Live Boxing powraca do Impact Network w lipcu

DETROIT, MY (Maj 26, 2020) - Na żywo transmitowane w telewizji wydarzenia bokserskie powrócą na Impact Network w połowie lipca jako negocjacje do walk w Las Vegas, Detroit, Chicago, i Florydę dla Bahamów, wszystkie są w toku, gdy poszczególne miasta ponownie otwierają się dla biznesu w związku z pandemią COVID-19.

Z nadal obowiązującymi wytycznymi dotyczącymi dystansu społecznego, Impact zorganizuje te pokazy bokserskie na żywo bez udziału fanów. W dwugodzinnej audycji ukażą się odpowiedni zawodnicy i niepokonani kandydaci, którzy będą toczyć intensywne walki.

Wpływ na wyższe kierownictwo Bishop Wayne T.. Jackson, Terry Arnold, i Royal Jackson uzgodnić z partnerem programistycznym, Steven Marcano, że czas wrócić do pracy.

„Jestem bardzo podekscytowany powrotem programowania boksu do Impact Network,"Powiedział Bishop Wayne T.. Jackson, CEO, i prezes Impact Network. „Nasza sieć rozwija się ogromnie, a boks będzie przez lata stabilny w naszym kanale. Ci młodzi mężczyźni chętnie wracają na ring i nie możemy się doczekać, kiedy pokażemy ich talent. W lipcu będziemy transmitować nasze następne wydarzenie bokserskie na żywo w Impact ”.

„Widzimy wielki sukces z naszymi programami„ Stars and Champions ”i wierzymy, że ten rozmach będzie kontynuowany, gdy wznowimy wydarzenia bokserskie na żywo do Impact w lipcu,"Powiedział Royal Jackson, Producent wykonawczy Impact. „Nie mogę się doczekać, co przyniesie przyszłość boksu w sieci Impact”.

„Jesteśmy gotowi do wznowienia wydarzeń bokserskich na żywo i programów w sieci Impact,”Stwierdził Steve Marcano z Boks SMM, którego firma jest odpowiedzialna za dopuszczenie Impact do sportu. "Teraz, ściśle współpracujemy z władzami miejskimi, aby przywrócić boks w niektórych stanach, ponieważ blokada COVID-19 słabnie. Jeśli wszystko pójdzie zgodnie z planem, w lipcu będziemy mieli kolejny występ w Impact ”.

„Nasza następna karta jest planowana na lipiec, a kilku niepokonanych wojowników ma zadebiutować w Impact,"Powiedział Rick Torres, szef działu biznesowo-prawnego SMM Boxing. „Prezentowanie wschodzących młodych gwiazd w sporcie to funkcja, którą zamierzamy podkreślić, gdy idziemy naprzód z Impact”.

Sieć Impact jest nadawana we wszystkich głównych kablach, satelita, i kanały cyfrowe. Impact jest teraz nadawany 24 godziny na dobę, siedem dni w tygodniu, na DIRECTV Kanał 380 lub kanał 268, DISH Network Kanał 268, Przewody TV Kanał 787, i Telewizory Comcast Xfinity Kanał 400. Dodatkowo, Impact Network można przeglądać cyfrowo na Roku, Apple TV, Amazonka, Google Play, Microsoft, i Temblak. Wszystkie wydarzenia bokserskie na żywo można oglądać w sieci Impact witryna internetowa i Aplikacja mobilna. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, sprawdź lokalne oferty w Twojej okolicy.
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USA Boxing oddaje hołd Prawdziwemu Patriocie Robertowi Carmody'emu 1964 Brązowy medalista olimpijski & Żołnierz zabity w Wietnamie

Colorado Springs, Zakładka. (Maj 21, 2020) - Ludzie w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych słusznie okażą szacunek poległym wojskowym podczas weekendu Dnia Pamięci. Jednym z prawdziwych amerykańskich patriotów, którego USA Boxing będzie pamiętać na zawsze, jest 1964 Brązowy medalista olimpijskiRobert „Butterball” Carmody, który zginął w akcji trzy lata później, u szczytu wojny w Wietnamie.

Urodzony w 1938, Carmody nauczył się walczyć na ulicach Brooklynu, gdzie mieszkał przed dołączeniem do USA. Armia w 1957, i gdzie wziął swoją pierwszą lekcję boksu. Urodzony wojownik, został wybrany do reprezentowania 11th Dywizja Powietrznodesantowa, nawet po wysłaniu go do Niemiec, po zdobyciu skrzydeł w powietrzu, a Robert stał się rekordowym czterokrotnym mistrzem całej armii wagi muszej.

Carmody zdobył również najwyższe wyróżnienia na 1962 International Military Sports Council i zdobył brązowy medal w 1963 na prestiżowych Igrzyskach Panamerykańskich. Na 1964 Olympic Trials Boxing, odbyła się na słynnych Światowych Targach Nowego Jorku, zdenerwowany faworyt wagi muszejMelvin Miller zarobić miejsce na 1964 Olimpijska drużyna bokserska USA.

Na olimpiadzie, Carmody stał się bliskim przyjacielem wagi ciężkiejJoe Frazier, samotny Amerykanin, który zdobył złoty medal olimpijski na 1964 Igrzyska Olimpijskie w Tokio, Japonia. Najmniejsi i najwięksi mężczyźni w drużynie olimpijskiej byli kumplami. Frazier, oczywiście, następnie został mistrzem Hall of Fame wagi ciężkiej, który został wprowadzony do Galerii sław USA Boxing Alumni Association w grudniu ubiegłego roku.

„To typ faceta, którego naprawdę potrzebujesz,- powiedział Frazier w 2006 Wywiad z „Miałem ciężkie czasy, było ciężko, ale był facetem, który bardzo ci pomógł. Kochałem go jak brata ”.

Utrudniony przez posiniaczoną rękę, 5 ’2”, 112-funt Carmody pożegnał się w rundzie otwarcia, znokautowanyNam Singh Thapa (Nepal) w swojej pierwszej walce, podjął decyzję (4-1) przeciwOtto Babiasch (Niemcy), i przegrał w półfinale w wyniku wątpliwej decyzji (1-4) do ewentualnego mistrza olimpijskiego, Fernando Atzon (Włochy).

Chociaż nigdy publicznie nie skarżył się na decyzję, która mogła go kosztować złoty medal olimpijski, Carmody był wyraźnie zdenerwowany, gdy szedł do szatni, kiedyGenerał William Westmoreland wrzasnął do niego, "Dobra robota, żołnierz!„Carmody, chociaż, odwrócił się i podobno wrócił, - Ty głupi sukinsynu!"

Po igrzyskach olimpijskich, Carmody wycofał się z boksu amatorskiego z 128-12 rekord, wrócił do domu i zamiast zostać zawodowcem, zdecydował się pozostać w USA. Wojsko, szkolenie kilku drużyn w Międzynarodowej Wojskowej Radzie Sportu, w tym USA. Skład wojskowy.

Za 10-letniego weterana wojskowego pociągnięto za sznurki, ze względu na swój imponujący status brązowego medala olimpijskiego, nie musiał iść ze swoim 199th Brygada Lekkiej Piechoty, kiedy została wysłana do Wietnamu. Ale nawet jeśli nie był wyszkolony do walki, ze względu na jego trening bokserski, Carmody nalegał na wysłanie do swojej jednostki w czerwcu 1967, dzień jego syna, Robert Carmody, Jr. urodził się.

Parę tygodni później, Jednostka sierżanta sztabowego Carmody'ego. D Oddział Stanów Zjednoczonych. 17th Pułk Kalwarii był na rutynowym, sześcioosobowym patrolu na północ od Sajgonu. Zostali zaatakowani przez partyzantów Viet Cong i pięciu z sześciu amerykańskich. żołnierze zostali zabici, w tym Carmody, który został pośmiertnie odznaczony Brązową Gwiazdą za męstwo. Został pierwszym olimpijskim medalistą boksu, który zginął w walce.

USA Boks Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów

Stworzony, aby być mistrzem przez całe życie, wzajemnie korzystnych relacji między USA bokserskie i jej absolwentów, –Bokserzy, urzędnicy, trenerzy i fani boksu — Stowarzyszenie Alumni łączy pokolenia mistrzów, inspirowanie i oddanie do przyszłych mistrzów boksu boks w USA, i wyjść z ringu.

Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Boksu jest otwarte dla każdego, kto kocha boks i chciałby pozostać w kontakcie z boksem amatorskim. Członkowie mają dostęp do szerokiej gamy wydarzeń specjalnych organizowanych przez Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów, w tym roczne USA Boxing Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Hall of Fame recepcji.

Aby przyłączyć się do stowarzyszenia absolwentów, wystarczy zarejestrować się dla $40.00 roczna opłata członkowska. Nowi członkowie otrzymają koszulkę, pęku kluczy portfel elektroniczny.

„Bezinteresowność i charakter Roberta Carmody'ego wykracza daleko poza nasz sport amatorski w stylu olimpijskim,- powiedział Chris Cugliari, Dyrektor USA Boxing Alumni. „Wojownik na ringu, Bohater spoza ringu - pokazał światu to, co najlepsze w USA Boxing, a USA Boxing Alumni Association z niecierpliwością czekają na utrzymanie jego spuścizny przy życiu ”.

„W ten Dzień Pamięci, USA Boxing chce rozpoznać i uhonorować naszych poległych bohaterów, którzy oddali życie w obronie naszego kraju, jak Robert Carmody,- powiedział dyrektor wykonawczy USA Boxing Mike McAtee. „W ten Dzień Pamięci, Myślę, że ważne jest również uznanie wszystkich, którzy służyli w naszej armii, co stwierdził Billy Ray Cyrus, „Wszyscy dali trochę, a niektórzy dali wszystko.” Dziękuję za waszą służbę, nigdy nie zapomnimy."

Brązowy medal olimpijski dla zdobywcy Brązowej Gwiazdy, Robert Carmody był prawdziwym wojownikiem, a także człowiekiem o wielkim honorze, i prawowitym bohaterem.



Świergot: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O BOXINGU USA:  Misją USA Boxing jest umożliwienie sportowcom i trenerom ze Stanów Zjednoczonych osiągnięcia trwałej doskonałości w rywalizacji, rozwijać charakter, wspierać sport bokserski, oraz promować i rozwijać boks w stylu olimpijskim w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Obowiązkiem USA Boxing jest nie tylko produkcja olimpijskiego złota, ale także nadzoruje i zarządza każdym aspektem boksu amatorskiego w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Keith “Bounty” Hunter wyleczył się z kontuzji ręki i jest gotowy stawić czoła najlepszym zawodnikom

LAS VEGAS, NV (Maj 15, 2020) - Prince Ranch Boxing niepokonany super lekki zawodnik, Keith “Bounty” Łowca (12-0, 7 KO), w pełni wyleczył się z kontuzji ręki odniesionej podczas ostatniej walki z Sanjar Rakhmanov (12-3-1, 6 KO), 10-rundowa walka, która miała miejsce w ShoBox w lutym tego roku.

Łowca, rodem z Las Vegas, chętnie zmierzy się ze wszystkimi czołowymi zawodnikami, gdy powróci boks. Super lekki zawodnik jest obecnie w rankingu #13 przez WBA, co oznacza, że ​​jego strzał na szczyt ligi będzie wkrótce.

“Jestem gotów zmierzyć się z najlepszymi w dywizji i czuję się jeszcze lepiej, ponieważ moja ręka całkowicie się zagoiła po tym czasie wolnym,” wyjaśnił Hunter, który jest gotowy, aby ponownie się wykazać. “Miałem walczyć Shonjahon Ergashev i Malik Hawkins, więc chciałbym najpierw z nimi walczyć, ale szczerze, walka z dowolnym mistrzem świata to wyzwanie, na które jestem teraz gotowy. Jestem chętny i gotowy, by stawić czoła najlepszym!”

Łowca, który zarządza Greg Hannley, jest gotowy, czekając na telefon, że boks wrócił.

“Keith Hunter jest gotowy na najlepszy strzał w dywizji,” powiedział kierownik Greg Hannley, CEO księcia Ranczo Boks. “Keith pokonał dwóch zawodników podpisanych przez Mayweather Promotions w swoich ostatnich trzech kolejnych walkach. Przyciąga uwagę narodową, a jego ranking w WBA zbliża go do mistrzostwa świata. Teraz jest czas Keitha Huntera.”

“Po prostu wiem, że jestem utalentowany i chcę zdobyć tytuł mistrza świata, aby wspierać dziedzictwo mojego ojca,” Hunter kontynuował. “Jestem taki skupiony, Chcę tylko zapewnić wspaniałą rozrywkę ludziom, którzy potrzebują czegoś do zrobienia, i czy mogę walczyć o tytuł, to byłoby nawet lepsze.”

Keith Hunter jest promowany przez Greg Cohen, założyciel, i dyrektor generalny Greg Cohen Promocje.

Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker inks Hot Ukrainian boxing prospects Karen Chukhadzhian & Zoravor Petrosyan

BOSTON (Maj 11, 2020) – Ryan Roach’s Fighter Locker announced that it has signed a pair of promising Ukrainian prospects, oceniana na słownie półśrednia Karen Chukhadzhian (16-1, 7 KO) i super lekki Zoravor Petrosyan (7-0, 3 KO), to exclusive managerial contracts.
I’m honored to represent such high-quality Ukrainian fighters like Karen and Zoravor,” Fighter Locker president Ryan Roach saidThey’re both trained by world champion Vyacheslav Senchenko. Anytime you can add such accomplished fighters to your stable, especially a champion like Karen, is a dream come true. I’m looking forward to getting them here in the United States and into fights.

The 24-year-old Chukhadzhian, w rankingu Nie. 14 na świecie przez World Boxing Association (WBA), captured the WBA International welterweight title in his last fight this past February 1, by way of a 10-round decision over previously undefeatedSergy Vorobiev (9-1).
Chukhadzhian is also a former World Boxing Organization (WBO) Youth and World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth Silver welterweight champion. Like the great Bernard Hopkins he lost his pro debut, he has reeled off 16 kolejne zwycięstwa.
Powrót w 2008, Chukhadzhian first became inspired to box after watching“Król” Arthur Abraham overcome a broken jaw to decisionEdison Miranda. Karen went on to have approximately 200 amateur fights and was crowned 2014 Ukraine National Champion.  
I’m pleased to have signed a contract with Ryan Roach and Daniyar Ganik (trener),” Chukhadzhian said. “I look forward to fighting in the United States and climbing new mountains.


Petrosyan, 21, was a decorated amateur boxer who captured a bronze medal at the 2016 World Youth (Under-19) Championships, in addition to being a multiple Ukrainian National champion. All seven of his pro career fights to date, which started October 2, 2018, have been held in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.
I can’t wait to start boxing in the United States,” Petrosyan commented. “I can’t believe my boxing career is now going to be built in the U.S. I’m confident of becoming a world champion I’m ready for a youth title fight right now.
Chukhadzhian and Petrosyan join Fighter Locker’s growing stable that already includes their fellow countryman, North American Boxing Association (Również) posiadacz tytułu superśredniej wagi Stanyslav Skofokhod (19-2, 16 KO). Other stablemates are Dominican welterweight Juan Carlos “Beza” Abreu (23-5-1, 21 KO), były mistrz IBF Youth World Super Light; Lynn, MA superśredniej wagi Khiry Todd (10-1, 8 KO),Dorchester, MA półśredniej Gabriel Duluc (15-3, 4 KO), Troy, NY super lekki RayJay Bermudez, Toronto, Kanada półśredniej Jeff “The Trouble 1Tabrizi (8-3, 7 KO), plus former Kazakhstan National Team light heavyweight Alexey Sevostyanov and Irish National champion Paul Ryan, który będzie walczył jako półśredni w szeregach pro. The latter two will make their pro debuts when boxing returns.

Ukraina, oczywiście, has developed into one of the most prolific countries in terms of producing great boxers such asWasilij LomaczenkoAleksandr UsykOleksandr GvozdykSergiy Derevyanchenko iWiktor Postół, among the most notable contemporary fighter from Ukraine.  
Chukhadzhian and Petrosyan are in the latest wave from the Eastern European country.

FACEBOOK: /fighterlocker
ŚWIERGOT: @RoachRyan
INSTAGRAM: @ RyanRoach82

Undefeated boxing prospect Lamont Powell Escaped 36-bullet shooting without a scratch FoundedGloves Up, Guns Down” dobroczynność

Lamont Powell (R ) is a winner in different ways
(photo courtesy of Ed Diller Photography)
Providence, R.I. (Maj 5, 2020) – Undefeated super welterweight prospectLamont “The Blessed One” Powell, based on a near death experience 2-½ years ago in Providence, could easily have “Szczęśliwy” as his nickname.
The 26-year-old Powell was a three-time Silver Mittens champion, who compiled a 45-4 amatorski rekord, prior to turning two years ago. On jest 5-0 (1 KO) as a professional but, due to the pandemic, he hasn’t fought since last August, when he won a 4-round unanimous decision over 14-7-1Ricardo Garcia.
Back on that near fatal night in 2018, Lamont and his uncle were sitting in a car in front of Powell’s home, when another vehicle suddenly and surprisingly stopped near them. Two unidentified young men jumped out and starting firing automatic weapons in Powell’s direction. Thirty-six rounds were shot, one hit Powell’s uncle in the leg, but Powell somehow miraculously escaped without a scratch.  
No bullets hit me,” Powell confirmed. “I’m blessed and the reason for that is God and my motherwe lost her (Melissa) when I was 3 – who is my guardian angel. We were just sitting in a car, when two kids got out of a car and starting shooting our car. They had extended clips, but I don’t know who they were, and neither do the police to this day. My uncle was taken to the hospital and I had to start watching myself closer.
Powell’s grandparents – Phillip Copper iMary Ann Powell – brought him up, because his mother had passed away and his father was in and out of his life. His grandmother is his legal guardian and his grandfather has been like a father since he was a baby.
Naturally, after his surreal experience, Powell dramatically changed his lifestyle. Instead of running the streets and ending up like many people he knew, dead or incarcerated, Powell dedicated himself to boxing and created a charity for high-risk kidsGloves Up, Guns Down, sponsored by Big Six Boxing Academy in Providence, where he trains with his grandfather as head coach, as well as having former U.S. Olympian boxerJason “Big Six” Droga w narożniku.
After the shooting somebody who had been shot in the head reached out to Powell. They met to talk about what they’d been through and soon createdGloves up, Guns Down, który “blew upovernight, according to Powell.
Gloves Up, Guns Downoffers at-risk youngsters an opportunity to try boxing as part of an after-school program aimed to keep kids active and out of trouble. Kids are supplied with boxing equipment and taught valuable lessons through boxing with proper coaching and support.
I started boxing when I was eight years old,” Powell added. “Boxing kept me off of the streets and busy. This is a sport outside of school that everyone can get involved in.
Powell is promoted by Jimmy Burchfield’s Classic Sports and Entertainment (CES). Burchfield clearly remembers the first time he saw Powell, because he was so impressive running a hilly 2 ½ mile course around a pond at Lincoln Woods State Park.
I walk there often, and I’ve watched everybody struggle running those hills, including top athletes, but I saw this kid running the hills without a problem,” Burchfield remembered. “I later found out that he was a boxer and knew I’d never have to worry about him being in top shape.  
Lamont came to see me with his grandfather, who has been such a big part of his life, and laterRoland Estrada joined us. I was impressed because Lamont had a full-time job, jeszcze, he trains so hard. I learned that he came from one of the toughest areas of Providence and ran the streets as a kid. Pewnego dnia, he called and asked if I would go with him to the Met School, where he was going to be speaking to about 150 kids and teachers. He spoke about running the streets and admitted that he had done it all. He said to me that if he could impact the lives of one or two of those kids, he’d feel happy, and that brought tears to my eyes. He was going speak at other schools, but this pandemic has put that on hold for now. His program is No. 1 in his life, helping at-risk kids so they don’t repeat what Lamont did when he was younger.
W ringu, Powell displays a stiff jab and, oczywiście, tremendous conditioning. And like most boxers, he believes that he’ll be a champion someday.
Everything is going as planned with CES,” Powell concluded. “My grandfather has been my head coach since day one, Jason also coaches me, and Doc. Estrada is my adviser. Boxing came naturally to me. I just needed to put in the hard work. Someday I will be a champion and I can’t wait to see my grandfather in the ring holding the belt over his head, because nobody deserves that more than him.
Burchfield has been a boxing promoter for nearly 30 lat, and he agrees that Powell will be a champion someday. “He’s definitely is on a mission to be a champion,” Burchfield added, and he has everything needed to make that happen. This kid has a really good story. He can be a champion and continue helping at-risk kids have better lives. What’s better than that?”
Powell, who also gave-away toys to children in need last Christmas at Big Six Boxing Academy, is on the boxing journey of his career that he believes will climax someday with him being crowned world champion.  
W skrócie, Lamont Powell is the total package, i wyjść z ringu. And lucky to be alive!
Strona WWW:
Facebook: /LamontPowell
Instagram: @lamontpowell1


RINGSIDE Chronicles The Lives And Struggles Of Two Boxing Prodigies Coming Of Age On Chicago’s South Side

Premieres On Friday, Czerwiec 12 W 8:30 p.m. ET / PT na SHOWTIME

NEW YORK - maj 4, 2020 - SHOWTIME announced today it has acquired rights to the award-winning documentary RINGSIDE, which chronicles the dramatic upbringing of two boxing prodigies and follows the divergent paths they take as they navigate life’s uncertainties on the South Side of Chicago. Filmed over the course of nine years by award-winning director Andre Hörmann, RINGSIDE will premiere on SHOWTIME on Friday, Czerwiec 12 w 8:30 p.m. ET / PT.

Winner of the Silver Hugo Award at the Chicago International Film FestivalRINGSIDE documents the lives of Kenneth Sims Jr., Destyne Butler Jr., and their dedicated fathers who train them, and their aspirations of surviving one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the nation to achieve boxing glory. Hörmann teamed up with award-winning cinematographer Tom Bergmann and editor Vincent Assmann in 2009 to begin following the gifted young athletes. Starting with their U.S. Olympic® Boxing Team Trials, the filmmakers captured pivotal moments over nine years as the young men’s choices and circumstances changed, leading them down separate paths – one towards a promising boxing career and the other through the prison system.

“Filmed over the course of nine yearsRINGSIDE is a complex, emotional account of two youths fighting to survive both professionally and personally,"Powiedział Stephen Espinoza, Prezydent, Sport i programowanie zdarzeń, Showtime Networks Inc. “This remarkable film follows two gifted young boxers and the fathers who guide them, as they strive to overcome a seemingly never-ending series of personal and societal obstacles. The result is a moving story about hope, ambition, self-discipline, resilience and redemption. It is this type of provocative story, at the intersection of sports and society, that has become the hallmark of SHOWTIME Sports Documentary Films.”

Both young men achieved remarkable success in their amateur careers. Sims amassed over 250 amatorskie walki, winning numerous national titles, and after his professional debut in 2014, became a sought-after sparring partner for Manny Pacquiao and Jorge Linares among others. He has made four appearances on the SHOWTIME prospect developmental seriesShoBox: Nowa Generacja spotykać się z kimś. Conversely, Butler fell in with a burglary ring and served time in prison. He returned to boxing following his release in 2018, winning the Chicago Golden Gloves. He now stands undefeated following nine professional bouts.

A Sutor Kolonko and Motto Pictures production in association with Blue Ice Docs and Mitten MediaRINGSIDEis produced by two-time Academy Award® nominee and Emmy® Award winner Julie Goldman, Emmy Award winner Ingmar Trost and Emmy and Peabody Award winner Christopher Clements. The executive producers are Ken Pelletier, Mark Mitten and Carolyn Hepburn.

RINGSIDE is the latest in culturally relevant unscripted programming from SHOWTIME SPORTS DOCUMENTARY FILMS that spotlights contemporary subject matter. New customers who sign up on and the SHOWTIME app can take advantage of a 30-day free trial for the SHOWTIME streaming service, available on and the SHOWTIME app on all supported devices.

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Stone Blood Shilajit: Essential Nutrient and Mineral Supplement

Przez: Bogaty Bergeron

More and more people are getting health conscious these days, wondering what they can do to boost their immune systems. Covid-19 is not only dangerous and deadly, but it also will most likely mutate when it comes back again this fall. It’s time to pull out all the stops, and the more natural remedies we can find the better. If this crisis proved anything thus far it is that the traditional idea of Capitalism-drivenhealth caremay be hurting more people than it helps at times. Toxic, risky, unproven drugs flood the marketplace instead of all natural and much more effective alternatives.

Stone Blood Shilajit is one of those miracle supplements you’ve never heard of. You won’t see any manufacturer of this product advertising it on network television. Stone Blood Shilajit is an absolutely unique product, almost unknown in the west. Shilajit is an ancient remedy used and revered in the east for thousands of years, believed to support the body in dealing with and overcoming a wide range of physical and mental conditions. There is finally a spectacular American source of this product traditionally used for centuries in the Himalayas.

There is an old saying that you can’t get blood from a stone, often used in movies and television when a character tries to explain he doesn’t have enough money to pay a bill/debt. Apparently the whole idea that stones don’t actually bleed is a myth. It’s just not human blood. Higher elevations are key to finding the best stoneblood, which contains over 85 minerals and Fulvic Acid. The acid facilitates ideal delivery of all these potent, pure minerals through the cell walls.

Shilajit’s had many nicknames over the 14+ centuries it’s been known to be an Ayuverdic staple. It is the almighty universal health care serum that could have an Earth shaking impact on the science of lengthening the lifespan.

It’s been calledThe Destroyer of Weakness,” “The Tar of the Gods” i “The Elixir of Life.It may even promote serious and stable cognitive rehabilitation. Looking at this product as the editor of a Fight News Web-site, I noticed it is promising in the area of reducing the plaque and residual damage caused by repeated head trauma. The most significant sports we cover here come with an inherent risk of brain injury, and this product could legitimately help every fighter deal with the damage a long career can cause.

I won’t try to bore you by listing all the real intimate details of how and why this product works so many wonders. I’ll let these two videos give you a more insightful education on what it does and why it works. Then we’ll tell you how my own personal experience with Stone Blood Shilajit panned out.

I drink my stone blood twice a day out of a shot glass. It is very potent and pure, and it has a distinct and unpleasant taste. It also gives you a kick like a hard alcohol shot might do. It is very hard to dilute or mask the flavor and the potency. I found orange juice or lemonade work the best at making it easier to stomach the boldness. The shot glass is good because you down it quick, and having achaserdrink on hand might be a good idea as well. The first few times drinking it can be eye opening in more ways than one.

As a writer, of course I wanted to find a unique way to describe what this stuff really tastes like. The first wave is like pine tar and cod liver oil, and then there is a sort of aftertaste of old dirty socks. None of that sounds delightful, until you experience the results and get used to taking your two daily doses.

This compound is already known to the National Institutes of Health, where one article proclaims:

It is a potent and very safe dietary supplement, restoring the energetic balance and potentially able to prevent several diseases. Recent investigations point to an interesting medical application toward the control of cognitive disorders associated with aging, and cognitive stimulation. Tak więc, fulvic acid, the main active principle, blocks tau self-aggregation, opening an avenue toward the study of Alzheimer’s therapy. In essence, this is a nutraceutical product of demonstrated benefits for human health.

My experience with this product has been very positive thus far. I have not kept religiously to the two doses a day that are suggested, but I do stick to at least one dose a day, 15 drops. I went through a full bottle before writing this, and I’m already dipping into the second one.

The most significant impact you will enjoy immediately is a rush of energy. I love to take my dose in the morning before my first cup of coffee. The concentration of all those minerals hitting your system is a jolt like you’ve never felt before. It’s the all-natural 5-hour Energy, without any true stimulants that just make you anxious and nervous while hyping up your energy levels.

Getting past the taste is the hardest part, but there are so many rewards that make it worth it. I have been doing daily boxing workouts during the Corona Virus lockdown, and Stone Blood Shilajit is my go to for that natural pre-workout rush. It is one of those supplements you will not want to go without once you get settled into your daily routine.

If you care about your health and don’t believe in the toxic treatments with debilitating side effects that big Pharma sells, this product is your one stop shop for universal natural health care. As a satisfied user I can definitely say I enjoyed my experience and will be a lifelong customer.

When you go with Stone Blood Shilajit, you are getting an American made wonder of the world. It is mined and purified by hand by one person. All this is accomplished using proven, ancient techniques.

For more information on exactly what’s in this amazing formula and how it works, check out the Stone Blood Shilajit Web-site here:

Stay tuned to Fight News Unlimited for a follow up video review I’ll be posting when I’m done with my second bottle.

Born to box Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini

(pictures courtesy of Getty Images)
Colorado Springs, Zakładka. (Kwiecień 27, 2020) — As the son of a prizefighter, International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee (“Class of 2015”) Promień “Boom Boom” Mancini was born to box, and the Youngstown, Ohio fighter climbed to the top of the sport’s mountain, capturing the World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight title in 1982.

Mancini’s father, późno Lenny “Boom Boom” Mancini, boxed professionally from 1937 do 1947, kompilacji 46-12-3 (16 KO) pro rekord. Lenny was the No. 1 ranked lightweight in the world in 1941 and considered a future world champion. Jednak, his dream was sadly shattered when he was wounded during World War II. He returned to boxing after being discharged, but his physical issues due to the wound prevented him from fulfilling his once vast potential.

His son, Promień, took the mantle and ran with it to fame, glory and notoriety as a world champion. He started boxing young and had his first fight when he was 15 at the Junior Olympics in Cleveland. Ray had thought that he would have to wait until he turned 16, because that was the minimum age to compete in the Golden Gloves.

When I heard that I could enter (the Junior Olympics),” Mancini remembered, “I pressured my father to let me go (to Cleveland). A very close family friend was training some guys in the next town over from us and he was taking some fighters to the Junior Olympics. He said he’d take me there. I won by first fight by first-round knockout and I wound up winning the regional title. I went on to the Mid-West Regional in Detroit and fought a local kid, Sammy Fuentes, to go to the Nationals. He beat me by decision, but I gained my first real lesson about boxing and life: experience is everything. It was my sixth amateur fight and I was told that Fuentes had more than 200. It did not deter me, w rzeczywistości, it made me hungrier to succeed.

Succeed he did, despite his aggressive style that best suited the professional ranks much more than amateurs. He won 43 z 50 mecze amatorskie, capturing top honors in the 1977 Youngstown Golden Gloves and Northeastern Ohio Golden Gloves. He also won the Northeast Ohio AAU Championship and reached the quarterfinals of the 1978 National AAU Tournament.

I lost a close decision in the semifinals of the 1978 National Golden Gloves to two-time U.S. Olimpijczyk Davey Armstrong,” Mancini said. “I lost a decision to Anthony Fletcher in the quarterfinals of the 1978 National AAU Championships and once again in the championship final of the Ohio State Fair. In my last amateur fight, I lost a bad decision to defending National Champion Melvin Paul z 1979 Krajowe Złote Rękawice turnieju. (Po tym) I knew I wasn’t going to have another amateur fight and was going to turn pro.

I had more of a pro style when I fought in the amateurs. Three rounds didn’t benefit me. I never had a four-round fight (jak pro). I started with six-rounders because, for my style, a three-round amateur or a four-round pro fight were pretty much the same for me. Six-rounders were more beneficial to me and that was proven right away.

I knew I wouldn’t win any of the major amateur championships because of my style. Po drodze, chociaż, I beat some pretty good amateurs: Darryl Chambers,Memo Arreola, Tim Christianson i Mark Chieverini. My amateur career just made me even more hungry to win a World title as a pro.

His seek and destroy style made him an instant favorite as a professional. “I had to be aggressive, as a fighter or on the playing field when I played other sports, because of my natural instincts,” Mancini explained. “I couldn’t sit back and wait for things to happen; I had to try and make things happen. I follow that thinking in my business life as well, but much like the fight game, you have to known when to attack and when to sit back and counter.

Mancini, who some called a little Rocky Marciano because of the way he fought, turned pro October 18, 1979 in Struthers, Ohio, zatrzymanie Phil Bowen w pierwszej rundzie. Ray fought 15 times in his first year as a pro and extended his winning streak to 19, before he challenged World Boxing Council (WBC) lightweight World champion Alexis Arguello (67-5), who won by way of a 14-round technical knockout, in a fight that was dead even after 10 Rundy. After the match, then future Hall of Famer Arguello was quoted as saying: “I think my heart is special, but his (Mancini) is bigger than I have. Someday he will be champion.

Only seven months and three fights later, Mancini captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight World title way of a sensational first-round knockout of defending champion Arturo Frias (24-1). Ray dedicated that fight to his father, who was unable to become world champion, due to the wounds he suffered in World War II.

Mancini finished his pro career with a 29-5 (23 KO), which included victories against world champions Bobby Chacon (523-5-1), Ernesto Espana (35-4), Frias and Jose Luis Ramirez (71-3), and all five of his losses were to world championsArguello, Hector Camacho, Greg Haughen i Livingstone Bramble (dwa razy).

Ray ‘Boom BoomMancini demonstrated the heart of a champion throughout his career,” powiedział: Chris tofflemire, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “Even though his in-ring success is primarily discussed at the professional level, the hunger to learn and grow as an amateur is something that inspires today’s USA Boxing champions. He is another example of a USA Boxing alumnus who experienced tremendous success resulting from experiences and lessons from his amateur days.

Mancini is proud of his roots in Youngstown, which also produced world pro boxing champions such as Harry Arroyo, Jeff Lampkin, Greg Richardson i Kelly Pavlik.

Growing up in Youngstown helped me tremendously as a fighter,” Mancini talked about his hometown. “We all knew what a tough town it was and is and we knew the stories of all the fighters, amateur and pro, who had left a mark before us. Growing up there, football and boxing were the two sports everybody talked about. If you left a mark in either one, people still talked about you long after you’re playing, or fight days were over. Tak, to succeed in a town like Youngstown, was a tremendous accomplishment in itself.

USA Boks Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów

Stworzony, aby być mistrzem przez całe życie, wzajemnie korzystnych relacji między USA bokserskie i jej absolwentów, — Bokserzy, urzędnicy, trenerzy i fani boksu — Stowarzyszenie Alumni łączy pokolenia mistrzów, inspirowanie i oddanie do przyszłych mistrzów boksu boks w USA, i wyjść z ringu.

USA Boxing Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów jest otwarty dla każdego, kto ma miłość do boksu i chcieliby pozostać połączony z amatorskim boksie. Użytkownicy uzyskują dostęp do szerokiej gamy specjalnych wydarzeń zorganizowanej przez Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów, w tym roczne USA Boxing Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów Hall of Fame recepcji.

Aby przyłączyć się do stowarzyszenia absolwentów, wystarczy zarejestrować się na dla $40.00 rocznie składki członkowskiej. Nowi członkowie otrzymają koszulkę, breloczek i e-portfel.

The ultra-popular Mancini is one of the few boxers to have had a movie (“Heart of a Champion: The Ray Mancini Story)”), song (“Boom Boom Manciniby Warren Zevon) and book (“The Good Son: The Life of Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini by Mark Kriegel) about him.

Dzisiaj, the 59-year-old Mancini still resides in Youngstown, and he remains involved in boxing as a color commentator for PBC on Fox. He’s also been a member of the Ohio Boxing Commission for the last three years. “I’m involved (w boksie) as close as I want to be and can still be a fan,” przyznał. “What I miss most about the fight game is challenging myself mentally and emotionally, and to be able toget upand challenge myself physically on a daily basis. To stand in front of another man before the fight, right in the center of the ring, and say to myself, ‘Either you’re getting carried out of here tonight or I am, but one of us is getting carried out of here tonight,’ was my mentality. I miss that challenge!”

Looking back at his boxing career, Mancini maintains that he wouldn’t change a thing. “I can’t say I would do anything different, in retrospect, because I won the World title, successfully defended it four times, made good money and retired healthy,” Mancini concluded. “People still remember and talk about my fights and I made it into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, the ultimate shrine for fighters. Tak, why would I want to have done anything differently?”

Świergot: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
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Facebook: /USABoxing

PBC on FOX Sends Video Thank You Message to COVID-19 Front Line Workers

Premier Boxing Champions fighters and PBC on FOX talent joined together to create a thank you message for the doctors, nurses and first responders working on the front lines fighting COVID-19.
Watch the video across the PBC on FOX social media accounts onŚwiergot,FacebookYouTube i Instagram
The video includes PBC fighters Manny Pacquiao, Errol Spence Jr.,
Deontay Wilder, Leo Santa Cruz, Andy Ruiz Jr., Shawn Porter, Mikey Garcia, Danny Garcia, Keith Thurman, David Benavidez, Caleb roślin, Abner Mares, Erislandy Lara, Julian Williams, Tony Harrison, Anthony Dirrell, Andre Dirrell, Chris Eubank Jr., Andre Berto and Adam Kownacki.
It also features PBC on FOX talent Brian Kenny, Chris Myers, Joe Goossen, Kate Abdo, Shawn Porter, Abner Mares, Jimmy Lennon Jr., Marcos Villegas, Heidi AndrolJordan Plant, Steve Cunningham and Ray Flores.

Premier Boxing Champions Lines Up Another Week of World Champions, Rising Stars & Top Contenders Engaging Fans Across Social Media Platforms

LAS VEGAS (Kwiecień 24, 2020) – As April is counted out and May prepares to enter the ring, Premier Boxing Champions will continue to bring fighters closer to fans with an intriguing lineup of world champions, rising stars and top contenders set to appear on PBC social media platforms all next week.

Four-division champion Mikey Garcia appears on Time Out With Ray Floreslive on the PBC Instagram page this Monday, Kwiecień 27 w 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo and Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon Figueroa will appear on the PBC Podcast with hosts Kenneth Bouhairie and Michael Rosenthal. The Podcast will be available on Wednesday, Kwiecień 29 na PBC website, iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Spreaker and other outlets.

Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios will appear in the At Home With…” seria,hanging out live on the PBC Facebook page w środę, Kwiecień 29 w 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Więcej, top welterweight Yordenis Ugás will also appear on At Home With…”live on the PBC Facebook page Piątek, Maj 1 w 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Dwukrotny mistrz wagi półśredniej Shawn Porter will appear on Going The Distancena PBC YouTube page w czwartek, Kwiecień 30. Porter will break down his clash against Adrian Granados at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT.

Dodatkowo, PBC Replaywill feature a replay of the full televised card for the Sergey Lipinets vs. Lamont Peterson showdown on the PBC YouTube page w sobotę, Maj 2 w 8 p.m. E / 5 p.m. PT.

This week’s schedule is again loaded with top PBC fighters taking you into their homes and reliving their most memorable moments. Stay tuned. There’s more to come.

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