План за Липпе-Моррисон

Lippe KO.jpg
За иммедиате релеасе
Тулса, У реду (Октобар 31, 2016) - Боксерски свет увек тражи своју следећу велику атракцију и ништа није траженије од тешкаша; посебно Американац са разорном моћи попут Треи Липпе-Моррисон-а.
О Петак септембар 23, непоражени Липпе-Моррисон борио се у првом телевизијском двобоју у Сховтимеу против колеге без пораза Еда Латимора. Борбе, значајан корак у надметању за Липпе-Моррисон, добио огромну пажњу.
Након што је Липпе-Моррисон постигао два тешка нокдауна и зауставио Латиморе за мање од 2 Минута, боксерска заједница брујала је од питања. Да ли ће бити светски шампион попут свог покојног оца Томми Моррисона? Да ли ће бити на брзом путу ка звезди? Да ли је он следећа велика нада Америке?
Према његовом промотеру Тонију Холдену, узеће времена да то сазнају.
"Треи је дефинитивно добра перспектива и то је показала његова најновија победа. Има поражавајућу моћ и побољшава се под Фреддијем Роацхом, који је с њим урадио фантастичан посао. Истовремено, важно је имати на уму да је као промотор моја крајња дужност да одвојимо време и стратешки га преместимо “.
Лип-Морисон, 12-0 (12 КО је), наставља да продаје емисије као главну атракцију, а планирано је да се врати у децембру у казино Буффало Рун, где је члан „Франшизе четири државе“. Од његове импресивне победе, Холден је примио вишеструке понуде да се Липпе-Моррисон врати на ТВ раније 2017. На крају, план је да се у Буффало Рун-у умешају праве ТВ борбе и нетелевидиране борбе, где његов утицај превазилази бокс.
"Економија се овде бори и за неке, бокс је једна од ретких ствари којима морају да се радују,", Рекао је Холден, који је промовисао Томми Моррисон-а и Липпе-Моррисон-а од његовог професионалног дебија. „Ово је наша професионална франшиза и заједништво се окупило иза Треиа. Он се бори за њих и веома је дирљиво када видим однос који је Треи развио са својим обожаваоцима. Где год се бори, Треи представља „Франшизу четири државе“ и нашу заједницу. На крају, тим ће донијети паметне одлуке и довести га на сљедећи ниво када се заједнички сложимо да је право вријеме “.
Биће објављени званични детаљи о следећем двобоју Липпе-Моррисон-а Четвртак, Новембар 3.

Средња категорија Антоине Доуглас враћа се у акцију против Ернеста Берроспеа у четвртак, Новембар 10 на 26. годишњој борби за децу Фигхт Нигхт у вашингтонском Хилтону у Вашингтону, Д.Ц..

За иммедиате релеасе
Нутлеи, Њ (Октобар 31, 2016)–Миддлевеигхт кандидат Антоан “Акција” Доуглас will be in action when he takes on Ernesto Berrospe on Thursday night, November 10th at the 26th annual Fight for Children Fight Night DC at the Washington Hilton in Washington, Д.Ц..
Douglas from nearby Burke, Вирџинија, has a record of 19-1-` with 13 нокаута, and will be making his first appearance in eight months.
The 24 year-old Douglas won his first 19 крајеви, which propelled him to a top-5 world ranking that included wins over Les Sherrington (35-7)m Istvan Szili (18-0-2), Томас ЛаМанна (16-0). former world title challenger Luca Messi (37-9-1), Marquies Davis (8-0-2) and Colby Courter (4-0).
Douglas is a four year professional, and has captured the Interim WBC FECARBOX, WBA International, WBA Fedelatin & WBO International Middleweight titles.
Douglas is coming off his first professional defeat when he was stopped in 10 rounds by Avtandil Khurtzsidze on March 5th у Витлејему, ПА.
Berrospe of Guadalajara, Мексико има досије 11-9 са 7 нокаута.
The 30 year-old Berrospe is a 10 године професионалац,and has a win over previously undefeated Josue Mendoza (7-0-2). Berrospe is coming off a stoppage defeat to D’Mitrius Ballard on June 11th in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Camp is great and I am glad to be back in the ring,” said Douglas. “It did not take long for me to get back in the swing of things. I got the rust off early in camp and I am ready to go.
When asked what he is looking for coming off his first setback, Douglas is eager to show he is ready to be one of the top middleweight contenders in the world.
I want to see crispness and preciseness in my punches. I am also looking to show good footwork and defense.
Douglas is not looking to rush anything as he wants to be on top of his game when he is next called upon to fight the elite fighters.
I want to see where I am after this fight. I have been working hard and I have been ready to fight yesterday.

Douglas is now managed by the respected Henry Rivalta

Said GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki, “Antoine had a well deserved rest, and now he is ready to finish what he started, and that is to become world champion. One bad night will not define his career and I believe we have not yet seen the best from him. It says a lot about him as he fought 21 fights in just 29 месеци, and then steps in with a guy who took the fight on short notice that nobody wanted to fight and nobody still wants to fight in Khurtsidze. We have a plan for him to get him back knocking on the door of a world title and we look forward to moving him back in position.
GH3 Promotions features Middleweight Antoine Douglas, Супер миддлевеигхт је Џери Одом & Роналд Еллис, непоражена супер Хеавивеигхт Адам Лопез као Бокцино 2015 Јр. Лигхтвеигхт Цхампион Јохн Тхомпсон, Јр., undefeated Welterweight’s Kenneth Sims Jr., Јеррелл Харрис, Артуро Трујилло & Кеенан Смит, Heavyweight Ray Edwards & John Luna; Lightweight’s O’Shaquie Foster & Logan Yoon, Јр. Lightweight Antonio Williams, Bantamweight’s Brent Venagas, LeRoy Davilla & Stephon Young to the GH3 Promotions stable.

Limited Tickets still available for this Friday night’s 12th annual Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony & Awards Dinner at Mohegan Sun

УНЦАСВИЛЛЕ, Цонн. (Октобар 30, 2016) – Limited tickets are still available for ово петак

ноћ је 12ТХ annual Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame (ЦБХОФ) Gala Induction Ceremony and Awards Dinner in the Uncas Ballroom at Mohegan Sun.

The Class of 2016 inductees are Stamford amateur coach/boxer Orlando Montalvo, Newington former ESPN boxing director Bob Yalen, Wallingford boxer Sean Malone, Јр., New Bedford (Мр) боксер Sucra” Раи Оливеира, Waterbury judge/referee Јохн “Duke” Лавсон and Mashantucket Pequot Game & Athletic commissioner Kenny Reels.
The 2016 CBHOF award winners are its first female Boxer of the Year, Шкољкаст “Схелито с Ваи” Винсент; Jacob Marrero, Аматерски Боксер године; Mike Mazzulli,Professional Boxing Official of the Year; Heather Concepcion, Amateur Boxing Official of the Year; Pete Hary, Contribution to Professional Boxing; и Carlos NievesContribution to Amateur Boxing.
Улазнице за ЦБХОФ 12тх Свечана вечера годишњи Индуцтион, разумно по цени од $90.00, will soon go on sale and be available to purchase by calling Ким Бејкер у Мохеган Сун (1.860.862.7377) или Шерман Каин на Манцхестер Јоурнал Инкуирер (1.800.237.3606 Кс321). Врата се отварају у 5:30 п.м. И, cocktails from 6:30-7:30 п.м. И(cash bar), followed by a full sit-down dinner.
Иди на мрежи на ввв.цтбокингхоф.орг за додатне информације о Конектикат Бокинг Халл оф Фаме, its 12tХ Свечана вечера уврштен годишња, спонзорства догађаја могућности, или протеклих ЦБХОФ индуцтеес.
О ЦБХОФ: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 у част и славе каријере изузетних појединаца укључених у спорту бокса. Своју прву Индуцтион Церемони & Вечера је одржана у 2005. Богата историја бокс Конектикат никада могао процветала да није било за достигнућа оних садржаних у Халл оф Фаме.
Као непрофитне организације, Цоннецтицут Бокс Халл оф Фаме је дубоко посвећена одржавању борбени дух Цоннецтицут успешне кроз разне добротворне прилоге.

Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing Promotions Sign Elite Amateur Michael Dutchover

Michael Dutchover signs with Ken Thompson
Филаделфија, Пен. /Orange, Калиф. (Нов. 28, 2016) – Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing are proud to announce the signing of elite amateur Michael Dutchover (1-0, 1 КОс) out of Midland, Tex.

Dutchover, 18, will campaign as a junior lightweight. The Texas native won numerous regional tournaments as an amateur and was a runner up at this year’s National Golden Gloves competition in the 132-pound division. He enters the professional ranks well prepared having gone 130-17 in the unpaid arena.

I felt an overwhelming amount of joy when I was signing my contract,” said Dutchover, who is trained and managed by Danny Zamora. “I’ve been doing this since I was eight years old. This is just the beginning. I’m going to work hard to become a world champion. That’s all I want.

I am very excited to be promoting Michael with Ken Thompson of Thompson Boxing,” said Artie Pelullo of Banner Promotions. “He had a big amateur background. His style as an amateur was more pro oriented then anything else. He is a great young talent and I know he has a big future. We look forward to getting him started on what we hope will be a journey towards a world championship.
We are very pleased with the addition of Michael Dutchover,” said Ken Thompson, president at Thompson Boxing. “Michael brings a dynamic fighting style to the ring. He looked incredible in his pro debut last week. It’s going to be exciting watching his career take off.

Dutchover appeared on the most recent Thompson Boxing card last Friday, Нов. 21. Dutchover started his career with a third round knockout over Cesar Partida.

He worked off an effective jab that allowed him to land crisp power shots. In the third, he connected on a crushing combination that resulted in the fight’s only knockdown. Partida survived the round, but was not allowed to come out for the fourth and final round.

Partida was a tough opponent,” said Dutchover after the fight. “He took a lot of quality punches. I was able to drop him in the third and I knew he was hurt. It feels great to start my career with a knockout win.

Артие Пелулло, Ruben Villa, Michael Dutchover, Кен Тхомпсон
Alex Camponovo, Danny Zamora, Michael Dutchover, Кен Тхомпсон
Michael Dutchover and family


Mykal Fox ready for Juan Rodriguez on Saturday, November 5th at Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Мериленд

Plus undefeated Mike Marshall, Јордан Вхите, Kent Cruz, Patrick Rivera & Marcus Bates
За иммедиате релеасе
Форт Васхингтон, Мериленд (Октобар, 28, 2016)–Undefeated junior welterweight prospect Микал “Професор” Лисица is ready for his next challenge against veteran Јуан Родригуез in an eight-round bout that will headline eight-bout on Субота, 5. новембар у Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Мериленд.
Картица се промовише краљевих Промоције.
Фокс од Форествилле, Мериленд има евиденцију 11-0 with three knockouts and this will be his fourth bout of 2016.
The 20 year-old Fox turned professional in 2014 and has been kept busy as this will be his 12th contest у 29 месеци.
У свом последњем мечу, Fox stopped Somner Martin in three rounds on August 19th у Вашингтону, ДЦ.
Fox has been working hard in camp with his father/trainer Troy.
Camp is winding down, and it has been real good. Coming off my last win, I got right back in camp. I took a week off and I all that I had to do was get in fight shape,” рекао је Фокс.
When trying to scout Rodriguez, Fox was not able to get much information, but he will be ready for what the veteran has to offer.
I could not find anything on him. I just have to go in there and be the best of me.
Ат само 21 година стар (Turned 21 данас) Fox continues to mature physically, and the improvement is evident in his performances.
As long as I learn something from every fight, I am happy. My power is coming around and I would not consider myself a knockout puncher, but it’s getting better. People forget, I turned pro at age 18, and now I think my power has become respectable.
This being his 12th fight and most likely last of 2016, Fox sees 2017 as a moving year in his career.
“У 2017 I am looking for big things. I just want to keep winning and get some television time, but I know for that to happen, I must get past Rodriguez on November 5th. Just remember that main event Myke is coming to a boxing ring near you.
Rodriguez of Haymarket, Вирџинија има досије 6-5-1 with five wins coming via stoppage.
The 26 year-old Rodriguez is an eight year professional and he won his first four fights. He has a fifth round stoppage win over previously undefeated Nathaniel Rivas (5-0).
Fox will be Rodriguezfourth undefeated opponent. Rodriguez is coming off a six-round unanimous decision defeat to Anthony Young (11-2) о April 29th у Атлантик Ситију.
In a six-round bouts:
Luther Smith (5-1, 4 КО је) од Бовие, MD will fight Mike Marshall (3-0, 3 КО је) од Бронк, NY in a cruiserweight bout.
Јордан Вхите (3-0, 3 КО је) оф Васхингтон, Д.Ц.. ће преузети Jose Elizondo (2-1) Сан Антонио, TX in a junior featherweight bout.
Kent Cruz (11-0, 6 КО је) св. Луис, MO will square off with Дариус Ервин (3-0) of Los Angeles in a battle of undefeated junior welterweights.

Marcus Bates (4-0-1, 4 КО је) оф Васхингтон, Д.Ц.. ће се борити Franisco Muro (3-4, 1 КО) од Туцсон, AZ in a junior featherweight affair.
У четири округла налетима:
Greg Outlaw, Јр. од Бовие, МД ће његов деби против про Lamont White (0-4) of Waldorf, MD in a junior welterweight bout.

Just Hurd од Аццокеек, МД ће његов деби против про Хектор Пијаца (2-8, 1 КО) of Veracruz, MX in a junior middleweight bout.
Patrick Rivera (1-0, 1 КО) of Edgewood, MD will square off with pro debuting Jared James Wells of Charlottesville, VA in a middleweight bout.
Улазнице су сада на продају за $75, $60 & $40 позивом 301-899-2430 or by logging onto www.kpboxing.com

2016 World MMA Championships November 26-27 у Макау

МОНТЕ ЦАРЛО, Монако (Октобар 28, 2016)- Светска асоцијација мешовитих борилачких вештина (ВММАА) председник Вадим Финкелхтејн has formally announced that the 2016 World MMA Championships will be held Новембар 26-27 у Макау, Кина.
The recent European MMA Championships went very well,” Finkelchtein said. “The Russian National Team once again demonstrated the highest results of competition. In Russia, the fighters are real strong fighters, who repeatedly prove their highest level at the European and World Championships, winning a very difficult competition. The bar has been set significantly high. We have seen athletes from Germany, Украјина, and Belarus participating at these events. Ukrainians are no longer that far behind the Russians and German fighters have become much stronger in a relatively short time. In addition to The Championships, we held a judicial seminar, where we discussed many important issues regarding the development of our sport. Уопште, I think everything was great.
We’re looking forward to the World MMA Championship in Macau on Новембар 26-27. We expect the participation of athletes to represent 40 на 50 countries around the world. Many have already applied; despite the long distance they must travel to fight. The World MMA Championship will be held at a new venue in Macao Studio City. Ово је огромна, new complex that is entirely covered in marble with construction costs reaching about $3 billion. I have examined it and the scope of the building is stunning.
“Сада, we can say that the championship will have a lot of representatives from Latin America, Asia and Иurope. The African region is under developed right now, so only a few countries are participating from there, but Australia and New Zealand are competing. We expect spectacular, конкурентне борбе. We will also be arranging the next WMMAA Congress, where a lot of MMA issues relative to children and women will be discussed. We will decide what countries will host the Иuropean, Asian and World MMA Championships next year, as well as create a judicial committee. We shall discuss the time of the mandatory reference date of sport by each country, considering all the athletes, and then fix it. We will solve the issue of holding seminars that are mandatory for coaches, judges and medical specialists in each country. We are still a relatively young organization, so there are still shortcomings. But we are moving forward and working hard to improve.
Твиттер: @theWMMAA
Инстаграм: @worldmmaa


Russian cruiserweight is back in action on Новембар 12 at the latest ‘Detroit Brawlat the Masonic Temple

Last April at the Turning Stone in Verona, Њујорк, and with the ShoBox: The New Generation cameras rolling, Alexey Zubov admits he choked.

I was nervous. I never fought on a big show,” explained Zubov of the unanimous decision loss he suffered to Moldova’s Constantin Bejenaru. “It was such a huge step in my career and I felt frozen by nerves.
Fighters often make excuses when they lose, but with Zubov, there may be some validity. Normally a very active fighter with a high work rate, Zubov appeared listless and sluggish for eight uneventful rounds.
Life doesn’t always go the way you want. Losing that fight made me stronger. It was a good lesson for me and it was good for my experience to fight on that level. And now I know what it’s like. That will never happen again.
Zubov will continue his quest for another shot at the big time on Субота, Новембар 12, at Salita Promotions’ “Detroit Brawlevent at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
Sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, Улазнице за “Detroit Brawlwill be priced at ВИП $123, Box Seats $100, Рингсиде $93, $63, $38, и $28 and available at all Ticketmaster outlets andТицкетмастер.цом.
Originally from Magnitogorsk, Русија, Zubov says he’s enjoyed his last eight months living in Detroit and working with the late Emanuel Steward’s nephew Javan “Шећер” Hill at the resurgent Kronk Gym.
I came to Detroit to become a champion. I want to show everyone that I’m a world-class cruiserweight and I want to show everyone all the things Javan has been teaching me. He is a great trainer and I have a very good relationship him.
When not in training, Zubov says he loves the challenge of adapting to a new culture, virtually alone.
I only miss my parents, but we talk everyday on Skype or Facetime and they support me all the way. I don’t have many Russian-speaking friends in Detroit. Most of the time, I practice my English to try and learn it well. Сваки дан, I challenge myself to learn new words. I’ve always been like that. Just like my boxing skills. Every day I push myself to be better.
Zubov says in near-perfect English that he’d love the chance to settle some unfinished business.

I want a rematch with Bejenaru so bad. I can do so much better than that. I know I can. I will prove I can. I will not stop until I do.

Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, посетаввв.салитапромотионс.цом.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. За више информација, позив 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook page: ввв.фацебоок.цом/ThomasMageesSportingHouseWhiskeyBar

Kanat Islam takes on Patrick Allotey for WBO/WBA Intercontinental and UBC World Junior Middleweight titles this Saturday, October 29th at the Almaty Arena Arena in Almaty, Казахстан


Almay, Казахстан (Октобар 28, 2016)Saturday at the Almaty Arena in Almaty, Казахстан, Nelson’s Promotions presents a bout for the WBO and WBA Intercontinental along with the UBC Junior Middleweight titles as as Kanat Islam returns home to face Патрик Аллотеи in a bout scheduled for 12 метака.

Islam of Almaty, Kazakhstan has a record of 22-0 са 18 нокаута.
The 32 year-old Islam was a 2008 Olympic Bronze medal winner and is a 4 year-professional. He won the WBA Fedecaribe Super Welterweight title with a 1st round stoppage over Humberto Toledo (41-8). He defended the title twice.
Islam won the WBA Fedelatin Super Welterweight title with a 3rd round stoppage over Emilio Julio. He made three defenses of that belt, which included a 3rd round stoppage over Francisco Cordero. He is coming off a 6th round stoppage over Juan De Angel (18-3-1) о May 8th у Лакеланд, Флорида.
Allottey of Accra, Гана има евиденцију 34-2 са 28 нокаута.
The 26 year is a 10 године ветеран, who won his first 30 крајеви. In those victories, Allottey has wins over Patrice Sou Toke (15-0) to win the WBC Silver Welterweight title, for which he made 2 defenses and a win over. Patrick Bogere (12-1).
Alottey has won 4 straight and in his last bout, he stopped Sani Yidana Kugblie on June 24th in Accra, Гана.
In a 6-round light heavyweight bout, Zhanibek Alimkhanuly of Almaty, Kazakhstan will make his pro debut against former world title challenger МК Нуњез (33-16-1, 28 КО је) of Barranquilla, Колумбија.
In a 10-round welterweight bout, Zhankozh Turarov (19-0, 13 КО је) Kazakhstan will fight Isaac Aryee (24-8, 12 КО је) од Аццра, Гана.
In a 6-round Heavyweight bout, Ruslan Myrsatayev (9-0, 5 КО је) of Almaty, Kazakhstan will face Nuch Azumi (4-1, 3 КО је) од Аццра, Гана.
Ali Akhmedov (7-0-2, 2 КО је) of Almaty, Kazakhstan will square off with Ali Mammadov (10-2, 2 КО је) Baku, Azerbaijan in 6-round light heavyweight bout.
Aidar Sharibayev (11-1-1, 9 КО је) of Almaty, Kazakhstan will take on Juan Ocura(11-6-1, 4 КО је) of Sabadell, Spain in a 6-round lightweight bout.
Zhuma Zhumabekov of Almaty, Kazakhstan will make his pro debut in a 4-round lightweight bout against Uladzimir Ivanou (0-1) of Minsk, Белорусија.
За више информација, контакт:

Исус Цуеллар против. Abner Mares Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Фотографије


Featherweight World Title Showdown Headlines

СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг® Доублехеадер Субота, Децембар 10 from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles


Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

ЛОС АНГЕЛЕС (Октобар 27, 2016) – Featherweight world champion Исус Цуеллар и бивши три подела светски шампион Абнер Марес met face-to-face Четвртак at a press conference at OUE Skyspace at US Bank Tower – the tallest building west of the Mississippi Riverto discuss their world title showdown presented by Премиер Бокс шампиона (ПБЦ) о Субота, Децембар 10. The event will be live on СХОВТИМЕ from USC’s Galen Center in Los Angeles.


The СХОВТИМЕ Цхампионсхип Бокинг doubleheader begins with super welterweight world champion Јермалл Цхарло defending his title against top contender Џулијан "Ј-Роцк" Вилијамс in a matchup of undefeated rising stars in their prime.


Улазнице за догађају уживо, која промовише Рингстар спорта и ТГБ Промоције, иде на продају сутра, Октобар 28 у 3 п.м. PT and are priced at $35, $50, $75, $150 и $200. To purchase tickets go to www.galentix.com.


Ево шта су учесници су имали да кажу Четвртак about the highly anticipated night of action:




“I’ve been wanting to fight Mares for about two years. It’s finally going to happen. This is what I want. I’m going to make a statement.


“I’m very happy that this fight is finally here. I can’t wait to get in the ring on Децембар 10. I’m thankful for the opportunity. I know Mares is popular in Los Angeles, but I have a following as well and they will be there to support me.


“I’m training very hard and feeling physically strong. We never stopped training for this fight. Mares will come prepared for a war and I hope that’s what the fight is like. It’s going to prove who has the bigger heart.


“I’ve been training with Freddie Roach for about four months. It’s been a great partnership and he will make me even better than I’ve been. We’ve been practicing really hard. Freddie is handing me the tools to go to work. You will see all my experience come together on fight night.


“Mares is a great fighter. He’s been a champion for many years. He’s never faced an opponent like me. This will be his hardest challenge.


“I’m sure Mares will give it his all, just like I will. I’ve been dreaming about this fight for years. This will be a great battle, but I am prepared to take my belt back to Argentina.


“This is the most important fight of my career. I’m planning on knocking him out. I know that big things are going to come my way after I beat Mares.”




“This is going to be a smarter Abner Mares. I’ve been learning a lot with Robert Garcia. They gave us a year to train and learn together. He’s a knowledgeable coach. He’s not just a guy who works mitts. This is the real deal. He gets you better and I’m really happy with him.


“I want to thank Cuellar and his team for waiting for this fight to come to fruition. I really appreciate that as a person. То је коначно овде.


“I was actually commentating the Stiverne vs. Arreola fight at Galen Center and it was a great atmosphere. The environment there is incredible and I was just imagining being up in the ring as the main event.


“I want the winner of the Frampton vs. Santa Cruz rematch. I want to continue to fight the best. I want to be known as a guy who fights the best.


“Being on the big stage like this has made me what I am. Being on the bantamweight tournament on SHOWTIME really started to show people what my style is like. To be back for another world opportunity, it means everything to me. I’m hoping to give them another exciting fight.


“I never talk down about a fighter. We all deserve our respect. We all have the same desire to strive to be the best. Cuellar is a beast. He hits hard. The record speaks for itself and that’s what has me so excited. This is the kind of fight I want to be in. То доноси најбоље од мене.


“If I have to make it into a brawl, I will do that. I have the boxing abilities to be the smarter fighter and win by out boxing him. I learn from all of my fights, especially the losses. From the Santa Cruz fight I learned that I really need to listen to my corner. I let the crowd get to me and fought the wrong fight. I’m going to be ready for everything.


“This title coming home is going to be a nice Christmas present. It means the world to me. I’m going to add something to my trophy case.


“I’m a new man. I’m a grown man. I have two beautiful daughters. I like to learn something new every day. You will see a different Abner on Децембар 10. This is going to end the year with the ‘Fight of the Year.’”


Роберт Гарциа, Mares’ Trainer

“I’m thankful to Cuellar and his team for giving us this opportunity. He’s a good person who trains very hard and gives 100 percent all the time.


“I’ve been working with Abner almost this whole year. The dates for the fight have changed but now we have had a lot of time to get to know each other. We’ve been working side-by-side and we’ve had a lot of time to learn about each other.


“I think everybody should come out to this fight or watch on SHOWTIME, because it’s going to be one of the best fights of the year. I guarantee it.”




“Here we go again. It’s been a long process and there have been a lot of people who have helped get us to this.


“I want to thank Mares and his whole team for taking this fight. Ово ће бити рата. There’s no doubt about it. We love Robert, but we will have our back and forth leading up to this one. These are boxing war times, but he is a great person. But now we are with another one of the best trainers in the world, none other than Freddie Roach.


“Cuellar doesn’t live in Los Angeles. He actually still lives in Argentina. But he has stayed in Los Angeles throughout this whole process. He’s been away from his friends and family for almost nine months, but he has not complained once or asked to go home. That just shows the kind of professional that Jesus Cuellar is.”


Ричард Шефер, Председник & Директор Рингстар спорта


“I’m truly excited to be here with all of you. This night will feature two top-notch matchups and four guys who are at the pinnacle of their respective divisions. I’m really excited for this to be my first event back.


“This is a statement fight for Jesus Cuellar. It’s the biggest fight of his career. But he has passed every test so far. He’s a true warrior, as all Argentine fighters are. He’s a big puncher with a sterling record. This is a tough challenge, but he has every intention of keeping that belt.


“Abner Mares is a true warrior and you will all have the opportunity on Децембар 10 to go after a fourth world title against a strong champion in Jesus Cuellar, who has defended his title five times. But that is the kind of person Abner Mares is. He’s going to test himself against the best there is.


“I’m happy to be back and hopefully I’ll be able to add to this great sport of boxing. We’re here in a first class venue today and this is the kind of venue deserving of boxing. Boxing is about entertainment, and if you were to pick four boxers to put on an entertaining card, these would be them.


“These are going to be tremendous fights. Styles makes fights. Mares has been waiting for this opportunity and Cuellar is going to fight to keep his title. This is one of the most talked about fights around. It’s going to be all toe-to-toe action from the start to the finish.


“Two of the best matches in the sport are happening right here in Los Angeles on the same night. This is the best fighting the best and Los Angeles will be buzzing.


“It’s very special to be able to do my first event back in Los Angeles. To have two exciting, toe-to-toe battles on this card is great. Then the cherry on top is the opportunity to work with a man like Abner Mares. I met him at the 2004 Olympics and I was always impressed with his style and his personality and how he carries himself. "




“We’re thrilled to be here working on another great night of boxing. Заједно, with the matchmaking expertise of my father, Том Бровн, and Richard’s promotional talent, this has the makings of an excellent collaboration.


“We’re especially looking forward to working with the great staff at the Galen Center. We were here once before, for the heavyweight world title fight between Chris Arreola and Bermane Stiverne. That was a sold out night and I have a feeling this one will be too.


“Los Angeles has the best fight fans in the world and I know that they will be there to support these great fighters.”


CHRIS DEBLASIO, SVP Sports Communications at Showtime Networks


SHOWTIME continues to deliver the strongest lineup of any network in boxing, bar none. We recently announced a slate of upcoming events that is further proof that no one is committing more resources to move the sport forward than Showtime. And the next great run of evenly matched, world class fights begins on Субота, Децембар 10 у Лос Анђелесу. This card features four fighters ranked in the top-10 of their division taking the right fight at the right time. These men are as respectable and dependable outside of the ring as they are ferocious and talented inside the ring.

“We’re proud to be showcasing these two world title fights on the network. These fights exemplify what SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is all about.


“Mares and Cuellar might be the most evenly matched of the five featherweight championship fights we have presented on SHOWTIME this year. And we know that Jermall Charlo vs. Џулијан Вилијамс, the latest in a series of fights at junior middleweight, will determine the future of the deep and talented division.”


За више информација посетите ввв.СХО.цом/Спортс и ввв.премиербокингцхампионс.цом, follow on Twitter @SHOBoxing, @СХОСпортс, @ПремиерБокинг, ЈесусЦуелларБОКС, @AbnerMares, @ФутуреОфБокинг, ЈРоцкБокинг, @TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс иввв.Фацебоок.цом/ПремиерБокингЦхампионс. PBC is sponsored by Corona, финест pivo.

“Knockout Night at the D” returns Friday, Нов. 18 Blanco vs. Јазавац, Цруз вс. Гонзалез

Live on CBS Sports Network
From the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

Reynaldo Blanco vs. Демонд Брок (Р) headlines the Nov. 18тх
“Knockout Night at the D” on CBS Sports Network
(photo by MannyMittsMurillo / Рои Јонес Јр. Boxing Promotions)
ЛАС ВЕГАС (Октобар 27, 2016) – “Knockout Night at the D” returns Friday night, Новембар 18, емитују уживо (9 п.м. ПТ / 12 а.м. И) о ЦБС Спортс Нетворк from inside the Довнтовн Лас Вегас Евентс Центер tent, located in the heart of the downtown Las Vegas casino district, one block away from the world famous Fremont Street (200 С. 3rd St.).
North American Boxing Association (Такође) United States lightweight champion Reynaldo Blanco (13-2, 7 КОс) makes his first title defense against challenger DemondBody Shot” Јазавац (12-3, 4 КОс) у 10 колу главни догађај.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серија, presented by Д Лас Вегас and Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, is promoted by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
Hall of Fame announcers JimJ.R.Ross и Ел Бернштајн will call the action from ringside, along with roving reporter Шон Вилок, on CBS Sports Network.
The 29-year-old Blanco, fighting out of the Dominican Republic by way of Puerto Rico, captured his NABA US title belt this past January, taking an 8-round unanimous decision from previously unbeaten Angel Luis Ocasio (8-0-2). In his last fight in July, Blanco stopped another undefeated challenger, 14-0 Mario Beltre, in the second round for the Dominican Republic lightweight championship.
New Orleans-native Brock, who learned how to box serving a 15-year prison sentence, поражен Chuy Gutierrez (14-0-1) in the June 10тх “Knockout Night at the D” show to retain his World Boxing Council (ВБЦ) United States lightweight title in his first title defense. Јазавац, 35, originally captured his title belt in 2015, by way of an 8-round unanimous decision over Oscar Valenzuela (9-1-1).
У 8-кола ко-функцијом, Puerto Rican junior middleweight Данијел “El Duro” Цросс(11-1, 10 КОс) takes on former Mexico welterweight champion Норберто Гонзалез(22-8, 13 КОс).
Цросс, who has knocked out 10 његовог 11 victims, is the reigning World Boxing Organization (ВБО) Latino junior middleweight champion having captured that vacant title in his last fight (Јул 17, 2015), заустављање Aaron Garcia (14-3-1) in the second round in Florida.
Always dangerous Gonzalez is a proven upset specialist with victories against 30-3 Javier Francisco Maciel (DEC8), 20-1 Michael Oliveira (DEC10), 18-2 Antonio Arras (DEC10), и 22-3-1 Joel Juarez (ДЕЦ6).
In the television opener, rising junior lightweight Randy Moreno (6-0, 5 КОс) faces Mexican veteran Daniel Perales (7-5-1, 4 КОс) in a scheduled 6-round bout. Fighting once again at home in Las Vegas, Moreno will be in his first 6-rounder, as well as on national television for the first time. The gifted 20-year-old is coming off explosive back-to-back knockouts of Fabian Alaniz и Gaige Ireland in a pair of “Knockout Night at the D” events in September.
The hottest series in boxing returns November 18тх with another great event,” рекао Кеитх Велтре, Direktor / Co-Founder of Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions. “Још једном, the main event and co-feature are pick ’em fights. ‘Knockout Night at the Dfights are known for its competitiveness and entertainment value. And we remain committed to showcasing local prospects like Randy Moreno, who will be fighting on national television for the first time. Fans in attendance as well as those watching on CBS Sports Network will be into these match-ups from the opening bell.
Keeping with its goal to showcase young talent based in Las Vegas, јуниорска мува Marina “Стеновит” Рамирез (2-0), and pro-debuting cruiserweight Jason Beauchampare slated to be fighting in separate 4-round bouts.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Улазнице, по цени од $1,000.00 VIP booth (укључује 15 admissions), $50.00 VIP ringside, $25.00 и $15.00 Генерално пријем, are on sale at ввв.Тицкетмастер.цом или www.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Врата се отварају у 6:00 п.м. ПТ with the opening bout scheduled at 7:00 п.м. ПТ.
The “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center and Neon Star Media.
Твиттер: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Инстаграм: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @bodyshot brock and @_randymoreno
RIVAL BOXING GEAR & EQUIPMENT is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” серија. www.rivalboxing.com, @ривалбокинггеар

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