WWE Live / Friday, Cuaj hlis 18 / Tswb Centre

Friday, CUAJ HLI 18 AT 7:30pm / TSWB CENTRE
Daim pib ntawm kev muag khoom nyob rau Tswb Centre Box Office
Hais hauv internet: www.evenko.ca
By lub xov tooj: 1 855 310-2525
Daim pib nqi pib ntawm $30 (se thiab cov kev pab cov nqi nrog)
* Ib tug tsis pub tshaj ntawm 10 daim pib rau ib tug neeg

WWE YOG LOS RAU montreal
RAU Friday, CUAJ HLI 18!

WWE ntiaj teb tau zus ib Heavyweight Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Roman reigns
Bray Wyatt
Intercontinental zus Ryback
Lub Divas
... Thiab ntau ntau *!

(* Card yog kev kawm mus rau kev hloov)

Lucian Bute rov qab nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib!

Eleider Alvarez thiab Oscar Rivas kuj nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim

Montreal (Lub Xya hli ntuj 14, 2015) – Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym), nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog InterBox, yog zoo siab ncha moo rov qab los rau lub nplhaib ntawm yav tas los IBF ntiaj teb no super middleweight yeej Lucian Bute, Lub yim hli ntuj 15 ntawm Tswb Centre, raws li ib feem ntawm Premier Boxing Champions series, airing nyob rau NBC Cov kev ua si. Nws tus nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum European super middleweight yeej, Andrea Di Luisa, ntawm ltalis.

“Kuv npaj txhij thiab nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej mus rau rov qab nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Kuv tsis tau poob rau kuv mob siab thiab kuv qhia rau hnub ib lub lim tiam, ob zaug ib hnub twg,” hais tias Bute (31-2, 24 Kos), uas yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj kev sib ntaus vim ntsib Jean Pascal nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm ib tug sellout pawg neeg, Lub ib hlis ntuj 18, 2014 ntawm Tswb Centre.

Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag sib ntau sib tw, Luisa (17-2, 13 Kos) yeej nws compatriot, Roberto Cocco, los ntawm 11 puag ncig kev knockout mus ntes tus EBU-EU cov teb chaws Europe title. Di Luisa tau yeej nws plaub sib ntaus.

“Kuv zoo siab heev txog lub sij hawm no,” Luisa commented. “Kuv paub Bute vim hais tias kuv tiv thaiv nws nyob rau hauv lub amateurs. Nws yog zoo heev thiab kuv hwm nws. Tab sis kuv tsis ntshai nws.”

“Peb zoo siab uas Lucian thaum kawg rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib. Qhov no sib ntaus yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau tus so ntawm nws cov hauj lwm,” hais tias InterBox tus thawj tswj hwm Jean Bedard.

“Peb zoo siab heev los qhia rau cov thawj cov kev tshwm sim ntawm lub Premier Boxing Championsseries nyob rau hauv Montreal. Qhov no kuj yuav thawj lub sij hawm uas NBC Cov kev ua si yuav tsum tam sim no nyob rau hauv Montreal rau tshaj tawm hauv xov ib tug boxing kev tshwm sim,” ntxiv gym Thawj Tswj Hwm Yvon Michel. “Kuv kuj zoo siab heev los pab txhawb rau rov qab los ntawm Lucian Bute thiab kuv ua tsaug InterBox rau cov uas peb mus koom.”

Loj xeem rau Alvarez

Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd rau Lucian Bute, kiv cua yuav pom unbeaten Colombian Olympians Eleider Alvarez thiab Oscar Rivas, nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim. Lawv yuav ob lub ntsej muag lub biggest kev sib tw ntawm lawv cov tub ntxhais ua hauj lwm.

Alvarez (17-0, 10 Kos) yuav fim ib undefeated, WBO #6 nyob Paraguayan-yug Slugger Isidro “Lub Warrior” Prieto (24-0-3, 20 Kos). Lub Argentina-raws li boxer yog kawm los ntawm tsis muaj lwm yam tshaj li tus neeg cob qhia thiab thawj tsheb loj thauj neeg ntawm yav tas los lub ntiaj teb championSergio Martinez, Raul Paniagua.

“Prieto yog ib tug heev loj tus nrog sib ntaus, undefeated thiab lub ntiaj teb no-kab sab, ” lub taub hau tus kws qhia Marc Ramsey analyzed. “Nws yeej txhua leej txhua tus nyob rau hauv South America, feem ntau los ntawm KO. Nws muaj ib tug muaj zog txoj cai txhais tes, nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus ua tub ntxhais hluas thiab tshaib plab. Nws yuav sim siv Eleider raws li ib tug stepping pob zeb rau tus loj pob.”

Rivas (17-0, 12 Kos) yuav hlua nws hnab looj tes tiv thaiv tsis tau tus nrog sib ntaus tsis tau yuav tsum tau txiav txim.

Alvarez thiab Rivas muaj ob tau impressive nyob rau hauv lawv lub xeem mus ua si no yav dhau los nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj hauv lub tebchaws United States. Lawv feem khob qhov rooj tawm Anatoliy Dudchenko thiab Jason Pettaway.

Lwm yam neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv daim card

Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus rau lub peb aforementioned featured fights, tsib lwm bouts yuav tsum tau nthuav tawm.

Lavxias teb sab super bantamweight Vislan Dalkhaev (2-0, 0 Kos), Romanian heavyweightBogdan Dinu (12-0, 8 Kos), Montreal super sib Yves Ulysse (8-0, 5 Kos), Sorel-Tracy super sib David Theroux (6-1, 4 Kos) thiab Laval teeb heavyweight Erik Bazinyan (8-0, 5 Kos) yog tag nrho cov sij hawm teem yuav nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim.

Dalkhaev, ib tug phooj ywg ntawm cov khub boxer Artur Beterbiev, yuav sim mus ntxiv ib feem peb yeej nyob rau hauv lub pro ibyam. Nyob rau hauv nws cov nag mus ua si, lub Chechen-yug pugilist yeej Frenchman Adel Hadjouis los ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4, nyob rau hauv Quebec City.

Dinu, ib tug compatriot ntawm Bute, yuav sib ntaus rau tus thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015. Nws kawg encounter tshwm sim Hlis ntuj nqeg 6, 2014, thaum nws nres Frenchman Mickael Vieira nyob rau hauv thawj puag ncig.

Ulysse, ib tug qub neeg ntawm tus Canadian lub teb chaws Amateur Boxing Team, kaw qhov yooj yim yeej ntawm nws cov hauj lwm nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj 20 ntawm Tswb Centre, thaum Frenchman Renald Garrido tau tsis tsim nyog ua ntej pib ntawm lub confrontation. Lub sij hawm no, tab sis yog, Ulysse yog yuav kom muaj ib tug yeeb ncuab uas yeej xav kom mus tua.

Theroux, cov kev txaus siab ntawm Sorel-Tracy, tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv ib tug tsiv sib ntaus sib tua tiv thaiv qub Mev yeej Ignacio Mendoza, Lub rau hli ntuj 17 nyob rau hauv Sorel-Tracy. Txawm yog cov tsis rau ib tug cia siab rau, lub 21-xyoo-laus nyob rau hauv boxer tsis muaj quitter thiab nws xav rau nws tus kheej nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej txhiv ntawm nws Montreal kiv cua.

Raws li rau Armenian-yug Bazinyan, nws yog kev kawm thiab kev tswj los ntawm Grant cov kwv tij. Lub 20-xyoo-laus fighter yuav dhia mus rau hauv lub nplhaib rau lub thib ob lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015. Rau Lub peb hlis ntuj 27 ntawm Olympia Theatre, nws nres Frenchman Morgan Le gal nyob rau hauv lub thib tsib puag ncig.

Daim pib mus muag Wednesday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 15 ntawm 10:00 a.m. THIAB, nyob rau Tswb Centre chaw ua hauj lwm, rau www.evenko.ca, ntawm gym (514) 383-0666, ntawm InterBox (450) 645-1077 los yog ntawm tus yeej boxing qws (514) 376-0980. Daim pib nqi kev ntsuas pib ntawm $25 rau $250 rau hauv pem teb.

Nws yog sib ntaus lub lim tiam rau lub Xya hli ntuj 17 ShoBox sib ntaus ntawm Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees

4 Lub npe RAU LUB KAB

6 UNDEFEATED neeg tua hluav taws

TAG NRHO NTAUB NTAWM YIM televised neeg tua hluav taws: 125-4-4, 75 KO lub

Antoine Douglas – Istavan Szili nyob rau hauv 10-round Middleweight ntsiab kev tshwm sim rau IBO Intercontinental Title

Derrick Webster battles Arif Magomedov rau NABO Middleweight title

Adas Lopez – Eliecer Aquino rau WBA FEDELATIN thiab WBC Interim Latino Super Bantamweight title

Jerry Odom rau sib ntaus sib tua Samuel Clarkson nyob rau hauv qhib bout ntawm televised quadruple-header

Tam sim TSO TAWM

Npelehees, PA (Lub Xya hli ntuj 14, 2015)–Sib ntaus lub lim tiam yog no yog lub Friday Night tus loj ShoBox: Tus Tshiab Tiam card rau ntawm lub Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees.

Txhawb los ntawm GH3 Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog huab tais Promotions, Greg Cohen Promotions thiab Main Txheej xwm, cov kev tshwm sim yuav feature peb title bouts nrog ib tug tag nrho ntawm plaub lub npe nyob rau hauv txoj kab.

Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Antoine “Action” Douglas (17-0-1, 11 KO lub) ntawm Burke, VA. Istvan Szili yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv (18-0-2, 8 KO lub) ntawm Basel, Switzerland rau lub tsis muaj IBO Intercontinental Middleweight title.

Derrick Webster (19-0, 10 KO lub) ntawm Glassboro, NJ battles Arif Magomedov (15-0, 9 KO lub) ntawm Chekhov, Zog ntawm Guj kuj rau lub tsis muaj NABO Middleweight title teem rau 10 rounds.

Adas Lopez (12-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm San Antonio, TX yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Eliecer Aquino (17-0-1, 11 KO lub) ntawm Higuey, DR rau lub WBA FEDELATIN thiab WBC Latino Super Bantaweight lub npe nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus teem rau 10-rounds.

Qhib lub telecast yuav tsum yog ib tug 8 -puag ncig Super Middleweight clash ntawm Jerry “Lub Vaj Leej Tub” Odom (13-1, 12 KO lub) thiab Samuel Clarkson (14-3, 8 KO lub) ntawm Cedar Hill, TX.

Cov off-TV card yuav tsum teem nrog yav tom ntej contenders.

Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:

Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO lub) ntawm Atlantic City, NJ yuav muab rau tus nrog sib ntaus lub npe hu ua nyob rau hauv ib tug teeb Heavyweight bout.

Rob Brant (15-0, 9 KO lub) ntawm Minnesota yuav sib ntaus sib tua Ernesto Berrospe ((10-7, 5 KO lub) nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.

Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:

Christopher Brooker (3-0, 3 KO lub) ntawm Philadelphia, PA yuav tua Botirsher Obidov (1-0-1) ntawm Florida nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Middleweight sib ntaus sib tua.

Ricky Nuno (1-0) ntawm Npelehees, PA yuav tua pro debuting Tim Kunkel ntawm PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.

Manny tsis kav ntev yeej (4-0, 3 KO lub) ntawm Philadelphia, PA yuav sib ntaus sib tua Jose Garcia (0-2) ntawm Puerto Rico nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Bantamweight sib ntaus.

Samuel Seah (5-1, 3 KO lub) ntawm Philadelphia, PA yuav noj nyob rau hauv Raymond Vélez (3-7) ntawm Albany, NY nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.

Oscar Bonilla (3-1-2, 2 KO lub) New Haven, CT yuav thawv Bienvenidio Diaz (2-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Paterson, NJ nyob rau hauv ib tug Hnav bout.

Hauv qab no yog kev sib ntaus lub lim tiam sij hawm rau lub Xya hli ntuj 17th televised Quadruple header rau Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees thiab yuav tsum televised nyob rau Showtime lub ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam.

Thursday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 16th

5:00 PM—Weigh nyob rau hauv — ntawm lub Zeem Muag Bar nyob rau Sands Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Npelehees (Nyob rau teev ntawm 6 PM)

Friday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 17th

6:00 Qhov rooj qhib
7:00 1st Bout
10:00 Showtime Broadcast pib

Daim pib no yog luv nqi ntawm $100, $75 thiab $50 thiab yuav tsum tau muas ntawm Ticketmaster thiab www.ticketmaster.com

GH3 Promotions nta undefeated Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super Middleweight lub Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, undefeated Super Bantamweight Adas Lopez li zoo raws li Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight zus John Thompson, Jr., undefeated Welterweight Jerrell Harris,undefeated Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, khaub-ncaws nyias Oscar Bonilla, Heavyweight Natu Visinia, Lub teeb Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell thiab Jr. Hnav O'Shanique Foster mus rau lub GH3 Promotions ruaj khov.




Plus Undefeated teeb Heavyweights tsoo Raws li

Eleider Alvarez Raws Isidro Prieto Ranón

Oscar Rivas Tsis tas li ntawd Nyob rau hauv Action!

Daim pib Nyob muag khoom Tag kis!

Montreal (Lub Xya hli ntuj 14, 2015) – Yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Lucian Bute (31-2, 24 Kos) rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib mus fim Ltalis tus Andrea Di Luisa (17-2, 13 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round super middleweight showdown rau Premier Boxing Champions rau NBCSN rau Saturday, Lub yim hli ntuj 15 los ntawm cov Tswb Centre nyob rau hauv Montreal nrog televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT.


Lwm televised bout yuav pit ib tug khub ntawm undefeated teeb heavyweights tiv thaiv txhua lwm yam raws li 2008 Colombian Olympian Eleider Alvarez (17-0, 10 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Paraguayan knockout artist Isidro Prieto Ranoni (24-0-3, 20 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib tug 12-round sib ntaus sib tua. Tsis tas li ntawd, 2008 Colombian Olympian Oscar Rivas (17-0, 12 Kos) yuav lwv rau ntawm daim card.


“Kuv npaj txhij thiab nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau rov qab mus nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib,” hais tias Bute. “Kuv tsis tau poob rau kuv mob siab thiab kuv qhia rau hnub ib lub lim tiam, ob zaug ib hnub twg. Kuv pog mus ua rau lub loj theem rau Lub yim hli ntuj 15.”


“Peb zoo siab heev los qhia no kuj zoo kawg tshwm sim nyob rau hauv Montreal,” hais tias gym Thawj Tswj Hwm Yvon Michel. “Qhov no kuj yuav thawj lub sij hawm uas NBCSN yuav nyob rau hauv Montreal rau tshaj tawm hauv xov ib tug boxing kev tshwm sim thiab kuv kuj zoo siab los pab txhawb rau rov qab los ntawm yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Lucian Bute.”


Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, nce Group Yvon Michel (Gym) nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog InterBox, yog luv nqi los ntawm $25 rau $250, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab cov nqi, thiab yog muag Wednesday, Lub Xya hli ntuj 15 ntawm 10 a.m. THIAB. Daim pib yuav raug muas nyob rau tej txee ntawm lub Tswb Centre, rau www.evenko.ca, ntawm gym (514) 383-0666, ntawm InterBox (450) 645-1077 los yog ntawm tus yeej boxing qws (514) 376-0980.


Tom qab ib qho kev pib xyaum ua hauj lwm sawv cev rau accomplished nws ib txwm nyob Romania, Bute tsiv mus rau Montreal, Quebec, Canada thiab pib nws pro hauj lwm nyob rau hauv 2003 nrog 30 ncaj victories. Ntawm cov neeg yeej, lub 35-xyoo-laus yeej ib super middleweight ntiaj teb no title tshaj Alejandro Berrio. Bute tswv yeej tshaj Sakio Bika, William Joppy, Edison Miranda thiab Jesse Brinkley thiab yuav tsum rov qab mus rau lub nplhaib rau thawj lub sij hawm txij li thaum Jan. 2014 rau Lub yim hli ntuj 15.


Ib tug neeg txij li thaum 2008, Di Luisa yuav tau ua nws North American debut rau Lub yim hli ntuj 15thaum nws mus rau Canada cam Bute. Lub 33-xyoo-laus racked li 12 yeej pib nws cov hauj lwm nrog rau victories tshaj yav tas los unbeaten fighters Alessio Rondelli thiab Giuseppe Brischetto. Sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Lazio, nws nkag no sib ntaus rau ib tug plaub-sib ntaus yeej streak, nrog rau nws ob lub los ntawm knockout.


A 2008 Colombian Olympian sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Montreal, Alvarez yeej Anatoliy Dudchenko los ntawm ob puag ncig knockout rau Lub rau hli ntuj 12. Uas sib ntaus cim pro debut rau lub 31-xyoo-laus, tom qab cov ntaubntawv povthawj siv 15 victories nyob rau hauv Canada thiab ib tug nyob rau hauv Monaco. Tus tswv ntawm yeej thiab Edison Miranda, Alexander Johnson thiab Ryno Liebenber, nws zoo nkaus li kom nws zoo meej cov ntaub ntawv lawm rau Lub yim hli ntuj 15. .


Yug nyob rau hauv Paraguay tab sis ua nws lub tsev nyob rau hauv Buenoas Aires, Argentina, Prieto yeej tsis poob raws li ib tug pro thiab tau yeej nws kawg yim fights mus rau hauv Lub yim hli ntuj 15. Lub 29-xyoo-laus yuav tau ua nws North American debut thiab sib ntaus sib tua raws li ib tug pro sab nraum ntawm South America rau lub thawj lub sij hawm. Tus heavy-fisted fighter tau kaw peb ncaj knockouts nkag mus no sib ntaus.


Lwm 2008 Colombian Olympian, Rivas kuj ua nws lub tsev nyob rau hauv Montreal txij li thaum tig pro. Lub exciting 28-xyoo-laus caij ib tug impressive rau-sib ntaus knockout streak mus rau hauv no sib ntaus thiab nws vam kom lawv muaj nyob rau hauv txoj kev vam meej nws muaj nyob rau hauv nws US. debut, ib tug thawj round knockout tshaj Jason Pettaway nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj 2015.


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing thiab www.groupeyvonmichel.ca. Ua raws li ntawm TwitterPremierBoxing, NBCSports, InterBoxBute, @yvonmichelgym and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionsthiab www.facebook.com/NBCSports.



Mario Barrios, Ryan Karl & Lwm yam Sab saum toj zeem muag Muab Tawm

Tas nrho cov hnub Ntawm Undercard Action

STEP, TX (Lub Xya hli ntuj 14, 2015) – Mexican-American heavyweight lub hnub qub Chris “Lub Npau suav phem” Arreola, (36-4, 31 Kos) yuav fim “Loj” Fred Miv, (18-3-0, 10 Kos) rau Premier Boxing Champions rau CBS, Saturday yav tav su, Lub Xya hli ntuj 18 los ntawm lub Don Haskins Center ntawm lub University of Texas ntawm El Paso (UTEP). Televised kev pab them nqi nyob rau hauv kev ua si CBS pib ntawm 4 p.m. THIAB/2 p.m. MT / 1 p.m. PT.


Featured nyob rau hauv lub undercard yog ib tug trio ntawm undefeated zeem muag raws li Mario Barrios (14-0, 5 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Jose Esquivel (9-2, 2 Kos)nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-round super featherweight bout, Ryan Karl (7-0, 5 Kos) ntsej muag Rigobert Paj (7-1, 2 Kos) nyob rau hauv rau-rounds ntawm super sib txiav txim thiab Steve Lovett (12-0, 10 Kos) battles Jinner Guerrero (8-4, 6 Kos) nyob rau hauv ib yim-round lub teeb heavyweight attraction


Tsis tas li ntawd featured yog lub 10-round middleweight clash ntawm 26-xyoo-laus unbeaten Ivan Golub (8-0, 6 Kos), sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm Brooklyn los ntawm txoj kev ntawm Ukraine, thiab 26-xyoo-laus Lukasz Maciec (22-2-1, 5 Kos) los ntawm Lublin, Poland.


Pub muab kwv yees tawm hauv lub hnub ntawm fights yog 21-xyoo-laus Justin Deloach (9-1, 5 Kos) tawm ntawm Georgia, Louisiana neeg ntsib lub 29-xyoo-laus Detroit-haiv neeg Alcantar Lauro (9-3, 1 KO) nyob rau hauv ib tug rau-round super welterweight sib ntaus sib tua, thaum 24-xyoo-laus Josh Taylor (0-2) los ntawm Scotland yuav nkag mus rau hauv lub nplhaib tiv thaiv Houston tus Randy Gibson (0-1) rau ib tug rau-round super sib bout.


Cov exciting fights yuav txhawb lub PBC rau CBS ntsiab tshwm sim pitting undefeated Irish superstar Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos) in a world title defense against Mexico’s Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos).


Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm TGB Promotions nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Warriors Boxing thiab Cyclone Promotions, yog luv nqi ntawm $50 los yog $25 rau kev nkag mus yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Mus rau nqi los ntawm lub xov tooj nrog ib tug loj credit card, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000 los yog lub tsev kawm ntawv pib Center ntawm (915) 747-5234. Daim pib no kuj muaj nyob rau hauv www.ticketmaster.com.


Ua nws thawj pib nyob rau hauv El Paso, lub 34-xyoo-laus Arreola xav tua nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub passionate West Texas boxing kiv cua. Nyob rau hauv lub Lub peb hlis ntuj 13 PBC card nws yog yeej tiv thaiv Curtis Harper nyob rau hauv ib qho zoo heev slugfest uas featured zoo heev ob-txoj kev txiav txim thoob plaws. Ib tug neeg uas Riverside, California., Arreola tau sib tw rau saum heavyweights tshaj lub xyoo caum kawg thiab yog ntshai raws li ib ntawm cov feem ntau ntshai tsam punchers nyob rau hauv lub division.

Yug nyob rau hauv Cameroon tab sis sib ntaus sib tua tawm ntawm New Orleans, lub 35-xyoo-laus nyuaj-ntaus Kassi yuav tau nrhiav kom chim Arreola thiab ua ib qho kev cuam tshuam rau ib tug lossis loj theem. Kassi tau muab knockouts nyob rau hauv tsib ntawm nws lub xeem yim fights thiab yuav ua kom nws thawj pib ntawm 2015 rau Lub Xya hli ntuj 18.


Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev thiab cov sawv cev San Antonio, Barrioslooks rau nws thib peb knockout yeej ntawm 2015 rau Lub Xya hli ntuj 18. Lub 20-xyoo-laus vam los tsim kom tau rau nws momentum thiab mus txuas ntxiv kom loj hlob nws kiv cua puag nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub 25-xyoo-laus Esquivel los ntawm Mexico.


Ib undefeated prospect uas sawv cev rau Houston, Karl muaj ib qho zoo heev pib xyaum ua hauj lwm uas twb nrog nws ranked thib peb nyob rau hauv lub teb chaws nyob rau hauv lub 141-phaus division. Lub 23-xyoo-laus twb yeej ob zaug nyob rau hauv 2015 thiab feem ntau yeej nyuam qhuav Alfred Hall nyob Tej zaum 9. Nws ntsib cov 32-xyoo-laus Californian Flores.


Sawv cev Tshiab South Wales, Austraila, Lovettturned pro nyob rau hauv 2010 thiab muaj tsis tau poob ib tug sib ntaus nyob rau hauv nws thawj thawj 12 xaus. Lub 30-xyoo-laus yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv lub 32-xyoo-laus Guerrero los ntawm Ecuador.


Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas www.premierboxingchampions.com, raws li nyob rau hauv Twitter: @ PremierBoxing, SHOSports, RealCFrampton, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions ThiabSwanson_Comm ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawmwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing thiab www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo los yog mus saib lub Showtime Boxing Blog http://shosportspoundforpound.tumblr.com/.

Ntiaj teb tau zus Gary Russell Jr, Antonio Russell & yav tas los yeej Vincent Pettway mus kawm "Txoj kev mus rau lub Worlds!”


Baltimore, MD (Lub Xya hli ntuj 14, 2015) - WBC featherweight yeej Gary "Mr." Russell Jr., undefeated prospect Antonio Russell thiab yav tas los welterweight titlist Vincent Pettway yuav tag nrho yuav nyob rau hauv mus kawm ntawv rau Baltimore Boxing lub "Txoj kev mus rau lub Worlds" Thursday yav tsaus ntuj nyob Michael lub Yim Avenue nyob rau hauv Glen Burnie, MD.

Ib tug neeg daim pib pib ntawm $25, cia lub rooj ntawm 10 rau $350 thiab VIP rooj ntawm 10 rau $500 yog ntawm kev muag khoom ntawm lub web ntawm Baltimoreboxing.com los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau 410-375-9175. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:30 thiab cov thawj sib ntaus yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw ntawm 8.

Ntau tshaj yim Olympic style bouts yog teem rau "Txoj kev mus rau lub Worlds" nrog rau fighters los ntawm ntau yam hnyav chav kawm. Sib tw Thursday thaum yav tsaus ntuj yuav nrov knockout huab tais Sam hla, 2009 Ringside ntiaj teb tau zus ib Joey Veazey, ceev ceev nce Donald Wallace, Ernie Hall, Rick Foxwell thiab Sean Veazey nrad lwm tus.

Nrog lub Ringside ntiaj teb Championships teem Lub yim hli ntuj 5-8 nyob rau hauv Missouri, Baltimore Boxing yog tso 100% ntawm lub nyaij los ntawm "Txoj kev mus rau lub Worlds" kom pab tau tus neeg tua hluav taws them rau cov kev sib tw thiab ntau yam nuj nqis uas tuaj nrog mus kawm. Qhov no muaj xws li tiam sis tsis yog tas rau flights, av tsheb thauj mus los, chaw thiab cov zaub mov. Yuav kom ntxiv pab nrog lub fundraising zog, ib tug 50/50 Raffle yuav muab qhov chaw thaum lub sij hawm yav tsaus ntuj.

Ib tug neeg tseem ceeb txuj ci uas ntau xav kom muaj tus ceev tshaj ob txhais tes nyob rau hauv boxing, Russell Jr. yog tej lub WBC featherweight title nram qab no ib txoj hauj lwm zoo tshaj plaws ua tau zoo qhov twg nws khob qhov rooj tawm Jhonny Gonzalez nyob rau hauv lub plaub puag ncig. Lub Washington, DC haiv neeg yeej countless teb chaws pib xyaum ua Championships ua ntej txoj siav pro thiab yog ib tug nyiam mus ntes kub thaum lub sij hawm lub 2008 Olympics. Tu siab, nws dhau tawm sim ceeb thawj thiab yeej tsis tau txais mus rau lwv. Ntawm 26-1 nrog 15 knockouts, Russell Jr. zoo yuav ib tug quab yuam rau xyoo yuav tuaj thiab yog ib lub ntsej muag kiv cua yuav ua accustomed mus pom nyob rau hauv TV.

Zoo li nws tus tij laug, Antonio Russell tuaj mus rau hauv lub pro ibyam nram qab no ib tug impressive pib xyaum ua hauj lwm. Tus khiav ntawm lub 2013 Teb chaws Golden hnab looj tes, Russell yeej medals peb ntawm lub tsib lub xyoos nws sib nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws no, capturing nyiaj nyob rau hauv 2010 thiab 2014. Raws li ib tug kws, Russell fights nyob rau hauv lub bantamweight faib thiab yog 3-0 nrog 2 yeej los ntawm knockout.

Lub sib ntaus sib tua kev txaus siab ntawm ntxim nyiam Lub nroog, Pettway nres Gianfranco Rossi nyob rau hauv 1994 los ua tus IBF junior middleweight yeej. Nws tom ntej no match Txawm li cas los khwv tau Pettway tas mus li lub koob meej nyob rau hauv lub boxing zej zog. Nyob rau hnub tim 29, 1995, Pettway tua nkag ib tug dynamic ib punch knockout Ximoos Brown. Thaum Brown poob lawm rau cov canvas, tus quab yuam ntawm Pettway lub punch discombobulated nws mus rau lub point hais tias nws cia txawb punches ntawm cov huab cua. Lub knockout tau saib tsheej lab ntawm cov sij hawm nyob rau hauv internet thiab tseem yog ib tug ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv boxing keeb kwm.

"Kuv yeej nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej kom muaj lub Russell kwv tij thiab cov Vincent nyob rau hauv kuv qhia tau tias,"Hais tias Smith. "Gary tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv kuv qhia tau tias thaum nws yog ib tug pib xyaum ua thiab kuv cia muaj gus pob saib nws sib ntaus. Nws yog tus tshaj plaws feemxyuam pib xyaum ua kuv puas tau pom thiab nws tus tij laug yog ib tug heck ntawm ib tug fighter heev. Lawv txiv tau ib tug phooj ywg ntawm kuv lub xyoo thiab nws yog amazing li cas ntau feemxyuam neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm tus neeg hauv tsev. Vincent tau ib tug zoo supporter ntawm Baltimore Boxing thiab lub nroog raws li ntev raws li kuv yuav nco ntsoov. Muaj nws nyob rau kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj yog ib txwm ib tug Library thiab cov kiv cua qhia rau nws ib tug ntau ntawm kev hlub. Nruab nrab ntawm lub tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv txhais tes, boxers teem los sib tw thiab ua daim card no yog cov yuav txhawb tau, Thursday yuav yog ib lub zoo tag nrho ib ncig ntawm yav tsaus ntuj. "

Lub Russell kwv tij thiab cov Pettway yuav tsum muaj kom tau raws li nrog tag nrho cov ticketholders.

Baltimore Boxing kindly hais kom cov neeg uas tuaj koom tsis tau mus pub los mus rau http://www.gofundme.com/x4cyjqc.

Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus rau Baltimoreboxing.com

Kiv cua NYIAM inks NTAU Sib ntaus DEAL NROG NEF; Yuav lwv AT NEF XIX

Lewiston, Maine (Lub Xya hli ntuj 14, 2015) - Tshiab England Fights (NEF), America lub xov tooj-ib regional sib ntaus qib, yuav tuav nws puas tawm mixed martial--kawm (MMA) kev tshwm sim, “NEF XIX,” nyob rau hnub Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12, 2015 nyob rau Androscoggin txhab nyiaj Colisée nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Nyuam qhuav pib hnub no, the promotion announced the addition of a professional light-heavyweight bout to the fight card. Crowsneck Boutin (1-0) yuav fim Mike “Lub hwj txwv” Hansen (2-2) ntawm ib tug sib ntaus luj ntawm 205-phaus. The promotion further announced that Boutin had signed a long term, multi-sib ntaus deal nrog lub tuam txhab.


Crowsneck Boutin debuted as an amateur fighter with NEF in June 2012. After going 3-0 nyob rau hauv 2014, Boutin twb tau pom zoo cov “Fighter ntawm lub xyoo” by NEF fans. His successful run continued into 2015 thaum Boutin downed qub tub rog Ryan Cowette (2-3) in his professional debut. He currently trains out of the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine nyob rau hauv kev ntaus kis las Jon Pinette.


"Ib tug ob peb xyoos dhau los, tom qab poob kuv thawj kev sib ntaus, Matt Peterson muab kuv Jon Pinette tus (Choi tsheb loj thauj neeg) xov tooj,"Recalled Boutin. "Kuv tsis paub nws nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm, tab sis hais tias ib tug xov tooj hu rau yuav los ua tus tseem ceeb tshaj plaws hu kuv yuav puas tau ua. Ups thiab downs, muaj tseeb tiag? Peb tag nrho cov tuaj los ntawm lawv. Peb nrhiav tau cov teeb. Kuv foom koob hmoov rau cov sij hawm no los hu rau NEF tawb kuv lub tsev thiab nws mam li yuav ib tug yeej muaj tseeb cib fim hwm cov neeg uas hlub kuv unconditionally thiab txaus siab rau kuv los ntawm no, los ntawm thaum kuv pib raws li ib tug tus khiav nkaum, mus tam sim no, raws li ib tug kws. "


"Hopefully nws yog ib tug tsov rog thiab tej yam uas tau ntshav,"Hais Boutin thaum nug txog nws yavtom ntej clash nrog Hansen nyob Cuaj hlis 12th. "Kuv to taub tias nws muaj ib tug hwj txwv thiab nws yog tsis tshua muaj neeg txias, tab sis kuv yuav tsis cia uas cuam tshuam los ntawm kuv tabtom muab nws qhib. "


Mike Hansen, nws tus kheej ib tug NEF-kos npe ua kis las, yeej yog ib lub xeev nyob rau hauv championship wrestling rau Roob Valley High School nyob rau hauv Rumford, Maine in 2004. Hansen began competing in MMA soon after graduating high school, but then took nearly a decade off from the sport during which time he served in the United States Army as a combat engineer. Returning to the cage earlier this year, Hansen nrhiav Berserkers MMA nyob rau hauv Rumford qhov twg nws u nrog rau lwm cov roob hav wrestling alum.


"Crowsneck yog ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm nyuaj tawm ntawm ib tug lub tsev kawm ntawv thiab nws nplooj siab,"Hais Hansen thaum mus txog rau saib. "Kuv paub tseeb tias nws yuav muab pov ib tug ntau ntawm cov ntim rau hauv nws ob txhais taw, roj hmab thiab xuas nrig ntaus, tab sis nws tsis zoo li nws yuav coj kuv mus down. Yog li ntawd, nws zoo li peb yeej yuav tau sawv ntsug thiab khob nws tawm. Kuv xav kom nws tuaj siab npaj rau sib ntaus sib tua-thiab sib ntaus sib tua peb yuav. "


Tshiab England Fights’ tom ntej no cov kev tshwm sim, “NEF XIX,” yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw nyob rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12, 2015 nyob rau Androscoggin txhab nyiaj Colisée nyob rau hauv Lewiston, Maine. Daim pib rau “NEF XIX” pib ntawm cia li $25 thiab yog muag tam sim no nyob www.TheColisee.com los yog los ntawm hu rau Colisée chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm207.783.2009 x 525. Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv cov kev tshwm sim thiab kev sib ntaus card tshiab, thov mus saib cov qib lub website ntawm www.NewEnglandFights.com. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, koj yuav saib NEF yeeb yaj duab ntawm www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ua raws li lawv nyob rau Twitternefights thiab koom nrog cov nom Facebook pab pawg neeg "New England Fights."


Hais txog Tshiab England Fights


Tshiab England Fights ("NEF") yog ib tug sib ntaus txheej xwm promotions lub tuam txhab. NEF lub hom phiaj yog los tsim lub siab tshaj plaws zoo txheej xwm rau Maine lub tua hluav taws thiab cov kiv cua zoo tib yam nkaus. NEF lub thawj pab neeg no muaj nws kim heev kev nyob rau hauv nqe ntaus rog kev ua si tswj, txheej xwm ntau lawm, xov xwm kev sib raug zoo, marketing, kev cai lij choj thiab advertising.

GCP Tej yam tshwm sim Louisiana Hnav Mason Menard mus rau ib tug Promotional Daim ntawv cog lus

Greg Cohen Promotions tau hais khov kho announces lub kos npe rau ntawm khaub-ncaws nyias “Pob zeb Hard Mighty” Mason Menard mus rau ib tug promotional daim ntawv cog lus.

Menard (29-1, 21 Kos) los ntawm Rayne, Louisiana, pib boxing thaum muaj hnub nyoog yim thiab muaj 82 pib xyaum ua fights. Nws coj ib tug Bronze puav pheej nyob rau hauv lub 2007 U.S. Tebchaws no thiab koom nyob rau hauv lub 2008 Olympic hlw kom qis ntawm 132 phaus ua ntej xa kev nyob rau hauv 2007.

Nyob rau hauv lub them cov qib, Menard twb yog tej lub Louisiana lub xeev Hnav Title, Tag Nrho American UBO Hnav Title, thiab lub ntiaj teb UBO Hnav Title.

“Kuv ntseeg tias kuv mam li yuav tau txais loj lub sij hawm vim hais tias GCP tsis televised fights thiab hais tias yog raws nraim li cas kuv yuav tsum tau, rau ib tug neeg kom tau kuv pom teb chaws / thoob ntiaj teb,” hais tias ib tug zoo siab Menard txog lub deal. “Kuv zoo siab heev muaj hmoo tau kos npe nrog GCP, nws yuav muab kuv lub qhov hluav taws xob kuv yuav tsum tau pom, los ua ib tug boxing superstar. Nws yog tag nrho cov nyob rau hauv Vajtswv lub sij hawm!”

Cohen, uas kuj tuav murderous xuas nrig ntaus Ismael Barroso, Australian buzz pom Josh King, Ghana lub undefeated Rafael Mensah thiab Canadian nov ntawm nqaij tawv Tony Luis, hais tias Menard yuav ua ib tug txais tos tas li ntawd rau nws ruaj khov ntawm lub ntiaj teb no-chav kawm lightweights.

“Kuv nyiam dab tsi kuv pom nyob rau hauv Mason Menard,” hais tias Cohen. “Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau kev ua hauj lwm nrog nws thiab nws saib xyuas, Chad Broussard. Yog li ntawd ces nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm, Mason tau sensational sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev. Peb yuav qhia nws rau tus so ntawm lub ntiaj teb no thiab pab nws ua ib tug ntiaj teb no tus yeej.”

Menard thawj kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub GCP banner yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.

Hais txog Greg Cohen Promotions


Ib tug ntawm boxing premier promotional outfits, Greg Cohen Promotions (GCP) yog ib tug zoo-hwm lub npe rau staging world-class kev boxing cov txheej xwm thiab kev qhia cov neeg tseem ceeb kev tua hluav taws thoob plaws hauv lub ntiaj teb no.


Tus tsim thiab CEO Greg Cohen tau muab kev koom tes nrog kev boxing nyob rau hauv ntau yam ntawv Tuition Waiver txij li thaum lub caij 1980s, honing nws khoom siv tes ua thiab tsim kom muaj nws tus kheej raws li ib tug shrewd thoob ntiaj teb boxing businessman.


Txawv los ntawm nws muaj peev xwm pom tej thiab tsim nyoos txuj ci, Cohen ua muaj nuj nqis rau nws cov kws muaj txuj kev taw qhia ntawm, cov ntau lwm tus neeg, yav tas los WBA Junior Middleweight zus Austin “Tsis muaj ntseeg” Trout, uas Cohen pab qhia los ntawm tsis paub hais tias New Mexico zeem muag rau cov neeg tseem ceeb them-ib-saib theem superstar.


Nyob rau hauv Ntxiv nrog rau qhov trout, Greg Cohen Promotions tau ua hauj lwm nrog tsim npe xws li yav tas los unified thiab ob-lub sij hawm Heavyweight yeej Hasim “Pob Zeb” Rahman (50-8-2, 41 Kos); thiab tag nrho cov sij hawm-zoo ntau-ceeb thawj hoob kawm ntiaj teb no yeej James “Teeb Out” Toney (74-7-3, 45 Kos).


Tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob contenders nyob rau hauv lub GCP roster xws li Arash Usmanee, universally pom zoo raws li ib tug saum-10 super featherweight; yav tas los WBA International Middleweight yeej thiab ntiaj teb no-nyob Middleweight contender Jarrod Fletcher; sab saum toj-nyob featherweight Joel Brunker; cruiserweight Lateef Kayode; Canadian sib thiab TV txiav txim hero Tony Luis, thiab WBA thiab tsib-lub sij hawm Irish National Amateur zus, Dennis Hogan; thiab Rising Welterweight nov ntawm nqaij tawv Cecil McCalla.


Greg Cohen Promotions tau tuav world-class boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv lub finest venues thoob plaws hauv lub tebchaws United States thiab lub ntiaj teb thiab kuj tau hais khov kho muab txuj ci thiab / los yog cov ntsiab lus rau ob peb TV tes hauj lwm xws li HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Cov kev ua si Network, CBS kev ua si Network, MSG thiab HMA LIAB Cov kev ua si Net.

Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus ntsib gcpboxing.com. Nrhiav peb rau hauv Facebook ntawmwww.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Twoo: GCPBoxing.

Lyons & James-Elliott Plan Lossis loj caij Opener Thaum York Hall 29th Aug.

Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott yeej rub tawm tag nrho cov nres nyob rau hauv kev npaj rau lawv thiab lub Capital City lub caij ntuj tshiab opener kev tshwm sim, Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II, nyob York Hall nyob rau hauv Bethnal Ntsuab, London rau hnub Saturday 29th Lub yim hli ntuj.


Nrog kaum yim bouts twb nyob rau lub card, Lords NTAWM LUB RINGS II yog nrhiav teem yuav cov biggest pro boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv lub Capital lub xyoo no.


Cov nom tswv loj heev card yog reigning ntiaj teb Boxing Federation (WBF) Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Chris Goodwin, uas yuav tig ntsia ib tug tsis tau yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm tus nrog sib ntaus.


Ib tug ob faib ntiaj teb tau zus ib, Goodwin (19-2-1) yog tus thawj British boxer kom lub ntiaj teb sib mom nyob yuav luag nees nkaum xyoo, thaum nws yeej Istvan hnia rau lub ntiaj teb Boxing Foundation Hnav title rov qab lub yim hli ntuj 2012.


Nws ces mus rau luag tus WBF Intercontinental mom nyob Plaub Hlis Ntuj 2014 ua ntej muab cov WBF ntiaj teb Welterweight yas, nrog ib tug split point yeej tshaj Mikheil Avakyan nyob rau Northgate Arena nyob rau hauv Chester cia li plaub lub hlis tom qab.


Kev pab txhawb nqa pom Woolwich, London tus British #1 ranked thiab reigning MBC International Super Bantamweight zus, Marianne 'Golden ntxhais' Marston, nyob rau hauv ib tug uas tsis yog-championship bout ua ntej ntawm nws tom ntej ntiaj teb title kev sib tw.


Marston, uas raug sab thiab coached by legendary Heavyweight tau zus ib ntawm lub ntiaj teb Smokin 'Joe Frazier thiab ob lub sij hawm Cruiserweight tau zus ib ntawm lub ntiaj teb Steve' USS 'Cunningham, kuj tau los ua tus #1 phaus-rau-phaus ranked British poj niam, raws li nws sensational kaw tawm cov ntsiab lus kov yeej ces Hungarian #1, European #3 thiab lub ntiaj teb no #31 ranked Marianna Gulyas luag tus MBC International lub meej mom nyob Lub kaum hli ntuj 2014.


Qhov no yeej xa Marston soring li cov rankings, los ntawm #58 nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no mus #24 thiab nyob rau hauv sib cav sib ceg rau muster ib tug kev sib tw rau lub ntiaj teb accolade.


Cov nom tswv cov nyiaj them yug card pom London tus Jimmy Campbell (11-8-0) ua nws debut UK, raws li nws cov hauj lwm thoob plaws hauv Campbell tau sib heev dua lwm yam nyob rau hauv America kom txog rau thaum tam sim no.


Thaum lub sij hawm nws cov hauj lwm Campbell tau nyob rau hauv nrog ib co ntawm cov kev ua si biggest npe, xws li WBC ntiaj teb tau zus Anthony Dirrell thiab WBA ntiaj teb tau zus ib Virgil Hill.


Nyob rau lub yim hli ntuj 29th Campbell ntsib Scunthorpe lub Jody 'Lub entertainer' Meikle, whilst Meikle yog tsis heev nyob rau tib theem li Dirrell thiab Hill koj yuav ua tau kom paub tseeb tias Campbell yuav tau txais ib tug ntawm cov toughest xeem thaum nws mus ntiv taw-mus-ntiv taw nrog 'Lub entertainer'.


Welsh thiab British Masters zus Lee 'Teeb Out' Churcher kuj yuav nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim, hmoov tsis tsis nyob rau hauv lub tswv yim npaj MBC International title sib ntaus nrog George Hillyard, tab sis nyob rau hauv ib tug uas tsis yog-championship rau rounder tawm tsam ib tug tsis tau lub npe hu ua tus nrog sib ntaus.


Whilst rau hauv kev kawm ntawm Champions - 13 lub sij hawm, koom ntiaj teb Ki kev cai, Tas nrho cov Sib cuag Kick Boxing thiab Muay Thaib zus Marlon Hunt yuav tau ua nws npaum li cas muab kev Boxing debut, tiv thaiv Scunthorpe lub Mathais kua txob.


Lub Lords ntawm lub nplhaib kev tshwm sim kuj nta lwm Globe trotting British fighter, lub sensational Iain 'Lub Foom koob hmoov rau ib tug' Weaver (5-1-0), uas yuav tau ua ib tug tsawg zoo li rau ib tug British kev tshwm sim.


Kawg lub sij hawm tawm. Nyob rau hauv Parsippany, New Jersey, yog tus neeg raug tsim txom los ntawm ib tug me ntsis ntawm tsev ua noj ua haus 'rau qhov qhab nia phaib – tom qab dominating nws tus nrog sib ntaus, Newark, New Jersey lub Wanzell Ellison, los ntawm pib rau tag, Weaver xav tsis thoob yuav mus rau lub losing sab ntawm ib co contentious split kev txiav txim siab – kom koj thiaj li yuav paub tseeb tias qub Team GB lub hnub qub Weaver yuav xav ua ib tug loj lus thiab tau txais ib loj yeej nyob rau hauv nws cov ntaub ntawv.


Bardsley, Lincolnshire lub unbeaten Middleweight prospect Nathan 'npau suav phem' Decastro (4-0-0) kuj yuav nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim, raws li yuav Kensington cov unbeaten Super Middleweight prospect Daley Ojuederie (3-0-1), ob tiv thaiv tsis tau yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm tw.


Qhov kev tshwm sim kuj ntseg ntev ntev rov qab mus rau lub fray ntawm 'Rockin' Robin Deakin, nram qab no ib tug kaum tsib-lub hlis sabbatical los ntawm kev ua si nawv.


Thaum kawg, ua rau lawv kev debuts rau Lub yim hli ntuj 29th yog ib tug xov tooj ntawm sab saum toj amateurs, xws li Doncaster lub sensational Tom Tswb (Bantamweight), Sheffield lub Lukas Junior (Welterweight), Newcastle tus Jak Johnson (Super Featherweight), Hertfordshire lub Daniel Mendes (Cruiserweight), Junior Walker (Super Welterweight), Johannes txiv neej (Heavyweight), Mo Holloway, Malta lub Kerstin Brown (Bantamweight) thiab Billy Elliott (Welterweight).


Lub Mark Lyons thiab Billy James-Elliott Wise Guys promotions Lords NTAWM LUB NPLHAIB II kev tshwm sim yuav muab qhov chaw nyob York Hall, Bethnal Green, London rau hnub Saturday 29th Lub yim hli ntuj 2015.


Qhov kev tshwm sim raug txiav courtesy of tus Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Daim pib, luv nqi £ 35 (txheem zaum) thiab £ 65 (Ringside) yog muaj nyob rau ntawm tej yam ntawm cov boxers noj ib feem, on-line ntawmwww.tkoboxoffice.com thiab www.wiseguypromotions.com los yog hu rau 07960 850645 los yog 07807 282559.

Qhov zoo tshaj plaws sib ntaus xov xwm nyob rau hauv lub Net!

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