“Умение срещу. Ще” Roy Jones, Jr. да се изправи срещу Боби Гън на 17 февруари

Пресконференция на 6 декември в Chase Center в Уилмингтън
За незабавно освобождаване

Уилмингтън, DE (Декември 2, 2016) David Feldman Promotions ще обяви този бивш шампион в четири дивизии и боксова легенда Roy Jones, Jr. ще се изправи срещу бившия претендент за световната титла, и Легендата за голите пръсти Боби Гън на Петък, 17 фев 2017 за Световното първенство в тежка категория на WBF.

Двубоят ще бъде обявен на официален пресконференция на Вторник, Декември 6, 2016 при 2 PM в Chase Center on the Riverfront, 815 Джъстисън Ст, Уилмингтън, DE 19801.
Ще присъства Рой Джоунс, Jr., Боби Гън, Промоутърът Дейвид Фелдман, Представителят на WBF Джеймс Гибс, ъндъркард бойци Джо Тибери, Хенри Стюарт, и по-.

По време на двадесет и седемгодишната си професионална кариера, Jones Jr. (64-9, 46 Нокаута) е осигурил световни титли в четири различни тегловни категории – В средна, Super в средна, Лека и тежка категория – и е единственият боксьор в историята, който започва кариерата си като лека средна категория и след това продължава да печели шампионат в тежка категория.

При спечелването на титлата на WBA в тежка категория, като победи Джон Руис с единодушно решение през март 2003, Jones Jr. направи история, като стана първият бивш шампион в средна категория, спечелил титла в тежка категория 106 години.

Jones Jr. има победи над бившия световен шампион Бърнард Хопкинс, Antonio Tarver, Vinny Panzienza, James Toney, Майк Маккалъм, Върджил Hill, Феликс Тринидад и Джон Руис.

Jones Jr. каза за двубоя, “Знам, че Боби Гън идва да го донесе. Той е твърд нос, силен боец, който идва право към вас, но ще му покажа защо съм един от най-добрите, които някога са го правили и той не е на ринга с мен.”

През февруари 17, Противникът на Джоунс-младши ще бъде бившият световен шампион на IBA в тежка категория и настоящ шампион в тежка категория Bare Knuckle, Полицай “Келтският воин” Гън.

Гън, международно известен с това, че е легенда на Bare-Knuckle, ще сложи отново ръкавиците на легендата на бойния пръстен Рой Джоунс, Jr.

Като Джоунс младши, Гън има страховит рекорд в бокса с ръкавици – 21 победи (18 KO) 6 загуби, едно равенство, и едно без състезание – и още по-впечатляващ непобеден запис на Bare Knuckle на 72-0 с 72 KO).

Гън е бил на ринга с най-добрите бойци Енцо Макаринели, Глен Джонсън, Tomasz Adamek, и Джеймс Тони, така че той не е чужд да споделя ринга с елита на бокса. Гън каза за предстоящия си сблъсък с Джоунс-младши, “За мен е чест да споделям пръстена с легенда като Рой Джоунс. Преследвам го от няколко години, и на Февруари 17, ще го хвана.”

Вицепрезидентът на Световната боксова фондация за Северна Америка Джеймс Гибс каза за предстоящия двубой, “Roy Jones, Младши е жива легенда и за нас е чест да го накараме да се бие за нашата титла в тежка категория срещу войн като Боби Гън. Очакваме с нетърпение този двубой.”

В ъндъркарда за този мач от шампионата ще участва популярният делауеец Джо Тибери (13-2, 6KO), Хенри Стюарт от Канада (1-0, 1KO), както и още да бъдат обявени.

Roy Jones, Jr. срещу Боби Гън, за Световното първенство на WBF в тежка категория, на Петък, Февруари 17, 2017 и ще се излъчва на живо по PPV.

Билетите ще варират от $75 – $300 и могат да бъдат закупени, като се обадите (484) 935-3378.


Carl Фрамптън, Лео Santa Cruz, Деян Zlaticanin & Mikey Garcia Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Снимки


Още! Цитати & Photos from the Frampton vs. Santa Cruz

Belfast Press Conference

(Photo Credit: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME)

Featherweight World Championship Rematch Headlines


Събота, Януари 28 от MGM Grand Garden Arena

в Лас Вегас

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Premier Boxing Champions

Лос Анджелис (Декември 1, 2016) – Featherweight world champion Carl Фрамптън и бивш три разделение световен шампион Лео Santa Cruz went face-to-face in Los Angeles Четвъртък along with lightweight world champion Деян Zlaticanin and undefeated former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia in advance of their respective showdowns Събота, Януари 28 in a Premier Boxing Champions event at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and live on SHOWTIME.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader begins at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with Zlaticanin vs. Garcia. For Frampton and Santa Cruz, Четвъртък event was the second press conference promoting their highly anticipated rematch as the featherweights spoke to media in Belfast, Северна Ирландия във вторник at the Europa Hotel.


Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, са с цени $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 и $54, и са в продажба сега. Билетите са на разположение в www.AXS.com.


After the Belfast press conference, the fighters and their teams flew to the U.S. to meet with the media at an open to the public event at the outdoor plaza at the Los Angeles Central Public Library.


Here is what the participants had to say at the two events:


CARL Фрамптън


From Los Angeles:

“This rematch with Leo Santa Cruz is going to be an amazing one. The first one was considered a ‘Fight of the Year’ and I don’t think this can be any different. We’re going to kick-off 2017 с гръм и трясък.


“Leo is an amazing fighter and I want to thank him for giving me the chance to fight for his title in July. I was more than happy to give him the rematch straight away. These are the types of fights I want to be involved in.


“I thought I won the first fight. I don’t think it was controversial at all. I think I won the fight by three or four rounds. They were definitely close, състезателни кръгове, but I think I was doing more to win rounds and get the nod. This one is going to be more of the same.


“Las Vegas is obviously a bit closer to home for Leo and I’m sure he’ll bring a lot of fans. But I’m bringing at least 4,000 from the UK. Right now I’m the most well-supported fighter in the UK. It’s a great privilege for me.


“When I fight people, I feel like I improve the second time. I have a good boxing brain and I can adapt to different situations. The only person I’ve fought twice as a pro was Kiko Martinez and the second time I fought him I won comfortably. Because I learned from the first fight. I know everything about Leo. He fights the same way every single time.


“I think our styles just gel really well together. You can expect a great night with a really huge undercard from start to finish.


“I know his training may not have been as focused last time as it could have been because of his father. I expect a better Leo Santa Cruz. But in terms of how he fights, I think he’ll fight the same way. It’s a good way to fight and it’s gotten him far. He usually wears people down, but I have serious punching power and that again could be the difference.


“If you want people to remember you in 20 или 30 years’ time, you need to fight guys like Leo Santa Cruz. We’ve already been working very hard in the gym and we’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure I remain the champion and bring the title back home to Ireland.”


От Белфаст:


“It’s always good to be here in Belfast and see the people. It’s good for them to see great fighters like Leo Santa Cruz in their hometown.


“This is going to be a dream come true. It won’t all sink in until I’m out there and ready to perform. Las Vegas is the mecca of boxing. It’s where all the big names go. I’m expecting a big support base from all over the UK and Ireland on Януари 28.


“I feel like no matter who I fight, I always get better the second time. I have a good boxing brain and I can adapt to my opponent’s style and use it to my advantage. If you’ve seen me in sparring, if I have a dodgy performance, you know I will get better the second time.


“I know how Leo fights, and he knows how I fight. But I can adapt and make changes. I can be a bit more clever than I was last time. I got dragged into the fight more than I wanted to.


“Headlining in New York against a great fighter like Leo Santa Cruz was a dream come true. Now I have the opportunity to go to Las Vegas, where Leo has fought a few times. It’ll be his first time in the main event there as well and I’m just excited to get out there and feel the buzz of fight week.


“I think this fight could be even better. I gave him his first loss and I’m sure he’s going to come looking for his revenge. But I’m training very hard. I’m in good shape for this point in camp.


“There’s no doubt that Leo went through a difficult time with his father’s illness. I also know that Leo trained very hard anyway. He threw about a thousand punches last fight and was throwing all the way to the end. You can’t throw much more than that so I don’t think he’s going to improve his work rate.


“I believe he’ll come up with a different game plan but I genuinely believe that I’ll be able to deal with anything he brings to the ring. Това няма да бъде лесен мач, but I’ll do whatever it takes to win and I believe I will.


“Leo Santa Cruz is a tough fighter with a solid chin. But I believe that if I hit any featherweight, or super featherweight, with a clean shot, that I can knock them out. If I’m a little bit cleaner, then I could knock him out. But I’ll be prepared to go a hard 12 кръга.


“I believe if I use my brain a little bit more in this one, and don’t get dragged into his fight, that I can win it more convincingly. But there will be times in this fight where I’ll just have to bite down and fight for my life.


“I’m prepared for anything. I’m ready to keep this title in Belfast and then I’m going to return here for a show in Belfast in the summer.”


LEO Санта Круз


From Los Angeles:

“Carl Frampton is a great fighter. He has the respect of the fans because he has proven that he’s a great champion. I know it’s going to be another very close and exciting fight.


“We both train really hard for our families and for the fans. We want to give you all a great show. I know that this rematch is going to be very tough.


“I learned from the first fight that every little mistake really matters. One or two could really cost you. I trained hard but without my dad he wasn’t pressuring me like I’m used to. Those things come back to haunt you. It hurt, but it taught me that I have to leave it all in the ring and work every day for what I want.


“We’re going to be mentally and physically ready. I’m getting more motivation from having him there. We’ll be making some little changes and we’re going to do a lot better.


“I’m motivated to get my belt back. I was a champion and now I’m a former champion. That makes me unhappy. We’re going to train hard and do our best to become a champion again.


“We’re going to go to the gym and train hard to make this fight even better than the first one.”


От Белфаст:


“This is a very nice city and when I knew there would be a rematch, I wanted to come to Belfast. This is the first time I’ve been to Europe.


“It was a very hard fight and right after it was over, the first thing that came to my head was a rematch.


“Las Vegas is a lot closer to my hometown and I feel very comfortable fighting there. Carl Frampton has a lot of fans though, and they’re going to fly over to Vegas. I think it will be a pretty even crowd and I don’t see it as an advantage for anyone.


“It was a pretty close fight the first time. When you’re in the ring you’re only worried about fighting. It could have gone either way. I thought being the champion, that it should have gone my way. But I won’t take anything away from Frampton. We’re looking to the future and beating him in the rematch.


“The fans here have made me feel very welcome since the first fight. I feel comfortable here. I’m excited to be here in Belfast with these great fans.


“I was disappointed but it was a very close fight the first time. He had the bigger crowd and the Irish people would scream for everything he did. It was a really good close fight though. I really think it could have gone either way.


“Carl Frampton is a great fighter and I knew it would be a tough fight. I didn’t get to train for that fight like I was supposed to. My father was going through cancer treatment so I wasn’t 100 percent in the training. I was thinking about my dad’s health and he was only really there for the last three weeks of camp. We’re going to have a great game plan and it’s going to be another tough fight, but we’re looking to get the victory.


“If you watched the first fight you know that it was a great fight. The second one is going to be even better. I took my first defeat. Той е страхотен боец, but I want to win this rematch. If I win the rematch, I’m fine bringing the third fight of the trilogy to Belfast.”




“Everyone thinks that Garcia is a pound-for-pound star but I want to tell everyone that I’m going to win this fight.


“Everything in preparations has been going great. I’ll be 100% ready on Януари 28. This is the fight of my life. I have to be ready and we’re right on track.


“I always respected fighters like Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. or a fighter like Mike Tyson because whoever they were supposed to fight they fought. I’m the same way, an old school fighter who’s willing to fight anybody.


“I came up the hard way, and sometimes I thought I might never get this opportunity. I’ve been in some really tough fights where people gave me no chance to win, but now I’m a world champion.


“To be the first world champion from Montenegro is historic. I think it’s made me a national hero in the country and I’m honored. The people in my country love me and I love them back.


“When I beat Mikey Garcia that will make me an even bigger star. I think Mikey is a good puncher, and he has good timing, but I can hit him easily and I’m planning to knock him out.


“Mikey will have a big opponent in front of him. He needs to run around the ring because I’m going to come for him. You will see me defend my title and you will enjoy it.”




“I’m thankful to everyone who came out. I was down for over two years, but it seems like no one has forgotten about me. We’re looking for big things. I want to pick up right where I left off.


“I’m really happy to have been given this opportunity to claim a world title in a third division. This is going to be an amazing fight. He’s a hungry world champion. He’s very dangerous. These are the kind of fights that I want. This is what I need to prove myself.


“This is only the beginning. This is going to be a huge year for me. I want to win multiple titles and maybe conquer multiple divisions this year.


“I haven’t fought in Vegas since 2012 but I expect the fans to be out there supporting. This is a big stage and a night of great fights. This is a great opportunity to become a world champion in another weight class.


“I’ve known Leo Santa Cruz since the amateur days. We get to share the stage again on Юли 30 and I’m looking forward to another good shot. I can’t ask for anything more.


“My brother and my dad watch more film than I do. I only like to watch a couple rounds of my opponent. So I’ve seen what Dejan has. During the fight I’ll listen to my corner and make adjustments. Той е млад, undefeated champion for a reason. I want him to be at his best because that will bring out my A-game.


“My body feels really good right now. I think this is going to be a great division for me. I don’t think the weight will affect me in any way.


“This is going to be a great show. I’m going to give everything that the fans want to see. I’m sure my opponent will do the same. I want to take on the biggest challenges and I’m ready to make those fights happen. I want to give the fans the fights they want. The best of my career is yet to come.”


BARRY McGuigan, Мениджър Фрамптън е, Бившият световен шампион & Зала на славата


From Los Angeles:


“It’s great to be here in Los Angeles for such a great occasion. Dejan, Mikey, Leo and Carl are all incredible fighters and it really is going to be a magnificent show.


“These are two amazing fighters. If they fought every day of the week, and twice в неделя, every single fight would be close. I just think that Carl has the edge in innate boxing intelligence. He is more versatile and a naturally bigger guy than Leo. We have to get him into the best shape of his life.


“Carl is going to have to turn it up on fight night and we know that Leo will turn it up as well. He’ll put the pressure on him. I believe it will be at least as good of a fight as last time.


“We’re going to have a fabulous night on Януари 28 and I have to say it again, we will be winning.”


От Белфаст:


“You boxing fans here in Belfast are the best supporters in the world, we have no doubt about it, and we’re going to go to Las Vegas to make sure we win again and win more convincingly.”


РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports


From Los Angeles:


“When you mix these two together, you know it has to be another ‘Fight of the Year’ candidate. These two guys could fight 10 times and every time it would be a ‘Fight of the Year’, and probably a very close decision. These are our modern day gladiators.


“These are exciting matchups where you really don’t know who’s going to win. This is what the fans like to see. These are closely matched fights, for the fans. That is exactly what you will see on Януари 28.


“Dejan vs. Mikey is the most significant matchup in the lightweight division. There is no question about it. It’s an extremely dangerous fight. It’s playing with fire for Mikey. I can pretty much assure you that this fight will end in a knockout. This is easily a main event on its own.


“I believe that Mikey Garcia is one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. But to get there and to stay there, you have to face fighters like Dejan. This just shows what Mikey is made of.


От Белфаст:


“I was fortunate to promote many of Ricky Hatton and Floyd Mayweather’s fights, but whenever I am here, I can feel the passion that you fans here bring to the sport. You elevate these fighters to do better. At Barclays Center we saw you there cheering on your guy.


“Tickets are available as low as fifty dollars. I don’t think that’s a bad idea in January, to go from cold Ireland to warm Las Vegas. There are many reasons to go out there, but this fight is the biggest reason to go.


“It’s a rematch of the ‘Fight of the Year’ and I’m very proud to be able to promote this fight together along with Barry McGuigan. I thank all of the fans here again for the passion you bring to the sport of boxing.”


Шейн McGuigan, Trainer Фрамптън е


From Los Angeles:


“These are two really good fighters. As Richard said, this would be a great fight 10 times out of 10. Leo had a lot of distractions in training camp with his father’s health and I think he will be a better fight the second time.


“That was Carl Frampton’s first time fighting at 126-pounds, so he had a lot of new experiences leading up to the last fight. They both learned in the first fight and I think they will both be able to give a little bit more the second time. The fans will be the ones to enjoy the action.


“Training camp has been going great.


От Белфаст:


“I don’t know who was lucky enough to see the first fight between these two, but it was really a great one. Carl got dragged into Leo’s fight at times, but with that came excitement.


“I think this fight we’re going to win a lot more convincingly, cement the win and then move on. I’m extremely excited about it.


“To see how far Carl has come is phenomenal. I hope people will buy a ticket and come out to support. He needs that support and I hope to see you all out there.”


ALEX VAYSFELD, Zlaticanin’s Manager


“It was a very hard uphill road for Dejan to get where he was going. He had to fight a lot of different places and fight people that he wasn’t supposed to beat, in other people’s minds. But he won.


“Dejan knows how to be an underdog and he knows how to calm a favorite. I guarantee you that Dejan knows every aspect of Garcia’s game. When he steps into that ring, you will all see something amazing.


“Mikey is going to bring his best, Dejan is going to bring his best and of the fans are going to be in for an amazing fight.”


ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother & Треньор


“I consider Leo Santa Cruz a great fighter and a friend. Carl Frampton is another great fighter and it’s fantastic to be part of a card with such a big main event.


“This was a very easy fight to make. Mikey said yes right away. He wanted to fight for a title and he got it. Mikey isn’t going to hold back. He wants to keep moving up and challenging big names. He wants to be remembered as one of the best fighters in the world. Mikey wants to give the fans the best fights out there.


“I don’t have any second thoughts about this fight because I believe in Mikey. We’re preparing to become the lightweight champion of the world.


“Mikey is training hard. He’s going to be ready on Януари 28 and prepared to give everybody a great fight.”


СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Executive VP & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт


“SHOWTIME has without question delivered the strongest lineup of any network in boxing. We are looking for the best fighters fighting the best. Top tier fighters against top tier fighters. This is what we have here today.


“Our main event has Carl Frampton, who for my money is the 2016 ‘Fighter of the Year.’ He defeated two undefeated world champions to unify 122-pounds and pick up a title at 126-pounds. There is no fighter who has done what he has in 2016.


“Leo Santa Cruz is a three-division world champion. He’s always entertaining. His Abner Mares was the ‘Fight of the Year’ in 2015 and his fight this year with Carl was my ‘2016 Fight of the Year.’ I think his fight on Януари 28 will be another one.


“The co-main event is really worthy of being a main event of its own. For those of you who don’t know Dejan Zlaticanin, he’s a fighter that nobody wants to fight. He’s one of the most avoided fighters in the lightweight division. He’s a power puncher who’s very aggressive. No one except Mikey Garcia. He’s looking for a world title in a third division and he’s no doubt a top 10 паунд-за-килограмов боец ​​в света. These guys were so anxious to fight that we put it on the card on Януари 28 and the fans get a real treat.


“We have four top tier fighters. This is the best in the sport, coming together on one card. As Richard suggested, the combined record of these fighters is 112 победи и 1 загуба. These are four of the most skilled fighters in the sport. It’s a special night. You shouldn’t miss it.”


За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.com и www.mgmgrand.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, @MikeyGarcia, @DinamitDejan1 and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.







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Two of the best fighters in the 154-pound division will face off next Събота, Декември. 10 when Julian “J-Rock” Williams challenges fellow-undefeated IBF Junior Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT на SHOWTIME. Check out this video from SHOWTIME Sports® to hear J-Rock discuss his youth growing up in West Philadelphia as he approaches the toughest challenge of his career.


In the main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® телевизионно предаване, live from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar will defend his belt against former three-division world champ Abner Mares.


# # #


Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, се продават сега и са на цена от $35, $50, $75, $150 и $200. To purchase tickets go to www.galentix.com.


За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.premierboxingchampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.


Oscar Cantu vs. Aston Palicte Twin-title fight headlines Dec. 17тата “Knockout Night at the D” карта

За незабавно освобождаване
LAS VEGAS (Декември 1, 2016) – A super flyweight twin-title fight between undefeated Oscar Cantu и MightyAston Palicte headlines the final 2016 installment of the popular “Knockout Night at the D” серия в събота нощ, Декември 17, проветряване на живо (7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. И) на CBS Sports Network from inside the Downtown Las Vegas Събития Center indoor facility, located in the heart of the downtown Las Vegas casino district, one block away from the world famous Fremont Street (200 S. 3rd St.).

FloBoxing.tv will live stream the Dec. 17тата “Knockout Night at the D” undercard worldwide, като се започне от 5 p.m. PT / 8 p.m. И), in addition to three main card TV boutsexcluding North America – започващ най- 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. И).
Cantu will defend his North American Boxing Federation (NABF) super flyweight title against Palicite. The vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) Inter-Continental super flyweight championship will also be contested in the 10-round main event.
The Cantu-Palicte fight is a classic match-up between a boxer and puncher,” Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions co-founder/CEO Кийт Veltre каза. “It’s for two title belts and the winner will be positioned for a possible world title shot in 2017. Our final event of the year promises to be our best yet with evenly matched, entertaining fights that our ‘Knockout Night at the Dseries is known for with утрешния stars up-and-down the card.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия, представен от на D Las Vegas and Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, is promoted by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) боксови Промоции.
Джим “J.R.” Рос и Джоуи Варнер will call the action live from ringside, докато Jeff Huston will be the ring announcer and fight week master of ceremonies.
The 25-year-old Cantu (14-0, 1 KO), fighting out of Kingsville, Texas, is a pure boxer who is the reigning North American Boxing Federation (NABF) шампион, Не е класиран. 3 by the WBO North American Boxing Organization (СЪСЕД) и Не. 6 by the NABA. He is a belt collector having been the former NABF Junior super flyweight, World Boxing Съвета (WBC) Youth Intercontinental bantamweight and World Boxing Council (WBC) United States super flyweight title holder.
В последния си двубой, this past May at home in Kingsville, Cantu captured the vacant NABF flyweight title with a 10-round split decision victory over Samuel Gutierrez. Cantu’s most notable win to date is a 10-round split decision against previously undefeated Juan Antonio Lopez (10-0) в 2014 for the vacant WBC Youth Intercontinental bantamweight crown.
Palicte, who will be making his US debut Dec. 17 having resettled in Los Angeles, where he’s training at the famed Wild Card Gym, to enhance his boxing career. Palicte has fought only once outside of his native Philippines as a professional. He has an experience advantage over Cantu in terms of fighting higher quality opponents. World rated at No. 11 от Международната федерация по бокс (IBF) и Не. 15 от WBO, Palicte captured the vacant IBF Pan Pacific super flyweight championship this past June in his most recent fight, спиране Vergilio Silvano (21-6-1) in the seventh round of their rematch, which was also won by Palicte via a 12-round unanimous decision a year ago for the vacant WBO Oriental super flyweight title.
The heavy-handed Palicte, who has knocked out 18 на неговата 21 жертви, is rated No. 5 by the NABF and No. 15 by the NABA. Palicte, 25, also owns his share of title belts, including the IBF Youth super flyweight strap. In Palicte’s only pro fight outside of his native Philippines, he lost a highly disputed 10-round split decision (97-94, 93-97, 94-97) last March to local favorite Junior Granados (14-4-1) в Мексико.
Chilean junior middleweight champion Angelo Baez (15-0-1, 11 Нокаута) takes on Jamaican-native Натаниел Gallimore (15-1-1, 12 Нокаута), fighting out of Evanston, Illinois, in the eight-round co-feature.
Undefeated welterweight Flavio Rodriguez (5-0, 4 Нокаута) faces Mexican invader Dilan “Грозни” Loza (5-0, 3 Нокаута) in the six-round television opener.
Las Vegas’ terrific trio of undefeated promising prospects – 20-year-old junior lightweight Шумен “The Matador” Moreno (7-0, 6 Нокаута), 26-годишна полусредна категория JeremyJ-FlashNichols (7-0, 2 Нокаута) and 18-year-old bantamweight MaxThe Baby-Faced AssassinOrnelas (6-0, 3 Нокаута) – are all scheduled to be on action Декември. 17тата.
Допълнителни битки ще бъдат обявени скоро. Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.
Билети, на цена $1,000.00 VIP booth (включва 15 admissions), $50.00 VIP ringside, $25.00 и $15.00 общо признание, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com или www.DLVEC.com. Данъци и такси се прилагат за всички продадени билети.
Вратите отварят в 4:00 p.m. PT с мач по откриването насрочен 5:00 p.m. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center and Neon Star Media.
Кикотене: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @AstonPalicte, @_RandyMoreno, @JFlashGang, @Ornelas_Max
RIVAL BOXING GEAR & EQUIPMENT is the official gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” серия. www.rivalboxing.com, @rivalboxinggear
Live on CBS Sports Network & FloBoxing.tv
From the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

Русия доминира 2016 Световно първенство по ММА Почиства всички 7 класове тегло

Отборът Русия празнува победата си с (център) Fedor Emelianenko
(фото галерия с нови шампиони по-долу)
MONTE CARLO, Монако (Декември 1, 2016)- Отборът Русия превърна неотдавнашното си доминиране на Европейското първенство в повторно представяне на Световното първенство по ММА през изминалия уикенд, като измиете всички седем класове тегло в Studio City, Макао, Китай.
Близо до 100 бойци се състезаваха, представляваща 23 страни, включително Русия, Казахстан, Испания, Австралия, Белгийски, Китай, Колумбия, Франция, Чехия, Хонг Конг, Таджикистан, Германия, Унгария, Макао, Непал, Индия, Южна Корея, Украйна, Киргизстан, Молдова, Узбекистан, Китайски Тайпе и Италия.
Руският средна категория Гамзат Хирамагомедов и полутежка категория Магомед Анкалаев са повторни световни шампиони.
В отборното точкуване, Азиатският отборен шампион Казахстан спечели два сребърни и четири бронзови медала, Украйна две сребърни и две бронзови, Чехия един сребърен и два бронзови, Китайки един сребърен и два бронзови, Киргизстан две бронзови, и един бронз за Франция, Индия, Испания и Молдова.
“Бих искал да благодаря на всеки спортист от нашия национален отбор по ММА, нашите треньори, лекари и всички служители на руския ММА съюз,” каза живата легенда на ММА Fedor Emelianenko, Почетен президент на WMMAA и президент на руския ММА съюз. “Бойците имаха дълъг път, вложи много усилия, и стигна до върха. Въпреки непрекъснато нарастващото ниво на конкуренция, нашите спортисти постигнаха 100 процента от поставените цели благодарение на страхотен тренировъчен лагер, борба стратегия и техния дух.
“Горди сме, че имаме двукратни световни шампиони в Магомед Анкалаев и Гамзат Хирамагомедов. Удоволствие е да следвам бойците’ лична еволюция от битка на битка. Световните шампиони ще получат своите отличия за Спортен майстор на международно ниво.”
Ето разбивка на резултатите от всеки клас по тегло:
Категория петел DIVISION: -61.2 кг (135 паунда.)
1. Омар Нурмагомедов (Русия)
2. Артур Микитенко (Чехия)
3. Мират Бекишев (Казахстан)
3. Чун Бо Юан (Китай)
Перо DIVISION: -65.8 кг (145 паунда.)
1. Жертва Тайгибов (Русия)
2. Elnur Велиев (Украйна)
3. Уулу Мустафа Рахматила (Киргизстан)
3. Роман Молодий (Франция)
ЛЕК DIVISION: -70.3 кг (154 паунда.)
1. Мурад Рамазанов (Русия)
2. Шън Лиу (Китай)
3. Алтинбек Бахтигелдинов (Казахстан)
3. Леос Брихта (Чехия)
Полусредна категория DIVISION: -77.1 кг (170 паунда.)
1. Алибег Расулов (Русия)
2. Гойта Дазаев (Казахстан)
3. Сайед Абдул Наццеур Ибрахим (Индия)
3. Уулу Тологон Рахманберди (Киргизстан)
Среднотежка DIVISION: -84 кг (185 паунда.)
1. Gamzat Khiramagomedov (Русия)
2. Идрис Гезалов (Украйна)
3. Мурад Абдурахманов (Казахстан)
3. Rong Fan (Китай)
Полутежката DIVISION: -93 кг (205 паунда.)
1. Магомед Ankalaev (Русия)
2. Робърт Лау (Германия)
3. Еркинбек Инжел (Казахстан)
3. Дарвин Родригес (Испания)
Heavyweight DIVISION: +93 кг (+205 паунда.)
1. Амирхан Исагаджиев (Русия)
2. Алимжан Сюлейманов (Казахстан)
3. Виктор Павличек (Чехия)
3. Николае скороход (Молдова)
Световният шампион в гладка категория Омар Нурмагомедов
Световен шампион в полутежка категория Курбан Тайгибов
Световният шампион в лека категория Мурад Рамазанов
Световен шампион в полусредна категория Алибег Расулов
Световен шампион в средна категория Гамзат Хирамагомедов
Световният шампион в полутежка категория Магомед Анкалаев
Световен шампион в тежка категория Амирхан Исагаджиев
Кикотене: @theWMMAA
Instagram: @worldmmaa
ЗА WMMAA: Целта на Световната асоциация по ММА е да осигури обективна структура и да предпази растежа на ММА като официален световен орган за смесени бойни изкуства. Организация с нестопанска цел, основана през 2012, WMMAA е на мисия да разработи стандартизирана и регулирана организация, включително конкуренцията, обучение, богослужение, тестване и растеж, когато е необходимо. Повече от 50 държави получиха членство в WMMAA.


Molina Aims To Become First Mexican-American Heavyweight Champion


При 5:30 p.m. И / 2:30 p.m. PT From Manchester England

NEW YORK (Декември. 1, 2016) – If strength of schedule had anything to do with a boxer’s ranking, Ерик Молина (25-3, 19 Нокаута), на Weslaco, Texas, might be rated amongst the top boxers in his division.

Обмисли: In June of last year, Molina went to Birmingham, Ala., to challenge undefeated WBC Heavyweight World Champion Дионтей Уайлдър (37-0, 36 Нокаута). Molina, a prohibitive underdog, lost but had his moments, including staggering Wilder with a wicked shot in the third round.

През април тази година, Molina traveled to Poland and knocked out one of that country’s all-time great champions, Tomasz Adamek, в 10тата кръг.

И сега, на Събота, Декември. 10, на живо по SHOWTIME, Molina will travel to Manchester, Англия, to challenge unbeaten IBF Heavyweight World Champion and hugely popular local favorite Anthony Joshua (17-0, 17 Нокаута). Отново, he will enter the ring as a significant underdog.

“A lot of heavyweights haven’t walked the streets that I’ve walked through,’’ Molina said. “This is an evil sport. You lose, they write you off. It’s hard to bounce back like I have. Нищо не ми е дадено. I’ve earned it. I’ve done it the hard way. I enjoy the world underestimating me, but they don’t understand the struggles I’ve been through.

“This is my second world title shot, my third major fight в 18 месеца, and I’ll be the first Mexican-American heavyweight champ in history if I win. I’m coming into this fight like this is it for me. This is my last shot. I’m ready to fight with everything I have.

“I love these big, big fights. They don’t scare me. There is no fear in me.”

Here are Molina’s responses to a recent Q&A:

On his upcoming assignment against Joshua

“I feel great about this fight. These are the kinds of fights I want and want to be in. Before I fought Wilder I had 35 days to train; for this I’ve had about five weeks. We feel this gives us plenty of time to fix what we have to fix in training.

“This is a mission I set out for – to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion of the world. This is my mission. I’m looking forward to fighting Joshua and embracing the opportunity. I work very hard and put everything into it every day. I want to be the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion.

“The magnitude of this fight is everything. I put everything in. But I know I have to stay focused and relaxed.”

What do you think of Joshua?

”Obviously, he does a lot things well, but there are a lot of areas to his game we haven’t seen yet, and I’m going to test him in those areas. He really hasn’t had to take too many punches in his fights. I’m going to have to put him in spots where he’s uncomfortable. There has to be a game plan and there will be for Joshua.”

Who are the top heavyweights in the world?

“Joshua has got a great attitude. I’d say he’s the No. 1 тежка категория, ahead of Wilder and Tyson Fury.”

On how this fight came about

“Once I got wind that the Klitschko fight might not be happening, Започнах да мисля, ‘well, if not Wlad, then who?’ I looked at the rankings and didn’t see a lot of possibilities so I knew I had a chance. След това, I got a call from Eddie Hearn with an offer and I signed a few days later. I feel truly blessed. I feel like this is my time.”

How would you describe how your career is going?

“I no longer second guess what I can do. Fighting on the road so much; fighters need that kind of experience to compete against a fighter like Joshua. You have to stay in the moment and keep focused at what you are there to do and not allow the atmosphere in the arena get to you.

“I’ve fought some of the biggest fights on the road, so I’m accustomed to it and definitely think that is my edge over (Dominic Breazeale and Charles Martin).

“Some fighters have to go down to become champion. It’s not that easy to become champion. My road sure hasn’t been that easy. I got beat by Wilder, but then I knocked out Adamek and now I’m fighting Joshua.

“I’ve been in the underdog situation. I’ve been in these fights, and that doesn’t affect me. I’m ready for it.’’

Where are you training?

“I’m training in Weslaco with my team at my own private gym. We’ve brought in some sparring partners. I took a year off from teaching so I was in the gym anyway, but now I’m training for a world title again. We’ve been working hard, putting in extra time on strength and conditioning. The plan is to take our time, try to put everything together and not rush anything. So far we’re right on the mark.’’

When do you depart for England?

“We are leaving on Dec. 2 или Декември. 3. Преди това, I just need to concentrate on staying in the moment, which is to continue focusing on training and letting the future take care of itself.’’

What were your takeaways from the Wilder fight?

“In the Wilder fight, look at the first knockdown. You see how I landed on my left ankle. I rolled it over and it hurt – and got worsebut I kept fighting. The ankle was in a cast for six-seven weeks afterward.

“Take out the Wilder fight and it puts me in right in the mix with any heavyweights in the world. За мен, that fight was confirmation that no heavyweight can just run through me. That is one of the differences between my attitude now and before.

“At one point I didn’t have the experience –I had no amateur fights – or the confidence I have now. I now know what I can do and can’t do, I know my strengths and weaknesses more and just feel that I’ve matured into a top contender. I’m now confident in my power and the things that I can do.’’

How do you rate the victory over Adamek in your last fight?

“It was pinnacle of my career. To knock him out there, it was the biggest win of my career and set me up now for the biggest fight of my career against Joshua. I have such nice memories of that fight. I t took a full team effort to beat Adamek and it will take another full team effort to beat Joshua. Our backs are against the wall but we’ll be ready.’’




Санта Моника, CALIF. (Ноември 30, 2016) - А лек пристъп хлътване Ямаучи нагоре (20-3) срещу Мирча Валериу (12-3) completes the MMA portion of "Bellator 168: Карвальо срещу. Manhoef 2,” on a night which will feature both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing brands inside the Mandela Forum in Florence.

В допълнение, due to an injury suffered by Pietro Cappelli, Филип Линс (10-1) will now meet Клебер Раймундо Силва (12-7) in light heavyweight action on Декември. 10.

The mixed martial arts portion of action on Декември. 10 is headlined by a middleweight world title fight featuring a rematch between Рафаел Carvalho (13-1) и Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC), while Italy’s own Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) ще поеме Joey Белтран (17-13, 1 NC) at 205-pounds, и John Солтър (12-3) отговаря Клаудио Аникиарико (1-4) в среднотежка мач. "Bellator 168: Карвальо срещу. Manhoef 2” will air LIVE and FREE on SPIKE at 4ч ET/PT.

The Bellator Kickboxing card features a female flyweight rematch between Дениз Килхолц (45-3) и Слава на Перитора (11-1-1), but this time, a world title will be on the line. "Bellator кикбокс: Florence” will also feature a lightweight clash between Джорджо Петросян (82-2-2, 1 NC) and British kickboxing champion Джордан Уотсън (48-11-2), a middleweight matchup pitting Джо Шилинг (19-9) срещу Викторио Лермано(30-7), a welterweight contest pairing Люк Новело (22-4-2) с Карим Гаджи (96-13-1), и Кевин Рос(31-9) ще се срещне Алесио Ардуини (26-14-2) в лек двубой. "Bellator кикбокс: Florence” airs Петък, Декември. 16 при 11:15 ч ET, immediately following "Bellator 169: King Mo vs. Ishii.”

An 8-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Yamauchi enters the cage in search of his 21во career win and seventh under the Scott Coker-led promotion. You would be hard-pressed to find a fighter with more promise than the 23-year-old top prospect, who has already taken down proven veterans the likes of Martin Stapleton, Исао Кобаяши, и последно Ryan Couture. The former featherweight returned to the lightweight division to face the aforementioned Couture earlier in the year at "Bellator 162: Shlemenko срещу. Горичка," a fight in which Yamauchi dominated from the get-go, earning yet another first round submission victory. Yamauchi has finished his opponent in 17 на неговата 20 кариерата печели, включително и 14 in the opening round of action. The Japanese-Brazilian submission specialist continues to make great strides in the sport, consistently displaying the flawless Brazilian jiu-jitsu technique that has given opponents many nightmares year after year.

Challenging Yamauchi will be Valeriu Mircea, a Moldova-born competitor that has also seen a great deal of success early on in his MMA career. The 23-year-old knockout artist will be making his Bellator MMA debut following three consecutive victories, включително чифт нокаути от първи рунд. Dating back to 2015, Mircea has collected wins in nine of his last 10 bouts and has already tallied six victories over his 2016 кампания. With three of his last four wins coming by way of first round knockout, you can expect an early array of attack in this pairing of two top prospects.

Taking on Lins will now be Raimundo Silva, a 28-year-old striker who will be making both his 2016 and Bellator MMA debut. Dating back to 2011, “Orgulho” has won seven of his last 11 конкурси, highlighted by his most recent knockout victory over Claudio Rocha, който дойде просто 3:25 в първия кръг.


Complete "Bellator 168: Карвальо срещу. Manhoef 2” Card:

Средна титла в средната категория: Рафаел Carvalho (13-1) срещу. Melvin Manhoef (30-13-1, 2 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight: Alessio Sakara (18-11, 2 NC) срещу. Joey Белтран (17-13, 1 NC)

Light Heavyweight Feature Fight: Филип Линс (10-1) срещу. Клебер Раймундо Силва (12-7)

Игра в средна категория: John Солтър (12-3) срещу. Клаудио Аникиарико (1-4)

Лека бойна игра: Ямаучи нагоре (31-9) срещу. Мирча Валериу (12-3)

Завършете „Кинбокс на Bellator: Florence” Card:

Лека бойна игра: Джорджо Петросян (82-2-2, 1 NC) срещу. Джордан Уотсън (48-11-2)

Flyweight World Title: Дениз Килхолц (45-3) срещу. Слава на Перитора (11-1-1)

Игра в средна категория: Джо Шилинг (19-9) срещу. Викторио Лермано (30-7)

Welterweight Feature Fight: Люк Новело (22-4-2) срещу. Карим Гаджи (96-13-1)

Лека бойна игра: Кевин Рос (31-9) срещу. Алесио Ардуини (26-14-2)

Warriors Boxing Signs Their First Female Fighter, Джесика McCaskill, to a Promotional Contract

In a historic move, Warriors Boxing proudly announces the signing of their first female fighter, Джесика “CasKILLAMcCaskill to a promotional contract.
McCaskill (2-1, 2 Нокаута) is a power-punching lightweight originally from St. Louis, now living in Chicago and training under well-known Windy City boxing figure Rick Ramos.
Signing this deal is very exciting,” said McCaskill. “It’s the first step of many to a world title belt. I’m looking forward to fighting internationally and becoming a strong female presence and helping to bring back female boxing altogether.
The 32-year-old says she started off in boxing as a crude slugger, relying solely on her amazing natural strength. But nearly three years of working with Ramos has brought significant change.
I started off as a brawler,” she explained. “In St. Louis, it was really about being flashy and in attack mode all the time. But since I moved to Chicago, Rick has taught me how to be a boxer with more skills. Now I fight like more of a combination of the two styles. I feel my opponents out and then if Rick turns me loose, I’ll go back to being the brawler and stop the show. I turn things off and on. I can hear only him during a fight and whatever he’s telling me to do, това е, което аз правя. He’s got 100% of my trust.
Ramos, who says McCaskill is one of the most powerful and fiercely competitive fighters he’s ever worked with, has high hopes for McCaskill.
Jessica is very dominant in the ring. She can’t even spar with women anymore. They can’t take her power. She spars with men. When I first started working with her, she was a little wild. I’ve slowed her down and got her organized. And now that she’s signed with Warriors, she can go as far as she wants to go. Warriors took a chance on her and that says a lot. I’m excited to see what they can do. The sky is now the limit.
McCaskill says signing with a reputable promotional company is a big step for her career. “My network will grow and doors will open and different eyes will see what I can do now. I’ll be looking for six- and then eight-round fights in the next little bit. And a world championship challenge isn’t that far behind. I’m not here to waste any time.
Dominic Pesoli, Vice President of Warriors Boxing and long-time Chicago boxing figure, says he likes what he’s seen from McCaskill, досега.
Jessica has a very exciting style and her fans show up in large numbers to watch,” said Pesoli. “We are very happy to be working with her as our first female fighter. Women’s combat sports are growing in popularity again and Jessica shows a great deal of promise that we intend to help her develop.
She is one of the hardest female punchers in all of boxing right now,” said Warriors Chief Operating Officer, Luis DeCubas. “Leon Margules and I are happy to be working with Jessica. A female knockout artist is a rarity in boxing and Jessica is truly one of them.

IBF #12 Baranchyk and heavyweight sensation Lippe-Morrison return December 10



Маями, Добре (Ноември 29, 2016) – Junior welterweight phenom Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk and undefeated heavyweight knockout artist Trey Lippe-Morrison, both members of Holden Productions“Four State Franchise,” return to the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK Saturday, Декември 10.

Headlining in a ten round contest, Baranchyk’s fighting his fourth consecutive bout at the Buffalo Run, where he is an adopted fan favorite. Raised in Russia and fighting out of Brooklyn, NY, Baranchyk is 12-0 с 10 победи с нокаут. В последния си двубой, Baranchyk clearly outpointed crafty Zhimin Wang on ShoBox over ten rounds to capture both the USBA and WBC USNBC championships.


До сега, Baranchyk has won all of his fights decisively and his team believes the sky’s the limit.


“He’s exceeded expectations,"Каза Promoter Tony Holden. “He’s fought three times on ShoBox and has two first round knockouts plus a dominant decision victory. I’m very excited for his future.”


Lou DiBella, who promotes Baranchyk along with Holden and Fight Promotions Inc, is equally enthused.


“Ivan is one of boxing’s biggest punchers and he’s making the move from prospect to contender. I’m happy he’s found a home away from home in Miami, OK and he’ll be able to continue to impress in front of his adopted hometown fans.”

Opposing the IBF #12 rated Baranchyk is Wilberth Lopez, 16-5 (10 Нокаута), of Tuscon, THE. The tough Lopez has four wins against previously undefeated fighters including Leon Spinks III (6-0-1) and Damian Alejandro Sosa (8-0), besting the latter as part of the Mayweather-Maidana II undercard.


В съвместно основното събитие, Lippe-Morrison faces veteran Ty Cobb, 19-7 (11 Нокаута), of Wichita Falls, TX. One of the most popular prospects in the US, Липе-Morrison е 12-0 with all 12 победи с нокаут. The fighting pride of Vinita, Добре, Lippe-Morrison made his TV debut in September and did so with many eyes on him. The 27-year-old passed with flying colors, stopping fellow unbeaten Ed Latimore in less than 2 ½ минути. He is a massive draw at the Buffalo Run, where he routinely fights in front of standing room only crowds.


The Lippe-Morrison-Cobb match is scheduled for six rounds.


Also appearing on the card in an eight round junior middleweight contest is fellow “Four State Franchise” member Dillon “White Lightning” Cook. Hailing from Seneca, MO, Cook owns a solid 17-1 професионална счетоводна книга с 7 победи по пътя на нокаут.


Challenging Cook will be 43 fight veteran Juan Jesus Rivera of Mexico. Rivera, 28-15 (18 Нокаута), fought many quality fighters including former world champion Cesar Bazan, Даниел Сандовал, Dierry Jean and Roberto Ortiz.


Други срещи ще бъдат обявени скоро.


Tickets are on sale now by going tohttp://www.stubwire.com/event/fourstatesfranchise/buffaloruncasino/miami/13787/.

Top Bantamweight Antonio Nieves Scorches Hungary’s Szilveszter Ajtai and Sets Sights on Showdown with WBA Champ Warren

Миналата събота (Ноември 26), Cleveland, Ohio-based bantamweight AntonioCaritaNieves stayed busy and kept himself in line for a cross-state showdown with Cincinnati-based WBA Bantamweight Champion Rau’shee Warren by stopping Hungary’s Szilveszter Ajtai with a single body shot.
Fighting at the Firebird Athletic Center in Bedford, Ohio, WBO #5-rated Nieves (17-0-2, 9 Нокаута) planted a single left hook to the Hungarian’s body at :46 seconds of round two to earn his 17тата професионална победа. Watch the video of the knockout ТУК.
The impressive victory keeps alive Nievesdream of facing cross-state rival Warren in an all-Ohio bantamweight championship fight.
The goal has always been to become a world champion,” said Nieves, след мача. “I’d love to fight for the WBO championship and bring that belt back to the United States. The dream fight would be a unification fight with Rau’shee Warren. I would love an all American, all Ohio match up with a great fighter like Rau’shee. We fought once in the amateurs back in 2011 when I had about four hours’ известие. He won that fight by decision in Cincinnati. While we have always respected him, the next time we meet, there will be a different result and a different winner.
Nieves’ промотор, Dmitry Salita of Salita Promotions, says he’s happy with his fighter’s performance.

Antonio did what he’s supposed to do as one of the world’s best 118-lb fighters,” Саид Word. “That body shot he landed was one that few fighters could withstand. He’s in perfect shape and ready for his world title shot, which we are working to secure for him in the near future. I’m not sure I want Rau’shee Warren’s people to watch the video though. They may not give us the fight we really want.

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