八斗杰克VS. 詹姆斯DeGale媒体训练行情 & 照片


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超中量级世界冠军统一摊牌标题周六行动, 一月 14 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林 &


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布鲁克林 (一月 11. 2017) – 扑灭周活动正式在布鲁克林全新的格里森的健身房从今天开始将媒体训练之间的超中量级冠军统一摊牌之前 八斗杰克 詹姆斯DeGale 是头条新闻这个行动 星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林和活在Showtime.


出席仪式,并在打开的精彩表演拳击锦标赛转播 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT是初中轻量级世界冠军 何塞·佩德拉萨 和不败的竞争者 Gervonta戴维斯.

其他电视行动将采用超轻量级世界冠军 阿曼达·塞拉诺 捍卫她对前两个分部世界冠军头衔 Yazmin里瓦斯 在Showtime EXTREME. 电视节目在众生 7 P.M. AND/PT不败middleweights的的对决 Ievgen Khytrov 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆.


门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. 门票现,并且可以通过访问网上购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.


这里是战士不得不说 星期三:




“我只是想保持积极的态度,并享受这一刻. 我希望战斗是 明天 夜晚. 但是,我们展示的耐心和支撑的机会.


“这是我职业生涯中最大的打击,我准备把它带到一个新的水平. 我有丰富的经验能在这个阶段,我已经准备好证明我在这项运动中最好的一个.


“我见过DeGale的要打几次. 他的最后几个打架的,我不认为我们已经看到了他最好的. 我想最好的詹姆斯DeGale露面搏击之夜. 不会有斗争晚上任何借口.


“我在我一生中最好的形状. 我敢肯定,他在他的一生中最好的形状太. 因此,让我们看看谁是最好的.


“我在那里要打破他. 我要成为更好的战斗机. 如果我得到一个机会,土地的东西,可以改变战斗, 我要去把我的机会.


“这是我职业生涯最好的训练营之一. 我的营养是比以往任何时候都和我有我身边的人积极.


“我相信我可以击倒任何人。谁在环与我得到. 如果你不相信自己, 那你就错了运动. 我不期待一个简单的战斗, 但我会尽一切努力赢.


“我的教练娄戴尔瓦勒是,我已经提高了这么多的原因. 我带他回我的损失后和他的帮助让我,我现在哪里.


“毫无疑问,我们就会知道谁在世界上最好的超中量级是后 星期六 晚上“。




“我只是飞到纽约 周一 一个辉煌的后营. 我一直在训练以及和陪练硬. 我已经在赛道上的一些伟大的工作,我已经跑了好多英里. 我在梦幻般的形状.


“这场战斗都有不同的感受. 我觉得我在一个大的战斗很. 我觉得我在不同的级别健身的这一个. 心神, 身体和灵魂. 一切都很好.


“我做好心理准备. 八斗杰克是一个非常好的战斗机. 他是一个强硬的对手. 他得到更好的每一个战斗. 我感觉现在的方式, 八斗杰克不应该打我. 我侧重于打击我最好的.


“我牺牲了很多,把自己摆在这个位置上,并确保这是一个伟大的阵营. 现在的时间是在这里.


“要在布鲁克林有一个媒体日是伟大的. 我在我的生活和职业生涯一个梦幻般的位置. 我更舒服比我年前. 早在一天,我不知道该说些什么. 我现在是一个人,我已经准备好达到我的命运.


“运动, 速度和角度是我的钥匙. 如果我的重点,并采取不四舍五入, 应该这样做. 它会做. 任何事情都有可能在拳击比赛中发生, 但我对这个也准备.


“我看八斗杰克, 而即使他已渐入佳境, 我觉得我是一个更好的战斗机. 他是非常高的质量,我必须对我的游戏. 这将是一个伟大的斗争, 但我会胜利.


“我对乔治·格罗夫斯损失是因祸得福. 如果没有发生在我身上, 我不知道我会在我的职业生涯. 我是太大了,我的靴子当时. 我以为我是金童,我是自愧不如. 我不得不重建,我回来了。”




“我让 [Gervonta] 戴维斯来说话. 我喜欢当人们这样说, 因为我可以让他们闭嘴的战斗之夜. 他是一个梅威瑟模仿. 就像所有的仿制品, 它不如真钞.


“我很高兴能够在这里代表波多黎各在纽约市,在阿曼达·塞拉诺另一波多黎各冠军. 她是四届赛会冠军谁很有造诣,它是一种荣誉,是该卡与她的.


“我觉得自己准备战斗. 我渴望在环获得. 我不能等待 星期六 晚上和整个世界什么,我做的显示.


“我有优势,在实践中和范围和高度. 他会尝试带来的压力,但我会准备好了.


“不仅我有更多的经验,亲, 但更多的业余经验,以及. 这些年来的是在大舞台上的是要帮助我在打.


“我不认为我是被低估. 人们都知道我的质量, 这就是为什么人们避免战斗我. 我相信,我在130磅的最好的战斗机.


“我已经准备好对任何类型的战斗. 现在的问题是, 将戴维斯准备? 如果戴维斯厌倦, 他将不得不在后期轮的麻烦。”




“我现在感觉好极了正确的. 我在最佳状态. 我有最好的陪练可用,一切顺利. 我已经准备好去上班 一月 14.


“我们知道,佩德拉萨是世界冠军,谁进来不败. 他做了很多的好东西环,但我们会为他们准备好来争取晚上.


“感觉良好的是在这个舞台上. 我觉得准备标题我自己的卡. 我准备做自己的事情,并附带赢得这个世界冠军.


“我没有看过太多他, 但我的团队准备. 他没有什么是我以前没有见过. 我们只需要执行比赛计划的钟声响起的时候。”




“我知道,我要对付一个女孩谁是一个沉重的击球手,并可以一拳硬. 我一直在训练非常努力,为这场斗争的准备,因为我知道我面临的一个危险的战斗机. 我只需要保持我的体重,直到战斗之夜.


“我有很多左撇子的训练对塞拉诺的风格做准备. 这只是我面对一个左撇子第二次. 我来与比赛计划, 但一旦你在环步骤, 我知道,任何事情都有可能发生.


“我是一个老兵,我有经验. 塞拉诺必须克服我的优势有.


“我很高兴在中美要打击. 我知道,这是一个巨大的机会. 战斗在电视上的东西我一定要利用. 这场战斗后, 人真的会看到女子拳击是所有关于.


“我非常积极和兴奋,我在布鲁克林打的最好的城市,在中美的机会. 拳击. 我要来打. 我不会退缩,我们将在交换戒指的中间“。




“我见过阿利姆战斗,他没有什么特别的. 他的速度非常快. 他很快做的一切. 但他可以打. 他有力量的一点点, 但我可以打他.


“我要带他的错误的优势. 我已经准备好了这场战斗,我要为淘汰赛. 这不会是一个长期的斗争. 我想我会敲他在五,六轮.


“我是一个积极的战斗机. 我想斗殴. 我想扔了很多拳. 我很高兴,如果我可以抛出 100 在一轮拳. 没有人可以采取的一种惩罚,它可以帮助我得到我的对手离开那里.


“我很高兴能够在布鲁克林巴克莱中心战. 它是对我的职业生涯非常重要. 打这以后,我要起床了很大的进步和大牌. 我要展示我能做些什么 周六.


“我想为一个真正的世界冠军而战. 我已经准备好了,我只是想面对好对手,挑战自己。”




“这是一个伟大的训练营. 我有乔治·彼得森在我的角落里,他让保罗·威廉斯三度冠军. 他把我通过让他最担心的战斗机之一,在这项运动中相同的方案.


“我不知道太多关于我的对手. 我们身边根据比赛计划是某些类型的牛市, 但我的教练是一个分析说, 然后我们从那里.


“我使总包入环. 没有什么我不能做. 我可以框,我可以群殴. 最重要的, 在战斗中,我可以作出调整.


“一个在这里夺冠真的会戳我在这项运动中谁. 我们正在通往成为世界冠军. 我不是有正规的战斗机. 我能击败这些顶级球员“。




“我可以诚实地说,这是我有过的最好的训练营之一. 我既紧张又兴奋. 我很紧张,因为我从来没有过这样的训练营,我高兴地看到,我的感觉在环.


“我看到我的对手的一些磁带. 他是一个非常积极的战斗机谁抛出了很多的右手. 我得准备自己为. 如果他想尽早开始或把他的时间, 我做好了一切准备.


“我非常有信心的标题到这场斗争. 我相信,我会放在一个很棒的演出,可能是最好我的事业.


“我非常感谢在家里布鲁克林战斗,我自愧不如不得不在巴克莱中心再次表演的机会. 没有什么比让您的朋友和家人欢呼你的感觉.



# # #


八斗杰克VS. 詹姆斯DeGale, 12轮超中量级世界统一的斗争, 由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广和发生这 星期六, 一月 14 巴克莱中心在布鲁克林和活在Showtime. 在打开的精彩表演拳击锦标赛转播 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT是初中轻量级世界冠军 何塞·佩德拉萨 和不败的竞争者 Gervonta戴维斯.

门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销和DiBella娱乐推广, 开始 $25. 门票现,并且可以通过访问网上购买 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.


巴克莱中心的布鲁克林拳击™编程平台是由美国退休人员协会提出. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, 和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. 此事件是由电晕额外赞助, 最好的啤酒.



SANTA MONICA, CALIF (一月 9, 2017) – Two of the best women’s featherweights in the world, Marloes Coenen (23-7) 和 朱莉娅·巴德 (9-2), will meet on March 3 to determine the undisputed 145-pound champion inside WinStar World Casino & 度假村在Thackerville, 行.

“Bellator 174: 科嫩VS. Budd” 将现场直播和免费秒杀 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步行动将流于Bellator.com和Bellator移动应用. Tickets for the event go on sale 星期五, 一月 13 并可在 WinStar 世界赌场购买 & 度假村售票处, 以及票务和Bellator.com. Additional contests will be announced in coming weeks.

Coenen strung together a remarkable start to her professional career, recording victories in each of her first eight bouts and 13 她的第一次 14. The Dutch submission specialist has since continued along her impressive path, 统计 23 职业生涯胜, 含 20 饰面. 现在, the 35-year-old will look to build off of a pair of victories under the Bellator MMA banner and bring home the first ever Bellator MMA Women’s Featherweight World Title, adding to a mantel that already includes a Strikeforce Bantamweight Title. 同 30 career fights under her belt, the most glaring advantage for “Rumina” will be her experience, as her opponent comes in having made only 11 professional appearances inside the cage.

Budd enters the contest on 三月 3 riding a seven-fight winning streak and has recorded victories in each of her first three fights under the direction of Bellator MMA. The former Strikeforce competitior has surrendered just two losses over her seven-year career, one at the hands of former Strikeforce Champion Ronda Rousey and one to the current UFC bantamweight world champion, 阿曼达·努内斯. The 33-year-old Canadian has not suffered a defeat since 2011, making her one of the most prolific athletes in Bellator MMA’s 145-pound division. “The Jewel” will be in search of her first career world title, while looking to prevent the former Strikeforce world champion from collecting her second.


更新了“Bellator 174: 科嫩VS. Budd” Main Card:

女子羽量级世界冠军赛: Marloes Coenen (23-7) VS. 朱莉娅·巴德 (9-2)

“BELLATOR 173”将于二月前往贝尔法斯特的 SSE 竞技场 24 利亚姆·麦基里 (LIAM MCGEARY) 对阵克里斯·菲尔兹 (Chris Fields)



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (一月 10, 2017) – 前 205 磅世界冠军的轻重量级对决 利亚姆McGeary (11-1) 针对 克里斯·菲尔兹 (11-7-1) 将作为重头戏 “Bellator 173: 麦基里 vs. 字段,” 比赛将在贝尔法斯特的 SSE Arena 内举行, 北爱尔兰于 星期五, 二月 24.


“Bellator 173: 麦基里 vs. 田野” 在 Spike 播出 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT. 活动门票起价仅为 35 英镑,可在 票务大师, SSEArenaBelfast.com, 或上证综艺馆售票处.


来自安多佛, 英国, 34 岁的麦克吉里将在他的职业生涯中首次短途跋涉前往北爱尔兰首都, 他将再次参加主要赛事. 前Bellator MMA轻重量级冠军将进入笼子参加 10 斯科特·科克 (Scott Coker) 领导的促销活动期间, 他在哪里发布了 8-1 七次完赛记录. 继11连胜后开始职业生涯, 麦基里终于尝到了失败的酸味, 什么时候 菲尔·戴维斯 从他手中夺走了冠军头衔 “Bellator 163.” 麦克盖里一直被证明是 205 磅级别中最危险的前锋和降服艺术家之一, 完成他的受害者 10 的 11 职业生涯胜, 包括开放框架中的八个. 很像“泰坦尼克号”,” 建于贝尔法斯特, 当菲尔兹两人在上交所体育馆内占据中心舞台时,麦克吉尔希望击垮菲尔兹。 二月 24.


都柏林人, 爱尔兰, 当菲尔兹进入笼子时,他还将经过一段短途跋涉前往贝尔法斯特。 二月 24. “家庭主妇的选择”将首次亮相 Bellator MMA, 在当地促销的指导下九年之后, 包括在欧洲强队 BAMMA 的带领下出场 3 次. 在参加中量级比赛后 2015, 33岁的菲尔兹重返轻重量级, 在“BAMMA 24”上记录了第一轮降服赛战胜 Dan Konecke 的记录。菲尔兹在他的每项比赛中都取得了成绩 11 职业生涯胜, 使他成为任何阻挡他道路的人最具威胁的对手之一. 现在,这位 SBG 爱尔兰产品将在他与 Bellator MMA 的首场比赛中引起轰动, 当他为前分区主力做准备时.


来自附近的斯特拉班, 爱尔兰, 20 岁的加拉格尔是《翡翠岛》中最耀眼的明星之一。年龄 15, “The Strabanimal”离开家乡,加入 Straight Blast Gym 教练约翰·卡瓦纳 (John Kavanagh) 的行列 (SBG), 他现在在那里与包括康纳·麦格雷戈在内的全国最好的拳击手一起训练. 今年 7 月,Bellator 在伦敦首次亮相, 加拉格尔随后在 12 月以降服战胜 安东尼·泰勒 在都柏林 3Arena 喧闹的主场观众面前. 加拉格尔的对手将于近期公布.


更新了“Bellator 173: 麦基里 vs. 田野”主卡:

轻重量级的主要事件: 利亚姆McGeary (11-1) VS. 克里斯·菲尔兹 (11-7-1)

羽量级特征: 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (5-0) VS. TBD



Film Examines Controversial Practice of Thai Inmates Fighting for Their Freedom

TRAILER LINK: HTTP://s.sho.com/2iZJLSt

首演 星期五, 二月 24 在 8:30 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime®

纽约 (一月. 9, 2017)-SHOWTIME体育® announced a powerful new documentary, PRISON战士: 5 Rounds To Freedom, which examines a controversial practice in Thailand’s criminal justice system whereby inmates can earn their freedom by winning a series of Muay Thai fights. A SHOWTIME Sports original production, the 90-minute film will premiere on 星期五, 二月. 24 在 8:30p ET/PT on SHOWTIME.


The state-sponsored rehabilitation program, popularly known as Prison Fight, is not reserved for petty criminals. Under the law, violent criminals, including those convicted of murder and sexual assault, have been freed and, in some cases, fully absolved of their crimes through their participation in Prison Fights.


“This story is unlike anything we’ve ever encountered,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME体育. “Redemption is a common metaphor in sports stories, but this is a story about actual redemption and rehabilitation, with prisoners literally fighting for their release from prison. This film brings viewers inside a personal story of crime and punishment, set against a societal debate about the meaning of justice, rehabilitation and the opportunity for a second chance.”


Narrated by Ron Perlman, PRISON FIGHTERS centers on the story of Noy Khaopan, a convicted murderer serving time in the Khao Prik Prison in Thailand. Viewers will follow Noy’s journey through Prison Fight and hear from his family, as well as from the heartbroken family of Noy’s victim. 最终,, Noy’s freedom rests on one final fight, which poses a critical question: Can violent men redeem themselves through violent acts?


But while Noy and other inmates fight literally for their freedom, the Prison Fight program has also attracted professional Muay Thai fighters from around the world eager to test themselves in this unique environment. American Cody Moberly of Wichita, 五月。, a professional fighter training and competing in Thailand with a redemption story of his own, serves as Noy’s opponent in the final high-stakes fight.


The film also focuses on former World Champion boxer “Oh” Sirimongkol Singwangcha, who now runs a training facility on the outskirts of Bangkok. Once considered Thailand’s Manny Pacquiao, “Oh” was convicted of drug possession years earlier, but earned his way to freedom through the Prison Fight system.


PRISON FIGHTERS: 5 Rounds To Freedom is produced by Sports Emmy® award winner Jason Bowers, written by author and Sports Emmy award-winning writer Mark Kriegel and directed by Micah Brown. PRISON FIGHTERS: 5 Rounds To Freedom is among several distinct and provocative documentaries available on SHOWTIME. Other recent titles include “RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE: The Lawrence Phillips Story”; “ONE & DONE” (Ben Simmons); “KOBE BRYANT’S MUSE,” “IVERSON,” “PLAY IT FORWARD” (Tony Gonzalez), “I AM GIANT: Victor Cruz,” “THE DREW” (Baron Davis), and “DEAN SMITH.”



欣欣网络公司. (SNI), CBS Corporation的全资子公司, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道™和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道™ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Apple®, 年®, Amazon and Google. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Hulu, Sony PlayStation® Vue 和亚马逊渠道. SNI还管理史密森网络, SNI和史密森学会的合资企业, 它提供了史密森频道, and offers Smithsonian Earththrough SN Digital LLC. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com.

Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby Defends Title Against Former World Champion Jonathan Victor Barros Live on SHOWTIME EXTREME® (8 P.M. ET / PT)

Unbeaten Rising Star David Benavidez Faces Once-Beaten
Sherali Mamajoniv & Bonus Coverage of Undefeated Prospect
Josh Taylor’s 10-Round Super Lightweight Bout
In Additional SHOWTIME EXTREME Action
星期六, 一月 28 从
LAS VEGAS (一月 9, 2017) – A winner of 19 in a row, featherweight world champion 李谢肃方 (23-1, 8 科斯) will fight for the second time in the United States when he battles former world champion 乔纳森·维克多·巴罗斯 (41-4-1, 22 科斯) 住在 SHOWTIME EXTREME 星期六, 一月 28 从米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯.
在Showtime EXTREME电视报道开始于 8 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸, and features unbeaten rising star 大卫Benavidez (16-0, 15 科斯) in an eight-round super middleweight showdown against once-beaten Sherali Mamajonov(14-1, 7 科斯). The telecast will also include bonus coverage, 时间允许的话, of undefeated prospect 乔希·泰勒 (7-0, 7 科斯), who will enter the ring in a 10-round super lightweight contest.
It’s been a dream of mine since I was a young kid to box in a world title fight in Las Vegas, the mecca of boxing,” 谢肃方说, who is making his Las Vegas debut. “I’ve seen U.K. fighters like Lennox Lewis, 哈顿, Joe Calzaghe and Amir Khan box in Las Vegas and I always knew that’s where I wanted to fight. My mandatory challenger is experienced, dangerous and I will not take him lightly. I’ve had a strong training camp and I am 100 percent focused on putting on a show for the American fans and the travelling fans from the U.K. My number one objective is to bring my world title back to Wales.
I’m very excited for this opportunity to compete for another world title in Las Vegas,” said Barros. “I have worked hard to put myself in this position and I am going to make the most of it. Selby has never faced anyone as dangerous as me and I plan on making it a long night for him. I am going to become another Argentine world champion and bring the title back to my country.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is headlined by the highly anticipated world title rematch between Ireland’s 卡尔·弗兰普顿 and former three division world champion 狮子座圣克鲁斯. 电视报道开始于 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT with unbeaten lightweight world champion 德扬Zlaticanin defending against undefeated former two-division world champion 米奇·加西亚.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with Cyclone Promotions and TGB Promotions, 售价为 $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 和 $54, 并在销售中. 门票可在 www.AXS.com.
Representing Wales, Selby has been referred to as theWelsh Floyd Mayweatherbecause of the elusive style and ring generalship that led to him winning his featherweight world championship via a technical decision over Evgeny Gradovich in May 2015. 自那以后, the 29-year-old has defended his belt successfully against former champion Fernando Montiel and top challenger Eric Hunter.
亲自 2004, Barros was unbeaten in his first 29 fights in Argentina before losing in a world title fight to Yuriokis Gamboa. Barros won a world title in his second opportunity by stopping Irving Berry in the seventh round of their 2010 摊牌. Barros went on to defend his title with victories over Miguel Roman and Celestino Caballero. He has won seven fights in a row to earn another world title opportunity after most recently beating Satoshi Hosono in Japan.
The younger brother of undefeated Jose Benavidez, David has racked up a perfect 16 胜 16 starts at just 20-years-old. 奋战凤凰, Benavidez picked up four victories via stoppage in 2015 and continued with four more in 2016 including blasting out previously unbeaten Francy Ntetu in June and tough contender Denis Douglin in August. Benavidez will look for his ninth straight victory inside of the distance on January 28.
Fighting out of Namangan, 乌兹别克斯坦, Mamajonov will be making his United States debut and enters this fight the winner of his last four bouts. He won three times in 2016 including his most recent victory, a decision over his most experienced opponent to date in Mikheil Khutsishvili. The 29-year-old turned pro in October 2009 and was victorious in his first 10 开始.
一 2012 Olympian for Great Britain and an amateur standout from Edinburgh, 苏格兰, Taylor will fight in the U.S. for the third time in his young career on 一月 28. The 26-year-old stopped Archie Weah in his pro debut in Texas in 2015 and made quick work of Evincii Dixon in July 2016 布鲁克林. He continued to impress in his last outing, knocking out his most experienced opponent to date, Dave Ryan, in the fifth round of a October 2016 结束.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mgmgrand.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @RealCFrampton, @MikeyGarcia, @DinamitDejan1 and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.


New Opponents Named For Kenneth Sims Jr. & Stephon Young In ShoBox Quadrupleheader Live At 10 P.M. AND/PT From Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel & 赌场


纽约 (一月. 9, 2017) – The previously announced matchup between undefeated WBA ranked No 3-ranked super bantamweight 亚当·洛佩兹 and the WBA’s No. 4-排名 丹尼·罗曼 has been elevated to a 12-round title eliminator for the WBA (定期) Super Bantamweight belt held by Nehomar Cermeno.


洛佩兹 (16-0-1, 8 科斯) and Roman (20-2-1, 7 科斯) will square off in the most significant fight of their careers in the main event of a 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader上 星期五, 一月. 20, 住在 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 从 Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino.


Lopez is a classic example of a 的ShoBox prospect-turned-contender. 他 3-0-1 on the series, having defeated three previous unbeaten boxers. Roman has won 13 in a row dating to March 2014, and none of the fights have been close.


“I am excited that this is an elimination bout and I am one step closer to fighting for a world championship,“洛佩兹说. “Very few fighters ever get a chance to fight for a title, and I’m not going to let it slip away. It’s a huge motivator, and the stakes are higher. I am fighting for a chance to fight a guy in Cermeno who is 37 and maybe past his prime. So if I win on 一月 20, I feel I will win against Cermeno. He is beatable, and that is the perfect opponent to become a world champion. After I beat Roman, Cermeno will pass the torch to me.”


Said Roman: “This is what we’ve been working toward since day one. A shot at a world title is every boxer’s dream. I can’t speak for Adam, but the stakes have never been higher for me. Beating Adam is the only thing on my mind.


In a featured bout on the four-fight 的ShoBox 电视节目, 不败, former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (10-0, 3 科斯) will face a new opponent, 一次挨打 埃马纽埃尔·罗布莱斯 (15-1-1, 5 科斯), 在八轮超轻量级回合.
在揭幕战电视, 不败 斯蒂芬·扬 (15-0, 3 科斯) will take on new foe Elton Dharry (20-5-1, 13 科斯) 在八轮超轻量级回合.


The previously announced opponent for Sims, 惠灵顿罗梅罗, withdrew due to injury, while Young’s opponent, Daniel Rosas, withdrew due to personal reasons.


In the previously announced co-feature, 不败的超中量级 罗纳德·埃利斯 (13-0-1, 1 NC, 10 科斯) will face off with 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (11-2, 5 科斯) in an eight-round 168-pound matchup of 的ShoBox 退伍军人.


演出门票, 由 GH3 Promotions 推广, Kings Promotions in association with Thompson Boxing (主要事件) and Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino, 是 $125, $100 $75 & $50 并可以在购买 www.ticketmaster.com 或致电 1-800-745-3000.


巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


# # #

大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 67 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.

71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Central N.E. preliminary round this Friday night

LOWELL, 质量. (一月 9, 2017) – The 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship kicks-off 这个星期五 夜晚 (一月. 13) featuring Central New England (大洛厄尔) preliminary-round action at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium. 请参阅完整 2017 schedule below.
去年, 彼得·韦尔奇的健身房 (南波士顿) dominated the Central New England tournament, capturing seven individual titles, followed in team scoring by the Lowell West End Gym and Grealish Boxing (多切斯特).
One of the boxers to watch this year is North Chelmsford’s Brandon Higgins, who represents the Lowell West End Gym.
门票价格在合理的 $70.00 season ticket in the balcony. 要购买,请致电Lowell纪念礼堂票房,网址为 1.866.722.8881 或在线订购 www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.. Individual event tickets are also available to purchase, 开始 $13.00, 只要 $7.00 为学生.
从洛厄尔太阳慈善金手套收益冠军去实现发送新英格兰金手套冠军到全国金手套锦标赛 (2017 in Lafayette, 路易斯安那州), 除了支持本地运动员和地区的体育场馆, 男孩 & 女孩俱乐部, 汤厨房, 无家可归者收容所, 癌症基金, 奖学金和许多其他重大慈善事业.
This is the continuation of a great Lowell boxing tradition,” 比赛执行总监 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo) 说. “We’re all excited about this year’s 71ST edition of the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship. I’m very proud to be part of this tradition. So many outstanding boxers have fought in the Greater Lowell Golden Gloves over the many years such as hometown hero ‘Irish’ 米奇沃德, two-time world heavyweight champion John ‘The Quietman’ 鲁伊斯, 张卫健埃克隆德, Beau Jaynes,Manny Freitas, Nate James, 丹尼·奥康纳 还有很多其他人.
In addition to sending a complete Team New England to The Golden Gloves Nationals, proceeds go towards so many worthy charities ranging from soup kitchens to cancer funds, the Boys and Girls Club, scholarships and many other needed community-based causes.
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(洛厄尔纪念剧院 – 6:30 P.M. 门打开, 7:30 P.M. 第一回合)
新英格兰中部 (大洛厄尔)
Preliminary Rounds星期五, 一月. 13 & 一月. 20
Quarterfinal Round星期四, 一月. 26
打开 & 新手类准决赛, C.N.E. – 星期四, 二月. 2
打开 & 菜鸟级锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 9
新手类准决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 16
菜鸟级锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 二月. 23
公开课半决赛 – 星期三, 海. 1
公开课锦标赛决赛 – 星期四, 海. 2
比赛执行总监: 鲍比·鲁索(Bobby Russo)
参赛者总监: 拉玛略(Art Ramalho)
官员首长: 劳里·珀塞尔
环播音员: 约翰·维纳
地点: 洛厄尔纪念剧院, 50 梅里马克街, 洛厄尔, 嘛
叽叽喳喳: @LowellGloves
关于LOWELL SUN CHARITIES: 成立于 1947, 洛厄尔孙慈善是一个非盈利性组织,其使命是丰富生活的儿童质量, 家庭, 和社区, 促进尊重和尊严发行计划. 植根于关心和同情的传统, 洛厄尔孙慈善始建向社会不断增加的挑战作出回应. 2017 marks the 71ST year the Golden Gloves have been held in the great city of Lowell, 马萨诸塞州.
洛厄尔孙慈善是一个社会程序,不仅使冠军的戒指也使得生命冠军. 每年这些年轻运动员潜心运动教导纪律, 尊重, 和清洁的生活方式有机会赢得一个著名的金手套锦标赛.

Injured Shavkat Rakhmonov pulls out of Welterweight title fight vs. 阿列克谢Kunchenko


M-1的挑战 75, 三月 3 在莫斯科, 俄罗斯
ST. 圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯 (一月 9, 2017) – A serious knee injury requiring surgery has forced undefeated Kazakhstan challenger 肖卡特·拉赫莫诺夫 (7-0-0, M-1的: 4-0-0) to withdraw from his first title fight, 三月 3 against unbeaten M-1 Challenge welterweight champion 阿列克谢Kunchenko (15-0-0, M-1的: 7-0-0), 俄罗斯, 在 M-1的挑战 75 在莫斯科.
I wanted this fight badly and put a lot of effort into preparation for it,” a dejected Rakhmonov explained. “不幸, I tore ligaments in my knee and, based on my medical exam, I will need surgery soon. I apologize to all the MMA fans who were anticipating this fight. I’ll do my best to return stronger than ever.
次中量级前景 谢尔盖 “街头霸王” 罗曼诺夫 (10-1-0, M-1的: 3-0-0) takes on Russian veteran Magomed “白狼” Sultanakhmedov (18-5-0, M-1的: 10-1-0) 在 M-1的挑战 75 卡.
M-1的挑战 75 将从莫斯科现场流的高清晰度上 www.M1Global.TV. 观众将可以通过登录在注册观看初步打架,主卡 www.M1Global.TV. 球迷可以观看所有的行动在他们的计算机, 以及在Android和苹果的智能手机和平板电脑.
叽叽喳喳 & Instagram的:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
M-1的挑战 74 – 二月. 18, 2017 – 圣. 圣彼得堡, 俄罗斯
M-1的挑战 75 – 三月 3, 2017 – 莫斯科, 俄罗斯

Undefeated junior welterweight Mykal Fox takes on hard punching Tre’Sean Wiggins in headlining on Saturday February 11th at the Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, 马里兰

Luther Smith takes on undefeated Darnell Pierce

Also seeing action will be undefeated Sam Crossed, Christopher Warden, Patrick Rivera, 马库斯·贝茨, Justin Hurd and Greg Outlaw, JR.



华盛顿堡, MD (一月 9, 2017)Undefeated junior welterweight prospect, 麦凯乐 “教授” 狐狸 will take on hard-punching Tre'Sean威金斯 in the main event of a big night of boxing on 周六晚上, 2月11日罗斯克罗夫特赛道华盛顿堡, 马里兰.

狐狸, 21 years old of Forestville, Maryland is coming off a good 2016, where he went 4-0 and became a main event fight in the Maryland area.

The 3-year pro is coming off a 7th round stoppage over Juan Rodriguez on 11月5日 在同一地点.
Wiggins of Newbergh, 纽约有纪录 7-2 有六个淘汰赛.
该 26 year-old southpaw scored knockouts in his first three bouts by knockout which was highlighted by a 1st round destruction of current WBA Super Featherweight world champion Jason Sosa.
The 7-year professional is coming off a six-round split decision defeat to Benjamin Whitaker on April 15, 2016 在维罗纳, 纽约.
路德·史密斯 (6-1, 5 KO的) 鲍伊, 马里兰将承担 达内尔·皮尔斯 (5-0, 1 KO) 奥斯汀, Texas in a cruiserweight bout.
山姆交叉 (5-0, 3 KO的) 华盛顿, DC将争夺 蒙哥马利哈菲兹 (3-1, 2 KO的) 汤姆斯河, 新泽西州在轻量级比赛中.
马库斯·贝茨 (5-0-1, 4 KO的) 华盛顿, DC将承担 Jose Elizondo (2-2) 新拉雷多, Mexico in a super bantamweight bout.
Christopher Warden (2-0, 2 KO的) Lusby的, 马里兰州之战 拉蒙特白 (0-5) 华盛顿, DC in a junior welterweight bout.
Patrick Rivera (2-0, 1 KO) of Edgewood, Maryland tangos with 格雷戈里·克拉克 (0-1) 华盛顿, DC in a super middleweight bout.
贾勒特赫德 (1-0) Accokeek的, Maryland boxes 达万德·皮克尼 (1-3-1) 温泉之地, Arkansas in a junior middleweight bout.
小格雷格·奥特洛. (1-0) 鲍伊, Maryland takes on an opponent to be named in a junior middleweight bout.
门票发售 $75, $60 和 $40 在 www.kpboxing.com 或致电 301-899-2430

国歌体育 & Entertainment Forms Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, 有限责任公司。, Acquires Control of IMPACT Wrestling

For Immediate Release – January 4, 2017

多伦多, 加拿大 (一月 4, 2017) 国歌体育 & 娱乐公司. today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a majority interest in TNA IMPACT Wrestling, and has formed Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, LLC. Anthem also owns Fight Network, 全球首屈一指 24/7 多平台的通道专用于格斗运动的全覆盖, which is IMPACT Wrestling’s exclusive broadcast partner in Canada and worldwide digital partner.

“We are thrilled to have acquired TNA IMPACT Wrestling,” said Ed Nordholm, Executive Vice President of Anthem Sports & 娱乐公司, the parent of Fight Network. “As we grow Anthem’s linear, digital and mobile platforms globally, top tier content with global appeal is key to that success and this acquisition is a perfect strategic addition to our portfolio. IMPACT has been a dominant wrestling brand around the world for more than a decade and we are confident that Anthem can leverage its assets and strategic partnerships to take IMPACT Wrestling to even greater heights.”

先生. Nordholm, who has been the managing director of the IMPACT Ventures Board of Managers since October 2016, will assume the position of President of Anthem Wrestling Exhibitions, LLC. Dixie Carter will resign from her position as Chairman of Impact Ventures and join the Advisory Board of Fight Media Group, which holds all of the combat sports-related assets of Anthem, where her focus will be on the global growth of the combat sports-related brands owned by Anthem.

“Anthem has been a great partner for many years,” added Dixie Carter. “We have worked hard to find the right company who would acquire TNA, use its strategic influence and have a long-term commitment to the brand. TNA’s incredible fans, talent and staff deserved to see the brand continue to thrive after 15+ years of incredible growth. I’m excited to move to a new position and work with Anthem on their global strategic plan, and I am confident TNA IMPACT Wrestling is going to be a huge part of their success.”

女士. Carter will remain a minority equity stakeholder.


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