布达佩斯 — (二月 8, 2017) – Bellator is returning to Hungary with a bantamweight world title fight pitting 爱德华多“嘟嘟”丹塔斯 (19-4) 针对 Darrion“狼”考德威尔 (10-1) serving as the main event of Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 考德威尔 from the Budapest Sports Arena on April 14. The MMA portion of the evening will also feature a featherweight bout between Hungarian-born Adam “The Kid” Borics (5-0) 和 安东尼“漂亮男孩”泰勒 (1-2).


此外, Bellator Kickboxing 6 will be headlined by a welterweight world title rematch featuring 佐尔坦·拉扎克 (11-2) 针对 Karim Ghajji (97-13-1). Additional bouts for both events will be announced in the coming weeks.

Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 考德威尔 将于 SPIKE 播出 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而 Bellator Kickboxing 6 will air immediately following the MMA portion of the event, 在开始 11下午ET/10pm CT.


Dantas made his presence felt during his last outing, successfully defending his bantamweight championship belt in a five-round victory over 乔·沃伦. A 10-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, “Dudu” has recorded victories in 12 他最后的 14 结束, including nine under the direction of the Scott Coker-led promotion. 从里约热内卢海陵, 巴西, the flashy 27-year-old is widely known as one of the most dynamic competitors in the division, tallying four knockouts and six submissions over his 23-fight career. A two-time Bellator MMA bantamweight world champion, Dantas will look to defend his title for the second time since winning the belt in a victory over former champion 马科斯加尔旺, and for the fourth time overall.


The 29-year-old Caldwell will be competing for division gold for the first time in his career and is coming off of a crucial victory over 乔TaimangloBellator 167. “The Wolf” was able to avenge his earlier loss to Taimanglo, earning his 10th career victory and seventh under the Bellator MMA banner. Caldwell has collected five wins by way of first round knockout or submission, making him one of the most dangerous compeititors in the 135-pound class. Hailing from Rahway, 新泽西州, the 11-fight veteran has quickly put together an impressive professional resume inside the cage, highlighted by a remarkable first round finish over former multi-division champion 乔·沃伦, a man whom Caldwell idolized coming into the sport. The Alliance MMA product now has the opportunity of a lifetime, as he prepares for the next chapter of his career and a shot at championship glory.


After winning the welterweight kickboxing championship at Bellator’s inaugural kickboxing show in Turin, 意大利在 2016, Ghajji dropped his belt to world-renowned Hungarian champion Laszak when the pair met during Bellator’s first visit to Budapest last year. 现在, fresh off an impressive win in Florence, Ghajji hopes to reclaim the belt that he feels is his.


If you missed their first enthralling encounter, watch it 这里.


更新 Bellator 177: 丹塔斯 vs. 考德威尔 主卡:

最轻量级世界冠军争夺战: 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (19-4) VS. Darrion考德威尔 (10-1)

羽特征回合: 亚当Borics (5-0) VS. 安东尼·泰勒 (1-2)


更新 Bellator Kickboxing 6 主卡:

次中量级世界冠军赛: 佐尔坦·拉扎克 (11-2) VS. Karim Ghajji (97-13-1)

不败 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚选手特雷尔·高沙 (Terrell Gausha) 对阵波多黎各选手路易斯·埃尔南德斯 (Luis Hernandez) & 2012 中美. 周五,奥林匹亚选手 Jamel Herring 在 Undercard Action 中迎战亚美尼亚选手 Art Hovhannisyan, 二月 10 从托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄

总理拳击冠军: 下一轮反弹
轻量级世界冠军罗伯特·伊斯特 (Robert Easter) 对阵波多黎各选手路易斯·克鲁兹 (Luis Cruz)
多, OH (二月 8, 2017) – 不败的竞争者和克利夫兰本地人 特雷尔Gausha 将对阵波多黎各 路易斯·埃尔南德斯 虽然轻量级竞争者 贾迈尔鲱鱼 进入擂台对抗亚美尼亚 阿特·霍夫汉尼相 在undercard的行动 星期五, 二月 10 从托莱多的亨廷顿中心, 俄亥俄.
此次赛事由不败的轻量级世界冠军领衔 罗伯特·复活节 回到家乡,迎战波多黎各队,这是他第一次卫冕世界冠军 路易斯·克鲁兹 在主要事件 总理拳击冠军: 下一轮 弹跳.
Bounce 的电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 并拥有最轻量级世界冠军和三届美国冠军. 奥林匹亚 Rau'shee沃伦 与曾经被击败的竞争者作战扎纳特·扎基亚诺夫.
门票现场活动, 这是由 About Billions Promotions 与 TGB Promotions 联合推动的, 售价为 $30, $50, $75, $100 和 $200, 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买, 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Gausha (19-0, 9 科斯) 和埃尔南德斯 (15-3, 8 科斯) 将参加一场 10 回合的中量级比赛,而赫林 (15-1, 8 科斯) 遇见霍夫汉尼斯扬 (17-3, 9 科斯) 在八轮轻量级比赛中.
额外的行动以一对不败的前景为特色 Raynell威廉姆斯 (11-0, 5 科斯) 战斗 贾斯汀·萨维 (29-9, 19 科斯) 在六轮初级轻量级比赛中 泰勒麦克里 (12-0, 6 科斯) 发生在 乔纳森·佩雷斯 (36-16, 28 科斯) 在八轮轻量级的吸引力.
完成行动之夜是重量级的 德文·巴尔加斯 (18-4, 7 科斯) 在对六轮较量 蒂姆·华盛顿 (6-4, 6 科斯), 不败轻量级 阿尔伯特·贝尔 (6-0, 2 科斯) 针对 James Lester (11-11, 4 科斯) 在六轮比赛中, 阿德里安·威尔逊 (3-1, 2 科斯) 对阵不败 拉沙德·斯科特 (3-0, 1 科斯) 在四轮次中量级比赛中.
29岁的高沙自从转为职业球员以来一直保持不败 2012 在他非凡的业余职业生涯之后,他赢得了美国. 除了他的奥运经验外,还获得了全国业余锦标赛. 在过去两年中,高沙在对阵经验日益丰富的比赛中取得了六场胜利,其中包括战胜奥兰多洛拉和史蒂文马丁内斯。 2016. 当他接手里约彼德拉斯时,他希望继续向世界冠军进军, 波多黎各本地人埃尔南德斯(Hernandez)曾五次夺冠 2016.
另一位业余选手在参加奥运会的同年赢得了全国业余锦标赛冠军, 鲱鱼来自辛辛那提,最初来自科拉姆, 纽约. 这位31岁的选手赢得了他的第一个冠军 15 职业拳击比赛,包括战胜路易斯·爱德华多·弗洛雷斯, 雅各布·阿米杜和赫克托·委拉斯开兹. 前美国议员. 陆战队, 赫林将面对经验丰富的竞争者霍夫汉尼斯扬(Hovhannisyan),他来自亚美尼亚,但现在在格伦代尔训练, 加利福尼亚州.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问, 在Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, @RauSheeWarren, @BounceTV, 和@Swanson_Comm 并使用#PBConBounce 关注对话, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 PBC on Bounce 由 Corona 赞助: 最好的啤酒.
Bounce 是增长最快的非裔美国人 (AA) 电视网络和地方电视台的广播信号和相应的电缆传输. 该网络具有原创和网络外系列的节目组合, 文艺电影, 特价, 直播体育赛事多. 弹跳已经发展到超过 94 美国和百万家庭 93% 在所有非裔美国人的电视家庭中, 包括所有的顶级AA电视市场. Bounce 的创始人包括美国标志性人物马丁·路德·金, 三世和安德鲁·杨大使.
对于本地频道定位, 参观


星期二, 2月7日, 2017

广受欢迎的利物浦球星将于四月在利物浦回声竞技场举行的主赛事中挑战他的笼勇士羽量级世界冠军头衔 1.

利物浦的战斗骄傲帕迪“坏人”平布利特将在笼勇士队的主赛事中回归赛场,这是人们期待已久的比赛 82.

卫冕 CW 羽量级世界冠军平布利特将与英国同胞纳德·纳里马尼展开较量,他将进一步巩固自己作为英国崛起最快的 MMA 明星之一的地位.

平布利特 (Pimblett) 击败法国老将约翰尼·弗拉奇 (Johnny Frachey) 夺得 CW 空缺冠军头衔,夺得凯奇勇士队 (Cage Warriors) 金牌 78 去年九月在利物浦.

He followed up his title win with a successful defence of his belt, edging out The Ultimate Fighter semi-finalist Julian Erosa at Cage Warriors Unplugged at the BT Sport studios last November.

Aged just 22, Pimblett returns to his stomping ground at the Echo Arena looking to continue his remarkable rise as one of the MMA world’s hottest young prospects.

He’ll face a stern test against Narimani, who enters the bout with a 9-2 pro record and took the previous Cage Warriors featherweight champ Alex Enlund all the way to the scorecards in a closely-contested battle at Cage Warriors 73, with just one point separating the two after five hard-fought rounds.

Narimani comes into the bout with Pimblett riding a two-fight win streak, with victories over Jeremy Petley (first-round KO) and Daniel Requeijo (第三轮提交) 安排他的四月 1 与“坏人”发生冲突.

回乡前的讲话, 平布利特说: “我在利物浦赢得了冠军, 所以我绝对不会在这里失去它。”

“这是我的城市, 我的竞技场和我的头衔. 期待另一场盛大的聚会 – 和另一个巨大的胜利 – 当我回家捍卫我的金腰带时。”

笼勇士队主席格雷厄姆博伊兰说: “帕迪是大洋彼岸这项运动中最炙手可热的新秀,看到他在家乡球迷面前卫冕羽量级世界冠军的前景对于综合格斗迷来说是令人垂涎欲滴的前景.

“纳德将把他带到极限, 就像他对我们之前的羽量级冠军亚历克斯·恩伦德所做的那样, so expect a tough test and a great matchup.”

Tickets for Cage Warriors 82 are available from the 回声竞技场, from just £25:

有关笼式勇士的最新消息和更新,请访问 CageWarriors.com并按照我们 叽叽喳喳, Facebook的Instagram的.

笼子战士争夺冠军 是欧洲领先且时间最长的混合武术促销活动. 爱尔兰人拥有的品牌,在英国设有办事处 & 爱尔兰, CWFC是这项运动发展最快的组织, 上演 80 发生的事件 12 自成立以来,遍布三大洲的国家 2002. MMA过去的一些巨星的故乡, 现在和将来.

伊万Baranchyk: An unlikely journey from Belarus to Miami, 俄克拉何马州

迈阿密, 行 (二月 7, 2017) – When junior welterweight powerhouse Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk first entered a boxing gym at age 12 in his native Belarus, he quickly learned why boxing is known as the loneliest sport.
The man who ran the gym I went to was supposed to be the trainer but he had a drinking problem,” Baranchyk recalled. “Instead of teaching us the sport of boxing, he just opened the gym door each day and left us without steady guidance.”
Baranchyk learned much of the sweet science on his own and didn’t have a stable trainer throughout his amateur career. 令人惊讶的是, he won the 2009 World Junior Championships and defeated future two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Robeisy Ramirez of Cuba in the process. After continuing to excel as an amateur, the word quickly got out about the Belarusian buzzsaw.
He had offers from promoters across the globe to turn pro and elected to sign with Fight Promotions Inc. Baranchyk relocated to Brooklyn, NY after turning pro in June 2014. Nine victories later, he was matched with fellow unbeaten Nicholas Givhan of Michigan on ShoBox: The New Generation at the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, 行. A transplanted New Yorker who fought most of his professional bouts at that point in the Big Apple, Baranchyk never heard of Oklahoma and wasn’t sure what the environment would be like.
在纸上, the bout was viewed as a tossup and Givhan had more professional experience. Both fighters weren’t known to locals but it took less than half a minute to change that. 刚 21 开场钟声后几秒钟, Baranchyk flattened Givhan with a vicious left hook that was one of 2016’s best knockouts. The standing room only crowd at the Buffalo Run was amazed and wanted to see him fight there again.
Three months later, Baranchyk granted their wish when he made his second straight ShoBox appearance, taking apart previously undefeated Eliseo Cruz Sesma inside of three rounds. The all-action Baranchyk had the crowd on their feet throughout the contest chanting “Beast, 兽, Beast” until the stoppage.
此后不久, Baranchyk signed with Tony Holden Productions, who promotes Baranchyk alongside DiBella Entertainment and the aforementioned Fight Promotions Inc. He’s since won two more bouts at the Buffalo Run, raising his professional record to 13-0 同 10 knockouts while capturing the USBA and WBC USNBC titles in the process.
I feel very comfortable with the fans out there,” Baranchyk说. “I felt the energy at the Buffalo Run instantly and I’m grateful that the fans have been so supportive of me.”
Holden has been promoting fights for more than two decades and had many crowd attractions, most notably former champions Tommy Morrison and Johnny Tapia. He thought he’d seen it all. This was until a fighter with a background far different from the majority of his fans became an adopted son in the 14,000 person city of Miami, 行.
He’s truly special to the fans at the Buffalo Run Casino and residents of Miami to the point where they’ve adopted him as if he were a lifelong local,” Holden said of Baranchyk, who is a member of Holden Productions’ Four State Franchise. “His style is entertaining and all boxing fans like action fighters. It’s amazing because when Ivan first fought here in March 2016 he was virtually unknown and now he’s a house fighter.”
Baranchyk will have a tough task when he faces Arizona’s Abel Ramos at the Buffalo Run 星期五 二月, 10 in the ten round main event of a ShoBox tripleheader. 拉莫斯, 17-1-2 (12 KO的), has multiple wins over unbeaten fighters including a fifth round stoppage of 13-0 Dario Ferman last May. He’s faced quality opposition and is expected to be Baranchyk’s biggest test to date.
To ensure he’s at his best, 国际羽联 #7 ranked Baranchyk trained in Los Angeles at Wildcard Boxing Club alongside new trainer Edward Kravtsov. With a solid training camp in the books, Baranchyk is prepared to deliver a solid performance 星期五 晚.
This was a great camp and Wildcard is an awesome environment. It was something I needed to prepare for a good tough opponent in Abel Ramos. I’m fully prepared to entertain my fans at the Buffalo Run Casino. If everything goes as planned and I emerge victorious, I trust my team to get me to the next level.
The ShoBox tripleheader airs at 10:05 下午ET and tickets are available at the Buffalo Run Box Office or by going



® To Present Premium Television’s First Women’s Boxing Main Event As Shields Takes on Former World Title Challenger Szilvia Szabados
住在Showtime® 从底特律米高梅大酒店
纽约 (二月. 7, 2017) – 两届奥运会金牌得主 Claressa盾 will make her professional television debut on 的ShoBox: 新一代, a series that has sparked the careers of 67 未来的世界冠军, 上 星期五, 三月 10, 住在Showtime (10 P.M. AND/PT) 从 MGM Grand Detroit Event Center 在底特律, 密歇根.
希尔兹 (1-0) is facing Hungary’s SzilviaSunsetSzabados (15-8, 6 科斯), 前世界冠军挑战者, in the first women’s boxing match to headline on premium television. The fight will take place down the road from Shield’s hometown of Flint, 我.
Shields is the most accomplished amateur boxer in U.S. 历史 – 男女不限 – and the only American boxer to capture back-to-back gold medals at the Olympic Games.
It is a dream come true to be the first woman to headline a boxing card on premium television,” 希尔兹说. “三月 10 will be a historic night for boxing and all of the women who give so much to advance our sport. I am proud to be fighting for the NABF title in my second pro bout. I want to thank SHOWTIME, MGM Grand Detroit and Salita Promotions for this opportunity, and I will do everything to give my home state fans and the viewers a night to remember.
Szabados said, “Fighters always say their next fight is the most important one of their career, but you get an opportunity like this, and it really is. This is an unbelievable dream. I am very happy to be receiving this opportunity. I know this fight is important for Claressa also, and I don’t really know what will happen in the ring. 我们都想赢. Claressa has more amateur experience, but I have more experience as a professional. It’s going to be an exciting night.
活动门票由 Salita促销 go on sale 星期五, 二月. 10 在 10 A.M. est 并且售价 $250, $150, $100 和 $50. 他们将可在
Promoter Dmitriy Salita said, “I am honored to be putting on this event at the fantastic MGM Grand Detroit, featuring American hero Claressa Shields on ShoBox: 新一代. Detroit is America’s greatest comeback city and I am thrilled that she has chosen MGM Grand Detroit as the site to fight for her first professional title on 三月 10. Although it is just her second professional fight, Claressa has chosen a former world title challenger for her opponent, a tough Hungarian named Szilvia Szabados, a woman who knows what’s at stake if she can win that night. We’ve got a terrific card from top to bottom in support of this fantastic main event as well, featuring some of Detroit’s brightest up-and-coming prospects, as well as some national and international flavor. Detroit deserves to have world-class events such as this and I’m very proud to be able to bring it here.
Shields won her first Olympic Gold when she was 17 years old in the inaugural women’s boxing competition at the London Games in 2012. She defended her title at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, becoming the only American boxer to defend amateur sportspremier championship.
The 21-year-old Shields cruised to a 77-1 amateur record before turning professional last November, winning her first bout via unanimous decision on a non-televised undercard in Las Vegas. She now returns home as a headliner to take on the veteran Szabados in a six-round middleweight bout.
的ShoBox 专家分析 史蒂夫Farhood: “Women’s boxing in America has its best chance of revival because of the emergence of Claressa Shields. Women’s boxing is pretty big in certain countries, but it really hasn’t been a factor in the United States since 莱拉·阿里 和, before her, 克里斯蒂·马丁. Being the only U.S. boxer to win two gold medals, Claressa has instant credibility and star appeal and those two things are going to lead to wide exposure.
She has a great back story, she’s an exciting fighter to watch and she’s instantly likeable.
简单的说, Shields found solace in boxing to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges in her childhood. She’s become a vocal advocate for many social causes, including the ongoing water crisis in her hometown of Flint, women’s rights, and campaigning against sexual assault. An inspirational figure and motivational speaker, Shields represents a beacon of hope for a working-class city that struggles with violence, poverty, and everyday essentials.
In taking on a former world title challenger and fighting for the NABF middleweight championship in only her second fight, Shields continues to make immediate strides as a professional like fellow Flint native Floyd Mayweather, who won his first world title when he was 21.
Szabados challenged for a world title in July 2015 in her ninth professional fight, losing a decision to undefeated WBC Super Middleweight Champion 尼克·阿德勒 在德国. The native of Miskolc, Hungary has faced two former world champions, Mikaela Lauren Noni Tenge, and has won via knockout in three of her last five victories.
In her U.S. 登场, Szabados lost a 10-round decision to then-undefeated prospect 艾丽西亚·拿破仑(Alicia Napoleon) 一月 29, 2016, 在皇后区, 纽约州. The 26-year-old has remained active since turning professional in 2014. She fought eight fights in 2016, and already has a win in 2017 via fifth round KO over Diana Marcz in January in Budapest, 匈牙利.
# # #
克拉丽莎·希尔兹 VS. Szilvia Szabados is the professional television debut of two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields against former world title challenger Szilvia Szabados. The six-round women’s bout headlines a 的ShoBox: 新一代 telecast from MGM Grand Detroit in Detroit, 密歇根州。, 并在 SHOWTIME 直播 10 P.M. AND/PT. 门票现场活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, go on sale on 二月. 10 and are available at
的Salita促销始建于 2010 由德米特里Salita, 谁看到在北美和世界各地的促销实体功能拳击的最好的年轻前景的需要,并建立了竞争者一位职业拳击手和世界冠军挑战者. 观众收看全球电视网络,包括欣欣战士, ESPN, 斯派克电视, 环球体育网和味精都享有的Salita促销近年来战斗行动. 我们非常自豪,提供我们的战士内外环外的机会. 的Salita促销期待着继续增长,成为世界各地的斗争球迷的需求.

Adrian Granados Chicago Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Hard-Hitting Contender Battles Former Four-Division World Champion Adrien Broner in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Main Event 星期六, 二月 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati & 住在Showtime
点击 这里 for Photos from Tom Barnes/SHOWTIME
文华财经 (二月 7, 2017) – Hard-hitting contender 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 hosted Chicago media at the Garfield Park District Fieldhouse 星期二 as he prepares for his main event showdown with former four-division world champion 阿德里安 “问题” Broner 星期六, 二月 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati and live on SHOWTIME.
在Showtime电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 与不败的轻重量级竞争者 马库斯·布朗 meeting hard-hitting former title challenger 托马斯·威廉姆斯JR. in a 10-round showdown and also features WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion 拉蒙特彼得森.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, 售价为 $250, $100, $75, $50 和 $30, 不包括适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. 门票可网上购买 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Granados has pledged to dedicate the fight to his friend and former training partner 埃德·布朗, who fell victim to the violence on Chicago’s West Side in December 2016.
Here is what Granados, along with his trainer 乔治·埃尔南德斯, 不得不说 星期二:
We finally have a huge opportunity. I feel I paid my dues. I know Amir Imam wasn’t a fluke. And the robberies on my record were just thatrobberies. You get in the ring with Adrian Granados and you’re going to get a hell of a fight.

I wasn’t intimated by Broner when we sparred and I’m not intimidated by him now. I know I belong in this fight, at this level.

It’s a tough fight. People are saying I’m going to have to fight like Marcos Maidana. But I’m going to be Adrian Granados and I’m going to win my way.

With our two styles it’s going to be a firefight. It can’t be anything but exciting. I have a great team behind me and I can’t wait to make everyone proud.

Ed Brown was the heart of this neighborhood, and now I need to carry on his legacy. This is my opportunity to do something for my career, but also this community. I have to be twice as great, for me and him.

Winning this fight not only changes my life, but it changes a lot of other lives. Beating Broner would change the sport in Chicago.

It’s very motivating to know that I’m an inspirational figure for people in Chicago. It helps me get through those long days in the gym, when you don’t want to get up and train. I know what I’m fighting for and I use it as motivation.
I started fighting in high school just shadowing my friends when they went to the gym. I asked my mom and dad if I could keep going and luckily they helped me get started and get on this path to where I am.
Broner puts his gloves on the same way we do. This is what we want. We want the big names. Beating Broner can get us to the next level.

No one is going to give us anything. We need to earn it. We’re going to his backyard and we’re going to take it from him.

This is one of the toughest areas to train in. If you can persevere through that you know you can make it in this sport. We could have gone away for camp but we wanted to stay here because it’s home. The only way to make this city better is by staying here and leading the charge and showing these kids that we can get away from that norm and bring better attention to this area.

If Adrian can beat the hell out of this kid in his hometown that will send a message to all the kids in this community. It will let them know that you can succeed and do great things. Every kid that’s in here dreams of this opportunity. We’re ready and we’re not going to let it slip away.

# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, @SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook

FONFARA 计划于 3 月回归, VIRGIL HUNTER 在他的角落里充满信心

图片来源: 斯蒂芬妮·特拉普
(海湾地区, 例如) 二月 7, 2017 – 轻重量级的竞争者, 安杰伊Fonfara (28-4, 16 科斯) 正在享受和新教练在一起的时光, BWAA 2012 年度最佳教练, 维吉尔猎人. 在过去的几个月里,两人一直在一起工作,Fonfara 说他正在和 Hunter 一起学习新的训练方法, 帮助他提高比赛水平.
“维吉尔是一位伟大的教练,我认为这是将我的职业生涯提升到一个新水平的正确举动。” 安德烈·丰法拉说, 在WBC #8 额定竞争者. “现在, 亨特让我做一些疯狂的训练,我可以看到它如何让我在擂台上变得更好。”
丰法拉定于三月重返赛场,对阵对手待定. 这场比赛将是他在 2017, 一场他期待的比赛, 自从失去了他的 WBC 国际轻重量级冠军头衔 乔 - 史密斯JR.
“反对史密斯, 我被一记好拳抓住了。” 丰法拉继续. “它可能发生在任何人身上. 我觉得从那以后我学到了很多东西,我相信我将能够向世界冠军的机会前进. 我要一次打一场. 维吉尔在我的角落, 我觉得我可以击败任何放在我面前的人. 三月, 每个人都会看到我的战斗风格有所改善。”


Former Two-Time World Champion Lamont Peterson Washington, D.C. 媒体锻炼报价 & 照片

D.C.-Native Battles WBA Champion David Avanesyan
星期六, 二月 18 From the Cintas Center
at Xavier University in Cincinnati & 住在Showtime
点击 这里 for Photos from Wallace Barron
本报讯, D.C. (二月 7, 2017) – 前两届世界冠军 拉蒙特彼得森 在他的家乡华盛顿举办媒体演习, D.C. as he prepares to take on WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan in a 12-round matchup that serves as the co-main event of 精彩表演拳击锦标赛 星期六, 二月 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
在Showtime电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT 与不败的轻重量级竞争者 马库斯·布朗 meeting hard-hitting former title challenger 托马斯·威廉姆斯JR. 在 10 轮对决中. The event is headlined by former four-division world champion 阿德里安Broner taking on hard-hitting contender 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, 售价为 $250, $100, $75, $50 和 $30, 不包括适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. 门票可网上购买 或致电 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what Peterson and his longtime trainer 巴里·亨特 不得不说 星期二 from the Bald Eagle Recreation Center:
I’m going through a full-blown training camp and I’ve had a lot of energy. I think the strength will be there too but I’m an energy fighter. I like to put pressure and use my energy. Look for an improved Lamont Peterson.
People are going to talk a lot about my layoff but honestly that only affects people who aren’t always in the gym. I have been in the gym working hard this entire time. I’ve been working on my craft. I got better and you’ll see on 二月 18.
Avanesyan is a good fighter. He keeps his hands up high, so even though he’s there to be hit, it doesn’t mean I’m going to get good clean shots. It should be a good entertaining fight and a good first step at welterweight for me.
Big fights are what matters to me. When you’re coming up it’s all about winning a title. Having fought for 12 岁月, it doesn’t matter to me as much. The way I’m looking at is, if I get this win then I’m the No. 1 contender for the belt.
I have no concern about ring rust. It’s not even a thought in my head. I would be shocked if that was a problem for me.
You never know what the right time is to move up in weight, but the time is now for me to move up to welterweight and I’m happy about it. Making 140 pounds was getting tough. I think it hampered my performances a bit and that let us know it was time.
I’ve been wanting to move up but it seemed like my opportunities were down in weight. Now I’m ready to mix it up with the best guys here.
“对我来说, it’s all about the joy of getting in the ring and competing. I want to do it at the highest level and I’m looking forward to getting big fights.
巴里·亨特, 彼得森的练马师
Sometimes having time off like Lamont had is not a bad thing. It gives you space and time to work on your mental game, shore up some things you could be weak at and of course it lets you heal up. It’s served us well and I’m happy with what I see from Lamont so far.
We always approach an opponent, no matter the record, like they are a world champion. We prepare for war. If anything less than that takes place, 就这样吧. We’re going to be ready. To me Avanesyan is a guy who is an obstacle in our way. If we can’t go around him, we’ll go right through him.
We want all of the top 147-pounders. I always thought Lamont and Danny Garcia was a fight that warranted a rematch. Because it was a great fight that had a little bit of controversy around it. I still would like to see the rematch.
# # #
欲了解更多信息,请访问 follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, @SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook

Unbeaten Brooklyn Fan Favorite Heather Hardy Returns to Take on Former Title Challenger Helen Joseph in Undercard Action Saturday, 三月 4 巴克莱中心布鲁克林

Welterweight World Title Unification Between
基思·瑟曼 & Danny Garcia Headlines
哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 的 Showtime 冠军拳击赛
布鲁克林 (二月 7, 2017) – Unbeaten brawler and Brooklyn-area favorite 石南属 “热火” 哈迪 (18-0, 4 科斯) will return to the ring to battle former title challenger Helen Joseph (9-3-1, 8 科斯) in a super bantamweight contest that highlights undercard action on 星期六, 三月 4 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
三月 4 event is headlined by the highly anticipated welterweight world title unification showdown between 基思·瑟曼 丹尼·加西亚 那头条 哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 的 Showtime 冠军拳击赛, presented by 总理拳击冠军, with prime time televised coverage beginning at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐促进, 售价为 $1,000, $750, $500, $400, $300, $150, $100, 和 $50 (不包括适用的费用) 与现已公开发售. 门票可在网上通过访问购买, 万维网 或致电 1-800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
一位受欢迎的布鲁克林拳手参加了巴克莱中心的首场职业女子拳击比赛, Hardy has become a staple at the arena ever since. 上 三月 4, she will enter the ring at Barclays Center for the eighth time, and seventh time in her last eight fights. In Hardy’s most recent bout last 八月 21, at Ford Amphitheater in Coney Island, Hardy won a decision over previously unbeaten rival Shelly Vincent to capture the WBC International featherweight title. The entertaining slugfest was shown tape delayed on NBCSN and helped Heather increase her national profile.
By fight night, Hardy will have been out of the ring for six-and-a-half months, her longest stretch of inactivity, which was due to the new insurance regulations put in place by the New York State Athletic Commission (NYSAC), in effect since September. All boxing action in the State came to a halt until last month’s Barclays Center event. Dependent on her boxing income to support her family, Hardy sought out other ways to make ends meet. 一月 14, Hardy had planned to make her MMA debut for Invicta in Kansas City, MO, however her opponent suffered an injury in training and the event was cancelled. Returning her full focus to boxing, Hardy is determined to conquer another tough challenge on the way to her first world title opportunity.
I’m grateful and excited to be back in the ring at Barclays Center next month,” 哈迪说. “It will be my first fight since August. I’ve had to hustle extra hard these past few months since the insurance issue shut down the New York boxing scene for the last quarter of 2016. I even decided to take an MM fight in January to help supplement my income and pay some bills. 然而, my opponent dropped out the day before I was flying to Kansas City for the event. It’s been one disappointment after the next, so I am truly happy to be back at home where I belong, 做我所爱。”
Born in Nigeria but fighting out of Ghana, Joseph will fight in the U.S. for the second time as a pro after dropping a decision in Texas against Jennifer Han in her most recent world title opportunity. The 27-year-old had previously challenged Dahiana Santana in the Dominican Republic for a world title in 2012 and had a successful run of victories after turning pro in 2004 that lasted until 2009, when she suffered her first defeat. She most recently scored a second round stoppage of Namely Emilia in November of last year.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 在Twitter @SHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在,, PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Tyrone Brunson faces Brandon Quarles in main event on Saturday, 三月 11 at the SugarHouse Casino

Plus David Gonzales, Daquan Johnson & Tyrone Crawley, JR. 在行动

费城, PA. (二月 7, 2017) – Middleweight’s Tyrone Brunson布兰登·夸尔斯 will square off in the eight-round main event on 星期六, 3月11日 as King’s Promotions will stage it’s first show at the SugarHouse Casino 费城.
费城的布伦森有以下记录 23-6-2, 同 22 击倒.
该 32 year-old Brunson turned professional in 2005, and started his career with 19 连续第一轮淘汰赛. Included in that streak was a stoppage over James Morrow (8-1-2). In his last bout Brunson and Ismael Garcia fought to a 10-round draw on October 14, 2016 费城.
Quarles of Alexandria, 弗吉尼亚州有一个记录 18-3-1 同 9 击倒.
该 30 year-old Quarles is a 7 年的老将, 并先后荣获 5 直打, with the latest being 6-round unanimous decision over Marcos Primera on June 25, 2016 in Greensboro, 北卡罗来纳.
大卫·冈萨雷斯 (8-1-2, 2 KO的) 费城, PA 承担 胡安·罗德里格斯 (6-6-1, 5 KO的) 干草市场的, 将. 在一场初级次中量级比赛中.
卡洛斯·罗萨里奥 (6-1, 3 KO的) 品萨肯的, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a lightweight bout.
Tyrone Crawley, JR. (6-0) 费城战役 维克托·巴斯克斯 (6-2, 2 KO的) 扬克斯的, 纽约在轻量级比赛中.
Daquan Johnson (2-0, 2 KO的) 樱桃山, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a 4-round super Welterweight bout
门票发售 $100, $75, $50, 并可以在购买 SugarHouseBoxing.eventbrite.

For More information and credentials, Please contact: 马克·艾布拉姆斯在 phillyboxing@gmail.com856 287 7611


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