LUNGHI yra iš atkeršyti kolegai PRIEŠ CORSON AT NEF 32

Lewiston, Meino (Sausis 5, 2018) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) grįžta į Lewiston į Šeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018 su kovos Skatinimo kitą mišrios kovos menų renginyje, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis.” Anksčiau šiandien, NEF announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the card. Shawn Rimta (2-0) grįš į Meino imtis Devin Corson (1-0) ne kova svorio 145 svarų.

Shawn Lunghi made his debut in the NEF cage in the fall of 2016. He faced off with a much more experienced Alex Clark (4-2) that evening and impressed many with his performance. Lunghi would pick up the win with a second round submission. Tampa, Florida native would follow up that win with yet another victory this past spring in his home state. Later in the year, jis uždirbo savo rudas diržas Brazilijos Jiu-Jitsu ne Robson Moura Nacijų (RMNU). Į “NEF 32,” Lunghi atrodys atkeršyti nuostolių jo komandos draugas Winstonas Cortez patyrė (0-1) prieš Devin Corson (1-0) į “NEF 27” pernai. Papildomai, šiek tiek daugiau nei Corson pergalė būtų įdėti Lunghi pajėgi kovoti dėl NEF MMA mėgėjų lengvas antraštinės vėliau.

"Esu nepaprastai pažeminti ir malonu būti kviečiami į Lewiston kovoti už NEF,” sakė Rimta. “Vasario 3-iasis stovi kaip puikus testas man ir mano rengiant kaip kovos menininkas, taip pat galimybę kovoti didelį aukštyn ir ateinančiais kovotojas kaip Devin. Aš trokšta galimybė pademonstruoti patobulinimus Aš pagaminti mano žaidimo, taip pat atkeršyti Winston nuostolių Devin ".

Devin Corson padarė savo NEF debiutavo anksti 2017 at the young age of 19. He sent the crowd into a frenzy that night, repeatedly lifting Winston Cortez up over head and slamming him time and time again on his way to a unanimous decision victory. It was one of the most memorable debuts for any fighter in the NEF cage. Corson is a product of The Outlet Mixed Martial Arts Training Center based in Dexter, Meino.

“Tai didelė garbė būti grąžinti į NEF narve,” pareiškė Corson. “Aš laukiu kovos vyro, kuris turi savo rudą diržą džiudžitsu. Aš visada iššūkis. Aš tiesiog malonu grįžti.”

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis,” pamatysite bendrovė padaryti savo sugrįžimą į Androscoggin Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Meino. The event is scheduled to take place on Šeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.

Melson volunteers to serve in the Middle East; withdraws from NY Congressional race


Brooklyn, NY (Sausis 4, 2018) – Army Public Affairs Officer and retired pro boxer Boyd Melson announced his withdrawal from the New York District 11 Congressional election to serve the United States in the fight against ISIS in Operation Inherent Resolve.



Melson is currently serving in the Army Reserve in the rank of Major. Neseniai, a member of Melson’s Army Reserve unit scheduled for deployment in early 2018 received an opportunity for an assignment in an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) position.



The soldier wanted this assignment for a long period of time and it was an opportunity that would not be offered again if initially turned down. The soldier is married with children and the opportunity would be extremely beneficial to the soldier and her family. Melson, a Brooklyn resident, previously volunteered, without success, to serve abroad on three different deployments. He was adamant that this is his time to fight terrorism at its forefront.



“I am proud of many things that have taken place in my life and lives of those around me,Sakė Melson, a 2003 West Point graduate. “The most important to me without question is being a great American that stands behind his responsibilities as a member of the Army Reserve.”



Melson, who helped raise more than $400,000 for Spinal Cord Injury research by donating every penny earned in his boxing career and helping host multiple charity galas, has been chronicled by many high profile media outlets for his selflessness. Tačiau, the 36-year-old believes this next journey is his responsibility as an American.



“I have never deployed. Wholeheartedly, I believe that it is my ultimate duty to serve this great country in our fight against ISIS in the Middle East. For this reason, I have decided to withdraw from the 2018 District 11 Congressional election. While there’s no doubt in my mind I was the right man to lead Staten Island and South Brooklyn, America needs me overseas. I was doing well in my campaign run. I was singled out by the New York times as one of a handful of up and coming Democratic candidates for United States Congress. I was one of six candidates asked to speak out in front of the White House to address Russia’s cyber-interference with our elections. Then I received a phone call. A fellow soldier was scheduled to deploy. She asked me if I would switch with her because of various circumstances that would greatly benefit her family’s life to include her. I immediately said yes.”



“I thought to myself, I have never been deployed and I don’t want to look back on my life thinking how I had my chance to do my part fighting ISIS but shied away from it. That would have gone against everything I stand for. I believe in sacrificing myself to help others. Šį kartą, the sacrifice is not only to help combat the terror in the Middle East, but to also help out a fellow soldier. If I said no, I would have lied to myself about who I think I am and what I think I am about.”



I have spent a great amount of time over the years traveling to schools and speaking to students from pre-k through college. I always stated that you must make sure that your decisions are in alignment with your heart’s values. Me not being there when called upon would have meant I would have lied to these children all of these years. I finally am getting my chance to join my brothers and sisters in arms with this experience. Only my inner-circle knew about the other three deployments I tried to get on. I finally get to join all those throughout our nation’s history that have made this choice. I believe in my choice, albeit it will be costing me my chance at being elected into office. Serving my nation, the United States of America, in uniform while in harm’s way, to help fight.”


Rising Star Promotions Assembles Dream Team to Elevate Atlantic City to its Former Boxing Glory
Atlantik Sitis – Sausis 4, 2018 – In its heyday, Atlantic City was home to some of boxing’s most storied fighters, most memorable fights, and an unmatched atmosphere, punctuated by glitz, glamour, sweat and blood. Su Rising Star Promotions launch of its new boxing series, Boardwalk Boxing, the budding promotional outfit hopes to return the city to its former pugilistic glory. Apie Vasaris 24, the series debuts at The Showboat Atlantic City, and features talent from New Jersey, Philadelphia and New York.
Boardwalk Boxing aims to continue the city’s legacy of legendary fights and glamorous nights, honoring the rich history of boxing in Atlantic City. Rising Star Promotions plans to bring together local boxing gyms, fans and businesses to provide a platform for local and regional boxers to showcase their talent. “We want to bring the glory days of Atlantic City boxing back to the present,” said Rising Star Promotions CEO Tomas “Cornflake” Lamanna, who plans to fight in the seriesinaugural event. “This city means so much to me personally and professionally, ir atlikę laidas tuo Claridge per pastaruosius dvejus metus ir transformaciją toje vietoje, it’s an honor to launch Boardwalk Boxing at the Showboat. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity.
The 26 metų kovotojas parengė keletą Boksas anketa talentingiausius padėti pradėti seriją, dar kartą patvirtindamos savo įsipareigojimą miesto ir bokso bendruomenės, kuri prasidėjo su savo reklamos įmonės įkūrimo 2015.
The series marks Hall of Fame Matchmaker Russellas PELTZ"Sugrįžimas į Atlantik Sitis, a locale that helped cement his legacy as one of the best matchmakers in the history of boxing. LaManna counts Peltz’s events among the most memorable of his childhood. “You knew that when you went to one of Russell Peltz’s events, you were going to get great, memorable fights.LaManna is thrilled to add the hall of famer to his team. “Tuo dienos pabaigos, he’s part of the history of Atlantic City. It feels great that he believed in us enough to come on board.
‘Raging BabeMichelle Rosado has also been added to the Rising Star Promotions team ahead of the launch of Boardwalk Boxing. The marketing strategist and boxing enthusiast brings her brand of grassroots, boots on the ground promotional talent to the boardwalk for the launch of the series.
Brandon Dixon, Chief Operating Officer of Showboat Hotel’s parent company, Tower Investments, is thrilled about the return of world-class boxing to the property. “Our venue is the most user-friendly destination for event planners on the entire Atlantic City Boardwalk,” said Dixon. “We couldn’t think of a better way to open our space up to the public than with the launch of the Boardwalk Boxing Series and Rising Star Promotions this February for a night that our guests will not forget.
The city’s boxing history is unparalleled. Atlantic City’s favorite son, Hall of Fame fighter Arturo “Perkūnas” Gatti, fought 22 nuo jo 49 fights in the city, including the second and third installments of his legendary trilogy with “Airių” Micky Ward. Some of the sport’s biggest names graced the ring in the city along the boardwalk over the years. Sunkiasvoriai Mike'as Tysonas, Evander Holyfield and Larry Holmes fought a combined 24 times in Atlantic City. Roy Jones, Jaunesnysis., Bernardas Hopkinsas, Roberto Duran, Miguel Cotto, Kelly Pavlik, Matthew Saad Muhammad, Mike Rossman, Jeff Chandler, irAaronas Pryor have all been part of the city’s vast boxing history.
Card information for the inaugural Boardwalk Boxing event will be released next week. Boardwalk Boxing will be streamed live via FightNight Live on Facebook.
Tickets are available online at
Daugiau informacijos, 'Kaip’ Kylanti žvaigždė Akcijos "Facebook".


Lewiston, Meino (Sausis 4, 2018) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) grįžta į Lewiston įŠeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018 su kovos Skatinimo kitą mišrios kovos menų renginyje, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis.” Anksčiau šiandien, NEF announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Aaronas “Nepaliaujamas” Lacey (4-1) pasirašė su veido Joshas Parkeris (6-9) ne kova svorio 145 svarų.

After making his professional debut in the spring of 2016, Aaron Lacey rose quickly through the ranks of the NEF featherweight division. With wins over veterans like Derek Shorey (4-9) and Taylor Trahan (8-9), the year belonged to Lacey. 2017, tačiau, was filled with frustration. Lacey lost two scheduled opponents to injuries and had to pull out of one fight with an injury of his own. Late in the year, he took a fight in New Hampshire against Vovka Clay (8-2). Many felt Lacey was winning a close fight, but a deep cut on his head forced the doctor to stop the fight in the second round and the bout was awarded to Clay. It was the first loss of Lacey’s professional career. The product of Young’s MMA is looking to rebound from that loss and get back on track towards the major leagues of the sport beginning withNEF 32.

“I’m excited to be returning to the NEF cage,” sušuko Lacey. “Last year was not my year, but it’s over and I’m looking to start 2018 off with a bang! This fight is going to be fun and I love that I get to come home and perform in front of the NEF fans! The best ones around! I’m coming in prepared and looking for the finish!"

Josh Parker has been a mainstay of both the NEF MMA cage and boxing ring since his debut with the promotion back atNEF I” vasario 2012. Since turning his focus back to MMA from boxing in late 2016, Parker has had two solid victories in Lewiston. Į “NEF 26” lapkričio 2016, Parker submitted Derek Shorey. Praeitą vasarą, į “NEF 29,Parker was again successful, this time taking a unanimous decision victory over Andre Belcarris (0-2). He will look to make it back-to-back wins for the first time in his career since 2011 when he steps into the cage against Lacey. Parker is the head of Ruthless MMA & Boxing based in Benton, Meino.

“I want to thank NEF for the opportunity, and thank Aaron for taking the fight,” Sakė Parkeris. “Aš susijaudinęs kovos. I missed out on the last show, so I’m itching to get back in there . Aaron has had an awesome career so far, and I’m looking forward to the challenges he presents, but I think I match-up well against him. Don’t miss this oneit’s gonna be one to remember.

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis,” pamatysite bendrovė padaryti savo sugrįžimą į Androscoggin Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Meino. The event is scheduled to take place on Šeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.

2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist MURODJON AKHMADALIEV To Start Training Alongside Fellow Olympic Teammate Shakhram Giyasov in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, NV (Sausis 3, 2018)Uzbekistan’s highly decorated armature standout, Murodjonas Achmadaljevas, a 2016 Olympic Bronze Medalist in the bantamweight division, has arrived in Las Vegas to start his professional boxing career, alongside fellow countryman and Olympic teammate, Shakhram Giyasov.
Akhmadaliev, amžius 23, will have every opportunity to become a big star in the United States. His aggressive style is sure to be fan-friendly, as was the case when he floored Ireland’s Gold Medalist, Michaelas Conlanas, į 2015 AIBA Men’s Boxing World Championships. Akhmadaliev, a southpaw with power in both hands, believes his style will suit him well as a professional.
Everyone who has seen me fight, knows I like to be bring intense pressure to my opponent,” saidMurodjon Akhmadaliev, who will campaign as a featherweight in the pro ranks. “I have faith that my power will be one of my best attributes when I turn pro, especially at featherweight, where my body feels the strongest. I can’t wait to let my hands go with the little gloves and no headgear. I want to be known as the knockout king, and when I see my opponent hurt, I’m going to do my best to end the fight.
America will get a nice treat when they see Akhmadaliev in action,” stated International sports agent, Ruslan Khusinov, who will be managing the careers of both Akhmadaliev and Giyasov, “Akhmadaliev will be one of boxing’s most exciting fighters, just like Giyasov. Dėl socialinės žiniasklaidos, they are very popular with their countrymen. They have close to 200,000 combined followers. The people of Uzbekistan are eager these two become world champions. Akhmadaliev is a monster.
Training Akhmadaliev, bus Justin Gamber, best known for his role as head coach of undefeated super-middleweight contender, Kalebas “Sweethands” Augalas (16-0, 11 Kos). Gamber feels Akhmadaliev has the talent to be a force in the featherweight division.
After working the mitts with Akhmadaliev, I can see why he’s so popular, the kid has electrifying punching power,” Justin Gamber said. “With his immense amateur experience, I feel Akhmadaliev will make an immediate impact in the featherweight division.
Both Akhmadaliev and Giyasov are promotional free agents, but are sought out be several U.S. rengėjai.
There is excitement and interest with multiple promoters who want to sign Akhmadaliev and Giyasov,” Ruslan Khusinov concluded. “I feel the same excitement when I came to the States with Genadijus Golovkin, who is my good friend. These kids are very hard workers and they are hungry to become world champions. Whoever we decide to sign with, will be very happy.

Frank De Alba battles Carlos Padilla in main event onTuesday, February 13th at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center

Mykal Fox trunka Ricardo Garcia bendradarbiaujant pagrindinį renginį
Undefeated fighters Colby Madison, Harold Lopez, Michaelas coffie, Juan Sanchez, & Martino "Jules veiksmų
Sunkiojo varžovas Džo Hanks įgauna Nikas Guivas

Betliejus, PA (Sausis 3, 2018) – Super lengvas Frankas De Alba mūšio carlos Padilla in the eight-round main event on Antradienis, Vasaris 13 į The Sands Betliejus Renginių centras.

Nepralaimi Super lengvas Mykal “Profesorius” Lapė imsis ricardo Garcia į bendrai Main Event.
Kortelė yra skatinamas King Promotions.
The FoxGarcia bout is scheduled for eight-rounds.
De Alba Reading, PA turi įrašą 22-2-2 devynių Knockouts.
The 30 year-old De Alba has a six-year professional who has wins over Andrew Bentley (1-0), Jose Bustos (8-2-3), Bernardo Gomez Uribe (16-3), Kuris Evans (12-2-1), and in his last bout where he won a eight-round unanimous decision over Ryan Kielczewski (26-2) apie Balandis 4 The Sands Betliejaus renginių centras. De Alba has won five straight.
Padilla of Barranquilla, Kolumbija turi įrašą 16-6-1 su dešimčia Knockouts.
The 28 year-old Padilla won his first 14 galai, as he amassed a first round knockout over previously undefeated Julio Gomez, and he won the Colombian Featherweight Title with a win over Pelier Pachecho (9-2).
Padilla will be looking to get back in the win column after losing to undefeated Austin Dulay on August 25th Majamyje, Oklahoma.
Lapė, 22 of Forestville, Maryland has a perfect mark of 15-0 su keturiais Knockouts.
The four-year professional won the UBF All Americas Welterweight title with an eight-round unanimous decision over Manuel Reyes on November 21, 2017

I am excited about it, I watched his last fight. He brings a different style then my last opponent. 2018 is going to be another being year staying active. I would love to fight for a regional title by the end if the year,” sakė lapė.
Garcia of the Dominican Republic has a record of 14-1 devynių Knockouts.
The 31 year-old Garcia won his first 14 galai, which included winning the Dominican Republic Super Lightweight title with a ten-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Francisco Aguero on March 31, 2017.
Garcia made his United States debut this past Lapkritis 21, but lost a hard fought majority decision to Victor Vazquez on November 21st, 2017 Betliejuje, PA.
Be aštuonių apvalios bijau, sunkiasvoris varžovas joe Hanks (22-2, 14 Kos) Newark, NJ bus kovoti Nikas Guivas (14-9-2, 9 Kos) iš Topeka, Kanzasas.
Be šešių apvalių seansų:
Colby Madisonas (5-0-1, 4 Kosas) iš OWINGS Mills, Merilandas bus kovoti
dante Selby (2-3-1) Filadelfijos į sunkiasvorio bijau.
blake Mansfield (5-1-1, 3 Kos) Burlington, NC bus kovoti Darryl starta (3-2-2, 1 KO) nuo Asbury Park, NJ į vidutinio svorio pakreipti.
Chiase Nelsonas (6-1, 3 Kosas) Mansfield, OH kovosime Vincentas Jenningsas (5-4-1, 4 Kos) Grand Rapids, MI į lengvas mūšio.
Be keturių apvalių seansų:
Michaelas coffie (1-0, 1 KO) imsis pro debiutavo Nicoy Clarke iš Jersey City, NJ į sunkiasvorio bijau.
Martino "Jules (2-0) iš Allentown, PA kovosime Malikas Loften iš Suitland, MD per lengvas bijau.

Harold Lopez (2-0-1, 1 KO) iš Allentown, PA battles an opponent to be named in a light flyweight bout.
Juan Sanchez (4-0, 1 KO) iš Allentown, PA imsis Sergio Aguilar (2-6, 2 Kos) Homestead, FL į lengvas bijau.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas King Promotions, yra kaina $50, $75 ir $100, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčius ir mokesčius ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti Norėdami įkrauti ne pagal Skambučių Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000.

Terminų Akcijos sveikina skydai 2017 Metų pabaigoje apdovanojimai

Rėmėjas Dmitrijus Terminų iš Salita Akcijos nori pasveikinti savo kovotoją, Moteris superžvaigždė, dviejų laiko olimpinio aukso medalininkas ir leukocitų ir IBF vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas, Claressa “T Rex” Skydai, jos įspūdingo sąrašo pergalių 2017 metų pabaigos apdovanojimai.
Vos savo pirmąją visus metus kaip profesionalus, titnagas, Mičigano Skydai buvo pavadintas "USA Today: Moteris kovotojas Metų, Yahoo Sportas: Moteris kovotojas Metų, WBA: Karščiausios kylanti žvaigždė ir WBAN: dauguma Įkvepiantis, taip pat saldus Science "Prospektas Metų.
Skydai, taip pat nominuotas BWAA anketa Christy Martin Moterų Fighter metų ir Bill Crawford apdovanojimą už drąsą įveikti nelaimės apdovanojimuose, kuri bus pateikta vasario.
Įjungus profesionalus lapkritį 2016, Skydai pasirodė tris kartus 2017, priėmimo bokso istoriją Showtime tapdamas pirmuoju Moteris į antraštę bokso renginys premium televiziją. Rugpjūčio, Skydai laimėjo WBC ir laisva IBF vidutinio svorio čempionatas iš anksčiau nenugalėtas ir labai vertinamas čempionas Nikki Adleris į dominuojančios mados. Ir kovo, taip pat Showtime, ji nustojo Vengrijos Szilvia Szabados keturių raundų.
Skydai taip pat laimėjo WBC Silver super vidutinio svorio titulą tik savo trečiojo profesinio kovos taškus vieningai shutout sprendimą per Luizianos patikima Sidnėjaus LeBlanc priešais ją adoring gerbėjų Michigan birželio.
“2017 buvo labai vykdant metais už mane,” sakė Skydai. “Tekinimo Pro ir laimėti mano pirmieji du pasaulio pavadinimai buvo didelis emocijų. Bet aš pats su malonumu apie tai buvo pirmoji moteris antraštę pagrindinį renginį per televiziją ir turintys du mano kovų gyventi Showtime, nes ji yra mano tikslas vadovauti moterų bokso į naujas aukštumas.”
Rėmėjas Terminų sako dangus yra už 22-erių metų Shields riba, kaip jos šlovę ir toliau pasiimti pagreitį su kiekvienu artimųjų kovos.
“Claressa yra bokso reiškinys; superžvaigždė kovotojas atgaivinti visą sporto moterų bokso su savo nuostabų talentą,” Sakė žodis. “Šie apdovanojimai yra gerai pelnytą ir tik pirmas iš daugelio, kaip ji daro istoriją visoje kas bus jos legendinis karjera. Aš didžiuojuosi, kad reikia dirbti su šio neįtikėtinai jauna moteris ir suteikti jai mano nuoširdžiausius sveikinimus.”
Skydai bus šalia būti vertinamas Penktadienis, Sausis 12, kaip ji gina savo 168-svaras pavadinimus ant ShoBox: Naujos kartos prieš nenugalėtas IBF privaloma varžovas Tori Nelsonas gyvai Showtime (10 p.m. IR/PT) iš Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino Veronoje, Niujorkas.
“Aš negaliu laukti, kad toliau į kelionę 2018, beginning with my Sausis 12 kovoti su Tori Nelson apie Showtime,” tęsinys Skydai. “Laukiu iki suvienijimo kovos su Christina Hammer vasarą. Dėkoju Dievui, Mano gerbėjai, žiniasklaida, Salita Akcijos, ir mano komanda už visą paramą.”
Taip pat matomas ant Sausis 12 televizijos laida, Uzbekistanas galios perforavimo Šachą Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) susidurs kolegos nenugalėtas ir Top-10 reitingą Sonny Fredricksono (18-0, 12 Kos) Toledo, Ohajas. Be bendro funkcija, jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) imsis Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) į 10-turas Super Gaidys bijau.
Svarbiausi JAV kovos debiutas dabartinio WBC ir WBO vidutinio svorio Moterų čempionė, ir ateitis Skydai priešininkas, christina “lady plaktukas” Plaktukas (22-0, 10 Kos) Taip pat bus parodyta.
Bilietus į renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Salita paaukštinimo, Šiuo metu yra parduodamas už $75 pirmųjų dviejų eilių Pirmąsias gretas aplink Arena, $65 už likusius Ringo sėdynės ir visus kitus kaina $49 ir $37, plius visi taikomi mokesčiai. Bilietus galima įsigyti asmeniškai arba paskambinę Tekinimas akmens Resort kasose ne800.771.7711 arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.


Highly Touted Lightweight Prospect Devin Haney Opens Telecast That Features Eight Fighters With A Combined Record Of 113-3-3, Including Five Unbeaten Fighters


Penktadienis, Vasaris. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. ET / PT
Nuo WinnaVegas Casino Sloan, Ajova


NEW YORK (Sau. 3, 2018) – A battle of unbeaten super middleweight prospects will headline a ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader on Friday, Vasaris. 2, gyvena Showtime ne 10 p.m. ET/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ajova, as two-time ShoBox veteran Ronald Ellis takes on New Yorker Junior Younan.

Ellis (14-0-1, 10 Kos), nuo Lynn, Mišios., ir Brooklyn Younan (13-0, 9 Kos) bus kirstis į 10-apvalios pagrindiniame renginyje keturių kova laidos, kad funkcijos aštuoni kovotojai, kurių bendra įrašo apie 113-3-3.

An undefeated boxer losing for the first time was a common theme on ShoBox in 2017 kaip 15 prospects lost their perfect record on the popular developmental series last year. Now in its 17th year, a total of 171 fighters have suffered their first loss on ShoBox. All three fights leading up to the main event on Feb. 2 are eight-round matchups that include an undefeated “A-side” fighter facing his toughest test to date.

Be bendro funkcija, former Dominican Olympian Wellington Romero (12-0-1, 6 Kos) will take on Philadelphia’s Sam Teah (12-1-1, 5 Kos) in a super lightweight scrap contracted at 141 svarų. Cleveland’s Thomas Mattice (10-0, 8 Kos) will face two-time ShoBox winner and Lancaster, Pa. resident Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 Kos) in a lightweight matchup.

In the telecast opener, highly regarded undefeated Devin Haney (18-0, 12 Kos), Las Vegase, will take on Harmonito Dela Torre (19-1, 12 Kos) in another bout pitting two 135-pound prospects.

Renginys skatina GH3 Akcijos ir Roc Nation Sports kartu pergalę Akcijos ir Ringo bilieto. Bilietai yra tik $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 Vas. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN ext. 7117.

RONALD ELLIS vs. JUNIOR YOUNAN – 10-Round Super Middleweight


Ellis returns to ShoBox in his first bout since defeating Christopher Brooker via a unanimous decision in Atlantic City last January. In his ShoBox debut, Ellis fought Jerry Odom to a majority draw in Atlantic City in February 2016.

Originally from Lynn, Mišios., the 28-year-old Ellis currently lives and trains in Los Angeles at the Iron Gym under trainer Jerry Rosenberg and his father Ronald Ellis Sr.

“It’s going to be fireworks from the jump,- sakė Ellisas, who was scheduled to fight Taneal Goyco in November, but the fight was scrapped when Goyco weighed three pounds over the super middleweight limit. “Younan is a good little fighter, but we are trying to get him out of there. Tai mano pirmasis pagrindinis renginys, and I want to impress. It will be a good way to start 2018, which will be my year.”

Ellis upset highly regarded Terrell Gausha to win the 2010 Nacionalinės Golden Pirštinės. Gausha would go on to represent the U.S. ne 2012 Olimpinės žaidynės.

Younan, who is promoted by Roc Nation Sports, was a highly touted amateur boxer who compiled a 90-5 record before turning professional in 2013 tuo metų amžiaus 18. Once dubbed by The New York Times as “a boxing prodigy” as a 10-year-old, Younan was a two-time National Junior Golden Gloves champion, the 2011 National Junior Olympic championship, and at one point was the No. 1-rated junior boxer in his weight class by USA Boxing.

Because of injuries, Younan fought just one time in 2015. After a nine-month layoff, he returned in March of 2016 to beat Cristian Solorzano and has remained active since. Eight of Younan’s 13 pro wins have ended in the first round, including three of his last five fights. The 22-year-old is trained by his father, Sherif Younan

“It’s a pleasure to fight on SHOWTIME and I’m excited to put on a show for all the viewers,” Younan said. “I’ve been working as hard as possible and I’m confident my efforts will pay off. I’m going to break my opponent’s spirit and pick him apart. This is my time – in 2018, I’m looking to make a title run and this fight is just the first step.”

WELLINGTON ROMERO vs. SAM TEAH – Eight-Round Super Lightweight


Romero is originally from the Dominican Republic now fighting out of Newburgh, Niujorkas. A southpaw, he fights under the Roc Nation Sports promotion and represented the Dominican Republic in the 2012 London Olympics, where he lost to eventual Gold Medalist Vasyl Lomachenko.


An accomplished amateur with 268 kovas, Romero earned a bronze medal at the 2010 Central American Games and made back-to-back appearances at the 2011 World Amateur Boxing Championships and the 2011 Pan American Games as a teenager.

The 26-year-old Romero fought twice in 2017, recording TKOs in both wins over Kevin Womack Jr. and Mike Fowler.

“This fight on SHOWTIME is a great opportunity for me to showcase my talent and I want to thank God, my team and everyone involved for this opportunity,” Romero said. “I’m going to deliver a world class performance for all the boxing fans out there to enjoy. After defeating my opponent, I know I will make a lasting impression on the viewers and start paving my way to a world title belt.”

This won’t be the first time Philadelphia’s Teah is facing an undefeated fighter on ShoBox. In Las Vegas in 2015, Teah scored a unanimous decision over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster. The 30-year-old’s only loss came against then-undefeated Lavisas Williams in 2014.

Gimė Liberija, Teah did not start boxing until the age of 19. His last four fights have been close to home with three in his hometown of Philadelphia and the other two in Bristol, Pa., and Atlantic City, N.J.

“I know my opponent was an Olympian, and he has been in front of a lot of great fighters,” Teah said. “I am excited to face him and take the big challenge. I know I will be his toughest opponent. I am ready to see what he is made of.”

THOMAS MATTICE vs. ROLANDO CHINEA – Eight-Round Lightweight

A 27-year-old from Cleveland, Mattice turned pro in 2014 and had an amateur record of 72-18. He was a three-time Ohio State Golden Gloves champion, and bronze medal winner in the USA National Tournament in 2014.

In his last fight on Nov. 11, Mattice beat Orlando Rizo via seventh-round stoppage in Georgia. Mattice, who has recorded four straight KOs and eight overall in 10 profesinės kovoja, is a boxer-puncher who likes to attack the body.

“It’s a tough fight for sure,” Mattice said. “I checked him out. It’s going to be a rough fight, but I am prepared for a war. I am prepared for whatever he will bring. I am excited to fight on ShoBox. Ever since I started boxing, I said one day that will be me fighting on TV, and now that dream comes true.”

The 26-year-old Chinea returns to ShoBox after handing previously unbeaten Kenneth Sims Jr., the first loss of his professional career via majority decision on July 14. The win moved Chinea’s ShoBox record to 2-0. He had previously won an eight-round split decision victory over O’Shaquie Foster in 2016.

A Puerto Rican native now living in Lancaster, Pa., Chinea suffered his only defeat against the hands of Ismail Muwendo in 2015. He has won five straight since, including two unanimous decisions over previously undefeated Ladarius Miller and Mel Crossty, as well as the unbeaten Sims. His last four opponents had a combined record of 38-1-1.

“I know Thomas Mattice is another undefeated fighter with a terrific amateur career,” Chinea said. “I am being brought in as his opponent, to make him look good in his national TV debut. I respect Thomas for agreeing to fight me. I am sure that he will bring his best, and it will be another entertaining fight, Chinea style. I am going to be in the best shape of my career. I am going to be stronger, and I am going to hunt him down, rough him up, and beat him. I can’t wait to fight and win again on ShoBox.”

DEVIN HANEY vs. HARMONITO DELA TORRE – Eight-Round Lightweights


Haney just turned 19 years old last November and already sports a professional record of 18-0 su 12 Knockouts. Trained and managed by his father, William Haney, he has been active with nine fights in 2016 and seven in 2017. In his last fight on Nov. 4, he scored a fifth-round TKO against Hamza Sempewo in Atlanta.

Raised in Oakland, Kalifornijoje., Haney was a seven-time national amateur champion and compiled an impressive record of 130-8. Haney is currently living and training in Las Vegas, where he sparred with Floyd Mayweather as the pound-for-pound champ prepared to face Conor McGregor, and Shawn Porter. Haney turned professional when he was 16 years old in Mexico.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME, specifically ShoBox, where many champions have been made, is something I’ve envisioned since I turned professional in 2015,” Haney said. “I’m in tough against Harmonito Dela Torre, a hungry fighter who is coming off his first pro loss. I know his back is up against the wall, so I’m expecting him to bring everything he’s got. But this is my time to shine on the big stage and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by. I’m the future of boxing and everyone will see my talent on February 2, especially Dela Torre.”

Dela Torre is a 23-year-old Philippines native who has been training with Osmiri Fernandez in Miami the past few months at the Sanman Boxing Gym.

Dela was scheduled to fight last on Aug. 22 in Las Vegas in a super featherweight bout against undefeated Saul Rodriguez, who inexplicably pulled out of the matchup a few days before the fight.

Užuot, Dela Torre entered the ring in Las Vegas on Nov. 18 and suffered his first loss against 2012 Olympic silver medalist Tugstsogt Nyambayar in an eight-round unanimous decision, despite scoring a second-round knockdown. It was the first time in his first nine fights that Nyambayar was taken the distance.

Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Vykdomoji gamintojas yra Gordon salė su Richard Gaughan gaminti ir Rickas Phillips vadovavimas.

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Lewiston, Meino (Sausis 3, 2018) - Naujosios Anglijos Kovų (NEF) grįžta į Lewiston įŠeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018 su kovos Skatinimo kitą mišrios kovos menų renginyje, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis.” Anksčiau šiandien, NEF announced the addition of an amateur lightweight bout to the card. Stacy Lupo (0-1) imsis David Hart (0-2) ne kova svorio 155 svarų.

Stacy Lupo made his NEF cage debut in the summer of 2016, facing fellow forty-something athlete Dr. Steve'as Bang (1-1). Lupo and Bang went deep into the third round in a grueling, back-and-forth battle before Bang was able to finish the fight by TKO. Prior to stepping in the cage that night, Lupo, a former wrestler at Nokomis Regional High School in Newport, Meino, already had more than three decades worth of martial arts experience. He holds black belts in both Taekwondo and Shotokan karate. Lupo competed in amateur boxing and kickboxing in the 1980s and 1990s. Dabar, he is a member of The Outlet based in Dexter, Maine and also operates Lupo’s Mid Maine Karate.

I’m very unhappy with my first showing in the MMA ring,” said Lupo. “I feel I let down my fans and my students. I’m hoping to redeem myself in this next match. I heard Mr. Hart wants a stand-up fight, and that’s what I’m hoping for too. I’d like to showcase my skills, so I look forward to February 3rd.”

Like his opponent, David Hart is also looking for his first victory in the MMA cage. He made his debut last summer atNEF 30in Bangor in a losing effort against Zach Faulkner (1-0). Hart took Faulkner into the second round before getting submitted. He returned a few weeks later atNEF 31in Portland and lost again via submission against 56-year-old Gary Carr (1-0). Dabar, Hart is looking forward to testing his striking skills against another striker in the form of Lupo. Hart represents Kenney’s MMA of Lisbon, Meino.

I look forward to fighting in Lewiston,” said Hart. “Lupo looks like a tough opponent and has good striking. I am up to the challenge and want to get my first win and the first win for Kenney’s MMA. Tai bus puiki kova.”

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 32: Super Šeštadienis,” pamatysite bendrovė padaryti savo sugrįžimą į Androscoggin Bank COLISEE Lewiston, Meino. The event is scheduled to take place on Šeštadienis, Vasaris 3, 2018. Tickets are on-sale now online

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius Meino kovotojų ir aistruoliai. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.

Brunson – Woods to re-air on Saturday, January 6th on Eleven Sports

Plus Brandon RobinsonChristopher Brooker as well as Jaron Ennis – George'as Sosa
Filadelfija, PA (Sausis 2, 2018) – Šį šeštadienį rytas (2:30 am EST), Eleven Sports will air the replay of the December 1st action-packed boxing event that took place in front of a sold out crowd at the 2300 Arena Filadelfijoje.
The King’s Promotions event featured the continued ascension of world-ranked junior middleweight Tyrone Brunson. Brunson stopped Manny Woods in eight rounds to capture the UBF International title.
The co-feature was a Philadelphia showdown of super middleweights that saw Brandon Robinson win a unanimous decision over Christopher Brooker for the UBF All Americas Super Middleweight title.
The show was kicked off with a scintillating performance by rising star Jaron Ennis as he took out George Sosa in two rounds.
There will be an announcement of future re-airings of this show.
Other bouts will be featured on the broadcast.
ELEVEN SPORTS is available in 70 million homes worldwide in Belgium, Italija, Liuksemburgas, Lenkija, Singapūras, Taiwan and the United States. Launched in the US in March 2017, ELEVEN SPORTS is dedicated to delivering world-class domestic and international sports and lifestyle entertainment ‘For The Fans’. Sports fans will be treated to a unique mix of emerging and established sports combined to provide engaging and compelling LIVE entertainment, placing the viewer at the very heart of the action.
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