Санта Моника, CALIF (Ноември 1, 2016) – A light heavyweight bout pitting Филип Линс (10-1) срещу Pietro Cappelli (2-1) and a middleweight fight between John Солтър (12-3) и Клаудио Аникиарико (1-4) have been added to "Bellator 168: Карвальо срещу. Manhoef 2,” which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands emanating from the Mandela Forum in Florence on Dec. 10.

The evening is highlighted by a main event middleweight world title rematch pitting Рафаел Carvalho (13-1) срещу Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC). В допълнение, Italy’s own Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) и Joey “The Mexicutioner” Beltran (17-13, 1 NC) will duke it out in a light heavyweight feature fight. "Bellator 168: Карвальо срещу. Manhoef 2” will air on SPIKE at 4ч ET/PT.

A native of Florence, Италия, Cappelli has made an immediate splash in MMA, earning consecutive victories following his professional debut in 2015. Cappelli’s first career win came at the expense of Andrzej Kulik, when the 32-year-old delivered a brutal first round knockout. He then parlayed the emphatic victory with another first round finish, displaying his noteworthy ground game with a keylock submission just one minute and one second into the bout. With a noticeable message reading “unscarred” across his stomach, the Italian competitor prepares to dive in head first with a challenging matchup against the veteran Lins in his Bellator MMA debut.

The 31-year-old Lins will enter the cage for the 12th time in his career and fifth since making his Bellator MMA debut in 2014. Родом от Бразилия, Lins began his professional career on a nine-fight winning streak, finishing opponents in seven of the victories. “Monstro” has recorded a trio of significant victories since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion, including two first round finishes and his most recent knockout win over fellow Brazilian competitor Уилям Виана при "Bellator 159: Колдуел срещу. Taimanglo.” Lins hopes to build off of his big win and silence a crowd that will be heavily in favor of his Italian opponent Cappelli.

Fresh off of his first career victory, a first round knockout over Ilyrian Hoxhay, the 32-year-old Annicchiarico looks to continue his success when he enters the cage for the first time under the direction of Bellator MMA. The Italian middleweight will face a difficult first test in Salter, a 15-fight veteran that hasn’t been defeated since 2012. With a pair of submission defeats to Salter’s name, look for Annicchiarico to take the fight to the ground and grind it out there.

The former Strikeforce competitor Salter will make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner, after recording victories in his first two bouts with the promotion. He is riding a recent string of success, having won four consecutive contests and seven of his past eight. Over his seven-year career, the 31-year-old Nashville, Тенеси., native has collected a dozen professional victories, recording finishes in all. With nine of his 12 career wins coming in the opening round of action, Salter is known to be one of the quickest strikers in the division and most recently finished former middleweight champion Brandon Halsey.


Complete "Bellator 168: Карвальо срещу. Manhoef 2” Card:

Средна титла в средната категория: Рафаел Carvalho (13-1) срещу. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight: Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) срещу. Joey Белтран (17-13, 1 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight: Филип Линс (10-1) срещу. Pietro Cappelli (2-1)

Игра в средна категория: John Солтър (12-3) срещу. Клаудио Аникиарико (1-4)


За незабавно освобождаване

Монреал (Ноември 1, 2016) – The “GYM 2016-2017 БОКСОВА СЕРИА” в кабаре на казиното в Монреал, а ПРЕДСТАВЯНЕ НА MISE-O-JEU, В СЪТРУДНИЧЕСТВО С ВИДЕОТРОН, ще бъде домакин на втората си карта от 2016 сезон и 50-ти оттогава 2004 ON Събота, Декември 10. The World Boxing съвет (WBC) Сребърен шампион и WBC #1 светлина в тежката категория, Eleider “Буря” Alvarez (20-0, 10 Нокаута), ще се изправи срещу твърд боец ​​с лак Норберт “Норас” Дабровски (19-5-1, 7 Нокаута).

Дабровски, левша лапа, който никога не е губил с нокаут през кариерата си, ще дойде в Монреал, за да се опита да развали партито. В последния си излет, той разби перфектния рекорд на своя сънародник. Марек Матия (11-0).
В единствената му битка извън Полша, Дабровски представи силна опозиция Мей 2, 2015 на немски Доминик Бозел (18-0), губи с единодушно решение в 10 рунда (113-115, 111-116, 110-117) на съперник, който тогава беше и остава Световната боксова организация (WBO) #2 класиран в полутежка категория в света, както и # 8 WBC.
Alvarez, колумбийски олимпиец на Игрите в Пекин, той спечели титлата на WBC Silver в полутежка категория август 25, 2014 в Монако, побеждавайки южноафриканците Рино Либенберг (16-0-0). На June 12, 2015, в Чикаго, на Премиер боксови Champions серийно събитие, Алварес нокаутира украинеца Анатолий Dudchenko(19-3) във втория кръг.
“Буря” след това се сблъсква със силна опозиция, Парагвайски мършавец Isidro Прието Ranoni (24-0-3), Август 15, 2015, в Центъра Bell в Монреал. След тежък бой, осиновителят на Монреал Алварес беше обявен за победител с единодушно решение.

Алварес продължи да победи водещия претендентIsaac Mark (24-2-2), Малави, в елиминационен двубой на WBC в полутежка категория ноември 28, 2015, с решение с мнозинство, във Videotron Center в Квебек Сити,
В последния си излет, това потупване Юли 29 във Видеотрон център, Алварес доминираше солидна левка на Нова Зеландия Робърт Беридж (27-4-1) за да спечелите ясна победа с единодушно решение.
“Щастлив съм да се върна в казиното в Монреал, където имах първите си три професионални битки,” - каза Алварес. “Помолих екипа си да ме поддържа активен и също така да преценя какво правя добре и какво правя лошо срещу левшата. Искам да съм напълно готов за Адонис Стивънсън и става първият колумбийски шампион в полутежка категория в света!,”
Тази предстояща битка най-вероятно ще бъде Алварес’ последен излет преди битка със Стивънсън, световният шампион на WBC в полутежка категория в 2017. Дабровски е здрава и издръжлива южна лапа, който ще бъде отличен тест за Алварес, преди да се изправи срещу шампиона.
“Именно по настояване на неговия отбор Алварес ще скочи на ринга Декември 10,” GYM президент Ивон Michel отбелязано.
“В очакване на битката си за световната титла, Елейдер не се страхува да рискува високата си позиция в класацията, за да си осигури най-добрите условия за успех, когато му дойде времето. Дабровски никога не е бил спиран и давал # 2 WBO класира боец ​​с всичко, с което можеше да се справи миналата година. Той също е южна лапа. Логично е да очакваме завладяваща битка 10 декември. Имаме вълнуваща карта за нашите 50тата събитие в казиното в Монреал. Феновете на бокса ще бъдат големите победители!”
Истинско предизвикателство за Dicaire
Харизматичният Мари-Ив Дикер (5-0, 0 Нокаута), от Сейнт Юсташ, Канада, ще се бият в ко-главното събитие на вечерта. Тя ще се изправи срещу най-голямото предизвикателство в кариерата му срещу бившата Северноамериканска боксова федерация (NABF) полусредна категория шампион, Мексикански Пати “Елегантният” Ramirez (11-2, 5 Нокаута).
Интересно, двамата боксьори са на 11-о място в световната ранглиста от WBC: Dicaire в полусредна категория (147 LB), Рамирес в супер полусредна категория (154 LB).
Мари-Ив ще гледа да продължи силната си инерция в професионалистите. В последния си излет (Октомври. 20), тя представи зашеметяващо изпълнение, също в кабаре на казиното в Монреал, където явно се чувства като у дома си. Тогава тя победи мексиканката Карла Самора (3-2-0) с единодушно решение.
Ако е успешна, това ще бъде нейната последна битка от шест рунда, преди да премине в осем- кръгови двубои през февруари.
“Това е близка дата за мен, откакто се бих през октомври 20 но се връщам от една седмица ваканция,” — отбеляза Дикер. “Така, Напълно готов съм да започна тренировъчния си лагер. Последната ми битка беше война, която наистина хареса тълпата, където дадох малко повече, като пренебрегнах защитата си. За този двубой, Сигурен съм, че ще успея да покажа истинския си потенциал.”
“Само в петия й двубой,” Michel добавен, “Мари-Ив вече беше в световната ранглиста. В крайна сметка тя ще се бори за световна титла, като има всичко необходимо за това. Също, женският бокс процъфтява напоследък, тъй като жените могат да се боксират на олимпийските игри.”
Лафрениер и Фин също в действие
Ако битките на Алварес и Дикер не бяха достатъчни, за да гарантират много забавна вечер Декември. 10, също планирани да се бият на картата са двама много популярни боксьори в Квебек, Francis
Лафрениер и Shakeel Pen.
Лафрениер (12-5-2, 7 Нокаута), харизматичната Международна боксова федерация (IBF) Международен шампион в средна категория, ще направи своя дебют в Cabaret du Casino. Прозвището, “Шампионът на хората,” Lafrenière е известен със своя агресивен и безкомпромисен стил на бокс.
Той за първи път стана канадски шампион в средна категория юни 28, 2014, в Лачин, като спечели с единодушно решение Пол Бздел (5-4-1) от Саскачеван. След това той спечели международната си титла в средна категория на IBF в яростна битка последен Януари 30 срещу Квебесер Ренан Сент-Жюст (26-4-1) в Bell Center, който мнозина смятат за битка на годината.
Lafrenière в момента има серия от девет победи. Той разчита да го разшири до 10 на Декември. 10. Съперникът му ще бъде обявен до дни.
“Имах първата си професионална битка тук в казиното в Монреал и имах равенство,” – коментира оптимистичният Лафрениер. “Благодаря на GYM, че ми даде възможност за изкупление. Имах солидна битка с Ренан Сент-Жюст, но съм готов да предам още един този двубой.”
Писалка (10-1, 6 Нокаута), канадският шампион в супер средна категория,е познато лице на феновете на бокса в казиното. Протеже на бивш боксьор Иън Маккилоп, той спечели титлата си последен Февруари. 27 в Саскачеван чрез поражение Пол Бздел (5-7-1).
В последния си излет, октомври 15 в Ню Брънзуик, Фин нокаутира боец ​​от Ню Брънзуик Том лешояд (2-0). Това ще бъде и второто му участие в кабаре на казиното в Монреал тази година, след като победи мексикански опонент Джауил Зепеда (12-14-1) това минало Май 24.

Lucian Бют и Кристиан Ганеску протежета, Дарио Бредикиан (10-0, 3 Нокаута) и Bruno Bredicean (5-0, 1 Нокаута), още Патрис Волни (3-0, 2 Нокаута) от Монреал, също ще бъде в действие срещу опонентите, които ще бъдат обявени.
Галата в казиното
“GYM BOXING SERIES В КАЗИНО DE MONTRÉAL” е формула, която е много популярна от 2005 към 2010. През този период, не по-малко от девет участници в крайна сметка станаха световни шампиони. За своята 13-та година, GYM повтори тази формула, където близостта на действие, топлата и наелектризираща атмосфера, като интензивността на битките, предоставят уникално изживяване.
В допълнение, на всяка гала, ще получите частна покана да се смесите със спортисти и наблюдатели в бар на Казиното изключително за тази цел.
Декември 10 ще бъде 50-ото събитие, представено от GYM в казиното в Монреал.
Бившите световни шампиони Joachim Alcine (седем пъти), Отис Грант (четири пъти), Леонард Дорин (веднъж), Adrian Diaconu (веднъж, Бют (веднъж), Жан Паскал (девет пъти), David Lemieux (14 пъти), Уилям Joppy (срещу Себастиен Демерс), и настоящият световен шампион на WBC и линеен шампион в полутежка категория Адонис “Свръхчовек” Stevenson (шест пъти), всички са се биели в кабаре на казиното в Монреал.
Междувременно елиминационният двубой на WBC в супер средна категория Отис Грант и Librado Andrade (Април 8, 2006), и грандиозният сблъсък между Herman Ngoudjo и Емануел Август (Октомври. 15, 2005) са сред най-добрите спомени за феновете на бокса в Квебек.




Санта Моника, CALIF. (Ноември 1, 2016) – An undisclosed injury to Pat Къран, who was originally scheduled to fight John Teixeira(20-1-2), has opened the door for a lightweight main event pitting Patricky Pitbull (16-8) срещу Дерек Fields (17-6) on the second night of a special doubleheader inside WinStar World Casino & Resort в Thackerville, ДОБРЕ., на Събота, Декември 3.


In lieu of the injured former featherweight champion, Teixeira will now face Джъстин Лорънс (9-3) in main card action. В допълнение, Bellator MMA is pleased to announce the professional debut of three-time All American wrestling prospect Джарод Трис, who will challenge Brandon Lee (4-1) during the preliminary card.

The second night of entertainment – “Bellator 167” – features a flyweight bout pitting undefeated budding superstar Ilima-Lei MacFarlane (4-0) срещу Емили Дюкот (4-1), както и Чиди Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) срещу Andre Fialho (7-0) in three rounds of welterweight action on the Spike-televised main card.


A bantamweight world title rematch pitting current champion Eduardo Dantas (18-4) срещу Joe Warren (14-5) and a featherweight bout pitting undefeated prospect A.J. Маккий (5-0) срещу Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) will highlight the first night of excitement at “Bellator 166.”И накрая, категория петел схватка между Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) и C.R.. Davis (23-7) will also be featured on the main card of the doubleheader’s opening night.


Tickets for the unique doubleheader event start at just $45 and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino & Resort Box Office, както и Ticketmaster и


"Bellator 167: Pitbull срещу. Campos 2” airs live and free on Saturday on SPIKE at 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT., докато "Bellator 166: Дантас vs.. Warren 2”airs live and free в петък на SPIKE при 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT. Preliminary bouts for both events will stream live on и В Bellator Mobile App.


The 30-year-old Brazilian star originally caught the promotion’s attention following an electric start to his professional career, as he earned a victory in seven of his first eight fights. Now a 16-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Freire enters the contest having won six of his last nine bouts, including knockout finishes over division powerhouses Ryan Couture, David Рикелс, and most notably Derek Campos in the pair’s first brawl two years ago. The second round victory over Campos marked only the second time in his career that an opponent was able to finish him via knockout. Freire has already put together a stellar 2016 кампания, with wins over Couture and Kevin Souza, as well as a lightweight title shot against Michael Chandler. “Pitbull” will look to further cement his feet atop the division’s elite with a strong performance against the equally-tested veteran Campos.


Prior to an undisclosed injury, Campos was originally set for a rematch with “Pitbull” in Italy at “Bellator 152,” but now the 28-year-old Texan will have his shot at revenge even closer to home base. Hailing from Lubbock, Texas, “The Stallion” comes in having won eight of his last 11 краища, including knockout victories over Melvin Guillard and Estevan Payan. С професионален опит от 3-1 в Thackerville, including a KOTC Junior Welterweight Championship in 2012, Campos has clearly claimed WinStar World Casino & Resort his home away from home. Currently riding a recent string of success, Campos will look to add to his current two-fight winning streak and continue his dominance in OK.


The 29-year-old Teixeira continues to make a name for himself in Bellator MMA’s featherweight division, as he will make his fourth appearance under the promotion’s direction following three consecutive victories. Подобно на опонента си, Teixeira also steps into the cage on a recent string of success, having won seven of his last eight bouts, including a trio of first round knockouts. Prior to his days with Bellator MMA, Teixeira began his professional career fighting exclusively in Brazil, posting an undefeated record of 12-0 with one draw. The upcoming bout marks only the fourth time in Teixeira’s nine year career that he will fight outside of his native Brazil. С 14 на неговата 19 кариера печели идва чрез нокаут или предаване, you can be sure to see “Macapa” go for the finishing blow early and often in this mouthwatering matchup.


Following the recent news of an undisclosed injury that forced Pat Curran to withdraw, Lawrence has agreed to fill in to face Teixeira. After beginning his professional career under the direction of Strikeforce, Lawrence has found a home in Bellator MMA’s formidable featherweight division. “The American Kid” has tallied a pair of highlight-reel knockouts since joining the Scott Coker-led promotion last year, including his most recent victory over Исао Кобаяши при "Bellator 157: Dynamite 2.” The emphatic finish was the fifth of his young career and fourth by way of knockout. Dating back to 2013, the 26-year-old striker has won five of his last six contests, three of which came by way of knockout. Hailing from Pacific, Мисури, the former UFC competitor will look to keep the ball rolling against another tough opponent in Teixeira.


Three-time All American wrestling prospect Jarod Trice will be making his highly anticipated professional debut, following his recent signing with the promotion earlier this year. Trice joins Aaron Pico, И Рут и Tyrell Fortune as a few of the recent signees that make up the new wave of incredibly talented wrestling prospects to flock to Bellator MMA. The Detroit, Michigan native competed at Central Michigan University, where he has also earned a National Title at 120 kg and two Greco Roman National Titles, with one at 120 kg and another at 98 kg.The 27-year-old also saw a great deal of success following an impressive 50-pound weight-loss transformation, something that will surely come in handy in a sport that demands severe weight discipline.


Fighting out of Clinton, ДОБРЕ., Lee will not have to travel far when he makes his Bellator MMA debut inside WinStar World Casino & Resort в Thackerville, на Декември 3. The 41-year-old heavyweight has had a great deal of success to date, recording four wins over his five career bouts under the direction of regional promotions. “The Undertaker” has finished his opponent in the opening round of each of his four professional victories, including a brutal knockout in his most recent win earlier this year. Lee will drop down to the 205-pound division for his promotional debut, looking to crash the party that is top prospect Jarod Trice and his widely followed professional debut.


Complete "Bellator 167: Pitbull срещу. Campos 2” Main Card:

Леко основно събитие: Patricky "Pitbull" Фрейре (16-8) срещу. Дерек Fields (17-6)

Flyweight Feature Bout: Ilima MacFarlane (4-0) срещу. Емили Дюкот (4-1)

Бой за полусредна категория: Чиди Njokuani (15-4, 1 NC) срещу. Andre Fialho (7-0)

Предварителен бой с леко тегло: John Teixeira (19-1-2) срещу. Джъстин Лорънс (9-3)


Актуализирана предварителна карта:

Предварителен двубой в полутежка категория: Джарод Трис (Дебют) срещу. Brandon Lee (4-1)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Abdul Razak Al Hassan (5-0) срещу. Dakota Cochrane (26-10)

Lightweight Preliiminary Bout: Jonathan Gary (11-6) срещу. Aaron Roberson (5-4)

Предварителен бой с леко тегло: Brandon Philips (6-2) Стивън Banaszak (5-5)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Джъстин Патерсън (7-1) срещу. Codale Ford (11-8)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Фернандо Гонзалес (Дебют) срещу. Chris Hicks (3-8)





SET FOR Събота, Ноември 19



Кликнете ТУК на снимки

Photo Credit: Khristopher Sandifer/Roc Nation Sports

OAKLAND, КАТО (Ноември 1, 2016) – On Monday, Октомври 31, 2016, Двукратен световен шампион Andre “S.O.G.” Ward (30-0, 15 Нокаута) participated in a media workout in Hayward, California ahead of his pound-for-pound showdown against WBO, WBA and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 Нокаута). Kovalev-Ward “Pound For Pound” takes place Събота, Ноември. 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Събитието ще се произвежда и разпространява на живо по HBO Pay-Per-View, започваща в 9:00 p.m. И/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ward put on a full workout session for the media in attendance, consisting of a series of shadow boxing, heavy bag, double end bag, speed bag and then stretching. Also on hand were youths from Camp Sweeney, Alameda County Probation Department’s residential facility in San Leandro, whom Ward spent time speaking with following the workout.


Below is what Ward had to say during the media workout:


ANDRE WARD, Двукратен световен шампион:


“I feel that this fight with Kovalev is 50-50. That’s how I approach all of my big fights. I don’t go into the fight thinking, ‘I’ve got a clear-cut advantage here’ or ‘I’ve got to run through this guy.’ Personally, за мен, I can’t roll like that. I’ve got to keep myself honest, stay on my grind, keep my head down and force myself to keep working. I truly believe Kovalev is everything they say he is, and I’m everything that I’ve shown over the years.


“There are always different game plans, nuances, different things you’re working on but I respect every fight that I fight. I don’t get caught up in the whole puncher thing, anybody can get you out of there if you get hit right. I don’t think I’d be sitting here in this position right now if I hadn’t had these highs and lows. We’ve got to find a way to get it done, and we’re going to find a way to get it done. I don’t care what he’s got in his gloves, who he’s knocked out or what he’s done. My job is to get my hand raised, and that’s what we’re focused on.


“I have days where I do some type of cardio in the morning – sprints, distant running – then go back to training camp to get some rest and eat. Then we come to the gym and spar and hit the heavy bag. It’s a monotonous process when you’re in training camp, and that’s pretty much every day. Of course we take days off to rest the body and be smart, but it’s really the same thing every day. As you get closer, you start to pull back a little bit so you don’t over train. That’s normally the week of the fight, so up until the Събота преди двубоя, you’re full steam ahead. 100 miles an hour.


“Typically, Virgil and I will go through our process together. He watches a lot more film than I do. He’s up until 3:00 А.М.или 4:00 А.М. watching film. As I’ve gotten older, I watch less film. I don’t need to see 10 fights to see tendencies and certain things. I know what I need to see. I may go back and watch a round here and there, but I try and leave room for my instincts. I’m very instinctual. You’ve got to be able to think on the fly thinking on the highest level. I leave room for that. It’s not a checklist you go down. You can’t get into a ring thinking like that. I just believe that who I am and what I have is enough, and that’s what I’m standing on.


“Having young guys like Shakur Stevenson around, it starts to make me feel old because I used to be that guy at Roy Jones’s camp, Floyd Mayweather’s camp, hanging around Bernard Hopkins. You see yourself in them. It’s a little weird, because you’re like, ‘man, now I’m the OG.’ But it’s also a beautiful thing because we need more of that. We need champions and top contenders and just fighters in general to open up the door and allow the young guys on the way to be shown how it’s done.


“I’m honored for Claressa Shields to say that I am her idol. I admire her story, what she’s come from, and think that she’s amazing in the ring. She’s the real deal. I watch her, I pick up things from her. For her to have two Gold medals is amazing. For her to make her pro debut on this fight card is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I think it’s a perfect situation.


“It’s a beautiful thing to be fighting in Vegas. Развълнуван съм. What better time than now in this stage in my career. I’m just excited to continue to prepare so I can do my part to give the fans their money’s worth, those that pay to be there and those paying to watch it. Това е, което аз съм фокусирани върху, and I’m extremely happy to be a part of it. T-Mobile is a new arena, and a new chapter, and to be a part of it is a beautiful thing.”



Kovalev vs. Опека “Pound For Pound”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight title at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, is presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Sports, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by the MGM Grand Hotel & Казино, Corona Extra, Zappos and JetLux. The championship event will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. И/6:00 p.m. PT. Tickets are available on and the T-Mobile Arena box office.


Follow the conversation using #KovalevWard. FOLLOW US: @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /thekrusher /kovalboxer @AndreWard @AndreSogWard /AndreSogWard @Main_Events @Main_Events /MainEventsBoxing /MEBoxingSeries @RocNation @RocNation /RocNation /RocNation HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBOboxing /HBOsports @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /MGMGrand @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  


Chicago Welterweight Looks to Defeat Another Unbeaten Boxer When He Faces Taras Shelestyuk in Main Event Of ShoBox: The Tripleheader New Generation, Този петък, Ноември. 4, Live on SHOWTIME®

NEW YORK (Ноември. 1, 2016) – Jimmy “Истината” Herrera is accustomed to entering the ring as an underdog. The Chicago native is experienced in fighting favored prospects and contenders on the road and has had an inordinate success in these types of matchups, having defeated unbeaten prospects in four of his last nine fights.

So don’t expect Herrera (15-3-1, 8 Нокаута) to be in awe of his opponent, former Ukraine amateur standout and rising star, Тарас Shelestyuk (14-0, 9 Нокаута) when they meet this Петък, Ноември. 4, in the 10-round welterweight main event on ShoBox: Новото поколениена живо по SHOWTIME® (10:30 p.m. И/PT, забавено на Западния бряг) при Omega Products Event Center в Корона, Халиф.

5-крак-10, 27-year-old Herrera has won three in a row and is 8-1-1 since dropping a close eight-round decision to Adrian Гранадос през февруари 2012. One of those victories was an upset seventh-round TKO over one-time highly ranked welterweight and world title challenger Микрофон “Автомат” Jones on Aug. 23, 2014.

Herrera is promoted by Hitz Boxing and co-managed by Cameron Dunkin and Mike Cericola.

Here are Herrera’s responses to a recent Q&A:

What are your thoughts going into your ShoBox debut?
“Аз съм винаги за едно предизвикателство, so I’m really excited about this opportunity. I’m definitely ready to compete against another undefeated fighter. I’m coming to show my skills to the world and prove I’m a boxer you have to pay attention to.

At this point of my career, I want to make a move fast while I’m young. I don’t just want to be a guy with a nice record. I truly believe in my skills and that I can reach the highest level.

I’ve been getting great help with sparring with the best of the best in Chicago. Сам Colonna, George Hernandez and all the Chicago boxing coaches have been great mentors to me and I am very thankful.

What do you know about Shelestyuk?
He was a great amateur fighter and he’s a lefty. That’s pretty much all I need to know. The only thing I can give him is that he has experience, so I’ve got to be careful of that. But it’s nothing newI’ve seen fighters like that.

Каква битка очаквате?
I expect him to be a boxer with movement. I think he’ll try to box me. I’ll be coming forward, being aggressive. След това, we’ll see what his game plan is.

Кой е ключът към победата?
It all depends on the pressure I can apply, throwing the right punches at the right time, the accuracy of my punches. Each punch has to have a purpose. I’m definitely more of a pressure guy. I like Gennady Golovkin’s style, Julio Cesar Chavez is my idol. That is the kind of style I try to fight with.

On fighting on ShoBox for the first time?
I’m definitely excited because I know a lot of people will be watching. Аз не съм нервна изобщо. The cameras, the bright lights, честно, I don’t care about. My focus is totally on this fight. This is the type of fight that can open a lot of doors for me.

Is this your biggest fight and do you feel pressure?
“Да, определено, this is my biggest fightjust for all the doors a win would open for me, all the possibilities. Няма никакъв натиск върху мен. He’s the one representing his country with the weight on his shoulders. I’ve lost before, but that doesn’t make me an opponent.

Are they making a mistake fighting you??
I feel like they are making a mistake, but I also feel this is going to be a good test for him. I think Taras took the fight more for himself. But if he doesn’t know now about me, he’s going to find out.

You boxed amateurs for one year and had 25 краища. Той беше 2012 Olympic Bronze Medalist with a boatload of amateur accomplishments. How significant is the experience of fighting amateur?
“Лично, за мен, the amateurs are not that important at all. It’s all irrelevant once you go pro. I know some great amateur boxers who made it after turning pro, and some who didn’t. It’s a whole different ballgame. As a pro, I believe I’ve fought better guys than he has. I’ve been tested way more than he has. You can’t take away what he did as an amateur, but fighting with the smaller gloves, with no headgear, is totally different.

Undefeated cruiserweights Константин Беженару (11-0, 4 Нокаута, 0-1-1 в Световните серии по бокс), на Catskill, N.Y.. по пътя на Молдова, и Стив “Свръхчовек” Буджай (16-0-1, 11 Нокаута), Ню Йорк, will collide in a 10-rounder for the vacant WBC International WBC Continental Americas titles in the co-feature.

Племенникът на популярния бивш двукратен световен шампион в лека категория Acelino “Приклад” Freitas, непобеден лек Витор Джоунс Фрейтас (12-0, 1 ND, 6 Нокаута), на Салвадор, Bahia, Бразилия, ще се противопостави на любимия на местните фенове Мануел Мендес (12-1-2, 8 Нокаута), на Индио, Калифорния., in an eight-round bout in the opening match of the telecast.

Билети за събитието, популяризирано от Banner Promotions, Thompson Boxing, Hitz Boxing and Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing are priced at $100 (ринга), $70 (запазени) и $50 (общо признание) и могат да бъдат закупени, като се обадите (714) 935-0900.

Barry Томпкинс ще извика действието ShoBox от ringside с Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Раул Маркес служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителни продуценти Гордън Hall с Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

За ShoBox: Новото поколение
От създаването си през юли 2001, критиката SHOWTIME бокса серията, ShoBox: Новото поколение е черта на младите таланти съвпадащи труден. Философията на ShoBox е да излъчи вълнуващо, харесван от тълпата и конкурентни мачове, като същевременно осигуряват основа за създаване желаещи перспективи решени да се борят за световната титла. Някои от нарастващия списък на 67 бойци, които са се появили ShoBox и разширено, за да събере световни титли включва: Андре Уорд, Дионтей Уайлдър, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Гари Ръсел Jr., Ламонт Питърсън, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Фигероа, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Тимъти Брадли, Jessie Vargas, Хуан Мануел Лопес, Чад Доусън, Поли Malignaggi, Рики Хатън, Кели Павлик, Пол Уилямс и повече.

Дани Гарсия & Omar Douglas Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia Faces Colombia’s Samuel Vargas in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event Събота, Ноември 12 From Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from
Премиер боксови Champions
(More photos to be added shortly)
PHILADELPHIA (Ноември 1, 2016) – Undefeated world champion Danny “Swift” Garcia held a media workout at his gym in Philadelphia on Tuesday as he prepares for his Премиер боксови Champions на Шип showdown with Colombia’s Samuel Vargas ще се проведе Събота, Ноември 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Also in attendance at Tuesday’s workout was undefeated rising prospect Omar Douglas, who battles former world champion Javier Fortuna in PBC on Spike action that same night.
Телевизионно покритие на Spike започва в 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Джарет Хърд against former title challenger Jo Jo Dan in a super welterweight attraction.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, са с цени $200, $100, $75, $50 и $35 и са в продажба сега. To purchase tickets visit or call 800-298-4200.
Garcia has teamed up during this promotion with Philabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive, collecting most-needed items, such as tuna and vegetables. Fans have been encouraged to drop off canned goods at the Liacouras Center (1776 N Broad St) and the DSG Boxing Gym (3731 Jasper St). Допълнително, $10 from each ticket sold has been donated and will provide 20 meals per ticket for people in need.
Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday:
“Тя се чувства страхотно, че се бори у дома. This is what Philadelphia needed. We’re a fight town. I feel like people don’t know that all over the world. We have a great history and a lot of world champions from here, and they’ve been kind of been overshadowed. It’s an honor to be able to bring a fight back to these fans.
It’s very important to give back. I’m so happy to have the opportunity. With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner I’m sure we’ll be making a big impact. There are a lot of families in Philadelphia who really need it and I’m glad I can help.
I’m very lucky to be where I am. It takes a lot of hard work, but you also need the right timing. My dad and I had a vision. We never gave up on that vision. We’ve been through so much in life, we didn’t want to stop till we reached our goals.
The city of Philadelphia needs a champion. They need someone to give them a hometown show. There’s a lot of excitement with the Eagles and Sixers right now, and I’m going to give them another thing to cheer for.
It’s a very short trip for me to the arena so I’m happy about that. I feel comfortable. I’m in my own backyard. We’re planning to make sure Vargas is very uncomfortable.
I love seeing these young kids from Philadelphia on the card. I love giving them an opportunity to get fights in front of their hometown fans too. There are a lot of doors opening up for young fighters from Philadelphia and I love that I can be a part of it.
I know Billy Briscoe (Vargas’ треньор) will have some tricks. We’re very familiar with each other and I know what kind of trainer he is. He’s never prepared to face someone like me.
I’ve watched the tape on Vargas. He’s a gritty fighter. He’s definitely a tough guy who won’t give up. I have to be ready. I’m going to have to be prepared. I feel ready to go.
I had to grow into 140-pounds before I started knocking people out. This will be my third fight at welterweight and I think I’m going to feel as good as I have in my career. That’s why we’re ready to take on the best.
This is just a task. I’ve been preparing for this moment all my life. Ever since I was eight-years-old. Not to take anything away from Fortuna, but he’s a gatekeeper in the division. I have to get through him to get to what I want.
Camp has been camp. It’s rough at times but it’s part of the process. I embrace it all though. I love being in camp. I’m bored when I’m not at camp so I’m definitely happiest when I’m in the gym.
My weight is on point and on target. We’re just slowing it down and getting ready to make sure I’m peaking on fight night.
Being able to fight in Philadelphia means the world to me. This is where I started my boxing career. I’ve been coming up the highway from Delaware to fight since I was a kid. Now a win here can propel me to another level.
Fortuna is where I want to be at. I want to get through him. I can’t look past him. I’m focused on Javier Fortuna and writing another chapter in my story.
You can expect a very exciting fight on Ноември 12. Hopefully he’s everything that people claim he is. I know that I am and I’m definitely going to come out on top.
ANGEL GARCIA, Баща на Дани & Треньор
There are people in this country who don’t have food. My parents were farmers when they came to this country. When I was a child I was hungry. I ran around with no shoes and I wore my brother’s clothes. The first thing Danny and I do when we get in the ring is say a prayer and bow our heads for the kids in the world with nothing to eat. I always told Danny and my family to appreciate whatever we have gotten. We’re using our position now to make a difference.
Danny is completely ready for this fight. He’s healthy and on track to make weight. We’ll be in the ring on Ноември 12 and I think that if Samuel Vargas comes to fight and stands toe-to-toe with Danny, we’re going to end the night early.
We’ve brought in a lot of young prospects and guys with more experience for Danny to spar. I try to mix it up on Danny and keep him 100 процента готов. We can’t take anything away from Vargas though. I know Danny is a very talented fighter and he gives me what I want. He’s always learning.
We don’t watch a lot of tape. My job is not to watch the opponent, it’s to train Danny Garcia. You can’t forget about what your fighter does well.
These are big things for Danny. He’s the champion and he should be on exciting cards like this. We’re looking to keep building and building his career.
We’re keeping Danny focused. He knows that he can’t underestimate anybody. We take every opponent very seriously. The 32 people that he fought before were taken just as seriously as Vargas. We don’t change anything or take anything away. I make sure his circle is tight and that camp is focused.
I’m happy because headlining in Philadelphia is Danny’s dream. What makes Danny happy makes me happy. That’s what it’s about at the end of the day.
За повече информация посетете иПремиер-боксови шампиони. Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. PBC на Спайк е спонсориран от Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Move turns ideas into results Mexico vs. Colombia competition Provides platform for athletes

MONTE CARLO, Монако (Ноември 1, 2016)- The Mexican MMA Commission (COMEXAMM) and Colombian MMA Federation (FECODEAMM), respectively led by Хектор Молина и Jaime Arturo Pena, have partnered to provide a bi-national undercard in lieu of the recent cancellation of the inaugural World MMA Association (WMMAA) Pan-American Division Championships due to problems associated with the hosting Chile Federation.
The Mexico vs. Colombia fights will be on the undercard of the November 18тата Combato Extremo събитие, насърчавани от Ubaldo Marroquin, at Auditorio National, Монтерей, Мексико. Mexican and Colombian fighters who were supposed to compete in the aforementioned WMMAA Pan-American Division Championships can now have the opportunity to be in action.
Molina has been instrumental in WMMAA Pan-American Division development since 2014 as president of the Mexican Commission of MMA, as well as the Pan-American Director of the Regulatory Committee.
That first year,” Molina каза, “we are focused on identifying the best parts of he WMMAA regulatory programsits people, programs, systems and processesthen quickly and effectively integrating these parts into a stronger centralized continental organization partner with improved, more useful, more impactful systems and resources. When you bring together multiple organizations there are real differences that need to be addressed, including cultural, and business operations, as well as geographic differences.
Molina and his leadership team studied the WMMAA systems, maintained what successfully worked, and improved other aspects to build a new network. They retained top talent and aligned them with COMEXAMM’s bold culture, also adding some new people in areas perceived as non-optical to support business. В края на краищата, Molina bold a team that embraced core values and visions for regulatory that was instilled in him by mentors and years of experience.
We started with the premise that we hire the best people in the industry; that we train them well, and offer them cutting-edge resources and skills. We empower our people to make smart decisions and, Най-важното, we trust our people key members like Gustavo Cantu. This trust is critical to our success. When we empower and trust people, they want to take ownership, not only for results, but for how we get our results.
One of Molina’s first accomplishments at WMMAA has been the restructuring and realignment of the rules and regulations committee to mirror the company’s operating model. The Continental Rules and Regulations Committee was built on the principle guard railing the unstoppable growth of MMA and given the dynamic nature of WMMAA.
Moves like these, from leaders like Hector Molina, are the ones that many organization would dream about in moments of crisis,” WMMAA Pan-American Division president Tomas Yu отбеляза, “giving a new definition to what it means to be part of the WMMAA family.
The WMMAA Pan-American Division is a leader of a new industry categorygrowth Federationpowered by a committee to growth, focusing on MMA as a sport area leadership, in addition to dedication to operational excellence, investment in research and development innovation, and a strong focus on its members.
To maintain its position as an industry leader, WMMAA Pan-American Division practices what it calls, “Living Bold.This culture embraces five principles: building bridges, powering ideas, acting fast, driving results, and always doing what is right. Molina and his team create regulatory strategies, systems, and programs that embody this culture.
As opposed to being a back-room function that primarily creates policies and performs audits, my teams are aligned with the business units and are in the field with them daily,” Molina explained. “We advise in real time and proactively collaborate in strategy and planning meetings so our business can come up with innovative ideas, act fast, and quickly drive results.
My team knows that I am a bit of a regulatory geek when it comes to our work. It’s extremely exciting from a strategic perspective because it allows us to become a more valuable partner to the colleagues who run the business. We’ve always had strong, productive and active strategies. And we always will! By continuously challenging the status quo, asking ourselves how we can do things differently, and ultimately advancing our regulatory program, we will make a meaningful contribution to helping the WMMAA be bold, act fast and power ideas.
Кикотене: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa

Джошуа срещу. Molina and Whyte vs. Chisora land on huge December 10 шоу

AJ welcomes American to Manchester – Whyte and Chisora meet for Brit belt – Yafai in World title action – Quigg returns


Anthony Joshua MBE is set to defend his IBF World Heavyweight title against Eric Molina at the Manchester Arena on Декември 10, live on Sky Sports Box Office in the UK and on Showtime in the U.S.


Joshua puts his crown on the line for the second time and fights his third American in a row having destroyed Charles Martin inside two rounds to rip the title from the St. Louis man in April at The O2 in London and then stopping Dominic Breazeale in the seventh round at the same venue in June, extending his unbeaten run in the paid ranks to 17 победи, all inside the distance.


Molina becomes the latest man to attempt to derail the Olympic Gold medal hero, the Texan is looking to get his hands on the top prize in his second World title tilt after challenging Deontay Wilder for the WBC crown in June 2015. The 34-year-old enters the bout full of confidence after travelling to Poland and knocking out Tomasz Adamek in the tenth round of their clash for the IBF Inter-Continental strap in April.


“I am pleased that everything is now set for Декември 10 and I can concentrate on getting the business done in the ring,” said Joshua. “There has been plenty of talk about who I may face but all I’m doing is concentrating on finishing Molina in style and putting on a great show.


“Every fight is dangerous in this division and this is no exception. I saw Molina have a great fight with Wilder and he is now coming off a strong KO win against Adamek in Poland.


“I’m expecting this to be the toughest fight of my career so far and I will be ready for an all-out war.”


“There is no Heavyweight in the world that has bounced back like I have,” said Molina. “That’s the man that Joshua faces on Декември 10, and that man is a very dangerous one.


“He’ll fight the toughest Molina that anybody has ever seen, just like Adamek fought the toughest Molina.


“I’m confident. These type of fights don’t shake me up, I’m a very strong mental fighter. I know exactly what I’ve got to do to prepare myself in the amount of time. I know exactly what I’ve got to do, умствено, физически, to go there and perform.


“When you walk out into the atmosphere, half the battle is the mental battle, and if you can stay in the moment mentally you have a shot in any fight.”


There’s a huge card in support of the main event as Dillian Whyte defends his British Heavyweight title against bitter London rival Dereck Chisora in an official eliminator for the WBC title. Whyte makes the second defence of his strap after seeing off fellow Brixton man Ian Lewison in Glasgow last month, while former World title challenger Chisora can get his hands on the Lord Lonsdale belt for the second time.


Scott Quigg returns to action after treatment on his broken jaw following his unification blockbuster with Carl Frampton, and the Bury star moves up to Featherweight as he looks to regain his status as a World champion.


Kal Yafai can become Birmingham’s first World champion but the unbeaten 27 year old faces a tough task to rip the WBA Super-Flyweight title against Luis Concepcion, the two-weight World champion that will enter the ring in his 11тата World title outing.


Irish amateur sensation Katie Taylor boxes for the second time in the paid ranks after making her pro debut at The SSE Arena, Wembley on Ноември 26, Heavyweight wrecking ball ‘King Kong’ Luis Ortiz fights in Europe for the second time after clashing with Malik Scott in Monte-Carlo on Ноември 12 and Hosea Burton will defend his British Light-Heavyweight title against Frank Buglioni.


“The Heavyweight division has been turned on its head in the last few months and while many are standing still waiting, I’m delighted to get this huge card up and running in Manchester,", Каза Еди Хърн промотор.


“I have spoken to Eric Molina at length and I know this is going to be a big test for Anthony. We saw in the Wilder fight that he can punch and doesn’t give in and is coming off a strong knockout win against Adamek in his back yard in Poland. We have requested an exception from the IBF for this fight and although the plans are for a major unification in the spring this fight requires Anthony’s full focus.


“The card is one of the strongest we have produced, supported by a huge all-British Heavyweight grudge match between Dillian Whyte and Dereck Chisora which will be an official eliminator for the WBC World title.


“We are delighted to see the return of Scott Quigg who will now campaign at Featherweight and Birmingham’s Kal Yafai has a chance to make history in a brutal fight against World champion Luis Concepcion.


“One of the most exciting Heavyweights in world boxing Luis Ortiz will feature and Ireland’s Katie Taylor will continue to break the mould in front of a sold out 21,000 crowd. The re-scheduled Britsih Light-Heavyweight clash between Hosea Burton and Frank Buglioni is sure to produce fireworks and there will also be further names added in the following weeks.”


Tickets go on sale to Matchroom Boxing Fight Pass members at midday on Thursday November 3 from the Fight Pass members via this link: Tickets are priced at £40, £ 60, £80, 100 паунда, 150 паунда, £ 200, £300 and £500, with Inner Ringside VIP tickets priced at £800 – due to the high demand for the event, tickets are capped at FOUR per Fight Pass member.


Tickets go on general sale at midday on Friday November 4. Tickets priced £40 to £500 will be available from и на 0844 847 8000 VIP tickets are £800 and available exclusively from Matchroom Boxing




Санта Моника, CALIF. (Октомври 31, 2016) – A bantamweight feature fight pitting Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) срещу C.R.. Davis (23-7) and a middleweight clash between Chris Хъникът (8-1, 1 NC) и Ben Reiter (17-1-1) са били добавени към основната карта на "Bellator 166: Дантас vs.. Warren 2” inside WinStar World Casino & Resort в Thackerville, ДОБРЕ., на Декември 2.

The first night of entertainment – "Bellator 166: Дантас vs.. Warren 2”will feature a bantamweight world title rematch between current champion Eduardo Dantas (18-4) and former belt holder Joe Warren (14-5). В допълнение, a featherweight clash pitting undefeated prospect A.J. Маккий (5-0) срещу Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3) will also air live and free on the SPIKE-televised card.

Tickets for the unique doubleheader event start at just $45 and can be purchased at the WinStar World Casino & Resort Box Office, както и Ticketmaster и

"Bellator 166: Дантас vs.. Warren 2” airs live and free в петък на SPIKE при 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT. “Bellator 167” airs live and free в събота на SPIKE при 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT. Preliminary bouts for both events will stream live on и В Bellator Mobile App. Допълнителни двубои ще бъдат обявени през следващите седмици.

Brazilian superstar Marcos Galvao returns to action having won seven of his last nine and is ready for another push at the division’s belt. Hailing from Amazonas, Бразилия, the illusive “Loro” has only been finished once in the past seven years, while conversely finishing his opponent in five of his 11 wins over that same period. Now Galvao returns to WinStar World Casino & Курорт, the same venue where he fought and defeated Joe Warren for bantamweight gold at “Bellator 135.” Subsequently, Warren will also prepare to compete at "Bellator 166: Дантас vs.. Warren 2,” as he and Eduardo Dantas will face off in the main event. излишно да се каже, the 34-year-old Galvao will have tremendous motivation to win, as the division he once championed dominates a stacked main card in Thackerville.

Davis enters the contest for the fifth time under the Bellator MMA banner, earning victories in three of his first four bouts with the promotion. The 35-year-old bantamweight has finished his opponent in 15 на неговата 23 кариерата печели, включително и 11 в кръг за отваряне. A winner in seven of his last nine contests, the Kansas City, Missouri native consistently finds himself amid conversation with the division’s top contenders. Davis hopes to replicate the same success that he had in his most recent victory over Hideo Tokoro at "Bellator 135," where his split decision win was labeled Yahoo! Sports’ “Best Fight of the Half-Year.” The former Pratt Community College wrestling coach now faces an opportunity to climb the ranks in a tasty matchup against one of the game’s best.

A six-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Honeycutt made a lasting impression in his first two appearances under the promotion, recording back-to-back knockouts. Fighting out of Fresno, Калифорния., the 28-year-old knockout artist began his professional career with an impressive streak of six consecutive victories, including five finishes and four knockouts. “The Cutt” made a successful transition to the welterweight division in his Bellator MMA debut in 2014, before returning to the middleweight class in his most recent win over Mikkel Parlo при “Bellator 156.”

After making his professional debut in 2011, Reiter collected sixteen wins before surrendering his first career loss. The 29-year-old New Yorker competed mainly in Peru early in his career, fighting under the direction of Inka Fighting Championship, before joining the Bellator MMA fray in 2014. Since making his promotional debut for the Scott Coker-led organization, “The Hunter” has added three more victories to his already impressive résumé, as he quickly finds himself among the division’s elite. With nine of his 17 кариера печели идва чрез нокаут или предаване, Reiter hopes to add to that total with another finish in the first of a two-night special doubleheader in Thackerville, Добре. Standing at six feet three inches, Reiter will look to expose his opponent Honeycutt with a significant advantage in both height and reach.


Complete "Bellator 166: Дантас vs.. Warren 2” Main Card:

Bantamweight World Title Main Event: Eduardo Dantas (18-4) срещу. Joe Warren (14-5)

Съвместно събитие с леко тегло: A.J. Маккий (5-0) срещу. Emmanuel Sanchez (13-3)

Категория петел Feature Bout: Marcos Galvao (17-7-1) срещу. C.R.. Davis (23-7)

Средна категория: Chris Хъникът (8-1, 1 NC) срещу. Ben Reiter (17-1-1)


Актуализирана предварителна карта:

Предварителен бой с леко тегло: Treston Thomison (9-4) срещу. Ray Wood (7-2)

Лек предварителен двубой: Chris Jones (10-4) срещу. Дерик Адкинс (7-2)

Предварителен двубой в полутежка категория: Kennedy Nzechukwu (Дебют) срещу. Jon Lair (2-0)

Предварителен двубой в тежка категория: Chance Rencountre (8-2) Levi Queen (8-3)

Предварителен двубой в средна категория: Григорий Бабене (17-11) срещу. Емилиано Sordi (14-5)



“A lot of guys won’t spar with him. Guys are worried that he will make them look bad.” – Shane Mosley

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Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

NEW YORK (Октомври. 31, 2016) – Promising unbeaten 2012 Olympic Games бронзов медалист Тарас "Real Deal" Shelestyuk (14-0, 9 Нокаута) will make his main event debut when he faces upset-minded Джими Херера in the 10-round featured attraction of a ShoBox: Новото поколение tripleheader this Fridaи, Ноември. 4, на живо по SHOWTIME при 10:30 p.m. И/PT (забавено на Западния бряг) от Омега продукти Международен център за събития в Corona, Халиф.


A 5-foot-10 up-and-coming rising star, Shelestyuk, на Los Angeles, е класиран №. 9 от WBO и не по-. 13 в WBA. Shelestyuk, who is making his second ShoBox start, осреднено 85 punches a round en route to winning his ShoBox debut with a 10-round division over Асланбек Козак Ноември. 6, 2015.


The dedicated, hard-working Shelestyuk, който е обучен от Ерик Браун and spars a few days a week with former world champion Шейн Мосли, at Wild Card West in Santa Monica, Калифорния., притежава солидни умения, движение и сила на удара.


Shelestyuk was a member of a vaunted 2012 Украински олимпийски отбор, който включваше златен медалист в полутежка категория Васил Ломаченко и златен медалист в тежка категория Александър Усик. The 30-year-old feels he’s still about a year away from competing against the best at 147 pounds and that he first must get by Herrera. But Mosley claims Shelestyuk reminds him of a bigger Lomachencko and believes he’s already ready for the top names in the welterweight division.


Herrera (15-3-1, 8 Нокаута), Чикаго, Ill., е победил непобедени перспективи в четири от последните девет битки и е 8-1-1 като цяло от юли 2012.


Shelestyuk, Brown and Mosley spoke to SHOWTIME after a recent workout. Here’s what they said:



What are your thoughts going into the fight?
“I’m very excited. It’s been six months since my last fight. It’s my first headline fight and hopefully not my last one.


“I’ve been putting in a lot of work in my training camp with my trainer Eric Brown, and with my physical conditioning coach. My opponent is a tough fighter. He’s had some good fights with guys like Mike Jones, Egidijus Kavaliauskas and a couple of other big guys. He likes to fight and I think it will be a good fight and a good matchup for our styles.”


You’re now a ranked fighter; are you happy with the pace of your progression?

“I’m happy with my progression but of course I want to fight bigger names in championship fights and all of that. I know it’s coming soon. I enjoy my way of training and developing my skills, but if you see your dream you do anything to reach it and don’t let anything get in your way.’’


What do you think of the welterweight division?

“It’s a very good division because there are a lot of fighters, but some don’t want to fight each other (very often). There are some very good championship fights to be made and hopefully I will be one of them.”


Why did you chose to move to Southern California?

“Well, [смее] mainly because if the great weather, but this is also a good area with a lot of good fighters and a lot of good trainers as well. When I first moved here my manager invited me out and showed me around and I got in the gym right away. I was training with Ruslan Provodnikov and got some sparring in with him before a fight that he had and next thing you know, two weeks later I had my pro debut and now three-and-a-half years later here I am.’’


Is there pressure on you when you fight?

“I wouldn’t say I feel pressure because everyone around me is supporting me, they believe in me and I believe in them. My team believes in me and I trust them. I just want to do what I do in the ring, По-добре. I want to do better for me, for my family and for my friends.’’


Do you follow your Olympic teammates?

“I watch fights of the Ukrainian Olympic Team, and I enjoy when the other guys win. We support each other and we call each other. It is good for there to be more Ukraine fighters who are champions now. Следващата година, I hope to be one of them.”


How did it feel going 10 Кръгове за първи път?

“Last year in November I had my first 10-round fight on ShoBox, I fought with a strong guy and he gave me a very good fight. I went the 10 rounds and I felt like I could still go two more. I am ready for 10, за 12, няма значение. I feel much better, much more powerful. I have more speed than I had in my last fight, също. "


How did you end up training with Eric?

“I trained with Freddie Roach for about two and a half years when I met Eric at Wild Card West Gym. I started sparring with some of his guys there. After my fight with Rodriguez on ESPN in 2015 I asked Eric to train me and we started working. Now that I’ve fought two fights with him as my trainer, I feel my boxing skills are better, I feel more powerful and I enjoy training in his gym.


“All of the trainers help us and they give us advice. On the days I spar with Shane Mosley he stops and gives me some advice. I learn a lot from him, being the fighting legend that he is. I grew up watching him fight as a kid and respect what he’s able to teach me. Then the next time I try what he has taught me and it works.”


Boxing is in your blood; your dad and brother boxed. When you were younger, did you think you were going to become a fighter?

"Не, but my father pushed me in a lot of sports. I did gymnastics, soccer for five years, and played chess. I fought as a kid but it was always friendly. I always enjoyed the training aspect. To train for soccer sometimes my father and I would run barefoot in the snow and I enjoyed it. Така, as a kid, when I first stepped into the boxing gym, it was just so much fun.’’

Your ShoBox fight falls on your father’s birthday; do you have a special present in mind for him?

“It makes me want to get the victory for him. On his day, he will be sitting and watching my fight so I want to get that victory for him, for my family and for the Ukraine.’’


ERIC BROWN, Shelestyuk’s trainer

What kind of camp has Taras had has had and what do you see happening в петък?

“I see a lot of progression in Taras. When we first started working together, one of the things was that Taras always had great boxing ability, but he wasn’t a great finisher. I don’t know if he was gun shy or what it was but he had a tendency of using his talent to get people in trouble but then he would stand back and let them get back in the fight. Така, what we’ve been working on a lot more is getting him to become a better finisher and recognize when he has his man in trouble and how to seize the moment, without being reckless at the same time. He’s improving at a fast pace.


“A lot of guys from Ukraine seem to have similar tendencies because they have long amateur careers and they start picking up bad habits that we need to correct. Taras had a little bit of that in him but he seems to be making the adjustments very well. He’s an extremely hard worker and you often have to tell him to slow down, you never have to tell him to do more.”


Where do you see him in his career as a welterweight?

“It’s a great division. I’d say that Keith Thurman tops it without a doubt now but there are good fighters like Shawn Porter too. If Mayweather decided to come back, I think he would be all over this division again. Canelo is a good super welterweight, but he’s too busy worrying about catch-weights. Undoubtedly in another year, I think Taras will be right there with the best of them. He’s got a lot of talent, great versatility, great hand speed and foot speed and he’s a good puncher. Not a devastating knockout puncher but a great puncher nonetheless with both hands.’’


SHANE MOSLEY, Бившият световен шампион

How has it been working with Taras and how did you become involved in his training?

“I have been sparring with Taras and he’s looking really sharp. I’ve been sparring with him for about four or five months now pretty consistently because a lot of guys won’t spar with him. Guys are worried that he will make them look bad; he’s so technical and sharp that they don’t want to spar with him. Така, I go in there with him a lot. It’s hard to get people to spar with him.’’


Where do you see him in the welterweight division?

“He’s on that championship path, that level, but I think once he gets there, he’ll get more sparring partners and will get even better. He really is a world champion, a world-class fighter. He reminds me of a bigger Lomachenko, sparring with him is just like that. I see him as a top welterweight champion. The way he throws his combinations, he’s a smart boxer who works out very hard. He’s at the gym every single day, whether he’s sparring or not, whether he has some training to do or not. He’ll even be here by himself just moving around and staying sharp. His work ethic is really, много силна.


How do you like working with Taras?

“I like Taras and I enjoy working with him. He’s extremely dedicated and that’s hard to find. I like Taras’ work ethic, his personality, how he takes to boxing. He loves this sport and he wants to be the best. He doesn’t like to lose, even in sparring. I’m impressed with him. When I sparred with him for the first time I was very impressed at his swing, his power, his ring accuracy, his IQ of boxing. I was impressed with how hard he worked and his willingness to learn.’’


Do you find it unusual for guys to be as dedicated as Taras at this point in their careers?

“It’s unusual in the sense that a lot of fighters want to learn from the top guys but it seems to me with Taras that it’s not fake. He truly does want to learn about boxing so that he can be the best. He wants to become a world champion and is working to become one of the best. If you put Taras in the ring with any big name today and I’d say he would take the victory. He has a sound mind. He has the mentality to be at the top. He’s serious about being the world champion, about being the top fighter. He’s serious about winning and he’s going to take it all the way to the end. If you put this guy against Thurman, I’d go with him. I think he beats Thurman right now.’’


Билети за събитието, популяризирано от Банер Промоции, Thompson Boxing, Hitz Boxing и Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing са с цени $100 (ринга), $70 (запазени) и $50 (общо признание) и могат да бъдат закупени, като се обадите (714) 935-0900.


В ShoBox ко-функция, непобедени крайцери Константин Беженару (11-0, 4 Нокаута, 0-1-1 в Световните серии по бокс), на Catskill, N.Y.. по пътя на Молдова, и Стив „Супермен“ Буджай (16-0-1, 11 Нокаута), Ню Йорк, ще се сблъскат в 10-рунд за вакантни WBC International и WBC Заглавие на континентална АмерикаS. Unbeaten lightweight Витор Джоунс Фрейтас (12-0, 1 ND, 6 Нокаута), на Салвадор, Bahia, Бразилия, ще се противопостави на любимия на местните фенове Мануел Мендес (12-1-2, 8 Нокаута), на Индио, Калифорния., in an eight-round bout in the opening bout of the telecast. Freitas, 23, is the nephew of popular former two-time lightweight world champion Ацелино “Попо” Фрейтас.


Barry Томпкинс ще призове ShoBox действия от страна на ринга с Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Раул Маркес служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителни продуценти Гордън Hall с Rich Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.

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