Zambiri! Undefeated Woyenda Bryant Parella, Fabian Maidana,

Miguel Cruz and Javontae Starks All In Action

Payano motsutsana. Warren: Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa –

Yotsatira Round pa TV zophukiranso Debuts Sunday, August 2

9:00 p.m. AND

Zima Park, FLA. (July 30, 2015) – Zima Park, Florida a Daquan Arnett(13-1, 8 Ko) mabwalo-kumbali yolimbana Yoswa Conley (11-0-1, 6 Ko) mu matchup zosangalatsa wapamwamba welterweight chiyembekezo mbali ya utumiki usiku wa akumenyana Sunday, August 2kuchokera Full kupalasa University.


Nkhondoyi adzatsogolera mu wofika chigawo cha PBC: Yotsatira Round Pa zophukiranso TV headlined ndi 12 chonse bantamweight dziko Championship ndewu Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao”Payano (16-0, 8 Ko) ndipo Rau'shee “AlankhuleniI Ndi Mau Amphamvu” Warren (13-0, 4 KO).


Komanso pa telecast adzakhala awiri nkhondo ya mpikisanowu mu wamng'ono middleweight magawano zinapanga 10 chonse matchup pakati Olympic Silver medalist Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 Ko) motsutsana ndi knockout makina Jorge Cota (24-1, 22 Ko), ndi 10 chonse chiwonetsero pakati Olimpiki John Jackson (19-2, 15 Ko) ndipo Dennis Laurente(49-5, 30 Ko). Opambana amakumana mu matchup zapambuyo pake.


Komanso kanthu kwa Full kupalasa University akuphatikizapo 10 chonse wapamwamba welterweight nkhondo pakati Javier Maciel (29-3, 20 Ko) ndipo Ayi Bruce (23-10, 15 Ko), asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira welterweight chiwonetsero pakati Fabian “TNT” Maidana (7-0, 6 Ko) ndipo Peter Oluoch (9-9-2, 8 Ko) zambiri Bryant Young (9-0, 8 Ko) kutenga Eduardo Flores(21-17-3, 13 Ko) mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira welterweight podwala.


Atazunguliridwa kunja zochititsa chidwi madzulo 25 wazaka chiyembekezo Miguel Cruz (9-0, 5 Ko) kuchokera mwa nyanja ya Mary, Florida kutenga 32 wazaka Osborn, Missouri-nzika Travis Hartman (13-22-1, 10 Ko) asanu zipolopolo za welterweight kanthu, 26-chaka chimodzi Javontae Starks (12-0, 7 Ko) wa Orlando akukumana 24 wazaka Colombia Carlos Galvan (10-2-1, 9 Ko) mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira welterweight chiwonetsero ndi ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu la Miami a Aujee Tyler monga iye amakhala San Juan, Puerto Rico a Edwin Rosado (0-2) mu anayi chonse bantamweight nkhondo.


Matikiti yamoyo chochitika, amene amachitira Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya ndipo Sampson Maseŵera a nkhonya, ndi wogulira pa $50 pakuti zosungika makhalidwe ndi $25 mwawamba zolowera ndi lingathe kukopedwa ndi kuitana Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya ku (954) 985-1155 kapena mwa kuchezera Matikiti akhoza kugulidwa mwa Tikiti Force ndi kuitana (877) 840-0457 kapena kuwonekera PANO.


Arnett AZIDZAMENYANA lake kumbuyo pa August 2 pamene akuyang'ana wake wachitatu molunjika Win. 22 wazaka mwini kugonjetsa kale unbeaten ndewu Yeremiya Wiggins ndi Brandon Quarles kuwonjezera pa 2009 Junior Olympic Championship. Kuyima mu njira yake ndi San Bernandino, California-mbadwa Conley, amene koma kukwapulidwa wake wamng'ono ntchito. 23 wazaka asamenyana kwa nthawi yoyamba kunja kwa California pamene iye anachita mphete pa Full kupalasa University.


Kumenyera kachiwiri mu United States, 30 wazaka Maciel akuyembekezera kumanga pa wake wopambana US. kuwonekera koyamba kugulu pamene anagonjetsa Jorge Melendez mu June 2014. Anabadwira ku Buenos Aires, Argentina, Maciel wakhala anapambana 11 wake wotsiriza 12 ndewu. Iye kutsutsika ndi 29 wazaka Bruce amene anabadwa mu Ghana koma tsopano amalimbana kuchokera Albany.


Kutenga yemweyo anakwiya kalembedwe ngati m'bale wake Marcos, 23 wazaka Maidana anaima wake aliyense adani mkati awiri zipolopolo chifukwa kuwina akamakambirana wake ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu. Woimira Santa Fe, Argentina, Idzatenga pa 36 wazaka Kenya Oluoch akumenyana kuchokera Pahokee, Florida.


A 26 wazaka nkhondo pafupi kwawo ku Fort Myers, Florida, Perrella chiyembekeza kuti akatenge wachitatu ntchito kupambana kwawo boma. Iye mabwalo-kumbali yolimbana ndi odziwa 29 wazaka Flores wa Salcido, Ecuador.


# # #

Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo, kutsatira pa Twitter @ PremierBoxing,BounceTV, JC_Payano, RauSheeWarren, WarriorsBoxingPromFullsail NdiSwanson_Comm ndi kutsatira kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #PBConBounce, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa, ndipo

Vito Mielnicki Jr. Umapeza National Jr. Golden Magolovesi mpikisanowu ku Las Vegas

Nutley, NJ (July 29, 2015) – Sabata yatha ku Las Vegas, analanda National Jr. Golden Magolovesi mpikisanowu mu 13-14 chaka chimodzi; 90 mapaundi kulemera kalasi.

Mielnicki anagonjetsa Jaylan Walker la California 2-1, Patick Cody ya Washington 3-0 ndi Eric Tudor ya Florida 3-0 kuwina wake 4 National udindo.

Mielnicki anaphunzitsidwa ndi Willie Mose ndi sitima pa osankhika Tenthani Gym ku Newark, New Jersey


Atumikira kwa nthawi yaitali masewera TV mabwana Carlos Silva (atchulidwa) wasankhidwa latsopano CEO wa dziko Championship wothira masewera a karati (MMA) chilolezo World Series wa Kumenya Nkhondo.

Las Vegas (July 29, 2015) -World Championship wothira masewera a karati (MMA) masewera chilolezo World Series wa Kumenya Nkhondo ( analengeza lero kuti wasankha masewera TV mabwana Carlos Silva udindo wa CEO, bwino pomwepo.

The mutsogoleli wadziko ndi COO wa NBCU wa Universal Sports Network ndi mutsogoleli wadziko ndi COO wa Back9Network, Silva wakhala anapezerapo, opaleshoni ndipo anatsogolera meteoric kukula masewera ndi mafilimu katundu m'kupita kwa otsiriza 25 Zaka.

"Ine ndine wokondwa kuti limodzi la Premier ambiri amphamvu kumenyana masewera franchises pa dziko mu World Series wa Kumenya Nkhondo. They have a tremendous team of media and MMA industry veterans in place that works well with the blue-chip team at NBCU, yathu TV naye kuti akutithandiza zidzayamba kampani mu ake m'mutu wotsatira kukula,"Anati Silva.

Silva anali zoimbidwa anaigwiritsa ntchito Launch wa Back9Network pa DIRECTV mu Sept. 2014 ndipo, basi zaka ziwiri span, catapulted engagement of the start-up media company’s digital platform to two million monthly unique users.

Pa zaka zinayi nthawi yogwila nchito zawo ndi Universal Sports Network, Silva zinachititsa patsogolo NBCU wa Olympic ndi moyo masewera TV nsanja mu 68 miliyoni m'nyumba, kuphatikizapo pamwamba 10 U.S. m'misika, and increased the number of unique users of its digital platform to three million.

Kumayambiriro ntchito yake, Silva, anali Senior wotsatila mutsogoleli wadziko ndi AOL Time Warner, ndipo anachititsa osauka AOL Sports, News, and Money into top premier digital destinations. Silva also remains as a Board Advisor for PARK LANE, ndi Premier masewera ndalama kubanki ku Los Angeles.

WSOF kanthu umabwerera kwa NBCSN ndi zisanu podwala, moyo telecast pa Sat., Aug. 1, pa 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT. Kukachitika waukulu wa nyenyezi tizinthu, dziko Championship doubleheader extravaganza, akulamulira WSOF World Welterweight (170 mapaundi) Ngwazi Rousimar "Toquino" Palhares adzazipereka ake udindo kutsutsana ndi awiri nthawi dziko ngwazi Jake Zimateteza, kuchokera Planet Hollywood Amachita & Casino ku Las Vegas.

Premier nkhonya akatswiri ON ESPN womenya kulimbitsa thupi Quotes & Photos

Dinani PANO Pakuti Photos Kuchokera Mkonzi Diller / DiBella Entertainment

Brooklyn (July 29, 2015) – Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa pa ESPN Featured omenyana linagwirizana nawo m'dera Brooklyn okondedwa nkhani pa izi Loweruka a undercard kwa atolankhani pa kulimbitsa thupi Gleason a Gym zo awo showdowns pa Barclays Center.


Loweruka a headlining chochitika zimaonetsa undefeated nyenyezi Danny “Swift” García (30-0, 17 Ko) monga iye amatenga ziwiri nthawi dziko ngwazi ku Brooklyn Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Ko) mu 12 chonse welterweight kuweramira. Televised nkhani umayamba 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT monga Brooklyn a Daniel “Chozizwitsa Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Ko) kuteteza ake middleweight dziko udindo motsutsana kale dziko ngwazi Sergio “The Latin Nyoka” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Ko).


Matikiti yamoyo chochitika, amene amachitira DiBella Entertainment limodzi ndi Swift Zokwezedwa, ndi wogulira pa $250, $150, $120, $75 ndipo $45, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milanduyo misonkho, ndipo pa malonda tsopano. Matikiti alipo, ndi pa American Express Box Office pa Barclays Center. Mlandu telefoni, kuitana Ticketmaster pa (800) 745-3000. Pakuti gulu matikiti, chonde kuitana 855-GULU-BK.


Tiyeni tione zimene ophunzira anali kunena Lachitatu:


Danny García


“[Pa kupita 147 mapaundi] Inu mukuona kwambiri mphamvu zambiri mu mphete. Mudzaona anzeru womenya. Ine zambiri see ndi ife kupita mmenemo kuti ntchito.


“Ife tikungogwira ntchito mwakhama. Kumapeto kwa tsiku ndi kukhala 100 peresenti anakonza. Ndachita zonse iyi msasa ndipo ine ndiri wokonzeka.


“Masewerawo Chikonzero kupita mmenemo ndi Danny García ndi kukhala zochititsa chidwi. Ine sindikudziwa Paulie kuyembekezera koma ine ndiri wokonzeka aliyense Baibulo la iye tikuona. Ine sparring zambiri anyamata amene amapita ndi anyamata amene abwere kutsogolo kotero ine ndiri wokonzeka chilichonse.


“Ngati ife tonse pa 100 peresenti ndiye ine anga 100 peresenti wake popanda kukaika. Wanga kalembedwe wapangidwa kumenya aliyense womenya mu masewera. Ine ndikutsimikiza anaphunzitsa zovuta koma ife tifika kupambana.


“Ine yekha lolunjika pa kukhala womenya. Ine sindikuganiza kuti aliyense akhoza kumenya munthu 110 peresenti Danny García. Pamapeto pa tsiku, Ine ndikudziwa ine kumenya kwambiri zabwino omenyana ndipo ine kusonyeza mtima wanga mu mphete.


“Palibe kuthamanga koma ine ndikuyembekezera mwachidwi wabwino chionetsero. Ine ndiri wokonzeka kulimbana lero ngati nkhondo anali lero. Ndikuona mofulumira pa 147. Ine sadzakhala mosabisa-footed mmenemo. Inu mukuona izo zonse lachiwelu.


“Ndikumva ngati kuti ndine mmodzi wa wosinthasintha kwabasi omenyana mu masewera. Ine ndikumverera mphamvu 12 zipolopolo lachiwelu. Ine ndinamverera wamphamvu msasa.”




“Ndikuona chachikulu pa 147 mapaundi. Nthawi zonse ndakhala kwambiri pa thupi ndipo pamene ndikhale. Ndinali kudzimana mu maphunziro koma Ine sindinakhalepo kulemera mosavuta. Ine ndikubwera pa mmbuyo ndi kubwerera m'misasa ndipo ine ndikumverera ngati ine ndiri mu mawonekedwe abwino ine munayamba.


“Kukhala ziwiri nthawi dziko ngwazi muyenera kuchita zambiri osati jab ndi kusuntha. Wanga IQ wanga chonse nkhonya luso skillset mundipange ine womenya kuti ndikhale.


“Ine sindikuganiza Danny ndi oyang'anizana ine koma ine ndikumverera kuti mafani ndi atolankhani ndi. Ndimkonda mavuto ndipo ndimakonda zinthu zamphamvu zomwe ine. Ine kudzuka m'mawa kuti izi ndi zolimba, koma ine ndikudziwa ine izo.


“Zikuluzikulu vuto kwambiri ndinakondwera ndine. Umabweretsa zabwino mwa ine. Ndamenya ena wamkulu omenyana nthawi yathu. Palibe chifukwa ndisiya tsopano.
“Kulimbana kwathu pa Barclays Center motsutsana Danny García, cacikuru ndewu masewerawa, Ine sindikanakhoza kumufunsa zambiri.”




“Sergio Mora ndi mpala womenya. Iye akhoza kuzembera nkhonya bwino ndipo iye modzitchinjiriza okonda. Iye ndi cagey womenya koma sadziwa mphamvu. Iye ali zambiri kumbuyo zolakwazo ndi ine basi kuleza mtima ndi mwayi pa iwo.


“Tili ndi masewera dongosolo mu sitolo, koma ovomereza nkhondo chirichonse zingachitike. Uyenera kukhala wokhoza kusintha pa ntchentche.


“Ndili nazo gulu kuti kumandithandiza asamalire kuti ine usasokonezeke maphunziro. Ine kupewa zododometsa zimene kundichotsa kukhala pa kwanga.


“Kulimbana pa PBC makadi wakhala kwambiri. Ndimakonda tsamba loyambilira ndi kutuluka pa siteji. Ndinkaona ngati opsa.


“M'sukuluyi msasa wakhala zosangalatsa, m'ntchito koma chosangalatsa. Zinali zovuta chifukwa Sergio kumavuta kukonzekera. Inu simungakhoze kukonzekera ndi sparring kapena chinthu chimodzi chokha. Ndikuyembekezera kusonyeza wanga woona luso ndi kusonyeza zimene woona ngwazi ali.”


Sergio MORA


“Ndine kwambiri za mwayi. Ine awiri yaikulu zokhumudwitsa pamaso ndi dziko udindo akatemera kugwa kudzera. Tsopano ichi chiri pano, palibe njira Ine tiyeni likuchoka ine ndi.


“Ine ndiri wokondwa kuti ndiri pano. Ndine wokondwa kukhala pa Barclays ndi okondwa kukhala pa PBC. Ndimakonda kukhala underdog ndipo ine kudabwitsa dziko lachiwelu usiku.


“Ine ndiri mwa yachiwiri yanga tsopano, DiBella ndi PBC wasunga yanga ndi moyo wanga.


“PBC kwakukulu, ndi ufulu TV ndi ife kuika mtima, magazi, thukuta ndi misozi mu mafani ndi kufika kwa icho pa ufulu TV. Izi ndi wamkulu kwa mafani, pakuti omenyana wonse masewera wonse; chimene nkhonya zofunika.”




“Uwu ndi mwayi waukulu komanso dalitso kukhala pa khadi. Pali zinthu zambiri omenyana ku Brooklyn. Barclays Center ndi wamkulu ndipo amatipatsa omenyana ku Brooklyn mwayi nkhondo pa kalasi yoyamba bwaloli pomwe pano kunyumba.


[Pa Autistic eyiti wamkazi wazaka Kaylene]…”Ine ndikufuna ndikuonetsereni anthu ena kuti tikuchita ndi, kuti simuli nokha. Ndikuona izi ndi madalitso kuti athe kapewedwe ndi kuyankhula ndi kusonyeza mabanja ena amene akulimbana ndi Matenda achilengulengu kuti tili mu pamodzi.


“Anthu akaona ine atenge mphete ine ndikufuna kuti adziwe kuti Ine osati kumenyera ndekha koma ine kumenyera iwo. Ine ndikufuna kuti nkhope ya Matenda achilengulengu masewerawa.”


Heather Hardy


“Zimakhala ofunika kwa ine kuti ine ndikhale zogwirizana ndi kuti ndine gawo la kucheza kwambiri nditaona nkhondoyi akubwera mu August ine anaonetsetsa kuti ine ndinali pa khadi.


“Zoonadi ali owonjezera zolinga kukamenyana Renata Domsodi kachiwiri. Ndinkaona ngati awiri a ife tinakumana pa nthawi yotsiriza ndi podwala anali kulamulidwa ndi wopanda mpikisano umene tinali nayo kwa aliyense akazi ena womenya nkhonya kusonyeza kuti ndife ndipo ndinaganiza atasiya.


“Renata akubwera mu nkhope yake pansi anatenga mikono ndi ine mlandu iye pamene iye anali akubwera ndi amene anacititsa kuti adulidwe. Ife takhala tikugwira kuponda ku mbali pamene iye achita izo ndi pang'ono kwambiri wodwala.


“Ngati zonse zimapita bwino Loweruka ine ndidzakhala wokonzeka kubwerera mu mphete September. Ndine moyenera ndipo ndimakhala mu masewero olimbitsa. Izi ndi zimene ndimachita. Inu mukuyenera kukhala gawo la kukambirana. Ine ndikufuna kuona pa mlingo wokwererapo kupikisana nthawi iliyonse ine atenge mphete.


“Mwina chovuta ine ndinayamba ntchito, onse wanga m'misasa. Osati pazifukwa zina chabe kuika owonjezera ntchito. Moona mtima ndili mu bwino mawonekedwe a moyo wanga.”




“Ine ophunzitsidwa zolimba, Ndinaika magazi, thukuta ndi misozi mu. Ndinaika moyo wanga mu. Ine moyo wanga mu. Ndife okonzeka.


“Ndi palibe chinsinsi chimene ine ndiri ku Brooklyn, anabadwiramo ndiponso umene anakuliramo, Ine unaima kuno kulikonse. Anyamata ngati Mike Tyson, Riddick Bowe ndi Shannon Briggs ndimangofuna kutsatira chitsanzo chawo. Ine ndikufuna kukhala wamkulu ndipo phunzirani kwa iwo amene adadza m'tsogolo mwa ine.


“Ndine katswiri wankhonya-puncher. Ine kusintha kwa womenya. Ngati akuthamanga, Ine ndipita ndikamutenge iye. Koma ine kudziwa m'mene kukhala wanzeru ndi ntchito luso langa maluso.


“Ine akukumana ndi lolimba munthu mu Lenin CASTILLO. Iye ali ndi mbiri yabwino ndipo anali 2008 Olympian. Chirichonse ngwadidi pa pepala, koma pamene nthawi ifika, Ine nditenga iye.


“Ine kuphunzitsa pomwe pano pa Gleason a. Pamene ndife Miyezi ingapo ndewu aliyense ndi kumwetulira ndi nthabwala koma pamene ife tiri ili pafupi ndi nkhondo, aliyense amaona. Izo zonse ndi za khama.”


Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo, www.barclayscenter.comndipo Tsatirani pa TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter NdiSwanson_Comm ndi kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa,,, Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #PBConESPN ndi #BrooklynBoxing.

Michael “The Silverback” Moore akuyembekezera mwayi waukulu

Las Vegas (July 29, 2015)–Jr. Middleweight, Michael Moore (13-1, 6 KO a) panopa mu Las Vegas sintha luso lake motsogozedwa ndi maphunziro a Jeff Mayweather. Mayweather akuthandiza mu kutenga womenya amene otchedwa “The Silverback” lotsatira mlingo.

Anati Moore, “Ine sindinayambe ntchito ndi yodabwitsa mphunzitsi. Izo zonse za kukhala otetezeka ndi zaphindu kudzudzula ndi kumvetsa kuti munthu uyu ali pano kunditengera kuti Championship mlingo ngati wachita ena ambiri.”
Mu masewero olimbitsa thupi wodzazidwa ndi talente, izo zikhoza kukhala zovuta kuyima mu gulu la ambiri ozimitsa, koma Moore walowa chidwi cha okha mphunzitsi Jeff Mayweather ndi mphamvu ndi yabwino Flames Delaney Howard. Recently a special guest came and gave some advice to Mike. Floyd Mayweather SR. ndinali ndikuyenda, ndipo iye analumphira mu mphete ndipo kuyambira kupereka Moore ena a nzeru zake.

Michael Moore ndi banja lake. Iye Google kanema chats ndi mkazi wake ndi ana atatu-zina tsiku ndi mwamtheradi limadana kukhala kutali ndi iwo. Moore wanena moti nthawi zambiri amadandaula kuti amene akubwera mphete naye pafupi chifukwa ati amve kupweteka kuti anali maganizo m'zaka zochepa masabata.

Mike Moore pa ntchito ndi mphamvu ndi yabwino Flames Delaney Howard:

“Delaney wadziwa ine moyo wanga wonse. Iye amadziwa kwenikweni kukankha ine lotsatira ndendende ndi kutulutsa ine pamene ine njoka yam'madzi ngati ndalandira enough.This nkhonya masewero ndi nthabwala ndi tifunika kukhala gulu pozungulira inu kuti sadzalola inu asiye & sadzalola inu kusiya. That motivates you to that championship level.
Moore, 29 zaka ku Cleveland, Ohio, anali entrant mu Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight mpikisanowu ndipo ndi kulengeza pa lotsatira nkhondo posachedwa.


Undefeated Star Danny Garcia Faces

Two-Time World Champion Paulie Malignaggi

Middleweight World Champion Daniel Jacobs Defends Against

Former World Champion Sergio Mora

Live From Barclays Center

9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT

Brooklyn (July 28, 2015) – With just days to go until Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwapa ESPN fighters enter the ring for their Loweruka, August 1 showdowns pa Barclays Center, catch up on what the fighters have been saying in the weeks leading up to fight week.


Loweruka a headlining event is the 147-pound debut of Danny “Swift” García (30-0, 17 Ko) as he takes on two-time world champion out of Brooklyn, Paulie “The Magic Man” Malignaggi (33-6, 7 Ko). Televised nkhani umayamba 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT with Brooklyn’s middleweight world champion Daniel “Chozizwitsa Man” Jacobs (29-1, 26 Ko) as he defends his title against former world champion Sergio “The Latin Nyoka” Mora (28-3-2, 9 Ko).


Matikiti yamoyo chochitika, amene amachitira DiBella Entertainment limodzi ndi Swift Zokwezedwa, ndi wogulira pa $250, $150, $120, $75 ndipo $45, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milanduyo misonkho, ndipo pa malonda tsopano. Matikiti alipo ku, ndi pa American Express Box Office pa Barclays Center. Mlandu telefoni, kuitana Ticketmaster pa (800) 745-3000. Pakuti gulu matikiti, chonde kuitana 855-GULU-BK.


Here is what the fight participants have had to say from their media conference call and Garcia’s media workout:


Danny García


“Ine ndiri kwenikweni nkhawa Paulie, pa mfundo iyi mu ntchito yanga ngati ine ndiri 110% peresenti okonzeka, Ine ndikumverera ngati ine atengere chirichonse ndi kupeza njira kupambana.


It feels great to be at 147. For the first time in a long time, I could worry about training to get better and not training to lose weight. I’ve been fighting at 140 my whole career.


I’ve been the underdog before, I’ve been the underdog before and I won. I can’t listen to none of that stuff after just going through each fight like I was, mentally prepared, physically prepared going in and get the job done.


We added things to our workout now. We added a lot of explosive workouts, a lot of agility, a lot of footwork, a lot of things to making you more explosive, things I couldn’t do at 140 because I didn’t have the energy for it. But now the extra weight is really helping me.


“Ndine kudzidalira kwambiri. I faced a lot of good fighters. I faced a lot of great fighters in my career. I have a lot of experience. I was a big 140-pound fighter. I’ve never faced a 140-pound fighter who was taller than me or who looked better than me.


But I feel like at 147, you’re going to see a more athletic Danny Garcia and be able to use my legs more, using my jab more and see punches clearer. When you drain yourself as hard to see punches, then you get hit with a lot of dumb punches because your vision is not clear.


I feel like my vision is going to be a lot clearer and be able to move my head, see the punches better, use my feet. And I think I’m going to be a champion at 147, Ifenso. I know so.




I think styles make fight. From a style point of view there are things that I feel like I’ll be able to do against Danny. But I also expect Danny had made some adjustments since those fights.


You get to the point when you’re not in the ring for a while. It’s going through my mind that maybe I don’t want to fight. But as time went by and I started working out again, I started realizing that it was something I missed. It was something I was still craving. I wanted to be back in there.


If we’re going to talk about the layoff, people are going to talk about the fact that, I haven’t fought for a long time. But in reality, I actually haven’t trained this consistently in a decade, literally a decade.


I do feel the sharpness in a gym. I do feel the timing is really good. Obviously my weight has come down. Choncho, that’s a good feeling knowing that I have to drop a lot of weight during the training camp just working on the sharpness and keep getting better.


I’m not looking at it as having any advantages. It’s just a matter of matching of my skills to his skills.

I can’t really tell you exactly how I’m going to play it out until I’m in the ring myself. I plan on being the best me possible. I plan on being the sharpest me possible. And right now, in training, Ine ndikumverera bwino. The plan is to flow this training camp into a sharp night onAugust 1.”




It’ll be against the most experienced guy I’ve faced thus far. I’m looking forward to testing my challenge against this slick, crafty veteran in Sergio Mora.


So there’s not a lot of fear as far as power is concerned but where he lacks that he makes up in his craftiness and his slickness and awkwardness and sometimes he does engage in the action as well.


The test with Sergio Mora iswhether that he can be stopped or whether or not I can go the distance with him, he’s never been stopped before, so it will be icing on the cake to be able to not only to defeat him but to stop him in the match.


I feel like I have a lot more advantages than he does in the fight. But whatever my advantages are and whatever gets me going, will be the deciding factor for me I would stick to. So if it’s my speed, then I’ll stick to using my speed. If it’s my power, backing him down, showing him what a real middleweight feels like, then that’s what I would do.


Sergio MORA


I think I’m going to be an underdog for this fight again, fighting the younger, stronger champion in his hometown. So defeating him is going to be tough with all the cards stacked against me and that’s something that I grown used to and accustomed to.


This is going to be a really exciting card because he’s in his hometown and defending the world title. I’m hungry for that world title and I know that I’m going to have to be extra sharp and do a lot more than just have a close victory in his hometown. So I’m going to have to press action and go out of my comfort zone and I think he’s going to have to go out of his comfort zone, which is going to make an interesting fight for everybody.


I just continue educating people about the sweet science and letting them know that power is not the number one aspect you need to be successful it’s your agility, techniques, your defense, body shots, the strategy, it’s following that strategy it’s hard.


“Monga ndinanena, I think he possess everything that I don’t. But I have the experience. I think I take a better shot from experience with Danny and I think I follow my game plan more than Danny. A lot of boxers especially a lot of young athletic fighters they go out of their game plan and once they see that it’s not working. As a veteran, I know that it’s not working initially.


Kuti mudziwe zambiri, Ulendo, www.barclayscenter.comndipo Tsatirani pa TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, PaulMalignaggi, LouDiBella, ESPNBoxing, BarclaysCenter NdiSwanson_Comm ndi kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook pa,,, Tsatirani kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #PBConESPN ndi #BrooklynBoxing.

On-Air Talent Announced for Debut of Premier Boxing ChampionsThe Next Round This Sunday Aug. 2 pa 9:00 madzulo (AND) pa zophukiranso TV


Fred Hickman (CNN Sports, ESPN) to Host,

Fran Charles (NFL Network, MLB Network) Mafoni Lizani ndi-Sizipezekanso,

Former World Champion Austin Trout Provides Analysis


PBC – Yotsatira Round Zithandize Orlando Mbali World Title Nkhondo Pakati

Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao” Payano ndi Rau'shee “AlankhuleniI Ndi Mau Amphamvu” Warren


Atlanta (July 28, 2015) – Zophukiranso TV today announced a seasoned line-up of on-air sports talent

PBC-The Next Round Host
Fred Hickman

for the debut of its new monthly series Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa – Yotsatira Round beginning this Sunday, August 2 pa 9:00 p.m. (AND), which will also be streamed live on Fred Hickman will anchor PBC – Yotsatira Round monga khamu, Fran Charles will call the blow-by-blow action ringside joined by former Super Welterweight World Champion Austin “Osakayikira” Nsomba Ya Trauti, who will provide insight and analysis.

Chochitika chachikulu cha mndandanda wa kuyamba PBC – Yotsatira Round will be a 12-round Bantamweight World Championship fight between Juan Carlos “Baby Pacquiao”Payano (16-0, 8 Ko) ndipo Rau'shee “AlankhuleniI Ndi Mau Amphamvu” Warren (13-0, 4 Ko). Onse olimbana ndi Olympians – Payano kwa Dominican Republic ndi Cincinnati southpaw Warren, zitatu nthawi Olimpiki kwa United States. Aliyense womenya uzidzathetsa undefeated umboni ku nkhondo udindo.

Fred and Fran combine for more than 50 years of major sports event coverage and Austin will help put viewers in the ring with his current and fresh perspective. We are thrilled to assemble such an impressive and talented team of announcers for our Premier Boxing Champions debut,” commented Ryan Glover, President of Bounce TV.

Hickman spent nearly 20 years with CNN Sports where he co-hosted the country’s original daily sports-highlights show CNN Sports Tonight. He also served as an anchor for CNN/Sports Illustrated, a host for both NBA and NFL pre-game shows, a co-host of the 1992 ndipo 1994 Winter Olympic Games and a co-host of the 1994 Goodwill Games. Hickman moved to ESPN in 2004, appearing onflagship shows such as SportsCenter, Baseball Tonight, NBA Shootaround, ndipo NBA Coast to Coastand he has also hosted pre-and post-game shows for the YES Network. Ambiri posachedwapa, he served as the sports director for WVUE-TV, Bounce TV’s affiliate in New Orleans.


Charles served as a blow-by-blow announcer for more than seven years. He was also a studio host for NFL Network, where he contributed to NFL GameDay Final, NFL Total Access ndipo Around the League. Charles was also the host of the weekly golf show, PGA Tour Sunday on USA Network, serving as lead anchor for studio segments during PGA Tour events. Charles currently serves as a host and reporter for MLB Network.


Mu 2004, Mumapezeka nsomba anapambana U.S. National Amateur Welterweight Championship and after climbing up the ranks as an elite boxer, he won a Super Welterweight World Championship in 2004 ndi akugonjetsa Rigoberto ALVAREZ. Iye anapitiriza kufotokoza kuti udindo kanayi, kuphatikizapo lalikulu kugonjetsa Miguel Cotto ku New York. He is currently on a three-fight win streak as he works towards another world title opportunity.


The co-feature Sunday night is a two-fight tournament in the junior middleweight division: A 10 chonse machesi kuti amaona Olympic Silver Medalist Yudel Jhonson (17-1, 9 Ko) pa kutenga knockout makina Jorge Cota (24-1, 22 Ko), zambiri 10 zipolopolo za Olimpiki John Jackson (19-2, 15 Ko) Mmene Mungathetsere Dennis Laurente (49-5, 30 Ko). Wopambana wa awiri ayi amakumana-pa tsiku kulengeza kuti posachedwapa.


Payano motsutsana. Warren: PBC – Yotsatira Round,amachitira Ankhondo Maseŵera a nkhonya ndipo Sampson Maseŵera a nkhonya, zidzachitike pa Full kupalasa Live, ndi boma cha m'ma luso ntchitoyo bwaloli pa yunivesite ya Full kupalasa University mu Zima Park, Florida.


Zophukiranso TV ndi ufulu pa imatumiza uthenga wa m'deralo TV okwerera ndi lolingana chingwe ophimba. Pakuti m'dera njira malo, Ulendo


Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) network on television and has become the #2 most-watched among all AA networks. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, zisudzo akanema, Zapadera, moyo masewera ndi zina. Zophukiranso TV wakula kukhala m'zinenero zoposa 85 miliyoni nyumba za tsidya 90 m'misika, 90% la African American TV m'nyumba — kuphatikizapo pamwamba AA TV misika — ndipo atatu mwa anayi alionse okwana TV m'nyumba mu United States. Pakati anayambitsa zophukiranso TV ndi wodziwika bwino American kanjedza kazembe Andrew Young ndi Martin Luther King III.

# # #

Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo, kutsatira pa TwitterPremierBoxing, BounceTV, JC_Payano, RauSheeWarren, WarriorsBoxingPromFullsail NdiSwanson_Comm ndi kutsatira kukambirana pogwiritsa ntchito #PBConBounce, kukhala zimakupiza on Facebook,

Thiago Silva Out, Clifford Starks In Against Mike Kyle at “WSOF 22: Palhares motsutsana. Zishango” Loweruka, August 1, Live on NBCSN from Las Vegas

Las Vegas (July 28, 2015) - World Series wa Kumenya Nkhondo ( analengeza lero zimenezo, due to a previous suspension in the state of Nevada, Thiago Silva has been declared ineligible to compete at “WSOF 22: Palhares motsutsana. Shields” on Saturday, Aug. 1, and will be replaced by Clifford Starks, who will face off with Silva’s scheduled opponent Mike "Mak" Kyle mu katswiri woposa onse kuwala (205 mapaundi) mpikisanowo, live on NBCSN from Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino ku Las Vegas.

Due to the previous suspension, Silva must attend a future Nevada State Athletic Commission hearing. The next hearing takes place in Aug.

“We hope that Thiago will take the steps necessary to be in compliance with the state athletic commission so that he can make a quick return to action,"Anati WSOF Pulezidenti Atate Chiefs. “In the meantime, we appreciate Clifford Starks’ willingness to take the fight against Mike Kyle on just a few days’ notice, and look forward to having him compete for us again after putting on a great show in the WSOF cage in March.”

The 34-year-old Starks (11-2) wa Tempe, Ariz. is coming off a second round (4:11) kugonjera (mkono makona atatu kutsamwa) a Jake Heun pa WSOF 19. The victory was Starks’ third straight and second consecutive finish.

Yamoyo, five-bout NBCSN telecast of “WSOF 22: Palhares motsutsana. Zishango "umayamba 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.

In the highly-anticipated main event, akulamulira WSOF World Welterweight (170 mapaundi) Ngwazi Rousimar Palhares (17-6) will square off with top-ranked challenger and two-time world champion Jake Zimateteza (31-7).

WSOF World Bantamweight (135 mapaundi) Ngwazi Marlon Moraes (14-4-1) will put his title on the line in the co-main event against undefeated challenger Sheymon Moraes (7-0).

In other live NBCSN televised WSOF 22 kuchitapo, mofulumira kukwera nyenyezi Abubakar Nurmagomedov (9-1) adzakhala lalikulu kutali ndi undefeated wotsirizitsa Jorge Moreno (4-0) pa welterweight, and four-time WSOF veteran Jimmy Spicuzza (6-2) will meet submission ace Islam Mamedov (11-1) pa opepuka (155 mapaundi).

Wogulira kuchokera $29.99, matikiti “WSOF 22: Palhares motsutsana. Zishango” ali pa malonda pa ndi

Zitseko pa olamulira pa Planet Hollywood Amachita & Casino will open lachiwelu pa 4 p.m. PT, ndipo woyamba kuyambirira khadi podwala lidzayamba 5 p.m. PT.


WSOF World Welterweight Championship Main Chosaiwalika:
Rousimar Palhares (Ngwazi) vs. Jake Zimateteza (Challenger)

WSOF World Bantamweight Championship Co-Main Chosaiwalika:
Marlon Moraes (Ngwazi) vs. Sheymon Moraes (Challenger)

Kuwala Heavyweight: Mike Kyle vs. Clifford Starks
Welterweight: Abubakar Nurmagomedov vs. Jorge Moreno
Opepuka: Jimmy Spicuzza motsutsana. Islam Mamedov

Kuyambirira KHADI

Kuwala Heavyweight: Jake Heun vs. Davin Clark
Flyweight: Donavon Frelow vs. Carlos García
Catchweight (140 mapaundi): Jimmy Jones vs. Marco Simmons
Kuwala Heavyweight: Cory Hendricks vs. July Hinojosa
Opepuka: Gil Guardado vs. Pete Martin

LGM Promotions back with another card on Saturday, August 15 pa Pershing Field Ice Rink ku Jersey City, New Jersey

WAPADERA MLENDO–Miguel COTTO mogwirizana ndi Puerto RICAN TSIKU perete NDI phwando Jersey City ZOSANGALATSA Dipatimenti

Jersey City, NJ (July 28, 2015)-Loweruka usiku, August 15, a special night of professional boxing will take place at Pershing Field Ice Rink in Jersey City, New Jersey.

LGM Promotions is proud to center the fight card around the Puerto Rican Parade and Festival and Jersey City Recreation Department.

Kuti phwando la mlungu, Puerto Rico’s only 4-division world champion and future Hall of Famer Miguel Cotto has been confirmed as a special guest that will be in attendance.

Khadi adzakhala headlined ndi awiri 6 chonse ayi.

Limodzi omasuliridwa Mbali, undefeated Heavyweight Tyrell Wright (7-0-1, 5 KO a) wa Jersey City, NJ chidzathandiza mdani dzina.

In a rematch of a spirited draw that took place on March 14, Tyrone Luckey (6-4-2, 5 KO a) wa Middletown, NJ will fight Jose Ortiz (3-2-2, 1 KO) wa Jersey City, NJ.

In a four round bout, Hakim Bryant (3-0, 2 KO a) wa Asbury Park, NJ chidzathandiza mdani dzina mu Middleweight podwala.

More bouts will be announced shortly with local fighters from Jersey City, Paterson and Newark highlighting the undercard.

Matikiti ndi wogulira pa $125 pa munthu aliyense pa ringside gome; $65 chifukwa Ringside; $55
pakuti General Ringside; $35 chifukwa General Kuloŵa pakhomo.

Matikiti lingathe kukopedwa ndi kutsegula: or by calling 201-314-8251

Zitseko pa 6 Madzulo ; 1St Bell pa 7 Madzulo

The Field Pershing Ice Rink ili ku 807 Msonkhano Waukulu Ave. Jersey City, NJ



Emmanuel 'Manny’ Rodriguez is set to defend his WBO Latino title against Alex Rangel in Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Bantamweight WBO Latino champion Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Rodriguez ( 12-0, 8 KO a ) will be defending his title for the third time, against Mexico’s Alex Rangel ( 16-4-2, 10 KO a ) on a scheduled 10 rounds duel, abalewo anakonza zoti Loweruka, August, 22 at the Tomas Dones Coliseum in Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Rangel is a good fighter that throws lots of punches, has faced good fighters and I understand that this fight will be a war. I have no doubt about itsaid Emmanuel Rodriguez, amene anapitiriza, “Rangel went the distance with Cesar Seda and lasted nine rounds against Alexis Santiago. In both fights, Rangel looked good in losing effort, so I have to be in excellent condition to keep the belt in Puerto Rico”.
Rodriguez, who is the first Puerto Rican boxer to grab gold at a Youth Olympic Games ( Singapore 2010 ), had on last May, the biggest win of his young career by defeating via spectacular KO in the third round, former WBA rated #11, Luis Hinojosa.
Rangel is the kind of opponent important and necessary on Rodriguez’s developmentsaid Juan Orengo, manager of Emmanuel Rodriguez, “We expect Rangel to be in great shape. The fight may go the distance but nothing is guaranteed because ‘Mannyhas gained a lot of power, and is knocking out his opponents with one punch”.
Pa October 2014, ndi undefeated Puerto Rican zotengeka, analanda WBO Latino udindo mwa kugodomalitsa Miguel 'Musaope’ Cartagena in the first round. Cartagena anali kale awiri nthawi United States National Ngwazi, ndipo 11 nthawi Golden Magolovesi wopambana mu Philadelphia.
Rodriguez ali ina yotchuka kupambana ndi akamakambirana pa dziko udindo Woyesana, David Quijano, ndi kale WBC FECARBOX ngwazi, Felix Perezi.
VideosComplete fights
Rodriguez motsutsana. Hinojosa
Rodriguez motsutsana. Cartagena

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