SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® Жить в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT From Cintas Center In Cincinnati, Огайо


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


Welterweight Main Event – 10 Туры

Adrien Broner – 146 ½ фунтов

Адриан Гранадос - 146 ½ фунтов

Судья: Earnie Sharif (Питсбург, Пенн); Книга судей: Robert Pope (Цинциннати), Phil Rogers (Youngstown, Огайо), Steve Weisfield (River Vale, N.J.)


WBA Welterweight World Championship – 12 Туры

David Avanesyan – 147 Фунты

Lamont Peterson – 146 ½ фунтов

Судья: Харви док (Ньюарк, N.J.); Книга судей: Robert Pope (Цинциннати), Phil Rogers (Youngstown, Огайо), Steve Weisfield (River Vale, N.J.)


В полутяжелом весе - 10 Туры

Marcus Browne – 174 ½ фунтов

Thomas Williams – 174 ½ фунтов

Судья: Ken Miliner (Цинциннати), Книга судей: Robert Pope (Цинциннати), Phil Rogers (Youngstown, Огайо), Stacey Blevins (Dayton, Огайо)

# # #



Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place Суббота, Февраль 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT с непобедимым полутяжелом соперника Маркус Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Томас Уильямс-младший. в 10-раундовом вскрытии. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion Ламонт Питерсон.


Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

71 st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship NOVICE SEMIFINALS RESULTS

Новая Англия Турнир чемпионов

LOWELL, Масса. (Февраль 17, 2017) – Many of the best novice boxers in New England competed last night in the semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, в историческом Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
To the delight of an always enthusiastic crowd, hometown-favorite Team Central had the most individual winners with seven, followed by Team Western (4), Team Southern (3) and Team Northern (1).
Nate Balakin dominated his bout and в следующий четверг night’s finals match with the other light welterweight winner last night. Alejandro Paolino, is one everybody is looking forward to seeing,”
Новая Англия Золотые перчатки Исполнительный директор: Бобби Руссо сказал. “Peter Maher looked very sharp as well in his impressive welterweight win.
To purchase tickets call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.с. Разовые билеты события также доступны для покупки, начиная с $16.00, только $7.00 для студентов.
Доходы от Lowell Sun благотворительных организаций Золотых перчаток чемпионата идут к отправке перчатки чемпионов Новой Англии Золотых в Национальном Золотых перчатки чемпионат (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), в дополнение к поддержке местных спортсменов и спортивные залы площадь, мальчики & Girls Club, суповые кухни, приюты для бездомных, рак средства, стипендии и многие другие большие благотворительные причины.
The finals of novice division in the New England Tournament of Champions will be held Четверг, Февраль. 23 Лоуэлл Memorial Auditorium.
Novice semifinals results and the remainder of the NE Tournament rounds are listed below:
(Победители указаны первыми)
Центральный N.E. (CNE), Northern N.E. (ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ), Южный N.E. (СНЭ), Western NE (WNE)
Novice Division
грузиков (114 кг.)
Shin Merinda (Хейверхилл, Массачусетс / CNE)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Orlando Vasquez (Джонстон, Род-Айленд / СНЭ)
Bantamweights (123 кг.)
Anderson Moreiro (Броктон, Массачусетс / СНЭ)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Tashwan Ward (Нью-Лондон, Коннектикут / WNE)
Легковесов (132 кг.)
Miles Bloodworth (Manville, Род-Айленд / СНЭ)
WPTS (5-0)
Дэнни Панг (Портленд, МЕНЯ / ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ)
Brian Zayes (Meriden, Коннектикут / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Трой Андерсон (Дорчестер, Массачусетс / CNE)
LIGHT полусредневесами (141 LBS.)
Nathan Balakin (Tyngsboro, Массачусетс / CNE)
WTKO3 (1:59)
Joe Hoopaugh (Ричмонд, Вермонт / ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ)
Алехандро Паулино (Нью-Лондон, Коннектикут / WNE)
WTKO3 (0:53)
Reuben Rouke (W. Wareham, Массачусетс / СНЭ)
Peter Maher (Arlington, Массачусетс / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Luis Garcia Rivera (Новый рай, Коннектикут / WNE)
Средневесов (165 кг.)
Furcy Ferreras (Пибоди, Массачусетс / CNE)
WPTS 3 (5-0)
Джош Сили (Фолл-Ривер, Массачусетс / СНЭ)
Свет тяжеловесов (178 кг.)
Ray Polanco (Роксбери, Массачусетс / CNE)
WPTS 3 (4-1)
Louie Hicks (Не. Smithfield, Род-Айленд / СНЭ)
ТЯЖЕЛОВЕСЫ (201 кг.)
Luke Yetten (Waltham, MA CNE)
WPTS (5-0)
Jamie O’Connor (Провидение, Род-Айленд / СНЭ)
супертяжеловесов (201+ кг.)
Stephan Moss (Холиок, Массачусетс / WNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Timothy Hatfield, Младший. (Провидение, Род-Айленд / СНЭ)
Victor Lobov (Malden, Массачусетс / CNE)
WPTS (5-0)
Джастин Рольфе (Fairfield, МЕНЯ / ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ)
Featherweights (125 кг.)
Katherine Zehr (S. Портленд, МЕНЯ / ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Rianna Travaglini (И. Хартфорд, Коннектикут / WNE)
LIGHT полусредневесами – (141 кг.)
Elizabeth Humphries (Agawam, Массачусетс / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Hannah Farda (Burlington, Вермонт / ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ)
Kimberly Peltier (Вунсокет, Род-Айленд / СНЭ)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Maya Rittmanic (Бостон, Массачусетс / CNE)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэлл Memorial Auditorium – 6:30 p.m. двери открываются, 7:30 p.m. Первый бой)
Новая Англия Турнир чемпионов
Начинающий Class Championship Finals – Четверг, Февраль. 23
Открытые Полуфиналы Класс – Среда, Море. 1
Открытый чемпионат класса Финал – Четверг, Море. 2
Новая Англия Золотые перчатки Исполнительный директор: Бобби Руссо
Директор Конкурсанты: Искусство Рамалхо
Главный должностных лиц: Laurie Purcell
Кольцо Announcer: Джон Vena
Место встречи: Лоуэлл Memorial Auditorium, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэлл, Массачусетс
Щебет: @LowellGloves



ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ® Extends Reach of Free Preview Weekend With Live Stream of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader At showtimeboxing.twitter.com


НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Февраль. 17, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports will live-stream the first ever boxing event on Twitter в эту субботу, offering fans the opportunity to watch and join the conversation during the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader headlined by popular four-division world champion Adrien Broner versus upset-minded Adrian Granados.


The unique collaboration with Twitter is an extension of the SHOWTIME Free Preview Weekend during which the premium network will be available to more than 73 million television households nationwide from Пятница, Февраль 17 through Monday, Февраль 20.


Twitter’s live stream of Субботу SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users on Twitter and connected devices in the United States and Canada. Access to the live stream will be available at showtimeboxing.twitter.com, in Twitter’s explore tab and on @ShowtimeBoxing.


“We are in the midst of an unrivaled run of seven live boxing events over an eight-week span on SHOWTIME and CBS,"Сказал Стивен Эспиноза, Исполнительный вице-президент & Главный Управляющий, Showtime спорта. “The sport of boxing is on the rise again, and the best and most meaningful fights are on SHOWTIME. With this unprecedented live stream on Twitter, we have the opportunity to reach boxing fans and casual observers everywhere with the industry-leading boxing programming we deliver to our subscribers on a consistent basis.”


“Twitter is where fans go to for live conversations about boxing,” said Anthony Noto, COO at Twitter. “Our collaboration with SHOWTIME Sports will provide fans access to the live video stream of Суббота night’s best-in-class championship boxing coverage and the live conversation all on one screen.


Субботу SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentation of Broner vs. Granados airs live at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT. В главном событии, former four-division world champion Adrien Broner will face the hard-charging Adrian Granados in a 10-round welterweight showdown. In co-featured bouts, WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan will defend his belt against former two-time champ Lamont Peterson, while 175-pound contenders Marcus Browne and Thomas Williams square off in a 10-round light heavyweight bout.


О Showtime Networks Inc.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), стопроцентная дочерняя компания CBS Corporation, владеет и управляет премиум телевизионных сетей SHOWTIME®, Movie Channel ™ и FLIX®, а также предлагает SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, Movie Channel ™ по требованию и FLIX ON DEMAND®, и сети авторизацию на обслуживание SHOWTIME В ЛЮБОЕ ВРЕМЯ®. Showtime Цифровой Inc., стопроцентная дочерняя компания SNI, работает автономного сервис потокового SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME в настоящее время доступен для подписчиков по кабелю, DBS и поставщики телефонной компании, и в качестве автономного потокового сервиса через Apple,®, Год®, Amazon и Google. Потребители могут также подписаться на SHOWTIME через Hulu, Sony PlayStation Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI также управляет Смитсоновский сети, совместное предприятие между SNI и Смитсоновского института, который предлагает Смитсоновский канал, и предлагает Смитсоновский Землючерез SN Digital LLC. SNI продает и распространяет спортивных и развлекательных мероприятий для выставки подписчикам на оплатой за просмотр через Showtime PPV. Для получения более подробной информации, перейти к www.SHO.com.


About Twitter

Щебет, Inc. (NYSE: TWTR) is the best and fastest place to see what’s happening and what people are talking about all around the world. From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, from big events to everyday interests. If it’s happening anywhere, it’s happening first on Twitter. Twitter is where the full story unfolds with all the live commentary and where live events come to life unlike anywhere else. Twitter is available in more than 40 languages around the world. The service can be accessed at twitter.com, on a variety of mobile devices and via SMS. Для получения более подробной информации, визит about.twitter.com or follow @twitter.


Former world champion Imamu Mayfield interested in tonight’s JonesGunn clash

Freehold , Нью-Джерси (Февраль. 17, 2017) – Former IBF World Cruiserwight word champion Imamu Mayfield has thrown his hat in the ring to face the winner of tonight’s Roy Jones, Младший. – Bobby Gunn WBF World Cruiserweight title bout that will shown LIVE on Pay-Per-View.

Mayfield of Freehold , New Jersey ended a eight-year hiatus in losing to then-undefeated heavyweight Dan Pasciolla, but came back to Knockout a game Anthony Caputo Smith in six-rounds on 12 ноября в Атлантик-Сити.

Mayfield’s longtime friend/manager Vinny LaManna is adamant that that Mayfield will have the right style to beat Jones or Gunn.

This is a fight we would love to have. Imamu is in great shape, and after his win over Caputo Smith, he has the confidence that he can beat any cruiserweight out there,” сказал LaManna. “Jones has beating lesser guys, and a win over either of them would catapult Imamau back into the rankings and then he can see his way back to the title. The fight would make sense as it would put two older guys together in a fight that would have meaning. I am rooting for Gunn tonight, Bobby is a gentleman. If Bobby can pull the victory off сегодня вечером, Mayfield vs Gunn would be a big draw in New Jersey because both guys live in the Garden State. The point being is simple, if Imamu can’t beat the likes of Roy Jones’s or Bobby Gunn than who can he beat?”

Веса от Уилмингтон, Делавэр Джонса против Gunn

“Умение против. Будет”

ЖИТЬ Pay-Per-View–Пятница 17 февраля
Уилмингтон, Делавэр (Февраль 16, 2017)Взвешивание в четверг взвешивании в для “Умение против. Будет” Pay Per View карта показывая будущий Зал Славы Роя Джонса, Младший. брать на Bare Knuckle Легенда Бобби Ганна. Шоу будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на оплату за начинающиеся на 9 PM ET/ 6 PM PT
Бобби Ганн 197.4 – Рой Джонс, Младший. 199
(Название WBF Тяжелый)
Канат Ислам 154.2 – Robson Ассис 154.6
Франк де Альба 130.2 – Немецкий Мераза 129
Джои Тибери, Младший. 136 – Брайан Тиммонс 138.2
Dan Биддл 214 – Ламонт Синглетэри 204.8
Olimjon Назаров 119.4 – Dagoberto Агуэро 118.6
Генри Стюарт 176.6 – Martez Williamson 190.6
Эдди Ортис 162.2 – Джефф Чиф Fens 157.4
Промоутеры: Дэвид Фельдман Акции, Нелсонс Promotions, Акции короля

Пятница, 17 февраля–Fight Night–Погоня ЦЕНТР

6:00 PM–Двери открываются
7:00 PM–1й бой
9:00 PM–начинается Pay Per View Broadcast

Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Уилмингтон, Делавэр 19801

Запланированные присутствовать бывшие в супертяжелом Ларри Холмс, Тим Уизерспун, Майкл Спинкс и Тайсон Фьюри

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Макгрегор / Мэйвезер переговоры; Футбольные заголовки так же опасны, как бокс в тяжелом весе; Обзоры и превью UFC; Федор против. Mitrione Bellator: превью и прогнозы

Тони, Рич и Том возвращаются с недельного отпуска с кучей вещей, о которых нужно поговорить. Из разногласий по поводу UFC Холли Холм 208 титульный бой в главном событии с Жермен де Рандами перед предстоящей битвой между Мэттом Митрионе и Федором Емельяненко, мы освещаем широкий спектр прошедших и предстоящих событий ММА. Мы также вспоминаем мастерское возвращение Ивана Барнчика в прошлые выходные против Абеля Рамоса в захватывающем боксерском матче.. Мы также изучаем боксерский график на предстоящую неделю.. Мы также обновляем версию Mayweather vs.. Переговоры Макгрегора с большим сюрпризом: UFC - большой камень преткновения на данный момент. Кроме того, мы обсуждаем недавнее исследование, показывающее, что футболисты могут понести такой же урон, что и боксеры-тяжеловесы, после долгой карьеры в спорте, где неоднократное попадание футбольных мячей может вызвать CTE у вышедших на пенсию игроков.. Мы также проводим время, обсуждая выход на пенсию Брока Леснара и скорое возвращение GSP..

Первая часть:

Часть вторая:

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez Set for pro debut on Knockout Night Boxing card

History Begins
Март 25 on CBS Sports Network live from Kanas Star Arena

2016 Бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр Нико Hernandez
Press Conference quotes below
(All pictures courtesy of Courtney Wells / Kansas Star)
MULVANE, Канзас (Февраль 16, 2017) – 2016 Olympic junior flyweight bronze medalist Нико Hernandez will make his professional boxing debut at home on Суббота, Март 25 (9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT) на CBS Sports Network. He will headlineKnockout Night Boxing: History Beginslive from Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Канзас.
A press conference was held today at Kansas Star to announce the show, as well as Hernandez signing a promotional contract with Knockout Night Boxing LLC, the promoter of the March 25й событие, in association with Kansas Star Casino and sponsored by Miller Lite. Neon Media Sports & Entertainment is the parent company of Knockout Night Boxing.
I reached the highest-level I could in my amateur career and it was time for me to turn pro,” Эрнандес сказал. “I’ve always wanted to make my pro debut in my hometown, Wichita. My plan is to do it like Теренс Кроуфорд has done in Omaha. I’m hoping it works out as well for me. I signed with Knockout Night Boxing because they’re really going to work with me and I like what they want to do.
The all-star announcing team forHistory Beginswill include Hall-of-Famer Джим “J.R.” Росс, Шон Уилок и Джо Варнер, в то время как Justin Roberts serves as ring announcer.
The 21-year-old Hernandezlong anticipated pro debut will be against flyweight Патрик Гутьеррес (0-2), fighting out of the fight capital of the world, Лас-Вегас (Невада), в главном событии с шестью раундами.
Hernandez was a highly-decorated amateur boxer (94-5) whose accomplishments, in addition to capturing a bronze medal at the 2016 Олимпиада в Бразилии, include eight-time Ringside World Championships and six-time consecutive Silver Gloves National Championships winner, а также 2014 National Golden Gloves gold medalist.
Патрик Гутьеррес (L), promoter John Anderson and Nico Hernandez
Undefeated rising junior middleweight star Neeco “Петух” Macias (14-0, 8 КО) берет на себя Артуро “El Toro” Crespin (13-8-1, 4 КО) в совместном матче из восьми раундов. Macias is a colorful, fan-friendly fighter from Palm Desert, Калифорния, who is the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) United States 154-pound division champion.
Kansas cruiserweight Джефф Пейдж, Младший. (17-3, 11 КО), will open the televised portion of card in a six-round bout against an opponent to be determined.
Scheduled to fight on the non-televised undercard, in separate four-round matches, are four Kansas boxers: Kansas State junior middleweight champion Efrain Morales (4-0, 1 KO) лица Брэндон Филипс (1-2); Тяжелый Chris Harris (2-2-2, 2 КО), в суперсреднем Марсио Наварро и в полулегком Eric Vargas (1-0, 1 KO) will meet opponents to be determined.
(L-Р) — Джефф Пейдж, Младший, Патрик Гутьеррес, promoter John Andersen, Eric Vargas and Efrain Morales
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
Цены на билеты $115.00 (удобная точка для обзора, Строки 1 & 2), $75.00 (напольные сиденья, Строки 3-5), $60.00 (напольные сиденья, floor rows after 1-5), $35.00 (lower bowl) и $25.00 (upper bowl). Suites seating up to 22 people are available to purchase for $2,500 (includes non-alcohol beverages and food). Tickets are available to purchase via pre-sale завтра (Пятница, Февраль. 17), начиная с 10 a.m. Коннектикут (use presale code: KOBOX), на www.kansasstarcasino.com/entertain/arena. Билеты поступят в продажу в эту субботу (Февраль. 18) на 10 a.m. Коннектикут на www.kansasstarcasino.com/entertain/arena, и
Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. Коннектикут с открытием бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. Коннектикут.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for Knockout Night Boxing.
Пресс-конференция Котировки
Нико Hernandez: “I want to thank everybody for coming here today to Kansas Star. I also want to thank my opponent for stepping up. I’m training hard and don’t take anything for granted. I hope to put on a great show.
Патрик Гутьеррес: “I want to thank Nico and his team. He represented our country so well and I’m honored to be fighting him in five weeks. Это большой бой, make or break for me. If I can pull it off, it’ll be a jump start for my career. I plan to put on a good show. I’m coming to fight and I’ll be putting in a lot of hard work.
Джефф Пейдж, Младший: “I want to thank everybody here. It’s been fun watching Nico fight and I’m blessed to be fighting on his pro-debut card.
Efrain Morales: Thank you for this opportunity. It’s an honor to be fighting on the same card as Nico’s pro debut. I’m grown up watching Nico fight and I’m excited to be on hi card,”
Eric Vargas: “It’s a huge opportunity for me to fight on Nico’s card. I’m coming out big.
Майк Гарроу, ГЕНЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ДИРЕКТОР, Neon Star Sports & Развлечения: “Во-первых, Я хотел бы поблагодарить, on behalf of‘Knockout Night Boxing’ на CBS Sports Network, all fighters here today and also those competing on the card, Суббота, Март 25й, at Kansas Star Arena. It is you that fans are coming to see and we are excited once again to provide a platform with ‘Knockout Night Boxingfor you to showcase your skills and dedication to the sport. That is one of the core philosophies of the ‘Knockout Night Boxing’ серия: to provide a platform for the stars of завтра – Cегодня – to shine on Saturday, Март 25й. Wichita’s own Olympic medalist, Нико Hernandez, will make his pro debut as he takes on Patrick Gutierrez from Las Vegas. History will begin!
In closing, we would like to thank you, fans and media, for coming out today to support ‘Knockout Night Boxingon CBS Sports Network and we look forward to you also being part of ‘History Begins’ в субботу, Март 25й.”
John Andersen, Промоутер, Knockout Night Boxing: “Let me start by saying what an absolute pleasure it’s been working with Kansas Star. Our mission Knockout Night Boxing is to help put Kansas on the boxing map. What better way to do that than announcing our signing of Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez to the Knockout Night Boxing Team? I feel having Nico fight in his hometown, in the main event on CBS Sports Network, is exactly what an Olympian like Nico deserves for what he’s accomplished, not only for himself, but for the state of Kansas. It is such an honor for us to showcase him in the main event, по национальному телевидению, for the boxing world to see.
This is a can’t-miss show, loaded with Kansas fighters like Jeff Page, Младший, Efrain Morales, Eric Vargas and others. Let’s not forget that ‘Knockout Night Boxingseries is known for putting on well matched fights and this card will not disappoint. Nico will have his hands full with Patrick Gutierrez. I also would like to announce the return of Neeco “Петух” Macias on our series. You guys will be in for a real treat watching this kid fight. He is one of a kind. Come support your very own Nico Hernandez in what will really be a can’t-miss show where ‘History Begins!”
Dan Ihm, Вице-Президент & Главный Управляющий, Kansas Star: “I’m very excited about today’s announcement of this event that will be held right behind me in Kansas Star Arena. We’ve hosted a lot of eventsequestrian, MMA and national entertainment actsbut this will be the first time it’s boxing. We’re very excited.
Pete Meitzner, City Councilor from Hernandezdistrict in Wichita: “On behalf of the mayor (Jeff Longwell) and City Council, we’re so proud of and excited for Nico. He’s elevated the excitement in this city (Wichita), state and country. For him to continue his story here in the next stage of his life is great. I want to thank Kansas Star and Boyd Gaming for all they do.
Adam Roorbach: Исполнительный Директор, Kansas Athletic Commission: “За прошедшие 2 1/2 годы, since I’ve been on the commission, we’ve had some great fights It’s exciting for Mr. Hernandez to make his pro debut in Kansas. I’m familiar with some of these other (боевики) faces from fights in Kansas and I’m glad they will be able to showcase their skills here on a larger stage. I’m looking forward to the fights.
Льюис Hernandez, trainer/father of Nico Hernandez: “This is an opportunity we’ve been waiting for a long time. I want to thank Patrick for stepping up. We don’t take anybody lightly. This is going to be a great fight.
Щебет: @Kansas_Star, @Neonstarmedia
Follow Nico Hernandez on Twitter & Instagram @Nicomhernandez

Erickson Lubin Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Unbeaten Super Welterweight Battles
Once-Beaten Contender Jorge Cota Суббота, Март 4 на
Представлено Премьер бокса чемпионов
Из Barclays Center в Бруклине
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/Prime 360
Орландо (Февраль 16, 2017) Непобедимый восходящая звезда Эриксон “Молоток” Любинhosted media at his gym in his hometown of Orlando Четверг as he prepares to face once-beaten contender Хорхе Кота Суббота, Март 4 in a 12-round super welterweight world title eliminator on ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленныйПремьер Бокс чемпионов от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™.
Broadcast coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by the welterweight world title unification showdown between unbeaten fighters Дэнни Гарсия и Кит Турман.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует ДиБелла Entertainment, начинаются $50 (не включая применимые сборы) и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу www.ticketmaster.com, WWW.barclayscenter.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is what Lubin and his trainer had to say Четверг:
I haven’t stopped training since my last fight on Декабрь 10. We have been full throttle since.
“Это большой бой. It is a title eliminator. It is at Barclays Center. It is on CBS. You’ve got Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman in the main event. It is 12-rounds. This is definitely what I’ve dreamed of. This is the kind of opportunity that I’ve wanted. Getting to seize the moment. Going out there, dominating the fight and going on to become the mandatory challenger for the title.
We always say that we aren’t training for the fight coming up, we’ve training for the title. I’ve prepared for this. To be the youngest world champion, we just saw Gervonta Davis do that and make history like that is a blessing. I can’t wait to go for that.
The fans can expect straight fireworks. I am going to go out there and dominate the fight. A lot of fighters say they’re going to do something, but I am the type of guy that says it and lives up to it. Март 4 fans definitely want to tune in.
[На “Молоток” ring name] “There are hammers in my hands. They punish and do damage. A hammer with fireworks is dangerous isn’t it?
It is my first time fighting in Brooklyn. I expect a lot of stars to be there. A lot of people having their eyes on me. I am expecting to become the mandatory for the belt and for everyone to know my name.
“2017 is a big year. To be in this position right now is a great start for the year and to become a mandatory challenger is bigger and becoming a world champion is the biggest. I want to be undisputed.
JASON GALARZA, Lubin’s Trainer
I’ve known Erickson since he was eight-years-old. He had an aura about him back then and he still has it. He continues to be a hard-working individual. He has this drive that most athletes don’t have, but the great ones do.
There are a lot of people that don’t know of him, but there are actually a lot that do. We are going to go up to Brooklyn and show the fans at Barclays Center and the world, what we do and what he is made of.
We have a family-based gym here. The guys that have been around Erickson from the beginning. We hit the road for the first two years of his career. We did our homework. I learned from a lot of top coaches, what to do and what not to do.
I learned what I should and shouldn’t do to train a professional, but you can’t teach the chemistry that he and I have. When you are in with him, you are all the way in.
People have told me that Erickson isn’t ready for Cota. Я считаю, что сейчас подходящее время. He pushes himself, he is a student of the game and always has been. The difference with this training camp from others is that we know who our opponent is. We have focused on that one individual, so we know.
I’m from Brooklyn and I haven’t been there in about seven years. So Erickson is bringing me home.
“а также «Ex on the Beach» на MTV. Он продолжил свой дебют в ММА в. This kid is very explosive. They will see a mature fighter at 21 лет. He will have so many more fans after March 4th.”
# # #
Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. Заголовки 12-раундового боя ЧЕМПИОНАТ SHOWTIME ПО БОКСУ на CBS, представленный Премьер Бокс чемпионов,Суббота марта 4 от Barclays Center, дом Бруклина БОКС ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Эриксон Любин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Кота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.

Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados Final Press Conference Quotes & Фото

SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® В эту субботу, Февраль 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий из Стефани Трапп / SHOWTIME
Цинциннати (Февраль 16, 2017) – Four-division world champion Адриен Broner and hard-hitting contender Адриан Гранадос пошел лицом к лицу Четверг at the final press conference before they enter the ring Суббота, Февраль 18 жить на SHOWTIME® from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
Кроме того, в посещаемости Четверг and competing in televised coverage beginning at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT were WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan and two-time world champion Ламонт Питерсон, who meet in a 12-round welterweight fight, and light heavyweight contenders Маркус Браун и Томас Уильямс-младший., who battle in a 10-round contest.
Субботу SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader airs during a SHOWTIME FREE PREVIEW WEEKEND during which the premium network will be available to more than 73 million television households nationwide from Пятница, Февраль 17 through Monday, Февраль 20. Viewers can sample the network’s award-winning programming on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME On Demand®, SHOWTIME В ЛЮБОЕ ВРЕМЯ®
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, по цене $250, $100, $75, $50 и $30, не включая применимые сборы, и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести на сайте www.ticketmaster.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000.
Вот то, что участники должны были сказать, Четверг from the Cintas Center:
Адриен Broner
I know everyone is used to me coming up here and being boastful. That’s not me anymore. I have a lot of respect for Adrian Granados and he’s a great fighter.
A businessman that can fight. That’s what I am nowadays. I’m not a sh*t talker anymore. I’m a businessman that knows how to fight.
My best knockouts come when I don’t go for the knockout. I look at my last fight and think to myself that it was terrible because I was looking for the knockout. I watch the Khabib fight, I didn’t look for the knockout and it came. That’s when the biggest knockouts come. I just want to go in there and put on a great performance for the hometown crowd.
I just want to put on a great performance for everyone in Cincinnati. It’s going to be a special atmosphere and I want to give them their money’s worth.
I’ve had an amazing training camp and I feel great right now. I’m very thankful to my team who has helped me get to this point in my career.
АДРИАН Гранадос
I’m excite for this weekend. Я готов идти. I’ve been through a lot but we’re ready. I’m not here to lay down. I’m here to take home a victory for Chicago and for my people.
Суббота I’m expecting a great fight. It is going to be a kill or be killed-type of fight. It is going to be a very exciting night for all of us.
People that think I’m an underdog don’t know me. They don’t know the tricks I have up my sleeve. I plan on thriving in the underdog position.
I’ve watched Adrien fight live on TV and in the arena many times. Spending eight weeks with him [в лагере], I think I know him more than most people.
I plan on winning in a stoppage or a unanimous decision. No matter what I’m leaving with a victory.
“Это будет великий бой. We have a lot of mutual respect. Mixed with my style, I know it’s going to be a good fight. I hope everyone is ready for a great show.
I’m very happy to have this fight in America. This is my second time fighting in the U.S. and I’m looking forward to keeping my belt after fighting Lamont Peterson в субботу.
I am excited to be fighting on a show like this. I hope that if I can get another win I can get even bigger fights and prove that I’m the best.
“Я готов к этому вызову. I know Lamont Peterson is looking to make this a great fight and I hope he brings it in the ring в субботу.”
“У меня был отличный лагерь. I’m thankful to my team for getting me ready for this one. We got some great sparring that has me ready for this fight.
I’m ready to take care of business в субботу ночь. I’m looking forward to it and I hope everyone enjoyed it.
We always want to be in good condition. Avanesyan switches from southpaw to orthodox a lot, which is something we had to be prepared for. We’ve sparred with guys from both sides and gotten a lot of good rounds there.
He’s a strong fighter too. You know a Russian fighter is going to come in with power. We made sure I’ll be able to match him anytime the fight gets rough. I’ll be ready for anything.
I think my speed will give him trouble. He’s been able to handle everything in the past, but that doesn’t mean I won’t have advantages. I’m the more experienced fighter and I have the skills to get the win.
I feel like I’m going to get him out of there. I’m predicting a late stoppage.
Маркус Браун
Top Dog can say what he wants to say. В Субботу night we’ll be Dog Whisperers. Make sure you tune-in for this one.
I’ve had a great training camp and I feel ready to get in the ring. Суббота night can’t come soon enough for me.
I’m thankful to have this opportunity to fight on a great card like this. I’ve seen guys like Adrien and Lamont in the ring for a lot of years and I’m proud to be up here with them.
“Я чувствую себя великолепно. It was an awesome camp. Everyone should buy a ticket or watch it on TV. Get there early and don’t miss my fight.
Marcus is a boxer and I know he’s going to try to kick and scratch every now and then. If you let him get comfortable, he’s going to get in a zone. My job is to make him uncomfortable and make him do the things that I want him to do.
Everybody who knows me, knows what I bring to the table. When I get in the ring you know what’s coming. Суббота ночь, ‘Top Dogwill reign.
RAVONE Littlejohn, About Billions Promotions
It’s finally fight time. Билеты начинаются в $30 for this great card. We’re excited to be promoting big events in Adrien’s hometown and the great boxing fans here.
Adrian Granados is a guy who we’ve had in camp with Adrien before. We know what he’s capable of and how hard he works. Everyone knows he’s coming to bring it.
Adrien has done a lot in this sport and he has a lot more left to do. I know he’s going to do it, and it starts Суббота ночь.
Both guys are going to get in that ring and give it their best. Adrien Broner will be victorious, but we like the challenge.
Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции
We’re very excited to be here in this wonderful city. It’s a great boxing town with a history of very good fighters from this area. Суббота night is an outstanding show from top to bottom.
Both of the Adrien/Adrian’s know each other very well. You want to watch Adrien Broner Суббота ночь. He’s going to put on a phenomenal performance that I can’t wait to see.
From top to bottom this is an incredibly exciting card and we’re excited to work with About Billions to give boxing fans another great event.
Стивен Эспиноза, Executive VP & Главный Управляющий, Showtime спорта
At SHOWTIME our mission is to bring fans the biggest, best and most meaningful fights in boxing. В эту субботу is no exception. These are three all-action and evenly matched fights. This is our third time in Cincinnati with Adrien Broner and this is the strongest card we’ve had here yet.
When we announced our slate of winter fights, there was one event that I circled and said, ‘this is going to be the sleeper.This is an all-action card.
Adrian Granados and his team did not hesitate one bit to jump at this fight. We know what type of fighter Adrien Broner is. He is a guy who will never shy away from a challenge. Whether you like him or not, Adrien always entertains and he always fights hard. I can’t wait for a great night в субботу.”
# # #
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place Суббота, Февраль 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT с непобедимым полутяжелом соперника Маркус Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Томас Уильямс-младший. в 10-раундовом вскрытии. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion Ламонт Питерсон.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Jermall Charlo Vacates IBF Junior Middleweight World Title

After Going Undefeated At 154 Фунты, Charlo
Moves To 160 pounds In Search of Bigger Challenges And World Title In
Tough Middleweight Division
Хьюстон, TEXAS (Февраль 16, 2017) – Undefeated champion Jermall Charlo relinquished the IBF junior middleweight title this afternoon in order to pursue bigger challenges and another world championship in the middleweight division.
Charlo, 26, who lives and trains in Houston, has a sterling record of 25-0 с 19 КО. He won the title with a TKO victory over Cornelius Bundrage on Sept. 12, 2015, и успешно защитил его три раза, defeating Wilky Campfort, former 154-pound champion Austin Trout and top contender Julian Williams. Charlo leaves the division after an impressive KO victory over Williams at the Galen Center on the USC campus in Los Angeles on Dec. 10, 2016.
Тони Харрисон (24-1, 20 КО) and Jarrett Hurd (19-0, 13 КО) will battle for the vacant IBF 154-pound title on the undercard of Deontay Wilder defending his heavyweight title against Gerald Washington on primetime on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes at the Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Alabama on Суббота, Февраль 25. Телевизионный охват начинается 8 p.m. И/5 p.m. PT.
Charlo’s twin brother, Jermell, still has the WBC 154-pound title and will defend it against Charles Hatley at the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Суббота, Март 11.
I’ve been thinking about moving to 160 pounds for a while now,” Charlo said. “It was a struggle for me to make the weight for the last title fight. Once I captured the title I defended it immediately, because I wasn’t sure how long I could hold the weight. I held it an extra year to fight Austin Trout and Julian Williams. I feel there are bigger and better things for me at 160 where I can still hold my weight and be stronger. The idea of being a two-time world champion is a big goal for me.
If there were a big fight at 154 pounds left for me, I’d stick around and wait for it. But there isn’t anything there that can be made quickly. And I wouldn’t fight my brother or my gym mate and close friend, Erislandy Lara.
Charlo’s trainer, Ронни Шилдс, is in favor of the move up to a higher division.
It’s a move that has to be made,” Said Shields. “He was definitely having trouble making that weight. No sense in holding himself down in making that weight. Going up to 160 pounds is a must. I think he does well there. He’s big enough to handle the weight. It’s not like we have to do anything special to compete at 160 фунты. That’s basically what he isa middleweight.
Charlo doesn’t anticipate any problems with moving up. He plans to make his middleweight debut soon.
I’ve been training for a couple weeks now. It’s like a mini-camp. I’ve been shaking out,” Charlo said. “We’re looking at May to be completely ready. I’m a big athlete already. I’m just looking forward to taking my superstar status and competing with the big boys up there.


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