这就是为什么我很感谢这场斗争. 所以, 我不能砍的人摔倒. 我不会坐在这儿和砍他下来,因为一旦我赢了, 然后我会砍自己.

Q. 对. 好. 你相信有,你有过任何战斗, 通往这个, 这可以为您准备? 我的意思是, 明显, 根纳季的比所有人都好,你已经打, 但有说你准备什么期待下周六,你所面临的任何特定的风格?

威利·梦露小: 我觉得我的整个职业生涯从业余一路攀升到现在已经准备我这个机会. 我的意思是我有 142 业余打架, 我是一个三次全国冠军.

我转战Boxcino,我的意思是, 根纳季是每个人的混合一点点我转战Boxcino一路布莱恩维拉. 所以我觉得这是巅峰, 它是我的工作中去,做我做什么最好.

Q. 你好, 男人. 感谢您抽出宝贵的时间做了呼叫. 不胜感激. 现在的问题是教练托尼·摩根. 托尼, 你在最近的新闻, 轻微的失误,它看起来像. 我不知道的情况和细节, 但我不知道已经有过训练的任何中断, 并有受影响的事情都, 以及如何同你们的关系? 和, 如何培训会?

托尼摩根: 完美无瑕. 我们没有任何问题. 一切都在我的律师跟我的情况手中. 这里的情况只是训练营和that's - 我们要经历和做什么我们做, 并把拼图拼在一起, 而解决这一难题,似乎没有人能够做到.

Q.: 你好, 托尼. 这也为教练的问题. 我们都认为,这场斗争将是关于速度与力量, 和电源根纳季一边, 明显, 和速度, 这是为了防止他击倒他的拳会认为是头号最重要的事情你的战斗机, 威利. 你如何看待战斗? 难道我们错了? 我们是正确的? 给我们一点点, 什么,我们可以从威利在这场斗争中预计一瞥.

托尼摩根: 我认为战斗将真正由环智慧赢得. 我认为,我们带来的表是什么东西的根纳季的从来没见过,实事求是无法防备. 我的意思是, 有真的只有一个威利梦露. 有两个家伙, 也许三,模仿他的风格,这是非常快, 非常难以捉摸.

威利有很多击倒在业余, 不是说威利总是去那里是一个大的穿孔, 但我认为人们会感到惊讶,因为他们与维拉布赖恩. 我认为这将是一个很大的惊喜,很多人, 不适合我们, 但对于其他人.

Q.: 还有一个问题, 这次为威利. 所有这些会谈, 拉斯维加斯周围和遍布世界所有的赌注 60:1 到 80:1 对于戈洛夫金仅仅是公告板材料为你? 您是否需要额外的动力? 你用这个作为额外的动力,还是你只需按下这个你是所有的信息基本上,你基本上已经失去了你走进环之前? 你不关注它?

威利·梦露JR.: 我的意思是, 在这之后的战斗已经结束, 我是新来的WBA冠军, 我会告诉你们一个小故事, 并给你们一点点的洞察力对我的个人生活, 但我说,说这. 我一直处于劣势,因为我的构思在我母亲的子宫里, 我的意思是,从字面上; 这不是一个比喻. 我的意思是,从字面上.

所以, 作为一个失败者是我津津乐道的,因为这些都是我的挺身而出,做,有时我自己感到惊讶与有多好我做的时刻, 所以我在我的元素. 如果我的喜爱, 然后我会有点担心, 但作为弱者是我居然津津乐道,因为它激励我做什么,我需要做的.

每个人都是不同的. 有些人需要鼓励,告诉他们是最好的, 是最好的, 有的人需要被告知,你不能做到这一点, 这样他们就可以去那里,证明自己可以. 而我的那些人一个总是希望证明别人错了.

Q. 好吧. 所以, 当然这是你的职业生涯和最大的打击是一个事实,即拳击可能已在它已经在相当长一段时间的最佳形状, 你怎么觉得是拳击的未来的一部分, 向前走?

威利·梦露JR.: 这是一个祝福. 这是我们已经说过,因为我转为职业球员. 我的教练总是说我会复活拳击; 我将带回拳击和口齿是的真谛, 内以及所述环的外.

现在好了, 我觉得时机是完美的. 我的意思是, 这是一个祝福,我. 我被祝福了, 而且我兴高采烈能有这个机会,这仅仅是个开始.

在一天结束时, 它是所有关于我做什么. 我的意思是, 无所谓血统或者你来自哪里或什么名字是, 这是所有关于你如何运用自己,你在做环什么,你在训练营办领导到什么打. 所以, 我真的尽量不要住在我爸爸和我的叔叔. 我创造我自己的遗产, 和我自己的权利, 而截至目前, 我已经做进一步比他们两人已经.

所以, 这没什么好说的,我做我,是我.

Q. 好吧. 感谢您抽出我的电话. 这个问题是威利. 从看着你, 你是一个拳击手, 一个非常漂亮的家伙, 和大量的技术技能. 谁是你仰望? 谁做你的图案你的风格后,, 在方面作为战斗机?

威利·梦露JR.: 我最喜欢的两个战士, 总理的战士是冠军, 罗伊·琼斯, 小, 和糖光芒伦纳德. 如果谁是速度快,非常难以捉摸的和可以做的事情物理,其他的战士就不能拉断, 并做到在这么漂亮的时装. 这些是我仰望的家伙.

赫克托 “马霍” 老卡马乔, Pernell惠特克, 所有那些家伙很特别的, 身体和精神上的特殊. 因此,这些都是我喜欢的人看所有的时间和效仿.

Q. 非常感谢, 和喜, 每个人. 威利, 它是正确的之前,你要进入训练营, 你与我和库尼格里. 你说你是非常有信心这场战斗. 训练营是怎么去你感觉怎么样?

威利·梦露JR: 训练营的好. 训练营的伟大. 我更相信现在我们在锋尚造型, 但我的意思是什么都好. 一切都很好. 这是我想要的斗争. 这就是我说的斗争Boxcino后,我想正确的.

很多人都在影射哦, 你一定是付出了很多钱. 我的意思是, 这是战斗,我问. 当所有的博客和采访不同, 他们问我,你想什么量级打? 我说,根纳季·戈洛夫金. 我的意思是, 他是最好的. 所以, 你要么去硬或回家.

所以, 我的意思是, 一切都很好. 营是伟大的. 我有乐趣. 我的意思是, 只是问自己谁是我的教练, 那么你知道如何训练营好是怎么回事. 我在世界上得到了最好的教练.

Q. 好, 让我们来看看, 让我们回到冷门, 莱昂斯平克斯在穆罕默德·阿里, 巴斯特·道格拉斯在迈克·泰森. 这是真的要来看待,因为GGG肯定是在顶部两三个一斤一斤世界. 如果你赢了这场战斗, 这将是最大的冷门之一,在过去 30 年左右. 你怎么看它?

威利·梦露JR.: 我看它以同样的方式, 你必须. 我的意思是, 看什么他完成了作为一个战士; 19 直击倒. 他做了他的美国首演 2012, 而他击倒了大家迄今. 我的意思是像你为什么不希望采取从别人那无敌的斗篷? 和, 我的意思是, 我是一个可以做到这一点.

但, 我的意思是, 一旦钟声响起, 并在5月16日没有人可以在那里得到和争取他, 没有人能在那里得到和争取我, 它是所有关于什么我们应用什么,我们调整到了晚上可能最好的人赢.

Q. 你说对了. 最后一个问题. 是你在大打失望的晚上, 梅威瑟和帕奎奥?

威利·梦露JR.: 不是真的,因为我知道这将是这样的. 它其中的一个风格上的对决,你刚才那种知道发生了什么事情发生, 我很高兴它的工作,并与多, 因此人们可以停止讨论.

Q. 非常感谢. 这是托尼的问题. 托尼, 我不会要求你放弃你的任何秘密训练前打, 但你没有提到,有一个在含铅量高达一提,你将要带来一些不同的东西打. 让我把它放在这些条款. 看戈洛夫金以前的对手, 你确定你认为威利能够在这场战斗纠正任何错误?

托尼摩根: 我认为戈洛夫金使得很多失误. 我认为他是不可战胜. 我认为,任何人的不可战胜的,如果你把正确的计划表, 但是,是, 我们要利用自己的错误,我不想说我们要揭露他,因为他是一个伟大的战士, 但我们要揭露威利. 我们要揭露什么威利真的是, 和他真的能够做到的事情.

Q. 和托尼, 在您的后续问题, 那是一个伟大的答案. 这个问题实际上是旨在戈洛夫金的对手,他们的错误,你可能现在能够避免? 所以, 你看,看到了Geale的和穆雷的和麦克林的世界, 他们做了什么,你认为你和威利能避免?

托尼摩根: 百分之百, 所有的人都几乎所有的措手不及,他们都站在戈洛夫金前. 迟早, 他让人们站在他面前. 我不认为他将是能够利用任何东西,他是用来干什么的,因为他从来没有打过任何人威利·梦露的口径.

我不是说我们击败大家谁是在那里. 我们没有一个名字像他那样, 但威利呈现的风格是模仿真实没有一风格, 真.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 阿蒂, 我们要继续前进,如果你想使你收的意见,并有托尼和威利你一起包裹起来电话, 那将是梦幻般的.

阿蒂Pelullo: 肯定. 听, 再次, 我要感谢大家给威利机会. 我认为托尼·威利说的很对, 我们都知道,这将是一个伟大的斗争. 我们要赢得胜利, 这就是多少,我们有信心在威利的能力. 但是,如果它不是汤姆洛弗勒和根纳季Golovkin的和HBO给威利机会, 我们不会在这里.

所以, 我想说,谢谢大家. 我们将要在那里过一周所有, 所以有很多事情. 威利将提供给做采访一对一, 就会有一个开放的锻炼, 只是想感谢大家对我们有,这将是一个伟大的演出. 这将是一个很好的战斗. 这将是更比人们意识到什么威利可以做, 和这将是一个伟大的演出, 我认为这根纳季Golovkin的人都知道, 我认为他正在非常认真.

所以, 再次, 谢谢, 每个人, 我会翻过来威利,然后托尼. 前进, 威利.

威利·梦露JR.: 我只是感谢这个机会,像阿蒂为躲避, 你得感谢GGG和他的阵营为这场斗争,并给威利机会, 我自己, 威利·梦露, 一个机会,探戈最好的, 我很高兴, 所以感谢汤姆吕弗勒, 感谢团队GGG. 和我的团队更大的感谢对我的信任,并把在工作中过去七周. 5月16日是表演时刻.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 前进, 托尼.

托尼摩根: 我只想说,感谢所有支持, 感谢GGG的团队,使我们能够得到这个机会,, 感谢阿蒂, 和横幅促销, 而我们要出去做什么我们做. 我们赢了, 这就是我们做的, 所以我只想说一句感谢,感谢接受我们的采访和欣赏公示.

伯尼Bahrmasel: 非常感谢, 绅士. 再次, 这将是一个巨大的战斗. 这是打击战斗机是世界上最好的中量级谁是真正获得了这个机会,打他. 我们期待着在下周看到在洛杉矶所有媒体, 我们期待着大家收看HBO在5月16日的战斗. 非常感谢, 大家.

根纳季·戈洛夫金VS. 威利梦露是12轮中量级世界冠军回​​合横幅促销和论坛提出的K2促销和GGG促销的联想. 战斗将在周六, 五月 16 在论坛上在Inglewood, 例如. 门开处 4:30 P.M. PT和第一回合开始于 4:45 P.M. PT。, HBO的世界拳击锦标赛转播开始于 10:00 P.M. ET / PT.

戈洛夫金, 32-0 (29KO的) 将捍卫他的世界拳击协会, 国际拳击组织 “临时” 世界拳击理事会中量级世界冠军对抗 #2 位列挑战者梦露,
19-1-0 (6KO的).

共同精选的电视节目是世界拳击理事会冠军罗马在12轮初中轻量级对决 “Chocolatito” 冈萨雷斯, 42-0 (36KO的) 和 #2 位列挑战者,前世界冠军埃德加·索萨, 51-8-0 (30KO的).

提前购票, 售价 $300, $200, $100, $60 和 $30, 现在是在销售通过Ticketmaster (Tick​​, 1-800-745-3000) 和论坛票房.

戈洛夫金VS. MONROE 提出由K2促销和GGG促销联同横幅促销和论坛.

共同精选的电视节目是世界拳击理事会冠军罗马之间的优秀初中轻量级对决 “Chocolatito” 冈萨雷斯和 #2 位列挑战者,前世界冠军埃德加·索萨.

VS冈萨雷斯. SOSA,提出由K2促销和Teiken促销联同Zanfer促销.

社交媒体: 欲了解更多信息, 访问,,,

在Twitter上的根纳季·戈洛夫金 GGGBoxing, 威利·梦露JR.WillieMonroeJr, 罗马冈萨雷斯 ChocolatitoBox, 埃德加·索萨EdgarSosaChamp, 汤姆洛弗勒/ K2促销 @ TomLoeffler1, 横幅促销 BannerBoxing, 该论坛 @theForum 与HBO拳击 HBOBoxing成为Facebook上的粉丝,,
www.facebook / BannerPromotions,


前世界冠军丹尼尔GEALE WRAPING参加训练营澳大利亚提前摊牌的WBC中量级世界冠军米格尔·库托在六月 6 巴克莱中心住在HBO

Geale Set To Complete Training Camp In The United States

Photos by Team Geale

NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA (五月 7, 2015)Former Two-Time World Champion, 丹尼尔Geale (31-3, 16 KO的) is finalizing his last days of training in Australia as he prepares for his upcoming June 6 world championship bout against WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion 米格尔·库托 (39-4, 32 KO的) which will be televised live on HBO from Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


Training camp has started off on the right track,” said Daniel Geale. “I’m super focused on Miguel Cotto and we have a nice game plan were working on. My countrymen have shown a tremendous amount of support since I came back from the press conference. I’m getting some good work with some mates here at home and my body feels good. I’ll be leaving to start training in the United States shortly and it’s something I’m looking forward too. Cotto is a great champion, but I’m coming to win and bring that belt home to Australia.


Daniel Geale and his team have assured me that he’s looking real sharp in camp,” 所述的共助催化剂 加里·肖. “We have everything set up once he arrives in the United States. This is a fight the fans won’t want to miss.


库托与. 罐, 12轮的争夺库托的WBC和环杂志中量级世界冠军, 发生星期六, 六月 6 在巴克莱中心在布鲁克林,将在HBO电视直播. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate. 门票分 $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 和 $25, not including applicable service charges and taxes, 现已公开发售,并可以转让的, 并在美国运通票房巴克莱中心. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000. 门开处 6:00 PM, 第一次战斗开始于 6:15 PM和HBO的电视节目开始在 10:30 PM ET / PT.


For more information please visit Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook at


欲了解更多信息, 访问, 在Twitter和Instagram的在@HBOBoxing,并成为Facebook上的粉丝在



Roc Nation Sports, a sub-division of Roc Nation, launched in spring 2013. 创始人肖恩 “杰伊ž” 卡特的对体育的热爱导致自然形成的ROC国家体育, helping athletes in the same way Roc Nation has been helping artists in the music industry for years. 大鹏民族体育的重点是提升运动员’ 和关闭字段都生涯在全​​球范围内. Roc Nation Sports conceptualizes and executes marketing and endorsement deals, community outreach, charitable tie-ins, media relations and brand strategy. Roc Nation Sports launched its boxing division, a full service promotional company which represents world champions Miguel Cotto and Andre Ward, 八月 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ 名单包括首映运动员如罗宾逊卡诺, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Durant, Geno Smith, Victor Cruz, CC Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney Castillo, Yoenis Cespedes, Jaelen Strong, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, 艾瑞克·艾巴, 法官温斯洛, 威利·考利 - 斯坦因和弗朗西斯Tiafoe.



米格尔·库托促销是全球领先的推广公司在波多黎各的五年时间和四分裂世界冠军米格尔·库托和企业家海克特·索托在成立 2005. Miguel Cotto Promotions has the vision of developing the besttalent in Puerto Rico and Latin America, 而在业务寻找最好的合作伙伴关系,目前最优质的节目在业界. 在 2015, 米格尔·库托促销推出了他们最新的项目命名 “拳击铝马克西莫” 与Univision的波多黎各网络的合作伙伴关系, capturing great ratings results on the new Saturday night fightsplatform.



基于从新泽西州, 加里邵氏制作公司成立于 2002 由总裁兼首席执行官, 加里·肖, 前新泽西州监管机构. 有推动拳击节目在中国, 澳大利亚, 墨西哥和英国, GSP就是所谓的国际化企业, 其主要目标是使兴奋与竞争力的战斗拳击. 单打独斗的一些拳击史上最大的事件, 其中包括费利克斯·特立尼达VS. 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯VS. 维塔利·克里琴科, 泓基赖特VS. 费利克斯·特立尼达, 迭戈科拉莱斯VS. 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, 莫斯利VS. 闪闪赖特和马尔克斯VS瓦斯奎兹我, 二 & III, GSP巩固了其自身的顶级公司宣传的体育运动项目之一.



巴克莱中心开幕九月 28, 2012, 并且是一个主要的体育和娱乐场馆在布鲁克林的心脏, 纽约. 其中最亲密的座位配置,曾经设计成一个现代化的多功能体育场, 巴克莱中心提供 17,732 席篮球, 15,795 曲棍球, 和高达 19,000 座位音乐会, 并具有 101 豪华套房, 四间酒吧/酒廊, 四家具乐部, 和 40/40 CLUB & 餐厅美国运通.


巴克莱中心举办了广泛的各种各样的活动, 包括总理音乐会, 各大职业拳击卡, 顶级大学篮球, 系列节目, 布鲁克林篮网很快纽约岛民.


巴克莱中心重新定义了舞台上的客户服务和美食体验. 其超过 2,000 员工是由迪士尼学院接受培训, 华特迪士尼公司的业务咨询手臂, 其BrooklynTaste™粮食计划从功能选择 55 知名餐厅和供应商在自治市镇.


巴克莱中心从事客户与国家的最先进的技术,以提高风机的经验. 作为世界第一的舞台,利用思科StadiumVision移动组播流媒体技术, 巴克莱中心允许球迷观看视频直播和即时回放从他们的手机,同时连接场馆的免费无线网络连接.


位于上盖在纽约市最大的交通枢纽之一, 巴克莱中心是访问 11 地铁线路, 长岛铁路路, 和 11 公交线路.

有关巴克莱中心的详细信息, 请访问

Danbury Fight Night Card Set For May 30

丹伯里, CT (五月 6, 2015)– 上 5月30日 Prize Promotions presents their first professional boxing card, Danbury Fight Night, taking place at the Danbury Arena, 丹伯里, CT. This action packed card is loaded with some of Connecticut’s fastest rising stars, and will be headlined by the much anticipated return of former amateur sensation, and undefeated professional Tramaine “Mighty Midget” 威廉姆斯.

威廉姆斯 (8-0 2科斯) out of New Haven, CT, turned pro at the age of 19 after a stellar amateur career, 赢得他的第一个 8 pro fights in under a year and a half. Legal issues in 2013, halted Williamsfast track to stardom. After over a year and a half layoff, Williams is set to make his return and reclaim the momentum and buzz that he created as a teenager. Promoter A.J. Galante was happy to give Williams a second chance.


People make mistakes in life, big or small, 尤其是孩子们. I’m a firm believer in people can learn from them, and I’m big on second chances. I’m proud to be the one to give Tramaine a second chance in boxing, when not a lot of people were willing to. I sat with him, we spoke, and I saw a kid look me in the eye and I saw that he was sincere about getting back on the right track. I’m hoping by giving him a second chance, he will make the most of it, and fulfill his promise. I’m certain a big performance 5月30日 will catch the eyes of everyone in the sport, which will only lead to more opportunities for him. There is no doubt whatsoever if he can keep his life outside the ring intact, he will be a World Champion,” said Galante.


Williams certainly won’t be coming back after a long layoff with a soft touch, he will be taking on Josh Bowles (9-1, 1KO) out of Harrisburg, PA in a 6 round featherweight attraction.


Also featured on the card will be New Haven’s 内特 “The Great One” 绿色 (7-0, 2科斯) as he takes on tough veteran spoiler Timur Shailezov (17-9-1, 4KO的) from Kyrgyzstan, currently residing in Philadelphia, PA


Galante made clear that he has not signed Williams, 绿色, or any boxer for that matter to promotional contracts, but he noted there are requirements to fighting under Prize Promotions, “My vision is to give guys opportunities that could springboard them to bigger and better things. I’m looking to actually promote the sport the old fashioned way, and put together exciting 50-50 对决. I think anyone who fights on my card should be recognized as a throwback fighter, and someone that wants to really become great. My matchmakers Russell Peltz, Brittany Rogers and I have not put any soft matches together. Fans can look at this lineup, and realize it’s nearly impossible for there to be an upset, because all these bouts, 从上到下, are equally matched. Everyone fighting on 5月30日 understood from the start that they have to fight tough competition, because in the end, it will only bring the best out of them and they will actually grow as a boxer from their matches. Plus the fans deserve it.


This all action night of Professional boxing will also feature some of Connecticut’s most exciting and promising prospects. New Haven’s exhilarating Josh Crespo (3-2-2, 1KO) 将在 埃德加·科尔特斯 (1-0) in a four round Featherweight bout.


布里奇波特的 奥斯卡·博尼利亚 (3-0-2) 把他的不败纪录逆势而行 安德鲁·本特利 (2-2-0) in four round Lightweight bouts.


Heavyweight Fan favorite and former University of New Haven Basketball star 卡修斯·钱尼 (1-0 1KO) of New London, recently signing with powerhouse promoter Main Events, will make his second appearance in a professional boxing ring, after picking up a TKO win in his debut April 17, against an opponent to be announced in a four round bout.


In what could potentially be the fight of the night, 退伍军人 里奇 “Kid BrasilNeves(8-2-1, 4科斯) of nearby Hyde Park, 纽约州将在 吉尔伯特亚历克斯·桑切斯 (5-6, 2科斯) 卡姆登, NJ in a Super Welterweight bout scheduled for six-rounds.


The night will also feature three highly anticipated debuts from charismatic Light Heavyweight Fly” 迈克·马歇尔 布朗克斯, former amateur standout, 超中量级 Mike Rue 拉斯维加斯, by way of Columbus, 俄亥俄, and decorated amateur Saso Leskaroski of Macedonia.


门票: $100, $75, $50, $25 – 可以在购买 or call 203.544.2WIN.


The Danbury Arena is located at


1 Independence Way, 丹伯里, CT 06810


所有的战斗有可能发生变化 & commission approval.



巴尔的摩, MD (五月 6, 2015) - 论 星期六, 五月 9, 巴尔的摩拳击促销将提供娱乐的完整晚上大洋城, MD.


门票从 $25 可在 Tick​​ 而在会展中心售票处.


8 PM, 奥运风格拳击卡题为“强攻海滩”发生在海洋城会议中心. 该卡是由一个重量级冠军的比赛,包括巴尔的摩拳击馆的纪录保持者淘汰赛山姆王“香草的大猩猩”交叉vsSalisbury的KGC为东海岸的皇冠标题. 巴尔的摩拳击馆广场著名的乔伊“火箭筒乔”Veazy抵消打倒在拳击的奈杰尔·芬内尔. 此外, 巴尔的摩拳击馆的唐纳德·华莱士遇见萨利的瑞安·沃森, MD, 而年轻的Phenom汤米·科小, 埃德公园和奥马尔·塞拉诺将出现在单独的较量.


在打架的这个令人兴奋的夜晚协会, 巴尔的摩拳击是自豪地联手与​​伍斯特县慈善协会的努力,找到了庇护所动物新房. 在战斗, there will be a 50/50 raffle with the proceeds going to the society and Baltimore Boxing is also donating tickets. 慈善协会也将在现场回答任何问题,并分发他们的组织的信息.


整个晚上, 球迷们将有机会见面会一些当地知名人士. 索尔兹伯里世界额定重量级亚历克斯·格雷罗不败史蒂夫巴尔的摩“显示偷窃者”惠勒将手头上还有传奇教练弗兰克·吉尔伯特和弗吉尼亚州的安德鲁“斗人”农夫. 在他对ESPN的2全国电视转播的比赛星期五 夜战斗傍晚前“强攻海滩”, 中量级战士杰西“野兽Nicklow”巴尔的摩将手头上也将海洋城的自己的布赖恩·齐格勒.


继打架, 所有持票是在修道院汉堡邀请参加私人派对后,, 位于 126 ST大洋城.


“强攻海滩不仅是一个拼卡, 这是一个完整的事件,” said Smith. “我希望每一个ticketholder有一个爆炸从他们进入会展中心的时间,直到他们晚上结束. 这就是为什么它是重要的巴尔的摩拳击不仅有一个有趣的战斗卡, 但也有特殊的客人和派对后,在一个受欢迎的地方. 星期六 晚上是保证每个人在OceanCity一个伟大的时刻。“

欲了解更多信息, 到


费城, PA (五月 6, 2015)— 横幅促销很高兴地宣布,阿利森DeRenzis已第一名Boxcino支架挑战.
阿利森将带回家两个马戏团门票大奖的Boxcino总决赛,这将发生在 五月 22 科罗纳, 加利福尼亚州, 一个完整的往返两个总决赛, 完成酒店住宿及膳食两, 以及作为嘉宾邀请前战斗权衡和后斗争新闻发布会. 艾丽森也将收到两个Boxcino T恤.
亚军是马特Andrzejewski. 马特将有两张票的总决赛和两个Boxcino T恤.




纽约 (五月 6, 2015) - SHOWTIME体育 原来的系列纪录片 “ALL ACCESS” 赢得了体育艾美奖连续第二年 周二, 带回家的荣誉“优秀体育纪录片系列”在 36 在纽约市年度体育艾美奖颁奖典礼.


透出纪录片, 其中记载了拳击的最大prizefights的积累和后果, 获得第一个运动在艾美奖杰出编辑体育事件的报道,去年的典礼 “ALL ACCESS: 梅威瑟VS. CANELO尾声.”


在 2014, 欣欣体育提供了四个多集分期付款 ALL ACCESS, 记录梅威瑟和马科斯Maidana之​​间的第一次和第二次对决, CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯主场迎战. CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯和阿尔弗雷多·安古洛VS. Erislandy拉拉.


SHOWTIME体育获得了网络最佳9体育艾美奖提名的保费网络’ 在体育节目 2014. 精彩表演赢得了 11 体育艾美奖在过去五年.


即时发布: 路易斯顿, 缅因 (五月 6, 2015) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF), 美国的头号地区拼促销, 将举行第十八届混合武术 (MMA) 事件, “NEF XVIII: Made in America,” 上 星期六, 六月 13, 2015 在安德罗斯科银行Colisée酒店在路易斯顿, 缅因. 今天早些时候,, 促进宣布增加了一个专业的轻量级回合的战斗卡. “防碎2.0” 德里克·肖雷 (2-1) will make his debut in the 135-pound division against Canadian 杰里米DiChiara (1-0).


Shorey is a fitting choice to face the native Ontarian on the patriotic-themed event. 一 2000 graduate of Foxcroft Academy in Dover-Foxcroft, 缅因, where he won a Class-C state wrestling title in 1998, Shorey is a veteran of the United States Navy. He served four years of active duty in the branch, and did a tour of Iraq as a member of SEABEE Battalion NMCB 27.


Currently the head coach of the Shatterproof Combat Club, Shorey is coming off a victory over John Raio (2-7) 上个月在 “NEF十七。” The win gave Shorey the upper hand in the three-fight rivalry between the two athletes dating back to their amateur days. While he has gotten off to a good start to his professional career, Shorey will be the first to admit he has more work to do, and the upcoming battle with DiChiara will be a real test of his skills, especially on the mat.


It is truly an honor to fight in front of the NEF fans and represent this rapidly growing brand against a very dangerous opponent,” 肖雷说. “I feel that I still have a lot to prove to the fans, as well as myself in regards to the fighter I’m becoming, and distancing myself from my amateur days. Jeremy is an undefeated purple belt in Jiu-Jitsu, which everyone knows has been my biggest weakness. I see this as an opportunity to show everyone that I’m fixing the problem, and hand a very game opponent his first loss.


Holding a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (巴西柔术), DiChiara will undoubtedly test Shorey should the fight go to the ground. DiChiara is undefeated in MMA competition, 已经走了 2-0 as an amateur and now 1-0 作为一个专业. He is accustomed to fighting in hostile territory with previous bouts in Michigan and half a world away in Thailand. While in Thailand, DiChiara trained with Phuket Top Team. He is presently a member of Canadian team Wulfrun MMA.


NEF的下一个MMA赛事, “NEF XVIII: Made in America” will originate from the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine on June 13, 2015. 门票 “NEF XVIII” 开始只是 $25 而在销售现在 or by calling the Colisee box office at207.783.2009 X 525. 有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF, 按照他们的Twitter @nefights并加入官方Facebook集团“新英格兰战斗。”




新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

打报告: 厄兹居尔汗安全冠军的纽约厅惊悚

通过报告: 赞布罗塔 (江) 迪卡罗

让我们面对现实吧, 与列英寸致力于梅威瑟,帕奎奥在过去几个星期的量, 你可以很容易地被原谅认为有这发生在五月没有其他拳击比赛 2ND.

很好, 还有一个战斗卡, 我很高兴地说,我是在这种情况下 - 马克里昂和比利·詹姆斯 - 艾略特在伦敦推出了戒指事件上议院在标志性的纽约厅.


行, 诚然纽约厅贝斯纳尔格林并不具备处于在米高梅大酒店在拉斯维加斯这样一个大型的战斗任何接近的纯情, 但是,当涉及到戏剧和兴奋, 抱歉,你不能打败小礼堂拳, 特别是当它在纽约大会堂.


当事件被宣布这是由于功能14回合, 但之后立即-精灵宣布一个显著数回合被取消, 作为战士想成为马戏团在拉斯维加斯, 然后在最后的建立进一步打架被关卡, 由于受到伤病困扰, 留下了柒牌打秀夜, 抑或是.


卡被进一步减少的天, 在战斗之一后取消基于安全理由 - 由于两个开张战士之间的权重5公斤的区别 - 如果这还不够糟糕曼尼穆罕默德的对手, 拉斐尔·斯诺没有露面, 剩下短短五年战斗的夜晚.


首先登场的是利物浦之间的六圆的俄罗斯热的前景大卫Agadzhanyan, 对捷克的约瑟夫瑞德利奇, 谁踩在最后一分钟,以节省回合, 以下加纳的伊萨克·奥乌苏被迫退出因病.






我已经在行动中看到Agadzhanyan几次, 包括优险胜然后不败丹尼尔BAZO在三月, 所以真的很期待看到他在行动反对奥乌苏, 强硬不妥协的前加纳冠军和英联邦冠军消除挑战者, 但得等到本月晚些时候当改期回合发生在利物浦.


接下来是WBF洲际冠军保罗·伊科诺米, 在非锦标赛六圆, 对另一个后期更换, 捷克的切赫Gyna, 下面前英国冠军安迪·贝尔一周前拉出来,然后把原来更换拉出两天前戏.


伊科诺米是另一个类的行为, 因此毫不奇怪,Gyna是在画布上只需30秒内, 就重启Gyna决定攻击防御的最佳形式, 然而,在服用的斗争伊科诺米季他打出直入他的手, 字面上伊科诺米惩罚他,一个大的权利, 发送捷克下降到画布上的第二次也是最后一次, 在1分钟到20五个第二标记.


同时与开放的战斗结束年初播出的电视节目不会因启动,直到 9下午, 促销员无奈,只好到有相当长的时间间隔下一回合之前,, 冠军将军澳的不败哈克尼之间的六轮轻重量级比赛根据土耳其奥德前景和厄兹居尔艺人自己乔迪米克尔.


纵观前四轮厄兹居尔刚走到米克尔下降, 让在每一个可能的机会,裂口进行大规模的右手, 因为他们来的米克尔一样强硬,似乎很乐意吸收处罚抛出的人被称为“小迈克”的土耳其球迷.


曾经开玩笑, 米克尔淡化了处罚,他正在采取, 高高兴兴地玩到的人群, 还有真气他的对手, 通过拉脸和暗示,有在土耳其小伙子出手没电, 然而,由事实米克尔已经淡化他的滑稽动作, 清楚地表明,厄兹居尔拍摄确实具有所希望的效果.


米克尔在第五淡化他的战术的游戏性进一步, 作为厄兹居尔加强了他的攻击, 把更多的权力到他的出手次数.


从一六开始,很明显,厄兹居尔是有意惩罚米克尔进一步, 让大双手飘雪RIP前备份的斯肯索普人到绳索, 其中之一, 裂解身体射门, 真正能使出风米克尔,并迫使他采取一个膝盖.


就重启厄兹居尔走到了终点, 此时米克尔去防守, 不再玩到的人群, 通过看它最后的钟声.


经过六年娱乐性很强的轮裁判肯·柯蒂斯打进回合 60-53 赞成厄兹居尔的.


我非常喜欢打, 我知道这是不是一个经典, 但男孩男孩哦这是非常有趣.


第四回合的夜晚看到布拉德福德Tasif汗锦标赛行动的第一次, 对格鲁吉亚的米哈伊尔·Soloninkini, 国际大师银最轻量级冠军.


汗启动快, 拳击精美的背后他的刺拳布拉德福德的人把他的稍微有经验的敌人后脚为广大回合.


通过中间点汗放慢脚步稍微, 同时保持上Soloninkini压力, 然而,关于通过第六中途, 在一次例行交换汗有点慢,把他的手套, 留下一个开口,格鲁吉亚,让撕裂与一个大的权利, 其中发送汗到画布.


就重启Soloninkini又充满了攻击, 汗保持平静,并再次得到了后面他的刺拳, 格鲁吉亚的一致好评大肆宣传,并继续挺身而出的步伐投掷巨大的炸弹之前,.


在这些小冲突汗明智地抓住了,直到裁判李Murtagh的颁布命令突破. 这种战术工作,汗能明白他的头,足以把控制权交还给圆自己.


汗,虽然有他忙得不可开交的最后三轮, 作为Soloninkini有他的牙齿之间的位,并力推, 但汗是一个很酷的角色,每一次的格鲁吉亚作出了有力的突袭似乎很乐意后脚盒.


经过十轮优秀拳种, 评委记分卡读取 – 肯·柯蒂斯 99-94, 奥比狼王 98-90 和马特汉密尔顿 98-91, 一切有利于Tasif汗.


珍妮弗·伯顿, 马耳他拳击委员会的北部地区秘书, 提出了熟悉的蓝天国际大师带向胜利的Tasif汗.


不得不说我非常喜欢打, 尽管这是相当一边倒了很多的时间, 让我们面对现实吧,这不是关于Soloninkini质量声明, 因为他的血统是众所周知的, 这小子是个难啃的突破, 为证明已采取杰米·威廉姆斯的距离, 当他们战斗的青铜大师在三月, 还有打煽情查理·爱德华兹在几个星期后, 但在我看来片面性的斗争,以及结果显示Tasif汗多么好打.


晚上的标题斗争看冠军将军澳的不败哈克尼基于土耳其的前景SIAR厄兹居尔之间的复赛, 是的哥上述奥德, 对诺丁汉大学的马特·斯科利文,这时候有一个冠军就行了 - 在MBC国际重量级冠军.


当这两个第一恶战, 早在去年十月, 这是一个不折不扣的战争, 厄兹居尔赢了,但该轮是如此接近它可能是一个非常不同的结果.


回合开始以非常类似的方式到其十月对决, 没有人想承认任何理由, 然而,仅仅是第一轮厄兹居尔让年底前撕裂了巨大的权利,斯克里文的身体, 这迫使英国诺丁汉的人掩盖看到圆到它的结论.


这个镜头的身体必须有真正伤害斯克里文,他似乎在防守上更意图, 而不是全面攻击, 从第二开始, 这仍然是回合的其余部分的图案.


厄兹居尔全用大部分运行, 在众多的小规模战斗接着而来不过斯克里芬多举行自己的, 虽然不得不承认,他是一个有点比在首轮比赛中更加谨慎.


经过十轮精湛的拳击裁判的记分卡被读出 - 李Murtagh的和马特汉密尔顿拿下了回合 100-90 和奥比加内特 100-88 一切有利于SIAR厄兹居尔的.




总之,我非常喜欢的活动, 尤其是最后三回合, 不过,我还是有点失望的是,一些计划中的战斗, 如那些具有伊恩·韦弗, 安东尼Counihan, 马克王子, 乔治Hillyard和上述玛丽安斯顿, 未能实现, 因为在我看来,如果他们采取的地方,我觉得这几乎可以肯定会在今年得到的最好的节目之一,在纽约大会堂, 因为它是它仍然是拳击行动非常愉快和有趣的晚上和一个合适的前奏5 - 精灵的战斗, 其中发起人马克·莱昂斯和比利·詹姆斯埃利奥特安排了拳击手, 他们的团队和事件的参加者将实时通过卫星在私人活动室观看.


ROC NATION体育 & 米格尔·库托优惠ANNOUNCE专场表演和UNDERCARD战斗机WBC中量级世界冠军米格尔·库托VS. DANIEL GEALE事件六月 6, 2015 巴克莱中心布鲁克林


大肖恩, 安吉马丁内斯, 和DJ路宝包括娱乐阵容

大鹏民族体育的达斯汀Flesicher, 少年尤南, 张志磊. 除了通过米格尔·库托促销“

何塞·洛佩斯, 阿尔贝托·马查多和维尔弗雷多·巴斯克斯JR. 被推荐在UNDERCARD

纽约 (五月 6, 2015) - 已经选取框事件特色 米格尔·库托 (39-4, 32 KO的) 卫冕他的WBC中量级和环杂志世界冠军头衔对前两届世界冠军 丹尼尔Geale (31-3, 16 KO的) 在12轮的主要事件, 六月 6 现在对决将包括现场音乐表演中华民国国家和格莱美奖提名的艺术家 大肖恩 主要事件之前.


中华民国国家会带来其他主要名拳击经验,在巴克莱中心,其中包括著名的事件司仪和“纽约之声” 安吉马丁内斯, 谁将会成为该事件的主机, 旁边打主 DJ路宝 从WSKQ拉兆丰 97.9 FM纽约市, 该 #1 在美国西班牙电台. 马丁内斯和路宝将一起招待整个晚上,以保持能量达之间的较量.


库托与. 罐, 12轮的争夺库托的WBC和环杂志中量级世界冠军, 提出由大鹏民族体育和米格尔·库托促销与加里邵氏制作协会,是由塔咖提Cerveza主办. 在冠军布特发生星期六, 六月 6 在巴克莱中心在布鲁克林,将实况转播在HBO开始在 10:30 P.M. AND/PT.


去年是大肖恩的第一个格莱美奖提名和他的广受好评的二年级学生努力释放, “名人堂” 这再次举行一个令人印象深刻之三SoundScan的首次亮相美国. 拥有超过 10 百万唱片销量最新, 肖恩成为第一个说唱歌手到白宫进行过今年早些时候发布了三款成功的鞋业设计的合作伙伴关系的adidas Originals. 虽然他的专业工作作为一个艺术家让他忙得团团转, 肖恩使得利用他的资源来回馈通过他的底特律的非营利性的时间, 肖恩·安德森基金会. 他目前是全国巡回宣传他的第三大唱片公司的专辑, 黑暗的天空天堂 (G.O.O.D. 音乐 / Def果酱录音) 它开张了在头号.


“我很高兴能再次走到一起中华民国国家体育举办的下一次拳击事件在巴克莱中心 六月 6 特色米格尔·库托的回归纽约市,“安吉马丁内斯说. “本次活动形式, 包括现场音乐表演大肖恩, 将确保晚上是要记住。“


“由于拉丁裔社区,在纽约市的活跃成员, 我很自豪地拉开波多黎各日游行庆祝活动与米格尔·库托的期待已久的回归环和首次亮相巴克莱中心的周,“DJ路宝说. “我一定会保持大气之间的较量摇摆,希望我能指望拉丁裔社区展现在6月6日他们的支持”


另外一个令人兴奋 六月 6 演出阵容, 一些拳击最炙手可热的新星将在非电视undercard特色. 大鹏民族体育的佼佼者 达斯汀·弗莱舍, 少年尤南, 张志磊, 和米格尔·库托促销“ 何塞·洛佩斯, 阿尔贝托·马查多 维尔弗雷多·巴斯克斯JR. 将搜索的主要事件,以保持自己的脚的球迷从开盘.

新泽西人,两届国金手套冠军达斯汀“白老虎”弗莱舍 (1-0, 1 KO), 年龄 25, 是在寻求成为一个大屠杀幸存者的第一个孙子被加冕世界冠军. 弗莱舍, 以一个业余的记录 112-18, 是的门生 1996 国奥主教练阿尔·米切尔和美国最年轻的研究生. 奥林匹克教育中心拳击在时代 16. 米切尔的指导帮助,以推动弗莱舍到美国. 拳击的 #5 开放式战斗机在排名 132 在磅 2007, 只有出色的专业人士萨达姆·阿里, 特伦斯·克劳福德, 丹尼·加西亚, 和路易斯·拉莫斯他的排名领先. 弗莱舍在1月份他的专业首演 9, 2015 在大鹏民族体育的就职 throne boxing 事件, 打进第二轮技术击倒战胜弗兰克·乔丹在一次战斗中被现场直播福克斯体育 1. 弗莱舍面临的对手将在四个轮次中量级回合确定 六月 6.


布鲁克林的19岁, 不败少年“年轻的神”尤南 (6-0, 5 KO的) 被认为是纽约市的最好的拳击前景1. 尤南, 经过培训由他的父亲谢里夫, 一位前职业拳击手自己, 战斗开始,在竞争八岁,仅两年之后被称为“拳击神童”由纽约时报. 他编写的业余纪录 90-5, 费尽了令人印象深刻的一系列头衔以及包括九家少年奥林匹克锦标赛的方式, 9少年地铁锦标赛, 八个新的纽约州银手套冠军和5个区域银手套冠军. 在 2011, 他被加冕全国青少年金手套冠军,是美国. 拳击的头号额定少年拳击手在他的重量级别. 一个多月后减了 18生日, 尤南上月他的专业首演 9, 2013, 在布鲁克林的飞行员体育和活动中心, 纽约, 在第一轮停肯尼思·施米茨. 上 六月 6, 他会看到在六轮轻重量级回合行动.


张“生活大爆炸”张志磊 (3-0, 2 KO的) 是一个6尺6, 260-谁有望做出重大飞溅重量级英镑左撇子. 出生于河南, 中国, 家世界著名的少林寺和少林僧兵, 张志磊开始在他的业余生涯 2003, 参加世锦赛. 他接着次年在世界大学生拳击锦标赛的竞争,他做了它对决赛. 一个突破是在 2007 在世界冠军张志磊时捕获了一枚铜牌和, 通过完成比赛在第三位, 合格品 2008 夏季奥运会在北京,在那里他达到了超重量级决赛, 自豪地增加了东道国的金牌总数有银奖. 张志磊在回到奥运 2012 在伦敦, 在那里,他看着他好 2008 性能. 一个良好的开端后,, 张某的强硬面临严峻考验, 最终金牌的英国人安东尼·约书亚和遭受了心脏破亏损. 在 2009 和 2013, 张志磊抓获金牌在中国全运会, 等于威望奥运会在中国的事件. 八月 8, 2014, 张在法伦得分第一轮淘汰赛战胜柯蒂斯李大老他的专业首演, 内华达. 一月 17, 2015, 张制服佩里菲尔金斯在安卡斯维尔另一个第一轮淘汰赛的Mohegan Sun赌场, 康涅狄格. 在他的最后一个回合上 三月 14, 他打进了四个回合的一致决定胜利埃里克·乔治·泽西城, 新泽西州. 这位32岁的张志磊将面临的对手将在四个回合回合巴克莱中心确定.


来自北卡罗来纳州海陵, 波多黎各, 何塞“神奇小子”洛佩兹 (15-0-1, 11 KO的) 是有点谦虚,当谈到谈论他的冲切力, 但这种权力的21岁的外观十月期间证明 26, 2013 在光线g. Amalbert在碛, 波多黎各当他面对老将尼加拉瓜塞尔吉奥·戈麦斯和他撞倒在第八轮也是最后一轮. 三月 29, 2014, 不败的劲旅打进在多明尼加共和国的莱伊维布雷亚第一回合技术击倒获胜捕捉在科姆贝蒂亚Salamo体育馆卡塔尼奥空缺的WBC FECARBOX超最轻量级冠军, 波多黎各. 洛佩兹成功卫冕六月称号 7, 2014 通过对近停业八轮一致决定胜利劳尔·伊达尔戈. 另一种防御来到八月 16, 2014 当他面对罗伯托Casteñeda在什么成为了一个经典的瞬间与洛佩兹打在画布四次在第一轮和卡斯塔涅达得到一次地板每回合1, 经过八轮的多数决定二,三洛佩兹之前出现的胜利者. 在他的最后一个回合上 二月 7, 洛佩兹打与Josean Figuroa平局在Coliseo酒店吉列尔莫·安古洛在卡罗来纳州. 上 六月 6, 洛佩兹将目光转向另一个胜利添加到他的纪录在六轮轻量级回合.


阿尔贝托“厄尔尼诺爆炸”马查多 (10-0, 8 KO的) 开始拳击十中蒙Hatillo的体育馆岁位于圣胡安. 这位24岁的约Piedras本地编译的业余纪录 145-21 并固定在少年全国锦标赛, 初中奥运会, 军校学生和成人类. 十一月 11, 2012, 马查多发是对亚历克斯纳扎里奥专业首演在Coliseo酒店罗杰大号. 门多萨的卡瓜斯, 波多黎各得分第三轮技术击倒获胜. 连续七胜将跟随, 并于11月 1, 2014, 马查多打了他的第一个专业技术职称的Coliseo酒店赫克托索拉Bezares在卡瓜斯,他击败了阿尔文·托雷斯通过第二轮技术击倒捕捉空缺的WBC美国超羽量级冠军. 在他最近的回合, 马查多成功卫冕三月 14 对让哈维尔·索特洛在Coliseo酒店罗杰大号. 门多萨的卡瓜斯与第一轮淘汰赛. 马查多面临的对手将在六个回合超次轻量级回合上月确定 6.


维尔弗雷多·巴斯克斯JR. (24-4-1, 19 KO的) 从大的阴影父亲的出现, 波多黎各传奇维尔弗雷多·巴斯克斯, 使自己的名字平方圈里面. 这位30岁的前世界冠军,从巴亚蒙是一个任务,现在夺回世界冠军腰带在竞选轻量级分裂. 强攻出了门与后 18 打不败的战绩, 巴斯克斯被通过第四轮淘汰赛上击败日再同胞不败张建东Sonsona夺取了WBO初中轻量级世界冠军 27, 2010. 两个成功卫冕,随后才巴斯克斯失去了他的冠军称号三次世界冠军豪尔赫·阿尔塞在全面战争,法官有一个平局在第十二轮停工时间. 另一个世界冠军的挑战来了反对六次世界冠军nonito Donaire主场二月 2, 2012, 但巴斯克斯短了, 删除一个分裂的决定,冠军. 在他的最后一个回合十一月 1, 2014, 巴斯克斯在卡瓜斯拿下了多数决定战胜乔纳森Arrellano, 波多黎各. 六月 6, 他会期待继续他赢取的方式在八轮轻量级回合去打击对手被命名.


库托与. 罐, 12轮的争夺库托的WBC和环杂志中量级世界冠军, 发生星期六, 六月 6 在巴克莱中心在布鲁克林,将在HBO电视直播. 拼的是提出大鹏​​民族体育和米格尔·库托促销与加里邵氏制作协会,是由塔咖提Cerveza主办. In addition to the great action inside the ring, 该活动将有几个显着的大鹏民族接触,这将进一步成为观众与增强型风扇体验, 包括中华民国国家和格莱美奖提名歌手大肖恩取到环的专场演出前的主要事件. 本次活动将由著名主持人“纽约之声”安吉马丁内斯主持,还将打大师DJ路宝谁担任马丁内斯一起彻夜. 门票分 $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 和 $25, 不包括适用的服务费和税款, 现已公开发售,并可以转让的, 并在美国运通票房巴克莱中心. 要通过电话进行充电, 致电特玛在 (800) 745-3000. 门开处 6:00 PM, 第一次战斗开始于 6:15 PM和HBO的电视节目开始在 10:30 PM ET / PT.


For more information please visit Follow Roc Nation on Twitter and Instagram @rocnation and on Facebook at


欲了解更多信息, 访问, 在Twitter和Instagram的在@HBOBoxing,并成为Facebook上的粉丝在



Roc Nation Sports, a sub-division of Roc Nation, launched in spring 2013. Founder Shawn “JAY Z” Carter’s love of sports lead to the natural formation of Roc Nations Sports, helping athletes in the same way Roc Nation has been helping artists in the music industry for years. Roc Nation Sports focuses on elevating athletes’ career on a global scale both on and off the field. Roc Nation Sports conceptualizes and executes marketing and endorsement deals, community outreach, charitable tie-ins, media relations and brand strategy. Roc Nation Sports launched its boxing division, a full service promotional company which represents world champions Miguel Cotto and Andre Ward, 八月 2014. 大鹏民族体育的阵容包括首映式的运动员,如罗宾逊卡诺, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Durant, Geno Smith, Victor Cruz, CC Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney Castillo, Yoenis Cespedes, Jaelen Strong, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, 艾瑞克·艾巴, 法官温斯洛, 威利·考利 - 斯坦因和弗朗西斯Tiafoe.


米格尔·库托促销是全球领先的推广公司在波多黎各的五年时间和四分裂世界冠军米格尔·库托和企业家海克特·索托在成立 2005. 米格尔·库托的促销已经开发在波多黎各和拉丁美洲最优秀的人才的愿景, 而在业务寻找最好的合作伙伴关系,目前最优质的节目在业界. 在 2015, 米格尔·库托促销推出了他们最新的项目命名 “拳击铝马克西莫” 与Univision的波多黎各网络的合作伙伴关系, 捕捉新的星期六晚上打架“的平台上伟大的收视成绩.


基于从新泽西州, 加里邵氏制作公司成立于 2002 由总裁兼首席执行官, 加里·肖, 前新泽西州监管机构. 有推动拳击节目在中国, 澳大利亚, 墨西哥和英国, GSP就是所谓的国际化企业, 其主要目标是使兴奋与竞争力的战斗拳击. 单打独斗的一些拳击史上最大的事件, 其中包括费利克斯·特立尼达VS. 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯VS. 维塔利·克里琴科, 泓基赖特VS. 费利克斯·特立尼达, 迭戈科拉莱斯VS. 何塞·路易斯·卡斯蒂略, 莫斯利VS. 闪闪赖特和马尔克斯VS瓦斯奎兹我, 二 & III, GSP巩固了其自身的顶级公司宣传的体育运动项目之一.


巴克莱中心开幕九月 28, 2012, 并且是一个主要的体育和娱乐场馆在布鲁克林的心脏, 纽约. 其中最亲密的座位配置,曾经设计成一个现代化的多功能体育场, 巴克莱中心提供 17,732 席篮球, 15,795 曲棍球, 和高达 19,000 座位音乐会, 并具有 101 豪华套房, 四间酒吧/酒廊, 四家具乐部, 和 40/40 CLUB & 餐厅美国运通.


巴克莱中心举办了广泛的各种各样的活动, 包括总理音乐会, 各大职业拳击卡, 顶级大学篮球, 系列节目, 布鲁克林篮网很快纽约岛民.

巴克莱中心重新定义了舞台上的客户服务和美食体验. 其超过 2,000 员工是由迪士尼学院接受培训, 华特迪士尼公司的业务咨询手臂, 其BrooklynTaste™粮食计划从功能选择 55 知名餐厅和供应商在自治市镇.


巴克莱中心从事客户与国家的最先进的技术,以提高风机的经验. 作为世界第一的舞台,利用思科StadiumVision移动组播流媒体技术, 巴克莱中心允许球迷观看视频直播和即时回放从他们的手机,同时连接场馆的免费无线网络连接.


位于上盖在纽约市最大的交通枢纽之一, 巴克莱中心是访问 11 地铁线路, 长岛铁路路, 和 11 公交线路.



有关巴克莱中心的详细信息, 请访问


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