Kampung halaman prospek DAQUAN ARNETT rupa UNBEATEN Yosua CONLEY dina Minggu, Agustus 2 Salaku bagian ti peuting FULL tindakan UNDERCARD AT FULL Kawih universitas di usum Taman, Florida

Tambih Deui! Prospek Undefeated Bryant Parella, Fabian Maidana,

Miguel Cruz and Javontae Starks All In Action

Payano vs. Warren: Premier tinju Champions –

The Next buleud dina mumbul TV Debuts Minggu, Agustus 2

9:00 p.m. AND

Usum Taman, FLA. (Juli 30, 2015) – Usum Park, Florida sorangan Daquan Arnett(13-1, 8 KOs) squares-off ngalawan Yosua Conley (11-0-1, 6 KOs) dina matchup of jongjon prospek welterweight super salaku bagian tina hiji peuting pinuh ku gelut dina Minggu, Agustus 2ti Full Sail University.


Ieu tarung bakal mingpin kana installment inaugural of PBC: The Next buleud On mumbul TV headlined ku 12 buleud jawara dunya bantamweight fight antara Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao”Payano (16-0, 8 KOs) jeung Rau'shee “Nuke” Warren (13-0, 4 KO).


Oge dina telecast bakal pasanggiri dua fight dina division middleweight junior mintonkeun 10-buleud matchup antara Olimpiade Silver medalist Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 KOs) versus mesin knockout Jorge Cota (24-1, 22 KOs), jeung 10 buleud showdown antara Olympian John Jackson (19-2, 15 KOs) jeung Dennis Laurente(49-5, 30 KOs). Nu winners bakal papanggih di matchup a dina tanggal saterusna.


Action saterusna ti Full Sail University bakal kaasup 10 buleud super welterweight peperangan antara Javier Maciel (29-3, 20 KOs) jeung Ayi Bruce (23-10, 15 KOs), an welterweight showdown dalapan buleud antara Fabian “TNT” Maidana (7-0, 6 KOs) jeung Peter Oluoch (9-9-2, 8 KOs) tambih deui Bryant Young (9-0, 8 KOs) nyokot dina Eduardo Flores(21-17-3, 13 KOs) dina welterweight bout dalapan buleud.


Rounding kaluar malem action-dipak nyaéta prospek 25 taun umurna Miguel Cruz (9-0, 5 KOs) kaluar ti Lake Mary, Florida nyokot on Osborn 32 taun umurna, Missouri-asli Travis Hartman (13-22-1, 10 KOs) dina genep rounds tindakan welterweight, 26-taun Javontae Starks (12-0, 7 KOs) of Orlando nyanghareupan 24 taun umurna Colombian Carlos Galvan (10-2-1, 9 KOs) dina welterweight showdown dalapan buleud jeung debut pro of Miami Kang Aujee Tyler manéhna nyokot dina San Juan, Puerto Rico Kang Edwin Rosado (0-2) dina bantamweight opat buleud perang.


Tiket eta kanggo kajadian nu hirup, nu diwanohkeun ku Galau tinju jeung Sampson tinju, nu dibanderol di $50 pikeun seating wengkuan jeung $25 pikeun pangakuan umum jeung bisa dibeuli ku nelepon Galau tinju di (954) 985-1155 atawa ku ngadatangan warriorsboxing.com. Tiket oge bisa dibeuli ngaliwatan Force tikét ku nelepon (877) 840-0457 atawa ku ngaklik IEUH.


Arnett bakal pajoang dina backyard sorangan dina Agustus 2 manéhna kasampak keur win katilu nya lempeng. 22 taun umurna owns victories over gelut saméméhna unbeaten Yermia Wiggins jeung Brandon Quarles sajaba ka 2009 Junior Olimpiade Championship. Jumeneng di jalan nyaeta San Bernandino, California-asli Conley, anu tacan bisa keok dina karir ngora nya. 23 taun umurna bakal tarung pikeun kahiji kalina luar California sabot léngkah kana cingcin dina Full Sail University.


Pajoang pikeun kadua kalina di Amérika Sarikat, nu Maciel 30 taun umurna keur néangan ngawangun off of US triumphant nya. debut sabot manéhna ngéléhkeun Jorge Melendez Juni 2014. Lahir di Buenos Aires, Argentina, Maciel geus meunang 11 tina panungtungan-Na 12 gelut. Manéhna gé jadi ditantang ku Bruce 29 taun umurna anu lahir di Ghana tapi ayeuna gelut kaluar ti Albany.


Possessing gaya ngamuk sarua adina Marcos, nu Maidana 23 taun umurna geus dieureunkeun unggal lawan nya dina waktu dua rounds saprak menang kaputusan unanimous di debut pro nya. Ngalambangkeun Santa Fe, Argentina, manéhna baris nyokot dina Kenyan Oluoch 36 taun umurna pajoang kaluar ti Pahokee, Florida.


A tarung 26 taun umurna deukeut kampung halaman nya Benteng Myers, Florida, Perrella ngaharepkeun bisa nangkep meunangna karir katilu di nagara imahna. Manéhna squares-off ngalawan ngalaman Flores 29 taun heubeul Salcido, Ékuador.


# # #

Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.premierboxingchampions.com, nuturkeun dina Twitter @ PremierBoxing,BounceTV, JC_Payano, RauSheeWarren, WarriorsBoxingPromFullsail JeungSwanson_Comm teras turutan paguneman make #PBConBounce, jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/BounceTVwww.Facebook.com/fullsailuniversity jeung www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.

Vito Mielnicki JR. meunangkeun National JR. Golden Sarung turnamen di Las Vegas

Nutley, NJ (Juli 29, 2015) – Minggu kamari di Las Vegas, kawengku JR Nasional. Golden Sarung turnamen dina 13-14 taun; 90 pound kelas beurat.

Mielnicki ngéléhkeun Jaylan Walker of California 2-1, Patick Cody of Washington 3-0 jeung Eric Tudor Florida 3-0 meunang gelar Nasional 4 nya.

Mielnicki téh dilatih ku Willie Musa jeung kareta di Gym Elite Panas di Tasikmalaya, New Jersey

WORLD runtuyan tarung APPOINTS CEO olahraga Media eksekutif Carlos Silva ka posisi

Longtime eksekutif media olahraga Carlos Silva (gambar) geus diangkat CEO anyar jawara dunya dicampur Seni bela diri (MMA) franchise World Series tempur.

Las Vegas (Juli 29, 2015) Jawara -World dicampur Seni bela diri (MMA) olahraga franchise World Series tempur (WSOF.com) kiwari ngumumkeun eksekutif média anu geus diangkat olahraga Carlos Silva ka posisi CEO, éféktif langsung.

Urut Presiden jeung COO of Universal Sports Network NBCU sarta urut Presiden jeung COO of Back9Network, Silva geus dijalankeun, dioperasikeun jeung spearheaded tumuwuhna meteoric olah raga jeung sipat media hiburan ngaliwatan kursus pamungkas 25 taun.

"Kuring gumbira ngagabung salah sahiji Premier jeung kalolobaan dinamis waralaba olahraga merangan dina planet di World Series tempur. They have a tremendous team of media and MMA industry veterans in place that works well with the blue-chip team at NBCU, pasangan televisi urang anu teu nulungan urang Usher pausahaan kana bab saterusna ngarupakeun tumuwuh,"Ceuk Silva.

Silva ieu pasukan instrumental balik peluncuran Back9Network dina DirecTV di Sept. 2014 jeung, di ngan bentang dua taun, catapulted engagement of the start-up media company’s digital platform to two million monthly unique users.

Salila-Na ulayat opat taun jeung Universal Sports Network, Silva dipingpin perluasan NBCU Kang Olimpiade jeung gaya hirup olahraga platform televisi kana 68 juta imah, kaasup sakabeh top 10 AS. pasar, and increased the number of unique users of its digital platform to three million.

Tadi di karirna, Silva, ieu Wawakil Présidén Senior jeung Kaol Time Warner, jeung tanggung jawab keur tumuwuh Kaol Sports, Wartos, and Money into top premier digital destinations. Silva also remains as a Board Advisor for PARK LANE, nu bank investasi olahraga Premier di Los Angeles.

Action WSOF mulih deui ka NBCSN kalawan lima bout, hirup telecast dina Sasab, Aug. 1, di 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT. Dina acara utama béntang-dibeungkeut, dunya jawara doubleheader Ngulik, reigning WSOF World Welterweight (170 kilogram) Juara Rousimar "Toquino" Palhares bakal risiko judul ngalawan jawara dunya dua waktu Jake Shields, ti Planét Hollywood Resort & Kasino di Las Vegas.

Champions Premier tinju ON ESPN PACARAN WORKOUT tanda kutip & Poto

Klik IEUH Pikeun Photos Ti Ed Diller / DiBella Hiburan

BROOKLYN (Juli 29, 2015) – Premier tinju Champions dina ESPN pajuang diulas nya disambungkeun ku paporit lokal Brooklyn diulas dina ieu Saptu Kang undercard keur workout media di Gleason Kang Gym nu lumaku ti showdowns masing-masing di Barclays Center.


Headlining kajadian Saptu Kang pitur béntang undefeated Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) manéhna nyokot dina jawara dunya dua waktu ti Brooklyn Paulie “Nu Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs) dina welterweight 12 buleud Dengdekkeun. Sinyalna Televised dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT salaku Brooklyn Kang Daniel “Nu Babah Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOs) defends judul dunya middleweight ngalawan urut jawara dunya Sergio “Nu Latin ular” Mora (28-3-2, 9 KOs).


Tiket eta kanggo kajadian nu hirup, nu diwanohkeun ku DiBella Hiburan dina asosiasi jeung Swift promosi, nu dibanderol di $250, $150, $120, $75 jeung $45, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, jeung nu diobral ayeuna. Tiket disadiakeun diwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com jeung di Box Kantor American Express di Barclays Center. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000. Pikeun tiket group, mangga nelepon 855-grup-BK.


Di dieu nya naon pamilon kudu nyebutkeun Rebo:


Danny Garcia


“[On bade nepi ka 147 kilogram] Anjeun geus bade ningali leuwih loba énergi dina cingcinna. Anjeun bakal ningali smarter tempur. Kuring gé geus leuwih agility jeung urang nuju bade indit aya meunang pakasaban dipigawé.


“Arurang ngan digawé teuas. Dina ahir poé éta ngeunaan mahluk 100 persén disusun. Naon atuh sagalana katuhu camp ieu abdi siap.


“Rencana game téh rék aya jeung kudu Danny Garcia jeung kudu spektakuler. Kuring teu nyaho nu Paulie ka nyangka tapi abdi disusun keur unggal versi anjeunna urang nempo. Kuring sparring loba guys anu dipindahkeun ku anjeun sarta guys anu datang ka hareup jadi Kuring siap nanaon.


“Lamun urang geus boh di 100 persén mangka kuring gé nyokot mah 100 persén over-Na tanpa ragu a. Gaya mah dijieun pikeun ngéléhkeun nu bajoang mana wae dina kaulinan. Kuring yakin manéhna dilatih teuas tapi urang keur bade meunangkeun meunangna ieu.


“Kuring ngan fokus kana mahluk tempur a. Teu mikir saha bae bisa ngéléhkeun a 110 persén Danny Garcia. Dina ahir poé, Kuring teu apal mah ngéléhkeun loba pejuang alus sarta Kuring bade mintonkeun manah dina cingcinna.


“Aya no tekenan tapi Kuring néangan maju ka kinerja unggulan. Kuring siap tarung ayeuna lamun gelut ieu kiwari. Kuring ngarasa leuwih gancang di 147. Mah moal datar-footed aya. Anjeun geus bade nempo sadaya dina dinten saptu.


“Kuring ngarasa kawas Kuring salah sahiji pajuang pang serbaguna di olahraga. Kuring bade ngarasa kuat pikeun 12 rounds dina dinten saptu. Kuring geus ngarasa kuat sadaya camp.”




“Kuring ngarasa gede di 147 kilogram. Kuring geus sok ngarasa pohara kuat di beurat ieu eta mana atuh nu kudu. Kuring masih kungsi nyieun kurban di tangerang tapi geus kungsi dijieun beurat jadi gampang. Kuring datang off deui-to-deui tenda pangungsian sarta kuring ngarasa kawas abdi dina bentuk nu panghadéna mah geus kantos.


“Jadi jawara dunya dua kali Anjeun kudu bisa ulah leuwih ti saukur jab jeung move. IQ mah jeung kamampuhna tinju gemblengna mah skillset nyieun kuring nu bajoang nu aya ari.


“Ku teu sangka Danny ieu nyanghareup kuring tapi kuring ngarasa yén fans jeung média anu. I love tantangan jeung I love hal anu memotivasi kuring. I bangun pagi nyebutkeun ieu teuas, tapi kuring nyaho kuring bisa ulah.


“Nu leuwih badag nu tangtangan éta leuwih gumbira Kami. Eta brings pangalusna kaluar ti kuring. Kuring geus nempuh sababaraha para pajuang nu panggedéna waktu urang. Aya taya alesan mah tangtu eureun ayeuna.
“Pajoang di imah di Barclays Center ngalawan Danny Garcia, salah sahiji gelut pangbadagna di tinju, Kuring teu bisa ménta deui.”


Daniel Jacobs


“Sergio Mora mangrupakeun tempur slick. Manéhna bisa dieunakeun punches oge jeung manéhna defensively dipikiran. Anjeunna hiji bajoang cagey tapi lacks daya. Manéhna ngabogaan loba flaws pertahanan jeung mah euy kudu sabar jeung mangpaatkeun di antarana.


“Urang boga rencana game di toko, tapi dina gelut nanaon pro bisa lumangsung. Anjeun kudu bisa nyaluyukeun kana laleur nu.


“Mah boga tim badag nu mantuan kuring nu ngurus hal kituna kuring bisa fokus latihan. I nyingkahan sagala distractions nu bakal mawa kuring jauh ti mahluk di pangalusna mah.


“Pajoang dina kartu PBC geus pinunjul. I love intro jeung datang leutik dina tahap nu. Kuring ngarasa kawas superstar a.


“Camp latihan ieu geus pelesir a, gawé teuas tapi pelesir a. Ieu hésé sabab Sergio kitu teuas pikeun nyiapkeun. Anjeun teu bisa nyiapkeun kalayan sparring atawa ngan hiji hal. Kuring néangan maju ka mintonkeun pangabisa mah bener jeung mintonkeun naon jawara bener nyaéta.”


Sergio mora


“Kuring thrilled ngeunaan kasempetan ieu. Kuring geus kungsi dua letdowns badag saméméh jeung nembak judul dunya ragrag ngaliwatan. Ayeuna nu ieu dieu, teu aya deui jalan Kuring bade hayu lulus kuring ku.


“Kuring happy dieu. Kuring happy jadi di Barclays jeung senang aya dina PBC. I sunda kabawa underdog jeung Kuring bade Manten dunya dina dinten saptu wengi.


“Kuring dina fase kadua karir mah ayeuna, DiBella jeung PBC geus nyimpen karir mah hirup kuring.


“PBC hebat, eta TV nu haratis sareng nu urang keur putting kaluar jantung, getih, ngesang jeung duka kana ieu jeung fans meunangkeun nempo eta dina TV bébas. Ieu gedé pikeun fans, pikeun para pajuang jeung sakabéh olahraga salaku sakabeh; eta naon tinju diperlukeun.”




“Ieu kasempetan badag sarta berkah jadi dina kartu ieu. Aya loba pejuang agung ti Brooklyn. Barclays Center nu agung sarta méré urang pejuang ti Brooklyn kasempetan pikeun ngalawan dina tempat kuliah heula katuhu euy di imah.


[On Autistic putri dalapan taun heubeul nya Kaylene]…”Kuring hayang némbongkeun lain urang nu kaayaan ieu, anu sipatna teu nyorangan. Kuring ningali ieu salaku berkah pikeun bisa ngangkat kasadaran jeung nyarita kaluar jeung némbongkeun kulawarga séjén anu berjuang jeung Autisme urang anu aya di ieu babarengan.


“Lamun urang tempo kuring lengkah kana cingcin kuring hayang maranehna nyaho yen Kaula teu ngan pajoang keur kuring sorangan tapi Kuring pajoang maranehna. Kuring hayang jadi nyanghareupan Autisme di tinju.”


Samah Ardiansyah


“Eta sih penting pikeun kuring mah tetep relevan jeung tangka simkuring ngaraos bagian paguneman jadi lamun nempo ieu tarung datang nepi bulan Agustus mah dijieun yakin nu ieu mah aya dina kartu ieu.


“Aya bener motivasi tambahan bade nepi ngalawan Renata Domsodi deui. Kuring ngarasa kawas nalika dua urang disanghareupan off pamungkas waktu jeung bout ieu maréntah hiji no kontes urang owed ka unggal petinju bikang séjén pikeun mintonkeun yen urang milik aya mah panginten manéhna kaluar.


“Renata ieu datang dina jeung beungeut nya turun ayun leungeun nya jeung mah muatanana nya bari manéhna datang asup jeung nu disababkeun sapotong nu. Urang geus digawé dina stepping ka sisi lamun manéhna teu nu sarta kabawa saeutik saeutik leuwih sabar.


“Lamun sakabeh mana ogé Saptu kuring gé jadi siap pikeun meunangkeun deui cingcin dina September. Kuring di bentuk jeung kuring cicing di gim. Ieu naon atuh. Anjeun kudu tetep bagian paguneman. Kuring hayang ningali tingkat anu leuwih luhur tina kompetisi unggal I lengkah kana cingcin nu.


“Ieu meureun hardest mah geus kungsi digawé, kaluar ti sakabéh kubu mah. Teu keur unggal alesan lian ti ngan putting di karya tambahan. Jujur abdi dina bentuk nu panghadéna hirup mah.”




“Kuring geus dilatih jadi teuas, I nunda getih, ngesang jeung duka kana ieu. I nunda jiwa kana ieu. I nunda hirup mah kana ieu. Urang geus siap.


“Ieu no rusiah tangka simkuring ngaraos ti Brooklyn, lahir jeung digedékeun, Mah teu pindah dieu ti mana. Atuh kawas Mike Tyson, Riddick Bowe jeung Shannon Briggs mah kakara rek nuturkeun di footsteps maranéhna. Kuring hayang jadi gede jeung diajar ti jalma nu datang saméméh kuring.


“Kuring hiji petinju-puncher. Kuring gé adaptasi jeung tempur nu. Lamun manehna ngalir, Kuring gé indit meunangkeun manéhna. Tapi kuring oge nyaho kumaha jadi pinter jeung make abilities teknis mah.


“Kuring malik ka hiji guy tangguh dina Lenin gulang. Manéhna nu meunang catetan alus sarta ieu 2008 Olympian. Sagala kasampak alus dina keretas, tapi iraha waktuna asalna, Kuring bade nyandak manehna kaluar.


“I ngalatih katuhu euy di Gleason Kang. Lamun urang geus pasangan bulan ti gelut urang sakabehna geus medal jeung bercanda tapi lamun urang geus deukeut ka gelut, urang sakabehna ieu serius. Ieu sadaya ngeunaan karya teuas.”


Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.comjeung www.dbe1.com. Turutan dina TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter JeungSwanson_Comm jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenterand www.facebook.com/ESPN. Turutan paguneman maké #PBConESPN jeung #BrooklynBoxing.

Michael “Nu Silverback” Moore néangan kasempetan badag

Las Vegas (Juli 29, 2015)–JR. Middleweight, Michael Moore (13-1, 6 KO sacara) Kiwari kaluar di Las Vegas halus tuning keterampilan nya handapeun lulugu jeung latihan Jeff Mayweather. Mayweather téh ngabantu dina nyokot tempur nu urang katelah “Nu Silverback” ka tingkat salajengna.

Said Moore, “Kuring geus kungsi digawé jeung saperti hiji palatih luar biasa. Ieu sadaya ngeunaan mahluk aman jeung kritik konstruktif jeung pamahaman nu man ieu téh di dieu pikeun nyokot kuring jeung nu level jawara kawas manéhna geus dipigawé jadi loba batur.”
Dina hiji gym dieusi bakat, bisa jadi hésé usik kaluar dina riungan of loba pejuang, tapi Moore geus gotten perhatian teu ngan palatih nya Jeff Mayweather jeung kakuatan jeung udar palatih Delaney Howard. Recently a special guest came and gave some advice to Mike. Floyd Mayweather SR. leumpang kira-kira, sarta manéhna ucul dina cingcinna jeung awal méré Moore sababaraha jeung hikmah nya.

Michael Moore nyaéta sakabéh ngeunaan kulawargana. Manéhna chats video Google jeung pamajikanana jeung barudak nepi ka tilu-kali sapoé jeung pancen hates kabawa jauh ti maranehna. Moore geus ceuk dina loba kali manéhna asa goréng pikeun sakur léngkah dina cingcinna jeung manéhna saterusna sabab bade ngarasakeun nyeri anjeunna geus ngarasaan ieu sababaraha minggu katukang.

Mike Moore dina gawe bareng kakuatan jeung udar palatih Delaney Howard:

“Delaney geus dipikawanoh kuring sakabeh kahirupan mah. Manéhna weruh kumaha bener nyorong kuring tingkat hareup jeung ngompa kuring nepi pas kuring belut kawas kuring geus kungsi enough.This tinju game aya banyol na nya penting boga tim sakuliah yén moal hayu ngeureunkeun & moal hayu kapok. That motivates you to that championship level.
Moore, 29 heubeul ti Cleveland taun, Ohio, ieu hiji entrant dina Boxcino 2015 JR. Turnamén Middleweight jeung bakal boga pengumuman dina fight saterusna nya teu lila.


Undefeated Star Danny Garcia Faces

Two-Time World Champion Paulie Malignaggi

Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs Defends Against

Former World Champion Sergio Mora

Live From Barclays Center

9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT

BROOKLYN (Juli 28, 2015) – With just days to go until Premier tinju Championsdina ESPN fighters enter the ring for their Saptu, Agustus 1 showdowns di Barclays Center, catch up on what the fighters have been saying in the weeks leading up to fight week.


Saptu sacara headlining event is the 147-pound debut of Danny “Swift” Garcia (30-0, 17 KOs) as he takes on two-time world champion out of Brooklyn, Paulie “Nu Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 KOs). Sinyalna Televised dimimitian di 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT with Brooklyn’s middleweight world champion Daniel “Nu Babah Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 KOs) as he defends his title against former world champion Sergio “Nu Latin ular” Mora (28-3-2, 9 KOs).


Tiket eta kanggo kajadian nu hirup, nu diwanohkeun ku DiBella Hiburan dina asosiasi jeung Swift promosi, nu dibanderol di $250, $150, $120, $75 jeung $45, teu kaasup ongkos layanan lumaku jeung pajeg, jeung nu diobral ayeuna. Tiket disadiakeun di www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com jeung di Box Kantor American Express di Barclays Center. Pikeun ngeusi batre ku telepon, nelepon Ticketmaster di (800) 745-3000. Pikeun tiket group, mangga nelepon 855-grup-BK.


Here is what the fight participants have had to say from their media conference call and Garcia’s media workout:


Danny Garcia


“Kaula mah bener paduli Paulie, di titik ieu dina karir lamun kuring ngaraos 110% persén siap, Kuring ngarasa kawas kuring bisa adaptasi jeung nanaon jeung manggihan hiji cara pikeun meunang.


It feels great to be at 147. For the first time in a long time, I could worry about training to get better and not training to lose weight. I’ve been fighting at 140 my whole career.


I’ve been the underdog before, I’ve been the underdog before and I won. I can’t listen to none of that stuff after just going through each fight like I was, mentally prepared, physically prepared going in and get the job done.


We added things to our workout now. We added a lot of explosive workouts, a lot of agility, a lot of footwork, a lot of things to making you more explosive, things I couldn’t do at 140 because I didn’t have the energy for it. But now the extra weight is really helping me.


“Kuring yakin pisan. I faced a lot of good fighters. I faced a lot of great fighters in my career. I have a lot of experience. I was a big 140-pound fighter. I’ve never faced a 140-pound fighter who was taller than me or who looked better than me.


But I feel like at 147, you’re going to see a more athletic Danny Garcia and be able to use my legs more, using my jab more and see punches clearer. When you drain yourself as hard to see punches, then you get hit with a lot of dumb punches because your vision is not clear.


I feel like my vision is going to be a lot clearer and be able to move my head, see the punches better, use my feet. And I think I’m going to be a champion at 147, oge. I know so.




I think styles make fight. From a style point of view there are things that I feel like I’ll be able to do against Danny. But I also expect Danny had made some adjustments since those fights.


You get to the point when you’re not in the ring for a while. It’s going through my mind that maybe I don’t want to fight. But as time went by and I started working out again, I started realizing that it was something I missed. It was something I was still craving. I wanted to be back in there.


If we’re going to talk about the layoff, people are going to talk about the fact that, I haven’t fought for a long time. But in reality, I actually haven’t trained this consistently in a decade, literally a decade.


I do feel the sharpness in a gym. I do feel the timing is really good. Obviously my weight has come down. Janten, that’s a good feeling knowing that I have to drop a lot of weight during the training camp just working on the sharpness and keep getting better.


I’m not looking at it as having any advantages. It’s just a matter of matching of my skills to his skills.

I can’t really tell you exactly how I’m going to play it out until I’m in the ring myself. I plan on being the best me possible. I plan on being the sharpest me possible. And right now, in training, Kuring ngarasa bener alus. The plan is to flow this training camp into a sharp night on1st Agustus.”


Daniel Jacobs


It’ll be against the most experienced guy I’ve faced thus far. I’m looking forward to testing my challenge against this slick, crafty veteran in Sergio Mora.


So there’s not a lot of fear as far as power is concerned but where he lacks that he makes up in his craftiness and his slickness and awkwardness and sometimes he does engage in the action as well.


The test with Sergio Mora iswhether that he can be stopped or whether or not I can go the distance with him, he’s never been stopped before, so it will be icing on the cake to be able to not only to defeat him but to stop him in the match.


I feel like I have a lot more advantages than he does in the fight. But whatever my advantages are and whatever gets me going, will be the deciding factor for me I would stick to. So if it’s my speed, then I’ll stick to using my speed. If it’s my power, backing him down, showing him what a real middleweight feels like, then that’s what I would do.


Sergio mora


I think I’m going to be an underdog for this fight again, fighting the younger, stronger champion in his hometown. So defeating him is going to be tough with all the cards stacked against me and that’s something that I grown used to and accustomed to.


This is going to be a really exciting card because he’s in his hometown and defending the world title. I’m hungry for that world title and I know that I’m going to have to be extra sharp and do a lot more than just have a close victory in his hometown. So I’m going to have to press action and go out of my comfort zone and I think he’s going to have to go out of his comfort zone, which is going to make an interesting fight for everybody.


I just continue educating people about the sweet science and letting them know that power is not the number one aspect you need to be successful it’s your agility, techniques, your defense, body shots, the strategy, it’s following that strategy it’s hard.


“Kawas mah ceuk, I think he possess everything that I don’t. But I have the experience. I think I take a better shot from experience with Danny and I think I follow my game plan more than Danny. A lot of boxers especially a lot of young athletic fighters they go out of their game plan and once they see that it’s not working. As a veteran, I know that it’s not working initially.


Inpo nu leuwih lengkep, nganjang www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.barclayscenter.comjeung www.dbe1.com. Turutan dina TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter JeungSwanson_Comm jeung jadi kipas dina Facebook di www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/fanpagedannyswiftgarcia, www.facebook.com/PaulMalignaggi, www.facebook.com/barclayscenterand www.facebook.com/ESPN. Turutan paguneman maké #PBConESPN jeung #BrooklynBoxing.

On-Air Talent Announced for Debut of Premier Boxing ChampionsThe Next Round This Sunday Aug. 2 di 9:00 WIB (AND) dina bounce TV


Fred Hickman (CNN Sports, ESPN) to Host,

Fran Charles (NFL Network, MLB Network) Télépon Blow-demi-Blow,

Former World Champion Austin Trout Provides Analysis


PBC – The Next buleud Hirup ti Fitur Orlando World Judul ngalawan Di antara

Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao” Payano jeung Rau'shee “Nuke” Warren


Atlanta (Juli 28, 2015) – Mumbul TV today announced a seasoned line-up of on-air sports talent

PBC-The Next Round Host
Fred Hickman

for the debut of its new monthly series Premier tinju Champions – The Next buleud beginning this Minggu, Agustus 2 di 9:00 p.m. (AND), which will also be streamed live on BounceTV.com. Fred Hickman will anchor PBC – The Next buleud salaku host, Fran Charles will call the blow-by-blow action ringside joined by former Super Welterweight World Champion Austin “Henteu Asa-Asa” Lauk Trout, who will provide insight and analysis.

Kajadian utama pikeun premiere runtuyan PBC – The Next buleud will be a 12-round Bantamweight World Championship fight between Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao”Payano (16-0, 8 KOs) jeung Rau'shee “Nuke” Warren (13-0, 4 KOs). Boh pejuang nu Olympians – Payano pikeun Républik Dominika jeung Cincinnati southpaw Warren, a tilu waktu Olympian pikeun Amérika Sarikat. Unggal tempur brings an catetan undefeated ka perangna pikeun judulna.

Fred and Fran combine for more than 50 years of major sports event coverage and Austin will help put viewers in the ring with his current and fresh perspective. We are thrilled to assemble such an impressive and talented team of announcers for our Premier Boxing Champions debut,” commented Ryan Glover, President of Bounce TV.

Hickman spent nearly 20 years with CNN Sports where he co-hosted the country’s original daily sports-highlights show CNN Sports Tonight. He also served as an anchor for CNN/Sports Illustrated, a host for both NBA and NFL pre-game shows, a co-host of the 1992 jeung 1994 Winter Olympic Games and a co-host of the 1994 Goodwill Games. Hickman moved to ESPN in 2004, appearing onflagship shows such as SportsCenter, Baseball Tonight, NBA Shootaround, jeung NBA Coast to Coastand he has also hosted pre-and post-game shows for the YES Network. Nu panganyarna, he served as the sports director for WVUE-TV, Bounce TV’s affiliate in New Orleans.


Charles served as a blow-by-blow announcer for more than seven years. He was also a studio host for NFL Network, where he contributed to NFL GameDay Final, NFL Total Access jeung Around the League. Charles was also the host of the weekly golf show, PGA Tour Sunday on USA Network, serving as lead anchor for studio segments during PGA Tour events. Charles currently serves as a host and reporter for MLB Network.


Dina 2004, Lauk trout meunang US. National Amateur Welterweight Championship and after climbing up the ranks as an elite boxer, he won a Super Welterweight World Championship in 2004 ku ngéléhkeun Rigoberto Álvarez. Manéhna indit asup pikeun ngabéla judul nu opat kali, kaasup meunangna dominan over Miguel Cotto di New York. He is currently on a three-fight win streak as he works towards another world title opportunity.

-tambih deui-

The co-feature Sunday night is a two-fight tournament in the junior middleweight division: A 10 buleud cocog nu nilik Olimpiade Silver medalist Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 KOs) nyokot kana mesin knockout Jorge Cota (24-1, 22 KOs), tambih deui 10 rounds of Olympian John Jackson (19-2, 15 KOs) battling Dennis Laurente (49-5, 30 KOs). Nu winners dua bouts bakal nyanghareupan-off dina titimangsa pikeun ngumumkeun geura-giru.


Payano vs. Warren: PBC – The Next buleud,diwanohkeun ku Galau tinju jeung Sampson tinju, bakal lumangsung di Full Sail Live, nagara-of-nu-seni pagelaran tempat di kampus Full Sail University di usum Park, Florida.


Bounce TV is free on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. Pikeun lokasi channel lokal, nganjang BounceTV.com.


Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) network on television and has become the #2 most-watched among all AA networks. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, gambar gerak sandiwara, specials, olahraga live jeung leuwih. Mumbul TV geus ningkat jadi teu sadia di leuwih ti 85 juta imah di sakuliah 90 pasar, 90% imah televisi Afrika American — kaasup sakabéh pasar televisi AA top — jeung tilu suku tina imah televisi total di Amérika Sarikat. Di antara pendiri mumbul TV tokoh American iconic Ambassador Andrew Young jeung Martin Luther King III.

# # #

Kanggo inpo nu leuwih sadérék www.premierboxingchampions.com, turutan dina TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, JC_Payano, RauSheeWarren, WarriorsBoxingPromFullsail JeungSwanson_Comm teras turutan paguneman make #PBConBounce, jadi kipas dina Facebook diwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/BounceTVwww.Facebook.com/fullsailuniversityjeung www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo.

Thiago Silva Out, Clifford Starks In Against Mike Kyle at “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” Saptu, Agustus 1, Live on NBCSN from Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Juli 28, 2015) - World Series tempur (WSOF.com) announced today that, due to a previous suspension in the state of Nevada, Thiago Silva has been declared ineligible to compete at “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” on Saturday, Aug. 1, and will be replaced by Clifford Starks, who will face off with Silva’s scheduled opponent Mike "Mak" Soun dina heavyweight cahya (205 kilogram) ngareubutkeun, live on NBCSN from Planet Hollywood Resort & Kasino di Las Vegas.

Due to the previous suspension, Silva must attend a future Nevada State Athletic Commission hearing. The next hearing takes place in Aug.

“We hope that Thiago will take the steps necessary to be in compliance with the state athletic commission so that he can make a quick return to action,"Ceuk WSOF Présidén Rama kepala suku. “In the meantime, we appreciate Clifford Starks’ willingness to take the fight against Mike Kyle on just a few days’ notice, and look forward to having him compete for us again after putting on a great show in the WSOF cage in March.”

The 34-year-old Starks (11-2) of Tempe, Ariz. is coming off a second round (4:11) kapatuhan (panangan-segitiga cuk) ti Jake Heun di WSOF 19. The victory was Starks’ third straight and second consecutive finish.

Nu live, five-bout NBCSN telecast of “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields "dimimitian di 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.

In the highly-anticipated main event, reigning WSOF World Welterweight (170 kilogram) Juara Rousimar Palhares (17-6) will square off with top-ranked challenger and two-time world champion Jake Shields (31-7).

WSOF World Bantamweight (135 kilogram) Juara Kasja Moraes (14-4-1) will put his title on the line in the co-main event against undefeated challenger Sheymon Moraes (7-0).

In other live NBCSN televised WSOF 22 aksi, gancang-rising béntang Abubakar Nurmagomedov (9-1) bakal bujur off jeung finisher undefeated Jorge Moreno (4-0) di welterweight, and four-time WSOF veteran Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) will meet submission ace Islam Mamedov (11-1) di lightweight (155 kilogram).

Dibanderol ti $29.99, tiket pikeun “WSOF 22: Palhares vs. Shields” anu diobral di Ticketmaster.com jeung WSOF.com.

Pintu di sumbu di Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino will open dina dinten saptu di 4 p.m. PT, sarta nu munggaran bout kartu penyisihan bakal dimimitian di 5 p.m. PT.

Kartu utama

WSOF World Championship Welterweight Main Event:
Rousimar Palhares (Juara) vs. Jake Shields (Nu nangtang)

WSOF World Championship Bantamweight Co-Main Event:
Kasja Moraes (Juara) vs. Sheymon Moraes (Nu nangtang)

Cahaya Heavyweight: Mike Kyle vs. Clifford Starks
Welterweight: Abubakar Nurmagomedov vs. Jorge Moreno
Lightweight: Jimmy Spicuzza vs. Islam Mamedov

Kartu awal

Cahaya Heavyweight: Jake Heun vs. Davin Clark
Flyweight: Donavon Frelow vs. Carlos Garcia
Catchweight (140 kilogram): Jimmy Jones vs. Marco Simmons
Cahaya Heavyweight: Cory Hendricks vs. Juli Hinojosa
Lightweight: Gil Guardado vs. Pete Martin

LGM Promotions back with another card on Saturday, Agustus 15 di Pershing Field És Rink dina Jersey City, New Jersey

Tamu husus–Miguel COTTO IN kolaborasi jeung Puerto RICAN poé parade jeung Festival JEUNG Jersey Kota Rékréasi departemén

Jersey Kota, NJ (Juli 28, 2015)-Saptu peuting, Agustus 15, a special night of professional boxing will take place at Pershing Field Ice Rink in Jersey City, New Jersey.

LGM Promotions is proud to center the fight card around the Puerto Rican Parade and Festival and Jersey City Recreation Department.

Pikeun mantuan ngagungkeun weekend nu, Puerto Rico’s only 4-division world champion and future Hall of Famer Miguel Cotto has been confirmed as a special guest that will be in attendance.

Kartu bakal headlined ku sapasang bouts 6-buleud.

Dina hiji co-pitur, undefeated Heavyweight Tyrell Wright (7-0-1, 5 KO sacara) of Jersey City, NJ bakal mawa kana hiji lawan jadi ngaranna.

In a rematch of a spirited draw that took place on March 14, Tyrone Luckey (6-4-2, 5 KO sacara) of Middletown, NJ will fight Jose Ortiz (3-2-2, 1 KO) of Jersey City, NJ.

In a four round bout, Hakim Bryant (3-0, 2 KO sacara) of Asbury Park, NJ bakal mawa kana hiji lawan jadi ngaranna dina bout Middleweight.

More bouts will be announced shortly with local fighters from Jersey City, Paterson and Newark highlighting the undercard.

Tiket nu dibanderol di $125 per jalma dina tabel ringside; $65 pikeun Ringside; $55
pikeun General Ringside; $35 pikeun Grendeng Umum.

Tiket bisa dibeuli ku ngaklik: www.lgmpromo.eventbrite.com or by calling 201-314-8251

Lawang kabuka di 6 PM ; 1st Bell di 7 PM

Nu Pershing Field És Rink perenahna di 807 Summit Ave. Jersey Kota, NJ



Agan 'Manny’ Rodriguez is set to defend his WBO Latino title against Alex Rangel in Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Bantamweight WBO Latino champion Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Rodriguez ( 12-0, 8 KO sacara ) will be defending his title for the third time, against Mexico’s Alex Rangel ( 16-4-2, 10 KO sacara ) on a scheduled 10 rounds duel, dijadwalkeun pikeun Saptu, Agustus, 22 at the Tomas Dones Coliseum in Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Rangel is a good fighter that throws lots of punches, has faced good fighters and I understand that this fight will be a war. I have no doubt about itsaid Emmanuel Rodriguez, nu terus, “Rangel went the distance with Cesar Seda and lasted nine rounds against Alexis Santiago. In both fights, Rangel looked good in losing effort, so I have to be in excellent condition to keep the belt in Puerto Rico”.
Rodriguez, who is the first Puerto Rican boxer to grab gold at a Youth Olympic Games ( Singapore 2010 ), had on last May, the biggest win of his young career by defeating via spectacular KO in the third round, former WBA rated #11, Luis Hinojosa.
Rangel is the kind of opponent important and necessary on Rodriguez’s developmentsaid Juan Orengo, manager of Emmanuel Rodriguez, “We expect Rangel to be in great shape. The fight may go the distance but nothing is guaranteed because ‘Mannyhas gained a lot of power, and is knocking out his opponents with one punch”.
Dina Oktober 2014, nu undefeated sensasi Puerto Rican, kawengku WBO judul Latino ku knocking kaluar Miguel 'Teu aya Fear’ Cartagena di babak kahiji. Cartagena ieu urut dua waktu Amérika Sarikat National Jawara, jeung 11 kali Golden meunangna Sarung di Philadelphia.
Rodriguez ngabogaan victories kasohor lain ku kaputusan unanimous leuwih judul contender dunya, David Quijano, jeung urut jawara WBC FECARBOX, Felix Perez.
VideosComplete fights
Rodriguez vs. Hinojosa
Rodriguez vs. Cartagena

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