2020 Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame Announcement Ceremony Photos

Photos by Anthony Saldana / NVBHOF

Las Vegas,, NV (Qadam tashlamoq 10, 2020) - Fame Nevada boks Hall announced its 2020 class of inductees today at the Fernando Vargas Fighting Foundation Las-Vegas. Inductees in attendance were, 2-Time jahon chempioni Fernando Vargas, 2-Time jahon chempioni, Bones Adams, WBC Engil chempioni, Devin Xaney, who was voted Fighter of the Year, Yilning Prospect, Rolando Romero, va Saalim Gonzales, father of Amateur Fighter of the Year, Rahim Gonzales. The group was introduced by NVBHOF founder, Rich Morrata, and President Michelle Corrales.

The 8th Annual Induction Weekend takes place at Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 7th & 8th, 2020. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun tashrif buyuringwww.nvbhof.com

The 2020 Induction Class includes

Fernando “El Feroz” Vargas (26-5, 22 KO)
Clarence “Bones” Adams (44-7-4, 20 KOS)
Andre “SOG” Ward (32-0, 16 KOS)
James “Lights Out” Toney (77-10-3, 47 KOS)
Migel Cotto (41-6, 33 KOS)
Mark “Too Sharp” Johnson (44-5-1, 28 KOS)
Julian “The Hawk” Jackson (55-6, 49 KOS)
Azumah “The Professor” Nelson (39-6-2, 28 KOS)
Danny “Little Red” Lopez (42-6, 39 KOS)
Jose Luis Castillo (66-13-1, 57 KOS)

Non-Boxer Inductees includes

Karlos Padilla
Lorenzo Fertitta
Sammy Macias
Jose Sulaymon

2019 Yilning Fighter
Devin Xaney (24-0, 14 KO)

2019 Yilning Prospect
Rolando “Rolly” Romero (11-0, 10 KOS)

2019 Amateur of the Year
Rahim Gonzales

For more information about the event and Sponsorship Opportunities, Please Contact:

Chief Executive Officer Michelle Corrales-Lewis

Telefon: 702-3-NVBHOF (702-368-2463) Email: michelle@nvbhof.com


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Orono, Meyn (Qadam tashlamoq 11, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universitetining eng mashhur Orono kampusidagi Kollinz san'at markazida tadbir. Hodisa, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT. Bugun erta, jangovar reklama kartaga engil vazn toifasidagi jangovor qo'shilishini e'lon qildi.Horun "Shafqatsiz" Leysi(6-2) uchrashadi"Haqiqatan ham siz" Kris Herd(2-3) vazn toifasida 145 funt.

Bo'ldi 19 Aaron Leysi NEF qafasiga oxirgi marta raqib sifatida qadam qo'yganidan beri bir necha oy. Leysi veteran Jon Lemkeni mag'lub etdi (7-9) 2018 yilning sentyabr oyida bo'lib o'tgan "NEF 35" ning asosiy voqeasida. Keyinchalik u yiqilgan jarohati tufayli jang qilmagan. Yengil vazn toifasida ishlaydigan NEF-ning sobiq chempioni, Lacey o'zining professional karerasini a'lo darajada boshladi 4-0 ketishdan oldin 2-2 oxirgi to'rtta to'qnashuvda. U 18-aprel kuni o'zining reaktsiyasini muvaffaqiyatli qilish uchun harakat qiladi, Meyn.

"Baxtli joyga qaytib kelganimdan juda xursandman,- deb xitob qildi Aaron Leysi.  "Mat (Peterson, NEF hamraisi egasi va sovchi) menga ushbu kartada jang qilish uchun juda ko'p ishladi, va men bundan juda ham minnatdorman! Aprel 18th 'Xavotir' qaytadi!"

Lacey ning raqibi, Kris Herd, Uilmington shahridagi uyidan 1 000 mil masofani bosib o'tadi, Kurash uchun Shimoliy Karolina. Herd juda yaxshi havaskor karyerasiga ega edi, sayohat 5-0 to'rtta nokaut va bitta taslim bilan va yo'l davomida mintaqaviy chempionatni qo'lga kiritish. Professional hamkasbining ikkala g'alabasi birinchi davrada bitta texnik nokaut bilan, ikkinchisi esa taslimiyat bilan yakunlandi. Hozirda podada Brunsonning MMA vakili & Wilmington shahrida joylashgan fitnes, Shimoliy Karolina.

“Hech kim mening ruxsatsiz menga tegishi mumkin emas,- dedi Gerd izoh olish uchun.  "Bu kurash men xohlagan joyga olib boriladi, Men buni o'z xohishim bilan yakunlayman. "

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chipta endi sotuvga borwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.

Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship to Utilize Real Time Scoring at BKFC 11 in Wichita, Kansas this Saturday, Qadam tashlamoq 14

Filadelfiya, Pensilvaniya
Qadam tashlamoq 10, 2020

Yalang'och qo'l jangi bo'yicha chempionat (BKFC) will utilize the revolutionary new Real Time Scoring, as offered by the Kansas Athletic Commission, at BKFC 11: Hernandez vs. Wilson, bu Shanba, Qadam tashlamoq 14, at INTRUST Bank Arena in Wichita, Kansas. Bunda, BKFC will become the second promotion ever in Kansas, and the first bare knuckle promotion to employ the system which immediately allows fighters, their corners, and fans to know the judgesround by round scores.

BKFC 11will be broadcast across the United States and Canada, exclusively on pay-per-view (9 pm ET/6 pm PT) through MultiVision Media, Inc., on all major television distribution outlets for $29.99. It will also be available to BKFC’s international broadcast partners worldwide and via stream to all in-home and out-of-home connected devices through fite.

Tickets for the live event are on sale now and can be purchased online atwww.selectaseat.com, by phone at 855-733-SEAT (7328) and in-person at the Select-A-Seat Box Office at INTRUST Bank Arena.

I was very intrigued when I learned that the Kansas Athletic Commission was going to start offering on March 1 all fight promoters with events in their state the option of using Real Time Scoring, but I wanted to see it in use first before I made a decision about BKFC 11,” dedi BKFC asoschisi va prezidenti Devid Feldman. “After seeing it executed flawlessly by the Kansas Commission at last Friday’s Invicta MMA event, coupled with the overwhelmingly positive response following that show from fighters and fight fans, I knew that this was absolutely the right way to go for BKFC.

Real Time Scoring, also known as open scoring, is currently offered exclusively in North America by the Kansas Athletic Commission. Variations of this system have been used by the World Boxing Council and in Glory Kickboxing.

After partnering with Shannon Knapp and Invicta Fighting Championships to utilize Real Time Scoring last Friday, we received nothing but positive feedback from the fighters and their camps,” said Kansas Athletic Commission Executive Director Adam Roorbach. “While absolutely not mandatory, Real Time Scoring is available to all fight promoters and promotions in the State of Kansas. We are proud to be hosting BKFC 11, and look forward to having them utilize this system.


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun: Orono, Meyn (Qadam tashlamoq 10, 2020) - New England sur (NEF) o'zining navbatdagi aralash yakkakurash turlarini namoyish etadi (MMA) Meyn universitetining eng mashhur Orono kampusidagi Kollinz san'at markazida tadbir. Hodisa, sarlavhali "NEF 43: Rampage,Shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, qo'ng'iroq vaqti bilan 7 pm EDT. Bugun erta, jangovar reklama kartaga engil vazn toifasidagi jangovor qo'shilishini e'lon qildi.Carl Langston (0-5) uchrashadiHorun "Qisqa sug'urta" Hughes(0-0) vazn toifasida 145 funt.

Karl Langston o'zining professional karerasida birinchi marta yutib chiqqan birinchi g'alaba uchun kurashga kiradi. O `tgan oy, Langston Jeykob Deppmeyerni qabul qildi (1-0) Portlendda, "NEF 42" dagi Mey, birinchi davrada texnik nokaut tufayli yutqazdi. Bu uning 2018-yil aprel oyida o'zining debyutini yutqazgandan beri reklama bilan birinchi jangi. Langston, taekvondoning bir umrlik amaliyotchisi, hozirda yaqin Bangangda joylashgan Young MMA vakili, Meyn.

"Jang qilish juda qiyin bo'ldi, lekin bundan ham ko'proq mening uy sharoitimda,- dedi Langston.  “Shunday qilib, Bu oxirgi yo'qolganim bilan biroz kurash olib boraman deb o'ylamagan edim. Men o'zimning boshimga tushdim va biroz kurashni to'xtatmoqchi bo'lganimni aytdim, lekin men yo'qolgandan uch hafta o'tgach qo'ng'iroqni qabul qilganimda, Yo'q deya olmasdim. Bu menga kerak bo'lgan narsa, orqadan-orqaga janglar. Men shunchaki sport zalida bo'lgandek bo'lib turishim kerak va men shubhasiz qo'llarimni ko'taraman. ”

Aaron Xyuz professional va reklama NEFda debyut qiladi. U debyutidan beri juda faol havaskorlik karerasiga ega 2015, yozib qo'ydi 4-6 Massachusets shtatida joylashgan uyida jangovar kartalar bo'yicha musobaqada. Xyuz Fall Fall daryosining Regiment o'quv markazini anglatadi, Massachusets shtatida u hozirgi UFC yulduzi va og'ir vazn toifasida sobiq NEF Professional chempioni Yorgan De Kastro singari mashq qiladi. (6-0).

"Men professional debyutimni o'tkazish uchun Menga tashrif buyurganimdan juda xursandman,- dedi Xyuz izohga kelganida.  "Mening raqibim mohir, ammo men namoyishga boraman, va u UFC uchun mening orzularim yo'lidagi odam. Meni tashlab qo'yganingiz uchun NEFga rahmat. ”

New England sur’ aralash yakkakurashlar bo'yicha navbatdagi tadbir, “NEF 43: Rampage,” shanba kuni bo'lib o'tadi, Aprel 18, 2020, UMaine Orono shahridagi Kollinz san'at markazida. Chipta endi sotuvga borwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

New England Mushtlashish haqida

New England sur ("NEF") Agar jang voqealari aktsiyalari kompaniya hisoblanadi. NEFning vazifasi jangchilar va muxlislar uchun eng yuqori sifatli tadbirlarni yaratishdir. NEF Ijroiya jamoasi jangovar sport boshqarishda keng tajribaga ega, tadbirlar ishlab chiqarish, media munosabatlar, marketing, huquqiy va reklama.


DAY IN CAMP: Brandun Lee Is Now Available: Bosing BU YERGA To Watch

NEW YORK – March 10, 2020 – Rising 140-pound knockout artist Brandun Lee has a growing reputation within the sport of boxing and can count three accomplished and decorated pros among those who believe he is destined for the very top. Former two-division champion Timothy Bradley, Jr., lightweight champion in recess Devin Haney, and top welterweight prospect Jaron Ennis have seen Lee up close and believe he will soon be a household name among boxing fans.

The undefeated super lightweight Lee (18-0, 16 KOS), who was the subject of the latest installment of SHOWTIME Sports’ DAY IN CAMP digital video franchise, will headline his first ShoBox: Yangi avlod when he takes on Camilo Prieto (15-2, 10 KOS) in a 10-round super lightweight bout on Friday, Qadam tashlamoq 13 showtime yashash
(10 ET / PT) Hinckley Grand Casino Hinckley dan, From.

"DAY IN CAMP: Brandun Lee," a 15-minute special video feature, captures Lee’s family-first mentality, emphasis on the importance of education and hunger for success inside the ring. Viewers are taken through a typical day during Lee’s training camp, which includes sparring, college coursework, cooking, a grueling nighttime workout and a FaceTime call with friend and fellow ShoBox fighter Jaron Ennis. Available for viewing BU YERGA:https://youtu.be/Ow04RVwkpx8

“Brandun is a beast,” said Ennis, who has fought on SHOWTIME in four of his last five fights. “He’s a phenomenal fighter and he’s going to put on a show Friday night. I think he’ll be able to show boxing fans all his skills. He’s a monster. Him being a calm and relaxed fighter sets him apart. He’s really smart as well and has great ring IQ, but you can’t forget about his power because he has the ability to end fights early.”

Bradley and Haney, who are among the list of the 81 paydo bo'lgan jangchilar ShoBox and advanced to garner world titles, have both sparred with Lee and are amazed by the bright prospect’s talent.

Bradley, who appeared on ShoBox four times between 2006-08, including a split-decision over Junior Witter to win the WBC Super Lightweight Championship, recalls sparring with a 14-year-old Lee ahead of Bradley’s fight with Juan Manuel Marquez for the WBO Welterweight Title in 2013. Bradley’s trainer, Joel Diaz, wanted to replicate Marquez’s counterpunching ability and believed Lee’s hand speed and counterpunching were credible.

“Lee and I sparred four complete rounds and, bola, was I impressed with his ring IQ, tezlik, timing and movement,” said Bradley. “For a young man with no pro experience, he was able to hold his own. Brandun is from my area so I follow him from afar and I really admire his game. He’s undefeated and that’s not surprising at all. I believe Lee has the goods to become a world champion and at this point he is still gaining experience and momentum towards his dream.

“There are still questions that need to be answered by Lee. How will he respond if he is ever knocked down? How will he do against someone just like himself; someone undefeated, stern and just as hungry? It’s going to be fun to watch him as he continues his journey. He has the skill to rise to the top but we all know it takes more than just skills. He’s on the right course and I back him 110 foizni tashkil etdi. "

Haney, who headlined on the prospect development series on three different occasions, went on to win a world title at the age of 20 and believes Lee has the potential to move up the ranks quite quickly as well.

“If you haven’t heard of Brandun Lee, you will very soon,” said Haney, hozir 21 eski yil. “He has the talent and power to make some real noise in the welterweight division. I sparred him before and trust me, he’s a real dog. I’m looking forward to watching on March 13 and I expect my guy to put on a hell of a performance on ShoBox: Yangi avlod."

Lee has also sparred with Oxnard, Calif.’s Mikey Garcia, who has fought on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING six times, and Mauricio Herrera, who lost a close decision to then-unified champion Danny Garcia on SHOWTIME in 2014.

Friday’s four-fight ShoBox telecast includes five boxers who have yet to taste defeat with a total record of 107 wins to just four defeats and two draws. CO-xususiyatli Butning In, undefeated Brian Norman Jr. (16-0, 14 KOS) puts his perfect record on the line as he takes on Flavio Rodriguez (9-1-1, 7 KOS) in an eight-round welterweight matchup. Undefeated Alejandro Guerrero (11-0, 9 KOS) meets Jose Angulo (12-1, 5 KOS) in an eight-round lightweight scrap while yet another unbeaten fighter Aram Avagyan (9-0-1, 4 KOS) takes on fellow undefeated Dagoberto Aguero (17-0, 11 KOS) in an eight-round featherweight fight.

Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yo'naltirish bilan Gordon Hall emas.

Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with D&D Boxing and Rapacz Boxing, fiyatlandırılır $75 Ring, $50 Reserved, $25 General qabul, va $62.50 Table Seating (two-ticket minimum), va endi sotuvga bor ticketmaster.com or the Grand Casino Hinckley Box Office.

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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, SHOSports, #ShoBox, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

Mike Hilton Leads a Terrific Slate of Boxers as Part of Silver Bow’s CHAMPBOX 2 Card on Friday, April 3rd at The Cure Insurance Arena in Trenton, NJ.

Undefeated Fighters Omar Salem, Khalid Twaiti, Jokub Sowirko, Eljihah Morales, Glenwood Latimer, Ry’Shine Collins & Sean Bullock in action

Hozir toshni CHIPTALAR

Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

Trenton, NJ (Qadam tashlamoq 10, 2020)A plethora of undefeated fighters will put their perfect record on the line at CHAMPBOX 2 which is promoted by SilverBow on Juma kechasi, Aprel 3 da The Cure Insurance Arena ichida Trenton, Nyu-Jersi.

Headlining the card will be undefeated cruiserweight Mike Hilton.

Hilton, who headlined CHAMPBOX 1 with a six-round unanimous decision over Baldimir Hernandez, will be back to thrill his hometown fans on April 3rd.

Hilton, a former National Golden Gloves champion. bir rekord bor 10-0 with seven knockouts, and was a National Golden Gloves champion.

I’m looking forward to putting on a show for my city,” said Hilton.

Also on the card in a six-round bouts will be undefeated light heavyweight Omar Salem (9-0, 4 KOS) Bruklinning,

Nyu York; As well as super bantamweight Kalid Tawiti (6-0, 3 KOS) Bruklinning, New York by way of Yemen.

Brooklyn drip with pure gold swag I’m the future April 3rd I will be in my bag,” said Tawiti.

Seeing action in four-round bouts will be:

Cruiserweight Jakub Sowirko (2-0, 1 KO) Trenton. Sowirko who thrilled the fans with his win at CHAMPBOX1, has a great following with the Polish community in Trenton.

I’m here to put on a show and that’s what I’ll do,” said Sowirko.

Super welterweight Elijah Morales (4-0, 1 KO) of Trenton by way of Puerto Rico.

I want to thank SilverBow for exposing the beautiful capital city of Trenton. I am fighting in the arena where I went to see Disney on Ice as a child. I am literally up the street where it’s been a viewed as a negative area, and we want to change that. We will have a lot of support as I have been raised here. Trenton is in my DNA. We don’t see race or anything like that, we see community,” said Morales

Middleweight Glenwood Latimer (1-0) Filadelfiya;

Two-Time Golden Gloves champion super bantamweight Ry’shine Collins (3-0, 2 KOS).

I’m more ready than ever to perform on Champbox2. I’ll give the fans what they deserve on April 3rd,” said Collins.

Cruiserweight Sean Bullock (1-0) of Trenton and pro debuting super featherweightJonibek Khotamov Bruklinning.

Tickets for this special evening of boxing are $25, $39, $59, $79 $99. Tickets or on sale now and can be purchased at www.cureinsurancearena.com yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-298-4200.

The card is a pro-am that will begin at 6 Eshik ochilishi bilan PM 5 AM.

The event is being sponsored by Flash Tech IT and CyberSecuirty since 1992. www.flashtech.com



IRELAND, Qadam tashlamoq 10, 2020 – Eire Born Spirits, the parent company of Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey, and the founding team of multiple weight MMA champion Conor McGregor, Audie Attar and business entrepreneur Ken Austin are pleased to announce that Proper No. Twelve will be donating $1.3 million dollars to first responder organizations around the world.

During Proper No. Twelve’s launch in late 2018, founder McGregor and his partners pledged that the whiskey company would donate $5 for every case of Proper No. Twelve sold until donations reached $1 million annually to first responder organizations around the world. Thanks to the tremendous love and support for the brand as well as the high-quality liquid, Proper No. Twelve has become a bartender and consumer favourite, setting sales records for the industry. Proper No. Twelve has sold approximately 200,000 9-liter cases in America and, based on the $5 per case donation the company will donate $1 million dollars in the United States.

The company is proud to announce it has selected the New York-headquartered Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation to receive this $1 million donation for the United States. The donation will go towards paying off the mortgages for families of law enforcement officers and firefighters across the country, who were killed in the line of duty and left behind young children. Tunnel to Towers has a score of 100 for Accountability & Transparency on Charity Navigator. Additional donations will be announced in March and April for first responder organizations in Ireland, Kanada, UK, Avstraliya, Rossiya, Poland and South Africa.

Conor McGregor stated, “I am so grateful to the hardworking team at Proper No. Twelve, our distributors, retailers and pub owners along with the millions of whiskey fans that have embraced the brand generating record sales. These sales enable us to make our first significant donation to such deserving families. First responders around the world are the true-life heroes. They are the ones running into emergency situations. This has been a dream of ours since we started the business. Ken, Audie and I had bold ideas for the brand, and sales have surpassed all of our projections! We are so proud to partner with the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation to honour these proper heroes. The foundation’s goal is to ensure stability and security for these families facing sudden tragic loss. I hope to inspire my fans and all Proper Twelve drinkers to join me and support this worthwhile cause.”

In addition to the donation to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, McGregor has recorded PSAs (public service announcements) to encourage others to donate $11 per month to the foundation. These spots, one of which can be viewed bu yerga, will air throughout the United States on television.

Ken Austin, co-founder of Proper No. Twelve said, “When we began the vetting process on where to give, we saw the fundraising commercials that Tunnel to Towers was playing on TV. My wife grew up in The Rockaways in Queens, Nyu York. Many first responders live in that area and many lost their lives on 9-11, just as Stephen Siller did. Conor said let’s donate the million dollars to Tunnel to Towers, but we need to do more. And through the TV spots with Conor, the hope is that many will donate and we can help raise many millions for the foundation and these families.”

“We are overjoyed to receive the donation from Conor McGregor and his team,” said Tunnel to Towers Foundation Chairman and CEO Frank Siller. “We did not solicit their supportthey approached us and have been nothing but generous, dedicated partners. Conor’s commitment to first responder families can serve as a role model for others. We are extremely grateful, and I know which whiskey we will be drinking this Paddy’s Day and beyond.”

# # #

Link to PSA is below.


About the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation
The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation’s mission is to honor the sacrifice of FDNY Firefighter Stephen Siller, who laid down his life to save others on September 11, 2001. Hozirgi kungacha, the Tunnel to Towers Foundation has spent over $250 million to honor and support our first responders and veterans and their families. For more about the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, tashrif buyuring tunnel2towers.org.

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation (EIN: 02-0554654) bir 501(c)(3) charitable organization. For more about the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, tashrif buyuring tunnel2towers.org. You can request a copy of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation’s most recently filed financial report from the Charities Bureau Registry on the New York Attorney General’s website (www.charitiesnys.com) or by contacting: Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, 2361 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10306; or New York State Attorney General Department of Law, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, Nyu York, NY 10005. Information on New York charitable organizations can be found on the New York Attorney General’s website (www.charitiesnys.com) or by contacting (212) 416-8401.

About Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey

Numerous Irish whiskey makers sought McGregor’s endorsement over the years, but as a true born and bred Irishman, he did not want to simply endorse an Irish whiskey. Inspired by his pride for Ireland and his love of Irish whiskey, McGregor wanted to create his own whiskey that would match his high standards and make his country proud. McGregor, his manager Audie Attar and entrepreneur Ken Austin developed the brand under the project name “Notorious” through which came the foundation of what was to eventually become Proper No. Twelve. It became a longer and more complicated project than originally expected, so McGregor turned to a distillery with a proven history of quality whiskey making. He met David Elder, esteemed master distiller, previously of Guinness, and together they took painstaking measures to bring the whiskey to fruition. “We created close to one hundred blends and ultimately selected what we knew was the one and only proper whiskey blend. We took the time to develop an incredible whiskey, and I’m excited to share it with the world,” said McGregor. Visit www.properwhiskey.com and follow on Instagram and twitter @properwhiskey.

Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Davíd Benavidez Defends Title In Homecoming Fight Against Former Title Challenger Roamer Alexis Angulo

Showtime yashash® Shanba, Aprel 18 In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From Arizona Federal Theatre in Phoenix

Ko'proq! Rising Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Faces Mexico’s Marcos Villasana Jr. In WBC Title Eliminator & Interim WBA Super Lightweight Titlist Alberto Puello Takes on Two-Division World Champion Rances Barthelemy

Endi o'sish bo'yicha chipta!

Feniks – Qadam tashlamoq 9, 2020 – Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Davíd “Red Flag” Benavidez will defend his title on Saturday, Aprel 18 in his hometown of Phoenix, Sababiy. sobiq jahon nom Challenger qarshi Roamer Alexis Angulo, live on SHOWTIME from Arizona Federal Theatre headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

KO'RISh VA CHEMPIONAT BOKSI® teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 10 p.m. QILISh / 7 p.m. PT and features rising lightweight prospect Michel Rivera Mexico ning ustida olib Marcos Villasana Jr. in a WBC Lightweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Interim WBA Super Lightweight titlist Alberto Puello faces two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy televidenieda ochishi ichida.

One of the sport’s brightest young stars, Benavidez kicks off his second reign as WBC Super Middleweight Champion by returning to fight in his native Phoenix for the first time since 2015, when he knocked out Ricardo Campillo in just his 10th pro fight.

“Shanba Kuni, Aprel 18, Phoenix’s own super middleweight world champion Davíd Benavidez will return home looking to thrill his hometown fans at Arizona Federal Theatre and further cement his positioning in the 168-pound division,” said Tom Brown, TGB aktsiyalar Prezidenti. “Benavidez can expect a strong challenge from the exciting Roamer Alexis Angulo, which should create an action-packed main event live on SHOWTIME. Two more fights with title implications add to the intrigue, with fast-rising Michel Rivera barreling toward a championship and two-division champion Rances Barthelemy hoping to pry the title away from Alberto Puello.

From the start of his career, long before he became champion, people have been asking me about Davíd fighting at home,” Sampson boks Sampson Lewkowicz dedi. “Now is the perfect time and I’m very happy to help bring this show to Davíd’s hometown. I have no doubt it will not only be a great event; it will also be packed with thousands of fans of ‘El Bandera RojaBenavidez.

SHOWTIME Sports continues its tradition of featuring the brightest young stars in boxing,” Stiven Espinoza dedi, Prezident, Sport & Events Programming, Showtime Networks Inc. “At faqat 23 eski yil, David Benavidez is one of boxing’s most exciting young champions, and he’s facing a dangerous opponent in Roamer Alexis Angulo, who is hungry for another upset victory. CO-asosiy taqdirda, we have yet another boxing prodigy in undefeated 21-year-old rising star Michel Rivera, who is facing his most challenging opponent to date in Marcos Villasana. To round out the card, we will yet another undefeated young rising star in 25-year-old Alberto Puello, who takes on battle-tested veteran Rances Barthelemy.

Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing, are on sale now and can be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com and at Arizona Federal Theatre box office.

The 23-year-old Benavidez (22-0, 19 KOS) defends his belt after defeating two-time super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell in September, stopping him in nine rounds. Benavidez is trained by his father José Sr., alongside his brother and former title challenger, José Jr. Yilda 2017, he became the youngest super middleweight champion in boxing history by defeating Ronald Gavril on SHOWTIME at just 20 eski yil. Benavidez went from a 15-year-old prodigy sparring with Gennady Golovkin and Peter Quillin, to world title contender with a 10-fight knockout streak from 2015 ichidan 2017, including a highlight-reel knockout of Rogelio Medina with a seven-punch combination that earned him his first championship.

I’m very excited to be fighting Angulo on SHOWTIME and in front of my hometown crowd,” said Benavidez. “I haven’t fought in Phoenix in five years. It’s exciting to be back. I expect Angulo to come in ready. I know he just pulled an upset in his last fight and he’s not taking any shortcuts, but neither am I. Angulo has never been stopped, so I want to be the first person to stop him. I feel like I’m more motivated with a hungry fighter like him in front of me, and you will see it in my performance.

Born in El Bordo, Colombia and now fighting out of Miami, Fla., Angulo (26-1, 22 KOS) enters his second world title opportunity on a three-fight winning streak, including two triumphs over previously unbeaten fighters. Angulo stopped Reinaldo Gonzalez in 2018 in his first fight since losing a decision to then-super middleweight champion Gilberto Ramirez earlier that year. He scored a decision victory this January over Anthony Sims Jr. to put himself in position to again challenge the best in the division.

I’m very motivated by this great opportunity to fight for the world title again,” Said Angulo. “Benavidez is a talented world champion who is clearly one of the best super middleweights in the world. This is going to be a great fight for the fans because of the style I bring to the ring. My Mexican style of fighting will be too much for Benavidez and I will have my hand raised on April 18.

Santo Domingo shahrida tug'ilgan, Dominican Republic and now living in Miami, the 21-year-old Rivera (18-0, 12 KOS) Uning U.S qildi. debyut ShoBox iyun oyida 2019 by scoring an impressive unanimous decision victory against then-unbeaten Rene Tellez Giron, who would go on to upset Karlos Balderas in his next fight. The explosive rising star then followed up by stopping Jose Luis Gallegos in September and scoring a vicious 10th-round TKO against Fidel Maldonado Jr. in February of 2020.

Villasana (25-6, 14 KOS) is the son of former featherweight champion Marcos Villasana, and fights out of Acapulco, Meksika. The 28-year-old will make his U.S. debut on April 18 riding a 10-fight winning streak that includes five knockouts. He most recently picked up two victories in 2019, defeating then-unbeaten Roman Villa in April before knocking out Javier Franco in August.

Representing his home of San Juan de la Maguana, Dominika Respublikasi, Puello (17-0, 9 KOS) Uning U.S qiladi. debut on April 18 when he faces Barthelemy. The 25-year-old has fought professionally since 2015, defeating a slew of regional contenders and prospects. His most recent fight saw him defeat 2012 Olympian and then-unbeaten Jonathan Alonso by 12-round decision to capture his interim 140-pound title.

A decorated Cuban amateur who hails from a boxing family, Barthelemy (27-1-1, 14 KOS) is moving back to super lightweight after fighting former champion Robert Easter Jr. to a draw in their April 2019 lightweight title fight. The 33-year-old now trains in Las Vegas and has won titles in two weight classes, defeating Argenis Mendez for a 130-pound crown in 2014 and Denis Shafikov for a 135-pound belt in 2015. Barthelemy will look to work his way toward a second world title shot at 140 funt, which could make him the first three-division champion from Cuba.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will serve as telecast host with versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Rounding out the telecast team are Emmy® award-winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. David Dinkins Jr. serves as Executive Producer with Ray Smaltz producing and Bob Dunphy directing.

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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

One of the best all-time…. 1988 Olympic silver medalist Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe

Kolorado Springs, Tizza. (Qadam tashlamoq 9, 2020) – By any standards, U.S. Olympian and former unified World heavyweight champion Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe is inarguably one of the all-time greatest boxers, havaskor va professional.

Born and raised in the infamous Brownsville section of Brooklyn, Nyu York, which also produced fellow World heavyweight championsMike Tyson vaShannon Briggs, Bowe started boxing at 13 in the Bedford-Stuyvesant Boxing Association Gym.

“I wanted to do everythingMuhammad Ali did,” Bowe explained why he got into boxing. “He was my idol. I wanted to join the Marines, but I fell in love with boxing and stayed with it. I forgot about the Marines.”

Bowe developed his craft and became an outstanding boxer, kompilyatsiya bir 104-18 havaskor rekord, highlighted by his controversial silver-medal winning performance at the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, Janubiy Koreya.

A four-time New York Golden Gloves champion, Bowe also captured top honors at the 1986 Junior World Championships, along with a bronze medal at the 1987 Pan Amerika o'yinlari, despite fighting in his final match with a fractured hand he hid from his coaches.

Bowe had a rivalry withRobert Salters, with whom he split four matches, but he defeated Salters, 3-2, U.S ichida. Box-Offs to qualify for the 1988 USA Boxing Olympic Team. His Olympic teammates includedRoy Jones, Jr., Ray MercerKennedy McKinney vaAndrew Maynard.

Controversary surrounded his Olympic championship fight against future World heavyweight champion, Canadian super heavyweight Lennoks Lyuis, who returned home with the Olympic gold medal. During his fight with Lewis, Bowe was deducted a point for a “ghost” head butt that never happened, and the referee gave Bowe a pair of disputed standing-eight counts, the last of which resulted in the stoppage of the fight in Lewis’ favor.

“That fight never should have been stopped,” Bowe commented. “I’m still happy about winning a silver medal. I still have it. And then I turned pro. My mother had 13 kids and I wanted to make my mother happy. I wanted to buy her a house. That’s what inspired me to box.”

“Bowe’s success as an amateur and professional has made him a household name amongst USA Boxing Alumni,"DediChris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association Director. “His combination of power and skill, along with his legendary battles with other USA Boxing Alumni at the pro ranks, establishes him as one of the greatest fighters that USA Boxing has ever produced.”

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Created to champion lifelong, mutually beneficial relationships between USA Boxing and its alumni, –bokschilar, officials, coaches and boxing fansThe Alumni Association connects generations of champions, inspiring and giving back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions, va xalqqa amalga.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events hosted by the Alumni Association, including its annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.

To join the Alumni Association, simply register atalumni@usaboxing.org for a $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, keychain and e-wallet.

With legendary trainerEddi Futch Uning burchakda, Bowe became the first truly unified World heavyweight champion, winning the title belt for all four recognized major sanctioning bodies: WBC, WBA, IBF and WBO.

Bowe retired with an amazing 43-1 (33 KOS) pro record. He had a 5-1 (4 KOS) mark in world title fights, 7-1 (5 KOS) versus past world heavyweight champions such asEvander Holyfield (ikki marotaba), Pinklon ThomasTony TubbsBruce SeldonMichael Dokes vaHerbie Hyde.

Bowe later avenged his lone pro loss to Holyfield, winning two of three fights with the “Real Deal.”

“I’m very happy with my pro career,” Bowe added. “I beat Holyfield two times and I think it should have been three. I’m not a sore loser, but I was the World heavyweight champion. How did he win that fight? The challenger needs to take the belt from the champion, and he didn’t do that. I thought I won by a point, at worst, maybe it should have been a draw, but I shouldn’t have lost the fight. I did become the first to ever knockout Holyfield. My pro career wasn’t too bad. I kept working hard and became two-time World heavyweight champion.”

Hozir 51 and living in Maryland, Bowe has some advice for the American boxers trying to qualify for the 2020 Team USA Boxing Olympic Team.

“Just don’t think about it,” stressed Bowe, sounding like a Nike commercial. “Just do it! It worked for me. I showed up and didn’t think about it. And always finish strong.”

Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe, who was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2015, left his mark in amateur and pro boxing. Nobody can ever take that away from the big guy from Brownsville.



Twitter: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

ABOUT USA BOXING:  The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United States’ athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, develop character, support the sport of boxing, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.


Uncasville, Conn. – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to Mohegan Sun Arena bu Juma, Qadam tashlamoq 13 is official with a stacked six-fight main card, headlined by current two-division champ Patricio Pitbull (30-4) defending his 145-lb. title in the Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinals against upstart SBG-product and tournament dark horse Pedro Carvalho (11-3).

Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho will stream live exclusively on DAZN da 10 p.m. QILISh / 7 p.m. PT, Dastlabki harakatlar davom etadi Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel, shu qatorda; shu bilan birga DAZN, da boshlanadigan 7:30 p.m. VA / 4:30 p.m. PT.

The exciting main card will also see a Bellator Featherweight Grand Prix Quarterfinal take place in the co-main event,qachon Daniel Weichel (40-11) rematches Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4) for a future shot at the world title. Bunga qo'chimcha, former New York Giants lineman Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) will be taking on Ronny Markes (19-7) in a heavyweight main card bout, while England’s Paul Daley (42-17-2) and heavy-handed Sabah Homasi (13-8) go toe-to-toe in a 170-pound matchup that is sure to produce fireworks. Rounding out the main card will see Connecticut’s own Nick Newell (16-3) olib Zach Zane (14-9) of Hawaii at lightweight and a must-see middleweight contest showcasing Anatoly Tokov (29-2) va boshqalar. Fabio Aguiar (17-1).

uchun dastlabki karta Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho will stream live stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel va DAZN da 7:30 p.m. VA / 4:30 p.m. PT. The prelims feature appearances from Bellator prospects and other familiar names in Baby Slice (3-2, 1 Shimoliy Karolina), Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0), Leslie Smith (11-8-1), Romero Cotton (4-0), Mike Kimbel
(3-2), va Leandro Higo (19-5) uchrashuv Dominic Mazzotta (15-3) tuklar da.

Bajarildi Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho Bosh Karta:


10 p.m. QILISh / 7 p.m. PT

Featherweight WGP Quarterfinal World Title Bout: Patricio Pitbull (30-4) va boshqalar. Pedro Carvalho (11-3)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: Daniel Weichel (40-11) va boshqalar. Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Ronny Markes (19-7)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Paul Daley (42-17-2) va boshqalar. Sabah Homasi (13-8)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) va boshqalar. Zach Zane (14-9)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Anatoly Tokov (29-2) va boshqalar. Fabio Aguiar (17-1)

Dastlabki Card:

Bellator’s YouTube Channel | DAZN

7:30 p.m. VA / 4:30 p.m. PT

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0) va boshqalar. Billy Goff (2-2)

160-funt. Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Baby Slice (3-2, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Kaheem Murray (3-3)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Jordan Newman (2-0) va boshqalar. Pat McCrohan (4-3)

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Romero Cotton (4-0) va boshqalar. Justin Sumter (7-3)

140-funt. Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Mike Kimbel (3-2) va boshqalar. Kenny Rivera (2-2)

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Killys Mota (12-1) va boshqalar. Nate Andrews (16-3)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Leandro Higo (19-5) va boshqalar. Dominic Mazzotta (15-3)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Leslie Smith (11-8-1) va boshqalar. Jessy Miele (9-3)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Ion Pascu (18-10) va boshqalar. Mark Lemminger (10-1)

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Vladimir Tokov (7-0) va boshqalar. Marcus Surin (6-2)

*Karta o'zgarishi mumkin.

Tashrif buyuring Bellator.com Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.

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