Кевин "BABY зүсмэл" Фергюсон JR мэргэжлийн дебют. "Bellator нэмэгдсэн урьдчилсан КАРТ 165: Чандлер VS. Хендерсон "AT SAP-ийн төв Сан Хосе


Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн. (Эцсийн. 7, 2016) - нэг долоо хоногийн өмнө "Bellator 165: Чандлер сүсэг. Хендерсон " Сан-Хосе-д SAP-ийн төвд, Калифорни мужийн., Bellator ММА нь маш их хүлээгдэж буй мэргэжлийн холимог тулааны урлагийн анхны тоглолтоо зарлахад таатай байна Кевин "Baby зүсмэл гэж яригдах" Фергюсон Jr. эсрэг ирэх болно Аарон Хамилтон Nov дээр карт урьдчилсан хэсгийн үед welterweight дайралт хийвэл нь. 19.

уралдаан цахилгаан урьдчилсан карт зангуу, одоогийн аварга pitting нь хөнгөн дэлхийн нэр үндсэн үйл боломжуудтай Spike-телевизээр гол карт нэгдэв Майкл Chandler (15-3) эсрэг Хендерсоны Бенсон (24-6). Оройны хамтран гол тохиолдолд, гийн ялагдашгүй Британийн Phenom Майкл "хор" хуудас (11-0) , Калифорнийн өөрийн юм Фернандо Гонзалес (25-13) Duke үүнийг нь welterweight онц сонирхолтой кино нь гарч Адам Piccolot (8-0) дээр авдаг Брэндон Girtz(14-4) нь хөнгөн тулгаралтад. Эцэст нь, гэрэл хүнд жингийн Showdown pitting "Сурэг" Vassell Linton (16-5) эсрэг Francis Carmont (14-4) , эмэгтэй flyweight үйл ажиллагааны pitting Keri Melendez (Дебют) эсрэг Шейла Падилла (2-0) Мөн гол картын тогтоосон байна.

"Bellator 165: Чандлер сүсэг. Хендерсон " дугаарыг цацсан амьдарч, үнэгүй үед 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. Баяжуулалтын дээр CT болон Viacom өмчит сүлжээн дээр аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн зодоон гурван жил дараалан долоо хоног гүйцээнэ. үйл явдал тасалбар худалдаанд үлдэж, худалдан авч болно Bellator.com, түүнчлэн SAP-ийн төв Box Office болон Ticketmaster гэх мэт.

Дараа анх аль аль нь түүний мэргэжлийн анхны тоглолтоо хийх төлөвлөгөөтэй байна "Bellator 160" болон "Bellator 162,"" Baby зүсмэл гэж яригдах "одоо түүний нарийн тааруулж холимог тулааны урлагийн дээр урын сан танилцууллаа харагдах болно Эцсийн. 19. сүүлээр хүү, их "Kimbo Зүсмэлийн,"Chicopee нь сонирхогчдын тэмцээний үеэр ММА нь дэлхийд үүснэ хийсэн, Массачусетсийн, Тэрээр харгис хэрцгий хасагдах гарга аварсан бол зүгээр л 1:23 Эхний шатанд руу. ямар маргаангүй хамгийн их ярьсан-ий тухай дэмжих түүхэнд анх удаа цацагдаж эхлэжээ нэг юм, Зүсмэлийн эцэг нь ард үзье гэж үлдээсэн мэргэжлийн хэлхээ, хийх талаар мартагдашгүй гүйцэтгэл нь түүний сонирхогчдын амжилт parlay гэж найдаж. Майами-аас Hailing, Флорида, Багийн Body Shop бүтээгдэхүүний одоо нүдээ элсэх багийн анд дээр тогтоосон байна A.J. МкКий Bellator ММА шилдэг залуу хэтийн төлөв нэг.

Хамилтон дахин нэг удаа Калифорнийн түүний гэр мужид өрсөлдөх болно, Макс Гриффин нь дуртай эсрэг өмнөх bouts дараа. "Могойн" түүний Bellator ММА анхны тоглолтоо болон welterweight анхны тоглолтоо аль аль нь хийх болно, гарцаагүй түүний карьерын хамгийн том тэмцэл гэж юу болохыг нь доош обудтай нь 185 фунт slugger оролдлого гэж. Хамилтон өнгөрсөн зүсмэлийн удаан хүлээсэн анхны тоглолтоо муудах нь гуравдугаар, итгэл найдвар өрсөлджээ.


Иж бүрэн "Bellator 165: Чандлер сүсэг. Хендерсон "Үндсэн карт:

Хөнгөн Дэлхийн Гарчиг Үндсэн үйл явдал: Майкл Chandler (15-3) сүсэг. Хендерсоны Бенсон (24-6)

Welterweight Хамтран гол үйл явдал: Майкл хуудас (11-0) сүсэг. Фернандо Гонзалес (25-13)

Хөнгөн хүнд жингийн онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Linton Vassell (16-5) сүсэг. Francis Carmont (25-11)

Хөнгөн Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Адам Piccolot (8-0) сүсэг. Брэндон Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Keri-Энн Тейлор-Melendez (Дебют) сүсэг. Шейла Падилла (2-0)


Иж бүрэн урьдчилсан карт:

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Кевин Фергюсон Jr. (Дебют) сүсэг. Аарон Хамилтон (0-2)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Carrington Банкууд (5-0) сүсэг. Жейк Робертс (7-0)

Middleweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Диего Herzog (3-2) сүсэг. Ник PICA (5-0)

Bantamweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Иеремиа Monaghan (9-5) сүсэг. Винс Мурдок (8-2)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Жеймс Терри (17-9) сүсэг. Жастин Baesman (19-10-1)

Bantamweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Элвин Cacdac (16-12) сүсэг. Стив Рамирез (5-1)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) сүсэг. Luis Варгас (Дебют)

Өд урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Виктор Жонс (0-2) сүсэг. Beau Хамилтон (1-7)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Уго Lujan (0-1) сүсэг. Сезар Гонзалес (Дебют)

Welterweight "сахил" урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Доминик Sumer (Дебют) сүсэг. Жастин Roswell (1-0)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) сүсэг. Дуайт Грант (6-1)

Flyweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Сара D'Alelio (10-6) сүсэг. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

Banner Promotions Shelestyuk, Villa and Ndongeni shine this past Friday night in Corona, Калифорни

World ranked welterweight Taras Shelestyuk defeats Jamie Herrera on ShoBox: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох; world ranked lightweight Xolisani Ndongeni and heralded prospect Ruben Villa get wins off-televison
Watch ShelestyukHerrera replay,Өнөө орой, Эцсийн. 7, үед 10 p.m. БОЛОН/PT on SHO EXTREME®
Photos by Carlos Baeza / Томпсон Боксын
Шуурхай мэдээ
CORONA, Калифорни мужийн. (Эцсийн. 7, 2016) – Terrace “The Real Deal Shelestyuk, Xolisani Ndongeni,болон Ruben Villa all remained undefeated this past Баасан night at the Omega Events Center in Corona, Калифорни.
Шелестюк (15-0, 9 Kos), The 2012 Olympic Games Bronze Medalist for Ukraine, was victorious by the scores of 96-93 хоёр удаа мөн 95-94. Despite a gutsy, gritty performance, Эррера (15-4-1, 8 Kos), Чикагогийн, IL., had a 3-fight winning streak end. Ямар ч knockdowns байсан.

Southpaw Shelestyuk, who entered the ring ranked No. 9 in the WBO and No. 13 WBA-д, turned back a determined bid by Herrera to win, despite getting docked a point for excessive holding in the fifth round.

“Энэ бол хүнд тулаан байсан юм,” stated Shelestyuk. “He is a tough fighter; he is slow, but he worked well. Эхний шатанд, I did well but my legs went on me. I think it was because I did not sleep well.

After five rounds, I started to find my rhythm. I started boxing him. I made some mistakes in there like pulling straight back. This fight will make me better. Нэгэн адил би хэллээ, he was tough but nothing special. When my legs went, I started to work inside. I beat him good in the last round and if there was 30 seconds more, I could have stopped him.

I am looking forward to being more active in 2017. I will take two or three weeks off and be right back in the gym.

“Үнэн” hurts, and Herrera had more than his fair share of moments in a tight fight. Эррера, a professional since December 2009, figured to be a legitimate test for Shelestyuk, and he was. But Taras was more active, (буух 169 нь 689 гаргагч цоолтуур, compared to Herrera’s 130 нь 460). Each fighter connected 28 цаг хугацааны хувь.

Эррера, who had defeated undefeated prospects in four of his previous nine fights, was not happy with the verdict. “Энэ нь сайн тэмцэл байсан юм. There is not much that I can say. I thought it was closer than the scores indicated. I had fun in there, and I give him credit. He was everything I expected. He is a smart fighter.

I would love to be a test dummy for all these young prospects. I thought it could have been a draw, but the people who saw it on TV can have their opinion.

Shelestyuk is co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.

Opening up the ShoBox broadcast, Vitor Jones Freitas was stopped in the first round by Manuel Mendez. The fight was stopped after Mendez landed a thudding body shot that sent the previously undefeated Brazilian down for the ten count, breaking his rib.
In non-television action, Ndongeni showed why he is considered championship worthy, as he pounded out a ten-round unanimous decision over rugged Juan Garcia Mendez.
Ndongeni controlled the action as he mixed up his punches. He countered beautifully and worked up and down by mixing up his shots to the head and body of Mendez. Ndongeni, 26 настай, is ranked number-3 by the WBA, and he showed the class of a world championship contender in his American debut.

Ndongeni, nicknamedNomeva”, which means The Wasp, stung Mendez throughout the contest, and he showed that not only is he a serious title contender, but he has a fan-friendly style.

Ndongeni is co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Golden Gloves Promotions.

Villa, of Salinas, Калифорни, was taken the distance for the first time, as he won a 4-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Aaron Lopez.
Villa, who previously scored two consecutive first round knockouts, won every round by showing off his boxing skills in the battle of undefeated fighters.
The 19 year-old Villa pushed the pace throughout the fight and had Lopez in trouble several times. Villa has been very active, as this was his 3rd win since turning professional on July 29th.
I am very proud of Taras, Xolisani, and Ruben,” said Banner Promotions President Artie Pelullo.
These are three guys at different stages, but I believe that all three have the talent to become world champions. Taras is closing in on a significant fight, for which a win will lead him to a title. This was our first look at Xolisani, and he was the fighter that was advertised. He has a lot of skills and is a versatile. My partner Rodney Berman and Iwill now look at the many options that we will have with him. I do expect him to fight for a world title sometime in the next year. Ruben had a tremendous learning experience. He fought a guy who was undefeated and very durable. He actually showed us more in this fight than he did in his two first round knockouts. In this fight he won all four round on every judges scorecards (40-36 Бүх карт). I was very impressed with the different punch selections and the way he set everything up in there. As I have said before, he is a star in the making. As for Vitor, he had the right attitude following the fight. He is not going to let this deter him. He just got caught with the wrong punch at the wrong time. He was winning the round easily before that happened. He will obviously take some time off, and then we will look to bring him back next year.



Unbeaten Constantin Bejenaru Outpoints Steve Bujaj in Rugged Affair,

Manuel Mendez Scores One-Punch, First Round KO over Vitor Jones Freitas

Дахин тоглуулах ба шинжлэх Watch Даваа гариг, Эцсийн. 7, үед 10 p.m. БОЛОН/Sho Extreme дээр PT®

Дарна уу ЭНД Зураг татаж авахын тулд

Фото Credit: Естер Лин / Showtime®

CORONA, Калифорни мужийн. (Эцсийн. 4, 2016) - Tares “The Real Deal Shelestyuk maintained an unbeaten record and continued his ascent in the welterweight division with a close, unanimous 10-round decision over his toughest opponent to date, Jimmy “The Truth” Herrera дахь Баасан-ийн main event of a ShoBox: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох tripleheader дээр амьдрах Showtime from the outdoor Omega Products Event Center Corona-д, Калифорни мужийн.


Шелестюк (15-0, 9 Kos), The 2012 Olympic Games Bronze Medalist for Ukraine, was victorious by the scores of 96-93 хоёр удаа мөн 95-94. Despite a gutsy, gritty performance, Эррера (15-4-1, 8 Kos), Чикагогийн, Өвчтэй., had a three-fight winning streak end. Ямар ч knockdowns байсан.


In a rough and tumble, bloody collision of undefeated cruiserweights in the co-feature, southpaw Constantin Bejenaru (12-0, 4 Kos, 0-1-1 Боксын дэлхийн цуврал), of Catskill, N.Y.. by way of Moldova, survived a knockdown and several unintentional head butts to register a unanimous 10-round decision over Steve Bujaj (16-1-1, 11 Kos), Нью-Йоркийн.


Орон нутгийн фен дуртай Manuel “La Tormenta” Mendez (13-1-2, 9 Kos), Indio тухай, Калифорни мужийн., registered an impressive one-punch, 2:32 first round knockout over previously undefeated Vitor Jones Freitas (12-1, 1 ND, 6 Kos), of Salvador, Bahia, Бразил, in a scheduled eight-round bout that opened the telecast.


Southpaw Shelestyuk, who entered the ring ranked No. 9 in the WBO and No. 13 WBA-д, turned back a determined bid by Herrera to win despite getting docked a point for excessive holding in the fifth round.


"Энэ бол хүнд тулаан байсан юм,’’ Shelestyuk. “He is a tough fighter, he is slow but he worked well. Эхний шатанд, I did well but my legs went on me. I think it was because I did not sleep well.


“After five rounds I started to find my rhythm. I started boxing him. I made some mistakes in there like pulling straight back. This fight will make me better. Нэгэн адил би хэллээ, he was tough but nothing special. When my legs went, I started to work inside. I beat him good in the last round and if there was 30 seconds more, I could have stopped him.


“I am looking forward to being more active in 2017. I will take two or three weeks off and be right back in the gym.’’


“The Truth” hurts and Herrera had more than his fair share of moments in a tight fight. Эррера, a pro since December 2009, figured to be a legitimate test for Shelestyuk and he was. But Taras was more active (буух 169 нь 689 гаргагч цоолтуур, compared to Herrera’s 130 нь 460). Each connected 28 цаг хугацааны хувь.


Эррера, who had defeated undefeated prospects in four of previous nine fights, was not happy with the verdict. “It was a good fight. There is not much that I can say. I thought it was closer than the scores indicated. I had fun in there and I give him credit. He was everything I expected. He is a smart fighter.’’


“I would live to be a test dummy for all these young prospects. I thought it could have been a draw, but the people who saw it on TV can have their opinion.’’


Making his second ShoBox эхлэх, Bejenaru triumphed by the scores of 97-91 on the three judges’ scorecards. The lefthander went down from a clean, counter left hook to the chin in the fifth and got the worse of the unintentional head butts but appeared to outhustle and outfight a reluctant Bujaj most of the way.


A short cruiserweight with an awkward, herky-jerky style Bejenaru pressed the issue throughout and was much more active, throwing more than 100 more punches than Bujaj (454-336) and averaged 45 punches thrown per round compared to 38 for Bujaj.


“He’s a dirty fighter,’’ said Bejenaru after a match in which he suffered a bad cut over his left eye and a big welt on his overhead. “You look at all his fights, all he does is lead with his head. I was affected by his head butts but there was no way I was going to stop. He complains a lot, but all he did was foul. It felt to me like he bit me on the left ear after… that’s how he fights.


“The sport is boxing, not swimming and he flails his punches like a swimmer, a street fighter, not a pro fighter. He caught me with a clean shot on the knockdown but I got right up and wasn’t hurt.


“This win is a big step in my career. It will help me continue to rise me up in the rankings on my way to a title shot.’’


Bujaj, who was making his ShoBox debut, was livid afterward.


“Hell, тиймээ, I’m mad,"Гэж тэр хэлсэн. “The scoring was bad. I knew what I was getting into by fighting in his backyard, but I definitely thought I won. I knocked him down. He never hurt me.”


The aggressive-minded Mendez came out patiently and allowed Freitas to throw the majority of the early punches. Mendez’ first meaningful punch of the fight was a paralyzing left hook to the body that put Freitas down and writhing in pain.


“I was surprised he didn’t take that body shot well, said Mendez, is who is trained by Иоел Диаз. “I knew I hurt him, but I thought he’d get up. I saw that he wasn’t covering up very well so I knew I was going to land one eventually.


“I was surprisingly nervous going into this fight. I was somewhat timid to start. I usually come out stronger, but it didn’t matter because we got the result that we wanted.


“I’m pumped for the knockout win. I know it didn’t last long, but I hope the TV audience enjoyed it.


Freitas controlled most of the round with his movement and sharper punching, but a savage hook to the bodyhis third connect to the bodyleft the Brazilian on the canvas long after the 10 count.


I messed up,’’ a tearful Jones Freitas said. “I paused at the wrong time and he hit me with the right punch. This means nothing to me. I’m going to keep working hard and training hard. Би Талуудыг солих хэрэгтэй.”


Барри Tompkins гэж нэрлэдэг ShoBox нь ringside авсан арга хэмжээ Аль Bernstein болон хуучин дэлхийн аварга Рауль Маркес мэргэжилтэн шинжээчид үйлчилж. Гүйцэтгэх продюсер Гордон танхим нь Ричард Gaughan үйлдвэрлэх, Рик Филлипс захирангуй.




Complete Event Photos Here / Full Event Highlights Here


UNCASVILLE, Коннектикут. (Эцсийн. 4, 2016) – It’s a wonderful life for Фил Дэвис (17-3), who dethroned Лиам McGeary (11-1) Баасан гаригт орой дээр “Bellator 163,taking home the light heavyweight championship.

As has been the case plenty of times throughout Davisillustrious career, his wrestling pedigree was the deciding factor, nullifying the world-class jiu-jitsu of the Renzo Gracie-trained former champion. For nearly 25-minutes, “Ноён. Wonderfulmaintained top pressure on the New York-native, frustrating McGeary and putting him into desperation mode in the fifth and final round. McGeary fought valiantly to both stop and submit the longtime Alliance MMA-product, Харин эцэст нь, Davis took home the unanimous decision with scorecards of 50-43, 50-45, 50-44.

McGeary, who suffered the first loss of his young career, was humble in defeat, admitting that while Davis was the better man throughout their main event fight, he will be back to reclaim what he feels is rightfully his.

Returning home to Southern California with a new belt in tow, Davis now sets his sights on his pregnant wife, who is due to give birth to his second son Даваа гаригт.

Бреннан нар Тойргийн & Saad Awad Provide 90 Seconds of Pure Violence

In an absolute barnburner, Бреннан нар Тойргийн болон Та Awad went toe-to-toe for the 86 seconds they shared the Bellator MMA cage together, doing their best imitation of Rock EmSock EmRobots until “Ирландын” caught “Хөлсний алуурчин” with an uppercut that sent the Palestinian face first into the canvas. With the knockout, Ward moves into sixth place on the all-time list of KO’s under the promotion’s banner, and now sets his sights on a future matchup against the elite at 170-pounds.

Neiman Gracie Tells the MMA World, ‘Gracie Jiu-Jitsuis Back

After finding out they would be competing live on SPIKE less than 24 hours before entering the Bellator MMA cage, Neiman Грэйси (5-0) хийсэн хурдан ажил Руди Баавгай (16-15), latching on to an arm bar 4:39 into the opening frame and forcing the tap fromBad News.Gracie was able to add to his impressive submission record, which has now been stretched to three victories in three Bellator MMA appearances, including a pair of first-round submissions. The 27-year-old was also able to please Royce Грэйси, who was cornering his bout for the evening.

Javy Ayala Spoils Return of Sergei Kharitonov in 16 секунд

In what many people thought would be a triumphant return to the sport of MMA for Сергей Kharitonov (23-6), Javy Ayala (10-5) spoiled that, sending the Russian heavyweight to the canvas in a heap following an overhand right 16 seconds into the matchup. Ялалт нь, “Eye Candyimmediately inserted himself into further big-time match-ups, namedropping both Бобби Lashley болон Мэтт Mitrione during his post-fight interview. In his last two outings, the Northern California-native has finished his foe in the opening round via stoppage.

Урьдчилсан карт үр дүн:

Харин Рут (1-0) ялагдсан Dustin Collins-Miles (0-1) TKO дамжуулан (гаргагч цоолтуур) үед 3:19 дугуй нэг

Tyrell Fortune (1-0) ялагдсан Cody Miskell (0-1) TKO дамжуулан (гаргагч цоолтуур) үед 2:22 дугуй нэг

Тим Caron (6-0) ялагдсан Steve Skrzat (8-9) via TKO at 1:22 дугуй нэг

Hannah Regina (1-0) ялагдсан Сара төлөх (1-4) хүлээн дамжуулан (arm bar) үед 4:51 дугуй нэг

Тим Caron (6-0) ялагдсан Steve Skrzat (8-9) via TKO at 1:22 шатанд хоёр

Блэйр Tugman (9-6) ялагдсан Уолтер Смит-Cotito (4-5, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дамжуулан (29-28)

Christopher Foster (10-4) ялагдсан Thomas English (6-7) санал нэгтэй шийдвэр дамжуулан (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Тайлер хаан (12-4) ялагдсан Жош Diekmann (15-8, 1 Сүлжээний Холболт) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 1:39 шатанд хоёр

Carlos Corriea (2-0) ялагдсан Илья Kotau (1-2) хуваах шийдвэр дамжуулан (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

Vinicius De Jesus (5-1) ялагдсан James Boran (6-1) хүлээн дамжуулан (Арын-нүцгэн багалзуурдаж алах) үед 1:55 дугуй 2

Danny Garcia Hosts Canned Food Drive & Fan Meet & Мэнд хүргээрэй

Undefeated World Champion Faces Samuel Vargas in Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Main Event Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 From Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos from Joe Tarlecky/King’s Promotions/
Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын
Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 4, 2016) – Undefeated world champion Данни “Swift” Гарсиа continued his efforts to give back to his hometown of Philadelphia on Friday, hosting a canned food drive and fan meet and greet in advance of his Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай Spike showdown against Colombia’s Самуел Варгас газар авах Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Coverage begins on Spike at 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Дан plus former world champion Хавьер Fortunataking on unbeaten Омар Дуглас.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, үнэтэй байна $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia is teaming up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ЭНД.
In addition to the events going on throughout the promotion, Garcia hosted the food drive Friday at the the Xfinity Store on Aramingo Avenue in Philadelphia. Garcia will continue to raise awareness for the cause leading up to fight night. Fans have been encouraged to drop off canned goods at the Liacouras Center (1776 N Broad St) and the DSG Boxing Gym (3731 Jasper St). Нэмж хэлэхэд, $10 from each ticket sold has been donated and will provide 20 meals per ticket for people in need.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.


Дарна уу ЭНД Фото зураг авах; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Boxing

LONDON (Эцсийн. 4, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (17-0, 17 Kos) мөн өрсөлдөгч Эрик Молина (25-3, 19 Kos) went face-to-face Friday at the kickoff press conference at Dorchester Hotel in London to formally announce their heavyweight world title fight on Бямба гариг, Нийтэлсэн. 10, live on SHOWTIME from Manchester Arena in Manchester. There were 17,000 tickets sold on the first day to purchase tickets.

Иошуа, a British sensation and the 2012 Olympic Games heavyweight gold medalist, will be making the second defense of the title he won over Чарльз Мартин Өнгөрсөн Дөрөвдүгээр 4. Joshua knocked out previously unbeaten Доминик Breazeale in the seventh round last Оны зургадугаар сар 25 in his initial defense.

Molina will be getting his second opportunity at a world title. Molina has won two straight since challenging WBC title holder Deontay Wilder дахь 2015, зэрэг 10-Хуучин дэлхийн аварга гаруй дугуй TKO Томаш Adamek Өнгөрсөн Дөрөвдүгээр 4 in Poland.

Here’s what the heavyweights said:


“I don’t think that I’ll be rusty. I’m not going to say camp is smooth or great because it’s always tough and exhausting for the body. I needed a break because I live in the gym, it’s what I’ve been doing since I was 18 and I haven’t taken my foot off the gas since. The task is to express myself under the bright lights in the arena and show what we’ve worked on in the dark corners of the gym.

“I started preparing my body for camp and then training for this date. I don’t want to mention Wladimir Klitschko too much because that’s not the relevant opponentEric Molina is the man that will stand across the ring from me on Арванхоёрдугаар сар 10. He’s a tough competitor and represents a strong challenge to me. We are competing for my belt and the guys that want to become world champion raise their levels by 50-60 хувь.

“There’s nowhere to hide on fight night. There’s no change in my focus for Eric. Wladimir doesn’t enter the equation for me. People will talk about him and I’ll answer the questions, but that’s as far as it goes. He’s not in my mind, Eric is.

“It takes courage to step into the ring. Deontay Wilder is known as a one-punch KO artist and Eric stood up to his power, so it shows that he’s here to push the champion and take my title.

“I don’t get involved in other people’s issues or stories, it’s nothing to do with me. It wasn’t that long ago that no one cared what I was doing, so I don’t really have to prove myself to anyone aside from myself.

“The division has been blown wide open but they’ve been saying that for a while and they will keep saying it until someone dominates the division again. It’s not so much about brand and hype, it’s about guys like Eric that come with true heart and are gladiators and fight for the love of the sport, and leave everything in the ring on fight night.

“There’s a lot at stake and with Sky Sports and SHOWTIME behind us, this is a big stage to show what you have got. I’m serious about what I do and about moving forward. I don’t have a script, I can only speak from the heart; whatever Eric’s destiny is, that’s what will happen on the night. If his destiny is to become heavyweight champion, Тиймээс л байх. But my destiny is to carry on the path I am on and put in a dominant performance on an explosive night of boxing in Manchester."

ЭРИК Молина:

I’ve been in these fights before. I have no amateur experience so I’m learning no the joband I’m getting better every fight. I fought five rounds against Wilder with a busted ankle, so everything you saw from me was done on one ankle. That’s the kind of guy this young man is facing. I fight with everything I’ve got. Even if I’m hurt, I still fight, because I know that one punch at any given moment can win me the fight. Anything can happen in the heavyweight division.

“I knew this fight was coming my way because nobody wants to fight him. Let’s be real. All the other fighters want to go and fight other guys and for the other belts and not face Anthony Joshua. I’m a guy that’s been in with Wilder – no one wants to fight Wilder, but I did, and that’s why I’m in London today and will be in Manchester on Нийтэлсэн. 10 putting it all on the line, body and soul. I want that IBF belt, I don’t have the option to go for another belt or down another route. This is it for me, and that means he’s going to have the toughest fight of his career, I can guarantee that.

“Tomasz Adamek had never been KO’d, so the momentum from that win in Poland was big. I felt it was time to take time off from work and put 100 percent into this.

“Back home, people know me as a certain type of fighter. On day one of my career I lost in the first round and that’s why on the back of my shirt it says ‘The Art Of Bouncing Back.’ Those aren’t just words. Boxing is the most brutal sport when it comes to trying to bounce back. Once you lose, everybody is gone from your side. There are fighters out there that say they want to bounce back but they don’t have the guts to put themselves in a position to do it. I put myself in the fight with Wilder and I went to Poland and beat Adamek to bounce back and show people who I am.

“You have to prove yourself in this sport and then you can claim the rewards. I didn’t have an easy road to get here, I’ve had to do it the hard way and I’ve earned my way here.’’

About Showtime Networks:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), CBS корпорацийн бүрэн эзэмшлийн охин компани болох, эзэмшиж, шимтгэл телевизийн сүлжээ Showtime үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг®, MOVIE сувагыг ™ болон FLIX®, Мөн эрэлт Showtime санал болгож байна®, Эрэлт хэрэгцээ, FLIX ТУХАЙ MOVIE сувагыг ™®, болон сүлжээний нэвтрэлт таних үйлчилгээ Showtime аль ч®. Showtime Дижитал Inc., SNI нь бүрэн эзэмшлийн охин компани болох, дангаараа үзэх үйлчилгээ Showtime үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS болон Telco үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч, болон Apple-ийн дамжуулан бие даасан урсгал үйлчилгээний талаар®, Жил®, Amazon and Google. Түүнчлэн хэрэглэгчид Hulu дамжуулан Showtime захиалж болно, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI нь Смитсоны Networks удирддаг, SNI болон Смитсоны Хүрээлэн хоорондын хамтарсан, ямар Смитсоны суваг санал болгож байна, болон Смитсоны дэлхийг санал болгож байна SN Дижитал ХХК-ийн дамжуулан. SNI зах зээлд нийлүүлж, Showtime ОХХ дамжуулан төлөх бүрийн үзэл үндсэн дээр захиалагч нь үзэсгэлэнд спорт, зугаа цэнгэлийн арга хэмжээнд хуваарилдаг. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, явах www.SHO.com.



Watch A Video Preview Of The Knockout Bracket: HTTP://s.sho.com/2eWL44G

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Эцсийн. 4, 2016) – This election season, boxing fans will vote for the greatest knockout in the 30-year history of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. A Knockout Bracket consisting of 32 of the most dramatic and memorable KOs of the past 30 years launched on Friday, and an ultimate winner will be revealed during the Нийтэлсэн. 10 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader.

The 32 candidates are into broken into four regions – heavyweights, middleweights, welterweights and the lighter weight divisions – with some of the greatest fighters of the last 30 years facing off in this unique tournament.

In the opening round of the heavyweight region, former undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield will square off with current WBC heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder, while Hall of Famer Felix Trinidad takes on former champ Lucas Matthysse in the welterweight region.

The 16 matchups in the round of 32 launched on Friday at www.showtimeknockouts.com, and the winners will advance to the next round of voting beginning Эцсийн. 14. Subsequent rounds will continue over the next six weeks until the ultimate reveal Нийтэлсэн. 10 Showtime тухай.

Fans can join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #SHObestKO.

Salita Promotions Signs Promising Toledo Welterweight Wesley Tucker

Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions proudly announces the signing of undefeated welterweight contender WesleyKing WesTucker.
A skilled counter puncher with above average power, Tucker (12-0, 7 Kos) Толедо нь, Охайо, had over 250 amateur bouts and won several championships including the Toledo Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves, and Junior Olympics multiple times.
The 29-year-old southpaw started boxing at age 8 years old and already has 18 years boxing experience.
My ring generalship is my greatest asset in the ring,” said Tucker, “tall, small, bigger, I’ve already seen it all and I know what to do to beat them.
Tucker will make his debut fighting under the Salita Promotions banner on Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12, at theirDetroit Brawlevent at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit, when he faces North Carolina’s Richard Hall in a six-round battle.
Sponsored by Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar, нь тасалбар “Detroit Brawlwill be priced at VIP $123, Box Seats $100, Ringside $93, $63, $38, болон $28 and available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Ticketmaster.com.
A father of five, Tucker says family plays a major role in his life and the reason he is a tireless worker in the gym.
They are my push and motivation for everything I do. They come to the gym with me a lot at least three times a week. And my mom, she loves what I do. She’s my number one fan.
Tucker’s manager, David McWater who arranged the deal with Salita, says he’s happy to have another of his fighters under their promotional banner.
I’m really excited about Wesley signing with Salita Promotions,” гэж тэр хэлэв. “We started working with Dmitry when we signed Antonio Nieves with him and he’s been a gem. I believe he’s THE up and coming promoter in the USA and are excited to get our guys in on the ground level with him. Wesley is a wonderful kid who has overcame a lot of adversity to get to this spot. I am confident he will make the most of this opportunity.
Salita says he’s going to go to work immediately on his new fighter’s career.
Wesley has as much skill and experience as any fighter in boxing,” гэж тэр хэлэв. “өөрийн 250 amateur fights mean he’s seen it all and done it all. There isn’t the same learning curve with a fighter with that much experience. We will immediately be looking to move him into the top 10 and an eventual world title shot in the next year or two. I thank him and his team for joining my growing stable of fighters.
Дээр Арваннэгдүгээр 12, Tucker joins a full cast of local and international prospects on Salita’sDetroit Brawl,” including a trio of undefeated Detroit bantamweights: Жеймс Гордон Смит (10-0, 6 Kos), JaricoGreat Lakes KingO’Quinn (3-0, 2 Kos) and Zach Shamoun (4-0-1, 3 Kos); as well as Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (12-1, 7 Kos); Georgian super lightweight Giorgi Gelashvili (5-0, 3 Kos); and undefeated UK-based bantamweight MuheebFlashy,” Fazeldin (8-0-1, 3 Kos) тус тусад нь bouts нь.
More fights, opponents and rounds will be announced shortly. Тэмцэл шөнө, нээлттэй хаалга 5:00 цаг and the fights begin at 6:00 цаг.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar offers patrons an old-school sports and whiskey bar in Downtown Detroit’s Eastern Market district. Thomas Magee’s prides itself on providing every sport, every game, and every fight, plus great beer and whiskey!
For more information on theDetroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, айлчлалwww.salitapromotions.com.
Thomas Magee’s Sporting House Whiskey Bar is located at 1408 E Fisher Service Drive in Detroit. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, Дуудлага 313-263-4342 or visit their official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ThomasMageesSportingHouseWhiskeyBar

, welter

FNU Combat Sports Show For November 3, 2016

Том, Tony and Rich get back to action this week to discuss upcoming fight cards, including two big MMA events: UFC Fight Night Dos Anjos vs. Ferguson and Bellator 163: McGeary vs. Дэвис. We preview both events and talk about the matchups. We then move to the boxing schedule where there are multiple belts on the line this week all over the globe. We spend a bit of time discussing the big Manny Pacquiao bout against Jessie Vargas. Is Manny fighting for the right reasons? Does he have enough left in the tank? We’ll know the answer Saturday night. Rich also breaks down his suspicions about vocal UFC fighters trending toward starting some type of powerful fighters union. Could the astronomical selling price of the UFC actually be the main handicap for the new owners? Did putting such a high premium on the UFC unintentionally give griping fighters more incentive to sue the company? Only time will tell.





Unbeaten Welterweight Taras Shelestyuk Meets Jimmy Herrera,

Constantin Bejenaru, Steve Bujaj Clash in Collision of Undefeated Cruiserweights, Brazil’s Vitor Jones Freitas takes on Indio’s Manuel Mendez

From Omega Products Event Center in Corona, Калифорни мужийн.


Дарна уу ЭНД Естер Лин / Showtime гэрэл зургууд нь


CORONA, Калифорни мужийн. (Эцсийн. 3, 2016) – The six fighters who’ll compete Энэ Баасан тухай ShoBox: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох made weight Пүрэв гаригт for the live SHOWTIME tripleheader (10:30 p.m. БОЛОН/PT, Баруун эрэг дэх хойшлогдож) from Omega Products Event Center in Corona.


Гийн ялагдашгүй 2012 Олимпийн наадмын хүрэл медальт Тарас "Реал хэлэлцээр" Шелестюк (14-0, 9 Kos), Лос-Анжелес-ийн, will make his main event debut when he faces Jimmy Herrera (15-3-1, 8 Kos), Чикагогийн, Өвчтэй., in the 10-round featured attraction. Шелестюк, a member of the vaunted 2012 Ukraine Olympic team, is ranked No. 9 WBO, ямар ч замаар. 13 WBA-д. Herrera has defeated unbeaten prospects in four of last nine fights and is 8-1-1 overall since July 2012.


Онд ShoBox хамтран онцлог, undefeated cruiserweights Constantin Bejenaru (11-0, 4 Kos, 0-1-1 Боксын дэлхийн цуврал), of Catskill, N.Y.. by way of Moldova, болон Steve “Superman” Bujaj (16-0-1, 11 Kos), Нью-Йоркийн, will collide in a 10-rounder.

Telecast гарч алмасын, unbeaten lightweight Vitor Jones Freitas (12-0, 1 ND, 6 Kos), of Salvador, Bahia, Бразил, will be opposed by local fan favorite Manuel Mendez (12-1-2, 8 Kos), Indio тухай, Калифорни мужийн., нь найман дугуй дайралт хийвэл нь. Freitas, 23, is the nephew of popular former two-time lightweight world champion and Brazilian legend Acelino “Popo” Freitas.


Tickets for the event promoted by Томпсон Боксын, Баннер сурталчилгаа, Hitz Boxing and Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing үнэтэй байна $100 (ringside) болон $70 (reserved). Tickets are available for purchase on the day of the event (Баасан) at the Omega Products Event Center will call booth beginning at 3:30 PT PM. The Omega Products Event Center is located at 1681 Калифорни мужийн өргөн чөлөө, Crown, Зэрэг 92881.



Welterweights (Үндсэн үйл явцыг) - 10 Удаа

Taras Shelestyuk – 146½ Pounds

Jimmy Herrera – 146¼ Pounds


Cruiserweights (Хамтран онцлог) - 10 Удаа

Constantin Bejenaru – 198¼ Pounds

Steve Bujaj – 197½ Pounds


Lightweights (Telecast Opener) - 8 Удаа

Vitor Jones Freitas – 134¼ Pounds

Manuel Mendez – 135 Pounds


ЭЦСИЙН үнийн санал:



“Herrera is a good fighter, a tough fighter. I know he has defeated some good fighters like Mike Jones, who was a top fighter who’d been off a couple years. But I’m 100 бэлэн хувь. I expect a very tough and exciting fight but I expect to be much stronger and smarter.


“I’m excited for all the attention this fight and I are getting. I’ve always known that fans in America have known me but maybe now more than before. I think in the next year, I can become even more well-known.


“I’ve been working on strength and becoming more powerful. I think my boxing skills are already good, but my speed and power are better than before. I feel in sparring that I’m punching harder.


“I like to work the body. I like the fact you land enough of them early, they take a toll late. That’s one thing good about fighting as a pro. I feel good about my career; I hope to be fighting some of the best fighters in the division within a year.


“I’m sure Herrera will probably try and come at me; there’s no chance he can beat me at boxing. I like guys who come forward. They are good for me because I can counter and move side to side. And I’m ready to fight on the inside if necessary.


“I know I can improve on my last ShoBox тэмцэл. I made it closer than it should have been. If we had it over again I think I maybe stop him just because of what we’re been working on in the gym.


“Sparring with Shane Mosley has been huge for me. He’s such a great fighter. When I was younger, I’d watch his fights. Now we spar. He’s older but still very good. He knows all the tricks and gives me a lot of advice that helps me in and out of the ring. Everything he’s said to me, I’ve tried to apply.”



“I’ve been working a full two months for this fight so I’m ready. This is going to be a very good test for both of us, a great fight. He’s a good European boxer, another unbeaten for me. But I don’t feel like I’m coming in as the underdog at all. He’s got his strengths, I’ve got my strengths.


“There has to be a purpose for every punch. Each has to count. If he opens up and makes a mistake, I have to take advantage. I need to get him out of his rhythm early, force him out of his comfort zone and make him fight my fight.


“I’ll be the aggressor. But I’d love if he was the aggressor. I just think, Хэдийгээр, knowing him, he’s going to try to box and win the rounds that way. I work all the time coming forward and that’s what I’ll do Маргааш.


“A kid from Chicago, like me, it’s hard to get anywhere in boxing without connections, so finally after fighting so long without a manager, I signed with Cameron Dunkin. I always knew I could be a good boxer, but never figured I’d be a boxer. But look at me know, I’m fighting on SHOWTIME and this fight couldn’t be coming along at a better time.”



“I feel your amateur career gives you a good foundation, like a beginner, but once you turn pro it’s a total different game. It doesn’t matter who has more experience as an amateur. As professionals, we all have to do our jobs here.


“I don’t know Bujaj, but I saw his fight with Junior Wright so I know he is tough.


“I feel this is a big step for me. Тэр юм 16-0, a good fighter who can punch or box, and this is for a belt. This a good fight for both of us.

“I work hard for every fight and this was no exception. We know we have to pay attention to detail. This is a dangerous guy but I am very confident.


“I definitely don’t expect an easy fight. I have to press the action. I need to make him as uncomfortable as I can.


“I don’t have a lot of pro knockouts but boxing isn’t just about power. Boxing is intelligence and mental; it’s not just a street fight for me.


“This is my second fight on ShoBox. I’m so happy to be back again after that last win over Zubov. The goal is to keep busy, come back early next year and then sometime by next year be ready to fight for a major title of some type.’’




“I’m looking forward to this fight, my first on network TV, to see where I’m at. The way I feel, I’ve got everything to win, everything to lose. This either pushes me to the next level, or I stay where I’m at.


“I’m ready for any kind of fight. I’m a versatile fighter and I will have the height advantage.


“I feel ready now for the bigger fights, the additional exposure on SHOWTIME, the ratings, the titles, Хэрэв бүгд. But I definitely will be even more after Баасан.


“I don’t feel this is going 10 удаа. I feel I’ll break him down and eventually stop him. I feel I’ve got the skills and definitely the heart. I’m healthy and ready to go.


“I saw his last fight on ShoBox, and thought it was pretty decent. He’s pretty short for a cruiserweight. Although we’re both from New York, I’d never heard of him before.


“Camp went awesome with lots of sparring. In Las Vegas. I trained with Mayweather fighters like Ronald Gavril, Badou Jack and Caleb Plant. It’s been four years since I’ve fought a left-hander but I do not consider it factor.’’



“I thank God and both my uncles for helping me get to where I am, for teaching me and for guiding me in every step of my life and in boxing. Without their influence and what they’ve done for me since I was 11, I feel I’d be dead today.


“I’m very excited about this fight and the opportunity to fight better guys. This for me is all about taking advantage of the opportunity.


“I’m getting more and more experience. My goal is to work hard and, like my Uncle Acelino, make good fights and become a world champion“


“We’ve studied Mendez’ fighting style and have a lot of respect for his trainer, Иоел Диаз. I know Mendez is very strong and comes forward. I don’t know if he likes it when his opponents attack from the sides but I’m ready to fight him on the sides, head-on and toe-to-toe.”




“This is my ninth fight with Joel and we know each other very well. Through the bad and good, he’s been there for me.


“I’m sure Freitas has confidence in his ability but like any other undefeated fighter he does well until he hits the wall, which is what Joel wants me to make him do. He wants me to punish him, take my time.


“I feel have I have natural power, can take a punch and have heart. Hit me as much as you want, but watch out once I connect and turn things around. My goal always is to break them down, starting with the body.


“I may not have the pedigree of some of these guys, but I’m learning defense, how to pace myself, staying poised and most importantly, just how to fight. The more experience, the more mature you become.


"Маргааш I just want to be me and listen to Joel in the corner. I wouldn’t want to be standing in from of me. If he wants to stand and bang, нь үүнийг хийж үзье. I guarantee he’s the one going back after the first few moments.”


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