VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Februarie 28, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) byeenkoms in die Collins Centre for the Arts op die Universiteit van Maine se vlagskip Orono-kampus. Die geleentheid, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Vroeër vandag, die strydpromosie het die toevoeging van 'n amateurvlieggewigstryd op die kaart aangekondig. Caleb “Dr.. Feelgood ”Austin (4-0) sal in die gesig staar James Ploss (1-2) teen 'n gevegsgewig van 125 pond.

Die stryd is 'n herkansing van die eerste stryd tussen Austin en Ploss wat drie jaar tevore in April plaasgevind het 2017 by “NEF 28.” Austin is as die wenner van die eerste wedstryd aangewys, maar nie sonder omstredenheid nie. Sekondes in die eerste ronde, Ploss het 'n stywe guillotine-verstikking op Austin aangebring. Austin tik uit, maar die skeidsregter was buite posisie om die kraan te sien. Ploss het Austin uit die ruim vrygelaat, dink hy het die stryd gewen. Die skeidsregter, tot Ploss se verbystering, het die geveg beveel om voort te gaan. Terwyl Ploss probeer het om die situasie te verstaan, Austin het hom van stryk gebring en die stryd oomblikke later met tegniese uitklophou afgesluit.

In die dae daarna, baie was kritiek op Austin op sosiale media. Dit lyk asof die saak na 'n paar dae dood is, net om einde verlede jaar weer op die voorgrond te bring toe die voormalige UFC- en WEC-ster Mike Brown (26-9) het die clip op Twitter gedeel as 'n voorbeeld van 'baklei totdat die skeidsregter vir jou sê om op te hou.' Skielik, die geveg het wêreldwyd aandag gekry van groot aanlyn nuusbronne soosBloedige elmboogMMA JunkieDie Atletiek, enDie Underground.

Die eerste geveg met Ploss was Caleb Austin se amateur-MMA-debuut. Hy was toe 18 jaar oud en nog steeds senior aan die Mountain Valley High School in Rumford, Maine. Austin was 'n opvallende stoeier op hoërskool, opstel van 'n rekord van 208-11 meer as vier jaar en die verowering van staatstitels op 126 pond sy junior en senior jaar. Hy is aangewys as die 2017 “Stoeier van die Jaar” deur die Lewiston Sun Journal. Na die gradeplegtigheid, Austin sit sy stoeiloopbaan voort aan die Universiteit van Suid-Maine, maar hy neem die volgende twee jaar af van die MMA-kompetisie. Hy het verlede somer teruggekeer en het drie gevegte agtereenvolgens gewen sedert hy sy terugkeer gemaak het. Austin verteenwoordig tans die Brasiliaanse Jiu-Jitsu in Sentraal-Maine (CMBJJ) in Lewiston, Maine.

'Ek is opgewonde om uiteindelik weer met James te kan veg om 'n mate van sluiting te kry,”Het Austin van die herkansing met Ploss gesê. 'My MMA-debuut spook by my sedert dit amper drie jaar gelede gebeur het. Ek is James en sy span dankbaar dat hulle my die geleentheid gegee het om weer saam met hom daar in te kom. Ek wou dit al lank hê en ek belowe om die oomblik optimaal te benut. As ek hierdie keer die hok verlaat, dit sal sonder twyfel of kontroversie wees — dit sal definitief eindig. ”

James Ploss het nog twee keer in die stryd getree 2017 en het sedertdien nog nie deelgeneem nie. Hy is 'n lid van Greg Williams se Team Kaze in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Soos Austin, Ploss sal op soek wees na afsluiting van die uitslag van hul eerste ontmoeting.

'Ek is dankbaar vir 'n herkansing met Caleb,”Het Ploss gesê. 'Nadenke, Ek het die vraag nagedink, ‘Is ek beter as Kaleb, of is hy beter as ek?'Dit is die perfekte kans om uit te vind - 'n tweede kans vir ons albei om alles te gee en te sien wie bo uitkom en die ondersteuners gee, MMA-gemeenskap, en albei van ons die rematch wat ons almal wil hê! 18 April, ons toets albei onsself. ”

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.


BKFC 11 Volledige opstelling aangekondig vir die geleentheid deur Wichita Native & 2016 Olimpiese bronsmedalje vir die Amerikaanse. Nico Hernandez Live op Pay-Per-View vanaf INTRUST Bank Arena

WICHITA, KAN. (Februarie 27, 2020) – Die volledige reeks opwindende Bare Knuckle Fighting-kampioenskap (BKFC) kragmetings Saterdag, Maart 14 sal top plaaslike talent en meer bevat, alles wat lei tot die BKFC 11 hoofgebeurtenis met tuisdorp-gunsteling, Wichita boorling en 2016 Olimpiese bronsmedalje vir die VSA, Nico Hernandez teen die mede-Wichita-boorling in die slag tree Chancey Wilson by INTRUST Bank Arena in Wichita, Kan. en leef op betaal-per-uitsig.

“BKFC 11” sal regoor die Verenigde State en Kanada uitgesaai word, uitsluitlik betaal-per-uitsig deur MultiVision Media, Inc., op alle groot televisie verspreidingswinkels vir $29.99. Dit sal ook beskikbaar wees vir BKFC se internasionale uitsaaivennote wêreldwyd en via stroom na alle tuis- en tuisverbinde toestelle viaFITE.

Kaartjies vir die regstreekse geleentheid is nou te koop en kan aanlyn gekoop word, per telefoon by 855-733-SEAT (7328) en persoonlik by die Select-A-Seat Box Office by INTRUST Bank Arena.

“Vir 'n lang tyd, ons wil BKFC na Kansas bring, so ek kon nie meer opgewonde wees dat ons uiteindelik hier is nie,” het die stigter en president van BKFC, David Feldman, gesê. “Ek twyfel nie dat die twee gewildste en mees versierde vegters in Kansas vir hul aanhangers gaan lewer nie. Dit sal 'n wonderlike aand van BKFC in Wichita wees, Kansas!”

Wichita-boorling en voormalige veteraan van Bellator Dave “Grotman” Rickels neem deel aan 'n wedstryd van 175 pond in die mede-hoofbyeenkoms, terwyl hy swaargewig aanspraakmaker op die kaal knokkel het Sam Shewmaker keer weer tot aksie om die voormalige Kronk Gym amateur-uitblinker aan te pak Josh Burns in 'n spesiale aantrekkingskrag.

Die plaaslike geur gaan voort met 'n paar all-Wichita-uitstallings as Bellator-veteraan, pro kickboxer en pro bokser Cody Carrillo gesigte 10-geveg pro boks veteraanJeremia Page in 'n geveg van 155 pond, terwyl Bellator en Strikeforce veteraan Joe Wolf wedstryde teen Bellator veteraan L.J. Hermrick in 165 pond-aksie. Meer, Inheemse Wichita en voormalige UFC-aanspraakmaker Jake Lindsey gevegte Hoërskool Kenny, wat Harris Stephenson in November in die BKFC-aksie deur KO verslaan het,in 'n wedstryd van 165 pond.

Die UFC-veteraan is ook onder die reeks Josh “Die tandarts” Af in 'n aantrekkingskrag van 185 pond teen harde treffers Ronnie Forney, wat sy tweede BKFC begin. Daarbenewens, Christine Ferea en Helen Peralta sal in 'n herkansing van 125 pond van hul BKFC vergader 7 wedstryd in Augustus wat Peralta per beslissing gewen het.

Die afronding van die gestapelde kaart is die BKFC-opbrengs van Dakota Cochrane en Melvin Guillard in 'n wedstryd van 185 pond. Cochrane het Chris Leben op BKFC verslaan 6 in Junie, terwyl Guillard uitgetree het weens 'n handbesering in 'n nederlaag by BKFC 7 teen Isaac Vallie-Flagg. Meer, Jacob Akin sal 'n blote knokkelgeveg by 'n CV voeg wat pro-MMA insluit, boks en skopboks, wanneer hy die veteraan van Bellator aanvat Miles McDonald in 'n kragmeting van 130 pond.

# # #

Oor Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship
Op Junie 2, 2018, Kampioenskap vir Bare Knuckle Fighting in Philadelphia (BKFC) gevegsportgeskiedenis gemaak toe dit die eerste wettige bevorder het, sanksie en gereguleer kaal kneukel gebeurtenis in die Verenigde State sedert 1889. “BKFC 1: Die begin” het in Cheyenne plaasgevind, Wyoming en featured 10 professionele Bouts, alles onder beskerming en beheer van die Wyoming Combative Sports Commission. BKFC gebruik slegs gevestigde vegters wat voorheen professioneel aan boks deelgeneem het, Plaasmoorde, skopboks en / of Muay Thai. Alle BKFC-wedstryde word goedgekeur en gereguleer deur atletiekommissies van ABC-lede. Vir meer inligting of volg op Twitter by op Instagram by op YouTube by
kanaal / UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A
en op Facebook by


Football standout to make pro debut on March 27 while his family’s story remains unfinished

PHILADELPHIA, PA — Tommy Santiago, a standout high school football star and accomplished amateur boxer, will enter the ring for his first pro fight on March 27 by 2300 Arena, and his dad will be in his corner.

To spectators, it’s another father-son team, made slightly more interesting because Tommy is the second Santiago son to turn pro. Brother Milton, Jr., is an undefeated lightweight.

That Milton Sr., can walk up the steps and wave the towel for his son belies the real storyone about a father who died and was brought back to life less than a year ago, who is waiting for a life-altering call. It’s a story about a mother who pulls double-duty to provide for her family and care for her husband. It’s about the son, a prodigal football talent, who sacrificed his spot at a top football high school to help keep his family afloat, and now is embarking on a professional boxing career. It’s a story about their past and current struggles, and the grit, determination and faith that has seen them through a slow, grinding, water torture-style drip of pain and adversity.

'N Paar jaar gelede, the Santiago family had outgrown their two-bedroom home. With three teenage boysMilton Jr., Tommy and young Niccothey packed their home and moved into a fixer-upper in the suburbs. Milton, Sr, was a talented painter who had worked for some of the most prestigious home builders in Philadelphia.

Mom Brenda worked at a kitchen gadget manufacturing company for 20 jaar, where she climbed the ladder, wearing various hats and helping to provide a comfortable life for her family.

It was not long after their 2017 move that Milton Sr., began noticing he wasn’t himself. Over the next few years his health would deteriorate. Once a husky, active painter and boxing coach, he shriveled away. After bouncing from doctor to hospital, he received a dual diagnosis of kidney failure and an infection that had spread to his bones. Brenda went from being a working mom to a working mom and caregiver, waking up Milton, Jr., to help carry his dad to the car at 5:30 in each morning. She’d drive him to dialysis before work, and then take an early lunch each day to get him home.

Tommy enrolled at Archbishop Wood High School, a private, Catholic school in Warminster, PA, known for its elite football program; tuition was $9,000 per year. He was a star running back, scoring 20 touchdowns and gaining nearly 1700 yards as a Junior. His younger brother, a standout basketball player, also attended Archbishop Wood.

Wheelchair bound and unable to walk, Milton Sr., was embarrassed to go to his sons’ speletjies. Brenda had to help him get to the bathroom and clean him. Milton Jr., put his career on hold to help care for his father. It was a dark time for the family; bills were piling up as Milton Sr., got sicker.

I was embarrassed,” Milton, Sr, said of that time. “I was depressed and I kept wondering why this is happening to me and my family.

laaste Mei, Milton, Sr, went in for a procedure to biopsy a growth in his lungs. When the doctor came out of the operating room and asked Brenda if she would join him in a consult room, she knew something had gone wrong. Milton, Sr, had stopped breathing for nearly two minutes during the procedure and had to be resuscitated. The doctor warned that there may be permanent brain damage.

It was an earth-shattering moment for the family.

It was the worst moment of my life,” recalled Tommy. “When I walked in and saw my dad in the ICU, knowing he might never be the same, I just started crying. I couldn’t handle it.

After two days in a medically induced coma, Milton, Sr, began to recover. Doctors finally found the right combination of antibiotics to begin to cure the infection that had decimated his body. Effects from the procedure continued to affect his daily life. Excruciating headaches at all hours and short term memory loss became the new normal.

After Tommy’s record-breaking Junior year, and after seeing the stress that his mother was under, Tommy made a decision. He chose to transfer to William Tennent High Schoolalso in Warminstercutting his family’s tuition bill in half, but virtually guaranteeing that the college offers he and his parents had dreamed of would never come.

My mom told me she would find a way, but I didn’t want her to stress,” said Tommy.

Brenda is pained when she speaks of Tommy’s departure from Wood: “Tommy is very strong, and he’s taken a lot for the family. It’s a burden I have on me because I want to be able to give them everything. Milton’s dream was for Tommy to go to Woodit devastated Tommy and us when he had to transfer.

As he recovered, Milton, Sr, learned to walk again. Milton, Jr., still administers his father’s dialysis five times per week for six hours and they wait to be added to the kidney donor list. Boxes of equipment line the walls of their home, and the improvements they’d planned on making to their home remain on hold.

Milton doesn’t want us to be his donor,” said Brenda. “I’m the breadwinner and I can’t afford to be off work. Milton doesn’t want the kids to compromise their athletic careers. And after what happened when he went under in May, there’s a lot of fear. So we wait.

Her voice breaks when she talks about the day they find a donor for her husband, but she doesn’t mention how it would take the pressure off of her: “The day that it happens, I’ll be ecstatic. He just wants to live a normal life. He wants to be able to do normal thingswork, provide for his family. I will be so thankful to God that he answered our prayers.

It would mean the world to my family to find a donor,” said Tommy. “Everything he’s been through, the dialysis four hours per day, three days a weekit’s not easy. My mom stays up late to take care of him and gets up early the next day to go to work. She never gives up.

The example that Milton Sr., and Brenda have setone of sacrifice, mental strength, and unbelievable love and commitment to each other and their family has been ingrained in their sons.

Seeing all they’ve been through has been hard, but it makes me want to go harder,” said Tommy. “I just want to be able to bring my family to the next level.

He has aspirations of being an NFL player and professional boxer, concurrently. “I have received an offer from Villanova,” Tommy said. “I’ve applied at Temple and Penn State and plan to walk on to their football teams if I’m accepted.

Maar eers, another fight is on the horizon. A four-round, light-heavyweight contest with Angel Vasquez, van Springfield, MA, Maart 27.

Tommy told me that the reason he likes football and boxing is that he has a hatred inside, a frustration and resentment at everything our family has been through,” said Brenda. “I feel for the kid that’s going to fight Tommy. He’s training hard, and really wants it. He really wants to go out there and do thingsHe wants to help the family.

When Tommy Santiago walks out to the ring on March 27, he walks with the burden of his family’s troubles, but with his father by his side. When the bell rings, he’ll hear only his father’s voice from his corner, and a new chapter begins in the complicated and painful story of the unbreakable Santiago family.


Philly Special kicks off at 7:30 in the evening on Friday, Maart 27. Kaartjies kos $50, $75 en $125 is nou op die rakke, and can be purchased by visiting of deur te bel 267-273-0945.

Son of Sandman Jarel Pemberton added to “Fight Night In Framingham” card

Fighting Life charity event,

 Maart 20ste at Sheraton Hotel

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. (February27, 2020) – The son of SandmanJarel “Sandman” Pemberton, returns to the ring for the first time in nearly two years on the “Fight Night In Framingham” card, presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP), Maart 20, at Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Framingham, Massachusetts.

“Fight Night In Framingham”, the first pro boxing event ever in Framingham, is being held for the benefit ofFighting Lifean after-school youth boxing and academic empowerment program, available 100-percent free of charge, to students beginning in elementary school through high school education.

The 28-year-old super middleweight Pemberton (3-0, 1 KO), fighting out of Revere, MA, is the son of one of New England’s all-time favorite boxersScott Pemberton (29-5-1, 24 Uitklophoue), the former NABF and IBU World super middleweight champion. Pemberton was a blood-and-guts, highly entertaining type fighter best remembered for a pair of Fight of the Year candidates versusOmar Sheika.

Scott named his son, Jarel, after Superman’s father, but he never forced him into boxing. “Me boxing had a lot to do with him,” Jarel said, “but he never pushed me into boxing. I did go to a lot of his fights when I was young.

“Dad saw a Superman movie and named me Jarel after Superman’s father. I think it’s a great name, it kind of shaped my life because I’m a real comic-book nerd today.”

Jarel played football and basketball at Dartmouth (MA) Hoë, where two of his teammates went on to play in the National Football LeagueJordan Todman and close friendArthur Lynch.  Jarel joined the U.S. Marines and he did two tours in Afghanistan as a machine gunner. He didn’t start boxing until after he was honorably discharged, turning pro at 27.

“I wish I started boxing when I was a kid,” he added, “but I didn’t box until after I got out of the military. People tell me I hit hard; I do have natural power.”

Pemberton, who is on the permanent reserve list to become a Revere Firefighter, is ready to get back in the ring on a regular basis, especially after being out of the ring nearly two years.

“I’m back in boxing for the long run,” he admitted. I’d like to fight a few times in the next few months. I’m getting in top shape for this fight and that’s a lot better than getting beat up in training by (22-0, 14 KOs welterweight from Lynn, MA) Rashidi Ellis.  I’m bigger than him but he’s so fast.”

Pemberton is matched against veteran Texas fighterLarry “Slomoshun” Smith (10-43-1, 7 Uitklophoue) in 'n 4-ronde bout.

Two unbeaten pro “graduates” of the Fighting Life Boxing Program, super featherweightsTimmy Ramos (5-0-2, 5 Uitklophoue) enNelson “Chino” Perez (2-0, 2 Uitklophoue), are fighting in the main event and co-feature, respectively.

Ramos, fighting out of Framingham, was a two-time New England Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. He is in the 6-round, main event against superCarlos Marrero, III (2-3-1), van Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Perez, who comes from nearby Marlboro, is another New England Golden Gloves champion. He faces an opponent to be determined in the 6-round co-featured event. Perez faces Indianapolis lightweightDeWayne Wisdom (7-52-2, 3 Uitklophoue).

Boston heavyweightTracey Johnson (4-7-6), whose brother is past Olympian and reigning WBO super middleweight championDemetrius Andrade, gesigteLarry “Hitman” Pryor (11-22-5, 5 Uitklophoue) in a 6-round bout.

A pair of quality MMA fighters, Albania-born super middleweightKastriot “Slaughterhouse” Xhema, fighting out of Greenwich, CT, makes his pro boxing debut against Framingham favorite, Brazilian-bornSaul "Die Spider" Almeida (0-10-3, 20-11 in MMA) in a 4-rounder.

Ook veg op die undercard, all in 4-round bouts, is Southbridge, MA welterweightWilfredo “El Sucaro” Pagan (6-1, 3 Uitklophoue) vs.Tyrone “Hands of Stone” Luckey (9-12-4, 7 Uitklophoue),  Worcester, MA super veergewigAndino Ranse (1-1) teenHenry Garcia (0-5-1), of New Bedford, MA, and pro-debuting Hartford, CT super flyweightAngel Gonzalez, Jr. vs. Steve Lopez (1-4) of Philadelphia. Gonzalez is a decorated amateur boxer who is a three-time New England Golden Gloves, two-time Ringside National and 2014 National PAL champion

Alle gevegte en vegters is onderhewig aan verandering.

Tickets prices are $75,.00 ringside (rye 1-3), $60.00 (sit), $45.00 standing room, and VIP tables (van 10) vir $1000.00 and may be purchasedHIER, at UpperKuts gym, or from any of the local fighters on the card.

Deure open om 6:30 namiddag. EN, eerste stryd teen 7 namiddag. EN.

Street Light Ventures is the presenting sponsor. Other sponsors include Bernardi Auto Group, East Coast Herbalist, Tecate, Ashwood Advisors LLC and A Affordable Insurance.


Twitter: @ShearnsBoxing, @UpperKutsBoxing@sheratonframingham

Instagram: @ShearnsBoxingPromotions, @Upperkuts_boxing_club, @sheratonframingham


VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Februarie 27, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur flyweight bout to the card.Dustin Veinott(5-4) sal plaasvind opSteve Desjardins(5-4) teen 'n gevegsgewig van 125 pounds. The bout will be a rematch of their previous encounter in February 2014 won by Desjardins via unanimous decision.

Dustin Veinott will be returning to the NEF cage for the first time since the spring of 2016 when he defeated Ryan Burgess (3-2) by second-round submission. He is the former NEF Amateur Flyweight Chamion, a belt he won over Norman Fox (nou 0-1 as 'n professionele) at “NEF 18” in 2015. Veinott has spent the last several years training fighters as the Muay Thai coach at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) in Lewiston, Maine. He is looking forward to the opportunity to redeem himself after his first encounter with Desjardins.

“After being gone for almost four years due to unforeseen circumstances, Ek is terug,” exclaimed Veinott.  “I respect my opponent, Stephen Desjardins. He has a great wrestling base, and he has already beat me once. I am a different animal now, al. I am here to pick back up where I left off. I’m back and I’m here to make a statement.”

Steve Desjardins is a longtime veteran of the New England MMA scene with an amateur career stretching back to 2011. He made his triumphant return to NEF last fall in Orono after a five-year hiatus, defeating Dillon Henry (0-4) at “NEF 40.” Desjardins then took on Nate Boucher (nou 0-1 as 'n professionele) in a losing effort attempting to capture the amateur flyweight strap at “NEF 41” in November.   Desjardins is currently an independent fighter based out of nearby Brewer, Maine.

“I am thrilled to be fighting again in my backyard and to be putting on a great fight with another tough guy,” said Desjardins.  “Don’t miss it!"

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.

Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz Set for Friday’s homecoming fight

WORCESTER, Mass. (Februarie 26, 2020) – Undefeated World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World lightweight championJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz (12-0, 6 Uitklophoue) plans to make a major statement this Friday when he fights at home in Worcester, Massachusetts, for the first time as a professional boxer.

Ortiz will headline aCES Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS® event, promoted by Classic Entertainment and Sports (CES), at the historic Worcester Palladium.

In die 8-ronde hoofren, Ortiz faces Mexican knockout specialist“Loco” Luis Ronaldo Castillo (22-5, 17 Uitklophoue), a former WBC FECOMBOX lightweight champion, in a non-title fight.

“I’m ready,” Ortiz said after a recent open workout. “It’s good getting so much support. I have a lot of people coming to the fights. To me, I only have one job – win!  And I’d like to win in spectacular fashion. I want to show everybody at the Palladium and those watching on UFC FIGHT PASS that it’s all real, no hype behind my name. Everybody watching Friday night will know what I bring into the ring.”

Ortiz, 23, is a lightning-quick, gifted lightweight with tremendous upside. A decorated amateur, Ortiz is a rising star in what many believe will be a breakout year for him.

“Jamaine certainly hasn’t reached his full potential,” Ortiz’ head trainerRocky Gonzalez commented. “He’s still young and all he really needs is more experience. He’s a good listener with great hand speed, and he switches (stances) easily. And he really believes in himself and it’s hard to beat somebody like that. I can’t teach heart, but he has that as well. I don’t know how far he can go, nog nie, but he’s talented and nowhere close to being a finished product.”

The Feb. 28ste show showcasing Ortiz worldwide will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, die wêreld se voorste digitale subskripsie diens vir vechtsporten, begin by 9 namiddag. EN / 6 namiddag. PT.

To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS,

Tickets are on sale and available to purchase at and the Palladium box office. Doors open at 6 namiddag. EN, eerste bout op 7 p.m./ ET.

Houston heavyweight boxer Darius Fulghum puts nursing career on hold to pursue Olympic dream

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (Februarie 26, 2020) – Amateur boxers often take different routes on their personal journeys and Houston heavyweightDarius Fulghum has put his career outside the ring on hold to pursue his boxing dreams.

Fulghum was a wrestler in high school back in Killeen, Texas. He started boxing in 2015 and quickly developed a passion for the “Sweet Science,” largely because of it being a one-person sport. He didn’t need to rely on teammates, preferring to win or lose on his own accord. Although he was talented enough to be a collegiate wrestler, it would have been too much of a financial strain on his family.

“I had that competitive itch and was pretty good when I first started boxing,” Dariuis said. “I knew that I could do anything I put my mind to. I want to redefine boxing. I’m not a typical boxer who grew up on the streets. I don’t even like fighting; I’m passive and have never had a street fight.”

The 23-year-old Fulghum currently has his sights firmly set on representing his country in Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Pro boxing will follow but, vir nou, he’s training hard to qualify to compete in the Olympics by placing among the top three finishers at the America’s Qualification Tournament, March 26-April 3, in Buenos Aires, Argentinië. There will also be another “Last Chance” opportunity, indien nodig, at the World Qualifier, Mei 13-14, in Parys, where the top three there will also qualify for the Olympics.

“It’s so hard to not think about the Olympics all the time,” he admits. “I try to not think about it too much, but it is on my mind because I’ve dreamed of being an Olympian and I’m so close right now. I’ve made the sacrifices to be an Olympian and then I’ll be an Olympian the rest of my life.

“I listen to my coaches. In the heat of the moment, when things are most stressful, I feel like the underdog and I perform up to the absolute moment. It was do-or-die at Olympic Trials. I just refuse to lose.”

Fulgham certainly responded to the pressure of the trials in a positive fashion, upsetting pre-trials favoriteAdrian Tillman in die openingsronde, and then rolling through opponents until he secured the title.

“People didn’t know me,” Fulgham explained. “I was the underdog because I didn’t compete in many tournaments because I was in (nursing) school. My finals were always in December (same time as USA Nationals).  I did have a break in my schedule in 2018, when I won a gold medal at the National Golden Gloves Tournament. It’s just the way my schedule worked out. So, I hadn’t fought in many tournaments, but I was able to sneak in when it mattered most.”

Fulghum recently competed in his first international tournament at the prestigious Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria, winning one of two matches. The experience, al, was priceless, possibly career changing in terms of preparing for the Olympics.

“Not only was it my first international tournament,” he noted, “it was the first time I had boxed without headgear (as will be the case in the Olympics), and I fought guys from foreign countries with different styles. It was a great experience because now I won’t be going blind into the Olympic Qualifier.”

Members of the USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team, like Fulghum, are on break before returning for training with his teammates at the United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.

“I reported there for the first time this past January 2nd and I love it,” Fulghum noted. “Every athlete dreams of training with top athletes where there are no distractions and top coaches. I wake up, eet, sleep, train and do that all over again the next day. That’s my schedule.”

Fulghum earned his nursing degree last May, but right now and for the immediate future he’s fully concentrating on boxing.

“I put education first and got my degree,” Fulgham concluded. “I’ll always have nursing after boxing. But I dreamed of going to the Olympics all through school. I put boxing on hold and now I’ve put nursing to the side so I can put my all into boxing. I didn’t want to juggle nursing and boxing. I couldn’t be the best at either that way.

“I do plan to turn pro because I love boxing so much. I need to box when I’m young. I’ll go as far as I can go in boxing and I’ll always having nursing.”

Darius Fulgham has taken a circuitous route in life from nursing to boxing. It’ll be worth it, al, if he makes it to Tokyo as part of Team USA for the 2020 Olimpiese Spele.


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Facebook: /USABoxing

OOR VSA BOKS:  To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, USA Boxing poog om alle deelnemers die karakter te leer, selfvertroue en fokus wat hulle nodig het om veerkragtige en diverse kampioene te word, both in and out of the ring. USA Boxing is one team, een nasie, gaan vir goud!

Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda In Florida for first time but on important business trip

This Friday showdown vs. unbeaten NABO champion Yomar “The Magic” Alamo

LAS VEGAS (Februarie 27, 2020) – Undefeated super lightweightKendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-0, 8 Uitklophoue) flew into Orlando from his native San Antonio this past Tuesday night on his first visit to Florida.

Unlike millions of people who go to Orlando for Disneyworld, al, Castaneda’s initial look at palm trees is simply part of his business trip. Castaneda challenges North American Boxing Organization (NABO) kampioenYomar “The Magic” Alamo (17-0-1, 12 Uitklophoue) in this Friday night’s 10-round main event, airing live on Boxeo Telemundo, begin by 11:30 namiddag. EN / 8:30 namiddag. PT, from Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida.

Alamo vs. Castaneda is co-promoted by All-Star Boxing, which promotes Alamo and the event, and Castaneda’s promoter, Roy Jones jr. (RJJ) Boks Promotions.

“It’s pretty cool here,” Castaneda shared his first impressions of Florida. “A guy working for the promoter met us at the airport to film my arrival and interview me, so it’s been a welcoming experience, and people in Florida know I’m in the house. I like it here. It’s nice and in a way, I feel like I’m at home. I’m going to put on a show for fans, I’m going to be like their Disney World. I’m ready for the big ride and to put on a great show for the people.”

Castaneda captured the vacant North American Boxing Association (Ook) crown a year ago, taking a 10-round decision from previously undefeatedGilbert Venegas, Jr.(10-0), and followed that with an impressive 10-round unanimous decision over Dominican veteranEudy Berbardo (24-3).

Last October in Reno, Nevada, Castaneda stoppedStan Martyniouk (20-3) in the sixth round, after which he was installed by the World Boxing Organization as its No. 15 rated super lightweight in the world.

WBO No. 8 ranked Alamo, fighting out of Puerto Rico, is coming off the only blemish on either fighter’s pro record, fighting to a draw withAntonio Moran (24-4-1).

Alamo, 24, is the former World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World and FECARBOX super lightweight champion, who has made three successful NABO title defenses.

"Na hierdie stryd,” Castaneda concluded, “people are going to forget this Alamo (not the famous Alamo in Castaneda’s hometown) and remember me, The Tremendous One. I expect the fight t to end in a spectacular knockout in my favor, late in the fight, because I like to punish my opponent.”



Twitter: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @KeithVeltre, @KendoTremendo

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /RJJBoxing, /KeithVeltre

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions has been reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones jr. Boks Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: WBO #6 rated bantamweight Max Ornelas, featherweight Ray Ximenez, WBO #15 rated super lightweight Kendo Castaneda,  middleweights John Vera, Connor Coyle and Shady Gamhour, super middleweight Juan Barajas, and heavyweight Alexander Flores.


Davtaev vervang Otto Wallin, Na wie toe gedwing is Onttrek weens geringe besering

NEW YORK – Februarie 26 – Onoorwonne swaargewig kragponserApti Davtaev veteraan in die gesig staarLucas Browne in die 10-rondes mede-hoofbyeenkoms van SHOWTIME BOXING: SPESIALE UITGAWE op Saterdag, Maart 28, woon op Showtime(10 namiddag. ET / 7 pm. PT) in 'n Premier-boks Kampioene-byeenkoms vanaf Park Theatre by Park MGM in Las Vegas. Davtaev vervang swaargewig-aanspraakmaker Otto Wallin, wat gedwing is om opleiding te staak en onttrek van sy geskeduleerde wedstryd weens 'n besering aan sy voet.

Van Kurchaloi af, Rusland, Davtaev (20-0-1, 19 Uitklophoue) het 'n uitklopverhouding van 90 persent met sy verdien aggressiewe styl en verwoestende krag. Die atletiek, 30-jarige gebly het aktief sedert hy sy kamp na die Verenigde State in 2017 na ondertekening met Salita-promosies. Hy oefen by Kronk Gym in Detroit, Mich., onder toesig van SugarHill Steward, neef van die legendariese Hall of Fame-afrigter Emanuel Rentmeester.

“Otto het a ligte besering en opskorting van opleiding was die slimste ding om te doen,” gesê Wallin se promotor Dmitriy Salita. “Hy sal binnekort weer in die ring wees. Gelukkig, Apti was in topvorm en gereed om te begin. Hy is 'n begaafde swaargewig en hy sal na 28 Maart op almal se radar wees.”

In sy laaste uitstappie op Februarie 21, die ses voet-vyf duim Davtaev wat voorheen onoorwonne John oorhandig het Napari sy eerste nederlaag met 'n wrede uitklophou in die tweede ronde. N paar weke voorafgaande, Januarie 10, hy het 'n indrukwekkende onderbreking van die derde ronde oor veteraan behaal Keith Barr. Dit is sy vyfde begin in die VS.. en eers nasionaal op televisie uitgesaai bout.

Veg uit die nuwe Suid-Wallis, Australië, Browne (29-2, 25 Uitklophoue) het onlangs 'n uitklophou behaal oorwinning oor John Hopoate in November, sy tweede oorwinning van 2019. Hy het vier van gewen sy laaste vyf aanvalle, met sy enigste loopbaanverliese wat Dillian Whyte en David Allen in die Verenigde Koninkryk. Browne het sy eerste gewen 25 pro gevegte, insluitend a stop van Ruslan Chagaev in 2016 om 'n WBA-swaargewigkampioenskap te verower. Hy gaan sy Amerikaanse. debuut.

Die driestryd SHOWTIME Boks: Spesiale uitgawe bied onoorwonne voormalige bantamgewig-wêreld aan kampioen Luis Nery (30-0, 24 Uitklophoue) die onoorwonne mededinger Aaron Alameda aan te pak (25-0, 13 Uitklophoue) in 'n WBC Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator hoofgebeurtenis. Stygende lig swaargewig vooruitsigte Joseph George (10-0, 6 Uitklophoue) en Marcos Escudero (10-1, 9 Uitklophoue) maak die uitsending oop met 'n herkansing van tien rondes van hul NovemberShoBox kragmeting George het 'n besliste beslissing gewen.

Veteraan uitsaaier Brian Custer sal dien as televisie-gasheer saam met die veelsydige gevegs-sportuitsaaier Mauro Ranallo roep die aksie saam met Al Bernstein, ontleder van die Hall of Fame en die voormalige tweedeling-wêreldkampioen Paulie Malignaggi. Die afronding van die uitsendingspan is Emmy® bekroonde verslaggewer Jim Gray, nie-amptelike doelskieter Steve Farhood en wêreldbekende ringomroeper Jimmy Lennon Jr. David Dinkins Jr.. dien as uitvoerende vervaardiger saam met Ray Smaltz vervaardig en Bob Dunphy regie.

Kaartjies vir die regstreekse gebeurtenis, wat deur TGB Promotions en Mayweather Promotions bevorder word, nou te koop en kan gekoop word Davtaev ens.. Browne word bevorder in samewerking met Salita Promosies.

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Vir meer inligting, volg op Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo en @ Swanson_Comm of word 'n aanhanger op Facebook


VIR ONMIDDELLIKE VRYSTELLING: Orono, Maine (Februarie 26, 2020) - New England Fights (NEF) bied die volgende gemengde-vechtkunsten aan (Plaasmoorde) event at the Collins Center for the Arts on the University of Maine’s flagship Orono campus. The event, getiteld “NEF 43: Rampage,”Vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, met 'n kloktyd van 7 pm EDT. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s flyweight title bout to the card.“Charming” Chelsea Tucker(3-3) sal plaasvind opCaree Hill(6-2) for the vacant NEF Amateur Women’s Flyweight Championship. The title was vacated by reigning champion Glory Watson (6-1) after her decision to turn pro on the “NEF 43” fight card was announced.

Chelsea Tucker is on a three-fight win-streak since starting her amateur MMA career with three straight losses. It is a streak that began with her last NEF appearance in November 2018 that saw Tucker defeat BJ Garceau (1-1) via technical knockout in the third round. She has gone on to win fights in New Hampshire and Vermont since that time. Tucker proudly serves in the United States Coast Guard, stationed in Boothbay, Maine. She currently represents First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Maine.

“I really look forward to fighting Caree,” said Tucker.  “This is a very good matchup. She’s a tough girl and so am I. I’m looking forward to putting on my best performance and having that belt around my waist.”

This will be the second time in less than a year that Caree Hill has ventured cross-country from her home in Oregon to challenge for NEF’s 125-pound amateur women’s strap. She took on Glory Watson for the belt at “NEF 39” last June and lost an extremely close split decision. Hill has gone on to win her next two fights, including capturing a regional title in Oregon. She represents Team Quest based in Gresham, Oregon and founded by UFC legends Randy Couture (19-11) and Dan Henderson (32-15).  The gym has produced top names like Chael Sonnen (31-17), Nate Quarry (12-4), and the late Evan Tanner (32-8) just to name a few.

“I’m excited for the opportunity to come back and fight for New England Fights again,” said Hill when reached for comment.  “I have been training hard and am ready for wherever the fight goes. I look forward to putting on an exciting fight for the fight fans in Maine.”

New England Fights’ volgende geleentheid vir gemengde vegkuns, “NEF 43: Rampage,” vind Saterdag plaas, April 18, 2020, by die Collins Centre for the Arts by UMaine Orono. Kaartjies is te koop nou  

Oor New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") is 'n stryd gebeure promosies maatskappy. NEF se missie is om geleenthede van die hoogste gehalte vir vegters en aanhangers te skep. NEF se uitvoerende span het uitgebreide ondervinding in 'n geveg sport bestuur, gebeure produksie, media verhoudings, bemarking, wetlike en advertensies.

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