Buvęs pasaulio čempionas Bensonas Hendersonas & „Brent Primus“ kovos per pagrindinę „BELLATOR“ kortelę 268 Spa. 16

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LOS ANGELES - Labai lauktas Bellator 268: Pasaulio lengvojo svorio kategorijos didysis pusfinalis įvykis tapo dar labiau susikaupęs, pridėjus 155 svarų kovą tarp dviejų buvusių pasaulio čempionų, kai Nr. 3 reitinguotas lengvasis Benson Henderson (28-10) kvadratai prieš "Brent" Primus (10-2). Papildomai, plunksninis mūšio taškas Henris Corrales (18-6) prieš Vladyslavas Parubčenko (16-2) yra nustatytas pradėti pagrindinį kortos veiksmą SHOWTIME tiesioginiame šeštadienį, Spalis 16 į 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Abi pusfinalio rungtynės „BELLATOR“ lengvojo svorio kategorijos pasaulio didysis prizas pėdsakų centre pridės kortelę, „Phoenix Suns“ ir „Phoenix Mercury“ namai. Lengvojo svorio pasaulio čempionas Vadimas Nemkov (14-2) gina savo pasaulio čempionatą nuo Nr. 4 reitinguojami Anthony „Triukšmas“ Johnsonas (23-6), o dabartinis BELLATOR sunkiasvorių pasaulio čempionas Ryan Bader (28-6) veidai Nr. 2-reitinguotas lengvasvoris Corey Anderson (15-5) į bendrai Main Event.

Taip pat patvirtintos kelios naujos preliminarios kovos, kurios išvardytos žemiau. Preliminari kortelė bus tiesiogiai transliuojama „BELLATOR MMA“ „YouTube“ kanale, „SHOWTIME“ sporto „YouTube“ kanalas ir „Pluto TV“ prasideda nuo 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.

Dykumoje susiduria buvę čempionai, kaip buvęs UFC ir WEC lengvo svorio čempionas Benson Henderson su buvusiu BELLATOR lengvo svorio čempionu "Brent" Primus 155 svarų kovoje, kuri tikrai gamins fejerverkus. Abu vyrai turi juodus diržus Brazilijos džiudžitsu ir turi galimybę užbaigti kovą, kad ir kur ji beeitų. Kova iš Glendale, ., „Sklandus“ Bensonas Hendersonas kovoja savo namų aikštėje, tačiau turi sunkų išbandymą „Primus“, kuris nori grįžti į kalno viršūnę sverdamas 155 svarus.

Sunku pataikyti Henris Corrales vėl prisistato į plunksnuotojo gretas, prisiimdamas pateikimo guru Vladyslavas Parubčenko atidarius pagrindinę kortelę. Su 13 nuo jo 18 profesinės pergalės ateina būdu apdaila, „Gerai“ Corralesas įlipa į narvą kartu su kitu žinomu apdailininku, kaip baigė Parubčenka 14 nuo jo 16 pergalės su sustojimais. Abu kovotojai yra mišrioje „BELLATOR“ plunksnos svorio kategorijoje, ir su pergale, bet kuris kovotojas gali atsidurti iš karto paveikdamas 145 svarų reitingą.

Atnaujintas BELLATOR renginių tvarkaraštis
Šeštadienis. Septyni. 18 // Bellator 266: Davis vs. Romero //SAP centras // San Chosė, PVZ
Nemokamai. Spalis. 1 // Bellator 267: Lima vs. MVP 2 //„SSE“ arena, Vemblis // Londonas, Anglija
Šeštadienis. Spalis. 16 // Bellator 268: Lengvojo svorio pasaulio didžiojo prizo pusfinalis // Pėdsakų centras // "Phoenix", AZ
Šeštadienis. Spalis. 23 // Bellator 269: Fiodoras vs. Johnsonas // VTB arenoje // Maskva, Rusija
Nemokamai. Lapkritis. 5 // Bellator 270: Gallagheris vs. Sumaišykite // 3Arena // Dublinas, Airija

Bellator 268: Lengvojo svorio pasaulio didžiojo prizo pusfinalis Pagrindinė kortelė:
10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Pasaulio lengvojo svorio kategorijos titulo pagrindinis turnyras: C-Vadimas Nemkov (14-2) vs. #4-Antano "mūšis" Johnsonas (23-6)
Lengvojo svorio kategorijos pasaulio didžiojo prizo pusfinalio kova: #1-Ryan Bader (28-6, 1 NC) vs. #2-Corey Anderson (15-5)
Lengvas Bout: #3-Benson Henderson (28-10) vs. "Brent" Primus (10-2)
Lengvas Bout: Henris Corrales (18-6) vs. Vladyslavas Parubčenko (16-2)

Preliminari kortelė:
BELLATOR MMA „YouTube“ kanalas | „SHOWTIME Sports“ „YouTube“ kanalas | Plutono televizija
7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Šviesos Sunkiojo Bout: #5-Julijus Anglickas (10-1) vs. #10-Karlas Albrektsson (12-3)
Gaidys Bout: Erikas Perezas (20-8) vs. Brettas Johnsas (17-3)
Šviesos Sunkiojo Bout: Sullivanas Cauley (1-0) vs. Deonas Clash (1-0)
Lengvas Bout: Nickas Browne'as (11-1) vs. Bobby Lee (12-6)
Artimieji Bout: Javier Torres vietos rezervavimo vaizdas (11-5, 1 NC) vs. Gregoris Milliardas (12-6)
Moterų Musė Bout: Sumiko Inaba (2-0) vs. Randi laukas (2-0)
Lengvas Bout: Lance'as Gibsonas jaunesnysis. (4-0) vs. Raymondas Pina (9-4)
Mėgėjų šiaudų varžybos: Maria Henderson (1-0) vs. Collette Santiago (0-1)

*Kortelė gali keistis.

Prašome apsilankyti Bellator.com papildomos informacijos.


„BELLATOR MMA“ yra pirmaujanti pasaulinė mišrių kovos menų organizacija, kurioje yra daug geriausių pasaulio kovotojų. Pagal veteranas kova promotoriaus Scott Coker kryptimi, „BELLATOR“ renginiai vyksta didžiuosiuose pasaulio miestuose ir gali būti matomi per televiziją 160 prieinama daugiau nei milijardo žmonių auditorijai. Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, BELLATOR galima pamatyti SHOWTIME. „BELLATOR“ sudaro vadovaujanti komanda, į kurią įeina geriausi televizijos gamybos pramonės profesionalai, gyva įvykis instrumentuotė, kovotojas plėtra / ryšiai, vieta pirkimai, rėmimas kūrimas / kūrimas, Tarptautinis licencijavimo, prekyba, reklaminis, viešinimo ir Komisijos santykių. „BELLATOR“ įsikūrusi Holivude, Kalifas. ir priklauso pramogų gigantui „ViacomCBS“, gyvena pasaulio premjeras pramogų ženklų, kad susisiekti su publikai įtikinamų turinį visoje televiziją, Filmuotos, internete ir mobiliųjų platformų.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), visiškai priklausanti „ViacomCBS Inc.“ dukterinė įmonė., valdo ir valdo aukščiausios kokybės paslaugą SHOWTIME®, kuriame yra kritikų pripažintas originalus serialas, provokuojantys dokumentiniai filmai, kasos hitai, komedijos ir muzikos specialybės bei sunkus sportas. „SHOWTIME“ yra atskira transliacijos paslauga visuose pagrindiniuose srautinio perdavimo įrenginiuose ir „Showtime.com“, taip pat per kabelį, DBS, telekomunikacijų ir srautinio vaizdo įrašų teikėjai. SNI taip pat teikia aukščiausios kokybės paslaugas KINO KANALAS ir FLIX®, taip pat pagal visų trijų prekių ženklų versijas pagal poreikį. SNI parduoda ir platina sporto ir pramogų renginius parodos abonentams mokama už peržiūrą per Showtime PPV®. Daugiau informacijos, eiti į www.SHO.com.

19-2 Matt Conway headlines “Murrysville Madness” on Sept. 18 in Murrysville, Pensilvanija

PITTSBURGH (Rugsėjis 8, 2021) – Professional boxing returns to the Greater Pittsburgh area Saturday night, Rugsėjis 18, as Gionta Management presents “Murrysville Madness” at Murrysville SportZone in Murrysville, Pensilvanija.

An amateur show, co-promoted by Gionta Management and Kastle Boxing of Johnstown, Pensilvanija, will take center stage during the afternoon, pradedant 12 p.m. with a separate admission of $20.00

“I hope to continue promoting shows here (30-minute drive from downtown Pittsburgh) in this region moving forward,” promoter Derek Gionta said. “With another friend of mine promoting here, we can keep these guys busy, and look forward to moving them into bigger opportunities.”

Pittsburgh junior lightweight Matt “Sweet Child” Conway (19-2, 8 Kos), the reigning IBA Intercontinental Junior Lightweight Champion, will headline “Murrysville Madness” in the 8-round main event against an opponent to be finalized.

In the 6-round co-featured event, Pittsburgh super middleweight Kiante Irving (9-0, 9 Kos), a 2018 National Golden Gloves Champion, plans to keep his perfect pro record intact against Antonio Louis Hernandez (5-11-3, 3 Kos).

Ohio lightweight Ryizeemmion “The Humble Beast” Ford (5-1-0, 3 Kos) steps up in his first scheduled 6-rounder versus an opponent to be determined.

A 4-round featherweight match between Buffalo’s pro-debuting Joe Reed and Kyrgyzstan-native Baszybek Baratov (4-1-2, 1 KO), fighting out of Monroeville, PA, has the potential to steal the show.

2019 National Golden Gloves Champion Chatiqua “Tika” Hemingway (1-0), managed by Split-T Management, is slated to be in action against a female super middleweight to be determined.

Also scheduled to fight on the undercard in 4-round matches is Pittsburgh super middleweight Eric Lomax (3-0, 2 Kos) vs, Taurean Bogguess (0-2), Pennsylvania’s pro-debuting middleweight Paul Palombo vs. Jereiah Yeager (1-1, 1 KO), and Pittsburgh super lightweight and Matt Conway’s brother, “Maverick” Mike Conway (3-2-1, 1 KO), vs. Joshua Zimmerman (0-3).

Kortelė gali keistis.

Bilietai kaina $125.00 Ringo, $60.00 ir $40.00 floor seating, ir $50.00 reserved seating, ir galima įsigyti paskambinus 412.759.0407.

Durys atviros ne 6 p.m. ET with the first bout starting at 7 p.m. IR.

"Facebook": /DerekGionta
"Twitter": @DGionta
Instagram: @d_p_g1
"LinkedIn": DerekGionta-GiontaManagement

Fire Fist Boxing Promotions Returns October 16

10 16 Fire Fist Poster.jpg
Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

Tampa, FL (Rugsėjis 7, 2021) – Fire Fist Boxing Promotions returns to Banquet Masters in Clearwater, FL Saturday, Spalis 16.

The card is presented in association with Pahlavan Promotions and tickets are on sale at bit.ly/boxing-tickets arba paskambinus 727-525-3159.

Durys atviros ne 5:30 PM and first fight is scheduled for 6:30.

Headlining this exciting evening of boxing will be a ten round 140 pound showdown between St. Peterburgas, FL’s Joseph Fernandez and Panama’s Jose Forero for the ABF Atlantic championship.

Fernandezas,13-3-3 (4 KO s), is riding a 6 fight win streak and stopped his last three foes. A crowd favorite in the Tampa Bay region, Fernandez most recently scored a sixth round stoppage of 33 fight veteran Carlos Pena.

The heavy-handed Forero has a record of 13-8-1 su 11 Laimėta nokautas. He’s faced several notable foes including George Kambosos, Jaime Arboleda and former world champion Jezreel Corrales. In Forero’s last fight he put forth an admirable effort in a 9oji round stoppage defeat against contender Willian Silva.

In an explosive eight round matchup where somebody’s 0 must go, heavyweight Geovanny “La Bestia” Bruzon puts his 6-0 record on the line against 5-0 Lenier Pero. Both fighters are originally from Cuba and have decorated amateur backgrounds. The winner of this contest will take a significant step forward in the heavyweight division.

Local favorite Arnold Hill of St Petersburg meets Michigan’s Emmanuel Sanchez in a six round middleweight contest.

Plant City, FL based Brazilian lightweight Willian “Baby Face” Silva and light heavyweight Imran Haddabah of St Petersburg are scheduled to appear against opponents to be named. Additional bouts will be added shortly.

“We’re glad to be back in Clearwater at the beautiful Banquet Masters venue working alongside our friends at Pahlavan Promotions,” said Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions. “This card has a good mix of everything – local talent, international boxers plus a rare matchup between undefeated and highly skilled heavyweights. I’m looking forward to seeing everybody on the 16oji."

For more information on Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, visit Firefistboxing.net or Facebook.com/firefistboxing.


“None of his accomplishments matter on Sunday night. I’m sending him into retirement and turning him into a meme,” – Paul

“Jake does all the things to build the fight, but we’re really here now. He’s getting hurt on Sunday,” – Woodley

Renowned Content Creator and Unbeaten Pro Boxer Paul and
Former UFC Champion Woodley Square Off and Preview
SHOWTIME PPV Headliner Taking Place This Sunday, Rugpjūtis 29
from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Amanda Westcott / Showtime

CLEVELAND (Rugpjūtis 26, 2021) – Renowned content creator and unbeaten pro boxer Džeikas „Probleminis vaikas“ Paulas and former UFC champion Tyron "The Chosen One" Woodley went face-to-face and continued their war of words during a heated final press conference as the two fight camps nearly came to blows Thursday before they settle their rivalry in the ring this Sunday, Rugpjūtis 29 headlining a SHOWTIME PPV from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland.

Thursday’s press conference also featured the fighters who will be competing on the jam-packed lineup of undercard attractions. Puerto Rican star Amanda "Real Deal" Serrano will defend her featherweight titles against super bantamweight champion Yamileth Mercado in the co-feature of the PPV telecast, kuris prasideda 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Buvęs pasaulio čempionas Ivanas Baranchyk returns to take on unbeaten Cleveland-native montana meilės in a 10-round super lightweight fight, while U.K. žvaigždės Daniel “Dynamite” Dubois ir Tommy “TNT” Fury make their U.S. debuts in separate bouts, as Dubois faces Juiseppe Angelo Cusumano in a 10-round heavyweight fight, while Fury duels Anthony Taylor per šešis apvalios užbaigimas.

In action taking place prior to the pay-per-view, undefeated Cleveland-native and 2016 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Charlesas Conwellas squares off against unbeaten Juan Carlos Rubio in a 10-round super welterweight tilt.

Bilietus prasideda $25 are still available via RocketMortgageFieldHouse.com.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday:


„Kai pradėjau boksuotis, I didn’t think I’d be here this fast. My original goal was to fight Conor McGregor or Floyd Mayweather, because I knew I would have a big enough pay-per-view draw to do those things. Now I want to become world champion. I want to fight and beat Canelo Alvarez. This has been a fast, quick roller coaster ride, but I didn’t expect to be here. I just knew I loved fighting and I knew I was good at it.

“This is an exciting time. I’m bringing it home for Cleveland. We knew that when we teamed up with SHOWTIME, that this would be a huge event. This is turning into a historic moment.

“Tyron Woodley is ‘The Chosen One’, we chose him to get his ass beat. None of his accomplishments matter on Sunday night. I’m sending him into retirement and turning him into a meme. People are going to see all of my skills. People are going to be surprised. I haven’t shown anything yet. I might come out southpaw. Tai yra mano išeina šalis.

“It’s going to be another show on Sunday. I’m putting on another masterful performance and a boxing clinic. This guy is going to sleep and getting turned into another meme. Just like his friend Ben Askren. After Sunday, nobody is ever going to talk about Woodley ever again. He’s a speed bump on the road of my career.

“There’s no other fighter that’s 3-0 and taking fights against champions. I want challenges and I want to push myself. I was much more motivated in training camp because I know this is a dangerous opponent. I expect him to come out sharp and I expect this to be a fun one.

“I’m polarizing, supratau. I don’t care what people think. Most people aren’t like that. They’re scared to rub people the wrong way. Some people want to see me lose, but I’m here to stay.

“A fight against Tommy Fury makes sense. That’s a huge fight. It seems to be right in the palm of both of our hands. We do have to go out and perform on Sunday. I want to see how the U.S. crowd receives him. I want to see if he has that star power this whole entire week. He doesn’t have the big pay-per-view numbers that Tyron Woodley has, or even a Ben Askren. Those guys sold tons of pay-per-views. No one has seen a Tommy Fury fight.

“There’s no real respect between us. I’m going to show that winning a UFC championship doesn’t mean anything in the world of boxing.”


“I’m almost falling asleep over here listening to this guy. It’s disgusting how much of a clown people have to be to be recognized. He’s got the appearance of being about that action down, but I’m really like that.

“This is the fight game. You can say what you want to say and you can do what you think fighters do. Jake does all the things to build the fight, but we’re really here now. He’s getting hurt on Sunday.

“All the people around him have lied to him. They don’t want to lose their bag. They’re not pushing him. You can come out with that dumb robot, nesvarbu. You’re getting knocked out.

“I’m just really ready to fight. I don’t have any shenanigans or B.S. I should bring him some wipes to clean himself up when I knock him out on Sunday.

“He hasn’t shown me anything yet. Real recognize real. I don’t worry about what anyone on the outside is saying. I’m worried about bringing that action.

“I’m going crazy on Sunday. Tuo dienos pabaigos, it’s been a long time coming. I’m thankful for my team that’s supported me but I’m also thankful for everyone who counted me out. When everyone comes against you, it shows how powerful what you’re about to do is.

“I think in general with combat sports, one person does something and people want to replicate it. This is a real fight though. If you look at the way we’re built, this is a real fight. Some people took this lightly and that’s why they came up short against him. We’ve been training since before this fight was even signed.

“All camps have highs and lows. You have to fight through adversity. With me mentally, it was a lot easier when we were having fun. It was passionate and you had people watching your every move and monitoring your every step. I’m just very grateful to all my coaches. Man, this is just a lot of fun. I haven’t had fun in a long time, to be real. I loved this training camp. It was one of my most fun ever.”


“I want to thank Jake for putting his faith in me and pushing to get me on this card. This is going to be two champions going at each other and leaving it all in the ring.

“These belts are my babies. It’s going to be very hard for her to beat me and take these back to Mexico. She’s going home empty-handed. I thank Mercado for taking the fight, but she’s not winning.

“I train and fight to be the best in the world. I hope that people can acknowledge that the women are champions as well and that we work as hard as the men. I’m showing everyone that women’s boxing is great too.”


“I’m coming up in weight, but I’m one of the biggest fighters at 122. I’m not worried at all about going up a division for this fight.

“I’m very well prepared and I feel strong. I’m confident that I’m going to win on Sunday and prove that I’m up to the challenge. We’re going to surprise a lot of people.”


“This is my U.S. debiutas, so I want to look good and win in devastating fashion. I’m a seek and destroy fighter and that’s what I’m bringing again.

“This guy is right for me and I’m ready for the fight. It’s going to be a spectacular debut and I’m going to announce my presence with a lot of power and skill.”


“We are both big power punchers and we’re exciting fighters. We like to fight and bang on the inside. There’s going to be a lot of punches thrown for as long as this lasts . That’s what we’re going to come out and do.

“It’s the heavyweight division. It only takes one punch. That’s what people love about this division. I can’t wait to get in the ring on Sunday night.”


“I’m excited to be here and fighting on this show. I learned a lot from my last fight. I put in a great training camp so that I can show my new weapons. I just need to take everything from my training camp and bring it into the ring.

“I think Jake Paul is very, very good for boxing. It’s good to have these famous guys join professional boxing because it helps the fighters. It’s good for promoting the sport. I don’t know what will happen in the fight on Sunday night. Jake Paul is young and he’s hungry. But Tyron Woodley is a tough guy. He’s a professional fighter and we will see.”


“A win is going to put the whole division on notice. They know I’m coming. I’ve worked with plenty of champions and been in plenty of camps. Dabar, everybody watching is going to see what I’m going to do.

“This fight means everything for my career. I’m introducing myself to the 140-pound division with my fight on Sunday. Beating an ex-champion will definitely put me in a whole new category.

“My city is behind me 100%. They know how I’m coming. We’re training hard and we’re excited for this. All of Jake’s fans are going to be my fans after Sunday.”

“Gervonta Davis came up to my weight. He got a title. Congratulations on that. Dabar, if he’s ready to keep it or not, that’s on him. But if he does keep it, we want the fight.”


“I’m very happy to be in Cleveland and performing for everyone. Everyone is very familiar with Tyson, and they’re about to learn all about what I bring. I’m coming with my own package and my own game and you’re going to see that on Sunday night.

“If Taylor thinks I’ve overlooked him, he’s dead wrong. I’ve been grueling for eight weeks like I’m fighting for the world titles. Sunday night, I’ll get the job done, and then I can think about what could be next for me.

“Anthony Taylor can’t get off his phone and stop doing autographs. I haven’t been on my phone in five weeks. I’ve been living and training like a demon. I don’t care about fame, and I don’t care about money. All I want is to be a world champion.”


“I know he’s overlooking me. Tommy is here just to face off with Jake Paul. But I’m here to fight. Don’t look down on me. Just because he beat up six bums, doesn’t mean he’s going to beat me up.

“He’s not going to stop me. He’s fought nobody. I’m not that guy you’re just going to run through. We’re not cut from the same cloth, and he’s not the same as his brother. He’s not ready for me.”


“It’s amazing to fight back at home in my city. I’ve had a lot of local support back here throughout the years and there are a lot of people here who haven’t been able to see me fight.

“To have all the support I’ve gotten leading up to fight, I’m just more ready than ever to put on a show and let everyone know what I’m about.”


“It’s true that I haven’t fought anyone on Charles’ level, but I feel strong, I’m well prepared and I’m ready to give a show to the people of Cleveland.

“We’re going to see if he’s ready for the next level of competition. We won’t know until we step in the ring. But I’m definitely going to give it my all and give him a test.”

STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezidentas, Sporto & Įvykio Programavimas, Showtime Networks Inc.

“SHOWTIME has been in boxing a long time. We have a long history in the sport. But the thing about boxing is that it always has a way of surprising you. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along comes someone like Jake Paul to upset the apple cart. I’m excited to see the sport innovate, change and evolve.

“I’m very proud of this card. We have some of the best fighters in the world on this card, from world champions to up-and-coming fighters and promising prospects. This card has a bit of everything.

“This card is filled with fighters who didn’t listen when they were told no. No one on this card has been handed anything. They’ve all beaten the odds. I’m proud to have every one of them on this card.

“The great thing about boxing, is that on some level, nothing matters until you get into the ring. To borrow a phrase, ‘boxing don’t lie’. Boxing is the ultimate truth-teller. When Sunday night rolls around, your resume and your following doesn’t matter. For all the hype and hoopla, make no mistake, these are fights. The purest form of competition. The great thing about boxing is, when two competitors enter that ring, each fighter gets a chance to rewrite their own history. It all comes down to that moment of truth on Sunday night.”

# # #

RJJ Boxing results from Texas

Undefeated Eridson Garcia crowned NABF Super Featherweight Champion

RJJ Boxing Official Results from Texas

HUMBLE, Teksasas (Rugpjūtis 27, 2021) – Houston boxer Eridson Garcia (14-0, 9 Kos) remained undefeated and captured the vacant North American Boxing Federation (NABF) Super Featherweight Championship, winning the main event last night on the latest installment of RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS, presented by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) Boxing in association with Next Up Fight and the World Cup Boxing Series, at Humble Civic Center, Humble, Teksasas.

Fights were streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, pasaulyje pirmaujanti kovinio sporto skaitmeninio abonemento paslauga, su James “Smitty” Smith (blow-by-blow) and former WBA World super lightweight champion Roger Prograis (color commentator) calling the action from ringside To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, apsilankykite www.ufcfightpass.com.

The 27-year-old Garcia, who is a native of the Dominican Republic, took a 10-round unanimous decision in convincing fashion from intra-state rival Armando Frausto (9-2-1, 5 Kos), fighting out of La Marque, Teksasas.

Be bendro funkcionalus atveju, Detroit middleweight Wilfred Harris, Jaunesnysis. (19-1-1, 9 Kos) ir Vaughn “The Animal” Alexander (15-6-1, 9 Kos), fought to an 8-round draw. Aleksandras, of Saint Louis (MO), is the older brother of brother of 3-time, 2-division World champion Devono Aleksandras.

There was another draw on last night’s RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS as Austin (TX) Super lengvas Robert Kevin Garcia (8-0-1, 6 Kos) ir Antonius Grable (3-1-1, 3 Kos), of Sarasota, Floridos, fought to a 6-round draw.

In the opening UFC FIGHT PASS bout of the evening, Houston middleweight Eugene Hill, Jaunesnysis. (2-0, 2 Kos) blasted out New Mexico’s Shane Hall (0-2) at the 45-seconds mark of the opening round. Hall dropped Hall early and the fight was quickly stopped after a subsequent flurry of unanswered punches.

Houston lightweight prospect Luis Acosta (12-0, 11 Kos) remained perfect as a professional, registering his 12oji victory with 11 Knockouts, versus Italian-born Christian Danilo Guido, who fights out of Argentina, midway through round one.

Veteran Houston super featherweight Pablo “The Lethal Mosquito” Cruz (22-4, 6 Kos) out-boxed his Mexican opponent, Jonathan “Zorro” Lecona Ramos (18-32-5, 6 Kos) en route to a 6-round unanimous decision.

Pilnas rezultatai žemiau


Eridson Garcia (14-0, 9 Kos), Hiustonas, TX
WDEC10 (98-91, 97-92, 96-93)
Armando Frausto (9-2-1, 5 Kos), La Marque, TX
(Garcia won the NABF super featherweight title)

Winfred Harris, Jaunesnysis. (19-1-1, 9 Kos), Detroitas, MANO
D8 (77-75, 74-78, 76-76)
Vaugh Alexander (15-6-1, 9 Kos)

Super lengvasvoriai
Robert Kevin Garcia (8-0-1, 6 Kos), Ostinas, TX
D6 (57-57, 57-57, 56-58)
Antonius Grable (3-1-1, 3 Kos), Sarasota, FL

Eugene Hill, Jaunesnysis. (2-0, 2 Kos), Hiustonas, TX
WTKO1 (0:45)
Shane Hall (0-2), Clovis, NM

Luis Acosta (12-0, 11 Kos), Hiustonas, TX
WKO1 (1:03)
Christian Danilo Guido (8-20, 6 Kos), Tigras, Buenos Airės, Argentina

Pablo Cruz (22-4, 6 Kos), Hiustonas, TX
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 58-56)
Jonathan Lecona Ramos (18-32-5, 5 Kos), Meksikas, Distrito Federal, Meksika


Websites: http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com, www.ufcfightpass.com
"Facebook": /„UFCFightPass“, /KeithVeltre
"Twitter": @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial
Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing


Renowned Content Creator and Unbeaten Pro Boxer Paul and
Former UFC Champion Woodley Show Off Skills Ahead of
SHOWTIME PPV Headliner This Sunday, Rugpjūtis 29 nuo
Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Amanda Westcott / Showtime

CLEVELAND (Rugpjūtis 25, 2021) – Renowned content creator and unbeaten pro boxer Džeikas „Probleminis vaikas“ Paulas and former UFC champion Tyron "The Chosen One" Woodley kicked off fight week on Wednesday with an open to the public media workout before they headline on SHOWTIME PPV this Sunday, Rugpjūtis 29 from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland.

The media workout also featured fighters who will be competing in undercard action, including Puerto Rican star and WBC/WBO Featherweight World Champion Amanda "Real Deal" Serrano, who will enter the ring in the PPV co-feature, buvęs pasaulio čempionas Ivanas Baranchyk and unbeaten Cleveland-native montana meilės, who meet in a 10-round attraction, plus U.K. žvaigždės Daniel “Dynamite” Dubois ir Tommy “TNT” Fury, who compete in separate PPV undercard bouts.

Rounding out the participants on Wednesday was 2016 Ne JAV. Olympian and Cleveland-native Charlesas Conwellas, who will enter the ring for an undercard showdown prior to the PPV.

The Cleveland-native Paul will be looking to thrill his hometown crowd on Sunday night topping a stacked night of action as he takes on the toughest test of his burgeoning boxing career in the dangerous and accomplished Woodley.

Bilietus prasideda $25 are still available via RocketMortgageFieldHouse.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Public Square in Cleveland:


“I couldn’t have thought about a moment like this. I couldn’t have dreamt it. That’s why I was just looking around. Aš buvau kaip, ‘how am I here?’ This is the city that made me and to bring this one home is the perfect crescendo to my boxing career that’s just starting out. Looking around and seeing friends and family, seeing this beautiful city, I’m just having fun. I’m trying to soak it all in because you don’t get moments like this twice in life.

“Tyron said he’s training like he’s fighting Mike Tyson. Floyd Mayweather is training him and you can tell he’s in shape. He’s got the six pack back. He’s looking good. He’s not messing around. This is his biggest fight ever and the whole MMA community is counting on him to represent them and to get the ‘W’. Deja, that’s not going to happen. And when I beat him, there will be no excuses because he was being trained by Floyd Mayweather. Because Jorge Masvidal said he was going to knock me out. Because he took this camp and had a 14-week camp. He has no excuses.

"Aš myliu boksą. I fell in love with it. There’s something about knocking someone out and cracking someone in the face. My whole life has been a fight. I never got anything handed to me so I feel like I’m at home. I feel like I was put on this earth to fight. And I like challenges. I’m driven by challenges.

“Boxing is a 24-7 darbas. The training camp – sleep, valgyti, recovery, no partying, no distractions – all of that type of stuff makes it the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. Daugiau, the promotional side of it. I’ve probably done 75 interviews in the past three weeks. It’s non-stop.”


“All camps have highs and lows. You have to fight through adversity. With me mentally it was a lot easier when we were having fun. It was passionate and you had people watching your every move and monitoring your every step. I’m just very grateful to all my coaches. Man, this is just a lot of fun. I haven’t had fun in a long time, to be real. I loved this training camp. It was one of my most fun ever.

“I don’t have any issue with Jake Paul. Only issue is he signed the contract. He’s trying his very best to play the mind games. But I’m a man. I don’t play kids’ games.

“There’s a lot of things in MMA you can get away with. In MMA you can make excuses like, ‘Coach, I’ve got to watch out for a kick or get ready for the take takedown.’ So we make all these excuses. None of those excuses are allowed.

“The times I worked with Floyd [Mayweather], he was very vocal. You couldn’t do nothing wrong. And that’s what makes him so great. In MMA we over-do it a lot, but it doesn’t always transition into power. It doesn’t always transition into accuracy. He gave me the foundation of how he beat everyone he did.”


“Jake Paul is the main event, but he’s not the main attraction. I am going to make sure I steal the spotlight from him and entice people to enjoy female boxing and to understand that women can fight and put on shows, and showcase that we’re deserving of this opportunity.

“It’s a Puerto Rican champion versus a Mexican champion. That’s enough said. She’s young and hungry and wants my titles, but I’ve worked super hard for those titles and it’s not going to be an easy task to take them away from me.

“I bring excitement, knockout power, skills, and a great chin as well. I’ve been boxing since I was eighteen years old. Boxing is all I have known. I’ve dedicated and sacrificed my whole life to the sport of boxing.

“I fight for the sport of women’s boxing. It’s not for me, it’s for the future girls coming into the sport.”


“I’m excited. I’m hungry and I’m ready for the next challenge. He’s never fought anybody like me. He’s never been ten rounds. I’m ready for a long-distance fight.

“Of course he’s going to try to move around a lot and box me. But this is no problem for me. I’ve changed my style a little bit. I will try to show everybody the new Ivan Baranchyk.

“We will see what’s next for me. Dabar, I just need to fight Montana Love. We will see what happens after that.”


“There’s a lot of motivation from fighting in my hometown. Aš esu labai susijaudinęs. I’m happy to be in this position. It’s very rare that these kinds of events come to Cleveland. I hope there’s more to come. It’s a dream come true to fight in front of thousands of fans. My friends, Mano šeima. I get emotional at times being here and having this opportunity is great.

“I just have to be myself on Sunday night. I’ve been doing this since I was five years old. I just have to pull everything out of my arsenal. Hopefully Ivan pushes me. I think he will push me so that I can show the next level.

“I’m just focused on this fight that’s in front of me. My only goal right now is to be victorious on Sunday night. Po to, kad, we’ll look to do a title eliminator after that and then I’ll fight for a world title.

“I’m expecting Ivan Baranchyk to be wild, agresyvus, stiprus. With him, it’s not about his skill or anything like that. We expect aggression and wildness.”


“I want to show that I’m all action. I’m not a man of many words, but when I get in that ring, they’re going to see that I’m the real deal. It’s going to be a devastating performance.

"Aš 23, so with that loss I have just gotten stronger. I’ve had to learn to tighten up my game and that I have flaws, so I’ve just been working on that. This is going to be like my debut.

“I’m full of confidence and I’m ready to go right now. I can make this fight as easy as I want it to be in my opinion. I’m the next one coming through. I’m destined to be a world champion, that’s my goal.”


“This is my first fight in the U.S. But I’m used to it, it’s not my first rodeo because since I was a young kid I watched Tyson fight Klitschko and I’ve always been there on fight week and watched how he handled himself on fight week and thought when my time comes, which is now, I’m going to do the exact same thing. So I flew my team out here and we do what Tyson did, and it’s easy work.

“To be a Fury you grow up to be a fighter, and there’s nothing else. It’s fight, kova, kova. As a kid, you don’t do nothing else. It’s fight, kova, kova. And that’s all I’ve done my entire life. I’ve been around fighters. Everyone in my family does it and now it’s my time.

“I don’t feel one bit of pressure because there’s only pressure when you try to live up to somebody. I’ve said this time and time again there will never ever be another Tyson Fury. No one will ever come close. I’m only trying to do the best I can do. And as long as I’m being the best version of Tommy Fury, I don’t care about anything else. I’m only trying to do the best that I can do.”


“I’m doing this in front of my family and my friends and want to thank everyone for supporting me. It’s going to be a major event.

"[Juan Carlos Rubio] is an undefeated fighter, 18-0. That means 18 have tried and not succeeded. But on Sunday night it’s a whole different story as he’s fighting a whole different type of fighter he’s never experienced before. There are levels to this boxing game and this one is just going to take me to the top.

"Taip, I think every fight is a level-up fight at this point in my career. I keep getting to fight on bigger and bigger stages.

“I just want to show the fans what good boxing is and to put on a performance that they can remember me for. Whatever that has to be and if it’s a knockout, I’m going to go out there and do it. I’m going out there and risking everything, just like he is

“The local support is amazing for me. I have a lot of people here supporting me. I’m looking to steal the show, every time. I know there are a lot of great fights on this card, but I’m looking to put on a show.”

Bokso superžvaigždė Claressa Shields gavo gatvę, kurioje ji užaugo Flinte, garbingai pervadinta jos vardu

„Salita Promotions“ sveikina kovojančią superžvaigždę Claressa Shields už gatvę, kurioje ji užaugo Flinte, Mičiganas, garbės vardu jos vardu skyrė Flinto miesto meras Sheldonas Neely. Praėjusį sekmadienį, Skydai, 26, buvo įteiktas apdovanojimas, kuri Spencer gatvę pavertė Claressa Shields gatve, jos Džiaugsmo tabernakulio bažnyčioje, kur Shieldsas buvo kviestinis pranešėjas.

Meras Neely sako be galo laimingas galėdamas suteikti garbę miesto kovų legendai ir sako, kad kiti žingsniai yra nustatyti, ar tai bus iškilmingas pavadinimo pakeitimas, ar oficialus pavadinimo pakeitimas.. Ceremoninis reikštų Skydo pavadinimo pridėjimą prie esamo pavadinimo, o oficialus reikštų esamo gatvės pavadinimo pašalinimą ir jo pakeitimą Skydo pavadinimu.

“Claressa ir toliau verčia mus didžiuotis, parodydama, ką reiškia būti tikra čempione,“, – sakė merė Neely. „Ji tiek daug pasiekė, tebėra susijęs su šia bendruomene ir mes tiesiog norime ją pagerbti. Šis gatvės pasišventimas yra nusipelnęs.

Skydai (11-0, 2 Kos), dukart olimpinio aukso medalio laimėtojas, trijų divizionų profesionalaus bokso čempionas, pirmasis kovotojas, vyras ar moteris, suvienodinti čempionatus dviejuose divizionuose ir greičiausiam boksininkui istorijoje laimėti titulus trijuose skirtinguose svorio skyriuose, sako, kad šis apdovanojimas jai ypač jaudinantis.

„Šiandien negalėčiau būti laimingesnis!“, - sakė Shieldsas „Twitter“.. „Bažnyčioje puikiai praleidau laiką! Labai dėkoju visiems, kurie šiandien išėjo pamaldinti su manimi! Mane nustebino Flinto meras! Gatvė, kurią užaugau Spencer gatvėje, pavadinta mano vardu „Claressa Shields Street“. Mano močiutė būtų tokia DIDŽIUOTI!!!! Šiandien nusiunčiau puikią žinutę! Jaučiuosi tokia ypatinga!!! Aš be galo džiaugiuosi."

„Tai yra pelnyta garbė moteriai ir kovotojai, daug nuveikusiai, kad padėtų ir paremtų savo gimtąjį miestą.,“, - sakė Shields reklamuotojas, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “She never stops working toward success in her career or as a public figure with an inspiring message. Salita Promotions is proud to represent her.”

Al Bernstein Talks House of Boxing Champions

On the current episode of Al Bernstein Unplugged Al welcomes Curtis Hunt, head of House of Boxing Champions and former super welterweight champion Tony Harrison. The trio discusses the work that HOBC does in helping gyms serving amateur boxers.

The House of Boxing Champions helps provide safety equipment and grants for travel to tournaments for local gyms around the country. They are currently working with Tony Harrison’ Super Bad Fitness in Detroit. Curtis and Tony talk with Al on the show about a special event upcoming on Sept. 4 at Super Bad Fitness. Al Bernstein will travel there to be master of ceremonies for the afternoon. Harrison will also be on hand to meet and greet fans. There will be exhibition boxing, raffles to win boxing memorabilia, food and other activities. For information go towww.houseofboxingchampions.com .“It was great to have Curtis and Tony on the show and to talk about the work being done by them for amateur boxers. I am strongly committed to House of Boxing Champions and I’ll be aiding them in fundraising efforts and special events in the months ahead. I can’t wait to go to Detroit on Sept. 4."

Al’s co-host on this show is Trip Mitchell. Here is the episode withTony Harrison & Curtis Hunt:

Pagrindinis "YouTube": https://youtu.be/AMm9i6e5g0c

ALB65 Megaphonehttps://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/traffic.megaphone.fm/HSW3065619195.mp3

Al Bernstein Unplugged is available on all major podcast platforms and can be seen on Youtube. The television version of the show can be seen onBingeNetworks.tv , Kova tinklas, FITE TV, and Directv on Channel 623, Verizon Channel 597, AT&T U-verse Channel 1665, You Too America, AMGTV, and Eleven Sports Network.

Undefeated RayJay Bermudez headlines “Fight Night on the Charles at Moseley’s II” September 25 in Dedham, MA

RayJay Bermudezas

BOSTON (Rugpjūtis 25, 2021) – Vertex Promotions has announced its second event, “Fight Night on the Charles at Moseley’s II,” on Saturday night, Rugsėjis 25, at Moseley’s On The Charles in Dedham, Masačusetsas.

A few of the same fighters from Vertex Promotions’ first show, Liepa 31g toje pačioje vietoje, will be in action again.

“We were very happy with the first show on July 31g,” Vertex promoter Dave Clark sakė. “Everyone there really had a great time. This show will be great as well. There’s a lot of local talent and we want to try to keep them as active as we can give fans around here a great night out.”
Undefeated ABF American West and NBA Continental champion, 23-year-old Albany (NY) Papildsvars RayJay “The Destroyer” Bermudez (13-0, 10 Kos) will headline the show once again in the 8-round main event,

Nepralaimi Papildsvars perspektyva James “The Slim Reaper” Perella (8-0, 5 Kos), fighting out of Mansfield, Masačusetsas, is a 4-time USA New England Championships and 4-time New England Golden Gloves Champion. The popular fighter returns in the 6-round co-featured event.

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James “The Slim Reaper” Perella

(picture by Emily Harney / Fightography

Nepralaimi super lengvas Daniel “G.D.F.E.” Bailey (7-0, 4 Kos), fighting out of Tampa (FL), and unbeaten Lawrence (MA) Junior Papildsvars Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (11-0, 9 Kos) are slated to be in 6-round bouts. Bailey is a 4-time U.S. Army and 2012 Ringside National champion, as well as the cousin of multiple world champion Randall Bailey.

New Daniel Bailey.jpg
Daniel Bailey

Dorchester (MA) nereikšmingas daiktas Troy Anderson, Jaunesnysis. (1-0, 1 KO), a 2016 Rocky Marciano turnyras čempionas, and Lynn (MA) šviesos sunkiasvoris James Perkins (5-0-1, 4 Kos) are scheduled to be in 4-rounders.

Other returning fighters from Vertex Promotions’ inaugural event include Boston welterweight James Murrin (1-0), Maldenas (MA) jaunių lengvasis Alex Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) in 4-round matches.

Opponents will soon be announced. Fighters subject to change.

Tickets will go on sale soon for $95.00 (row 1), $85.00 (2II row), $65.00 (3rd row), $55.00 (Apskritai priėmimas) ir $45.00 (stovimas kambarys).
Durys bus atviros 7 pm. ET, o pirmoji kova prasidės val 7:30 p.m. IR.



Premier Boxing Champions Event at Footprint Center in Phoenix Rescheduled rom August

Exciting Contender José Benavídez Makes Long-Awaited Return Against Argentina’s Francisco Emanuel Torres in Undercard Action

PHOENIX- Rugsėjis 24, 2021 - Unbeaten two-time world champion and Phoenix-nativeDavid “El Bandera Roja” Benavidezwill battle former world championJose Uzcateguiin a WBC Super Middleweight title eliminator in his hometown on Saturday, Lapkritis 13 live on SHOWTIME in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Footprint Center in Phoenix, Ariz.

Benavidez and Uzcategui were originally scheduled to meet on Saturday, Rugpjūtis 28, before the fight was pushed back due to a positive COVID-19 test for Benavidez.

Also featured on the card will be longtime contenderJosé Benavídez, the older brother of David Benavídez, making his much-awaited return facing Argentina’sFrancisco Emanuel Torres in a 10-round super welterweight duel.

Tickets purchased for the August 28 event will be valid for the newly scheduled November 13 event date. If you are unable to attend the newly scheduled date, tickets will be refundable at your point of purchase.

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