Үнэгүй ТАСАЛБАРЫН үнэгүй бэлэг нь NEF талархал цэргийн

Lewiston, Maine (May 21, 2015) - Шинэ Английн тулаан (NEF), АНУ-ын хэд хэдэн бүс нутгийн нэг нь тэмцэл сурталчилгаа, нь арван наймдугаар холимог тулааны урлаг, барьж болно (ММА) үйл явдал, “NEF XVIII: АМЕРИКИЙН хийсэн,” тухай Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 13, 2015 Lewiston дахь Androscoggin банк Colisee дээр, Maine. Өмнө нь өнөөдөр, сурталчилгаа Memorial Day амралтын өдрүүдэд давхцаж бүх өнгөрсөн ба одоогийн АНУ-ын цэргийн албан хаагчдад зориулсан үнэгүй тасалбар үнэгүй бэлэг зарласан.


“Энэ нь бид өмнө нь дурсгалын өдөр болон ахмадын өдрийг хамт хийсэн зүйл, Бид тасалбар хэдэн зуун хол өгсөн,” гэж хэлсэн NEF хамтран эзэмшигч, matchmaker Matt Петерсон. “Энэ нь бид жилийн хийх хамгийн чухал дэмжих нь. Энэ нь хэлэх нь манай жижиг арга зам "баярлалаа’ Манай ард түмний төлөө маш их үйлчилж, тахил хүмүүст. Өнөөдөр Colisee хайрцаг газарт доош ир, эсвэл Баасанөглөө, Таны цэргийн үнэмлэхээ үзүүлж, таны үнэгүй тийз авах. Энэ нь аль болох энгийн юм.”


тасалбар үнэгүй бэлэг үд цаг хүртэл Androscoggin банкны Colisee хайрцаг оффист явагдана 5:00 Өнөөдөр цаг, Пүрэв гариг, May 21, 2015, болон цаг 9:00 Үд дунд нь байнаМаргааш, Баасан, May 22, 2015. Colisee байрлах 190 Хусан гудамж, Lewiston, Maine 04240. GIVEAWAY цэргийн бүх салбар нээлттэй байна. Ажилтнууд хайрцаг албан цонх нь хүчин төгөлдөр цэргийн үнэмлэх танилцуулах ёстой. Үнэмлэхийн тутамд нэг тасалбар хязгаар байх болно.


Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар “NEF XVIII: АМЕРИКИЙН хийсэн” зүгээр л эхлэх $25 одоо үед худалдаанд байгаа www.TheColisee.com эсвэл Colisee хайрцаг газар дуудлага тус 207.783.2009 х 525. Үйл явдал болон тэмцэл карт шинэчлэлтүүдийн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, нь дэмжих вэб хуудаснаас авна уу www.NewEnglandFights.com. Үүнээс гадна, Таны NEF видео бичлэг үзэж болно www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, Twitternefights дээр дагаж, албан ёсны Facebook бүлэгт "New England тэмцэж байна."


Шинэ Английн тулаан тухай


Шинэ Английн тулаан ("NEF") тэмцэл үйл явдал урамшуулал компани юм. NEF-ийн эрхэм зорилго нь адилхан Мэйн-ын сөнөөгч болон хөгжөөн дэмжигчид хамгийн өндөр чанартай арга хэмжээ бий болгох явдал юм. NEF гүйцэтгэх баг байлдааны спортын менежментийн чиглэлээр арвин туршлагатай, үйл явдал үйлдвэрлэл, хэвлэл мэдээллийн харилцаа, маркетинг, хууль эрх зүй, зар сурталчилгаа.

Өд мэт хөнгөн тулаан NEF XVIII тэмцэл карт санд нэмэгдсэн өдөр


Lewiston, Maine (May 21, 2015) - Шинэ Английн тулаан (NEF), АНУ-ын хэд хэдэн бүс нутгийн нэг нь тэмцэл сурталчилгаа, нь арван наймдугаар холимог тулааны урлаг, барьж болно (ММА) үйл явдал, “NEF XVIII: АМЕРИКИЙН хийсэн,” тухай Бямба гариг, Оны зургадугаар сар 13, 2015 Lewiston дахь Androscoggin банк Colisee дээр, Maine. Өмнө нь өнөөдөр, сурталчилгаа тэмцэл карт нь сонирхогчдын өд дайралт хийвэл нэмж зарласан. matchup өгүүлэх болно Жереми Тайлер (4-3) тулгарч буй Жонни Гар урлал (3-0) 145-фунт өд хязгаарт.


Жереми Тайлер есөн сард нь удаан байхгүй дараа NEF торонд нь түүний эргэн хийх болно. Brewer-д Маркус Дэвис-ийн алдарт баг Ирландын биеийн тамирын заал гишүүн, Maine, Тайлер өөрийн карьерын анхны буцаж-тулд-ар алдагдал уналтад харагдах болно. Эдгээр алдагдлын аль аль нь Төв Maine Бразилийн Jiu Jitsu ирсэн (CMBJJ) өрсөлдөгчид. Энэ нь Жонни Гар урлал харьяа нь биеийн тамирын байна’ Шинэ Английн Юнайтед хоршиж (ШИНЭ), Ингэснээр Оны зургадугаар сар 13 Жереми сайн өшөө арга хэмжээ авахын тулд тэмцэл боломж байх болно. Түүний өрсөлдөгч шиг “NEF XVIII,” Тайлер өөрийгөө capitulation замаар ирж буй нь түүний ялалтын бүх дөрвөн хамт ирүүлэх мэргэжилтэн нотлогдсон.


I’m very excited to be stepping into the NEF cage for the first time in 2015,” Тайлер гэж хэлсэн. “Би маш сайн Jiu Jitsu тоглоом нь маш чансаанд ММА сөнөөгч юм Жон Гар урлал тэмцэх боломжийг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна. Би NEF фенүүд нь тоглолт хүртэл маш их аз жаргалтай байх болно гэдэгт бат итгэдэг бөгөөд энэ нь сонирхолтой тэмцэлд зориулж хийх болно мэдрэх. Надаас сайжруулсан дүнг харах гэж бодож. Би анхаарлаа хандуулах миний сүүлчийн тэмцэл дараа зарим нэг цагийн чөлөө авсан, Миний техник дээр барих, миний ерөнхий ур чадварын багц нэмэх. Би ийм торонд хөгжиж ирсэн тоглоом хүчийг бэлэн байна Оны зургадугаар сарын 13- хангалттай хурдан энд авч чадахгүй.”


Анх нь NEF ММА сонирхогчдын Bantamweight аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнд зориулан татгалзан хуваарьт “NEF XVIII,” Түүний анхны өрсөлдөгч гэмтэл улмаас гаргаж ирээд дараа Жонни Гар урлал тэмцэлд ч үлдсэнгүй. Жереми Тайлер энэ долоо хоногт сорилт хүртэл орлоо хүртэл л байна. Энэ тэмцэл нь анх Жонни Гар урлал тэмдэглэх болно, BJJ хэн нь бор бүс эзэмшдэг, 135 фунт bantamweight хязгаараас дээш өрсөлдөж байна. Гар урлал саналаа өгсөн байна “2014 Оны шилдэг шинэ тоглогчийн” NEF фенүүд нь.


“Би Жереми Тайлер тэмцэх ёстой маш их сэтгэл хангалуун байна,” гэж гар урлал. “Тэр сайн туршлага бүхий сайн бөөрөнхий сөнөөгч байна. Би усыг тест хайж байна 145 Би хүртэл тэмцэх мэдрэх хэрхэн минь анх удаа болон. Би нэр тэмцэл дундуур буурч нэлээн сэтгэл дундуур байсан, Гэхдээ би энэ тэмцэл нь үзэх шиг сонирхолтой байх болно гэдэгт хүн бүр баталж байна.”


Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар “NEF XVIII: АМЕРИКИЙН хийсэн” зүгээр л эхлэх $25 одоо үед худалдаанд байгаа www.TheColisee.com эсвэл Colisee хайрцаг газар дуудлага тус 207.783.2009 х 525. Үйл явдал болон тэмцэл карт шинэчлэлтүүдийн талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, нь дэмжих вэб хуудаснаас авна уу www.NewEnglandFights.com. Үүнээс гадна, Таны NEF видео бичлэг үзэж болно www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, Twitternefights дээр дагаж, албан ёсны Facebook бүлэгт "New England тэмцэж байна."


Шинэ Английн тулаан тухай


Шинэ Английн тулаан ("NEF") тэмцэл үйл явдал урамшуулал компани юм. NEF-ийн эрхэм зорилго нь адилхан Мэйн-ын сөнөөгч болон хөгжөөн дэмжигчид хамгийн өндөр чанартай арга хэмжээ бий болгох явдал юм. NEF гүйцэтгэх баг байлдааны спортын менежментийн чиглэлээр арвин туршлагатай, үйл явдал үйлдвэрлэл, хэвлэл мэдээллийн харилцаа, маркетинг, хууль эрх зүй, зар сурталчилгаа.

Даниел Jacobs & Harold Weston Ring 8 Guest Speakers pictures

(L-R) – 2015 New York State Boxing Hall of Fame inductee Harold Weston and WBA middleweight champion Daniel Jacobs were guest speakers at last night’s Ring 8 monthly meeting. Former world middleweight champion

Vito Antuofermo is to the far right.


(photo by Stanley Janousek)

ТУХАЙ RING 8: Ring 8 Дараа нь Үндэсний ахмад боксчид Холбоо гэгддэг юу найм дахь охин болж – эндээс, RING 8 – өнөөдөр байгууллагын уриа одоо ч хэвээр байна: Боксчидоор туслах боксчид.


RING 8 бүрэн төлөх түрээсийн хувьд туслалцаа шаардлагатай боксын орон нутагт зүдэрсэн хүмүүсийг дэмжиж ажиллаж байна, Эрүүл мэндийн зардал, эсвэл ямар нэгэн хүндэтгэн үзэх шаардлага.


Мөрөнд рүү очих www.Ring8ny.com Ring талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг 8, илүү АНУ-д энэ төрлийн хамгийн том бүлэг 350 гишүүд. Жилийн гишүүнчлэлийн татвар нь зөвхөн $30.00 мөн гишүүн бүр Ring дээр буфет хоол идэхээр эрхтэй 8 сар тутмын уулзалт, Долоо, наймдугаар оруулахгүйгээр. Бүх идэвхтэй боксчид, сонирхогчийн болон мэргэжлийн, Одоогийн боксын тусгай зөвшөөрөл, ном нь магтан сайшааж цагираг нь авах эрхтэй 8 жилийн гишүүнчлэл. Ring-ийн зочин 8 Гишүүд нь зөвхөн нэг зардлаар урьж байна $7.00 Нэг хүнд ногдох.



Дарна уу ЭНД For Photos From Carly Gillis Photography

BOSTON (May 20, 2015) – Fighters took part in a media workout at The Ring Boxing Club in Boston Wednesday to kick off fight week for Энэ Бямба-ийн Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай NBC card at Agganis Arena that is headlined byАндре Dirrell сүсэг. Жеймс DeGale with coverage starting at 4:30 p.m. БОЛОН/1:30 p.m. PT.


Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, ямар Murphys боксын хамтран DiBella Entertainment дэмжиж байна, үнэтэй байна $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35, холбогдох үйлчилгээний хураамж, татвар, түүний дотор биш, , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. Tickets will be available at www.ticketmaster.com. Утсаар төлбөр авах, дээр Ticketmaster гэж нэрлэдэг (800) 745-3000.


See here what the participants had to say Wednesday:




I always knew my day would come. I put in the work, I love this sport so I give it what I owe.


I’m happy to get a shot at another title. I’m not going to take it for granted. I’m going to put in my work and perform to the best of my ability and that will make me a world champion.


I’m glad to be getting in there with somebody who believes he can win. I want someone who will test me like I’ll test them. That’s a real championship fight.


I’m much hungrier than I was early in my career and I’m more focused mentally. With age comes wisdom. Everything I went through is all a blessing.


My goals are set and I’m going to accomplish every one.




Dirrell’s team is trying to get in my head. They must be scared. I’m wound up and I’m ready.


I’m obsessed with making history. It’s what drives me to work so hard in the gym and succeed in the ring.


It’s been a 16-week camp come fight night, so it’s been a long time. My body and mind feel ready to fight, I am so sharp and in a very good place.


He’s a tricky, talented, confident fighterhe believes in his ability. He said that he would not get beaten again in his career, and I am sure he believes that 100 хувь. So you have two very confident fighters going into the ring Бямба гарагт.


I’m going to show everybody who I am. I’m driven to become the first Olympic gold medalist from the U.K. to win a world title and I’m doing it for my country.


Эдвин Родригес


It’s an extremely important fight because it’s so close to my home.


I’m excited to be fighting on NBC. This is a great opportunity for me to be back at the elite level.


It’s important for me to get this win and get into a big fight against the best. I know I have to look impressive and that’s what I plan on.


Данни О'Коннор

I was disappointed in my fight with Paulie Malignaggi dropping out but there are always positives and one of them is that I’m now fighting in my hometown of Boston.


I do a lot of work in and out of the ring to prepare for a fight. I’m full focused now on fighting Chris Gilbert.


I want to thank all the people who helped get me onto this card, including Murphys Boxing, I promise I’m going to put on a show come Бямба гариг.”




This is a huge opportunity for me. I’ve known about Danny since I started boxing and I’ve even been on a few cards with him.


Danny has been the top New England fighter in my division and you always want to compare your skills with somebody like him.


I was in Vermont and I’m always in top shape prepared to get a call to fight and this here is that big opportunity.


Гари “Баяжуулалтын” O'SULLIVAN


This is absolutely awesome fighting here and it’s a very important fight for me to go win.


When I knock out my opponent Бямба гарагт, I want to be the number one contender in the division and fight all the big names.



It’s awesome fighting in Boston in front of my home crowd with all of my friends, family and friends in attendance.


Fighting on the undercard of this huge event with so many great fights makes the experience even better and one I’ll never forget.


# # #

The Бямба гариг, May 23 edition of Premier Boxing Champions тухай NBC онцлог Андре Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) болонЖеймс DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) in a 12-round super middleweight showdown and Эдвин Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) сүсэг.Крейг Бейкер (16-0, 12 Kos) in 10-round light heavyweight match up. Live coverage of this special Memorial Day weekend afternoon edition of PBC on NBC starts at 4:30 p.m. БОЛОН/1:30 p.m. PT on NBC and goes until 6:00 цаг. Ба / 3:00 p.m. PT when the action switches over to NBCSN from 6:00 p.m. БОЛОН/3:00 p.m. PT until 7:00 p.m. БОЛОН/4:00 p.m. PT.

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу WWW.premierboxingchampions.comWWW.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com болонwww.dbe1.com, Twitter дээр даганаPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys болон www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC

Banner Promotions signs undefeated and world ranked Jr. Welterweight Mauro Maximiliano Godoy

Филадельфи, ТХГН-ийн (May 20 2015)Banner Promotions is pleased to announce the signing of undefeated and world ranked Jr. Welterweight contender Мауро Maximiliano Godoy онцгой сурталчилгааны гэрээ.
Godoy, 25 years old of Centenario, Аргентин, тухай тэмдэглэл байна 19-0 нь 8 knockouts and is the current Argentina Super Lightweight champion and the WBO Latino Jr. Welterweight title. He is currently ranked number-9 by the WBO.
We are happy to get this young contender in the fold,” Баннер сурталчилгааны ерөнхийлөгч Артур Pelullo гэж хэлсэн.
He comes on great recommendation from Daniel Castro who has been working with him. We have seen some footage, and we feel Mauro has the potential to be a star here in the United States and throughout the world. He has many options, зэрэг 140 pound division is loaded with quality talent, and we expect to get him a major fight sooner rather than later.
Said Daniel Castro, representative for Godoy, “Mauro is very happy
to sign with Banner Promotions, which is one of the major promoters in the world. He is looking to have good opportunities to become a world champion in the future. He is a hard working fighter who is always in the gym and ready to fight. We saw what Banner has done with Ruslan Provodnikov, and Mauro wants good fights and maybe an opportunity to fight Provodnikov.
Godoy has fought his entire career in Argentina, and he won the WBO Latino Jr. Welterweight crown with a 5th round stoppage over Federico Malespina on May 9, 2014. He won the vacant Argentina Super Lightweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Cesar Inalef (18-3-1) Есдүгээр дээр 19, 2014. Godoy made his only defense in his last bout when he stopped Jorge Fredes in 6 rounds on November 21, 2014.

Сүлжээний Хатуу тогшиж Амжилт Presents тэмцэх 43

Энэ баасан гаригт амьдарч байна, May 22 үед 11 p.m. БОЛОН

Торонтогийн | НЬЮ ЙОРК (May 20, 2015) – Тэмцэх сүлжээ, Дэлхийн хамгийн ерөнхий сайд 24/7 Телевизийн суваг байлдааны спортын хамрах хүрээг бүрэн зориулсан, нь амьд шууд нэвтрүүлгийг танилцуулна Хатуу тэмцэх тухай төсөөллөөс 43 Энэ Баасан, May 22 үед 11 p.m. ET from Markin MacPhail Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Канад.


Fight Network’s broadcast will air on Cablevision’s Optimum TV, Grande Харилцаа холбоо, АНУ дахь Shentel Кабель болон Армстронг кабель, Канад улсад улсын хэмжээнд, Хойд Америк даяар Roku төхөөрөмжүүд, , дэлхийн хэмжээнд гаруй 30 Европ даяар улс орнууд, Африк, Ойрхи Дорнод.


Үндсэн тохиолдолд, Calgary-based Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai black belt Ник бөгж (13-3) makes his first post-UFC appearance against MFC and King of the Cage veteran Jason Zentgraf (8-2).


Hard Knocks light heavyweight champion Misha Cirkunov (8-2) makes his first defense of the championship in his co-main event clash with Shaun Asher (10-1-1), who makes his promotional debut riding a five-fight winning streak.


The Hard Knocks welterweight championship is also on the line as titlist Sergej Jusekic (14-7-2) looks for his fourth straight win opposite Grudge Training Center product LT Nelson (6-2).


In other pro matchups, Иоел Powell (8-5) тулаан Жордан Маккэй (7-2) in the welterweight division, lightweights Aaron Gallant (6-6) болон Майк О'Нил (4-4) will square off, Owen Carr (5-3-1) дээр авдагRyan Connor (5-2) in a bantamweight bout, гэрэл heavyweights Devon Smith (1-1) болон Trent Rowell(2-3) throw down, plus flyweight Keegan Oliver (2-3) meets the debuting Derek Folk (0-0).


Fight Network’s live broadcast airs following IMPACT Wrestling from 9 нь 11 p.m. БОЛОН Канад улсад, and live globally at 11 p.m. БОЛОН.


Тэмцэх Network-ийн өргөн нэвтрүүлгийн хуваарь бүрэн жагсаалтыг нь, авна уу tv.fightnetwork.com болон Twitter дээр даганаfightnet, Facebook дээр фен болж, Instagramfightnet дээр биднийг очих.

Boxcino Jr. Middleweight finals by the numbers

ЖҮРЖ, Калифорни мужийн. (May 20, 2015) – ESPN-ийн “Баасан Шөнийн тулаан” final broadcast features two outstanding fights in the heavyweight and junior middleweight divisions that will decide the 2015 Boxcino Champions.


The 10-round junior middleweight final showcases Boxcino tournament veteran Брэндон Адамс (16-1, 12 Kos) of Los Angeles against the smooth boxing skills of Жон Томпсон (16-1, 5 Kos) Newark-ийн, Нью-Жерси. The finalists will compete for the Boxcino crown on Баасан, May 22, from the Omega Products Outdoor Arena Corona-д, Калифорни мужийн. Also on the line – The NABA Interim Super Welterweight title, болон WBO Intercontinental Junior Middleweight belt.


Boxcino финалын тасалбар үнэтэй байна $50, $70, & $100, , онлайн нь худалдан авах боломжтой ThompsonBoxing.com эсвэл дуудаж, 714-935-0900.


The double main event features heavyweight talents Донован Деннис (14-2, 11 Kos) of Davenport, Iowa and Андрей Fedosov (27-3, 22 Kos) of Russia in a 10-round fight to determine the 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight Champion. Dennis-Fedosov will also fight for the WBA Fedelatin болон WBO Intercontinental heavyweight titles.


Брэндон Адамс– 17-1, 12 KO’s John Thompson– 16-1, 5 К.О-ийн

Лос-Анжелес хотын, CA Newark, NJ
Хоч–“Cannon” “Аполлон Кидд”

Нас: 25 Нас: 26
Has won 3 straight bouts (all by stoppage) Has won two straight bouts
66.7 К.О % 29.4 К.О%
Has fought 74 удаа (4.1 Rounds/Bout) Has fought 78 удаа (4.59 Round/Bout)

5"9″ 6’1

70″ Reach NA

Opp Rec: 157-99-16 100-45-9

The Omega Products Outdoor Arena байрлах 1681 Калифорни мужийн өргөн чөлөө, Crown, Зэрэг 92881 мөн үед хүрч болно 951-737-7447. Нээлттэй хаалга 5:45 p.m. PT. болон first bout begins at 6:15 p.m. PT.

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авна уу www.banner-promotions.com& ThompsonBoxing.com болон. Бидний сөнөөгч тогтмол шинэчлэлтүүдийг нь, үйл явдал, ба урамшуулал, Манай Facebook хуудсыг шалгана уу, болон Twitter болон Instagram дээр биднийг дагахbannerboxing болон ThompsonBoxing.


May 2 Installment Of Annual Breakfast Celebrated Hard Working Professionals in Sports and Entertainment

Лас-Вегас (May 20) – Mayweather урамшуулал kicked-off the Saturday, May 2 Mayweather сүсэг. Pacquiao festivities with the Худалдаа Titans breakfast entitled “Аваргуудын Өглөөний цай,” in celebration of the hard working professionals in sports and entertainment. Энэ жил, the Titans of the Trade Committee honored three formidable women who have forged their own paths to success in the sports industryrenowned sportscaster Lesley Visser, Хуучин дэлхийн аварга Миа St. Жон and New York State Athletic Commission Chairwoman Melvina Lathan.


I accept this award on behalf of anyone who has faced the odds and over came them,” said Visser. “Mandela once said, ‘Sport has the power to change the world,’ and I agree because this honor I’ve received today is an example of how sport has changed the world.


In addition to the honorees, there was a full program of speakers and other activities. Guest speakers included boxing legend and Hall of Famer Lucia Rijker болон Andrea Haynes болон Доктор. Rena Menard of the United States National Committee for United Nations Women (Houston Chapter).


Haynes and Menard spoke specifically about HeForShe, a solidarity movement for gender equality developed by UN Women to engage men and boys as advocates and agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights. The campaign encourages them to speak out and take action against inequalities faced by women and girls.


Why I’m passionate about the HeForShe campaign is because it is important that we get the men involved to support us,” said Haynes. “UN Women and He for She is dear because what it’s saying is that we all recognize that for us to be better and do better, we have to support our women.


Titans of the Trade has created a platform for the revered honorees, noteworthy speakers and worthy causes to be front and center on the biggest days of the boxing calendar and will continue to do so moving forward.


What started as a women-only event with 25 attendees has grown to a Floyd Mayweather fight day tradition with over 100 women and men from across the sports industry and it has been a pleasure to see the event thrive,” Николь Крейг байна, Mayweather Урамшуулал нь маркетинг, зах зээлийн үйл ажиллагааны дэд ерөнхийлөгч. “This year we honored three incredible women and welcomed new guests that got the opportunity to network and form lasting relationships.



BOSTON (May 20, 2015) – Boston is known for being home to some of the most passionate sports fans in the country, but many may not know that it is also a city that has had a long and rich history with the sweet science. Дээр Бямба гариг, May 23, world championship boxing is officially back in Beantown when Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай NBC returns with a showdown between Андре Dirrell болон Жеймс DeGale at Boston University’s Agganis Arena with coverage on NBC beginning at 4:30 p.m. БОЛОН/1:30 p.m. PT.


The last time Boston saw a world championship fight was May 23, 2006 when two world title fights took place at TD Bank Garden, formerly the Boston Garden. That night saw British superstar Рики “Hitman” Hatton ялагдал Luis Collazo in a welterweight world title fight, бол Эрик Aiken Өмнө нь сэтгэл дундуур гийн ялагдашгүй Valdemir Pereira for a featherweight world title.

Fighting in the Boston Garden was a great honor, never mind in a world title fight, but even a four rounder,” гэж хэлсэн Тони DeMarco, who won the welterweight world title in 1955 at the Boston Garden. “I had more fights there than anybody (28), including my pro debut. It’s always good fighting at home. You’re more comfortable at home. The fans know and honor you. Boston fans were real fight fans.


Boston has been deeply invested in boxing since the early 20 century. Эхлэн 1902-1908 the small town of Chelsea that borders Boston became the mecca for boxing as the sport was banned throughout most of America. Гэсэн хэдий ч, Chelsea had a special ordinance that legalized boxing. It was during this time that Jack Johnson was faced with what he admitted was the toughest fight of his career, when he defended his heavyweight title against Sam Langford on April 6, 1906. Johnson won by a 15-round unanimous decision and refused to fight Langford again.


Үүнээс гадна, Fenway Park, famed home of the Boston Red Sox, зохион байгуулсан 29 professional boxing cards between 1919 болон 1956. Beyond just hosting big fights, Boston has also produced a slew of Hall of Fame talent who were either born in Massachusetts or called the state home.


Noteworthy names include Roxbury heavyweight champions John L. Sullivan, Brockton heavyweight Роки Marcianoand Brockton resident and middleweight champion Гайхалтай Марвин Hagler. Boston’s own featherweight championsСэнди Saddler болон Жорж Диксон plus Boston promoter Rip Valenti have all been enshrined in the International Boxing Hall of Fame.


Fighting in Boston was a great experience,” гэж хэлсэн Жон Ruiz, a two-time heavyweight world champion from Chelsea. “Like any sport, Boston sports fans are true fans who follow your progress. I could feel their emotion wherever I fought. I will never forget them. I fought in Las Vegas a lot and there were always Boston fans there supporting me. I always appreciated them traveling all over the country to my fights.


A father-son duo from Arlington, Масс. both had an impact on the heavyweight landscape decades after each other. Том McNeeley fought heavyweight world champion Флойд Паттерсон дахь 1961 and dropped the champion before eventually succumbing to a fourth round knockout. Дээш 30 years later, his son Петр was the first man to fight Майк Тайсон after he was released from prison, with the fight ending in McNeeley being disqualified.


One of the more unique athletes to come out of Boston, Доктор. WilbertSkeeterMcClure was an Olympic Gold medalist, a doctor of psychology and a Massachusetts boxing commissioner. While at the 1960 Олимпийн, McClure served as the co-captain for Team USA and was the roommate of fellow gold medalist Cassius Clay. While he never reached his potential as a professional, he received opportunities against world class opponents Luis Manuel Rodriguez хоёр удаа мөнХосе Торрес, losing all three by decision. He also lost a decision and fought to a draw against Rubin “Хар салхи” Картер. After his professional boxing career, McClure served as a Massachusetts boxing commissioner before eventually retiring in the Boston area where he resides to this day.


Another greatly revered fighter to come out of the Boston-area is Lowell’s Micky Ward. Hugely popular for his exciting style, Ward compiled a 38-13 pro record with 27 накоут. He was most known for the three epic fight of the year award-winning battles with the late Arturo Gatti. Ward’s life and career was portrayed in the award-winning filmThe Fighter”, which starred Mark Wahlberg as Ward.


It was great fighting in Boston. The fans were very supportive and knowledgeable about the game,” Тойргийн байна. “It was like I was fighting at homeit was home for me as a fighter. Fans traveled a lot to my fights, бас. They were a little crazy, drank lot of beer and were more vocal than most places I ever fought. I loved it.


Дээр Бямба гариг, May 23 a new crop of young and hungry fighters will lay it all on the line, hoping to write the next exciting chapter of boxing history in the city of Boston. The action begins at 1:30 p.m. БОЛОН inside of Agganis Arena.


* * *


Tickets for the return of big-time boxing to Boston, ямар Murphys боксын хамтран DiBella Entertainment дэмжиж байна, үнэтэй байна $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35, холбогдох үйлчилгээний хураамж, татвар, түүний дотор биш, , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. Tickets will be available at www.ticketmaster.com. Утсаар төлбөр авах, дээр Ticketmaster гэж нэрлэдэг (800) 745-3000.


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу WWW.premierboxingchampions.comWWW.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com болонwww.dbe1.com, Twitter дээр даганаPremierBoxing, @AndreDirrell, @JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, @NBCSports and @AgganisArena and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys болон www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Follow the conversation using #PremierBoxingChampions and #PBConNBC

Welterweight Bryant Perella looks to remain perfect this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Juan Dominguez headlines against Mario Antonio Macias
Атлантын хот, NJ (May 20,2015)–Энэ Баасан Шөнийн,May 22, boxing returns to the Claridge in Atlantic City with a full 9-bout card promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DeeLee Promotions.
Welterweight Bryant Perella will take part in his first eight-round bout when he takes on tough German Perez.
Үндсэн тохиолдолд, гийн ялагдашгүй супер bantamweight Хуан “Хүүхдийн Тито” Dominguez авах болно Mario Antonio Macias 8 удаагийн хуваарьт нь дайралт хийвэл нь.
Perella, 26 years-old of Lehigh Acres, Флорида бүртгэл байна 8-0 with seven knockouts and has stopped five straight.
He already has quality victories over Benito Tovar (3-0-1), which was a first-round stoppage and his last bout when he stopped Justin Johnson in four rounds onХоёрдугаар сар 20.
“Бүх зүйл сайн байна. I am going to make weight and take care of business,”said Perella when contacted Мягмар гарагт.
I know Perez is tough. Тэр бол 11-1 and from Mexico. I have not seen video on him but I am preparing for a rough fight. I know a lot of guys Tijuana come forward and are aggressive.
Perella came from a quality amateur career where he went 70-9 and placed in quite a few national tournaments.
I consider myself a smart boxer with speed and explosive power.
Perella, who has already scored a stoppage win in Las Vegas, is excited to see action in the traditional east coast hotbed of boxing in Atlantic City.
My first fight in Atlantic City is a dream come true. Next to Las Vegas it is the best place to fight and it motivated me throughout camp.
In Perez, the fight is a step up as the Tijuana native is unbeaten in his last seven bouts and is already competed in an eight-round bout.
For me to have my first eight round fight is a step up. This step up will really help me. I am going to relax and box then I will be able to break him down and get him out of there.
Perella is dedicating the fight to 18-year old Devin Raynaer who recently passed away in a car accident.
He was a friend of mine and I am dedicating this bout to him. I just want to thank my fans for supporting me and I am ready for an exciting fight.
Онд 8 дугуй bouts:

Жон Магда (9-0, 6 К.О-ийн) Рутерфорд нь, NJ will fight Miguel Angel Manguia (31-32-1, 25 К.О-ийн) Супер Эмэгтэй дунд дайралт хийвэл нь.

Gervonta Дэвис (10-0, 9 К.О-ийн) Балтиморын, MD will take on Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 К.О) of Mexico City in Featherweight bout.
6 дугуй bouts нь:

Супер Эмэгтэй дунд Antuwyan Aikens (9-0, 1 К.О) of Atlantic City will fight Эдгар Перез (6-13, 3 К.О-ийн) Чикагогийн, IOL
Jamontay Кларк (5-0, 3 К.О-ийн) Цинциннати, OH тэмцэлдэх болно Жонатан Гарсиа (4-13, 1 К.О) Aguada тухай, Нь Welterweight дайралт хийвэл нь PR.
JR. Welterweight Keenan Смит (6-0, 2 К.О-ын Филадельфи нь) авч болно Луис Родригес (3-3, 2 К.О-ийн) Каролинагийн, PR.
4 дугуй bouts нь:

Карим Мартин (4-0-1, 3 К.О-ийн) Вашингтоны, D.C. тулалдах болно Donald Sanchez (2-1, 1 К.О) Албаквиеркийн тухай, NM. нь Welterweight дайралт хийвэл нь.

Pro debuting Light Heavyweight Карлос Gongora Brooklyn-ийн, NY will battle Efigenio Perez (0-4) Пуэрто-Рикогийн.

Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар худалдан авч болно $100, $75 болон $50 дээр даржwww.claridge.eventbrite.coм буюу дуудан дуудлага тус 610 587 5950 буюу 609 868 4243

1-р дайралт хийвэл дээр эхэлнэ 7 PM хаалга нээх нь 6 PM.

Сүлжээнд шилдэг тэмцэх Мэдээ, мэдээлэл!

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