SANTA MONICA, CALIFÓRNIA (Agosto 16, 2016) - Apenas nove dias antes do tão esperado "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull ” evento em Agosto 26 no Honda Center em Anaheim, Calif., ferimentos sofridos por lutadores do card principal Henry Corrales e Lena Ovchynnikova abalou um pouco as coisas. Invicto pluma A.J. McKee (4-0) agora vai enfrentar Cody Walker (7-2), enquanto Bubba Jenkins (11-2) e Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1) se encontram em uma luta de longa metragem de peso pena durante o card principal transmitido pela SPIKE.

As lutas se juntam a um card principal que destaca uma superluta de 155 libras entre Benson Henderson (23-6) e Patrick "Pitbull" (25-3), já que os dois vão brigar por uma chance de Michael Chandler's cinturão do campeonato. Além, uma competição explosiva de peso leve Você Awad (19-7) contra Derek Anderson (13-2) servirá como co-evento principal da noite.

Em ação preliminar, welterweights Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr. e Joey Davis farão suas estreias profissionais, enquanto Chinzo Machida (3-2) vai competir pela primeira vez sob a bandeira do Bellator MMA.

Os ingressos para o evento começam em $30 e podem ser adquiridos agora na Ticketmaster e no Honda Center Box Office. As portas abrem às 4:45 p.m. PT hora local e a primeira luta preliminar - que é transmitida ao vivo no e O Bellator Mobile App — começa às 5:00 p.m. PT.

Depois de começar sua carreira 7-1 como amador, o “Mercenary”, de 21 anos, fez sucesso no circuito profissional, gravando um perfeito 4-0 marcar através de suas primeiras quatro lutas. McKee luta sob a bandeira do Bellator MMA desde que fez sua estreia profissional no 2015, terminando todas as suas competições no quadro de abertura, incluindo três nocautes e finalização do mata-leão. A vitória mais recente de McKee veio às custas do italiano Danilo Belluardo durante a parte de artes marciais mistas do primeiro evento de MMA do Bellator no exterior, "Bellator 152: Freire vs. Souza. ” The Long Beach, Califa. nativo agora vai levar sua personalidade chamativa para o Honda Center, onde ele terá a chance de colocar suas habilidades únicas em plena exibição diante dos fãs de sua cidade natal.

Concordar em participar de um concurso profissional de artes marciais mistas em curto prazo não é uma tarefa fácil, fazer isso contra um lutador invicto do calibre de McKee é ainda mais assustador. Mas esse é exatamente o cenário em que Walker se encontra agora antes de próxima sexta-feira evento. Um concorrente duas vezes do Bellator, “O Corvo” parecerá mover-se acima .500 dentro da promoção quando ele entra na gaiola do Honda Center. O texano de 28 anos terminou todas as suas sete vitórias profissionais por nocaute técnico ou nocaute, incluindo quatro na primeira rodada.

Um veterano de longa data do Bellator MMA, Karakhanyan vai tentar voltar à pista depois de perder duas derrotas por decisão contestada contra Jenkins, que ele derrotou facilmente há quase dois anos por meio da finalização da guilhotina. Conhecido por muitos fãs de artes marciais mistas como “Insane,”O jovem de 31 anos terminou 18 da sua 24 ganha como um profissional, ganhando vários títulos em promoções regionais ao longo do caminho. Após vários contratempos no joelho, o lutador russo está finalmente saudável e agora parece escalar a escada de 145 libras em uma divisão competitiva que antes ocupava o topo como o Não. 1 contendor.

Poucos anos atrás, Bubba Jenkins foi amplamente considerado como a melhor perspectiva do MMA em todo o esporte, embora o título tenha ficado manchado após a derrota mencionada para Karakhanyan em “Bellator 132.” O ex-lutador campeão nacional da NCAA com a Arizona State University agora tem três vitórias consecutivas em seu currículo, e está procurando por redenção. Entrando em sua 11ª luta sob a promoção liderada por Scot Coker, o "Highlight Kid" de 28 anos parece ter um desempenho de destaque na incrivelmente profunda divisão peso pena do Bellator. Sintonize Agosto 26 para ver se a Corona, Calif., nativo pode retribuir o favor e terminar Karakhanyan na frente de seus apoiadores locais.


Complete "Bellator 160: Henderson vs. Pitbull ”cartão principal televisado SPIKE:

Leve Não. 1 Evento principal do competidor: Benson Henderson (23-6) vs. Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (25-3)

Co-Main leve Evento: Você Awad (19-7) vs. Derek Anderson (13-2)

Combate Recurso Peso Pena: A.J. McKee (4-0) vs. Cody Walker (7-2)

Combate Recurso Peso Pena: Bubba Jenkins (11-2) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (24-6-1)


Cartão preliminar transmitido por

Luta preliminar peso pena: Chinzo Machida (3-2) vs. Mario navarro (4-4)

Luta preliminar peso meio-médio: Joey Davis (Pro Debut) vs. Keith Cutrone (1-0)

Luta preliminar peso meio-médio: Kevin Ferguson Jr. (Pro Debut) vs. Jon Tomasian (Pro Debut)

Luta Preliminar Leve: Gabriel Green (2-0) vs. Alex Trinity (1-0)

Luta Preliminar de Peso Mosca: Steve Ramirez (4-1) vs. Ron Henderson (4-2)

Luta Preliminar de Peso Mosca: Kyle Estrada (3-2) vs. David Duran (3-4)

Luta Preliminar Leve: Mike Segura (4-3) vs. Jacob Rosales (3-2)

Luta preliminar peso meio-médio: Jonny Cisneros (9-4) vs. Andy Murad (12-2)

Luta Preliminar Leve: Jake Roberts (6-0) vs. Stephen Martinez (11-4)

ricina Adds “cavalo Krazy” vs. Kimura Para setembro. 25 Grand Prix Evento

K-1 kickboxing estrela Minoru Kimura (retratado) fará sua estréia regras MMA contra Charles “cavalo Krazy” Bennett no altamente antecipado ricina FF Grand Prix Mundial 2016: Evento de abertura redonda em Tóquio, Japão em Domingo, Sete. 25. Foto cortesia de (C)M-1 Sports Media.

Rezim FF:
IN MMA AÇÃO em Tóquio Setembro 25

TÓQUIO - Agosto 18, 2016 - Rezim FF, a federação esportes de combate liderado pelo ex-PRIDE Fighting Championships patrão Nobuyuki Sakakibara, anunciou hoje a adição de uma pluma (145 libras) Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) matchup entre o ex-PRIDE FC e EliteXC estrela Charles “Krazy Horse” Bennett (29-30-2) e K-1 kickboxing artista KO Minoru Kimura (MMA: 0-0, Kickboxing: 21-6-1, 15 KO) para já empilhados Grande Prémio da federação em Tóquio Domingo, Sete. 25.

Um veterano de 17 anos do esporte com um agressivo, multidão-agradável estilo de luta, o 5-foot-8, 36-year-old Bennett de Ocala, Fla. colocar-se no mapa 16 anos atrás, com uma primeira rodada (1:55) KO (soco) de Yoshiro Maeda no Pride Bushido 7 em Tóquio, em maio 22, 2005.

maior ponto de Bennett no esporte até hoje foi sem dúvida seu um soco, primeiro round (3:43), perturbar KO do ex-estrela do UFC e Strikeforce K.J. Noons, que entrou na disputa um favorito pesado sobre Bennett. A luta de alto nível teve lugar no EliteXC: Destino, a primeira, ao vivo evento televisionado canal Showtime, em história do MMA.

Bennett vem de uma espetacular, 43 segunda submissão (chave de calcanhar) de Paul Rodriguez em Kissimmee, Fla. em Maio 14.

Acima: Charles “cavalo Krazy” Bennett fará seu retorno ao Japão e estrear para RIZIN FF em Setembro 25

Classificado como alto número dois do mundo na divisão peso pena do kickboxing a partir do fechamento de 2015, o 5-foot-8, 22-year-old Kimura, que permanentemente se mudou para o Japão com a idade de três, depois de ter nascido em Curitiba, Brasil para uma quarta geração, mãe brasileira-japonesa e pai brasileiro-italiano, fará sua estréia nas regras do MMA.

The Fighting mal-humorada Kairos Gym competidor que tem cativado os fãs de luta com o seu comportamento estridente, tenha vencido um número de adversários notáveis ​​no anel kickboxing, IncluindoKaew Fairtex bem como estrelas japonesas Hideaki Yamazaki e Masaaki Noiri, para alcançar o status de elite no esporte.

Em sua última partida, Kimura pegou uma vitória por decisão unânime sobre "Nenhum homem" em um K-1 World Grand Prix torneio reserva ataque em Junho 24.

O evento RIZIN FF será encabeçado pelo pontapé de saída do muito antecipado, 16-Homem torneio peso aberta.

Lendas do MMA Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic (MMA: 31-11-1, 1 NC; Kickboxing: 23-8, 12 KO) e Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC) estão entre os nove concorrentes que foram anunciadas como participantes do torneio. primeiros matchups estágio do torneio será anunciada em breve.

Ricina FF Grand Prix Mundial 2016: Opening Round

Cartão de Luta Atualizado

Open Weight Bout Torneio: Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic vs. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Kazuyuki Fujita vs. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Baruto Kaito vs. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Vs. Jiri Prochazka. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Teodorasu Aukstuolis vs.. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Karl Albrektsson vs.. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Valentine Moldavski vs. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Amir Aliakbari vs. TBA
Leve: Daron Cruickshank vs. Andy Souwer
Peso-pesado: Gabi Garcia vs. Destanie Yarbrough
strawweight: Kanako Murata vs. Kyra Batara
peso TBD: Rena Kubota vs. Is Yamamoto
peso TBD: Asen Yamamoto vs. Kizaemon Saiga
Pena: Charles Bennett vs. Minoru Kimura

Siga Rezim FF:

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Chilro –

History making WMMAA Pan-American Championship Oct. 7-9 in Santiago, Chile

MONTE CARLO, Monaco (Agosto 18, 2016)- History will be made Outubro 7-9 when Chile hosts the inaugural World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) Pan-American ChampionshipCHILE 2016in Santiago.
Initiative on MMA as a sport will build on the well-earned reputation of previous martial arts history in terms of addressing, sharing and discussing significant developments and social advancements that will impact the future of MMA.
CHILE 2006 attendees will have an opportunity to receive unique and powerful insights into the new era of MMA.
The WMMAA Pan-American Division is known for its broad, multi-disciplinary approach and stellar lineupThe primary goal of CHILE 2016 is to make a social impact, creating awareness around the powerful influence of martial arts among youths,,” dito Tomas Yu, President of the WMMAA Pan-American Division, “as well as to provide a healthy platform for sport, tourism and economic development as a united front. Its collegiate environment promises to foster debate, discussion and collaboration.
Chile 2016 will be a lifetime experience for all with special guests as Chile PresidentMichelle Bachelete and WMMAA honorary president Fedor Emilianenko, sem dúvida o maior lutador de MMA de todos os tempos.
Local Organizing Committee Chairman Alberto Maturana and his committee members look forward to welcoming everyone to Santiago to experience history in the making for the sport of MMA. Together with the WMMAA Pan-American Executive Board, they are working tirelessly to bring this important event to Santiago for the continental athletes, promotores, treinadores, as empresas, and tourism. The honorary panel of individuals who are making the inaugural WMMAA Pan-American ChampionshipCHILE 2016 a reality include the following:
WMMAA Pan-American President – Tomas Yu
WMMAA Chile PresidentAlberto Maturana
Collaboration and AdvocacyEric Castaños
National PressYenifer Marquez
International PressEdgar Campos
EXPO MMAJose Antonio Urrutia
International Multi-MediaCarlos Fourzan
National Executive ProductionFelipe Concha
Publicist – Bob Trieger
Organization MembershipChristian Parra
Officials Certification & AccreditationHector Molina
Medical – Dr. Justo Pavia
Health Training and EducationCurt Chavez
Special Interest GroupSusan Murphy
Ring Girl LatinaPablo Cortes
Combat Sports Administration Masters DegreeIvan Hinojosa
Diseño Pedro Cabrera
Chilro: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

Team Shumenov responds to Lebedev vs. Gassiev world title fight announcement

LAS VEGAS (Agosto 17,, 2016) – Team Shumenov believes it is worth reviewing recent history enlight of the recent announcement that WBA Super/IBF cruiserweight world champion Denis Lebedev will defend against Murat Gassiev in late November or early December in Russia: A condition for allowing Lebedev to fight IBF cruiserweight champion Victor Emilio Ramirez em Maio 21, 2016 was that Lebedev had to fight WBA cruiserweight world champion Shumenov Beibu dentro de 120 dias. (Lebedev hasn’t made a mandatory defense since April 10, 2015.) Shumenov has done everything to make that fight, while Lebedev has done nothing but run from his mandatory title fight. When it first became obvious in June that Lebedev was trying to avoid his mandated WBA title fight, Shumenov repeatedly requested that the WBA order a purse bid.
Lebedev ignored the WBA and then recently sought, after the WBA deadline had passed, a special permit allowing him to fight Gassiev, which Shumenov officially objected to dentro de 48 horas. WBA Interim cruiserweight world champion yunier Dorticós has also objected. At this present time, embora, Team Shumenov is still waiting to hear the WBA’s ruling in terms of stripping Lebedev if he decides to fight Gassiev instead of Shumenov.
It really is very simple. Shumenov wants to fight Lebedev, who is doing everything he can to avoid it. If Lebedev doesn’t care to meet his obligations and conditions of his prior special permit, he should relinquish his title. Lebedev and his people need to rejoin the rest of us in the real world and stop claiming that Shumenov has not been pushing for this fight.
According to a recent report, Lebedev’s camp members erroneously reported that, “Shumenov is not exactly pushing the issue” (to fight Lebedev next).
Fãs podem Beibut Shumenov amigo em seu Facebook Fan Page no


“I want to be heavyweight champion of the world. I want all the belts’’ – Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller

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Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller is brash, outspoken and powerful. In the last year alone, he’s called out the entire heavyweight division, most notably world champions Deontay Wilder e Anthony Joshua. It’s Miller Time, “Big Baby” believes. Bring on anybody!

Os invictos, world-ranked Miller, de Brooklyn, N.I., é 17-0-1 com 15 nocautes. The 28-year-old meets veteran Fred Gato (18-5-1, 10 KOs), de Nova Orleães, em Sexta-feira 10-round main event of a ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader viver ALTURA DE COMEÇAR® (10 p.m. E/PT) a partir de Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N.I..

“Every time I get into the ring I’m looking for knockouts,’’ says Miller, who has scored six consecutive stoppages in a row. “I want to be heavyweight champion of the world. Quero que todos os cintos.

“I can box. I can slug. I bring the pain … and I’ve got a big damn mouth
and I’m not afraid to use it.”

# # #

No ShoBox co-metragem, Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard (31-1, 23 KOs) rostos Bahodir “Baha” Mamadjonov(18-2, 11 KOs) de Houston, Texas by way of Uzbekistan in a 10-rounder for the WBO NABO Lightweight Title.


In two more scheduled 10-round bouts, invicto Antonio Nieves (16-0-1, 8 KOs) de Cleveland, Ohio, defends his WBO NABO 118-pound crown against Mexico’s Alejandro Santiago (11-2-1, 3 KOs), e, in the telecast opener,undefeated welterweight knockout artist Bakhtiyar Eyubov (10-0, 10 KOs) de Brooklyn, N.I.. by way of Kazakhstan, meets veteran Karim Mayfield (19-3-1, 11 KOs), de San Francisco, Califa.


Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions and Greg Cohen Promotions are available at


Barry Tompkins vai chamar a ShoBox ação do ringue com Steve Farhood e ex-campeão do mundo Raul Marquez will serve as expert analysts. O produtor executivo é Gordon Hall com Rico Gaughan e produzindo Rick Phillips direção.

Claudio Marrero Training Camp Quotes

Exciting Featherweight Contender Takes On Unbeaten Derrick Murray in Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Main Event Domingo, Agosto 21 From Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
BROOKLYN (Agosto 17, 2016) – Contendor emocionante ClaudioThe Matrix” Marrero is ready to make a statement in the featherweight division beginning with his Premier Boxe dos Campeões em NBCSN showdown against undefeated Derrick Murray esteDomingo, Agosto 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
Televised coverage on NBCSN begins at 9 p.m. E/6 p.m. PT and features exciting contenders Urze “The Heat” Ousado e Cheio de conchas “Caminho de Shelito” Vincent battling in a matchup of unbeaten rivals. PBC on NBC will begin at 5 p.m. E/2 p.m. PT and sees undefeated rising star Errol “A Verdade” Spence Jr. facing once-beaten contender Leonard “O Leão” Bundu in a welterweight world title eliminator.
Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, começa ás $35 e já estão à venda. Os bilhetes podem ser comprados on-line, visitando e
Marrero enters this bout the winner of six-straight fights, including a sensational knockout of former world champion Rico Ramos last July. Agora, the self-describedboxer-puncher with exceptional defenseis looking to get himself a world title opportunity and show off his skills against the unbeaten Murray no domingo.
Here is what Marrero had to say about his start in the Dominican Republic, his opponent, the featherweight division and more:
What was it like growing up in the Dominican Republic?

Claudio Marrero: It was really toughmy dad was a jack of all trades and I was the oldest of three boys. My dad was my biggest influence on keeping me out of trouble. He trained me early on as an amateur and that’s where I developed my fundamentals. Because of him I’m here today and I’m very grateful.
How did you first get introduced to boxing? What boxers did you look up to growing up?

CM: As a child, my dad and I would watch fights. He thought boxing would keep me off the streets, onde 9 de 10 kids in my country end up dead, or in jail. Around 8-years old I started boxing. Favorite fighter is PernellSweet Pee” Whitaker.
When did you come to America? What led you to making that decision?

CM: The journey to come to America started in January of 2010, when my manager/trainer now, Herman Caicedo, came to the D.R. to scout Juan Carlos Payano and myself. We met and he promised to work hard on our behalf and look out for us. Unlike many others who had said similar things, Herman was a man of his word. I was able to solidify myself with hard work, so here we are.

Q. Talk about your team and how they’ve helped you transition to life in America and progress your boxing career:

CM: There has been one man who has helped with everything I know in Boxing as a pro, and life here in the states, and that’s Herman Caicedo, our manager/trainer. He took us on as his kids and treated us like his own children, not just fighters. All of us who train with him owe our progression and discipline to him. Além, Henry Rivalta and Gary Jonas, our other managers, have been very instrumental in the progress as well. We are a strong team with goals of becoming world champions together.

Q. What do you know about your opponent? What kind of problems does he pose?
CM: Sei que ele está invicto. I know he’s coming to win and that he’s from St. Louis. There isn’t anything I see in him that has me concerned except the fact that he’s unbeaten. Anyone who is unbeaten is going to go that extra mile to come out victorious. But that really is not a problem in my eyes. I’m a hungry fighter as well. The problem for him is that he stands in my way of getting back in the ring with all the top guys.

Q. How important is a win on August 21 to your career? Which fighters would you like to face next and how do you think you matchup with the top featherweights?

CM: I want everyone all at 126 libras. These guys have been evading, ducking and dodging me. None of these guys want to face me. I want them all. I’ll fight them all on the same night if I have to. I’m tired of them hiding. It’s very frustrating when my managers tell me they don’t want to fight me. So I must make a statement each time I step in the ring and it starts with Derrick Murray.

Q. What is your prediction for your fight on Agosto 21?

CM: My opponent will feel pain!
Plataforma de programação do Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXE ™ é apresentado pela AARP. PBC na NBC é patrocinado pela Corona, A cerveja mais fina.
Para mais informações visite e, siga no TwitterPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ESwanson_Comm ou tornar-se um fã no Facebook em,, e Highlights available at


Lewiston, Maine (Agosto 17, 2016) – For the second time in New England Fights (NEF) história, a professional women’s mixed-martial-arts (MMA) bout will take to the fight promotion’s cage. EmSetembro 10, 2016 when NEF returns to Lewiston with its next event, “NEF 25: HERÓIS & VILLAINS,” the professional portion of the MMA card will feature a women’s flyweight bout between Sara “SwitchKick” Clique (0-1) e Valéria “Valociraptor” Aspaas (0-0). Click and Aspaas will look to continue the recent tradition of women’s fights taking “Luta da Noite” honors at NEF events. Judging from the extensive martial arts backgrounds of both competitors, the fight could very well do just that.


Sarah Click made her initial foray into the martial arts world at just eight-years-old when she began training in Taekwondo. Now a sergeant in the United States Army, Click began competing in MMA in 2014 after returning from a tour of Afghanistan. Over the course of her amateur career, Click captured several regional titles throughout New England and New York. She made her professional debut for national promotion Invicta last spring. Click is a member of Team Juniko of Hyannis, Massachusetts.


I’m really excited for the opportunity to fight at one of New England’s best promotions,” said Click of NEF. “They are doing big things for fighters, and they are coming off one of their best shows to date. Valerie has fought some of the best 125 talent, going the distance with KGB and Kaitlyn Chookagain. I’m going to do what I do best and bring a war that you won’t want to miss!”


Como seu oponente, Valerie Aspaas got her start in martial arts at a young age, training in Isshin-Ryu Karate. She currently holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Em 2014, Aspaas won the Buffalo, New York version of the Golden Gloves. She made her NEF debut at “NEF IX” em Biddeford, Maine, defeating Maria Rios (2-3) por decisão unânime. The fight was a brutal bloodbath that had the capacity crowd on the edge of its collective seat for the duration. Aspaas will enter the professional ranks at “NEF 25.”


My professional debut has been a long time coming, and I am honored to have the opportunity to do it under NEF,” said Aspaas when reached for comment. “I fought for them a few years back, and I believe that the promotion and the people of Maine remember the bloody, exciting battle I fought against Maria Rios. They should expect to see more of the same ferocity and grit from a more evolved version of the Valociraptor when I step back into the cage on September 10th.


próximo evento 'New England Fights, "NEF 25: HERÓIS & VILLAINS,” ocorre em Sábado, Setembro 10, 2016 no Colisée Androscoggin Bank em Lewiston, Maine. Os ingressos começam em apenas $25 e já estão à venda no ou ligando para o escritório de caixa em Colisée 207.783.2009 X 525.


Para mais informações sobre as atualizações de cartões de eventos e de luta, por favor visite o site da promoção no Além, você pode assistir a vídeos no NEF, segui-los no Twitternefights e juntar-se ao grupo no Facebook oficial "New England Lutas".

Three Roc Nation promoted fighters in action this Saturday in Milwaukee Local favorite, Luis “Cuba” Arias gunning for first title Sonny Fredrickson and Tyler McCreary also in action

Milwaukee, Wisc. (Agosto 17, 2016)–LUIS “CUBAARIAS will take on battle tested Darryl Cunningham (33-8, 13 KO) for the USBA Middleweight title this sábado à noite no Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee.
Also on the bill will be two more Roc Nation fighters that are managed by Victory Sports & Entertainment in undefeated prospects, super leve SONNY FREDRICKSON e pluma TYLER MCCREARY.

Arias (15-0, 7 KO) de Milwaukee, was a highly touted amateur who was a 2008 e 2010 national champion, and he will be will be looking for his first professional title and a ranking in the IBF.

In Cunningham, Arias is fighting a 14 year veteran who has wins over former world title challengers Antwun Echols and Rubin Williams.

This will be the 2nd consecutive fight for the 26 year-old Arias in his hometown where he has proven to be a bona fide attraction and ticket seller.

Em Junho 4, Arias stopped Jorge Silva in three rounds at the same venue and had Milwaukee fight fans eager for him to return.

Fredrickson of Toledo has a record of 13-0 com nove knockouts, will make his third start of 2016.

O 22 year-old power puncher, recently identified by Ring Magazine as one of the new faces to keep an eye on in the sport, continues to develop as he will take on the tough veteran Ramesis Gil.

Gil has wins over previously undefeated Carney Bowman & Luis Joel Gonzales.

The speedy and highly skilled McCreary, também de Toledo, Ohio tem um recorde de 10-0 with six knockouts and like Fredrickson, will be making his third appearance of 2016.

McCreary’s opponent will be veteran gatekeeper Dwayne Wisdom.

This is a big night for our three fighters,” said Rick Torres of Victory Sports and Entertainment.

These are three of the brightest prospects in boxing, e em “Cuba’scase, it is time for him to make a move to the next level. We feel he is getting better everyday under John David Jackson, and with a win he becomes a legitimate contender in the middleweight division. The fights will only get bigger from here for “Cuba”, his time is now and we’re confident that he will become a force in the middleweight division for years to come. Sonny and Tyler are coming along very nicely. They are getting the right fights and getting much needed experience as they continue in their development. Gil is a capable opponent, who should provide Sonny a good test, while Wisdom should be a good learning experience for Tyler, after that, we will look to step them up with each fight.

Esportes de Vitória & Entertainment is an athlete management company with offices in New York and Las Vegas. Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Michael Leanardi, Victory has steadily built an impressive stable of young prospects that it is grooming for future stardom. Esportes de Vitória’

Top Fighters Support Undefeated Contender Heather Hardy as She Prepares to Take On Fellow Unbeaten Shelly Vincent In Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN This Sunday, Agosto 21 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT)

(Crédito da foto: (Top Image) James Devaney;
(Bottom Image) Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment)
All-Action Fan Favorite Boasts Historic Punch Stats Heading into Matchup At
Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
BROOKLYN (Agosto 16, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight contender Urze “The Heat” Ousado is ready to take center stage and she has garnered the praise of the sport’s top fighters as she prepares to take on longtime rival Cheio de conchas “Caminho de Shelito” Vincent em Premier Boxe dos Campeões em NBCSN ação Domingo, Agosto 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
PBC on NBCSN coverage begins at 9 p.m. E/6 p.m. PT and features exciting contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Marrero É ótima exposição Derrick Murray. PBC on NBC is headlined by undefeated rising star Errol “A Verdade” Spence Jr. facing once-beaten contender Leonard “O Leão” Bundu in a welterweight world title eliminator that begins at 5 p.m. E/2 p.m. PT.
Always in entertaining battles, Hardy’s punches per round stats far exceed the average for her weight class and prove why everyone believes her matchup with Vincent will be all-action. In six CompuBox-tracked fights, Hardy has averaged 83.4 punches per two-minute round, which projects to a staggering 111.2 if fought over three minutes. This number would far exceed the two men’s leaders Roman Gonzalez e Leo Santa Cruz. Her two-minute output of 83.4 punches per round would rank her fourth among the men over three minutes, ahead of hard-hitters Gennady Golovkin (68.6), Andrzej Fonfara (75.1), Orlando Salido (71) e Abner Mares (69.4) amongst others in the top ten.
I think that if there is a female boxer out there that should and deserves to be seen, it’s Heather Hardy,” said former world champion Shawn Porter. “She has put tons of work in. I have seen her fight and train and she is a top competitor and a true athlete in this sport. Some people think it’s taking a chance to put women’s boxing on television, but I think Heather Hardy is the best person to take that chance on. I don’t know anyone that is more worthy of this shot.
Heather Hardy is always in fan friendly and entertaining fights,” said former world champion Paulie Malignaggi. “Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a dull Heather Hardy fight. Mais, she brings a big following and that always makes for a fun, noisy crowd and atmosphere.
A fan-favorite in Brooklyn, Hardy has been helping to fill local venues for years including Barclays Center, where she has fought seven times as a pro. Agora, her long awaited matchup with the unbeaten New Englander Vincent has given her the opportunity to show her talents on a bigger stage.
I couldn’t be happier for my fellow Brooklynite Heather Hardy,” said middleweight world champion Daniel Jacobs. “This is a tremendous opportunity to showcase her talents on TV, and one that she has rightfully earned. This is huge, not only for her, bur for women’s boxing in general.
I think it’s a great for Heather to get this opportunity,” dito Spence Jr.It’s not common that we see women’s boxing on television but there are a lot of women who deserve it. This is great for them and it’s great for the sport.
Heather has been working incredibly hard and grinding for years,” said former world champion Chris Algieri. “It’s great to see her get the exposure she deserves after the time and commitment she has put in to get to this point. She’s one of the most consistent performers in the local area and it’s time for the rest of the world to see her hard work and skills.
Os ingressos para o evento ao vivo, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, começa ás $35 e já estão à venda. Os bilhetes podem ser comprados on-line, visitando e
Plataforma de programação do Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXE ™ é apresentado pela AARP. PBC na NBC é patrocinado pela Corona, A cerveja mais fina.
Para mais informações visite e, siga no TwitterPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ESwanson_Comm ou tornar-se um fã no Facebook em,, e Highlights available at


Retratado (da esquerda para a direita): RIZIN FF estrelas Miyuu Yamamoto, Rena Kubota e Kanako Murata estavam na mão numa conferência de imprensa no Japão hoje para discutir suas lutas no evento RIZIN FF altamente antecipado em Tóquio, Japão em Domingo, Sete. 25. Yamamoto será quadrado fora com Kubota, enquanto Murata vão se enfrentar com Combate Americas estrela Kyra Batara.

Peso-pesado: Gabi Garcia vs. Destanie Yarbrough
strawweight: Kanako Murata vs. Kyra Batara
Rena Kubota vs. Is Yamamoto

Mais: Cinco combatentes adicionado ao 16-homem, torneio de peso livre que começa às extravagância setembro

TÓQUIO - Agosto 16, 2016 - Rezim FF, a federação esportes de combate liderado pelo ex-PRIDE Fighting Championships patrão Nobuyuki Sakakibara, revelou hoje numa conferência de imprensa os matchups para Artes Marciais Misturadas as três mulheres (MMA) lutas previsto para o evento Grand Prix altamente antecipado em Tóquio Domingo, Sete. 25.

Enfrentando com previamente anunciado, invicto MMA estrela em ascensão e nono grau Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gabi Garcia (2-0) será companheiro invicto perspectiva e destaque futebol profissional Destanie Yarbrough (1-0).

Três vezes júnior de wrestling olímpico e invicto MMA arrivista Kanako Murata (3-0) será quadrado fora com Combate Americas MMA estrela Kyra "Mogwai" Batara (5-3) em um strawweight (115 libras) competição.

campeão de boxe shoot renome Rena Kubota (1-0) fará sua segunda partida nas regras do MMA contra pioneiro luta livre de mulheres famosas Is Yamamoto (0-0), que vai fazê-la tão esperada estreia no MMA no mesmo cartão como seu filho, Asen Yamamoto (0-1). O limite de peso do confronto Kubota-Yamamoto será anunciado em breve.

Além, foi anunciado que cinco novos caças - pesos pesados George "Denise" Prochazka (17-3-1) da República Checa e Amir Aliakbari (2-0) do Irã, e meio-pesados Teodorasu Aukstuolis (9-3) da Lituânia,"Rei" Karl Albrektsson (5-0) da Suécia e Moldova valentine (3-0) da Rússia - todos foram adicionados à tão esperada, 16-homem torneio de peso livre que vai começar e manchete o Setembro 25 evento.

Os cinco lutadores join anunciado anteriormente lenda do MMA Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovic (MMA: 31-11-1, 1 NC; Kickboxing: 23-8, 12 KO), companheiro PRIDE FC favorito dos fãs veteranos e desportos de combate Kazuyuki Fujita (15-11) e campeão de luta ex-sumo Baruto Kaito (1-0) na multi-evento, caso de eliminação simples.

primeiros matchups estágio do torneio será anunciada em breve.

Gabi Garcia vs. Destanie Yarbrough

A 6-foot-2, 30-year-old Garcia of Porto Alege, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil vai procurá-la terceira vitória consecutiva MMA após sua segunda rodada (2:04) apresentação (armlock) de Anna Malyukova na extravagância RIZIN FF emAbril 17.

Yarbrough de Fresno, Califa. é um 5-pé-7, 28-running back year-old para o time Football Alliance das mulheres, Anjos da guerra Central Cal, que terminou o seu 2016 temporada com uma perfeita, 7-0 registro. A casa de força atarracado liderou a liga na temporada passada em ambos os touchdowns e jardas.

Um atleta ao longo da vida, Yarbrough fez um explosivo, estreia no MMA profissional emAbril 1, atingir uma de 33 segundos TKO (médico paralisação) em cristal Parson.

Rubrica: Combate Americas MMA star Kyra Batara (acima) fará sua estréia RIZIN FF contra Kanako Murata

Kanako Murata vs. Kyra Batara

O 5-pé-1, 23-year-old Murata de Ehime, Japão fará sua estréia no strawweight após três vitórias consecutivas, os dois últimos dos quais vieram por meio de TKO (socos), em peso mosca (125 libras) concursos.

Lutando fora de Las Vegas, Nev., o 4-pé-11, 21-deus anos, que normalmente luta na atomweight (105 libras) divisão, está montando um de três vitórias seguidas sob a promoção de fora dos EUA. franquia MMA hispânico, Combate Américas.

Em sua última partida, batara terminou Jenny “The Phoenix” Silverio na moda sem precedentes - uma versão ground and pound da patenteado “twister” de Eddie Bravo - que ganhou Batara, protegido de felicitações, um TKO no segundo round (4:13) de batalha.

Rena Kubota vs. Is Yamamoto

O 5-pé-3, 25-year-old Kubota de Osaka, O Japão é um campeão do torneio shoot boxe três vezes que possui uma estelar, carreira registro de kickboxing de 25-5-1 (6 KO).

Kubota fez sua tão esperada MMA governa estréia no evento inaugural RIZIN FF em Dezembro 31, submitting Jleana Valentino com uma chave de braço voando brilhantemente executado na segunda rodada (3:31) de ação.

A filha de wrestler olímpico Ikuei Yamamoto e irmã mais velha de MMA superstar e 2005 Middleweight Grand Prix Campeão do Torneio K-1 Hero Norifumi "Kid" Yamamoto, o 5-pé-1, 42-year-old Vontade de Kanagawa, Japão vai introduzir um novo capítulo em sua carreira e família legado quando ela pisa no RIZIN FF quadrado círculo, pela primeira vez.

Miyuu ganhou seu primeiro campeonato nacional de luta livre quando ela era 13 anos, e, posteriormente, defendeu quatro anos consecutivos. Na idade 17, ela se tornou o mais jovem campeão mundial da história.

O filho de Will, Asen, irá colidir com Kizaemon Saiga (2-1) de Sakai, Japão em um peso a ser determinado.

Ricina FF Grand Prix Mundial 2016: Opening Round

Cartão de Luta Atualizado

Open Weight Bout Torneio: Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic vs. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Kazuyuki Fujita vs. TBA
Open Weight Bout Torneio: Baruto Kaito vs. TBA
Leve: Daron Cruickshank vs. Andy Souwer
Peso-pesado: Gabi Garcia vs. Destanie Yarbrough
strawweight: Kanako Murata vs. Kyra Batara
peso TBD: Rena Kubota vs. Is Yamamoto
peso TBD: Asen Yamamoto vs. Kizaemon Saiga

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