Лари Холмс, Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and Maureen Shea Partner on One With Life Tequila

Saratoga Springs, NY (Юни 10, 2021) – Undefeated undisputed lightweight world champion, Teofimo Lopez and his business partners, former world champions Larry Holmes, Ray Манчини, and Maureen Shea, announce release of One With Life Tequila Reposado ahead of his June 19 двубой. All four boxers have joined forces with former boxing promoter and One With Life Tequila founder, Lisa Elovich.

One With Life Tequila’s Organic Reposado, now available in select markets, is certified organic, kosher, sustainably farmed and additive-free. The 100% Blue Agave from which it is made is mature, healthy and single estate. It is harvested, produced, distilled and bottled at Tequila Las Americas, a third generation family agave farm, Nom 1480. The agave is slow roasted in a clay oven, shredded on a roller mill, fermented with a natural open-air process and distilled twice with well water in stainless steel tanks with copper parts. It is then aged six months in the finest oak barrels. The reposado is light in color. The nose is rich with sweet roasted agave, citrus, vanilla custard, cinnamon and hints of blackstrap molasses and toffee; finishing with a mild heat emanating green chilis. The bracelet around the neck of the bottle features a boxing glove charm.

“I am proud to own One With Life alongside boxing legends,” said Teofimo Lopez. “In addition to the amazing taste of the new reposado, the spiritual message of the brand reminds us that greatness is possible when you put in the work. You just need to trust that the universe is in your corner.”

Boxing Hall of Famer Larry Holmes adds, “Each partner put a piece of themselves into the reposado. ‘Hard Work Ain’t Easy, But It’s Fair’ isn’t just words for me. It’s how I’ve lived my life. No shortcuts!"

One With Life Tequila’s Reposado is the yang to the Blanco’s yin, which has a softer, more tranquil vibe. “Choosing between our blanco, extra añejo and reposado expressions would be like choosing between my kids! I love them all for their unique features,” said Lisa Elovich, CEO and Founder of One With Life Organic Tequila.

The Reposado and the other organic One With Life tequilas are now available online via ReserveBar.com and in fine retailers in New York, Флорида, New Jersey, Грузия, and California.

One With Life Organic Tequila is imported by MHW, Ltd., Manhasset, NY. За повече информация, посещение www.onewithlifetequila.com.

Непобедим Jamaine „The Technician“ Ortiz Визионер в куфари и ръкавици Народен шампион на Уорчестър

WORCESTER, Маса. (Юни 10, 2021) – Непобеден перспектива в леката категория Ямайн „Техникът“ Ортис (14-0-1, 8 Нокаута) е визионер, ясно вижда деня, в който става първият Уорчестър (MA) роден, за да стане световен шампион по бокс, както и като хедлайнер на шоу у дома пред хилядите му растяща легенда от фенове, и още много.
25-годишният Ортис, бивш Световен съвет по бокс (WBC) Световна младеж в лека категория, е насочен към величието и боксовият свят е видял огромния му талант в последните му две битки, и двете са представени на високопрофилни карти.

Неговото спиране в седмия рунд на Сюлейман Сегава (13-3-1, 4 Нокаута), който никога преди това не е бил спиран, миналия ноември на Майк Тайсън-Рой Джоунс, Jr. pay-per-event беше първият път, когато повечето фенове на бокса извън Нова Англия го гледаха в действие.

Той последва това представяне с още по-добро миналия месец по ESPN+, въпреки че се задоволиха със съмнително равенство от 8 рунда срещу непобедени Джоузеф „Благословени ръце“ Адорно (14-0-2, 12 Нокаута), в която повечето наблюдатели смятат, че Ортис заслужава победа.

„Виждал съм статуя на себе си в град Уорчестър… като Роки във Филаделфия,- каза Ортис, „Но не само за това, което правя на ринга. Аз съм част от този град. Аз съм народният шампион! Готов съм да направя всичко необходимо, за да стана световен шампион. Оглавявах предаване в Уорчестър, но искам да го направя на голяма карта с хиляди фенове, които ме подкрепят.”

„Шегувам се много, когато той говори, но подкрепям всяко дете, което има мечта като Джемейн,” Треньор на Ортис Роки Гонсалес отбеляза. „Това е начинът, по който всички ни учат в Worcester Boys & Клуб за момичета от Carlos Garcia. Ние вярваме в себе си и съм напълно с това. Всичко положително, просто го поддържайте положително.

„Мисля, че Джемейн се чувства така, както се отнася към Уорчестър, защото това е лично с него. Той е роден там. Той винаги е толкова позитивен във фитнеса с децата. Когато си най-добрият във фитнеса, всички гледат на теб, и това е начинът, по който е тук с Jamaine. Важно е малките деца да са позитивни, и в нашата фитнес зала е така. Голяма част от това се дължи на Jamaine.” DCU Center и новият Polar Park са единствените места в Уорчестър (разположен 40 мили западно от Бостън) способен да държи 5,000 фенове или повече за бокса.

„Джемейн Ортис в Уорчестър,“, добави промоутърът Джими Бърчфийлд (президент на CES), "е като Micky Ward до Лоуел (MA), Vinny Paz към Провидението (RI), и Джон Руис към Челси (MA). Ние работим всеки ден за Jamaine, както правим за всички наши бойци, и се пригответе за големи новини!"

„Заглавие съм и преди, в Паладиум, но се бият у дома пред 5,000 или повече фенове по телевизията би било чудесно,“, заключи действащият шампион на WBC United States Silver в лека категория Ортис. „Това е нещо, което очаквам като народен шампион. Вложих се в работата и изградих нарастваща фенбаза, което ще се превърне в бъдещи продажби на билети. Мисля, че може да ми отнеме да се бия по телевизията в Лас Вегас или Медисън Скуеър Гардън, за да се качат на борда случайни фенове на битките в Уорчестър.

„Много прогресивни и брилянтни служители на Уорчестър признават важността на привеждането на спортни събития от висок клас в района и имат страхотни планове за спортната общност в близко бъдеще,” Мениджър на Ортис Дик Шапи отбелязано. „Неотдавнашната покупка на Pawtucket Red Sox, филиалът на Boston Red Sox AAA от малката лига, е доказателство за това. Моментът е идеален в момента за Джемейн, тъй като той се позиционира да стане любимият син на Уорчестър и световен шампион. Феновете на бокса, останете на линия!

Устър е готов да отпразнува любимия си син. Идва Денят на „Техника“.!

ГЕРВОНТА ДЕЙВИС ЛАС ВЕГАС МЕДИЯ ЗА ТРЕНИРОВКА ЦИТАТИ И СНИМКИ – Четирикратният световен шампион Дейвис се подготвя за SHOWTIME PPV® Main Event Showdown срещу WBA в супер лека категория Марио Бариос в събота, Юни 26 от State Farm Arena в Атланта


Four-Time World Champion Davis Prepares for SHOWTIME PPV® Main Event Showdown Against WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Saturday, Юни 26 от State Farm Arena в Атланта

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Esther Лин / SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК за снимки от Mayweather Promotions

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Райън Hafey / Premier боксови шампиони

LAS VEGAS (Юни 10, 2021) – Four-time world champion Gervonta "Резервоар" Дейвис held a media workout in Las Vegas Wednesday as he approaches his showdown against WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios which headlines a SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Юни 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, ГДД Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба в момента и могат да бъдат закупени ticketmaster.com.

One of boxing’s biggest stars at just 26-years-old, Davis moves up to 140-pounds for the first time in his career as he aims to add super lightweight champion to his stellar resume. With a victory, Davis will hold world championships in three different divisions simultaneously, a feat only accomplished by a few fighters in history, including Henry Armstrong and Canelo Alvarez.

Here is what Davis, заедно с треньор Calvin Ford, и Мейуедър Промоции CEO Leonard Ellerbe, had to say Wednesday from the Mayweather Boxing Club:


“We can’t say who the bigger puncher is until we get in that ring and test his power. It doesn’t matter who is stronger, I want to be better than him across the board and in every aspect of the game.

“People who are here in the gym with me see a lot of things that I don’t need to bring out, even in my fights. Floyd is always telling me to box and use my skills, and don’t always look for the knockout. This camp we’ve actually been working on getting back to that and letting the knockout come.

"За мен, greatness is just not going backwards. I just want to keep going forward no matter what. No matter who’s in front of me, I just have to go through them. Where I’m from, a lot of people don’t make it out, so I’m doing something right. It doesn’t even have to be an opponent, it can be something outside of the ring. I’m always chasing greatness.

“My thing is just beat whoever is put in front of me. When it’s time, we’ll see who the top guy is. До тогава, I don’t need to speak on any other fighter than the one in front of me.

“Barrios and I have been through the amateurs together. He’s known what I’ve been doing. It’s crazy how life works out sometimes.

“I’m a team player, so whatever my team tells me has to be done to better myself, I’m all for it. That’s what’s made me so good. I don’t just stand out by myself. I have the best team in boxing.

“My last fight people complained that Leo Santa Cruz was too small, so I’m basically going out there and showing that a size difference doesn’t matter. I’m going to beat whoever they put in front of me. I’m trying to chase greatness.

“I’m definitely looking to walk down the bigger guy. He might feel like he can walk me down. I was definitely watching Floyd fight a much bigger guy in Logan Paul and taking a few pointers from it.

“I don’t know what Barrios will bring, but from my side, I’m bringing everything I’ve got. You know whenever I fight, I’m bringing something for the fans to enjoy.”

CALVIN FORD, Davis’ Trainer

“’Tank’s’ pay-per-view numbers opened up the doors for the rest of them. It’s because of ‘Tank’s’ social media. When people ask me why people gravitate towards himhe’s just like any kid that’s coming up from the inner cities. Look at basketball players – inner cities. Look at football players – inner cities. He’s showing them that if you put the right people around you and you put your mind to something, всичко е възможно.

“’Tank’, Девин Хейни, Teofimo Lopez and Ryan Garcia will be the Four Kings if the fights happen. Нека си го запази в реално. Точно сега, they’re doing the same thing that the Four Kings did at the beginning stage. All we have to do is sit back and let the minds that be, do their thing. It’s going to happen. All these fights that people want to see are going to happen.

“Have you noticed that ‘Tank’ don’t call anybody out? He never did. But if you put him in front of somebody, he’s going to show you. If you know ‘Tank’ from the amateurs, he’s going to show up in the ring. He’s like a baby Mike Tyson.

“The weight isn’t what I’m focused on, it’s actually the opponent. When I started studying the opponent, his coach and I go way back in the amateurs. When we see each other, we know each other. It’s about the minds. He knows his athlete and I know my athlete. Тази нощ, it’s about the minds. It’s about who is going to hold fast to what they’re supposed to be doing. That’s the fight for me.

“I wouldn’t say this is the toughest test of ‘Tank’s’ career because nobody can show me the best of ‘Tank’ yet. I know the best of ‘Tank’. Ya’ll ain’t seen ‘Tank’.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции

“From top to bottom this is one of those pay-per-view events that you don’t want to miss. Anytime you have the most exciting fighter in the sport, you know it’s going to be big. Don’t expect anything less on June 26.

“Coach Calvin Ford is a tremendous trainer who’s been with Gervonta since day one and they have a great game plan in place. I fully expect him to be able to execute. But Barrios is coming for him. He’s got a great trainer himself in Virgil Hunter and has made great progression with Virgil.

“We know this is going to be a tough fight, but Gervonta just has to figure it out from the opening bell. And I believe he’ll do that, but it will take some time. Barrios is looking to upset the apple cart.

“Gervonta is molding into his comfort zone. He’s becoming more comfortable with the media because he truly understands what he has in front of him. He knows that his ceiling is to be the biggest star in the sport. On the inside of the ring though, nothing has changed.

“The co-feature is a terrific bout with Erickson Lubin taking on Jeison Rosario. That’s going to be a very entertaining fight. A win for Lubin puts him one step closer to his ultimate goal. Lubin feels like he’s the best in the weight class and eventually right that wrong of his loss to Jermell Charlo. But he has a tough rugged fighter in front of him and that should be an exciting bout.

“Former unified champion Julian Williams is looking to bounce back against Brian Mendoza on the pay-per-view. Julian is obviously one of the top fighters in the division, and he’s looking to get back what he lost.

“In the opening bout the very tough Batyr Akhmedov is up against Argenis Mendez, who is always in go-mode. So it really shows you how highly entertaining this card is all the way through. I’m really excited to be back at State Farm Arena.”


За незабавно освобождаване: Milford, New Hampshire (Юни 9, 2021) - New England Битки (NEF) returns with its next event, "NEF 44: Back in Black,” on August 21, 2021 at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire. The show will feature both mixed-martial-arts (MMA) and kickboxing fights. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of an amateur title fight to the card.Nathanial Grimard(3-0) ще поемеBrandon “BAMF” Maillet-Fevens(3-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

Grimard and Maillet-Fevens were originally scheduled to meet at “NEF 43” last year until the event was indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grimard has not let the global pandemic slow down his fight aspirations. With New England states closed for MMA events, Grimard ventured south to Florida last February and again just last week, picking up back-to-back wins to open his amateur career at a perfect 3-0. The Exeter, New Hampshire native represents Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under UFC and Bellator veteran, and former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, Девин Powell.

“I’m very excited for this opportunity to fight for title,” said Grimard.  “I have been improving every fight, and I believe I have the skills and hard work to win the belt. I can’t wait to show my improvements in the NEF cage. I expect to see the best version of Brandon, and I think we will put on a great fight for August 21st.”

“Nate is exactly what you’d want in a fighter,” said Grimard teammate and Nostos co-proprietor Carol Linn Powell.  “He does BJJ, striking, борба, drills, здравина и кондициониране, spars smart, even puts the Gi on. He has been working so hard for this sport and never stopped when the world did. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of a title shot and I can’t wait to see him win that belt.”

Brandon Maillet-Fevens is one of the great comeback stories of NEF history. After losing his amateur debut at “NEF 36” in November 2018, Maillet-Fevens went on a three-fight win-streak, finishing all three of his opponents in those fights. In his most recent outing pre-pandemic, Maillet-Fevens defeated Tyler Knights (0-1) via second-round submission at “NEF 41” in November 2019. Maillet-Fevens represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) based in Lewiston, ME.

“It’s been a long year and half, but we never stopped working, never stopped perfecting our skills, because we knew this day was coming,” declared Maillet-Fevens.  “I think this is a very exciting matchup. You’ve got two proven finishers that are hungry to take that next step in our careers. I know we’re both ready to go in there, put on a great show, and leave it all in the cage. I’m grateful and excited for this opportunity and I’m looking forward to a great fight!"

“Brandon is one of those guys who shows up every day, works hard, never complains, and even when he’s not fighting he’s in the gym getting better and helping his teammates,” noted CMBJJ coach Jesse Erickson.  “He’s a role model for my up-and-comers. I’m very much looking forward to this contest!"

Tickets for “NEF 44: Back in Black” are on sale now atwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/The MMA and kickboxing event will take place at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire on Saturday, Август 21, 2021, със звънец на 7 pm.

За New England Битки

New England Битки ("NEF") е борба събития промоции фирма. мисия NEF е да създаде най-високо качество събития за бойци и фенове, така. Изпълнителен екип NEF има богат опит в управлението на бойни спортове, производство събития, Връзки с медиите, маркетинг, правна и реклама.



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LOS ANGELES – Liz Carmouche (15-7), who is No. 5 in the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, will face the promotion’s No. 3 ranked flyweight Кана Ватанабе (10-0-1) during the co-main event of БЕЛАТОР ММА 261: Johnson срещу. Молдавски в петък, Юни 25.

The Bellator 261 main card airs live on SHOWTIME в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and takes place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Кон. A limited number of tickets starting at $60 are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

Newly announced preliminary matchups feature a bantamweight tilt pitting Jaylon Bates (2-0) срещу Cody Matthews (1-1) and middleweight matchup between Тейлър Джонсън (6-2) и Ланс Райт (5-1).

The preliminary portion of Bellator 261: Johnson срещу. Молдавски започва 5:30 p.m. И / 2:30 p.m. PT and will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Спортен канал в YouTube и телевизия Плутон.

Bellator 261: Johnson срещу. Молдавски is anchored by an interim heavyweight title bout between No. 1 класирана Тимъти Джонсън (15-6) и Не. 3 класирана Валентин Молдавски (10-1). A featherweight fight featuring former title challenger No. 5 класирана Daniel Weichel (40-12) against Hawaii’s undefeated Кеони Дигс (9-0) and a light heavyweight re-booking between No. 10 класирана Кристиан Едуардс (4-0) и Бен Париш (4-1) have also been confirmed for the main card.

Additional prelims include a lightweight bout featuring No. 6 класирана Майлс Жури (19-5) срещу No. 7 класирана Сидни извън закона (15-4), a women’s strawweight fight pitting Лена Овчинникова (12-6, 1 NC) срещу Кира Batara (8-4), a light heavyweight contest seeing Лий Чадуик (26-15-1) срещу Simon Biyong (7-1), and a lightweight affair between Сьорен Назад (14-1) и Боби Лий (12-5).

Carmouche is a highly skilled veteran of the sport who joined BELLATOR’s women’s flyweight division in 2019 following a six-year run in the UFC. Бой от Сан Диего, the 37-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, засичане на двойка победи с промоцията. Since signing with BELLATOR, “Girl-Rilla” has rallied off two straight wins, defeating Vanessa Porto and DeAnna Bennett. Prior to Carmouche’s days as a professional athlete, Лафайет, Местният жител на Луизиана прекара пет години като авиационен електротехник в Обединения морски корпус на САЩ, където тя завърши три обиколки на служба в Близкия изток.

“I’m looking forward to getting back in the cage. I plan to end this fight with a dominant finish that stamps my name as the top contender for the belt,” Carmouche said.

Undefeated through 11 професионални мача, Japan’s Watanabe steps into the BELLATOR MMA cage for the third time in as many years. С frying-pan-bending сила, the 32-year-old judoka boasts an impressive 60% finishing rate and has bested fellow BELLATOR flyweights Alejandra Lara and Ilara Joanne since joining the promotion’s ranks. The NO. 3 ranked flyweight is looking to make a statement of her own and stake her claim to a shot at BELLATOR’s coveted 125-pound championship.

“I am very grateful to be given another opportunity to fight during these hard times. Liz Carmouche has tons of experience and has constantly been fighting the best which makes her without a doubt one of the best in the world,” Watanabe said. “I fully respect her in every aspect and am truly honored to face such an athlete. С това се каза, I am excited to take on this challenge to prove to everybody and myself that I have what it takes to become the best in the world. I want to win this fight in a convincing way, to open up the doors for a title challenge shot.”


БЕЛАТОР ММА 261: Johnson срещу. Молдавски Main Card:
9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Главно събитие на междинната титла в тежка категория: #1-Тим Джонсън (15-6) срещу. #3-Валентин Молдавски (10-1)
Flyweight Co-Main Event: #2Лиз Кармуше (15-7) срещу. #3-Кана Ватанабе (10-0-1)
Среща на основната карта в перо: #5- Daniel Weichel (40-12) срещу. Кеони Дигс (9-0)
Light Heavyweight Main Card Bout: #10Кристиан Едуардс (4-0) срещу. Бен Париш (4-1)

Предварителен Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube канал | канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube | Телевизор Плутон
5:30 p.m. И / 2:30 p.m. PT

Слънчев двубой: Лена Овчинникова (12-6, 1 NC) срещу. Кира Batara (8-4)
Лек мач: #6-Майлс Жури (19-5) срещу. #7-Сидни извън закона (15-4)
Лек мач: Сьорен Назад (14-1) срещу. Боби Лий (12-5)
Категория петел Bout: Jaylon Bates (2-0) срещу. Cody Matthews (1-1)
В средна Bout: Тейлър Джонсън (6-2) срещу. Ланс Райт (5-1)
Light Heavyweight Bout: Лий Чадуик (26-15-1) срещу. Simon Biyong (7-1)

*Карта подлежи на промяна.

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, посещение BELLATOR.com.

Undefeated Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez goes for 42nd victory vs. Sullivan Барера

Лос Анджелис (Юни 8, 2021) – Undefeated former World Boxing Organization (WBO) Super Middleweight Champion (WBO) Gilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (41-0, 27 Нокаута), who will be making his debut as a member of Golden Boy’s stable, goes for his 42ри professional victory July 9тата against world light heavyweight title challenger Sullivan Барера (22-3, 14 Нокаута).

Zurdo vs. Барера, presented by Golden Boy Promotions, will be streamed exclusively on DAZN, live from Banc of California Stadium, home of the Los Angeles Football Club (pro soccer), located in downtown Los Angeles.
“I’m very excited to make my debut with Golden Boy,- каза Рамирес. “LA’s the home to many Latinos and I can’t wait to share the moment with my people.

“Every fight is the most important fight of my career. Очевидно, the goal is to dominate the division and become world champ, and I do believe this match-up versus Barrera is a step in the right direction.”

There will be World title implications for the winner of the 12-round Zurdo vs. Барера Main Event. Ramirez is ranked No. 3 от Световната Бокс съвет (WBA) and WBO, както и Не. 5 от Международната федерация по бокс (IBF), which rates Barrera at No. 7 в света.

Ramirez, 29, was the first Mexican fighter to capture a World super middleweight title, which he relinquished to move up to the light heavyweight division. Той е 2-0 (2 Нокаута) as a 175-pounder, побеждаване Tommy Karpency (29-6-1) април 12, 2019, when Karpency was unable to continue fighting after four rounds, along with a 10th round stoppage of Alphonso Lopez (32-3) last December to capture the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) корона.

The 39-year-old Barrera was a decorated Cuban amateur boxer (285-27 рекорд), who was the middleweight gold medalist at the 2000 AIBA Junior World Championships. Барера, who defected to the United States in 2009 and settled in Miami, beat future pro world champions such as Чад Доусън, Shumenov Beibuи Mariano Natalio Carrera.
During the course of his 12-year pro career, Barrera is 3-3 срещу. past or present world champions having defeated Джеф Лейси (WTKO4), Каро Мурат (WKO12) и Felix Valera (WDEC10), losing to current WBA Super and IBF World light heavyweight champions, съответно, Дмитрий Биволъ (TKO12) и Джо Смит младши. (DEC10), in addition to Hall of Famer Андре Уорд (Декември 12).

“Barrera is a tough Cuban veteran with world-class experience,” Ramirez added. He’s fought the best in the past and shown why he’s been in many title fights against them. He even had a one-sided victory over the current WBO champions, Джо Смит, Младши “

Jesse Hart is the only common opponent; Ramirez won a pair of decisions in World super middleweight title fights against Hart, while Sullivan lost a 10-round light heavyweight decision to the Philadelphia boxer.
Билетите са на цена от $150, $100, $75, $50 и $35, excluding applicable service charges, and available to purchase at www.bancocaliforniastadium иwww.ticketmaster.com.

ИНФОРМАЦИЯ:Уебсайт: www.ZurdoPromotions.comInstagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotionsTwitter: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

United Fight Alliance Returns to Turkey June 17th for World-Class MMA & Кикбокс

TAMPA, Fla. (Юни 8, 2021) – United Fight Alliance (UFA) has announced it is heading back to Turkey to carry the June 17тата MMA World Mix Fight world-class event, featuring professional mixed-martial-arts and kickboxing, at Illusion in Antalya, Турция.

UFA CEOJordan “Jay” Adams will be calling all the action from cageside, live on TV 8.5 в Турция, and taped-live to tentatively air on the UFA network in July across the United States.

“We’re thrilled to be working with Turkey’s MMA World Mix Fight Organization,” Adams said. “They have been waiting a long time to produce this show. Their enthusiasm and anticipation is over the top. I can tell they can’t wait to present their athletes to the rest of the world. We now get to see their skill sets as only the region’s’ best will be on the card. Afghanistan, Мароко, Грузия, Иран, Turkmenistan, Angola, Iraq and of course, Турция, are all well represented in the cage on June 17тата in Antalya Turkey. United Fight Alliance will be there to make sure you don’t miss one second of fights!"

Three MMA World Mix Fight title fights are on tap. The main event is a battle between Turkey’sBayram Yalcin (13-2-0) иHabib Karimo (10-1-0), of Afghanistan, for the MMA World Mix Fight Featherweight Championship.

ТурцияHamdi “Wolverine” Kuzgun (7-2-0) квадрати сElmahdi Zineddine (11-6-0), fighting out of Germany by way of Morocco, in the co-featured event for the vacant MMA World Mix Fight middleweight title.

The third title fight matches undefeated TurkKoray Cengiz (8-0-0), срещуVaja Matcharashvili (4-4-0), на Грузия, for the vacant MMA World Mix Fight Heavyweight crown.

There are two other scheduled MMA fights on the card: Turkey female strawweightSedef Arsian (0-1-0 срещу. IranianFatime Yavari (0-1-0), and Iraq featherweightHamza Nahma (10-3-0) срещу. РускиAkhmed Erzu Akrieve (7-1-0).

Three kickboxing fights are also on tap. WAKO World kickboxing championBahram Rajabzadeh (30-3-1), Азербайджан, versus heavyweightMohammed Amine (25-4-0), fighting out of Morocco by way of Netherland, showcases two of the best kickboxers in Europe.

Turkey’s World kickboxing and Muay Thai championMehmet Koktas (10-3-0), throws down with South African middleweightMateus Mengue (9-1-0), while Turkish heavyweightMehmet “Mountain” Ozer (15-5-0) takes on IranianMuhammad Abdollahpor (9-3-0).  


Уебсайт:  www.UnitedFightAlliance.com

Facebook: /Brawlcall

Кикотене: @brawlcall

Instagram: @brawlcall

Future Combat Sports Queen Amanda Serrano headlines iKON 7 MMA event this Friday

LAS VEGAS (Юни 7, 2021) – Pure and simple, Аманда "The Real Deal" Serrano is a true fighter, whether it’s in a cage, ring or on a mat. Someday, she could very well be legitimately known as the “Queen of Combat Sports.”

The 10-time, 7 division world boxing champion headlines this Friday night’s икона 7, presented by iKON Fighting Federation, the mixed-martial-arts division of Roy Jones Jr. Бокс, at Benito Juarez Auditorium in Los Mochis, Синалоа, Мексико.

икона 7 will be streamed live and exclusively June 11th on UFC FIGHT PASS®, като се започне от 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT. За да се регистрирате за UFC FIGHT PASS, Водещата в света цифров абонаментна услуга за бойни спортове, моля, посетете www.ufcfightpass.com or download the UFC app.

Universally recognized as unquestionably one of the top three women boxers in the world today, joining Кейти Тейлър и Claressa Шийлдс, the Puerto Rico-native Serrano, биете от Brooklyn, Ню Йорк, е 1-0-1 in mixed-martial-arts competition. She will face pro-debuting Valentia Garcia, на Мексико, в икона 7 Main Event.

“It’s an honor to headline iKON 7,” Serrano said. “It is a fast-rising MMA organization that I plan to plant my flag on. My co-manager, Pearl Gonzalez, turned me on to it and so far, I’m loving my dealings with them.

“My first two opponents in MMA were also Mexicans and they were tough. I don’t want it any other way if I’m going to have people take me seriously in this sport. From what I understand, my opponent has striking experience but in MMA, you should never expect a particular style. Most are well rounded and regardless of their primary style, I’m ready for it.”

Serrano has conquered boxing and legitimately rates as one of the greatest female boxers of all-time, as well as a future Hall of Famer, спортни а 40-1-1(30 Нокаута) про рекорд. She’s also 6-0 with in Jiu-Jitsu with five submissions.

“I was having a hard time getting good fights in boxing I wanted,” Serrano explained, “so, I asked my trainer/manager Йордания (Maldonado) started talking about MMA. A year before I debuted in MMA, I shot a movie, ‘Fight Valley’, in which both my sister, Cindy(Serrano), and I co-starred alongside Miesha Tate, Chris Cyborg и Холи Холм. During the filming we talked about helping each other train in our respective disciplines and yeah, it materialized but in way I became an MMA practitioner.

“Training is totally different. I took a year off from boxing just to learn the basics. Днес, I train everyday regardless of upcoming fights or not. There are a ton of things I still need to learn. I’m pretty much a workaholic and a sore loser, така, if I’m messing with it, I want it all! I’d love to one day fight for World title (в MMA) and become a champion in both sports at the same time. I have what it takes to do it if anyone does. I do want to switch the narrative as a striker and be known in MMA for my ground game.”

Las Vegas fighter Johnny “The Paradox” Parsons (6-2-0, икона: 2-0-0) придобива Ricardo “Woody” Chavez (5-1-0), на Мексико, at a 175-pound catchweight In the co-featured event.

Undefeated Tucson welterweight Pete “Dead Game” Rodriguez goes for his fourth consecutive win without a lossall in iKON competition – against Mexican opponentRoberto “Pixley 2B” Pixley (5-1-0).

Also scheduled to fight on the undercard is Yakima, Washington featherweight Jorge “The Natural” Alcala (4-1-0) срещу. Sergio “The Animal” Cortez (3-2-0), Hong Kong female featherweight Ramona Pasqual (4-2-0) срещу. про-дебютирайки Guadalupe Guzman, Miami by way of Egypt welterweight Manmoud Sebie срещу. Enrique Hernandez in a battle of pro-debuting fighters, pro-debuting female flyweights Rosselyn Chavira, на Tucson (THE) и Sofia Salacar, Miami bantamweight Claudia Zamaora (2-1-0, икона: 1-0-0), and Mexican featherweights Luis “Mano” Garcia (1-2, икона: 1-1-0) срещу. про-дебютирайки Ангел Ривера off-UFC FIGHT PASS.

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Уебсайтове: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
Кикотене: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ЗА РОЙ ДЖОНС JR, ПРОМОЦИИ ЗА БОКС: Съосновател през 2013 от 10-кратния световен шампион Рой Джоунс, Jr. и Кийт Велтре, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions е на път да преоткрие бокса. RJJ вече оказа огромно влияние в боксовата общност за няколко кратки години. Създаване на вълнуващо съдържание за UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN и beIN Спорт на някои от най-добрите места в страната, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Базиран в битката столица на света, Las Vegas, NV,Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions is climbing to the top at a fast pace, добавяне на млад талант към нарастващата му конюшня: Шампион на NABF в супер муха, IBF #8 и WBC # 14 Нефрит „Ураган“ Борнеа (15-0, 10 Нокаута); two-time world title challenger, полутежка категория "Могъщият" Астън Паликт (26-4-1, 22 Нокаута); NABF welterweight champion, WBC #15 и Сантяго „Somer“ Домингес (24-0, 18 Нокаута); former NABA welterweight champion Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-3, 8 Нокаута), бившият претендент за временна световна титла в средна категория Джон „Феномът“ Вера (20-1, 12 KO), unbeaten super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0-1, 7 Нокаута), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight titlist Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-3-1, 16 Нокаута).

ЗА БОРБА UFC PASS®: UFC FIGHT PASS® е водещата в света услуга за цифров абонамент за бойни спортове. От стартирането си през 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS вече се предлага в повече от 200 страни и територии. UFC FIGHT PASS предоставя на своите членове неограничен достъп до Ulim Fight PASS Prelims; живи смесени бойни изкуства и бойни спортове от цял ​​свят; оригиналните серии и исторически програмиране; специални функции; зад кулисите съдържанието; задълбочени интервюта; и в крак с докладите минута на света на бойни спортове. Абонатите на UFC FIGHT PASS също имат 24/7 достъп до най-големия в света бой библиотека, с участието на повече от 20,000 пристъпи от десетки бори със спортните организации, както и всяка битка в историята на UFC. Феновете на борбата имат достъп до UFC FIGHT PASS на персонални компютри, IOS и Android мобилни устройства, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire телевизия, Chromecast, Година, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, и телевизори на Sony с Android TV. За повече информация, моля, посетете www.ufcfightpass.com.

Roy Jones, Jr.-trained Kevin Newman vs. Manuel Gallegos headlines RJJ Boxing card in Mexico

(Кевин Newman)


LAS VEGAS (Юни 7, 2021) – Las Vegas-based Kevin “The Second Coming” Newman (11-2-1, 6 Нокаута), trained by living legend Roy Jones, Jr., is fully prepared to challenge his Mexican opponent, Manuel “Meno” Gallegos (17-1, 15 Нокаута), THIS tHURSDAY in the RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS® 10-round main event for the vacant NBA Americas Super Middleweight Championship, at Benito Juarez Auditorium in Los Mochis, Синалоа, Мексико.

Presented by by Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Бокс промоции и промоции De La O, the stacked June 10тата card will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, Водещата в света цифров абонаментна услуга за бойни спортове, като се започне от 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT. To sign-up for UFC FIGHT PASS, моля, посетете www.ufcfightpass.com.

Newman, whose 4-right win streak was snapped in his most recent fight, last February in Las Vegas to Geno Pilana by way of a close 10-round decision 96-94 X 3), is anxious to showcase his improvements working under the guidance of Jones.

“I’m really looking forward to this fight,” Newman said. “It’s a great opportunity for me thanks to Roy, моят екип, and RJJ Boxing Promotions to get me back on the path to chase my dream of becoming world champion. I’ve been in the gym with Roy since April of last year, working day in and day out down in Pensacola, Флорида. This is my first fight with Roy as my head trainer and having an official camp with him. I’m excited to show what we’ve been working on.

“Gallegos is a solid opponent wo comes to fight. I’m extremely focused and look forward to going out and putting on a great performance and gaining new fans in Los Mochis. Tune in to UFC FIGHT PASS on June 10тата because this is going to be a fight fans don’t want to miss.”

The main event finds 23-year-old Mexican super middleweight Manuel “El Meno” Gallegos (17-1, 15 Нокаута) matched against his Las Vegas opponent, Kevin “The Second Coming” Newman (11-2-1, 6 Нокаута), в 10-кръг мач.

A dangerous puncher, Gallegos stopped 15 of his opponents in his 17 pro wins. His undefeated record was snapped in his last fight at 17-0, when the 23-year-old last October, when he dropped an 8-round unanimous decision to 10-1-1 (7 Нокаута) Oziel Santoyo.

“I want to thank RJJ Boxing and UFC FIGHT PASS for the opportunity to fight in front of my countrymen,” Gallegos commented. “I hope my opponent is training hard because I’m coming after him.”

Two other 10-round bouts are on tap. World Boxing Организация (WBO) Latino featherweight champion Alan “Cacharro” Solis (13-0-1, 7 Нокаута), класиран Не. 12 от WBO, придобива Pablo “Diamente” Robles (14-2, 9 Нокаута) В съвместно черта събитието.

Nineteen-year-old Luis “Koreano” Torres (11-0, 8 Нокаута), the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth Silver Lightweight Champion, лица Diego “Pato” Eligio (20-5-1, 8 Нокаута) in a Special Featherweight Attraction.

Undefeated Mexican super featherweight Ricardo “El Rojas” Bracamontes (6-0, 3 Нокаута) is scheduled to fight in a 6-rounder against an opponent to be determined.

Също така се бори за undercard, both in 4-round matches, are Mexican lightweights Jose Alberto “Jorjito” Lugo Cota (3-0, 2 Нокаута) срещу. Mario “Belocka” Duran (3-2, 2 Нокаута), as well as Pensacola, Florida middleweight Andrew Murray (2-0, 1 KO) срещу. Luis Jesus Alcarez (2-4).

Карта подлежи на промяна.


Уебсайтове: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
Кикотене: @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ЗА РОЙ ДЖОНС JR, ПРОМОЦИИ ЗА БОКС: Съосновател през 2013 от 10-кратния световен шампион Рой Джоунс, Jr. и Кийт Велтре, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions е на път да преоткрие бокса. RJJ вече оказа огромно влияние в боксовата общност за няколко кратки години. Създаване на вълнуващо съдържание за UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN и beIN Спорт на някои от най-добрите места в страната, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Базиран в битката столица на света, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. боксови Промоции се изкачва на върха с бързи темпове, добавяне на млад талант към нарастващата му конюшня: Шампион на NABF в супер муха, IBF #8 и WBC # 14 Нефрит „Ураган“ Борнеа (15-0, 10 Нокаута); two-time world title challenger, полутежка категория "Могъщият" Астън Паликт (26-4-1, 22 Нокаута); NABF welterweight champion, WBC #15 и Сантяго „Somer“ Домингес (24-0, 18 Нокаута); former NABA welterweight champion Kendo “Tremendo” Castaneda (17-3, 8 Нокаута), бившият претендент за временна световна титла в средна категория Джон „Феномът“ Вера (20-1, 12 KO), unbeaten super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0-1, 7 Нокаута), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight titlist Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-3-1, 16 Нокаута).

ЗА БОРБА UFC PASS®: UFC FIGHT PASS® е водещата в света услуга за цифров абонамент за бойни спортове. От стартирането си през 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS вече се предлага в повече от 200 страни и територии. UFC FIGHT PASS предоставя на своите членове неограничен достъп до Ulim Fight PASS Prelims; живи смесени бойни изкуства и бойни спортове от цял ​​свят; оригиналните серии и исторически програмиране; специални функции; зад кулисите съдържанието; задълбочени интервюта; и в крак с докладите минута на света на бойни спортове. Абонатите на UFC FIGHT PASS също имат 24/7 достъп до най-големия в света бой библиотека, с участието на повече от 20,000 пристъпи от десетки бори със спортните организации, както и всяка битка в историята на UFC. Феновете на борбата имат достъп до UFC FIGHT PASS на персонални компютри, IOS и Android мобилни устройства, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire телевизия, Chromecast, Година, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, и телевизори на Sony с Android TV. За повече информация, моля, посетете www.ufcfightpass.com.


Two-Division Champion Badou Jack and Veteran Contender

Luis Arias Collect Victories in Pay-Per-View Undercard Bouts

Former NFL Star Chad Johnson Makes Boxing Debut In Exhibition Fight Against Brian Maxwell

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Мейуедър Промоции

MIAMI(Юни 7, 2021) – All-time boxing greatФлойд "Money" Мейуедърand social media sensationLogan “The Maverick” Paulfought to the distance in their eight-round special exhibition bout Sunday night that headlined a SHOWTIME PPV from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

“Той беше силен, tough and better than I thought he was,” said Mayweather. “I was surprised by him tonight. That was some good little work.”

It’s an honor to share the ring with Floyd,” said Paul. “He’s one of the GOATs. This is one of the coolest things ever.

After weeks of buildup, the star-studded event pitted superstars from two different worlds in a highly anticipated showdown for sports and entertainment fans around the globe.

Mayweather displayed his typical patient and clinical boxing style, feeling out Paul in the opening round, before allowing Paul to come forward with a flurry of power shots at the end of the round that were mostly blocked, but excited the crowd nonetheless. Докато битката продължаваше, Mayweather began to find a spot to land numerous power shots on Paul’s head and body.

Despite sustaining punishment in the middle rounds, Paul was able to use his over 30-pound weight advantage to frequently tie Mayweather up and avoid being stopped or sent to the canvas.

Even without much experience, he knew to use his weight to tie me up tonight,” said Mayweather.

След борбата, the fighters expressed gratitude and inspiration to the fans who have helped them reach the tremendous heights that allowed this match to become reality.

I had fun tonight,” said Mayweather. “I thank all the fans who came out, you’re all unbelievable.

I don’t want anyone to tell me anything is impossible ever again,” said Paul. “The fact that I got in here with one of the greatest boxers of all time, it proves the odds can be beat. Anyone can beat the odds and do great things in life. This is one of the greatest nights of my life, Аз съм щастлив. "

In the co-main event former two-division world championBadou Jack(24-3-3, 14 Нокаута) delivered a dominating fourth-round stoppage of previously unbeatenДервин Колина(15-1, 13 Нокаута) in their light heavyweight duel.

“The game plan was just to outbox him,” said Jack. “Everything else will come. Със Сигурност, hit the body. He was a little soft in the body but I give him respect. He came out on short notice. He was supposed to fight next week but this is a different level.”

Known as a slow starter throughout his accomplished career, Jack came out faster in this fight and was sharp from the outset against the replacement opponent Colina, who stepped in for Jean Pascal after Pascal failed a pre-fight drug test.

“He was trying to hold a lot and survive,” said Jack. “I fight better when I fight better opponents. I was a little sloppy. The world class fights are when I perform the best.”

Jack’s effectiveness forced Colina to try to hold to stop the incoming attack, but he was only able to use that strategy briefly, as referee Frank Santore Jr. took away points for holding in rounds two and three, warning Colina that one more infraction would end the fight in disqualification.

В четири кръгли, Jack landed a straight right hand that put Colina on the mat in the opening minute of the frame. Colina fought valiantly to stay in the fight, but the body attack from Jack helped him finally earn the stoppage. A combination to the body put Colina down for the second time and a counter right hand dropped Colina for a third and final time as the referee halted the fight at 2:57 в кръга.

I’m a big guy and I walk around heavy, so I might move up to cruiserweight,” said Jack post fight about his future plans. “My goal is to become a three-division champion and I fight better when I don’t have to cut a lot of weight.”

The pay-per-view telecast also saw veteran contenderЛуис Ариас(19-2-1, 9 Нокаута) score a split-decision victory over former unified 154-pound champion„Суифт“ Джарет Хърд(24-2, 16 Нокаута) in an action-packed 10-round affair.

“I’m not sure what went wrong tonight,” said Hurd. “I believe I won the fight. I had a knockdown. I could make a hundred excuses but it wasn’t a great performance.”

Arias controlled the early rounds of the duel, attacking Hurd with numerous combinations that landed flush. His clean power punching was an advantage throughout, as he out landed Hurd in power punches by a total of 153 към 120 while landing over 40% of those shots.

“The game plan was to jump on him, get the early lead and keep it,“, каза Ариас. “I felt like in the middle rounds I was winning the fight but you never know because I wasn’t the A-side in this fight. I buzzed him a lot, especially on the inside.”

Hurd began to attempt to mount a comeback in rounds five and six, closing the distance effectively and finding a home for short right hooks and right uppercuts, with Arias even acknowledging that he was made unsteady after the action.

“I came in here and challenged the number one guy at 154 pounds and we fought somewhere halfway and I was able to edge a decision,“, каза Ариас. “Props to Jarrett Hurd. You fought a great fight. Честно, you could have had me out of there. I was definitely buzzed. If you would have found a way, I definitely would have gone down.”

In a fight that had two brief delays to weather affecting the ring surface, Hurd scored a knockdown in round nine with a glancing right hand after Arias appeared to slip on the ring. Despite the advantage on the scorecard, the uneasy footing affected Hurd’s plan to box Arias from the outside.

The plan coming out in the first round was to box,” said Hurd. “I wasn’t as confident in my feet as the rain came down, so I had to go toe-to-toe more. That wasn’t really what we trained for, so I was a bit sloppy.”

Arias bounced back effectively from the knockdown in the final round, with his onslaught eventually forcing Hurd to look to hold on in the final minutes to reach the final bell. In his first outing with new trainer Ismael Salas, Arias ended the night victorious, with one judge scoring the fight 95-94 for Hurd, overruled by scores of 97-93 и 96-93 for Arias.

“I would like to thank Ismael Salas,“, каза Ариас. “I came to him semi-late. About six or seven weeks and I needed to change something in my game plan to beat Jarrett. The things I was doing before would have gotten me a loss tonight. I needed somebody to just tweak a little bit and put my game up a little bit so I could beat this champion.”

I’ll take the rematch at whatever weight,” said Hurd. “I know I’m the better man.

In the opening bout of the pay-per-view, former NFL starChad Johnsonmade his boxing debut in an exhibition that went the four-round distance against versatile pro fighterБрайън Максуел.

“I had fun,” said Johnson. “I had two months to get ready for this and I want to thank God for keeping us safe out there. I want to thank Floyd, Leonard Ellerbe and my whole team for allowing me to check this off my bucket list.”

“Ask the world who Brian Maxwell is now,” said Maxwell. “Brian Maxwell is here. Благодаря, Чад. It was an honor fighting my idol and I appreciate it.”

Johnson showed off the “sweet feet” that made him a six-time Pro Bowler, landing some strong jabs and check hooks from distance, while avoiding serious damage from Maxwell over the first three rounds.

В четири кръгли, Maxwell provided an exclamation to the bout, landing a counter overhand right that connected and put Johnson onto the canvas with 40 секунди преди края на рунда. In his first foray into the sweet science, Johnson was able to recover from the shot, get to his feet and make it to the final bell.

Always willing to step into uncomfortable waters throughout his career, Johnson post-fight expressed hope that his venture into the ring will serve as a positive example for those watching.

“My life has always been about taking chances and doing crazy stuff and this is just another one off my bucket list,” said Johnson. “It’s a message for a lot of people who are scared to fail, scared to lose, scared to take chances to go out there and live. Don’t be scared to fail, it’s okay. I don’t box. I fight but it ain’t in the ring, so of course I was a little sloppy.”

Tonight’s blockbuster pay-per-view event ще се излъчи по SHOWTIME тази събота, Юни 12 при 10:05 p.m. ET/PT. The delayed telecast of Mayweather vs. Paul will be immediately followed by the premiere ofINSIDE Мейуедър VS. PAUL – EPILOGUEThe epilogue spotlights the festive fight week in Miami, goes inside the ropes during the fight and reveals the dramatic aftermath of an event that captured the sports world’s attention.

The SHOWTIME PPV telecast from Miami was hosted by veteran sportscaster Brian Custer while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein, three-division world champion Abner Mares and unofficial scorer Steve Farhood. The award-winning comedic duo Desus Nice and The Kid Mero, the hosts of the SHOWTIME hit late-night programDESUS & MERO, provided unique and entertaining commentary throughout the event while MMA fighter and comedian Brendan Schaub of SHOWTIME Sports’ digital seriesПОД КОЛАНА served as roving reporter. Свят–renowned Boxing Hall of Famer Jimmy Lennon Jr. provided in-ring announcing throughout the blockbuster event. Изпълнителен продуцент беше Дейвид Динкинс, Jr. а режисьор беше Боб Дънфи.

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Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Logan Paul was a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that took place on Sunday, Юни 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. The telecast, which was produced by SHOWTIME PPV, aired live beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and could be purchased at SHOWTIME.com иFANMIO.com. The undercard featured two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 10-round contest against the undefeated Dervin Colina, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson made his boxing debut in a four-round exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

За повече информация посететеbit.ly/mayweatherpaul,  www.SHO.com/sportswww.FANMIO.com. Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions@ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.

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