Photos: Andre Ward motsutsana. Paul Smith Final Press Conference Pakuti June 20 Pa nkhondo uliwonse Intaneti &

(Kuchokera kumanzere) Andre Ward wa mphunzitsi Virgil mlenje, Andre Ward wa bwana James Prince, COO nkhonya kwa kwa Roc Nation Sports David Itskowitch, WBA Super Middleweight World Ngwazi Andre Ward, kale dziko udindo akunyoza Paul Smith, Smith wa mphunzitsi Joe Gallagher ndi Oakland City Council Pulezidenti Lynette Gibson McElhaney angabweretse pa June 17, 2015 mu Oakland, California pa chomaliza atolankhani kuti Ward ndi Smith wa June 20, 2015 nkhondo pa Oracle chi mu Oakland amene adzakhala televised moyo pa Intaneti uliwonse ndipo akukhamukira padziko lonse pa (Photo By: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sports)


WBA Super Middleweight World Ngwazi Andre Ward (anasiya) ndi kale lonse udindo akunyoza Paul Smith (pomwe) angabweretse pa June 17, 2015 mu Oakland, California pa chomaliza atolankhani kuti thier June 20, 2015 nkhondo pa Oracle chi mu Oakland amene adzakhala televised moyo pa Intaneti uliwonse ndipo akukhamukira padziko lonse pa (Photo By: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sports)


OLIMPIKI golide MEDALIST AND WBA SUPER MIDDLEWEIGHT WORLD CHAMPION ANDRE WARD VS. FORMER WORLD TITLE CHALLENGER PAUL SMITH ON JUNE 20, 2015 AT masomphenya achiwonetsero mu Oakland, California, MOYO ON uliwonse Intaneti & TIDAL.COM, Kuperekedwa ndi ROC NATION masewera

Oakland, MONGA (June 17, 2015) – Lachiwiri, June 17, Olympic Gold medalist ndi WBA Middleweight World Ngwazi Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO a) ndi kale World Title Challenger Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO a) la England nawo ndi atolankhani kulimbitsa thupi pa Mfumu Gym mu Oakland, California zo awo June 20 nkhondo pa Oracle chi mu Oakland mu 12 chonse nkhondo kuti adzakhala televised moyo televised moyo pa uliwonse ndipo akukhamukira padziko lonse pa pa 10:00 PM opuma / 7:00 Madzulo PT. Undercard omenyana Wang Zhimin, Meng Fanlong ndi Aroni Coley komanso anadya poyera maphunziro gawo.



PHOTO ngongole: Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos / Roc Nation Sports


Zimene Zingakuthandizeni: = 0

Akamakuvutitsani ngongole: Roc Nation Sports



Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO a) – Olympic Gold Medalist ndi WBA Super Middleweight World Ngwazi

"Akundipatsa izi kumverera, nkhondo mlungu Oakland, mu kanthawi. Sabata yatha anthu maganizo ndinayamba kuti ndizikhala mu. Ndakhala maganizo ndi kukonzekera, koma nkhondo mlungu ndi osiyana. Kaya ukulu wa nkhondo muyenera kumva monga chonchi. Ndili wokondwa. Ine ntchito umenewu umafuna. "


"Smith ndi European ngwazi. Iye alibe vuto woyendayenda. Iye sasamala ngati umawawukhira. Ngati inu kugogoda iye, Iye akubwera kuti apambane, ndipo ndicho chifukwa ife tinatenga iye. Ife sitinali kunyamula chifukwa panali chirichonse zofewa za iye. Ife tinatenga iye chifukwa iye ndi lolimba mpikisano. Ndine wokondwa kuti zonse mwadzidzidzi anayamba kulankhula monga anachitira sabata yatha. Ine ndinali pafupi chotenga anakhumudwa kuti iye sanali kunena chirichonse. Ine ozolowera kuti anyamata kulankhula kwambiri. Choncho, pamapeto pake anayamba kulankhula ndi ine akukonda. Si kuti ndinafunika kwambiri zolinga, koma pang'ono chabe owonjezera. "


"Ine kubwerera kuchokera awiri layoffs. Pa kale msasa, Ndinkaona kwambiri kuposa ine ndi kale. Ine ankafunsa. Phewa akuona amphamvu ndi ine ndikuganiza inu nonse mkanemayu awona kuti Loweruka usiku. "


"Aliyense womenya ali zawo mavuto. Inu simungakhoze kuneneratu zimene mavuto ndi nkhondo tidzakhala ndi inu simungakhoze kuneneratu utali tidzakhala. Ndinkatha kupirira kudzera. Paul Smith sakunena kumenyana Andre Ward pa asanu ndi atatu sabata msasa, iye kumenyana Andre Ward pa chirichonse chimene ine tadutsa. Onse zokhumudwitsa, onse akuchedwa, onse amene mtima ... iye kumenyana ameneyo kubwera Loweruka usiku. "


"Aliyense nkhondo ine ndi Super Bowl. Ine sindinataye mu nthawi yayitali. Ife anakonzekera zonse Paul Smith adzayamba ndipo zonse ati abweretse kwa tebulo. Ndi chinthu chokongola pamene nkhondo sabata akubwera apo ndipo inu mukudziwa kuti inu sanadulidwe aliyense ngodya. Aliyense kupatsila awerengedwa kwa ine mu msasa. Aliyense kuzungulira awerengedwa kwa ine. Ine anakankhira kale wanga Flames ankafuna kuti ndichite. Panalibe chirichonse kuwala za msasa. Ndikumva Smith a msasa kulankhula kwambiri za mphete dzimbiri ndipo ngati ndicho chimene iwo banki pa, iwo yolakwika masewera dongosolo kubwera June 20. "


"The masewera Chikonzero kuti razzle, adzaonetsa, kukhala zachiwawa ndi kuchita zonse. Ine ndiyenera kudziwa katswiri. Virgil wandiuza ine msasa wonse 'Palibe masewera dongosolo Paul Smith. Ibwere kwa inu. Mwakhala nkhonya motalika kokwanira kuti mukakalowa mu mphete inu choti nkuchita. 'Ife kusintha m'njira, koma palibe inayake masewera dongosolo Paul Smith. Ndikuganiza kuti mkanemayu awona zonse anabwera Loweruka usiku. Ine sinditi kukakamiza izo. Ine ndikungopita kulola aturukamo. "


"Izi mudzi ndi akuluakulu nkhondo nthawi. Ndi osati Oakland. Ndi San Francisco. Ndi Haywayd. Ndi Stockton. Ndi onse ozungulira mizinda. Nthawi iliyonse iwo m'modzi wa iwo kutsogolo, akugwirizanira ndi zimene ine kukonda za Bay Area. "



Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO a) – Anaumba World Title Challenger

"Wotsiriza lalikulu masewero olimbitsa thupi gawo Ine ndinali ichi kale Friday. Chirichonse chimene ine akanatha mwina kale chachitika pa maphunziro anga msasa. Sabata lotsiriza zonse za ulesi, ndipumuliremo, kupeza mphamvu m'thupi ndi wanu kulemera pansi. "


"Liti [mphunzitsi] Joe [Gallagher] likulowa mu [kuti Oakland], ife kukhala pansi ndipo amanena zinthu yomweyo kuti tiyenera ntchito ... zomwe akukankha, masewerawo dongosolo. Muziganizira masewera ndondomeko ndi njira. Ife kuonera matepi a Ward ndi chofufuza iwo. "


"Ndi wamkulu ndi anthu masewero olimbitsa thupi lero. Dzulo, tinafika Mfumu Gym kuchita ntchito ndi zinali mowonjezera chete. Ndi zabwino kusangalala m'mlengalenga monga chonchi mu masewero olimbitsa. Aliyense akudziwa kuti pali nkhondo msabatayi ndipo ndi lalikulu ndi ana (kuchokera Anyamata ndi atsikana Club wa Oakland) Pano. "


"Ndimakonda Oakland. Ndizovuta, koma Ndizovuta kumene ndikuchokera kwambiri. Liverpool Ndizovuta. Ine kwenikweni poganiza kuti omaliza kupita Bakuman asanu choncho lalikulu mlungu kwa Oracle chi. Iwo amabweretsa ena mlengalenga kwa arena Usiku woti nkhondo. Ine mwinamwake sindifika tulo chifukwa cha phokoso. "


"Palibe zambiri ndingachite kukonzekera tsopano. Palibe kanthu Andre angachite lero kuthandiza kundimenya Loweruka usiku. Kaya tonse awiri anachita mu masabata pamaso chimene ife mu mphete. Sindingathe kenanso woyenera. Masewerawo dongosolo zachitika. Ine ndiri mu malo Ine ndikubwera ku nkhondo yabwino womenya wanga kugawikana pa dziko. Ndikudziwa kuti zambiri kuposa wina aliyense. Palibe amene ayenera amandikumbutsa kuti, koma ine ndikudziwa ine ndi mwayi kumumenya. Ine ndikudziwa kuti ine ndi kuchita ndiyenera kuchita ndipo asasiye masewerawo dongosolo. "



Aaron Coley (9-1-1, 6 KO a) – Junior Middleweight chiyembekezo

"Ndakhala kuphunzitsa chimodzimodzi masewero olimbitsa thupi monga Andre Ward kwa nkhondoyi. Ndi chisangalalo kuti ine nkhondo Oakland. Ine ndiri nawo pafupi 200 anthu kubwera ku nkhondo. Ine ndikufunafuna stoppage nkhondoyi, zowona. Ine ndikubwera pa woyamba imfa ya ntchito yanga ndipo ine kumenyana kwa nthawi yoyamba mu Oakland, kotero ine ndikuyembekezera kuti tisangalatse. Ine ndikufuna izo stoppage oyambirira. "


Meng "Chidani Magazi" Fanlong (1-0) – Kuwala Heavyweight chiyembekezo


"Ine ndiri wokondwa kwambiri ndi olemekezeka kukhala pa chochitika chachikulu pa Oracle chi Loweruka, June 20 osonyeza Andre Ward. Ine ulemu kwambiri kuti akumenyana pa khadi monga World Ngwazi Andre Ward. "



Wang "Jimmy" Zhimin (9-1) – Junior Welterweight chiyembekezo

"Ndikuyembekezera anga nkhondo Loweruka, June 20 pa Oracle chi mu Oakland. I am very happy to be on this great card with Andre Ward and Go Warriors.”


Ward motsutsana. Smith, ndi 12 yozungulira podwala kuperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, chikuchitika Loweruka, June 20 pa Oracle chi mu Oakland, California, adzakhala televised moyo pa uliwonse ndipo akukhamukira padziko lonse pa pa 10:00 PM opuma / 7:00 PM PT ndipo anapereka limodzi ndi Matchroom Masewera. The nkhondo yokonzedwa ndi The padoko Hotel, Malo Mafumu, Nsapato Palace, CTMS Travel, U-ngalawa, FanDuel, Fandango, Q 102.1, 95.7 masewerawo ndi KBLX 102.9. Kuwonjezera lalikulu kanthu mkati mwa mkombero, chochitikacho izikhala angapo lodziwika Roc Nation chikunena kuti zidzalimbikitsa kutumikira kuonerera ndi umalimba zimakupiza zinachitikira, kuphatikizapo Nipsey Hussle kutenga ndi mphete wapadera ntchitoyo isanayambe waukulu chochitika. Chochitikacho adzakhala umene lodziwika emcee zikugwedezeka Calloway, komanso mbali kugunda mbuye DJ Franzen amene adzatumikira limodzi ndi kulamulira kwakukulu mu usiku. Matikiti wogulira pa $250, $125, $90, $60 ndipo $30, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milanduyo misonkho, ali pa malonda tsopano ndi kupezeka pa onse Ticketmaster malo, pa Webusaiti ndi kuyang'anira telefoni pa (800) 745-3000. Zitseko pa 3:00 Madzulo, yoyamba nkhondo umayamba 3:30 PM ndi uliwonse telecast ndi mtsinje kuyambira 10:00PM opuma / 7:00 Madzulo PT.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri chonde pitani Tsatirani Roc Nation on Twitter ndi Instagramrocnation ndi on Facebook pa

Marcus Upshaw Komabe kuthamangitsa loto lake Zimatengera pa Lanell Bellows izi Sunday wake Las Vegas kuwonekera koyamba kugulu


Miami (June 17, 2015) – Wamakono msewu wankhondo Marcus “Arilli” Upshaw (17-13-4, 8 Ko) akadali kuthamangitsa ake nkhonya loto. Lotsatira Chigawo ake zachilendo nkhani imeneyi Sunday kutsutsana kwawo lapamtima Lanell “KO” Bellows (17-1-1, 7 Ko) pa MGM Grand ku Las Vegas.


“Ine kuthamangitsa malotowo koma, nthawi yomweyo, ndi maloto kuthamangitsa ine,” Upshaw anati. “Malingaliro anga ali potsiriza bwino ndipo tsopano ndili nazo mphunzitsi (Orlando Cuellar) amene ali nsana wanga. Zinangokhala nthawi yanga pamaso koma kuli. Ine nkhondo paliponse koma zimenezi nthawi yanga yoyamba akumenyana Las Vegas. Ndi za nthawi! Ine nthawizonse ndinkafuna kuti nkhondo Vegas. Ine ndikupita kuti akumenyana pamaso Floyd Mayweather Jr. ndi kubwera kutali ndi chigonjetso.”


A mbadwa Floridian amene anabadwa mu Jacksonville ndipo kumaphunzitsa ku Miami, 34 wazaka Upshaw ndi 2-1-2 wake wotsiriza asanu mwauchidakwa. Komaliza 11 ndewu, Upshaw wakhala nkhondo kawiri Mexico, Washington D.C., Minnesota ndi Dominican Republic, komanso kamodzi Texas, Canada, ndi Connecticut. Pafupifupi iliyonse kumenyana mwina kwawo womenya ndi / kapena katswiri wankhonya anachitira ndi amasonyeza a kulimbikitsa.


Pa nthawi ya ake naini chaka katswiri, iye komanso nkhondo ku Mississippi, Illinois, California, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, South Carolina ndi North Carolina. Only 11 wake 34 ndewu akhala Florida, anthu ambiri kumayambiriro ntchito yake. Ngati atamukoka ndi kugawanika ndi / kapena pafupi chisankho zomvetsa mu otsutsa’ kuseri ndi anthu amaona “yapambana” masewerawa, Upshaw a mbiri akanakhoza bwino kukhala chosiyana kwambiri 25-5.


Ndi zosadabwitsa kuti yoyamba mu Las Vegas adzakhala izi Sunday, kulimbana ndi mdani amene amachitira Mayweather Zokwezedwa, amene Co-kulimbikitsa Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa bwino pa CBS khadi TBG Zokwezedwa, ndipo analangiza ndi wamphamvu Al HAYMONamene kampani, HAYMON Maseŵera a nkhonya, wapereka PBC zino.


Kuwonjezera pa zimene zatchulidwazi Mbuto sitimayo kutsutsana naye, Upshaw ndi masoka middleweight amene, kenanso, AZIDZAMENYANA wapamwamba middleweight. “Ine sindikusamala za izo malingana ngati nkhondo n'zomveka,” Upshaw anafotokoza. “Kupanda kutero, Ine sizingatheke kuti izo. Ndine middleweight amene anamenyana kangapo pa 168 mapaundi ndi bwino motsutsa Aaron Pryor Jr. (maganizo 8 chonse Nkhani), Government Biosse (WTKO8) ndipo Durrell Richardson (WDEC6). Ndidzakhala zovuta mdani Bellows amene anakumana. Iye anamwalira ndi 8-9-2 Mnyamata ndipo anali chotungira mdani amene anali 5-6-1 mbiri. Iye sanayambe nkhondo aliyense pafupi ndi ochita a omenyana Ndakhalapo ndi. Ndine middleweight ndipo ngakhale anachitira pomenyana ndi apamwamba kulemera kalasi, Ine ndidzakhala mphamvu, asamandigonjetse. Anzanga, kuthamanga, kuthamanga ndi masewero dongosolo nkhondoyi. Ine sinditi kuwalola oweruza kulanda ine. Ili ndi zozizwitsa mwayi kwa ine, zambiri, Ine akumenyana Las Vegas kwa nthawi yoyamba!”


Upshaw a siginecha Win, apa, anali mu 2010 pamene iye anapita ku Quebec City ndi wokwiya 21-1-1 m'deralo ngwazi Renan St. Pomwe ndi njira ya 10 chonse zochita, amaika Marcus mu dziko middleweight masanjidwe kuti IBF #6, WBO #9 ndipo WBC #11.


Upshaw wakhala anasonyezeratu kuthekera, luso guts pakupita lathunthu wautali zipolopolo, ngakhale mu zomvetsa, ndi amakonda a Mario Antonio Rubio, David Lemieux,Gilberto Ramirez Sánchez, Edwin Rodriguez, Patrick Majewski ndipo Tarvis Simms.


“Marcus uli ndi kudzinyenga mbiri,” anati Cuellar amene adzakhala Upshaw wa pangodya kwa kokha wachiwiri nkhondo. “Umboni wake uli bwino kuposa izo zikuwoneka pa pepala. Fufuzani zina mwa anyamata iye wakhala mtunda kapena kumenyana ndi atamukoka. Goliyati ndi untested koma zimenezo sizitanthauza sadzabwera kudzera. Nthawi zina omenyana amatetezedwa ndi handlers koma mwatsatane kuchita ndewu motsutsana bwino mpikisano. Omenyana nthawi zina ngati bokosi la chokoleti, simukudziwa zimene tifika mpaka mumatsegula ndi kutenga kuluma.


“Marcus ngati mphaka kukamenyana ndi khoma. Goliyati sakudziwa chimene iye kwenikweni kuchita mu mphete. Marcus ndi wokonzeka mungaimitse la ndi zilembo, kutembenuzira gome pa kwawo munthu. Ndinamuuza kuti uyu ali mmene kupanga ndalama, kotero izo nthawi yoti kulamulira ndi kukhala bwana. Marcos ayenera nkhondoyi mkati zingwe koma, chifukwa iye kumenyana ndi kwawo lapamtima pa kulimbikitsa wa amasonyeza, Marcus ayenera kutenga oweruza ndi knockout, kapena wotsimikizika ntchitoyo kuti simungakhoze kutenga Win kwa iye.”


Upshaw nthawizonse wakhala, ataima 6′ 4″, a size advantage to go with his rich athletic bloodlines; amalume ake, malemu Gene Upshaw, anali NFL Hall Omveka amanyansidwa kusamala kuti Oakland Raiders. Tsopano, ndi nthawi yoti mupite onse ndi kutuluka zazikulu nthawi yake yoyamba Las Vegas nkhondo, registering a career-defining triumph to set him up for a major showdown in the not too distant future.




TwitterMarcusUpshaw kapenaMarcusArilliusUpshaw / 260365894066319

Premier nkhonya akatswiri ON NBC MEDIYA msonkhano MUITANE mawu olembedwa


Kelly Swanson

Kuthokoza aliyense kwa kuitana mu. We have an exciting conference call today to talk about an unbelievable boxing weekend coming up in Las Vegas. We’re going to hear more about that from Leonard Ellerbe, CEO wa Mayweather Zokwezedwa, amene kuthamanga kuitana.


Pa kuitana ife kulankhula Errol Spence, Jr., ndi Goliyati, Roberto García, Komanso akuyenera kulowa kuitana koma, mwatsoka, iye anali yomaliza mankhwala kusankhidwa kuti iye anali kutenga pamaso adachoka kwa Las Vegas, kotero iye sangathe nafe.


Izi achinyamata njonda ndi wosangalatsa womenya, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing him fight. I’m going to go ahead and turn it over to Leonard Ellerbe, odzakhala oyamba ndi kutsegula izo.


Leonard Ellerbe

Zikomo, Kelly. I’d like to thank everyone for joining us on this afternoon’s call. PBC on NBC returns to primetime network television this Saturday, June 20TH. Kufalitsa kwa televizioni umayamba 8:30 p.m. NDI / 5:30 p.m. PT. We’ll be coming to you live from MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This event will be sponsored by Corona, ndipo ine ndikufuna kuti ndiwathokoze iwo kuti akuthandizeni.


Our main event will feature a 12-round showdown between former world champions Adrien Broner and Shawn Porter. The co-main event features hot prospect Errol Spence, Jr. and veteran Roberto Garcia in a 10-round welterweight fight. Following the fights on NBC, ife kusinthana kwa NBCSN zambiri lalikulu kanthu.


The matikiti ya moyo zochitika, amene adzakhala amachitira Mayweather Zokwezedwa limodzi ndi TGB Zokwezedwa, ali pa malonda tsopano. The tickets are available through Ticketmaster and With the purchase of a ticket to the June 20TH nkhondo izi Loweruka, fans will also have access to the PBC on CBS card taking place on Sunday at the MGM Grand. That bout will feature, mu waukulu chochitika, Rances Barthelemy molimbana Antontio DeMarco, ndipo Sammy Vasquez asamenyana Wale Omotoso, umene umayamba 4:00 p.m. NDI / 1:00 p.m. PT pa CBS.


Ndikufuna poyamba powapatsa omasuliridwa chachikulu chochitika, and I’d like to start out with Errol Spence. Errol Spence is coming to us from Desoto, Texas. He is a 2012 US Olympian. He most recently dominated Samuel Vargas on the April 11 on PBC on NBC card. I’m very familiar with this young, exciting prospect. He’s a very talented fighter and he will be a force to be reckoned with for quite some time. He’s a future world champion. He’s coming to us at 16-0 ndi 13 Ko. Errol?


Errol Spence Jr.

Moni, I’m glad to be here. It’s a big opportunity for me on a huge stage. I’m going to go in and do like I always do, put on a great show and a great performance and raise my stock. Tikukhulupirira, pambuyo nkhondoyi, pambuyo chachikulu ichi chionetsero, Ine ndikhoza kukhala waukulu chochitika pa NBC.



Kodi mukuona ngati inu kusunthira njira mukufuna kuyendera? Faster? Slower? Where you’re supposed to be? Ndiye, mmene posachedwapa mukuganiza, kuti ngati azisamalira otsutsana, Roberto García, mlungu uno, kuti inu mukhoza kukhala chofunika koposa nkhondo, mwina udindo penapake?


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

I feel like I’m moving the way I want to move. I’m fighting when I want to and I’m fighting on the regular, so everything’s been consistent and how I want it to go. I’m stepping up the competition, and I’m fighting on the big stage that I wanted to fight on. After I get rid of Roberto Garcia, I think it will be another step up fight. Tikukhulupirira, Ine nditenge zambiri dzina lodziwika mdani, mwachiyembekezo wakale dziko ngwazi mmenemo, ndipo ndi nthawi oyambirira chaka chamawa, Ine nkhondo udindo.



Malinga anthu ambiri, munali kwambiri luso womenya pa United States Olympic Team mu 2012 ndipo munthuyo ndi ambiri angathe katswiri. Kodi zinthu zina inu? Does it motivate you? Do you believe your clippings? How do you stay focused? Because it seems like you are a pretty focused guy, momwe inu mwakhala kupita za malonda anu.


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Chifukwa chimodzi n'chakuti, kukhala ndi maganizo chabe chinachake chimene ine mwachibadwa amachita, but I also want to live up to the hype and to the high standards that a lot of boxing writers and a lot of people have of me. I’ve just got to go out there and perform and look great, ndipo Ine ndikufuna kuyang'ana kwambiri, so I have to stay focused and work hard. That’s the only way that I’m going to get where I want to be and get to the top and get to fighting these name-known opponents. Ine basi kuti tiyang'anebe ndi kungokhala wodzipereka, ndipo ine ndidzakhala motsimikizika kumenyana kwambiri kudziwika otsutsa, ngati Robert Guerrero kapena Keith Thurman kapena Amir Khan kapena winawake monga choncho.



Nanga kodi kupambana polimbana García kuchita mogwirizana chotenga nanu?


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Roberto García, iye Ndizovuta, iye msirikali wakale, ndipo ine ndikuganiza ine kukhala chiyembekezo ndi pang'ono kukhala Woyesana, Ndinayamba munthu ngati kuti, Mnyamata ndi zambiri zambiri ndi bwino mbiri, so I can go into that contender level and contender status where I can start fighting more name-known guys. I think it’s just a process I have to go through so I can get to where I want to be. Roberto Garcia is a tough fighter. He’s not as known as the guys I would like to fight, koma ine ndiri kulimbana naye kuti anthu anyamata.



Ndi kuonekera kwa ambiri a kum'mawa kwa Ulaya omenyana, amene nkhondo udindo wawo wachiwiri kapena wachitatu akatswiri nkhondo, Kodi mumachita kuthamanga kwa mtundu wa mwatsatane chanu ntchito ndi kutenga Kukhwimitsa ndewu ndi kukhala pang'ono nsanga kuposa ife zambiri anawona American omenyana m'mbuyomu?


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Osa. I don’t necessarily feel pressured. Everybody has their own path that they have to take. What those guys did was great, ndipo ndi zodabwitsa ndiponso zisanachitikepo, koma aliyense ali ndi njira zawo, ndipo aliyense amalima mosiyana.



Errol, popeza PBC wayamba inkaulutsa ndewu, mu 2015, inu takhala, munthu nkhondo pa García-Peterson undercard, koma womenya malonda kapena zamera, amene kupeza kwambiri kwa kuonetsera. Kodi mungandiuze chimene izo zakhala ngati kuona nokha pa TV ndiponso zimene anachita kwambiri kuti kukhudzana?


Ndipo. Spence, Jr.

It’s been great. Ndili wokondwa. It shows that my hard work’s been paying off, and it shows how my manager believes in me. I’ve only been a pro fighter for three years and some change and I’m already being broadcast in with guys that have been pro eight, zaka khumi, zaka khumi ndi, and I’m head-to-head with these guys. It just shows a lot of people believe in me and I’ve got a lot of people behind me who support me.



Ukunenawo Robert Guerrero, Keith Thurman, and Amir Khan as potential opponents that you’re looking at. Do you see them as stepping stones to something bigger, kapena ali ndi ndewu mukufuna? It sounded like you might have been alluding to a different fight. Kodi ine ndikudabwa ngati inu mukuona anthu anyamata monga njira yanu kulimbana Mayweather?


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Not necessarily. These are the guys that are in the top ten, that are in the top five. These are the guys that are supposed to be there after Floyd retires in September, awa ndi anyamata kuti adzakhala amati kuthamanga kugawanikana, so these are the guys I’m looking at. I’m nowhere near close to fighting Mayweather, because I haven’t even gotten in the top ten yet. These are the guys thatI’m looking at that are in the top ten that are supposedly running the weight class after Floyd’s gone and retired.



Ine ndikufuna kuti ndikufunseni inu za zimene mukudziwa otsutsana, Roberto García? Tandiuzani, monga ovomereza, García kukhala zovuta kwambiri polengeza kuti inu anakumana?


Ndipo. Spence, Jr.

I see him as the most experienced fighter. It could be the toughest. It all depends. One of my tough fights was against Emmanuel Lartey. Iye anali 15-0, ndipo ine ndinali 8-0 panthawiyo. But I mean it could be. Iye Ndizovuta, iye anakumana, and he’s gritty. I know he’s going to come to fight, momwemo adzakhala anga zovuta ndewu chibwenzi.



Tsopano, you’ve gone back and forth in the last year or so between welterweight and super welterweight. Is there one of those weight classes you particularly want to focus upon?


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Ine kukhala pa 147, and welterweight is my weight class. A lot of times I might fight at 148 kapena chinachake chonga icho, koma 147 ndi kulemera kalasi kuti ine kumenyana pa.


K. Swanson

Chabwino, kuti anali lanu lotsiriza funso, Errol, but I have one for you that I’d like to add here. The weekend is Father’s Day weekend, ndiponso zimene ine ndawerenga za inu, bambo anu anali wokongola kwambiri kugwirizanitsa kutsimikiza inu anali nkhonya ntchito. Ine ndikudabwa ngati inu mungakhoze asatigawire pang'ono za ubale wanu ndi bambo, kufunika anali ku kakulidwe ka wanu nkhonya maluso, ndipo ngati ndidzakhala ndi inu mlungu uno mu Las Vegas.


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Bambo anga, he got me started in boxing. Iye anali galimoto dalaivala, choncho anagwiritsa ntchito galimoto usiku, ndiyeno iye kunyumba 12:00 p.m. kapena mtsogolo ndiye kokwerera masewero olimbitsa. Then after that he’d come from the gym, zinalili 5:00 kapena 6:00 koloko, ndipo iye kupuma kwa ola limodzi kapena awiri ndipo amapita ntchito. Panthawiyo, Sindinkadziwa kuganizirapo, koma Nditakula ndi pang'ono nzeru, pozindikira nsembe zonse kuti nsembe kwa ine kuti athe nkhonya ndi kupita zonsezi dziko tournaments ndipo zonsezi tournaments kuchokera boma ndi zinthu. He had to pay for the hotel, apeze chakudya ndi zinthu monga choncho kuchokera m'thumba. We didn’t have any sponsors and stuff like that.


Iye amasewera gawo lalikulu la wanga nkhonya ntchito. He’s my supporter. That’s my mentor. That’s like my best friend. For Father’s Day, Ine ndikupita kuti iye Win, ndipo izo kukhala chidwi Win kuti iye kunyadira ndipo iye kukonda. He played a big part in my career. Without him, Ndikudziwa sindikadakhala nkhonya.


K. Swanson

Great. Thanks for sharing that. I know he was an important part of your story. Choncho, Leonard, that is it on the side for Errol. We appreciate you taking the time out of your training. Best cha mwayi kuti inu, ndipo tikuyembekezera likukupenya pa PBC pa NBC.


L. Ellerbe

The fans are going to be in for a great treat with this fight. Garcia comes with a lot of experience, and Errol is the new guy on the block. He’s making a name for himself. Big things are expected out of Errol, ndipo iye ndikumuyembekezera kubwera pa Loweruka usiku ndi lalikulu chionetsero.


Ndipo. Spence Jr.

Zikomo. I’d like to thank everybody for their questions and stuff and everybody tuning in and listening. Just make sure you tune in Saturday. I’m going to put on a great performance and a great show.


L. Ellerbe

Kwenikweni chochitika, tili ndi yosangalatsa kwambiri nkhondo. We have two gentlemen who are very familiar with each other. They both come out of the state of Ohio. They both have extensive amateur backgrounds. I think it’s going to be an excellent fight.


We have Shawn Porter. Monga ndinanena, Iye akubwera kwa ife kuchokera Akron, Ohio. He’s now fighting out of Las Vegas. His most recent win was on Spike in March when he fought Eric Bone. He has fought a number of good fighters, including big wins over former world champions Devon Alexander and Paulie Malignaggi. He comes to us with a record of 25-1-1, ndi 16 Ko, wina kuposa kale welterweight dziko ngwazi, “Nthawi Yachiwonetsero” Shawn Porter.


Shawn Porter

Kwagwanji, aliyense? Thanks for having me on.


Ken Porter

Zikomo inu anyamata chifukwa cha oyamba, Leonard. We really appreciate you guys having us on today. As far as our training camp, Shawn has been preparing for this fight and the previous fight and the previous fight before that ever since he turned professional. We never really go into a camp, per se. We just continue with what we were already doing. I have been blessed with an athlete who understands that this is his lifestyle, ndi chaka chonse, and he just works like that. So when it was time to turn up the heat a little bit, we were already ready to go. When it was time to bring down the weight a little bit, kuti silinali vuto mwina.


He’s strong. He’s happy. He’s feeling really good. Today we did a little bit of track work. We headed to the gym, ndiyeno ife anakumbutsidwa kuti ife tinali kuitana msonkhano ndi inu anyamata, kotero izo zinali mwamtheradi palibe vuto kwa ife kubwerera kunyumba ndi kukhala pansi pang'ono pokha ndi kutenga kuitana zathu zonse khama kale wachita, osati mu nkhondo kapena msasa, but in previous fights and previous camps that we’ve had before this. Everything is on point. Everything is exactly where we want it to be, ndipo ife tikuyembekezera ku nkhondo yayikuru Loweruka usiku kutsutsana kwakukulu womenya.



Kodi bondo mu maphunziro msasa odikira kuti nkhondoyi ndi liwiro la Adrien Broner?


S. Azivala

Mukudziwa, I’ll let you know. Inde, he is skillful and fast. We haven’t really done much different to try to offset that or anything. The reason being is because we know that I’m just as fast and just as quick as he is. There haven’t been any special workouts that we’ve incorporated this camp or anything like that to do anything differently to offset his speed. We’ve just really focused more so on my skills and also the different techniques that are required to cut off and slow down a fast fighter like him. Choncho, chimene takhala tikuchita, pa mlingo wokwererapo. We’re not overlooking his speed. We’ve just done more of what we need to do to prepare for it, Izi n'zimene ife nthawizonse wachita.


K. Azivala

Kungoti ndikupatseni inu anyamata pang'ono uthenga, Ine ndikuganiza Devon Alexander ndi imodzi mwa yachangu boxers masewerawa, nyengo. I know that Manny Pacquiao is one of the fastest boxers in boxing. I know that Andre Dirrell is one of the fastest boxers in this sport. Shawn has been able to compete against those type of guys in professional fights, mu magawo, in camps. We don’t have a problem with anyone’s speed. He’s just as fast as anybody that comes in the ring with him, pamene inu za mnyamata wa liwiro, kuti si chinachake ife nkhawa ndi.


Vuto kuti munthu ameneyo ayenera kulimbana ndi ndiye ife kudya, and we’ve got power to come along with that. Choncho, we’re prepared for that. Just like Shawn said, we just continue doing what we’ve already done. At this point in time, kuti si nkhawa konse, kotero ife tiri okonzekera.



Kodi mwa njira iliyonse anakonza nokha kuti mwina antics kuti abwere pamodzi mu mphete ndi Adrien Broner?


S. Azivala

Mukudziwa, I haven’t. I understand that could arise during the fight. My whole thing is this, ndipo chinachake kuti bambo anga nthawi zonse zoumba pa ine, is being professional at all times. Being professional means maintaining your composure and staying poised and sticking to the game plan no matter what. Choncho, palibe kanthu chimene iye angachite kapena kunena pa nkhondo, kwambiri kuti amatanthauza ine ndikuchita chinachake, and I’ll just continue to do what I’m doing and what my corner’s asking me to do. I’m not worried about it at all. Ine ndine amene ndili, ndipo ine ntchito.


K. Azivala

Shawn’s coming to knock Adrien’s head off. He’s in a real fight, and this is a big fight. I think it’s going to be a very entertaining fight. They both have contrasting styles. Both have certain strengths that they do certain things very well. It’s going to be a very competitive and exciting fight.



You’re an Akron guy. Broner’s a Cincinnati guy. They’re saying it’s the battle of Ohio, ndipo ife Las Vegas, lalikulu malo aakulu ndewu nthawi zonse, yopambana malo kuti ndewu, koma kodi inu mukuganiza kuti mwina inu anyamata adzakhala duking izo mu Ohio kuthetsa kudzitama ufulu wa boma?


S. Azivala

Ndine kumpoto Ohio Mnyamata, osati Akron, not just Cleveland. It’s a blessing to be able to represent northeast Ohio, and I’ve done that for a very long time with pride. I’ve made everyone proud back home along the way. Apanso, chirichonse ndaphunzira, I learned from my dad. He told me a long time ago, Iye anati ngati mukufuna kusintha, ngati inu mukufuna kuti bwino ndi kuchita zinthu apamwamba mlingo, inu mukuyenera kusuntha ndi zina kuchoka panyumba yekha ndi kusamalira malonda anu.


Ndi kuti zikukambidwa, Las Vegas is the Mecca of boxing. It’s where we all want to be. I’ve been blessed enough to move out here two years ago, and this is where I always wanted my career to go. A fight of this magnitude is happening where it’s supposed to happen at. The bragging rights will come after the fight.



Nkobvuta Zikuyenda kuti inu kufika pansi 144? What was the reason that you guys made the fight for significantly under the welterweight limit when both of you guys have been welterweight champions and not had any issues with 147?


S. Azivala

I’ll answer the first question first. Pompano, ife Cadillacing, and what I mean by that is we’re taking it one day at a time. We’re moving slow so everybody can see us, and we’re feeling good doing it. It’s coming along exactly the way we wanted it to, and it’s been a blessing. We were called and told that we were asked to be 144 pounds by Adrien Broner. That was not our decision. As soon as it was announced to me from my dad, Ndinamuuza, chirichonse chimene tiyenera kuchita chiyani pa nkhondoyi.


Ine ndikuganiza pali mwana wamng'ono ku Cincinnati amene ali mantha nkhondo pa 147, even though that’s a weight that he’s even fought for a championship at. That’s neither here nor there. The weigh-in is Friday. We’ll be there. We’ll be on weight, and we’ll be excited to get on that scale and look him in the eyes at that weight and let him know that we’re feeling good. Whatever advantage he thought could come from that, iye sakumvetsa iliyonse.


Chinthu chabwino ndi Ndine wodalitsika kuti ndili nazo thupi, and somehow we can get my body to do what it needs to do. Pamapeto pa tsiku, all I can do is give it up to God. It’s been great along the way and, ngati inu anati, Ine nkhondo m'mwamba mpaka 165 mu Amateurs ngakhalenso 154 pa kutembenukira ovomereza, ndipo tsopano 147 for the last about four or five years. It’s been great, ndi kumapita angapo mapaundi silidzakhala vuto.


K. Azivala

I call it addition by subtraction. As he loses weight, he increases his opportunity for big fights. Choncho, tinachokera 154 kuti 147, ndipo pali ndewu yayikulu kumeneko ndi zazikulu nkhondo mayina pamenepo. Apa ife takhala kuti apite pansi angapo mapaundi, and it just so happens he’s living this way year round so he didn’t have to go into some crazy I’ve got to get this weight off type thing. This morning, he was very light. He’s eaten twice this morning already. He’s feeling really good. We’re able to do this, and we’re confident that it’ll continue throughout the week to come off like it is. We’re looking forward to this big fight at a lighter weight. Choncho, that’s why I call it addition by subtraction. We get more out of coming down in a lower weight than we did being in the higher weight class.



Shawn, nonse inu ndi Adrien akhala zina zosangalatsa ndewu, but you’re also both very good boxers also. What is your take on how this is going to play out?


S. Azivala

I think this fight’s going to go everywhere. You’ve seen me fight. You know that I want to dictate everything. I want to dictate the pace. I want to be the commander in the ring. Ndi kuti zikukambidwa, ife tiri zosunthika, amene ali wamkulu, and we can box from the outside. There will also be points where we look to move in and get really physical. We’re just going to play it one round at a time and we’ll look to box and also look to punch and put it all together. That’s what you want in a big fight, when you can do so many things and this fight requires you doing so many things. We look to put it all together on Saturday night-the boxing, ndi kukhomerera, anzanuwo, ndi countering, zonse izo.



Mukaona Adrien Broner a mbiri, inu mukuona iye anali kumwalira kwa Marcos Maidana. Is there anything you’ve learned from that fight with Maidana that you can apply for yourself in your fight with Adrien?


S. Azivala

Inde. We’ve taken a look at a number of his fights, osati zoipa, but also the good. I’m steadily reminding myself not to underestimate him, osati kuganiza kuti ine ndikuti anabwera mmenemo ndi kuchita chirichonse chimene Maidana anam'chitira, and that’s it and I’ll get the win. We look to do so much more than what Maidana did, koma mavuto amene Maidana ntchito lonselo nkhondo inali anali zimene anafunikira.


We will look to do some of that. I’ve also taken a look at his earlier fights when he looked really sharp and superb, just to remind myself of what he can do. There were lot of things he didn’t do against Maidana, but there were a lot of things he did do well against some of his other competitors earlier in his career. We look to do a lot of different things this fight. It’s going to take a lot to win this one, ndipo ife tiri okonzekera icho.



Kodi pali zapadera zimene mwaphunzira kapena lisinthidwe njira popeza nkhondo chaka chatha ndi Kell Brook?


S. Azivala

Yes and no. I think with that fight, zinthu zomwe ife ndasintha ndi ntchito zambiri kwambiri, nambala wani, maganizo ndipo yachiwiri, ndizosowa. Ine ndinena, nambala wani, maganizo chifukwa panali zinthu zambiri zimene anafunsidwa za ine mu ngodya kuti sindinathamange, kutchula pa machesi. Pamapeto pa tsiku, Ine ndimangoyang'ana pa ndekha, and that’s the reason those things didn’t show up. We worked on a lot of mental preparation since that fight, kutha osati kokha kumvera ngodya ndi kukhazikitsa malangizowa pa nkhondo ndiyeno ndizosowa.


There were a lot of things I didn’t do in that fight. I got a little wild at points. Pambuyo pa nkhondo, kamodzi tinayambiranso maphunziro, ife tinapita kumbuyo kwa ndizosowa monga ife nthawizonse amachita, koma tiika pang'ono motsindika maganizo mbali pamodzi ndi zochepa.



Nkhondoyi akhala Loweruka usiku, yaikulu chochitika, yaikulu pa nthawi, pa NBC amathandiza kunyumba m'dziko, and it’s going to be televised internationally. Tell us about how that affects you, kukhala mwa marquis nkhondo.


S. Azivala

Mukudziwa, Ine ndikukulonjezani ichi, this is something that I’ve always envisioned and I’ve always looked forward to. My fight with Julio Diaz, pamene ine ndinapeza kuti izo zinali MGM Grand, I was really excited. Then I was told it was going to be in one of the conference rooms. The whole entire bubble didn’t bust, but a little bit of the air came out. I’ve just always marveled at the crowd, phokoso afika, magetsi, the whole nine. I love every part of the ambiance of a big MGM Grand fight. I’m taking it with a lot of excitement and obviously not over enthused, but I do understand the moment that I’m about to have. The great part about it is it’s a moment that I’ve always wanted, and I’m looking forward to it, kotero ine nditenga popanda vuto konse.


Kodi pali zachilungamo chidani pakati pa iwe ndi Adrien?


S. Azivala

Mukudziwa, there was no animosity about the weight up until the press conference that we had last week. We had the press conference. We’ve known for weeks now that the contracted weight is supposed to be 144. Here we are doing everything that we need to do as professionals to be on weight, pa mfundo, kukhala 100%, ndi mwana amene anasankha kuti mgwirizanowo, kulemera 144, akufuna kuti kulankhula za matenda kulemera, akufuna kupewa kulankhula za aliyense zobwezeretsa mzera, amafuna kupewa kucheza yokhudza kulemera malire kapena chirichonse monga izo.


The zambiri timakambirana kaye, the more and more the animosity starts to set in because I’m a professional doing what I do. I’ve done it at this high level for so long, wanga kulemera gulu 147 for so long. You want to move up into my weight, then move up. Don’t be scared. Don’t be worried. Don’t be afraid. Put your skill on the line along with your record. Put everything on the line. Put it all on the line at 147. Don’t put it at 144 ndipo safuna kulankhula za izo.


I’m not going to worry about it. We still maintain our professionalism and come into this fight and this weigh-in the way we’re supposed to. No personal animosity towards Adrien Broner. I know him, koma Ine ndimdziwa Iye chapatali.


Ndi kuti zikukambidwa, izo nthawizonse zakhala zambiri za, “Hei, zikukuyenderani bwanji?” mtundu wa ubale, osati “Tiyeni tipite ku club usikuuno” mtundu wa ubale ndi, osati “N'chifukwa chiyani mukulankhula kwa ine inu? Ndikhonza kumenyana inu nthawizina,” relationship. Choncho, we’re cool. The night of the fight, tidzakhala adani chifukwa 12 zipolopolo, or however many rounds it lasts. Pambuyo pake, Ndidzakhala amene ndili ndi akatswiri ndipo nkhonya kusamalira palokha.



Kodi zimenezi kulemera bwino, kapena mukuona nokha ikuyenda bwino kubwerera ku welterweight atafa?


S. Azivala

N'zodziwikiratu ife anachita zimenezi chifukwa, and that was to fight the kid. Pambuyo pake, I don’t think there’ll be any other reason for me to move any lower than 147. It’s not going to be a problem this fight, but it’s not something that I want to entertain in the future. I’m a 147-pound fighter, simple as that. Anyone I fight will be a strong 147-pound fighter, not a blown-up 140-pound fighter and not a took-down 154-pounder. We look to fight everyone at their best, ndi kwanga adzakhala 144 lachiwelu.


K. Swanson

Chabwino. That actually was your last media question, koma ine ndati ndikufunseni inu funso ndekha, something that I actually shared with Errol Spence too. It’s Father’s Day weekend for the big boxing weekend in Las Vegas. Ine ndikuganiza aliyense masewerawa amadziwa za close, intimate relationship that the Porters have. I’d like, Shawn, inu kugawana nafe zomwe abambo ako zikutanthauza kuti inu ndi zimene mukufuna kuti Atate Tsiku Loweruka usiku.


S. Azivala

Moona mtima, I’m happy that this fight has come at this time. My dad and I have worked extremely hard together for a very long time doing this sport. What better way to celebrate or wake up and just be proud of what we’ve done the night before, monga banja, mogwirizana? Ndili wokondwa za kukhala nkhondoyi ndi usiku pamaso pa Atate Tsiku, ndipo Ndikuyembekezera kuthekera kudzuka ndi tipite lotsatira m'chipinda kudzuka bambo anga basi chidwi chimene ife tachita, N'zoonekeratu, osati mphete koma zimene tili nazo tsopano monga banja ndiponso mogwirizana.


Iye akutanthauza dziko kwa ine, ndipo iye akudziwa kuti. I definitely know I mean the world to him. I’ve said this before, chikondi chimene tili, kuti nafenso, tikakhala kuti ndi mphete ndi mzake, and it’s unparalleled. You can’t match it. Izi zikutanthauza kwambiri. That makes a difference during the fight.


K. Swanson

Leonard, Ndikufuna kulanga kwake kwa inu otsiriza ndemanga.


L. Ellerbe

Chabwino. I just want to clear up this whole weight issue. It seems that there’s a lot of back and forth about the weight. Both fighters have agreed to fight this fight Saturday at 144 pounds max. I want to be clear with that, 144 pounds max. Both fighters agree upon that. The fans are expecting a great fight, and I think that both fighters will be at their best come Saturday night. Both fighters have had an excellent camp and have prepared to fight at the weight, and both fighters know what to expect from each other. They know each other very well. They both have great strengths, ndipo ine ndikuganiza izo kukhala yosangalatsa kwambiri nkhondo kubwera Loweruka usiku.


Ine ndiri okondwa ndi Shawn Porter, with what he’s been able to do as a professional. What I like the most about Shawn is his confidence. As a young veteran, he’s willing to get in there with anybody and those are the things that are a rare attribute when what you see with young fighters. A lot of fighters talk the talk, but they’re not willing to step up. Monga ndinanena, one of the most impressive things that I personally admire about Shawn is that he’s willing to get in there with anybody. He’s even called out Floyd Mayweather. He’s willing to get in there with Floyd, and that’s what I like. The guy’s willing to put it on the line, kuziyika izo pa mzere, kuchita zimene zimafunika kuti adyetse banja ndi kupereka mafani zimene iwo akufuna.


Tikuyembekezera Loweruka usiku, nkhondo yayikuru kwa mafani. Zikomo inu nonse ikukonzekera mu.


K. Azivala

Inu munthu wa zinathandiza kwambiri phunziro apo, good questions. We’re feeling good, so we’re looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Thanks for having us.

Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo,, kutsatira pa TwitterPremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, ShowtimeShawnP, ErrolSpenceJr, AmenazaGarcia, MayweatherPromoNBCSports, and @MGMGrand and become a fan on Facebook at, ndipo


Kuphunzira Ayamba Pa ESPN Pa 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT

Matikiti Kodi Pa Sale Tsopano!

Brooklyn (June 17, 2015) – Middleweight World Ngwazi Daniel “Chozizwitsa Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Ko) kubwerera mphete kwawo ku Brooklyn kutenga kale dziko ngwazi Sergio “The Latin Nyoka” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Ko) monga televised chotsegulira a Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa pa ESPN primetime Loweruka, Aug. 1 pa Barclays Center ndi televised nkhani kuyambira 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.


Nkhondoyi adzakhala patsogolo chiwonetsero pakati undefeated opsa Danny “Swift” García (30-0, 17 Ko) ndipo Brooklyn a Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Ko).


“Ine ndiri chabe wokondwa kukhala wamkulu uyu khadi ndi kukhala wokhoza kuchita pa Barclays Center ndi ulemu,” Anati Jacobs. “Ndikuyembekezera kuti bwino kwambiri kuchokera mwayi kwambiri chofunika kwambiri ine ndikufuna kupereka Brooklyn mafani lalikulu amasonyeza. Ine ndiyenera kuti ndipite ntchito wanga kumbuyo.”


“Ndinabwerera kwa 'kuyandikira bolodi,’ ankagwira ntchito mwakhama ndipo tsopano ndine wodala kukhala mbali ya chochitika chachikulu,” Anati Mora, “I don’t plan to let this opportunity get by me. Pa August 1, Ine ndikubwera kwa Brooklyn kuti apambane.”


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The yolimbikitsa chithunzi amene asamenyana pa Barclays Center kwa wachinayi nthawi, Brooklyn a Jacobs anamaliza msewu khansa wopulumuka kuti ngwazi otsiriza August pamene anagonjetsa Jarrod Fletcher kwa middleweight udindo. Mu 2011, uku akuchita Championship mu mphete, khansa inkafuna kumupha ndi akhankoya pa akungoonerera kwa 19 miyezi. Atabwerera, anatenga kumene iye anasiya ndipo sanataye kuyambira. 28 wazaka zikuwoneka kukhala patsogolo kupita akakumana Mora paAug. 1.


Wopambana wa NBC a “The Contender” mndandanda, 34 wazaka Mora ndi kale lonse ngwazi pa wapamwamba welterweight ndi kuyang'ana ndiwonjezere middleweight korona dzina lake. The Los Angeles mbadwa mwini kugonjetsa Ishe Smith, Peter Manfredo Jr. ndipo Vernon Forrest ndi wolowa nkhondo imeneyi asanu nkhondo Win chingwe. Iye posachedwapa anagonjetsa Abraham Han mu February chaka chino ndipo wake woyamba ovomereza chiyambi ku Brooklyn pa Aug. 1.


Kuwonjezera madzulo chachikulu chochitika ndi omasuliridwa chachikulu chochitika, sankhani undercard ayi idzachitike moyo pa ESPN3. ESPN Deportes nawonso televise nkhondo moyo monga mbali yake Night Kumenyana zino ndi ESPN mayiko azipereka moyo nkhani yake kudutsa mu Intaneti Latin America, Brazil, ndi Caribbean ndi Pacific Rim. Live Kuphunzira Komanso kudzera WatchESPN pa makompyuta, mafoni a m'manja, Miyala, Amazon Moto TV ndi Moto TV Musasinthe, Apulo TV, Chromecast, Zaka, Xbox 360 ndipo Xbox wina kudzera ndi osiyana kanema athandizi.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo, Tsatirani pa TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter NdiSwanson_Comm ndi kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa,,, Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #PBConESPN ndi #BrooklynBoxing.

Kukwera TV NDI BELLATOR MMA panopa okhazikika tione zinthu ziwiri OF THE odziwika bwino kwambiri NDI zovuta Omenyana MU MMA YAKALE "KENAKO: KIMBO motsutsana. SHAMROCK "


Kukwera TV ndi Bellator MMA kupereka Tingapeze ndi anzeru tione kwambiri ikunenedwa ndewu ya 2015 mu "Kenako: Kimbo motsutsana. Shamrock. " Umatulutsa Leigh Simons, pa ola limodzi zopelekedwa debuts pa kukwera LACHITATU, JUNE 17 pa 11:00madzulo neri/PT.



Ken Shamrock ndi Kimbo kagawo anatenga njira zosiyanasiyana kuti stardom. Kimbo kagawo anali intaneti kutengeka anatambasula mu zawo zooneka ngati usiku pamene Ken Shamrock anali MMA mpainiya nkhondo njira yake pamwamba ndi wantchito ngati kutsimikiza ndi kudzipereka.


Awo awiri njira ankayenera kuwoloka mu khola zisanu zapitazo. Komabe, pa fateful tsiku October 4, 2008, mwadzidzidzi pangozi, amati chataya ndi MMA dziko kwambiri tinkayembekeza ndewu mu mbiri ya masewera. A nkhondo yadzaoneni kuti sanali – tsopano potsiriza adzakhala. Pa Friday, June 19, lankhanza ndewu nthano ndi YouTube kutengeka Kimbo kagawo ndi “The World a owopsa Man,” Ken Shamrock tsopano nawo mu waukulu patachitika “Bellator: YOSATSIRIZIDWA Business.”


"KENAKO" ndidzalandira mozama tione zinthu zisanu zapitazo ndipo lifotokoze zosiyanasiyana chiwembu ziphunzitso za nkhondo a kuyimitsa. The amasonyeza amayenda ndi gritty m'misewu ya Miami kumene Kimbo anapanga dzina lake ndi San Diego kukaona Ken Shamrock wa wotsutsa chi Orthodox maphunziro malo. Amaonetsa anthu apeza chinthu chosowa yonena za izi kumva ankhondo kunja kwa khola ndi munthu woyamba chifukwa cha zimene mavuto ndi athandizapo.


About Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA ndi kutsogolera obwerawa masewera a karati gulu zinapanga ambiri yabwino omenyana m'dzikoli. Motsogoleredwa ndi msirikali wakale nkhondo kulimbikitsa Scott Coker, Bellator alipo pafupifupi 500 miliyoni nyumba padziko lonse zoposa 140 m'mayiko. Mu United States, Bellator Tingaone pa kukwera, ndi MMA TV mtsogoleri. Bellator MMA tiri ndi munthu wamkulu timu monga pamwamba makampani akatswiri pa TV yopanga, moyo chochitika orchestration, womenya chitukuko / anagona, bwaloli zogula, zothandizira chilengedwe / chitukuko, mayiko kupereka malayisensi, malonda, otsatsa, zafalitsidwa ndi ntchito anagona. Bellator maziko ku Santa Monica, California ndipo anali ndi zosangalatsa chimphona Viacom, kunyumba kwa dziko la Premier zosangalatsa zopangidwa kuti kugwirizana ndi omvera mwa kuyenera okhutira kudutsa TV, filimu, Intaneti ndi mafoni nsanja.

About kukwera:

Kukwera likupezeka mu 98.7 miliyoni nyumba ndi kugawikana kwa Viacom Media Intaneti. A gulu la Viacom (NASDAQ: Via, VIAB), Viacom Media Intaneti ndi imodzi mwa dziko kutsogolera ndiAmene wa mapulogalamu ndi wokhutira kudutsa onse atolankhani nsanja. Kukwera a Internet adiresi ndi ndi mmwamba-ndi-ndi mphindi ndi archival osindikizira zambiri ndi zithunzi, kukaona kukwera wa atolankhani malo pa Tsatirani ife pa Twitter spiketvpr chifukwa atsopano kusiya wabwino zosintha, kumbuyo-ndi-zithunzi zambiri komanso zithunzi.


Plus Kochititsa Woyenda Complete Full Undercard Of

Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa bwino pa CBS

Las Vegas (June 16, 2015) – Super middleweight Woyesana J'Leon Chikondi (19-1, 10 Ko) udzabwerera kwa mphete kukumana New Jersey a Jason Escalera (15-3, 12 Ko) mu 10 chonse wapamwamba middleweight podwala mbali ya utumiki tsiku zake Sunday, June 21 pa MGM Grand Garden m'bwalomo.


The undercard zidzalimbikitsa chitsitsimutso cha Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa pa CBS kusonyeza kuyambira 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT ndi welterweight zipolowe za pakati Sammy Vasquez ndipo Wale Omotoso followed by the showdown between former world champions Rances Barthelemy ndipo Antonio DeMarco.


Ndiponso kulowa mphete ndi undefeated Woyesana Lydell Rhodes (23-0, 11 Ko) amene chidzathandiza Jared Robinson (15-2, 7 Ko) mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira wamng'ono welterweight podwala


Komanso kanthu zimaonetsa undefeated knockout waluso Andrew “Chirombo” Tabiti (9-0, 9 Ko) motsutsa Thomas Hanshaw (6-5, 4 Ko) mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira cruiserweight nkhondo, Ronald “Kufuna” Gavril (12-1, 9 Ko) kutenga Jessie Nicklow (24-6-3, 8 Ko) mu eyiti zipolopolo za wapamwamba middleweight kanthu ndi Lanell “KO” Bellows (12-1-1, 7 Ko) squaring pa motsutsa Marcus Upshaw (16-13-4, 7 Ko) mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira wapamwamba middleweight kukopa.


Atazunguliridwa kuchokera tsiku la ndewu ndi Juan Heraldez (7-0, 5 Ko) ndipo Charvis Holifield(2-1, 1 KO) paokha ayi.


Matikiti yamoyo chochitika, amene amachitira Mayweather Zokwezedwa limodzi ndi TGB Zokwezedwa ali wogulira pa $100, $75, $50, ndipo $25 osati monga zikugwirizana ndi utumiki milanduyo misonkho pa malonda tsopano. Mlandu telefoni akuluakulu ngongole, kuitana Ticketmaster pa (800) 745-3000. Matikiti ndi zinenero pa


A kamodzi anamenyedwa Woyesana pa 168-mapaundi, 27 wazaka Chikondi wake wachiwiri ankayamba 2015 pa June 21. Iye bounced yake yekhayo kugonjetsedwa kulamulira Scott Sigmon mu March. The Inkster, Michigan mbadwa mwini yapambana pa Marco Antonio Periban, Derrick Findley ndi Lajuan Simon. Iye padzakhala 30 wazaka Escalera ku Hoboken, New Jersey.


A Mipikisano masewera wothamanga kukula amene mpikisano onse nkhonya kuphatikizapo karate luso mwaukadaulo Oklahoma City a Rhodes zikuwoneka kukhala unbeaten pa June 21. 27 wazaka akumenyana kachiwiri ku Las Vegas ndi nthawi yoyamba 2015. Yomaliza nkhondo mu Nov. 2014 pamene anapambana akamakambirana pa Miguel Huerta. Iye akutenga pa 32 chaka- Robinson kuchokera Sumter, South Carolina.


Anabadwa mu Chicago koma kumenyana kuchokera Las Vegas, Tabiti ali ndi knockout kuchuluka monga ovomereza ndi akuyembekezera wake wachitatu knockout pa MGM Grand. 25 wazaka otsiriza nkhondo mu Dec. 2014 ndipo padzakhala 30 wazaka Ashland, Kentucky wobadwa Hanshaw.


A 28 wazaka Romania nkhondo kuchokera Las Vegas, Gavril bounced yake yoyamba pankhondo ndi kunja nkhonya kale unbeaten Oscar Riojas mu April. Iye Square kumbali yolimbana ndi odziwa 28 wazaka Nicklow ku Baltimore.


Dzina “KO” chifukwa cha mphamvu, 29 wazaka Bellows amayang'ana kumanga ake asanu nkhondo kuwina chingwe pa June 21. The Las Vegas-mbadwa amatenga pa 34 wazaka Upshaw kuchokera Jacksonville.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo ndipo kutsatira pa TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealKidBlast, @ De.Marco07, @ SammyV2112, MayweatherPromo , TGBPromotions NdiMGMGrand ndi kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa ndipo kapenaHTTP://

Onse ziwonetsero pa York Hall kuti yekha £ 199

Goodwin Maseŵera a nkhonya kuti linayamba wina yapadera chiwembu ndi kukhazikitsidwa kwa "Goodwin Maseŵera a nkhonya Nyengo tikiti".


Likupezeka pa £ 199 nyengo tikiti adzapereka wogwira kupeza osachepera 12 chikusonyeza mu 12 mwezi nyengo pa mbiri York Hal, Bethnal Green.


Nyengo tikiti chofukizira kudzakhala kupeza Kuchotsera matikiti anzathu ndi mabanja, Kuchotsera kukweza kuti palibiretu ringside ndi VIP katundu komanso kupeza kamodzi pachaka backstage kukakomana ndi boxers.


Nyengo tikiti chofukizira adzamva anaitanidwa ku pachaka Goodwin Maseŵera a nkhonya phwando kumene adzakumana ndi aphunzitsi boxers.


Steve Goodwin anati "Ife apanga lalikulu nkhokwe yachidziwitso nkhonya kwa mafani ndipo ife tikukhulupirira phukusi ngati zimenezi osati zigwirizane athu amene alipo makasitomala koma kulimbikitsa latsopano zimakupiza maziko a nkhonya makampani. Takambirana kale mlandu zimene akugulitsa izi kwa malonda ndi zotsatirapo zakhala kwabasi choncho tiri okonzeka kukhazikitsa kwa anthu. "


Goodwin anapitiriza "Izi kupanga abwino kubadwa ndi Khirisimasi alipo komanso makampani mphatso. Iwo lingathe kukopedwa pa intaneti, pamasom'pamaso pa maudindo athu kapena cheke. Ife nthawi zonse kuti uthenga wonena ziwembu kuthandiza kukhala nkhonya ndi zimakupiza m'munsi ndi kukhulupirira lingaliro ili adzakhala bwino ".

Zitatu Big Events pa Gleason a Gym Izi Weekend


Kukonzanso: Zitatu Big Events pa Gleason a Gym

Izi Weekend


The Gym chifuniro


pa 4:00 madzulo


Friday ndipo Loweruka

June 19 ndi 20.

Ife kuchititsa ndi

Gleason padziko lonse la Master mpikisanowu


Izi Friday ndipo Loweruka,

June 19 ndi 20 pa 6:00Madzulo

Ife akuchita

Gleason padziko lonse la Master mpikisanowu



Zana ndi zisanu amuna ndi akazi padziko World amene analembetsa kuti chaka chino mpikisanowu.


Athu onse mwauchidakwa ndi chinavomerezedwa ndi USABoxingMetro. Onse boxers ayenera awo nkhonya buku nawo kuti nawo.


The kulemera-in kwa ziwonetsero lidzayamba 4:00Madzulo ndipo woyamba bout lidzayamba 6:00Madzulo.


The tikiti mtengo ndi $20 pa munthu. Ana 6 ndipo pansi si udindo. Onse masewero olimbitsa anthu ndi mayina Amateurs ndi mabuku awo mu dzanja malipiro $15 pa munthu.


P.S. Ngati simungathe kupanga izo koma ndikufuna kuona ndewu, iwo akukhamukira ku Gleason a Gym webusaiti:


Sunday, June 21



Choyamba Edition

Chitaliyana American nkhonya Mphotho


A nthano ya kwawo, Chikhalidwe, Hope ndi Maseŵera a nkhonya.


6:00 madzulo

Kulandiridwa kulankhula.


6:30 madzulo


Rise la Italiya American womenya nkhonya, akuyendayenda chikhalidwe ndi mbiri zinthu zonse

Chitaliyana American anakumana ndi anagonjetsa.

Conference kuyambira ndi chairing ndi Prof. Joseph Perricone ku Fordham



7:15 madzulo

Mpumulo ndi Chitaliyana mankhwala.


8:00 madzulo

Nkhonya Show Exhibition awiriwa Italy odziwa bwino Floriano Pagliara ndi

Francesco Tamburiello.


8:30 madzulo

Mphoto mwambo, Mapeto ndi Nkhani.




MUZIMENYERA NKHONDO Network nkhonya mapulogalamu ndandanda (June 15-21, 2015)

Limba Network ndi 24/7 TV njira odzipereka kumaliza nkhani za kuphana masewera. Iwo akudzitukumula mapulogalamu lolunjika pa zonse zimene ya nkhondo masewera mtundu wanyimbo, kuphatikizapo moyo ndewu ndi mmwamba-ndi-ndi mphindi wabwino ndi kusanthula kwa nkhonya, wosanganiza asilikali zaluso, kickboxing, akatswiri kulimbana, chikhalidwe asilikali zaluso, nkhondo wabwino, komanso nkhondo-themed sewero zino, mabuku ndi mbali mafilimu.


M'munsimu kupeza mfundo zazikulu za mlungu mapulogalamu:

Monday, June 15

6:30 p.m. AND – Limba News Tsopano Kuwonjezera– Posachedwapa, recaps, mbali ndi mkati Kupenda nkhondo masewera.

Lachiwiri, June 16

5:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. ANDKOTV Maseŵera a nkhonya Classics – Reliving wosaiwalika nkhonya ndewu zakale makumi awiri.

7:30 p.m. AND — 8:30 p.m. AND – Limba News Tsopano Owonjezera – Posachedwapa, recaps, mbali ndi mkati Kupenda nkhondo masewera.

Lachitatu, June 17

7:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. ANDKOTV Maseŵera a nkhonya Classics – Reliving wosaiwalika nkhonya ndewu zakale makumi awiri.

6:30 p.m. AND – Limba News Tsopano Owonjezera – Posachedwapa, recaps, mbali ndi mkati Kupenda nkhondo masewera.

Thursday, June 18

1:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. ANDKOTV Maseŵera a nkhonya Weekly Zofunda zonse posachedwapa pantchito nkhonya, zinapanga zonse posachedwapa ndewu ndi mfundo zazikulu za lokoma sayansi.

8:30 p.m. AND — Limba News Tsopano Owonjezera – Posachedwapa, recaps, mbali ndi mkati Kupenda nkhondo masewera.

Friday, June 19

12:30 p.m. ANDKOTV Maseŵera a nkhonya Weekly Zofunda zonse posachedwapa pantchito nkhonya, zinapanga zonse posachedwapa ndewu ndi mfundo zazikulu za lokoma sayansi.

7:30 p.m. ANDLimba News Tsopano Owonjezera – Posachedwapa, recaps, mbali ndi mkati Kupenda nkhondo masewera.

Sunday, June 21

8:00 p.m. ANDMtheradi Classic Maseŵera a nkhonya: Beecham motsutsana. Constance – Osonyeza Jimmy Beecham motsutsana. Hector Constance ku Oct. 3, 1956 mu Miami Beach, Florida.





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