Del Valle on bout with De La Hoya: “Expect fireworks”


Байамон, PR (Август 23, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle is not one to waste time in the squared circle.

Currently the International Boxing Federation’s #8 место соперника, Del Valle scored 16 из его 22 victories by knockout including nine within the first three rounds. Known for bringing the heat to his foes from the opening bell, Del Valle is accustom to partaking in exciting fights and most recently dropped hard-hitting Thomas Snow twice en route to a unanimous decision victory.

На Сентябрь 17, Del Valle faces unbeaten and highly touted Diego De La Hoya in a ten round contest. The bout opens up the Saul Alvarez-Liam Smith pay per view telecast from AT&T стадион в Арлингтоне, Техас. It is also renewing boxing’s oldest rivalry as Del Valle represents Puerto Rico while De La Hoya fights out of Mexico. The nephew of boxing legend Oscar De La Hoya, Diego’s 15-0 с 9 побед нокаутом. В Мае, he battered previously unbeaten Rocco Santomaruo en route to a 7й round stoppage.

Долина, who is seven years De La Hoya’s senior, serves as a notable step up in class. Del Valle respects De La Hoya’s ability and believes it will be a classic Puerto Rico vs Mexico type battle while it lasts before his experience ultimately powers him to victory.

“The fans can expect fireworks on the 17й,” Del Valle said of his upcoming showdown with De La Hoya. “We’re both warriors and know that something bigger will follow if we win in a high profile fight like this. He is a good young fighter that has talent but I’m battle tested. I’ve fought former world champions and learned from my past bouts where I was matched tough. My experience will be a key for me in this fight. I can’t wait to put on a show for boxing fans all over the world!"




ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Август 23, 2016) – После самого популярного живого мероприятия года в июле. 30, Мировая серия Fighting ( объявила сегодня, что привязала новые даты к четырем оставшимся 2016 события, начиная с беспрецедентного, трехчасовой, жить телепередача NBCSN (11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT) из WSOF33: Gaethje против. Дугулубов из Канзас-Сити., Мая. на Пятница, Октябрь. 7, и завершится недавно объявленным мега-событием WSOF36 в Театре Мэдисон-Сквер-Гарден в Нью-Йорке. Суббота, Декабрь. 31, в прямом эфире на NBC.

ВСОФ34 и ВСОФ35, оба из которых будут транслироваться в прямом эфире на NBCSN., состоится Суббота, Ноябрь. 12 в Budweiser Event Center из Лавленда, Круг. за пределами Денвера, и Суббота, Декабрь. 3 на XFINITY Arena в Эверетте, Мыть. Главное событие и со-главное событие для каждой из этих двух карт боя также будут объявлены в ближайшее время..

«Мы рады вступить в осенний сезон нашего самого загруженного года на сегодняшний день., с полным расписанием прямых телевизионных мероприятий, в ходе которых мы выведем бренд ММА World Series of Fighting на новый уровень., основные медиа-рынки; подготовить трехчасовой, живое шоу впервые в жизни; и вернитесь к телетрансляции на NBC из театральной площадки Мэдисон-Сквер-Гарден в канун Нового года.,"Сказал Мировой Серии директора боевой Карлос Сильва.

Президент Мировой серии боевых действий Отец начальников заявил, «Мы приготовили для фанатов ММА, какой-то феноменальный, бои на первенство мира, а также другие звездные матчи, и я думаю, что эти последние четыре события 2016 твердо поставит восклицательный знак в знаменательный год для лиги».

В дополнение, Серия боев на первенство мира будет транслировать двухчасовой повтор WSOF32: Moraes против. Холм II на Суббота, Семь. 24. Даблхедер чемпионата мира WSOF32, проходивший на XFINITY Arena в Эверетте., Мыть. получил более 250,000 зрители в прямом эфире на NBCSN в июле 30, и немедленный повтор шоу привлек еще больше 107,000 зрители.

WSOF33 пройдет в Мемориальном зале Канзас-Сити, а хедлайнером станет чемпион мира в легком весе. (155 фунты) чемпионская схватка между непобежденными, царящая вора в законе Джастин "Выделить" Gaethje (16-0) из Саффорд, Аризона. и нелицеприятный, претендент номер один Оззи Dugulubgov (8-2) Риджвуда, N.J.

В со-главном событии WSOF33, Звезда Блэкзилианс Луиз "Buscape" Firmino(19-6) Жоау Пессоа, Параиба, Бразилия поставит на карту победную серию из шести боев против бывшего претендента на звание чемпиона мира и первого в истории победителя турнира World Series of Fighting из восьми человек., Брайан Фостер (25-9) из Саллисо, Оклахома.

Дополнительные бои WSOF33 будут объявлены в ближайшее время..

Роблес против. Клэггетт дрался на перекрестке. 9й “Knockout Night at the D”

Прямой эфир в спортивной сети CBS из
Центр Лас-Вегас События центр
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Август 22, 2016) – Непобедимый проспект Сан-Диего Эммануэль “Ренегат” Роблес сразится с чемпионом Канады в полусреднем весе Стив “Дракон” Claggett на перекрестке бороться за обоих в пятницу ночь, Сентябрь 9, в возвращении “Knockout Night at the D,” вентиляция (11 p.m. И / 8 p.m. PT) жить на CBS Sports Networkснаружи Центр Лас-Вегас События центр (DLVEC).
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия, представленный D Лас-Вегас и DLVEC, продвигает Рой Джонс-младший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions. Дикторы Зала славы Джим “J.R.” Росс и Аль Бернштейна будет называть все действия с ринга на CBS Sports Network.
Роблес против. Claggett, продвигается совместно с Bobby D Presents, это главное событие из 10 раундов для вакантного места Североамериканской боксерской ассоциации. (Также) – Чемпионат США среди юниоров в полусреднем весе.
Семь. 9й потенциально может стать самой взрывной картой в уже прославленном 2016 “Knockout Night at the D” серия, который постоянно демонстрирует завтразвезды в высококонкурентных, убедительные совпадения.
“Knockout Night at the D’ действительно зарекомендовал себя в центре Лас-Вегаса как главное событие для любителей бокса в сообществе и за его пределами.,” сказал Derek Stevens, Владелец и генеральный директор D Las Vegas и DLVEC. “От тяжеловесов из родного города до многообещающих бойцов-любителей, вторая половина этой серии принесет незабываемые, насыщенные событиями шоу, которые нельзя пропустить.”
Бывший Всемирный боксерский совет (WBC) Латиноамериканский чемпион в суперлегком весе, также как и 2008 Национальный золотой медалист PAL. Роблес (15-0-1, 5 КО) нужна впечатляющая победа на национальном телевидении, чтобы перейти на следующий уровень юниорского полусреднего дивизиона.. Левша выиграл свой последний 11 борется с его 2012 рисовать с 7-0
Адриан Варгас.

Эммануэль Роблес
(фото Маркуса Таннера Шепарда)
“Я очень рад снова продемонстрировать свои навыки в главном событии Roy Jones Jr.. Рекламная карта бокса,” Роблес сказал. “Оба моих промоутера, RJJ & Бобби Д., дарят мне такую ​​невероятную возможность побороться за региональный титульный пояс NABA.. Моего соперника ждет урок бокса в его жизни. Я знаю, что Клэггет будет сильным соперником и нанесет мощный удар.. Он будет бросать вызов, самый сильный соперник, с которым мне приходилось сталкиваться за всю мою боксерскую карьеру, но я готов показать своему противнику и его команде навыки, которые помогут мне завоевать титул и вернуть его домой RJJ и моей команде..
“Для меня большая честь продемонстрировать свои превосходные боксерские навыки для Роя Джонса-младшего.. на CBS Sports Network, и я очень польщен тем, что Лас-Вегас принял меня с такими распростертыми объятиями.. Победа над Клэггеттом поставит меня на карту как претендента на звание лучшего 140-фунтового боксера в мире, такого как (Adrien) Broner, (Terence)Кроуфорд & (Виктор) Почтовый.
27-летний Клаггетт (23-4-1, 16 КО) должен оправиться от спорного поражения в 10 раундах решением большинства Крис ван Heerden в своем последнем бою в апреле этого года, также в DLVEC, оживить свою карьеру. Клаггетт идет на риск, опускаясь на одну весовую категорию, чтобы бросить вызов Роблесу в первом полусреднем весе..
Стив Claggett
(Фото Тома Донохью / D

“Этот бой значит для меня все,” Клэггет объяснил. Это решающий бой для моей карьеры, и у меня есть шанс вернуться в мир бокса в 140 фунты, это вес, с которым, я считаю, я должен был драться некоторое время назад. У меня новый тренер в первый раз – новая команда – и я с нетерпением жду возможности показать фанатам новый истребитель. Победа закрепит мое имя как истинного претендента на звание чемпиона мира.. Я понимаю свою позицию и знаю, что нахожусь на четверке.’ сторона, но я был в этом положении много раз раньше. У меня большой опыт в боксе, и, наконец, все сошлось во мне.. Это будет мой лучший бой. Мое внимание и тренировки покажут в ночь боя.

“Мой противник сильный боец. Роблес — отличный боксер, и у него хороший опыт в этом виде спорта.. Он левша и приносит хорошие результаты.. При всем уважении к команде Роблеса, но я готов бороться за свою жизнь, и это то, что этот спорт все о. Ожидайте, что я принесу все, что у меня есть, и надену 10’ война для фанатов.”
Перестрелка развивается для совместной игры из 8 раундов между непобедимыми проспектами. Роландо “Роль” Гарза (9-0, 6 КО) и Neeco “Состав” Macias (12-0, 6 КО), кто будет вбрасывать за вакантный WBC – Чемпионат США среди юниоров в среднем весе.
В первом 4-раундовом телевизионном бою участвуют два молодых полусредневеса., местный фаворит Джереми “J-Flash” Николс (5-0, 2 КО) и техасец Стив Бельмонте (2-0), в еще одном редком поединке между непобедимыми перспективами.
Также в андеркарте запланирован бой с непобежденным легковесом из Уганды.Исмаил “Sharp Shooter” Движение (17-0, 11 КО), бои из Миннеаполиса, в 8-раундовом матче против. TBA. В 4-раундовых боях, 20-летний юниор в легком весе Рэнди Морено (3-0, 2 КО), Лас-Вегасе, будет сыгран против соперника, который будет объявлен позже, и Лас-Вегаса среди юниоров в наилегчайшем весе. Марина Рамирес (1-0) встречается с Нью-Джерси Рэйчел “Черная вдова” Сазов (0-1).
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
Билеты, по цене $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 удобная точка для обзора, $24.99 и $14.99 General Admission (сидящий), в продаже в или Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. PT с открытием бой запланирован на 6:15 p.m. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия разработана в сотрудничестве с DLVEC и Neon Star Media..
CBS Sports Network доступна по всей стране через местный кабель., видео и телекоммуникационные провайдеры, а также через спутник на DirecTV канал 221 и DISH Network канал 158. Для получения более подробной информации, в том числе полное расписание программирования и как получить CBS Sports Network, перейти к
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Следуйте за эти борцы на Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @Jflashgang, @SteveTheBoxer, @ИМувендо, @РэндиМорено

GH3 Promotions signs undefeated Welterweight Kenneth Sims Jr.

Натли, Нью-Джерси (Август 22, 2016)GH3 Promotions is proud to announce the signing of undefeated junior welterweight prospect, Кеннет Sims младший. to promotional contract.

GH3 Promotions will co-promote Sims with Antonio Leonard Productions.
Sims of Chicago is perfect as a professional, as he sports a record of 7-0 с двумя нокаутами.
Sims was a highly acclaimed amateur, who amassed over 200 fights who became a 2-time National PAL Champion, Sims младший. was also the 2013 USA National Champion, a Silver Gloves Champion, a Junior Olympic Bronze Medalist, a 3-time Ringside World Champion and a 2012 Olympic Trials Semifinalist.
Sims turned professional on March 7, 2014 with a win over Corey Mudrew and has racked up six wins since, with the latest being a six -round unanimous decision over Tavorus Teague on March 11, 2016 in Tustin, Калифорния.
Sims will be back in action on 15 сентября as part of the televised undercard that will feature Thomas LaManna and Dusty Hernandez-Harrison from Philadelphia on the CBS Sports Network.
This is another key signing for us,”Генеральный директор GH3 Акции Said, Vito Mielnicki. “Kenneth is another young and talented fighter who fits in with the blueprint we have set up for our athletes. Молодой, good amateur career and guys who are looking to fight often and are willing to step up. I am happy to be partnering with Antonio Leonard Productions and working with Kenneth’s manager James Prince and I will be looking to work with them more in the future with other fighters.
I am excited to be back boxing and getting back to work,” сказал симс. “I am looking forward to being on television. This fight will get me the exposure and people who will know me.
Like other GH3 Promotions fighters, look for Sims to be fighting regularly. That is a schedule that Sims will relish.
I am looking forward to staying busy. I had only two fights last year and staying busy will help me make my way up the ladder to winning championships.
На только 22 лет, Sims has a good attitude and wants carve out an identity, not only in the boxing world, but be known in his hometown.
I am trying to make a name for myself and do the best and do something for my city..
Sims is known for his boxing ability, who likes to work the body.
It has been seven months since I fought and I am ready to put on a show. Philly is a great fight town and I am so excited to fight there.
Said Sims father, Kenneth Sims Sr., “I am so happy to get back to doing what we love to do. We are happy GH3 Promotions picked us up, and those who didin’t will regret it. На Сентябрь 15, business will be taken care of.
Sims co-promoter Antonio Leonard has been by his side since he turned professional and had his eye on an emerging talent since his amateur days.
I have always felt that Kenneth was a tremendous fighter. He has been in Colorado Springs helping with the U.S. Олимпийская команда. The sparring sessions with him and (2016 Silver Medal winner) Shakur Stevenson were amazing.
He has the potential to be a great star. He is a grounded kid and with the help of Vito Mielnicki and GH3 Promotions, there is a good chance he could fight for a world title.
Sims has been the main sparring partner at different times for the sport’s two biggest names and has performed well and gained incredible experience by working with Floyd Mayweather as he prepared for Andre Berto and with Manny Pacquiao as he was getting ready for Mayweather.
Sims’ talent was recognized in a big way in those camps.
We are very excited to be with Vito and GH3 Promotions,” said Sims uncle and adviser Ed Burns. “Vito is committed to take Kenneth to the next level. With continued hard work and commitment, we all believe that he will be a world champion. That was echoed by Freddie Roach after Kenneth sparred with Pacquiao for a month.

Sims is managed by James Prince.

Sims will be part of the televised undercard that will also include GH3 Promotions super middleweight Jerry Odom & bantamweight LeRoy Davilla.
GH3 Promotions особенности в среднем весе Антуан Дуглас, В суперсреднем Джерри Одом & Рональд Эллис, Непобедимый супер петуха Адам Лопес, а также Boxcino 2015 Младший. Чемпион в среднем Джон Томпсон, Младший, Непобедимый полусреднем весе Кеннет Sims младший, Jerrell Харрис, Артуро Трухильо & Кинан Смит, Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster, Младший. Lightweight O’Shaquie Foster, Легчайший Брент Venagas & LeRoy Davilla to the GH3 Promotions stable.

Undefeated Kareem Martin Battles Once-Beaten David Grayton In Welterweight Showdown On Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, Август 23 from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Пенсильвания.

Вифлеем, Пенсильвания. (Август 22, 2016) – Непобежденный полусредний вес Карим Мартин (8-0-1, 3 КО) столкнется когда-то избили Дэвид Grayton (14-1, 10 КО) in an eight-round bout featured on Премьер Бокс чемпионов TOE-TO-TOE- TUESDAYS на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов на FOX Депортес вторник, Август 23 от Sands Bethlehem Events Center в Вифлееме, Пенсильвания.
Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by undefeated prospect Калеб “Сладкие Руки” Завод taking on hard-hitting Colombian Хуан Де Анхель. Additional televised coverage will see undefeated light heavyweight prospects Carlos Congora и Ronald Mixon в восемь-раундовом поединке.
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, по цене $108, $83 и $58, не включая применимые плата за обслуживание и налогов, а уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Для зарядки по телефону Ticketmaster на(800) 745-3000.
Additional action sees New Jersey’s Карлос-Росарио battles Mexico’s Cesar Garcia in six-rounds of lightweight action and local heavyweight Эрик Ньюэлл in a six-round showdown with Ohio’s Уэсли Триплетт.
Rounding out the night of fights is New Yorker Юрик Мамедов in a four-round welterweight bout against Philadelphia’s Антонио Аллен and New Jersey’s Daquan Johnson in a four-round welterweight fight against Atlanta’s Stephen Bass.
A young, up-and-coming fighter from Washington, D.C., Мартин стал профессионалом 2014 and is yet to lose as a pro. The 20-year-old picked up four victories last year and owns a decision victory over Somner Martin in 2016. He will take on a fellow D.C. native in Grayton, who looks to bounce back after a loss to unbeaten Bryant Perrella in June. Previously the 29-year-old was unbeaten and had picked up a victory in January of this year over Daniel Souza Santos.
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Непобежденная восходящая звезда Эррол Спенс-младший. Scores Sensational Sixth-Round Knockout of It Leonard Bundu in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on NBC from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn

Exciting Contender Claudio Marrero Defeats Luis Hinojosa By
Fourth-Round TKO
Heather Hardy Edges Shelly Vincent in Exciting Clash on NBCSN
(Tape Delayed NBCSN Coverage Begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT)
Нажмите ВОТ For Photos From Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий с Эдом Диллер / ДиБелла Entertainment
Нажмите ВОТ For Spence Jr. Highlights via PBC’s Youtube Page
Бруклин (Август 21, 2016) – Непобедимый восходящая звезда Эррол “Правда” Спенс младший. (21-0-, 18 КО) moved one step closer to a world title as he delivered a thunderous sixth-round knockout of tough Italian contender Леонард “Лев” Bundu (33-2-2, 12 КО) Sunday afternoon in the main event of Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC)на NBC from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
С нокаутом, Спенс младший. becomes the mandatory challenger for undefeated welterweight Келл Брук and showed his willingness to step in the ring with Brook.
I definitely want my shot at Kell Brook and his title,” Спенс младший. “I want him next. If he vacates or gets stripped then I’ll fight for his vacant title. I’ve paid my dues.
In a prime spot that immediately followed the U.S. Men’s basketball team winning Olympic gold in Rio, the Dallas-native started patiently, measuring his opponent with steady jabs. Bundu came ready to fight and tried to make it difficult for Spence Jr. by switching stances and attacking from awkward angles.
I was a little shakey in the first round and second rounds,” Спенс младший. “He’s very awkward and I was trying to feel him out.
Спенс младший. began to pick up his power punching as the rounds went on and started to connect with left uppercuts and hooks. After round four, Bundu returned to his corner with swelling beginning to show up over his right eye.
Once I was able to catch his rhythm and figure him out, I knew I had him,” Спенс младший. “I knew he was very tough, но он никогда не делал мне больно. He was switching and jumping in and out and it took me a little bit to adjust to.
The dominance with his power punches began to wear Bundu down as the fight entered the sixth. After seemingly scoring a knockdown, which was ruled a slip by referee Johnny Callas, Спенс младший. quickly pounced on Bundu and trapped him in the corner.
He certainly lived up to the hype,” said Bundu, who was taken to the hospital for evaluation after the fight. “Errol was more precise than Keith Thurman. Errol threw more punches and was fresh in every round.
It didn’t take long for Spence Jr. to take advantage as he hit Bundu with a hard left uppercut and followed with a crushing right hook that put Bundu on the mat for good and forced the referee to stop the fight at 2:06 of the sixth-round.
I really tried to get up but I couldn’t,” said Bundu, who had never been stopped before. “I am okay though. I feel good.
Спенс младший. won every round on all three judgescards and landed a staggering 64 процентов его ударов власти, per Compubox.
I think this performance showed once again that I am one of the top fighters at 147-pounds,” Спенс младший.
In tape delayed action that airs on NBCSN at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT, exciting featherweight contender ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро (21-1, 15 КО) scored a dominant fourth-round technical knockout of fellow Dominican Republic-native Луис Hinojosa (28-10, 17 КО).
This is how champions perform,” said Marrero. “They do it smart and they figure out their opponents quickly. Regardless of his record, you have to figure it out and then go for the finish.
Marrero was in control from the outset, putting Hinojosa on the mat with a right hand early in the first stanza. Hinojosa tried to keep himself in the fight by throwing primarily power punches. Однако, it was Marrero who was much sharper in that department, посадка 60 процентов его ударов власти просто 24 percent from Hinojosa.
In the fourth-round Marrero’s power and style proved to be too much as he consistently beat Hinojosa to the punch on his way three fourth-round knockdowns of Hinojosa. The final barrage and knockdown forced referee Danny Schiavone to stop the bout at 2:55 раунда.
I’m glad that Hinojosa was brave enough to take the fight,” said Marrero. “Я буду драться с любым. I don’t care how short the notice is.
I’ve endured my loss to Jesus Cuellar and I feel like I’m back at the top of the contenders in the featherweight division. The champions keep running from me so I’m going to keep working until I’m the mandatory and can get another title shot.
On the same day that Flint, Мичиган Claressa Shields won her second consecutive Olympic Gold medal for the U.S., women’s boxing was given another great platform as Brooklyn’s Вереск “Тепло” Выносливый (18-0, 4 КО) earned a majority decision over previously unbeaten Изобилующий раковинами “Путь Shelito в” Винсент (18-1, 1 KO) в их 10-раундовом поединке.
This is definitely a win for women’s boxing,” Саид Харди. “We kept up a great pace throughout and the fans were invested the whole time.
The action was non-stop from the beginning, as Vincent charged in early and often looking to close the distance between her and the taller Hardy. Hardy was the more mobile fighter as she circled the ring looking to find the right distance to attack the Providence-native.
Every time she crowded me, she would get off more punches,” Саид Харди. “I wanted to keep the fight on the outside and when I did that I had a lot of success.
The longtime rivals were able to live up the hype that their matchup drew. The action was non-stop and it appeared that neither woman would be able to build a big lead on the scorecards.
Hardy’s movement allowed her to create more angles for her attack as she varied her offense with overhand rights, jabs and hooks. Vincent was consistent countering, especially with her left hand that yielded much success.
The punch stats reflected the exciting nature of the fight as Hardy threw 752 punches while Shelly threw 678 across 10 two-minute rounds. It was Hardy who had the advantage in punches landed as she connected on 251 удары по сравнению с 194 for Vincent.
I thought I won the fight pretty convincingly,” Саид Харди. “She only really caught me a few times the whole fight. I knew I had to be tactical to win the fight. Judging by the belt around my waist, I would rate my performance a 10.
Power punches were a key to the fight, with the two combatants combining for 955 power punches thrown. Hardy’s biggest advantage came in this department as she landed over 50 percent of her power shots to 34 percent from Vincent.
В конце, the judges ruled the bout a majority decision for Hardy by scores of 99-91, 97-93 и 95-95. Vincent believed she had done enough to win the fight and expressed her displeasure with the judges scores afterwards
I definitely thought I won the fight,” said Vincent. “I was coming forward and I landed the bigger shots. Everyone saw the fight.
I got head-butted all night long. I came here and everybody told me I’d get robbed. I’ll take the rematch but I’m not playing by these rules. I want her to come up to Providence.
# # #
PBC on NBC and NBCSN is sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer, promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите и, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по,, и Основные имеющиеся на

Perrella giving back to Fort Myers with Goodfella’s Great Students

Perrella signing contract.jpg
Fort Myers, Флорида (Август 21, 2016) – Unbeaten welterweight knockout artist Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella and Team Perrella are proud to announce they’ll give back to Fort Myers through an initiative called “Goodfella’s Great Students.”
Created by Perrella, “Goodfella’s Great Students” provides an additional incentive for students to excel in the classroom. Each month, Perrella and head trainer Michael Nowling will dedicate time to standout students selected by school administration. The selected pupils will receive personal invites and get transported to and from Syndicate Boxing Club, where they’ll participate in a fun workout run by Perrella and Nowling. В настоящее время, Coronado High School is signed up for the free program and multiple schools have expressed serious interest in joining.
"I’ve been in the Fort Myers area my entire life,” said Perrella, who has an outstanding record of 14-0 с 13 побед нокаутом. “I love it here and grew tremendously not just as a fighter but as a man. For everything Fort Myers has done for me, rewarding hard working students is the least I could do. The program we’ve created is a great way to assist the community and local schools. Самое главное, it’s another reason to be an academic superstar. I’m wholeheartedly looking forward to meeting and spending time with these students each month.”
Coronado’s principal Joelle Lyman is thrilled about the program and personally invited Perrella to introduce himself to her students Пятница, Август 26.
"The staff and students at Coronado High School are elated to be given the opportunity to work with Bryant Perrella,” said Lyman. “Student participants will be able to see, first hand, the results of hard work and dedication. Мистер. Perrella will be opening doors for our students that would have otherwise remained closed. It is our hope that, as these students move through this mentorship experience, they will benefit from the successes that will surely follow as they are encouraged to work hard, reach physical and personal goals, and use these valuable skills and lessons in their lives after graduation.”
Perrella, who knocked out David Grayton in June, is scheduled to return to the ring in the near future. Formal details will be available shortly.


Mason Menard KOs Bahomir Mamadjonov, Antonio Nieves and Alejandro Santiago Fight To A Split Draw & Bakhtiyar Eyubov Wins By Split Decision Against Karim Mayfield


Поймать преобразования на Понедельник, Август. 22 на 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME

Click On Le Link Below To Watch Menard’s Ninth-Round KO


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит: Рози Cohe / Showtime

РОЧЕСТЕР, N.Y.. (Август. 20, 2016) – Undefeated heavyweight prospect Джаррелл "большой ребенок" Миллер won by third-round TKO over veteran Fred Kassi in the ShoBox: Новое поколение main event, Пятница, жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ from Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N.Y..


Following a cagey first round that favored Kassi (18-5-1, 10 КО), Brooklynite Miller (18-0-1, 16 КО), turned up the body work and pressure in rounds two and three. After landing 36-of-57 power shots in the third and racking up 30 connects to the body, Kassi retired on the stool between rounds, citing a hand injury. Miller landed an impressive 57 percent of his power shots for the fight and limited Kassi to 22 percent of his hooks, crosses and uppercuts.


Kassi said after the fight that his right hand was injured in the second and pushed through the pain for one more round before giving in.


6-футовый-4, Miller viciously attacked the body and delivered some big rights and combinations. Kassi had some moments where he out-boxed his opponent, but Miller’s power and size—a possible 50+-pound advantage—was the deciding factor. Благодаря этой победе, “Big Baby” ups his winning streak to 14 straight.


“I knew it would take some time to get going сегодня вечером. I was thinking maybe three or four rounds to warm up and get going. But in the second round, I got my wind and I knew I hurt him,” said Miller, who is ranked among the top 10 heavyweights in three of the four sanctioning bodies. “My legs came alive and I touched his body and his head. I knew I was going to get the stoppage.


“I think he could have continued, хотя. He just didn’t want to. That’s why I take my hat off to Deontay Wilder. I still want to break his jaw, but he finished his fight with a broken hand. That’s what champions do. Kassi didn’t want to continue.


“Let’s talk about all these heavyweights. Тайсон Фьюри, he doesn’t want this work. He’s always complaining. He’s always sick or something. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Уайлдер, every five minutes he breaks another finger. Смотреть, it’s just a matter of time before these guys are going to have to put up or shut up. Энтони Джошуа, that’s going to be a mega fight. I am just begging for him to call my name.”


Kassi said, “I must have hurt my hand in the first round because in the second, every time I hit him I felt a shock. I wanted to keep going but he’s a big guy and I couldn’t use my hand. When you fight a guy that is 50 pounds heavier than you are, you need all the weapons.”

“The size difference and the strength difference was so enormous,” said SHOWTIME Boxing’s veteran analyst Steve Farhood. “Once Miller started rolling, it was clear that Kassi had no answers. Kassi had been nimble and he slid off the ropes a few times in round one. That was gone in round 2. Так, perhaps in some people’s eyes, this win is cheapened by the injury, but to me it was clear that Big Baby was on his way to doing what more advanced heavyweights like Dominic Breazeale and Chris Arreola couldn’t do, and that’s stop Fred Kassi.

"Нижняя линия, Jarrell Miller’s stock went up сегодня вечером. He faced his toughest test and he passed it.”

В со-главном событии, promising Louisiana lightweight “Rock Hard Mighty” Mason Menard scored a brutal knockout at 2:26 of the ninth-round over battled-testedБаха mamadjonov, winning the WBO NABO Lightweight belt. ВИДЕО ВЫСВЕТИТЬ:


Both Menard and Mamadjonov were facing their most dangerous foe to date. Mamadjonov (18-3, 11 КО), showed great ring generalship successfully keeping Menard’s output down for the first six rounds, but Menard (32-1, 24 КО) dramatically turned the fight around with body shots that produced two knockdowns in the seventh. A slow eighth-round followed but the ninth brought another series of power shots leading to the third and final knockdown, prompting referee Steve Smoger to intervene and halt the contest.

At the time of the stoppage Menard, who out-landed Mamadjonov 10-0 in the bout’s final 26 секунд, was ahead by two points on two scorecards and four points on the third.

"Я прекрасно себя чувствую, but it was a B-level performance from me,” said Menard who is coming from a knockout-of-the-year candidate, “I could have done better. My opponent was an awkward fighter and we got him with two weeks’ notice.

“I knew if I kept putting the pressure, slowly he would fade and I would take him out in the later rounds and that’s exactly how it happened. He was hurting to the body. I knew after the first couple rounds he was breathing really heavy, so the game plan was to start touching him to the body. It was affecting him greatly.

“I’m definitely excited to get my second SHOWTIME knockout and I got some rounds under my belt. It’s been years since I went that many rounds, so it was good to know I can go that long and still finish strong.”

“I don’t really know what went wrong,” said Mamadjonov, who is known for his high boxing IQ. “It was short notice and I think I lost too much weight.

“I didn’t feel his punches, but he caught me with some good body shots. I was fighting evenly with him until the weight loss caught up to me and I got tired.

“I feel ok now. У меня все в порядке. I am disappointed but I’m fine. Я вернусь."

NABO Bantamweight Champion Антонио Ньевес, Кливленда, Ohio and Tijuana’s Алехандро Сантьяго battled to a 10-round split draw (96-94 Ньевес, 96-94 Santiago and 95-95) in the second fight of the ShoBox quadrupleheader.

Ньевес, (16-0-2, 8 КО), remains undefeated, but Santiago’s (11-2-2, 3 КО) boxing ability clearly caught him off guard. The first five rounds featured brisk long-range boxing that was incredibly even. Сантьяго, a late-sub for Nikolay Potapov, appeared to pull away in rounds 6-10 as he out-landed Nieves 129-86 в целом и 100-61 в силовых пуансонов.

Winning the late rounds was not enough for Santiago, who was stepping up in weight and opposition. Judge Don Ackerman had Nieves ahead 96-94 while Eric Marlinski had it 96-94 for Santiago. Pasquale Procopio’s 95-95 card proved pivotal. Given Santiago’s second-half surge, the Mexican visitor was unlucky not to get the win.

“I thought it was close, but I think I pulled it out,” said Nieves. “I should have gotten the victory by maybe one or two points. But the judges see what they saw, вы знаете?

“I do not feel I put on the impressive performance I was hoping to. I wasn’t at my best. Он (Сантьяго) was a little awkward and my right hand was hurting a little bit, but I really don’t know why I wasn’t letting my hands go like I usually do.

“I learned I have to stick to my game plan and keep using my jab. I didn’t use it like I usually do. I need to just do what I do and not worry about what my opponent is doing.

“I don’t think nerves had anything to do with it, even though it was the biggest fight of my career. I was just letting him get off first. I should have followed my game plan, rather than react to what he was doing. I give myself a C for my performance сегодня вечером."

Сантьяго, who came as a late replacement and was clearly the underdog, also felt he won the fight.

“It was close, но я думаю, что выиграл бой. I was always sure I’d beat him and I did. I landed more punches,” said Santiago. “I thought Nieves would be stronger than he was in there.

“I usually fight at super flyweight. I was coming up in weight to do this. It was an opportunity to open more doors for me and I took it. And I think that’s what I didсегодня вечером."

В первом бою телепередачи, непобежденным полусреднем Бахтияр ЭюбовБруклина, N.Y., by way of Kazakhstan won a close 10-round split decision—that could have gone either way—against veteran Karim Mayfield of San Francisco, Халиф. (95-94 дважды для Эюбова и 95-94 для Мэйфилд).

Yeyubov (11-0, 10 КО), who had never been past the third round, was taken to uncharted waters by the more experienced Mayfield (19-4-1, 11 КО). Mayfield extended Eyubov far longer than any other opponent and despite out-landing the adoptive Brooklynite in each of the final four rounds (110-80 в целом и 87-66 мощность) Eyubov escaped with a split decision. It was a learning victory for Eyubov and a disheartening loss for Mayfield, кто усреднил 69 punches per round to Eyubov’s 52.

“I felt it was close, but I did everything I wanted to do and I feel I won nearly every round,- сказал Эюбов.. “I was surprised by Mayfield, especially how hard his head is. He is a real man.

“My lip is a little swollen but that’s because of headbutts. Mayfield fought dirty in there. But I’m happy with the decision. I learned that I can go 10 раунды, если я должен. Я мог бы продолжать 12. I was still strong at the end of the fight.

Мэйфилд, who was clearly disappointed with the result, felt he won the fight.

“It was a good fight and he’s a tough fighter for sure, but I landed the harder shots and kept active. Он был крутым парнем, Не поймите меня неправильно, but I certainly won that fight,” said Mayfield. “I feel I performed well. There’s always more work you can do, but for the most part I feel I did good. People thought for some odd reason the fight wouldn’t even go the distance, which is ludicrous. I won the fight though.

“It was part of my game plan to frustrate him and I feel I did that. I executed my plan well. Конечно, there was more I could have done. I could have thrown more punches, but I did well.

“They made it seem like he punched like hell, but I guess all punches feel hard to me, so if you’re a hard puncher or a light puncher, it’s still a punch and I don’t want to get punched. I got hit but I was never stunned or anything like that.

“I would love a rematch.”

Eyubov responded, “I don’t know if I would fight him again. I will think about it.”

ShoBox: Новое поколение will re-air on Понедельник, Август. 22 на 10 p.m. И/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME beginning Saturday, Август. 20.


Барри Томпкинс называется ShoBox действия с ринга с Стив Farhoodи бывший чемпион мира Рауль Маркес выступающей в качестве эксперта аналитиков. Исполнительный продюсер был Гордон Холл с Богатый Гоган производство и Рик Филлипс руководство.


The event was promoted by Salita Promotions in association with Greg Cohen Promotions.

Хизер Харди, Shelly Винсент, Джозеф Уильямс, Джулиан Соса & Chordale Booker Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Hardy vs. Vincent Featured in Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN Action Sunday, Август 21 From Ford Amphitheater at
Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn
9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment/
Премьер Бокс чемпионов
Бруклин (Август 19, 2016) – Undefeated brawlers and longtime rivals Вереск “Тепло” Выносливый и Изобилующий раковинами “Путь Shelito в” Винсент hosted a media workout at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn Friday as they near their long anticipated showdown featured on Sunday, Август 21 from Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in Brooklyn.
Also in attendance Friday and competing по воскресеньям undercard were a trio of local prospects: Тяжелый Джозеф Уильямс (9-0, 7 КО), полусреднем Джулиан Соса (5-0-1, 2 КО) и полусреднем Chordale Букер (2-0, 2 КО).
PBC on NBCSN coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT. Live PBC on NBC coverage begins at 5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT and features undefeated rising star Эррол “Правда” Спенс младший. брать на некогда проторенный соперник Леонард “Лев” Bundu in a welterweight world title eliminator.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by BROOKLYN BOXING™, начинаются $35 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу и fordamphitheaterconeyisland.с.
The two undefeated brawlers Hardy and Vincent are expected to bring fireworks in a matchup that has been building since Vincent showed up at Hardy’s second pro bout looking to get in the ring with the popular Brooklyn-native.
Here is what the fighters had to say Friday:
This is a huge step up to be on television. It’s not the top of the ladder. There’s still room to go but I’m really excited, happy and proud to be on this stage. It proves that all you have to do is be super determined, open your mouth and good things can happen.
A lot of people have been waiting for this one. She’s done a lot of talking and I’m pretty quiet back to her. My fans know I’m going to do my talking in the ring, so there is definitely a lot of excitement leading up to this.
I’m going to be fighting closer to home than ever. It’s an honor to be able to represent Brooklyn on the first show at the Amphitheater in Coney Island.
When I spar, I don’t look to focus in too much on my opponent. I just want to get better. We’ve had really diverse sparring. If I improve my techniques, there is no one who can beat me and that’s the truth.
You can prepare as much as you want, but I don’t like to over plan. We’ll go in there and figure her out in the first round. We’ve done the work that we need to.
A lot of people have criticized some of the opponents me and Shelly have had, but we’ve honestly always had an eye on preserving our records and making sure this fight happens on television. This fight is not about my wins, but it’s about giving women boxers the opportunity to be showcased. Победа, поражение или ничья, we’ve both opened the door for other women and that’s what’s most important.
“Этот бой значит для меня все. This is for everything I’ve ever stood for. I came up from nothing. I’ve spoken up about my past so that people who have walked a similar road will know what is possible with hard work and dedication. I’m here because I wanted something so bad and I wouldn’t let anybody tell me I couldn’t have it.
I’ve fought so hard for everything and it inspires me to keep going. This is only one step. There’s so many more doors I want to open before I end my career.
I would like to treat everyone to a boxing clinic в это воскресенье. Shelly is going to get a free boxing lesson from me в это воскресенье. Not many people can say they get that.
This fight is going to be non-stop action. Don’t blink.
She’s a busy fighter. I’m smaller than her, but power-punching comes from your legs. It won’t matter. I’ve fought tall girls and I’ve fought small girls and it’s the same thing, Я выиграл. The only way I leave without a victory is if I get robbed.
“Я много работал. Even harder than usual. I’ve run, biked, swam miles and miles preparing for this. We didn’t leave any stone unturned getting ready for this.
“Я не собираюсь искать нокаут. Если речь идет, речь идет. I’m looking for the victory. I want to attack her body. It’s there for me.
It feels great to finally be almost time to fight. This fight couldn’t have come at a better time. Это отличная возможность. We both worked hard for this. I don’t take away from what Heather does for the sport, but I’m excited to get the victory.
I love New York. It’s always great being here and I hope I can fight here more after I win.
I was trying to find a way to channel my anger when I was younger and it ended up being a release for me. Eventually this sport turned my whole life around so that I could help others who are like I was.
This is great for our sport and I want it to give hope to the little girls that are coming up in the sport. I’m winning, but our sport will be the real winner. It’s an honor to fight for all the girls who came before me and didn’t get this opportunity.
Training camp was very good. I feel strong and I’m ready to get in the ring в воскресенье. I’m sharp and really ready to fight.
I’m a versatile fighter so I’m ready for anything. Early in the first round I’ll figure him out and start breaking him down.
The venue looks like an amazing place to fight. If you’re coming to watch me, get there early. Вы не хотите пропустить это.
I want to keep working towards a title. I want to get my way down to super middleweight and I’m going to keep working every day to get a world title shot.
Me and Errol Spence Jr. have some history. I was the 2012 Olympic team alternate, so I’ve been following his career and I’m rooting for him. It will be a good night for boxing because I definitely expect him to put on a show.
My coaches have watched my opponent. I’m ready to adapt to anything. I trust my team and they tell me how to attack. I’m strong and ready to fight.
I’m very humbled to be on a big card again, with an opportunity to showcase my skills. I have to show how thankful I am by working hard and looking very good that night.
Being the first boxing show at this venue means I’m a part of history. I have to make sure that my performance is memorable.
This was the best training camp I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to display the hard work that I’ve put in the gym.
The fan support I have means a lot. It’s really nice to have all my friends and family together and able to see me do what I love to do. There’s no better feeling than that.
My opponent is a very aggressive fighter. The first couple of rounds we’re going to try to work the body. As we go to the later rounds, I’m going to take the knockout if it presents itself. But I’m happy to put on a beautiful boxing clinic.
Sparring has been really good for this fight. I’ve been going hard. I don’t take it easy on anyone during sparring because I need to be ready to fight.
It’s really big to be a part of this kind of fight. Especially being a welterweight and with the main event being a title eliminator. I’ve looked up to Errol for a while. He’s a guy I’ve tried to pick up different things from Errol since we’re both southpaws.
I want everyone to get there early. I’ve got power and I’m looking for a knockout.
It means everything to fight in front of the fans in Brooklyn. I’m just really excited. My family and friends are from Brooklyn, Flatbush specifically and I’m expecting a lot of support.
I’m excited to be boxing as a pro for the first time in my hometown. It’s even better that it’s at a new venue. It’s going to be big for me and something that I remember forever.
PBC на NBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите и, Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing,ErrolSpenceJr, LouDiBella, NBCSports, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по,, и Основные имеющиеся на


Tickets On Sale Today at 10:00 a.m. PT!
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Август 19, 2016) – NABA Lightweight Champion Питер “Зар” Петров (37-4-2, 17 КО) of Ryazan, Russia will face off with Майкл “The Artist” Перес (24-1-2, 11 КО) for the WBA Lightweight World Title Eliminator on Сентябрь 30. The new 12-round main event, which is set to replace formerly announced headliner AndrewEl ChangoCancio who is now fighting against JosephJojo” Диас, Младший. on the Canelo vs. Smith pay-per-view undercard on Сентябрь 17, will kick off the fall season of fights at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino and broadcast live nationally on Estrella TV’s Boxeo Estelar.

Michael Perez is an experienced fighter,” said Petr Petrov. “He is one of my tougher challenges, but I feel that my experience in being in bigger fights has me prepared. This is for the mandatory challenger in the WBA Lightweight World Championship and I know this will be a good fight. В конце концов,, it will be about who is prepared the best and may the best man win.

This is another step up in my career to becoming a world champion,” said Michael Perez. “I am very excited for this fight and I feel very motivated. I have been waiting for a fight like this, to be challenged at such a high caliber keeps me focused and motivated. Petr is a tough guy and that has been what has carried him to where he is today, but I am smart fighter and will be prepared to box when I want to and brawl when I want to. The skills I have and the plan we have to execute are what will determine the victory for this fight. Both Petr and I know what’s at stake here, the winner of our fight will be the mandatory for the winner of the world championship unification fight between Jorge Linares and Anthony Crolla. I am ready for the challenge.

This is a big opportunity for Petr, which is well deserved,” said Arthur R. Pelullo, Президент и генеральный директор Banner Promotions. “Он знает, with a win, he will become the mandatory challenger for the WBA Lightweight World Championship and we know that he is a championship level fighter and we expect a great performance on Сентябрь 30.”

Michael Perez has been a very exciting fighter to watch rise through the ranks in the lightweight divisionone of the hottest weight classes in boxing right now. If he wins as the title eliminator for the WBA Lightweight World Championship, he knows all eyes will be on him,” сказал Оскар Де Ла Хойя, Председатель и главный исполнительный директор Golden Boy Promotions. “We also know Petrov as an experienced and destructive fighter who won’t go down without an all-out brawl. The pressure is on and this hotly anticipated fight will determine who the next emerging lightweight star of the sport will be.

Tickets for the event go on sale today at 10:00 a.m. PT and are priced at $45, $35, и $25. They can be purchased at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, по телефону (800) 827-2946 или на сайте

С 37 победы под его поясом, current NABA Lightweight Champion Petr “Зар” Petrov holds an impressive boxing resume including being the winner of ESPN’s 2014 Турнир Boxcino. В Апреле 2015 Petrov took on former world champion Gamaliel “Platano” Diaz winning the NABO and NABA Lightweight Titles via unanimous decision. Мая 6, 2016 Petrov defeated MarvinCachorrroQuintero via sixth round technical knockout in a historic event that saw the newly built Toshiba Plaza in Las Vegas, host its first boxing match. Petrov is ready at his shot at a world title and will do what it takes to win on Сентябрь 30.

Ready to make 2016 the biggest year of his career, Ньюарк, New Jersey’s MichaelThe ArtistPerez is on the verge of a world title shot, as he is ranked number two by WBO and three by the WBA. Следующий 2015 victories against former WBA Lightweight World Champion, Мигель “AguaceritoAcosta and LuisChespiSanchez that netted him the NABO Lightweight Title and extended his unbeaten streak to nine. The exciting 26-year-old was last seen in the ring vanquishing the experienced MartinEl BrochasHonorio in March of 2016. Now with the biggest opportunity in his career, Perez is ready to take the next step and defeat Petr Petrov to get a mandatory shot at the winner of the WBC and WBA Lightweight World Championship unification bout between Jorge Linares and Anthony Corolla.

Петр Петров против. Michael Perez is a 12-round fight for the WBA Lightweight World Title Eliminator presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and sponsored by “Cerveza Текейт, BORN BOLD.The Boxeo Estelar broadcast will air live on Estrella TV at 10:00 p.m. И/7:00 p.m. PT. Карта также будет транслировать в прямом эфире на и на YouTube через LBI СМИ, Инк Fenomeno Studios. В прямом эфире поток Ring TV начнется приблизительно 5:30 p.m. PT через 7:00 p.m.

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