Keith Thurman Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Undefeated World Champion Battles Danny Garcia in Main Event of ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS
Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов
Суббота, Март 4 в Barclays Center в Бруклине
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ST. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Флорида (Февраль 15, 2017) – Undefeated world champion Кит “Один Раз” Турман hosted media at his training camp in St. Петербург, Флорида Среда as he prepares to face fellow welterweight world champion Дэнни “Быстро” Гарсия в главном событии ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов, Суббота, Март 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.
Broadcast coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battling once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу, или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is what Thurman had to say Среда from the St. Petersburg Boxing Club:
Кит Турман
“В конце концов,, it’s just another fight. My job has not changed since I was seven years old. This is the sport that I love. The name of the game to hit and not get hit, but you know I’m looking to inflict some damage as well.
I know Danny is confident coming into this fight. He’s trying to challenge me and hurt me. I have an ‘0’ and I’m not ready to let it go. Если вы думаете, что вы можете бить меня, beat me. It’s going down on Март 4.
You can expect a world class fight. We’re both great champions with impressive skills. We’re going to be pushing each other and testing each other. I see myself as the smarter fighter. I’ve shown that I can adjust in the middle of a fight. With the experience that I have, I go in there with an objective I’m trying to achieve. If it’s not happening, then I have to use something else.
“В конечном счете, my heart desires victory at this stage and at this level. I’m looking to do what I do best. Which is be a smart fighter, look for the openings and if I can cause some damage, hopefully I can capitalize on that.
I showed against Shawn Porter that when you fully challenge me and make me gut it out, Я там. I’m a champion and this champion doesn’t lie down for anybody. That fight was a tremendous fight and we showed that we understand each other as fighters.
I thought to myself after eight rounds against Porter, ‘this fight is tied.Nothing that happened in the first eight rounds mattered. The fight was going to be decided in four rounds, just like the amateurs. I had to do what Ben Getty always said, ‘smart fighters win and dumb fighters lose.
I just want to keep moving myself up and establishing my legacy. I want to distinguish myself from the other welterweights. The winner of this fight will get the spotlight over everyone else in the division.
I’m doing this for my career, for my legacy and for the fans. Without the fans, there’s no legacy. I’ve been boxing for 21 years of my life and I look forward to having some more great years. I’m proud to be living my dream.
To get two tremendous fights back-to-back is evidence that I’m on the right track and you could say we’re gaining more power in the sport. I’m getting what I want out of the sport, which are big fights like this.
This is something that the fans are excited about and I’m truly looking forward to this fight. I just want to keep living my dreams and working to become the best fighter in the world.
Establishing a unification of a weight class is my ultimate goal in the sport of boxing. That’s what we’re working for.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
The preparation has been fantastic. Keith has been on both. His long runs, short runs, sprinting, listening to everything in the gym not to mention great sparring. You are going to see a great performance.
“Это мечта для меня. I never dreamed of this when I was Youngstown, OH before I came to Florida. When I came here there were guys like Jeff Lacy and Winky Wright that came into my gym who I’ve been fortunate enough to work with. Then came Ben Getty and Keith Thurman.
I owe most of this to Ben Getty. I want him to get a lot of the recognition. He really deserves it. I am just trying to continue what he started.
Fans are going to see a great performance. They are going to see a well-conditioned, well-trained Keith Thurman. He is very focused on getting rid of Garcia and moving up in the ranks.
# # #
The two-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS broadcast will be just the second primetime boxing presentation on the CBS Television Network in nearly 40 годы. It is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for CBS Television, both divisions of the CBS Corporation.
Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового боя ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов,Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по,, PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.


Box Fan Expo является конечным вентилятором опыта события, которое дает любителям бокса возможность встретиться и приветствуют лучшие боец, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, бокс знаменитости и промышленные люди в близком контакте личной настройки.
Лас-Вегас (Февраль 15, 2017) – Бывший WBC женщин чемпион Мой “Нокаут” Улица. Джон и ChristyThe Coal Miner’s Daughter” Мартин has confirmed that they will historically appear and share a booth together to Meet & Greet their fans at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the 3rd edition of Коробка Вентилятор Экспо который состоится суббота мая 6, 2017 Во время Синко де Майо выходные. The Boxing Expo will also coincide with the mega fight between Canelo Alvarez vs Julio Cesar Chavez jr, который состоится позже в тот же вечер.
Martin and St.John are some of the most decorated and famous female professional boxers of all-time. St John was promoted by Bob Arum while Martin was promoted by rival Promoter Don King. They are both former WBC world champions and gained popularity by appearing on some of the biggest undercards in boxing history that were headlined by Mike Tyson with Christy Martin and Oscar De La Hoya with Mia St.John. Further St.John also has appeared on the cover of Playboy Magazine, while Martin appeared on Sports illustrated.

Mia St.John has done countless charity work for different organizations. She foundedEl Saber Es Poder/Knowledge Is Powerto empower our youth by providing educational material, equipment and development of Health & Wellness programs. На ноябрь 23, 2014, Mia’s son Julian who was a talented artist, скончался в возрасте 24 after battling Schizophrenia and addiction. В 2015, Mia was named by CNN, “Mental Health Warrior”, along with eight other inspiring people.

Christy Martin on the other hand battled her way back from a November 23, 2010 Stabbing and being shot by her husband who is now serving time in prison for attempted murder. Today Martin is the President and founder of Pink Promotions, a boxing promoting company and is considered by the WBC as the Emeritus Champion. She also formed a non-profit organization called Christy’s Champs, which supports domestic violence as well as other domestic issues.

St.John and Martin will have merchandise to sell to their fans, а также фотографии и памятные вещи.

Christy along with Mia joins Fernando Vargas and Joel Casamayor among early commitments to this year’s Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo был огромный успех у поклонников и бокс людей индустрии. Many boxing stars have attended the last two Expo’s such as Mike Tyson, Роберто Дюран, Томми Хернс, Рой Джонс-младший, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Турман, Дэнни Гарсия, Тим Брэдли, Deontay Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Варгас, Заб Джуда, Джеймс Тони, Vinny Pazienza, Майки Гарсия , Mia St.Johns, Лев Санта-Крус, Баду Джека, Терри Норрис , Риддик Боу , Эрни Бритвы, Leon Spinks and many more

Экспоненты, такие как бокс передач, одежда, новое оборудование, энергетические напитки, алкоголь, Доплата продукты, вещательные СМИ, согласующие органы и другие компании, которые желают принять участие в очередной раз есть шанс продемонстрировать свою бренд поклонник, СМИ и бокс промышленности.

Tickets to the Box Fan Expo are available online на: HTTP://

Box Fan Expo является конечным боксом опыта вентилятора событий, которая позволяет поклонникам встретиться и Приветствуйте бокса суперзвезд сегодня, нынешние и бывшие чемпионы мира, Легенды спорта и другие боксерские Знаменитости на своем стенде. Местный, болельщики будут испытывать различные виды деятельности от Автограф сессий, Фотосессии, Вбрасывание с вашими любимыми боксерами, а также возможность приобрести товары и памятные вещи из своей будки, а также многое другое… Вы не хотите пропустить это нужно обязательно присутствовать на Expo!

Box Fan Expo также будут представлены топ организации бокса, промоутеры, кольцо карты девочки, известные тренеры и комментаторы, а также бокс передач компании “ВСЕ ПОД ОДНОЙ КРЫШЕЙ”.
Throughout the next several months leading up to the Event, будут еженедельные обновления на многих звездах, которые совершающие их появление на боксерском Expo. И для тех, кто в индустрии бокса или других участников (непромышленных), кто хотел бы принять участие и заказать стенд, связаться Box Fan Expo:
Номер телефона: (514) 572-7222 или номер Лас-Вегас (702) 997-1927
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Top-10 Ranked Undefeated Bantamweights Antonio Nieves & Nikolay Potapov Clash In Co-Feature To Claressa Shields vs. Szilvia Szabados On ShoBox: Новое поколение
Больше, Undefeated Welterweight Wesley Tucker Faces Once-Beaten Ed Williams; Unbeaten Detroit Bantamweight James Gordon Smith Takes on Joshua Greer, Младший.
Детройт (Февраль. 15, 2017) – Six prospects will round out the ShoBox: Новое поколение televised bouts for Salita PromotionsDetroit City Gold на Пятница, Март 10, на MGM Grand Detroit, жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. И/PT).
In addition to the history-making six-round main event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (1-0) Флинта, Мичиган., taking on Hungary’s SzilviaSunset” распутник (15-8, 6 КО) for the Women’s NABF Middleweight Championship, there will be a trio of exciting bouts between rising prospects with a combined record of 80-2-5 с 39 КО.
Detroit City Goldwill mark the first time in history a women’s boxing match has headlined on premium television. Shields and Szabados will also be the first women’s fight on ShoBox, a series that has sparked the careers of 67 будущие чемпионы мира.
Антонио Ньевес против. Николай Потапов – 10-Круглый легчайшем Бута
The co-main event will feature a 10-round battle between top-10 ranked bantamweight contenders Антонио Ньевес (17-0-2, 9 КО) и Николай Потапов (16-0-1, 8 КО). Nieves is ranked No. 4 в WBO, while Potapov is ranked No. 9 по версии WBO, Не. 10 by WBA and No. 13 по версии IBF.
Ньевес, a top amateur, was a five-time Cleveland Metro Golden Gloves Champion. В 2011, he was the National Golden Gloves runner-up and U.S. Nationals Bronze Medalist at 123 фунты.
Про с ноября 2011, he won the initial 12 fights of his career before boxing to an eight-round draw with Stephon Молодая июня 20, 2015. The NABO bantamweight champion, he has gone 6-0-1 since and is coming off a second-round TKO over Szilvester Ajtai последний Ноябрь. 26. В августе 2016, he fought to a 10-round split draw against Mexico’s Алехандро Сантьяго на ShoBox.
Because they are both residents of Ohio, Nieves has long clamored for a showdown with former WBA Champion and fellow 118-lb contender Rau’shee Warren. A victory over Potapov may put him in the right position to have his wish granted later this year.
I feel great about this opportunity and I’m going to take advantage of it,” said Nieves. “Он хороший боец. He comes forward and throws a lot of punches. He’s got a solid foundation. I believe it’ll be a good fight but, в целом, I’ll be able to outbox him. I can make him make mistakes and take advantage of it. Я буду 100 percent ready to show everybody the real Antonio Nieves. I’ll use my legs more and throw a lot of combinations. I will box my way to my big shot.
The 26-year-old Potapov was an outstanding amateur with international success. The 5-foot-4 native of Russia had around 200 fights before he turned pro in March 2010. Он пошел 13-0 as a pro in Russia before his U.S. дебют.
Potapov had a 14-fight winning streak ended when he boxed still-undefeated prospect Stephon Молодая (13-0 собирается в) to a 10-round majority draw on April 15, 2016, на ShoBox. Потапов, who felt he had done more than enough to earn a victory, entered the ring ranked 10й в IBF, rare for a fighter at that point in his career.
Since the disappointing result against Young, Potapov has fought twice, leaving nothing in the hands of the judges by winning both by early round knockout. He’s coming off a fourth-round TKO over Alexander Saltykov last Декабрь. 15.
I have been training in Russia and am excited to be in Detroit (since Feb. 1) training at the Kronk Gym with world-class trainer Javan SugarHill Steward,” Potapov said. “Antonio Nieves is a very talented fighter and I look forward to a great exciting fight of skill and will on Март 10.”
Wesley Tucker vs. Эд Уильямс – Eight Round Welterweight Bout
Кроме того, на ShoBox: Новое поколение will be an eight-round welterweight battle between local prospects with much to prove, Уэсли Tucker (13-0, 8 КО) и Эд Уильямс (12-1-1, 4 КО).
The 29-year-old Tucker, Толедо, Огайо, was a standout amateur. Он был 2012 National Golden Gloves runner-up at 152 pounds and had over 250 любительские бои. Как профессиональный, he’s stayed relatively active since his debut in February 2013, but the 5-foot-8 southpaw has been virtually untested. Tucker will be looking to score his first significant professional victory against Williams.
“Я чувствую себя хорошо. Excited about the opportunity,” said Tucker. “He’s a tough fighter from Detroit. But I’m better. I’ve seen every kind of style there is. You can expect fireworks that night. Я 100 percent ready.
Detroit’s Ed Williams is coming off a unanimous decision victory over then 6-1 Кристон Эдвардс, last July at the MGM in Las Vegas. The 27-year-old suffered his lone career loss in November 2015 via unanimous decision to Marcus Beckford in Beckford’s home state of Louisiana. Как любитель, Williams was a two-time Michigan State Champion and a two-time Detroit Golden Gloves Champion.
I feel like this is a great opportunity to fight at home and on TV,” сказал Уильямс. “It’s the first fight at the MGM, first women’s bout to headline. There’s a lot of firsts going on that night and it’s a big stage, but I’m not afraid of anything. I don’t know much about Tucker other than he’s from Oho and he’s shorter than me. I’m just going to prepare for everything. One thing about meI’m a gladiator. If he doesn’t show up to go to war, I will get him out of there. Обучение будет здорово. I’m in Houston for this camp. I’m working on a lot of things and getting sharper and staying busy.
James Gordon Smith vs. Джошуа Грир, Младший. – Eight Round Bantamweight Bout
Opening the telecast will be an eight-round bantamweightDetroit vs. Чикаго” противостояние между Джеймс Смит (11-0, 6 КО) и Джошуа Грир, Младший. (11-1-1, 4 КО).
The 26-year-old Smith was a standout amateur, пойти 110-9 en route to a bronze medal at the National Golden Gloves. He holds an amateur win over current top-10 bantamweight Antonio Nieves.
Кузнец, a 5-foot-4, is making his ninth start in Michigan, his seventh in Detroit and first at MGM Grand. Шестилетний профессионал, Smith has been victorious in three consecutive matches since a no-contest on Feb. 6, 2016. Он сходит втором раунде над Новогодние двери last Jan. 22 in his fourth consecutive scrap at Masonic Temple in Detroit.
This is a great opportunity to better my career and keep moving it into the right place,” сказал Смит. “A victory would get me ranked and keep me moving up the ladder. Plus the world will get to see me for the first time. I want to put on a good show, no matter how it goes. I just want it to be a competitive and exciting fight.
Грир, a 22-year-old Chicago native, was a Chicago Golden Gloves Champion. He will be coming down in weight to face Smith, having normally campaigned around 120 фунты. He was last seen stopping Cristian Renteria in the fifth round in October of last year. Before that he took the undefeated record of the Dominican Republic’s Juan Gabriel Medina (затем 10-0, 9 КО) via unanimous six-round decision.
Greer suffered the lone loss of his career in the fifth fight of his career, a majority four-round decision against fellow unbeaten Стивен Fulton в декабре 2015.
I feel really good about this. I’m ready and can’t wait for it to happen,” said Greer. “I don’t know much about James Smith, but I know we fought the same opponent, Антуан Робертсон, and he got dropped by him. And I stopped him within 24 секунд первого раунда. Обучение будет здорово. I have the best sparring you can ask for, guys like Адриан Гранадос, Эдди Рамирес, Хэнк Ланди. I will be well prepared for this fight. If it was завтра, I’d be ready.
По цене $250, $150, $100 и $50, Билеты на “Detroit City Gold” доступны в, все места Ticketmaster или по телефону 800.745.3000.

Unbeaten Prospect & Cincinnati-Native Jamontay Clark Battles Nicaragua’s Santos Benavides in Undercard Action Saturday, Февраль 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati

Exciting Prospects Round Out Night of Action Headlined by
Adrien Broner Facing Hard-Hitting Adrian Granados
in Main Event
Цинциннати (Февраль 15, 2017) – Непобедимый перспективы Jamontay Кларк (10-0, 6 КО) meets Nicaragua’s Santos Benavides (25-11-2, 19 КО) in an eight-round bout that highlights an exciting undercard on Суббота, Февраль 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
The event is headlined by former four-division world champion Адриен Broner taking on hard-hitting contender Адриан Гранадос в SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС main event. Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan facing former two-time world champion Ламонт Питерсон and unbeaten light heavyweight contender Маркус Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Томас Уильямс-младший.
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, по цене $250, $100, $75, $50 и $30, не включая применимые сборы, и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести на сайте или по телефону 1-800-745-3000.
Additional action will feature unbeaten Indianapolis-native Curtis Hill Jr. (9-0, 4 КО) in a six-round light heavyweight bout against Cory Dulaney (5-3-1, 1 KO) and unbeaten Cincinnati-native Santino Turnbow (3-0, 2 КО) принимая на Joe Miller Jr. (1-1) in a four-round cruiserweight showdown.
Rounding out the night is Cincinnati’s Desmons Jarman and Honduras-native David Quay in a four-round super featherweight and Atlanta’s Tra-Kwon Pettis (5-2, 1 KO) facing Milwaukee’s Майк Фаулер (5-4, 2 КО) in a four-round lightweight contest.
An unbeaten prospect fight at home in Cincinnati, the “Тихий убийца” Clark picked up two victories in 2016 over increasingly quality competition as he stopped Elvin Perez in six rounds and earned a unanimous decision over Edgar Ortega. The 22-year-old last fought in his hometown in 2015 when he recorded a second round TKO of Joe Wilson Jr. and his fight on February 18 will make his third pro appearance in Cincinnati. He prepares to take on Benavides out of Chontales, Nicaragua who owns victories over Jay Krupp, Cody Richard and Joel Cerrud.
# # #
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place Суббота, Февраль 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT с непобедимым полутяжелом соперника Маркус Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Томас Уильямс-младший. в 10-раундовом вскрытии. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion Ламонт Питерсон.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook и

Heavyweight Разборки между Захватывающие Соперники Трэвис Кауфман & Амир Мансур Заголовки Премьер чемпионов бокса: Следующий раунд по Отказам пятница, Март 17 из Сантандера Arena в Reading, Пенсильвания 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Больше! Бывшее Название Challenger Эднер черри Сражение некогда избитый Омар Дуглас Хотя бывший двукратный чемпион мира Стив Каннингем выходит на ринг в Cruiserweight действиях
Билеты в свободной продаже!
ЧТЕНИЕ, Пенсильвания (Февраль 15, 2017) – Разборок между возбуждающих супертяжелом соперников Трэвис “Мое время” Кауфман (31-1, 23 КО) и Эмир “Хардкор” Мансур(22-2-1, 16 КО) Заголовки действий по Премьер Бокс чемпионов: Следующий раунд на подпрыгивать Пятница, Март 17 из Сантандера Arena в Reading, Пенсильвания.
Телевизионное покрытие на отскоке начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT и будет включать бывший титул чемпиона Эднер Вишневый (35-7-2, 19 КО) брать на некогда избитый Омар Дуглас (17-1, 12 КО) в 10-раундовом легкого боя плюс бывший двукратный чемпион мира Стив “U.S.S.” Каннингем (28-8-1, 13 КО) выйдет на ринг в 10-раундовом тяжелом притяжения. Самый последний Премьер Бокс чемпионов – Следующий раунд на отказов (Бесплатно. Февраль. 10) достиг 1.5 миллионы зрителей и доставленные серии записи для зрительской аудитории.
Кауфман Reading и Мансур Филадельфия встретятся в 12-раундовом бою в Пенсильвании-соперников, которые хотят пройти через другой на пути к выстрел титул чемпиона мира.
“Я очень рад за этот бой 17 марта” сказал Кауфман. “Я готовлю очень трудно, и я готов заботиться о бизнесе. Эта победа будет получить меня на следующий уровень. Амир является жестким бойцом, который никогда не был в плохом бое. Он отчаянный боец, который знает, что это его последний шанс сохранить свое место в качестве супертяжеловеса, так что я ожидаю увидеть лучший Амир Мансур. Я буду очень острым. Я ожидаю более высокую производительность, чем я против Криса Арреолы.”
“Это борьба, что в супертяжелой потребности разделения,” Саид Мансур. “Это два высших качества, столкнувшись лицом друг против друга. Я жесткий боец, который он когда-либо сталкивался, но он не является жестким бойцом, что я столкнулся. Я скажу, что он один из лучших боксеров в тяжелом весе. Он имеет огромные боксерские навыки, и я с нетерпением жду, чтобы смешивать его с кем-то, кто может боксировать и бороться.”
Билеты на турнире, которые способствуют Акции Короля, начинаются $20 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в кассах VF Outlet в Сантандер Арене, по телефону 800-745-3000, или на сайте
Местная достопримечательность борются Reading, Кауфман сын давнего тренера и промоутера Маршалла Kauffman. Кауфман выиграл свой первый 18 про драки и собрать победную серию 12-бой, прежде чем упасть Крис Арреола в потере разделенным решением, которое было впоследствии не управляло никакого решения. Кауфман совсем недавно остановился Джош Гормли в двух раундах в Сантандере Арене в сентябре прошлого года, и он вернется на арену рассчитывает увеличить свой статус в тяжелом весе.
Захватывающий боевик давления, 6-футовый-1 Отбивающего Mansour опытен и загрунтовать для возможности в лучшем случае в разделе. Он пошел 20-0 до потери 10-раундовом решение Каннингем в бою в апреле 2014 в котором он бросил бывший чемпион мира в тяжелом весе в два раза. В своем следующем запуске, Мансур выбит Kassi в седьмом раунде. В 2015, он outpointed Джоуи Дауэджко через 10 раунды в мае и воевал на ничью против непобедимого Gerald Вашингтона в октябре. Его последний выход видел его сбить затем непобедимым Доминик Бреазил перед тем, как вынужден уйти из-за травмы.
Вишня, из Wauchula, Штат Флорида., вступает в эту борьбу после победы Haskell Родос в июне прошлого года и 11-1 с 2009. Его только пятна начиная с 2007 являются потери Тимоти Брэдли и Малиньяджи в 140 фунтов и его вызов титул в 2015 против Хосе Педраса, в котором он упал раздельное решение. Вишня, который родился на Багамах, владеет победы над Висенте Эскобедо, Монте Меза Клей и Уэс Фергюсон и будет выглядеть, чтобы снять еще один претендент на его пути к другому названию выстрел.
Борьба из Уилмингтон, Делавэр, Дуглас выглядит оправиться после потери узкого решения бывшего чемпиона мира Хавьера Фортуну в ноябре. 26-летний впечатлил в двух предыдущих матчах, когда он победил соперника Frank De Alba в повышающего бой в 2015 и последовал за ним с седьмым раунде нокаутом Алексей Коллад в июне 2016. Дуглас был его последние пять боев в Пенсильвании после любительской карьеры, что видел его стать пятикратным Пенсильвания Золотые перчатки чемпиона.
Представляя великий бой город Филадельфия, Каннингэй возвращаются к действию после захватывающего вызова в тяжелом весе Кшиштоф Glowacki в апреле. Дважды чемпион мира в тяжелом весе, он победил Кшиштоф Влодарчик в 2006 захватить свой пояс, прежде чем защищать свой титул против Марко Хук через двенадцатого раунда техническим нокаутом. Он снова стал чемпионом мира в 2010 когда он остановился Трой Росс в пятом раунде. Опытный ветеран также имеет победы над ранее непобедимыми бойцами Амир Мансур и Natu Visinia и забил нокдаун Тайсон Фьюри в проигрышном усилии во время их 2013 конец.
# # #
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Отказов является наиболее быстро растущим афро-американским (А.А.) Сеть по телевидению и транслируется по широковещательным сигналам местных телевизионных станций и соответствующему кабель каретки. Сеть имеет программирования сочетание оригинальной и вне сети серии, театральные фильмы, Скидки, живые виды спорта и более. Отказов вырос быть доступен в более чем 94 миллионы домов по всей территории Соединенных Штатов и 93% всех афро-американских телевизионных домов, в том числе все телевизионных рынков сверху АА. Среди основателей Отказов знаковых американских деятелей Мартин Лютер Кинг, III и посол Эндрю Янг.
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Undefeated World Champion Battles Keith Thurman in Main Event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, Март 4 в Barclays Center в Бруклине

Danny Garcia Media Workout Quotes & Фото
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Премьер Бокс чемпионов
Филадельфия (Февраль 15, 2017) – Undefeated world champion Дэнни “Быстро” Гарсия hosted Philadelphia media at his training camp Среда as he prepares to face fellow welterweight world champion Кит “Один Раз” Турман в главном событии ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов, Суббота, Март 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.
Broadcast coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battling once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу, или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is what Garcia and his father and trainer, Ангел, должен был сказать Среда from DSG Boxing Gym:
Дэнни Гарсия
“В конце концов,, I prepare myself to be 100 percent ready for anything Thurman does. I’m a true champion because I’m able to adapt to anything he can bring.
Training camp has been crucial. We’re working hard and pushing ourselves to the limit. We’ve done everything we have to do so far. It’s almost fight time.
We’re just working smart and hard. We’re sharpening and working on a great game plan. I have to stick to the game plan and adjust if I have to.
I’ve been in a lot of big fights, so I can’t psych myself out. На Март 4 I’m going to show the world again why I’m a real champion.
There’s no better feeling than unifying the title. I did it at 140 and now I have the chance to accomplish my goals at 147. It’s up to me to take advantage of it.
There’s been a lot of trash talk, but come Март 4, that’s all over. We each need to do what we do best, и это победа.
I think I have a lot of advantages. One of them is that Barclays Center is like a second home. I’m the sharper, more patient and more battle-tested fighter. I’ll prove it on Март 4.
Thurman’s fight against Porter was a good fighter but I’m a different fighter than Shawn Porter. I bring a whole different skill set.
It feels good to represent my city. This is what Philadelphia fighters are all about. We rise to the occasion. I’ve been doing it my whole career.
There’s a lot of pressure on me to be the best. That’s what keeps me focused. I think about the eyes that are going to be on me and I have to go in there and look my best. These kind of fights really bring out the best in me.
ANGEL GARCIA, Отец Дэнни & Тренер
For me it’s an important fight every time Danny steps in that ring. We train the same way no matter who the opponent is. We have to take everybody very seriously. There’s nothing easy in life. From the beginning of his career to its end.
Thurman is undefeated but just because they call him ‘One Timedoesn’t mean he’s going to do that to Danny. My son has a great chin. We don’t know about Thurman’s chin. He hasn’t fought a guy like Danny. This is a good sight for Danny to take into even bigger successes.
Danny has power just like Keith. We’re not scared of him. This is the hurt game. You know you’re going to get hit. We just don’t know if he can take a punch.
You can bet your money on whoever you want. В конце ночи, I know what Danny is going to bring to the table. В конце ночи, he’s going to be the new unified champion of the world.


Just The Third Unification Between Undefeated Welterweights In Boxing History

ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представлен Premier Boxing Champions, Live on CBS From Barclays Center In Brooklyn

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Февраль. 15, 2017) – Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Томми Хернс. Феликс Тринидад против. Оскар Де Ла Хойя. Флойд Мэйвезер. Мэнни Пакьяо.

That is the elite company welterweight champions Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman will join when they meet in just the 10йunification in division history on Суббота, Март 4 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представлен Premier Boxing Champions, от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™, live on CBS from 9-11 p.m. И/6-8 p.m. PT.

Гарсия, the WBC titleholder, and Thurman, the WBA champion, will unify the exact same titles that Leonard (WBC) and Hearns (WBA) unified in their 1981 Бой года.

And while Hearns was undefeated and Leonard entered with one loss, Гарсия (33-0, 19 КО) and Thurman (27-0, 22 КО) will meet in just the third unification between непобежденным welterweights in boxing history, the первый since Trinidad vs. De La Hoya in 1999, a bout billed as “The Fight of the Millennium.”

Гарсия против. Thurman will be broadcast in Primetime on CBS, the first unification on network television in any division in over two decades (Заметка: Терри Норрис против. Paul Vaden at 154-pounds on Dec. 16, 1995 на FOX). It’s also just the second primetime boxing presentation on the CBS Television Network in nearly 40 годы.

While Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman are joining a who’s who of legendary 147-pounders, their showdown also presents current implications in boxing’s glamour division. With the retirement of pound-for-pound kingpin Floyd Mayweather, Garcia and Thurman, both just 28 лет, meet with a chance to become the new face of the stacked 147-pound division, and perhaps earn a spot on the mythical pound-for-pound list.

Более чем 80 percent of the total punches landed by Garcia are power shots, putting his high-octane power punch output nearly 10 percent higher than the welterweight average.

Keith Thurman ranks No. 4 amongst all current boxers in percentage of power punches landed, connecting at 48.2 percent according to Compubox. That’s more than 10 percent better than the welterweight average.

Both fighters are young, hungry and undefeated. Their bout on Март 4 is the quintessential career-defining fight. It is a chance for both to add to their growing legacy and potentially, в конечном счете, be forever linked with every boxing great in the coveted International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Заметка: Welterweight Unifications (9) In Boxing History

· Джеки Поля (НБА) W DQ 2 Joe Dundee (Всемирная) 7-25-29

· Шугар Рэй Леонард (WBC) KO 14 Томас Хернс (WBA) 9-16-81

· Donald Curry (WBA, IBF) KO 3 Milton McCrory (WBA) 12-6-85

· Simon Brown (IBF) KO 10 Maurice Blocker (WBC) 3-18-91

· Феликс Тринидад (IBF) W 12 Оскар Де Ла Хойя (WBC) 9-18-99

· Рикардо Майорга (WBA) KO 3 Вернон Форрест (WBC) 1-25-03

· Cory Spinks (IBF) W 12 Рикардо Майорга (WBA, WBC) 12-13-03

· Флойд Мэйвезер (WBC, WBA в суперсреднем) W 12 Маркос Майдана (WBA) 5-3-14

· Флойд Мэйвезер (WBC, WBA в суперсреднем) Мэнни Пакьяо (WBO) 5-2-15

Заметка: Curry-McCrory and Trinidad-DLH were matchups of unbeatens.

Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу, или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.


Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового боя ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов,Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising starЭриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по,, PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Caribe Promotions and Warriors Boxing Announce Co-Promotional Agreement with WBA Interim Cruiserweight World Champion Yunier Dorticos

Caribe Promotions and Warriors Boxing Announce Co-Promotional Agreement with WBA Interim Cruiserweight World Champion Yunier Dorticos
Warriors Boxing and Caribe Promotions proudly announce they have teamed up to sign Miami via Cuba’s interim WBA World Cruiserweight Champion, Cuba’s Yunier Dorticos, в ко-промо соглашение.
The power-punching Dorticos (21-0, 20 КО), originally from Cienfuego, Куба, won his interim championship with a “Бой года” candidate TKO 20 over France’s tough Youri Kayembre Kalenga in May of last year.
In his seven-year career, the 30-year-old slugger has also held the WBC Latino, WBA Fedelatin and USBA Cruiserweight Championships. Dorticos was also a heavily decorated amateur before defecting to the United States and had 257 концы. He stands 6′ 3″ with a massive 80″ достичь.
I have worked hard in my career and Caribe Promotions has helped get me to where I am now. I am a world-class fighter, and that comes with making choices to benefit my career and my team,” said Dorticos. “I am excited to join Warriors Boxing as my co-promoter along with my Caribe Promotions, because it gives me to opportunity to be under the guidance of a world-class championship team and take my career to new heights. Together with Caribe Promotions and Warriors Boxing, I will become the best 200-lb undisputed Cruiserweight Champion in the World.
Dorticos is slated to further legitimize his title by facing the WBA’s “регулярное” World Cruiserweight Champion Beibut Shumenov in his next fight. “My exiting fighting style and punching power will once again show all my fans and the world why I’m called ‘The KO Doctorand my next patient that I will prescribe my medication to is Beibut Shumenov!”
We are very happy to be working with such a top talent like Yunier Dorticos, whom I consider to be the closest thing to the great Joe Louis in boxing today,” said Luis DeCubas, Chief Operating Officer of Warriors Boxing. “I’d like to thank our partner Boris Arencibia for trusting Warriors Boxing to help guide his career. Dorticos will beat Shumenov. He’s another terrific Cuban fighter with a very bright future.
Caribe Promotions is proud to sign Yunier Dorticos to a co-promotional partnership with Warriors Boxing,” said Boris Arencibia, President of Caribe Promotions. “With the knowledge, experience and boxing network of Luis DeCubas and Warriors Boxing, we will be able to put our champion Dorticos on top of the world. ‘The KO Doctoris coming to clean up the cruiserweight division and will be recognized has one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world very soon!”
Andre Courtemanche
Big Media Buzz
(954) 302-2462

World-Class Dominican Boxers Payano, Marrero and Vicente Sign Long-Term Agreements with King Kong Boxing Management


Well-known Florida-based manager/trainer Herman Caicedo proudly announces the signing of three of his world-class Dominican fighters, former WBA Super World Bantamweight Champion and WBA #2, WBC #11 contender Juan Carlos Payano, WBA #3 featherweight ClaudioThe Matrix” Марреро, and well-respected featherweight contender YenifelThe Lightning” Висенте, to multi-year managerial agreements with Jay Jimenez of King Kong Boxing Management.
The deal frees Caicedo, who formerly held both duties with the three fighters since their amateur days, to focus solely on training, while Jimenez takes the reins over furthering their careers in the professional boxing business.
32-year-old southpaw Payano (18-1, 9 КО) won the WBA strap in September 2014 by stopping long-time world champion Anselmo Moreno. He then defeated and lost a rematch to Ohio’s Rau’shee Warren. He was last seen scoring a TKO 7 over Isao Gonzalo Carranza in January of this year.
King Kong Boxing exploded on the scene with (former interim WBA Heavyweight Champion) Luis Ortiz and has fast-tracked the careers of several Cuban fighters,” Said Паяно. “I am very happy to be working with Jay Jimenez. And my trainer Herman has always been very honest with us and protected us from the sharks in boxing. Through his philosophy of hard work and dedication, I became a world champion. I am happy he will now be able to concentrate on training, which he is the best in the world at.
Марреро (21-1, 15 КО) will face Peru’s Carlos Zambrano for his interim WBA World Championship, as well as the IBO World Championship, на Февраль 24 in Palm Springs, Калифорния.
Joining the King Kong team is great, but as we see it, we have been part of this team for some time,” said Marrero. “Jay has always helped us with anything we needed. It’s just official now. King Kong Boxing Management is looking to bring more superstar elite fighters to boxing’s forefront, through aggressive marketing and strategic alliances with top promoters in the business.
Висенте (30-3-2, 22 КО) is one of the world’s most exciting fighters. Currently riding a five-fight winning streak, the power-punching 30-year-old is a television favorite for his all-action fighting style.
Herman has done a great job with my training and my career,” сказал Висенте. “He has worked very hard for me and all his fighters. Now he will get some expert help from King Kong Boxing Management. I am looking forward to a very bright future working with these two great men.

Паяно, Marrero and Yenifel Vicente are superstar, elite-level fighters,” said Jimenez. “Payano is a former champion, Marrero a soon to be champion and Vicente on a fast track to becoming a champion as well. This is exactly what King Kong Boxing is interested in signing: the very best. I have no doubt that Payano will once again become champion this year. Working with Herman is easy and inspiring. He brings the same approach to his training that I do to management. He is professional, умный, and a no-nonsense worker.

I am very sad and ecstatic at the same time,” said Caicedo. “I have been a trainer/ manager for over 23 years and believe that the only way to develop a champion is to avoid the distractions in boxing, such as when some managers change coaches like they change underwear. К сожалению, most of the time fighters don’t have a say due to financial restraints or influence the manager might have. I did away with that as much as possible by doing most of the managing myself. King Kong Boxing is, намного, the best management team in the business. These three fighters are special to me because we debuted as pros and became champions together. But I have zero doubt I made the right decision for the guyscareer and future. I want to thank Jay from King Kong Boxing for the trusting in me to work with his fighters over the past few years and for having the vision in the signing of his newest additions.

Deontay Wilder Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Undefeated Heavyweight World Champion Battles Unbeaten Gerald Washington in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX &
FOX Deportes from Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Алабама
Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Премьер бокса чемпионов
СЕВЕРНЫЙ ПОРТ, Алабама (Февраль 14, 2017) – Непобежденный чемпион мира в супертяжелом весе Deontay “Бронзовый бомбардировщик” Уайлдер hosted a jam-packed media workout Tuesday at Skyy Gym in Northport, AL as he prepares to defend his title in primetime on Суббота, Февраль 25 в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов на FOX и FOX Sports унаследованного Arena в BJCC в Бирмингеме, Алабама.
Телевизионное освещение каналов FOX и FOX Deportes начинается в 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and also features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Тони Харрисони Джарретт Херд meet in a 12-round world title eliminator, плюс жесткий удар Доминик Breazeale сражения непобежденные Izuagbe Ugona в супертяжелом действий.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается DiBella Entertainment и TBG Promotions совместно с Bruno Event Team, начинаются $25 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Ticketmaster и на сайте
Here is what the Alabama-native Wilder had to say Tuesday:
Deontay Уайлдером
Gerald Washington is a tall, athletic fighter with good size and power. I don’t have the physical advantages and it’ll make the fight exciting. It’s two tall, athletic guys going at each other. It’s going to be an even playing field and there’s nothing like seeing a tall man go ‘timber’.
I prefer fighting taller opponents. I can see a lot of things easier against a taller fighter. I take every fighter seriously, especially when they’re eye level. I know that I can be punished if I make a mistake and if their experienced enough to capitalize on it.
Washington doesn’t know what’s coming for him. I think he’s overwhelmed with the excitement of having the opportunity to fight for a world title. He said a lot of similar things that I said coming up, but I don’t think he knows what Февраль 25 has in store for him. He’s facing one of the most dangerous fighters in the division and I’m glad that he’s saying he’s ready.
I’m glad there’s not going to be any excuses from Washington. I know he was already deep into training camp when he got the call. You have to always stay ready in this game. We’ve had the same amount of time to get ready as he has, so I’m not looking at this like a short notice fight.
Injuring myself in back-to-back rounds last time out was something I hadn’t experienced before. To go out there and fight through so much pain was tough but I’m the champion. Nobody is going to beat me. They’re going to have to take me out of the ring to make me stop fighting. I’m showing each and every time that I’m meant to be doing.
I think I’m close to unifying the belts. I think this year will be a big step forward. A lot of people are talking about it and my team is 100 percent on board with it. We’re taking the right approach to getting me in the position to get all the belts. There are going to be a lot of great heavyweight fights this year.
The progression of my left hand as a power punch has gone really well. Everything was kind of a blessing in disguise because each time I’ve had an injury I’ve been able to develop my relationship with my left hand and I’m looking forward to displaying something a little different that I’m going to take advantage of.
Everything is feeling really great right now but the real test will be when I get into the ring. We’ll see if I’m 100 процентов. I’ve been giving it my all in training camp and we’ll really see how it holds up when my fist hits his face.
Деонтай Уайлдер против. Gerald Washington is a heavyweight showdown between the WBC Champion Wilder and the unbeaten Washington that takes place Суббота, Февраль 25 from the BJCC in Birmingham, Алабама. Coverage of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes begins at 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT and features a pair of exciting matchups as rising super welterweight contenders Tony Harrison and Jarrett Hurdmeet in a 12-round world title eliminator, plus hard-hitting Dominic Breazeale battles undefeated Izuagbe Ugonoh in heavyweight action.
Дополнительные действия на FS1 и FOX Deportes начинаются в 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT and features unbeaten super middleweight Caleb Plant battling Ghana’s Thomas Awimbono and undefeated knockout artist Jorge Lara facing Jhon Gemino.
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