Ісая Селдон гатовыя да 1-й знешні выгляд хэдлайнераў гэтую пятніцу ноччу ў Claridge ў Атлантык-Сіці

Chuck Mussachio takes on Willis Lockett in Light Heavyweight rematch

Плюс непераможны fighetrs Quian Davis, & Лоўрэнс Ньютан

Нік Kisner баі Ламонт Каперсы ў Cruiserweight attracton

Энтані Burgin з'яўляцца ў лёгкім баі

The pro debut of former United States amateur sensation LeRoy Davila

Атлантыка-Сіці, Нью-Джэрсі (Мая 23, 2016)–THIS Friday ноч, 27 мая, a big night of boxing will kick off a holiday weekend at The Claridge in Atlantic City as Rising Promotions will present a terrific card of boxing.
У галоўным падзеі, It will be about New Jersey bragging rights as Ісая Селдон возьме на сябе Эдзі Edmond у паядынку, запланаваным на шэсць патронаў.
Селдон, які з'яўляецца сынам былога чэмпіёна WBA ў цяжкім вазе, Брус Селдон будзе рабіць свой 2-ой выгляд на працягу трох месяцаў як ён сыходзіць з 6-тур па 19 сакавіка над Майкл Мітчэл, быў у трэнажорнай зале з круглай спіной у форму пасля 33-месячнага звальнення.
“Трэніравальны лагер быў вялікі. Мы робім шмат бокса, як я быў усё яшчэ страсаючы трохі іржы з звальненнем,” Said Селдон. “Для таго, каб прыйсці назад не вялікая здзелка. Я спартовец, і я заўсёды знаходжуся ў добрай форме. Маё цела адчувае сябе лепш, калі я актыўны і ў трэнажорнай зале. Нават калі я не атрымліваў баі, Я заўсёды быў у трэнажорнай зале.”
У Эдмон, ён змагаецца баец з Ньюарка, Нью-Джэрсі і мае такі вопыт.
“Я бачыў некаторыя відэа аб ім. Ён выходзіць наперад, і ён кідае ўдары. Гэта значыць дзіця барацьбы, што я хачу быць у. Ён прыйдзе, каб змагацца і што павінна ,зрабіць забаўляльны бой.”
Гэта будзе другі прамой бой за Селдон супраць субрата ворага ад дзяржавы саду, але гэта не мае значэння да 27 гадовы ўраджэнец Атлантык-Сіці.
“Мне ўсё роўна, дзе чалавек з. Барацьба ёсць барацьба. На самай справе, Я на самой справе хачу, каб убачыць усе мясцовыя жыхары робяць гэта. Гэта значыць, калі яны не змагаюцца са мной. Гэта заўсёды весела баявых дзеянняў у Атлантыка-Сіці. У мяне будзе шмат сяброў там падтрымлівалі мяне.”
Селдон крэдытуе яго вяртанне на рынг у ўзыходзячых Promotions, які будзе арганізоўваць іх 3-шоў на працягу апошніх шасці месяцаў.
“Я хацеў бы падзякаваць Узыходзячая Promotions, Томас LaManna і Атлантыка-Сіці бокса Зала славы. Яны ўсе спрабуюць прынесці бокс назад у Атлантыка-Сіці, як было раней. Я адчуваю, што ёсць магчымасць стаць тварам Атлантыка-Сіці бокса. Я працаваў вельмі цяжка, і я адчуваю сябе вельмі добра. Для таго, каб быць хэдлайнерамі ўпершыню адчувае сябе вельмі добра. Рост Promotions даў мне гэтую магчымасць, каб прадэманстраваць свае навыкі і у пятніцу, Я збіраюся паставіць на высокую прадукцыйнасць.”
У шэсць круглых са-функцыя, адзін з самых папулярных байцоўскіх з зоны берагавога, Паўцяжкай вага Chuck Mussachio вернецца ў рынг пасля 39-месячнага звальняюць, калі ён бярэ на сябе Уіліс Локетт ў матчы-рэваншы ў баі, які, які скончыўся ўнічыю верасня 19, 2008.
У восем круглых Cruiserweight бой, Nick Kisner (16-2-1, 6 КО) Балтымор, MD будзе прымаць Ламонт каперсы (5-8-2) з Кэрліс, Пэнсыльванія.

У чатырох круглых баі:
У чатыры круглых бой у нападаючым, Адрыян Уілсан (0-2) Атлантыка-Сіці будзе прымаць на пра Дэбютаваўшы Da'Quan Джонсан з Pennsauken, Нью-Джэрсі
Quian Дэвіс (2-0-1, 1KO) у Mays Landing, Нью-Джэрсі будуць змагацца Соломана Майя (1-6-1, 1 KO) Нью-Хейвен, КТ ў суперцяжкай адмовы.
Лёгкі Энтані Бургин (9-1, 2 КО) Філадэльфія будзе змагацца Керціс Мортон(4-5-4) Гарлема, Нью-Ёрк.
Акрамя таго, на карце будзе прафесійны дэбют пеўня Leroy Davila Нью-Брансўік, Нью-Джэрсі змагаецца сабрат пра debuter Dominic Уайтхёрст з Чилликота, Агаё.
ціснула, які меў больш 60 аматарскія баі занялі другое месца ў Злучаных Штатах у сваёй вагавой катэгорыі.
Лоўрэнс Ньютан (3-0, 3 КО) Фларыда возьме на сябе праціўнік, каб быць названым
Квіткі $125 прэміі, $77 Рынга этап і $52 абаронены і даступныя на www.risingboxingpromotions.com або 609-487-4444
Instagram: risingpromo


Льюистон, Мэн (Мая 23, 2016) - New England Баі (NEF) вяртаецца да Androscoggin банка Colisée ў Льюистон, Мэн на Чэрвеня 18, 2016 з “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.The fight promotion will put on another full night of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) cage fights and pro boxing bouts. Раней сёння, NEF executives announced the addition of an amateur lightweight matchup to the MMA portion of the card. After a year’s absence, DangerousDomHands of StoneCofone (6-5) will return to the NEF MMA cage to face Стыў выбуху, Малодшы. (3-5) у бой масы 155 фунтаў.


Dom Cofone was a Class A state wrestling champion out of Westbrook High School in Westbrook, Мэн. He entered the MMA ranks in February of 2013. З гэтага часу, he has been featured on nine NEF cards. Cofone’s last appearance in the promotion was in June 2015 на “NEF 18.” Той ноччу, Cofone submitted Jason Lachance (2-3) у другім туры. He is currently a member of the Academy of MMA in Portland, Мэн, training under MMA pioneers Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner.


I’m so thankful for the opportunity to step into the NEF cage once again,” said Cofone. “With my coaches and teammates from the Academy behind me, I know I’ll be able to have a great performance. June 18th is going to be an awesome night for the NEF fans and an even better night for the Westbrook wrestling alumni!”


Steve Bang is a member of the famous Bang fighting family of Auburn, Мэн. На Чэрвеня 18, he will join his father and brothers in the NEF MMA cage. Bang wrestled as an independent during his years at Edward Little High School in Auburn, Мэн. He is currently a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ). Bang will look to rebound from a second-round submission loss to Fabian Miranda (2-0) last week atNEF 23” in Hyannis, Масачусэтс.


I’m super pumped to fight with all of my family,” Саід выбуху. “It’s always a great experience. This past year has been a rough year for me in many different ways and I feel like I am justas of a month or two agocoming out of it. I feel great in all aspects; разумова, духоўна, and physically. I am fired up and ready to do battle with so much of my family doing what Bangsdo just fires me up more. I’m excited to fight alongside Shawn again who I haven’t seen на працягу двух гадоў and have only spoken to three times. I’m excited to fight Dom. I think it will be a great match up. I don’t get to fight many wrestlers. And I want to thank him for the opportunity to allow me to do what I love to do.


NEF returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisée in Lewiston, Мэн на Чэрвеня 18, 2016 з “NEF 24: PROMISED LAND.Tickets for “NEF 24” start at just $25 і ўжо ў продажы ў www.TheColisee.com або патэлефанаваўшы па тэлефоне касы Colisee на 207.783.2009 х 525.


For more information on the events and fight card updates, калі ласка, наведайце вэб-сайт прасоўванне па адрасе www.NewEnglandFights.com. У дадатак, Вы можаце глядзець відэа ў фармаце NEF ў www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, ісці за імі на Twitternefights і далучыцца да афіцыйнай групе Facebook "New England баі."


Аб Новай Англіі баёў


Нью-Ингленд Баі ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. Місія NeF з'яўляецца стварэнне высокай якасці мерапрыемствы для байцоў і балельшчыкаў у штаце Мэн, так. Выканаўчая каманда NeF мае шырокі вопыт у галіне кіравання адзінаборстваў, вытворчасць падзеі, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама.

Shumenov stops Wright in 10th round of WBA cruiserweight world title fight

Лас-Вегасе (Мая 21, 2016) – Сусветная баксёрская асацыяцыя (WBA) “рэгулярны” Чэмпіён свету ў цяжкай вазе Шумны Бакбо (17-2, 10 КО) stopped No. 11-намінальны Junior “Ураган” Райт (15-2-1, 12 КО) у 10й round tonight at The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Шумны, a former WBA light heavyweight world champion, is first two-division world champion from a Soviet-bloc country. The native of Kazakhstan, якія змагаюцца з Лас-Вегасе, also earned the right to challenge unified WBA Super/ International Boxing Federation (IBF) Чэмпіён свету ў цяжкай вазе Дзяніс Лебедзеў (29-2, 22 КО) within 120 дзён, as mandated by the WBA.
Team Shumenov celebrates
Вентылятары могуць адзін Бейбутов Шумны на яго старонцы ў Facebook уwww.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Hernandez shocks Magomedov John Vera stops Joey Ruelas Teenage sensation Devin Haney shines

(all pictures by Manny Murillo / RJJ Boxing Promotions
Лас-Вегасе (Мая 21, 2016) – Determined Phoenix middleweight Эндру “Ураган” Эрнандэс shocked heavy favorite Арыф “The Pedator” Магамедаў in tonight’s main event on the “Knockout Night at the D” карта, which aired live on CBS Sports Network from under the neon lights at the Цэнтр Лас-Вегас Падзеі цэнтр (DLVEC) outdoor venue.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серыя, presented by D Лас-Вегасand DLVEC, спрыяе Рой Джонс-малодшы. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions. Tonight’s event was promoted in association with Main Events and Shamo Boxing Promotions.
Before a sold-out crowd, Эрнандэс (12-4-1, 4 КО) pounded world-rated middleweight Magomedov (17-1, 10 КО), winning a unanimous 10-round decision (100-89 двойчы, 98-91) for the vacant USNBC middleweight title. Hernandez hurt Magomedov in the third and seventh rounds, finally dropping the tough Russian (WBA #2, WB) #3, WBA #5 and IBF #14) у 10й.
This fight changes everything for me,” Hernandez proclaimed. “He’s very good and deserves all of the accolades he’s received but I now have my head on straight and I’m focused. My jab was very important tonight. He’s very strong but I wanted to fight him inside because I knew he couldn’t take it from me. Я быў вельмі падрыхтаваны. I think I may have broken my ankle in the fourth round but I kept going. I wanted to finish him, get the knockout, but he’s a very tough fighter. He has heart and showed why he has all of those accolades.
Four weeks ago, Hernandez was preparing to fight as a cruiserweight. He lost 40 pounds to make weight for this middleweight fight in what turned out to be one of the biggest upsets of the year.

(L-Р) — Арыф Магамедаў & Андрэй Эрнандэс
Southpaw super welterweights Джон “The Phenom” Вера (14-0, 9 КО), of Fort Worth, and PhoenixДжо “Баксёр” Ruelas (10-2-1, 4 КО) went toe-to-toe from the opening bell and they never let up in the co-feature. Vera exploded in the round of this firestorm, battering the game Ruelas around, until referee Jay Nady halted the action in the sixth round. Vera remained undefeated and retained his NABA-USA title.
I knew eventually he’d put his hands down and I’d catch him,” Vera explained. “I thank him for the opportunity to fight. He’s helluva fighter, I give him that, but I know I’m a warrior. I took some shots but gave ’em, занадта. I broke him down and just kept throwing those lefts.
(L-Р) – John Vera & Joey Ruelas
In the TV opener, boxing prodigy DevinThe Dream” Хэні (6-0, 4 КО) made history as the 17-year-olda junior in high schoolbecame the youngest American professional boxer to fight on national television. The Флойд Мэйвезер, Sr.-trained Haney, fighting out of Las Vegas in front of his rapidly growing fan-base, showcased his vast skills against previously undefeated Mexican invader JairoEl Leon” Варгас (Fernandez), unloading 14 unanswered punches for a 4й round technical knockout victory. Nady stopped the fight without counting when a badly hurt Vargas (4-1, 3 КО) hit the deck hard.
I happy that I put on a good performance for my fans,” Haney commented after the fight. “My team put together the strategy to use my jab and breakdown his body. I picked up my combinations did what I was told to do.
(L-Р) — Devin Haney & Jairo Vargas
In a battle of Texas junior welterweights, Tony Lopez (11-1, 4 КО) dropped previously unbeaten JerrenHardknocksCochran (11-1-1, 4 КО) twice with lefts in the opening round and finished him off in the second, knocking him out cold with a punishing right.
Two mores seconds and I would have finished him off in the first,” Lopez remarked. “My corner told me that, after the lefts, come back with a right. They gave me the game plan and I executed.
(L-Р) Tony Lopez & Jerren Cochran
У першым баі, Las Vegas favorite Jeremy J-FlashNichols (4-0, 2 КО) dominated Puerto Rican welterweight Ліпеня “El Indio” Сантас (2-3, 1 KO) on his way to a win by unanimous 4-round decision.
I know I could have done a little better, throwing more combinations and jab,” Nichols said. “He came in trying but he couldn’t fight. I sent him back to Puerto Rico with a loss.
(L-Р) Jeremy Nichols & Julio Santos
“Knockout Night at the D” returns to the DLVEC Пятніца ноч, Чэрвеня 10, on CBS Sports Network. USNBC lightweight champion DemondBody Shot” Барсук (11-3-1, 4 КО) defends his title against former USNBC 135-pound title holder Чуйская “Hurrican” Гут'ерэс у галоўнай падзеі 10-раўндавым.
(Winner listed first)
MAIN EVENT – Средневесов
Андрэй Эрнандэс (12-4-1, 3 КО), Фінікс, Арызона
WDEC10 (100-89, 100-89, 98-91)
Арыф Магамедаў (17-1, 10 КО), Chekhov, Расія
(Hernandez won vacant USNBC middleweight title)
CO-FEATURE – СУПЕР паўсярэдняга вагі
Джон “The Phenom” Вера (14-0, 9 КО), Чэмпіён, Fort Worth, Тэхас
WTKO6 (1:17)
Джо “Баксёр” Ruelas (10-2-1, 4 КО), Прэтэндэнт, Фінікс, Арызона
(Vera won or retained USNBC super welterweight title)
Tony Lopez (11-1, 4 КО), Далас, Тэхас
WKO2 (0:22)
Jerren Cochran (11-1-1, 4 КО), Х'юстан, Тэхас
Devin Haney (6-0, 4 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада
WTKO4 (1:34)
Jairo Fernandez (4-1, 3 КО), Veracruz, Мексіка
Паўсярэдняга вагі
Jeremy Nichols (4-0, 2 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Julio Santos (2-3, 1 KO), Ponce, Пуэрта-Рыка
“Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” серыя
Idea Design Studio is the main sponsor
Шчэбет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @johnverajr, @joey_ruelas, @jerrencochran, @jflashgang (Nichols), @Realdevinhaney




Jermall Charlo Retains IBF Junior Middleweight Belt With 12-Round Decision Over Austin Trout, Jermell Charlo Wins WBC Super Welterweight Crown With

Eighth-Round Knockout Over John Jackson at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas


Злавіць Replay панядзелак, Мая 23 на 10 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Націсніце ВОТ Каб спампаваць фота; Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

Націсніце ВОТ Каб спампаваць фота; Стэфані Трап / Мэйвезер Акцыі


Лас-Вегасе (Мая 21, 2016) – On a night Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara successfully defended his WBA Super Welterweight Championship with a hard-fought 12-round unanimous decision over Vanes “The Nightmare” Martirosyan, undefeated brothers Jermall і Jermell Charlo, Х'юстан, became the first twins in boxing history to hold world titles in the same weight class.


Jermall Charlo (24-0, 18 КО) retained his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship with a unanimous 12-round decision over former world champion Austin “No Doubt” Trout (30-3, 17 КО) of Las Cruces, Н.М., in the second of three world title fights on SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС® ад Чэлсі ўнутры The Cosmopolitan Лас-Вегасе.


In the opening bout of the three fight telecast, Jermell Charlo (28-0, 13 КО) earned the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Championship by rallying from five points down to register an eighth-round knockout over John “Da Rock” Jackson (20-3, 15 КО), Св. Томас, Віргінскія астравы (Video highlights: http://s.sho.com/1VeFFVq).


Lara outpointed Martirosyan in the main event by the scores of 116-111 у два разы і 115-112. There were no knockdowns. Martirosyan had a point deducted for a low blow in the 11й in a rematch of a May 2012 fight that ended in a technical draw.


Born one minute apart, the identical twins celebrated their 26й birthday this past Thursday, Мая 19. Jermall is one minute older than Jermell.


Jermall Charlo stuck to his game plan and fought behind his jab, кіданне 292 jabs and connecting at an 18 percent clip. It was a balanced attack from both fighters, but the power and accuracy from the physically bigger Charlo was a difference.


“It wasn’t a struggle, it was a great experience,” said Charlo after his second successful title defense. “I want to thank God for allowing me and my twin brother to see this day. History.


“Austin is a hell of a fighter. He’s a beast. This was my first time going 12, but it didn’t matter because I knew I was in shape.


“My game plan was to execute with the jab. I knew he was going to try to stop me, but that didn’t happen. There’s no way you can tame a lion.


“It felt good because I knew my brother would get the job done. We belong on this level. We need these titles to get the big fights and we’re going to keep these titles to keep rising.


“I changed my mindwe’re going to stay right here (на 154). Making 154 pounds wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be.”


“Hat’s off to Jermall Charlo. He fought a hell of a fight,” Austin Trout said. “I felt like I did enough to win. They won’t give me a close decision, so it’s time to start taking these cats out. But I can’t make excuses. I fought my ass off, Charlo fought his ass off and hats off to him.


“I’m going to live to fight another day. You’re going to see me back. We’re warriors out here.’’


Two minutes into the eighth round, Jermell Charlo, trailing 69-64 on the three judges’ scorecards, landed a perfect counter right hand to Jackson’s left eye. As Jackson dropped his guard to insure his mouthpiece was in place, Jermell connected with two more right hands that sent Jackson falling forward into his corner. Defenseless and seemingly out on his feet, referee Tony Weeks stepped in immediately and stopped it at 0:51.


“It’s history,” said Jermell, who entered the match as the WBC No. 1 contender and became the 66й ShoBox: Новае пакаленне fighter to capture a world title.


“We did it. A lot of fighters don’t come out of Houston and we did it. I’m waiting for my brother next. We’ve been boxing for all of these years and it had to happen.


“I was behind. He was boxing, he was moving around a lot. That was unexpected of him. I thought he was going to come out to brawl. I had to make an adjustment and I did.


“When he started slowing down, I was able to catch him with a shot. I knew that if he could have continued he could have come back so I had to hit him.”


While both were selective with their punches, throwing just 427 combined shots through eight and a half rounds, Jermell was the more accurate fighter. The new WBC champ landed 23 адсоткаў яго агульнага аб'ёму удараў, у тым ліку 34 percent of his power shots against Jackson.

“It was a journey to get here,” said Jackson, у WBC у Няма. 2 contender going in and son of former world champion Julian “The Hawk” Jackson.


“I feel like I was ahead and I came up short. He caught me with a punch and I was trying to fix my mouthpiece. Then he hit me and I was out. It hit me in the eye, but my mouthpiece was coming out. I was trying to push in my mouthpiece back in and he hit me. Я ведаў, дзе я быў. It dazed me, but I wasn’t knocked out.


“It’s boxing. Гэта быў вялікі бой. I felt I was winning the fight, I got caught and that was it.


“I dedicated the fight to my dad and I hope I didn’t let him down. I fell short. You win some and you lose some.”


Said the elder Jackson: “I’m proud. It took a lot for us to get this far. I know my people are proud. We are strong people and we are coming back.”


SHOWTIME’s Стыў Farhood called the Lara vs. Martirosyan rematch “a typical Lara fight.”


“As usual Lara’s style is extremely difficult for the judges to score,” Farhood said. “He’s so selective with his punches, yet he lands such a high percentage of them. And to make it even more difficult, a lot of Martirosyan’s body punches were blocked. The judges agreed on seven of the 12 раўндаў. It clearly was a close fight and what got Lara over the top was the 10-8 score in round 11.


“We benefit from the use of replay. Watching the punch that brought the deduction on replay, I believe that it wasn’t a low blow.


“Lara did what Lara does. Martirosyan fought about as well as he could. The difference was Lara’s accuracy and ring generalship. I think Martirosyan’s competitiveness made it a good fight.”


Лара, 33, was making his fourth title defense. “This is normal,” said Lara who landed 60 percent of the 160-plus power punches. “This is boxing, not baseball. Low blows and headbutts happen. I’m a very intelligent fighter and at no point did I feel this fight was going to be lost.


“My mother and kids are still there so it would be a great privilege to go fight in my native Cuba. Everything is possible in this world. I didn’t think I’d be champion of the world and here I am.


“I want to tell Team Vanes thank you for giving me the rematch. Я гатовы біцца з любым. I’d like to fight Canelo.


“The Charlo brothers are my teammates and having three of us going back as champions is a great thing.”


Марцірасян, the aggressor throughout, disputed the decision.


“I was chasing him all night,"Ён сказаў. “I put on the pressure. I thought I did enough to win. That was not a low blow. Replays show the trunks were high.


“I never ducked anyone. No one wanted to fight Lara. I stepped up and fought him again. I’ll fight anyone.”


Undefeated IBF No. 1 contender and mandatory challenger Julian “J Rock” Williams (22-0-1, 14 КО), was interviewed between fights by SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING’s БраянCuster. Уільямс, Філадэльфія, has been calling out the Charlo Twins.


“I can’t get the fights I deserve,” Williams said. “But I’ve got a good team. I have Al Haymon and he got me the mandatory for the winner of Charlo-Trout. Guys know it’s a rough fight if they step in with me. And they know 99 percent of the time they will lose.


“Jermall Charlo is an undefeated champion. Я непераможаным. That’s what boxing is all about – two young, hungry champions going at it in their primes. Так, I am interested in fighting Jermall Charlo.


On Charlo saying he’s sick of reading your tweets and he’d like to shut you up…


“Добра, he doesn’t have to wait much longer so he doesn’t have any choice now,” Williams said. “I’m the mandatory and if he wins, we are going to fight next.”


Браян Кастер hosted the SHOWTIME telecast, з Маўра Ranallo calling the action, Hall of Fame analyst Аль Бернштэйна and former two-time world champion Полі Малиньяджиcommentating and Джым Грэй справаздачнасць. У іспанскай адначасовай, Алехандра Месяц called the blow-by-blow and former world champion Рауль Маркес served as color commentator. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was Дэвід Динкинс малодшы. з Bob Dunphy кіраўніцтва.


# # #


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Holden Productions Looks to Add to Four State Franchise; On Worldwide Search

Маямі, ДОБРА (Мая 21, 2016) – Promoter Tony Holden is searching the globe for prospects he believes can develop into world champions.
У цяперашні час, Holden’s company Holden Productions promotes five local boxers known as the “Four State Franchise” and they routinely sell out the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, ДОБРА. The members of the “Four State Franchise” are unbeaten heavyweights Trey Lippe-Morrison and his step brother Kenzie Witt along with undefeated junior middleweight Jarrett Rouse and the Cook Brothers Dillon and Jesse.
Holden also promoted a number of big name fighters in the past including former heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison, boxing legends Naseem Hamed and Johnny Tapia, top contender Joe Mesi and world title challengers Allen Green and Zahir Raheem.
With many changes taking place in the boxing business and great local support for his fighters in the Sooner State, Holden’s expanding his horizons. У канчатковым рахунку, his goal is to find the right fighter or fighters to compliment the “Four State Franchise” while also making them crowd attractions.
"There are so many great fighters out there, many in places where people aren’t looking,"Сказаў Холден. “When I co-promoted the Showtime card here in March, we had two very talented Russian fighters on our card. Both fighters look like future world champions but still have gone a bit under the radar from a recognition standpoint. One of those fighters, Іван Baranchyk, is somebody I believe would be a perfect fit.”
У канчатковым рахунку, Holden is confident in his ability to scout talent and believes he’ll find the right boxers for his stable.
"I’ve had all kinds of people reach out to me from trainers to managers and other promoters. I’m currently reviewing the fighters presented to me, carefully scouting each of them and putting together a list of fighters I plan to meet with. We will definitely be making some significant moves in the very near future.”



Complete Event Photos Here

BOISE, IDAHO (Мая 20, 2016) - Рафаэль Карвалью (13-1) defended his middleweight belt in controversial fashion at the CenturyLink Arena in Boise, Айдаха у пятніцу ноч, taking home a split decision win over at the expense of Мелвін Манхуф (30-13).

The packed house was less than enthusiastic with the judges’ рашэнне, which amounted to two 48-47 scores for Carvalho, while Manhoef took home one of the same tally.

З перамогай, the 29-year old Brazilian is now 4-0 under the Bellator MMA umbrella and continues to ride his remarkable 13-fight winning streak.


The first fight for “Bellator Kickboxing: Вуліца. Луіс” has been announced in a rematch of sorts, выкрашивание Джо Шылінг супраць Hisaki Като. When the two first met atBellator 139: Конга супраць. Ваўкоў,Kato stunned Schilling with a “Superman punch” knockout that many pundits considered to be the “2015 Knockout of the Year.” That was MMA, and this time the two will fight in a kickboxing match. A world champion kickboxer, “Stitch ‘Em Up” Schilling will look for revenge against Kato, a karate striker.

Дадатковыя баі, including a main event matchup will be announced shortly.

The second event for the brand new Bellator Kickboxing promotion will take place on Чэрвеня 24, immediately following “Bellator: Dynamite 2” at the Scottrade Center in St. Луіс, and will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE.

Featherweight Co-Main Event Ends in Unanimous Decision Victory for Pat Curran

It took all three rounds to determine a winner in the evening’s co-main event, але ў рэшце рэшт, former two-time Bellator champion Пэт Карран (22-7) emerged victorious with a unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) схіліць на свой бок Георгій Караханян (24-6-1). “Paddy Mike” connected with a great left hook that dropped Karakhanyan to the mat. The Chicago native relied heavily on his ground game in this one, consistently forcing Karakhanyan into uncomfortable positions and ultimately leading to the featherweight’s 12й win under the Bellator MMA fray.

Heavyweight Slugfest Ends in Draw for Dan Charles and Augusto Sakai

The evening’s second heavyweight feature fight was heavily overshadowed by multiple low blows from the foot of Аўгуста Сака (9-0-1), leaving Дэн Чарльз (10-3-1) curled over the canvas and gasping for air. In a bout that took every bit of 15 хвілін, the judges’ scorecard concluded a majority draw (30-26 Чарльз, 28-28, 28-28), making it just the ninth in Bellator MMA history. Although the Brazilian Sakai remains undefeated, his nine-fight winning streak came to an end with the bittersweet finish at CenturyLink Arena in Boise, Айдаха. For Charles, it was the third time in his five-year career that a fight went the distance and the first of his 14 bouts to end in a majority draw.

Alexis Dufresne Shocks MMA World With Submission Victory Over Marloes Coenen

In a highly-anticipated female catchweight bout, Alexis Dufresne (6-2) delivered one of the largest upsets of the year by finishing Dutch superstar Марлоес Коенен (23-7) with an armbar submission 4:33 у першым туры. Along with Miesha Tate, “Sneaky Zebra” becomes just the second fighter ever to force Coenen to tap out. Not far removed from the birth of her first child, the 25-year-old Dufresne was able to impress in her Bellator MMA debut, despite being a +500 няўдачнік.

Gormley Outlasts Beltran in Heavyweight Opener

During the opening contest at "Bellator 155: Карвалью супраць. Манхуф," Джоі Белтран (17-13) і Чэйз Гормлі (13-5) traded blows in what was a heavyweight dogfight that took all three rounds to claim a victor. У канцы, it was Gormley that came out on top with the split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29) win over “The Mexicutioner.” Gormley, a 32-year-old native of Los Angeles is now 7-0 when his fights go to the judges table. The win is his first with the Bellator MMA promotion and sixth of his last seven bouts.

Папярэднія вынікі Картачныя:

Вінс Маралес (4-1) пераможаны Гамільтан Ash (3-2) праз KO ў 2:32 тры раўнда з

Джо Гамільтан (4-0) пераможаны Тайлер Freeland (3-1) з дапамогай прадстаўлення (задні ўдушэнне) на 0:22 першага раўнда

Кейсі Джонсан (5-0) пераможаны Брендон Рэфтери (4-3) з дапамогай прадстаўлення (задні ўдушэнне) на 1:16 два туры

Marcin адбудзецца (22-4) пераможаны Дэйв Янсен (20-4) аднагалосным рашэннем суддзяў (30-27, 29-28 2х)

Джэсі Брок (22-8) пераможаны Olly Bradstreet (39-13) з дапамогай прадстаўлення (задні ўдушэнне) на 3:57 тры раўнда з

Уіл Нолэнд (16-6) пераможаны Шон Пауэрс (9-6) накаўтам (ўдары) на 3:29 першага раўнда

Скот Thometz (10-5) пераможаны Джош Тайлер (7-4) аднагалосным рашэннем суддзяў (30-27, 30-25, 30-25)

вета Артеага (2-0) пераможаны Джэкі Vandenburgh (0-2) аднагалосным рашэннем суддзяў (29-27, 30-27, 29-28)


Beibut Shumenov vs. Junior Wright Weigh In

Шумны Бакбо 199 фунтаў.
Малодшы Райт 199 1/2 фунтаў.
(L-Р) – Шумны Бакбо & Малодшы Райт
(pictures by Stephanie Trapp / Мэйвезер Акцыі)
Лас-Вегасе (Мая 20, 2016) – Шумны Бакбо (16-2, 10 КО) weighed in today at 199 фунтаў, у той час як Junior “Ураган” Райт (15-1-1, 12 КО) шалі ў 199 1/2 кг., for their 12-round World Boxing Association (WBA) Cruiserweight World Championship fight заўтра at The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas.
Вентылятары могуць адзін Бейбутов Шумны на яго старонцы ў Facebook у www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.





SANTA MONICA, Каліфорніі. (Мая, 20) – A women’s flyweight showdown between Ilima Макфарлейн (3-0) і Rebecca Ruth (6-1) has been added to the main card of "Bellator: Dynamite 2” на Чэрвеня 24, at Scottrade Center in St. Луіс.

The bout joins a main event that features a heavyweight bout between “Rampage” Jackson (36-11) і Сатоши Ишии (14-5-1), in “Rampage’sfirst fight for the Scott Coker-led promotion since 2014. The evening’s co-main event will feature a lightweight title fight between former titlist Майкл Чандлер (14-3) і Патрыкі «Пітбуль» (16-7). Also the main card, former NFL playerМитрион (9-5) makes his debut for Bellator MMA agaisnt Carl “Badwater” Seumanutafa (10-6).

MMA coach to stars the likes of entertainer Demi Lovato and New England Patriots tight end Martellus Bennett, Guilherme “Bomba” (7-3) makes his promotional debut when he takes on Shamrock FC standout Іарданія Доуди (3-1) on the Bellator.com-streamed prelims.

Квіткі на "Bellator: Dynamite 2” ўжо ў продажы ў Ticketmaster.com і Box Office Форд у Scottrade Center. Дзверы для гэтага мерапрыемства адкрытага ў 5 p.m. Канэктыкут мясцовае час, і першы конкурс праходзіць праз адзін гадзіну пасля.

"Bellator: Dynamite 2” выходзіць у эфір у прамым эфіры і бясплатна на Spike ў 9 p.m. І/8 p.m. Канэктыкут, у той час як папярэднія паядынкі будуць трансляваць у прамым эфіры на Bellator.com і Bellator Mobile App.

Exactly like the groundbreaking inaugural “Dynamite” event this past September in San Jose, both a mixed martial arts cage and kickboxing ring will cover the floor at Scottrade Center, у Санкт-. Луіс, giving fans in attendance the opportunity to see both iterations of combat sports on the same night.

Macfarlane enters this bout on a high note, earning victories in her first three professional fights. “The Ilimanator” has taken care of business since joining Bellator MMA, winning her first two fights with the promotion, including a first round armbar submission against Amber Tackett at “Bellator 148: Дэйлі супраць. Uhrich” in January. The 26-year-old San Diego native hopes to keep her winning streak alive against the more experienced Rebecca Ruth.

Hailing from Robertsville, Місуры, the elusive Rebecca Ruth went undefeated in 2015, winning all three of her matchups by technical knockout under the Shamrock Fighting Championships banner. Зараз, after emerging victorious in her 2016 and Bellator MMA debut, “Ruthless” enters the cage with a 6-1 career record and four-fight winning streak. Of her six career wins, five have come by way of knockout, with three of those knockouts delivered by Ruth in the first round. The 37-year-old flyweight will have her hands full when the much younger Ilima Macfarlane joins her in the cage on Чэрвеня 24.


Абноўлена "Bellator: Dynamite 2” Fight Card:

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Main Event: Куинтон "Rampage" Джэксан (36-11) супраць. Сатоши Ишии (14-5-1)

Bellator MMA Lightweight World Title Bout: Майкл Чандлер (14-3) супраць. Patricky "Pitbull" Фрейрэ (16-7)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Feature Bout: Митрион (9-5) супраць. Carl Seumanutafa (10-6)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Ilima-Lei Macfalane (3-0) супраць. Rebecca Ruth (6-1)


Папярэдняе Card:

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos (7-3) супраць. Іарданія Доуди (3-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Кевін Engel (5-0) супраць. Чал Эрвін-Дэвіс (3-1)

Bellator MMA Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Jordan Howard (9-3) vs Justin Robbins (14-17-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joaquin Buckley (5-0) vs Chris Heatherly (9-3-1)

Bellator MMA 130-pound Preliminary Bout: Michelle Royer (1-0) vs Katy Collins (3-1)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Brad Jones (5-4) vs Tyler Claussen (2-0)

Bellator MMA Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Jason Christeson (1-0) vs Jarrod Thomas (0-0)

Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Lee Burns (2-0) супраць. Byron Stevens (0-0)

Bellator MMA Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Стывен Ман (11-4) супраць. Mike Estus (7-4)

Bellator MMA Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Rashard Лавлейс (3-0) супраць. Garret Mueller (2-1)

Bellator MMA Strawweight Preliminary Bout: Nikki Smith (1-0) супраць. Ashley Cummins (3-3)

Bellator Kickboxing Preliminary Bout: Elmir Kulosman (3-0) супраць. Darryl Cobb (2-1)

Bellator Kickboxing Preliminary Bout: Tara Walker (4-3-1) супраць. Mimi Kutzin (3-2)



LIVE ON NBCSN AT 9 P.m. І ПА Пятніца, Чэрвеня 17


Лас-Вегасе (Мая 20, 2016) -Мировой Серыі Fighting (WSOF.com) has signed undefeated middleweight (185 фунты) перспектыва Phil Hawes (3-0) ў выключнай, Шматгадовыя рэкламныя пагаднення.

A product of the famed Jackson-Winklejohn camp in Albuquerque, Н.М., 6 футаў, 27-year-old Hawes who hails from Little Ferry, N.J., зробіць свой рэкламны дэбют супраць Joshua “The Prince of MMA” Key (6-11, 2 Паўночная Караліна) on the live, five-bout NBCSN telecast (9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT) of WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland, у Foxwoods Resort Casino ў Mashantucket, Канэктыкут. наПятніца, Чэрвеня 17.

“Phil is one of the most exciting, young prospects in the sport of MMA, so we are excited to welcome him to the World Series of Fighting family, and we look forward to seeing how his career develops under our promotion,"Сказаў Сусветны серыі Барацьба Прэзідэнта Бацька начальнікаў.

The matchup with Key will be Hawes’ first start since 2014, his professional debut year when he ran to three straight victories, the first two by way of TKO and the third – a first round victory over Brandon Collins на Кастрычнік 18 – by way of armbar submission.

A 2009 junior college national wrestling champion for Iowa Central Community College, the alma mater of UFC champion and Jackson-Winklejohn teammate Джон "Косці" Джонс, Hawes has been described by Jones as having“limitless” potential.

Па кошце ад $39.99, tickets for WSOF31: Ivanov vs. Copeland are on sale at WSOF.com and Foxwoods.com.

Doors at The Grand Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino will open at 5 p.m. І, і першы папярэдні бой карты пачнецца ў 6 p.m.

In the main event of the live NBCSN telecast, reigning world heavyweight champion Добры Іваноў (13-1) will risk his title against Josh “Cuddly Bear” Copeland (13-1).

In the lightweight (155 фунты) сумесна Галоўнай падзеяй, суперзвезды Джэйсан "Канзас-Сіці Бандыт" Высокі (19-5) і Майк "Марсіянскі" Рычы (11-4) will square off with their division’s number one contender ranking at stake.


World Series of Fighting Heavyweight Championship Main Event:
Добры Іваноў (Чэмпіён) супраць. Josh Copeland (Прэтэндэнт)

Лёгкі: Джэйсан Высокая супраць. Майк Рычы
Сярэдні вага: John Howard vs. Thiago Meller
Полулегком вага: Луіс Паломино супраць. Sheymon Мораес
У сярэднім: Phil Hawes vs. Joshua Key


Лёгкі: Tom Marcellino vs. Дэвін Паўэл
Цяжкавагавік: Juliano Coutinho vs. Justin Willis
Цяжкавагавік: Tyler King vs. Ларэнца Гуд
Сярэдні вага: Robert Fonseca vs. Sean Lally
Лёгкі: Bruce Boyington vs. Саўл Алмейда
Найлёгкія вага: Радрыга Алмейда супраць. Ben Pierre-Saint
Лёгкі: Sam Watford vs. Christian Torres

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