HOUSTON, Texas – Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) uda lanpetua izan du. Azken hilabeteko buletinean, LFA alumea pilatu zela jakinarazi zen $200,000 UFC bonoan ekainean, Zach Freeman RFAko zuzendari ohiak segurtasun ziurtagiria lortu zuen “Urteko ezinegona” hautagaia New York hirian, eta hiru LFA izenburu inauguratu ziren uda hasiera lortzeko.

Udan uztailean berotzen jarraitu zuen. UFC ostatatua 5 gertaerak lehenengoarekin batera 3 Dana White-ren UFC presidentearen asteburuko web sail berriaren atalak “Dana White-renak Asteartea Gaueko Contender Series” Hilabete osoan.
Gertaera horietan parte hartu zuen LFAko ikasle kopurua izugarria izan zen. 19 LFAren alde borrokatu duten borrokalariak edo hura sortzeko batu ziren bi promozioak (RFA eta Legacy FC) UFCan lehiatu zen. UFC 213 Valentina Shevchenko zuzendariak horrela egingo zuen 20 borrokalari, baina Amanda Nunesek tituluaren aurkako borrokatik erretiratu zen borroka egunean.
Ikusgarria izan zen Lanaren alumea Dana White-ren ikuskizun berrian. Uztailean eman zituzten lehen hiru ataletan, 17 of the 30 lehiakideen (56.6%) aurretik LFAn lehiatu zen, RFA, edo Legacy FC. Hiru ataletako bakoitzean bi ere izan ziren “LFA vs. LFA” partiduak. Estatistik ikusgarriena, ordea, da LFAko borrokalari batek Dana White-k atal bakoitzetik sinatu zuela.
Joera hori abuztuan zehar laugarren LFA borrokalari batekin laugarren ataleko UFC izenpetu zen “Dana White-renak Asteartea Gaueko Contender Series”. Orain arte ikuskizunean sinatutako lau LFA izarrak Boston Salmon dira (Astea 1), Sean O´Malley (Astea 2), Geoff Neal (Astea 3), eta Julian Marquez (Astea 4). Gaur egun badaude 32 LFAko borrokalariek lasterketan lehiatzea programatu zutenAsteartea agian udako seriea. LFAk ere badu gaur egun 19 alumea UFC borrokalariaren azken sailkapenean sailkatu zen.
LFAko borrokalari ohiek iazko hilean UFCn harritzen zuten parte hartzaile kopuru handiarekin, Are gehiago, elkarretaratze horietan lortu zutena are garrantzitsua da. Agian mordoaren izarrik handiena Brian Ortega RFA lumako txapeldun ohia izan zen. Gizona bezala ezagutzen “T-City” bere erregistro ezin hobea hobetu du 12-0 eta bere UFC borrokalariaren sailkapena gora igotzen ikusi zuen #6 munduan.
Ortegak bere UFC errekorra hautsi zuen 214 uztailaren 29an. Renato Moicano izar jabea duen ikaskidearekin batera sartuko da, Ortegak UFC errekorra izan zuen hirugarren txandan jarraian. Marra hori luzatu zuen Moicano-k azken markoan aurkeztuz $50,000 UFC “Gaueko emanaldia” hobaria Guillotine Choke irabazi zuen.
Urrengo Larunbata tan UFC Fight Night 114, RFA handia Dustin Ortizek UFC beste errekor bat hautsi zuen bere burua ziurtatzeko $50,000 UFC “Gaueko emanaldia” bonus. Ortizek balentria hau lortu zuen Hector Sandoval 15 segundotan kolpatuz UFC flyweight historiako akabera azkarrena grabatzeko. Bere taldekidea eta RFAko hegaztien pisu txapelduna den Sergio Pettis, txartel berdina bururatu zitzaion. Pettis-ek Brandon Moreno-ren aurkako bere aurkako borroka irabazi zuen aho batez bi gorenen arteko borroka batean 10 sailkatuta UFC flywights.
UFC hurrengo asteetan desaktibatuta egongo da, baina iraila UF Octagon ospetsuaren barruan lehian dauden LFAko handientzat bezain handia izango da. UFC 215 on Irailaren 9an UFC munduko titulu erronka handiko bi LFA ikasle izango dira. Legacy FC taldeko Ray Borg handiak UFC flyweight tituluaren jaurtiketa egiteko txartela zuzenduko du, Shevchenkok, azkenean, UFC emakumezkoen pisu txikiko tituluarekin pitzadura bat lortuko du ekitaldi ko-nagusian. Beste zazpi LFA ikaslek ere badute UFC erasoak datorren hilabeterako iragarrita.
LFA abuztuan hasi zen promozioaren historiako lehen tituluaren defentsarekin. Ekainean koroatu zuten LFAko txapeldun inauguratuetako bi (Eryk Anders eta Roberto Sanchez) dagoeneko egin dute UFCren debuta, baina LFA luma pisu txapelduna Kevin “Heriotzaren aingerua” Aguilarrek bere titulua defendatu ahal izan zuen LFAko ekitaldi nagusian 18 Iraganean honetan Ostirala. Partidako aurkari oso baten aurka golak sartuz egin zuen #1 lehiakidea eta mundu mailako BJJ gerriko beltza Justin Rader.
LFA orain uda amaitzeko lau ikuskizunekin dago lau aste barru lau estatu desberdinetan. Laukoitza goiburua datorren astean hasiko da Hego Dakotan LFAn 19. Sustapena ekialdean Minnesotara joango da hurrengo astean LFAra 20. LFA-k irailaren lehen egunean hasiko du Missouri LFA-n 21. Ondoren, lau asteko bidaiaren azken itzulia Colorado-n jaitsiko da LFA-n 22.
LFA 19 – Michaud vs. Rodrigues gertatzen Ostirala, Abuztuaren 18an Sanford Pentagonoan Sioux Falls at, South Dakota. Ekitaldiak Hego Dakota estatuan ospatuko den bigarren LFA ekitaldia izango da. RFA bisitatu du “Rushmore mendia Estatuak” Bateratzea baino lau aldiz lehenago. LFA 19 da hiru aldiz UFC albaitaria David Daviden arteko solderweight gerra batekin “Bulldawg” Michaud (11-3) eta Brasilgo zentroa Ciro “Boy Bad” Rodrigues (20-7).


LFA 20 – Curry vs. Barnes gertatzen Ostirala, Abuztuak 25 Prior Lake-eko Mystic Lake Casino Hotel hotelean, Minnesota. Gertaera Minnesotako estatuan ospatuko den LFAren hirugarren ekitaldia izango da. RFA eta Legacy FC ostatutako konbinatua bederatzi gertaerak “Lur 10,000 Lakuak” fusioa baino lehen. LFA 20 dago Chad izar gorenaren arteko iragartze soldadurarekin “Blitz” Curry eta RFA tituluaren aurkari ohia Nick “Fenixoa” Barnes.
LFA 21 – Noblitt vs. Branjão gertatzen Ostirala, Irailak 1 Branson-eko Branson Convention Center-en, Missouri. Gertakariak Missouri estatuan ospatu den lehenengo LFA ekitaldia izango da. RFAk bisitatu du “Erakutsi Estatua” Bateratzea baino lau aldiz lehenago. LFA 21 Kyle James Noblitt estatubatuar potentzial estatubatuarraren arteko borroka arina da (8-0) eta etengabeAntônio Paulo Brasilgo prospektorea lortu zuen “mountain” Branjão (4-0).
LFA 22 – Heinisch vs. Perez gertatzen Ostirala, Irailaren 8an Broomfield-eko 1.STBANK zentroan, Colorado. Gertaera Coloradoko estatuan ospatuko den LFAren hirugarren ekitaldia izango da. RFA bisitatu du “Mendeurreneko Estatua” fusioaren aurretik zortzi aldiz. LFA 22 Colorado-ko Ian-en Ian LFAren pisu ertaineko titulua da “Urakana” Heinisch (8-0) eta Brasilgo dinamoa Markus “Maluko” Perez (8-0).
Lau ekitaldi hauen txartel nagusia AXS telebistako telebistan zuzenean eta nazioan emango da 9 p.m. ETA / 6 p.m. PT.
Irailean 2016, RFA eta Legacy FC-ko funtzionarioek iragarri zuten bat egingo zutela Arte Marzialen Mistoko garapen garapen erakundea osatzeko (MMA) Urtarrilean hasita 2017. RFA eta Legacy FC jarri dute martxan gorako karrerak 100 Hori MMA Pinnacle iritsi UFC lehiatzen arabera kirolariak.
Please visit LFAfighting.com for bout updates and information. LFA Facebook-en dago Legacy Aliantza Fighting. LFA Instagramen ere dago @LFAfighting and Twitter at @LFAfighting.


DETROIT (Abuztua 8, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields became the unified WBC and IBF World Super Middleweight Champion last Friday night with a dominant fifth-round TKO of now former champion Nikki Adler.
Fighting in front of her home state fans at MGM Grand Detroit and in the main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak, Shields put on a display of skills and power seldom seen by a first-time world-title challenger. Without any answers to the level of talent in front of her, Adler was forced to cover up and withstand the blazing speed of Shieldsfists for five one-sided rounds.
A driven competitor, Shields is on a mission to become the GWOAT (Greatest Woman of All Time) and the performance against Adler has the entire world watching. Four fights into her professional career and Shields is already the face of women’s boxing.
It was a dream come true to win two world title belts in one night!” esan Shields. “I was very proud of my performance, and I can’t wait to defend my belts and then give Christina Hammer her first defeat.
For Team Shields, the victory was more than could ever be asked for from their young fighter.
Congratulations to a unified world champion Claressa Shields!” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “In less than a year as a pro, she has already achieved what no other woman has done in the sport. America’s first two-time Olympic Gold Medalist has become a professional unified world champion in just her fourth professional fight! Congratulations also to the great team behind her: long-time trainer Jason Crutchfield, Berston Field House, and to her managers who work diligently behind the scenes Mark Taffet and Jamie Fritz. I and everyone at SP is proud and excited to be part of this exciting journey of a lady who is on a quest to be GWOAT!”
Shields co-manager, Mark Taffet, a long-time TV exec in boxing, says he’s never seen a performance like the one Shields turned in against Adler. “Claressa Shields’ win over Nikki Adler was the most dominant performance I have ever seen in a championship fight, male or female. She is staking her claim to be GWOAT in spectacular fashion. Claressa is carrying women’s boxing forward on her broad shoulders.
Having fought three times this year already, winning two regional and two world title belts along the way, Shields says she will take some time to enjoy her historic accomplishments before plotting the next move with her team.

Zayats defeats Vanttinen by decision in M-1 Challenge 82 main event

Emaitza ofizialak
Mikhail Zayats was too much for Marcus Vanttinen

HELSINKI, Finland (Abuztua 6, 2017) – Errusiako argi heavyweight Mikhail Zayats garaitu Marcus “Caveman” Vanttinen by unanimous decision in last night’s M-1 Challenge 82main event, which headlined the first M-1 Global event held in Finland during the last nine years.

Zayats (23-8-0, M-1: 13-5-0) returned to an M-1 Global-promoted event for the first time in nearly six years. The Russian strongman see pictured below), who had fought the past few years in Bellator, ruined the night for local favorite Vanttinen (24-6-0, M-1: 2-3-0), one of six Finnish fighters on the Helsinki card.

International fighters represented nine different countries: Errusiak, Finland, Brasilen, USA, Portugal, Frantzian, Suitzan, Ukraine and Sweden.
Finnish bantamweight JanneJamboElonen-Kulmala (15-5-1, M-1: 0-0-1) and Brazilian veteran fighter Heilton (Dos Santos) Davella (15-6-1, M-1: 0-1-1) fought to a three-round split-draw, Finnish flyweight Mikhail “Hulk” Sila (17-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0) took a three-round unanimous decision from Vitali Branchuk (22-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0), Ukrainako.

Jambonails Davella
(L) Silander made hometown fans happy
Russian lightweight prospect Pavel Gordeev (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) and Ukrainian welterweight Alexander “Iron Capture” Butenko (44-12-3, M-1: 10-2-1), hurrenez hurren, won three-round unanimous decisions over Brazilian Michel “Sassarito” Silva (18-7-0, M-1: 0-2-0) and American Keith “One” Johnson (12-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0).

Gordeev is a promising prospect
(L) Butenko and Johnson put on a good show.
Also on the main card, Finnish welterweight Juho Valamaa (15-4-0, M-1: 1-0-0) made a successful M-1 debut with a first-round technical knockout victory of Portugal’s Aires Bendrouis (10-6-0, M-1: 0-1-0).

Valamaa celebrated
Aurretiazko txarteleko On, Swedish bantamweight Son LeBuddahBinh (5-3-0, M-1: 1-2-0) lost a three-round unanimous decision to Oleg Lichkovakha (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiako egindako borrokan, and Ukrainian heavyweight BorisBoraPolezhay (17-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0) defeated Finland’s Toni Valtonen (27-16-0, M-1: 6-3-0) Erabaki arabera.
Errusiako middleweight Ruslan Shamolov (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0) stopped AmericanMotownMoses Murrietta (5-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0) inaugurazio txandan, French lightweightArnaud Kherfallah (4-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0) used a guillotine choke to force Patrik Pietila (8-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Finlandiako, to tap-out in round one, and Russian flyweight Akaki Khorava (2-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0) tapped out in the second round as his Swiss opponent,FredericoMuskitoGutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), locked on an arm-bar.
In M-1’s popular Medieval Fight, Ukrainian heavyweight Vladimir Nicheporenkodefeated Russian Yuro Slobodyanik by way of a first-round knockout.

Emaitzak Bete beheko:
Emaitza ofizialak
Txartel nagusia
Ekitaldi nagusia – LIGHT heavyweights
Mikhail Zayats (23-8-0, M-1: 13-5-0), Errusiak
Marcus Vanttinen (24-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0), Finland lbs. (kg)
Juho Valmaa (14-4-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Finland
WTKO1 (4:52referee stoppage)
Aires Bendrouis (10-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Portugal
Alexander Butenko (44-12-3, M-1: 10-2-1), Ukrainako
Keith Johnson (12-3-0, M-1: 1-1-0), USA
Pavel Gordeev (8-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Errusiak
Michel Silva (18-7-0, M-1: 0-2-0), Brasilen
Janne Elonen-Kulmala (15-5-1, M-1: 0-0-1), Finland
Heilton (Dos Santos) Davella (15-6-1, M-1: 0-1-1), Brasilen
Mikael Silander (17-5-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Finland
Vitali Branchuk (22-7-0, M-1: 2-3-0), Ukrainako
Boris Polezhay (17-6-0, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukrainako
Toni Valtonen (27-16-0, M-1: 6-3-0), Finland
Ruslan Shamilov (3-0-0, M-1: 3-0-0), Errusiak
WKO1 (3:10)
Moses Murrietta (5-1-0, M-1: 1-1-0), USA
Arnaud Kherfallah (4-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Frantzian
WSUB1 (4:22 – gillotina choke)
Patrik Pietila (8-5-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Finland
Oleg Lichkovakha (8-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Errusiak
Son Le Binh (5-3-0, M-1: 1-2-0), Suedian
Frederico Gutzwiller (3-2-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Suitzan
WSUB2 (1:59 – armbar)
Akaki Khorava (2-2-0, M-1: 0-1-0), Georgia
Heavyweights – 3 X 5
Vladimir Nicheporenko, Ukrainako
WKO1 (1:22)
Yuri Sloboyanik, Errusiak


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ABOUT M-1 GLOBAL: Urtean sortu 1997, M-1 Global finkatu da Mixed Martial Arts in (MMA) ataria ezagutzeko eta munduko Superstar borrokalari belaunaldiko garatzeko entitateak gisa. Bere St Petersburg bulego With, Errusiak, M-1 markaren baino gehiago taularatu ditu 200 Mundu osoko ekitaldiak, M-1 Hautaketa barne, M-1 Challenge, M-1 globala eta M-1 Global HWGP ekitaldiak, gain Strikeforce gertaera eta M-1 Global US on co-sustapenaren alde. sarea, Showtime. Liluragarria zuzeneko, telebista eta banda zabaleko bere ekoizpen superior balioak eta match-ak dituzten ikusleak, M-1 Ekitaldi orokorrak kirola, bere goiko izen batzuk nabarmendu dute, mitikoaren heavyweight barne Fedor Emelianenko, Andrei Arlovski, Gegard Mousasi, Alistair Overeem, Keith Jardine, Ben Rothwell, Melvin Manhoef, Sergei Kharitonov, Aleksander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov, Yushin Okami, Mike Pyle, Denis Kang, Martin Kampmann, Amar Suloev, Chalid gastuak eta Stephan Struve. 2017 has been another sensational year of world-class competition, featuring a full calendar of Challenge events, fueled by a talent-rich contention system ranking M-1 Global Champions among the greatest fighters in the sport.


Bangor, Maine (Abuztua 6, 2017) –There was no place like home Larunbata night for C.J. Ewer, Ryan Sanders and Fred Lear of Young’s MMA in Bangor.

Fighting in front of a sold-out ballroom a stone’s throw from their training headquarters, the three fighters atop the card at “NEF 30” Rumble in Bangor” all posted impressive victories at Cross Insurance Center.

Ewer defeated Mike “The Mustache” Hansen by submission at 1:46 of the first round to capture the vacant NEF pro middleweight title. Lear landed the NEF amateur bantamweight belt, while Sanders tightened his grip on New England’s pro lightweight scene in a non-title triumph.

It was the second consecutive August sellout in the Queen City, a tradition that began with “NEF Presents Dana White: LookinFor a Fight” last summer.

After his hard-fought win over the much-traveled Jay Ellis, NEF pro lightweight champion Sanders, sailkapenean No. 1 eskualdean, kept his comments short and sweet while calling out the aforementioned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) lehendakari.

“You took the wrong guy last year,” Sanders said. “Come get me now.”

Sanders (15-8) didn’t have an easy road against Ellis, a veteran of more than 80 pro bouts. Ellis had Sanders under control for most of the fight but left himself vulnerable to a triangle choke at 2:34 Lehen txandan.

Ewer dispatched Hansen with a similarly swift maneuver.

“It’s a great feeling to win it in front of the home crowd,” Ewer said. “As hard as we worked (in training camp), I didn’t think anything could stop me.”

The sudden ending spoiled Hansen’s hopes of winning a title for the first time in his 13-year mixed martial arts career.

“This was by far the best training camp I ever had. We were just getting warmed up,” Hansen said. “I had a lot more to give, and I’m sure C.J. had a lot of more to give. But hey, we could do it again.”

Lear highlighted the amateur portion of the card with an authoritative second-round knockout of Walt Shea.

Only the bell saved Shea from Lear’s onslaught at the end of the opening chapter. Lear gained the advantage with a kick to the head midway through that round. After nearly locking in an arm bar that could have ended the fight, Lear bloodied the previously unbeaten Shea with a series of strikes.

The end appeared inevitable when Shea needed Lear’s help to find his corner between rounds, and another interrupted attack hastened the finish only 14 segundo geroago.

An emotional Lear lauded his coach, Chris Young of Young’s MMA, before fastening the belt around the teacher’s waist.

“A lot of people around here know his name, but they don’t know the man,” Lear said. “He’s the first guy in the gym in the morning and the last one to leave at night. He’s the reason we’re all here. He’s the reason we’re successful. He’s the reason some of us aren’t in jail.”

In the first two fights of Josh Jonesamateur MMA career, Jones dispatched his opponents by one-punch knockout in a total of 24 segundo. It took Carlton Charles one fewer tick of the clock to take out Jones in the stunning conclusion to a touted tangle of former star collegiate athletes.

Charles, a product of the University of Maine football program taking his initial walk to the NEF cage, turned the tables on Jones (2-1) in a middleweight scrap. Jones again went for the early stoppage with a pair of looping shots, but Charles calmly ducked them before landing one of his own and taking the issue to the mat.

“I just love the competition,” Charles said. “You don’t get hit in the face like this on the football field.”

When the combatants regained their feet, Charles backed Jones against the cage and landed two right hands to the jaw. Jones dropped to one knee and absorbed a sharp left to the head. That persuaded the referee to step in and stop the fight, a verdict that left Jones and his First Class MMA camp visibly puzzled.

It was Charlessecond one-sided combat sports victory in a week’s time. He previously delivered a first-round TKO in the amateur boxing ring. Jones suffered his first defeat since making the transition from basketball, which he played professionally in Europe after starring at Bangor’s Husson University.

One look at Ostirala en official weigh-in suggested that the bout between Roger Ewer (251 kilo) and Dustin Freeman (220) might be the typical stand-up, slug-it-out heavyweight affair. Horren ordez, it turned into a ground-and-pound showcase that was right in Ewer’s wheelhouse. C.J.’s older brother, making his debut in the NEF hexagon at 44 urtetik, hammered out the advantage throughout and earned a TKO via unanswered strikes at 2:31 of the second stanza.

Nate Boucher improved to 2-0 with a first-round stoppage of Jeremiah Barkac, who was making his cage debut. Barkac gained an early advantage in the bantamweight bout with a barrage of strikes, but Boucher cleverly gained leverage with his legs and locked in a triangle choke.

Irabazi edo galtzen, Bangor’s Angela Young announced that her battle with Jessica “The Black Widow” Borga would be the final fight of her career. Borga (6-3) erased any hopes of a Hollywood ending with a decisive TKO at 2:16 inaugurazio txandan. Young (2-3), wife of Chris, had never gone less than the distance in any of her prior wins or losses.

In a mutual NEF and MMA debut, Zach Faulkner delighted his home crowd with a second-round victory over David Hart via rear naked choke. Amaieran izan zen 1:42.

Jesse Hutchinson also enjoyed a triumphant debut in the amateur ranks. He stopped Anthony LaPointe at 2:43 of the first round in a welterweight skirmish.

NEF also announced that the promotion’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 31: The Old Port,” will see the company make its long-awaited debut in Portland, Maine at the brand new, state-of-the-art venue Aura. The event is scheduled to take place on Ostirala, Azaroa 3, 2017. Tickets will go on sale this Wednesday, Abuztua 9 at www.auramaine.com.

Buruz New England Borrokak

New England Borrokak ("NEF") borroka ekitaldiak promozioak enpresa bat da. NEF eginkizuna da kalitate Maine en borrokalari eta zale alike ekitaldiak altuena sortzeko. NEF exekutiboa taldeko borroka kirol kudeaketan esperientzia zabala dauka, ekitaldiak ekoizpen, komunikabideekin harremanak, marketing, lege eta publizitatea.

Fight Night at the Bay” Emaitzak & Pictures

Derek Silveira stops Michael Clark
Aleksandra Lopes defeats Lisa Garland on points
Chris Traietti captures N.E. cruiserweight title
SportPlex in Quincy, MA
(All pictures by Emily Harney / Granite Chin Promotions)
(Derek Silveira (R) defeated Michael Clark
QUINCY, Mass. (Abuztua 6, 2017) – Former New England welterweight champion Derek “The SurgeonSilveira defeated former world title challenger Michael “Cold Blood” Clark last night (Sat., Abu. 5) in the “Fight Night at the Bay” main event, presented by Granite Chin Promotions, at Marina Bay Sportplex in Quincy, Massachusetts.
Silveira (12-1, 6 Kos), of Salem MA) used his height and length advantage to out-box the much more experienced Clark (44-16-1, 18 Kos). Due to what appeared to be a broken right hand, Clark was unable to continue after six rounds.

Borrokaren ostean, Silveira got done on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend, Ashley Myers. (She accepted).

I want to thank Michael Clark,” Silveria commented. “My buddy Martin passed away and this fight was for him. We’re back and can go as long as needed because I’m in better shape. I’m a smart fighter and I can counter guys. I hope to be back fighting September 30in Boston.

Aleksandra Lopes (L) picked up a big win vs, Lisa Garland
Co-featured gertatuz gero, three-time world title challenger Aleksandra Lopes (18-4-2, 1 KO) likely positioned herself for another world title shot, taking an eight-round decision from former world champion Lisa Garland (15-8, 8 Kos), winning all eight rounds on two judgesscorecards and all but one on the other.

It’s tough to judge,” said the Polish native who lives in nearby Marshfield (MA) regarding her position for another world title shot opportunity. “Beraz, espero dut. I respect her but I felt that I should implement my sharper skills. She fought hard and came at me. I thought she’d go flat in the later rounds but she didn’t.

I’m always tough on myself, Wayne (Lopes, her trainer and husband) was happy. I feel that I should have taken it to her more and I got caught up in clinches too much. The heat was difficult, I felt heated before the fight. I was more tired than usual and I let her come in winging wild punches.
New N. Eta. Cruiserweight champion Chris Traietti
Iraq War veteran and Quincy’s favorite son, Chris Traietti (24-4, 19 Kos), who is also co-promoter ofFight Night at the Bay”, pounded Nick Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos) from the opening bell to capture the vacant New England Cruiserweight Championship by way of a decisive eight-round unanimous decision. Traietti teed-off on the over-matched Lavin for most of the fight, but his tough Connecticut opponent lasted to the very end.

U.S. Marine veteran Brandon Montella (8-0, 7 Kos) mantendu unbeaten, registering three knockdowns against his Floridian opponent, argi heavyweight “Dirua” Mike Sawyer (7-9, 5 Kos), bigarren txandan, as referee Mike Ryan called the fight off right before the bell. Montella first put down Sawyer with a body shot, followed that with a straight right to the face, and Sawyer took a knee for his third trip to the canvas,
In an entertaining fight from start to finish, Whitman (MA) welterweight Mike “Bad ManO’Han, Jr.. (1-0) made his retired fighter father proud, defeating a game Daniel Amaro(0-2-1) by way of a four-round unanimous decision. O’Han, Jr.. decked Amaro twice in the first round via perfectly placed left hooks but Amaro persevered and went the full distance.

Undefeated Irish junior middleweight Paddy Irwin (4-0, 3 Kos), fighting at home in Quincy, methodically broke-down Demetrius Thomas (0-5), dropping him with a right hand in the second round, and floored him with a flurry of punches en route to a third-round stoppage only moments later by referee Ryan.

Two-time Ecuador Olympian Carlos Gongora (9-0, 8 Kos), Brooklyn kanpo borrokan (NY), thoroughly outclassed Texas journeyman LarrySlow Motion” Smith (10-34-1, 7 Kos)by way of a fifth-round technical knockout. Gongora, a powerful southpaw promoted by Murphy’s Boxing, started the fight firing crisp combinations to the head and body of Smith, who took a knee for an eight-count in the opening round. The action slowed through the second and third frames, but Gongora picked up the pace in the fourth, as Smith took a knee again and survived another round. The undefeated Ecuadorian middleweight closed the snow in the fifth as referee Steve Clark halted the one-sided bout.

Emaitzak Bete beheko:

Emaitza ofizialak
Ekitaldi nagusia – WELTERWEIGHTS
Derek Silveira (13-1, 7 Kos), Salem, MA
WTKO6 (3:00)
Michael Clark (44-17-1, 18 Kos), Columbus, OH
Aleksandra Lopes (18-4-2, 1 KO), Marshfield, MA
WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 79-730
Lisa Garland (15-8, 8 Kos), York, SC
Chris Traietti (24-4, 19 Kos)
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 79-73)
Nick Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos), Shelton, CT
( won vacant N.E. cruiserweight title)
LIGHT heavyweights
Brandon Montella (8-0, 7 Kos), Saugus, MA
WTKO2 (3:00)
Mike Sawyer (7-8, 5 Kos), Winter Park, FL
Carlos Gongora (9-0, 8 Kos), Brooklyn, NY
WTKO5 (1:45)
Larry Smith (10-34-1, 7 Kos), Dallas, TX
Paddy Irwin (4-0, 2 Kos), Quincy, MA
WTKO3 (2:15)
Demetrius Thomas (0-5), Philadelphia, PA
Mike O’Han, Jr.. (2-0), Whitman, MA
WDEC4 (40-34, 40-34, 38-36)
Daniel Amaro (0-3-1), Dorchester, MA
Tufankjian Auto Group and Tobin Scientific were major event sponsors; additional sponsors included The Chantey, Jack Campbell Electric, Hancock Tavern, Brennan’s Smoke Shop, JN Phillips Auto Glass and Sheriff Michael Belotti.

Webster destroys Harris in 2

Wins by Ajamu, Zhilei, Hilton, Gamhour and Taylor

On berehalako
Atlantic City, New Jersey (Abuztua 5, 2017)–Derrick Webster continued his quest towards a world title shot by taking out Lamar Harris in a scheduled eight-round super middleweight bout that headlined a six-bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The show was promoted by Mis Downing Promotions in association with Square Ring Promotions.

Webster dropped Harris at the end of round one as he landed a perfect straight left hand. After that it was a matter of when Webster would end the night., as Harris was hurt, but came out to endure 28 seconds of pounding before the bout was stopped.
Webster, 167.8 lbs of Glassboro, NJ is now 24-1 batera 13 knockouts. Harris, 167.9 lbs of Saint Louis, Missouri is now 9-14-4.
We have been working hard, and now I am looking for a title. I want George Groves,” said Webster.
I knew after I dropped him after the first round, the fight would be over soon thereafter. I know Groves is in the tournament, so why not Badou Jack. I would love to fight him.
Prince Badi Ajamu shook eight years of ring rust to pound out an eight-round uannimous decision over Edgar Perez in a cruiserweight bout.

Ajamu, 191.4 lbs of Camden, NJ partiturak by irabazi 80-72 birritan eta 79-73 eta orain 28-3-1. Perez, 190 lbs of Chicago is 7-22.

“Ona borroka bat izan zen. I give myself a C. Everything is about knockouts,” said Ajamu. “I broke him down mentally. You could see that I had a lot of ring rust, as I don’t miss as many shots as I did, but I started to feel good around the 5th round.

Ajamu has been linked to a rematch with Roy Jones, Jr.. who beat Ajamu back in 2006.
Jones was ringside and believes that the fight could happen in November.
He did more than enough to earn the rematch tonight. Now it is just a matter of making it work financially and all by getting sponsorship’s and such, and that fight can happen, said Jones.

World-ranked heavyweight Zhang Zhilei hammered out Nick Guivas in round one of their scheduled ten-round bout.

Zhilei dropped Guivas in the first frame with a hard six-punch combination in the corner. Seconds later, Zhilei finsihed off the fight with a crushing four-punch combination on the ropes and the bout was stopped at 2:43.

Zhilei, 254.8 lbs of Zhoukou, China is now 17-0 batera 13 knockouts. Guivas, 238 lbs of Topeka, KS is 13-8-2.

Mike Hilton went the distance for the first time, but still came out with the six-round unanimous decision over Willis Lockett in a cruiserweight bout.

Hilton, 198.5 lbs of Trenton, NJ partiturak by irabazi 60-54, 58-56 & 60-53 to raise his unblemished mark to 7-0. Lockett, 194.6 lbs of Takoma Park, MD is 14-21-6.

Shaddy Gamhour stopped Jessie Singletary in first round of their scheduled four round middleweight bout.
Gamhour, who is trained by Roy Jones, Jr.. landed a hard right hand that sent Singletary to the canvas and the bout was stopped at 1:43.
Gamhour, 163,5 lbs of Pensacola, FL is now 4-0 Hiru kanporaketa batera. Singletary, 167.3 lbs of Washington, DC da 0-3.
Tahlik Taylor besterik beharrezko 31 seconds to bludgeon Lamont McLaughlin in a scheduled four round super middleweight bout.

Taylor jumped on McLaughlin and landed a vicious combination in the corner that sent McLaughlin hard to the canvas and the was stopped immediately.

Taylor, 172,8 lbs of Freeport, NY is 2-7 batera 1 knockout. McLaughlin, 167.2 lbs of Philadelphia is 0-2.

Mis Downing Promotions will be back at the Claridge on Larunbata, November 4th.

FNU Combat Kirol Show: UFC 214 breakdown, Nobody Likes Dana White, Tom and Tony break down Broner vs. Garcia and Lomachenko vs. Marriaga

This week’s combat sports show is a split personality situation. We had technical difficulties getting all of us together for the show, so we recorded Tom and Tony chatting with each other on Thursday night. I’ve added my portion today. It all worked out to some incredible insight about Mayweather vs. McGregor, Dana White’s growing problem with disgruntled stars in the UFC, Broner vs. Garcia and Lomachenko vs. Marriaga. We also break down Jon Jones beating Daniel Cormier at UFC 214 and the implications for a Brock Lesnar showdown in the Octagon. It’s far from likely, but it’s intriguing. We also touch on the retirements of Juan Manuel Marquez and Wladimir Klitschko.

Tom and Tony Talk Shop:

Rich Wraps it Up:



(L-R) — Vasyl Lomachenko and Miguel Marriaga
(photo courtesy of Top Rank)
EDMONTON, Alberta, Kanadan (Abuztua 5, 2017) – The Lomachenko vs., Marriagacard will air tonight, Honela hasten 9 p.m. ETA / 6 p.m. PT, exclusively in Canada on Super Channel, live from Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
Superstar Vasyl “Hi-Tech” Lomachenko (8-1, 6 Kos), arguably the No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer in the world, defends his World Boxing Organization (WBO) Junior Lightweight World Championship against WBO No. 10-sailkapenean contender Miguel “The ScorpianMarriaga (25-2, 21 Kos) in the 12-round main event.
Three exciting fights on the stacked “Lomachenko vs., Marriaga” Epaileak txartel, promoted by Top Rank, esklusiboki aire egingo Kanadan Super Channel.
In this evening’s 12-round co-feature, NABO & NABF lightweight champion “Sugar” Raymundo Beltran(33-7-1, 21 Kos) faces former two-time Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Featherweight World Champion Bryan Vasquez (36-2, 19 Kos). Only Beltran can win the two belts because Vasquez came in overweight.
California super lightweights Jonathan Chicas (15-2, 7 Kos) eta Arnold Barboza, Jr.. (26-0, 7 Kos) are set to battle in the eight-round television opener on Super Channel.

Fights are subject to change.

Super Channel recently aired major boxing events live like Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, and Eubank, Jr.. vs. Abraham.
To see the “Lomachenko vs.. Marriaga” bizi, baita zirraragarria boxeoa etortzen, borrokatzeko zale Kanadan tokiko kable-hornitzaileak harremanetan jarri ahal izateko Super Channel eta horren eskaintza hori guztia harpidetu, premium serie barne, filmak eta askoz gehiago, bezain txikia for $9.95 hilean.
Twitter: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /SuperChannel

Super Channel is a national premium pay television network, consisting of four HD channels, four SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel’s mission is to entertain and engage Canadian audiences by providing a unique and exclusive entertainment experience. With a core foundation of integrity and accountability, we dedicate ourselves to implementing innovative programming strategies and unparalleled team work that provides viewers with exceptional value and variety.
Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., an Edmonton-based media company.
Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV,Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Aliant TV, Source Cable,SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications and other regional providers.


August 11th, 2017

559 Fights is proud to announce our events will now be streamed globally via paid subscription on FloCombat, duten hasita 559 Borrokak 58 on Abuztua 11 at Tower Theatre in Fresno.

Part of the FloSports Network, FloCombat is the authority for MMA and combat sports news, ekitaldiak, interviews, eta gehiago.August 11th FloCombat brings you live coverage of the 559 Fights fight 58. Catch all the action and become a PRO MEMBER TODAY!

559 Fights is one of California’s top amateur mixed martial arts promotions, promoting successful events across the state since 2012 and helping to launch the careers of several of California’s top fighters.

Along with a throwback heavyweight title between Leo Cantu (10-4-1, Kerman) and Josue Aispuro (3-1, Avenal), 559 Borrokak 58 includes two championship bouts.

Heavyweight and Cruiserweight champ Andrew Chatman (6-0, Fresno) moves down in weight to fight Joseph Gaceta (2-1, Ridgecrest) for the CAMO State Light-Heavyweight Championship. Yuni Valencia (4-2, Farmersville) and Emilio Horta (2-2, Ridgecrest) will clash for the 559 Fights Lightweight Championship.

Sarrerak hasteko $25 and can be purchased at the Tower Theatre Box Office or www.559fights.

VIP Tables and VIP Package info text or call 559-813-0307


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All of us at SHOWTIME are saddened to confirm the passing of our long-time friend and colleague, Earl Fash. Earl worked at SHOWTIME from 1982 where he began in the mailroom. He earned his way up the professional ranks over a remarkable 35-year career to become a pillar of the network’s sports team. As Vice President, Creative Director for SHOWTIME Sports, Earl oversaw promotional materials, feature segments and Emmy® Award winning full-length series. Earl’s legacy is one of loyalty, kindness and genuine happiness. Our thoughts are with his wife and two sons, and his many friends at SHOWTIMEwho are devastated by his passing.

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