Heavyweight Sensation Efe Ajagba Delivers TKO Victory Over Razvan Cojanu in Co-Main Event & Rising Heavyweight Frank Sanchez Earns Unanimous Decision Over Joey Dawejko

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Premier Boksas Čempionų
(Photos to be added shortly)

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Stephanie Trapp / TGB Akcijos
(Photos to be added shortly)

BROOKLYN (Kovas 7, 2020) – Robert Helenius (30-3, 19 Kos)scored an upset victory over previously unbeaten Adomas Kownacki (20-1, 15 Kos) by stopping him in the fourth round of a WBA Heavyweight Title Eliminator headlining FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday night from Barclays Center, Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai.

I want to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity,” said Helenius. “Kownacki is a tough fighter. I worked hard in training camp and it paid off.

Brooklyn’s Kownacki was fighting for the 10oji time at Barclays Center in front of his hometown crowd, but was unable to keep the taller Helenius off of him after being hurt early in the fourth. A clean Helenius right hook hurt Kownacki, before a left hook put Kownacki down.

I knew that I hit him hard and I knew I just had to continue,” said Helenius. “I knew he was still hurt after that punch.

Kownacki just kept coming and coming. He’s a good fighter I have to give it to him. My strength is to punch back when people come at me. It was a good fight and a tremendous opportunity for me to be here.

While Kownacki outpaced Helenius landing 84 štampus į 49 according to CompuBox, it was Helenius’ 12 power punches landed in round four that made the difference. Helenius kept up the relentless attack, consistently hurting Kownacki and pushing him around the ring until referee David Fields waived off the fight 1:08 į turą.

“Tai buvo ne mano naktį,” sakė Kownacki. “It’s boxing. It’s a tough sport and things just didn’t go my way tonight. It was a learning experience and I’m going to go back to the drawing board and get back to work.

He hit me with a good shot. I knew what was going on, but I’m just upset with myself. It is what it is.

Watch fight highlights čia ir čia.

Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Sunkiojo sensacija Cartoon Ajagba (13-0, 11 Kos) delivered a ninth-round stoppage of Razvan Cojanu (17-7, 9 Kos), knocking him down twice en route to the victory.

Ajagba showed the prolific power that has made him a highly-regarded heavyweight nearing a jump from prospect to contender. Cojanu came to fight and had success at various points in the action, landing hooks on Ajagba and slowing down his attack in the early rounds.

In round eight Ajagba’s offensive arsenal began to break through, as Cojanu’s left eye started to swell before eventually closing. Late in round eight, Ajagba connected on a powerful straight right hand that forced Cojanu to take a knee. Watch the knockdown čia.

Ronnie told me to attack the body behind the jab,” said Ajagba. “It was very effective and it started to slow him down. When he got close to me, I knew to throw more and punish him.

Cojanu has a lot of experience. When I threw my jab, he used his right hand to block my vision, so I couldn’t throw as many combinations as I wanted. It was a good challenge.

While Cojanu was able to make it through the round, Ajagba continued to press forward in round nine, punishing Cojanu with power shots. On the night, Ajagba out landed Cojanu in power shots by a 176 į 81 margin. A flurry by Ajagba late in the round forced Cojanu down again, and prompted referee Ron Lipton to halt the bout 2:46 į turą. Watch the stoppage čia. Additional highlights can be viewed čia.

It’s up to my team who we fight next, but I want hard fights,” said Ajagba. “My team has a plan and we’ll keep following it.

Per televiziją atidarytuvas, rising heavyweight frank Sanchez (15-0, 11 Kos) scored a 10-round unanimous decision over Joey Dawejko (20-8-4, 11 Kos) to remain unbeaten.

I was well prepared and I thought I fought very well tonight,” Sakė Sanchez. “I dominated the fight. I showed good footwork and movement and did exactly what we worked on. I expected a lot of pressure, but with my boxing ability, there was no way he was going to catch me.

The Cuban fighter dominated with his movement, rarely being flustered by Dawejko’s attack as he bounded around the ring and avoided the incoming Philadelphia native. Sanchez was also superior in punch output and accuracy, out throwing Dawejko 352 į 242 and out landing him by a 116 į 46 margin.

I knew he was going to fight on the outside and he stayed on the outside,” Sakė Dawejko. “Not much to say, he just did what he had to do. He was scared that’s why he was running around. He kept jumping back and staying away, so I guess he made it easy on the judges.

Sanchez was able to punch open a cut on Dawejko’s right eye in round five, which he continued to batter throughout the remainder of the fight with jabs and right hands. Po 10 raundai, all three judges saw the bout in favor of Sanchez, su dešimtimis 100-90 du kartus ir 98-92.

I didn’t want to fight Dawejko’s fight, and he realized that and it frustrated him,” Sakė Sanchez. “He might have thought he’s faced guys like me, but there’s no other heavyweight like me.

Watch fight highlights čia, čia ir čia.

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Healthy Mind, Healthy Life: A Supplement Review

Iki: Turtingas Bergeron

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UFC veteranas Chrisas Life & Buvęs Alabamos universiteto „Linebacker“ žaidėjas Marcel Stamps Square Off BKFC 12 Main Event iš „Boutwell Auditorium“

Pagrindinio turnyro veiksmas, skirtas BKFC sunkiojo svorio čempionui Joey Beltranui apginti savo titulą prieš Marką Godbeerį

Bilietai Parduodama Šiandien!

BIRMINGHAM, ALA. (Kovas 6, 2020) – Kovos su nuogomis rankomis čempionatas (BKFC) pirmą kartą šeštadienį Alabamoje atneš sankcijas už nuogus pirštus, Balandis 11 kaip UFC veteranas Chriso gyvenimas ir buvęs Alabamos universiteto gynėjas Marselio antspaudai eikite nuo kojų iki kojų pagrindiniame BKFC renginyje 12 iš „Boutwell Auditorium“ Birmingeme, Ala.

BKFC 12 Pagrindinis turnyras parodys labai lauktą sunkiasvorio titulo kovą, kai BKFC sunkiasvoris čempionas Joey Beltranas gina savo diržą prieš tvirtą MMA veteraną Marką Godbeerį.

Bilietai į tiesioginį renginį parduodami penktadienį, Kovas 6 ir galima įsigyti ir „Etix“.

“Tai bus puiki kova,” sakė BKFC įkūrėjas ir prezidentas Davidas Feldmanas. “Chriso gyvenimas yra legenda, jis visada ateina kovoti ir yra pasirengęs mesti žemyn. Marcelas Stampsas yra vienas atletiškiausių kovotojų BKFC, ir mes tikimės, kad jis padarys didelių dalykų su organizacija. Ši kova yra pareiškimas, kaip mes darome dalykus BKFC. Geriausia kova geriausiai!”

“Džiaugiuosi, kad dalyvauju BKFC 12 pagrindinis renginys Alabamoje,” pasakė gyvenimas. “Balandžio 11, Priversiu Marką apgailestauti, kad jis kada nors į tai pateko. Aš jį išmušiu jo gimtojo miesto gerbėjų akivaizdoje.”

“Turiu savo gimtąjį miestą, kuris mane palaiko, ir aš jų nepaleisiu,” - tarė Antspaudai. “Lebenui nieko nebeliko. Jis senas ir yra ne kas kita, kaip vardas. Aš jį išvesiu į pensiją visam laikui!”

Lebenas grįžta į savo trečiąją BKFC kovą, prieš tai nokautavęs Justiną Baesmaną BKFC 5, prieš pralaimėdamas sprendimą Dakotai Cochrane BKFC 6. Kilęs iš Portlando, Oregonas ir dabar treniruojasi iš „Chula Vista“, Kalifornija, Pirmą kartą į sceną Lebenas pasirodė 2005 m. Atidarymo sezone Galutinis kovotojas prieš tapdamas WEC vidutinio svorio čempionu. Baigėsi veteranas 20 UFC renginiai, jo karjera apima penkių kovų pergalių seriją, kuri sukėlė iššūkį Andersonui Silvai.

Gimė Brantley mieste, Alabama ir dabar kovoja iš Birmingamo, Antspaudai įžengs į antrąją „BKFC“ kovą po to, kai anksčiau BKFC nokautavo Kendallą Grove'ą 3. 34 metų Alabamos universitete žaidė Nicko Sabano rungtynių saugas 2004 per 2008 ir žaidė CFL prieš pereidamas į kovinį sportą. Antspaudai varžėsi „Bellator“ prieš debiutuodami su BKFC 2018.

# # #

Apie kovą su apnuogintais pirštais
Birželio 2, 2018, Filadelfijoje veikiantis kovos su apnuogintais pirštais čempionatas (BKFC) padarė kovos sporto istoriją, kai reklamavo pirmąjį legalų, sankcionuotas ir reguliuojamas plika sąnario įvykis Jungtinėse Valstijose nuo 1889. “BKFC 1: Pradžia” vyko Šajenoje, Vajomingas ir matomas 10 profesinės seansų, visa tai prižiūri ir kontroliuoja Vajomingo kovinio sporto komisija. BKFC naudoja tik įsitvirtinusius kovotojus, kurie anksčiau profesionaliai varžėsi bokse, MMA, kikboksas ir (arba) Muay Thai. Už visas BKFC kovas sankcionuoja ir jas reguliuoja ABC narių sporto komisijos. Daugiau informacijos arba sekite „Twitter“ adresu „Instagram“ svetainėje „YouTube“ adresu
kanalas / UCEeMsInLdrUbIkbEcNm7g-A
ir "Facebook" tuo




LOS ANGELES - „Bellator“ pareigūnai šiandien paskelbė, kad su nekantrumu laukė reklamos Liz Carmouche (13-7) vyks penktadienį, Gegužė 29 „Pechanga Resort Casino“ Temeculoje, Kalifas. prieš nenugalėtą „SBG Ireland“ „flyweight“ perspektyvą Mandy Bohm (6-0, 1 NC).

Bilietai Bellator 243: Carmouche vs.. Böhm parduoti kovo mėn 13 į 3 p.m. PT ir galima įsigyti „Pechanga“ kasoje, taip, ir

Renginys bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas penktadienį, Gegužė 29 apie "Paramount tinklas ir DAZN į 10 p.m. IR / 9 val. KT, o preliminarūs veiksmai vyks toliau „Bellator“ MMA „YouTube“ kanalą. Papildomos seansų bus paskelbta artimiausiomis savaitėmis.

Jungtinių Valstijų jūrų korpuso veteranas ir įsitvirtinęs muselinio svorio konkurentas, Praėjusį gruodį Carmouche prisijungė prie „Bellator“ moterų svorio kategorijos po šešerius metus trukusio bėgimo UFC - kadencijos, apimančios pasaulio čempionų varžybas tiek „bantam“, tiek „flyweight“ divizionuose., taip pat žymios pergalės prieš Katlyną Chookagianą ir Jessicą Andrade.

Kova iš San Diego, 36 metų „Team Hurricane Awesome“ produktas taip pat anksčiau varžėsi dėl „Strikeforce“, iškovojęs porą pergalių su paaukštinimu. Ji taip pat anksčiau savo karjeroje pelnė pergalę prieš Valentiną Ševčenką. Prieš „Girl-Rilla“ kaip profesionalios sportininkės dienas, „Lafayette“, Iš Luizianos kilusi šalis penkerius metus dirbo aviacijos elektriku Jungtiniame valstybiniame jūrų korpuse, kur ji baigė tris keliones į tarnybą Viduriniuose Rytuose.

Praėjusį gegužę regioninėje MMA scenoje iškovojo pergalę dėl muselės svorio, Mandy Böhm yra pasirengusi pakelti savo nenugalėtą profesionalo ženklą į aukščiausią sporto lygį, kai gegužę susitiks su buvusia dviejų divizionų titulo varžove Liz Carmouche. 29. Sveikinimai iš Vokietijos, bet treniruojasi pagal John Kavanagh globą SBG Ireland Dubline, "Monstras" yra jėga, su kuria reikia atsižvelgti ant kojų, bet pademonstravo savo tvirtus paklusnumo įgūdžius, kai įteikė Kanadai pirmajai karjerai Jade Masson-Wong pirmąjį savo 2019.

Atnaujinta Bellator 243: Carmouche vs.. Böhm Kovos kortelė:

„Flyweight“ pagrindinis turnyras: Liz carmouche (13-7) vs. Mandy Bohm (6-0, 1 NC)


Pasaulio sunkiasvoris varžovas Lou Savarese bus įtrauktas į Niujorko valstijos bokso HOF

klasė 2020 Įvadinė vakarienė sekmadienį, Balandis 19

NEW YORK (Kovas 5, 2020) – Pasaulio sunkiasvorio titulo varžovas ir dukart Niujorko „Golden Gloves“ čempionas Lu Savarese (46-7, 38 Kos) gyvena svajone, kaip sakoma, besiruošiantis artėjančiam įvedimui į Niujorko valstijos bokso šlovės muziejų (NYSBHOF).

Kaip viena iš 28 narių klasės 2020, populiarus „Savarese“ bus oficialiai įvestas devintoje kasmetinėje NYSBHOF indukcinėje vakarienėje, sekmadienio popietė (12:30-5:30 p.m. IR), Balandis 19, ne Russo On The Bay Howard Beach, Niujorkas.

“Aš neturiu nieko kito, kaip tik didžiausia pagarba ir susižavėjimas šių metų šlovės muziejaus garbės garbei, Lu Savarese,” NYSBHOF prezidentas Bobas Duffy sakė. “Negalėčiau būti laimingesnė už šį žmogų, kuris atidavė boksui viską, ir iš žiedo. Jo draugai ir šeima žino, kad ši garbė nusipelno.”

Savarese buvo vietos mėgstamiausia, gimęs Bronkso mieste ir iš Grinvudo ežero, kuris buvo dukart Naujosios Anglijos auksinių pirštinių čempionas, kovojęs garsiajame Madisono aikštės sode.

“Tai tikrai nuostabu,” Savarese kalbėjo apie įtraukimą į NYSBHOF. “Esu Niujorko bokso istorikas, grįžtama į 1920-ųjų Niujorko bokso istoriją. Labai malonu kovoti geriausioje vietoje, Niujorkas, bokso epicentras.

Savarese tapo balandžiu 30, 1989, barbenimas iš Jamesas Smithas ketvirtame jų kovos rate Hiustone. Savarese laimėjo savo pirmąjį laimėjo pirmąjį 36 PRO kovoja, išryškino jo 36oji pagal septintojo turo techninį nokautą Busteris Mathisas, Jaunesnysis. į laisvą Jungtinių Valstijų bokso asociaciją (USBA) sunkiasvoris pavadinimas. Tai taip pat nustatė aukštą profilį 1997 užbaigimas su George Foreman Atlantik Sitis, kai Savarese'as pralaimėjo 12 etapų išskaidytą sprendimą (114-113, 112-115, 110-118) į laisvą Pasaulio bokso sąjungą (WBU) čempionatas.

Savarese'as sako, kad jo atidarymas baigėsi buvusio pasaulio sunkiasvorio čempiono rezultatu James “Buster” Douglas į 1998 Tarptautinei bokso asociacijai pasaulio sunkiasvorio vardas yra didžiausias jo pasiekimas ringe.

“„Douglas“ kovoje buvau didelis nepriteklius,” Savarese prisiminė. “Jis turėjo gerą žandikaulį. Tai ne. 1f arba aš. Laimėjau savo pirmąjį Niujorko auksinių pirštinių titulą (1985 kai jis sustojoJonathanas Hillas finale) mano gerbėjų akivaizdoje, šeima ir draugai buvo mano mėgėjiškas akcentas.”

Be jau minėto IBA pasaulio, Savarese taip pat laimėjo WBO Inter-Continental, ir IBA žemyno pirmenybėse.

Šalia buvusių pasaulio čempionų Douglaso ir Witherspoono, taip pat Mathis Jr., Savarese taip pat nugalėjo pasaulinės klasės sunkiasvorius, tokius kaip Davidas Bostice, Lance Whitaker ir Leo Nolanas.
“Tai ypatinga. Pažįstu daugumą vaikinų, kurie eina, ir garbė būti tarp jų. Kovojau su šešiais pasaulio čempionais (Evander Holyfield, Mike'as Tysonas, Meistras, Witherspoon, Douglas, ir Riddick Bowe į mėgėjų. Maxas Kellermanas (kolegos NYSBHOF klasė 2020 paskatintas) kartą pasakė, kad esu iš senosios bokso mokyklos. Tai gerai, Man patinka tai.”

Dabar 54, Savarese gyvena Hiustone, Teksasas, kur jis vykdo „Savarese Promotions“, taip pat dvi sporto salės, kuriame jis treniruoja baltųjų apykaklių boksininkus. “Bus smagu matyti šeimą ir draugus iš nugaros, nes aš pirmą kartą pradėjau boksą,” Savarese padarė išvadą. “Ateina tona žmonių (į indukcinę vakarienę), įskaitant kai kuriuos iš Hiustono. Aš ten pasisukau pro 1990, persikėlė atgal į Niujorką tarp 2000-2008, ir nuo tada gyveno Hiustone.”

Tačiau Lou Savarese visada įkūnys tai, kas yra Niujorko boksininkas.

Kiti gyvi boksininkai, vykstantys į NYSBHOF, yra tris kartus pasaulio lengvo svorio kategorijos varžovai Jorge Ahumada (42-8-2, 22 Kos), iš Woodside'o, Karalienės per Argentiną; (1975-78) WBC superplunksninis pasaulio čempionas Alfredas “„Salsero“” Laiptai (53-14-3, 31 Kos), Niujorko kelionė Puerto Riko keliu; WBC super plunksninis pasaulio čempiono varžovas Fredis “„Pitbull“” Išlaisvintojas (20-4-1, 11 Kos), Bayside'o, Queens; WBC vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas ir keturiskart Niujorko „Golden Gloves“ nugalėtojas Dennisas “Magas” Milton (16-5-1, 5 Kos), iš Bronx; ir WBA supervidutinio svorio kategorijos pasaulio varžovų titulas Merqui “Korombas” Sosa (34-9-2, 27 Kos), iš Bruklino Dominikos Respublikos keliu.

Po mirties dalyvaujantys dalyviai yra pusbrangiai Brooklyn Kareivis Bartfieldas (51-29-8, 33 Kos), kuris kovojo su pranešta 55 pasaulio čempionai; Bronksas vidutinio svorio Steve'as Belloise'as (95-13-3, 59 Kos); NYSAC ir pasaulio lengvo svorio čempionas (1925) Jimmy Goodrichas (85-34-21 (12 Kos), Buffalo; Pasaulio sunkiasvorio titulo varžovas Tami Mauriello (82-13-1, 60 Kos), iš Bronx; WBA lengvo vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas (1982-83) ir keturis iš eilės Niujorko auksinių pirštinių titulą Deivis “Sensacinga” Moore (18-5, 14 Kos), iš Bronx; ir pasaulio lengvo svorio čempionas Fredis “Velso vedlys” Welch(74-5-7, 34 Kos), Niujorko miestą Velso keliu.

Gyvi nedalyvaujantys asmenys, einantys į NYSBHOF, yra „Oneida“ teisėjai Donas Ackermanas, Tik, Long Ailendo žurnalistas / prodiuseris Bobby Cassidy, Jaunesnysis., Bafalo vadybininkas Rickas Glaseris, „Rockaway Beach“ žurnalistė Džekas Hirsch, Bronkso bokso transliuotojas Maxas Kellermanas, Ardsley žiedinis gydytojas / NY medicinos direktorius Dr. Williamas Lathan, Orangeburgo teisėjas Julie Lederman, Haid parko teisėjas Ronis Liptonas, ir Staten Island / Catskill treneris Kevinas Rooney.

Pomirtiniai nedalyvaujantys indukcininkai yra Brooklyn žurnalo „Ring Magazine“ redaktorius Lesteris Brombergas, Niujorko sporto rašytoja Ir Danielius, Bruklino „Gleason’s Gym“ įkūrėjasBobis Gleasonas, Saulėta pusė, Karalienės bokso rašytojas „Flash Gordan“, Manheteno žurnalistasA.J. mėgstamiausias, Long Island City NYSBHOF įkūrėjas Tonis Mazzarella ir Niujorko vadovas Danas Morganas.

Kiekvienas dalyvaujantis sužadėtinis gaus specialiai sukurtą diržą, nurodantį jo įtraukimą į NYSBHOF.

The 2020 inductees atrinko NYSBHOF nominuota komiteto narių:Randy Gordonas, Henris Hascup, Donas Majeski, Ronas McNair, Jimas Monteverde'as ir Neil Terens.

Visi boksininkai turėjo būti neaktyvus mažiausiai trejus metus turi teisę gauti NYSBHOF indukcijos, ir visi inductees turi būti gyvenęs Niujorko valstijoje už didelę dalį savo bokso karjerai ar jų atitinkamos karjeros žydėjime metu.

Bilietai kaina $150.00 Mokestis suaugusiam žmogui už ir $60.00 vaikams (pagal 16) ir apima pilną vėlyvieji pusryčiai ir kokteilių valandą įvažiuodami, pradedant 12:30 p.m. IR, taip pat viso patiekalo vakarienė (svarbiausias šonkauliu, žuvų arba paukščių) ir atvira juosta per dieną. Bilietus galima įsigyti susisiekus su NYSBHOF prezidentu Bobu Duffy adresu 516.313.2304 Skelbimai apie NYSBHOF programos yra: pusės puslapio $100.00, viso puslapio $200.00 priekiniai ir galiniai vidiniai dangčiai yra $400.00 kiekvienas, ir $500.00 galiniam dangteliui. Pašto čekiai ir skelbimai iki balandžio mėn 6 terminas Bobas Duffy, 1112 Whitewood Landing, Massapequa parkas, NY 11762. Čekiai turėtų būti mokami NY „Stare Boxing“ šlovės muziejuje, paskambinkite Duffy, kad išskaitytumėte iš kredito kortelės.

Niujorko valstijos šlovės muziejus

Klasė 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike'as Tysonas, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emilis Griffith, “Cukrus” Ray Robinson, Genų Tunney, Benny Leonardas, Tonis Canzoneri, Haroldas Lederman, Steve'as Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Šalis Fleischer, Billas Gallo ir Arturas Mercante, Sr.

Klasė 2013: Džekas Dempsey, Johnny Dandi, Smėlio Kalvis, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey lankininkas, Iranas Barkley, Pažymėti Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Jaunesnysis Jones, James “Bičiulis” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bobas Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tonis Graziano, Laris pirklys, Teddy Brenerio, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard Don Dunphy.

KLASĖ 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevinas Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lu Ambers, Džekas Britton, Kilpiniai McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lu DiBella, Steve'as Farhood, Genų Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Kristalais D'Amato, Williamas Muldoon ir Tomas O'Rourke.

KLASĖ 2015: Saulius Mamby, joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Haroldas Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paulius Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bobas Milleris, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bobas Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley "Goldman, jimmy Johnston,, Cedric Kushner, Haris Markson, Damonas Runyon ir Al Weill.

KLASĖ 2016: Aaronas Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandezas, Edvinas Viruet, Peštukas “Macho” Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Kanzasas, Džo Lynch ", joe Miceli, Edas Brophy, Džo DeGuardia, Randy Gordonas, Dennisas Rappaport, Howie Albertas, Fredis Ruda, Howardas Cosell, Ruby Goldsteinas Jimmy Jacobs.

KLASĖ 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Ponas.” Snipes, Dougas Dewitt, “Bronksas bombonešis” alex Ramos, Dickas tigras, Jose Torres, “unikatnom” Džekas Dempsey, Donas Majeski, Ronas Katzas, stan Hoffman, bobby Bartels, sruoga Kaplanas, "Al Gavin, Arturas Donovanas ir Danas Parkeris.

KLASĖ 2018: Lu “Medus Vaikinas” Slėnis, jake Rodriguezas, Terrence Alli, “Kūdikis” Džo Mesi, Vaikas Šokoladas, Jamesas J. “džentelmenas Jimas” Corbett, Džekas McAuliffe, billy Costello, Melio Bettina Ralph “Tigras” Jonesas, Charley Norkus, dave Andersonas, pete Brodskis, žolė "Goldman, bobby Goodmanas, Melvina Lathan, Ronas Scott Stevens, Johnnie Addie, Džonis Bosas, murray Goodmanas, Bert Randolph Sugar ir Sam Taub.

KLASĖ 2019: Wilfredo Benitezas, Dickas DiVeronica, Rogelio Tuuras, Davey Vasquezas, Michaelas Olajide'as, Monte Barrett, Jimmy Carteris, al “Bummy” Davis, Marty Servo, Rolandas LaStarza, Paddy DeMarco, sID Žemės, Leach “Kovos odontologas” Kirsti, Don King, Johnas McKaie, Steve'as Albertas, Arturas Mercante, Jr, Bobas Jacksonas, Dewey Fragetta, Johnny LoBianco, Wayne Kelly, Haris Hilas, Jimmy Cannon, ir Joe Dwyeris.



Night of Heavyweights Headlined by Undefeated Polish Star & Brooklyn Native Adam Kownacki Taking on Robert Helenius in WBA Heavyweight Title Eliminator This Saturday, Kovas 7 in FOX PBC Fight Night Action & On FOX Deportes from Barclays Center

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Stephanie Trapp / TGB Akcijos

BROOKLYN (Kovas 5, 2020) – Undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn native Adomas Kownacki ir Robert Helenius went face to face Thursday at the final press conference before they meet in a WBA Heavyweight title eliminator headlining FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes this Saturday, Kovas 7 iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai.

Also squaring off at the press conference were heavyweight sensation Cartoon Ajagba irRazvan Cojanu, who battle in the co-main event, plus rising heavyweight frank Sanchezir Joey Dawejko, who open the night of heavyweight action at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas TGB Akcijos, are on sale now and can be purchased at and Tickets are also available for purchase now at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.

Here is what the fighters had to say Thursday from the Tillary Hotel in Brooklyn:

Adomo Kownacka

I love fighting here in Brooklyn at Barclays Center. It’s almost half my career that I’ve fought in that ring, so it’s definitely my second home.

Fighting for a shot at the title is truly motivating. I know this is a big fight for Robert as well and he’s trained hard, but my title opportunity is right around the corner. I could have waited, but I decided to take on this big test. I’m going to show off why I’m ready to fight for the title soon.

It’s truly amazing to see the Polish fans on fight night. I was an Andrew Golota fan and Tomasz Adamek after that. Now I’m trying to be the next motivation for young Polish kids. I want to show them that they can make it. I kept making the right decisions and now I’m right there so close to a title shot. Robert is in my way and I have to beat him to get where I want.

I love hearing the fans yelling on fight night and that definitely gives me extra energy and motivation to fight in the later rounds.

I’m looking for a spectacular knockout. I want to show why I’m one of the best heavyweights in the world. I have to take care of business.

It’s truly amazing to have fans all over the world come to share this night with me. It’s an honor to have this following. It’s breathtaking really. I’d tell them to continue on this journey with toward becoming heavyweight world champion.

This is a very friendly press conference, there’s a lot of respect between these fighters. I can tell that everyone is ready to put on a great show for the fans on Saturday.


I have an opportunity to make a great fight Saturday and that’s what I trained for. I’m ready and I had a great training camp. I can’t wait to get into the ring.

This fight we came two weeks earlier to the U.S. My body has gotten used to the difference. Daugiau, the sparring in Alabama at Deontay Wilder’s gym really helped get me ready.

We’re doing everything right and training has been great. We’ve sparred so many rounds, I feel very sharp and ready to get into the ring against Kownacki.

I have a lot of fans in Europe and that support is why I can even do this and compete on this level. Everything has been so perfect coming into training camp. It makes me feel more confident than I have in many years.

I trained for years with a broken hand and have had injuries in the past. But the last two years I’ve been healthy and with the same trainer and I feel physically as good as I ever have.


I’m excited to be on this great show full of heavyweights. I’m looking forward to Saturday night. I thank my opponent for taking this challenge. He’s a good fighter and we’re looking forward to give you a great fight.

In the Iago Kiladze fight I had him hurt and tried to finish him, but I went too wild and left my guard down. That’s why he landed a shot and knocked me down. I felt okay when I got up and I came back and finished him off.

It’s up to Cojanu how the fight goes. We’ll find out if he can take my punch or not on Saturday. We’ll see in the ring if he’s got a hard chin.

Cojanu has a lot of good experience against good fighters. He’s going to try to box me, but if he can’t take my power, then I’ll be able to win the fight by knockout. If he can take it, I will be ready to win a decision.


Efe is a fighter I respect a lot. He’s a great prospect. But I’m ready for him. I feel very confident in myself. I had a great six-week training camp. Everyone who supported me, I’m going to make them proud on Saturday.

For this fight I got the chance to work with Henry Tillman and it’s made a huge difference in my game. I know the coach can’t fight for me, but I believe in his plan and his judgement. He knows how I can beat Efe Ajagba and Saturday night you’re going to see me shock the world.

People think Efe has already won the fight, bet jaučiuosi gerai. There’s no pressure on my shoulders. I have nothing to lose. I believe in karma and I believe it’s my time for my moment to come this Saturday.

I’m very happy to be fighting on FOX for the first time. Best of luck to all of the fighters to come through healthy and give the fans a great performance all night.


I’m very excited for this great opportunity to fight on this big PBC card. Saturday is going to be a great fight and you can expect a great performance from me.

I wish Joey luck on Saturday, but not too much luck. I’m going to demonstrate that I’m one of the best heavyweights in the world.

He’s not knocking out anybody. With my defense and movement, he’s not going to be able to hurt me. I have everything I need to dominate this fight.

No one he’s ever fought is like me. He’s going to be shocked when I deliver a tremendous knockout on Saturday night. I’ll see you in the ring on Saturday.


I want to thank everyone who helped me get this opportunity. I have an opportunity to be great again. I know a little about Frank Sanchez. I know they’re moving him fast, but I think they took the wrong fight. They should have waited a couple more fights for me and I’m going to prove it.

I am in great shape and I had a great camp with my trainer Justin Fortune. I can’t wait to get in there and give everyone a great fight.

Experience will play a big part in this fight. I had a great amateur career and I’ve fought all around the world. I’ve sparred with every champion right now and it’s all going to help.

Frank is a good fighter, but he’s not ready for me. He’s going to try to box me, but I’m going to be too much. I’m predicting a knockout. He’s going to be in for a big shock. He doesn’t have anything I haven’t already seen before.

KEITH SHELDON, EVP of Programming & Development for BSE Global

“Kaip mes visi žinome,, BROOKLYN BOXING is at its best when he we have heavyweights in the ring and this card has no shortage of them.

“Adomas, you built your career at Barclays Center and we’re thrilled to see you headline for the second time. With nine wins there, it’s safe to say Barclays Center is your second home. We’re excited for you to put on a show for your hometown fans.

Barclays Center continues to show to the world our steadfast commitment to the sport. This is our second PBC fight this year and the third in the last four months. This further demonstrates our commitment to our boxing program and the sport in general.

Our partnership with PBC consistently brings great fights to our market and Saturday night is no exception. I’d also like to thank FOX. At Barclays Center we pride ourselves on being in the big event business, and there’s nothing bigger than a primetime heavyweight fight on FOX.

# # #

Kownacki vs. Helenius will see undefeated Polish star and Brooklyn native Adam Kownacki look to thrill his hometown crowd when he takes on Robert Heleniusin a 12-round WBA Heavyweight Title eliminator in the main event of FOX PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Kovas 7 iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai.

FOX TSK Kova Naktį prasideda 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features undefeated heavyweight sensation Efe Ajagba facing former title challenger Razvan Cojanu in the 10-round co-main event and rising heavyweight Frank Sánchez stepping in to face Philadelphia’s Joey Dawejko in the 10-round televised opener.

Stebėtojai gali gyventi srautas PBC laidas FOX Sports "ir" Fox DABAR apps arba Papildomai, Visos programos yra prieinamos Fox Sports ant SiriusXM kanalą 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas, HT
ir, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, ir @Swanson_Comm arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook metu,

559 Fights returns to Visalia

SELMA, Kalifas. – Larry Gonzales hasn’t had the best of luck in his young mixed martial arts career. The Fresno heavyweight had three fights fall apart before he even had a chance to compete.

But once Gonzales stepped foot in the cage, he hasn’t looked back amassing a 4-0 įrašas, capturing a 559 Fights Heavyweight Championship and climbing to a No. 3 ranking in the state.

Gonzales hopes to keep the good fortune going on March 13 – Friday the 13th – in a heavyweight title showdown with Fresno’s Kail Melton (1-2) at the Visalia Convention Center. Doors open at 6pm and first fight is at 7.

“Looking at things now this might be one of the largest fight cards we’ve ever put together," 559 Fights owner Jeremy Luchau said. “15 mma bouts in all, with three of them being title fights and a grappling tournament. I don’t know what more fight fans could possibly want.”

The co-main event features a California Amateur Mixed Martial Arts Organization Middleweight State title fight, pitting two of the Valley’s best 185-pound prospects against one another – Hanford’s Marqus Blevins (3-0) and Orange Cove’s Jared Velasquez (4-3).

“It’s been a long time coming to get Blevins into the 559 Fights cage,” Luchau said. “Blevins trains out of Valley Fight Club and that’s where I had my start in mixed martial arts training. It’s an honor and a pleasure to be able to have them represented in our promotion. And I’m also excited to have Velasquez back in action. He’s as tough as they come and represents a great city in Orange Cove where we just had an extremely successful event.”

Flyweights will also take center stage, as 125-pound 559 Fights kingpin Johnny Maldonado of Bakersfield defends his perfect 4-0 record in a rematch with former champion Josue Gonzales (3-2) of San Luis Obispo.

559 Fights will also be hosting its first grappling tournament, which will take place in the 155-185 weight classes and feature competitors from all over the Central Valley.

“The fight card is pretty stacked, but I’m probably most excited about this grappling tournament that we are doing,” Luchau added. “There’s going to be a lot of notable names from the Valley competing. It’s a great start for us on where we see the future of both grappling and 559 Fights heading in the future.”

In other main card bouts; Irvine flyweight Meggan Tamondong (2-1) takes on Rocklin’s Valerie Thurs (3-4), Lindsay lightweight Mark Felix (4-3) battles Sacramento’s Julius Wright (5-4), Hanford featherweight Denzel Rosaroso (3-0) fights Bakersfield’s Sal Bruno (2-2-2), Sanger welterweight Anthony Mata (1-1) tangles with Bakersfield’s Jeramy Titsworth (1-1) and Porterville light heavyweight Omar Reneau (2-3) fights Lathrop’s Danny Moreno (2-2).

Grappling competitors include; Porterville’s Brandon Cohea, Fresno’s Nick Bustamante, Selma’s Julian Tovar, Parlier’s Christian Avalos, Fresno’s Art Hernandez, Visalia’s Marc DeLaCruz, Fresno’s Alex Rojas and Bakersfield’s Matt Reed.

For more information please visit

Sam Clarkson Jr. Squares off Against Israel Duffus for Ring Of Hope’s “Night To Fight” on March 7 in Irving TX

IRVINE, TX (Kovas 4, 2020)Fort Worth born-and-bred boxer Sam Clarkson Jr. was highly motivated by the wrong forces growing up. He was heading down dangerous Dallas roads, ones that could potentially not only derail his life, but spoil his boxing talents as well.

Before the Cedar HIll native found the sweet science at the age of 17, he was already going in and out of jail.

Reflecting on his regressions today, Clarkson Jr. is not proud of his decisions, but he doesn’t regret them either because it made him the stronger.

Non-profit organization Ring Of Hope was created in 2010 to help kids like Clarkson Jr. in the greater Dallas area escape trouble. Over the last decade, Ring Of Hope has transformed communities and changed the lives of the youth by educating, empowering and engaging students through the fundamentals of boxing.

Clarkson Jr. is proof of the promise that Ring Of Hope presents. He embodies the organization’s mission , ir dabar, Clarkson Jr. (22-5, 15 Kos) will headline Ring Of Hope’s ninth annual “Night To Fight” on Saturday, Kovas 7 when he takes on the Freddie Roach-trained Israel Duffus (19-6, 16 Kos) at the Toyota Music Factory in Irving, Teksasas.

“It’s truly a huge blessing to headline Ring of Hope’s event,” said Clarkson Jr. “It’s great to see how Ring of Hope opens its doors to everyone and people of all different backgrounds. I want to become a part of a movement to show kids who may have troubled backgrounds that boxing accepts you no matter who you are.”

The light heavyweight Clarkson is a nine-year veteran who’s defeated the likes of Cedric Agnew and also challenged Dmitry Bivol and Jesse Hart in the past.

Before the 29-year-old southpaw appeared multiple times under the bright lights of Showtime television, he racked up an amateur record of 89-9 and won the National Pals in 2009 and the Ringside silver medal in 2010. Clarkson is also a two-time Texas Golden Gloves champion.

“I was a firecracker always up for a fight,” said Clarkson Jr. “I turned a negative into a positive. When I got introduced to boxing, it was mine, and I have stayed out of trouble for the last 13 metų. Boxing has changed my life. For kids who are like me when I was growing up, if you have the right passion, there are no limitations to who you can become.”

Clarkson Jr. has frequented Ring of Hope gyms ever since its inception, whether it be for sparring, reconnecting with coaches and old friends or simply speaking and guiding children.

“A lot of the kids at Ring of Hope look up to me because I am a professional boxer. It feels great to motivate them,” said Clarkson Jr. “Ring of Hope is a great platform to help kids escape the streets. I take my hat off to them.

“I’ve returned to my comfort zone with spirituality. I’ve been reading the Bible a lot more and believe that God will set-up everything for me as a family man and a provider. I’ve fallen short a lot in the past, but ever since I’ve refocused my career, everything is falling back into place. Aš susijaudinęs, and I can’t wait to put on a great show. Everyone will be pleased to see my skills. I’ll be coming to make a statement. I’m coming with a chip on my shoulder and I’m looking to dominate.”

Clarkson Jr. will attempt to conquer the Panamanian pugilist Duffus, a 27-year-old who’s been training with the Hall of Fame coach Roach at the Wild Card Gym in Los Angeles ever since he permanently moved to the United States in 2014.

“The last few years have been rough for me. I split with my wife, and we have two very young children. The last thing on my mind in the middle of the storm was boxing,” said Duffus. “My personal issues were affecting me, but I’m doing better now, and I’m focused on putting my career back on track.”

Duffus was riding an eight-fight winning from 2017 ir 2018 before his problems outside of the ring took over. He lost his next two fights by unanimous decision. Finally in a better place, he’s looking to bounce back versus Clarkson Jr.

“Freddie has a lot of confidence in me and my talent,” said Duffus, who also has an amateur record of 98-10. “He tells me exactly what I need to do to take advantage of my opponent, and that’s what I plan on doing March 7.”

Also to be featured in separate bouts are welterweights Jessy Martinez (14-0, 9 Kos) ir Brandyn Lynch (10-1, 8 Kos), cruiserweight Robin Safar (10-0, 7 Kos) and heavyweight Patrick Mailata (4-0, 2 Kos), Austin-based super lightweight Robert Kevin Garcia (6-0, 5 Kos) and the Corpus Christi-based lightweight John Rincon (4-0, 2 Kos).

Night To Fight will be available live on Integrated Sports Pay Per View on cable, satellite and digital pay-per-view via iN Demand, Gyvenamumas, DirecTV ir Dish Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, Shaw PPV in Canada and worldwide via the FITE.TV app and website.

Hall of Fame Showtime TV broadcaster Al Bernstein, former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi and LA Times and Boxing Scene journalist and writerManouk Akopyan will call the action from ringside.

# # #

Limited tickets and VIP dinner tables can be obtained through a sponsorship to Ring of Hope. Daugiau informacijos, eiti į

The Toyota Music Factory is located at 300 West Las Colinas Boulevard in Irving, Teksasas.

For more information on Rėmimas, volunteering or to enroll a child in a Ring of Hope program, rašykite To provide a safe place for youth in the Dallas Fort Worth area to participate in after school boxing programs, click here to donate.

For up to date information, news and developments, apsilankymas, and follow along online on the following Ring of Hope platforms—Instagram, "Facebook" irPagrindinis "YouTube".

Night To Fight 2020 promo video

🥊 Renginiai from previous Ring of Hope Night To Fight events

Nuotraukos nuo 2019 Night To Fight, which took place Feb. 28 at the Frontiers Of Flight Museum in Dallas. The fight card featured undefeated prospects, former US Olympians and the likes of Hall of Famer fighter Thomas Hearn and The First Lady of Boxing Jackie Kallen in attendance.

ABOUT RING OF HOPE: Įkurtas 2010 by Steve Bolos, Ring of Hope is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate, empower and engage the youth through the fundamentals of boxing. With two gym locations—the South Dallas Club and the Colony Club—Ring of Hope emphasises on leadership development, fitness programs and community outreach while teaching the discipline of boxing. The locations also provide a safe place for youth in the Dallas Fort Worth area to participate in after school boxing programs. Through the sweet science, Ring of Hope’s coaches and volunteers empower youth to become more committed to health, fitness and wellness while also inspiring them to become more engaged in their community.

Decorated U.S. amateur boxer Angel Gonzalez, Jaunesnysis. to make pro debut on “Fight Night In Framingham” card

Fighting Life charity event,

 Kovas 20oji at Sheraton Hotel

FRAMINGHAM, Mišios. (Kovas 4, 2020) – The long-awaited professional debut of decorated amateurAngel Gonzalez, Jaunesnysis. will take place Friday night, Kovas 20, on the “Fight Night In Framingham” card, presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP), at Sheraton Framingham Hotel in Framingham, Masačusetsas.

“Fight Night In Framingham”, the first pro boxing event ever in Framingham, is being held for the benefit ofFighting Lifean after-school youth boxing and academic empowerment program, available 100-percent free of charge, to students beginning in elementary school through high school education.

Gonzalez hasn’t fought in three years, since he moved from his native Hartford, CT to Florida. “It took me a while to settle in after I moved to Florida,” Gonzalez explained. “I’ve been going to a gym and now I’m on track and coming back to turn pro. I have the talent for bigger and better things.”

The 26-year-olldf super flyweight had a 45-6 mėgėjų įrašas, highlighted by three New England Golden Gloves, two Ringside National and 2014 National PAL championships.

The problem for Gonzalez, nors, is finding appropriate opponents, especially where he was a standout amateur. Right now, he’s still without a signed opponent, largely because there are so few 115-pound boxers in America outside of California and the Southwest. “Most super flyweights are from Mexico, Japonija, or other foreign countries,” Gonzalez said. “It doesn’t matter to me who I fight. I can slug or box, depending on my opponent. If he’s taller, I’ll fight on the inside; if shorter, I’ll box from the outside. I’ll adjust to my opponent. My best punch is my right. It’s solid and deadly.”

“I’ve offered this fight to guys with 5 į 10 fights and after consideration,” promoterChuck Shearns explained, “they have declined to fight Angel. These lower weight classes can be hard enough to match, never mind against Angel. What you find is that these smaller guys need to step up their competition earlier than other weight classes, because it’s simply a smaller pool of fighters. We will see what Angel has very early in his career.”

Two unbeaten pro “graduates” of the Fighting Life Boxing Program, super featherweightsTimmy Ramos (5-0-2, 5 Kos) irNelson “Chino” Perez (2-0, 2 Kos), bus veiksmo, atitinkamai,  in the main event and co-featured event.

Ramos, fighting out of Framingham, was a two-time New England Golden Gloves champion as an amateur. He is in the 6-round, main event against superCarlos Marrero, III (2-3-1), iš Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Perez, who comes from nearby Marlboro, MA, is another New England Golden Gloves champion, who will be fighting Indianapolis lightweightDeWayne Išmintis (7-52-2, 3 Kos) in the 6-round. bendras renginys. Perez faces

Boston heavyweightTracey Johnson (4-7-6), whose brother is past Olympian and reigning WBO super middleweight championDemetrijus Andrade, veidaiLarry “Hitman” Pryor (11-22-5, 5 Kos) in a 6-round bout.

Albania-born super middleweightKastriot “Slaughterhouse” Xhema, fighting out of Greenwich, KT, makes his pro boxing debut against Framingham favorite, Brazilian-bornSaulius "Spider" Almeida (0-10-3, 20-11 MMA) in a 4-round battle of mixed-martial-arts fighters.

Revere, MA super middleweight Jarel “Sandman” Pemberton (3-0, 1 KO), also a past New England Golden Gloves champion, veidai Leandro Silva (2-3, 2 Kos) in a 4-rounder.

Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round matches, is Southbridge, MA pussvorisWilfredo “El Sucaro” Pagan (6-1, 3 Kos) vs.Tyrone “Hands of Stone” Luckey (9-12-4, 7 Kos),  Vusteris, MA super featherweightAndino Ranse (1-1) priešHenry Garcia (0-5-1), of New Bedford, MA.

Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.

Tickets prices are $75,.00 Ringo (eilutės 1-3), $60.00 (sėdi), $45.00 stovimas kambarys, and VIP tables (apie 10) už $1000.00 and may be purchasedČIA, at UpperKuts gym, or from any of the local fighters on the card.

Durys atviros ne 6:30 p.m. IR, Pirmoji kova ne 7 p.m. IR.

Street Light Ventures is the presenting sponsor. Other sponsors include Bernardi Auto Group, East Coast Herbalist, Tecate, Ashwood Advisors LLC and A Affordable Insurance.


"Twitter": @ShearnsBoxing, @UpperKutsBoxing@sheratonframingham

Instagram: @ShearnsBoxingPromotions, @Upperkuts_boxing_club, @sheratonframingham

Beat the Streets Annual Benefit Returns to the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden May 28 Following Sold-Out Event Last Year

Į viršų Ne JAV. Men’s and women’s wrestlers expected to compete in ‘Grapple at the Garden,"

11oji annual fundraiser to help raise money for youth non-profit Beat the Streets

NEW YORK– One of the highlights on the annual amateur wrestling calendar returns for the 11oji straight year as Beat the Streets Wrestling (BTS), the largest grassroots inner city wrestling program in the United States, and USA Wrestling today announced that the annual BTS benefit will be held on Thursday, Gegužė 28. The thrilling night of wrestling, dubbed “Grapple at the Garden,” will again be held at the Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden after making a highly successful, sold-out debut there in 2019 following nearly a decade at various other iconic New York City venues.

The bouts will again be followed by the annual Benefit Celebration, which recognizes not only the elite athletes who compete at the event but also the BTS standout youth wrestlers who epitomize the work that the not-for-profit organization does year-round. Expected to compete are BTS wrestlers along with a national high school All-Star match-up, NCAA Champions and international Olympic men and women, and potentially mixed martial arts athletes who began as wrestlers.

Ticket information as well as the athletes, matchups, schedule and broadcast details will be announced at a later date.

“We couldn’t have been more pleased with the response to our first year at Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden,” said Beat the Streets Executive Director Brendan Buckley. “The sold-out crowd brought a non-stop energy, fueled by world-class wrestling action from top to bottom. We expect it will be an even hotter ticket this year with the Tokyo Olympics on the horizon.”

“The Board of Beat the Streets is excited to present another outstanding competition as we raise funds for the youth of New York City,” added BTS Chairman of the Board Ray Barczak. “The support we receive from donors, fans and others during our annual benefit allows us to achieve our mission. Su daugiau nei 3,000 male and female student-athletes participating in more than 150 programs across the region, Beat the Streets is in its 14th year of changing lives and providing opportunities that truly make a difference.”

Beat the Streets Benefit competitions began in 2010 and have since become a major showcase of the best of international wrestling. This unique and electrifying annual event has helped BTS raise millions of dollars to support local youth wrestling programs which empower young people in New York City. The 2019 event raised $1.3 million for the organization. Appearances by Olympic champions Jordan Burroughs (2012, auksas), Kyle Snyder (2016, auksas) ir J’den Cox (2016, bronze) and local favorites like Nick Suriano (Rutgers University/Paramus, N.J.), James Green (Willingboro, N.J.) ir Anthony Ashnault (Rutgers/So. Plainfield, N.J.) were among the night’s many crowd-pleasing highlights.

The first Beat the Streets Benefit was held on the U.S.S. Intrepid, an aircraft carrier docked on the west side of Manhattan. Nuo tada, the benefit has taken place at other notable New York City spots like Grand Central Terminal and Times Square. Team USA has faced off against teams from around the world including Japan, Kuba, Rusija, Iran and Canada, as well as international all-star teams. Į 2018, the competition was hosted at the new Pier 17 in the Seaport District and included the highly anticipated Burroughs vs. Frank Chamizo (Italija) match.

New York City’s Madison Square Garden is one of the most famous sporting and entertainment venues in the world. The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden is an impressive venue with the capacity to seat over 5,000. The theater has hosted notable wrestling events including the 1998 Goodwill Games wrestling competition and the 2017 Grapple at the Garden college wrestling event.

About Beat the Streets

The mission of Beat the Streets is to develop the full potential of the urban youth and to strengthen the culture of New York City wrestling. BTS works directly with the New York City Department of Education in a public-private partnership to bring the life changing sport of wrestling to over 3,000 New York City student-athletes to help them achieve their personal and athletic goals. Per imtynių programų veikimu viduryje ir aukštųjų mokyklų penkiose miestelių, BTS and the DOE provide a safe, positive atmosphere in which disadvantaged and at-risk youth can learn the essential life lessons of grit, personal responsibility and teamwork, physical fitness and nutrition, and life-long learning. Siekiant skatinti stiprus tikslas, well-rounded student-athletes is delivered through coaching, po mokyklos programas, life skills workshops, and summer camps. Daugiau informacijos galima rasti

About USA Wrestling

USA Wrestling is the National Governing Body for the Sport of Wrestling in the United States and, kaip toks,, is its representative to the United States Olympic Committee and United World Wrestling, Tarptautinė imtynių federacija. Tiesiog, JAV Imtynės yra centrinė organizacija, kuri koordinuoja mėgėjų imtynių programas tautos ir dirba sukurti susidomėjimą ir dalyvavimą šiose programose. It has over 250,000 members across the nation, boys and girls, men and women of all ages, representing all levels of the sport. Its president is Bruce Baumgartner, and its Executive Director is Rich Bender. More information can be found at 

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