NOV-JORKO, NY (Junio 28, 2016) - Roc Nation Sports estas plaĉita anonci ke dufoja Mondĉampiono kaj pint-indicita funto-por-funto batalanto Andre Ward (29-0, 15 KOs) revenos al la ringo surSabato, #A?gusto 6, daŭrigi sian konkeron de la duonpezega divido kiam li prenos potencan pugnan kolombian Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) ĉe Oracle Arena en la hejmurbo de Ward Oakland, Kalifornio. La evento estos televidita rekte per HBO-Monda Ĉampioneca Boksado? Komencanta #?e 10:30 P.M. ET/PT.


Ward kaj Brand antaŭvidis sin reciproke pasintan novembron per la laŭspekta subkarto de Miguel Cotto vs.. Canelo Alvarez, sed gambvundo devigis Ward retiriĝi de partopreno en la okazaĵo.


Biletoj alprezigita #?e $300, $120, $90, $60 Kaj $30, Ne inkluzivanta aplikeblajn servajn akuzojn kaj impostojn, vendos marde, Junio 28 #?E 5:00 P.M. PT kaj estos disponebla ĉe ĉiuj Ticketmaster-lokoj, Enreta ĉe Ticketmaster.com kaj akuzo de telefono ĉe (800) 745-3000.


Kvartalo kontraŭ. Marko estas 12-ronda batalo prezentita de Roc Nation Sports kaj sponsorita de Corona Extra, la filmo MANOJ DE ŜTONO: La Vera Rakonto de Roberto Duran, Corporate Travel Management Solutions (CTMS) kaj La Kompanio Clorox, subtenante la Golfregionon por pli ol 100 Jaroj.


“Ni povas plenumi ĝin, nun,” Dirita Kvartalon. “Aŭgusto 6Th, Mi estos preta, do venu al Oracle Arena aŭ agordu en rekta ĉe HBO. Ne maltrafu ĝin. "


“Estos granda honoro alfronti Andre Ward en aŭgusto 6 kaj pli bone en sia propra postkorto,”Diris Brand. “Batalante iun kun tiel glora kariero, alfrontante ulon, kiu eble ne perdis rondon en sia tuta vivo, estas eĉ pli ekscita. Ni celis fronti unu la alian pasintan novembron, sed li estis devigita eliri el la batalo kun vundo. Nun venis la tempo batali kontraŭ li kaj mi ne povas atendi dereligi liajn estontajn planojn. Mi laboros forte por ruinigi ilin. "


"La serĉo de Andre Ward iĝi la plej bona duonpezego sur la planedo kaj la numero unu de la boksado funta por funta batalanto daŭras #A?gusto 6,” Diris David Itskowitch, COO de Boksado Roc Nation Sports. "Alexander Brand atendis ĉi tiun batalon ekde la pasinta jaro kaj ni ne dubas, ke li eniros en la ringon malsata de grandega venko.. Estas multe en la batalo en ĉi tiu batalo por Andre, kiu scias, ke li ne povas rigardi preter Brand al multe diskutita kolizio kun Unuiĝinta Duonpezega Monda Ĉampiono Sergey Kovalev. "


“Senvenka dum la lastaj du jardekoj, teknike brila kaj la lasta usonano, kiu gajnis olimpikan oran medalon en boksado, Andre Ward estas unu el la plej bonaj batalantoj kontraŭ la funto en la mondo,”Diris Peter Nelson, Administra Vicprezidanto, HBOaj Sportoj. “Aŭguste 6Th, Andre daŭrigas sian pezon por kampanji en la 175-funta divizio kontraŭ defianto Alexander Brand antaŭ hejmurbo homamaso ĉe la Orakolo. "


Konata pro lia forta karaktero kaj integreco ekster la ringo kaj lia batalanto instinkto interne, 32 la kapablo kaj talento de jaraĝa Andre Ward estis evidentaj frue en lia elstara amatora kariero. Li gajnis ĉiun titolon en la libroj, kulminante per ora medalo en la duonpezega divido ĉe la 2004 Olimpikoj en Ateno, Grekio. Kiel la sola vira usona boksisto, kiu pretendis olimpikan oron en la pasinteco

jardeko, Kvartalo aliĝis la ŝatas de Mahometo Ali, Sukero Ray Leonard kaj Oscar De La Hoya. Li fariĝis profesia decembro 18, 2004, gajnante duan raŭndan teknikan knokaŭtan venkon super Chris Molina en Bazvaroj-Centro en batalo kiu estis televidigita vive sur HBO. Li plu furoris 27 pli da venkoj ekde tiam, konstruante ĉiam kreskantan legion de fanoj en la procezo. Post kiam fariĝanta la Ringa Revuo kaj WBA Ekstra Middleweight Monda Ĉampiono, leviĝante al la numero du en la listo de funto por funto kaj gajnante la 2011 Batalanto de la Jara Premio (ESPN, Sportoj Ilustris, ringa Revuo kaj la Boksa Verkista Asocio de Ameriko), Ĝi estis anoncita ke Kvartalo subskribis eksklusivan varban interkonsenton kun Roc Naciaj Sportoj en januaro 2015, Malfermanta novan ĉapitron en lia storied boksa kariero. La Golfregiono produkto revenis al la ringo sur Junio 20, 2015 ĉe la Orakolo Sablo antaŭ sia hejmurbo fanoj en Oakland, Kalifornio kaj gajnis naŭa-ronda knokaŭto super Paul Smith, daŭrigante sian nesuperitan strion, kiu devenas de kiam li estis 12-jara amatoro. En lia plej freŝa batalo en marto 26, 2016, Ward faris sian tre diskonigitan 175-funtan debuton kontraŭ la nevenkita de Kubo kaj IBF-numero unu taksis duonpezegan konkursanton Sullivan Barrera antaŭ ekscitita homamaso en Oracle Arena kiu inkluzive de lumuloj kiel Michael B. Jordanio, Stephen Curry, Marshawn Lynch kaj Draymond Green. Ward sperte administris la batalon kaj komencis malimpliki sian kontraŭulon en la tria raŭndo kiam li kaptis Barrera per sumigila maldekstra hoko, faligante lin sur la kanvason. La resto estis rutina venko por Ward, kiu gajnis superregan forsendon de Barrera per unuanima decido post 12 Rondoj. Ward antaŭĝojas pri impona defio en Brand, kiu nun estas la sola obstaklo en la vojo al sia antaŭvidita konflikto kontraŭ Unified Duonpezega Monda Ĉampiono Sergey Kovalev en la aŭtuno..


Bogoto, Kolombia denaska Alexander Brand (25-1, 19 KOs) fariĝis profesia en la relative malfrua aĝo de 32 post longa kaj plenumebla amatora kariero, kiu vidis lin kalkuli 400 Gajnoj. Li eksplodis al la profesia sceno en 2009, gajna knokaŭto venkas en sia unua 12 bataloj kaj gajnado 15 de lia unua 17 atakoj ene de la distanco. Lia unua kaj sola profesia malsukceso okazis per ok-raŭnda fulmdecida perdo al nuna WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Badou Jack en 2012 batalo, kiun multaj ringaj observantoj opiniis, ke Brand gajnis. Pro tio ke tiu batalo, Marko pasis ĉiu ringa testo limon, gajnante ok sinsekvajn venkojn. En lia lasta vico, Brand alfrontis la plej severan provon de sia kariero ekde la batalo de Jack kiam li batalis favoraton, nevenkita kaj tre elmontrita duonpezega Medzhid Bektemirov en decembro 5, 2015 ĉe Osceola Heritage Centre en Kissimmee, Florido. Brand eltenis fruan Bektemirov-fulmmiliton, inkluzive de renormaliĝado post unua ronda knokaŭto, kaj notis 10-rondan fulmdecidvenkon per la dudekopo de 98-91, 98-91 Kaj 94-95. La 39 jaraĝa Marko, kiu tenis plurajn regionajn titolojn inkluzive de la WBC Latino Super Middleweight kaj la WBC Silver Interim Super Middleweight Championships, serĉos plifortigi alian ĉagrenon #A?gusto 6 kaj puŝis sin en duonpezegan titoldisputon.


Sekvu la konversacion per # WardBrand.


Por pli da informo, #Pla?i viziton Www.rocnation.com. Sekvi Roc Nacio sur Pepi kaj Instagram @rocnation kaj sur Facebook ĉe Www.facebook.com/rocnation.


Por pli da informo, Vizito Www.hbo.com/boxing, sekvu ĉe Twitter kaj Instagram ĉe @HBOBoxing kaj iĝu fervorulo ĉe Facebook ĉe Www.facebook.com/hboboxing.

DAVIDEL BANDERA ROJABENAVIDEZI got my eye on all the champions at super-middleweight

Photos By Suzanne Teresa / Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono
PHOENIX, AZ (Junio 28, 2016)Unbeaten Mexican-American super-middleweight, David “El Bandera Roja” Benavidez (15-0, 14 KOs) is eager to stamp his name in the division. #?I tiu pasinteco Sabato at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Nov-Jorko, Benavidez stopped former undefeated Canadian, Francy Ntetu (16-1, 3 KOs), handing him his first loss of his career. Kun la gajno, Benavidez is looking to climb up the rankings with the hopes of challenging a top contender by the end of the year.
I see myself fighting someone in the top ten by the end of the year,” said David Benavidez. “I just beat an undefeated fighter in Ntetu, who pushed me. I want to fight more guys like him and earn my way to the top. I know if I continue to win fights, many opportunities will open up for me.
Benavidez, who campaigns at light-heavyweight and super-middleweight, wants to settle in at 168 Funtoj. With a long road ahead of him, Benavidez is ready for the journey.
Although I’ve had a few fights at light-heavyweight, but my plan is to win a title at super-middleweight. I have no problem making 168 pounds and that’s where I’ll be making my march up the rankings. I have a lot of work to do, but I set the bar high for myself and I won’t settle for mediocrity. I got my eye on all the champions at super-middleweight. I’m just going to take it one fight at a time.

DiBella Entertainment signs Conn. Teenage Prospect Mykey Williams


(photo by Emily Harney)
NOV-JORKO, N.Y. (Junio 28, 2016) – DiBella Entertainment has announced the signing of E. Hartford, Connecticut 18-year-old welterweight prospect MykquanMykey” Williams (1-0, 1 KO) Al eksklusiva varba kontrakto.
Williams, who is currently finishing his junior year at A.I. Prince Technical School in Hartford, was a decorated amateur boxer with a 45-13 Amatora rekordo, highlighted by three gold-medal performances at the Ringside World Championships, in addition to winning the PAL Tournament and Silver Gloves Championships.
I am thrilled to sign such a hungry, young prospect like Mykey Williams,” Dirita Lou DiBella. “Williams is an accomplished amateur and Jackie Kallen certainly has an eye for spotting great talent. He already has a growing fan base in the New England area and I am confident that he will quickly develop into a rising prospect.
Signing with DiBella was the best move for me,” Williams commented. “I’m excited to be fighting under the DiBella banner now. He’s a great promoter who will help me get to the world-class level in this sport. I’m just happy that the ball is finally rolling!”
Williams has already overcome tremendous obstacles during his young life, including the shooting murder of his father when Mykey was only one week old, and then his house burned down 10 years later.
Paul Cichon, oni 2014 Conn. Boxing Hall of Fame inductee, has trained Williams since he was seven. “If anybody had a reason to go the wrong way, it was Mykey,” Cichon added. “But he’s a great kid who is a hard worker and is always happy with a positive attitude. He’s a boxer who can punch and when he sets up his opponent, watch out, because he’s in big trouble. Mykey is a great finisher who moves well and has good defense. He’s a left-hander who goes to the body to breakdown his opponent. Mykey’s slick and hard to hit, but he’s also unique because he’s a naturally gifted athlete who could have excelled at any sport he chose.
Although Williams made his successful professional debut on April 16Th at Foxwoods Resorts Casino in a card promoted by DiBella Entertainment, he will make his DiBella Entertainment debut #?I tiu #?a?do Nokto (Junio 30) at Foxwoods in a four-round bout.
I haven’t been this excited about a fighter since I signed James Toney in 1989,famed boxing manager Jackie Kallen exclaimed. “Mykey Williams is the real deal. His future is unlimited and we are thrilled to partner up with DiBella Entertainment to make it all happen.
Por pli da informo, Vizito www.DBE1.com, follow on Twitter @LouDiBella and @MarvelousMyke or become a fan on Facebook Www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


NOV-JORKO – Junio 28, 2016 – Inspiration was in the air June 11th as the women of boxing gathered at Seven Bistro for The Raging Babe Brunch, Nov-Jorko, Nov-Jorko, Raging Babe Eventsseventh gathering of its kind, designed to break barriers and leverage contacts to conduct business and build friendships. The gathering was the first in New York City, and drew a slew ofRaging Babes,” who together honored Main Events’ CEO Kathy Duva. Included in those who attended were former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina Lathan, arbitraciisto Sparkle Lee, IFBA World Flyweight Champion Eileen Olszewski, WBC World Super Bantamweight Champion Alicia Ashley, four-time National Boxing Champion Melissa St. Vil, IWBF World Super Featherweight Champion, Ronica Jeffrey and guest speaker John Femiano of John Francis LLC.
After a rousing introduction by “Tumultanta Babe” Michelle Rosado, attendees brunched and networked, with Frank Sinatra crooning in the background, sharing their triumphs and business cards. “The brunch is so much more than just a breakfast event,” said Rosado. “The connections forged here have resulted in business collaborations and friendships. What started as an annual event, has grown, and I can easily see us gathering quarterly, all over the country.
Post brunch, the time had come to honor one of boxing’s trailblazers, Kathy Duva, who was presented the Raging Babe Luminary Award. Among those who shared stories of Duva’s boxing growth and dominance was Main Events’ Vicprezidanto de Operacioj, Joleen Mizzone, who has worked side-by-side with Duva for 19 Jaroj. Although she couldn’t attend in person due to being in California with three of Main Events’ Batalantoj, Mizzone had colorful, but moving words for her friend and colleague. “Kathy Duva has been through a lot in her life. I have seen her overcome so much in these past 19 Jaroj. I remember thinking to myself, “Wow she is one of the strongest people I know!” She has inspired me to be the person I am in this business. Her morals and eye for this business are [expletive] extraordinary.
One of the secrets to happiness is the innocent enjoyment of simple things,” said first-time brunch attendee and former NYSAC Chairwoman Melvina Lathan as she described the event. “Kun tio en menso, how wonderful to share a moment in time with a group of women, dining,, conversing, and laughing, all the while emanating beauty, potenco, grace and joy, without even trying. It was intimate, genuine and loads of fun, especially the reading of the infamous congratulatory letter submitted by Jolene!”
This was another inspiring event in one of the greatest cities in the world,” said Rosado of the brunch. “There was so much talent, so much heart, so much passion, and so much boxing knowledge contained in these four walls. There were lovers, Batalantoj, survivors, and I sincerely hope that the connections they made on that day result in amazing business collaborations and lifelong friendships. I’m so grateful for everyone who attended, and to Kathy Duva, for being an example for all women in the industry.
The Raging Babe Brunch is made possible by the generous support of several organizations. “The Raging Babe brunches are labor of love for me,” said Rosado. “They aren’t meant to put money in anyone’s pocketon contrary, and the cost has often fallen far short of sponsor contributions. I want to take this opportunity to truly, from my heart, thank the organizations that make it possible for these events to continue. These organizations, by virtue of their partnership, celebrate and support the women of boxing, and the spirit of these events. From my heart, and the hearts of the women who attended New York, Nov-Jorko, Dankoni vin Monda Boksa Organizo (WBO), War Tape, Box Stats, Boss Case, Monda Boksa Konsilio (WBC), John Francis LLC Kaj Junulara Fighting Antaŭen.

Unbeaten Featherweight Prospect Stephen Fulton Takes on Mexico’s Christian Renteria on Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Saturday, Julio 2 From Santander Arena in Reading, PA.

Plus! Super Featherweight Contenders Frank DeAlba & Jonathan Perez Meet While Former World Champion Kermit Cintron Battles Puerto Rico’s Carlos Garcia
READING, PA. (Junio 28, 2016) – Unbeaten featherweight prospect Stephen Fulton (9-0, 4 KOs) prenas sur Meksiko Christian Renteria (5-2, 4 KOs) in a six-round featherweight attraction as part of Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono Sur ESPN & ESPN Deportes Sabato, Julio 2 from Santander Arena in Reading, PA.
PBC sur ESPN & ESPN Deportes action is headlined by unbeaten lightweight contender Jamel Herring squaring-off against former title challenger Denis Shafikov En 10-ronda vico. Televidigita priraportado komenciĝas je 9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT and features undefeated Polish prospect Patryk Syzmanski battling former title challenger “Silkecaj” Wilky Campfort.
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de King Promotions, Estas alprezigita #?e $20, $35, $55 Kaj $75, and are on sale now via Ticketmaster.
Additional action will see local contender Frank DeAlba (18-2-2, 7 KOs) taking on veteran Colombian Jonathan Perez (35-14, 28 KOs) in an eight-round super featherweight bout while former world champion Kermit Cintron (36-5-2, 28 KOs) takes on Puerto Rico’s Karolo García (10-15-1, 8 KOs) in eight-rounds of junior middleweight action and local prospect Erik Printempo(7-1, 1 KO) against Pennsylvania’s James Robinson (3-4-2, 1 KO) in a six-round welterweight battle
Rounding out the night of fights are unbeaten prospect Chordale Booker (2-0, 2 KOs) in a four-round super welterweight contest against Kevin Womack (7-11-3, 5 KOs), local super welterweight Miguel Martinez (1-1) in a four-round bout against Philadelphia’s Antonio Allen (0-1), the pro debut of New Jersey’s Kashon Hutchinson in a four-round super lightweight attraction against Robert Ramos (1-4-1, 1 KO) and the pro debut of New Jersey’s kristana Carto in a four-round flyweight contest against Rahkeam Parker (0-2).
Born and raised in West Philadelphia, Fulton is coming off of a fourth-round stoppage of previously unbeaten Adalberto Zorilla in April. The 21-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in 2014 and will be looking to make it a perfect 10 wins in 10 pro starts when he enters the ring on July 2. He will be opposed by the Tijuana, Mexico-native Renteria who enters the ring coming off of back-to-back knockout victories.
For information visit Www.premierboxingchampions.com, Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @JamelHerring, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Biero.


Lewiston, Majno (Junio 28, 2016) – Less than 24-hours after the announcement of the amateur light-heavyweight title fight between Young’s MMA’s Victor Irwin (2-0) and First Class MMA’s Nick Shea (2-0), fight promotion New England Fights (NEF) released a second championship bout between the two gyms at “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS.” Undefeated Rafael “Air GuardVelado (3-0), Shea’s teammate at First Class MMA, estas planita alfronti Jimmy Jackson (3-2), a teammate of Irwin at Young’s MMA, for the vacant NEF mixed-martial-arts (MMA) amateur lightweight title. The title was previously held by Josh Harvey (1-0) of Young’s MMA and vacated last April when he moved up to the professional ranks.


“Unue, I appreciate the opportunity that NEF has given me to show my skills in the cage,” said Velado. “There are other promotions in New England, but nobody puts on a show like NEF. I’ve made it very clear that I am here to fight the toughest guys I can and once again I’m getting my way.


In Velado’s last fight, he took on and defeated Mike Peitersen (3-1). In doing so, Velado handed him the first loss of his career. Peitersen is another teammate of Jimmy Jackson at Young’s MMA.


Leading up to the Mike Peitersen fight, he and I respectfully challenged each other to train hard and bring it,” Velado continued. “I believe that we did that and then some. Now I have another Young’s fighter in front of me and I couldn’t be happier. Jimmy Jackson has been looking good in his last few outings and I believe we are a good match-up. I see a trend of BJJ players who come over into MMA and think they are just going to jits their way through every fight. I can assure you that I am not that guy and you will see a constant evolution of skills in my fights.


Jackson will have the opportunity to gain a measure of revenge for his team against Velado. After starting his amateur career at 1-2, Jackson has won his last two in a row, including a submission victory over Kris Welch (0-1) #?E “NEF 16” Lasta jaro.


Fighting Raf is a huge opportunity for mean opportunity I am very grateful for,” said Jackson when reached for comment. “This is the time for me to show how far I’ve come and how much time and work Chris Young (Young’s MMA head coach) and the rest of the coaching staff and team have put into making me the best version of myself. I do this for them, my team and my family.


I am pumped to be fighting alongside my First Class MMA brothers and sisters in September and I will be so proud to hand that 155 NEF Championship belt to John Raio (First Class MMA head coach) and tell him, ‘There’s more where that came from,'said Velado in closing. “As far as ‘Heroes & Villains,’ I believe every man or woman who steps in that cage is a hero, but you have to have a little villain inside you to do what’s necessary to win.


Nova Anglio Kverelas 'proksima okazaĵo, "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, Septembro 10, 2016 ĉe la Androscoggin Banko Colisée en Lewiston, Majno. Bileta komenco ĉe nura $25 Kaj estas sur vendo nun #?e Www.thecolisee.com #A? de vokanta la Colis?E skatola oficejo #?e 207.783.2009 X 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


Por pli da informo sur la evento kaj batala karto ĝisdatigoj, bonvolu viziti la retejon de la promocio ĉe Www.newenglandfights.com. Krome, vi povas rigardi NEF-filmetojn ĉe Www.youtube.com/nefmma, Sekvi ilin sur Pepi @nefights kaj #ali?i la oficialan Facebook grupo ??Ew Angliaj Bataloj.?

Unbeaten Contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko Meets Former World Champion Sam Soliman in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN Deportes Thursday, Julio 21 from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT (8 P.M. Et / 5 p.m. PT)

Plus! Undefeated Brawler Ievgen Khytrov Meets
Middleweight Contender Paul Mendez in Co-Main Event
Biletoj sur Vendo Nun!
MASHANTUCKET, CT (Junio 27, 2016) – Rising middleweight contender SergiyThe Technician” Derevyanchenko (8-0, 6 KOs) Prenos sur eksa monda #?ampiono Sam “King” Soliman (44-13, 18 KOs) En la 10-rondo #?efa evento de Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono Sur ESPN & ESPN Deportes Sur #?A?do, Julio 21 from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.
Televidigita priraportado komenciĝas je 8 P.M. ET/5 P.M. PT and features a middleweight showdown between hard-hitting Ievgen Khytrov (13-0, 11 KOs) and California’s Paul Mendez (19-2-2, 9 KOs) en 10-preterpasas de ago.
I’m excited about this opportunity to headline against an experienced former champion,” said Derevyanchenko. “Soliman has accomplished a lot, but right now he is standing in the way of me being a world champion. You will see the best version of me on July 21 and I will show why I am a dangerous fighter in this division.
This is a crossroads fight so I am leaving nothing to chance and will do every bit of training needed to win this fight,” said Soliman. “We are both fighting for world title position and I know Sergiy will fight hard for this win. This all makes it a great contest.
Biletoj por la viva evento, Kiu estas #anta?enigi de DiBella Distro, Estas alprezigita #?e $150, $75 Kaj $45 Ne inkluzivanta aplikeblajn servajn akuzojn kaj impostojn kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj estas haveblaj #?e Www.ticketmaster.com Kaj www.foxwoods.com or by visiting the FoxwoodsBox Office. To charge by phone call Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.
“Sur Julio 21, PBC on ESPN will feature two Ukrainian amateur prodigies and former Olympians who are now tearing through the middleweight division,” Diris Lou DiBella, Prezidanto de DiBella Distro. “Sergiy Derevyanchenko, just eight fights into his pro career, will meet the experienced former champion Sam Soliman in a world title eliminator. The explosive Ievgen Khytrov, known as the ‘Ukranian Lion’, will open the telecast facing contender Paul Mendez in the toughest test of his career.
Foxwoods Resort Casino continues to offer the most compelling nationally-televised boxing events, featuring the very best fighters in the world,” said Felix Rappaport, Prezidanto & CEO of Foxwoods Resort Casino. “For nearly 25 Jaroj, Foxwoods has been considered the ‘Fight Capital of the Northeast,’ and our Summer Boxing Series will only build upon that fact. In true Foxwoods fashion, boxing fans can expect non-stop action and excitement from the moment the bell rings.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Olympics, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn. The unbeaten 30-year-old defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Alan Campa |, Vladine Biosse and a thrilling third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow. He began 2016 by stopping Mike Guy in March and will look to keep that momentum going on Julio 21.
An experienced fighter who was once a kickboxing champion, Soliman won his middleweight world title in 2014 when he defeated Felix Sturm in Germany. Representing Melbourne, #A?stralio, Soliman owns a victory over former world champion Sakio Bika in addition to triumphs over veterans Enrique Ornelas, Les Sherrington, Giovanni Lorenzo and Sean Sulivan.
Another Olympian who represented his native Ukraine, Khytrov also won an Amatuer World Championship before turning pro in 2013. Pro tio ke tiam, the 27-year-old has dominated on his way to stopping contenders Josh Luteran and Nick Brinson in addition to previously unbeaten fighters Maurice Louishomme and Aaron Coley. Now training out of Brooklyn, his last outing saw him dominate Kenneth McNeil in his first 10-round bout.
Fighting out of Delano, Calif., Mendez is undefeated in his last 15 bouts including four victories in 2015. Profesia pro tio ke 2009, the 27-year-old will be making his east coast debut on Julio 21 after stopping Andrik Saralegui in August and defeating veteran David Alonso Lopez.
For information visit Www.premierboxingchampions.com, Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT, @ESPNBoxing and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on ESPN is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Biero.


It was a bitterly cold night in Lewiston last February when Ryan Glover (3-1) won the New England Fights (NEF) #Memkontra?a-milita-artoj (MMA) amateur light-heavyweight title. The months to come would see Glover accept a new job that would take him up and down the East Coast. With little time to train to defend the title, and in the interest of doing right by the division, Glover recently made the difficult decision to relinquish the championship.


NEF executives were quick to act. Pli frue hodiaŭ, the fight promotion announced that Victor Irwin (2-0) would meet Nick Shea (2-0) to fill the vacancy. The two undefeated athletes are scheduled to face-off to determine a new light-heavyweight champion at “NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS” SurSeptembro 10, 2016 En Lewiston.


Irwin was a standout wrestler at Brewer High School in Brewer, Maine at 195-pounds where he was a Class-A state champion. His love for the sport is so strong that when Irwin attended Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC) and learned the school did not have a wrestling program, he created one himself. As a college freshman in 2014 Irwin went to Nationals and achieved All-American status. He currently trains out of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Majno.


I’ve thought a lot about this fight and I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter what I say,” said Irwin, “it matters what I do, and come September 10thyou’re gonna see some serious doing.


2015 was a great start to the MMA career of Nick Shea. In February of that year, he won his debut fight over the much more experienced Jacob Cameron (1-5) Tra unua-rondo teknika #knoka?to. Later in the year, Shea would go on to defeat Ruben Redman (0-1) by decision in a hard-fought contest. It would earn Shea a nomination for theRookie of the Year” En la 2015 NEF Year-End Awards. Sur Septembro 10 En Lewiston, Shea will attempt to become the first member of the First Class MMA fight team to capture gold in the NEF cage.


It’s an honor to fight someone from Young’s MMA,” said Shea. “I believe this will be my biggest test in the cage to date. I’m grateful and excited to compete for the amateur light heavyweight title. Victor and I will put on an exciting fight on Sabato, September 10th!”


Nova Anglio Kverelas 'proksima okazaĵo, "NEF 25: HEROES & VILLAINS,” takes place on Saturday, Septembro 10, 2016 ĉe la Androscoggin Banko Colisée en Lewiston, Majno. Bileta komenco ĉe nura $25 Kaj estas sur vendo nun #?e Www.thecolisee.com #A? de vokanta la Colis?E skatola oficejo #?e 207.783.2009 X 525. Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the event.


Por pli da informo sur la evento kaj batala karto ĝisdatigoj, bonvolu viziti la retejon de la promocio ĉe Www.newenglandfights.com. Krome, vi povas rigardi NEF-filmetojn ĉe Www.youtube.com/nefmma, Sekvi ilin sur Pepi @nefights kaj #ali?i la oficialan Facebook grupo ??Ew Angliaj Bataloj.?


Rising Promotions, New Jersey’s busiest promoter set for 4th event in just seven month on July 22

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (Junio 27, 2016)–Vendrede Nokto, July 22nd, Rising Promotions will present it’s 4th big event at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
No doubt another sold-crowd will be on hand to witness the action as Rising Promotions is establishing itself as the busiest promoter in the Garden State.
The shows have consistently featured some of the best talent in the Tri-Stae (#Nov-?erzejo, Nov-Jorko & Pennsylvania.) in competitive, fan-friendly bouts in front of a packed venue at The Claridge.
The first three shows have gone exactly to the blueprint which we set out for when we came up with the concept,” said Debra LaManna of Rising Promotions.
The response has been terrific on all fronts. From the fighters, the fan turn out and sponsors. The Clardige and the New Jersey State Athletic Commission have been a pleasure to work with as well.
I think when fans know that every couple months they know they can see these kinds of events with Rising Promotions, the events start to sell themselves. With events scheduled for July, September and November, we will continue to build on what we have started.
Said Thomas LaManna of Rising Promotions, “Every big time promoter starts somewhere, I just so happened to start at the age of 24 while still active in my career with a pro record of 18-1.
It all started out with just doing these shows to keep me active. Ray McCline of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and I met in Las Vegas during the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight week and discussed doing shows at The Claridge because he had a direct connection with them. When the meeting was over, I started to see the big picture with it so I than sat down with my parents and my promoter Mr. Vincent M. Ponte of Gulf Stream Promotions, we put together a strong team with a solid mission and three successful shows later, here we are,” Continued Thomas LaManna.
It feels great to open doors for fighters to jump start there career. Ĝis nun, I was able to have four boxers make their professional debut on my shows so far and they include (former Olympian Luis Perozo, 2016 United States Olympic alternate Leroy Davila & Marvin Johnson).
It’s always been my dream and goal to become a world champion. That’s first and foremost because I am still a fighter first, but I also have a goal to be one of the top promoters in the sport of boxing. Most people say I can’t, waste of time, no money to be made. That’s there way of thinking and they can keep that mindset. I strive to be great in everything I do and this is just another journey. Keep a lookout for Rising Promotions.
Biletoj estas $125 for premium, $77 Ringside stage and $52 reserved and are available atwww.risingboxingpromotions.com #A? 609-487-4444
Instagram: risingpromo

Baranchyk Blitzes Cruz; Witt-Morrison, Cook win in Miami, OK


Miami, OK (Junio 27, 2016) – Hot junior welterweight prospect Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk kept his perfect record intact following a three round thrashing of previously unbeaten Eliseo Cruz Saturday, Junio 25 in Miami, OK.

Topping an exciting fight card promoted by Holden Productions, Baranchyk fought his second consecutive match in the Sooner State. Backed by chants of “Beast, Beast, Beast” from the packed house at the Buffalo Run Casino, Baranchyk battered Cruz until his corner threw in the towel at 1:07 of the third round.

Baranchyk, a Russian based in Brooklyn, NY, Estas nun 11-0 Kun 10 Gajnoj de #knoka?to. Cruz, of Chiapas, Meksiko, Estas 9-1-1 Kun 6 KO’s following his first setback.

“Four State Franchise” member Jesse Cook of Seneca, MO scored an impressive knockout of hard-hitting Balmaro Solis at 57 seconds of round three. After a slow opening stanza, Cook finished strong with a combination to cap the second. Early in round three, Cook connected with a picture perfect left hook to the body that sent Solis down for the count.

Cook improves to 17-1 (12 KO’s) while Solis of Kansas City, MO slips to 12-3 with all 12 Gajnoj de #knoka?to.

Undefeated heavyweight Kenzie Witt-Morrison demolished previously unbeaten Robby Mendez Je 2 Minutoj Kaj 30 Sekundoj. Witt-Morrison who fights out of Tulsa, OK and is the half-brother of Trey Lippe-Morrison, battered Mendez until the stoppage.

A member of the “Four State Franchise” who bears a striking resemblance to his late father Tommy Morrison, Witt-Morrison is now 9-0-1 Kun 8 #Knoka?to. Mendez heads back to Topeka, KS with a 2-1 Rekordo.

Bartlesville, OK’s Jarrett “Legacy” Rouse (9-0-1, 4 KO’s) and Noel Esqueda of Wichita, KS (6-3-1, 3 KO’s) fought to a six round draw. The competitive bout could’ve gone either way as both men had their moments but the judges ultimately ruled it even.

En alia ago, Cuban cruiserweight Luis Garcia (14-0, 12 KO’s) stopped Kansas City, MO veteran Demetrius Walker (8-13-2, 4 KO’s) en la unua raŭndo.

2012 Azerbaijani Olympian Gaybatulla Gadzhialiyev debuted successfully by outpointing Wichita resident Brandon Phillips Black (1-1, 1 KO) in a middleweight contest.

Debuting World Series of Boxing standout Hurshidbek Normatov of Uzbekistan topped Wichita’s Ramon Barber (6-11, 5 KO’s) in a middleweight affair.

“This was an outstanding, talent rich card.” said Tony Holden. “Ivan Baranchyk is quickly building himself a nice fan base here in Oklahoma and two of the “Four State Franchisemembers scored knockouts. We expect to have Trey Lippe-Morrison back shortly and continue to provide our ticketholders with outstanding cards.”

Holden Productions’ next fight card will be announced shortly.

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