McAllister KOs DjarbengAdds a WBO Title To His Collection of Championship Accolades

Ringside Report: Gianluca Di Caro
Photographs courtesy of Alistair Campbell

Six time, Five Division World Champion Lee McAllister not only successfully defended the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Intercontinental title he secured in Accra, Ghana back in March this year, but also added the vacant Dünya Boks Organizasyonu (WBO) Africa Zone Championship belt to his huge collection, following a fourth knockout of Ghanaian Richmond Djarbeng on the LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV event that took place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen on Saturday 29th May 2021.

Fifty lucky fans were ringside to watch the UK’s most decorated boxer in action, as LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV was the first boxing ‘test’ event in Scotland, which hopefully will lead to more fans, preferably up to full capacity, being able to attend boxing events from next month as the pandemic restrictions are relaxed further.

Millions more tuned in to watch the live and free to view the Globally broadcast event on FITE, VIVA LIVE, PPV LIVE as well as the numerous digital and linear channels that also carried the live broadcast.

There wasn’t that much action initially in the first round, so much so that world renowned Championship Referee Roger Barnor stepped in and ‘encouraged’ the protagonists to stop tentatively testing and throw some real punches in anger, which they did in style during the dying seconds of the round.

The first minute of the second stanza contained more action than the entire first round, albeit much of it being testing shots, well that is until around mid-point when McAllister burst into action, letting rip with a succession of blistering shots to send Djarbeng down to the canvas.

Have to say I was mightily surprised that Djarbeng was able to beat the count, ama o yaptı, and on the restart the ‘Aberdeen Assassin’ calmly strode over and let rip another flurry of scintillating powerful Exocets to body and head to send the Ghanaian to the deck for a second and surely final time – ancak, much to everyone’s surprise Djarbeng, kim acı bir sürü açıkça, once again managed to make it to his feet before Roger Barnor finished the count.

On the restart once again McAllister went on the attack, yet somehow Djarbeng managed to survive the onslaught and even let rip with some shots of his own.

Round three was an edgy affair, with both fighters working off their jabs, Djarbeng proved to be quite durable, I for one was surprised when he shrugged off some seriously vicious shots to the head as the round progressed.

The fourth was by far the best round so far, action wise, and once again the Ghanaian showed just how tough he was as once again he survived some seriously powerful shots, to both body and head, that clearly hurt him.

As the round progressed McAllister landed more big shots, after which Djarbeng would grab hold of the increasingly aggressive McAllister. This tactic didn’t do the Ghanaian many favours as the Aberdeen Assassin just kept letting rip and the inevitable happened, Djarbeng crashed to the deck for a third time following a huge right-left combination to the head, this time though Djarbeng just couldn’t rise to his feet and was clearly in a lot of pain. Referee Roger Barnor waived the fight off with just twelve seconds of the round remaining.

WBO Africa’s Samir Captan presented both Championship belts as PBC President Russell Jaques was busy co-commentating alongside Sportanarium Radio’s Trevor Lake.

Preceding McAllister-Djarbeng was a fantastic lightweight contest between Denny’s Kevin Traynor and Tilbury Village’s debuting Jay Cartwright, who stepped in with just a day notice after Traynor’s original opponent Nicaraguan Jose Aguilar failed to gain entry into the UK after flying in from Spain.

The first round was phenomenal, it was all action with both protagonists giving everything for virtually every second of the round. I couldn’t split them and neither could referee Roger Barnor.

Round two was another full on war, boy oh boy did these warriors go for it! However the pace had a seriously detrimental affect on Cartwright, he was out on his feet as he headed back to his corner at the end of the round, so much so that his corner summoned over Roger Barnor and retired his charge in the corner.

Plaudits to Jay Cartwright, he was expecting to be making his professional debut in Colchester on the 31st July 2021, yet bravely agreed to take the fight at very short notice, even though he had not had any time to prepare fully for this contest.

The third bout of the evening see Aberdeen’s Nathan Beattie in action against another late replacement, Belfast’s Marty Kayes who stepped in when Nicaraguan Christian Narvaez, who like Aguilar was refused entry to the UK after flying in from Spain as a replacement for original opponent Dundalk’s Michael Kelly.

At this point I think I should mention that it was Kayes’ wedding anniversary the following day and somehow got his wife Julia’s permission to cancel their planned evening out to take the fight, I think that may just set the scene perfectly.

Kayes was clearly in the mood for a good scrap, right from the opening bell of the contest he took control of centre ring and just kept forcing Beattie onto the back foot before letting rip with shot after shot.

It really wasn’t that much different in the second, don’t get me wrong Beattie landed the best shots by far in each round, just not enough of them to secure either of the rounds.

Beattie started to get more proactive in the third and again landed the most telling shots, but still it was the Irishman that was dictating the proceedings, the same in the fourth and final round.

At the end of four action packed rounds Nate Dog’s fans were clearly expecting their hero to secure the win or at worse a draw, but when Referee Lee Murtagh’s scorecards were announced they fell into a stunned silence as they declared a 40-38 points victory in favour of Marty Kayes

The second fight of the night pitted Aberdeen’s Craig Dick (2-0-0) against Essex based Lithuanian hard-man Tomas Vaicickas (1-2-0) in a four round Heavyweight contest.

Dick is a renowned heavy hitter and Vaicickas is extremely durable, so nobody could or would have expected the contest to come to it’s conclusion after just 47 saniye, ama yaptı, following Dick letting rip with a huge powerful hook to the body that sent the Lithuanian to the canvas just twenty seconds into the round.

I was surprised when Vaicickas made the count and continued but not that surprised he was to return to the deck seconds later following another big hook to the ribs.

The opening contest featured local big hitting youngster Liam Allan in action against Belfast’s Darren Burns

What a cracking opening round, both lads vying to control centre ring, some very tasty bombs were thrown by both protagonists, a cracking round to watch.

Both lads started the second stanza more cautiously, Burns was the first to throw a big shot, but Allan, who is remarkably agile for a big lad, moved just enough to prevent it landing, Allan then took to the front foot backing up Burns before letting rip with a huge right to send the Irishman to the canvas.

Burns made the count, but on the restart Allan moved in and let rip with a big left, followed by a left-right combination that rocked Burns, Allan continued the assault with another powerful left-right to send Burns down for the second time .

Again Burns made the count, this time Allan stepped in on the restart and let rip with a massive right to send the tough as nails Irishman down to the canvas where he ended doubled up, Referee Lee Murtagh was so concerned he immediately waived the fight off and summoned Burns’ corner and the medical team to the ring.

I’m pleased to say the medical team wasn’t needed and the official time of the stoppage was one minute and fifty four seconds off the second round.

Have to say it was really great to be at an event with fans in attendance again, even though there was only fifty allowed, it may sound crazy but even though the fans were instructed by the authorities to stay seated and just offer polite clapping at the end of the fights, the atmosphere was so different from the ‘behind closed doors’ events that had preceded over the past year.

For reference, as I am sure a lot of people will be wondering how Lee Mcallister was eligible to compete for the WBO Africa region Championship, this was explained on the British & Irish Boxing Authority’s website on the result page, which states; It should be noted that Mr McAllister was eligible to compete for the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Africa Championship due to his Ghana National Championship (and PBC Intercontinental Championship) victory over Collinson Korley on the 7th March 2021 in Accra, Ghana – it should also be noted Mr McAllister was eligible to compete for the Ghana National Championship as well as the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Africa Zone Championship due to family heritage.

Finally if you missed the live broadcast of LET BATTLE COMMENCE IV, you can still catch up as free to view replays are available on FITE at check listings for replays on your local TV listings or if in UK the entire event will be available on demand via Sports Channel Network (Channel 265 on Freeview.YouView) from next weekend.


Subriel Matias ve Gary Antuanne Russell Notch

Büyük Nakavt Galibiyetleri

Kişi içeren bir resim, spor, boks, atlama

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

TıklayınİŞTE Esther Lin / SHOWTIME fotoğraflar'dan için

TıklayınİŞTE Sean Michael Ham / TGB Promosyonlarından Fotoğraflar için

CARSON, CALIF.(Mayıs 29, 2021) -Nonito Donaire yine şampiyon. İlk dünya şampiyonluğunu kazandıktan on dört yıl sonra, "Filipinli Flaş", Hall of Fame referanslarını sansasyonel bir dördüncü tur nakavt galibiyetiyle pekiştirdiKuzey OubaaliCumartesi gecesi, Carson'daki Dignity Health Sports Park'taki SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING ana etkinliğinde WBC World Bantamweight unvanını yakalamak için, Halife. Premier Boks Şampiyonları etkinliğinde.

"Kral geri döndü,” Donaire daha sonra ışınlandı. “Ben sadece kalabalığı seviyorum. Bütün arkadaşlarım, aile, gelen tüm boks hayranları çok teşekkür ederim. Sizler harikasınız.”

38 yaşındaki Donaire (41-6, 27 KOs) şimdi 118 kiloda şimdiye kadarki en yaşlı dünya şampiyonu. Oubaali'yi bırakırken kariyerinin kartviziti olan sol eliyle başardı. (17-1, 12 KOs) toplamda üç kez.

"Bu yaşta olmak mesele değil, bu benim performansımla ilgili,dedi Donaire. “Büyüme yeteneğim hakkında. yaşının ne olduğunun önemi yok bence, ama zihinsel olarak ne kadar güçlüsün. dan öğrendiklerim [Naoya] Inoue kavgası geri döndüm. Hala bu seviyede rekabet edebilirim. Bütün zaman boyunca savaşmadım, öğreniyordum. Bir sonrakine hazırım."

Bir ilk turun ardından, Donaire ikinci günde işe gitti., Oubaali'yi aşağı yürümek ve gümbürtüyle karşı koymak. Donaire ilk nakavtını üçüncü devrenin başlarında kaydetti., Oubaali'yi ticari marka sayacı sol kancasıyla düşürüyor. Fransız dengesiz ayaklar üzerinde yükseldi ve Donaire atladı, Oubaali, raund bitmeden bir iki saniye önce başka bir sol kroşeyle yere düşene kadar daha fazla büyük şut attı. Tekrar, Oubaali ayağa kalktı, sersemlemiş ama savaşmaya istekli.

Dördüncüde son hızla geldi. Donaire, Oubaali'yi ustalıkla ringin etrafında döndürdü, sol aparkatın Oubaali'yi üçüncü ve son kez tuvale buruşturmasına neden olduğu yerde onu iplere tutturmak. Hakem Jack Reiss hemen iptal etti. Durdurmanın resmi zamanı 1:52 dördüncü turdan.

“Üç yıldır dünya şampiyonu olmak. Dokuz kez dünya şampiyonu. bu harika,dedi Donaire. "Buraya geldim ve kendimi gerçekten iyi hissettim.. Bugün tam olarak ne olacağını biliyordum. tam olarak ne yapacağımı biliyordum. Sanırım spor salonunda çok odaklandım. ben çok, çok odaklanmış. Geldiğimde gerçekten iyi hissettim ve bu fırsatı elde ettiğim için minnettardım..

"Bu gece dünyaya geri döndüğümü ve her zamankinden daha güçlü olduğumu kanıtlamam gereken bir şeydi.. çok sert bir adamdı. sonunda benim için düşünüyorum, daha sabırlı olmalı mıyım diye bir seviye vardı? yoksa bunun için mi gitmeliyim? Inoue savaşında öğrendiğim bir şey öldürmeye gitmekti.. Ve tam olarak bunu yaptım. sabırlıydım, ama onu dışarı çıkarabilecek kadar incindiğini biliyordum.”

Eş özelliği de, Porto Riko enSubriel Matias (17-1, 17 KOs) başka bir güçlü delme ekranı sundu, daha önce yenilmeyen kırmaBatyr Jukembayev (18-1, 14 KOs) Jukembayev'in köşesi sekiz perçinleme turundan sonra maçı durdurana kadar.

"Bence herkesin beklediği şey bu. Herkes bunun büyük bir savaş olacağını biliyordu.,"dedi Matias. "Ben nakavt mı olacağım yoksa Jukembayev e mi nakavt olacak, bu nakavtla sona erecekti.. Onu nakavt edenin ben olduğum için mutluyum."

Matias, kendini kümelenmiş bir bölümde en iyilerden biri olarak kabul ediyor, ama bu son galibiyet kolay olmadı. Kazakistan Jukembayev güçlü çıktı, ilk önce Matias'ın dikkatini çeken güney pençe duruşundan yukarı doğru bir sağ kanca-sağ aparkat kombinasyonunu indirdi..

Jukembayev ikinci golü attı. Matias üçüncüde ellerini bırakmaya başladı., kafa ve vücuda kombinasyon halinde atma. Her iki savaşçı da artık tamamen ısınmıştı., “Yılın Turu” için aday olabilecek dördüncü tur için zemin hazırlıyor.

Sert bir sol kroşe Jukembayev'i sendeleyip tuvale sürüklediğinde başladı.. Matias gösteriyi kapatmaya çalıştı ama Jukembayev devam etti, kafasını temizledi ve kendi atışlarını yapmaya başladı. Kıtada bir dakika kala, Jukembayev, Matias'ı sol çaprazla şaşırttı. perçinlemek yerine, Matias ateşe ateşle karşılık verdi, zil çalana kadar ayak parmaklarına hareketle kalabalığı koltuklarından çıkarmak.

Matias asla öne çıkmayı bırakmadı. Tek taraflı altıncıyı takiben, Jukembayev iki gözü şişmiş bir şekilde köşesine döndü. Jukembayev, Matias'ı raundun sonuna doğru iki sağ kancayla vızıldadığında, yedinci sırada bir ileri bir geri gitti..

Matias sekizinci turda sürücü koltuğuna geri döndü, Jukembayev'e iki yumruğuyla vurmak. Toplamda, Jukembayev'i geride bıraktı 100 yumruklar (234/608 için 134 /409) ve daha doğruydu (38.5% için 32.8%). Darbelerin birikmesi Jukembayev'in köşesini maçın durdurulmasını talep etmeye ikna etmek için yeterliydi..

Kaybedecek bir şeyi olmadığını biliyordu.. O geldi ve her şeyi güçlü yapıyordu,"dedi Matias. "Yapabileceği tek şeyin kazanmak için beni nakavt etmek olduğunu biliyordu.. Ben de aynı şeyi yapardım. Bu bir savaşçının kalbi ve benim tüm saygım var.

“Bu dördüncü turdan sonra, Yani o çok rekabetçi bir dövüşçü, bu noktadan sonra savaşa dönüştü. ellerim de ona gidiyor. Bu büyük bir kavga oldu. Kesinlikle çok iyi olan başka rakiplerim oldu, ama bana en zor sınavı veren bu oldu.”

Telecast açıcıda, Gary Antuanne Russell (14-0, 14 KOs) süper hafif sıralarda yükselmeye devam etti. Yenilmez Russell, sağlamlığı durduran ilk kişi olduJovanie santiago (14-2-1, 10 KOs), Hakem Sharon Sands, Santiago'nun köşesinin önerisiyle altıncı raundun ardından müsabakayı durdurana kadar Santiago'ya hükmediyordu..

"Amaç, adamı mümkün olan en kısa sürede dışarı çıkarmak ve yara almadan çıkmak.,"Dedi Russell. "Sadece Santiago'nun A sınıfı bir rakip olduğunu söylemek istiyorum.. Birçok insan Adrien Broner'ı yendiğini düşünüyor. Adrien Broner'ı şimdi istiyorum."

Ağabeyi ve WBC Dünya Tüy Siklet Şampiyonu Gary Russell Jr ile. onun köşesinde çalışmak, Gary Antuanne aksiyonu açılış zilinden kontrol etti. The 2016 Olympian jab'ı çalıştı ve doğrudan güney pençe duruşunun arkasında kaldı, ilkinde Santiago'nun kafasını birkaç kez geriye doğru.

Russell, 24, ikinci ve üçüncü sırada sola inmeye devam etti. Dördüncünün başlarında, üst katta kısa bir sağ kancayla kaburgalara doğru düz bir sol takip etti ve bu da Santiago'yu dizine düşürdü. Porto Riko'nun Santiago'su cesurca ayağa kalktı ve takip eden saldırıdan kurtularak raundun dışında kaldı..

"Benim için önemli olan, teker teker yürütmektir., ve teker teker, giderek daha fazla yürütüyordum. Babam bana cesede gitmemi söyledi., sağ kroşe üst katta. O buna açıktı,"Dedi Russell.

Russell, profesyonel kariyerinde ilk kez dört turun ötesine geçmesine rağmen yavaşlama belirtisi göstermedi.. Başkent Tepeleri, Md. ürün altıncı sırada Santiago'yu dövdü, çerçeve boyunca iniş cezalandırma kombinasyonları. Dakikalar sonra, maç durduruldu.

"Performans yapmak benim için kesinlikle önemli, bu yüzden sadece Gary Russell'ın küçük erkek kardeşi olarak tanınmıyorum.,"Dedi Russell, kim indi 146 arasında 444 yumruklar (32.9%). “Mükemmel bir dövüşçü geçmişinden geliyorum. Bir hanedan inşa ediyoruz.

"Ne kadar çabuk ringe geri dönmek istiyorum?? Deontay Wilder kartında savaşabilseydim, bu harika olurdu."

Cumartesi günkü SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING yayını Pazar günü tekrarlanacak, Mayıs 30 at 9 a.m. ET/PT, SHOWTIME ve Pazartesi günleri, Mayıs 31 at 10 um. SHOWTIME EXTREME'de ET / PT.

Tecrübeli spor spikeri Brian Custer, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING yayınına ev sahipliği yaparken, çok yönlü dövüş sporları sesi Mauro Ranallo, Hall of Fame analisti Al Bernstein ve üç bölümlü dünya şampiyonu Abner Mares ile birlikte her an aksiyonun üstesinden geldi.. Üç Onur Listesi üyesi SHOWTIME yayın ekibini tamamladı – Emmy® ödüllü muhabir Jim Gray, resmi olmayan skorer Steve Farhood ve dünyaca ünlü ring spikeri Jimmy Lennon Jr.. Yürütücü Yapımcı David Dinkins'di, Jr., Yapımcı Ray Smaltz ve Yönetmen Chuck McKean. Üç kez süper horoz siklet dünya şampiyonu İsrail Vazquez ve spor spikeri Alejandro Luna, İkincil Ses Programlama konusunda İspanyolca uzman analistler olarak görev yaptı. (SAP).

# # #

Light Heavyweight Khalil Coe Scores spectacular 2nd round stoppage in Pro debut

NEW YORK (Mayıs 29, 2021)- Khalil Coe looked like seasoned pro as he won his pro debut with an emphatic 2nd round stoppage over Nathaniel Tadd in a scheduled four-round light heavyweight bout at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

The bout kicked off the DAZN Stream

In round one, Coe dropped Tadd twice. The first knockdown came as he hurt Tadd with a body shot. Coe followed up with a flurry of body shots that sent Tadd down to the canvas. Coe went right back to that body, and landed a big uppercut and down went Tadd for a second time. Turda iki yılında, It was another left to the body that sent Tadd down for a third time, and the fight was stopped at 1:10.

Coe, 176.2 lbs of Jersey City, NJ olduğunu 1-0 Bir boşaltma ile. Tadd, 179 lbs of Houston is 2-5.

I think I did well. I listened to my corner, and executed the game plan. I had everyone watching and I appreciate everybody. We worked on a lot of body shots. “Big Steppa” işte,” said Coe

Coe is co-managed by Split-T Management’s David McWater and Keith Connolly, and is promoted by Matchroom Boxing.

Photo by Ed Mulholland / Matchroom Boks



Devin Haney (25-0 15 KOs) – defending WBC World Lightweight title against Jorge Linares

“I’m happy he said this was the best training camp and he’s in the best shape of his life. I want the best Jorge Linares so when I win that there’s no excuses and the world knows he came in 100 per cent.

“This is the time I’ve been waiting for; this is the moment and my time to finally shine against an incredible opponent and thinks he can put up a good fight and win against me. Bu benim için çok büyük bir fırsat, this is time to show everything I’m made of.

“Like Jorge said, this is a whole new level but I’m ready for it. It’ll be a very dominant performance; I think the world will be surprised at what kind of performance it is. I think even Jorge will be surprised at what type of fighter I am.”

Bill Haney – trainer and father of Devin Haney

“As you know, we’ve always talked about getting Devin in that right fight that will catapult his career, we believe Jorge Linares is that guy. We’re thankful to Linares for stepping up and giving Devin that opportunity to once and for all show that he’s an elite fighter.

“We have appreciation for Matchroom and how long you’ve been patient. We’ve both tried to get those names in the ring, finally now on Saturday we have that name in Jorge Linares. We hope that he comes and brings his all, we hope to have a healthy and very competitive Jorge Linares so Devin actually can show he’s an elite fighter.

“These are the kind of fights that bring out the best in a fighter. A young fighter like Devin with so much in his toolbox, arsenal full of different kinds of punches. It’s just a great opportunity, we want Jorge to come at his best and bring out those things so we can showcase to the people what a wonderful talent he is.

“You’ll see Devin make a statement, he’s ready for this moment. It’s a euphoric moment, now we get a chance to be on the big stage, our home away from home in Vegas, we look forward to Saturday night, it’s going to be amazing.”

Jorge Linares (47-5 29 KOs) – challenges Devin Haney for the WBC World Lightweight title

“I’m very excited to be here in Vegas again, I’m next to the lightweight world champion Devin Haney, so this is a big opportunity of my life. I had a great training camp in Japan for a long time with my brother but now I’m here. I’m very excited for Saturday night.

“I feel much better than before, against Kevin Mitchell, Anthony Crolla, Vasiliy Lomachenko, I think this is the best and more important training camp – a big opportunity in my life. I’m here a couple more days.

“I’ve fought a lot of big fights, 52 kavgalar, İngiltere'de, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Latin Amerika, this time I’ve come back to Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay. It’s in amazing fight against an amazing young champion, it’s so exciting to show everyone who I am, how much experience I have and how good I feel.

“I respect Haney’s comments, thinking about after this fight, talking about Lopez and everyone in the lightweight division. Me too, I’m thinking about being a champion again and then fighting with the best in the division. There’s a lot of good opponents and champions, I need to be ready for that again.”

Chantelle Cameron (13-0 7 KOs) – defends her WBC World Super-Lightweight title against Melissa Hernandez

“I’m delighted to be here, and I can’t wait to get in there Saturday and put on a show. I’m a natural fighter, I do what I do, I don’t talk much I just let my hands do the talking.

“I’m always spiteful but now it’s added a bit more spice into it. I can’t wait to get in there now and get down to the action.

“I’m not going to look past Melissa, she’s a former world champion and has got a lot of experience but I’m the better fighter. Things for me are going to go forward and I’ve got a long journey ahead of me – I’m not stopping here.”

Melissa Hernandez (23-7-3 7 KOs) – challenges Chantelle Cameron for the WBC World Super-Lightweight title

"Cumartesi, expect fireworks. Women’s boxing is back to stay, I was one of the pioneers and I’m here to prove that I still have it and pay homage to all the women that came before me.

“We busted out asses for so long to finally be on these huge cards and to be getting paid more than we used to. When I was fighting, our purses weren’t even enough to pay our rent, now we have women building empires off it – it’s amazing to be here.

“To clear things up about the banter that went on between us, it was taken out of context by somebody chasing clout. I heard what I heard, at the end of the day, the fight is happening. I’m happy I had that extra time to train because she’s a badass, I’m here to prove that I’m a little bit more of a badass.”

Jason Quigley (18-1 14 KOs) – defends WBO NABO Middleweight title against Shane Mosley Jr.

“This is a massive opportunity, big stage, capital of professional boxing here in Las Vegas. It’s a great platform for us to get on the stage, showcase our skills and give our absolute best come fight night.

“Once that bells rings there’s always going to be fireworks., especially with a great fight like this on the line. We both know what this fight means to us, we both know where this fight can put us in our careers. You can definitely expect fireworks come fight night.”

Shane Mosley Jr. (17-3 10 KOs) – challenges Jason Quigley for the WBO NABO Middleweight title against Jason Quigley

“I’m grateful to be a part of this, it’s a great card and I’m grateful to be here and have this opportunity. This is everything I’ve wanted; this is my opportunity. I’m going to take advantage of that and do my best.

“I’m in this sport because I want to be known as my own man, I want to be known as Shane Mosley Jr. That’s why I’m here and that’s what I’m going to do.

“That’s why they come to watch the fights, we put on good shows. Golden Boy, Matchroom, both put on great shows and that’s what we’re expected to do.”

Robert Diaz – VP/Matchmaker, Golden Boy Promosyonlar

“I want to wish both fighters good luck, I know once the bell rings you guys are concentrated on one thing only. This fight means so much to both Jason and Shane, it’s such an important fight, it’s a very even fight and a fight nobody wants to miss. They both know what a win on Saturday night is going to do for their career.

“I know both fighters very well, I’ve known Shane since he was a boy working with his father. I’ve known Jason since his pro debut working his whole career with Golden Boy – I’ve become very attached to both. They’re both very similar outside the ring, they’re gentlemen. There hasn’t been once bad thing said between them, but once that bell rings they’re not friends. Güven Bana, they’re both coming to knock each other out. May the best man win.”

Martin J. Koğuş (24-1-2 11 KOs) – faces Azinga Fuzile in a final eliminator for the IBF World Super-Featherweight title

“This is my time now to shine. Las Vegas, the bright lights and big city, that’s what I’m here for. To deal with this guy here, tüm iş var, I’m fighting on Saturday night for me. I’m going to deal with him in good fashion and show the US public who I am. Azinga Fuzile knows who I am, he’ll definitely know my name Saturday.

“Azinga is a good fighter, it’s going to make for good fight but I’m 100% confident I’m going to do a job on this guy. O iyi, slick fighter but I’ve definitely got all the tools in my arsenal to deal with him in good fashion on Saturday night.

“I’ve put it all in at camp, I’ve done all that I’ve needed to do, it’s all on Saturday night now. The talking means nothing, I’ve prepared, I’m mentally and physically there, I’m ready to put on a good show on Saturday night and excite the fans.”

Azinga Fuzile (14-1 8 KOs) – faces Martin J. Ward in a final eliminator for the IBF World Super-Featherweight title

“I’m ready for the fight, I’ve been preparing for three months for the fight. Ben hazırım, I can’t wait for Saturday to beat Martin. Sana söz veriyorum, Kırlangıç, Ben kazanmak için gidiyorum. I signed the contract to fight and that’s what I’m going to do on fight night.

“I’m too good for Martin. I’ve seen his videos, watched him fight, then I said I can fight him in a way that I can beat him easily. Önce, I didn’t know about him, when I was checking the ratings looking at the guys on top. I found out who he was when they said I must fight Martin Ward. He will know me better, who Azinga is and what he’s capable of.

“I won’t say how I’m going to beat him; you’re all going to see it on Saturday. My fight with Rakhimov, what happened, happened, I had to move on. Now I’m facing this guy, I need to take him out of my way. I’m ready to show the people of Las Vegas beautiful boxing.”

Khalil Coe – makes professional debut

“I’m looking forward to the journey with Matchroom, I already put on a show and I’m grateful to be on this card for my pro debut. The talent that’s going behind me, I want to stand out just as well as they do.

“This is what I’ve been waiting on my whole career, I never thought I would be signed with Matchroom so that’s a big plus. I’m going take advantage and do what I’ve got to do and put it on for the fans.

“There’s going to be a big difference. Some people just think I only have a right hand, I’m only a puncher, but I have footwork, elusiveness, and power. You never know what I’m going to bring to the fight.”

Reşat Mati (9-0 7 KOs) – fights Ryan Pino in his tenth pro fight.

“I’m looking to be active as much as possible. I’m looking for big fights, to get my name out there, you told me to go down to 140lbs, we ventured slowly, worked our way down and make a big impact.

“I’ve learned just to stay calm. In the amateurs it’s three rounds, it’s quick. The main thing is to stay loose, listen to your coaches and stay active as much as possible. It’s better to stay active because the times you have off tests you to how you come back to those adversities. First I’ve got to deal with this guy Saturday and then work our way to the next fight.”

Ramla Ali (2-0) – faces Mikayla Nebel in her third pro fight

“I can’t believe I’ve been given the opportunity to fight in the boxing capital of the world, Vegas, so early on in my career. I can only feel grateful, humbled, and honored to be part of such an amazing card. I love Jorge Linares, I grew up watching him, I think he’s amazing and him versus Haney is going to be electric.

“I think there was a little twitter war going on this morning, someone took what I said out of context. What I meant was you’ve got these amazing fighters in the world, Lomachenko, Kalkanlar, Katie Taylor, who have done so much in the amateurs, won everything there is to possibly win, if they wanted to fight for a World title in their first fight, they’d be deserved of it. I want to feel deserved of a World title and to feel like a World champion when I feel ready. I don’t want to be pushed into it when I don’t feel ready.

“I’m really excited for when those opportunities will arise, I never shy away from a challenge and if fighting those girls means that it’s the next step to a world title then so be it.”


WBC Bantamweight Dünya Şampiyonu Oubaali Bu Cumartesi Geleceğin Famer Donaire Salonu'nu Üstlendi, Mayıs 29 SHOWTIME Live On® Bir Premier Boks Şampiyonları Etkinliğinde
Carson'da Dignity Sağlık Sporları Parkı, Halife.

Tıklayın İŞTE Esther Lin / SHOWTIME fotoğraflar'dan için

Tıklayın İŞTE Sean Michael Ham / TGB Promosyonlarından Fotoğraflar için

CARSON, CALIF. (Mayıs 27, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight Dünya Şampiyonu Kuzey Oubaali ve gelecekteki Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire Perşembe günü, bu Cumartesi gerçekleşecek olan dünya şampiyonluğu karşılaşmalarından önceki son basın toplantısında yüz yüze gittiler, Mayıs 29 Carson'daki Dignity Health Sports Park'tan SHOWTIME'da canlı yayın, Kaliforniya., Premier Boks Şampiyonları etkinliğinin başlığı.

Basın toplantısında ayrıca sert bir yarışmacı yer aldı Subriel Matias ve yenilmedi Batyr Jukembayev, 12 rauntluk bir IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator için ortak ana etkinlikte buluşanlar, ve yenilmedi 2016 ABD'yi. Görkemli Gary Antuanne Russell ve Jovanie santiago, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING yayınını açan 10 rauntluk süper hafif bir çarpışmada karşı karşıya gelen 10 um. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Etkinlik TGB Promosyonları tarafından desteklenmektedir.. Biletler şu anda satışta ve'dan satın alınabilir.. Dignity Health Sports Park sınırlı kapasitede taraftarlara açık olacak, tüm konukların etkinlik boyunca sosyal olarak mesafeli ve yerel ve eyalet sağlık kurallarına tabi olmaları ile.

İşte savaşçıların Perşembe söyledikleri ise:


"Evet, tartıştık ama antrenman antrenmandır. Bir kavgaya girdiğinde, aynı şey değil. Her dövüş farklıdır ve Cumartesi günü Nonito Donaire ile harika bir şov yapacağımı biliyorum çünkü onun iyi bir boksör olduğunu biliyorum ama en iyisi olduğumu biliyorum.. Bunun için çok çalıştım ve şimdi savaşmaya hazırım. Bugün bokstaki en iyi iki ufak tefek sikletin Cumartesi günü dövüştüğünü herkese göstermek istiyorum..

"Evet, olağanüstü bir kariyeri var ve gücü var ama benim ondan daha fazla gücüm olduğuna inanıyorum. gücüm olduğunu biliyorum. O iyi bir boksör ama ben dünya şampiyonuyum ve Cumartesi günü dünyaya kimin en iyi olduğunu göstereceğim.. biliyorum ben en iyisiyim. Nonito'ya saygı duyuyorum. İyi bir kariyeri oldu ama ben bölümün en iyisiyim.

“Mücadeledeki fark, daha fazla kazanmak istiyorum olacak.. Tarih yazmaya devam etmek ve bu ligde dünya şampiyonu olarak kalmak istiyorum.. biliyorum benim zamanım. Bunu ondan daha çok istiyorum.

“Eğer galip gelirsem, neden bir sonraki savaşım birleşme için olmasın? Her seferinde tarih yazmak istiyorum ve bu benim motivasyonum. Buradayım çünkü boksu seviyorum ve her seferinde en iyi boksörlerle yüzleşmek istiyorum. Nonito Donaire ile karşı karşıyayım ve bu kariyerim için harika. Sadece savaşmayı seviyorum ve bu benim hayatım.”


"Şampiyonluğu kazanmak harika olurdu" 38 yaşında ve en yaşlı şampiyon oldu 118 kilo, ama devam edelim. Hadi yapalım 40. Hadi yapalım 42. beni durduran yok. Zihinsel olarak, Çok minnettarım ama aynı zamanda çok hazırım.

"Her zaman sağlıklıyım ve herkesle rekabet edebilmemin nedeni kendimi sağlıklı tutmam ve çok çalışmam.. daha azı yok 100 o spor salonunda olduğum her zaman yüzde.

“Çok dik kafalıyım, bu yüzden her zaman insanların yapmamı söylediği şeyi yapmam. İnsanlar zamanlarının geldiğini söyleyebilir. Ama benim de zamanım var ve her zaman zamanını kabul eden ya da bu kararı veren ben olacağım.. hala benim zamanım.

"Harika bir dövüş olacak. Oubaali bir nedenden dolayı şampiyon. Amatörler açısından bunu yaşadı ve burada yapıyor. Yani hiçbirini hafife almıyoruz. Ama bu mekanda birçok kez dövüştüm ve her zaman ilk etapta büyülü dövüşler yaparım.. Benimle her zaman büyülü olacak. Ben bir tekboynuzum.

"Bu dövüşteki fark benim açlığım olacak.. Benden küçük ama açlığım var. İkimizin de bir amacı var ve bunu harika bir dövüş yapacak olan da bu..

"Orada en iyi dövüşmek istiyorum. Naoya Inoue ile rövanş maçı istiyorum ve tüm kemerleri almak istiyorum. Boksta başaramadığım tek şey tartışmasız şampiyon olmak. diğer her şeyi yaptım. Yılın Fighter. Yılın Nakavt. Çoklu şampiyonalar. Dört bölüm şampiyonu. Adını koy. asıl amacım bu. Kemeri al ve hepsini bir araya getir.

“Bantamweight benim gerçek kilom. Heyecandan dolayı hep ağır ligde savaştım., the challenge and the lucrative offer or the names at that time. Şimdi, I’m here where I belong and this is where I’m really strong.

“The layoff will not be a factor at all. The time off helped me out. Just being out of the ring helped my body recover. And the eagerness and the hunger is there more than ever. It was a blessing for me.”


“I will be his toughest test without question and come Saturday night, everybody will find out why I’m saying that.

“I believe him when he says that he has the tools to get a stoppage on Saturday. But it’s not just a matter of saying, on Saturday night he has to prove it. If it’s going to come out of your mouth, then you have to prove it.

“İkimiz de nakavt sanatçılarız ve baktığımız şeyle, bu kavga bir kararla bitmemeli.

"Petros Ananyan'a karşı verilen mücadele hakkında söyleyecek pek bir şeyim yok.. kaybettiğimi görenler, kaybettim. bu konuda söyleyebileceğim bir şey yok. Ama boksu bilenler, ilerlediğimi ve geliştiğimi biliyorlar ve bunu cumartesi günü hepiniz göreceksiniz."


“Harika bir eğitim kampı geçirdim. cumartesi gecesi için hazırım. Onun iyi bir dövüşçü olduğunu biliyorum ama söz veriyorum hazır olacağım.

"Cumartesi gecesi nakavtla bitip bitmeyeceğini göreceğiz.. Size neyden yapıldığımı göstereceğim ve hepiniz göreceksiniz."


“Ben zarar işindeyim. O bir tembel. Eğer oraya gelip benimle takılmak isterse, gücümü hissedecek. Ne kadar zeki olduğumu görecek. Sadece zihinsel olarak değil, ama fiziksel olarak ellerimle. Dediğim gibi, zarar işindeyim. zarar vermeye geldim.

“İspanyolca eksikliğimi bağışlayın, ama ne göreceksin, ‘la violencia.’ Baskısını getirecek. Demetler halinde yumruklar getirecek ve getirebileceği tek şeyin bu olduğuna inanıyorum.. Antrenman yapıyorsa ve kendini benim dövüş tarzım için mükemmelleştirmeye çalışıyorsa, bu iyi. Buraya tek boyutlu gelmemelisin. Her taraftan bir elmas parlıyor.

“Söyleyebileceğim tek şey, bu mekanın kanın tanıtımını yapacağıdır., ter ve gözyaşı ve insanların büyük olma arzusu. I’m definitely one of them. I’ve been in the gym giving my blood, my sweat and my tears and I’m bringing all of that to this venue come Saturday night.

“I definitely want to stay more active. That’s always been my plan. The pandemic slowed things down. Fans always tell me they want to see me get back in there…I just tell them, me too. The fighters aren’t the ones pulling all of the strings. Should I be more active? Elbette. I want to be more active.

“I want to show that I’m the cream of the crop. I’m a superstar. The light hasn’t been shining on me because there’s a lot of other things going on. O zamana kadar, you’re going to have to wait and see. Come Saturday, it will be a great show. There will be some sparks and fireworks. Yatmak istemeyen bir rakibim var. O istekli değilse, Onu yatırmalıyım."


"Onun iyi bir dövüşçü olduğunu biliyorum.. bir olimpiyatçı. O genç ve savaşmaya gelecek. ben de savaşmaya geleceğim, yani dövüş erken biterse, o zaman erken biter.

"Yalnızca teker teker çalışmak zorundayım, yumruk atmak ve her seferinde bir tur kazanmak. Russell'ı yendikten sonra, herkes benim tarafımda olacak.

"Bu benim ağırlığım. En rahat olduğum yer burası. Ben her zaman 140 librelik oldum ve Cumartesi göstereceğim şey bu..

"Bu zaman, Gerçek kilomda savaşıyorum. Ben güçlü hissediyorum. Her gün çalışmaya geliyorum ve Cumartesi günü herkes neyle ilgili olduğumu görecek."

# # #

Oubaali vs.. Donaire, yenilmez WBC Bantamweight Dünya Şampiyonu olacak Kuzey Oubaali gelecekteki Hall of Famer'a karşı Nonito Donaire Cumartesi günü SHOWTIME'da canlı olarak uzun zamandır beklenen 12 rauntluk bir şampiyona karşılaşmasında, Mayıs 29 Carson'daki Dignity Health Sports Park'tan, Halife. Premier Boks Şampiyonları etkinliğinde.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIPde BOXING eş özelliğine göre, zorlu rakip Subriel Matias yenilmez alır Batyr Jukembayev 12 rauntluk bir IBF Junior Welterweight Unvan Eliminatöründe, yenilmezken 2016 ABD'yi. Görkemli Gary Antuanne Russell yüzler Jovanie santiago telecast'i açmak için 10 turluk süper hafif bir çarpışmada.

Etkinlik TGB Promosyonları tarafından desteklenmektedir..

Biletler şu anda satışta ve'dan satın alınabilir.. Dignity Health Sports Park sınırlı kapasitede taraftarlara açık olacak, tüm konukların etkinlik boyunca sosyal olarak mesafeli ve yerel ve eyalet sağlık kurallarına tabi olmaları ile.

Daha fazla bilgi için,, Heyecan @ShowtimeBoxing takip, Instagram'da @PremierBoxing ve @TGBPromotions @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing ve @TGBPromotions veya Facebook'ta şu adresten hayran olun:

Lineups set for King’s Promotions Day-Night Doubleheader on Saturday, June 5th at the 2300 Philadelphia Arena

Devar Ferhadi takes on Blake Mansfield in Afternoon Main Event
Brandon Robinson battles Genc Pllana in Nightcap Feature
Philadelphia, Pensilvanya (Mayıs 27, 2021)– A huge day and night of professional boxing is now set for Saturday June 5th at 2300 Arena içinde Philadelphia.

King’s Promotions will present two shows that will begin at 3 PM and 8 PM ET respectively.

Headlining the afternoon card will be super middleweight’s Devar Ferhadi (8-0, 7 KOs) of Frederick, Maryland and Blake Mansfield (7-3-1, 4 KOs) Burlington, North Carolina in a fight scheduled for eight-rounds.

Altı yuvarlak nöbetleri:

Greg Outlaw (8-0, 3 KOs) Bowie, Maryland taking on Andrew Rodgers (4-9-2, 2 KOs) of Elkhart, Indiana in a junior welterweight fight.

Joseph Jackson (16-0, 12 KOs) of Greensboro, NC battles Terrance Williams(5-4-1, 1 KO) Harrisburg, PA in a junior middleweight contest.

Edgar Torres (8-0-1, 4 KOs) Springfield, VA. kavgalar Keshon Hutchinson (7-5, 1 KO) Okuma, PA in a junior middleweight contest.

In four-round Contests Lawrence Murtagh karşı yanlısı ilk yapacaktır Christian Bermudez (2-0, 2 KOs) in a battle of Brooklyn based junior welterweights.

In a battle of first-timers, Isaac Haynes Albany, New York will fight Dörtlü Albright of Philadelphia in a junior welterweight bout.
The night action will feature a much anticipated eight-round super middleweight clash between Brandon Robinson (15-2, 10 KOs) of Philadelphia and Genc Pllana (8-1-1, 4 KOs) of Hagerstown, Maryalnd.

Altı yuvarlak nöbetleri:

It will be a battle of Keystone state lightweights as Osvaldo Morales (4-0, 2 KOs) Harrisburg, PA fights James Bernadin (3-0-1, 2 KOs) Lancaster, Pensilvanya

Jonathan Rodriguez (8-1, 3 KOs) Bethlehem, PA fights Sebastian Baltazar(1-4) Tacoma, Washington in a bantamweight fight.

Raşit Johnson (7-3, 3 KOs) of Philadelphia squares off with Rafiq Muhammad (4-0, 2 KOs) Richmond, VA ağır siklet mücadelesinde.

Khainell Wheer (4-1, 4 KOs) Bethlehem, PA takes on Vincent Baccus (4-2-1, 3 KOs) of Okmulgee, OK in a super middleweight affair,

In four-round fights.

Elijah Morales (7-0, 4 KOs) Trenton, NJ kavgalar Andres Abarco (2-4) Normandiya Parkı'nın, Washington in a welterweight contest.

Pro debuting Eric Monroe Philadelphia dövüşlerinin Roudly Lolo (0-0-1) Harrisburg, PA in a middleweight fight.

Both cards will be streamed live on

ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF $50 General Admission Tickets remain for both shows, ve arayarak satın alınabilir 610-587-5950 or at Pivott Boxing (2807 North 6th Street in Philadelphia, 215-398-5766)


“I’m transitioning that flair you saw from me on the football field

all into this sport.”

Former NFL Star Wide Receiver Chad Johnson Makes Boxing Debut In an Exhibition Against Versatile Fighter Brian Maxwell on Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV® Undercard Sunday, Haziran 6 from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

TıklayınİŞTE Mayweather Promosyonlarından Fotoğraflar için

HOUSTON- (Mayıs 26, 2021) – Former NFL star wide receiverChad Johnsonmade a name for himself throughout his storied career by combining elite on-field production with highlight-reel celebrations and an outspokenness that made him a household name. Şimdi, he will look to take that same formula into his boxing debut when he steps into the ring for an exhibition against versatile fighterBrian MaxwellPazar günü, June 6 as part of the Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV event at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

In addition to bringing his brand of entertainment to the event, Johnson compared his own boxing style to one of the sport’s most unique fighters.

“I’m transitioning that flair you saw from me on the football field all into this sport,” said Johnson. “To me, my style is like Emanuel Augustus. Once I got those basic fundamentals down to a tee, I could add that trickery to my game.”

A long-time fan and student of the sweet science, Johnson never believed that he’d have this opportunity to box on this stage. Ancak, once he received word from Mayweather and knew how long he’d have to prepare, he jumped on the chance presented.

“I never thought about stepping in the ring,” said Johnson. “I never thought there would be an opportunity to do so. But I love boxing. I’m friends with every boxer out there because I love and study all of it. I didn’t expect anything like this to happen. When Floyd called, the first thing I wanted to know, was how much time I had to prepare. Once I knew that I had enough time that I could look like myself in there, I knew I could pull it off.”

Always pushing the boundaries of what the public expects from athletes, Johnson will add another feather into what has been a remarkable career as an athlete and entertainer with this fight on June 6.

“This is a one-time thing,” said Johnson. “I’ve done some crazy things in life, and this is one to add and scratch off the bucket list. I’m coming in there to have fun and entertain.”

#          #          #


Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that will take place on Sunday, Haziran 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. The telecast, which is being produced by SHOWTIME PPV, canlı başlangıcı hava olacak 8 um. ET / 5 um. PT and can be purchased now at The undercard will feature WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal vs. two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 12-round rematch, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell. Biletler satışa Hangi

Daha fazla bilgi iç, Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo,@ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions@ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.

Tüy Ağırlığı Algısı Aaron Pico, BELLATOR'un Ana Kartı Sırasında Birmingham'dan Aiden Lee ile Buluştu 260 Cuma günü, Haziran 11 – SHOWTIME Live


Grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü, uygulama

Açıklama otomatik olarak oluşturuldu

LOS ANGELES - Bugün, BELLATOR MMA, Hayır. 6 sırada tüyAaron Pico (7-3) eklendiBELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovCuma günü ana kart, Haziran 11, nerede boğuşan asa karşı çıkacakAiden Lee(9-4), 145 kiloluk maçta. Mücadele Uncasville'deki Mohegan Sun Arena'da gerçekleşecek., Idare. ve SHOWTIME'da canlı olarak yayınlanacak 9 um. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Bellator 260 ağır siklet dünya şampiyonu tarafından manşet olacakDouglas Lima(32-8), 170 kiloluk unvanını yenilmez ve en üst sıradakilere karşı kim savunacak? Yaroslav Amosov(25-0).

Etkinlik, BELLATOR'un o zamandan beri Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde hayranlarının katıldığı ilk etkinliğine işaret ediyor.Bellator 239 şubatta gerçekleşti 21, 2020. Başlayan fiyatlarla sınırlı sayıda bilet $60 şu anda mevcuttur ve Ticketmaster veya'dan satın alınabilir..

Profesyonel MMA'daki ilk çıkışından bu yana 2017, Aaron Pico, yaygın olarak spordaki en parlak umutlardan biri olarak kabul ediliyor.. Jackson Wink dövüşçüsü, dünyanın en iyileriyle örtüşen bir güreş zekası sergiledi, Hem sol hem de sağ eliyle ona çarpıcı KO zaferleri kazandıran kısır delme gücü ile birleştiğinde. 24 yaşındaki oyuncu, BELLATOR kafesinde her seferinde istikrarlı bir büyüme gösterdi ve şu anda üç maçlık bir galibiyet serisi sürüyor..

Amerikan topraklarında ilk kez savaşıyor, 26 yaşındaki Lee, BELLATOR kafesinde üst üste üçüncü zaferini elde etmek istiyor. Yetersiz bir başvuru uzmanı, İngiliz, geçen Eylül ayındaki karşılaşmalarının ilk turunda Damian Frankiewicz'e karşı arkadan çıplak boğma ve Jeremy Petley'e karşı baş vuruşta çarpıcı bir kafa vuruşu nakavtıyla kariyerindeki dördüncü zaferini kazandı..

Ayrıca, BELLATOR gazisi arasında ağır sıklet dövüşüKyle Koltuk değneği (6-1) ve promosyon sosyetesiLevan Çokeli(9-0, 1 NC) bir ön maç olarak eklendi. koltuk değneği, San Jose'de AKA'dan kim antrenman yapıyor, Oklahoma Eyalet Üniversitesi'nde güreşti, iki kez All-American ve iki kez Big oldu 12 şampiyon. Bu arada, Chokheli, BELLATOR'daki ilk çıkışında sağlam bir ilk izlenim bırakırken rekorunu kusursuz tutmaya çalışıyor. 24 yaşındaki Gürcü, etkileyici bir 100% bitirme oranı, dokuz dövüşünün hepsinde son zili hiç görmemiş olmak.

Ayrıca ön karta eklendi, "Öcü," Lance Wright(5-1) Amerikan bölgesel sahnesinde etkileyici bir gösteriden sonra BELLATOR ilk çıkışını yapacak. Savaşmakla görevlendirilecekTaylor "Mezar Taşı" Johnson (6-2), BELLATOR kafesinin iki dövüş gazisi.

Tüm ön hazırlıklar şu adreste canlı yayınlanacak:5:30 um. VE 2:30 um. PT BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalında, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanalı ve Pluto TV. Tam maç listeleri aşağıdadır.

BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovAna Kart:

Cuma, Haziran 11 – Canlı GÖSTERİ ZAMANI

9 um. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Welterweight Dünya Ünvanı Ana Etkinlik: c-Douglas Lima(32-8) vs. #1-Yaroslav Amosov(25-0)

175-pound Sözleşme Ağırlığı Eş-Ana Etkinlik: #6Paul Daley (43-17-2) vs. #3-Jason Jackson(14-4)

Tüy Bout: #6-Aaron Pico (7-3) vs.Aiden Lee (9-4)

Ortasiklet Bout: Demarques Jackson(11-5) vs.Mark Lemminger(11-3)

Ön Kart:

BELLATOR MMA YouTube Kanalı | SHOWTIME Spor YouTube Kanalı | Plüton TV

5:30 um. VE 2:30 um. PT

Ortasiklet Bout: Kyle Koltuk değneği (6-1) vs.Levan Çokeli (9-0, 1 NC)

Tüy Bout: #9-Tywan Claxton (6-2) vs.Justin gonzales(11-0)

Hafif Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs.Bobby Kral (9-3)

Tüy Bout: Lucas Brennan (4-0) vs.Matthew Skibicki(4-3)

Tüy Bout: Amanda Bell(7-7) vs.Marina Mokhnatkina (4-2)

Hafif Ağır Siklet Bout: Alex Polizzi(7-1) vs.Gustavo Trujillo(3-1)

Orta Siklet Bout: Taylor Johnson(6-2) vs.Lance Wright (5-1)

*değişime Kart tabi.

Lütfen ziyaret Daha fazla bilgi için.

Marvin Cordova, Jr. & Robert Daniels, Jr. Join Fighter Locker stable

BOSTON (Mayıs 25, 2021) – Veteran boxerMarvin “Much Too Much” Cordova, Jr and promising prospectRobert Daniels, Jr. are the latest additions toryan roach’s growing Fighter Locker stable.

"Bay. (Levye) Burchfield (Cordova’s promoter) linked me up with Marvin,” Roach said. We had a few short conversations on the phone, and it just happened. Marvin is very passionate about the sport, and he’s read to show the worked he still has a lot left in his tank. He truly is a special fighter with a high-caliber resume including opponents likeVictor Ortiz veJoselito Lopez. He has a great team around him now and we are really looking forward to getting him going.

“Robert is a great young man coming from a family just like mine. I am ready to get him going with a great trainer inKevin CunninghamI am proud to add him to the Fighter Locker team. He is really a talented fighter that had a few bad breaks early on in his career. He had managerial issues and so forth. Look for Daniels Jr. during the next year!"

The 36-year-old Cordova (23-2-1, 12), is a super middleweight from Pueblo, Colorado. A solid amateur who was a bronze medalist at the 2002 ABD'yi. Under-19 and 2003 Polis Atletik Ligi, Cordova turned pro in 2014, but his pro career has been interrupted because spent 8 years in prison. He also defeated future pro world championDaniel Jacobs

"Ben 36 but a young 36,” Cordova said. “I started boxing at 4. I had 242 amateur fights and was chosen as one of the top amateur boxers in the country. I spent 8 years in prison, and it made me a better person and hungrier fighter. I have some unfinished business to take care of. I really beat Joselito Lopez (Lopez won an 8-round decision). I hit him with a big shot in the sixth round, but they let him stay down for 4 dakika, claiming he was hit low.”

In his last fight this past January, Cordova captured the NBA super middleweight title by stopping 56-30-3Hector Velazquez in round four, adding to his awards display case that also includes his Interim WBC Youth World, WBA NABA U.S. light welterweight, and GBU Youth light welterweight title belts.

“Ryan Roach believes in me,” Cordova noted. “I’m stronger and ready for the next step. I had talked with a friendJimmy Williams, about signing with a good manager. He told me Ryan was a good manager who loves his fighters and really cares about him. My promoter, ‘Mr. B’ (Jimmy Burchfield), hooked me up with Ryan. He calls to make sure I’m good and he can get me to the elite level once again.”

Daniels (4-0, 4 KOs) is the son of former WBA cruiserweight World championRobert “Preacher Man” Daniels (49-10-1, 41 KOs), who became world champion in 1989, when he decisioned the future Hall of FamerDwight Muhammed Qawi.

“There’s a little bit of added pressure as the son of a world champion boxer,” southpaw Daniels admitted. I’ve heard things like ‘he’s not going to be like his father, he doesn’t have what it takes to be world champion.’”

Now fighting out of West Palm Beach, Florida, Miami native Daniels is now trained by Cunningham. Managerial issues resulted in him fighting only four times as a pro during his nearly 5-year career.

“I was introduced to Ryan by my friendDaniel Bailey (a member of Fighter Locker), and I believe Ryan can get me to a world title,” Daniels remarked. “The main reason I signed with Ryan is I like his personality. He’s easy to talk with and before I even signed with him, he reached out to me to see how things were going. And that’s a big reason why I did sign with him.

“I was supposed to sign with managers are few times, but it never went anywhere, and I wasn’t getting fights. I have this great opportunity now and I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers include California super flyweightRocco “So Cal Kid” Santomauro (21-1, 6 KOs), Troy, NY ABF American West super lightweightRay Jay “The Destroyer” Bermudez(12-0, 9 KOs), Toronto, Canada welterweight West Haven, CT super welterweightJimmy “Quiet Storm” Williams (17-5-2, 6 KOs), Süper orta siklet“The Amazing” Shawn McCalman(7-0, 4 KOs), ABD'yi. Army super bantamweightDaniel Bailey, Jr. (5-0, 4 KOs), hafifLeonel de los Santos(2-0, 2 KOs), bir 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian, Boston featherweightTroy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), pro-debuting Dominican Republic welterweightJuan Solano, and Salt Lake City, 2016 Olimpiyat gümüş madalyalıYuberjen Martinez, Utah brothers, süper hafifIgnacio Chairez (8-0-1, 5 KOs) and lightweightGabriel Chairez (3-0-1, 2 KOs).



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Fighters Preview Showdowns Taking Place Sunday, Haziran 6 on Mayweather vs. Logan Paul SHOWTIME PPV Undercard from
Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

NEW YORK - (Mayıs 25, 2021) – WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal ve two-division champion Badou Jack, plus former unified world champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurdand veteran contender Luis Arias, previewed their respective showdowns on a virtual press conference Tuesday before they step in the ring as part of the SHOWTIME PPV undercard of Mayweather vs. Logan Paul taking place Sunday, Haziran 6 from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

Pascal and Jack will meet for a championship rematch in the co-main event of the pay-per-view, while Hurd and Arias square off for a 10-round bout also on pay-per-view. The telecast, which is being produced by SHOWTIME PPV, canlı başlangıcı hava olacak 8 um. ET / 5 um. PT and will also feature former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson making his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

Canlı etkinlik biletleri şu anda satışta

İşte savaşçıların Salı söyledikleri ise:


“I’m very excited about the rematch. I’ve been training in Puerto Rico since December. I’ve been waiting this whole time for the rematch and I’m ready. I respect Badou, but he’s always whining after he loses. The judges said I won the fight and that’s it.

“The first fight, in the first six rounds I did everything well. I might have gotten a little overconfident. I took it a bit too easy after that. The fight got close because of that knockdown he got that wasn’t from a real punch. Without that, it wouldn’t have even been close. We’re going to settle this June 6 Miami.

“I think I just have to pace myself a little better this fight. I got over excited because I’ve sparred with Badou before and know what I can do. I am a veteran, so I shouldn’t have gotten too excited like that. As far as knocking him down again in this fight, my mom taught me that anything you can do once, you can do twice.

“I do believe that Badou respects my power. If he doesn’t, then he better watch that fourth round again. But I also have skills with my power. I am naturally-gifted and I have the better skills. I was born for this sport and built to win.

“I really think the work in the gym will help so I don’t have ring rust. Ben bir usta değilim. I’ve been here and done that. At this age, it’s better to have more rest than to be over trained. I had the right intensity in camp to make sure I’m not over trained.

“He’s coming for revenge and I’m coming with bad intentions. Harika bir gösteri olacak, so make sure you tune-in for this one.”


“I’m feeling great with my new trainer Jonathon Banks. Physically I’m in amazing shape and I can’t wait. Another week and a half and it’s all going to happen.

“This has been in the works since our first fight. Last year Floyd called me and said, ‘it’s on.’ Then the pandemic hit and it got pushed back. There is a reason there is a rematch, because everyone knows who won that fight. It’s better late than never. I was back in the gym Monday after the first fight.

“There were three judges and Julie Lederman had it for me and the two other guys had never judged a big fight before. We have two judges for this fight: the right hand and the left hand. Bu kadar. I’m very confident for this fight and I’m not worried about the judges. I know Jean Pascal is a warrior, and I’m a warrior. Kavga sadece hazırım.

“Looking at the past, evet, I need to start faster. Her kavga, that can apply. I will listen to my corner, and we’re going to figure out how to win the fight. By any means we need.

“He can say whatever he wants about when I knocked him down. I hit him five straight times and he swung and missed and I hit him. That’s why he went down.

“This is going to be a firefight. We already know that. Tune in to this fight. Boxing is not a game and I’m going to show everyone that and try to steal the show.

“I’ve watched the last fight once or twice, maybe three times. I just need to make some small adjustments. You can always do better. I’m more confident than last time. I know we are both warriors. We’ve fought everyone. We’re the same age (Jack is 37; Pascal 38), even though I look a little bit better. I’m looking younger. Nobody has seen my birth certificate. I’m not really 37. I’m 27.”


“Training camp has been great. I haven’t fought in a year and a half, so I had a chance to really take my time with this camp. I’ve had a lot of time to put in the work. I’m training with fighters like Terence Crawford, Shakur Stevenson, Troy Isley and a lot more. We’re all out here working day after day.

“Arias is a great fighter. This is going to be the type of toe-to-toe fight I like. He’s going to be there in front of me and ready to fight. Durdu olmamıştı, so I’ll be prepared to go the distance.

“We’ve seen this story before from Arias. He talks a big game but look at his fights against top fighters. It doesn’t matter what weight I’m at, Arias knows what’s coming. I suffered a loss, but I got the win in my last fight and I’m on my way back.

“I just need a dominant win on June 6. Luis Arias can make it ugly, but I have to go win convincingly and let everyone know I’m back. I don’t want to win in a sloppy way, I want to look good doing it.

“He might think he’s catching me at the right time, but it’s not going to be a good time for him on June 6. I can box and I can bang, farketmez. We’ll decide on fight night which style I’m going to use. I know that I can beat him either way.

“I tried to work on my bad habits after my loss. I was a straight-forward guy who just came at you. I wanted to show in my last fight against Francisco Santana that I can use my height and range if I need to. I wanted to box all 10 rounds and I did that.

“I still have too much unfinished business at 154-pounds. I have a lot of fights, including my rematch against Julian Williams, that I still want to get. I want to regain my titles. Me and Jermell Charlo is probably the biggest fight at 154 hemen şimdi. I want to handle that before I move up in weight.”


“Camp has been excellent. Ben mücadele için heyecanlıyım. I think this is a perfect fight and a perfect opportunity. It’s a great matchup. I’ve been working on the right things to make sure I’m one hundred percent prepared for this fight and I think I’m catching Jarrett Hurd at the right time. He’s switching styles. He really doesn’t know how he wants to fight.

“When this fight was brought to me, he was ranked No. 1 at the Ring Magazine at 154 and that’s part of why I wanted this fight. Leonard Ellerbe asked if I was willing to fight Hurd, and I said one hundred percent. It’s all about challenging yourself. This is another challenge and I never turn down a challenge. I’ve been in there with the best and there’s nothing that Jarrett Hurd can bring to the table that I haven’t already seen.

“A win puts me right back in the mix. I’ve always been just one step away from really getting into the mix with the big guys. My last couple fights have all been just one fight away from getting that world title fight. Once I beat Jarrett Hurd on June 6, I’ll be right there with the big dogs. He’s calling out Jermell Charlo and he wants to fight all these other big names, but he’s going to have to get through me. If he loses to me, I’ll be in position for the fights that he wants.

“It’s going to be a hard fight. If he wants to bang, we can bang. If he says he wants to box, he’s not the better boxer. But there’s only one way to find out and we’re going to find out in two weeks. I have to do everything that I can do to make sure that I show up and I impress.

“I’m still young and I’m still fighting my way through. I just needed to make the proper adjustments. I’m not going to be a desperate fighter. I’m going to go in there and fight the way I fight. I’ve always had championship-level fighting in me, but I just haven’t shown it. This is a perfect opportunity for me to show it.

“I’m coming after him. Ben kazanmak zorunda. He’s not going to have to find me. Ben orada olacağım. If I have to box him in the middle of the ring or if I have to put my head in his chest and dog him out, then that’s what I got to do. From the opening bell to the final bell, if we make it to the final bell, I’m going to be on him. We’ll see what type of adjustments he makes, but I don’t feel he’s a better inside fighter than me and I don’t feel like he’s a better boxer than me.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Mayweather Promosyonlar CEO'su

“The world is buzzing about this whole event, including our terrific undercard with two great professional bouts. Hurd vs. Arias is going to be a scintillating bout. I’ve seen Luis up close and personal during this training camp and I know that he’s 100% prepared and ready to pull off the upset. Hurd on the other hand is looking to maintain his footprint in the 154-pound division and prove he’s the best at that weight.

“Pascal and Jack had a fantastic bout a year and a half ago on SHOWTIME. Açılış çan itibaren, those guys proved they are great warriors and we expect nothing less in the rematch on June 6. The fans are truly in for a treat on that night.

“The energy between these four fighters today has been incredible. As the promoter of this event, Heyecanlıyım, so I can only imagine what the fans are in for. Hurd and Arias are both looking to make a statement, and that’s going to roll right into Pascal against Jack, who are going to pick up right where they left off in their first fight.”

Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that will take place on Sunday, Haziran 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. The telecast, which is being produced by SHOWTIME PPV, canlı başlangıcı hava olacak 8 um. ET / 5 um. PT and can be purchased now at The undercard will feature WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal vs. two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 12-round rematch, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell. Biletler satışa Hangi

Daha fazla bilgi için,, Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo,@ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.

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