Máttugir hnefaleikarar í Michigan lofa Brooklyn Beat-Downs!

Bardagakort Hluti af brawl seríunni í Brooklyn
Stuðlað að kynningum Dmitriy Salita í Star of David
BROOKLYN (Júní 2, 2015) -Verkefnisstjórinn Dmitriy Salita er spenntur fyrir því að bjóða upp á kvöld í atvinnumennsku í hnefaleikum í Paramount viðburðamiðstöðinni á fimmtudag, Júní 4. Aðalviðburðurinn sem pitsar á kortið verður toppaður Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller, karismatískur valdapönkari, frá Brooklyn, tekur að sér íbúa Detroit Damon “Bulldog” McCreary. Miller, sem er með popp í báðum höndum, eins og sést af hans 12-0-1 merkja (10 Rothögg), verður prófað af 15-4 Detroit innfæddur í þungavigtarárekstri.

“Detroit hefur framleitt nokkra bestu bardagamenn í Bandaríkjunum. og heimurinn,” sagði verkefnisstjórinn. “Rík sögu Emanuel Steward og Kronk líkamsræktarstöðvarinnar er nokkuð sem allir bardagamenn í Detroit eru meðvitaðir um og leitast við að lifa upp til. Bardagamenn í Detroit koma til bardaga! Þeir munu koma til “Brawl” í Brooklyn og ég get fullvissað þig, aðdáendur hnefaleika munu njóta sín frábærlega, spennandi slagsmál!”

Edward Williams, annar Michigan innfæddur leitast við að bæta við sig 9-0-1 merkja (4 Kos) á fimmtudaginn, eins og gerir 4-0-1 léttur Dewayne Zeigler. Hann er annar Skemmdarvargur Detroit, með fjórum stöðvunum á stuttum ferli sínum. Hnefaleikakarlinn, sem fæddur var af Alabama, hittir Jeremy Graves frá New York hæðinni á fyrsta hnefaleikamótinu á nýja vettvanginum.

Þjálfari Theotrice Chambers III, sem þjálfar IBF Jr. Miðvigtarmeistari Cornelius Bundrage, þjálfar Williams og Zeigler og segir að þeir séu að koma í eyðilegging í NYC.

“Zeigler er spennandi krakki, mjög sprengiefni, kýlt hart með báðum höndum,” sagði hann. “Og Williams er góður hnefaleikari, hefur mikið hjarta og einurð. Fólkið í Brooklyn mun elska þá.”

PEC var hleypt af stokkunum í apríl af Bruce Ratner, verktaki Barclays Center og Onexim Sports and Entertainment, með allri atvinnurekstri umsjónarmaður Brett Yormark, forstjóra Barclays Center.

“Ég er spennt að taka þátt með PEC til að koma hnefaleikum til LIU Brooklyn Paramount,” Said Word. “Undanfarin ár, Star of David Promotions hefur fært hnefaleikamönnum í New York spennandi sýningar með ótrúlegum slagsmálum í gegnum Brawl Series okkar í Brooklyn. Þetta kort verður spennandi viðbót við seríuna okkar.”

“Í júní 4 Hnefaleikamót munu kynna LIU Brooklyn Paramount aftur fyrir íþróttasamfélagið,” sagði Brett Yormark, Forstjóri Barclays Center. “Dmitriy hefur veitt miklum tækifærum fyrir upprennandi bardagamenn og við hlökkum til að vinna með honum að því að treysta grasrótaraðgerðir okkar í Brooklyn.”

Þú getur keypt miða með því að heimsækja www.ticketmaster.com eða með því að hringja 800-745-3000.

UM Star Davíðs Tilboð
Star Davíðs Tilboð var stofnað árið 2010 með Dmitriy Salita, faglega boxer og titill heimurinn Challenger sem sáu þörfina fyrir kynningar aðila til lögun bjartasta horfur, auk vanur pugilists, í og við New York City area. Áhorfendur hafa gaman af að horfa Star Davíðs bardagamenn á undanförnum árum á Spike TV, ESPN2, MSG, og Universal Sports Network. Vinsamlegast heimsækjawww.Salitapromotions.com til að fá meiri upplýsingar.


terrynorris_new4Endanlegt aðdáandi reynsla atburður sem gefur box aðdáendur tækifæri til að hitta-og-heilsa upp bardagamenn, box orðstír og iðnaður fólk í upp-loka, persónulega stilling

Skjóta losun

Las Vegas (Júní 2, 2015) - Four-time world champion “Terrible” Terry Norris has confirmed that he will appear and have a booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the second annual Box Fan Expo that will take place Laugardagur September. 12, 2015. The Box Fan Expo mun falla saman við síðasta berjast Floyd Mayweather Jr og Mexican Sjálfstæðisflokks helgina.


The Hall of Famer, Norris will have merchandise to sell to his fans, auk ljósmynda og Memorabilia.


Þetta einstaka aðdáandi reynsla atburður, sem gerði aðdáendur að mæta og fagna box þjóðsögur, fortíð og núverandi meistarar og aðrir orðstír í íþróttum, frumraun í september síðastliðnum til stór, áhugasamari mannfjöldi. Á þessu ári Expo mun hlaupa frá 10 a.m.5 p.m. og aftur, leyfa fans tækifæri til að safna eiginhandaráritanir, taka myndir og kaupa vörur og Memorabilia.


Sýnendur eins box gír, fatnaður, ljósvakamiðla og önnur fyrirtæki vörumerki sem vilja taka þátt mun hafa tækifæri til að sýna vörur sínar til að aðdáendur og allt box iðnaður.


Stofnfundur Box Fan Expo síðasta ári lögun sumir af the vinsæll bardagamenn og box orðstír í nýliðinni sögu. Fans fengu að heimsóknir með Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Júda, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija, Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Earnie Shavers, Mia St-John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean Pascal og Austin Trout. Einnig birtast voru núverandi WBC meistari Deontay Wilder, charismatic Vinny Pazienza, Paul Williams, benti fréttaskýrandi Al Bernstein og efst þjálfari Roger Mayweather af Mayweather Tilboð.


Verkefnaskrá fundarmanna fyrir Box Fan Expo þessu ári verður tilkynnt um næstu mánuðum og vikum aðdraganda atburðinn.

Miðar til Box Fan Expo eru í boði á netinu á: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com

Skoða opinbera kynningartexta vídeó af Box Fan Expo hér: http://www.boxfanexpo.com/video-2/

Skoða Promo Flyer hér: http://www.boxfanexpo.com/promo-flyer/

Skoða myndir Gallery 2014 hér: http://www.boxfanexpo.com/photos/

Fyrir alla í hnefaleikum iðnaður eða vörumerki fyrirtækja sem óska ​​eftir að taka þátt og panta bás sem exhibitor eða kostun tækifæri, vinsamlegast hafðu samband Box Fan Expo í:

U.S.A símanúmer: (702) 997-1927 eða (514) 572-7222

Fyrir allar fyrirspurnir vinsamlegast sendu: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Nánari upplýsingar um Box Fan Expo er í boði á: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com

To view Terry Norris press release go to: http://www.boxfanexpo.com/4-time-world-champion-terrible-terry-norris-confirmed-for-the-second-annual-box-fan-expo-taking-place-saturday-september-12-2015-in-las-vegas/

Þú getur fylgst Box Fan Expo á Twitter á: https://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

og á Facebook á: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo

Berjast NETWORK bardagaíþróttir, Júdó & Kickboxing dagskrá (Júní 1-7, 2015)

Berjast Network er a 24/7 Sjónvarp hollur til að ljúka umfjöllun um Bardagaíþróttir. Það airs forrit áherslu á öllu umfangi Bardagaíþróttir tegund, þar á meðal lifandi átök og upp-til-the-mínúta fréttir og greiningu blönduðum bardagaíþróttum, kickboxing, faglega glíma, hefðbundin bardagalistir, box, berjast fréttir, auk berjast-þema þáttaröð, heimildamyndir og kvikmyndir.


Hér fyrir neðan finnur hápunktur af forritun þessari viku:

Mánudagur, Júní 1

7:00 p.m. OG – 5 Umferðir – Gestgjafi John Ramdeen og Robin Black bjóða sérstakir gestir til að brjóta niður helgi MMA aðgerð.

7:30 p.m. OG – Berjast Fréttir Nú Extra – Nýjustu fréttir, recaps, lögun og inni greiningu baráttunni leik.

8:00 p.m. OGFinal Fight Championship 6: Jurkovic vs. Poturak – Featuring Igor Jurkovic vs. Dzevad Poturak in a kickboxing feature, plus Ivica Truscek vs. Laszlo Senyei in MMA action from June 14, 2014 in Porec, Króatía.

Þriðjudagur, Júní 2

1:30 a.m. OGHip Sýna: Arena Combat – Tag-lið MMA inni í 12m með 12 milljónir vettvangi með þriggja stig hindrun mannvirki.

2:30 am. OG – XPTV – Umfjöllun um svæðisbundna bandarískt atvinnumaður og áhugamaður MMA.

7:00 & 7:30 p.m. OGXtreme Fighting Championship – Florida-undirstaða atvinnu MMA lögun efst American horfur, alþjóðleg stjörnur og UFC vopnahlésdagurinn.

8:00 p.m. OG – 5 Umferðir – Gestgjafi John Ramdeen og Robin Black bjóða sérstakir gestir til að brjóta niður helgi MMA aðgerð.

8:30 p.m. OG — Berjast Fréttir Nú Extra – Nýjustu fréttir, recaps, lögun og inni greiningu baráttunni leik.

11:00 p.m. OGHard högg Fighting 42 – Featuring Ryan Dickson vs. Jason Fischer, Kristur Franck vs. Joel Powell og Anton Tokarchuk vs. Todd Stoute frá mar. 20, 2014 í Calgary, Canada.

Miðvikudagur, June3

3:00 a.m. OGTexas Fight Night – MMA aðgerð frá Texas lögun efst horfur Lone Star ríkisins í búrið.

6:00 p.m. OGBest af Cage Rage – Featuring klassískt berst frá UK-undirstaða Cage Rage samtökin með Anderson Silva, Antonio Silva, Victor Belfort, Paul Daley og aðrir.

7:00 p.m. OGBerjast Fréttir Nú Extra: MMA Edition – Nær allar uppákomur í MMA heiminum með einkarétt greiningu og lögun.

7:30 p.m. OGBerjast Fréttir Nú Extra – Nýjustu fréttir, recaps, lögun og inni greiningu baráttunni leik.

9:00 p.m. OGCage Warriors FC: Fight Night 2 -Featuring female sensation Sheila Gaff, plus Mike Ling vs. Jack Hermansson from Sept. 8, 2011 9n Amman, Jordan.

11:00 p.m. OGMMA Meltdown við Gabriel Morency – Gabriel Morency brýtur niður allar uppákomum í MMA, ræða líkurnar, spár, auk sérstakar vikulega gestir og einkarétt viðtöl.

11:30 p.m. OGTakedown Glíma – Víðtækar umfjöllun um áhugamaður viðburðir glímu, þar á meðal nýjustu fréttir, bakvið tjöldin umfjöllun frá atburðum og einkarétt viðtöl.

Fimmtudagur, Júní 4

1:30 a.m. OGUltimate Challenge MMA 10: Resurrection Featuring Alberto Mina vs. Dean Amasinger, Stav Economou vs. Shola Afreniran, John Maguire vs. Edgelson Lua and Karlos Vemola s. Peter Yendall from Feb. 6, 2010 frá London.

6:00 p.m. OGChampionship Fightling Alliance – Pro MMA frá Flórída lögun eins og af Josh Sampo, Mike Kyle, John Howard, Eru McCorkie, Luis Palomino og aðrir.

7:00 p.m. OGFighting nýliði – Upprennandi kickboxers klifra upp stigann á árangri í íþróttum sem nýliði keppa fyrir a tækifæri til að verða sérfræðingar og fá reynslu sem þarf til að ná árangri á hærra stigi.

8:00 p.m. OGFight Fréttir Nú: MMA Edition – Nær allar uppákomur í MMA heiminum með einkarétt greiningu og lögun.

8:30 p.m. OG Berjast Fréttir Nú Extra – Nýjustu fréttir, recaps, lögun og inni greiningu baráttunni leik.

9:00 p.m. OGM-1 Challenge 32: Garner vs. Malikov – Featuring Kenny Garner vs. Magomed Malikov, Mario Miranda vs. Arthur Guseinov and Maxim Grishin vs. Joachim Christiansen from May 16, 2012 í Moskvu.

Föstudagur, Júní 5

2:00 a.m. OGPancrase Classics – Klassískt brautryðjandi MMA bardaga lögun Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Nate Marquardt, Chael Sonnen og aðrir.

4:00 a.m. OGBest af DEEP – Featuring bekknum berst frá sögulegu japanska DEEP kynningu meðal Shinya Aoki, Hayato Sakurai og Gegard Mousasi.

5:00 a.m. OGBest af Jewels – Classic berst frá allur-kvenkyns japanska MMA deildinni, Jewels.

12:00 p.m. OGBookie Beatdown – Preview af betri línum og toppur leikir fyrir helstu UFC atburðum.

5:00 p.m. OGUFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Henderson Weigh-In – LIVE umfjöllun um opinbera vega-í fyrir UFC Fight Night” Boestsch vs. Henderson in New Orleans.

6:00 p.m. OGM-1 Challenge – Pro MMA frá Evrópu lögun efst hækkandi horfur og alþjóðlegum stjörnum.

7:00 p.m. OGFight Fréttir Nú: MMA Edition – Nær allar uppákomur í MMA heiminum með einkarétt greiningu og lögun.

7:30 p.m. OG Berjast Fréttir Nú Extra – Nýjustu fréttir, recaps, lögun og inni greiningu baráttunni leik.

8:00 p.m. OGAð 2 Toe with Matt Mitrione In-depth sit-down interview with UFC heavyweight sensation Matt Mitrione.

8:30 p.m. OGHip Sýna: Arena Combat – Tag-lið MMA inni í 12m með 12 milljónir vettvangi með þriggja stig hindrun mannvirki.

9:00 p.m. OG — NSS 20 Pudzianowski vs. Piliafas – Mariusz Pudzianowski vs lögun. Christos Piliafas and Jan Blachowiucz vs,. Houston Alexander from Sept. 15, 2012 í Gdansk, Pólland.

Laugardagur, Júní 6

1:00 a.m. OGSuperKombat: Heimur Grand Prix 2014 Featuring Jorge Loren vs. Aristote Quitusisa, Julian Imeri vs. Nader Farhou for the middleweight title, plus Andrei Stoica vs. Emilio Vallecillo from Nov. 22, 2014 in Monza, Ítalía.

6:00 a.m. OGBest af TKO – Featuring David Loiseau Vs.. Shawn Tomkins from TKO UCC 4

7:00 a.m. OG – Best af Gladiator Challenge – Featuring Úría Faber vs. Jay Valencia from Gladiator Challenge 20.

9:00 a.m. OG – M-1 Challenge 58: Battle in the Mountains 4LIVE MMA action from Ingushetia, Rússland, feasturing Igor Fernandesvs. Murad Abdulaev for the M-1 Challenge welterweight title, plus Lee Morrisson vs. Pavel Vitruk and Alexei Kudin vs. Snis Smoldarev.

7:00 p.m. OGUFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Henderson Pre-ShowLIVE pre-fight coverage and previews of UFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Henderson from New Orleans.

8:00 p.m. OGUFC Fight Night: Boetsch vs. Henderson Prelims Live – CANADA ONLY.

9:00 p.m. OGGlobal Fighting Championship 4 – Featuring Badr Hari vs. Arnold Oborotov á staflað MMA / kickboxing kort frá október. 16, 2014 í Dubai.

Sunnudagur, Júní 7

12:00 a.m. OGGFC 5: Saki vs. Ciobanu Pro kickboxing from Apr. 17, 2015 in Dubia, lögun Gokhan Saki vs. Sebastian Ciobanu, auk Steve McKinnon vs. ZXabit Samedov and Jafar Ahmadi vs. Danyo Illunga.

6:00 a.m. OGPancrase Classics – Klassískt brautryðjandi MMA bardaga lögun Ken Shamrock, Frank Shamrock, Bas Rutten, Name Marquardt, Chael Sonnen og aðrir.

10:00 a.m. OGBest af ADCC – Lögun söfn stærstu grappling passar alltaf haldið, lögun Tito Ortiz, Matt Hughes, Eddie Bravo, Fabricio Werdum, Marcelo Garcia, Ronaldo Souza og Royler Gracie.

11:00 a.m. OG – Elite Muay Thai: Tæland vs. Challenger – Stærsta Muay Thai röð í heiminum lögun aukagjald alþjóðleg standa-upp bardagamenn taka á hinu virta Thai National Team

3:00 p.m. OGEnfusion Live #29: AmsterdamPro kickboxing from May 24, 2015 í Amsterdam.

5:00 p.m. OGUSA glíma Weekly – Host Scott Casber gefur vikulega fréttir og greiningu miðjun kringum USA Glíma, landsvísu um líkama íþróttarinnar, þ.mt viðtöl, lögun og líta til baka á fortíðina.

5:30 p.m. OGJudo Tokyo Grand Slam 2014 – Helstu niðurstöður Judo Tokyo Grand Slam frá desember. 5-7, 2014 í Japan.

6:30 p.m. OG – Hip Sýna: Arena Combat – Tag-lið MMA inni í 12m með 12 milljónir vettvangi með þriggja stig hindrun mannvirki.





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Heavyweight World Championship Laugardagur, Júní 13,
Lifandi Á Showtime
® Frá BARTOW Arena í Birmingham, Ala.;

ALL ACCESS: Deontay Wilder Frumflutt Júní 3 On SHOWTIME

Smelltu HÉR To Download Photos Of Deontay Wilder

Photo Credit: Bill Hoffman

Smelltu HÉR To Download Photos Of Eric Molina

Photo Credit: Joel Martinez/SHOWTIME

Smelltu HÉR To Download Photos Of Jose Pedraza

Photo Credit: Victor Planas/Universal Promotions

NEW YORK (Júní 1, 2015) – Ósigraður Heavyweight heimsmeistari DeontayThe Bronze BomberWilder, confident heavyweight contender Eric “Drummer Boy” Molina and unbeaten junior lightweight Jose “The Sniper” Pedraza participated in Media Day Workouts last Thursday for their fights Laugardagur, Júní 13, á Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP Hnefaleikar® lifa á Showtime® (9 p.m. OG/6 p.m. PT) á Bartow Arena í Birmingham, Ala.


The power-punching, popular hometown favorite Wilder (33-0, 32 Kos), af Tuscaloosa, Ala., will make the first defense of his title when he meets Molina (23-2, 17 Kos), af RAYMONDVILLE, Texas, í aðalkeppni á Júní 13. Pedraza (19-0, 12 Kos), af Caguas, Puerto Rico, mun mæta Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 Kos), af Klimovski, Rússland, in a 12-rounder for the vacant IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship in the co-feature.


Below is what Wilder, Molina and Pedraza said during their separate Media Days in Northport, Ala., Weslaco, Texas and Cidra, Puerto Rico, sig:


DEONTAY WILDER, Heavyweight heimsmeistari

It’s definitely a blessing to be able to fight in my state. When we set the goal to be heavyweight champion of the world that was one of the goals we set, to bring it to Alabama. Just to change it up and give Alabama some spice besides football, and to finally get the opportunity to have a major fight in the state of Alabama. This is what we were looking for when we worked to bring the commission here, and we were successful and got it done. This is what we were looking for.


I want Alabama to be my home territory. It’s why I stay here. Some people still try to throw me out but my heart is here and I’ve got bigger and better plans. This is just the beginning.


My team handles all the distractions (from fighting at home). I’ve got a wonderful team. Ég er bara tilbúin að fara. I’m ready to get this party started and welcome Molina to Alabama.


My hand is fine. We tested it yesterday for 10-ounce gloves because that’s the competition weight. We put it on and I felt great. It gave me even more confidence. I’m ready to get in the ring and do what I have to do and perform for my people.


(on being world champion)


We knew we would be doing a lot of traveling after getting the belt but we didn’t know the capacity of how much. It’s been a journey for me.


I think I bring a different flavor to the sport of boxing, and I want to bring even more to the world.


(on Molina)


I haven’t heard from Molina but that’s good, that means he’s focused. I want him to come very focused. I know he’s going to be nervous and scared, but they say if you back a rabbit in a corner, they fight back.


I’m most dangerous when I’m at home. I’m not going to let down my home crowd and let someone take what I’ve worked so hard for. He’s not going to come behind enemy lines and take anything from me.


I want a great performance from him. I want a great performance for the crowd and people to say, "Hey, I want to come back for the next one!’ and to be hungry for the next one. We got a lot of fights we want to do in Alabama, and this is just the start. I want to move on from Bartow to the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC), which is bigger than the MGM Grand.


Every title defense is proving something. I’m the world’s most wanted, and everyone wants it. I’ve got the WBC crown. It’s the most well-known, famous belt in boxing. Everyone wants their name on this belt, and I have it. Every fight is a dangerous fight when I’m putting the belt on the line, and I train as if everyone is a world champion.


(on why he’s defending against Molina)


We have a lot of other opponents, but Molina was the one to understand the opportunity that lies at hand. Some people can price themselves out and some teams make it so difficult that the fight won’t happen. They can really block themselves out from getting the fight. You can have the money or the opportunity. Molina understands what the situation is, and he stepped up to the plate and understands the opportunity at hand to be the World Heavyweight Champion.


My last fight I proved to everyone what I was capable of. I can go 12 rounds and take a punch. I can be just as fresh in the 12th round as the 1st.


The sky’s the limit in what we’re trying to do. I represent the state. Even though I’m from Tuscaloosa, it’s not just where my gym is in Northport or Coffeeville. I represent the state of Alabama. I need a home territory and a home state not only where we can bring in local people, bring in the nation, but also bring in the whole world.

ERIC Molina, Heavyweight Contender


This is the fight that we dream about when we first lace on the gloves and I am extremely excited about the opportunity to fight for the biggest prize in sports, the WBC heavyweight title. I’ve been preparing and training very hard, and I’m almost at the point where we’re ready to go.


We’ve studied a lot of Wilder, and expect a very physical fight. I think a lot of people are underestimating my strength and power. They know Wilder can punch but they are underestimating the power that I possess.


We know it’s going be a hostile environment, fighting in basically his backyard, but he’s now the champion and with that he gets an opportunity in his optional title defense (to fight who he wants, where he wants). He gets to enjoy those opportunities, but that’s where I come in.


“Að sjálfsögðu, I’m confident I can win the title. I think people look at my record and think this or that, but I don’t feel they understand my entire career, the things I have gone through and overcome, the different angles of boxing that more than meets the eye.


Nothing against Deontay, who has worked hard to get to where he is, but he doesn’t represent the kind of fighter, almennt, that I am. I’ve always had to fight and struggle from fight to fight. I never had a true training camp situation. I’m not saying he had things easy, but I had to work and juggle things to keep going. Only the fighters in my situation can understand it.


I’ve been boxing for nine years. I have a BS and Master’s Degree and I’m in my fourth year teaching kids with disabilities. Along with boxing, this is what I do. This is who I am, and I am not ashamed of who I am either. I’m proud. If they want to consider me an underdog, fínn. But I’m also the guy who got knocked out in his first pro fight and battled back to where I am now and I’m fighting for the championship.


What people don’t know about me is that my career has been all about determination, strength and struggles. Other boxers, including Bernard Hopkins, lost their first fights and went on to win a world title. I’ve learned a lot from my two losses and now I have the confidence to accomplish anything.


Bottom line is I am not trying to convince anybody who I am, I just want people to see who the real Eric Molina isthat I am more than what my record on paper indicates. I was NABF champion for a while but could never get a fight so I was dropped from the rankings. It was like I had to start over again. But I stuck to it, and with everything else I had going on outside the ring, things I had to put aside for this fight, still managed to get into the position I’m in now.


I don’t think there’s ever been a heavyweight contender like me. Where I train, there are no other real heavyweights except for one or two. I have to fly guys in to help me work with the guys already here. I’ve been in camps with Bermane Stiverne; I often had to go to where the sparring was just to get the work.


I’ve never been in a spot where things have been easy for me in boxing. I never had the odds on my side, the tools, the resources. But I still made it this far and want to go farther.


I think the first round is very important. I expect that from the get-go that he will feel like he could hurt me, but I also feel very strongly that I could hurt him. So it is very important to be ready for that first bell.


“Þetta er að fara til vera a mikill bardagi, much, much better than many may be expecting, and I am ready.


Jose Pedraza, Unbeaten Junior Lightweight Contender

As a Puerto Rican, every time I fight, I fight for the honor of my people. Svo, á Júní 13, I won’t only be fighting to win a world title, I’ll be fighting for Cidra, Puerto Rico and for all the Puerto Ricans out there watching me. Puerto Rico needs another champion and I’m here to deliver and make my people proud. I cannot afford to let them down. I won’t let Puerto Rico down. I’ll come back a champion.


This is a great opportunity fighting on a big show on SHOWTIME. It has taken hard work, dedication and long gym work to obtain this big exposure on SHOWTIME.

My last fight against Michael Farenas was very important to me because that fight was a title eliminator and, by winning, it opened the door to this fight and finally my dream of becoming world champion is close to arriving.

It has been a long and hard training campintensive. We opened camp in Las Vegas in December. This camp has been special because it is for the world championship.

Andrey Klimov is a strong boxer, always going forward, the jab and straight right are his best shots. The only thing I see is he is strong and has good fitness. From his last fight against Terrence Crawford I could see that he has problems when he fights a left-handed boxer with good movement. I will be working in side steps and with speed.

I hope that he comes well prepared for me. We must do our best to give the fans a good show. ÁJúní 13, I will be a new champ and after that I want to make two defenses and move to 135.

# # #

ALL ACCESS: Deontay Wilder, which chronicle’s the champion’s January fight against Bermane Stiverne and sets the stage as he prepares for his upcoming title defense, frumflutt á Miðvikudagur, Júní 3 á 10 p.m. OG/PT.
“WILDER vs. Molina,” 12-Round berjast fyrir Wilder er WBC þungavigtar Championship, fer framLaugardagur, Júní 13, á The BARTOW Arena í Birmingham, Ala. DiBella Entertainment og Bruno Event Team hafa sameinast um að koma þessum atburði til Alabama. Í samstarfi aðalkeppni co-romoted með DiBella í tengslum við Universal Tilboð, Jose Pedraza munu standa frammi Andrey Klimov í 12-Round lota fyrir IBF Jr. Léttur Heimurinn Title. Það vilja loft beint á Showtime® (9 p.m. OG/ 6 p.m. PT). The útsending verður einnig að vera í boði í spænsku gegnum efri hljóð forritun (SAP). Forkeppni lota verður sjónvarpað beint á Showtime Extreme (7 p.m. OG/PT, seinkað á vesturströnd).


Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.sports.sho.com og www.dbe1.com fylgja á Twitter áSHOSports, WilderVSMolina, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella OgSwanson_Comm, fylgja samtal með #WilderMolina, Gerast aðdáandi á Facebook á www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing eða heimsækja Showtime Hnefaleikar Blog á HTTP://theboxingblog.sho.com.



Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Kos)returns to the ring on Friday, Júní 12 to face veteran Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Kos) as Premier Boxing Champions heads back to Spike.


Auk, Russian knockout artist Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 Kos) is set to square off against the ring-savvy Doudou Ngumbu (34-6, 13 Kos) of Haute-Garonne, France.


Þessi útgáfa af PBC á Spike hefst í 9 p.m. OG. Hurðir á UIC Pavilion opin á 5 p.m. CT with the first fight set for 5:30 p.m. CT.


I’m very excited to be fighting on Spike TV on June 12th in Chicago.said Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara. “Delvin Rodriguez is a tough veteran fighter who I respect. He has a lot of heart and determination. But once the bell rings I’m looking for the knockout!”


“Júní 12, I am going to change everyone’s mind about me and show that I can beat Lara,” Said Rodriguez.


Miðar á viðburð í beinni, sem er kynntur með Warriors Boxing í tengslum við Group Yvon Michel (GYM), eru verðlagðar á $151, $101, $51, og $31, þó ekki gilda þjónustugjöldum, aðd are on sale now. To charge by phone with a major credit card, kalla Ticketmaster á (800) 745-3000 eða UIC Pavilion Box Office á (312) 413-5740. Miðar eru einnig í boði á www.ticketmaster.com eða með því að heimsækja UIC Pavilion Box Office (Thursday or Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


The 32-year-old Lara is a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara has notched victories over Alfredo Angulo, Austin Trout og Freddy Hernandez allan feril hans. Sem áhugamaður, Lara unnið til fjölda titla á meðal National Championship á welterweight og einnig tekið þátt í 2007 Pan-Am leikir. The Fighter upphaflega frá Guantanamo, Cuba but fighting out of Houston most recently defeated former world champion Ishe Smith on his way to his 20th professional victory.


Already deep into an accomplished career, the 35-year-old Rodriguez looks to give Lara a stiff test and entertain the crowd at UIC Pavilion on June 12. Having battled the likes of Miguel Cotto and Austin Trout, Rodriguez has also picked up victories over Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak and Shamone Alvarez throughout his accomplished career. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, Dominican Republic but fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Rodriguez will look to improve on his last outing, a draw against Joachim Alcine in May 2014.


Having floored every opponent he’s faced professionally, the now 30-year-old former amateur standout Beterbiev will be seeking to keep his knockout streak alive in Chicago. Having notched impressive wins over Tavoris Cloud in 2014 and Gabriel Campillo earlier this year, the heavy-fisted Russian knows he’ll be tested with an experienced opponent on June 12.


Following a hard-fought loss to Andrzej Fonfara in November 2014, France’s Ngumburebounded nicely with a knockout win in January of this year. The battle-tested 33-year-old veteran will look to use his wealth of professional experience at UIC Pavilion in order to emerge victorious.


Fyrir fleiri upplýsingar heimsókn www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.spike.com/shows/premier-box-meistarar, fylgja á TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm OgSpikeTV og verða a aðdáandi á Facebook á www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo og www.Facebook.com/Spike.


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Photo Credit: Esther Lin / Showtime


We answered every question tonight.” – Deontay Wilder

Smelltu HÉR For An Embeddable Clip Lift From Miðvikudag Premiere:HTTP://s.sho.com/1LX1zol


Relive the thrilling battle for the WBC Heavyweight Championship through the award-winning lens ofALL ACCESS as Deontay Wilder answers the critics with a dominant, 12-round decision over defending champ Bermane Stiverne. ALL ACCESS: Deontay Wilder reveals the depth of character within the new champion and a selfless nature to go along with his monster punching power and surprising boxing acumen. ALL ACCESS: Deontay Wilder frumflutt þetta Miðvikudagur á 10 p.m. OG/PT á Showtime®.


Wilder makes the first defense of his WBC Heavyweight title against Eric Molina on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, Næsta Laugardagur, Júní 13 á Showtime.


# # #

Wilder vs. Molina, 12-umferð berjast fyrir Wilder er WBC þungavigtar Championship, fer framLaugardagur, Júní 13, á The BARTOW Arena í Birmingham, Ala. DiBella Entertainment og Bruno Event Team hafa sameinast um að koma þessum atburði til Alabama. Það vilja loft beint á Showtime (9 p.m. OG/ 6 p.m. PT). The útsending verður einnig að vera í boði í spænsku gegnum efri hljóð forritun (SAP). Forkeppni lota verður sjónvarpað beint á Showtime Extreme (7 p.m. OG/PT, seinkað á vesturströnd).

Garrett Wilson to battle Anthony Caputo Smith for Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title on Saturday June, 20 á Valley Forge Casino Resort

Plus Keenan Collins to battle Pavel Miranda in co-feature; Local favorites Coy Evans plus undefeated Earl Newman, John Magda, Stephen Fulton, Milton Santiago Jr. & Erik Spring
Valley Forge, PA (Júní 1, 2015)Á laugardag nótt, Júní 20, King’s Boxing will present a championship night of boxing at the Valley Forge Casino Resort.
Í helstu atburði, Garrett “The Ultimate Warrior” Wilson mun taka á Anthony Caputo Smith in a 10-round battle for the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight championship.
Wilson of Philadelphia has a record of 13-9-1 með 7 knockouts and has lived up to his nickname as he is willing to fight anybody at anytime. He has fought seven undefeated fighters and countless contenders.
Wilson, 32 won the USBA Cruiserweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Omar Sheika. He defended the the twice with thrilling knockout wins over Chuck Mussachio (17-1-2) and Andres Taylor (20-1-2).
Those fights set him for an IBF Elimination bout against Alexander Alekseev (23-2-1).
Wilson fought well but came up just short on the scorecards. In his next bout, Wilson jumped up to Heavyweight to fight current number-one ranked Vychslav Glazkov. Wilson took the fight on two days notice and gave a good account of himself before dropping a decision.
Wilson will be looking to break a 4-fight losing streak.
Caputo Smith KENNETT SQUARE, PA hefur skrá yfir 15-4 með 10 knockouts.
The 30 year-old is like Wilson as he willing to fight anybody.
He won his first thirteen bouts and then captured the Pennsylvania Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Dhafir Smith. Caputo Smith then stepped up and lost to undefeated Seanie Monaghan (18-0) on the Juan Manuel MarquezTimothy Bradley Pay Per View undercard in Las Vegas.
Caputo Smith moved up to win the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title with a 10-round split decision over Tony Ferrante.
Caputo Smith is on a two fight losing streak after dropping fights to BJ Flores (29-1-1) and former interim world champion Ola Afolabi (20-3-4).
Í 8-umferð co-lögun, Keenan Collins (15-9-3, 10 Rothögg) af York, PA mun taka áPavel Miranda (19-10-1, 6 Rothögg) af Tijuana, Mexico in a Middleweight bout.
Í 6-umferð lota:
Coy Evans (10-2-1, 2 Rothögg) mun berjast Jose Bustos (7-4-3, 4 Rothögg) í Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a Jr. Léttur lota.

Earl Newman (5-0, 4 Rothögg) af Brooklyn, NY mun berjast Lamont kapers (5-6) af Hawley, PA in a Cruiserweight bout.
John Magda (10-0, 7 Rothögg) af Rutherford, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Middleweight bout.
Stephen Fulton (5-0, 2 Rothögg) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
Samuel kínon (8-3, 3 Rothögg) af York, PA will fight an opponent to be named in a Jr. Welterweight lota.
Léttur Milton Santiago (10-0, 3 Rothögg) Philadelphia, PA will take on an opponent to be named
In 4-rounds bouts:
Kevin Garcia (1-1) af Phoenixville, PA mun berjast Jack Grady (0-1) af Buffalo, NY í léttu lota.
Eric Spring (5-0, 1 KO) mun taka á Robert Sweeney (3-2) of Hampton, VA in a Jr. Middleweight lota.
Miðar eru verðlagðar á $100, $75 og $50 og getur keypt á ticketmaster og www.ticketmaster.com
The 1. lota hefst kl 6:45 PM með hurðum opnun á 6 PM.

Knockout Fitness to provide full day of entertainment with fight card!


Baltimore, MD (Júní 1, 2015) – Knockout Fitness and Nissley Promotions will give ticket holders a full day of entertainment with an Olympic style boxing card Laugardagur, Júní 6 at the Horseshoe Casino in Baltimore.

Dubbed as “Fighting the Odds,” this is the first fight card at a Baltimore Casino and a limited numbers tickets starting at $20 are still available by going to www.missiontix.com/events/product/30693/fighting-the-odds eða hringja 443-848-6059. All VIP ticketholders can enjoy complementary food and drinks. Húsið opnar kl 1 kl og fyrsta baráttan fer fram á 2.


A portion of the proceeds will go to the Show Your Soft Side campaign, which supports animal rights and features many marketing campaigns with Baltimore area professional athletes.


The fight is taking place outside in the plaza and will feature a red carpet style theme. Upon entering on the red carpet, professional photos will be taken with props. Fyrsti 100 attendees will also receive a free gift and Knockout Fitness will give away healthy meals and gym memberships throughout the event.


“Giving fans their money’s worth is extremely important to us,” said Chris Nissley of Knockout Fitness. “This is the first ever fight card at a Baltimore casino and instead of just celebrating that as is, I wanted this event to provide even more. Between the photos, giveaways and fights, everybody is going to have a great time.”


Headlining the card is Knockout Fitness’ very own Jason Nissley. A widely respected trainer, Nissley was named Baltimore’s Best Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor by Baltimore’s Best Magazine. He has participated in various charity events and is an ambassador for LuluLemon and Under Armor. Making the jump from trainer to boxer, Nissley hasn’t been matched soft.


Opposing Nissley is unbeaten knockout artist Omar Serrano. Fighting out of the Ocean City Fight Club, Serrano’s won all of his bouts by knockout and will enter the squared circle with a ton of confidence.


Jerome Featherstone of Knockout Fitness seeks revenge against Tavon Body of the Headbangers Gym in the semi-main event of the evening. Featherstone captured the Golden Gloves title a few years back, but Body took the title following the last two tournaments. In April, Body earned a hotly contested split decision over Featherstone in an action packed fight. This heated rivalry features the two top middleweight prospects in the Maryland/DC area. In addition to bragging rights, the winner of this highly-anticipated bout will claim the Maryland State Middleweight title.


“Jerome and Tavon had a great fight that a lot of people are still talking about,” said Nissley. “Jerome feels that he deserved the last fight and wants revenge while Tavon is poised to show that there should be no controversy as to who the better fighter is. This is turning into a great local rivalry for sure.”


Í öðrum bardaga, Steve Layer of Knockout Fitness meets Adam Gabriel and Stephon Morris will compete in his final amateur match.


Following this exciting evening of action, Knockout Fitness and Nissley Promotions will host an after party at the 14Forty, which is located inside the casino.


Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, heimsókn Knockoutfitness.com


Man on a Mission: Lippe continues knockout streak in Miami!


Miami, OK (Maí 31, 2015) – Renowned heavyweight up and comer Trey Lippe-Morrison remained perfect as a pro following yet another impressive knockout yesterday evening at the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK.


Fighting in front of a sellout crowd, something he’s become accustomed to as a member of Holden Productions’ “Four State Franchise”, Lippe-Morrison faced Thomas Jones in the six round main event. With legendary trainer Jesse Reid in his corner for the first time, Lippe-Morrison scored an impressive second round stoppage of Jones. After dominating the first round, Lippe-Morrison unleashed a vicious combination that badly staggered Jones, forcing his corner to throw in the towel just 35 seconds after the start of the round.


Lip-Morrison, who lives in Tulsa, er nú 8-0 with all of his victories by knockout.


Kenzie Witt of Bartelsville, OK went the distance for the first time as a pro but improved to 5-0 following a four round unanimous decision over Kansas City MO’s Lucas Overcast. Witt was in control throughout but gained valuable experience against the game Overcast. Witt, who is the half brother of Lippe-Morrison, stopped his previous four opponents inside the first round.


“Trey and Kenzie continue to impress me,” said Promoter Tony Holden. “I’m going to continue stepping them up but both of them have incredible power like their father did. Our fans have been fantastic and I thank them for packing the house again. We will make it our duty to continue giving them exciting bouts with fighters they want to see.”


“Four State Franchise” member Jesse Cook (14-1-1, Seneca, MO) battled to an eight round draw in a welterweight contest against Kevin Womack (5-5-2, Baltimore, MD) and his brother Dillon Cook (14-0, Seneca, MO) stopped Joe Jiles (3-5, McAlester, OK) in the opening round of a junior middleweight bout. Undefeated welterweight prospect Jarrett Rose ofBartlesville upped his record to 7-0 by stopping Robert Seyam in the third round, while Kathina Catron and Juan Parra each won four round decisions.


The card was also broadcasted by Hall of Famer Al Bernstein and Oklahoma City boxing legend Sean O’Grady on KSNF and Cox Cable. Fans in the Four State Area (Missouri, Kansas Oklahoma and Arkansas) received the broadcast courtesy of a new television deal that will continue during the next card at the Buffalo Run Casino.


“It’s such an honor to have Al and Sean broadcasting my shows,"Sagði Holden. “Both men are incredible at what they do. This is another great outlet for those that can’t make it to the fights not only to enjoy the action live on TV but do so with two of the best broadcasters in the business.”


Holden Productions next card is scheduled for Júlí 25.

Williams stops Bowles in six in Danbury Fight Night main event

Skjóta losun
Danbury, CT (Maí 30, 2015)--Prospect Tramaine Williams capped off a great night of boxing with a 6th round stoppage over Josh Bowles in the final scheduled round of their Featherweight bout at the Danbury Arena.

Tramaine Williams landing on Bowles
The show was the Inaugural Danbury Fight Night promoted by Prize Promotions.

The main event saw Williams show his quick hand speed to outpoint Bowles for most of the fight. In the final round, Williams landed a booming straight left that sent Bowles down hard on his back. Bowles did well to get to his feet only to take a barrage of punches and the fight was stopped at 1:36 of round six.

Williams, 124 Lbs New Haven, CT er nú 9-0 með 3 knockouts. Bowles, 123.75 lbs of Harrisburg, PA er nú 9-2.

Nate Green remained undefeated by pounding out a 6-round unanimous decision over Timur Shailezov in a Bantamweight bout.

Green lands a left
Skorar voru 60-54, 59-55 og 58-56 for Green, 118 Lbs New Haven, CT and is now 8-0. Shailezov, 118 lbs of Philadelphia is 17-10-1.

Josh Crespo scored a thrilling first round stoppage over Edgar Cortes in a scheduled 6-round Featherweight bout.

Crespo decked Cortes with a hard right hand in the opening seconds of the bout. Cortes got to his feet but ate a barrage of jarring punches before the bout was stopped at 2:20 af umferð einn.

Crespo, 124.5 Lbs New Haven, CT. er nú 4-2-3 með 1 knockout. Cortes, 121 lbs of Vineland, NJ. er 1-1.

Wellington Romero had to work hard in winning a 6-round split decision overEvencii Dixon í veltivigtar lota.

Romero won cards by scores of 59-55 og 58-56 while Dixon took a card at 58-57.

Romero, 145 lbs of Newburgh, NY is now 7-0-1. Dixon, 145 lbs of Lancaster, PA er nú 5-7-1.

Rich Neves og Gilbert Alex Sanchez battled to a unanimous draw in a 6-round Jr. Middleweight lota.

All three judges were in agreement of the 57-57 skorar. Neves, 154.5 lbs of New York, NY is now 8-2-2. Sanchez, 154 lbs of Camden, NJ is now 5-6-2.

In thrilling 4-round war, Andrew Bentley scored a majority decision over previously undefeated Oscar Bonilla in a Lightweight bout.

The two slugged it out to the delight of enthusiastic crowd. Bentley was able to tag a hard charging Bonilla as he came in. There were several toe to toe exchanges were both guys ate heavy leather.

Bentley, 131 lbs of Jersey City, NJ vann skora 40-36, 39-37 og 38-38 og er nú 3-2. Bonilla, 132 Lbs New Haven, CT. er nú 3-1-2.

Cassius Chaney landed plenty of power shots and dominated Ruben Ortiz and won a 4-round unanimous decision in a Heavyweight bout.

Chaney, 244 lbs of New London, CT won by scores of 40-36 á öllum kortum og er nú 2-0. Ortiz, 210 lbs of Philadelphia is now 0-4.

Jair Ramos scored a 6-round unanimous decision over Osnel Charles í Jr. Welterweight lota.

Ramos, 139 lbs of Waterbury, CT won by scores of 59-54 á öllum kortum og er nú 4-2-2. Charles, 138 lbs of Atlantic City, NJ is now 10-13-1.
Photos by George Jimenez / Verðl Tilboð

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