Rances Barthelemy & Kiryl Relikh akuyembekezera Big 2018 kuyambira Loweruka, February 10 Akakumana in140 yolemera World Championship Rematch Moyo Showtime



Kuchokera Alamodome ku San Antonio & Kuperekedwa ndi

Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa


Dinani PANO chifukwa Photos ku nkhondo yawo yoyamba

Photo Mawu a: Tom Casino / Showtime



San Antonio (Jan. 10, 2018) - Unbeaten ziwiri magawano dziko ngwazi Rances Barthelemy ndi kale mutu akunyoza Kiryl Relikh adzakhala onse kuyang'ana kwa yamba chaka chawo chatsopano ndi chigonjetso mutu dziko akakumana mu rematch kwa wopanda udindo 140 yolemera Loweruka, Feb. 10 moyo pa Showtime ku Alamodome ku San Antonio mu chochitika kuperekedwa ndi Premier nkhonya odziwa.




The Showtime Championship nkhonya telecast kumayambira 10:15 p.m. AND/PT and will be headlined by three-division world champion Mikey García (37-0, 30 Ko) kutenga unbeaten 140 yolemera dziko ngwazi SERGEY Lipinets (13-0, 10 Ko).




"Mwachionekere nambala imodzi cholinga cha 2018 ndi kubweretsa kunyumba kuti lamba February 10,"Anati Barthelemy (26-0, 13 Ko). "Ndiye ine ndikufuna kuti ukhale ndi akatswiri ena onse. kusamvana wanga Chaka Chatsopano ndi anazungulira ndekha ndi anthu abwino ndi kupambana maudindo angapo dziko. "




"Choyamba ndiyenera nkhondoyi February,"Anati Relikh (21-2, 19 Ko). "Koma ndiye ine ndi ziyembekezo za chaka kwambiri kuteteza lamba langa kuti kuvomerezedwa ndi pambuyo pake yogwirizanitsa nkhondo. Ichi chidzakhala chaka Ine kufika mlingo watsopano mpira. "




Barthelemy ndi Relikh asamenyana kwa WBA ili yopanda Super zing'onozing'ono World Title pambuyo mutu awo eliminator podwala mu May inatha mu chisankho zofunika kukambirana kwa Barthelemy. nthawi iyi olimbana ndi adzayang'ana kwa kumatsimikizira ndi udindo wonse pa mzere.




"Izi nthawi yanga yachiwiri kumenyera mutu dziko ndipo adzakhala phunziro lachiwiri kwa ine,"Anati Relikh. "Izi ndi nthawi yanga kukhala ngwazi. Ndikufuna kwambiri pa nkhondoyi.




"Ine ndiyenera kukhala bwino aukali kuyambira pa chiyambi. Ine ndikutsimikiza kuti ndifunika knockout kuti chigonjetso. Iye akhoza kuyesera kuti athawe, koma sadzatha kubisala kwa ine. "




"Kuthana mutu uwu ngati kutulo chifukwa ine,"Anati Barthelemy. "Ndikufuna kukhala woyamba Cuba womenya mu mbiri kupambana udindo m'magulu atatu osiyana. Nkhondo yomaliza anali pafupi kwambiri ndi oyenera rematch ndi.




"Ine basi ayenera kumamatira masewera nira ndi kusonyeza aliyense kuti ine ndine zabwino 140 yolemera womenya mu dziko. Kiyi adzakhala kukhala kulangidwa ndi dziko akatemera mwakhama usiku wonse. "




Ankhondo onse nsembe mumsasa maphunziro panjira kuti zomwe akuyembekezera kudzakhala mphindi celebratory pa February 10, masewerawa mwa nyengo ya tchuthi kukhala pa chandamale cha nkhondo usiku.




"Gulu langa lonse wachita ntchito wosangalatsa mpaka mu msasa,"Anati Barthelemy. "Ismael Salas ndi Joel Casamayor akupereka ine nsonga kwambiri ndipo kundisunga lolunjika pa cholinga changa. chinthu chatsopano Ine Mwawonjezera msasa uwu Bob Santos chakudya komanso mphamvu zowongolera. Iwo anapangidwa kusiyana kwakukulu pa maholide kumene ine kawirikawiri kudya kwambiri. Iye anali nane pa zakudya okhwima ndi kuphunzitsa kuposa kale. "




"Awa masabata ochepa maholide akhala chovuta kwa msasa wanga, chotero panalibe malo zododometsa,"Anati Relikh. "Ndinakhala Chaka Chatsopano ndi banja langa kenako ndinali mmbuyo mumsasa maphunziro m'mawa."




Ndi malamba awiri mu gulu 140 yolemera pa mzere mu usiku womwewo, wopambana pakati Barthelemy ndi Relikh adzakhala malo aakulu kuyamba njira kwa yogwirizanitsa pambuyo February 10.




"Ine diso langa pa chochitika chachikulu zedi,"Anati Relikh. "Ine lolunjika pa Barthelemy tsopano, koma ine ndikufuna kuti ukhale ndi ngati izo zikutanthauza kumenyana García kapena Lipinets, Ine anadzakhala akusasanyika. "




"García vs. Lipinets adzakhala nkhondo lalikulu ndi ine ndithudi ndikufuna wopambana,"Anati Barthelemy. "Ngakhale Lipinets ndi underdog kupita nkhondoyi, Ine ndikuganiza iye adzapereka García zonse zimene angathe kusamalira. Komabe ine ndikuganiza García adzatuluka pamwamba, kuimika nkhondo pakati pa ife mu yogwirizanitsa tikadwala. "


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pa www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing ndipo www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports. PBC ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Owonjezera, abwino Beer.

Mkangano Kuthamanga High monga anaumba chiwombankhanga Teammates Konzekerani MMA khola Battle

Lewiston, Maine (January 10, 2018) – Kukula mu chomwecho zamanja dera n'kuyamba kudzera yemweyo, storied masewera pulogalamu sindiye kuti amuna awiri abwenzi.




Anaumba teammates Mountain Valley High School, ndi tsogolo New England ndewu wosanganiza masewera a karati otsutsa, Ryan Burgess ndi Nate Boucher ndi umboni wa limakhulupirira akale, “ankadziwa amayambitsa kunyoza.”




Burgess, 24, ndipo Boucher, 21, adzachita nkhondo mu ankachita masewera flyweight podwala pa "NEF 32: Super Loweruka"Padziko Loweruka, February 3. nkhondo pa Androscoggin Bank Colisee adzaona ndi Woyesana nambala wani mu gulu 125 yolemera, ndi kupeza wopambana udindo anawomberedwa ndi ngwazi Justin Witham.




Izo zakhala pafupifupi chaka kuyambira Burgess, atatu nthawi Maine sekondale ogwetsana ngwazi ndi akale NEF titleholder, anayenda mu khola. Iye anaitana NEF co-mwini matchmaker Mat Peterson mwachindunji anapempha Boucher nkhondo.




N'chifukwa? Pa dzanja limodzi, zinali kusankha ntchito pambuyo pafupi Boucher a, imfa kugawanika-choti Witham mu November mutu podwala.




"Ine ndakhala kunja kwa chaka. Ndimasangalala kudumpha mmbuyo mu mutu nkhondo,"Burgess anafotokoza. "Pambuyo nkhondo Nate ndi Witham, Ine akhapiziwa mukufuna rematch mwamsanga. Kamodzi zinali zoonekeratu kuti sanali zichitike mpaka April, Ine ndinamufunsa ngati ife tikanakhoza kuchita nkhondoyi February, ndipo Nate anatenga izo. "




Burgess (2-2) kenako anapezerapo imodzi kapena ziwiri chikhalidwe TV mabomba amene anaonekera kwa akusonyeza ena mlingo wa chidani kwa wake Chimphamba anzathu. Zikuoneka zochepa osati mwatsatanetsatane; Burgess anazindikira mwayi kufunkha zimene amaona ngati mmodzi wa chinks mu zida Boucher a.




"Nate, kuyambira mwana, ali ndi mtima piss anthu osauka pamene iye wotaya. Ine ndikuyembekeza kuti akuchepetseni iye pang'ono pokha ndipo onetsetsani kuti alibe nkhawa nkhondo akulowa mu manja a oweruza,"Burgess anati. "Nate mwina zikanatha awiri- kapena atatu nthawi boma ngwazi ngati adawapatsa yekha angachitire kuti. Ngati iye ali ndi maganizo omwewo iye anali panthawiyo, izo kutha mwanjira yomweyo. "




Burgess ndi imodzi mwa anayi atatu nthawi boma akatswiri okha mbiri MVHS. Kulikonse, m'bale Boucher a, Etani, anachikwaniritsa chintchito.




Boucher, amene kale zinai nthawi mphasa Maine sekondale ngwazi, ndi ziwiri nthawi New England finalist, Yeremiya Barkac wa Dexter pa nthawi mu NEF hexagon, zikuwoneka ndipo zikumveka ngati khalidwe wosiyana kuposa amene ankavutika kuchokera mphasa ngati wachinyamata.




Pambuyo kuwina woyamba ndewu ake awiri ndi omasuka, Boucher (2-1) sanali mmodzi yekha mu nyumbayi amene ankaona anachita zokwanira kuti apeze lamba mu Portland.




"Ine ndimaganiza ine umayang'anira zipolopolo ziwiri zoyambirira nkhondo. onse atatu, kwenikweni. Woyamba awiri Ine wokongola chambiri (Witham) ndizo,"Boucher anati. "Anafikira pokhala zinachitikira kuphunzira kwa ine kuti inu sangachoke nkhondoyi oweruza. The chinthu chachikulu za mizere ya zofufuzafufuza ndi, pamene kumene ndimasamala za mbiri yanga, kumapeto kwa tsiku ndi mbali ya kuphunzira kuti inu katswiri bwino. "




Poyankha Burgess’ volleys pa Facebook, Boucher adamfunsa khalidwe ngwazi yemwe anali pambuyo athana NEF anamangirira ndewu awiri mu ntchito yake.




"Ine sindiri mochuluka nkhani zinyalala. Ine basi kusangalala ndi masewera. Ndimakonda kulimbana ndi ndiye ingopitirirani kunyumba. Iye amachita izo pang'ono kumanga cholinga chake ine ndikuganiza,"Boucher anati. "Iye anagwetsa lamba chifukwa iye anali ndi vuto kupanga kulemera, umene uli wokongola sizilemekeza, m'malingaliro anga. Iye anali kunja kwa kanthawi, kotero tsopano ine ndiri patsogolo pake, ndipo iye akudziwa kuti ipyole ine. "




Burgess anati, iye anagwiritsa ntchito layoff kumaliza maphunziro a ku koleji wake ndi kukhala ndiyedi monga thupi dokotala wothandizira, yonena kuti madokotala zambiri kuti ntchito yake yaitali kuposa MMA.




Pamene iye kuphunzira ndandanda wake pa Rumford Community Center ndi Berserkers MMA, Burgess anati izo zinali zochepa kwambiri ndiponso kusasintha isanafike zomvetsa wake ndi Witham ndi Dustin Veinott. Burgess kale anagonjetsa Otsutsa onse.




"Maonekedwe Ndimakumbukirabe ayenera asula iwo, koma maganizo sindinali ngati wokonzeka ngati ine kukhala. Tsopano Ndine kwambiri maganizo,"Burgess anati. "Pa nthawi imene ndinali kumaliza sukulu, ntchito ganyu 20 kuti 30 maola ndi kupita kusukulu chifukwa mwina wina 40. Ndataya ndewu awiri kumene ine ndinali pansi pa madziwo. Ine ndinali kupeza kulemera pamene anyamata ena anali kudula kulemera. Ndikufuna kupita apo malire ndipo anali kuvala 10 kuti 15 mapaundi pakati pa kulemera-ndi nkhondo. "




Boucher akuvomereza konse anafika kuthekera kwake monga ogwetsana sekondale. Iye anatsatira njira zosiyana koposa Burgess, kulembetsa pa chapakati Maine Brazil Jiu-Jitsu - kumene iye akadali imaphunzitsa lero - pa zaka 13.




"Ine ndi ena mwa abwenzi kuzisiya ndi bwino maphunziro boma,"Boucher anati. "My jiu-jitsu yafika nthawi yaitali, pafupifupi kufika kumene wachokera akulimbana anga pang'ono. Kumene, ogwetsana ndi zimene ine nthawizonse kubwerera pamene ndikuchifuna. chidwi anga usiku ndi tsiku. Zinali moyipa kwa nkhondo wanga woyamba. "




Iye anawonjezera kuti kupambana wamkulu mu MMA wabwera likuvutika wrestlers kale.




Burgess ndi akudalira Boucher kuderera ena repertoire wake. Monga munthu amene anagwira kumenyana pa sukulu pakati junior varsity timu mu sitandade chiwiri, ananena kuti mbiri yake monga kuphunzira mwamsanga yatengedwa uko mu ufumu wa jiu-jitsu ndi nkhonya.




"Ine ndikuganiza iye mudabwa. Akuganiza kuti iye akudziwa zomwe ine kubweretsa tebulo,"Burgess anati. "Onse amadziwa za ine ndi ogwetsana wanga, koma ine kwambiri kuposa kuti kugwera mmbuyo pa. Ndikudziwa kale chimene iye akubweretsa ku gome. Ndipo iye si tiphunzira mu miyezi iwiri zimene ndaphunzira mu zaka ziwiri."




Kutsegula belu pa February 3 amamasulidwa chifukwa 7 p.m. Matikiti alipo ku www.TheColisee.com.




About New England Kumenyana



New England Kumenyana ("NEF") nkhondoyi zochitika pantchito kampani. NEF cholinga ndi kulenga wapamwamba kwambiri zinthu kuti Maine a omenyana ndi mafani ofanana. NEF a Yolamula Gulu agwira anamenyana masewera kasamalidwe, zochitika yopanga, atolankhani anagona, malonda, malamulo ndi otsatsa.

Errol Spence Jr. Dallas Media kulimbitsa thupi Quotes & Photos

Welterweight World Champion Chimafunika Choyamba chitetezo Lamont Peterson Live pa Showtime Loweruka, January 20Kuyambira Barclays Center ku Brooklyn & Kuperekedwa ndi
Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa
Dinani PANO chifukwa Photos ku Byron Craig / Showtime
Dallas (January 10, 2018) – Unbeaten welterweight ngwazi dziko Errol Spence Jr.kunalinso TV kulimbitsa thupi mu kwawo ku Dallas lachiwiri patsogolo matchup wake ndi ziwiri magawano kale dziko ngwazi Lamont Peterson Loweruka, January 20moyo pa Showtime ku Barclays Center, kunyumba ya Brooklyn nkhonya®, ndi kuperekedwa ndi Premier nkhonya odziwa.
The Showtime Championship nkhonya telecast kumayambira 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT ndi mbali opepuka ngwazi dziko Robert Isitala akulimbana ndi ngwazi kale Javier Fortuna mu co-waukulu chochitika.
Matikiti yamoyo chochitika, zomwe zimathandiza ndi DiBella Entertainment ndi TGB Zokwezedwa, ali wogulira kuyambira pa $50, ndipo pa malonda tsopano. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Gulu kuchotsera zilipo powatchula 844-BKLYN-GP.
Apa pali chimene Spence ndi mphunzitsi wake, Derrick James, adanenapo Lachiwiri kuchokera R&R nkhonya Club mu Dallas:
ERROL Spence JR.
“Aliyense amene wandiona Ine nkhondo pamaso amadziwa izo sizidzakhala nkhondo wotopetsa. Ngakhale mmodzi ndiye amaganiza, izo nthawizonse adzakhala kanthu ankanyamula. January 20 adzakhala nkhondo kwambiri ndipo ine ndiika pa chionetsero chachikulu. Ine akukonzekera kuti zilamulire.
“Kuteteza mutu wanga Brooklyn adzakhala wapadera. Ine ndi banja ku New York kwambiri kotero izo zikutanthauza mochuluka kuti ine kufotokoza pa Barclays Center. New York ndi nkhonya mzinda choncho kwambiri akatswiri ndi kudziwa masewera.
“Ndili wokondwa kuti akumenyana ndi munthu ngati Lamont Peterson. Ine sindiri ukumenya zonse palibe dzina-womenya. Iye kubweretsa kwambiri ndi ine, chifukwa iye ali womenya chenicheni. Zimapangitsa zinachitikira lonse bwino.
“Malo pamwamba pa masewera zili kwa imagwira tsopano ndipo ine ndikubwera kwa izo. Ine sindikusamala yemwe ine nawo kapena kumene, Ine ndikupita kukakhala otsiriza munthu alikuyimilira. Ndicho chifukwa tifika mu mpira. Ndimakhulupirira kwambiri ineyo.
“Lamont Ine ndi mtima kwakukulu ndipo ine ndikuganiza aliyense adzatha kuona kuti mphete. Ife tonse omenyana anzeru kotero pakhoza kukhala kumverera kwina pamaso ife ayambepo. Koma ndikuyembekezera kuti ndi dogfight.
“dera lino mu Dallas ndi wofunika kwambiri kwa ine. Ndili
kukula pano panalibe boxers akatswiri pano kuti nditha kukhala ndi monga chitsanzo. Mukakhala ndi zofunikira kuti am'bwezere, ndi zofunika kuchita izo. Ine amakonda masewero olimbitsa thupi ndi kuthandiza anyamata kwenikweni achinyamata ndi kuwapatsa chinachake atakhala.”
DERRICK JAMES, Spence a Mphunzitsi
“Errol zikuwoneka bwino maphunziro. Iye ali kuganizira kwambiri. Iye mwatsatanetsatane kwambiri zochokera ndi mafungulo pa kukhala buku yabwino yekha. Mtima pa nkhope yake umandithandiza kuti akufuna kusiya mwala unturned ndipo onetsetsani zonse apita nkhondo usiku. Ife nkhondoyi mu masewero olimbitsa thupi, osati mphete.
“Errol ayenera kusunga maganizo lino kupita nkhondo ndi kupitirira, ndipo iye akudziwa kuti. Kuthana mutu wina si zimene iye akufuna. Iye akufuna kukhala yamphamvu welterweight ngwazi. Iye cholinga kwambiri zochokera ndipo ine ndikukhulupirira iye ati zimenezi zitheke. Iye satenga palibe yankho. Iye mukawakankhira yekha kwa malire ndi kukwaniritsa zolinga zake.
“Lamont Peterson ndi zoseketsa kwambiri ndi zanzeru mphete. Iye ndi munthu amphamvu kwambiri. Iye akubweretsa kuti mphamvu maganizo kuti muyenera kukhala bwino. Ife kuti kubwera kwa nkhondoyi 100 peresenti ndi kuyang'ana nthawi zonse. Ngati ife sititero, tingakumane lalifupi.
“Ine ndiyenera kukhala buku bwino ndekha kwambiri. Ndimayesetsa bwino lililonse nkhondo ndi tsiku lililonse ochitira masewera a. Ine ndikudziwa ine kukhala pamwamba pa zonse zimene zingachitike. Barry Hunter ndi lolimba, wanzeru mphunzitsi amene amatulutsa kwambiri ku gome. Lamont ali ndi timu yaikulu. Ndimasangalala ndi mwayi amakumana nawo mu mphete.”
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Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
kutsatira ife pa Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
ndipo www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC ndi yokonzedwa ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Owonjezera, abwino Beer.

Kupambana Sports & Entertainment’s Sonny “Wokongola Boy” Fredrickson Ready to Shine in ShoBox: The New GenerationDebut, This Friday at 10 p.m. ET/PT Live on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino


Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa

New York, New York (January 10, 2018) — Kupambana Sports & Entertainment’s highly-touted Junior Welterweight fighter Sonny “Wokongola Boy” Fredrickson (18-0,12 Ko) is slated to make his SHOWTIME debut on Friday, January 12 when he faces off against Shohjahon Ergashev in the telecast opener of ShoBox: The New Generation pa Friday, Jan. 12 moyo Showtime (10 p.m. AND/PT) Kutembenuza ku Stone Amachita Casino mu Verona, N.Y..
Fredrickson will square off against the Uzbekistani Ergashev (11-0, 11 Ko) in a telecast headlined by two-time Olympian Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (4-0, 2 KO a) as she defends her WBC and IBF Middleweight World Titles against Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 KO a).
Fredrickson, ndi WBA a No. 8 ranked fighter at 140 mapaundi, will take on power-puncher Ergashev in the former’s first fight since claiming the WBA Fedebol Super Lightweight title on Nov. 1, 2017 in Medellin, Colombia. The highly anticipated fight is part of a tripleheader event promoted by Salita Promotions. And while Ergashev is with Salita Promotions, there is no doubt who theA-Sideof this fight is as the fast rising Fredrickson looks to solidify his position as one of the top contenders at Junior Welterweight and make himself a television regular.
I am excited to make my ShoBox kuwonekera koyamba kugulu, and look forward to putting on a good show for the fans at Turning Stone and everyone watching on TV, especially all my family and fans back in Toledo, Ohio” Fredrickson said. “I know Ergashev is tough and he will be coming to fight, but I’ve trained very hard. I had a great camp and I am looking to make a statement. I’m very appreciative of SHOWTIME for this platform.I had a number of television opportunities fall through because fighters pulled out so I’m happy my time has finally come. Tikukhulupirira, Ergashev doesn’t get hurt before Friday, but once the fight starts I can’t promise anything.
Rick Torres, Pulezidenti wa Kupambana Sports, feels that this fight will give Fredrickson exposure to a wider audience that may not be familiar with him.
We feel Sonny is one of the best kept secrets in all of boxing and we’re excited that the rest of the world will get to see what we already knowthat Sonny Fredrickson is the future of the 140-pound division,” Torres said. “Sonny has not gotten the TV exposure of other fighters, but we know that, given the chance, he will not disappoint. We are very grateful to SHOWTIME and Gordon Hall for making this happen and for the support of Sonny’s promoter Roc Nation Sports.
Mike Leanardi, COO of Victory Sports, sees an opportunity for Fredrickson to follow in the footsteps of another Victory Sports fighter that started on ShoBox.
ShoBox is the premier platform today for showcasing and developing young fighters,”Leanardi said. “We’ve seen the impact ShoBox can have firsthand with [former Super Middleweight and Former Light Heavyweight World Champion] Badou Jack. We’re confident that Sonny can achieve great success as well.

Thrill-a-Minute Kazakh Slugger Bakhtiyar Eyubov Returns to Action This Friday at the Turning Stone Resort Casino

Kazakhstan-born junior welterweight contender Bakhtiyar Eyubov is back with a vengeance and ready to bring his flashy and fan-friendly style to New York boxing fans.

One of the world’s most exciting fighters at 140 ndipo 147 mapaundi, the entertaining Eyubov will return to action this Friday, January 12, on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Zishango (4-0, 2 Ko) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Ko) pa Kutembenuza Stone Amachita Casino mu Verona, New York.
Yeyubov (13-0, 11 Ko) will face Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 Ko) in a six-round junior welterweight showdown.
Training for January 12 has been excellent,” Anati Eyubov. “I feel in great condition. My opponent has some solid wins against undefeated fighters and brings lots of experience into the ring, but I will be ready for everything.
The 31-year-old slugger says with all his injury woes behind him, he is looking forward to a big 2018.
My goal is to make a big jump in my career this year. I want to be set on my path to the title. My style is to please the fans and I want to show them exciting knockouts against the best contenders. I would like to stay active and fight four or five times. Give me the so calledkillersin the division. Mzere iwo!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. AND/PT).
Also featured on the January 12 telecast, Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 Ko) will face fellow undefeated and top-10 ranked Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Ko) wa Toledo, Ohio. Mu Co-Mbali, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Ko) will take on Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Ko; 1-3 WSB) mu 10 chonse wapamwamba bantamweight podwala.

Matikiti chochitikacho, zomwe zimathandiza ndi Salita Zokwezedwa, panopa Akugulitsa chifukwa $75 pakuti mizere iwiri yoyambirira ya ringside, $65 kwa otsala mipando ringside ndi ena onse wogulira pa $49 ndipo $37, kuphatikiza chindapusa chilichonse applicable. Matikiti zikhoza kugulidwa mwa munthu kapena ndi kuitana Kutembenuza Stone Amachita Bokosi Office pa 800.771.7711 kapena Intaneti pa Ticketmaster.

About Kutembenuza Stone Amachita Casino
Host of the January 12 chochitika, Kutembenuza Stone Amachita Casino ndi mphoto kopita achisangalalo, omwe ndi osiyana yokha ngati Premier kudzachita nkhondo la-chaka mlingo nkhonya. The January chochitika chidzakhala Kutembenuza 24 m'dziko lonse-televised nkhonya chochitika Stone a, cementing achisangalalo monga kopita chachikulu m'dziko lonse-televised nkhondowo masewera. Kutembenuza Stone zimaonetsa zogwiritsa ntchito dziko kalasi kuphatikizapo Map anayi, kuposa 20 odyera siginecha ndi njira zodyeramo, spas awiri, zonse zatsopano 125,000 lalikulu phazi Las Vegas kalembedwe Masewero pansi, ndi cabaret wamasiku Chipinda Cowonetsera, a 5,000-seat arena, zisanu maphunziro gofu, mipiringidzo angapo, omwera lounges ndi enawo nightlife zosangalatsa moyo mlungu uliwonse.

Professional media requesting credentials for must contact Kelly Abdo, Kutembenuza Stone Amachita Casino Public Relations bwana kelly.abdo@turningstone.com.


AGUASCALIENTES, MX (January 9, 2018)
Damien Vazquez’ shuga Zokwezedwa, idzalimbikitsa khadi lake lotchedwa “Magazi latsopano”, zinapanga Issac “Canelito” Avelar (13-0, 8 Ko), vs. Alejandro Frias (6-2-1, 3 Ko), fighting for the WBC FECOMBOX Featherweight title in a 10-round main-event. The podwala zidzachitika pa Palenque de A La Feria mu Aguascalientes, Mexico pa February 2, 2018.
Issac “Canelito” Avelar, amene imayendetsedwa ndi Prince munda nkhonya, akuyang'ana kuti umboni kwawo pambuyo poti nkhondo yake yomaliza anachedwa chifukwa choipa zazing'ono dzanja.
“Ndine wokonzeka kusonyeza mafani wanga kwawo chifukwa ine AZIDZAMENYANA omenyana yopambana,” anati Issac Avelar. “Ine ndimayenera kumenya December lomaliza, koma anachedwa, chifukwa cha kuvulala dzanja ang'onoang'ono. Ndinatenga nthawi kuti kusintha monga womenya ndi Ndine 100% healthy. Everyone will see the best version of Canelito on February 2nd
“Canelito ndi nyenyezi yaikulu Aguascalientes, Mexico kumene anabadwira ndi kukulira,” Oscar Vazquez, pulezidenti wa Shuga Zokwezedwa ananena. “Ndife okondwa kuika pa pulogalamu ndi talente kwambiri m'deralo. Canelito is a homegrown hero from Aguascalientes, Mexico and it is exciting to promote such a massive event. Everyone in town will be here.
“NEW MAGAZI” also features undefeated bantamweight Damien “Shuga” Vazquez (12-0, 6 Ko) vs. TBA, unbeaten wapamwamba-featherweight edwing Davila (16-0, 9 Ko), vs. Octavio Guardado, Opepuka Donovan Star (10-0, 4 Ko) vs. Antonio Camacho, Mayran Reyes vs. Naomi Arellano, Christina Mora vs. TBA and light heavyweight Kye Brooks (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Ivan Sánchez. Damian Vasquez has his sights set on fighting McJoe Arroyo(17-2, 8 Ko) Chaka chatha.
February 2 akuyang'ana kukhala bwanji kwambiri ndi Ndine kwambiri ntchito ndi Shuga Zokwezedwa,” anati Greg Hannely, CEO wa Prince munda nkhonya. “Izi udzakhala makadi bwino nthawi amavala Aguascalientes, Mexico. All my fighters are coming to win and win impressively.

Danny García vs. Brandon Rios & David Benavidez vs. Quotes Ronald Gavril Los Angeles Press Conference & Photos

García vs. Rios & Benavidez vs. Gavril 2 zimatengera Place Loweruka, February 17 moyo pa Showtime ku Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas & Kuperekedwa ndi Premier nkhonya odziwa
Dinani PANO chifukwa Photos ku Scott Hirano / Showtime
Dinani PANO chifukwa Photos ku Chris Farina / Mayweather Zokwezedwa
Dinani PANO chifukwa Photos ku Erick Ramirez /
Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa
Los Angeles (January 9, 2018) – Ziwiri magawano dziko ngwazi Danny “Swift” García ndi kale lonse ngwazi Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios anakamanga maso ndi nkhope kwa nthawi yoyamba Lachiwiri pa msonkhano wa atolankhani ku Los Angeles kulengeza waukulu awo chochitika chiwonetsero zikuchitikaLoweruka, Feb. 17 moyo pa Showtime ku Mandalay Bay Events Center ku Las Vegas ndi kuperekedwa ndi Premier nkhonya odziwa.
Komanso pamsonkhanowu Lachiwiri anali WBC Super Middleweight World Champion David Benavidez ndipo Woyesana pamwamba Ronald Gavril, amene amasonkhana mu rematch wa zosangalatsa nkhondo yawo mutu dziko kwa September mu co-mbali ya telecast ndi.
Matikiti yamoyo chochitika, amene amachitira Mayweather Zokwezedwa ndi TGB Zokwezedwa, ali pa malonda tsopano ndipo akupezeka pa AXS.com.
Apa pali chimene omenyana anali kunena Lachiwiri ku Malo Conga pa L.A. Live:
Danny García
“Ine ndikumverera bwino maganizo ndi thupi pompano. thupi langa anapuma ndi wokonzeka kukhala wamkulu 2018 kuyambira February 17.
“Inu muyenera kuyang'ana kwa bwino nkhondo ngati imeneyi ndipo ine ndikuganiza Brandon Rios amadziwa kuti. Ine masewerawa kotero ine ndikuyembekeza iye kwambiri. Sindidzazigwiritsa kutenga nkhondo kuchokera.
“Izi ndi ndewu tingachipeze powerenga za ankhonya ndi puncher molimbana ndi ndewu ndi. Ine ndikuti kukonzekera zonse ndi chiyambi 2018 pomwe. Ine kukhala womenya Ine nthawizonse ndakhala.
“Ndine athanzi ndi amphamvu ndi wokonzeka kulimbana. Ine ndikuziika imfa kwa Keith Thurman kumbuyo kwanga ndi kupitabe patsogolo. Ine kuganizira kukhala Danny García pa February 17. Sindingathe tilimbikire ndi kuyesera kumachita kwambiri, Ine basi kutenga Nkhata.
“Tinali akatswiri onse nthawi imodzi pa 140 mapaundi ndipo tinalibe mwayi woti amenyane ndiye, koma zonse ziri za nthawi masewerawa. Zinthu amakonda ntchito ndipo tsopano ife tiri okonzeka kupita mutu ndi mutu.
“Ine osataya ndipo ine ndikudziwa kuti Brandon Rios amaona kuti ine. Ine nthawizonse kudzacita nkhondo. Iwo adzakhala matchup kwambiri ndi masitayilo athu ndi mtima wathu.
“Ndimakonda kuwonera otsiriza ndewu atatu a mdani wanga. Ine ndikuganiza izo zimandipatsa zimasonyeza zomwe iye adzayang'ana ngati nkhondo usiku. Ndakhala kuonera matepi a nkhondo yanga yotsiriza, naponso kotero ife tikhoza kwambiri masewera dongosolo pamodzi.
“Ndimamva ngati anamenyera nkhondo yabwino ndi Thurman. Kwenikweni kuchita. Ine ndinaganiza pambuyo kuzungulira wachinayi anali kwenikweni mthunzi nkhonya. Ine sindikumutsutsa iye chifukwa inu kukhala osalankhula kuima pamaso panga. Ife kusintha ndi kuwonjezera kwa zomwe ine kale kuchita bwino.
“Ine ndiribe yoperekedwa ndi Shawn Porter nkhondo koma ine ndikuganiza izo zikanakhoza kukhala nkhondo yayikuru. Iye amakonda kubwera kutsogolo ndipo ndine wamkulu ankhonya ndi atali-puncher. Ine ndikuganiza mafani angasangalale kwambiri, koma Shawn Porter ayenera kusamala zimene iye afuna kuti.”
“Aliyense akudziwa kanga. Ine ndiri pano kuti kuvina, Ine ndikubwera kulimbana. Ine ndikupita uko ndi mtima wanga kunja kusonyeza dziko kuti ine ndikadali mmodzi wa yabwino kunja uko.
“Ndikumva amphamvu ndipo ine ndikumverera mphamvu. thupi langa anafunika zina chifukwa onse ndewu wanga ndi nkhondo. Panapita msonkho pa thupi langa tsopano ine ndikumverera wabwino monga nthawi. Ndine wokonzeka kusonyeza dziko osiyana Brandon Rios.
“Inu muyenera kumenya bwino kuyesa kukhala zabwino. Danny García akhala atakwera pamwamba pa mpira kwa nthawi yaitali. Ndine wokonzeka chifukwa mayeso.
“Ine ntchito si nthawi zonse kutenga maphunziro ndi kulemera wanga kukhala lofunika kwambiri monga ine ayenera. Ndinali wamng'ono, osalankhula ndi ine ndapanga zolakwitsa. zolakwa ali mu moyo wanga wakale ndipo ine ndiri mu mawonekedwe kwambiri pompano.
“Ndakhala masewerawa kwenikweni ndi mpweya okwanira nthawi zonse pa nkhondo usiku. Ine akanatha anakhala anapuma komabe ine nazo ine ndipo pali zambiri sindingathe kutuluka mpira ndi. Ndimamukondadi nkhonya ndi Ndine okondwa kukhala kumbuyo mu nkhondo yaikulu ngati izi.
“Ine nthawizonse ndimakhala ndi chidaliro pamene ine ndikafika ku mphete. Kukhala Robert García mmenemo ali ndi mchimwene wanga ndi ine. Ziri chabe mawu ena kuti ine ntchito ndi kuti ine ndikudalira.
“Kukhala kumbuyo mu mphete anali pang'ono mitsempha-wracking koma ndinali wokondwa kuti mphete dzimbiri kuchokera. Ndinachita ndinali kuchita ndipo adakhala wokondwa kuti mwa zomwe. Ndine kuyamikira kwenikweni kukhala mu udindo uwu kulimbana Danny García.
“Ine ndakhala ndiri wokonzeka kulimbana aliyense ozimitsa pamwamba. Ndinadikira ndi nthawi yanga chifukwa ndinadziwa akadamenya nkhondo amene akufuna kulowera. Ndapeza chimene ndimafuna ndipo tsopano ndi nthawi kuti titenge mwayi.”
“Ine ndiyenera kupanga neno pa February 17. Ndikuchoka Mandalay Bay ndi lamba pa phewa langa. Ndili ndi kutenga knockout ndipo ndicho chimene ine ndikuyang'anapo kuchita.
“Izo zakhala maloto anga Kuyambira ndili mwana wamng'ono kuti ukhale maudindo ndipo ndicho chimene ine ntchito kwa tsopano. Ine ndikufuna kukhala mmodzi wopambana mu mbiri ya kalasi kulemera ndi ine ndikugwira ntchito mwakhama kwambiri kukwaniritsa.
“Ine ndine wamng'ono wapamwamba middleweight dziko ngwazi mu mbiriyakale ndipo Ine ndati ndikusonyezeni Gavril chifukwa. Ndine chinachititsa kwambiri kuyang'ana bwino kuposa nthawi yotsiriza ndi kutenga knockout.
“Ndinakulira chi kumene aliyense kumenyana aliyense. Panali mphamvu kwambiri ndi kusangalala ndi nkhondo iliyonse, ndipo ndicho chimene ine ndikuyang'anapo kubweretsa kwa mafani. Izi padzakhala nkhondo zazikulu zimene simukufuna kuti muphonye.
“Ine ndikumverera ngati anapambana nkhondo yoyamba bwino. Gavril aganiza kuti iye akanati abwere ndi kugogoda ine tsopano, koma ngati ali ndi chikhulupiriro kwambiri, iye anayenera kuchita kuti nkhondo yoyamba. Ine masewerawa kwambiri pompano kupita uko ndi kugwetsera iye.
“Njira ya nkhondo imeneyi idzakhala pang'ono osiyana. Tili zinthu zina zimene ife akukonzekera. Koma ikupitirirabe kukhala nkhondo, chifukwa ine ndikufuna kuti ndikhale zimakupiza wochezeka womenya. Ine ndikuyembekeza kuba bwanji.
“Ndine ngwazi kotero ine ndikumverera ngati ine ndiri mu udindo kuti ena ndewu kwambiri posachedwapa. Ine ndikufuna wopambana wa World nkhonya Super Series ndime 168 yolemera. Ndine mwayi waukulu kukhala mu ndime yomweyo monga akatswiri ena ndi Ine sindingakhoze kudikira kuti mu mphete nawo.
“Ine sananyalanyaze Gavril nthawi yoyamba. Ine ndinadziwa kuti iye anali Woyesana ndipo iye anabwera lolimba ndiponso wokonzeka kulimbana. Ndikudziwa kalembedwe wake tsopano kotero Ine ndati kupita ku ntchito kupeza bwino. Panali zinthu zambiri ine akanapereka nkhondo yoyamba. Ine ndikupita masuku nthawi ino.”
Ronald Gavril
“Sindinkaganiza anali abwino monga anthu ananena kuti iye amapita mu nkhondo yathu yoyamba. Iye anali kumenyana omenyana chenicheni, kotero inu munaona chimene chinachitika pamene iye anapita kukamenyana ndi mzinda umodzi.
“Ine ndiri kwenikweni okondwa kukhala pano ndi mu udindo uwu kuti rematch ndi. Ine ndikufuna kuti ndiwathokoze David Benavidez kwa povomera kundimenya. Ndinaganiza kuti anapambana nkhondo yoyamba choncho ndinadziwa ankafuna mwansanga. Inandipezetsa rematch izi.
“Ndinaphunzira zambiri kuchokera nkhondo yoyamba. Ine ndikudziwa chimene ine ndiyenera kuchita bwino nthawi ino. strategy adzakhala kusintha ndipo ine ndiyambe mumsasa kukhala okonzeka. Ndikugwira ntchito pa kukhala chopambana chimene ine ndingakhoze maganizo ndi thupi.
“Iye womenya achinyamata amene ali ndi zinthu zambiri zoti aphunzire. Pakali pano iye ngwazi za, koma kukhala okonzeka. Iyi sidzakhala nkhondo zinamuvuta. Ine ndikupita uko kumukhumudwitsa ndi kupambana nkhondoyi.
“Ndingachite zinthu zambiri kuposa nkhondo yoyamba. Ine anatsimikizira kuti ndili ndi luso machesi loyamba, ndipo tsopano ndidzakuonetserani bwino kutenga Nkhata. Ine ndiri pano chifukwa. Iwo sadzakhala nkhondo zinamuvuta.
“Ine ndikungopereka kuganiza za Davide Benavidez pompano. Ine ndikuziika zonse mu rematch ichi ndi kuzindikira lamba. Pamene ine kupambana, otsalawo adzasamalira yokha.”
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Kuti mudziwe zambiri ulendo www.SHO.com/Sports ndipo www.premierboxingchampions.com, kutsatira pa TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay ndi @Swanson_Comm kapena kuonera pa Facebook pawww.Facebook.com/ShoBoxing, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions ndipo www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. Premier odziwa nkhonya limaoneka ndi kuŵala kwa m'mlengalenga Owonjezera, abwino Beer.

Baltimore Boxing returns with “Super Brawl of Boxing” January 26

Baltimore, MD (January 9, 2018) – Jake Smith Baltimore Boxing will host their first show of 2018 when they present the “Super Brawl of Boxing” Friday, January 26 at Michael’s Eighth Ave in Glen Burnie, MD.

Matikiti kuchokera $40 are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. Zitseko pa 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.
Baltimore Boxing is also pleased to announce that 5-time world champion and the subject of the movie “Bleed for This” Vinny Paz will be on hand to meet fans. Paz is a regular at Baltimore Boxing cards and local fight fans have adopted him as if he were one of their own.
This Olympic style boxing card is headlined by a title unification between Maryland State Middleweight champ Deshawn “Soulsnatcher” Chase of Baltimore Boxing and East Coast belt holder Marquis Moore of Salisbury’s Main Street Boxing Gym. Chase is one of Baltimore’s better amateurs and a regular at Michael’s Eighth while Moore is a well-schooled boxer that believes both titles will be his come the 26th.
This excellent evening of boxing also feature the debut of former NFL player Leon Joe. A standout linebacker at the University of Maryland, Joe was listed by Street & Smith as an All American Honorable mention in 2003. The next year, the Chicago Bears drafted Joe in the 4th round and he played in Super Bowl XLI. He later spent time with the Arizona Cardinals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars and Detroit Lions before playing two years in the Canadian Football League.
Baltimore Boxing’s ‘Super Brawl of Boxing” also serves as a fundraiser for Tina Frost. Pa October 1, Frost was shot in the head during the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Her right eye was removed and spent time in a rehab facility. Originally from Baltimore, the 28-year-old Frost was working as a CPA for Ernst & Young in San Diego but is back in Maryland with her family. While Frost’s made great progress, she has a long way to and a mound of medical bills that will only continue to grow.
To assist the Frost family, Baltimore Boxing will have a 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Those unable to make it are encouraged to donate at https://www.gofundme.com/mary-watson-moreland.
“What happened to Tina is incredibly said,"Anati Jake Smith. “She was professionally successful and had everything going for her in life. It is a true tragedy what happened to her and all of the other shooting victims in Las Vegas. Baltimore Boxing’s fans have done a great job of getting behind the causes we support and we hope everybody is able to come out on the 26th to help raise money for the Frost family.”
Matikiti kuchokera $40 are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. Zitseko pa 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.


STEPI, TX (January 9, 2018) Prince Ranch Boxing’s wapamwamba middleweight chiyembekezo, Humberto “Tito” Velasco (18-1-1 12Ko) will return to action on February 17 mu El Paso, Texas as he takes on Thomas “Top Dogg” Williams JR. (20-3-1 14Ko) on the undercard of an event headlined by Devon Alexander vs. Victor Ortiz which will be broadcast globally on FOX.
It is an honor to fight on such a big platform and against an opponent who has fought for a world titlesaid Humberto Velasco in regard to his fight. “I have a great team around me in Prince Ranch Boxing and Sugar Promotions that supports me, and puts me in the best situation. I can’t wait to show the fans what I am capable of.
Humberto Velasco is an exciting fighter, who the fans love to watch and will continue to watch once they get more familiar with him, “anati Greg Hanney, President of Prince Ranching Boxing. “Our goal is to keep him very active and get him into a big fight.
We have done our homework and we know Velasco is the type of talent who can help Sugar Promotions.Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions stated. “We are ready to make a run for a world title in the coming year, but we are not looking past Thomas Williams Jr, who is a very talented fighter in his own right. This is the type of fight that could end up on many people’sfighter of the yearlist. We believe a great performance by Velasco will take him to the next level.


“Vicious” Victor Ortiz and Devon Alexander “The Great” Clash in Battle of Former Welterweight World Champions
Zambiri! Undefeated Contender Caleb Plant Duels RogelioPorkyMedina in Super Middleweight Showdown in Co-Feature
Photo by Suzanne Teresa – Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa
Live in Primetime on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas pa
Loweruka, February 17 pa 8 p.m. Opuma / 5 p.m. PT
STEPI, TX (January 8, 2018) – “Vicious” Victor Ortiz ndipo Devon Alexander “The Great”headline a show topped by two USA vs. Mexico battles as the former welterweight champions meet in the 12-round main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Loweruka, Feb. 17 from Don Haskins Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso, Texas with televised coverage starting at 8 p.m. Opuma / 5 p.m. PT.
In the co-main event unbeaten contender Caleb “Lokoma Manja” Chomera adzachita nkhondo RogelioPorkyMedina in a 12-round 168-pound world title eliminator.
Matikiti chochitikacho, amene amachitira TGB Zokwezedwa, ndi wogulira pa $200, $100, $60, $40, $25 and will go on sale Friday. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster.
Komanso pa khadi, Tony Harrison (25-2, 20 Ko) zimanyezimira Jorge Cota (27-2, 24 Ko) in a super welterweight showdown and Karlos Balderas, ndi 2016 U.S. Olympian, will appear in a lightweight special attraction.
This is a classic crossroads match in the truest sense. Both Devon Alexander and Victor Ortiz are battle-tested in one of the toughest, deepest divisions in boxing,” said Tom Brown, Pulezidenti wa TGB Zokwezedwa. “Alexander has overcome some serious health issues and is looking to regain the welterweight championship. Ortiz, also a former champion, has always come to fight and doesn’t back down from anyone. It promises to be an entertaining match for the fans in attendance at Don Haskins Center and those who tune in on FOX and FOX Deportes.
Ortiz (32-6-2, 25 Ko), a former 147-pound champion, has split time between boxing and acting throughout his recent career and brings a certain flare every time he steps into the ring. The 30-year-old native of Garden City, Kansas who now lives in Ventura, California, has faced some of the top names in the 147-pound division during his career. Ortiz won the welterweight title with unanimous decision victory over Andre Berto on April 16, 2011. Five months later he lost the title to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. ndi knockout. Ortiz, 30, suffered a knockout loss to Andre Berto in 2016 on FOX and bounced back with a knockout victory over Saul Corral in his last fight on July 30 on FS1.
I’m ready to give all I have to defeat Devon Alexander and get my crown back,” Anati Ortiz. “My priority is to make a strong comeback and putting myself in a position to have my straps once again. I demonstrated what I was made of and did what I said I was going to do in my last fight. I’m facing a great fighter in Devon Alexander and someone I’ve known since we were kids. I don’t hate him, but I will not be his friend on fight night and he won’t be mine. I’m ready to prove everyone wrong starting on Feb. 17.”
Alexander (27-4, 14 Ko) emerged on the scene with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey for the welterweight title in 2012. He defended the title once before losing it to Shawn Porter in 2013. Kuyambira pamenepo, the 30-year-old Alexander of St. Louis, Missouri has been on a mission to regain the title. After losing to Amir Khan and Aaron Martinez, Alexander suffered another setback when he sought treatment for an addiction to painkillers. Fully healthy for the first time mu zaka zitatu, Alexander returned to the ring with a unanimous decision victory over Walter Castillo on FS1 on Nov. 21.
I’m excited to get back in there against a fighter like Victor Ortiz,” Anati Alexander. “We’ve known each other a long time but never fought in the amateurs, so this should be interesting. My speed, quickness and smarts will win me this fight. Victor checks out sometimes when he can’t hit you, so my skills will be the difference. I’m ready for any challenge that’s brought my way. When I’m 100 peresenti, nobody can beat me.
Chomera (16-0, 10 Ko) won eight of his first nine fights by knockout, demonstrating power in both hands to go along with his boxing abilities. The 25-year-old climbed into the top ten of the 168-pound rankings with his last victorya unanimous decision over Andrew Hernandez in Las Vegas on Zisanu Ndi Ziwiri. 8. Medina represents a major step up for Plant and will give him an indication of just where the Ashland, Tennessee native stands in the division as he looks to become a mandatory challenger for the IBF title.
The 29-year-old Medina (38-8, 32 Ko) has squared off against some of the toughest boxers in the division, including current champion David Benavidez and former champions James DeGale and Badou Jack. Fighting out of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico lost by knockout to Benavidez on Mulole 20, and bounced back with a knockout victory over Daniel Eduardo Yocupicio on Zisanu Ndi Ziwiri. 1.
The FOX prime time broadcast will kick off a full night of boxing, leading into a doubleheader on SHOWTIME that features two-division world champion Danny Garcia versus Brandon Rios and 168-pound champion David Benavidez defending his title in a rematch against Ronald Gavril from Las Vegas.
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Mafani amatha kuwonetsa ndewu pa FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, kapena zida zolumikizidwa kuphatikiza Apple TV, Android TV, Moto TV, Xbox One ndi Roku. Kuphatikiza apo, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 pawailesi yakanema komanso pa pulogalamu ya SiriusXM.
Tsatirani pa TwitterPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @FOX, FOXDeportes NdiSwanson_Comm ndi kukhala zimakupiza pa Facebook pa www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions ndipo www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Mfundo likupezeka pawww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC pa Fox & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, abwino Beer.

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