Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси (Ноябрь 22, 2016) – Calling all boxing fans! The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will host their first inaugural Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on Memorial Day Weekend 2017 в The Claridge – A Radisson Hotel located at Park Place & Boardwalk Atlantic City, Нью-Джерси 08401.
The Claridge Hotel serves as the primary Corporate Sponsor for this knockout weekend which takes place Мая 26, 27 & 28, 2017 and will provide an exciting itinerary for participating guests. This historical weekend will include: На Friday May 26th An Exclusive Rooftop Cocktail Reception with the 2017 Почетные грамоты, Saturday May 27th, By Day, The ACBHOF Ultimate Fight Fan Experience! A winning combination of a highly interactive boxing & entertainment experience, engaging exhibits, collectors merchandise and memorabilia for purchase from some of the top industry fighters and brands in boxing, as well as picture and autograph sessions. By Evening,The Inaugural Red Carpet Meet & Приветствовать, and an incredible event party with delectable food, живая музыка, art & развлечения: At this Induction kickoff event, participating guests will witness The Historical Procession of Honorees. Sunday May 28th, The Official Induction Ceremony of The Atlantic Boxing Hall of Fame 2017 Honorees in Brighton Park, overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean for a spectacular finish. A true boxing fans dream come true!
Atlantic City is known as one of the original boxing meccas, so it’s only fitting that some of boxing’s most iconic fighters and colorful personalities be honored and recognized for all they have done to help Atlantic City be known as a boxing destination. A lineup of former and current boxing greats as well as celebrities from music and sports are anticipated.
“Claridge гордится тем, что сотрудничает с Залом славы бокса Атлантик-Сити и продолжает продвигать выдающуюся историю профессионального бокса в Атлантик-Сити.,” Говорит Джем Эренлер, vice president of Operations and Business Development for TMJ Properties, владелец и разработчик The Claridge. Знаменитый отель, which is now part of the global Radisson brand. first opened in 1930. “Проведение этого знакового мероприятия в лучших традициях The Claridge., который более чем 80 лет был центром Атлантик-Сити, где проводились захватывающие спортивные и развлекательные мероприятия.,” Мистер. Эренлер сказал.
There have been great fighters and other iconic figures such as “Железо” Майк Тайсон, Atlantic City’s own Leavander Johnson, as well as Arturo “Гром” Gatti and Don King who have participated in some of boxing most memorable boxing events right here in Atlantic Citystated Ray McCline President/Founder of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. “My core team of Roy Foreman, Rodrick Green and the esteem ACBHOF Nomination Committee will be announcing all future inductees on Monday November 28, 2016 via an official press release to the general public

Over the next several months leading up to the ACBHOF “2017” Induction weekend, updates on room packages, schedule of events and celebrity appearances will be posted on the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and the Claridge Hotel websites.

Все заинтересованные спонсоры, бизнес, organizations, экспоненты, and vendors looking be involved the induction weekend or to reserve a booth at it are encouraged to contact the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) на:

Tele: 1+ (609) 318 -3188 (США)
Перорально. Коробка #7221 Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси 08401
Follow us: @ACBHOF on Facebook / Instagram / Щебет

A Very special thank you to our early sponsors

“Круглый 7, Операция Нокаут” Благотворительная акция для G.I Рэнди Кутюр в. Фонд Для воздуха воскресенье, Ноябрь. 27 на CBS Sports Network

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Ноябрь 22, 2016) – The “Круглый 7, Операция Нокаут” любители смешанных боевых искусств и борется карты, представленный Tuff-N-Уфф совместно с Неон Star Media, будет транслироваться Воскресенье, Ноябрь 27 (11 p.m. И / 8 p.m. PT) на CBS Sports Network.
Седьмой ежегодный “Операция Нокаут,” провел в прошлом ноябре. 19й в центре Лас-Вегаса Events Center, был создан, чтобы помочь G.I Рэнди Кутюр в. поднять фонды и осведомленность Фонда для раненых солдат и членов их семей.
Это захватывающая, уникальная благотворительная акция показала ночь удивительных драк и сказочный молчком аукцион который показал перчатки, подписанные Рэнди Кутюр, Рокхолд, Миша Тейт и Серый Мейнард, билеты Criss Angel, Рок на века и Легенды в концертном, и многие другие элементы. Существовал что-то для всех, с девять любительских боев ММА, четыре из которых были для названия лент, и шесть супер-бой борется приступами отличая Bellator-х Райан Couture, экс-боец UFC Улисс Гомес и текущий боец ​​UFC Энтони Берчак, бывший боец ​​Bellator и активный военный, Майкл Паркер, бывший лев бой истребитель Фанни Tommasino, и текущий Combate Америкас истребитель и бывший боец ​​Tuff-N-Уфф, Кира Батара.
Ветераны дикторы ММА Шон Уилок, Джо Варнер и живая легенда Couture называется все действия в прямом эфире из ринга.
“Tuff-N-Уфф имеет честь иметь руку, помогая собрать средства для и повышения информированности наших храбрых военнослужащих, которые пожертвовали так много для нашей великой страны,” N Tuff-Уфф-генеральный директор Джефф Мейер сказал. “Любой немного помогает, и хотя бы мы могли сделать, было собрать карту борьбы с будущими звездами ММА, а также некоторые большие имена в ММА, которые участвовали. Мы не можем поблагодарить всех за помощь достаточно поместить это удивительное событие вместе для хорошего дела.”
Xtreme Couture G.I. Фонд предоставляет необходимую поддержку и услуги для раненых солдат и их семей, многие из которых возвращаются с травматическими ампутаций, огнестрельные ранения, ожоги и травмы взрыв. Сто процентов доходов приведены в качестве операции Нокаут продолжает наращивать свои усилия по привлечению больше денег и помощь более раненых солдат и членов их семей. С помощью своих щедрых спонсоров и пожертвований, “Операция Knock” было собрано более $170,000 собираюсь в этом году мероприятие.
“Я не могу сказать вам, как я благодарен за поддержку от Tuff-N-Uf, Центр города Лас-Вегас Events Center и D Лас-Вегас «Round 7, Операция Нокаут’ и раненых ветеранов через,” Кутюр прокомментировал. “Мы в XCGIF ценим вашу помощь и поддержку этой причины.
“Мы обучаем наших воинов для подавления сильных эмоциональных реакций в условиях невзгод, терпеть физическую и эмоциональную боль, и преодолеть страх травмы и смерти. Военные не может уменьшить интенсивность этого кондиционирования без негативного влияния на боеспособность нашей армии. Это Уловка-22. Сковывающий истина заключается в члены обслуживания являются, Проще говоря, более способны убить себя отвесной следствием их профессиональной подготовки, и мы теряем 22 день. Это необходимо изменить. Нам нужно переучивать наших воинов на то, что определяет успех для них.”
“Это будет большой ночью борьбы и борется. Спасибо всем за ваш вклад.”
CBS Sports Network доступен на всей территории Соединенных Штатов через локальный кабель, видео и телекоммуникационные провайдеры, а также через спутник на DirecTV канал 221 и DISH Network канал 158. Для получения более подробной информации, в том числе полное расписание программирования и как получить CBS Sports Network, перейти к
Щебет: @tuffnuff, @Neonstarmedia, @randy_Couture


О Tuff-N- Уфф: 22-летнее единоборство организация, Лас-Вегас на основе ТУФ-N- UFF представляет лучшие любительские смешанные боевые искусства (MMA) Действие в стране. Это привело к некоторым из самых больших звезд в спорте сегодня, в том числе бывшего UFC в легчайшем весе Раузите, а UFC и Strikeforce ветеран Райан Couture и UFC в полусреднем Алан Джобан. ТУФ-N-UFF помогает расти карьеры многих других спортсменов ММА включая Джессамин Дьюк, Эшли Эванс-Смит, Тоня Эвинджер, Джон Фитч, Джесси Форбс, Крис Холдсуорт, Брэд Аймс, Джимми Джонс и Джесси Тэйлор. В 2013, ТУФ-N- UFF стала первым единоборство организацией должны быть включена на UFC Fight Международного графике недели событий. В 2014,

ТУФ-N- UFF представила второе событие Четверг, Июль 3 жить с Техас станции, заработав статус в качестве первого продвижения события, которые будут перечислены на UFC Fight Международный график недели два года подряд. ТУФ-N- UFF отметил свое 20-летие исторического субботу, Июнь 7, 2014, с более 15,000 фанаты, в аншлаг турнире внутри Томас и Мак Центр. В 2014, ТУФ-N- UFF в партнерстве с Международной смешанной федерацией искусств Боевых (IMMAF) представлять, в рамках UFC Fight недели Международный 2014, первые в мире любительские ММА Чемпионат мира. Джефф Мейер является генеральный директор TUFF-N- UFF и руководит организацией в посвящении своего покойного брата, Барри Мейер, который основал Tuff-N- UFF в 1994. ТУФ-N- UFF стремится к росту спорт ММА и строительство “Будущие звезды ММА”.
О Neon Star Media LLC: Neon Star Media является маркетинг и содержания компании, которая создает высокоэффективный опыт бренд-интеграцию для наших клиентов, выполняется через уникальный “повествующий” Подход, обмен сообщениями продукт расширяет возможности клиента парить, обеспечивая при этом результаты. В Neon Star Media, мы максимально клиентские медиа тратят, используя наши отношения с различными спортивными событиями, кабельные каналы, цифровые платформы и другие социальных средства массовой информации. Мы работаем с нашими клиентами, чтобы привлечь, одобрить и продвигать свои идеи с аудиторией на всех платформах 24/7.
О D Лас-Вегасе: D Лас-Вегас обеспечивает свежий, энергичный настрой и атмосфера веселья синонимом центре Лас-Вегаса. Новые похвастаться Hotel Casino 629 реконструированы номера и люксы и уникальное казино два уровня с современными и старинными полами. Коктейли, пиво и напитки изобилуют замороженные в казино в Longbar и на опыт Fremont Street Bar в D. Д предлагает современный американский тариф на D Grill, Легендарный Кони Собаки Детройта в американском Кони-Айленд и превосходные стейки и подлинных итальянских блюд на Джо Vicari в Andiamo итальянской Стейкхаус. Выставочный зал на D Лас-Вегасе показывает выдающуюся развлечения, начиная от наградами ужин театра и бродвейских постановках музыку, комедия и более. Следуйте D на Facebook и Щебет.
О центре Лас-Вегаса Events Center: Расположенный на углу Третьей Санкт. Карсон пр. напротив D Лас-Вегас, В центре города Лас-Вегас События Центр может вместить до 11,000 Гости и особенности государственно-оф-искусства этап, звук и освещение. Конструкция под открытым небом приглашает к туристов, так и местных жителей и предлагает идеальное место для концертов, конвенций и других крупных мероприятий. Охватывая раскованный дух Downtown Лас-Вегасе, новая площадка принимает к линейку Куратор мероприятия, включая концерты ведущих, кулинарные фестивали и многое другое. Место это также первый развлекательный арене в Лас-Вегасе, чтобы принять Bitcoin в качестве валюты. Для получения более подробной информации, визит или следовать на Facebook, Instagram и Twitter в @dlveventscenter.

2016 Чемпионат мира по ММА ноябрь 26-27 в Макао


МОНТЕ-КАРЛО, Монако (Ноябрь 22, 2016)- Лучшие бойцы-любители смешанных единоборств мира будут соревноваться. Ноябрь. 26-27 на чемпионате мира по ММА в Студио Сити, Макао, Китай.
Рядом с 100 бойцы зарегистрировались для участия в соревнованиях. The 2016 Европейская (Россия) и азиатские (Казахстан) команда чемпионов возглавляет список, в который входит Испания, Австралия, бельгийский, Китай, Колумбия, Франция, Чешская Республика, Гонконг, Таджикистан, Германия, Венгрия, Macao, Непал, Индия, Южная Корея, Украина, Киргизия, Молдова, Тайвань и Узбекистан.
С нетерпением ждем чемпионата мира по ММА в Макао Ноябрь 26-27,” Президент WMMAA Вадим Финкельштейн сказал. “Мы ожидаем зрелищного, соревновательные бои.”
Конгресс WMMAA также будет проведен для обсуждения вопросов ММА, касающихся детей и женщин., а также страны, принимающие решение о проведении 2017 Европейская, Чемпионат Азии и мира по ММА. Также будет создан судейский комитет и проведены семинары для тренеров., судьи и медицинские специалисты в каждой стране.”
Щебет: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa
О WMMAA: Целью Всемирной ассоциации ММЫ является обеспечение непредвзятой структуры и ограждение роста ММЫ в качестве официального мира руководящего органа для смешанных боевых искусств. Некоммерческая организация, основанная в 2012, WMMAA находится на миссии, чтобы разработать стандартную и регулируемую организацию, в том числе конкурс, обучение, судейство, Тестирование и рост при необходимости. Более чем 50 страны было предоставлено членство WMMAA.

Непобежденный соперник Сергей Липинец сражается с австралийцем Ленни Заппавинья в отборочном матче за титул чемпиона мира среди юниоров в полусреднем весе в рамках андеркарта, Декабрь 10 из Центра Галена в Университете Южной Калифорнии в Лос-Анджелесе

Больше! Undefeated Rising Prospects
Эриксон Любин & Марио Баррио in Action
While Local Talent including Hugo Centeno Jr.,
Josesito Lopez and Adan Mares Enter the Ring
ЛОС-АНДЖЕЛЕС (Ноябрь 21, 2016) – An exciting night of undercard action comes to Los Angeles on Суббота, Декабрь 10 and is highlighted by hard-hitting unbeaten contender Сергей Lipinets (10-0, 8 КО) in a 12-round junior welterweight world title eliminator against Australia’s Ленни Заппавинья (35-2, 25 КО) from Galen Center at USC.
The December 10 event is headlined by a featherweight world championship showdown between WBA titleholder Иисус Куэльяр и бывший трех весовых чемпион мира Авенир Mares. Жизнь SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКСâ Телепередача начинается в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with junior middleweight world champion Jermall Charlo taking on undefeated top contender Джулиан Уильямс in a matchup of undefeated rising stars in their prime.
Билеты на турнире, которая способствует Ringstar спорта и TGB Promotions, are on sale now and are priced at $35, $50, $75, $150 и $200. Для покупки билетов перейдите на
Also featured as part of the jam-packed night of fights are undefeated rising contenders Эриксон “Молоток” Любин (16-0, 11 КО) in a junior middleweight bout and Марио Барриос (16-0, 8 КО) battling Argentina’s Claudio Rosendo Tapia (24-18-4, 9 КО) in junior lightweight action.
An array of talented fighters from the Los-Angeles area round out the evening as Oxnard’s Хьюго “Босс” Centeno младший. (24-1, 12 КО) competes in a middleweight attraction, бывший претендент на титул Josesito Лопес (33-7, 19 КО) of Riverside in a six-round welterweight fight and Abner Mares’ Младший брат, Adan Mares (14-1-3, 3 КО) enters the ring in a lightweight bout.
Опытный любитель, родился в Казахстане, но борется из России,Lipinets turned pro in April of 2014 с победой решением судей над Франклином Варелой. The 27-year-old recorded six knockouts in a row before stepping up in competition and impressing with a victory over Haskell Lydell Rhodes in March 2015 and a knockout of Levan Ghvamichava in March. He kept the momentum going in July when he stopped established contender Walter Castillo in the seventh round. He will challenge the 29-year-old Zappavigna out of New South Wales, Австралия. He enters this fight the winner of his last 10 конкурсы, включая его последний триумф, a sixth-round stoppage of Ik Yang in July.
Высоко ценится перспектива с захватывающим стилем, 21-летний Любин ворвался на сцену, глядя на финише соперников рано, поскольку он цементирует свой статус элитного соперника. Борьба из Орландо, он уже снесен опытных ветеранов, включая Орландо Lora, Айи Брюс, Майкл Финни и Норберто Гонсалес. Он был сенсационным в ноябре 2015 когда он нокаутировал Алексис Камий и в январе он озаглавил свою первую карту и доминировал Хосе де Хесус Масиас в своем первом 10-раундовом бое. He has kept the hot streak going in June by stopping veteran Daniel Sandoval in the third round and dominating veteran Ivan Montero in July.
A tall junior lightweight at more than six feet, 21-летний Окрестности picked up seven victories in a jam-packed 2015 in which he stopped five opponents inside the distance, including an uppercut left hook combo that ended the night for Manuel Vides last December. The San Antonio-native turned pro in 2013 and is on the fast track towards a world title shot as he most recently defeated Devis Boschiero in a title eliminator in July. Now he looks to stay unbeaten in a matchup against Tapia out of Mendoza, Аргентина.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите и,следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook в и спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Michael Dutchover remains perfect with 51 second stoppage

Филадельфия, Penn./Ontario, Халиф. (Ноябрь. 21, 2016) -Junior lightweight Michael Dutchover (2-0, 2 КО) kicked off this past Пятницы “Новая кровь” boxing event in Ontario, ТАКОЙ КАК. with a devastating first round knockout of Sergio Campos (0-1). Dutchover bolted out of his corner with a fierce attack that put Campos, who was making his professional debut, on the defensive immediately. Dutchover unloaded power shots to the body and landed a left hook that dropped Campos for good at the :51 знак.
Dutchover fights out of Midland, Текс. and is trained by Danny Zamora. He is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.

ФОТО КРЕДИТ: Карлос Baeza / Томпсон Boxing Promotions

Кровь правит верховной властью на финальной боевой карте Льюистона. 2016



ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ: Льюистон, Мэн (Ноябрь 19, 2016) - New England Бои (NEF) провел последние соревнования по смешанным единоборствам (MMA) событие, “NEF 26: ВЕРХОВЕНСТВО” в субботу вечером в Androscoggin Bank Colisée в Льюистоне, Мэн. В акции было представлено всего 14 Поединки ММА перед толпой фанатов боя.


Кровь потекла рано и продолжала обильно течь всю ночь..


В главном событии вечера, Райан Сандерс (12-8) побежденный Джон Лемке (5-7) единогласным техническим решением. Поединок был остановлен в третьем раунде, когда Лемке получил глубокий порез на голове.. С боем в третьем раунде, по Единым правилам ММА судьи’ оценочные карточки были вызваны для вынесения приговора. Сандерс выиграл 20-18 на всех трех судей’ системы показателей, забив только первые два раунда.


Совместно Главное событие пила Джош Паркер (5-8) представить Дерек Шори (4-8) в первом раунде долгожданного “тренер vs. тренер” боевой.


Завершение профессиональной части карты, Аарон Lacey (4-0) остался непобежденным, одержав словесную победу над ветераном Тейлор Трэхан (6-7).


Ник Гулливер (4-0) Фармингтон, Мэн завоевал титул NEF в тяжелом весе среди любителей, одержав победу над Одеяло ДеКастро (2-3) как хедлайнер любительской карты.


Результаты Льюистон, Мэн:



Райан Сандерс защита. Джон Лемке единогласным техническим решением

Джош Паркер def. Дерек Шори на гильотине, круглый 1

Аарон Лэйси Def. Тейлор Трэхан через устное представление, круглый 1




Ник Гулливер четкости. Йорган ДеКастро через технический нокаут, круглый 3

Крис Смит четкости. Нэш Рой через гильотину, круглый 1

Анджело Риццителло def. Кен Данн техническим нокаутом, круглый 1

Фред Лир Def. Робби Фрейзер на стоячей гильотине, круглый 2

Майк Уильямс четкости. Майк Свон через технический нокаут, круглый 2

Рас Хилтона Защиту. Кевин Смит через технический нокаут, круглый 2

Том Берджесс Защиту. Даррен Дюшарм через технический нокаут, круглый 1

Фернанда Араужо def. Ханна Спаррелл через руку, круглый 2

Шон Лунги деф. Алекс Кларк через удушение сзади, круглый 2

Джессика Борга деф. Брианн Геншель единогласным решением судей

Чад Пирс def. Лайман Кертис единогласным решением судей


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Непобежденный чемпион M-1 Challenge в полусреднем весе Алексей Кученко победил Мурада Абдулаева в матче-реванше

M-1 Challenge 72 РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ
MOSCOW (Ноябрь 19, 2016) – В своей первой защите титула, M-1 Challenge в полусреднем весе Алексей Кученко(15-0-0, М-1: 7-0-0) победил соперника в пяти раундах решением судей Мурад “Охотник” Абдулаев (15-5-0, М-1: 3-3-0) вчера вечером в матче-реванше под заголовок M-1 Challenge 72 в Москве.
Kunchenko, борются Тюмень, Россия, победил действующего чемпиона Абдулаева, России, в апреле прошлого года в M-1 Challenge 65 когда он не смог продолжить в четвертом раунде.
Восходящая звезда среднего веса России Артем Фролов (8-0-0, М-1: 5-0-0) также остался непобежденным, останавливает ветерана американского истребителя Луиджи “Итальянский танк” Фиораванти (26-15-0, М-1: 4-4-0), бывший претендент на титул чемпиона M-1 Challenge в среднем весе, на удары в первом раунде.
Former M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Артем Дамковский (22-10-0, М-1: 12-7-0), Беларусь, мог подготовиться к еще одному титульному броску, победив россиянина Alexey “Ataman” Makhno (13-5-0, 3-2-0), чей угол остановил бой в третьем раунде.
Казахский легкий Дамир Исмагулов (9-2-0, М-1: 5-1-0), борьбы из России, выиграл в трех раундах единогласным решением судей над бразильцем Rubenilton “Rubinho” Груша (16-4-0, М-1: 0-2-0), в то время как хорватский средний вес Кристиан “Pacman” Серебро (9-3-2 (М-1: 0-2-2) и Тлек “Азербайджан Terminator” Наджафзаде (4-1-1, М-1: 2-0-1) боролись три этапа розыгрыша.
В предварительном действия карты, Russian featherweight Тимор Нагибин (8-2-0, М-1: 3-2-0) выбиты России Rbanali Абдусаламов (6-3-0), М-1: 4-1-1) ибн третий раунд, Французский легчайший вес Моктар “Кабильский” Benkaci (12-6-0, М-1: 2-1-0) пробил украинский Алексей Наумов (13-4-0, М-1: 1-3-0) в трех раундах, Русский полусреднем Danila Prikaza (5-1-1, М-1: 3-1-0) одержал победу над хорватским ветераном решением судей в трех раундах. Ивица “Террор” Truscek (31-28-0, М-1: 0-4-0), Легчайший вес Украины Александр Лунга (9-8-0, М-1: 1-0-0) принял решение в трех раундах от россиянина Баир дома (3-2-0, М-1: 0-2-0), Русский полутяжелом Artur Tyulparov (1-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0) выиграл свой профессиональный дебют сдачей в первом раунде удушающим гильотиной над Чехией Михал Коталик (2-1-1, М-1: 0-1-0), и русский полусредний вес Адам Бакаев (1-1-0, М-1: 1-0–0) представленный Maksim “Безумный Макс” Мельник (2-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0).
Результаты и фотогалерея ниже:
MAIN EVENT — М-1 Challenge в полусреднем чемпионата
Алексей Кученко (15-0-0, М-1: 7-0-0), Россия
Мурад Абдулаев (15-5-0, М-1: 3-3-0), Россия
(Кученко сохранил титул M-1 Challenge в полусреднем весе)
Артем Фролов (8-0-0, М-1: 5-0-0), Россия
WTKO1 (Удары – 2:11)
Луиджи Фиораванти (26-15-0, М-1: 4-4-0) США
Kristijan Perak (9-3-2, М-1: 0-2-2, Хорватия
Talekh Наджафзаде (4-1-1, М-1: 2-0-1), Азербайджан
Артем Дамковский (22-10-0, М-1: 12-7-0), Беларусь
WTKO3 (Угловой Остановка – 1:01)
Alexey Makhno (13-5-0, М-1: 3-2-0), Россия
Дамир Исмагулов (9-2-0, М-1: 5-1-0), Россия через Казахстан
Rubenilton Pereira (16-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Бразилия
Свет тяжеловесов
Artur Tyulparov (1-0-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Россия
WSUB1 (Удушение гильотиной – 0:47)
Михал Коталик (2-1-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Чешская Республика
Danila Prikaza (5-1-1, М-1: 3-1-0), Россия
Ивица Трущек (31-28-0, М-1: 0-4-0), Хорватия
Адам Бакаев (1-1-0, М-1: 1-0-0), Россия
WSUB (Choke)
Максим Мельник (2-3-0, М-1: 0-1-0), Укфаин
Тимор Нагибин (8-2-0, М-1: 4-1-0), Россия
WTKO3 (Удары – 4:03)
Rbanali Абдусаламов (6-3-0, М-1: 4-1-0), Россия
Алексей Наумов (13-4-0, М-1: 2-2-0), Украина
WTKO3 (Удары – 4:08)
Моктар Benkaci (11-7-0, М-1: 1-2-0), Франция
Александр Лунга (9-8-0, М-1: 1-0-0) Украина
Баир дома (3-2-0, М-1: 0-2-0), Россия

СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ ШОУ: Декабрь. 17, M-1 Challenge 73, Игушетия, Россия

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ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНЫ жить по HBO Pay-Per-View®

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Фото кредит: Main Events/David Spagnolo

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Фото кредит: Roc Nation Sports/Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

Sergey Kovalev vs. Andre Ward Official Weigh-In (Click to Watch)

ЛАС-ВЕГАС, Невада (Ноябрь 19, 2016) – In front of a packed crowd at MGM Grand Garden Arena, WBO, WBA and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 КО) and Two-Time World Champion Андре «S.O.G.» Ward (30-0, 15 КО) faced off at the official weigh-in ahead of their ultimate showdown on Saturday, Ноябрь. 19 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Невада. Joining them at the public event were all of the undercard fighters.


Ковалев vs. Подопечный “Фунт за фунт”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight title at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, is presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Спорт, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by the MGM Grand Hotel & Казино, Corona Extra, Monster Products, JetLux, Zappos, Jordan Brand and Shoe Palace. The championship event will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. И/6:00 p.m. PT. Tickets are available on Эш Гриффитс and the T-Mobile Arena box office.

Demond Brock split decision winner over Reynaldo Blanco Norberto Gonzalez upsets Daniel Rosario

(L-Р) — Promoter/trainer Roy Jones, Младший, Демонд “Выстрел в тело” Nady and referee Jay Nady
(Все фотографии Мэнни “рукавицы” Мурильо / Рой Джонс-младший. Boxing Promotions)
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Ноябрь 19, 2016) – The incredible journey of Демонд “Выстрел в тело” Барсук continued last night (Пятница) в “Knockout Night at the D” Главным событием CBS Sports Network that aired live from inside the Центр Лас-Вегас События центр tent. live streamed this evening’s undercard worldwide, as well as the three main card bouts, excluding North America.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия, представленный D Лас-Вегаси Центр мероприятий в центре Лас-Вегаса, продвигает Рой Джонс-младший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
Brock lands a right on Blanco
From the Louisiana Penitentiary, where Brock (13-3, 4 КО) learned how to box while serving a 15-year sentence for armed robbery, to his salvation in the boxing ring. The 35-year-old boxer from New Orleans captured his second title, taking a 10-round split decision (96-94, 96-94, 93-97) from defending North American Boxing Association (Также) USA lightweight champion ReynaldoEl TrampolinBlanco (13-3, 7 КО)
Brock predicted that fans would see a completely different fighter, after being trained for this fight by future Hall of Famer and 10-time world champion Рой Джонс, Младший. Brock threw effective punches in bunches, aggressively fought inside against the taller Blanco, and he outworked the Dominican who suffered a cut over his left eye midway through the fight and had his right eye swell a few rounds later.
Барсук (R) won his second title with a split decision victory over Blanco
I knew he was a gritty guy who came from Puerto Rico to fight me in Las Vegas,” explained Brock, who added the NABA USA title to his growing collection that already had included the WBC US lightweight strap. “I was having fun, enjoying myself. I had to pick up stuff working with Roy and some rubbed off on me. With Roy’s help, my confidence was built up and I learned techniques, especially with my hand-and-feet coordination. I found what I learned was more effective.
Jones was calm in Brock’s corner throughout the fight. “I’m always calm in the corner to get the best out of the fighter,” Jones noted. “To do that I need to remain calm.
Mexican upset specialist NorbertoDemonio” Гонсалес (22-3-8, 13 КО) did his thing in the co-feature, taking an eight-round split decision (76-75, 76-75, 74-77) from Puerto Rican junior middleweight Даниил “El Duro” Четки (11-2, 10 КО).
(R) Norberto Gonzalez pulled off another upset last night
Gonzalez overcame a second-round knockdown. “I didn’t come here to lose,” Гонсалес прокомментировал. “I knew we had to work hard to get a decision.
В открытии телевидения, red-hot junior featherweight prospect Похотливый “Matador” Морено (7-0, 6 КО) оставался непобедимым, outclassing Даниэль Пералес (7-6-1, 4 КО) from the opening bell until referee Russell Mora stopped the fight at the request of the corner in the fourth round. Using his height and reach advantage once again, the 20-year-old Moreno, которые борются с Лас-Вегасе, continued to show steady overall improvement in his first scheduled six-round bout.
(R) – Randy Moreno is a rising young star
I can’t wait until I get my first title shot,” Moreno said. “Fighting at home means the world to me.
Undefeated New York junior flyweight NatalieTuffie” Гонсалес (3-0, 1 KO) unloaded a big right-hand to register her first professional knockout as previously unbeaten Марина “Rockie” Рамирес (2-1) beat the count but referee Kenny Bayles остановил бой.
In a spirited junior featherweight fight from start to finish, Хуан “Ciclon Junior” Санчес (2-0, 1 KO) won a hard fought four-round unanimous decision over a game Хавьер “Lights Out” Cepeda (0-3).
Puerto Rican cruiserweight Кенни “Индийский” Крест (1-2-1, 1 KO) ruined the pro debut former UNLV football player Джейсон “The BlazeBeauchamp, unleashing a barrage of unanswered punches for a knockout win only 1:11 в первом раунде.

With Jones working his corner, Swedish middleweight Shady Gamhour (1-0, 1 KO) turned in an impress pro debut, остановка David De La Cruz (0-1) в третьем раунде.
Полные результаты ниже:
MAIN EVENT – Легковесов
Демонд “Выстрел в тело” Барсук (13-3, 4 КО), Претендент, Жители Нового Орлеана, Луизиана
WDEC10 (96-94, 96-94, 93-97)
ReynaldoEl TrampolinBlanco (13-3, 7 КО), Mantancita, Доминиканская Республика
(Brock won NABA USA lightweight title)
CO-FEATURE – ЮНЫЙ средневесов
Норберто Гонсалес (22-8, 13 КО), Монтеррей, Nuevo Leon, Мексика
WDEC8 (76-75, 76-75, 74-77)
Даниил “El DuroRosario Cruz (11-1, 10 КО), Кагуас, Пуэрто-Рико
Kenny Cruz (0-2-1), Natalino, Пуэрто-Рико
WKO1 (1:11)
Jason Beauchamp (0-1), Лас-Вегас, Невада
Shady Gamhour (1-0, 1 KO), Sweden by way of Pensacola, Флорида
WTKO7 (1:54)
David De La Cruz (0-1, 0 KO), Лос-Анджелес, ТАКОЙ КАК
ЮНЫЙ легковесов
Рэнди Морено (7-0, 6 КО), Лас-Вегас, Невада
WTKO4 (1:37)
Даниэль Пералес (7-6-1, 4 КО), Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Мексика
Juan Sanchez (2-0, 1 KO), Аллентаун, Пенсильвания
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Javier Cepeda (0-3), Natalino, Пуэрто-Рико
Natalie Gonzalez (3-1, КО), Бронкс, Нью-Йорк
WKO2 (1:18)
Marina Martinez (2-0, 0 КО), Palma, ИДЕНТИФИКАТОР
The “Knockout Night at the D” сериал был разработан в сотрудничестве с Центром мероприятий в центре Лас-Вегаса и Neon Star Media..
Финал “Knockout Night at the D” show of the 2016 season will be held Суббота, Декабрь 17, inside of the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center tent.
Фотогалерея ниже:
(L) Natalie Gonzalez KOd Marina Ramirez
(L) Juan Sanchez decisioned Javier Cepeda
Kenny Cruz celebrated his KO win over Jason Beauchamp

(R) Shady Gamhior won his pro debut with a KO of David De La Cruz
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
RIVAL BOXING GEAR & EQUIPMENT is the official gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” серия., @rivalboxinggear


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Фото кредит: Main Events/David Spagnolo

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Фото кредит: Roc Nation Sports/Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos


Sergey Kovalev vs. Andre Ward Final Press Conference (Click to Watch)


ЛАС-ВЕГАС, Невада (Ноябрь 18, 2016) – В Четверг, Ноябрь. 17, WBO, Чемпион мира по версиям WBA и IBF в полутяжелом весе Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 КО) and Two-Time World Champion Андре «S.O.G.» Ward (30-0, 15 КО) participated in the final press conference for their Nov. 19 “Pound For Pound” showdown at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Невада. The final press conference was hosted by renowned ring announcer Michael Buffer. Мероприятие будет выпускаться и распространяться жить HBO Pay-Per-View, начиная с 9:00 p.m. И/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ниже то, что бойцы, promoters and other dais guests had to say at the final press conference:

Сергей Ковалев, WBO, WBA & IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion:


“Hi everybody, I am very glad to be here. It is very nice. Maybe like two, three years ago, I can never imagine that I can get this level and fight Andre Ward, undefeated boxer and Olympic Gold Medalist. I have very big respect for him, for his success in the pro and amateur career. It is really great success but now we are facing each other and I should prove that I am better. Thanks a lot to HBO and personally to Peter Nelson, my promoter Kathy Duva and Main Events promotions, Egis Klimas and to my sponsor Hublot. I really hope that our fight will be very clear and honest. I am very excited for this fight and a little nervous because I never was on this level. HBO Pay-Per-View is the highest level in pro boxing and I am very happy to be here. Welcome to the TV screens on Nov. 19 and T-Mobile Arena where you will see very great fight. Thank you very much.”

Андре Уорд, Двукратный чемпион мира:

“I want to thank everyone who is here today – the media, all my sponsors, MGM Grand, the great team that put this fight together and HBO. I was off to the side trying to mind my own business when Kathy Duva woke me up. She started talking, I don’t know why she keeps doing that, but it’s interesting that the ones that are not getting in that ring are the ones that are doing the most talking. They’re not feeling those punches, so she can keep doing what she’s doing. Я люблю это, that’s what a big promotion is all about, what a big fight is all about; we’re not supposed to like each other. His side has been doing a lot of talking, и это нормально, we love it. It’s not our first rodeo, we’ve been down this road before. We don’t always respond right away. Sometimes our silence is misinterpreted as us not getting it. We watch, we take notes, but in the meantime we keep working and we produce come fight night. That’s what we specialize in. So all the talking is great, Я люблю это, but know one thing – I’m not taking no mess come Суббота ночь. Ima be there. Thank you very much”.

Кэти Дува, ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ДИРЕКТОР, Главные события:

“Welcome everyone to the best, most significant and most anticipated fight of the year. Main Events’ journey with Sergey Kovalev began just four years ago. In the Fall of 2012, he made his first appearance in a U.S. televised co-feature on NBCSN. It was the first time he was ever on television in the United States. В то время, he told me he had three goals: 1. win title, 2. unify title, 3. become Pay-Per-View fighter. He made it very clear that this is what he wanted and that he would win fights. He made his first appearance on HBO less than a year later when he won the WBO title. His first appearance on HBO happened less than a year later, and he’s fought on HBO nine times в течение трех лет and now his first Pay-Per-View is finally here. I’m bringing this up now because there’s a storyline out there about what a shame it is that this fight isn’t as big as Mayweather-Pacquiao. As I tend to do when I try and solve problems, I did some research to try and gain some perspective. Floyd Mayweather fought on HBO nine times just like Sergey, and of course the four-year period where he headlined his first HBO PPV versus Arturo Gatti in June of 2005, Gatti was the big draw of that fight. Manny Pacquiao fought on HBO for two years before headlining his first HBO gig in January of 2005 with Eric Morales. Those events sold in hundreds of thousands of buys, it wasn’t until Floyd and Manny got the opportunity to defeat the already well-established superstar Oscar De La Hoya that they reached that million buy benchmark. They fought on parallel paths for 10 years on PPV to get to the place where they arrived last year, and that of course is where every fighter wants to be and that is where Kovalev and Ward want to go. And so they have to start somewhere. The fact that Manny’s first PPV opponent Morales had been on PPV before and had already attained legendary status with his trilogy with Mickey Ward and was well known to casual sports fans.


“Very few fighters ever get the chance to fight consistently in the rarified world of Pay-Per-View, and those are typically the same fighters who get to earn pound for pound status in the ring. In the past few months, I have watched Sergey work so far to promote this spectacular event. Sergey has shown me he has the chops to be the kind of star that has that rare ability to connect with each and every one of his fans, make new ones every time he’s out, and works very hard to convince them he’s worth paying to see. His boxing ability, his concussive punching power, his electrifying presence in the ring.


“Among Sergey’s goals, one that I added in was to be a big fighter in Las Vegas, so this is big. This is huge, we are so happy. I want to thank Bob Bennett of the Nevada State Athletic Commission, it’s such a pleasure to work with such professional people and you make our job a whole lot easier. I want to thank all of our sponsors. В конце концов, want to thank all of you for being here, and I just can’t wait until the bell rings.


“Our co-featured fight is NABF light heavyweight champion Alexander “The Nail” Roddick, who’s undefeated and making a lot of noise in the light heavyweight division, he’s from Ukraine. He’s going to be fighting Isaac “Golden Boy” Chilemba, who’s originally from Malawi and fighting out of Johannesburg, ЮАР. They’re going to take part in a ten-round light heavyweight fight. A true crossroad-fight where I honestly have no idea who’s going to win. Очевидно, Main Events is with Isaac, who put up a tremendous fight against Sergey a few months ago, I think he simply never gets the credit he deserves. He is quite possibly the second-best light heavyweight in the world, and I know Isaac has his eyes on coming back strong and impressing everyone Суббота ночь.


“Also opening the televised undercard, WBA continental middleweight champion, Curtis “The Cerebral Assassin” Stephens of Brownsville, Brooklyn. One of the most fun fighters in the whole business. Кертис, you brighten up our day, каждый день. He’s going to be facing James “The King” De La Rosa, 23-4 of San Benito, Texas in a ten-round middleweight bout. This has all the earmarks of a train wreck, but Curtis has his sight set on bigger and better things and I know he and James are going to be working very hard to impress because the middleweight division is hot, and there’s a lot of opportunity there.


“I don’t think I have to tell anybody in this room why this is a great fight or why you should be interested in it or why you should want to see it. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already know that but we do need you to go out and carry the word out to the rest of the world. This is the fight that you bring your friend over, the one who likes boxing a little bit but isn’t sure. This is the fight that you tell your friend, the one who says MMA is better than boxing. Get them to come over your house to see this one because Kovalev-Ward is going to make big fans out of a lot of people, Суббота ночь, and I’m looking forward to that and seeing all of you there.”


Майкл Yormark, Президент Рок Нэйшн & Руководитель отдела брендинга и стратегии:

“Honesty is the best policy. So I’m going to start this off with a giant dose of honesty. For the next 48 часов, you’re probably going to hear a lot of respect and admiration between these two undefeated fighters. The simple fact is, we are just two days away from the biggest fight of the year, and I don’t expect them to admire one another. But who can blame them? The only thing standing between an undefeated record and boxing immortality is each other. That adds a layer of distaste and a very sharp edge to a fight that is already set to be an absolute classic. My perspective on this fight is pretty simple. Суббота night is going to be a tough night for Sergey, when he is systematically picked apart by the world’s best pound for pound boxer, Андре Уорд.


“I’ve known Andre for quite a few years, and I’ve never seen him more focused, more determined, more motivated and more prepared for the biggest fight in his career. These moments are the ones that generational athletes live for and they dream about. This is an opportunity to make history, to write the latest chapter in Andre’s legend, and frankly, close the book on Sergey’s. Не ошибитесь об этом, Team Ward has come to Vegas to win, and to walk out of Sin City with three—I repeat, three—new championship belts. Boxing needs a fight like this, two undefeated fighters in their prime. Edges sharpened by natural competitiveness, as well as an utter dislike. Fighting on the world’s biggest stage at T-Mobile Arena, and on HBO Pay-Per-View. It doesn’t get any better or bigger. Epic is the only word to describe it, and as a life-long boxing fan, I am thrilled to be a first-hand witness.


“I’d like to recognize the official fight partners we have secured for this event. Our presenting partner Corona as well as Monster Products, JetLux, Zappos, Jordan Brand and Shoe Palace. I’d also like to thank Andre’s fighting partners, including ProSupps and Lyft, Monster Products, BODYARMOUR and JetLux, as well as his long-standing partners Jordan Brand, POWERHANDZ and Shoe Palace. This support and the support from fans and media is a stark recognition of Andre as a true once-in-a-generation-athlete. His skill is matched only by his commitment to family and community. His competitiveness equal only by his charisma. At Roc Nation, we are honored to represent this man, an Olympic gold medalist, undefeated since he was 13 лет, the pride of Oakland, and of course, the next light heavyweight champion of the world.


“While our main event looks to be a fight for the ages, it is a deep and talented undercard that will make Субботу event a truly special one. Roc Nation is proud to work with a number of talented fighters on the card, starting with Dallas-native Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker, who is putting his undefeated record and NABO Junior Welterweight title on the line against Darleys Perez on HBO Pay-Per-View. We will also feature rising heavyweight superstar Darmani “Rock Solid” Rock of Philadelphia, as he looks to improve to 6-0 against Brice Ritani-Coe during his Las Vegas debut. Opening up the freeview telecast on the Pay-Per-View events channel prior to the official telecast, will be an eight-round junior welterweight bout featuring undefeated rising prospect Sonny “Pretty Boi” Frederickson of Toledo, Огайо. The freeview will also be available through live streaming on HBO Boxing’s YouTube channel. Frederickson will take on Gabriel Deluc of Boston, Массачусетс. Another Toledo, Ohio native, with an unblemished record, Tyler “Golden Child” McCreary will go toe-to-toe with Vincent “Pooh Bear” Jennings of Grand Rapids, Michigan in an eight-round featherweight bout. Fans will be able to catch the matchup on the freeview portion of Kovalev-Ward as well. Тем временем, National hero and two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields will make her much anticipated professional debut on the freeview broadcast. She will be taking on longtime rival Franchon Crews who will also be making her pro debut in a four-round middleweight bout. Проще говоря, любители бокса в для лечения в субботу evening and we are ecstatic to be a part of it.


“We’ve heard a lot of honesty today. But clearly Суббота is going to be an epic night. Kovalev-Ward is without a doubt going to be the fight of the year in boxing, we all know that. Roc Nation is proud to be a part of it, it’s in our DNA to promote big global events, and we are honored after working on this fight for the better part of last year, we have finally arrived at the moment of truth. There are a lot of organizations and people that have helped this event, and I’d like to thank all of them. В первую очередь, Team Ward, including James Prince, Josh Dubin and Virgil Hunter. Peter Nelson and Tony Walker from HBO for bringing this fight to a global audience. Richard Sturm and Sid Greenfeig from MGM, as well as T-Mobile Arena GM Dan Quinn for hosting this event at a world class facility. Kathy Duva and her team at Main Events, who have been our partners on this fight from the very beginning. Last but certainly not least, the city of Las Vegas, the spiritual home of the biggest events in boxing, and the rightful setting for a fight that will change the face of the sport for many years to come.”

Джон Дэвид Джексон, Trainer of Sergey Kovalev:


“Thank you to all the press for being here. I want to thank two different groups. Первый, I want to thank Main Events promotions. These women at Main Events plus my man, Joe Rotonda, are truly some of the greatest people in the world. If you want to find a promotional company that will treat you fairly to all fighters and across the board and give you what you deserve in boxing, then go see them. Number two, I would like to thank all the press that is out here at this event. It is truly wonderful to see some of the people who, with their words, can help boxing swim or sink. Your words help a lot. Sometimes you don’t help us as much as we would like to be helped but I am so grateful to see all of you out here because we need this to keep boxing striving. This is a wonderful, beautiful sport that sometimes can get funky but all in all it is a wonderful, beautiful fight. I thank all of you that came out to support and write your words down for this wonderful sport.


“One fight does not define a fighter’s career. That last fight for both fighters it is what it truly was: a tune-up. They did what they were supposed to do. They both won convincingly in order to make this fight happen here. I don’t remember what reporter asked that but that is the answer to your question. One fight does not define a fighter’s career.


“Some of the things I say are to get into someone’s head but what it boils down to is that I do respect these people; they are very good people. The whole team is very good. They are very professional. To answer [Virgil’s] question which was a two-part question. He said in the last fight I was there for a week. I would love to tell you that wherever you got your information from was bad information. I was there longer than two weeks or three weeks. Whoever said I was there for a week I am glad they said that. It makes it look like we are a bad team. Мне нравится, что. To answer your questions about the cohesiveness of our team, whatever goes on in camp, whatever disagreements that we may have or people say we have, I want you to remember this, all the writers out here, come fight night we will leave the same way that we came in – undefeated. Sergey wins every fight. He wins the way he is supposed to win and he did everything that I asked of him. При этом сказал,, I look forward to Nov. 19 and I will see you all there. Thank you very much.”

Эгис климат, Manager of Sergey Kovalev:

“Thank you everybody for being here. СМИ, without you nobody will know where we’re going or what we’re doing, so thank you very much. Wanted to thank our promoter Main Events, Kathy Duva did a very good job bringing us to this stage to this very big fight. MGM Grand, very good host, большое спасибо. HBO Pay-Per-View has brought the whole audience in America. I hope I didn’t miss anyone else. Of course I’m very, very proud to represent one of the best fighters in the world and hopefully, we’re going to see that Суббота ночь, who’s the pound for pound boxer. I hate when trainers, менеджеры, promoters start talking about how it’s going to beat each other because they aren’t the ones stepping the in the ring. None of the promoters, trainers or managers can understand what’s going to happen in the ring. It’s only two warriors who will be in the ring. We have two best light heavyweight fighters in the world who are going to show в субботу night who is the best pound-for-pound fighter. I hope it’s the best show that we’ve seen in years. Thank you very much”.

Вирджил Хантер, Trainer of Andre Ward:

“I’ve been here for many fights and to see the media room filled for this fight, it really makes me feel good. I would like to thank Peter Nelson, the team at HBO, my Rap-A-Lot family, Richard Sturm and MGM. I would also like to thank the press, no matter who you choose to win.


“I turned 63, last Wednesday, and it’s no secret that I’ve worked with youths, all of my professional career. It does have an emotional effect on me when it comes to young men. Watching HBO’s My Fight touched me deeply. My heart goes out to Sergey Kovalev and everybody now knows Andre Ward’s background.


“I believe it’s going to be a great fight. I believe that Kovalev is everything that they say he is. He is a dangerous opponent; he’s coming intended to win. We’ve seen him do things to opponents that when they step into the ring, they shiver. Сейчас, it’s just up to us to dilute that situation. I’m looking forward to Nov.



“I would encourage all promoters to treat your fighters fairly, don’t hoodwink them. Don’t keep them robots. Encourage them and teach them how to be businessmen. If you have a champion, he deserves a champion’s ration.”

Джеймс Принц, Manager of Andre Ward:

“I’d like to thank God for this opportunity. HBO, the commitment and sacrifices that they made to bring this fight to us. MGM Grand and Richard Sturm. We appreciate Roc Nation, our promoter – JAY Z, all those in the background supporting Michael Yormark, who has been on the line of duty doing a great job. Antonio Leonard is in the house, we appreciate you Tony and all that you do. У этого списка нет конца. I feel really grateful for this opportunity, and I speak on behalf of Team Ward. We’ve been looking forward to this day, it’s here, and I’m going to deal with the elephant in the room: this is Russia vs. the United States of America. По-моему, the best of Russia can’t beat the best of the United States of America in anything. I just needed that to be said. We have a Russian fighter over here, Ковалев; we respect your fight game, you’re a great fighter. You remind me of Goliath. We have my man Andre Ward, whom I consider David. I don’t know if you all understand David and Goliath but that’s what we’re dealing with here. Такой Как Суббота ночь, we’re going to have an opportunity to see the modern-day David, which is Andre Ward, defeat Goliath. I mentioned this at the last press conference in New York, and Ms. Duva said to me that Andre Ward doesn’t have a sword. But she missed the real substance of the story, she missed the learning on David. His obedience and all of these different spiritual realms where David was concerned. He’s fixing to fight the S.O.G, that’s the Son of God, if you all didn’t know, that’s Andre Ward. Так, не, we don’t have a sword, and we can’t cut his head off and raise it up as David did, but Andre Ward is going to raise the belt up come Суббота ночь ".

Bob Bennett, Nevada State Athletic Commission:

“It’s unequivocally a pleasure and an honor for the Nevada State Athletic Commission to regulate this very sensational championship fight. This event should be second to none. You should know we take our job very seriously, and we’ve done our homework and we’re ready to go to work. At this time, we would like to thank Kathy Duva and Main Events, and Michael Yormark from Roc Nation for having this electric championship fight in the fight capital of the world. We’d also like to recognize Richard Sturm and the MGM for hosting this event at the T-Mobile and HBO for broadcasting the event, and for the shows leading up to the event, which have definitely been entertaining and interesting. Последний, но тем не менее важный, we want to recognize and thank the warriors, all the fighters, because without them, none of us would be here.”

Ричард Штурм, President of Entertainment and Sports, MGM Resorts International:

“We are thrilled to once again host an international championship at the T-Mobile Arena. This weekend, we close our company’s boxing calendar as Russian Sergey Kovalev battles American Andre Ward. We look forward to this matchup of these two undefeated fighters. Kovalev returns to Las Vegas following his 2015 knockout win over Nadjib Mohammedi while Andre Ward and his team make their Las Vegas debut. As we have seen over the last seven months, T-Mobile Arena has quickly changed the landscape of entertainment and sports in Las Vegas, and we look forward to continuing that tradition. We’d like to give a special thanks to Kathy Duva and Main Events Team, and Michael Yormark and the Roc Nation staff. Both fight camps, Tony Walker with HBO Pay-Per-View and Bob Bennett of the Nevada State Athletic Commission.”

Tony Walker, Вице-Президент, HBO Pay-Per- Посмотреть:

“Thank you all for coming out today to talk about the great sport of boxing. I’d like to thank Roc Nation and Main Events and their staffs for putting together such a great main event, and also a fantastic undercard that we will televise в субботу ночь. The wonderful thing about the main event is that it’s been a very, very long time since two elite fighters have made their Pay-Per-View debut against each other. Credit to Andre and Sergey for coming together and making this a big time event. All of the elements are there for it to be a big fight. Both fighters have applied their trade over several years fighting everyone who got in their way. Выигрыш, their undefeated, all the pride in the world, and most importantly, the outcome is in doubt. Quite diverse group of opinions among you over who’s going to win the fight, and that’s what sells Pay-Per-View. For those of you who have not seen the HBO video pieces that were produced to showcase the fight and the fighters, I would encourage you to go to HBO On Demand, HBO GO or and check out those shows. They’re provocative entertainment and I think they’re going to get you all primed for Суббота ночь. This month in November, there have been several high profile Pay-Per-View shows, and I have to give thanks to our distributors on the cable TV, спутник, Telco side, who have promoted this Pay-Per-View show and given us a great presence in the marketplace and really given it its due with all the other stuff going on. We have a great broadcast team в субботу ночь, the telecast starts at 9:00 p.m. И/6:00 p.m. PT. The Pay-Per-View suggested retail price is a very attractive $54.95, and we look forward to seeing you there.”


Ковалев против. Подопечный “Фунт за фунт”, a 12-round mega-fight for the WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight title at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, is presented by Main Events, Roc Nation Спорт, Krusher Promotions and Andre Ward Promotions and is sponsored by the MGM Grand Hotel & Казино, Corona Extra, Monster Products, JetLux, Zappos, Jordan Brand and Shoe Palace. The championship event will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. И / 6:00 p.m. PT. Tickets are available on Эш Гриффитс and the T-Mobile Arena box office.

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